The magical properties of obsidian. Chemical theory and ancient practices. Obsidian stone for Aquarius

Obsidian is a mineral that forms when volcanic lava comes to the surface. The stone got its name from the name of the Roman soldier Obsidia. He was the first to bring the mineral to Rome. In ancient times, people attached particular importance to the magical properties of the stone. Ritual amulets and knives were made from obsidian.

The history of the origin of the mineral

Today, several versions are known that tell about the origin of this unusual stone:

  1. In Transcaucasia, they say that obsidian is born in the underworld. According to legend, Satan became very angry and began to spew fiery lava on the surface of the earth. Some people thought that the dark forces wanted to avenge their imprisonment. But after a while the eruption ended, and only pieces of black stone reminded of it. People called them fragments of the claws of the lord of the dark forces.
  2. The Americans have a different story. They call obsidian Apache tears. According to legend, the warriors of antiquity wanted to preserve their freedom and tried in every possible way to get away from the invaders-colonists. The warriors gathered courage and rushed into the volcano. Wives mourned their husbands, and their tears became beautiful black gems.
  3. Hungarians have their own history about the mineral. They decided to name the stone luxury sapphire. The people of Hungary compare volcanic glass to a precious stone, which has a mysterious shine and play.

Deposits and production

The gem is a rare mineral. It can only be found where ancient volcanoes have survived. It is also found by archaeologists working on excavations of ancient settlements. The stone was found in China, Russia, India, Japan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Mineral is mined in areas where seismic activity is observed. Developed deposits include Japan, Ecuador, Mexico, Kenya, Peru, Iceland and New Zealand.

Obsidians from the USA are considered valuable stones. The peculiarity of the samples is transparency and amazing beauty. Mineral is mined in the Mississippi basin.

Certain types of minerals are mined in Russia (Kamchatka, Karelia). The North Caucasus is also among the suppliers.

Colors and varieties

As for the species and colors, today there are three types of obsidian:

  • Snowy has a black color and a spotted white pattern that resembles snowflakes.
  • Peanut obsidian is characterized by the presence of light blotches on a black background, which are very similar to walnut.
  • Iridescent obsidian has a variety of colors. It is the most expensive and, of course, the rarest.

Physical and chemical characteristics

The mineral is a rock, the chemical composition of which ranges from rhyolite to dacite. Obsidian is a volcanic glass (80%) containing less than 1% water. Obsidians, which contain more water, swell when heated. Such stones are called perlite.

The gem has a cutting, conchoidal fracture with a spotted or striped color. May contain inclusions of other dark colored minerals, quartz.

Obsidian is divided into series: alkaline, subalkaline, normal. The chemical formula looks like this: SiO2. Among other characteristics:

  1. The density of the mineral is 2.5 - 2.6 g / cm²;
  2. The Mohs hardness is 5.

Interesting fact: The naturalist Theophrastus was the first to mention the mineral. In A Treatise on Stones, he describes the characteristic properties of blistering and swelling when exposed to high temperatures. But the stone itself at that time (372-287 BC) was not yet known as obsidian. It got its name later.

The healing properties of the mineral

Medicine knows the healing properties of obsidian:

  • Helps get rid of colds, eliminates the effects of hypothermia.
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves heartburn.
  • Normalizes pressure, eliminates its drops.
  • Improves the condition of the spine, helps to overcome rheumatism.
  • Those with genitourinary disorders should also wear obsidian jewelry.
  • Helps to find peace of mind, cope with neuroses.

Caution should be exercised if you suffer from kidney disease.

Few people know, but modern surgeons use instruments made of obsidian in their work. This makes it possible to alleviate the consequences of surgery and accelerate the recovery processes of the body.

The magical properties of obsidian

Since ancient times, people have endowed the stone with unusual magical properties. The use of obsidian in many cultures for various rituals has been noted. The Sumerians were sure that the mineral combined three energies - the Sun, Saturn and Uranus. This explains the powerful influence of the stone. Magic balls and mirrors were made from obsidian to look into the future.

So, what are the unique properties of the mineral?

  1. Allows desires to come true, and life to change for the better. If a person wants to achieve anything, he needs to wear this stone.
  2. Obsidian is a strong stone that is not suitable for people with a stable lifestyle. The gem protects the energetic and purposeful.
  3. Protects from the troubles and negativity of ill-wishers. The obsidian amulet is suitable for children: it will ensure their safety.
  4. For lovers of meditation, the mineral will help clear the mind.
  5. It will provide a connection with the subtle world, therefore, with the help of the stone, you can learn about what lies ahead in the near future.

Obsidian is best combined with silver, which enhances the magical properties of the mineral.

The meaning of obsidian in the zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman stone. How does obsidian affect representatives of different zodiacal constellations?

  • Obsidian is recommended for Aquarius. Mineral will help you choose the right path and organize your thoughts. Aquarius women should prefer obsidian bracelets, earrings or rings. This will improve their intuition.
  • The gem has a neutral effect on those born under the sign of Libra.
  • If you are Leo according to the horoscope, then the stone will allow you to better reveal your qualities. Leo women are advised to wear a ring with an obsidian insert on the middle finger for maximum results.
  • For Capricorns, the mineral will become a reliable companion that protects against evil. Capricorn women will be able to overcome difficulties with the help of obsidian. A sample of a dark red shade is especially suitable for them.
  • Gemini will also be able to feel the positive influence of the gem. For women of this sign, the mineral will help cope with rheumatism and gynecological diseases. The obsidian ring will be a real healer for them.
  • The stone will reward Taurus with courage, as well as the ability to resist negativity.
  • For the pragmatic Scorpio, the mineral will help protect against damage and the evil eye, teach you to control emotions, and also eliminate gout and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • For Virgins, a sample can bring despondency, therefore it is not advisable for them to wear a gem.
  • Aries is suitable as a temporary talisman. If you constantly wear this stone, representatives of this sign become narcissistic and hot-tempered.
  • The gem is contraindicated for Cancers, but for Pisces, periodic contacts with the mineral will help to gain a sense of confidence.
  • Sagittarius can only wear specimen jewelry if their field of activity is intellectual.

Stone products and decorations

The mineral is used in applied and decorative arts. Many museums in the world have among the exhibits the works of sculptors of ancient times, who created their masterpieces from obsidian. In Russia, among the connoisseurs of stone was Faberge. He used the sample to make works famous all over the world. But basically the gem is used for construction work. Perlite is obtained from obsidian, which has good thermal insulation properties.

The gem belongs to the category of ornamental stones. Before use, the mineral is polished, and then jewelry items are created in the form of beads, earrings, bracelets, pendants. The sample looks very original in decorative vases, rosary beads, glasses, knives.

Talismans and charms

Serves obsidian and to create amulets with talismans. An amulet made from this mineral will give an opportunity to get rid of intrusive people. If you want to become "invisible" to others, you should pick up a pebble or a rosary from it.

For those who have large debts, obsidian will help to return someone else's. This explains the popularity of the mineral among bankers and financiers. Amulet from the sample of protection from evil spirits. To do this, you can not only wear a stone in jewelry, but also decorate your home and study with gem pyramids.

How to distinguish a fake

Of course, only natural stone products will bring good luck and protection. There are several ways to distinguish a real mineral from an artificial one.

  1. Look closely at the product: natural stone has a rich glossy color. The patterns and blotches on the natural specimen are numerous and intricate.
  2. Natural minerals maintain their temperature over a long period. If you took a pebble in your hand, and the attempt to warm it was delayed in time, then this is a natural gem.
  3. If you dip obsidian in water, then its shade and shine will remain the same, but the fake will immediately give itself out: the attractive appearance will disappear.

Storage and care

Although outwardly the specimen appears to be powerful and durable, the gem is still considered a fragile mineral. In order for obsidian jewelry to delight you for a long time, you should properly care for them.

  • Store obsidian products separately from other stones. If you do not follow this recommendation, then over time, scratches will appear on the surface of the sample, which will be noticeable on the glossy surface of the mineral.
  • A casket or box with a padded interior is best for storing the specimen. The bag should not be used.
  • Obsidian doesn't like the sun's rays. Direct impact on the stone will contribute to its fading, and the surface will become dull. Places with sharp temperature changes are also undesirable for a gem.
  • Gem jewelry does not like drops and bumps, as well as exposure to chemicals.
  • Prolonged exposure to liquid (even ordinary water) is also undesirable.

Periodic cleaning for obsidian is very important. Wash the mineral in a soapy solution, and then rinse with running water. Excess moisture is best removed with a soft cloth.

The obsidian mineral has been known to mankind for about 9000 years. The mineral received its name in honor of the Roman Obsidius. They find obsidian in lava that solidifies after volcanic eruptions. And already in the Paleolithic, people could easily make a knife, ax or spear on the basis of this stone. With the development of stone processing technology, obsidian gained more and more popularity. At the end of the 19th century, its popularity increased significantly due to its use in Faberge products. Now obsidian is widely used in jewelry and as an ornamental stone.

The largest deposits of obsidian are located in Ecuador, Mexico, Indonesia, Japan, Ethiopia, Peru, Germany, Turkey, Armenia, Iceland and the United States, wherever zones of volcanic activity are located in ancient times or in modern times. On the territory of Russia, deposits of obsidian were found in Kamchatka, the Caucasus and Siberia. Iridescent obsidians are found in Nevada and the Hawaiian Islands.

For the first time from Ethiopia to Europe, obsidian was brought by a Roman named Obsidius, which was the reason for the appearance of such a name for the stone. Obsidian was known by different names among different peoples. For example, in Transcaucasia, as "a fragment of Satan's claws," in America, as "tears of the Apaches." The Greek term "obsis" translates to "spectacle" and may have influenced the formation of the mineral as well, as mirrors were made from it in ancient times.

During the Stone Age, primitive people used obsidian in the manufacture of knives, arrowheads, and scrapers. They were sharper than metal and therefore popular. In Egypt, incense was stored in obsidian vessels to preserve its quality. Also, writing utensils were made of stone, since it was believed that obsidian had a beneficial effect on the thought process of its owner. The inhabitants of the Caucasus and India endowed obsidian with magical properties and used it as a ritual stone.

In jewelry, obsidian gained popularity at the end of the 19th century, when Carl Faberge began to use it in this capacity.

Obsidian is a vitreous rock of volcanic origin, which is why it is sometimes called volcanic glass. Its formation occurs during the rapid cooling of lava, which is poured onto the ground during a volcanic eruption. Obsidian is an amorphous stone. By its chemical nature, it is silicon oxide with admixtures of magnesium and iron oxides.

Obsidian is painted in shades of gray, brown, red and black. It has an amorphous syngony and a conchoidal fracture. The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 5-6. The specific gravity is 2.3 g / cm3.

Obsidian species

There are several subspecies of obsidian, depending on the color:

  • "Peanut" or "snowy", painted in gray-white color, and "snowflakes" seem to be scattered over its surface.

  • Iridescent is characterized by unique color tints that resemble oil drops. The most valuable and expensive subspecies.

It is believed that obsidian contains the power of the Sun, Saturn and Uranus, and people have turned to its magical abilities since ancient times. So, special balls for fortune-tellers were made from it. As a protective amulet, obsidian keeps the wearer from doing bad deeds and helps to fight flaws. It protects from the evil eye and negative energy. The mineral bestows composure, the ability to concentrate and focus on the most important, makes thoughts precise and sharp. For this reason, writing instruments are often made from it.

In the Caucasus, obsidian was considered the patron saint of children, capable of protecting against harm, evil eye and damage.

Traditional medicine uses obsidian to treat colds that occur with hypothermia. It is also believed to have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Obsidian beads and beads help normalize blood pressure.

Overall, obsidian is useful as a preventative agent. But wearing it constantly is not recommended.

The fragments of obsidian have sharp cutting edges, which is why ancient people began to use the mineral. Scrapers, knives, spears, axes, arrowheads - all this was done on the basis of this mineral. Obsidian artifacts found in Mesopotamia are about 9,000 years old.

Later, on the basis of obsidian, they began to make various jewelry and amulets, household items and ritual figurines. The Aztecs and Ethiopians learned how to make mirrors out of it. Obsidian knives have become ritual objects. And, despite the fact that people learned to make such iron products, obsidian did not lose its leadership position.

As a jewelry and ornamental stone, obsidian has been widely used since the 19th century. The first to draw attention to the interesting properties of the stone and its attractive appearance was Carl Faberge. Today obsidian is in demand among other semi-precious stones for the manufacture of watches, writing sets, fountains, animal figurines, beads, key rings, rosary beads.

The mineral has also found application in industry, as an intumescent filler for lightweight concrete.

The color palette of obsidian is varied and includes shades of gray, brown, red, green, blue. The most popular are the snow-white and iridescent obsidians.

Counterfeits for natural obsidian are often made from tinted glass, they can be distinguished by the following features:

  • Natural stone has a rich matte color and pronounced shine.
  • A specimen of natural origin keeps cold for a long time in the hands, unlike quickly heating glass.
  • Natural stones are never homogeneous and contain inclusions.
  • Simulations lose their shine and color saturation when immersed in water.

Since obsidian is a rather fragile mineral, jewelry made from it is stored in separate soft cases. They should not be left for a long time in the bright sun and in the water. They also protect obsidian from temperature changes and mechanical damage.

Obsidian is the patron saint for the representatives of the Capricorn sign, whose life he will definitely change for the better and help to be brave and decisive. Obsidian also takes Leo and Sagittarius under its protection. Jewelry made from it can be worn by Scorpios, Aquarius and Gemini. Only for Cancer and Virgo the stone is not recommended, as it gives them irritability and vindictiveness.

A piece of obsidian cut with a cabochon about 3 cm in size is estimated at 5-7 dollars. A pyramid-shaped snow obsidian costs about $ 15. The most expensive is the rainbow obsidian, a specimen of which can cost over $ 200.

  • Obsidian is considered a talisman for magicians and scientists. It is believed that the rosary from it develops clairvoyance, protects against negative energy, protects from evil spirits.
  • In the Caucasus, a legend is spread about how Satan once got angry and then, together with lava, pieces of his nails began to fly to the ground. That is why the stone received an unusual popular name "Satan's nail".
  • According to American legend, the Apache camp was once attacked by colonists. In order not to surrender to the conquerors, the locals decided to throw themselves off the cliff into the mouth of the volcano. The women mourned their husbands for three nights, and their tears became beautiful black stones - obsidians, "tears of the Apaches."

Obsidian has a mysterious aura. Its energy penetrates into the human biofield gently, but very deeply, often dramatically changing the entire life of its owner.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at what an obsidian stone is, what are its magical properties, and for whom it is suitable.


Obsidian is a piece of volcanic lava that cooled down so quickly that it could not turn into glass.

The most widely known is black obsidian. However, this stone has a variety of colors. It can be green, red, brown and purple. It can even include all the colors of the rainbow at the same time.

The most beautiful variety is considered to be snow obsidian.

The "Apache Tears" stone is similar to the snow version and is also a kind of obsidian.


Obsidian has three main magical ingredients.

This is a stone:

* Earth;
* truth;
* protection.


Gives him the opportunity to stand more firmly on his feet. Don't worry, it's easier to deal with life's difficulties.

By increasing the "grounding" of a person, the black stone eliminates disharmony in the soul. Helps to work on oneself, get rid of obsessive thoughts, fears, complexes. Dulls anger. Promotes the restoration of physical vitality, especially in cases where the loss of strength is caused by many negative emotions that fill the aura with negative energy.

And here we come to the second important magical quality of obsidian - its protective function.


This is a protective stone. Able to protect a person's aura from the introduction of various alien vibrations, energy vampirism, "evil eye" into it.

Moreover, obsidian works both to eliminate the energy damage already present in the aura, and to protect against those influences that may take place in the future.

Black obsidian helps to free yourself from the negative influence of the past that has passed into your life along the line of your ancestors. It works especially well in cases where the negative influence of bygone times is associated with the abuse of power.


The third important magical property of obsidian is its ability to reveal the truth.

Obsidian improves intuition. And people with certain abilities are even endowed with the gift of prophecy.

Since ancient times, people believed that the vibrations of obsidian help to establish contact with the spirit world. That is why shamans and priests of the oldest religions in the world actively used this stone in their occult practice.


The energy of the stone makes it possible for the owner to look at people and events in life with a slightly detached, cool-headed and reasonable look, without taking someone else's side. Therefore, this mineral is shown by the fact that it reacts too emotionally to all the troubles of life.

Obsidian can help those surrounded by energy vampires. And he thinks he is surrounded by them. After all, this is one of the most powerful defenders of the aura from alien influences.

Obsidian is good for people born under the signs of Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is advisable for Libra to choose black or snow stone, Sagittarius - stone, mahogany, and Aquarius - blue.

The stone will also help those who wish to move up the career ladder, but do not know how to do it. Obsidian will help you find those psychological blocks and weaknesses that prevent you from moving forward.

Obsidian is able to normalize peripheral blood supply and digestion. Therefore, it is shown to people who have corresponding ailments. Especially those whose problems are not associated with organic pathology, but are caused by functional disorders, usually on a nervous basis. In other words, obsidian is a good choice for those who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), hypochondria and other neuroses.

Heals black stone not only somatized neuroses, but also phobias, obsessive states. Therefore, it is useful for all those who suffer from any unreasonable fears, chronic anxiety, panic and any obsessive states from overeating to an irresistible desire to wash their hands all the time.

Obsidian is the stone of the prophets. So it will be useful to all those who find in themselves the ability to look into the future, and just to those who like to tell fortunes. Even if fortune-telling is not directly related to the use of stones.


The black version is most often used. However, if its energy turned out to be too harsh for you, and you felt that it was not yours, try replacing the black obsidian with the snow version or the “Apache tear” stone. Their energies are softer and suitable for those who cannot handle the black stone.

Snow obsidian will be convenient for people prone to neurotic perception of reality. It is softer and more serene. And better than the black version, it helps to restore peace of mind and think logically calmly. It teaches to appreciate not only successes, but also failures.

In addition, snow obsidian is a safer option in cases where the stone is used to pull various secrets from their subconscious. Various information can come out. Including extremely negative. If the snow stone is used, rather than the black version, this negative information is not so aggressive.


The easiest way to use obsidian, which is suitable for people who do not seek to make any prophecies, but want to cleanse their aura of negative energy and protect it from further penetration of negative vibrations, is to wear obsidian beads, bracelets, earrings and pendants.

The best beads option is the one in which the black stone is complemented by snow and mahogany obsidian.


Occult experts say that if you put black obsidian on the third eye area and ask your subconscious mind whether the past has a negative impact on your life, you can get a reliable answer.

In the same way, you can ask what is your purpose in this life.

It is said that some people achieve such perfection in conversations with the subconscious through obsidian that the stone helps them get answers to questions about money, love, career, health, etc.

With obsidian, you can just guess. To do this, take small pieces of stone with a smooth shiny surface and carefully peer into them. The lighting in the room at the time of divination should be muted. Thus, you can see the faces of people who are close in spirit to the fortuneteller.

Those who believe that they have the gift of prophecy can try to see in obsidian at the time of divination a picture of the future.


To root yourself with obsidian, you need to do the following.

Take a stone in your hands and close your eyes.
Take a few deep breaths in and out, realizing that with each breath you are relaxing more and more.
Stand calmly with a stone in your hands and closed eyes, repeating to yourself "I am safe, I am full of strength and calm." You must repeat until you sincerely believe in what you are saying.
Open eyes.

After the grounding ritual, be sure to thoroughly wash the stone with running water.

Another variation of this ritual requires the use of two obsidian blocks that you can stand on with bare feet. Everything else is done in the same way as described above.


From the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, obsidian governs the zone of the North associated with career and life in general.

Therefore, if you feel that your professional growth has stopped, and you, in principle, do not know where to move on, place objects made of obsidian in the northern part of your home. They will guide you on the right path.

In the northern part of the house, you can put stone dishes, a ball, or place figures of animals, for example, dolphins. But images of predators should not be placed, as they can bring aggression into the house.

The stone item of your choice should be placed on a table or shelf. But never on the floor. It must be washed regularly. This is necessary not only so that ordinary dust does not accumulate on it, but also to purify the energy of the stone, because it collects all the nagative on itself.


In order to help your physical body to normalize the blood supply to organs or to improve digestion, obsidian can simply be worn, for example, in the form of a bracelet. But at the same time, it is extremely useful to additionally place a stone under the pillow or next to the bed.


To enhance the protection of the aura provided by black obsidian, you can use this stone together with black and brown tourmaline, smoky and gold rutinic quartz, shungite, fire agate, jet stone, dalmatian jasper, stellerite, astrophyllite.

To enhance the connection with the Earth, black obsidian is best combined with Boji stone, black and smoky quartz, blood jasper, fire agate, black diopside, shungite, black andradite garnet, magnetite, ukanite, zircon, hematite, sphalerite and turquoise.

For the development of paranormal abilities, it is reasonable to combine obsidian with phenakite, nirvana quartz, rhodicite and natrolite.

To get rid of dependencies, obsidian is supplemented with hematite, astrophyllite, smithsonite, datolite, purple amethyst, unakite, dumortierite, staurolite.

When combining obsidian with other stones, it is important to remember the following. When buying a new obsidian, you must definitely use it for some time in splendid isolation. And only after you feel in full all its energy, you can supplement it with other minerals.

You might think that snowy obsidian is a white stone. However, this is not at all the case. The name of the variety was given by snowflakes scattered over the black surface of the rock. But in nature, there is an iridescent and golden volcanic glass - this is how obsidian is often called, because it is obtained from magma that raging volcanoes erupt. This origin is respectable, and it is still believed that objects and jewelry made from the mineral have magical properties.

Composition and characteristics

Obsidian stone is obtained by rapidly cooling magma ejected from a volcano's crater. It contains minerals - feldspar and quartz. In appearance, the rock looks like glass, hence the second name - volcanic.

The percentage of water in the resulting obsidian stone does not exceed 1%. Otherwise, it will already be perlite. Hardness ranges from 5 to 6 units on the Mohs scale. The main colors are black, brown-red, gray, brown. The density indicator is 2.55 g per cubic meter. cm.

The cooling of the ejected magma occurs when it gets into cold water or when the air is low temperature. Rapid cooling leads to the formation of obsidian, which differs from crystals in an amorphous atomic lattice. This means there is no clear melting point. When heated, the material gradually becomes soft and stringy.

Chemical theory and ancient practices

The basis of the chemical composition is silicon oxide with the chemical formula SiO 2. Its content in the rock, which forms obsidian, is from 65 to 75%. In addition, the composition includes water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride. Shades of color are produced by oxides of magnesium and iron.

The appearance of the stone shows in which direction the lava flowed, since the solidified flows are clearly visible to the naked eye. In nature, an obsidian deposit is an accumulation of shapeless rock, where minerals are randomly marked with sharp edges.

Ancient people made cutting objects, arrowheads, knives from obsidian. Such weapons are common among the Indians of Central America. The Incas and Aztecs did not know how to process metal, so they replaced it with durable obsidian. During excavations, similar tools and implements were found in Turkey, Japan, Ethiopia.

Used in medicine and construction

Nowadays, the mineral is used for souvenir crafts and sculptural works of art. For medical purposes, it is good for making thin scalpels with smooth edges several nanometers thick. Also obsidian is a raw material for dark glass and a material for thermal insulation.

Obsidian powder is added to the cement to make it strong. The polished stone acquires a mirror-like shine. Jewelry in the form of beads and key rings are inexpensive and look 100%.

Obsidian is mined where volcanoes are located. The main concentrations of the stone are Mexico, Peru, Germany, Armenia, Iceland. On the territory of Russia, these are Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

Shrouded in legends and myths

Obsidian is called “the nail of Satan” in Armenia. The angry devil, spewing lava on people, broke off his claws, which froze on the surface of the Earth in sharp pieces.

Legends of European peoples say that the stone was brought to their lands by a Roman soldier named Obsidius. This is where the modern name comes from. The second version comes from the Greek word "spectacle", because in ancient times mirrors were made from the mineral.

The Apache Indians consider obsidian to be the tears of upset women who mourned the warriors. The men seemed to have thrown themselves into the mouth of the volcano in order not to fall into slavery to the invaders. Since then, for the people of this culture, the mineral has symbolized grief, death and parting. In Egypt, they were gifted to the dead, considering it the stone of the dead.

Five types of obsidian

Types of stone include:

  • Snow obsidian is a black mineral, as if strewn with white "snowflakes".
  • Golden - the effect of gold is given to the stone by gas bubbles trapped in the structure during the formation process.
  • Rainbow - stripes of blue, red and green justify the name of the species.
  • Silver - similar to the metal of the same name.
  • Peanut - reddish brown base contains black blotches

Minerals with effects are added to the listed ones. Obsidian onyx is called volcanic glass with stripes that run across. An obsidian cat's eye is a stone with one longitudinal stripe.

Sometimes the expression "obsidian eyes" is used to describe a person's gaze. Any of the above varieties is meant here. But more often it is golden.

The relatively inexpensive price of obsidian protects it from counterfeiting. But there are several ways not to buy tinted glass. Mineral of uniform color is rare. The color is always saturated and the surface is shiny. If obsidian is immersed in water, the shine is preserved. To heat a cold stone, you have to hold it in your hands for a very long time.

Attracting magicians and sorcerers

It is quite possible to purchase items made of obsidian. These can be souvenirs or jewelry. Gold and platinum are used to frame the latter. When making talismans and amulets, silver is more suitable.

Even in fiction, the properties of obsidian stone are emphasized. For example, a character from the books of Andrzej Sapkowski, the sorceress Yennefer, wears an obsidian star around his neck, which he considers his own magical artifact.

Having absorbed the energy of Saturn, Uranus and the Sun, the stone has become a powerful talisman. It is believed that it helps in achieving dreams, protects against evil, reflecting negativity like a mirror. But if everything is good in life, then it is better not to wear jewelry with obsidian.

The influence depends on the type of stone

The magical properties of obsidian depend on the type of mineral. It is believed that a rosary made of black stone enhances the gift of clairvoyance. This property is especially manifested in those who were born under the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Black stones take away all the dirt from the cloudy aura. They are powerful defenders against energy vampires. The constant presence of the mineral makes you quickly forget the negative past.

A black stone with snowflakes acts as an intermediary in communication with guardian spirits. The mineral is indispensable during meditation, facilitates "withdrawal into oneself".

Snow obsidian helps to quit smoking, has a positive effect on visual acuity, inhibits appetite, which is important for overweight people. It is believed that it gives confidence to the weak, and in suspicious people it restores faith in others.

Rainbow obsidian will put all thoughts in order, relieve feelings of unhappy love. His presence will make the owner closer to nature, help to understand himself.

The red-brown stone affects the psyche in such a way that it has become indispensable in rituals dedicated to cleansing. It is also suitable for clearing accumulated negative energy from the aura.

Absorbed the energy of the earth

Obsidian is considered the stone of the Earth, therefore the influence on a person is reflected in "rooting", that is, in a strong standing on his feet. The mineral relieves the owner of anxiety, obsessions, restores strength by filling the body with positive energy.

Due to its origin, obsidian is saturated with warm energy, therefore it is able to help in the treatment of colds. The stone normalizes blood pressure. But you can't wear it all the time for those with kidney problems.

For the fact that obsidian knows how to reveal the truth, he is called the stone of truth. The influence lies in the strengthening of intuition. A volcanic glass bracelet worn on your wrist will relieve obsessive attention. And it is also the only mineral that contributes to the return of debts, therefore it is popular with financial workers.

Products in the shape of a pyramid are recognized as especially effective amulets. She absorbs cosmic energy, which she then gives to the owner. He can just stand in the house and quietly do his job.

Obsidian has been known since ancient human times. Tools made of volcanic glass, as this igneous rock is also called, scientists find during excavations at the former sites of ancient settlements. The thing is that this stone has a very sharp chip. Ancient Mayan settlements made spears, stakes, and various decorations from obsidian.

Modern scientists on historical artifacts from obsidian study the migration routes and contacts of ancient settlements.

The findings of scientists show that high-quality stone raw materials were actively used both in the Neolithic and in the Paleolithic, that is, the last 15,000 years ago.

There are two theories about the name "Obsidian". Some scientists believe that the word comes from the Greek "obis" - "spectacle" (small mirrors were made of stone)... Others argue that "Obsidium" is the name of the Roman who first brought this mineral to Rome.

Physical and chemical properties of obidian

Obsidian is a rock that forms as a result of the rapid cooling of igneous rock. This is perlite, familiar to everyone from the school course, only with a much lower water content - only 1%.

The chemical formula of Obsidian SiO 2 is a glass-forming oxide with an acidic content. Obsidian is non-conductive. Color from dark brown to black. Formed from flowing molten rocks, it is easy to grind. By the strips of stone, you can determine in which direction the magma flow was directed.

Obsidian deposits

Obsidian is considered a fairly rare stone. It is found only where there are ancient volcanoes, as well as in those places where archaeologists have discovered places of ancient settlements. Such finds were in Russia, China and Japan, India, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan.

Scope of obsidian

Volcanic glass is a unique material for creating a perfect blade. The cutting edge is obtained at the molecular level, and this is not an exaggeration. This property was appreciated by gunsmiths experimenting with the composition of ceramics for the invention of over-sharp knives. The disadvantage is the fragility of obsidian. However, if used correctly, this is not a hindrance. The stone is used to create surgical blades.

Due to the fact that obsidian is highly polished, it is used in the manufacture of jewelry. Obsidian amulets, beads and talismans have been preserved since ancient times. Along with its other properties, this mineral is very beautiful. Shiny black glass with various inclusions and stains looks impressive on modern jewelry as well.

Decorative items in the form of boxes, stationery stands, obsidian photo frames are original decorative elements that will find their place in any interior.

The magical properties of obsidian

Obsidian is a powerful energy absorber and information guardian. Magic balls and mirrors are made from it in order to see the past and future of a person. And talismans made of obsidian are able to protect their master, attracting all the negative directed towards him from strangers.

However, you need to be extremely careful with the stone. The stone turns evil thoughts against the one who conceived them. The wearer of obsidian jewelry should be extremely honest with himself, and then this stone is able to bring good luck.

Who is obsidian for?

Astrologers claim that of all the signs of the zodiac, obsidian is ideal for Scorpios. You should have this stone with you and those who feel the ability to clairvoyance.