Large families and their problems. Problems and opportunities of a large family. Large family in modern living conditions




The relevance of the study is that the family acts as an important factor in personality development. The family is a multi-year social group: it has representatives of two, three, and sometimes four generations. This means that in the family there are various value guidelines, various criteria for estimates of life phenomena, ideals, points of view, beliefs affecting the formation of family traditions.

Family education is organically merged with all the vital activity of a growing person. In the family, the child is included in the vital activities. Family education has a wide temporary range of exposure: it continues the whole life of a person, occurs at any time of the day, at any time of the year.

Family climate is the life of parents, their relationship between themselves and with children, the spiritual culture of the family. The well-being of the child contributes to a benevolent atmosphere, such an atmosphere of family relationship, which gives a sense of security and at the same time stimulates and sends the development of the child.

Each society forms a family in the image and likeness to its own. Currently, the Russian family is experiencing a difficult period of its development: the transition from the traditional model of the family to the new, modern, the types of family relations are changing. The number of divorces increases, fertility decreases, the number of children born out of marriage increases. In the conditions of the current demographic crisis in Russia, special relevance is acquired both theoretical problems associated with large families and practical issues of social work with these families.

From statistics it is known that today in large families are raised about 20% of all children in the country. In the Altai Territory (2006 data) 11,600 large families. It is very important to comprehend the current position of this category of families, as well as ways to improve assistance, support.

Family issues paid attention to N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. In the last decade XX and the beginning of the XXI century, domestic teachers were made a major contribution to the development of various aspects of family education and family education: A.I. Antonova, Yu.G. Azarov, A.G. Harchev, O.L. Zvereva, A.V. Orlova, E.I. Zrityneva, N.F Divicin, T.I. Schulga, T.V. Boat.

There is a contradiction between a fairly wide base of theoretical research on family problems, including a large family, and not enough developed practical steps, means of socio-pedagogical assistance to large families.

The purpose of the study: to identify the main problems of the modern large family.

Object of study: Large family.

Subject of research: the activities of the social teacher to provide effective assistance to large families.

The study hypothesis is based on the fact that socio-pedagogical assistance to a large family will be much more efficient if the following conditions are taken into account and implemented:

  1. timely diagnosis of intrameal relations, understanding the main problems of large families;
  2. study of the personality of a mother of a large family;
  3. study of the socializing opportunities of the educational institution with the support of large families;
  4. the measures of socio-pedagogical assistance to large families are determined;

In accordance with the purpose of, the object and subject of the study are delivered

Research tasks:

  1. Studying and analyzing regulatory documents and literature on the topic of research.
  2. Reveal the concepts of "family", "Large family"; The main functions of the family.
  3. Determining the place of the family in the structure of the child's personality, his perception of intra-family relationships.
  4. Analyze and summarize the experience of the social teacher with a large family (based on school No. 113).
  5. Develop practical recommendations to the social teacher.

The methodological basis of the study is:

Philosophical regime on universal communication, the interdependence and integrity of phenomena and processes in the surrounding world;

Theories of socio-pedagogical support for large families (T.V. Lodikna, N.F. Devitsyn, R.V. Ovcharova);

The theory of socialization of the individual (I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrick).

Research methods: Theoretical analysis of socio-pedagogical literature on the topic of research; Observation, conversation, questionnaire, analysis of children, comparison and comparison.

Scientific novelty:

Based on the studied literature, a social portrait of a modern large family is compiled; The most effective measures of socio-pedagogical assistance of a large family in modern conditions of Russian reality are allocated.

Theoretical significance of the study: the essential characteristics of the concepts "Family", "Large Family" are substantiated; Reveal the main problems of modern large families.

Practical significance research:

The experience of the social teacher with large families in secondary school №113 is analyzed and summarized;

Effective measures to help with large families are substantiated; The practical recommendations of the social teacher have been developed.

Research base: School No. 113.

Structure of work: Introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, references, applications.

The reference list includes 75 sources.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of research of problems of large families

1.1 Concepts: "Family", "Large family"

In modern society, there are many social communities. Some of them combine the majority of citizens of this country, for example, the state. Others include a certain number of people professionally dealing with a specific type of activity, such as healthcare, militia, etc. But there is any such social education in society, with which anyway the life of almost every person is connected, the family, the most common type of social organization.

Family, under no matter how an angle of view, it was neither considered, such a multilayer social education, which is not surprising mention of it in almost all sections of sociology. It combines the properties of the social organization, social structure, institute and small group, is included in the subject of studying the health sociology and wider - socialization, sociology of education, policies and rights, labor, culture, etc., allows you to better understand social control processes and social disorganization, social mobility, migration and demographic changes; Without access to the family is unthinkable, applied research in many areas of production and consumption, mass communications, it is easily described in terms of social behavior, decision-making, constructing social decisions, etc.

In the life of every person, the family occupies a special place. She gives a person an idea of \u200b\u200blife and values, in it the young citizen receives the first ideas about the relationship between people, assimilates the norms of behavior in various situations of communication, develops the criteria for the evaluation of good and evil, worthy and unworthy, fair and unfair.

The family very quickly and sensitively responds to all positive and negative changes occurring in society, revealing the humane and antigumenny meaning of the processes occurring in society, assessing the processes destroying and creating for the family. Like society, the family was created, modified and developed with him and in turn could influence the course of the development of the family - this is a social, complex, multifunctional concept, the form of the vital activity of people due to existing social and legal norms. This is a system that has a certain structure that performs a number of various functions, a steady system of relationship between people in everyday life. It is closely related to society, the state and develops simultaneously with it.

Scheme 1. Socialization Institutions (B.A. Isaev)

In modern science there is no single definition of the concept of "family". Most often about the family speak, as a cell of society, which directly participates in the biological and social reproduction of society. The family is called a specific small socio-psychological group, thereby stressing that it is characterized by a special system of interpersonal relations, which are largely or less managed by laws, moral norms, traditions. Family has such signs as the joint residence of its members, a common household.

Currently, family problems are studying many sciences: economics, law, sociology, psychology, pedagogy and others.

In the pedagogical literature, the family is defined as one of the main tools that ensure the interaction of the personality and society, the integration and definition of the priority of their interests and needs. She gives a person to the idea of \u200b\u200blife and values, about what you need to know and how to behave.

Family is a socio-pedagogical group of people intended for optimal satisfaction of the needs for self-preservation (continuing) and self-affirmation (self-esteem) of each of its member. The family creates a person's concept at home not just as the premises where he lives, but as a feeling, the sensations where they love, understand, protect.

The family is the most common type of social group, the main cell of society in which is born, is formed, a person is developing and most of his life is.

In psychology, the family is the most important of phenomena, accompanying a person throughout his life. The significance of its influence on the identity, its complexity, polyhedral and problematic is caused by a large number of different approaches to the study of the family, as well as definitions found in the scientific literature.

A.I. Antonov determines the family as based on the unified all-day activities of the community of people associated with the bonds of the marriage - kinship parents, and thereby reproducing the population and the continuity of family generations, as well as the socialization of children and maintain the existence of family members.

A.G. Harchev represents the family "As an institutionalized community, emerging on the basis of marriage and generated by the legal and moral responsibility of spouses for the health of children, their upbringing."

In his opinion, the family is a more complex system of relations than marriage, since it usually unites not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives or just close spouses and people they need.

Sociologists MA Galagovaz, A.V. Mudrik give the following family definitions:

Family is a small group, members of which are associated with joint accommodation, the community of life, mutual moral liability and mutual assistance. It has a set of norms, sanctions, and patterns of behavior, regulating the relationship between spouses, parents and children, other relatives.

Family - a small social community, based on the unified worldwide activity of people associated with the bonds of marriage (parenting, kinship of blood or spiritual), which reproduces the population and continuity of family generations, as well as the socialization of children and support for family members /

Family is not only a marital relationship, it is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon with extensive connections. Some go deep into times for several generations, others are determined by the relationship between brothers, sisters, sings, shurren, shuts. Unfortunately, today, not everyone can explain the meaning of these values, which once again underlines the depletion of family traditions and the destruction of related links. Each family creates its own cultural environment in the framework of the general culture of a certain people and the state.

A.V. Mudrik described the family parameters and its structure.

The family is the most important institution of socialization, it is a living environment and human development from birth to death, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family. The social and cultural parameter depends on the educational level of family members and their participation in society. The socio-economic is determined by the property characteristics and employment of family members at work, study. Technical and hygienic depends on the living conditions, housing equipment, hygienic characteristics of lifestyle. Finally, the demographic is determined by the family structure.

Scheme 2. Family Structure

In modern conditions, many families include a family having three and more children. Among the researchers there is no consensus about which family is called large-scale. So, Sociologists A.I. Antonov and V.M. Medkov is called a large family, in which five or more children, but in the practice of social work, families that have three or more children under the age of 16 are considered large-scale.

There are different points of view on the definition of a large family:

1) From an ordinary point of view: a large family is the one where children are more than usual, adopted by the rules of society and the state. Currently, a large family is understood mainly a three-fingered family, much more often found than a family with four, five or more children.

The number of births that defines the families of the family varies from three, four or more children, which makes the category of large families indefinitely. Some believe that a family with three children can be boldly called large families, others argue that if we consider from a demographic point of view, a large family should consist of five or more children.

2) From a demographic point of view: a family with one or two children is even more small, three or four children are a normal family, and five children are a real large family. And with this you can agree even because the number three is not associated with a word much, we say: one child, two children, three children, four children, but already five or more - children, i.e. a lot of children. But, given the fact that today there are practically no families, where there are four or more children, and to raise and feed even two enough difficult and three children in the family are a big rarity, today the consumption of the term "big family" seems justified.

3) From a socio-psychological point of view, large families are families where children are so much that they interfere with the optimal communication of its members, the functioning of the family as a small group, these are families where five or more children. There may be other criteria for large families, for example, ensuring optimal opportunities for a child, a stable development of relations between spouses.

4) From the point of view of the economy: a large family is the one where the limit economic utility of each new child is lower than the fiction costs for him, in other words, the birth of each new child worsens the position of the family and its members. So, in the Russian Federation in 1993, among families with one child, there were 33%, with two children - 45%, with three or more - 61%. At the end of 1994, 38% of families with one child lived below the poverty level, 57% of families with two children and about 77% of families with three children. From an economic point of view, if such a tendency remains, families with two children can be considered large families.

5) From a legal point of view, a large family is a union of most commonly joint living persons associated with mutual rights and duties arising from marriage, kinship, adoption or other form of children to raise children.

Conclusion: Thus, in the literature we studied by our literature, scientists of various directions give their understanding of the essential characteristics of the concept of "family". In our opinion, the family is a system-functional association of emotionally close and significant people on the basis of marriage, kinship and parenthood.

The definition of a "large family" is also diverse and also requires special attention. In our opinion, a large family is a family having three and more children up to 16 years of age, together living, having a common life, mutual rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption or other form of children's children to education in the family.

1.2 Categories and Functions Family

There are various explanations of the high fertility in families and associated with it. One of them is that one of the reasons for large families is national traditions and customs affecting the formation of rules on the number of children in the family. Another explanation lies in the absence of freedom of choosing a person of his reproductive behavior. There is no single opinion as many types of large families today, no.

In socio-pedagogical literature, five types of large families are distinguished. Most of the authors (TS Zubkov, N.V. Tymoshenka, the so-called. Buddy et al.) Mix three types of large families:

1. Consciousness, or targeted multi-way, is due to personal beliefs of parents, national traditions or religiosity. In solving the issue of the birth of children, these families are not considered any housing, nor with material problems, in most cases they are unfavorable. They have difficulties due to low-cost, lack or lack of housing, parental workload. But they strive, independently cares about their children, raise and educate them as much as possible.

2. The birth of a common child with a re-marriage of the father or mother in the presence of other children. The families are quite prosperous, but children may, negative features are manifested in the past family.

3. Disadvantaged large families.

Most often marked with parents leading the asocial lifestyle: alcoholics, unemployed, mentally defective, where children are often a means to obtain material and natural aid. In such families, parents have a lower educational level and social status.

However, some sociologists (N.F. Divicin) stands out another type of large family:

4. Guardian families and with adopted children, many families do not have the opportunity to have children themselves, but if desired, they can adopt a child or arrange guardianship. As a rule, such parents adopt several children at once.

A.V. Orlova in his work allocates one type of a large family:

5. Families in which multipleness is random: when twins are born instead of the expected one child, or when the child appears due to the inability to resort to unwanted pregnancy interrupts.

Categories of a large family remain a controversial issue and, as we see, does not have a clear qualifications, but the opinions of scientists do not diverge, but only complement each other. Having considered us the types of multi-way, it can be noted that all categories are quite prosperous.

Large family (conscious incentable) has, as a rule, strong family traditions, a clear internal structure, sufficiently strong protection, traditionally respectful attitude towards the elders. In such families, problems and conflicts are easier, the parents do not have a lonely old age.

Special attention should be paid to the unfavorable category of multi-way, such parents cannot give a child a good education and to provide him with favorable conditions for life.

Family well-being is estimated not by status and material supply, but according to the functionality of the family. A large family is a complex multifunctional system, it performs a number of interconnected family functions.

Family functions are the activity that the family performs to satisfy their collective and individual needs.

Family function is a way of manifest activity, the vital activity of its members, this is execution, performing a certain role in the social system or in a small social group.

The functions that the family performs have both personal and social importance. The scientific literature provides various types of family functions. A.G. Harchev, A.I. Antonov, V.M. Medkov allocate two main groups of family functions: specific and nonspecific. The first people leak out of the essence of the family and reflect its features as social phenomena, and the second are those to which the family turned out to be forced or adapted in certain historical conditions.

Sociologists B.A. Isaev, etc. Boat, highlight six family functions:

Scheme 3. Family Functions

1. The reproductive function is considered to be the main public function, which is based on an instinctive striving of a person to continue a kind, reproduction in children of parents. But the role of the family does not boil down to the role of the "biological" factory. Performing this feature, the family takes part in the quantitative and qualitative reproduction of the population, i.e. It is responsible for the physical, mental and intellectual development of the child, it acts as a kind of fertility regulator. Currently, due to the prevalence of the urban lifestyle, an increase in the employment of women, the hardest economic situation, the birth rate falls. Of course, it is worth noting the relationship between the total number of divorces and abortions. Thus, it may turn out that one employee will have to have one pensioners. From this point of view, the state is interested in increasing large families, creating certain benefits for them. But, looking at it, in particular, from the standpoint of the tendency to increase birth in large families of children with pathologies, as well as overpopulation due to limited resources, increasing the non-working population and other factors, it can be assumed that at this stage an increase in fertility and large families is not There is a positive side.

2. Economic and economic function. This concept is investing the needs of family members, now every family seeks to open their business. The modern economy considers the family not only as a consumer, but also the manufacturer. The head of the family is a man - is a general labor organizer, children are rapidly included in the life of adults. The essence and content of the economic and economic function is carried out not only by the common economy, but also in the economic support of children and other family members during their disability. Economic and economic function fully determines educational and reproductive functions. This function involves joint management of the household, a single budget, division of labor, mutual assistance. The child in the family receives the first labor skills: engaged in self-service, assists in the house, gains experience in care for parents, brothers and sisters, and most importantly, studying the reasonable consumption of material and household goods.

3. The consistency function is one of the most important family functions. It is a family with its constant and natural nature of the impact to form character traits, beliefs, views, the worldview of the child. A person acquires value for society only when he becomes a person and becoming it requires a focused, systematic impact.

4. Recreation feature is very important for a large family. Employment of parents can lead to the fact that the child can feel unprotected, it needs support, understanding and protection. The expression "My House is my fortress" well expresses the idea that a healthy non-conflict family is the most reliable support, the best asylum, where a person can hide from the entire negative energy of the outside world, to fire their negative emotions. Physically, the forces spent by man in the labor process are restored by unequivocally in the family atmosphere, in communicating with loved ones and children.

5. Communicative feature. Contributes satisfaction in two opposite phenomena - spiritual communication and solitude. In a large family, spiritual communication plays a large role, the child requires understanding, attention. The function of spiritual communication creates conditions for the development of the identity of all family members.

6. The function of socialization is due to the fact that the born children carry only deposits, prerequisites, signs of "human mind". In order for the child to gradually entered into society, so that his deposits manifest itself, it is necessary to communicate and activities in the family as a primary social unit.

The family affects the socialization of children not just the very fact of its existence, but a favorable moral and psychological climate, healthy relations between all its members.

A.N. Averin complements this classification by the following functions:

1. Sexy - satisfying the sexual needs of spouses, social control and regulation of sexual relations.

2. The function of social control - controls the behavior of family members, the responsibility and obligation of parents before children, apply sanctions for violation of norms in public life and family relations.

3. Communication function - family communication, spiritual mutual enrichment of its members.

4. Leisure function - organization of leisure, meeting the needs of family members in joint leisure activities, leisure control.

5. Emotional function. For each person, the family performs an emotional function that protects a person from stressful and extreme situations. The comfort and warmth of the home focus, the realization of the need of a person in trust and emotional communication, sympathy, empathy, support - all this allows a person to be more resistant to the conditions of modern unstable life.

6. Socio-status function - provision of social status family members, meeting their social advances.

7. The protection function is the physical, economic and psychological protection of family members, creating social security.

If in a large family is an emotional-stable climate and all functions are performed, such a family is functional. If constant conflicts occur in the family and the main functions are not fulfilled - this is a dysfunctional family.

Table 1

Dysfunctional family

Functional family

1. Denies of problems and maintaining illusions

2. Vacuum intimacy

3. "Frozenness" of rules and roles

4. Conflict in relationships

5. Undifferentiation of "I" of each member

6. The boundaries of the individual or mixed, or divided by an invisible wall

7. Everyone hide the secrets of the family and maintain the facades of pseudo-bioles

8. Close system

9. Absolitization of will, control

1. Problems are recognized and solved

2. Freedom (thoughts, perception, etc.) are encouraged.

3. Each family member has its own unique value.

4. Family members know how to meet their needs

5. Parents do what they say

6. Role functions are selected, and not imposed

7. In the family there is a place for entertainment

8. Errors say goodbye, they learn

9. Flexibility of all family rules, laws, the possibility of their discussion

So, there are many classifications of family functions. Undoubtedly, all of them are very important for the successful socialization of family members and sustainable intra-family relations. The main purpose of the family is to satisfy public, group and individual needs. Being a social cell of society, the family satisfies a number of its most important needs. At the same time, it satisfies the personal needs of each of their member, as well as public-world (group) needs.

Relying on the opinions of scientists, we share the point of view of the authors excreasing such functions for a large family as: economic, reproductive, protective, economic - economic, educational, recreational, communicative, socialization, sexual, social control, communication, leisure, emotional, socio- Status, protective. There is a close relationship, interpenetration and complementarity between them. A large family can be prosperous only if it is functional. Family functions are an important condition for the existence of the family.

1.3 Social portrait of a modern large family

Large families were most common in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century and constituted the main share of the country's population. They were sufficiently common in all layers of society: from the poorest peasantry to the nobles. This was determined by the traditions of the Russian people and Orthodox morality. The birth of children was not planned, perceived as the "gift of God", there were no contraceptives, abortions were not common. In a large family, it was easier to survive. Society has always been a steady positive attitude towards a large family.

Currently, a steady decrease in the share of large families in the population of Russia is noted. This coincides with the tendency towards more inflexibility and generally mindlessness. There is no clear system of social support for large families. There is a negative and even negative attitude of society to large families, especially with the increase in the ordinal number of the birth. A new pregnancy over two, three children in the family is regarded as something out of a series of outgoing, as a deviation from the general rules.

Currently, questions related to large families are very important in the light of birth in our country. It is well known that in the 90s, the demographic situation in Russia has deteriorated sharply. The slow decline in the birth rate was replaced by the collapse of it in the early 90s. The total fertility rate fell from 2.6 children in the 1960s, up to 1.5 children on average per woman in 1992. At the same time, a significant change in reproductive population plans occurred. According to the results of the VTsIOM survey, the expected number of children on average for one Russian family decreased from 1.8 in 1991, to 1.08 in April 1994, i.e. Nearly 40% for 3 years. The main reason for this phenomenon was uncertainty in tomorrow, the lack of opportunity to contain and educate children at the proper level.

There is a real threat to the transition of most Russian families from a two-dimensional family model to a single-dollar model.

Young families under the influence of the socio-economic crisis will lose some not born, but welcome children. The following generation families who came to replace them may have an installation to an even less fertility. This is fraught with negative consequences, because more than a quarter of a century, the reproduction regime of the population of Russia did not provide simple replacement of generation. Since 1992, for the first time during the post-war period, a natural decline of the population of Russia began, due to the exceedment of the number of those who died over the number of born. Despite encouraging media reports that in 1999 the number of dead and born in the 90s equalized, the threat of a demographic catastrophe did not pass. The economic situation began to stabilize, which undoubtedly affects and will affect the fertility and family's birth. But, no less important is the attitude of the state and society to multi-way. Currently, this relationship can be called negative, ranging from the raise "poverty to produce" to the official definitions of a large family as an extreme situation or as a family of social risk, on a par with the families of drug addicts and alcoholics. In our opinion, large families need to be put on social status for the highest level to interest young families in large families. For this, the state and society should have enormous attention to these families.

Now large families are less and less. Almost no one wants to have many children, you need to provide them, and if there is such an opportunity, then the need to move along the career ladder, and not deal with children. Often the next child is unwanted, random, but how much happiness it can deliver to parents. With the advent of the child in the family, financial, housing issues are revised. The child requires a lot of attention to himself, and if he is not one in the family, and four or five, then the mother can safely call the heroine, because to grow them and solve all the problems of a large family - this is a whole feat! It is believed that the larger the family, the more problems, and, although large families face all the problems inherent in any other family, but they are becoming heavier for it and are more difficult.

The main problem of large families financial or logistical household families. It's no secret that with the birth of a child, the family's income decreases sharply, especially if this is the third, fourth or fifth child. It is very difficult to feed such a family, the prices for food are growing, and parents are missing for wages. The average monthly income on each family member is not high, additional material assistance is a children's manual, the size of which is very small compared to the needs of the child.

V.M. Jerebino, O.A. Alekseeva, V.N. Zemlyskaya was conducted studies of income of large families.

table 2

Distribution of families for profitable groups depending on the number of children in the family

Grouping of families on shower income

Low income

Total sample

Number of families

% income G.

Family without children

Number of families

Family with one child

Number of families

Family with two children

Number of families

Family with three children

Number of families

Family with four children

Number of families

Family with five children

Number of families

If the ongoing cash income of the household with one child in 2001 amounted to 1282 p. per month, then on a family with three children per child accounts for 419 rubles, which is 3.3 times lower than secondary money income, or is 35.7% of the subsistence minimum. The standard of living of the family depends on financial well-being.

According to polls conducted by P.V. Shevchenko in 2003, we can see the standard of living of large families and conventional (not large families) families (Fig. 1), the contribution of the father to the family budget with different income levels (Fig. 2), and also analyze how the family composition affects the material well-being .

Figure 1. Lifetime of large families and ordinary families

A comparison of the level of living standards has shown that large families are noticeably inferior to ordinary families in terms of living. Among those who live "quite worn" and "from salaries to salaries" large families are less common, while in the poorest category (can't make ends meet with the ends) large families are twice as much. Analyzing the data, it should be noted that socially successful large families appeared, and they are not so small.

But the lifetime of a large family depends on the same? Who makes a greater contribution to the family budget?

In large families, the basic money is a father, he, as the head of the family, should be able to feed the whole family.

Figure 2. Father's contribution to the family budget in large families with different income levels

In most cases (57%), the father contains the whole family almost solely. In 21% of families, more than half of the family budget depends on it, in 14% - half. The Father, which lies with liability less than half of the budget - an exception is characteristic of families in which the father of the disabled or a pensioner (4%).

A comparison of families with a different standard of living and a different contribution of the Father in Family Wellness has shown that the richer the family, the more often the father is found in it, and the mother, as a rule, is investing more and their strength into the education of children and the introduction of household. In the poor families, the contribution of the Father's family budget is significantly lower.

As we see, the Father plays a huge role in the content of a large family, but large families are incomplete, in this case the entire load on the content of the family falls into the mother, and without the help of relatives, such a family may not do.

Table 3.

The contribution of relatives to the family budget

Family members

Full family

Incomplete family


Other relatives

Although the deposits of grandparents and other relatives are less significant, but they can have a significant help and care for children.

A large number of other problems flow out of the material problem, but the housing problem itself has become acute. Most large families live in separate apartments, without relatives, but some families live with grandparents and grandmothers. It is almost impossible to expand housing, it does not allow the financial situation of families, especially living in apartments. Available housing conditions often do not meet even minimal standards as a general rule, and the acquisition of new housing for own funds for most families is simply impossible. The growth of housing and utilities fees further complicates the financial situation of large families.

According to research, only 16.9% of large families live in four or more indoor apartments, 8.5% of families live in hostels, 3.2% in one-bedroom apartments, the rest has 2-3 apartments or private houses. If in the 80s it somehow tried to decide: built at home and connected apartments to create more or less demolition conditions for children of large families, then at the present time they simply do not mention them.

Very much depends on the fate of children. In the period when the child begins to explore the living space and should show activity, the absence of the necessary conditions makes it passive, timid, lays an unfavorable life scenario for the future. Standable housing conditions are largely affected by the health of children in a large family. First, because of the crowding in such families, children are sick more often, as they infect each other. Secondly, according to statistics and sociological studies, there is a direct link between housing conditions and mortality of children in the first year of life. 61% of women who have lost their child under the age of one year, the most important cause of his death called bad housing conditions.

How to improve the housing conditions of a large family, while it is not clear to families or state authorities themselves. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures for social support for large families", adopted in May 1992, provided some measures to facilitate the provision of preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free court for the purchase of building materials and housing construction. However, considering the financial situation of a large family, there are not many families who can build a house even with a loan or loan. Therefore, a housing problem will remain a problem for at least the near future.

An equally important problem is the problem of employment of parents. From the Society of the Large Family often laid misunderstanding. After organizing the job, a private enterprise, a large mother, often hears the answer: "Sorry, you do not fit us," frequent hospitals are not satisfied with employers. You can only get a job on the most and low-paying work: a cleaner, a nurse, ticket. Meanwhile, a woman who does not have children, at this time makes a career. But it takes time, children grow up to the age of majority, and a large mother becomes a nobody who does not have a profession. She has no right, there is no benefit, no career, all its income is a child allowance. To feed a big family, many families are forced to seek part-time job or get on the second job, the time for the management of the economy and the sessions of children remains very little, a new problem appears - the lack of personal time from the parents.

All children require attention at the same time, and their needs often do not match, but it is necessary to find time for each child, to work and on vacation. The emergence of a large number of children requires high social activity from parents. Due to objective circumstances, motherhood becomes not a short-term separation from work, but a complete form of self-realization. For such women, there is only one profession - Mom, and the need to educate several children is standing above or at least not lower than the need for prestigious work or in prestigious free time. V.M. Jerebino, O.A. Alekseeva, V.N. Zemlyanskaya was conducted by the budget of the time of working parents.

Table 4.

The budget of the time of working men and women depending on the number of children (in numbers per person per day)

Husband and wife

Without children

One child

Two children

Three children

Four and more children

Working hours and time associated with work

Domestic Management Time

Time to work in a personal subsidiary farm

Time to raise children

Time to meet physical needs

Session in free time including study

Common Labor Loads

Other time

(The first value is a man; Secondary value - woman)

After analyzing the data given in the table, it can be concluded that with the addition of another child, after three children, almost does not affect the time distribution. Children in a large family provide great help to parents: help in households, senior care for the younger, teenagers try to earn themselves.

Another important problem of large families is the problem of children's health. The complex psychological climate of the family, as a rule, affects the health of children. The health of children's health in a large family is especially actualized, since the sick child in such a family brings more concerns than in a small one. Purchasing almost guarantees that all children will get sick and, perhaps, parents. Fathers get two times more often than in other families.

A significant part of the family budget may go for treatment and medicine. Walking in the doctors, tracks in queues, the inability to go to the clinic with two or three children, as well as "break" between the house and the clinic - all this makes it serious about the problem of the health of each family member. The presence in the family of weak health of the child is the problem more typical for large families than for low-rise, due to such circumstances, as the birth of children with a small interval, the weakening of the parent's organism by the previous pregnancy, the inability to restore forces due to lack of time and money.

The incidence of children depends on the ordinal number of the child's birth - the likelihood of the effect of perinatal factors, starting from the fourth child, the inclusion of the total incidence becomes higher. Children of the first three orders of birth longer periods are on breastfeeding and get more nutrients, they are tightly immunity. Scientists amended the direct dependence of the health of children from parents health. There is a low system of systematic observation of children, late references in the event of a disease, self-treatment, unsatisfactory dispensarization and "coverage" by other specialists, insufficient sanatorium-resort treatment.

In the structure of the incidence of children in the first place, there are diseases of the respiratory organs (ARVI, flu), in second place - diet. In large families, the proportion of food costs is higher, and the nutrition structure is less rational than in all families with children. Children get fewer fruits, berries, meat, eggs, fish and many other food, useful for the body. This can not not affect the health of children from large families, as they are not allowed to be the most valuable: protein and vitamins. In third place - diseases of the nervous system, organs of vision. There is a high level of occurrence of the central nervous system in children of high order of birth: the delay of neuro-psychological development, varying degrees of oligophrenia, neurosis. Teens have health below average.

Thus, large families have a common specific social problem: children from such families more often demonstrate a low self-esteem, weak health are characterized.

A difficult problem is generally, and for many families, especially the organization of recreation children during the holidays. Children's and youth leisure and rest is increasingly turning into the industry of paid benefits and services. This makes them inaccessible to children from low-proprietary families, primarily large. Most children due to the lack of money on vacation with parents and states cannot hold holidays with benefit for their health.

A very significant role in the emotional family health is playing the problem of education. Education is a process in which parents laid the system of valuables of children, transfer them their beliefs, beliefs, fears, form desirable behavioral skills. In a prosperous large family, children do not have a deficit of communication, they are on an equal position, the elders care about the babies, help parents, and positively moral qualities are formed, such as honesty, hard work, sensitivity and respect for the elders. But at the same time, the shortage of time, lack of knowledge to raise children create certain problems in such families. The educational potential of a large family has its own positive and negative characteristics, and the process of socialization of children is their difficulties, problems.

On the one hand, here, as a rule, intelligent needs and ability to reckon with the needs of others; No one has a privileged position, which means there are no soil for the formation of egoism, asocial traits; more opportunities for communication, care for the younger, the assimilation of moral and social norms and the rules of the hostel; Such moral qualities, as sensitivity, humanity, responsibility, respect for people, as well as the quality of social order - the ability to communicate, adapt, tolerance can be successfully. Children from such families are more prepared for marital life, they are easier to overcome role conflicts related to the overwhelmed requirements of one of the spouses to other and understated requirements.

However, the process of upbringing in a large family is not less complicated and contradictory.

First, in such families, adults often lose a sense of equity in relation to children, there are unequal attachments and attention to them. An offended child always acutely feeling the shortage of heat and attention to him, in its own way reacting to this: In some cases, an anxiety, a feeling of degradation and insecurity, in others - an increased aggressiveness, inadequate response to life situations is becoming an integral psychological state. For older children in a large family, categoricalness in judgments, desire for leadership, leadership, even in cases where there is no reason for this. All this, naturally, makes it difficult to the process of socialization of children.

Secondly, in large families, physical and mental load on parents sharply increases, especially for the mother. It has less free time and opportunities for the development of children and communicate with them, to manifest attention to their interests. Teenagers are usually rounded in households and often throw school to help their parents begin to work. Big family children grow early, and since parents are due to employment, they pay for children less time, children spend most of the time on the street, where the likelihood of the acquisition of bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and other forms of deviant behavior. There are difficulties of communication, both adult family members and children, especially teenagers. This makes it difficult to the process of socialization of children and can contribute to the emergence of new problems in the future. Unfortunately, children from large families more often become a socially dangerous path of behavior, almost 3.5 times more often than children from families of other types.

A large family has fewer opportunities to meet the needs and interests of the child, which is so much less than the time than in one-piece, which naturally cannot but affect its development. Since people are different about large families, parents may have difficulty communication with colleagues at work. Children from large families also feel the negative attitude of the surrounding peers, which causes difficulties in communicating with other children.

Large problems in a large family in the field of education. To become educated, children of these families have fewer conditions, the point is not that they have less abilities, but that they do not have the opportunity to receive the same upbringing and education as children with high income. The child should develop comprehensively, walk in mugs, various sections, engage in parents at home. In a large family, the parents have no opportunity to deal with children, and the financial situation does not allow all children in the circles. But, despite this, only 14.3% of children from a large family never engaged in any section, studio, a circle, because there is no interest. But at the same time, 41.3% of children from large families had to stop classes due to limited time and material possibilities. When a child is small, he is already faced with serious problems, he does not pay attention. If earlier the lack of attention and education in the family compensated for the system of pre-school education, then at present, the child is not so easy to arrange a child. The number of places in kindergartens is limited, so the fee for the place increases and large families are very difficult to pay for the child.

Often, older children look after the younger, which limits their free time. All this leads to the social inequality in the development of children from large families and adolescent families. But, despite the difficult financial situation of the family, children from many families seek to receive higher education (75% of high school students plan to receive higher education), but parents are more inclined to reduce the level of education to medium special, if there is no possibility to get higher education. Parents often believe that there will be enough special courses or elementary skills of the profession. Family's income affects education: the more family wealth, the more often the higher education is chosen. There are also other factors affecting the availability of education: the level of child's own abilities, the influence of the educational level of parents, benefits in obtaining education, the life position of the child. The educational status of the mother is more affected by the formation of children than the Father, which is explained by the great influence of the mother to form the identity of the child.

When choosing a profession, children from a large family pay great attention to: payment level; the possibility of professional growth; Real estate in the labor market. They also choose a profession in their abilities and interests. These children do not expect help from anyone, they learned everything to achieve themselves and hope only for their strength. Despite the difficult financial situation, parents seek the opportunity to hire tutors for their children in obtaining the chosen profession.

In order to successfully cope with all the variety of problems, the parents of large families need relevant information. But, judging by domestic media, primarily printed, it is a large familiar family in a vacuum. The overwhelming part of publications is devoted to the upbringing of one child. From a sociological survey conducted among large families, it follows that 85% noted the absence of information in the media, valuable for large families. Among the remaining respondents, 10% noted religiously oriented sources of information. Another 5% use the Internet and lead an active search where only you can.

In such a situation, many 67% exhibits direct communication with the same large families. Interacting with other people, a large family is experiencing an impact of an external environment, which can be both positive, including those involving real assistance and negative.

Table 5.

The nature of the relationship towards large families

The nature of the relationship

State structures

Most people


In general, positive, help how much it is possible

Positive, but there is no real help



Difficult to answer

Attitude to a large family (%)

After analyzing the table, it can be concluded that the attitude to a large family from the official bodies and ordinary people as a whole is positive. But with further analysis, the attitude towards large families by state structures and ordinary people revealed a significant difference. The position of the official structures as a whole can be characterized rather as "neutral-positive". The attitude of ordinary people is strongly polarized - they help, as far as possible, each third family, but at the same time relate negatively to every fourth. Against this background, relatives look clearly preferable, are usually the main assistants of a large family. They help actually in most cases. Their indifferent or negative attitude looks like an exception.

So, the modern large family is experiencing certain difficulties: substantive, housing, lack of personal time from parents, employment of parents, children's health, in education, in the field of education, lack of informs, indifferent relations on the part of state structures.

Conclusions by I Chapter:

  1. The I chapter discloses the main theoretical positions of the problem under study. The concept of "family" is given (scientists A.I. Antonov, M.A. Galahuzova, A.V. Mudrik, A.G. Kharchev), as well as a "large family". Family is a system and functional association of emotionally close and significant people based on maritime, kinship and parenthood. In our opinion, a large family is a family having three and more children up to 16 years of age, together living, having a common life, mutual rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption or other form of children's children to education in the family.
  2. Categories of large families are disclosed: conscious intensity, random largestness, largests due to re-marriage, guardian families and adopted children, unfavorable large families.
  3. Dana scheme of well-fixed functions of a large family, the main of which are: reproductive, economic, economic, educational, recreational, communicative and socialization function.

Based on the study of a large number of socio-pedagogical literature, a social portrait of a modern large family has been drawn up. Distinctive features of such a family are substantial and housing problems, the lack of personal time among parents, the health of children, problems in education, in education, in the field of education, the lack of information about the benefits provided, indifferent relationship from state structures.

Chapter II. Experimental study of socio-pedagogical assistance to large families

2.1 Analysis of the regulatory framework

Social protection of the population and the mechanism of its implementation is based on constitutional and legal norms and international human rights and freedoms. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims and recognizes the rights of all people on life, freedom and personal integrity, dignity, freedom of convictions, words, religions, peaceful assembly and associations, participation in the management of the country, the right to work, recreation, education, social security, social protection - Economic interests.

On July 24, 1998, Federal Law No. 124-FZ was adopted "On the basic guarantees of the child's rights in the Russian Federation". In accordance with it, the state "recognizes childhood an important stage of human life and comes from the principles of the priority of the preparation of children to a full-fledged life in society, the development of socially significant and creative activity in them, the upbringing of high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship in them."

State policy in the interests of children is based on the principles of legislative support of the child's rights; state support of the family in order to ensure the full education of children, protect their rights, prepare them for full life in society; establishing and complying with state minimum social standards of the main indicators of the quality of life of children, taking into account regional differences in these indicators; responsibility of officials, citizens for violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, causing him harm; State support of local governments, public associations and other organizations engaged in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child. Accordingly, the social protection of children and adolescents should effectively protect children of all age groups, as well as periods of development from social risks.

Social protection of children and adolescents at the present stage is consistent with state politics in the field of childhood, which recognizes this period of human life as the most important stage, and therefore it is obliged to do everything to prepare them for a full-fledged life.

Relationships of the state and society with large families with relevant departments, institutions need constant regulation. This requires a legal framework based on certain laws.

The legislative and regulatory framework is a set of legal documents reflecting four levels of subjects of their publication.

Second level - domestic legal acts of federal significance: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees, the orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

The third level is the executive acts of regional importance: decrees, orders of the head of the region.

The fourth level is the municipal acts of district importance: decisions, the orders of the head of the administration of the municipality. In order to conduct a targeted and address policy on strengthening social support for large families in the conditions of price liberalization at the federal level, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures for social support for large families" of May 5, 1992 No. 432 determines the following benefits:

a) a discount in the amount of not lower than 30% of the established payment for the use of heating, water, sewage, gas and electricity, and for families living in homes that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased for heating within the established norms;

b) free issuance of drugs for children under 6 years old on the recipes of doctors;

c) free travel to intracity transport, as well as on buses of suburban and intra-round routes for students of secondary schools;

d) receiving children to preschool institutions in the first place;

e) free meals (breakfasts and lunches) for students of secondary schools and professional educational institutions at the expense of the universality and deductions from their production activities and other extrabudgetary deductions;

g) free security in accordance with the established standard school form or by replacing it with a set of clothes for visiting school sessions, as well as a sports form for the entire period of children in school;

h) One day per month is a free visit to museums, parks of culture and recreation.

Large families assist in organizing peasant farms, small enterprises and other commercial structures. The state provides allocations for these purposes of land plots, provides benefits to collecting land tax and rent in the form of full or partial exemption from the tax for a certain period of or decreasing tax rates; Provides sealing sessions or interest-free loans for compensation. As well as contribute to the provision of preferential loans to the acquisition of building materials and housing construction.

When developing regional employment programs, the state takes into account the need for employment of large parents and, if possible, provide work with a flexible schedule or part-time work.

There is social support for families with children by providing material assistance, the appointment of a monthly child benefit 70% of the minimum wage.

In November 2008, the size of a monthly allowance for children from many families of low-income families - students of educational institutions was increased. For each child, it is 600 rubles, taking into account the district coefficient - 690 rubles or 720 rubles. But such a decision was made only for students, and for those who do not study - the allowance is 400 rubles.

In general, the indicators of the living conditions of family, women and children remain unfavorable, which creates a threat to the physical and spiritual health of the population in the region and predetermines the need for targeted efforts to overcome this situation. Therefore, the main directions for the development of social services of families with children, women and children should be:

  1. Ensuring the necessary conditions for improving the quality of life of families;
  2. Creation of favorable conditions for the full and equal participation of women in political, economic, social and cultural life;
  3. Ensuring the rights of children on their full physical, intellectual, moral and social development.

The solution of the tasks of the tasks requires a number of significant measures to improve the mechanisms for the implementation of social policy in the interests of families, women and children, including in the field of family support:

  1. State stimulation of small, including family entrepreneurship;
  2. Development of a network of specialized agencies of social services families, children and adolescents, expanding the list of services provided by them, including advisory, psychotherapeutic, to exit crisis situations, socially psychological adaptation to new conditions;
  3. Regularly analyze the implementation of legislation on the problems of social protection of families, women and children, to take operational measures on the facts of refusing to provide families with children's benefits and advantages;
  4. Ensuring additional guarantees in social rehabilitation and adaptation of children in a difficult life situation, including orphans, disabled children;
  5. Expansion of state support and development of new forms of family education of children who have deprived of parental care (board of trustees), foster (adoptive families);
  6. Creating an effective system for prevention of neglect, drug addiction and offenses of minors, social protection of children in a difficult life situation, including socially disadnished children and children with disabilities;
  7. The new level should be made on organizing a health recreation of children in need of special care of the state. It is necessary to continue the practice of creating a day stay camps with social services centers, providing conditions for the full rest and rehabilitation of children. Special attention should be paid to their labor education, admission to socially useful work.

In general, the changes should be, first of all, in the direction of changes in the interaction of state and municipal bodies with non-commercial and public organizations, the development of such a form of social partnership as a social order, the use of experience of foreign countries in terms of social partnership.

Currently, the state is interested in improving the prestige of the family. The only way to increase the prestige of the family and the values \u200b\u200bof motherhood and paternity lies through the change in moral installations in society. It is necessary to return the family a worthy place in the life of a person and society.

Officially, 2008 was recognized as the Year of the Family, in the Altai Territory, February 14, 2008, began its activities "Institute of Family and Society", the purpose of which is to increase the prestige of the family and the values \u200b\u200bof motherhood and paternity. Four main faces can be distinguished: spiritual, social, material and medical. The spiritual refers to the change in the relationship of society to the family, to the role of motherhood and fatherhood. Social and material aspects are the problem of the availability of children's pre-school and sports facilities, directly working with family and provide comprehensive support. Medical aspect - the creation of centers for the protection of children's health and their mothers.

The plans of the Institute of Family and Society include the creation of a professional community of specialists working in the field of family-demographic policy, in every way to promote its members in achieving social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and management goals for strengthening the family institution in Russia, in order to protect The health of citizens, the satisfaction of the spiritual and other intangible needs of citizens, the protection of the rights, legitimate interests of citizens and the organization, the resolution of disputes and conflicts, the provision of legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public goods.

As well as the union of the efforts of family policies in order to assist: strengthen the prestige and role of the family in society; a change in the demographic situation in the Russian Federation; establishing social partnership and interaction between the Institute of Family and other institutions of the Company; development of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment; revival of the culture of family relations and family education; raising the role of the family in spiritual and moral, patriotic and cultural education and physical development of the individual; enhance the role of the family in the field of education and upbringing; strengthening married, parental relations; the satisfaction of the spiritual, cultural and other intangible needs of the family; Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the family; Fighting drug addiction.

To achieve these goals and objectives, the "Institute of Family and Society" will be:

Participate in the development and implementation of interregional, federal and international social programs;

Support state and public initiatives.

Engage in information and analytical, educational and methodological and consulting activities;

Coordinate on a permanent long-term social, educational, cultural, advisory and other activities;

Promote phased creation of conditions for strengthening the role of the family and improving the demographic situation;

Carry out the organization of international, interregional cooperation on family education, upbringing and culture, with the involvement of Russian and foreign organizations and their funds for social programs and projects;

Organize sociological polls and conduct monitoring;

Organize exhibitions, contests, conferences and other events at the federal and regional levels;

Wide wide educational and advocacy work on improving the culture of family relations.

But all these are plans for the future, in the present, a monthly allowance for children from large families has been increased. On December 29, 2006, the Law "On Additional Measures of Social Support for Large Families in the Altai Territory" was adopted in the region, providing for the free issuance of medicines released by the recipe for doctors for children under 6 years of age; The right to acquire a single social travel ticket for students in general education institutions.

In addition, there is a one-time material assistance to large families carrying out the gasification of households.

These recommendations and projects will help solve many problems of unprotected segments of the population, which are in the crisis situation. Thus, it can be concluded that social policy and especially the mechanism for the provision of social assistance to many families of low-income families need to be developed and improving. Recently, the differentiation of income of the population is growing, the proportion of poor population increases. Effective social policy offers a comprehensive approach, taking into account the economic condition of the country, the budget opportunities, in connection with this, we offer the legislant to pay attention to:

1. Reforming the legislative base of social protection of citizens. To do this, the Social Code can be developed, in which:

a) a clear definition of the concept and structure of social guarantees to the population;

b) distinction and determination of powers between federal, regional and local authorities in social assistance;

c) unambiguous criteria for determining the poor population;

d) a clear description of social assistance financing technology.

2. Reducing the socially disadvantaged layer of the population, and, above all, reducing the number of poor, by increasing the incomes of the population to the amount of the subsistence minimum. An increase in child care benefits, as well as unemployment benefits and children. Establishing additional benefits for unemployed parents, organization and development of public works.

3. Development of targeted social assistance, taking into account the needs of citizens.

4. Increased budget allocations to ensure normal standards of social services.

5. Simplify and ensure transparency of the mechanism of financing of socio-cultural events.

6. Development and implementation of available social housing programs for low-income families, or expanding existing housing.

The solution of all listed problems will allow to stabilize the social sphere and thereby create conditions for the positive development of citizens. In most subjects of the Russian Federation, laws on social standards have been adopted, and in accordance with which each resident provides a guaranteed minimum list of housing and social and cultural services, expressed in monetary or natural calculus. The main activities should be the event to support the least protected segments of the population with the corresponding delimitation of liability between the federal and territorial authorities, the authorities of the self-government. Social standards will be developed for the formation of budgets of various levels, which are based on a system of state minimum standards of social assistance. The provision of social services will be carried out on a competitive and licensed basis; The volume of free and subsidized social services will increase.

Thus, the analysis of legislative documents of general behavior, as well as activities conducted in the regions of the country, in particular, in the Altai Territory, testifies to the targeted, systematic support provided to families, including many families, about various assistance measures.

2.2 Generalization of the experience of the social teacher with large families

On the subject of our study was organized and conducted experimental experimental work on the basis of secondary school No. 113.

The purpose of this experiment is to study the socio-psychological characteristics of a modern large family, as well as determining the priority areas of work of the school social teacher with a large family.

In accordance with the purpose of us, the following tasks were delivered:

  1. Study of housing and living conditions of a large family
  2. Study of the psychological atmosphere of the family
  3. Identify educational opportunities, family education factors that provide the most positive effect on the child
  4. Identification of family and school relations
  5. Search for ways to optimize pedagogical interaction of school, family and society.

Experienced work included the following steps:

Stage I - a statement experiment. There was a study of the characteristics and problems of large families and drawing up an individual and group support plan.

Stage II - an emerging experiment. An integrated program of socio-pedagogical support for large families was tested.

The III stage is a control experiment, which analyzes the results of the experimental work, studied changes in the relationship between parents and children of the family of risk group.

Each step includes a solution to specific tasks.

Stage I - a statement experiment. The goal is to identify the problems and features of large families in need of social and pedagogical care.

Explore large families and issue documentation;

Diagnostic the intramearial relationship in each specific family.

Any activities of the social teacher begins with studying and analyzing the situation and the problems that are characterized. Without this, it is impossible to successfully organize work. In advanced pedagogical experience, you can find many forms and interesting approaches in the work of the school to help large families. Large families are the most unprotected and require special attention and support of society. Every year the number of large families decreases significantly, the number of children in such families is reduced.

The work of the social teacher begins with the filling of the socio-pedagogical passport of the microdistrict of the educational institution, the final section of which is dedicated to the composition of the family. The data obtained and listed in it allows you to work more purposely on the basis of a differentiated approach to work with families. To work with a particular family, a "social passport of the family" is being conducted, where diagnostics data, demographic information, etc. are entered. We will consider what real-aid measures can be provided with social educational families. In this microdistrict of the educational institution, 129 families of 254 children live, 9 of them are large families. 9 large families account for 39 children. In six families - three children, in the other three - four, five and twelve children. These are mainly schoolchildren from seven to fifteen years (22 child schools), 8 children - preschool age, and 9 infant. The age of children was taken into account when selecting diagnostic material: children of preschool and younger school age, we were offered a "kinetic drawing of the family" method, and in the work with adolescents, the "Family Sociogram" technique was used.

Most families are considered prosperous, children are brought up by both parents.

We issued a matrix (M.V. Shakurov), in which they tried to reflect the family situation of each type, as well as the options for the possible behavior of children and adolescents, formed by these situations.

After analyzing the peculiarities of large families, we managed to identify the family of risk groups: the family is in a difficult position, 12 children do not study anywhere, are not observed in the clinic, etc. (Social family passport in the appendix).

For this family, an individual route of socio-pedagogical accompaniment was developed.

In addition, a comprehensive support program for large families, which formally do not fall into a risk group, but still there are certain problems in each large family, and the Social Pedagogical School Service is able to assist these families.

The circle of problems faced with large families are very wide and diverse. In order to provide them with real help, the social teacher must, firstly, to identify these families and their problems, and secondly, to determine the order of their decision in accordance with the degree of relevance for each specific family.

18 parents from 9 families and 28 children took part in the survey.

1. By age, the respondents were distributed as follows: up to 29 years - 23%, from 30 to 40 years - 65% and over 40 years - 12%. The average age of parents amounted to 34 years.

2. In terms of education, the indicators are as follows: Higher education - 24%, secondary special - 58%, secondary professional - 6%, secondary education - 12%.

3. The socio-economic position of the family is the level of income above average - 6%, the average income level is 41%, below average - 53%.

4. By the number of children in the family: 3 children - 6 families, 4 children in one family, in one -5 children, the biggest family has 12 children.

For a healthy family, a strong parental position with clear family rules, flexible, open relationships between the younger and adult family members with clear samples of relationships and behaviors, saved, emotionally warm communication between generations.

Family is a complex system of relationship between spouses, parents, children, other relatives. In the aggregate, these relations constitute a family microclimate, which directly affects the emotional well-being of all its members, through the prism of which the rest of the world is perceived and its place in it.

Analyzing the data obtained, we can note that most of the respondents' respondents (56%) evaluates their family as "strong, although between spouses sometimes begging." At the same time, only 16.5% of parents consider their seven "very strong: complete harmony between spouses", and 11% of families are in a state of divorce. Another 5.5% indicate the presence of problems in the family, noted that the relationship between the spouses is bad. 11% of the respondents indicated that their family was "generally stable, although the scandals between spouses are often." The data obtained is reflected in Chart No. 1.

Chart number 1. Relationships in the family

It can be said that in 44% of families there are certain difficulties in the formation of a healthy microclimate. Perhaps the negative impact of this factor on the upbringing of children, as well as on their ideas about their future family. Parents realistically evaluate the influence of family microclimate on the formation of a child's ideas about the future family, so 12% of respondents are confident that the child as a model of his own family will not choose the parent. 49% of parents are not sure that their family will become an example for a child in the future. And only 39% of respondents believe that the parent family will be for a child the standard. Thus, even parents from families with a prosperous microclimate are not confident in the installations of children in the formation of their own family.

Chart number 2. The needs of the child

The family is a source and mediated link transfer of a child of socio-historical experience, and, above all, the experience of emotional and business relationships between people. Given this, it is possible to consider it right that the family was, there will be the most important institution of upbringing, the socialization of the child. According to the parents, first of all the child is waiting for the joy of communicating, understanding and support (88% of responses). Secondly, the child is important and security in its own family (49.5%). In third place, according to parents, material support (27.5%) (see Chart # 2).

Correlation analysis showed that this factor is associated with a family microclimate. The better the relationship between spouses, the less the child, in their opinion, draws attention to the material support in the family. Emotional peace is very important for the child, peaceful and joyful communication with parents, persistent and reliable contact with them. The joy of human communication will remain for a growing person the main and incredit value.

The presence of objective opportunities for the inclusion of children into domestic, economic, educational activities of the family is a factor ensuring effectiveness, strength, durability of family education. An awareness of the child about the problems existing in the family is also important. According to the study, 83% of parents consider it necessary to inform the child about the difficulties arising in the life of the family.

Each family produces its own individual system of education, in which not only parents, but also grandmothers, and grandparents participate. Among respondents, 55% of families live together with the progenitors, which, on the one hand, contributes to the transfer of experience between generations, facilitates the educational process for dads and mothers, and on the other hand, it may be a source of conflicts, if educational strategies of parents and grandparents do not coincide In such a situation, the inconsistent style of upbringing is more likely.

In a difficult family, the parents together live together, their adult children with their offspring are not so easy to achieve proper mutual understanding of parents and children, as affiliation affiliates to different generations.

According to the respondents, the care of the child's education (children) lie mainly on: wife - 93% of responses; husband - 55% of responses; Proathers (grandparents, grandfathers) - 44% of responses.

According to law, father and mother are endowed with equal rights and responsibilities for children. But cultural traditions are somewhat differently distributed the role of the father and mother in the raising of children. Mother cares for the child, feeds and raises him, his father carries out a "general leadership", provides a family materially, protects from enemies. According to correlation analysis, the mother delegates the educational functions of the Father in the case when he does not cope with the situation.

From the point of view of parents, the main educational influence on the child is provided by the mother (87.5% of responses), the influence of the father on the child is comparable to the influence of the school (66%). Correlation analysis showed that the educational influence of the school increases in those families where parents experience a shortage of time to communicate with the child. In third place - Grandparents (33%). Also, according to parents, the child has an influence of television (22% of responses), peers (11% of responses), street (5.5% of responses) (see Chart # 3).

Chart number 3. Compound educational influences

School - the second after the parent family of the Institute of Socialization, which in addition to the development of intelligence and the transfer of knowledge, forces for 11 years, forms a child's behavior model, its value, its system of relationship with the world. These data show that most parents (93%) positively evaluate the educational impact of the school on their child, 11% are confident that the educational institution that visits their child does not have any educational impact, and 5.5% of parents believes that the school has Only a negative effect (see Chart No. 4).

Chart # 4. Educational School Impact

It should be noted that those parents who negatively evaluate the educational influence of the school on the child (according to correlation analysis) have inadequate educational attitudes, do not know the age, psychological characteristics of children, do not have pedagogical knowledge, communicate a little with children. In a modern ambiguous social situation, the combination of factors such as employment at work, the lack of or low pedagogical literacy of the parents makes the education process in a large family more complex. 44% of the parents surveyed for help in educational issues are treated to school (to the class teacher, social teacher, psychologist).

In this regard, there is a need to study the educational possibilities of the modern family. In general, parents accurately determine the priorities in relations with the child, choose a democratic style of education, are focused on creating an independent choice for a child, recognize the value of the child's identity, open with it, have psychological support in difficult situations.

Based on the data obtained, it can be seen that the important characteristic of parents in a large family is the authoritarian attitude of parents to children, without taking into account their interests and desires. Perhaps such a relationship of parents to their children is partly due to the responsibility of parents to society for their children, requires the parents of control over them. On the other hand, this position of the parents of respondents may indicate problems inside the family and not only. A similar parental relationship can lead either to the rupture between generations in the future, when children grow up, or to the full suppression of personal start in the child.

In addition to the analysis of parental strategies affecting the development of children from a large family, interest is of interest to consideration on the role of sentences and promotions in the raising of children.

In this regard, during the study, parents asked special questions about how inclined to encourage and punish their child. Part of the parents (16.5%) there is no orientation to support the success of his child. They are not prone to encouragement and punishment, which allows you to allocate a special type of relationship with a child, characterizing the "retirement" of parents - the "cold type" of communication. The lack of stimulating reinforcements that fix the achievements of the child negatively affects its development.

The question of the incentives and punishments of the child is extremely important, they can be considered as a controlling phase in the educational strategy of the family.

For good behavior, actions, the successes of 45% of parents praise their children. 22% of parents as promotion give gifts, including sweets. 11% prefer to provide children with additional entertainment (walks, cinema, computer games). 5.5% give money, other types of encouragement and 16.5% could not answer this question.

Answers show that the verbal estimates of the child dominate: "I praise with words." According to the nature of the use of certain punishments, the prohibition of entertainment (38.5%) dominates, then the verbal forms of punishments (explanatory conversation, strict, serious conversation, etc.) - 28.5%. The third largest place occupies a "child's setting" - 22% (although such a form of punishment is more characteristic of the child of preschool age and is no longer applicable to the younger student). Physical punishments use 5.5% of parents. We see that this kind of sentences, as a characteristic measure of impact on the child, marks a small number of parents and here, it is likely that the case is not so much in the stiffness of parents' installations, but in the originality of the social relationship "parent-child". Do not punish the child at all - 5.5% of parents.

Chart number 5. Preferred features in child raising

In the study of the peculiarities of parental strategies, it is important to pay attention to those target attitudes that orient the educational process, which is aspired by many children's parents in the upbringing of their children. A similar target setting is given "way of a child" - those personal qualities, abilities, skills and skills, which, according to parents, is most desirable for him to form. The parents were raised about what qualities they would like to raise in their child first of all. The distribution of answers to this question is given in diagram number 5.

The most significant in the regulatory system of target orientations of parents are such qualities as kindness, honesty (66% of responses). It is very important, according to parents, education in a child of responsibility and independence. (49.5% and 44%, respectively), as well as targets and hard work (38.5 and 33%). In a significantly less, parents pay attention to the education of volitional qualities: courage, decisiveness, will, doctrity, as well as the development of intellectual and creative abilities of children.

Thus, it can be noted that in the target education system, the dominant position occupies a moral and ethical component of personality development.

Parents from large families are less likely to choose as preferred qualities as intelligence and creative abilities. In addition to the positive qualities necessary, the child in the future, parents note the negative qualities that they now have and with whom they are actively fighting (see chart number 6). In total, parents mark laziness (55% of responses), disobedience (44% of responses), quick temper (38.5% of responses) and slurry (27.5% of responses). Thus, parents are focused on changes in the emotional-volitional sector of the child, an increase in its self-control, emotional sustainability.

Chart number 6. Customized quality parents

One of the significant aspects of parent-child relations are the emergence of conflict situations. Relationships with children in most surveyed families do not fail without conflict. To understand the real position of the family and the possibilities of their productive resolution, it is important to understand the sources of these conflicts. According to the survey, it can be seen that the most common cause of conflicts is the performance of homework (38.5% of responses). Quite often, conflicts occur due to non-compliance with the regime moments (27.5% of the responses), long-term viewing of the TV (22%), non-examining (22% of responses), the rudeness of the elders (16.5% of the replies). In addition, conflicts occur and due to refusal from cleaning, helping home, money requirements, purchases (16.5%). To a lesser extent, conflict situations add up due to long walks, choosing friends, relationships with peers (11% of responses), leisure content (5.5%) (see Diagram No. 7).

In a large family, parents do not have enough time to help in performing homework, they want their children more independent, so the first place has been gaining progress.

The fact that in large families rarely arise conflicts about the relationships of children with peers, the interests of children, their leisure can not speak not so much about the well-being in these issues, how much about the inattention of parents to them (or a shortage of time for discussion).

Chart number 7. Causes of conflicts in the family

The most critical factor in the relationship between parents and children is how conflicts are allowed. The study studied various strategies for parent's behavior in conflict: rivalry, cooperation, compromise, avoidance and adaptation (see Chart No. 8). It has been established that most often when resolving conflicts, parents use such a strategy of behavior as a compromise (38.5% of responses), in which both parties go to mutual concessions ("You are me, I am"). A third of the respondents answered that they choose cooperation, respondents discuss the problem with the child in order to jointly find a "wise decision" (33% of responses). These parents use an effective exit strategy from the conflict, in which both parties receive a win ("I won - you won"). Such a strategy requires high costs both emotional and temporary, so parents often choose other options from the conflict situation.

Some parents (17.5%) use in conflict to suppress the will of the child, insist on accepting only their decision ("I won - you lost"). Such a strategy is effective only in extreme situations with a shortage of time to discuss the decision. Frequent use of this strategy can lead to a conflict transition into a chronic state, in addition, affects the formation of the child's personality - self-esteem is reduced, the inefficient conflict resolution model is determined, the emotional state is worse. Avoidance and adaptation in conflict situations are rarely used by parents (5.5% of responses).

Chart number 8. Conflict resolution strategies

Analysis of the subject of communication of parents with a child showed that most parents are most often talking to their children about behavior in school and at home - 82.5%, and about the events of the past day - 55% of answers, 33% of parents are chosen as a topic for conversation baby with friends and plans for the future. 44% of parents talk with children very rarely because of the workload at work. 5.5% of parents are told about her work (see Diagram No. 9).

In general, it can be said that in large families parents note a shortage of communicating with a child.

Chart number 9. Preferred Topics Conversations of Parents with Children

Modern parents believe that the upbringing of a healthy child is one of the most important tasks of the family. Full physical development is a kind of foundation on which the framework of the personality is "lined up".

Research data (Chart No. 10) indicate that this aspect is important and for our respondents, 55% choose health and physical development as the most relevant problem of upbringing. In addition, the parents are significant for the intellectual development of children, as well as the behavior of the child at school and at home (49.5% of responses). Parents note other problems of education: upbringing of hard work (44%), school performance in school (38.5%), moral education (33%). Only a small number of parents (11% of the responses) believe that it is necessary to educate the ability to organize their leisure in the child, take into account the emotional state of children, 11% of parents also consider. It is important to note that parents do not pay attention to the issues of sex education and relationships with peers (5.5%).

Chart number 10. Actual problems of upbringing

To effectively solve topical problems of education, analysis of difficulties arising from parents in the process of developing children. Today, a large family is in difficult socio-economic conditions that make parents work a lot to survive, and children often provided themselves. Parents indicate that they lack time to raise children (66% of responses), and also note high workload at work (55% of responses). The noted difficulties came out in the first place among all the allocated problems. The second group of problems is associated with material supply. Parents celebrate bad housing conditions (55% of responses) and a lack of money (49.5% of responses). The following group of difficulties is associated with the lack of pedagogical experience and knowledge of the psychological and age characteristics of children. This indicates 33% and 27.5% of respondents' answers, respectively. The last group of difficulties include an unfavorable family situation (16.5% of responses), the inconsistency of spouses in the choice of education methods (16.5% of the responses (see Chart No. 11).

Chart # 11. Difficulties arising in the education of children

Analyzing the data obtained, we can note that on the one hand, the social situation in large families is unfavorable for family education: parents, despite the fact that many children are in the family, complain of the lack of pedagogical experience and relevant knowledge, the main difficulties are lack of time and material resources.

Analyzing the features of family education of children from large families, families of family education, causes of conflicts, conflict behavior strategy, educational installations, goals, and difficulties were considered in detail. In general, the materials obtained allow us to conclude that parental orientation on the traditional family model.

Next, we investigated the situation in disadvantaged families in more detail (in which 16 children are brought up). 2 diagnostic techniques were conducted, given all requirements for diagnostic techniques, namely: the techniques did not affect the mental and physical health of the examined; At the same time, the amount and content of the methodology complies with the objectives of the survey and reflects the possibility of evidence or refuting the diagnostic hypothesis; The techniques were chosen taking into account: the age and psycho-physiological state of the surveyed, places and time of the examined, as well as methods are highly and reliable.

  1. Family drawing. Purpose: explore the parent relationship; determine the leading patterns of the behavior of each family members; Identify the level of development of intelligence (Appendix No.). This technique was used for young children, because The projective technique is most interesting and gives extensive diagnostic information.
  2. Family sociogram. Purpose: identify the position of the subject in the interpersonal relationship system; explore the nature of communications in the family - direct or mediated. (Appendix No.) We offered this technique to teenagers, because They own a sufficient level of associative thinking to compile a schematic image of family relationships.

As a result, analyzing the "Family Figure", we obtained the following data:

  • 50% of children are lacking for communicating in the family
  • 23% of children feel rejected and unnecessary
  • 7% of children include family of outsiders
  • 10% have no relationship in the family
  • 10% allocate one member of the family, ignoring the rest

The results of the interpretation of the family sociogram:

  • 50% of children do not feel the emotional interconnection in the family
  • 27% communicate with members indirectly, through the most pleasant family member
  • 20% was allocated in their family subsystem: Mom - Dad, Brother - Sister, Mom - Daughter, Dad - Son, Mom - Son, etc.
  • 3% of children have low self-esteem in the family and are not accepted by the rest of the family.

The data obtained allowed us to conclude that the well-being of the family depends not on the structure of the family, but from the types of intra-family education. Therefore, the next stage of our study is to study the types of education in families using a questionnaire for parents "Analysis of family relationships".

Purpose: identify various violations of the education process; identify the type of non-harmonic pathogying education; Set some psychological causes of these violations.

As a result of the work carried out, the following results were obtained:

In the families surveyed, there are various types of upbringing:

Inseparable hyperpretation - 15%

Cruelproof - 5%

Hypertension - 10%

Unstable style of upbringing - 10%

Increased moral responsibility - 10%

Insufficiency of recovery requirements for the child - 15%

Emotional rejection - 25%

Stage II - an emerging experiment. Based on the obtained characteristics of families and a common program, we also compiled a plan for working with large families.

Family forms:

For families with an indulgent type of education, it is possible to constructively discuss the problems after listening. Based on this, generalized meetings were organized on "punishment and promotion", which considered methods of punishment and types of encouragement, as well as actions for which one can and should be punished and encouraged.

Parents who did not actively participate in the discussion of the topic were proposed individual consultations to discuss the demonstrative and hypertension features, forming in the child in the process of such education.

Only 15% responded to the proposal to conduct an individual consultation, the rest expressed the reluctance to listen to the "notations about the upbringing of their children."

Families in which ill-treatment is present and increased moral responsibility is not much, so there was no need for the organization of the parent assembly. For such parents, individual consultations were organized, which visited only 2% of 5%. Send parents indicated the firm of the true cause of such behavior they hide. And in case of refusal in cooperation, therapy will be ineffective.

After the conversation, small groups were organized for a business game (5-7 people) "Commandments of family education", at the end of which another 2% of the total number of families appealed for the consultation.

For families with an increased moral responsibility of children, the parental meeting "Interaction of parents and children" was organized.

For families with hyperpracker in the style of education, visits at home were organized, since these parents rarely came to the parent meetings and without much interest. When visiting such families, the parents were found out that 20% of them are not enough of them what problems and successes from their children in school. These are mainly the parents of high school students, therefore, according to adults, children themselves must solve their difficulties at school, and they only appeal to them as a last resort. Individual consultations were also organized. During the work, the parents themselves began to show interest in the school life of their children, without waiting for their visit to their social teacher.

To work with families in which there is an unstable style of upbringing, parental meetings were organized on the topic "Problems of communication of parents and children." After discussing the topic for help and consultation, even those parents who did not have intimidate problems have been observed.

In families with insufficient demanding child, parental meetings were organized on the topic "confrontation or cooperation". During the conversation, the parents actively participated and willingly shared their parental experience.

Working with families in which an emotional rejection is present, coincides with the events carried out with families with a hard-style education. Joint lectures were organized on the topics: "About you and for you Parents": the role of a family in the formation of a child's personality, the family with the eyes of a child, do they know us? " As a result, part of the parents aware of the lack of caress and understanding to their children. To eliminate this problem in relations with their children, they appealed for help and advice to the social teacher.

At the same time, a correctional work was carried out with children from large families belonging to our experimental group, in the implementation of which the following work forms were used:

For younger students were organized: a conversation on the topic "My family", the game training "7th", the role-playing game "Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family."

In the course of working with children, social skills were corrected, as well as behavioral reactions to intimidarian relations with parents.

For the teenage group were organized: the cycle of classroom clocks on the themes "Parents and I", "parents with the eyes of children", the role-playing game "Live sculpture" ("Image of your family").

In the course of working with adolescents, the leading types of education in the family were identified and their own attitude towards various types of intra-family education was formed, as well as during the activities carried out, part of the children were asked for information assistance and individual advice, during which part of the children understood the behavior and attitude of their parents and Agreed to further individual socio-psychological assistance.

For senior schoolchildren, the cycle of conversations on the "History of Teenagers" were organized, "confontuous communication in the family", the exercise "will continue the story." Following the work, a qualitative level of adolescent associations related to family relationships was determined. As a result of the work, many teenagers "opened": told about their problems in the family and asked for help and individual advice.

III stage of our experiment - control. After the correctional work with disadvantaged families under the program of social and pedagogical assistance to children from disadvantaged families, we differed in the dynamics of changes.

To do this, we used observation, conversation, the method of an afflicted thesis.

After analyzing the results, we found out that 20% of families almost completely eliminated the signs of unfavorable (realized family education errors, the psychological climate in the family began; closer were the contacts with children);

15% realized and accepted the fact of the disadvantage of their families, ready to interact for the elimination of problems;

These data confirm that the program developed by us acts and that, when implementing it has positive results.

So, we conducted an experiment:

  1. carried out the diagnosis of intra-family relations,
  2. revealed the main problems of large families of the experimental group;
  3. identified and implemented measures of socio-pedagogical assistance of this category of families;
  4. implemented an individual support program for disadvantaged large families.

2.3 Practical recommendations Social teacher for working with large families

The main problems are to assist a large family in raising children, psychological and pedagogical and legal education of families, the correction of family education, the organization of family leisure. We consider the problem of the negative relationship of society to large families, creating a positive image of a large family. In addition, targeted assistance becomes relevant for low-income families.

Based on the study, we can give the following practical recommendations to the social teacher:

  1. Based on the systemic study of socio-pedagogical literature to master theoretical provisions in the field of family problem in general and, in particular, a large family.
  2. To know the legislative documents of federal and regional importance on family and family education.
  3. Clearly reveal in a specific educational institution the number of large families, their main "pain" problems, difficulties. To reveal and organize work with the family, in which there is a "difficult" teenager.
  4. Note a set of effective measures for socio-pedagogical assistance to large families.
  5. Organize parents' meetings with psychological specialists, medical workers and law enforcement officers to address the problems of organizing labor and life, a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Organize legal, medical, pedagogical education of parents.
  7. Psychological correction of family relations in the process of family psychological counseling. To provide psychotherapeutic assistance to mothers and other family members.
  8. Promoting enrichment of the choice of forms and types of leisure activities in educational institutions and at the place of residence, section, circles, "groups of meetings". Organization of family clubs, family life schools, Sunday schools. Help in organizing family leisure.
  9. Organize a system of requestofessional education and additional social education of adolescents and young people from large families (lecture courses on psychology, organization of a healthy lifestyle, career planning course, housekeeping, training for communications, extended day in school or kindergarten, pedagogical, medical and psychological advice) .
  10. Watch the health of all family members, assist in improving health.
  11. Assist in resolving conflict situations in the family. Keep records and prevention of the asocial and immoral behavior of parents.
  12. Provide constant interaction with parents and relatives of the child during his stay in the services of the temporary stay of children. Communication with the pedagogical team (children's receivers, shelters, hospitals).
  13. Interact with the agencies of the permanent stay of children and adolescents (children's homes, family children's homes, guardianship and guardianship authorities, child's houses).
  14. Establish interaction and contacts school pedagogical team with family.
  15. Establish charitable assistance to a large family.

large Family Social Pedagogue


In the graduation work on the problem of socio-pedagogical assistance in a large family, we have implemented the tasks of the study.

Analyzed the current state of the problem of multi-way, one can state that this problem is very relevant. The family is the most important institution of socialization, it is a living environment and human development from birth to death, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family. The main purpose of the family is to satisfy public, group and individual needs. Being a social cell of society, the family satisfies a number of its most important needs. At the same time, it satisfies the personal needs of each of their member, as well as public-world (group) needs.

In modern conditions, many families include a family having three and more children. Among the researchers there is no consensus on what family is called a large-fashioned, there is also no definition of a large family in official documents.

A large family can be prosperous only if it is functional. Family functions are an important condition for the existence of the family.

One of the main problems of large families is the financial or logistical household. A large family also needs pedagogical care, while it is important to take into account the features of the conditions of family education, the focus of this assistance to the formation of pedagogical knowledge and skills to use them effectively.

Social teacher has to face various types of families. But the priority task of a social teacher in working with a large family is the resolution of crisis situations that are most often found in families in which the conditions for the development of each family member are not ensured.

The category of large families needs highly professional activities of many specialists: psychologists, lawyers, medical workers. However, the social teacher is given the main diagnostic, coordinating, human rights role, since it is he who can assist both children and parents.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of school №113. In the microdistrict of this educational institution, 129 families with 254 children are living, 9 of them are large families. In these families from three to 12 children. We identified the distinctive features of these families: in the age of the indicator, the level of education, socio-economic situation.

During the survey, the interviews of the parents of the experimental group obtained concrete results in the following aspects of the problem of large families:

  • relationship between spouses, psychological climate in the family;
  • the main factors providing educational impact on children;
  • educational impact of the school;
  • personal qualities, forming in children under the direct influence of family members;
  • causes of conflicts in the family and ways of their permission;
  • actual problems of parenting belonging;
  • difficulties arising in the process of education.

All results obtained are fixed in tables.

An analysis of different aspects of the family situation of 9 families of the experimental group allowed to be outlined and in the end, to realize various measures to provide social and pedagogical assistance to large families, this is:

  • implementation of systematic control on the implementation of basic measures to help families in accordance with the legislative acts adopted;
  • in connection with the serious consequences of the modern economic crisis in the country at the federal and regional level, provide a new package of proposals for protection, especially low-income and large families;
  • to carry out different forms of work with families, taking into account the acute problems of the specific family identified during the experimental work, for example, the organization of pedagogical education, targeted support, psychological consulting.

The thesis studied the socio-psychological features of large families, the features of child-parent relations, the priority problems and ways to solve them were allocated.

Having generalized the experience of the social teacher on the problem of a large family, as well as studied the regulatory framework for supporting large families, we have developed and tested a comprehensive program for accompanying large families.

The program was tested on the basis of secondary school No. 113 and showed that in the course of its implementation, the performance of "risk groups" has improved, as well as during the work with their parents, they showed their interest in the school and public life of their children, improved intra-day relationships .

The final result was a decrease in the indicators of social disadvantages in terms of families, as well as the increase in parental interest in interaction with the social teacher and joint work on the elimination of intrameal problems. What confirmed the hypothesis set before studying: social and pedagogical assistance to a large family will be much more efficient if the following conditions are taken into account and implemented:

  1. timely diagnosis of intrameal relationships, understanding the main problems of large families
  2. study of the Personal Personal Family
  3. study of socializing opportunities of the educational institution with the support of large families
  4. social and pedagogical assistance measures have been identified with large families.
  5. strengthened systematic state support for this family category.

Summarizing, it can be said that the goal has been achieved, the tasks are fulfilled, the research hypothesis was confirmed.

Work does not claim an exhaustive analysis of the problem. As promising areas of research, you can allocate:

conducting research work on the separation of the concepts of "large families" and "low-income family";

comparison of the peculiarities of parental relationships in a one-piece and large family;

development of activities to enhance social status, the image of large families, both in school and at the urban level.


  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. - M.: Exam, 2007
  2. The Law of the Altai Territory No. 148-ZS dated December 29, 2006 "On additional measures of social support for large families in the Altai Territory" //
  3. Convention about rights child and legislation of the Russian Federation: reference book / m-in labor and social. Development Ros. Federation, Department of Children, Women and Family Affairs, State. scientific study. In-t family and upbringing; [Cost: V. V. Baratashvili et al.]. - 3rd ed., Add. and recreated. - M.: State. Family and Education, 2004 (Vinity Peak). - 335 s.
  4. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by a national vote on December 12, 1993. - M.: Infra - M, 2008
  5. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Citizens" of July 22, 1993 No. 5,487 - 1./9 Consultant-Plus, 2008.
  6. Program of state support for large families in the Russian Federation for 2008-2015 (project) //
  7. Family Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1995 №223 - FZ. // Consultant Plus, 2008.
  8. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures for social support for large families" of May 5, 1992 No. 431. // Consultant Plus, 2008.

Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Child Rights in the Russian Federation" of July 24, 1998 No. 124 - FZ. // Consultant Plus, 2008.

  1. Agildiev, E.F. Senelnikov, A.B. Large family in modern Russia // Family in Russia. - 1994.- №2 - C.102 - 107.
  2. Analysis of the socio-economic situation of large families. Report at the II All-Russian Conference "Large Family in Modern Russia", 2008.

Similar articles must be demolished! They only roast the hatred and envy to large families, where the atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and mutual arration is much more than in families with a child of the Egoist.
Well, on points -
1. No funds for education and even kindergartens? This is generally reinforced? In which such family do not find a kindergarten? As far as I know the average fee for DS in the country of 1000 rubles. per month. Large families pay only 30% of this amount. (You can correct me with the laws if I'm wrong. But I don't think that much) Total 300 rubles for three-four meals a day and development.
From what considerations, children from a large family are sitting at home in this article - I am not understandable to me.
Summer holiday - and that grandmothers are already "fired", and dacha demolished?
Or is the summer rest from nowheree considered full only with a visa on Mars?
2. The problem of employment of parents - not studied, but rather, of course there is. Since the danger of hospital in this case is more. And although this probability is not reinforced (in such cases there are older children able to help with younger, there are relatives.) Employers are afraid to provide jobs to people with children of preschool age.
As for a large family with two working parents at the middle zp - why is it below the poverty line? Who spent this feature and what level is it? Not clear and not substantiated by the author.
3. That's probably agree. Payment com. Suite increases quite noticeable. And we do not prescribe a relative from Saratov, we prescribe a newborn ... ..
4. Insufficiency of knowledge to raise children - just at mom with several children knows much more than that of single-venue parents. And if the mother does not have enough time to read numerous books after the birth of the fifth child, it is not necessary to cross out the knowledge already accumulated in it. We do not forget - this woman once did not have children at all and there was a lot of time to read all the literature they needed, information from which over the years, she also reinforces experience.
"The older children are striving for leadership" - I am not understandable to me ... Usually, the younger tend to be the first. They still have little ones on the background of the elders .... Therefore, I do not continue further, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author is not clear.
A small opportunity to satisfy your needs is not a feeling of envy, but the need to achieve the desired one. In the development of this feeling, such children will be more successful in their studies. They have motivation. Sometimes, children from secured families do not have this motivation at all.
The lack of personal space is already completely delusional. Each family has beds and personal corners and all the more personal favorite toys. I don't even see the point ...
Adolescents, as I have already written above will have an incentive and get out of that cable, which the author described here. With this scenario, they will start learning and work and helping the house. They will not have time to be harmful habits, the sole purpose can be to knock out their corner and at the same time can achieve holidays on Mars.
Discovers know whether I feel now with this communication with the author. And obviously, I do not want to be his friend or to know him at all. Circles of communication create everything. Everyone is trying to specify friends by interests, and not vice versa. Focusing on the circle of many children, the author only wants to make a dislike for this group. Provocation.
5. From somewhere given data on problem children. What is it? Where are these percent? What are we talking about? Or is it as a result of items above?
Well, in this case, there will be more problematic.

Large family and its social protection

1. Large families2 categories of multi-models3 Problems of large families 4 Social assistance system for large families5 benefits for large families

Federal Law "On State Support for Large Families"

Additional material

Family is one of the social functioning systems, the most important Social Institute of the Company, which changes under the influence of socio-economic and internal processes. This is a small social group bound by wounded or related relationships, the generality of life (joint living and housekeeping), emotional proximity , mutual rights and obligations towards each other. The family very quickly and sensitively responds to all positive and negative changes occurring in society, revealing the humane and antigumenny meaning of the processes occurring in society, assessing the processes destroying and creating for the family. As society, the family was created, modified and developed with him and in turn could affect the course of its development.

Large families

Currently, a steady decrease in the share of large families in the population of Russia is noted. This coincides with the tendency towards more inflexibility and generally mindlessness. There is no clear system of social support for large families. There is a negative and even negative attitude of society to large families, especially with the increase in the ordinal number of the birth. A new pregnancy over two, three children in the family is regarded as something out of a series of outgoing, as a deviation from the general rules.

Large families at the beginning of the century amounted to the majority of the Russian population. They were quite common in all layers of society from the poorest peasantry to the nobles. This was determined by the traditions of the Russian people and Orthodox morality. The birth of children was not planned, perceived as

"Gift of God", there was no contraceptive, abortions were not common. In a large family, it was easier to survive. Society has always been a steady positive attitude towards a large family.

Currently a large family is a family having 3 and more children.

1. Consciously multi-way. In families, where strong family or religious and national traditions.

2. The birth of a common child with a re-marriage of the father or mother in the presence of other children. This category of a large family has the infinity of "incomplete" in the raising of children.

These two categories are quite prosperous. Large family (conscious incentable) has, as a rule, strong family traditions, a clear internal structure, sufficiently strong protection, traditionally respectful attitude towards the elders. In such families, problems and conflicts are easier, the parents do not have a lonely old age. The psychological atmosphere of the family is mutual understanding, the same vision of the problems and ways to solve both spouses.

3. Disadvantaged large families. Most often marked with parents leading the asocial lifestyle: alcoholics, unemployed, mentally defective, where children are often a means to obtain material and natural aid. In such families, parents have a lower educational level and social status.

Problems of large families

Material and domestic (financial) problems. Large families are the least secured, with a low average monthly income per family member, which leads to an increase in costs of food, clothing, etc. In the structure of the income of the benefits for children is small, although they give an increase to the family budget. The share of food costs is higher, and the structure of the nutrition is less diverse. Such families are less than fruits, berries, meat, eggs, fish, etc., and the insufficient production of basic foods causes great alarm.

Due to the constant increase in prices, extremely limited opportunities are noted to satisfy the needs, shortage in the most necessary subjects: shoes, clothing, school and writing accessories. Rare natural and material assistance does not solve the problem. The budget of such families does not have means for education, cultural and sports development of children, musical and art education and even on a summer vacation. In each fifth family, children do not attend kindergartens due to a lack of money for payment.

Problem employment parents. When the mother does not work, and the father does not receive a long time salary, irregular and insufficient benefits for children, the problem of searching for a new work arises. Often it is aggravated by ignorance of laws and information about those benefits that are put on such families.

The dynamics of the number of unemployed, registered in employment bodies in the Russian Federation (thousand people) - large parents in 1991 - 1.2; In 1996 - 107.4. A family with three minor children (according to the laboratory of the Ministry of Nihoods of the Ministry of Labor and the Social Development of the Russian Federation) in both working parents receiving wages at the average level, it turns out to be a poverty line in 1996 about 76%.

The dependent load on the family has changed its income structure. A large place was occupied by income from business activities, sales of agricultural products, as well as social transfers, which indicates a decrease in the economic activity of large families. The survival of a large family in modern conditions is possible by increasing its own income (personal initiative, secondary earnings, work of adolescents). In almost 50% of these families, the work of adolescents brings income into the family, but this is fraught with a violation of labor, civil legislation, the dangerous influence of the "criminal world" and the refusal of a number of needs, which is in modern conditions of a non-dissigative luxury.

Housing problem, always acutely standing in our country, especially for large families, has now gained paramount importance. Housing conditions do not meet the standards and cannot be improved by municipal housing. In addition, the scale of housing construction is reduced, the acquisition of housing at the expense of own funds for most families is not enough. The fee for housing and communal services is increasing. If this problem is not systematically solved, it can be one of the factors of increasing social tensions in society. Psychological and pedagogical problems. In the traditional large family, children are in an equal position: there is no shortage of communication, the elders care about the younger, form, as a rule, positive moral qualities, such as sensitivity, humanity, respect for the elders. But due to the big load of the parents (the father works a lot, practically does not happen at home, the mother does not work, but has been loaded with domestic affairs) there is little time to raise children, and yet in such families you can determine the inner hierarchy of relationships.

Distribution problems Initially built, individual, therefore, are different in volume and complexity. Chapter Family - Father; Home affairs - on the mother, the keeper of the home hearth, the organizer of home affairs. Time deficit, lack of knowledge to raise children create a certain problem in such families. Education deficit leads to the fact that children grow, having understated self-esteem: anxiety, insecurity, inadequate idea of \u200b\u200btheir own personality;

older children seek leadership. A small opportunity to satisfy your needs (in clothing, entertainment, products, etc., which have peers) develops the feeling of envy, the requirement of the impossible.

Most children in large families lead to a decrease in social age

older children. They grow early and less closely related to their parents.

As a rule, in such families there is no respect for the identity of each child,

there is no personal corner, with its small territory with borders, personal

favorite toys, i.e. autonomy of each, and often leads to a protracted

long conflicts between children.

Conflicts often arise also because of the poor childhood performance in school,

from here - frequent passes of classes; Teenagers are usually rounded in

homemade business and often throw school.

School is not visited not only by adolescents 15-18 years old, but there are cases of universe

school children 7-14 years old; early begins to work, have a greater probability

purchase bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and other devians


In such families, a complex psychological climate: understated level

mutual understanding with parents and at the same time increased need for

parent support.

Large, especially incomplete families, are distinguished by greater neglect

children. Children most of the time spend on the street. There is a problem

communication as adult family members and children, especially teenagers. it

it makes it difficult for the process of socialization and prevents further life.

Large families celebrate discomfort with work colleagues, often deprived

friendly relationship in a professional environment; with relatives, more often

husband who do not approve the fact of multi-way, especially in modern

conditions; Negative attitude of peers feel children from large families

Difficulties in communicating with other children, misconception of interests, etc.

Large families prefer to create their own circle of communication. Little time

pay on the organization of joint leisure.

Medical problems. Complex psychological climate, as a rule,

affects the health of children. Problem children in such families are 10-15%.

The development of children in large families needs priority attention.


Social vulnerability of such families, a constant decrease in living standards

create pessimistic social well-being. Notes

low level of sanitary culture of a large family: 53.8% of families relate

to the risk group. He suffers from all family members, takes place

distribution of chronic pathology. Fathers sick 2 times more often than in

other families. The mother suffers from reproductive health, characterized by weak

knowledge of contraception, weak social orientation in sex life,

failure to comply with the intergenecy intervals between pregnancies. Notes

unsatisfactory sex education of children, relatively early sex

teenage life.

You can trace the direct dependence of the health of children from parents health.

There is a low system of systematic observation of children, late

appeal in case of illness, self-treatment, unsatisfactory

dispensarization and "coverage" by other specialists, insufficient sanatorium

resort treatment.

There are data on the incidence of children depending on the sequence number

the birth of a child is the likelihood of the influence of prenatal factors, starting from the 4th

the child, the inclusion of the total incidence becomes higher. Children of the first 3rd

birthdays longer periods are on breastfeeding,

but they suffer, the quality of food. In the structure of the morbidity of children on the 1st

the place is the disease of the respiratory organs (ARVI), in the 2nd place - violations

nutrition, metabolism, in the 3rd place - diseases of the nervous system, organs

There is a high level of the disease of the central nervous system in children

high order of birth: a delay of neuropsychic development, various

degrees of oligophrenia, neurosis. Teenagers have health below average


Social assistance system for large families

Social worker communicates between family and social entities

Employment service is engaged in priority employment

large parents; provision, if possible, flexible work schedule;

organizing training and retraining parents to obtain another

specialties; employment of children and their specialty,

involving adolescents, getting the status of unemployed,

attracting them to work yearly.

For public education authorities (it) entrusted: Opening

free sections and circles, establishing preferential purchase prices

textbooks; Organization of additional education for the development of potential

the possibilities of children, free or discount recreation of children in the wellness

camp, family leisure and clubs in interest; Opening of pedagogical

lecture (with consultations of a psychologist, teacher of family education).

Social protection authorities (OSZ) are engaged in the organization of benefits

benefits, providing family vouchers, opening family assistance centers,

address social help, material help, excretion of preferential

loans for the acquisition of long-term items, preferential

selection of areas for individual construction, timely

information about benefits.

The lawyer gives a legislative substantiation to resolve the issues of benefits,

subsidies concerning housing, organization of their own business, allocation of cash

loans, preferential loans.

Psychologist helps to solve the psychological problems of the family, including

number using the confidence phone for the psychologist's tips, teacher in

the right moment.

Health authorities (03) provide a discount on acquisition

drugs, organize the departure of specialists in the place of residence, reception in

medical institutions out of turn, vouchers in a sanatorium, medical

vitamined nutrition, prevention of health family members.

Trade organizations are made by the sale of goods and products.

nutritional prices provide preferential loans to purchase

long-term items.

Charitable organizations provide material and

natural assistance, church - charitable and psychological support.

Executive urban power provides timely issuance

wages and benefits for children, provides an opportunity to improve housing, creates

conditions for the self-sufficiency of families (the development of entrepreneurship, small and

medium-sized businesses, farming, secretion of cash loans, preferential loans,

earth, building materials), assists in the organization of the Association

large mothers.

Similar families participate in the creation of a multi-style association

families, organization of mutual assistance (communication, clothing, shoes, toys, etc.).

Neighbors create public opinion, assist.

Place of parents makes it possible to improve housing, get

material assistance, to organize homicide work for a mother, incomplete working

week or additional day off, flexible work schedule, possibility


Association of large families (on the example of the city of Nizhny Novgorod,

which has existed more than 6 years). Main task: organization of mutual assistance

large families, which is produced in stages.

The association has a territorial management structure and conducts

quantitative and qualitative study of the state of all large families.

Created a card file, various types of large families are revealed.

the attention of legal literacy is systematically studied

regulatory documents; Psychological and pedagogical enlightenment

parents are held conversations, lectures, consultations of the psychologist, teacher,

family holidays on the type of business game; organized cultural leisure family

(Free tickets to the local theater, meetings with artists, poets).

Parents get rid of the feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, feel

support each other, the circle of communication is expanding, more conscious becomes

organization of intra-day life, get the opportunity to pedagogically competently

to form the identity of their children.

Benefits for large families

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the measures for social support for large families" from 5

may 1992 No. 432 defines the following benefits:

Discount in size not lower than 30% of payment set for use

heating, water, sewage, gas and electricity, and for families

living in homes that do not have central heating - from the cost

fuel purchased for heating within the established norms;

Free issuance of drugs for children up to 6 years on doctors recipes;

Free travel on intracity transport, as well as on buses

suburban and intra-ion routes for students of general education

Reception of children in preschool institutions primarily;

Free food (breakfasts and lunches) for students of general education

schools and professional educational institutions at the expense of the media and

deductions from their production activities and other extrabudgetary


Free provision in accordance with the established standards

school form or by replacing it with a set of clothes for visiting school

classes, as well as a sports form for the entire period of children in school;

One day per month is a free visit to museums, parks of culture and recreation.

Currently, the draft federal law "On State

support for large families. "

Family, the average income in which is below the subsistence minimum, is considered


According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for providing benefits on

travel in a long-distance message to children in need of sanatorium resort

given to children until they reach 18 years of age in need

sanatorium-resort treatment on the conclusion of state and municipal

healthcare facilities with vouchers to spa organizations

and living in low-income families.

This right applies to one of the parents (a person replacing it),

accompanying the child to the place of treatment and back.

Types of transport:

Railway (trains and cars of all categories, with the exception of branded

trains and train at high comfort);

Automotive (general use);

Aviation (in the absence of a railway message).

List of necessary documents:

Statement from the accompanying person;

Conclusion of a state or municipal healthcare institution

on the direction of the child to the sanatorium-resort treatment;

Root of vouchers;

Travel documents of the child and the accompanying person;

Documents on the composition of the family and the amount of wages (income of each

family member).

Reimbursement of the preferential cost of travel is producing a social protection authority

population at the place of residence. Financing of expenses provided for

resolution, is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.


In conclusion, we can say that currently the destruction of values \u200b\u200bis

family, marriage, motherhood. Social Differentiation of the Company continues

it is aggravated, an increasing number of families comes to poverty. therefore

society, the state must change their attitude to the family as a social

It is necessary to make special care and help maternity, legal protection of the family,

creating social conditions for its normal functioning, provision

harmonious development of each child, taking into account his physiological


Social worker should help experience difficulties to expand

all social assistance resources, attract charitable funds

organizations, church, various societies; teach seven self-help and

mutual assistance, family business.

Bibliography1. Zubkova T.S., Tyomina N.V. Organization Is organizing work on the social protection of women, children and families: studies. Post office. environments prof. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003 - 224С.2. Family education: Readings: studies. Post office. Higher. Ped. studies. Vehicles / Sost. P.A. Lebedev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001 - 408С.3. Bocharova N.I., Tikhonova OG Organization of leisure in the family: studies. Location. For stud. Higher. Ped. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001 - 208c.

A large family has both its specific problems and those that are characteristic of any other family (with one or two children, incomplete). It transfers all the "diseases" of the standard family, however, they proceed much harder in it. This is one of the most important features.

It should be noted several fundamental moments relating to the directly large family.

First, speaking of the specified family, it is necessary to mean not only the problems arising in it, but also the problems of children living in such families.

Secondly, the problems of a large family vary depending on its place of residence: different regions of the country, city or village. There are significant discrepancies between the regions with a high birth rate, where, therefore, there are many such families, and regions with a low birth rate, where there are few of them. Therefore, the effective assistance to a large family should be provided with local conditions, opportunities, wishes and opinions of the population.

Thirdly, large families are not a homogeneous mass. All of them, despite the presence of common problems, differ sharply from each other.

The main problem of large families is material. Currently, with the birth of each child, the family's income decreases sharply. Numerous studies show the most close relationship between the number of children living in the family and income coming for each family member, and more generally - the degree of her depletion. In large families, wages are the main source of cash revenues, and its share in total income is comparable to the same indicator for all households. However, it is significantly lower than families with 1-2 children, therefore, large parents have a weaker position in the labor market.

The second important conclusion is associated with monetary benefits, the share of which in the income of many children is 6.8 times higher than the average-season level, and 3.4 times higher than those of families with 1 or 2 children. It can be said that the birth of a third child's family in the overwhelming majority of cases leads to low-income.

For large families, self-sufficiency strategy is largely related to personal subsidiary economy. This is partly due to the fact that half of families with 3 or more children live in rural areas, but in most cases it is due to the presence of barriers in the labor market for them.

Large families have previously been a materially vulnerable category of the population, and modern inflation processes beat them more than in society as a whole and forced to save on the most needed - on many food and almost all industrial goods. Most often, such families have bad housing conditions.

Multifier is often discontinued on children. The question of the state of the health of children rises episodically and is estimated ambiguous. Today, teenagers from a large family talk about chronic illness and frequent colds more often than teenagers from small families. Among adolescents from large families, many smokers are smoking both boys and girls. Starting from the fifth child, the likelihood of the increase in child mortality and the birth of inferior, that is, with the defects of the child's development. At least half of children born in large families fall into a group of increased risk on medical and biological indicators.

All children from large families have a common social problem specifically related to multi-way. They often have understated self-esteem, inadequate ideas about the meaning of their own personality, which may adversely affect all their subsequent fate. In large families of "problem" children and adolescents about 10-15%. It is they who should be the priority object of the activities of the social worker, but not because they are "bad", but because they are bad.

According to experts, in ten of the hundred families with several children, the moral and psychological climate is not always satisfactory. Back in 1988 S.I. Hunger in his article "Large family in the Mirror of Statistics" in the magazine "Spark" wrote that too many children in one family are not so good, as it seems at first glance. According to medical studies and lawyers, it is clear that in urban families in families above the percentage of offenses committed by juvenile; Here are most manifested by pedagogical nestry.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is the development of children in large families in need of the priority of society.

Large family, all specialists are unanimously referred to the family of "risk groups". As a rule, these families are economically unfavorable, especially in cases where parents (one or both) are disabled or unemployed, there is no one of the parents, the low wages of parents, in the family physically or mentally ill children, the treatment of which requires financial costs.

Conclusion: Thus, it can be said that a large family is in most cases a low-income family. Real income of a large family has fallen sharply, which led to an increase in the costs of nutrition and a decrease in all other types of expenses. In the income structure, the role of children's benefits is not great, although it gives some increment to the family budget. Problems of large families affect both intra-family relationships and the relationship of families with the social environment. Knowing negative consequences is necessary for conducting timely preventive and corrective work, both at the level of national federal programs and activities of the social worker with each specific family.