Powerful female pathogen. Local application of a super-excitant for women. What drugs can be bought at a regular pharmacy

The pathogenic pills for men presented in pharmacies are a fairly wide variety of drugs. Some of them have long established themselves, but act only for a short-term, others promise a long-term cumulative effect, but rightly raise doubts that the effectiveness will be at least to some extent. Before spending money (and such funds are frankly expensive), it is wise to first familiarize yourself with the experience of other buyers. Fortunately, a lot of responses about different options have been collected on the Internet.

There is a choice

When planning to buy a fast pathogen for men in a pharmacy, the client is faced with such unpredictable complexity as the problem of making a decision: the range is truly huge. Indeed, there are several dozen items on sale that differ in design, price, volume, composition. Choosing the right option among them is not an easy task.

Manufacturers of almost all powerful pathogens for men on the shelves of pharmacies guarantee incredible sensations, long-lasting activity, and a unique result incomparable with analogues. as the manufacturers assure, it is completely safe, you can wait for a cumulative effect, and intimate contact will be accompanied by multiple orgasms, and this does not depend on the age of the buyer. Many rightly doubt - is it worth believing such rosy promises?

No perfect solution

You need to understand: potency is influenced by various factors, from lifestyle to genetic characteristics. If one drug has helped one person, no one can guarantee that the other, having bought the quick-acting pathogen for men of the same name at the pharmacy, will be satisfied with the result.

The best option is to visit a doctor first, who will help you find a really safe remedy, and also advise on how to change your lifestyle in order to increase sexual activity. In the presence of pronounced problems with potency, the doctor will send for examination - perhaps the reason is a serious pathology. Only after agreement with a specialist is it worth going to buy a pathogen for men at a pharmacy, reviews of which by a verified independent specialist were positive.

What is it about?

All the best pathogens for men presented in the pharmacy are designed to increase potency. To understand whether they will work, one should be guided by this phenomenon itself and the factors influencing it. Scientists have long established that potency is influenced by many aspects. Significant decrease in sexual activity due to trauma, injury. In such a situation, no special drugs will help, the only option is to seek qualified help from a surgeon.

If it is necessary to enhance the sensations, to increase the time interval that the act lasts, one should very carefully select, not just trying to just buy cheap pathogens for men at the pharmacy. However, the high price is also not an indicator of quality. It is best to select a drug with the help of a doctor who is able to understand which reactions in the body need to be adjusted to achieve the desired effect by the client.

The most popular

Most often, a fast-acting causative agent for men, "Viagra", is taken from a pharmacy. This tool is known all over the world. According to statistical studies, the stimulant is in great demand among citizens of various countries. An interesting fact: the remedy was discovered by accident while scientists were trying to find a drug to cure a sick heart. The development, which seemed promising, showed no desired effect in clinical trials, but a high percentage of subjects noted a persistent, long-lasting erection.

The active ingredient of the tablets is sildenafil. There is a pathogen for men on sale in pharmacies called "Sildenafil". This is a generic "Viagra", that is, a non-patented remedy based on the same active substance. It costs a little less than the original. The assortment is quite large - the release options differ in dosage, but all provide a short-term effect. They have a good reputation.

How it works?

The pathogens presented in pharmacies for men on sildenafil have a fairly quick effect. As soon as the active substance enters the circulatory system, the blood flow in the pelvic area is activated, the life-giving fluid rushes to the genitals, the erection becomes strong, completely natural. Its duration corresponds to the duration of the act, after which the erection subsides.

The drug should be used only by those whose erection is weakened, but real. For organic reasons that make the process impossible, sildenafil is powerless. Often, doctors recommend using the remedy if patients are sick with vascular diseases. True, the positive side effect is short-term, and if the drug is abused, there is a possibility of a negative result.


This pathogen for men in pharmacies is represented in almost all cities of our country. The manufacturer assures that the product is effective and reliable. The effectiveness is ensured by the abundance of active substances in the composition of the drug. According to the manufacturer, the reception is not accompanied by side effects if you follow the instructions. The complex contains various substances that activate the work of the circulatory system. According to the assurance of the company that produces the product, prolonged use allows you to increase the size of the penis, and the cumulative effect persists if you stop taking Yangan-100.

According to the manufacturer, the Yangan-100 pathogen for men, presented in numerous pharmacies, can enhance the sensations of the act, make an erection lasting and persistent. Additionally, the drug treats some genital diseases, has a tonic effect on all organs and systems, and increases libido.

"Dragon Tornado"

It is not difficult to buy this pathogen for men in pharmacies; it is presented in many retail outlets. The manufacturer insists on the benefits of active ingredients of natural origin. The product has appeared on sale relatively recently, developed on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed that a particularly good effect will be if problems with sexual function are caused by stress, a tense rhythm of life, a weakening of the immune system and the strength of the body as a whole. "Dragon Tornado" helps to return internal organs to normal after undergoing a course of medication with side effects.

The "Dragon Tornado" product contains components extracted from the genitals of saiga, deer, extract from maral antlers, ants, seahorse. The manufacturer has added ginseng, saffron and extracts derived from other well-known plants for their medicinal properties to enhance the potency.

What to hope for?

Many experts agree that exotic components (for example, elements of the genitals of animals allegedly present in the composition) are designed to interest the buyer, while there will be no real benefit from them. On the other hand, the power of ginseng in a variety of diseases has been known for a long time, and sage has a proven effect in modern medicine.

The tool is presented in capsules taken orally half an hour before the planned intimate act. The manufacturer promises that one serving will extend the interaction with a partner up to two hours, and will maintain an erection for three days. If you believe the instructions, both partners can count on special impressions, there is the likelihood of multiple orgasms, and sperm is produced in greater volume. In addition, the manufacturer of the Tornado Dragon promises an increase in the size of the penis in an active state compared to a normal act.


The causative agent for men is presented in most pharmacies - drops, Cialis tablets. The active substance that provides the effect of this drug is called tadalafil, so Cialis generics can be bought under this name. Under the influence of the compound, the effect of one of the enzymes responsible for the state of smooth muscles is weakened. Tadalafil leads to relaxation of muscle fibers and activation of blood flow in the genital area, which causes an active, persistent erection. The drug is only effective in a situation where a man feels attracted. If psychologically the fact of intimacy is rejected, the drug will not show any result. The manufacturer promises effectiveness within one and a half days.

Weakened variant

Recently, the drug "Cialis Soft" has been popular. In its logic, it is similar to the one described above, but has several specific features. Under the influence of the active component, the blood flow is activated. The lightweight composition makes the product acceptable for use by persons suffering from kidney and heart disease. True, before taking you need to consult a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant manifestations. Statistical studies show that Cialis Soft is chosen by both elderly people and young people. Among the positive aspects is the lack of interaction with alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, the effectiveness of "Cialis" does not decrease.

Immediately and for a long time

Recently, the area of ​​developing drugs for enhancing sexual activity seems to be especially promising, while folk recipes are used as a base. In laboratories, scientists supplement the drugs recommended by traditional healers using the most modern approaches and technologies. In this way, on the basis of Chinese medicine, a remedy was created, which received the name "Strong for 10 days." As its name implies, the manufacturer promises a pronounced ten-day effect from taking just one capsule.

The preparation is based on extracts, extracts of various plants. The product is produced jointly by the Chinese and the Americans. The manufacturer assures that the positive effect was noted by 99.9% of the subjects who used the "Strong for 10 days" capsules. They also promise to increase the size of the penis, lengthen the intimate act, eliminate a number of diseases, increase the tone of the body, and increase sensitivity.

What is it made of?

According to the manufacturer, the unique effect of the 10-Day Strong capsules is due to the rich natural composition. In the manufacture of products used mountain goat weed, ginseng, Chinese root and other plants known for their positive effect on humans. If you use the tool constantly, according to the manufacturer's assurances, you can feel an increase in strength, improve the quality of sexual intercourse. The composition is intended to be taken once a day. The plants included in it do not affect the heart, blood pressure indicators, but should be used only after consulting a doctor.

However, no matter how tempting the promises are, it should be understood that no capsules, including "Strong for 10 days", will create a miracle. The drug is natural, with proper use and preliminary consultation with a doctor, it is safe, but you should not rely on "10 centimeters in 10 days" and other slogans that are used to lure commercials, otherwise the buyer will be unpleasantly disappointed.

Do I need a pharmacy?

As is clear from the above, most of the pharmacy assortment is drugs developed on the basis of folk recipes. If you do not take into account "Viagra" and "Cialis", other manufacturers of "magic" formulations focus on natural, natural, natural. Before buying such a product, you should try to apply these very natural ingredients yourself. For example, in India the following practice is widespread: the day before, they eat a handful of boiled rice with honey, a sparrow's egg and fried onions. You can use quail eggs.

Another good option is beetroot salad with radish. This remedy is popular in Japan, and scientific tests have shown that both vegetables have a strong and positive effect on the French, in turn, prefer dark chocolate with nuts. The sweetness is washed down with cognac, into which a beaten egg is mixed.

Couples often experiment in bed. Various drugs, artificial or natural aphrodisiacs, help you get additional pleasure and completely relax with your loved one. The most effective female pathogen - what is it? This question worries many of the fairer sex. Our today's article presents:

  • a review and comparative characteristics of the best sex drive stimulants;
  • application features;
  • contraindications and side effects;
  • dosage and methods of use.

TOP 7 most effective female pathogens!

To make the choice simple and comfortable, the article contains the names and prices of the most effective female pathogens. Anyone can buy them in the pharmacy, the drugs are available and presented in a wide range. Among the many drugs, we have identified the following products:

  • Sex Gum
  • Viamax gel
  • RENDEZ VOUS drops
  • Perfume Sexy Life
  • Coffee Oh! So Hot
  • Powder "Shpansky fly"
  • Silver Fox Powder

Sex Gum - exciting gum for the fair sex

The tool has a pronounced effect, effectively stimulates libido and allows you to get more pleasure. The gum contains exclusively natural ingredients: extract of guarana, menthol, eurycoma, eleutherococcus, leuzea, yohimbe. No chemicals - it is completely safe. The chewing gum is universal for both men and women. Reviews on the women's forum indicate the maximum effectiveness of the drug.

We decided to try Sex Gum and bought one pack of gum for two with a friend. We were skeptical about its effectiveness, but were surprised by its immediate effect. Now I use it with my partner, it is universal and does not harm health, which aroused our interest. I recommend to everyone!

Some use gum to improve quality sex , others give her preference, wanting to forget about everyday problems and completely relax with their partner. Regardless of the goals, the result is always the same - you get satisfaction and make the relationship brighter. The cost of gum varies within 1 thousand rubles.

  1. fast effect;
  2. soft impact.
  1. overcharge;
  2. slightly luscious taste.

Wanted to initiate a woman, but a criminal case was opened? Jokes are bad with the delicate question of a woman's arousal: contrary to popular belief that women easily achieve arousal, one has only to show brute force, - statistics suggest otherwise. Gentle sex with caresses is the dream of most women. Men, on the other hand, tend to get down to the process as quickly as possible. Well, you can do it faster: pharmacies have a large selection of pathogens for women. It is easy to purchase a female pathogen in drops, tablets, lubricants, there are special perfumes, energizing powder.

Various variations

Which pills are more effective, how long they work in time, are there stimulating drugs for two, is the price high - read this article.

  • Insect cocktail.

The famous stimulating drops "Shpansky Fly" are the favorite pathogen of the French nobility of the 18th century. Special bugs of golden-green color were rubbed into powder and enjoyed a violent passion, adding the pathogen to wine and food. Everyone who could and how long withstood were fond of such entertainments. The price of high dosages: poisoning. Especially insatiable ended up fatal.

Today the price of pleasure is much lower: about 240 rubles. You can buy it in specialized online pharmacies (for example, using this link). The composition is carefully verified by experts: with a 100% natural product, the pathogen is safe, it is allowed to be mixed with alcohol. Taste and smell are absent, and the strongest arousal is present after 5-10 minutes. They work for quite a long time: up to 5 hours. Can also be used by men, so it is suitable for two.

  • Horses have nothing to do with it.

There are one more drops that promise bright, fast, uncontrollable excitement - "Horse Pathogen" - have nothing to do with horses. The main ingredient is an extract from a tropical tree, the bark of which has been chewed for centuries by Africans to obtain persistent strong arousal. The tree is called yohimbe (it looks like the usual oak). More information about the drug can be found by clicking on this link.

Viagra for women helps to experience new sensations.

In medicine, it is used to treat sexual dysfunction in men, but is great for both sexes. The tool is very economical: for two, as they say, both ours and yours. In time, the drops act the same on girls and men: excitement is felt 20 minutes after ingestion, lasts 2-3 hours. The price in pharmacies is quite low: 970 rubles. per bottle. Can be taken with alcohol.

  • Fox on the grass.

Thai experts have collected a bouquet of twenty aphrodisiac herbs that cause arousal:

  1. Incredible excitement for women.
  2. Active release of vaginal lubrication.
  3. Breast growth.
  4. Increased response of erogenous zones to touch.
  5. Very strong orgasm, multiple orgasms.

The name of the drug: "Silver fox" - most likely, women will like it. The manufacturer promises a quick excitement effect, many times higher than the action of the "Shpansky fly". Available in powder form: diluted in a non-alcoholic liquid! Works in 5 minutes after ingestion. Issue price: from 1100 rubles. for 4 sachets. More information about the drug can be found by clicking on this link.

  • Pink or blue: so the same, so different.

For many years, "Viagra" has delighted men all over the world, giving them the opportunity to enjoy quality sex. Men are happy, the matter is for complex female requests for sex, arousal, orgasm. Do women know how to get an orgasm? Statistics continue to upset men with disappointing figures: almost 50% of women do not know what an orgasm is, whether they have ever had one, even more admit: they never reach orgasm with their partner, although orgasm occurs rather quickly during masturbation. Most women do not know how to reveal themselves to a man, show the necessary actions, affection.

Thai experts have collected a bunch of twenty aphrodisiac herbs that cause arousal.

There are women who are simply shy, sometimes with quite serious problems of sexual arousal, chronic dissatisfaction with sexual relations. The difficulty of women in sexual matters is so strong that many prefer not to bother: they enjoy the process without the result of an orgasm. As a result, a woman does not have sex with a man, but for him. This behavior of women ends badly: boredom in bed, chronic fatigue, nervousness, irritability - a complete rejection of sex.

So that the hands of women do not give up, interest in sex remains at a high level, so that orgasms appear, now there is "Viagra" for women. The main active ingredient - sildenafil - is the same as in the male version. The difference between the female pink pill: a richer composition of additional components that affect specifically the mechanisms of female arousal. The medicine will help women who have undergone surgery to remove the uterus who have entered the period of menopause. The tablets work for 4-6 hours and should be consumed 30 minutes before the bedroom. Consume with soft drinks! Price in pharmacies: 790 rubles. for 4 tablets.

Passion perfume

The above pills, powders, drops are easy to find in pharmacies, easy to buy, and they act quickly if you already know your future partner. How to attract an unfamiliar girl? There is a special perfume: perfume with pheromones. Every man has his own perfume with pheromones - androstenone, secreted by the sweat glands. Alas, modernity requires a good wash, mercilessly washing away natural odors. Perfumes with pheromones become an excellent solution: they have a pleasant smell or do not smell at all, but the girl's nose will definitely recognize the sexual appeal of these volatile substances.

By using perfumes with pheromones, it is possible to attract a partner of the same gender.

Features of the action of spirits with pheromones:

  • Aroma - may be absent or barely perceptible, and also quite harsh.
  • The radius of action is a couple of meters.
  • The effect is not so strong that girls fall at their feet and pray to spend the night with them, most likely, a girl who is free from relationships can respond: perfume will make you more attractive compared to other guys.
  • Duration - the smell disappears quickly.

Industrial perfumes with pheromones are far from ideal, these are not completely human pheromones, but rather artificially synthesized. Possible unexpected effects, such as attracting a partner of the same gender. Price in pharmacies: from 500 rubles. You can buy at a pharmacy, an online store (for example, using this link), sex shops.

There are a large number of aphrodisiac drugs for women in pharmacies. Viagra tablets have a serious therapeutic effect, it is better to consult a doctor before using them. Perfume with pheromones has a weak effect: it is better to use them as a signal for women, a certain sign "free", they are more to attract attention than excitement. The drugs in drops and powders are faster and more effective: according to the manufacturers, they have a strong aphrodisiac effect on women. What is the best pathogen, you decide. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the partner, the action on her of certain components. It doesn't matter where you buy the product: in a pharmacy or an online store - carefully check the integrity of the packaging, expiration dates, read the instructions. Try it and find your pathogen.

The pleasure of intimacy cannot be obtained without mutual sexual attraction.

People who are exposed to stress at work, physically and mentally tired, find it difficult to tune in to the wave of pleasure and love.

Then the pathogen for men and women comes to the rescue - a means that enhances sexual desire.

The causative agents of sexual desire are popular not only among the male population. Ladies actively use them to overcome shyness, reveal intimate potential and when fighting frigidity. Female stimulants allow those who have not experienced orgasm to achieve orgasm.

The stimulating properties of herbs and oils have been known for a long time. Today, pharmaceuticals have expanded their knowledge of this area by providing an impressive list of desire-enhancing drugs. If earlier the safety of pathogens was in doubt, then modern means, in addition to the main function, preserve health, raise the tone.

View Local application Oral
Form, consistency Sprays, oils, creams Capsules, tablets, drops
  • Increase the sensitivity of the skin of intimate organs due to the intense blood flow to them.
  • Sensitivity to caress and touch increases.
  • They have a relaxing effect, make the girl more relaxed, as they increase the level of estrogen. This is important for those who find it difficult to get distracted from daily problems, to tune in to intimacy.
Apply to the genitals.
  • The vaginal microflora improves, its sensitivity increases.
  • This allows you to experience a more intense intense orgasm.
  • The components that make up the composition promote the release of natural lubricant, stimulate the contraction of intimate muscles.
  • Topical medications increase the likelihood of multiple orgasms.

How does it work for men?

For the excitement of men, tablets, drops, capsules have been developed orally. Local include lubricants, sprays, creams. They achieve the effect by increasing the blood flow to manhood.

Active substances have a relaxing effect on the penis, which leads to vasodilation, improved blood circulation.

Most stimulants of attraction increase the production of the male hormone -. This contributes to the growth of libido, sexual stamina. They act quickly, the effect lasts from 4-5 hours to several days. At this time, the quality of erection improves, the number of intimate acts increases, the gap between them decreases.

Side effects

The principle of action of male and female stimulants is to accelerate blood flow. This is the reason for a common side effect from them - redness of the face or other parts of the body.

You should not be afraid of this, this is a normal physiological reaction that does not last long. Sometimes the drugs cause headaches or dizziness.

Taking synthetic medications can be accompanied by an increased heart rate. As a rule, side effects occur with the wrong choice or exceeding the permissible dose.

In order to prevent the consequences, before use, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the dose. A specialist will recommend an effective drug and determine a safe dosage.

Which is better?

The assortment of aphrodisiac drugs offered in pharmacies or shops is difficult to understand. Different prices, compositions, quality present the buyer with a difficult choice. For the purchase to give a result, familiarize yourself with the basic forms of release.

In drops

Stimulants in drops are used to increase attraction. They are easy to use and retain a long lasting effect.

Spanish fly

This is a well-known pathogen in drops for women. Based on a biologically active component - cantharidin.

Dietary supplements are obtained from bugs of bright green color that live in Eurasia. Irritating to tissues and genital receptors. The manufacturer promises increased sensitivity, prolonged orgasm. Take 5 minutes before the act.

According to reviews, the spanish fly makes sex more passionate, and the sensations are vivid.

Extract of testicular serum

It is a dietary supplement, which is positioned as the strongest active ingredient for girls. The drug has no less effect on men. Advertising promises an effect several times stronger than that of Viagra.

Affects the central nervous system, peripheral nerves. The extract of testicular serum acts on the centers of the brain, causing arousal.

The stimulant prolongs sexual intercourse, improves erection, helps women achieve multiple orgasms. Serum should be used half an hour before coitus. Can be added to any liquid (juice, coffee, alcohol). The dietary supplement is effective for about a day.

The dosage is calculated based on weight. Has both positive and negative reviews. However, an active advertising campaign made it popular.

Dietary supplement for women in the form of drops of transparent color, odorless, to stimulate sexual desire. It contains 90% natural plant components, the main of which are ginseng and L-Arginine.

Thanks to ginseng, Rendez vous has a relaxing, liberating effect and increases libido. L-Arginine normalizes the production of natural vaginal lubrication, enhances the sensitivity of intimate areas to touch, and prolongs orgasm.

Increases general tone in girls, helps with headaches, makes them more enduring. The dietary supplement helps to overcome the symptoms of menopause. The drops are added to the drink 15-25 minutes before the proximity.

You can take it up to twice a day.
The neutrality of color and smell allows you to take it without warning your partner. The reviews are mostly positive, many women have chosen this remedy as an effective way to diversify and enhance sexual sensations.

In tablets

Tablets are very popular thanks to advertising. They are popular with men looking to correct erectile dysfunction.


Viagra is a name known to everyone. An effective drug solves male and female intimate problems. The tablets increase blood circulation in the genitals, making them more sensitive. The female and male versions of Viagra differ from each other in composition and principle of action.

The active ingredient is sildenafil. For the stronger sex, it helps to cope with dysfunction, improves erection. Ladies who use such means note that sex brings more pleasure, the amount of natural lubrication of the vagina and the duration of orgasm increases.

Despite the effectiveness, the tablets have a number of contraindications. Before use, you should consult an andrologist or sex therapist.


These are relatively new pills for girls. Before the release of the female counterpart, it was considered purely male. The action is based on the same principles as the previous one. The result comes in 20 minutes after ingestion. The effect lasts 36 hours.

Men have long appreciated the properties of the means to make sex unforgettable, now it is gaining popularity among women.

Calling Viagra, Cialis and similar drugs as pathogens is not entirely correct. Such products of pharmacology stimulate the appearance of an erection by improving the blood flow to the groin area, and have a symptomatic effect. For them to work successfully, sexual arousal must be natural, otherwise the medicine will simply not work.

Exciting chewing gum

Chewing gum, which immediately causes a sexual impulse in a woman, regardless of the place or time of its use. Is it possible?

Many men have already tried on themselves and their halves this aphrodisiac, quite new for our country. The positive reviews have led many young people to buy it and understand how it works.

Manufacturers claim that chewing gum works for women and men. Increases the quality of erection, endurance, promotes relaxation, liberation. It contains only natural ingredients.

Chewing gum is a safe drug that does not require prior consultation with a specialist.


Lubricant or gel is a local agent that is used to enhance sexual sensations of any gender.

Three types of lubricants

If sex is not enjoyable due to vaginal dryness, lubricants will eliminate this problem and make the intimate act comfortable.

Making stimulants at home

Sexual desire stimulants can be purchased at the pharmacy or sex shop, but there are effective recipes for traditional methods to make them at home.

Recipe number 1

You can prepare the female pathogen at home according to the following recipe:

  • A quarter teaspoon of hot pepper, half of mustard, one raw egg, lemon juice, beat a tablespoon of tomato paste (preferably with a blender).

  • Pour 200 ml of dry wine into the mixture, heat over low heat until it starts to boil.
  • Cool the resulting elixir, drink it 30–40 minutes before the act, so that sex will delight you with new sensations.

Recipe number 2

Nuts are known for their enhancing properties. Both male and female pathogens can be prepared from them.

  • To make it at home, you just need to combine walnut kernels, sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds, 2 tablespoons each.
  • Pour honey abundantly over the mixture.
  • Use a course of 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, at lunch, in the evening for 30 days.
  • Will make sex of high quality, increase tone, strengthen the body.

Recipe number 3

Regular consumption of dill, basil, parsley, cilantro has a beneficial effect on libido, increases potency.

  • To make an effective remedy, you need to chop the greens, season it with a little olive oil. Three tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting salad are taken before meals three times a day.
  • The effect will appear after a two-week course.

Recipe number 4

  • To make a stimulant at home, you need to grind a few walnuts, some almonds, two sprigs of dill, mix the mixture with two teaspoons of cold-pressed olive oil.

Arousal Products

Eating the right diet has a positive effect on strength and endurance in bed. To become a tireless lover, you should include in your daily diet:

  • seafood (salmon fish, squid, mackerel, flounder);
  • nuts (pistachios, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds);
  • greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, spinach);
  • eggs;
  • onions or garlic;
  • lean meat products (rabbit, veal, chicken, turkey, beef);
  • root vegetables (ginger, celery);
  • shellfish (mussels, oysters).

Regular consumption of these products is a good prevention of sexual impotence in men and frigidity in women.


Sex is an important part of our life, affecting health and emotional state. Intimate problems that a couple have are reflected in the relationship. If at some point you feel a decrease in attraction to your partner, try to correct the situation using the proposed methods.

When such a problem arises in a relationship, it is better not to experiment, but to see a doctor.

The sex therapist will suggest a method for solving sexual difficulties, give you the opportunity to enjoy intimacy again, and feel confident in bed.

Hello to all! This is the promised extended post about the testing I have conducted of various drugs and means for arousing / seducing girls. If you read my first post, then remember that out of 29, only 2 were effective. An important note - all the girls were aware of the experiment, and tried all these things voluntarily. So.

But here doubts arise - do these pathogens work, or is it just a deception and divorce? And if they work, then how legal are these drugs, can they be some kind of drugs, for the use of which you can go to places not so distant?

Details of my experiment with female pathogens:

I have tested 30 different drugs. Of course not me personally, I'm not a girl, pah-pah. I just gave my experimental women (all voluntarily!) The remedies from the list and watched the reactions. And out of all this variety of r ..., that is, exciting substances, only a couple of pieces turned out to be active.

Here are the detailed results of the experiment:

Viagra for women

Didn't expect any particular effect from this remedy, but it did work. And it worked really well. Affects both men (checked on myself) and women. He wrote about it in detail in a review in his first post about this experiment: “Female Viagra stimulating pill. How to seduce a girl? "

Conclusion: it really works.

Silver Fox

The experiment showed that the silver fox is quite an effective remedy ... But, here you need to carefully observe the dosage (as in the case of female Viagra, and other drugs too!), Otherwise nausea and headache are possible. But if everything is done correctly and according to the instructions, it will be good.

Conclusion: it really works.

Exciting Gum Detonator (MegaExstaz)

I came across an advertisement for this means of seduction most often. I bought 4 options from different sites. If you believe the promises, then the Detonator is able to excite a girl very strongly, this "powerful aphrodisiac makes a woman insanely passionate."

Tested 3 girls, the effect was not noticed.

Conclusion: divorce and deception!

The causative agent for women Red Ant (Red Ant)

Okay, if the Detonator didn't work on any of the three girls, then the Red Ant will definitely work on the first one! Moreover, the site promises that after taking this remedy, absolutely any girl will be in my bed! But no ... it wasn't. This means that all the positive reviews about the Red Ant tablets are linden.

Conclusion: there is no effect!

The activator for women Shpanskaya Fly (Gold Spanish Fly)

"Made with innovative extraction technologies from a potent aphrodisiac extract from the Spanish fly, the most potent aphrodisiac known to date."

Who is the spanish fly? Let's look in the great and mighty Yandex ...

“The Span fly is an insect, but a subspecies of blister beetles. These beetles were previously used as an aphrodisiac due to a substance they contain called cantharidin. Cantharidin is very dangerous when taken orally.... It is a strong irritant. It is sometimes used to remove excess moles, warts and tattoos from the skin. When ingested and subsequently exiting the body, the poison strongly irritates the urethral membrane. In women, irritation has no external manifestations, but in men, a large swelling appears in this area, which leads to a prolonged erection. Even a minor overdose of the substance can lead to the fact that a man needs medical attention - severe abdominal pain, problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory system, kidney failure, bloody urination, convulsions, coma and death. "

I also read on the Internet a story about how a guy caught such bugs and made a female pathogen out of them at home, used it and ended up in the hospital. So that's it. For obvious reasons, I did not dare to check the action on myself and on the girls.

Conclusion: the use is dangerous, I did not dare to use it!

Horse pathogen

"Indications for use: to stimulate the reproductive function of cattle, rabbits."

It turns out that this drug is intended for animals, for breeding them. Maybe this will also affect a person, but I did not dare to give the girls a pathogen for horses. I'm not some kind of scumbag!

Takeaway: May be good if you breed rabbits and horses, but giving a horse pathogen to a girl is a VERY bad idea.

Exciting drops Ecstasy (Extazy)

Expensive droplets with a tiny bubble. According to the assurances of the manufacturers, I quote: "The use of drops in 10 minutes causes the strongest sexual arousal in women." This was tried by 2 girls (the experimenter Katya and the experimenter Elena, be familiar). This is the most sexual excitement I've been waiting for 10 ... 20 ... 30 minutes ... an hour. Not wait. And I was counting on sex with two! But alas ...

Conclusion: does not work

Female pathogen (advertised by this name)

The promises are standard - if you apply this pathogen, then any girl will undress in front of me, any will do what I want! And this miracle means nothing at all - 1,300 rubles. How not to buy it! I was waiting for the parcel with impatience, and lo and behold! They brought me a small cardboard box with the words in Chinese. Inside - 3 golden sachets with a bittersweet white powder without any instructions ...

The first experimental girl Elena, having drunk it, did not notice anything, the effect was zero. They waited an hour, two ... Then Oksana drank it - nothing too. Well, Katya, too, did not feel anything, and did not rush to fulfill my wishes, unfortunately.

Conclusion: does not work

Exciting drops Germanic Aphrodisiac

Well, that should definitely work! True, the inscription “Made In Taiwan” is embarrassing, but let's not find fault with such trifles. Assistant Elena is already in anticipation ... She drinks 3 drops, as indicated in the instructions ... A little time passes, and Elena starts to feel sick ... Maybe you shouldn't drink them ...? But the instructions clearly say, “Dilute 2-3 drops of the drug in 250 ml. water and drink before intercourse. "

Conclusion: causes nausea, but not arousal.

Exciting chewing gum Extaz Gum

Oh, another hot gum Now, in order to seduce a girl, we just need to treat her to this ecstasy. The detonator has already "worked", so Ecstasy Gum will probably work too, counting the benefits ... We spread 1,500 rubles for this product, but it's clearly worth it ... There are 10 chewing gum in one package, which means I can seduce 10 girls. That is, it turns out very profitable - 150 rubles / girl.

Much cheaper than taking her out to a restaurant. I made an order, received it ten days later. I called my assistant Elena, I promise something extraordinary, she laughs back - but I will prove it to her! We meet, give her some chewing gum, and ... Nothing happens. Maybe it's because Elena is kind of special?

Okay, let's try to give Katya ... Time passes, and you can't tell by her that she was given a female pathogen. With grief I eat a few pieces myself - tasteless rubber, and no effect. Which is to be expected.

Conclusion: another divorce!

Eroshok Exciting Gum

A dummy, similar to all kinds of detonators, only the site is different, the packaging and the name. The action is completely analogous - there is none! Cheating and divorce, and nothing more.

Conclusion: does not work!

Exciting French Bubble Gum

Another gum. And what were all manufacturers so drawn to chewing gum? This particular one is huge pink pastilles with strawberry flavor. The girls appreciated this taste, but I didn't. Because there is none!

Conclusion: not exciting. At all.

Female pathogen Extaz (EXTA-Z, Ecstasy, Extra Z)

It is also found quite often on the Internet. The advertisement says that with him you can seduce a girl by simply adding this agent to her drink ... You just need to buy a female pathogen for only 950 bank tickets of the Bank of Russia. I bought it, a few days later they sent something like intimate oil or lubricant ... For external use ... Naturally, I did not add this to anyone's drink, everything is clear here.

Conclusion: this female pathogen is a divorce.

  • Exciting drops Golden Butterfly
  • Viamax energizing coffee
  • Aphrodisiac with Yohimbe extract
  • Female pathogen Hot Pepper
  • Exciting drops German Slut
  • Exciting drops Black Bee
  • Female pathogen Vigor Factor
  • Exciting drops Sexy Life
  • Exciter for women Magic of the Seducer
  • Causative agent Fragrances Sex
  • Sexual Desire Pills
  • Sure Romance Tablets
  • Exciting chewing gum Aphrodisiac

All this also does not work. Trash!

Important note!

A reader under the nickname Master wrote to me, I quote:

In fact, it's not a fact that the rest of the tools don't work. It's very easy to fake these things, if more than 75% of fakes of such products are already sold in pharmacies, then even more so on the Internet. It is possible that out of these 30 funds, many were fake, and if they were real, they would work. Himself on this came across. Two absolutely identical packages - but the tablets from one really work, from the other they do not.

Therefore, this is a very subjective experiment, but he gives a general idea of ​​the situation with female pathogens. Most of the purchased products do not work, some may be poisonous, some are intended for animals (equine pathogen), some simply cause nausea. Therefore, be careful when buying and using these products. Out of 30, only a couple of pieces work, but it is not known what consequences such an effect of a female pathogen on the body can lead to.