Is it possible to play table tennis pregnant women. Characteristic features of exercises in early pregnancy. Physical exertion during pregnancy

Most modern women lead an active lifestyle, dealing with a particular sport. But pregnancy imposes some restrictions, including the familiar lifestyle. And then the question arises, is it possible to play sports during pregnancy? Everyone knows about the positive impact of physical exertion on the human body, his mood and well-being. But what effect is the sport while pregnancy on the body of the future mother and her child? What physical exertion are useful, and which categorically contraindicated to a woman in an interesting position?

Positive influence of sports during pregnancy

Each future mother should consult with a doctor regarding whether it is possible to play sports.

If a woman has no contraindications to physical exertion, then it is not only possible to do it, but also need. Regular sports activities increase the physical endurance of the future mother, improve the functioning of nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular systems, activate metabolic processes in the body. In addition, such classes increase the emotional sustainability of a woman during this period, which is important for many future mothers.

If during pregnancy to play sports, you can significantly improve the flow of pregnancy, childbirth, reduce the risk of postpartum complications. Physical activity prevents the formation of congestive processes in the body of a woman. A positive impact of sports is not only not only on the body of the future mother, but also her child. Thanks to it, it is improved by the blood circulation in a woman and the fetus, the power of the cells is activated, which means that the child will develop correctly.

Pregnant women note that sports activities are able to alleviate the morning malaise, which annoy many during the waiting period of the kid.

Types of physical exertion, contraindicated to future mothers

Most women in sports during pregnancy can be. However, there are such types of physical exertion that are categorically contraindicated during this period.

The future mother needs to be abandoned by the following types of physical exertion:

  • extreme Sports - Parachute Jumping, Water Skiing, Snowboard, Rafting;
  • contact physical classes - Oriental martial arts, boxing;
  • exercise that suggests slopes, mahs, sharp movements with legs and arms - intensive running, football, volleyball, tennis;
  • physical classes that are accompanied by a strong shaking body - climbing, cycling (especially in rough terrain), riding, jumping;
  • exercises that are associated with breathing delay, for example, bodyflex, scuba diving.

In addition, there are contraindications of a gynecological nature for sports. These include toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage, several abortions in the past, any uterine bleeding, multiple pregnancy, congenital malformations of the fetus, campus of the umbilical, some features of the placenta structure.

Which sport can be done pregnant

Best of all, if during pregnancy to play sports, which is the most suitable in this trimester of pregnancy.

First trimester

In the first trimester, the formation of the fetus and his connection with the mother's body is still very weak. Therefore, the interruption of pregnancy can provoke any physical exertion. Also during this period the need for the future baby in oxygen is increasing. All this indicates that in this period, hiking is the best choice of physical exertion for a woman. Make such walks doctors advise pregnant women several times a day. It is important that the women's shoes are comfortable and stable. In addition to hiking in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to raise steps a couple of times a day. It should be breathing with a nose, calmly, smooth.

Sports in early pregnancy in no case should include such exercises as lifting legs, lifts of the body from the position lying, sharp bending and tilting of the body.

Second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, women are recommended physical classes that form and fix rhythmic and deep breathing skills. At this time, swimming is very well suitable for the future mother. When the body is immersed in water, the woman rests the spine, the muscles of the back, chest are strengthened, the blood supply is improved. Many women note that after visiting the pool, their health improves, swelling decreases, a good mood appears. Often, those pregnant women who regularly swam in the pool passed toxicosis, improved appetite.

Third trimester

During this period, the woman is contraindicated by all exercises on the muscles of the press. The general physical exertion of the woman should be significantly reduced. Sports at this time should be aimed at improving blood circulation in all systems and organs. Very recommended in the third trimester women exercises for relaxation.

Most often, in response to the question of which sport can be engaged in pregnant women, doctors call special gym for pregnant women, yoga for pregnant women and pilates for pregnant women.

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As most of us know, pregnancy is not a disease, and if it proceeds without complications, you can try to keep the usual way of life - For example, to continue to do your favorite sport. But this question requires a special approach that we will talk about within this category.

It is necessary to engage in gymnastics for future mothers. It has long been proven to a detrimental effect of hypodynamine (lack of physical activity) on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. But despite this in obstetric practice there are states in which a woman is contraindicated by any physical activity. This, as a rule, informs the doctor an obstetrician gynecologist.

When I need to say "no"

Future mom needs to know that any physical exertion is contraindicated:

  • in acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases, for example, with influenza, ARVI, gastritis exacerbation;
  • with an increased tone of the uterus, bleeding out of the sex paths that are evidence of the threat of abortion;
  • with severe toxicosis of the start of pregnancy (indomitable vomiting);
  • in pregnancy pregnancy, manifested by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, swelling;
  • in the presence of miscarriage in the past;
  • with multi-way;
  • with systematically appearing grapple-like pains after classes.

Thus, only women with uncomplicated pregnancy can be engaged in gymnastics.

How to "progress"?

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting classes. If there are no contraindications, the question arises: what are the classes to visit? Today, almost every fitness club offers classes for future mothers. There are also many schools in which a woman is preparing for the upcoming birth. In each case, the approach should be individual.

If the last time you were engaged in sports at the school currencies at school or episodically visited classes in the fitness club, then in your case the choice is small: or therapeutic physical education according to the method for pregnant women, or relaxation and respiratory training. The rest of the classes are likely to be too complex for you, and therefore unsafe. If you regularly visited the gym and want to continue to do during pregnancy, then the spectrum of classes that you can afford much wider. However, remember that only specialized training for pregnant women is preferably visited. They are more adequate for load, and they do not include exercises that are not recommended for future mothers.

Individual workouts are preferable to group. Only so you will receive the relevant level of load for you. Group classes should differ in trimesters. The safest trimester for classes is the second. You should not engage yourself on books or other benefits, because there are many exercises that are undesirable during pregnancy.

"Black list"

So, what exercises and types of practicing pregnant women are not recommended?

First of all, the future mom is contraindicated by jumping and vibration, because The placenta and spontaneous miscarriage can occur. Therefore, the entire high-speed aerobics (with jumps), Balley Dance (belly dancing) - because of the abundance of specific climbs, equestrian sport.

Avoid exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure, because This worsens the fetal nutrition and can provoke a pregnancy interrupt. These include exercises on the muscles of the abdominal press, especially the rise of both legs up from the position on the back; Exercises causing a fitting or breathing delay. To avoid a fitting, try changing the starting position or reduce the load. Also, intra-abdominal pressure rises when riding a bike and occupation on the usual exercise bike. For pregnant women, only a horizontal exercise bike (with a back) is suitable.

In the body during pregnancy, the secretion of relaxin - hormone, which softens the ligaments of the pelvis and allows them to stretch it elastically: it is necessary for normal genera. Unfortunately, relaxing does not act selectively, but on all bundles immediately and, therefore, on the joints. Therefore, in order to avoid injury, maximum bending and extension in the joints are not allowed, the dumbbells weighing more than 1 kg are prohibited, it is impossible to play bowling and perform stretching exercises.

Of course, all high-intensity workouts are postponed indefinitely, they are also not recommended during breastfeeding. Such lessons include salax (group training on bicycles), training (group occupation on treadmills), interval lesson (combination of power and aerobic load), running.

During pregnancy, the coordination of movements is disturbed, so all classes and exercises, complex from the coordination point of view, are not recommended. These include: An occupation for a boss (training on a soft hemispherical platform BOSU), dance lessons and classic aerobics with complex choreography, exercises for balance from Pilates and Yoga.

Because of high trauma and intensity, all gaming sports are excluded: volleyball, basketball, football. You should not play badminton, golf and tennis. Pregnant women are generally not recommended to raise hands above shoulders.

Avoid exercises with source position on the stomach. During the class it is necessary to alternate the initial positions and do not lie on the back longer than 5 minutes. If during the gymnastics in the position lying on his back you have dizziness, weakness, rapid breathing, unpleasant sensations - maybe it is the syndrome of the lower vein (sampling by the uterus of the lower vein). This happens if in the later deadlines to lie on the back. If such symptoms are really associated with the lower hollow veloy, it is enough just to roll over on the side. For the prevention of such a state, it is better to perform exercises, lying on the inclined plane so that the head is above the legs.

If you are engaged in yoga, be careful with the inverted pose and do not twist.

All attendant sports are uniquely forbid: Mountain skiing, snowboarding, roller and ordinary skates.

Remember, the gymnastics during pregnancy is necessary in order to adapt the woman's body to a new state for him and prepare for childbirth. Therefore, the optimal classes will be therapeutic physical education in medical institutions or individual classes with an experienced instructor for a special program.

Pulse under the control

To properly dispense the load and avoid overloads, you need to follow the pulse. The easiest way is to consider the pulse during the class. It is convenient to do this in this way: find a pulse on your hand or on the neck, count in 10 seconds, then multiply on b. Pulse during class should not exceed 60% of the pulse of maximum oxygen consumption (R O2 MAX) In the first trimester and 65-70% in the second and third trimesters. Calculate R O2 MAX is possible by formula 220 - age. For example, if you are 25 years old, then 220-25 \u003d 195, 195x0,6 \u003d 117. So, the pulse should not exceed 117 beats per minute in the first trimester at a 25-year-old woman. In order not to interrupt the training and not to carry out such complex calculations, the cardiac rhythm cardiomonitors can be used. They consist of two parts - a belt that is put on the chest and reads your pulse directly from the heart, and the clocks that are put on your hand and display your pulse throughout the workout. You put in advance in memory of the cardiomonitor the maximum allowable pulse, and if you exceed it, the clock with the sound signal will notify you about it. In addition to the pulse, focus on your feelings.

Take care of yourself

During classes, it is impossible to overheat, so it should not be too warm to dress, engage in poorly ventilated, stuffed facilities. Do not suffer thirst: if during the gymnastics you wanted to drink - drink non-carbonated water temperature. You need to do regularly - 2-3 times a week. Training less than 1 time per week on occasion to occasion will bring more harm than benefits - such loads are more traumatic.

Sport This is life, movement and strengthening the body. And during pregnancy, sport is also a concern for the health of the child.
Having learned about your excellent condition, do not hurry to start fis. Loads. Previously, you should consult with the doctor, study some information. Namely:

What kind of sport brings a pregnant woman

If a woman did not receive any contraindications from the doctor, then the sport can only benefit. Sport classes improve blood circulation, psychological and physical condition of a woman, normalizes the metabolism, muscles are strengthened. Toxicosis is not so bright. Sport increases emotional stability. Light physical exertion in uncomplicated pregnancy in moderate quantities help facilitate the period of having a child. Sports occupation positively lets on both mom and her baby.

It has been proven that 30% of women engaged in the sports period of childbirth proceeds faster. Children of such moms will not suffer hypoxia and slow heartbeat. It is very good when an active lifestyle is conducted from the very beginning of pregnancy, and better and at all before conception. After all, the better the physical form of the future mother, the less excess weight will be scored. And in order to control your weight, we recommend that you.

What physical exertion is allowed pregnant

  1. The first trimester of pregnancy - the fruit is attached to the walls of the uterus. During this period, it is extremely closely related to all loads, in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage. We start with walks in the fresh air, respiratory gymnastics. If you still decided to play sports, it is best to do this in special clubs for future mothers. There you will be provided with a program designed to meet all the characteristics of the body. It is not recommended to select loads.

  2. The second trimester of pregnancy is the perfect time to start sports. Those who dealt in the first trimester can slightly increase the load, but this does not mean that you can raise the rods or run to long-term distances. Pay attention to the exercises for the pelvis area.

  3. The third trimester of pregnancy is a period when exercises are already difficult. Pay attention to hips, chest and hand. Avoid large loads, especially for lower back. With a rapid pulse, go with physical exertion on the breathing gymnastics.

Mostly pregnant woman is suitable, walking, wellness course aerobics and aqua aerobics. It is very important to remember that the pregnancy itself is already directly loaded on the body. From the first trimester, the woman rises pressure and the pulse increases. Consequently, it is necessary to take into account when choosing exercise and minimize cardionage. Follow the pulse, it should be normal according to the table:

If a woman engaged in physical activity before pregnancy, she can continue its classes, limiting the load: running, jumping, all sharp movements. After a second trimester, the duration of classes should not exceed 60 minutes.

Come in the sport gradually

Women who before pregnancy did not engage in Piz. Loads should begin to gradually enter the world of sports. Start with simple exercises. Recommended hiking (in comfortable shoes without a heel). Watch out for breathing, it should be even. Find out if you have yoga courses with your home, swimming pool with aerobic classes. This is the most optimal option. Very nice if the woman will go to the pool. Swimming is the safest sport during pregnancy. In the water, a woman learns to manage his breath, which will soon come in handy during the delivery. The spine is unloaded, the feeling of fatigue and tension is removed. The muscles of the back, abdomen and chest are strengthened. Swimming in water is good prevention of varicose veins, as it improves blood circulation in the legs. Improves appetite and mood.

Yoga and gymnastics

Many women choose yoga classes. They have favorably affect the body of the future mother. Yoga is the ability to relax and learn the right breath. Breathing control will facilitate pain in the fights and directly childbirth. Exercises are aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms, as well as body preparation for childbirth.

You can also choose gym for pregnant women. All exercises are designed specifically for pregnant women. Thanks to these exercises, a respiratory and cordial vascular system develops. There is a strengthening of the pelvic and abdominal bottom. Training helps to reduce pain in the back and improving the state as a whole. The gymnastics complex includes training for Kegel - the muscles training of the crotch.

Pilates system of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles of the back, small pelvis and female sexual muscles. During the exercises, the load from the support system is removed, the appearance of the uterus tone is prevented. The blood supply to the fetus and placenta improves.

The choice of respiratory gymnastics will allow oxygen to be saturated with the body of mom and baby.

Exercises with phytball helps to reduce discomfort and lower back pain. Fitball is a big elastic ball for aerobics.

It is important to find such a course of classes that will not only positively influence your body with a baby, but also to bring pleasure.

Physical exertion that are contraindicated during pregnancy

Any physical activity is contraindicated with: the threat of interrupting pregnancy, bleeding, with anemia, pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen. For a while pregnancy, a woman needs to abandon the following physical exertion: all types of sports with a high degree of injury is prohibited. Skiing, skating and bicycle, jumping, riding, running for long-lasting distances. Abandon exercises with sharp movements. In case of unpleasant, and especially painful sensations, the training should be stopped and consulting a doctor. Such signs include: the leakage of the octoperwater, the decrease in the mechanization of the fetus, bleeding from the vagina, the pain in the chest, shortness of breath.

Tip! Sports follows in a cool room, in order not to overheat (but not percussion). A sports form must be made of natural fabrics, comfortable, not to fade movements. Be sure to drink water.

Modern medicine is confident: nothing does not harm the woman, especially during the battery of the child, as a permanent stay in one static position (sitting or lying). If your pregnancy proceeds normally, the sporting lifestyle will help you solve you many important tasks.

About the benefits of sports during pregnancy

Healthy child

Moderate, but improve blood circulation, providing you and your baby with the necessary amount of nutrients and sufficient oxygen. Due to this, the normal development of the fetus occurs and the risk of intrauterine disorders is reduced.

Prevention of diseases

During pregnancy in the body of a woman, physiological changes occur, which increase the burden on all systems and organs. This can lead to the emergence of diseases, the development of pathologies and complications, even if earlier health problems were not disturbed. Sport classes will teach you to understand your body and will help you make loads properly during pregnancy.

Religious relief

Do not forget that you have muscles that have a lot of tension only during the birth. Exercise will help prepare, develop and fill them with force. As practice shows, sports moms are lighter and faster. Trained heart and lightweight, strong pelvic bottom muscles and abdominal press, movable hip joints and elastic leading muscles at a crucial moment help a woman and a child. Also, the active lifestyle contributes to the accumulation of endorphine hormone body, which subsequently acts as a kind of painkiller.

Lack of toxicosis

Many future mothers noticed that regular sports helps them to get rid of the unpleasant satellite of pregnancy - toxicosis.

Beautiful Figure

Training will allow you to save the body tightened during pregnancy and avoid a set of unnecessary kilograms, the appearance of which can lead to severe complications (gestosis, preeclampsia, increased blood pressure). And the rate of restoration of the physical form after childbirth depends on how you spent nine months of the child's waiting: lying on the sofa or in active movement.

About the dangers of sports during pregnancy

Now you know how important to keep an active lifestyle during pregnancy. But do not fall into another extreme: excessive physical exertion without restrictions can bring the opposite result. Stressful and high-intensity workouts lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus (hypoxia), which can cause the delay of its development, miscarriage and premature birth.

Negative effect of high temperature

Overheating in the first trimester leads to the formation of defects of the nervous tube or miscarriage. Later for the future mother it is dangerous dehydration. Therefore, do not engage in a stuffy or too wet room, do not dress too warm and constantly drink water.

Heart palpitations

Follow the pulse whose frequency should not exceed 140 beats per minute, and do not delay the breath.

Risk of hypoxia

Exercises that are running on his back should be eliminated from training, especially after the fourth month of pregnancy. This situation may limit blood flow to the child.

Danger earn dislocation or stretching

During pregnancy in the body, the relaxine hormone production increases, which softens all ligaments and allows them to stretch elastically. In order not to damage them, limit or eliminate weight lifting, as well as perform a stretching exercises with extreme caution.

What training is better to choose

Swimming, yoga, Pilates and fitball exercises are the safest and most useful physical exertion in any trimester of pregnancy. It is worth paying attention to a special gym for future mothers, which is suitable for at home.

Rare, but exhaustive sports are serious stress for the body. Do regularly, but moderately.

Forget about intense training and traumatic sports! Futive mothers are contraindicated with exercises accompanied by a concussion, vibration, raising too large gravity, risk of falling and receiving strikes. For you prohibition: Skiing and speeding, heavy athletics, high-skid aerobics, cycling, intensive classes on power simulators, any kind of martial arts and the like.

Do not forget: the possibility of physical activity and its character during pregnancy is determined by your doctor.

Possible indications for restricting exercise during pregnancy: the abnormalities of the structure of the uterus, the misa of the uterus, hormonal disorders, burdened by obstetric and gynecological history and others.

If the doctor still forbade you to play sports - do not worry! Replace training with regular walks in the fresh air. This will maintain the activity of the body at a sufficient level.

Remember that the task of sports is to bring you and physical, and moral pleasure. You must have a feeling of comfort, strong sleep and a positive mood. Then you and your kid will enjoy the happy nine months who will fly as a moment!

Pregnancy is not contraindicated for sports! Of course, heavy exercise are prohibited, for example, heavy athletics (by the way, if you have been involved in pregnancy, you can continue classes and during pregnancy) and running long distances it will not work. But it is impossible to completely refuse physical exertion! Even more, in these important 40 weeks you need to stay in good physical form. If you are engaged in sports before childbirth, then after childbirth, physical and mental recovery occurs very quickly. It is very important that mom is always full of energy to raise the child. In this article, consider 8 basic sports for pregnant women.

1. Yoga

This ancient Indian complex of exercise does not have contraindications. Yoga can also be engaged in old men, and adults, and even children. It is also suitable for pregnant women. Yoga makes it easy to overcome stressful states. She will give your mind calmness, and the body is flexibility and youth.

2. Swimming

Swimming is another occupation that is well suited for pregnant women. Swimming normalizes the work of the internal organs, and also strengthens the pelvic bones, which is very important during childbirth. Even people with bone and joint diseases are engaged in this sport. Swimming instructors will select the exercise program for you. Swimming relaxes and gives a feeling of calm.

3. Stretching

Stretching is very similar to yoga. It is a complex of physical exercises with an emphasis on stretching muscles and tendons. Stretching allows you to learn to control pain, which will have to be by the way during childbirth.

4. Walking

Even the outdoor walks play a big role. Long walking strengthens the heart muscle. Probably this is the cheapest sport! For a normal walk you need clothing, sports shoes and a bottle of cool water for thickening thirst. Walk every day, do not give in to your laziness - do not take breaks.

5. Dancing

Are you okay? Do doctors allow you to dance? If these two questions you answered "yes", then why not do dancing? Dance mugs can be found in any city and they will cost you inexpensive. Choose your dance you like, put a disk with the appropriate music - and dance! Dance raises the mood and heals the body.

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6. Aerobics

Aerobics will suit the normalization of metabolism. Uncomplicated rhythmic exercises to the music will help you to keep yourself in shape. Exercises in the position lying strengthen the muscles of the pelvis. This will facilitate childbirth and will reduce the postpartum recovery.

7. Power exercises

Yes, with variability you can do even the power exercises! If you have been engaged before pregnancy, then why not continue classes and during pregnancy? Of course, you will have to greatly facilitate your sports shells, and from heavy dumbbells to refuse completely. Go to the doctor and ask him to make you a new classes.

8. Exercises Arnold Kegel

German doctor Arnold Kegel once came up with a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvis. Exercises need to do this: strain the pelvic muscles, as if you want to keep the stream of urine, wait for 10 seconds, and then relax. Repeat 5-6 times. These exercises can be performed both at home on the sofa and in transport, because they are simple and invisible to others.

Do not be ashamed of your pregnancy. On the contrary - proud that very soon you will have a child. If you eat well, sleep a lot, to dedicate a lot of time to walk and do your favorite sports - successful childbirth you are guaranteed.

Rules for sports during pregnancy. Part 1

Rules for sports during pregnancy. Part 2

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