Can pregnant women take licorice root syrup? Licorice root: indications for use. The use of a plant root for cosmetic purposes

During pregnancy, it is difficult to protect yourself from viral and colds, because the body is weakened and a woman has to take care of herself and her baby. And with all the desire to avoid admission drugs, sometimes there is no other way out, treatment becomes necessary. So, for a cold or flu, a woman may be prescribed licorice syrup, the action of which is aimed at reducing cough and symptoms of a cold. Can licorice syrup be used during pregnancy and how should it be taken?

Licorice root syrup belongs to a group of drugs with a pronounced expectorant and antitussive effect. This remedy It is made on the basis of plant materials and is intended for the relief of cough in various diseases of the respiratory system.

The organoleptic properties of licorice syrup are thick consistency, brown color, pleasant taste and specific aroma. The main substance of the drug is dried licorice root (licorice) in the form of an extract. Its amount per 5 ml of syrup is 250 mg. In addition, additional components are present in the syrup:

  • Glycerol.
  • Sahara.
  • Sodium benzoate.
  • Potassium sorbate.
  • Citric acid monohydrate.
  • Hydroxyethyl cellulose.
  • Water.

Licorice syrup is packaged in bottles. The capacity of each of them is 100-150 ml, depending on the manufacturer. average cost- 75-100 rubles.

Licorice dry extract is an active herbal substance with increased content glycyrrhizic acid, which has healing effect drug:

  1. Relieves inflammation localized in the airways.
  2. Promotes expectoration by diluting bronchial secretions and enhancing the activity of cilia of the epithelium in the bronchi.
  3. Increases the local immunity of the respiratory system.
  4. Provides natural regeneration of respiratory tissues.
  5. Has an antispasmodic effect and restores air flow by lowering muscle tone in the bronchi.
  6. Shows antiviral effect, because it stops the intracellular division of viral DNA.

On a note! Recent scientific research has shown that licorice root has a moderate anti-tumor effect.

Licorice syrup: use in pregnancy

There is no exact data on the effect of licorice root syrup on pregnancy. The manufacturer does not have information on the degree of penetration of the drug into the bloodstream, quantitative distribution active substances in tissues, variants of metabolism and complete excretion from the body. In addition, the manufacturer clearly indicates that licorice root is contraindicated in the gestational period, since it can affect hormonal levels. Therefore, the use of the drug in this period requires special attention.

Early intake of licorice syrup

The licorice plant has a beneficial effect on respiratory system but the ability to raise estrogen levels becomes a major obstacle for pregnant women. Therefore, taking licorice syrup during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is categorically contraindicated.

  • Reckless prescription of the drug in this period can provoke a sharp rise in the level of estrogen, which will lead to a violation hormonal background and spontaneous miscarriage.
  • A rapid allergic reaction is also possible, up to Quincke's edema.
  • Violation of the water-salt balance can increase toxicosis, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys.
  • It is not excluded the development of eclampsia with hypertensive crisis, extensive edema, abortion.

Taking licorice syrup during pregnancy in the 2nd, 3rd trimester

After 14 gestational weeks, this drug can be prescribed under the supervision of a doctor if the woman needs treatment. While taking licorice syrup, carefully monitor the work of the adrenal glands, blood pressure and overall performance blood. When edema or other signs of preeclampsia appear, treatment is stopped immediately.

Taking licorice syrup during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is also undesirable. Given its property to cause fluctuations in the hormonal background and disrupt the function of the adrenal cortex, it can cause premature birth and negatively affect the very course of the birth process.

Licorice syrup: instructions for pregnancy

Licorice syrup is used in therapeutic practice to treat inflammatory conditions of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a debilitating cough.

What is licorice syrup prescribed for during pregnancy?

Indications for the appointment of Licorice syrup:

  • Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi provoked by bacteria, toxic agents, viruses. It is also possible to treat the "smoker's" bronchitis.
  • Atelectasis is the collapse of lung fragments caused by pathological narrowing of the alveoli.
  • Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs.
  • Bronchiectasis is a pathological expansion of the lumen of the bronchi and excessive secretion of thick secretions.
  • Bronchial asthma is a lesion of the bronchial mucosa of an allergic nature.

Important! Syrup of licorice root during pregnancy is indicated for the release of the bronchial tree from pathological sputum, which allows you to quickly get rid of cough.

Are there any contraindications and side effects of Licorice syrup during pregnancy?

Licorice syrup may be contraindicated in women in position in such cases:

  • Gastritis (all types).
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Peptic ulcer, especially at the peak of exacerbation.
  • High degree of obesity.
  • Addinson's disease.
  • Impaired kidney or liver function.
  • Intolerance to the composition of the drug.
  • Hypertension
  • Hypokalemia.

Important! To avoid side reactions, before you start taking licorice syrup, you must exclude a woman possible contraindications and make sure that there are no allergic manifestations to herbal preparations.

Occasionally, while taking syrup, undesirable reactions may occur:

  • slight nausea;
  • rash, itching, urticaria;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • water and electrolyte imbalance;
  • myopathy against the background of a decrease in potassium levels;
  • hypokalemia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • myoglobinuria (pathological breakdown of muscle proteins).

Important! If at least one side effect occurs while taking Licorice syrup during pregnancy, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Dose and methods of taking licorice syrup during pregnancy

Licorice syrup is taken orally three times a day. A single dose is prescribed according to age:

  • Up to two years old - ½ teaspoon.
  • From two to twelve years old - 1 teaspoon.
  • Adults - 1 dessert spoon.

The treatment course is from 7 to 10 days. In individual cases, treatment can be continued for a longer period.

On a note! Licorice syrup can be taken in pure form or stir it in plain water.

Licorice syrup: overdose and special instructions during pregnancy

Before starting treatment with licorice syrup, it is important to take into account the rules for its intake. TO special instructions relate:

  • The use of syrup in the gestational period and during lactation is permissible only for strict indications and under close observation obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Licorice syrup should not be taken with diuretics due to the risk of severe potassium deficiency.
  • Also, licorice syrup is incompatible with glucocorticosteroids. Such a medicated neighborhood aggravates Negative influence glucocorticosteroids.
  • The presence of sugars makes it difficult to take the drug in the presence of diabetes mellitus or obesity.
  • Although licorice syrup is an over-the-counter drug, it can only be taken as directed by a doctor.

Important! If the indicated therapeutic dose is violated, a woman may increase adverse reactions... In case of overdose, you must apply for medical care for symptomatic treatment.

Licorice syrup during pregnancy - reviews

V obstetric practice preparations containing licorice root are rarely used. Given the abortive and estrogen-like effect, licorice syrup is not prescribed for women in position, as well as in lactation period... But, studying the reviews of women, there are many cases of the use of this medication during pregnancy. There is no exact information about the dangers of this drug, and women taking the syrup clarify that the treatment helped cure the cough, and there were no complications in their babies.

Even if the negative effects of licorice syrup on pregnancy have not been confirmed scientific research and statistical observation, it is better not to take risks and replace licorice syrup with more acceptable expectorants.

Video "How licorice can do harm"

During pregnancy, women often experience a cough, especially when the time of childbirth is in the winter or early spring... It is difficult to treat respiratory diseases in the expectant mother, because many drugs are prohibited, and due to the compression of the lungs and bronchi by the uterus, sputum is difficult to excrete. Often women turn to traditional medicine. However, herbal preparations are not always allowed for pregnant women to use. Licorice root, popular in folk medicine, is also recommended for expectant mothers to use with caution.

Licorice: composition and mechanism of action

Licorice root is used as an antitussive and expectorant agent. The root contains:

  • glycyrrhizin;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • resin;
  • organic acids.

Thanks to this composition, licorice root has the ability to stop inflammatory process, destroy pathogens, including viruses, thin mucus in the respiratory tract and stimulate the activity of cilia, which are responsible for removing fluid from the bronchi.

In addition to the fact that licorice helps to get rid of phlegm, it promotes the regeneration of respiratory tissues, helps them restore their own immunity. Applicable medicinal plant not only for the treatment of cough, but also for the treatment of stomach and intestinal ulcers, eczema, intestinal disorders, gastritis with increased secretory function, nervous diseases, tumors, etc.

With all its advantages, licorice cannot be called a panacea for any disease. The plant has a number side effects, accordingly, is prohibited for use by certain categories of people.

Syrup is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the biliary tract;
  • arrhythmia;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

In accordance with the instructions, licorice root syrup is also prohibited during pregnancy. The ban is explained characteristic properties plants.

Can pregnant women take licorice?

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In expectant mothers, licorice root syrup can cause adverse reactions. Since licorice has the property of retaining water in the body, its intake can lead to the appearance of edema, especially in women in the 3rd trimester. On last months pregnancy, licorice can cause unstable blood pressure.

The plant contains phytoestrogens - hormone-like substances that can lead to a change in the hormonal background in the body. When using licorice for early dates there is a risk of miscarriage.

Thus, it is undesirable to use licorice to treat cough during pregnancy. It is allowed to take the drug only as directed by a doctor.

Indications for use

Typically, licorice is used to treat diseases respiratory tract viral etiology, when the expected benefit from the use of the drug for the expectant mother is higher than the risks to the fetus. Licorice is used if all other drugs prescribed earlier did not have the desired therapeutic effect.

When the expectant mother coughs badly for a long period, because of this, she does not sleep at night, the doctor may prescribe licorice syrup. A severe cough is dangerous, as it can lead to the discovery of bleeding or the onset of premature birth. Take medicine expectant mother follows strictly according to the individual treatment regimen.

To whom is the medicinal plant categorically contraindicated?

Sometimes even an unproductive, excruciating cough is forbidden to be treated with licorice. It is very dangerous to use the syrup on your own. Before you start taking it, it is recommended to mandatory consult your doctor.

Licorice is categorically contraindicated for:

  • any signs of threatened termination of pregnancy;
  • tendency to edema;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • cholestasis of pregnant women, impaired liver and kidney function.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

The specific regimen for taking the drug is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. There are also general rules the use of licorice. It is recommended to drink the syrup three times a day before meals, one tablespoon.

It is allowed to be treated with the drug for no longer than seven days. It is recommended to maintain equal intervals of time between doses of the medicine. If after the first dose there is a rash, itching, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen or nausea, further use must be discarded. It is strictly forbidden to combine the intake of syrup with drugs that lower blood pressure, cardiac glycosides and diuretics.

Rules for the use of syrup

The syrup is used one scoop three times a day. A single dose of the drug must be calculated by the doctor. Also, the syrup can be diluted with water and the resulting solution can be taken orally. Licorice has a specific taste that not all expectant mothers like. Pregnant women often prefer to add syrup to warm tea, similar way helps to quickly relieve spasms in the bronchi with a painful cough. When adding licorice to tea, it is recommended to drink the drink 2-3 times a day after meals.

How to brew and take dry licorice root extract

It is safer to treat coughs and colds with a decoction of licorice root. For cooking, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry root and a glass of water. Plant raw materials are poured into a small saucepan, boiled with boiling water, and then simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The resulting broth is filtered and used three times a day. It is recommended to take the medicine in the same way as the syrup (in a tablespoon), unless the doctor prescribes an individual dosage.

Features of application at different times

In the 1st trimester of gestation, preparations with this plant are strictly prohibited for expectant mothers. In women, in the first months of gestation, a cough is treated much easier than in later ones, so the attending physician will easily pick up good medicine among other permitted means.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you can drink licorice root under the supervision of a doctor. The second trimester is considered the safest to use the drug. On later dates licorice is prescribed in case of urgent need and in the absence of additional contraindications.

What side effects can pregnant women have?

There is no exact information about the consequences of uncontrolled intake of licorice in pregnant women. Every person reacts differently to the same drug. However, the following possible consequences can be distinguished:

  1. Nausea and vomiting. In women in the early stages, licorice can aggravate the symptoms of toxicosis.
  2. Bleeding. Expectant mothers with a penchant for uterine bleeding when turning to licorice, they risk getting a serious complication.
  3. Swelling. In the last months of pregnancy, fluid is retained in the body due to the peculiarities of metabolic processes. A syrup or decoction of licorice often aggravates the swelling.
  4. Heartburn. Licorice syrup during pregnancy stimulates the secretory function of the stomach, so sometimes its intake is accompanied by heartburn.
  5. Dizziness. In pregnant women, licorice can cause high blood pressure.
  6. Violations heart rate... Sometimes mothers-to-be have arrhythmia after taking licorice.
  7. Allergies (nausea, dizziness, hives, itching throughout the body).

It is difficult to predict exactly how licorice will work. At the same time, this plant does not cause any negative reactions in some expectant mothers. It is impossible to find out which group a woman belongs to without experience of taking the drug. If the doctor prescribes syrup, the remedy should be taken. Only after the first and second doses begin to act without additional complications, you can safely proceed to further treatment.

The popular licorice root is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. However, many girls ignore this rule. Expectant mothers are highly susceptible to various diseases, viral and infectious pathologies, therefore, they strive to recover as quickly as possible. Excellent properties of this drug quickly deal with the symptoms of a cold, however, it is during pregnancy medicinal root licorice can seriously harm mom and baby.

During gestation Consultation Licorice treatment

While carrying a baby, you need to especially carefully monitor your health, because even an ordinary plant can cause irreparable harm. Therefore, you should definitely contact a specialist. Only a doctor should select a course of treatment based on individual characteristics women. Be sure to read the instructions for licorice syrup, which says that during pregnancy, the use of the drug is prohibited.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine often comes to the fore during the treatment of girls in position, you need to be extremely careful. Hop cones, sage, anise fruits are not recommended during this period. Licorice root during pregnancy is also strictly prohibited. Let's find out more about useful properties the drug and why doctors do not recommend it.

Remember to consult with your gynecologist

How is herbal remedy useful?

Despite the fact that it is forbidden to consume licorice syrup during pregnancy, in general it is quite useful. The medicine contains asparagine, vitamins, cirrhizic bitterness, linveritic acid, flavone glucosides, glucose, calcium and potassium salts, glycyrrhizic acid, glycyrrhizin, which is 50 times sweeter than sugar, but acts by analogy with the steroid hormone cortisone.

Distinguish the following types drug effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antihistamine,
  • tonic.

In addition, it helps to regulate the water-salt balance and has a tonic effect. Despite the fact that during pregnancy, doctors do not recommend licorice, it can strengthen immune system... In addition, with its help, it is possible to prevent or cure diseases in which the activity of the central nervous system is inhibited in a child.

It is often used as an antidepressant. The drug is used for a diuretic or choleretic effect. Its therapeutic effect is expressed in several states.

  1. Relaxation of smooth muscles.
  2. Stimulates the production of gastric secretions.
  3. Decreased secretion of the digestive gland.

What does the medicine help for?

When pregnant, be sure to check with your doctor if you can drink the popular licorice root. In most cases, a specialist will recommend a different drug.


In the instructions for use, in addition to the fact that licorice syrup is prohibited during pregnancy, the diseases that the drug cope with are indicated:

  • diabetes;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • acute chronic pyelonephritis;
  • hypofunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • skin diseases ( allergic dermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • chronic gastritis;
  • gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • chronic spastic colitis with a tendency to constipation;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchial, pulmonary pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough);
  • childhood obesity;
  • poisoning;
  • radiation contamination;
  • Addinson's disease.

The remedy well softens the throat during coughing, helps to reduce growing tumors. It also stimulates the normal functioning of the stomach, peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to strengthen natural and natural forces organism. It is often used to treat coughs in young children. Licorice is especially dangerous during early pregnancy. More on this below.

Why herbal preparation is prohibited

During pregnancy in the 1st trimester, licorice syrup known to many can cause many diseases. These include.

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
  3. Hypokalemia.
  4. High blood pressure.

These pathologies are very dangerous during the carrying of a child, therefore, during pregnancy in the 1-3 trimester, the drug is not prescribed.

The water-salt balance can be disturbed due to long-term intake medications, and this is very harmful mom-to-be... The problem is dangerous with the rapid onset of edema of the extremities. In this case, you need to urgently stop taking it and take a course of diuretic drugs.

Otherwise, gestosis may appear, and it greatly complicates the bearing of a child and can lead to premature birth... Therefore, during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, the use of licorice syrup is especially dangerous.

Dangerous to use before childbirth

The medicine can affect the adrenal cortex and hormone production. Therefore, during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the medicinal root is not used. Usually, the concentration of estrogen, which is the main hormone of expectant mothers, rises. At the same time, not only small, but also a large number of hormones can adversely affect the development and health of the baby.

In the instructions for use of the drug, licorice root clearly states that it is prohibited during pregnancy. However, if a woman has always drank this remedy and even now wants to take it, it is imperative to consult with her obstetrician-gynecologist. Perhaps he will take a risk and prescribe a reduced dosage of the drug.

You should not arbitrarily prescribe medication for yourself. Even if you previously drank only them, because you were happy with the effect, during all three trimesters, significant changes occur in the body. He can react negatively to a seemingly familiar medicine.

Angelina Porynova:

I took licorice root, although I did not know if this medicine was possible during pregnancy. Tortured coughing, so I bought the product. The doctor swore terribly when she found out and immediately prescribed another drug.

In the article, we talk about licorice root during pregnancy. You will find out if this remedy can be used when carrying a child, and whether it is safe for the health of the woman and the fetus. You will understand how you can replace licorice in the treatment of cough, and when the plant is contraindicated.

Can licorice root during pregnancy

Licorice root, often used by pregnant women, has powerful expectorant properties. The natural remedy is used to strengthen the immune system, treat heart disease, and normalize hormonal levels. Licorice root is undesirable during pregnancy, consult your doctor before taking any medication However, according to the instructions, licorice root is undesirable to use during pregnancy.... The plant can negatively affect the health of the woman and the fetus, lead to irreversible consequences. Let's figure out during what period licorice is completely contraindicated during pregnancy, and when it is permissible:

  • Licorice root during pregnancy in 1 trimester is strictly contraindicated... Natural medicine contains phyto-analogs of adrenal hormones, and any hormonal intervention in the early stages is unacceptable. It also thins the blood, which can cause bleeding and miscarriage. As an exception, licorice during early pregnancy is used on the recommendation of a doctor for severe coughing attacks.
  • Licorice root during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is sometimes used if a woman starts having coughing fits. During this period, medicines and folk remedies provide least influence on the fetus protected by the placenta. And yet, you should not abuse licorice. Use it in the form of a decoction or water infusion carefully, in minimal dosages, only after consulting a doctor.
  • Licorice root during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is undesirable for use... The plant can cause edema as it traps sodium salts in the blood. In this case, licorice removes potassium salts, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, and thins the blood. These conditions can become the first steps on the way to late toxicosis (gestosis) and complicate the process of childbirth.

The question of whether licorice is possible for pregnant women is difficult to answer unequivocally. In some Western countries, licorice root for coughing during pregnancy is not contraindicated. If you decide to use this remedy when carrying a child, be sure to consult your doctor.

Instead of an infusion or decoction, you can use licorice syrup during pregnancy. The exact dosage of such a drug is easier to determine, which will allow the doctor to track changes in the state of your body.

How to replace licorice in the treatment of cough

If you are in doubt about whether you can drink licorice root during pregnancy, you can use other medicines allowed while carrying a baby. Of the expectorant drugs, Mukaltin, drugs produced by the Doctor IOM trademark, Herbion syrup are considered acceptable.

It is better not to use herbs during pregnancy, as it is precisely to determine safe concentration infusion of them is difficult. In addition, you do not know all the contraindications that this or that remedy has.

To relieve coughing, resort to dairy products, vegetables that have an expectorant effect:

  • hot milk drink with butter and honey;
  • radish juice mixed with honey;
  • honey with onions, slightly heated to a warm state;
  • rosehip broth.

These natural remedies safe during pregnancy and do not adversely affect the health of the woman and the fetus.

Precautions for using folk remedies

By choosing folk recipes from a cough while carrying a baby, make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients. To do this, take a few sips of the prepared medicine and observe the reaction of the body. Any deterioration in general condition- a sign that the chosen remedy will have to be abandoned.

Read the contraindications before use. Not everyone natural medicines safe for mother and fetus. For example, contraindications to licorice during pregnancy are impaired liver and kidney function, excess weight, hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

It is unacceptable to use vegetable tinctures for alcohol.

When deciding to take licorice during pregnancy, consult your doctor and warn him about your choice of an expectorant. If the condition worsens during the intake, stop using the plant and choose another medicine that is less hazardous to health.

For more information on treating colds and coughs during pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Licorice is completely contraindicated in the 1st trimester, but it is acceptable in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  2. Consider contraindications when negative reaction body, give up the selected medicine.
  3. Replace licorice with other expectorants if your doctor has told you not to use this herb.

Women who are expecting a baby are especially susceptible to various infectious and colds... But at the same time, many pharmacy preparations should not be taken during pregnancy. There are also certain restrictions on use. folk remedies: fruits of anise, hop cones, sage. Licorice root must also be used with caution.

General information about the plant

Licorice (licorice) is a perennial plant with a strong root system. Chemical composition licorice is very rich. The composition of licorice contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • magnesium;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • chromium;
  • aluminum;
  • lead;
  • zinc.

The root of the plant has expectorant, wound healing, antispasmodic properties. It is actively used in the treatment of various pathologies of the respiratory tract. Means made on the basis of licorice root help thinning phlegm and relieve coughing attacks.

Licorice root harm

Despite the usefulness of liquorice-based products, they are not recommended for use while waiting for a baby. When using the plant, the following undesirable effects may occur:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • deterioration of kidney function;
  • the occurrence of an allergic rash;
  • the appearance of edema.

Important! When using licorice-based products, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. This can lead to persistent edema and the development of late toxicosis(gestosis). Gestosis often causes premature birth.

In addition, licorice root products increase estrogen levels in the body, which is also undesirable while waiting for the baby.

Ways to use licorice root

A large number of various preparations have been created on the basis of the plant root. Licorice is present in breast preparations, syrups, and cough suppressants. Licorice root is added to confectionery, soft drinks.

The plant is actively used for cosmetic purposes. Creams based on licorice root help whiten the skin.

Important! Before using licorice-based products internally, you should consult your doctor. Medicinal syrup should be diluted before use enough water. Liquorice-based products are not intended for long-term use.

If the intake of licorice-based funds is agreed with the doctor, their dosage is increased gradually. In this case, a pregnant woman needs to closely monitor any changes in her health. If you experience nausea, dizziness, deterioration of liver function and pain in the area of ​​the joints, taking licorice-based products should be discontinued and consult your doctor for advice.

When signs occur allergic reaction when using liquorice externally, it is recommended to choose a different cosmetic cream.

The use of a plant root for cosmetic purposes

Means made on the basis of licorice are used to eliminate edema on the face, age spots... They are suitable for sensitive skin... Products that contain licorice root have pronounced emollient and anti-aging properties. They help reduce the appearance of acne and dermatitis.

Making a whitening lotion

You can prepare a remedy for removing age spots according to the following recipe:

  1. First you need to thoroughly grind the licorice root.
  2. 10 grams of medicinal raw materials are placed in a glass dish and poured into it small amount vodka (about 50 ml).
  3. The dishes are covered with a lid and insisted for 14 days.
  4. After this period, the agent is filtered and 200 ml of water is added.

The finished lotion is applied to those areas of the face that have age spots.

Preparation of infusion against age spots

To eliminate age spots on the face, a whitening infusion is also used. The preparation process is as follows:

  1. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 100 ml thermal water, 10 g of crushed licorice root, previously crushed to a powder state.
  2. These ingredients are transferred to a sterilized jar.
  3. The resulting product is thoroughly mixed.
  4. The infusion is placed in dark room for 24 hours. In this case, the container is tightly sealed with a lid.
  5. The infusion must be shaken periodically. At the end of the day, the drink must be filtered.

The finished infusion should be added to bleaching cosmetic creams in a ratio of 1:10.

Cracked heel remedy

To prepare a wound healing cream, you will need the following components:

  • 5 tbsp. l. beeswax white;
  • 20 g of licorice root, pre-crushed to a powder state;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil.

To prepare a cream that helps to get rid of cracked heels, you just need to mix all the ingredients listed. The cream is applied to the affected skin of the feet after taking a bath. The average duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. After the specified time, the cream is washed off with a sufficient amount of water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week.

Licorice whitening cream

Whitening cream based on licorice is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to mix in a separate container a little olive oil and 20 g of chopped licorice root.
  2. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed.
  3. The product must be left to simmer in a water bath for 11 hours.
  4. Simultaneously with the preparation of the liquorice-based product, a decoction is made from corn stigmas and crimson leaves.
  5. The resulting broth is mixed with oil from licorice root.
  6. The product is heated in a water bath.
  7. Then the resulting cream is whipped. Add 10 drops of vitamin A and 3 drops to it essential oil roses.

Contraindications to the use of the root of a medicinal plant

The use of drugs with licorice is contraindicated if the expectant mother has the following pathologies:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • hypersensitivity to plant components;
  • the onset of symptoms of acute heart failure;
  • severe obesity.