Men are better than women in everything. Who better handles money? Risk your health

What is an ungrateful occupation, arguing which of us is better - men or women. Representatives of both sexes are good in their own way. But, as you know, God created Adam first. So, should his sons and successors male Be any advantages over those who are coming from Eva, originating from the edge? Let's think about and what men better womenWhat are their main advantages?

Physical strength

A man in his destination, like a woman, was created to continue his genus on the planet. And opportunities for this from a purely natural point of view he has much more than a woman. A woman has one egg cell per month produces, and men have millions of spermatozoa at a time. Imagine if people did not exist moral principles and rules, how many children would have one man? But the most prolific women give birth to 18 children in life. But having to give birth to children - half the way, they must be put on their feet, feed and raise. To protect your family, nature gave a big man physical strength. Of course, we will not consider individual representatives who do not raise more ball knob, we talk about natural ideas, and not about their interpretation by men. Power allows strong semi Protect not only your family, but also your country, your honor and dignity. In men, physical "disassembly" are the normal fact of clarifying relationships. I figured out - and fell lovedly. Women will fly intrigue, act more sophisticated and cruelly, although they cannot hit anyone. Harm from their "activity" is much more for the whole world. In addition, the man is hardy, racks, courageous, he can overcome not only trouble, but also various obstacles, both moral and real.

Moral qualities

Arguing than men are better than women, it should be noted that the representative of the strong sex by nature is the leader of the "flocks", that is, families. IN modern world With this, too, problems, but we must pay tribute that the calculating and sober mind is characteristic of most of the men. A man is able to see the life phenomenon volume, analyze it, draw conclusions and make a clear action plan. That is, it is able to think rationally. A man in character is always more firm and reliable than a woman. She can change their decisions, the man is firmly going to the conceived.

A man thinks a lot before making a decision, so his decisions are correct much more often than women's decisionswhich are accepted under the action of emotions and feelings. If after received A man will fail, he thinks a lot again, trying to understand why it happened so.

Men are more generous, calm, kind. The woman laid an instinct of education of children, so it is inclined to engage in accumulation, savings, calculations. And the man in nature is not able to be attached to the house one hundred percent, so he can share, from his broad soul can take the last shirt.

Pleasant trifles

Another wonderful quality can be remembered, studying than men are better than women. Nature made it such that it is required to talk 3 times less than a woman. Therefore, if a man said, he did, and a woman has many words and little things, as a rule. Men are not needed great amount The outfits, jewelry, shoes, etc. and they do not spend money on the solarium and beauty salons, they can wear one and the same pants shirt for years!

Who is better - Men or Women? On this question, many people are trying to answer. Representatives of the opposite sex often compare each other, reveal strong and weak sides. In some cases, they compete and try to prove their significance to each other.

Today, many guys and girls want to achieve certain success in life. However, there are stereotypes in society, which are not so easy to get rid. Who is better - Men or Women? Let's try to figure out.

Madness of the case

Men have more opportunities in order to devote themselves profession or beloved lesson. They feel from the inside more free and self-sufficient. For guys the most important in life is self-realization. The desire to achieve some vertex can inspire them on exploits and accomplishments. The man is important to have a goal to which he will strive. Then he has the strength to achieve desired result. Otherwise, he will spend aimlessly time and will not even try to change depressing circumstances. The search for meaning is characteristic of a strong floor to more extent.

Women are not so easy to even choose the desired direction in life. They are often more oriented towards the needs and desires of close people than their own needs. This feature, of course, often does not allow them to come to the scheduled result. A woman is very tied to family and children. Any disadvantage in this area can make her abandon personal plans. Focus on family values Promotes the development of great sensitivity. For girl great importance Relations with parents, spouse, own children. When a woman does not have this, it becomes difficult to find it peace of mindIn general, understand why she lives.


She is very different in guys and girls. Such a thing as self-esteem depends on the set of factors. If a man for a long time It can not take the desired position in society, then his ability to think about himself well will undergo significant changes. A young man can even be disappointed in own abilitiesIf I understand that his efforts were not justified. A high self-evaluation It will be present in a man who all achieved himself, and did not expect a favorable coincidence.

As for the woman, in most cases the career is not so important for her. A beautiful sex representative dreams of meeting his soul mate and build it trusting relationship. If no one pays attention to the girl, then she begins to feel unclaimed and unnecessary. Self-esteem will begin to rise if romantic dates They will become an integral part of its daily reality.

Feelings and emotions

Who is better - men or women - express their thoughts and moods? It is worth noting that representatives of strong sex have the habit of restraining their feelings and do not seek them once again demonstrate. Some guys generally consider emotions by manifestation of weakness and therefore try to restrain themselves. When someone speaks of them about their fears, they can listen to a person and even advise something, calm down, but it is unlikely to support such conversations on a permanent basis. Still, men are important to develop their own consistency and invulnerability. Some of them are very shameful to sign in their own weakness.

Attitude to stress

Unfortunately, various experiences are not afraid of people. Life often imposes surprises to which the body responds with stress. There is an opinion that weak women More adapted to various tights, while men often break and closes on their failures. However, much depends on the nature of the person. There are people who simple situation knocks out of the gauge. In some cases, they are willing to surrender even before we take the first step. Often, men relate to stress as a kind of test, and girls consider him something initially unfavorable.

Select partner

Life satellite search - the task is not easy. What factors depends the choice of a partner? Girls are important reliability, the feeling that young man always will help her in solving any difficulties. Otherwise, she will never be able to feel confidence in itself and its future. She needs to feel the presence near strong shoulderwho held a person who does not frighten difficulties. As for the representatives of a strong sex, then the situation is somewhat different.

The best woman for a man is the one that is distinguished by sincerity. If the life companion wants to take care, disinterestedly to give warm and affection, then such a girl is a decent guy will always notice. Such is the psychology of men. The best woman necessarily seeks to show their excellent character qualities. She is modest, responsive, mental and attentive.


Some representatives of strong sex believe that it is purely women's taskAnd do not want to have nothing to do with it. Fortunately, not everyone thinks. Education of children is an integral part family life. Both a man and a woman must equally use their resources, going to the decision this issue. The fact is that they can teach their child different things. So, the mother will never be able to fill the errors in the upbringing committed by the Father.

The man, respectively, will not work so to hide the baby, every minute to stay with him next to the first weeks and months of life. Everyone must perform its task. The best woman, according to men, is the one that has time to be a good mother and does not cease to be an excellent wife and girlfriend.

Physical work

This aspect deserves separate attention. What men do better women? Undoubtedly, they possess greater physical strength. It is for this reason that men have the opportunity to build at home, perform work that requires endurance. Women are less adapted to the drainage of gravity, they are not under power some types of work. They appreciate physical strength even in former men. The best women are always ready to morally support their partner, confidence in it in success. However, it is important for them to understand that the partner is determined and herself seeks to something.

Instead of imprisonment

So who is better - men or women? A priori cannot be a response to this question. Yes, he is not needed. Yes, we are different. Yes, everyone has their own cocks. But it's great! In some components, representatives of strong sex win. At certain points, on the contrary, women demonstrate their superiority. The most important thing is that people of the opposite sex pull each other. And only together they can build a truly full and happy life. For happiness, it is not necessary to go far. Sometimes you just need to be able to carefully look at the person who is near.

Millennies, civilization suppressed women, reducing them auxiliary, decorative role. And the traditional is "look at the household and children while I go to the mammoth." The image of Cleopatra still sinks among the armor of the rulers of the Roman Empire. Such a patriarchal alignment arranged the clergy, especially since it regulated demographics, and the army needed new soldiers, because The time of time, humanity was obsessed with wars, repropted world maps and calmed down only after the creation of nuclear weapons. Accordingly, he drove his wife under the castle, a man could afford to multiply so much as married to married health. The disagreement was allowed to bring in the nun. Inquisition, again. In many countries, the throne for a long time was inherited only by male line kind And if it were not that German, or a native of the Livonian Martha Skavron (later Catherine I), to which the first to be the first to the first, one God knows when russian crown For the first time would tried a woman.

Fortunately, in my opinion, the achievements of progress in a new time, with the then Bunts, workers were seriously influenced by the formation of the "left" ideology, and also created prerequisites for women's liberation. Although the main events occurred at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries and are mainly associated with the soul fusion. To think only, women did not have election rights! Accordingly, historically the contribution of women in world civilization It was very modest. Not to mention science, career, industry, higher education, car management ...

I am not a historian, but, in sensations, a splash of what is customary to call feminism, in our country came in revolutionary years and the period of the formation of the USSR. Communists adhered to the "left" views, proclaimed the general equalization and even the sexual revolution. So in schools a joint training of girls and boys was introduced. They tried to fight prostitution (). Then, however, the situation gradually returned to the circles, but the buried was laid.

Here is so good selection Indicating personalities:

As you can see, literally everything that may have neutral professional coloring (then you do not depend on a particular gender), it is considered to be completely the male diocese, because the postulate has not yet strengthened in the public consciousness that women can do this at all worse than men. The centuries-old foundations do not break quickly. The number of women behind the wheel, businesswoman; Sooner or later, they will be much more in politics, while it is still fixed by men.

Thanks for the saturated response, right, did not expect such a long tours in history!

Apparently, I misunderstood the question, I am interested in specific household philosophy: Why do men in everyday things consider themselves better than women?) In the sphere of history, politics and other "importance", our lovely men always consider themselves experts. here it's not about memory about patriarchal relations Ancestors, but as if it is anthropologically laid in you! :) So I wonder to listen to the versions of men \\ guys)


Probably, these are the consequences of education, in addition to stereotypes just do not get rid. Driving a car for a whole century was the lot of men. Even in the kitchen - men are considered to be the best cooks, for nothing that the situation is changing and nothing that professional cuisine is very different from the usual domestic understanding. The situation is true:, but not that radically.

Examples when a person (creature, remind, biosocial) can be placed in the conditions of loss of historical and genetic memory, quite a bit. This is what about "The man -sil driving, and the woman is balancing", "man" on the front ", the woman provides reliable rear" It pops up one way or another, because M and g are brought up in different ways, in solid-caliber, if you want, valuables. In the end, men are more adapted to physical work Due to, on average, larger complex and other physiological differences.

In general, explain what you understand under everyday things? :)



Because they were talked to this thought since childhood. "What are you like a girl?" - This is a humiliating comparison, therefore what? That's right, the girl turns out worse than the boy. "Babskaya work" - therefore what? Do not do it, it is humiliating, and in both directions it turns out that "Baba" is worse than a man. At the same time, the boys say goodbye to aggression even in the event of an attack, and girls do not say goodbye to the girls - "decent girls do not fight." Well, yes, they are supposed to just cry and endure. Otherwise they are bad.

At first, the Christian civilization decided for many centuries, whether a woman had a soul (unlike a man, whose soul had no questions), then put on women a lot of prohibitions - from the ban on extramarital sexuality (that men will easily say goodbye), through a ban on satellite definition Life, and a direct flight to a pack of prohibitions for full education, property possession and a choice of lifestyle. Moreover, women who could overcome the obstacles were declared or irrigated, or criminals: "blue stocking", "Old Virgo", "Witch" - and for the last woman generally could lose life - with the full approval of the authorities and "peaceful inhabitants." Witch. Does not want like everyone else.

And it continues until now. "Why do you need to learn, do not worry, get together, everyone will sit down at home!" - And imposing such thoughts, the image of a woman who is not capable of learning and not trained, and, therefore, not ready and to the rule of his own - not to mention someone else - life. And here we are immediately, in the 21st century, you can easily get men who are "better" women. Although from birth, and in intellectual potential, people are born equal. And not better or worse. The whole question is in education and upbringing. As well as medicine that helps women control when they pregnant, how to feel at the same time, and how long they only be in the child, before returning to their usual, interesting life for her.

2. Men have no PMSWhen the whole world seems evil-terrible, and subsequently - and Klimaks. And the middle-aged crisis, when many changes work on more interesting and boring wives on a more young, the thing is much more pleasant.

3. I. give in flour They do not need either. No matter how cool, nervously smoking under the windows of the maternity hospital, it's somewhat easier than nine months to enter the child and to endure the pain.

4. K. Blonde behind the wheel It will not be frightened or condescending, waiting for the parking lots from him right in the middle of the highway.

5. Hike in a hairdresser is not for him an important event, and departure your favorite master - disaster. And in general, in case you can trim under the machine.

6. And certainly him do not threaten the epilation of legs and bikini zones wax (if it is not a stripter).

7. He may not worry that difficult varnish smeared Or bright - sheed at the most inopportune moment.

8. In addition, men save a bunch of money on cosmetics, decorations, underwear and stockings (if only do not give all this beloved).

9. Romantic dinner for it is limited. buying colors and condoms, not a three-hour standing at the stove.

10. He can call first, write first, wait for the entrance and generally come on all fronts. The surrounding only admire persistence, and it is unlikely that anyone will say that decent men do not do that.

11. Employer, reading his questionnaire, will not be disappointed to pull: " De-ti? Yes you will be constantly on the hospital"Or" no children? So soon will appear, and you will go to the decret! "

12. If his only corona dish is a pizza to order, no one will affect. And if the "Napoleon" or a kare of a lamb, amazes and will certainly do Chefsome restaurant.

13. "Two years in a pair, and never had orgasm"- It's not exactly about him!

14. He will never buy a gel for problem areas or spend time on anticellulite massage - He could not have this problem by definition.

15. The second half can be safe to be younger by 10, 15 and even 25 years old - friends only swallowfully. And even if she only needs one, you can be proud that it is one thing.

16. Bachelor Always in a more advantageous position than the old maiden of the same age.

17. According to the heroine of a famous film, after a divorce man called free, and a woman - abandoned. Maybe not so tough, but the share of truth is there.

18. In men there is no mother-in-law, And the mother-in-law and the investment are usually set up much more peaceful. At the same time, men will not meet at the Zaby Point Forum, where they tell about how mother-in-law ruined their lives.

19. Women's workers, personnel departments, accounting and other "paper" offshore women's team, loyal to men-visitors.

20. On the first date he has no need to depict the absence of appetite, ordering espresso (only without sugar) or green tea. And on the second and follow-up - especially.

21. He will not suffer a question, Will the girl pay for two or not And which of this follows.

22. And will not worry, what will look like in the morning without makeup.

23. The first move in the game "February 23 - March 8" is not behind him, which means that you can safely give a shower gel in response to shaving foam.

You do not need to always carry a whole bag of extremely necessary objects.
Is yours telephone call It lasts no more than 30 seconds.
For weekly vacation, you have enough one suitcase.
In movies bare much more often show women.
You do not need to follow sex life Your friends.
Your ass shape does not matter for employment.
Marriage cases are treated by themselves.
All your orgasms are real.
You yourself can open all the bottles, banks, etc.
The queue in the toilet is shorter than 80%.
Old friends deeply spit on the changes in your weight.
When you switch the channels on the TV, you do not need to stop longer than 5 seconds.
The garage and the television of the TV are yours, and only yours.
If someone forgets to call you somewhere, he still can remain your friend.
When you criticize you, you do not need to panic that everyone around you hate you.
Your panties are 100 rubles for 3 pieces.
You do not need to shave anything that is below the neck.
None of your colleagues can bring you to tears.
All that is on your face is always natural color and forms.
If you are a 34-year-old bachelor, no one pays attention to it.
You do not need every night to fall asleep next to a hairy ass.
You can enjoy silence, sitting in the car on the site of the passenger.
All problems are settled by flowers.
Three pairs of shoes to you more than enough.
No one stops telling an indecent joke when you enter the room.
Sellers at the car market can tell you the truth.
You can remove the T-shirt if you are hot.
Do you care if you have noticed new hairstyle.
You can pass the clock so much silently watch football with your friend and not torment the question: "Maybe he is angry with me?"
All month you have the same mood.
You know at least 20 ways to open beer bottles.
People never stare on your chest when you are talking to them.
If you do not call a friend at the appointed time, he will not tell everyone others how you have changed.
You will never miss the opportunity to make love just because you have no mood.
You do not need to remember the draws of the dates of weddings and birthdays.
If another man appeared at a party dressed in the same way as you, you can become best friends.

We do not have to walk on heels.
We do not have a chest with which it is uncomfortable to run.
We are almost always perceived seriously.
Male alcoholism is curable.
We can drink beer all night, in the morning to come to work in a mint costume and say that the night has been able to.
Our surname remains the same as at birth.
A man can become president.
You can wear white T-shirt In the park of water rides.
We do not need a prelude.
Wrinkles add originality.
Equal work - Equal payment.
We do not need gaskets.
New shoes do not cut legs.

This, of course, is not all, but this is enough!

P. S. When preparing, expressions were used (without specifying the author) found on the Internet.