Musical New Year's fairy tale for children of the middle group of doe. Winter stories for children Winter stories for children 3 4 years old

(Children enter the hall. Stand around the Christmas tree)

What kind of guest came to us
How pretty and slim.
Above the star is burning
And there is snow on the branches.
What is this?

Children: Christmas tree!

Yolka: Hello! Hey! Hello to you, I am a Christmas tree, I am glad to meet you here, and at this New Year's hour, I also congratulate you.

You came to the joy of the children,
we will celebrate the new year with you,
let's sing a song together,
Let's have fun dancing.

(Song at the discretion of the music director).

Presenter: Oh, guys, there is a letter hanging on the Christmas tree! I wonder who it's from? Let's read.
“You look under the tree, you will find a bell there.
Do not twist, do not twist, but gently shake.
The bell will sing and call guests to you.
I'm loading gifts, I'll be there soon. Santa Claus".
Where is the magic bell? Yes, here he is!
To make it more fun
shall we invite guests?

Children: Yes!

(Rings. A bunny runs out)

Bunny: Hello guys!
I ran to you from the forest
On crisp snow.
(looks around) I'm very afraid of foxes
Sly red-haired sister.

Don't be afraid, bunny
Don't be afraid, coward. At our party, all the guys are cheerful. We will not allow you to offend.

Well, I'm staying with you
I'm not afraid of kids.
I will play with you
Songs to sing and dance.
Hey my bunny friends
Run out quickly
Don't be afraid, fools
And play more fun.

(The game "Hare and the Wind").

Well, bunnies are good
They danced from the heart.

(The Fox appears.)

A fox:
What are the songs? What are the dances?
Are there masks here and there?
I am the mistress here fox!
I refuse to have fun!

Oh! The fox is very evil.
We will study it now. (Snowballs)
You make out the snowballs
And throw them at the fox!

(Game "Snowballs").

A fox:
What kind of container is this?
Well, now I'll ask you.
I will cancel the fun
I'll kick everyone out of here!

You fox, don't make noise
Look at the boys.
How nicely everyone is dressed
Agree? Well, it's just amazing!

Lisa: Who's handsome?

Host: Guys! Both girls and boys.

A fox:
Well they are really good
Babies are babies.
Why are you so dressed up
And why did they come here?

Everyone sing and have fun
Lead a noisy round dance.
Because today is a holiday!
What holiday?

Children: New Year.

A fox:
It's such a miracle, just a miracle
This holiday is the New Year.
Can I stay with you
Have fun and laugh?

Get in the circle, everyone
Hold on tight to your hands.

(Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest").

A fox:
We are in our hall today
They danced so beautifully
But it hurts me to tears
Where is Santa Claus?

He should have come a long time ago
Can't find us!

A fox:
Santa Claus, wow! Hear, I'm calling you!

(Santa Claus enters.)

Santa Claus:
Ay! Ay! I'm coming!
I am a cheerful Santa Claus
New Year's guest to you.
Don't hide your nose from me
I am good today.
And they call me for a reason
The child's grandfather.
I bring gifts
Sledges, skis, books.
My head is gray
And eyelashes in the snow.
If I came here
Let's have fun!
(stand in a circle)

Snow Maiden:
Decorate the Christmas tree
Stars and flags.
Do not burn on the Christmas tree
Only lights.
We'll clap our hands
We will stomp our feet
To light the Christmas tree for us
I propose to sing a song!

(Song "New Year").

Santa Claus:
We plant together 1-2-3, our Christmas tree, burn!

The tree glows, sparkles.
Let's have fun kids!

Snow Maiden:
We sang and played
But we haven't danced in a long time!
I invite you, friends,
To a fun dance!

(Dance "Nuka, Christmas tree").

Santa Claus:
How well you are having fun.
And you are not afraid of me?
So you're not afraid at all?
You beware of the cold.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, how Santa Claus loves
Pinch the kids on the nose.

Santa Claus:
Yes, I'll pinch my nose -
He will become beautiful
Or bright red or bright blue.

(The game "I'll freeze").

Santa Claus:
Show me your pens. I will freeze.
Bubbles are watermelons. I will freeze.
Noses - snub noses. I will freeze.
Well, you must! Didn't freeze anyone!

And let's guys, let's play catch-up with Grandpa! (In a circle).

Santa Claus (singing):
I, Frost - Red Nose.
Overgrown with a beard.
I'm looking, looking for children.
Come out quickly!

(Children dance, run to the chairs).

Santa Claus:
Oh, how hot it became in the hall,
How well we played!

Guys, let's blow on Santa Claus to cool him down.

And now to us, children,
It's time to read poetry.

(Free verses).

Santa Claus:
Well, it's time for me to pack up
On the road - the road to go.
It remains only to give gifts to all the guys.
Where is my big bag? Did I leave him in the forest?

Snow Maiden: What are you, D-ka, gifts are lost?

Santa Claus:
Don't worry too much
Everything will be great for us.
I'll whisper with a Christmas tree -
Green needle.
And she will help us
There will be gifts for kids.

Christmas tree:
You brought gifts to children, good Santa Claus.
Yes, he dropped the bag, and the snow covered him.
And I covered it with a branch and saved the gifts.
Bend over, take a look!

Santa Claus:
Snow Maiden, come here!

Snow Maiden:
And under the tree is a treasure.
Here are some gifts for the kids!

(Presenting gifts).

Fairy tale for kindergarten "Lonely Christmas tree"

Moiseeva Natalya Valentinovna, educator, GBOU Gymnasium No. 1503 (SP kindergarten 1964), Moscow
The story is aimed at children of middle preschool age. The fairy tale can be used in the New Year thematic period in DO.
Generalization of knowledge about the artistic space of fairy tales.
Develop interest in reading, thinking, attention, memory.

Fairy tale

A Christmas tree grew on the edge of the forest. It just so happened that not a single tree grew near her. The Christmas tree was sad, she really wanted to have friends. She saw how friendly squirrels store nuts for the winter: “They have fun together,” the Christmas tree thought. Sometimes rabbits ran to her to hide under fluffy twigs from a fox.
One day, a hunter stopped near the Christmas tree, he examined it from all sides and said: "Fluffy beauty, how great it would be to bring the kids here on New Year's Eve, dress up the Christmas tree, dance around her and make a wish around her."
Having rested, the hunter left and the Christmas tree was left alone again.
Months flew by one after another and winter came. All the animals hid in their burrows. It was snowing and wrapped the Christmas tree in a white fluffy blanket. The Christmas tree remembered the hunter's thoughts and also thought: "Since people make a wish on New Year's Eve, then it can come true?" The Christmas tree also decided to make a wish.
New Year's Eve has come, suddenly, Santa Claus sees a Christmas tree along the path and straight to it. He stopped and asked the Christmas tree: "Christmas tree, I'm lost, the kids are waiting for me with gifts, can you tell me how to get out? I will fulfill any of your desires."
The Christmas tree showed the way to Santa Claus and said: “I don’t need any gift, if only with one eye to see how the kids sing songs and dance. It’s probably fun there, but I’m growing up all alone on the edge.”
"Thank you, little one." - said Santa Claus and left along the indicated path, and the Christmas tree was left alone again. But in less than five minutes, a painted sleigh drove up to her, and in them Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the kids. The Christmas tree was delighted, because the children danced around her, sang songs - everything she dreamed of.
“How many friends I have!” thought the Christmas tree, but soon they will leave and again I will be left alone.
But then, Santa Claus hit his staff and two birds flew in. Santa Claus took them in his hand and planted them on a branch of a Christmas tree.: "Here you will build your nest and live and always be friends with the Christmas tree."
It is not in vain that they say that if you make a wish on New Year's Eve, it will certainly come true!
So the Christmas tree made friends and wait, she never felt sad.

(The host enters the decorated hall, greets the parents, addresses the children standing at the entrance.)

Leader (V.).

Glistening with golden rain

Our cozy bright room.

I invite all children -

It's time for the holiday!

(Children lightly, on tiptoes, run into the hall, stand around the Christmas tree.)

IN. Guys, you ran into the hall together, you saw a miracle tree. (For the New Year.) Of course, for the New Year, the most joyful holiday that not only children, but also adults are waiting for.

Wonderful New Year's holiday

Comes to people every year.

We are all getting ready and waiting.

Come quickly! - we call him.

And not only on New Year's Eve

Joyful laughter rings out.

May all the people be happy!

Let there be peace for all!

Guys, what is missing on our Christmas tree? The lights don't burn! Let's ask her to light up.


One two Three! (They clap.)

Shine Christmas tree! (Raise hands up, the tree lights up.)

IN. Oh, how the tree has changed -

Just do not know!

shone, shone

Everyone is invited to dance!


Children. Ready!

IN. So let's not wait too long

Let's start dancing!

New Year's dance(in a circle) (music by G. Vikhareva).

IN. They danced so well!

Well done! Not tired?

Let's sit down and rest

And we will sing about the Christmas tree.

(Children sit down in Turkish around the Christmas tree, the light decreases.)

The song "The Christmas tree has come to the children"(music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by O. Volgina).

IN. Children, who is missing at our holiday? (Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.) We must follow them into the forest. Who will go?

(The janitor appears.)

Street cleaner. So be it, persuaded me to go to the forest. (She speaks to the side.) The kids have her, how beautiful, but I don’t have one like that!

IN. Thank you, Uncle Vanya! What would we do without you! Come back soon with your guests!

(The janitor leaves. Three Christmas trees are put up. The janitor approaches the first Christmas tree to the music.)

Street cleaner.

(He swings a hatchet, Bunny jumps out from behind the tree.)


Don't cut this tree

Save for us!

We live under the tree

We will invite you to visit!

Street cleaner. Well, Zainka, I won’t touch your Christmas tree!

Bunny. Thanks! And we will dance for you!

Bunny dance(at the choice of the music director).

(The bunnies run away, the janitor goes to the second Christmas tree.)

Street cleaner.

Oh, what a Christmas tree has grown in the forest!

I'll cut down this Christmas tree and take it to the house!

(He swings with a hatchet, the Fox jumps out from behind the Christmas tree.)

A fox.

Don't cut this tree

Save for me!

I live under the tree

I will invite you to visit.

Street cleaner. Okay, Lisonka, I won't touch your Christmas tree. And you tell me a story for that.

A fox. Once upon a time there were two geese ... (thinks, licks his lips, waves his paw). And here is the whole story!

Street cleaner. Where did the geese go?

A fox. So I ate them! And now it's time for me to run, sweep the paths with my tail! (He runs away, the janitor goes to the third Christmas tree.)

Street cleaner.

Oh, what a Christmas tree has grown in the forest!

I will cut down this Christmas tree and take it to the house.

(He swings with a hatchet, the Bear comes out from behind the Christmas tree.)


Don't cut this tree

Save for me!

I live under the tree

I will sing you a song.

Street cleaner. Okay, Mishenka, sing! And I won’t cut down the trees at all!

Street cleaner. Enough, stop singing, you better dance!

(The bear continues to roar.)

Street cleaner. Apparently, you didn't get enough sleep, Mishka. Go home, sleep well, and then sing! Goodbye!

Bear. Yes, I must have woken up at the wrong time. Goodbye!

Street cleaner. Oh, I see a light in the window, a house ... Who lives here?

Snow Maiden(looks out the window). This is where I live, Snow Maiden. And who are you?

Street cleaner. Hello, Snow Maiden. I am a janitor from a kindergarten, I put things in order, I follow the cleanliness. Children have been waiting for you at the holiday for a long time, why don't you go?

Snow Maiden(shows a handkerchief in the window).

I embroider a handkerchief

I have a corner left.

You run to the children in kindergarten and say that I will come soon. Just finished embroidering my magic handkerchief.

Street cleaner. Well, hurry up, beauty, and you! (Returns to the holiday.) Children, the Snow Maiden will come to you soon. And she is delayed because she is embroidering an unusual handkerchief.

IN. Guys, let's play with the Snow Maiden, hide behind the Christmas tree - let her look for us!

(Children hide behind the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden comes out from behind the Christmas tree, waves her handkerchief.)

Snow Maiden.

I embroidered a handkerchief -

Gift for kids!

I hurried faster

On the Christmas tree in kindergarten!

Oh, how bright it is here! And what a wonderful tree! Oh, she's prickly!

Hello, hello, Christmas tree -

prickly needle,

Coniferous clothes, resin leg!

Only I don’t see children for some reason ... Guests are here ... Hello, guests! And no kids...

Children(quietly because of the tree). Ay! We are here!

Snow Maiden. Ah, hide from me, rascals! Now I will find you, and I will put my magic handkerchief on the stumps for now.

The game "Hide and Seek".

Snow Maiden. Ah! I see the legs, and here are the handles, and here the eyes are shining, and here the children want to play with me. Hello kiddos!

Children. Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden. Guys, do you know what I came to you with?

Children. Yes! With a handkerchief!

Snow Maiden. The handkerchief is not simple, but magical. Whoever picks it up will immediately start dancing!

(Lisa runs in.)

A fox. Ah! Have fun?! But they forgot about me, they didn’t invite me to their place! For this I will take your handkerchief as soon as possible!

Snow Maiden. Do not take, Chanterelle, a handkerchief, otherwise you will start dancing and will not stop.

A fox(giggles wickedly). And I love to dance! I'll flip everyone! (Waves her handkerchief, starts spinning quickly, quickly.) Oh-oh-oh! Help! Take the nasty scarf! Oh, tired! I can not! Oh, I'm about to fall!

Snow Maiden. The fox did not listen to me! Children, let's stand in a circle, we will save Chanterelle!

(The fox is spinning in the middle of the circle. The Snow Maiden comes up to her and takes the scarf.)

A fox. Oh you robbers! Almost killed me! I won't leave it like this! I'll show you how to mock Lisa! (Shakes fist, runs away.)

Snow Maiden. Here I thanked you! But she won't spoil the holiday for us, let's continue to have fun! And I'd better hide the handkerchief in the box.

Snow Maiden. And I have a game for you kids! I'll start the verses now, I'll start, and you finish, answer in unison. Deal?

It's snowing outside,

Soon the holiday ... (New Year).

Well, the tree is just a miracle!

How elegant, how ... (beautiful)!

Let's continue the holiday

With the Snow Maiden ... (play)!

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,

I'll play with you ... (in blindfold)!

Where is my magic handkerchief? He will still be useful to me!

The game "Zhmurki"(The Snow Maiden blindfolds her eyes with a translucent handkerchief).

Snow Maiden. Well done! Nimble! It's hard to catch you. I need to rest! (Goes behind the tree.)

A fox(appears unexpectedly). Here I am! What, you didn't wait? Oooh, bad kids! Boys are stumps, girls are frogs! Woo (makes a goat, scares)! And I called the Wolf, now he will show up. Hey Gray, come to me!

Wolf(enters, limping, holding his head). Lisaveta, hello!

A fox. How are you, toothy?

Wolf. Nothing is going on ... The head is still intact! But the tail was bitten off in a fight ... Woo!

A fox. Who gnawed?

Wolf. Dogs! Woo!

A fox. Don't howl! You better look - tree!

Wolf. Wow, tree!

A fox. And the piglets are dancing and jumping here - and no one is crying at all. Ugliness!

Wolf. Ugliness!

A fox. But we were not invited to dance by the Christmas tree in the hall.

Wolf. They didn't call, they didn't call...

A fox. Come on, Wolf, let's figure out how to harm the children so that they all roar ...

Wolf. Roared, roared...

A fox(slaps him on the forehead). What are you repeating after me? You don't have a head, but an empty pot.

Wolf. Pot, pot...

A fox. Stop! I came up with! Let's put out the lights on the Christmas tree!

Wolf. Let's! But as?

A fox. Let's blow, wave our paws and tails - the lights will go out!

Wolf. I don't have a tail... Woo!

A fox. Don't howl! No tail - wave your paws!

Wolf and Fox. Fri-fri-fri! (Waving and talking, then blowing.) Tree-tree, do not burn! Hey gay! Go out, tree, hurry up! (The tree goes out.)

Snow Maiden(comes out from behind the tree). Shame on you Wolf.

A fox. How could this happen? Why did you turn off the tree?

Wolf. That's why they paid it off because you didn't invite us!

A fox. Well, have you eaten? Here are my dances! And your Christmas tree is of little use to me: noise, din ...

Wolf. I'll be crushed there!

A fox. My fluffy tail is rumpled! I won't stay here anymore. Chao! (They join hands and leave.)

Snow Maiden. I know who will light the Christmas tree for us. And you?

Children. Santa Claus!

(Children call Santa Claus three times. He solemnly enters the hall.)

Santa Claus.

Phew! Finally I have arrived!

Barely found your garden!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

Hello guests!

Hello, my granddaughter Snow Maiden.

I'm very happy guys

What happened to you in kindergarten!

I haven't seen you for a whole year

And I missed you in the forest without you.

IN. And we were waiting for you, we missed you!

Santa Claus. Why don't the lights on your Christmas tree burn?

(Children talk.)

Santa Claus. That's the problem! Oh, they are robbers! But never mind, I'll deal with them! And they won't ruin our holiday! (Takes his magic staff, knocks three times.)

Come on, tree, smile!

Come on, tree, wake up!

Burn with the light of joy!

Burn, burn, burn!

(The tree lights up.)

Children. Santa Claus, Santa Claus! Did you bring us gifts?

Santa Claus.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

I brought you gifts.

I will congratulate you

And surprise with gifts!

But not now, but later! And now - let's all go in a circle, let's start a round dance!

Santa Claus. Well, danced, you can relax!

Snow Maiden and children. Grandfather Frost, and we will not let you out of the circle!

The game "We will not let go!".

Santa Claus. Oh, kids, I'm tired ... Let me out!

Snow Maiden. Dance, Santa Claus, then let us out.

Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

IN. Sit down, darlings, relax.

(Petrushka appears.)


I am Petrushka-well done!

On the top of the head is a bell.

I'll go out, I'll go out, I'll dance

I'll have fun, I'll laugh.

(Teasing Santa Claus.)

Santa Claus(surprisedly). Parsley, why are you teasing me? Oh, you, what a mischievous! Stop now!

Parsley. I won't stop!

Santa Claus. Ah well! Then I'll put you in a sack and take you into the forest! Take off the cap - climb into the bag!

(Parsley takes off the cap, climbs into a bag without a bottom. Santa Claus puts the bag on his shoulders, Parsley remains to sit, so 3 times.)

Santa Claus. Well, I can’t put this rascal Petrushka in a bag. Now I will catch and freeze!

(Trying to catch Petrushka, at this time the boys run out, also in Petrushka costumes and run around the hall.)

Santa Claus. How many of you are here! You run so fast - can you catch it?

IN. You, grandfather, don’t catch up, but sit down, sit down, look at the parsley. And they will dance for you.

Parsley dance with rattles(Karelian folk melody).

(Santa Claus falls asleep.)

Snow Maiden. Parsley, put the rattles quietly. Now we're joking! Hide behind Santa Claus.

(Children put rattles, line up with a train.)

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus!

Santa Claus. As? Where?

Snow Maiden. What do you mean where? Are you sleeping, right?

Santa Claus. What are you, granddaughter! I thought...

Snow Maiden. Where are the parsley?

Santa Claus. Did they run away?

Snow Maiden. I do not know! Look for them, grandfather!

The game "Hide and Seek".

(Santa Claus is walking, parsley is following, all the children of the group are attached to them.)

Santa Claus. Not under the tree? No. Not on the window? No. Isn't it on the chair? No. And under the chair - no? And mom doesn't?

Moms. Not! And dad doesn't!

Santa Claus(turning around sharply). Ah, here they are! Hold them! Now I'll freeze everyone!

(Everyone runs to their seats.)

Freeze game!

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, don't be angry! The kids have fun with you. And they are waiting for gifts.

Santa Claus. And that's true, granddaughter. It's time! It's time! Now I'll take a bag under the tree (looking for). Where is my bag? Snow Maiden, have you seen?

Snow Maiden. No, grandfather!

Santa Claus. What to do? What do i do? Where could I forget the bag?

A fox(appears, drags a bag across the floor, Wolf in it). And here I am, bringing gifts! He-he-he!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, grandpa! Here is your bag with gifts, Lisa has!

Santa Claus. Thank you, Lisa. Let's give gifts to children.

(Unties the bag, the Wolf appears from there.)

Oh you rascals! Oh you robbers!

The guys told me

What's in this room today

You've done a lot of trouble

You have to answer now!

A fox(waving casually). We didn't do anything, we just joked a little.

Wolf. Woo! We wanted to play, scare you a little. Forgive us!

Santa Claus. Children, forgive them? (Yes!) So be it, I forgive.

Wolf. We will return the gifts - we won’t eat so much!

Fox (pulling a sack).

Here are some gifts guys.

We are not to blame for anything!

(Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Wolf and Fox distribute gifts, children thank. Everyone says goodbye and wishes each other a happy New Year.)

Musical New Year's fairy tale written by: O. Yaralova

Greetings, readers of my blog! I am looking forward to the start of our winter quest, in which we, along with other enthusiastic mothers and, of course, our children, will read New Year's fairy tales, perform various interesting tasks, play, create, set winter experiments and much more. In the meantime, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of winter New Year's fairy tales for children prepared by the project.

List of winter stories for children

  1. V. Vitkovich, G. Jagdfeld "A fairy tale in broad daylight"(Labyrinth). The adventures of the boy Mitya, who met the unusual snow girl Lelya and now protects her from the evil Snowmen and the Old Year.
  2. M. Staroste "Winter's Tale"(Labyrinth). The Snow Maiden baked a gingerbread man - Khrustika. But the inquisitive Khrustik did not want to lie in a basket with other gifts, got out ... and decided to go to the guys under the Christmas tree ahead of time. On this path, many dangerous adventures awaited him, in which he almost disappeared. But Santa Claus saved the hero, and he, in turn, promised not to go anywhere without asking.
  3. N. Pavlova "Winter Tales" "Winter Feast"(Labyrinth). The hare fed the squirrel with a broken paw all summer long, and when the time came to return kindness to kindness, the squirrel felt sorry for its supplies. What tasks she did not invent in order to ward off the hare, but in the end her conscience tortured her and they made a real winter feast. A dynamic and understandable story for a child, illustrations by N. Charushin will be a good reason to discuss generosity and mutual assistance with the baby.
  4. P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"(Labyrinth). A kind tale about the orphan Darenka and Kokovan, who told the girl about an unusual goat with a silver hoof. And one day the fairy tale became a reality, a goat ran to the booth, beats with its hoof, and precious stones pour out from under it.
  5. Y. Yakovlev "Umka"(Labyrinth). A fairy tale about a little white bear cub who discovers a huge world in all its diversity, about his mother - a polar bear and their adventures.
  6. S. Nurdqvist "Christmas in Petson's house"(Labyrinth). Petson and his kitten Findus had big plans for this Christmas. But Petson twisted his leg and can't even go to the store and pick up the Christmas tree. But is this an obstacle when there is ingenuity and friendly neighbors?
  7. N. Nosov "On the hill"(Labyrinth). A story about a cunning, but not very far-sighted boy, Kotka Chizhov, who spoiled the hill that the guys had been building all day, sprinkling it with snow.
  8. Odus Hilary "The Snowman and the Snow Dog"(Labyrinth, Ozone). A story about a boy who recently lost his dog. And, having found “clothes” for a snowman, he decided to make both a snowman and a dog. Snow sculptures came to life and a lot of amazing adventures awaited them together. But spring came, the snowman melted, and the dog ... became real!
  9. Tove Jansson "Magic Winter"(Labyrinth). One winter, Moomintroll woke up and realized that he no longer wanted to sleep, which means that the real time for adventure had come. And there will be more than enough of them in this book, because this is the first Moomintroll who did not sleep all year.
  10. U. Maslo "Christmas at the Godmother"(Labyrinth). Kind and magical tales about the adventures of Vika and her fairy godmother, who works wonders for her goddaughter with her own hands. Just like us, enthusiastic mothers 🙂
  11. V. Zotov "New Year's story"(Labyrinth). On the eve of the New Year, Santa Claus visits the guys to find out what they really want to get for the holiday. And so grandfather was visiting the boy Viti, who was a rude man at home, quiet at school, and at the same time dreamed of a real car. And I got a movie projector, which shows the behavior of the boy from the outside. Great teaching move!
  12. Peter Nikl "The True Story of the Good Wolf"(Labyrinth). A fairy tale about a wolf who decided to change his fate and stop being just a frightening and frightening beast for everyone. The wolf became a doctor, but the former glory did not allow him to fully reveal his talent until the animals were convinced of the good intentions of the wolf. Multi-layered, philosophical tale. I think that readers of different ages will find something of their own in it.
  13. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about a cunning fox and a short-sighted gullible wolf, who suffered the most, was left without a tail, and did not understand who was responsible for all his troubles.
  14. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about friendship and mutual assistance, in which animals built a hut for themselves and together defended themselves from forest predators.
  15. (Labyrinth). A folk tale in which the grandfather lost his mitten and all the animals that were cold came to warm themselves in the mitten. As usual in fairy tales, many animals fit into the mitten. And as the dog barked, the animals fled, and the grandfather picked up an ordinary mitten from the ground.
  16. V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"(Labyrinth). The adventures of a needlewoman who dropped a bucket into a well and found a completely different world at its bottom, in which its owner, Moroz Ivanovich, gives everyone justice. The needlewoman - silver patches and a diamond, and Lenivitsa - an icicle and mercury.
  17. (Labyrinth). An original folk tale about Emel, who caught and released a magic pike, and now strange and unexpected things are happening throughout the kingdom at his command.
  18. Sven Nordqvist "Christmas Porridge"(Labyrinth). A Swedish writer's tale that people forgot traditions and decided not to bring porridge to their dwarf father before Christmas. This can provoke the wrath of the dwarves and then people will face a whole year of trouble. The gnome decides to save the situation, she wants to remind people of herself and bring porridge for the gnome.
  19. S. Kozlov "Winter Tales"(Labyrinth). Kind and touching stories about the Hedgehog and his friends, about their friendship and desire to help each other. The original decisions of the main characters and the author's kind humor make this book understandable for kids and interesting for older children.
  20. Astrid Lindgren "Merry Cuckoo"(Labyrinth). Gunnar and Gunilla had been ill for a whole month and dad bought them a cuckoo clock so that the children would always know what time it was. But the cuckoo was not wooden, but alive. She made the kids happy and helped with Christmas presents for mom and dad.
  21. Valko "New Year's Trouble"(Labyrinth). Winter has come in the hare valley. Everyone is preparing for the New Year and making gifts for each other, but then there was a snow fall and the house of Jacob the hare was completely destroyed. The animals helped him build a new house, saved a stranger and celebrated the New Year in a big friendly company.
  22. V.Suteev "Yolka"(collection of winter tales in the Labyrinth). The guys gathered to celebrate the New Year, but there is no Christmas tree. Then they decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and pass it on with the Snowman. Dangers awaited the snowman on the way to Santa Claus, but with the help of his friends he coped with the task and for the New Year the children had a festive tree.
  23. E. Uspensky "Winter in Prostokvashino"(Labyrinth). Uncle Fyodor and dad go to celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. The plot is slightly different from the film of the same name, but at the end, the mother also joins the family, having come to them on skis.
  24. E. Rakitina "Adventures of New Year's toys"(Labyrinth). Small adventures told on behalf of various toys that happened to them during their entire life, most of which they spent on the Christmas tree. Different toys - different characters, desires, dreams and plans.
  25. A. Usachev "New Year at the Zoo"(Labyrinth). A fairy tale about how the inhabitants of the zoo decided to celebrate the New Year. And next to the zoo, Santa Claus had an accident and his horses ran away somewhere. Zoo residents helped deliver gifts and celebrated the New Year together with Grandfather Frost.
  26. A. Usachev "Miracles in Dedmorozovka"(Ozone). A fairy tale story about Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and their helpers - snowmen and snowmen, who were fashioned from snow and revived at the beginning of winter. Snowmen have already helped Santa Claus with the delivery of gifts for the New Year and arranged a holiday in their village. And now they continue to study at school, help the Snow Maiden in the greenhouse and act out a little, because of which they get into funny situations.
  27. Levi Pinfold "Black Dog"(Labyrinth). “Fear has big eyes,” says folk wisdom. And this tale shows how brave a little girl can be, and how humor and games can help to cope even with great fear.
  28. "Old Frost and Young Frost". A Lithuanian folk tale about how easy it is to freeze in the cold, wrapped in warm blankets, and how fearless the frost is during active work with an ax in your hands.
  29. V. Gorbachev "How Piggy spent the winter"(Labyrinth). The story is about Piggy-braggart, who, due to his inexperience and gullibility, went north with a fox and was left without provisions, ended up in a bear's den and barely swept away from the wolves.
  30. Br. and S. Paterson "Adventures in the Fox Forest"(Labyrinth). Winter has come in the Fox Forest and everyone is getting ready for the New Year. Hedgehog, Squirrel and Mouse were preparing gifts, but there was not enough pocket money and they decided to earn extra money. New Year's songs and collection of brushwood did not help them earn money, but the help of the carriage, which had an accident, gave them an acquaintance with a new judge and a New Year's masquerade ball awaited them ahead.
  31. S. Marshak "12 months"(Labyrinth). A fairy tale play in which the kind and hardworking Stepdaughter received in December from the month of April a whole basket of snowdrops.

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Svetlana Arkhipova
Scenario for a New Year's party for children 4–5 years old - Winter's Tale

Scenario for a New Year's party for children 4-5 years old

"Winter's Tale".


Arkhipova Svetlana Gennadievna

Mozheykina Elena Sergeevna


Here comes the tree guys

To us for a holiday in kindergarten.

Lights, how many toys!

How beautiful is her dress!

Happy New Year,

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!


This is how the tree is dressed up

And she came to our kindergarten.

And by the tree, look.

How many little guys!


Hello, New Year's holiday!

Hello beautiful Christmas tree!


We have a lot of fun

At your holiday

And a song about a Christmas tree

Now we will sing to you!

Performed "Herringbone fluffy."

Christmas tree fluffy,

Slim, fragrant

What a Christmas tree


All the guys with a Christmas tree

Have fun circling

And then clap your hands

One, two, three (claps)

The Christmas tree is all sparkling

The kids are smiling

What a Christmas tree


All the guys with a Christmas tree

Have fun circling

And then we will stand in place -

One, two, three (stomps)


In an old fairy tale, in a Russian fairy tale

There is a snow tower, and in it -

The Snow Maiden is sleeping - princess,

A deep sound sleep.

She sleeps, but today.

Waking up from a dream

To us for the holiday "3 winter fairy tales"

She will be the guest.

Smart favorite

We are all looking forward to the holidays.

Our dear snow maiden,

Smart, beautiful

We will invite you to visit us.

Everything: Snow Maiden!

(includes Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden:

Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Together with Santa Claus

I'm in a hurry to visit you here.

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday,

Everyone calls Snegurochka.

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

With new happiness!

Happy New Year!

New joy for all!

Let them sound under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!


Miracles happen on New Year's Eve. And today "Winter's Tale" is calling us to visit. (The lights go out em)

(The light turns on. Goblin lies by the Christmas tree, Baba Yaga sits nearby, preens. The cat Dranik enters, sits at a distance, washes his paws j)


Once upon a time there was Leshy, Baba Yaga and the cat Dranik.


Oh, and the owners got me, pure punishment!

The goblin skeleton lies on the stove for days on end,

And Yozhka spends weeks at the mirror spinning, preparing for a beauty contest,

The beauty has been found!

Baba Yaga:

slender knife,

Ribbon in braid.

Who does not know Yozhechka?

Everyone knows Grandma.

Witches at the feast will gather in a circle.

How does the hedgehog dance? Take a look!


Wow! A poker would have you and a broom,

Damned bastards!

Good people have everything in store for the winter -

And pickles and jams,

And firewood, and kind words!

And stretch out your paws with you!


They drank tea, ate potatoes,

The last wood in the stove burned out.

What we are going to do?

Baba Yaga:

What to do, what to do?

Let's eat the cat!


Masters, are you completely furious?

You need to run away from here, until you really ate from hunger!

(B. Yaga and Leshy try to catch the cat, he runs away )

Baba Yaga:

There is nothing to do, Dranik

Since we do not like to work,

You have to go on a rampage.

Let's go get ready . (leaving T)

(B. Yaga and Leshy enter with pistols, with a rope, with a saber, etc. .)

Baba Yaga:

Looks like they got together.

And when will we rob?

When do we start?


Now let's start!

And that is, I really want to!

Forward! On the robbery!

Baba Yaga:

Forward! (runs away screaming)

(The cat Dran appears ik)


Well, the wicked ones, they would only spoil everything,

In here all their lives they are so!

Snow Maiden:

Don't worry, Dranik.

They can't ruin our holiday.

Let's talk about my grandfather.

Frost with the guys talk.

Guys, you listen carefully to the questions and answer "Yes" or "No".

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes)

Does he come at seven sharp? (No)


Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes)

Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (No)

Snow Maiden:

He brings the children a Christmas tree. Right? (Yes)

He comes with a gray wolf. Right? (No)


Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? (No)

He is friendly with the Snow Maiden. Right? (Yes)

Snow Maiden:

Well, the questions are answered

You know everything about Santa Claus.

And so, the time has come.

Which is waiting for the kids.

Let's call Santa Claus:

Santa Claus!

(Santa Claus solemnly enters, the cat imperceptibly leaving um)

Santa Claus:

Hi you guys

Girls and boys.

funny, funny,

The kids are very nice.

Congratulations on your happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you. pranksters!

Snow Maiden:

Granddad! What pranksters?

Santa Claus:

Do you think that among these guys there are no pranksters?

Snow Maiden:


Santa Claus:

Yes? Well, let's ask them.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (Not)

And the ugly ones? (No)

And the mischievous ones? (Not)

And the rascals? (Not)

What about good kids? (No)

You see, Snegurochka, and there are no good children among them.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, grandfather, you're joking again.

All the guys we have are good, smart,?

So beautiful!

Santa Claus:

Yes, I see, I see!

And now, granddaughter, let's check whether everything is in order in our possessions.

Have you prepared gifts?

Snow Maiden:


Santa Claus:

Did they build bridges across the river?

Snow Maiden:


Santa Claus:

The Northern Lights have been hung.

Snow Maiden:

Ah, grandfather, we didn’t count the stars!

Suddenly what is lost.

Santa Claus: Yes, a mess! You count from the other side, and I will from this side.

(D. M. and the Snow Maiden go into the background behind the Christmas tree, B. Yaga and Lesh appear ii)


Look, some grandfather.

Baba Yaga:

And with him a granddaughter and a bag.


What are we going to steal?

Baba Yaga:

Come on granddaughter!


No. Bag! Why do you want a girl?

Baba Yaga:

Do you have a granddaughter?


Baba Yaga:

And I don't. If we steal her, she will do everything for us, and we will only go to robbery, and lie on the stove.


And I love the bag!

Baba Yaga:

Well stupid! You will have to carry the bag, and the girl will go with her own feet.


This is an argument! Let's get a girl!

Baba Yaga:

Hey girl!

Snow Maiden. :

(Wraps xia)

Baba Yaga:

Do you want candy? (shows a huge confe that)

Snow Maiden. :

Such a big one?


Big-big! (takes out a small caramel)

(Baba Yaga: and Leshy kidnap the Snow Maiden).

Santa Claus:

Three million six hundred and eighty nine. Snow Maiden!

Has it fallen into a snowdrift?"

Granddaughter! We have no time to joke! The guys are waiting for us!

(the cat Dran comes running ik)


What's happened? What's wrong? What happened, Santa Claus?

Santa Claus:

The Snow Maiden is gone! Just stood here and she's gone!


Children, have you seen who stole the Snow Maiden? (children talking)

Santa Claus:

Ah yes, understandable.


I have to go save my granddaughter.

(DM and the cat fade into the background, B. Yaga and Leshy appear, pushing the Snow Maiden in front of them)

Goblin (pushing the Snow Maiden )

Drag her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said - she will go, she will go. What's your name?

Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga:

Are you a hard worker?

Snow Maiden. :

Am I? Very! I love to draw on the windows and I can count the stars!


We can draw on the windows ourselves! But you, for example, can you cook cabbage soup?

Snow Maiden. :

cabbage soup? Is it with cabbage?


With cabbage, with cabbage!

Snow Maiden. :

No I can not. My grandfather and I love ice cream more.

Baba Yaga:

It's tied around my neck. She doesn't know how to cook!

Goblin Baba Yaga:

I told you - you need to take the bag. And you're still a girl, a girl.

Baba Yaga:

In general, so, Snow Maiden, you will be our granddaughter now.

Snow Maiden. :

Baba Yaga and Leshy:


Snow Maiden. :

Real robbers?

Baba Yaga:

Yes, the real ones!

We have everything: an ax, a pistol, a knife, and a rope!

(Santa Claus enters to the formidable music). i]

Santa Claus:

Oh, there you are, robbers!

Give me my Snow Maiden,

And then I'll make fir cones out of you!

Goblin and Baba Yaga:

Oh, don't, oh, we're afraid, We'll surrender to you without a fight!

(They back away, run away and imperceptibly drag Santa Claus's bag away)

Santa Claus:

It seems that we got rid of these loafers, hooligans.

Snow Maiden:

Thank you grandpa. Grandpa, now it's probably time to light the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus:

What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames.

You use the words:

"Surprise us with beauty,

Christmas tree, light the fire!

Come on together, come on together!

(Children repeat the words, the tree lights up xia)

Snow Maiden:

Stand in a circle guys.

Hold hands tight.

The music is calling to the Christmas tree.

We start the round dance.

Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"


Dad chose a Christmas tree

the most fluffy

The most fragrant.

The tree smells so

Mom gasps immediately!


Hello tree!

How beautiful,

You lit your fires!

How many happy children are you

Invited for a holiday.


Our tree is green

And elegant and slim!

Thousands of lights at once

Flashed on her.

And under the tree a round dance

And dancing and singing.

All friends and all girlfriends

Invites to the circle!

Song "Little Christmas Tree"

Snow Maiden. :

Grandpa, what do you think, who is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?

Santa Claus:

And now we’ll check it, and for this we will divide it like this:

The guys will be freezing! They will laugh: ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden:

And the snow girls! hee hee hee!

Santa Claus:

Come on, frosty, try it! (laugh)

Snow Maiden. :

And now the snowmen! (laugh)

(Scream game but)

Santa Claus:

And the little boys-ha-ha-ha!

Snow Maiden:

And the merry little girls - hee-hee-hee!

Santa Claus:

Laughed, laughed

All of us, right, from the heart.

Both girls and boys

Were very good!

Now I want to listen to poetry, otherwise I got completely confused.

Snow Maiden:

It is known to everyone, on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for gifts!

Someone in the morning Santa Claus

He brought them in a big basket.

But for you here in a good hour

Gifts Santa Claus in store!

Santa Claus: (looking for a bag):

Can not be! What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snow Maiden:

Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Santa Claus:

No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where!

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here.

Grandpa, what a shame!

Is it without gifts?

Are the kids leaving the party?

Santa Claus:

How will they leave? I won't allow"

I will find gifts!

Wait, children, we will come

And we'll bring gifts.

(they leave. Goblin and B Yaga appear. Goblin carries a mesh OK)

Baba Yaga:

Lesha, come here quickly! Yes, carry the bag carefully.


Wow! Barely brought the bag

And why is he so heavy?

Probably a lot of guests.

Baba Yaga:

Come on, come on, here, here! How will we share?


And so! I carried the bag! I! So, "most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga:

Look, you're smart!

And who inspired you to do this? (Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden:

You again? And what do you have? Come on, come on! Bag!

(B. Yaga and Koschey block the mesho to)

Baba Yaga:

We found a treasure under a bush,

And there is no good in it.

Snow Maiden:

Yes, it's a bag of Santa Claus!


We don't know anything! This is our bag!

Snow Maiden:

Well, let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently.

Guys, call Santa Claus ( call ut)

Santa Claus:

What happened?

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, found, found! Here is your gift bag.

Goblin, Baba Yaga:

We won't give you a bag

What's in it.

Santa Claus:

Well, if so - help yourself!

(Goblin and Baba Yaga, pushing each other away, take out a torn shoe and a hat from the bag. [ i].)

Baba Yaga:

We do not want such gifts!


just holes!

Santa Claus:

What they deserve is what they got.

Who touches my bag with dishonest hands,

From that gift, rags and cast-offs are obtained.

Baba Yaga:

Is the New Year without gifts like this?

Santa Claus:

Various miracles happen on New Year's Eve.

And there are real gifts in my bag.

Baba Yaga:

What about us?


Oh, we want food!

We ask your forgiveness!

Grandfather, Snow Maiden, I'm sorry

And treat me with a gift!

Baba Yaga:

We'll get better, believe me

We will start a new life!

We will be kinder, better

Every hour, every day!

Santa Claus:

Well, guys, forgive them? (Yes)

And you will find gifts from me in your hut.

Song "Dance with Santa Claus"

In a round dance, in a round dance

Santa Claus is calling us

Why is he calling us?

Because New Year!

We held hands together

How the horses galloped.

We jump one after another

We are not afraid of the cold!

And now we are like bears

We went along the path.

We're walking along

And we don't get tired.

Like playful bunnies

Both girls and boys

Jump, pranksters,

On a fun holiday!

Spin around like snowflakes

Vanya, Katya and Marinka,

Twirled, twirled

And they fell to the ground.


Santa Claus walked a long long way.

Sit by our spruce, rest a little,

Have fun singing and dancing today

(Santa Claus sits on a chair. Children read him sti hee)


Well guys, well done

Rested from the heart

And now it's time again

We all play together.

Game Our sleigh.

We celebrate the New Year with a song,

We celebrate the New Year with a dance!

And who knows the poems about the holiday,

Let him read them now.

Song: "The Christmas tree stood"

The Christmas tree stood, grew slender.

Here such, here such harmonous grew up.

Lived under the Christmas tree Bunny, Bunny runaway

Here is such, here is such a Bunny runaway (jumping)

As he saw the wolf, he hid behind the tree

There he sits and trembles, hid behind the tree

When I saw a bear, a hare looked out,

Bunny will play hide and seek with Mishka.

A fox somehow ran up to the Christmas tree,

And she immediately saw the bunny.

You, Fox - Cheat, catch the bunnies,

But do not eat them, just play.


Happy New Year

We are our kindergarten!

We wish you all good health

We are from all the guys!

Educators and nannies

Meet the New Year

Speech therapists, cook, doctor

They will join the round dance.

So that all wishes come true

Next year,

We light up the tree

Bright star!

"Happy New Happiness! Happy New Year!" -

All the people scream.

Santa Claus will give us all

Happiness for the whole year!


Happy New Year to all guys

Congratulations Santa Claus

And so today

He brought us gifts.

Santa Claus gives gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year

And we give you an order:

For you to be healthy

Getting better every day!

Santa Claus

To have in your life

And fun and laughter.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year!

You are waiting for me. I come!

(say goodbye and leave)