New Year at the table with a family script. Competition from Venus. Party hall props and decorations

But sometimes, on the very, very New Year, the mood suddenly becomes hooligan and mysterious at the same time. It is in this case that thoughts by themselves are spinning in the direction of coming up with such and such, in order to surprise everyone and to please yourself ...

The scenario of the New Year 2019 proposed below is suitable for those who celebrate this holiday at home with family and close friends. The contests are designed for an adult audience.

In order for the meeting of the New Year to be the same as in childhood, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of a winter holiday and high spirits in the most magical way. Of course, in every home there is always a long-awaited coniferous beauty, pleasing the eye with a variety of Christmas tree decorations glittering in the light of lit lamps and candles. But the general interior of the apartment can also be decorated with tinsel, garlands, rain and toys. Garlands can be made with your own hands from colored paper.

And who doesn't like cutting snowflakes since childhood? It is these winter attributes that can be made multi-colored and glued to double-sided tape or in any other way in the most unexpected places throughout the apartment. But first you need to write on the back of each snowflake a number from one to five.

And for the planned sweepstakes and contests, we need:

  • false beard, mustache, Santa Claus hat or red Santa Claus cap;
  • 2 large sheets of Whatman paper;
  • felt-tip pens, pens, pencils;
  • notebook sheets;
  • block of sheets for records;
  • 2 envelopes;
  • symbolic gifts and prizes. For example, chocolates, small boxes of chocolates, Christmas and soft toys.

The most serious preparations, thinking through the menu, purchasing and equipping the surroundings are behind. The heartbeat from the anticipation of meeting the long-awaited guests returned to normal. Everyone is already in place, seated at a hospitably set table and conducting a leisurely conversation, warming up after a frosty walk.

And now, when the guests have already drunk a small amount of warming drinks for the meeting and tasted one of the tempting dishes, the very rebellious and cunning event awaiting the onset of the most long-awaited event in the middle of winter takes on the role of the leading home holiday of the New Year. They can be either the owner or hostess of the apartment, or one of the invited guests.

Leading: - Dear guests! I am authorized to inform you that Santa Claus contacted me and gave you a message in words. The fact is that our company consists of adults, and the winter wizard has catastrophically little time, so he will not be able to come to visit us in order to catch up with those who are waiting for him the most, children. But do not be upset and do not be sad from the vicissitudes of fate and from the indomitable fate of adulthood. Santa Claus has generously appointed me as the acting Santa Claus! Therefore, I will not let boredom and despondency settle on this New Year's Eve in our close and friendly company!

When pronouncing a fiery tirade, the authorized by Santa Claus can extract from the bag in store the false beard, mustache and hat of Santa Claus. If there are difficulties with these attributes, then the red cap of Santa Claus, which has confidently flooded store shelves, can be a worthy alternative for the presenter.

From a secret place, small squares of paper are taken for notes and distributed to each of the guests, who must write the date and month of their birth on their sheet of paper. You must remember to write your name.

IO Santa Claus collects all the leaves and folds them, for example, under the Christmas tree, placing them in an envelope.

And now, - announces the presenter- let's get to know you or remember each other well.

Guests must be seated on the sofa and chairs must be substituted so that everyone is sitting in a row.

I.O.Ded Moroz: - Dear guests, we hit the road, take your seats and fasten your seat belts. And now you need to start the engine and for this everyone has to clap. Go! Slowly at first. We stamp our feet. We pick up a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Faster! We pick up a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Faster! 80 kilometers per hour. Even faster! 100, 120 kilometers per hour. We turn left! We shake hands with the neighbor to your left. We go forward again. Speed \u200b\u200b150 kilometers per hour! And now we turn to the right and shake hands with the neighbor to your right. Still going, going. We brake. We turn to any neighbor and kiss him on the cheek! We slow down, we slow down. All! Have arrived!

After such a close game, the guests need to continue their meal and, depending on the general temperament of the company, start dancing. But the restless I.O. of Santa Claus, having strengthened his strength and wet his throat, again turns to the guests.

I.O. Santa Claus: - Dear guests, let's find out what each of you did yesterday!

Everyone is given notebook sheets and prepared pens and pencils.

I.O. Santa Claus:- Now answer my questions and write the answers in a column.

  1. What's your favorite male or female name?
  2. Do you like delicious food?
  3. Write a number between 1 and 100.
  4. What's your favorite dish?
  5. Write another number between 1 and 100.
  6. Write your other favorite male or female name.
  7. What is your favorite song title?
  8. Did you go to school?
  9. Do you like twins or triplets more?
  10. Do you put on your shoes when you go outside?
  11. Write another female or male name.
  12. What phrase do you most often use?
  13. Why did you go to school?

The host reads out new questions, and the guests read out what they have written.

  1. Who were you with last night? (The guest reads the answer to question 1.)
  2. Have you kissed? (Reads the answer to question 2 and so on)
  3. How many times?
  4. What was it like to taste?
  5. How old was he (she)?
  6. Have you told anyone about this?
  7. What did he (she) say?
  8. Have you had sex?
  9. What were the results?
  10. Have you reported this to anyone else?
  11. Who?
  12. What did he (she) say?
  13. Why did you do this?

I hope that after such a rally, IO Santa Claus will not become an object of offense and misunderstanding, and all guests will look forward to what this magician and wizard has prepared yet. And he will not make anyone be disappointed on this winter evening and, having given the guests rest and relaxation, will again show remarkable activity.

On one of the sheets of Whatman paper rolled into a pipe, there is a wide smiling face of a pig, drawn with a felt-tip pen, but without a patch. The piglet is drawn separately and cut out of paper. The missing part is attached to the face with a pin.

Participants need to blindfold with a scarf and scroll once around their axis. The applicant for the prize must attach the detail on a piece of Whatman paper after a couple of steps. The winner is the participant who placed the patch correctly.

The excitement from the competition will subside quickly. The guests, in anticipation of the onset of the border hour, will again taste the goodies from the festive table, prepared by the hospitable hosts, and the Host, irresistibly gushing with drawings and contests, again captures the attention of the guests.

I.O.Ded Moroz: - And now we need to learn the quatrain.

New Year is already knocking
Open up soon.
Miracle, fairy tale, fable
We will make our friends happy.

All in chorus repeat after the Leader, and he, in turn, gives out one more envelope in store, which the guests, chanting, betray each other from hand to hand. On whom the quatrain ends, he takes out the card with the task from the envelope.

  • tell a joke;
  • sing a ditty;
  • dance the dance of little swans, taking those who wish to help you;
  • a kiss on the cheek of the neighbor on the left;
  • recite a New Year's rhyme;
  • persuade the neighbor on the right to drink a glass, have a drink;
  • praise the dish you like the most on the table;
  • create a choir from the guests and sing a New Year's song verse;
  • wish something to everyone present in the New Year;
  • say a toast to the guests.

The time is inexorably fleeting and the coming of the New Year is very close. And again, IO Santa Claus takes the reins into his skillful hands.

I.O.Ded Moroz: - Dear guests! Very soon the Kremlin chimes will notify us that the New Year has come. And by this magical hour my magical abilities of a telepath are gaining their maximum power, which I certainly want to demonstrate to you. Think any number. Multiply it by two. Add one to the total. Multiply the result by five and add three. Now let me know the result you got.

Everyone who decided to test the telepathic abilities of the Leader tells him a number, and the Leader, making a pensive face, discards the last figure in the announced result and announces the secret figure conceived by the participant.

And so, the clear chimes announced the New Year! In a few seconds, the most cherished desires are made! And the champagne poured like a river, flavored with triple cries of "Hurray" and sincere wishes to each other!

I.O.Ded Moroz: - Dear guests! Did you really think that I forgot about my assignment to write the dates of your birthdays? But Grandfather Frost, whom you never noticed while your attention was focused on the president's speech and the chiming clock, nevertheless found a moment and looked at us and left a whole bag of gifts.

With these words, the Leader can shake with a real or impromptu bag, where he placed symbolic prizes.

I.O.Ded Moroz:- So, I take out the envelope and look through the dates that are there! The gift is received by the one whose birthday is closest to our today's holiday.

After the participant has received his first prize in the New Year, the Host again addresses the guests.

I.O.Ded Moroz:- Don't be upset. You have a great opportunity to win one more of the prizes and gifts from Santa Claus. And for this it is absolutely necessary to find all-all the snowflakes that are hidden throughout the apartment. And whoever collects the snowflakes must add the numbers written on the back to each other. Whose sum turns out to be the largest, he will receive a prize for skill and attentiveness!

Traditionally, all home holidays in our and not only country are held at a richly set table and the maximum that can be diversified is dances and songs under karaoke. The most daring can go outside to take a breath of fresh air and admire the fireworks, the volleys of which are heard from all sides, especially on New Year's Eve.

But it was not there! Our daring I.O. Ded Moroz does not give up the reins of the holiday and again attracts general attention.

I.O. Santa Claus:

Now the New Year has already come,
it was long ago twelve.
Who ate a lot, who drank a lot,
But our strength is with us!

Now let's find out which of us is the strongest this year!

The presenter distributes a newspaper sheet to everyone. Participants hold a newspaper by the corner on an outstretched hand. On command or from the beginning of the music playing, all contestants must collect the entire newspaper page in a fist. Whoever coped with the task first is the strongest in the New Year and gets a prize!

Fatigue and amusing drinks are doing their job, and I.O.Ded Moroz notices that the time has come to hold another comic competition. For this, the second sheet of whatman paper is unfolded, on which a thermometer is depicted with a felt-tip pen.

I.O.Ded Moroz: - And now we will find out who is the most persistent, strongest, most sober of us in the New Year!

The participant approaches a sheet of Whatman paper fixed on the wall and turns his back to it. The task of the participant, bending down and reaching out to the alcohol meter between the legs, mark the lowest degree with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees are drawn from bottom to top, from higher to lower, so that the participants stretch as high as possible!

After the competition and the presentation of a symbolic prize to the most persistent and sober, the presenter addresses the guests.

I.O.Ded Moroz: - The strongest, the most savvy, the funniest and the most sober people have gathered in our company! May the New Year give you many fulfilled wishes, ideas and prospects! Let good health and willpower help to overcome obstacles not only in the form of snowdrifts and impassable thickets, but also in all spheres of life! And let's try to make it a little warmer and more sincere around us, so that the kinship of souls and strong close-knit friendship are indestructible, this is how I tried to do for you today! And may in those drawings that the New Year will give you, you will be the winners with sincere smiles and a feeling of happiness! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

New Year is one of the most beloved, fun and magical. It is considered to be a family holiday. And, of course, it will be great if both old and young will gather at the festive table on this day. The holiday will become really interesting if everyone takes part in its preparation.

Gifts, greeting cards, of course, should be waiting for everyone.

How to present them? There are many opportunities - you can hang them on the New Year tree or instruct the "home" Santa Claus to do it, you can hide them in multi-colored stockings and offer using leading questions to guess who exactly should be given this gift, or maybe the festive dinner will begin with a concert , where each family member will give a creative gift, and in gratitude for this will accept gifts from other family members.

For the most active parent or relative, the entire New Year's program can be a creative gift for loved ones and loved ones. Don't forget to take care of the prizes for the winners. Such prizes can be edible Christmas tree decorations - specially baked gingerbread or cookies, sweets, nuts, fruits.

Defeated - remove the treat from the tree!

If the program of your holiday involves a carnival, inform all guests in advance. And, in case of unforeseen circumstances, it would be nice to prepare masks, hats, some things from which it is easy to quickly build a suit. You can do it in another way: give the arriving guests blanks of masks, hats, and let them make them themselves, until it is time to sit down at the festive table.

A toast competition at the table can also be prepared a little in advance - cards with rhymes of the future toast are handed out to guests, and pencils and markers are prepared in a certain place. Let the rhymes be simple: nose - coming - Frost - year, etc.

On New Year's Eve, you can arrange a comic fortune-telling - bake small objects into a "fortune-telling" pie, and invite each guest to choose a piece. And on that subject and guess what will happen next year - a bone - there will be a wonderful harvest on the personal plot, caramel - a "sweet" life awaits, etc. Just be careful with such a "fortune-telling" treat.

You can distribute "responsibilities" among the guests as follows. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared "snowball" - made of cotton wool, or white fabric, inside of which sweet prizes can also be hidden. "Kom" is broadcast and the presenter says:

We all ride a snowball
Until "five" we all count -
One, two, three, four, five -
You should sing a song.

You dance here to dance.

Ask you a riddle.

To fulfill your gift.

Before the arrival of Santa Claus, everyone should take part in a blitz survey, saying the words "True" or "Incorrect".

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He'll bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good at our tree, right?
It was felled with a double-barreled gun, right?

What's growing on the tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
The view is beautiful by our tree, right?
Red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of shavings, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well the answers are given to the questions
You all know about Santa Claus.

And this means that the time has come
Which all the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, appearing, greets everyone, but notices "disorder".

Santa Claus:
What is it? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
So that the tree flashes with lights
You use words:

"Surprise us with beauty,
Christmas tree, light the lights! "
There are no friends in the world!
You are ready? Three four!

Santa Claus "lights the tree", presents gifts to all guests and the fun, the fun continues.

Children are very fond of mass, common dances. Here, in the dance episode of the holiday, there may be a dance of "Little ducklings", and a dance game with repetition of movements for the host "If you have fun, do this ..." Before each movement, it is repeated: If you have fun, do this ...

The movements can be as follows:
- two claps in front of the chest;
- two clicks with your fingers;
- two punches to the chest (like King Kong);
- two strokes of spread fingers, when the hands are placed on the nose (gesture "Buratino's nose");
- two hand pulls of their own ears;
- two protrusions of the tongue with a turn of the head (to the neighbor on the right and left);
- two finger twists at the temple;
- two slaps with both palms on your own butt.

The game ends with the fact that at the last performance of the song after the words "do this" all movements are repeated at once.

You can invite children and adults to repeat the movements to the music, all the while accelerating the pace:

Everybody clapped their hands
Amicably, more fun.
Legs, legs knocked
Louder and faster.
Beaten on the knees
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, handles raise
Higher, higher, higher!
Spun, spun
And they stopped!

And in this game, you are asked to first remember the text:

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
He brings us gifts.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words to be replaced are the word "we".

Instead of these words, everyone shows themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus" everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking on the spot, the word "know" is to touch the forehead with the index finger, the word "gifts" is a gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring."

Another game offers to remember the motive of the song "Fried Chicken" and perform it with new words and new content.

In our south
In the hot south
The sun shines all year round.
And everyone is dancing
Everyone's having fun
When they celebrate the New Year!

Everyone sings a song, and then the presenter says: "Right hand!" And this means that everyone is once again performing this "speech", but at the same time they will shake with their right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: right shoulder, left arm, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, more and more body parts should "shake". Everyone is funny and fun.

You can offer the guys to become actors of the puppet theater. In this case, the roles are assigned using answers to riddles.

She is more cunning of all animals,
Red fur coat on her
A bushy tail is her beauty.
Is this beast of the forest?
(A fox)

The child who first guessed the riddle and said the answer receives a Fox doll (glove) or a Fox toy.

He slept all winter in a fur coat,
I sucked my brown paw
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This beast of the forest

Forests conceal many troubles
The wolf, the bear there and the fox.
There the animal lives in anxiety
Carries his feet away from trouble
Come on, guess quickly
What is the name of the animal?

In winter, during hours of fun
I am hanging on the bright spruce.
I shoot like a cannon.
My name is

After all the roles have been assigned, have the kids become participants in a small play. All, to the best of their ability, perform their roles in accordance with the plot. The plot can be simple.

Once upon a time there was a Clapperboard. She was evil and despicable, she fought with a hare, fell on the head of the Fox, substituted the "leg" for the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling in displeasure. But once the Bear called the Hare, the Fox, and they decided to teach the cracker-cracker a lesson. They surrounded her, their paws pulled towards her, and Clapperboard pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And Bear, Fox and Bunny began to have fun and dance!

A lot of things can fit into the program of your holiday - and the game "Field of Miracles", and crossword contests, and much more. The main thing is to treat the preparation of the holiday responsibly, with heart, and then everything will work out for you!


If you are going to celebrate the New Year at home with friends
or with your family, then this scenario and the recommendations that I will offer you,
will make your New Year the most original and unforgettable.

Let's start by decorating your apartment.
Probably needless to say about what kind of jewelry you can use for this,
but there are still some points that should not be forgotten.
So, of course, the main property of this holiday is the tree. Decorate the Christmas tree to your liking, the main thing is that you can see the Christmas tree itself behind a pile of balls and tinsel. It is best to start decorating the tree with electric lights so that the toys can cover the wires of the lights. Place small toys closer to the top, and larger ones downwards, then hang tinsel and serpentine on top of the toys. You can make your own Christmas tree decorations. Of course, they will not be as bright as purchased ones, but the process of their creation will remain in the memory for a long time.

Toys can be made as follows: cut out all kinds of animals from cardboard, make a chain of colored paper. To do this, cut the colored paper into strips, the length of which is 5 cm and the width - 2 cm. Then glue the edges of one strip so that you get a circle; the next strip must be threaded into the finished circle and the edges must be glued in the same way. The number of such strips depends on how long you want the chain to be.

Do not forget to put gifts under it that you have prepared for your family and friends. The main thing is that the gifts are wrapped as brightly as possible. Also, take care of large bows to decorate your gifts. Presents can be put in bags with a symbol of the coming year.

Cut a huge amount of foil snowflakes and stick them on the walls and windows of your apartment.

It is best to decorate the ceiling with serpentine and cotton wool, tying the serpentine to small cotton balls.

In addition, create a New Year's panel of fir branches, place candles on the tables. All these decorations will fill the hearts of those present with a sense of celebration.

And don't forget about the festive New Year poster. On it you can draw that animal, under whose sign the outgoing year has passed. You can also write on the poster the main joyful events that happened to you in the past year. For example, a sample like this:

Painted mirrors will be a wonderful decoration for your apartment. Use toothpaste as paint. You can draw pine branches along the edges of the mirror, and on them - all kinds of decorations: balls, figurines of various animals and birds.

At the beginning of the home New Year's holiday, you can choose Santa Claus and Snegurochka. If the guests want to make the costumes of these fairy-tale characters in advance, then let them do it. For a Santa Claus costume, it is necessary to stick as many snowflakes as possible on a red robe or sheepskin coat, and sew tinsel or a white edging of fur from below. Don't forget the large fur gloves, also decorated with snowflakes. In order to create a Santa Claus headdress, you can use any hat, trimmed with red material. Pay special attention to making the beard. For her, you will need tape, cotton wool and scissors. It is best to use double-sided tape. Stick it on paper, cut a piece out of it in the form of a beard. Then stick a lot of cotton wool to it; now you can attach strings to tie it to your head.

The Snow Maiden is best to be in bright silver clothes or in a blue robe, also decorating it with snowflakes. As a headdress, you can make a crown out of wire by wrapping it in thin tinsel. You can weave two braids from blue or silver tinsel; for a better hold, attach them to the edges of the crown. If you don't have wire, you can use a regular headband, also wrapping it in silver tinsel.

The remaining guests must also come in costumes. Arrange a real masquerade! It's easy to create a Snowflake, Night, Bunny or Magician costume. At the end of the holiday, the presenter should take stock and arrange a competition for the best costume. The jury is all your guests. Identify the person in the best suit with a round of applause.

So now let's go directly to the home new year scenario. We already have Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, now we will choose the Christmas tree. To do this, you need to choose the most daring girl. The rest of the guests for a limited amount of time must "decorate" this girl, playing the role of a Christmas tree, with a roll of toilet paper (tinsel) and clothespins (Christmas tree decorations). The girl should be standing on the chair. You can make this competition a team competition. You can make various bows, a star on your head, etc. from paper.

The next game is called "SNOWMAN". You will need a lot of paper and wallpaper for this game. The participants are divided into two equal teams, the task of the participating players is to make a snowman from this material in a limited time.

"GLOVES" Santa Claus mittens can be used for this game. One participant is selected, who puts on these mittens, his eyes are tied. His task is to determine by touch the person who stands in front of him. You can feel the whole person from head to toe.

"NEW YEAR'S DRAWING" Hang two blank sheets of paper on the wall, select the two most daring guests, tie their hands behind their backs. Hand them brushes, jars of water, paints or markers. Now their task is to draw the symbols of the outgoing year on blank sheets of paper without using their hands.

"FRESH BREATH" All players receive one paper snowflake. The main task is to blow away your snowflake as far as possible. After all the snowflakes are on the floor, the presenter, to the surprise of everyone present, names the winner who has the snowflake closest to the start. It turns out that the winner of the "fresh breath" competition has to nail the snowflake to the floor before anyone else.

“GUESS THE BALL” The girls stay in the room, and the host takes the young people to another room. Each girl must choose one ball from the Christmas tree, then young people enter the room one by one. Each guy who comes in chooses one ball on the Christmas tree, if this ball is conceived by some girl, then he kisses this girl on the cheek. Then the young people go out and go in the second round. The girls are already making other balloons. If a young man names a ball that a girl who he has already kissed on the cheek has thought of, then he should kiss her on the lips.

"DECORATE YOUR FIRMWARE" For this game you will need Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool. You need to attach wire hooks to them, in addition, you need to make a fishing rod with the same hook as on the toys. The task of the players is to hang toys made of cotton wool on the tree using this fishing rod. The winner is the one who hangs up his toys the fastest. For this competition, the tree must be in a stable position.

"DECORATE THE FIR-TREE-2" Several participants stand in the middle of the room, they are blindfolded, then each participant must be rotated several times around its axis. The players' task is to go in the direction where the tree is and hang toys on it that the host gave them in advance.

"THE MOST NEW YEAR FILM" All guests sit in a circle and take turns saying the names of films that are somehow connected with the New Year. The one who does not pronounce the title is eliminated, the one who names the most of such films wins.

"NEW YEAR'S MELODY" Each participant receives empty bottles and one spoon in his hands, with the help of these objects they must perform a New Year's melody. The jury evaluates their melodies and chooses the most New Year's one.

"THE MOST ERUDED GUEST" In this competition you can simply ask questions to your guests, the questions must be related to the New Year.
In what year did Peter I order to celebrate the New Year in the winter months? (1700)
In which country on New Year's Eve is it customary to throw old dishes and furniture out of the window? (Italy)
In what year did a New Year card first appear in London?
Hint: Between 1800 and 1850 (1843)
In Germany, the New Year is celebrated not just one day, but much longer.
When does the New Year start in Germany? (December 6)
In almost all countries, the New Year clock strikes twelve times, thereby signaling the arrival of the New Year, but in Japan it strikes many more times.
How many times does the Japanese clock strike to herald the arrival of the new year? Hint: 80 to 130 strokes (108)

"PLANS FOR THE NEW YEAR" Each guest is given sheets of paper according to the script, on top of them all participants must write their intentions for the next New Year, then the top part is folded so that it is not visible what has been written. After that, this piece of paper must be handed over to the neighbor sitting to his right, and he, in turn, must write the reason why this decision was made. Example phrase: “I intend to make ……………… (decision) because ……………………… (reason)”. Next, the players read aloud what happened.

"LETTER TO FATHER FROST" For this game you will need paper, pencils and the imagination of your guests. The host asks each player to write a letter to Santa Claus on behalf of the player on the left. The presenter gives the players 5-6 minutes to write this letter. After the time has expired, the players pass these letters to the neighbors who sit to their left. Thus, each player reads a letter from himself, but written by a neighbor. In this competition, the host should reward the players for their originality.

NEW YEAR HIT For this game you need to form two teams. Each team has to "stage" the song. For this game, you can assign roles in advance, or team captains can do it. The best songs for staging are: "Three White Horses" performed by Vitas, "Yolki" performed by Verka Serduchka.

I wish your home New Year, which will be organized using this scenario, will be one of the most fun holidays in your life ..
Show your imagination and the spirit of the New Year will come to your home!

We carry interest and love for the New Year's holiday throughout our lives, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. And what fun is it without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and funny entertainment ?!

New Year's games, contests and skits are the same obligatory attribute of the holiday as a tree, champagne and gifts. After all, New Year is a time of universal fun; the time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself this - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move around a bit and play pranks after the New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

Entertainment program for the new year 2019

We offer you a wide variety of New Year's entertainment, which can be viewed on the links. They are suitable for corporate events, and for home parties, and for a close company of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily compose an interesting entertainment program from them.

In order to save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain the people for the New Year? Easy!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading festive events
  • for employees of organizations who plan to hold a New Year's corporate party on their own, without the involvement of a toastmaster
  • for those who are going to have a New Year's party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun during the whole New Year holidays with family, friends and relatives

The proposed games, contests and sketches are more than enough for you not only for an entertainment program for this New Year, but also for the next New Year holidays!

All buyers of this collection - New Year gifts:

Contents of the collection “Entertain the people for the New Year? Easy!"

Sketches and impromptu fairy tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny skits and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is associated with a wonderful New Year's holiday. All scenes are with funny and original stories; in addition, the texts are well edited, and plates with the names of the heroes are made for the impromptu scenes, which is very convenient for the organizer of the festive program; it is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet with tablets, nothing superfluous is printed. Here is a short description of the sketches that are included in the collection:

Guests from Italy on New Year's Eve (very funny fancy dress New Year's greetings with the original text). Little preliminary preparation is required. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness! (an impromptu fairy tale with chanting lines, the presenter and 7 actors; all the others are also involved). Especially suitable for corporate New Years celebration.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Tale (a funny impromptu tale, Presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight (a small impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 6 actors).
Long-awaited gift (a miniature pantomime scene, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The stage is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic staff (New Year's theatrical scene, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time an interesting funny scene with an original New Year's plot. Preliminary preparation required. Age: 15+

Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages
Price: 300 rubles

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