Very severe swelling during pregnancy. Edema as a manifestation of preeclampsia. Features of the treatment of edema in the late stages of pregnancy

Most women who are carrying a child are faced with swelling of the lower extremities. This can happen under the influence of many factors, some of which must necessarily be treated in order to avoid complications. To prescribe adequate therapy, it is necessary to find out what caused the problem.

Why legs swell during pregnancy

Possible causes of edema:

  • Excessive fluid intake. This condition is not pathological, but requires monitoring.
  • Excessive body weight. In some cases, with an unbalanced diet, the weight grows rapidly, which in turn increases the load on the legs and provokes their swelling.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities. The uterus grows in size, putting pressure on the vessels, and the veins, full of blood, cause swelling.
  • Late toxicosis. This is a dangerous condition in which blood pressure rises and protein is present in the urine test.
  • Violation of the kidneys. The load on this organ during the carrying of a child doubles, therefore, problems often arise that should be under the supervision of the attending physician.

Factors that provoke puffiness

There are factors that exacerbate the risk of edema. These include:

  • long stay in the heat;
  • lack of potassium in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • prolonged standing or sitting, wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • frequent consumption of drinks that contain caffeine.

Types of puffiness during pregnancy

Swelling is obvious and latent:

  • Obvious edema immediately makes itself felt: the usual shoes become small, the lower leg increases in girth, the elastic from the socks leaves a strong mark on the skin.
  • The latent form is revealed when a woman comes to the doctor for weighing. If there is a sharp jump in the weight of the pregnant woman, the gynecologist may suspect hidden edema.

What to do if your feet are swollen

  • Change your body position as often as possible: long standing, sitting, lying will adversely affect the condition of the legs. Hiking must be replaced by rest, all loads must be distributed correctly. At the end of the day, it is useful to do the exercise: lie on the floor, lift your legs up for 10 minutes, you can lean them against the wall. After that, massage your feet a little. Place a pillow under your feet while you sleep to help drain blood from your extremities.
  • Shoes should be soft, comfortable, without a heel. Choose clothing that is comfortable and does not constrict blood vessels.
  • The nutrition of the expectant mother is of great importance. It is worth putting a taboo on visiting fast food restaurants, limiting yourself in the consumption of sweets, salt, smoked meats, spicy, fried foods. Fruits, vegetables, steamed, stewed, boiled dishes will be useful.
  • Ensuring a full flow of fluid into the body will have a positive effect on the body and prevent the appearance of edema, but it must be borne in mind that in the evening the amount of water drunk is reduced. Avoid soda and very sugary drinks, as they interfere with fluid removal.
  • Baths with cold water, to which you can add sea salt, relieve fatigue and swelling well.
  • Only strictly according to the prescription of a therapist or gynecologist, in the fight against edema, drugs that have a diuretic effect, and drugs, vitamins, which help to strengthen blood vessels, help.

In the event of edema, in no case should you self-medicate, in order to avoid consequences. Only a doctor can conduct a competent examination and treatment.

Edema during pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena, therefore, often, expectant mothers simply do not pay attention to them, not realizing what they are dangerous and carelessly thinking that they do not threaten any consequences. In fact, everything is far from the case, because the accumulation of excess fluid affects both the activity of the entire female body (kidney function is disrupted, blood circulation problems appear), and the functions of the placenta (it is through it that your baby receives nutrients, water, oxygen) ... But the most important thing is that in late pregnancy, edema is the very first sign of a pathology such as preeclampsia (previously referred to as "late toxicosis"), which endangers the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

Hearing the word "toxicosis", many women will think that there is nothing to do, and the problem is simply exaggerated, because every second person during the first ten weeks is faced with morning sickness and other unpleasant phenomena. But it should be borne in mind that in the first trimester, this condition is caused by a restructuring of the body and is considered a normal phenomenon, and after 32-33 weeks it can be the beginning of a dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Edema is most often obvious, in this case, both the woman and her doctor can easily notice them, or they can be hidden, appearing due to fluid retention in the body. Latent pathological deviation can be suspected of uneven or too much weight gain.

How to get rid of them should be suggested by the attending physician. the therapy program depends on the degree of pathology. With a mild form, a number of recommendations are given to relieve symptoms at home, these are:

  • diet (decrease in the amount of salt consumed, increase in fiber, protein and vitamins);
  • weekly cottage cheese and apple "fasting" days;
  • control of the drinking balance (daily fluid intake of 1.5 liters);
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • possibly drugs.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy and why they appear

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is almost inevitable, the reasons for this phenomenon most often lie in weight gain and in metabolic disorders (especially - the removal of fluid from the body). Extra pounds lead to increased stress on the lower extremities, circulatory disorders and, as a result, to varicose veins. In the later stages, women often see varicose veins, and expectant mothers themselves complain of heaviness and severe pain in the legs, increased fatigue.

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The sooner you pay attention to the deviation, the easier it is to stop its development. If the problem is fluid retention in the body, then the first signs of puffiness can be noticed when your favorite shoes of the correct size suddenly become small. What to do in this case? The first is to limit the use of table salt, sodium attracts water and prevents its exit. In addition, it is necessary to exclude fried, fermented and smoked foods, as well as refuse coffee and black tea. You can relieve the condition by resting and placing a roller under your feet (it is easy to do by twisting any blanket). The measures taken should give a visible result within five days, if this did not happen, then the doctor will prescribe medications.

What causes hand swelling during pregnancy and how to eliminate them

Often, expectant mothers complain of swelling of the fingers. The deviation may manifest itself in the inability to remove the ring, or it may be accompanied by soreness, tingling or numbness, burning in the wrist area.

In the early stages, this phenomenon often does not pose a danger, it is observed in women who work a lot on the computer and actively use the keyboard and mouse, as well as those who are fond of knitting, modeling, and handmade. It is explained by the so-called "tunnel" syndrome, in which fluid accumulates in the wrist and presses on the passing nerve, which leads to pain. You can eliminate the problem with the help of gymnastics for the hands and fingers, as well as rest.

If puffiness began to appear at a later date, and the expectant mother notices similar problems with her legs, then this may be a sign of “dropsy of pregnant women”, ie. the first stage of gestosis. What to do in this case?

  1. First, an urgent need to reduce salt intake, it retains fluid in the body.
  2. Secondly, consult a doctor, he will prescribe medications or recommend herbal teas.
  3. Thirdly, do not forget about the activity and benefits of movement (in particular, gymnastics).

If the measures taken did not help, a course of therapy in a hospital is needed.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy - what can it be?

Swelling of the nasal mucosa is also observed quite often. A specific condition called pregnancy runny nose can occur for a number of reasons, for example:

  • due to hormonal changes;
  • due to an allergic reaction (to pollen, pet hair, new washing powder, etc.). Even if there was no allergy before, then an "interesting" situation can become an impetus for an unpleasant reaction of the body.

What are the early signs of pregnancy?

Swelling of the nasal mucosa does not harm the mother directly, but it can affect the supply of oxygen to the body and to the fetus. Therefore, you need to worry about how to remove a runny nose faster, but do not forget that not all medicines are allowed to be taken by expectant mothers.

Why does the face often swell during pregnancy?

Changed facial features, its roundness and puffiness, swelling of the eyelids (which visually narrows the eyes) - all this also often worries pregnant women, and such signs may indicate a problem in the functioning of the kidneys. In this case, special treatment is prescribed under the supervision of a nephrologist. But we can also talk about physiological edema, in this case, try to reduce the intake of salt, as well as smoked and fermented, adjust the daily volume of fluid consumed (optimally - 1.5 liters per day), minimize the amount you drink at night, try to sleep on your left side - all this will relieve symptoms and help to "unload" the kidneys.

If, together with the face, the expectant mother feels swelling of the lower and upper extremities, abdomen, hips, vagina - this may indicate a more serious pathological process. In the last weeks, edema is often the first signs of preeclampsia, a disease that threatens with serious consequences, up to detachment of the placenta, bleeding, premature birth, fetal freezing.

Swelling at 38 weeks gestation: dangerous or not

The reasons for the appearance of edema in the expectant mother at the 38th week of pregnancy can be caused by various reasons and be both physiological and pathological in nature. Unfortunately, most often this is a pathology (gestosis), although doctors at this time are already calm about the baby's life, because at 37 weeks the little man is already fully formed and is ready to be born, without even waiting 40 weeks. In principle, he needs 38 and 39 weeks only to gain weight and grow a little more.

Why do you need gymnastics for pregnant women and what exercises will help prepare for childbirth

Gestosis in most pregnant women develops at 32-34 weeks, swelling is only the first stage of this pathology, and it is reversible. It is important to take the doctor's recommendations with full responsibility, and most often the problem can be eliminated within 6-7 days. If a deviation is found at 25 weeks, then this indicates a complex course of the pathological process, therefore, the expectant mother comes under the close attention of doctors until the 38th week, during which labor can be stimulated.

But it may appear earlier.

The accumulation of fluid is formed by the action of pregnancy hormones. Since the blood vessels dilate during this period, the overall blood flow deteriorates, blood is more easily retained in the tissues. In addition, the vessels become more permeable than usual and allow more fluid to pass through their walls, therefore, water accumulates more easily in the intercellular space of the relaxed tissue.

No measures to remove excess fluid!

Even if you notice that the swelling is increasing, in no case do not stop drinking enough liquid (unless instructed by your doctor). Otherwise, you risk getting circulatory problems. It is also important not to take any diuretics without medical supervision. The salt-free diet, which is so often prescribed by Russian doctors in such cases, is not such an indisputable measure. For example, in Germany, such a diet for expectant mothers is not encouraged.

Swelling is a common problem late in pregnancy. Usually the lower extremities are affected, but sometimes swelling of the face or hands may appear.

Causes of edema of the lower extremities during pregnancy

CauseManifestationsDiagnostic approach
Physiological edema Symmetrical bilateral leg edema that is relieved by lying down The diagnosis of exclusion
DVT Painful unilateral swelling of the leg or lower leg, redness, irritation Sometimes presence of risk factors for DVT Duplex ultrasonography of the lower extremities
Preeclampsia Hypertension and proteinuria, sometimes with or without significant independent edema (hands or face), without redness, fever, or soreness Sometimes there are risk factors for preeclampsia In the case of severe preeclampsia, additional symptoms may also appear: headache, pain in the upper right quadrant, epigastric region, or a combination thereof; visual impairment Possible papilla edema, visual field deficit, wheezing in the lungs (accompanying edema) detected during physical examination Measurement of blood pressure Measurement of protein in urine Complete blood count, measurement of serum electrolytes, AMK, glucose, creatinine, liver tests
Inflammation of the fiber

Painful unilateral swelling of the leg or lower leg, redness (asymmetrical), local heat, sometimes fever

Manifestations are often more limited than DVT

Ultrasonography to rule out DVT if the swelling is not clearly localized Test to determine the source of infection

The most common cause of edema during pregnancy is physiological edema. Physiological edema is caused by sodium retention in the body, caused by a change in hormonal levels. They can also develop when an enlarged uterus periodically compresses the inferior vena cava in the supine position, preventing blood from flowing out of both femoral veins.

Pathological causes of edema are less common, but often dangerous. These include deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and preeclampsia. DVT is more common during pregnancy because pregnancy is accompanied by hypercoagulability; during pregnancy, a woman may be less mobile. Preeclampsia is the result of pregnancy-induced hypertension; however, not all women with preeclampsia have edema. Extensive phlegmon, which usually causes focal redness, may resemble general edema.



  • Physiological during pregnancy
  • Preeclampsia


  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Deep vein thrombosis

Infectious / inflammatory

  • Phlegmon
  • Dermatitis
  • Necrotizing fasciitis


  • Fracture
  • Dislocation
  • Joint rupture - effusion or hemarthrosis
  • Ligament rupture
  • Muscle tear
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Popliteal fossa cyst rupture - Baker's cyst
  • Sunburn
  • A bite of an insect


Congenital lymphedema

  • Congenital type I lymphedema:
    • Milroy's disease
    • manifests itself after birth
    • may initially be one-sided
    • everyone knows this; accounts for approximately 2-5% of cases
  • Type II hereditary lymphedema:
    • Meija's lymphedema - familial early lymphedema
    • begins in puberty
    • explains about 80% of cases
  • Type III hereditary lymphedema:
    • hereditary late lymphedema
    • manifests itself at 35 and later
    • explains 10-15% of cases


  • Traumatic:
    • after lymphadenectomy
    • after radiation therapy
  • Venous:
    • chronic insufficiency
    • obstruction of veins
    • deep vein thrombosis syndrome
    • pelvic tumor obstructing the venous opokus
  • Cardiac
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Pericardial effusion
  • Damage to the valves:
    • tricuspid regurgitation / stenosis
    • pulmonary stenosis

Low serum albumin

  • Synthesis:
    • poor nutrition
    • cirrhosis
    • enteropathy
    • malabsorption
  • A loss:
    • nephrotic syndrome


  • Calcium channel blockers: amlodipine
    • diltiazem
    • felodipine
    • nifedipine
  • Steroids
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
    • phenelzine
  • Tricyclic antidepressants:
    • amitriptyline
    • desipramine
    • nortriptyline


Tissue capillaries have pores and are permeable to water. In a normal state, there is an exchange of fluid between the capillaries and the interstitial space. The flow rate is determined by the fluid filtration and the hydraulic pressure in the capillaries. During this process, different forces act, and their imbalance leads to edema.

Hydraulic pressure moves fluid through the capillary wall towards the interstitial tissue. The hydraulic force in the capillaries is opposed by the pressure of the interstitial fluid and the osmotic pressure of the capillary fluid. Under normal conditions, the flow of fluid is directed towards the interstitial tissue.

Examination for leg edema during pregnancy

The survey is aimed at excluding DVT and preeclampsia. Physiological edema is a diagnosis of exclusion.

Anamnesis... The history of present illness should include information on the onset and duration of symptoms, factors that aggravate and alleviate symptoms, and risk factors for DVT and preeclampsia.

Risk factors for developing DVT include:

  • venous insufficiency
  • trauma,
  • increased blood clotting,
  • thrombotic disorders,
  • smoking cigarettes,
  • lack of mobility

Risk factors for developing preexampsia include:

  • chronic hypertension
  • a personal or family history of preeclampsia,
  • age<17 или >35,
  • first pregnancy,
  • multiple pregnancy
  • diabetes,
  • vascular disorders
  • cystic drift,
  • abnormal maternal serum screening results.

A symptom review should identify symptoms of possible causes, including nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice (preeclampsia); pain, redness, or a feeling of heat in one of your limbs (DVT or inflammation of the fiber); shortness of breath (pulmonary edema or preeclampsia); sudden weight gain or swelling of the face and hands (preeclampsia); headache, confusion, changes in mental state, visual impairment, seizures (preeclampsia).

The history should include information about DVT, pulmonary embolism, preeclampsia, and hypertension.

Physical examination... The study begins with an assessment of the main physiological indicators, in particular blood pressure.

Areas of edema are examined to determine their prevalence (bilateral and symmetrical or unilateral edema), redness, fever, and tenderness.

The general examination focuses on those body systems with which symptoms may indicate preeclampsia. A vision test involves examining the visual fields to identify deficits.

Examination of the cardiovascular system includes auscultation of the heart and lungs to detect signs of hypervolemia (heart tone or tachypnea, wheezing) and to identify possible swelling of the cervical veins. The abdomen should be palpated for tenderness, especially in the epigastric region and the right upper quadrant. In the course of a neurological examination, mental status is assessed to identify confusion and focal neurological symptoms.

Warning signs... The following manifestations are of greatest concern:

  • BP> 140/90 mm Hg. Art .;
  • unilateral redness, soreness, and local warmth of the leg or ankle, sometimes associated with fever;
  • hypertension and any systemic symptoms or signs, especially a change in mental status.

Interpretation of the identified signs... Although edema is common during pregnancy, the most dangerous probable causes (preeclampsia and DVT) should be ruled out:

  • If blood pressure is> 140/90 mm Hg. Art., you should consider the possibility of preeclampsia.
  • If swelling occurs in only one leg, especially if irritation, redness, and soreness are present, DVT or inflammation of the tissue may be suspected.
  • Bilateral leg edema is physiological or associated with preeclampsia.

Clinical manifestations help suggest a cause. Additional manifestations may indicate preeclampsia.

Survey... If preeclampsia is suspected, urine protein should be measured; hypertension combined with proteinuria indicate preeclampsia. The standard remedy for this is a test strip, but if the diagnosis is unclear, the urine protein should be measured after 24 hours. Many laboratories perform urine protein determination much faster by calculating the ratio of protein to creatine.

If DVT is suspected, duplex ultrasonography of the lower extremities is done.

The study of a pregnant woman with swollen legs begins with anamnesis. Some helpful questions are listed below.

  • Is there a sudden swelling?
  • Was this before pregnancy, and now it has worsened?
  • Is the process one-way or two-way?
  • Are there concomitant swelling of the face and hands?
  • Was there a history of trauma? Most people will remember an episode in which the change in the volume of the lower extremities began immediately or immediately after the injury.
  • Is there any local pain?
  • What medications does he take?

Specific questions address the three aforementioned causes of edema. For example, questions to assess an increase in hydrostatic pressure include information about varicose veins, any history of deep vein thrombosis, or recent high volume infusion. A decrease in plasma osmotic pressure is characteristic of any disease accompanying a decrease in plasma protein synthesis or an increased loss of protein through the kidneys or skin.

The examination should be performed in good light, with both of the patient's legs at the same level. Ideally, the patient should be examined in the supine position, and the abdomen and groin should be examined. Make a urine test for proteinuria and measure blood pressure. Measurement of leg circumference should be standardized. One method is to measure the circumference of the leg 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity. An increase in girth of more than 3 cm is clinically significant. In deep vein thrombosis, pain is expressed on palpation in the projection of deep veins. However, the classic signs in the form of an increase in skin temperature and an increase in venous collaterals may be absent.

Acute unilateral leg edema with or without pain in the absence of an apparent local cause such as cellulitis should be considered deep vein thrombosis until proven otherwise. In pregnancy, the use of the D-dimer test to diagnose deep vein thrombosis is clinically unreliable, although it continues to be used in maternity hospitals as a screening test before more reliable imaging techniques are used. The methods of choice are ultrasound scanning of the lower extremities with duplex Doppler studies or phlebography with appropriate protection of the mother's abdomen from X-rays. Despite this, there is one potential pitfall - negative Doppler studies performed when seeking medical attention early. In such cases, if all possible other causes of unilateral swelling of the leg are excluded, the woman should be invited for a second scan after 2-3 days.


Bilateral edema of the lower extremities during pregnancy is preceded by hypertension and proteinuria - the result of preeclampsia, therefore, in women with significant edema, caution is necessary. Such patients should be periodically examined with blood pressure measurements and urinalysis.

Unlike edema due to preeclampsia, unilateral leg edema is an emergency. About one in four women with untreated deep vein thrombosis has a pulmonary embolism, after which one in seven women dies.

The risk of deep vein thrombosis is further increased with operative vaginal or abdominal delivery. All this reflects changes in the factors of the Virchow triad and increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis (Virchow triad - damage to the vascular wall, stasis and changes in blood clotting).

During pregnancy, left-sided deep vein thrombosis - in 4/5 cases, or ofemoral - in 7/10 cases.

The suspicion of deep vein thrombosis in one of the two cases is not confirmed. Once the diagnosis is made, anticoagulant treatment is required according to local standards.

Additional factors that increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy

  • History of deep vein thrombosis Family history of deep vein thrombosis
  • Thrombophilia
  • Mother's age over 40
  • Large number of births
  • Obesity
  • Varicose veins
  • Immobility
  • Heart failure
  • Sepsis
  • Dehydration
  • Long distance travel by plane or train
  • Sickle cell disease
  • History of smoking

Treatment of leg edema during pregnancy

Treat specific conditions. Physiological edema can be reduced by periodically lying on the left side (which displaces the uterus from the inferior vena cava), periodically raising the lower limbs, and wearing elastic compression stockings.

Prevention of edema at 23 weeks of gestation

  • Lie for 15 minutes with your legs high two to three times a day.
  • If possible, avoid standing or sitting in one place for long periods of time.
  • Walk regularly, try to move more.
  • Do not wear tight clothing / tight shoes.
  • Make sure to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid every day.
  • Do not drink diuretic tea at your own risk, as this can lead to an unwanted reduction in blood volume.
  • Avoid all sorts of unloading like a rice day. Otherwise, you are at risk of mineral deficiency.
  • Don't eliminate salt from your diet.
  • A daily warm sea salt bath or a doctor-prescribed lymphatic drainage can provide additional support in the fight against edema.

Swelling in pregnant women is very common. About half of all pregnant women suffer from swelling around the ankles, especially during the last few months of pregnancy. Also, this problem often manifests itself in the toes and shins.

The worst usually happens towards the end of the day, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy occurs because your body contains more fluid than normal. The increased pressure in the veins of the legs and the pressure from your growing baby on the large veins in the groin also add to the problems. The whole thing, surprisingly enough, is in the force of attraction, which, as it were, concentrates the liquid at the lowest points of your body.

Some doctors associate swelling with the production of a special hormone that impairs the elasticity of blood vessels. An excess of sodium in the body can also be the cause, since it delays the removal of fluid from the tissues.

The following factors increase the severity of edema:

  • smoking;
  • hot weather;
  • physical exercises;
  • an abundance of spicy and salty foods;
  • fatigue.

The main signs of leg edema during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs is of varying severity, and sometimes you may not even notice them. But this does not mean that they should be ignored, otherwise they can develop into more serious diseases. Moreover, their external expression can also mean internal changes, which is much more serious. If you began to crush shoes, rings on your toes, if you began to gain weight quickly or unevenly (more than 300 g per week), this is a sign of edema.

« Normal "edema in a healthy woman:

  • appear in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • usually localized in the area of ​​the legs and feet after an active day, in the late afternoon;
  • after rest and some procedures, which we will discuss below, they decrease or disappear altogether;
  • are not accompanied by pain and swelling in other places, a general deterioration in health.

Such swelling of the legs during pregnancy does not need to be treated.

Dangers of edema

We do not want to scare you, but it is better to immediately consult a doctor if you notice such symptoms in yourself:

It is better to play it safe and go to your doctor once again, especially since the life and health of two people are at stake.

When will the swelling subside?

Within about 24 hours after giving birth, most women will already notice that the swelling has diminished. Don't worry if it takes a few days to clear up the swelling, this is normal: your body takes time to recover and get back in shape after prolonged stress. Keep following the tips for reducing puffiness and things will work out soon.

How to reduce the severity of leg swelling?

You cannot stop the swelling process, but you can limit, reduce its manifestation. So, what do experts advise to prevent leg edema and reduce their severity?

If you want to reduce swelling, follow these simple rules:

In general, every expectant mother quickly determines which method is right for her. Someone is helped by active pastime, someone - maximum rest, someone - group yoga or gymnastics.

Alternative methods of treating leg edema in pregnant women

By "treatment" we mean a decrease in the severity of manifestations, since edema in a healthy woman is a normal and harmless physiological phenomenon that does not need full, serious treatment.

What does traditional medicine offer us?

You can place green or white kale leaves on swollen areas to draw out excess fluid and reduce discomfort (heaviness). You do not need to wash the leaves, you can cool them in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer), it will even be more pleasant for you. Wrap the chilled leaves around the swollen parts of your legs and feet, making a compress. Wait until they are damp and then repeat with fresh leaves. Repeat this several times until you feel more comfortable.

Herbal medicines are usually diuretics that remove fluid from the body. However, this method should not be overused, as it can overdo it and remove too much liquid. This can be dangerous. Therefore, we strongly recommend using herbal teas and tinctures only after consulting a doctor!

Here are some common recipes:

Myths about edema during pregnancy

Myth number 1. If you limit your intake of liquids and salty foods to a minimum, the swelling will quickly subside.

This is not true. We have already written that salty food can only serve as a provoking or additional factor in the appearance of edema. A lack of fluid in the body can lead to dehydration and health risks for the baby. Complete restriction in salt and water is dangerous, so listen to your needs and just don't overuse such foods.

Myth number 2. Diuretics will quickly remove swelling.

This myth can be dangerous, as the uncontrolled use of such drugs can lead to dehydration. Therefore, as we wrote above, do not overdo it with diuretic teas - this is, one might say, an extreme case. And often running to the toilet is a rather tedious task for women in the last months of pregnancy.

Myth number 3. With swelling of the legs, do not play sports.

In fact, any sports that you can do, strengthen the muscles of the body, maintain tone, so that it is easier for you to give birth. Here, as in other matters, one should not be too zealous. The following sports are recommended: cycling, swimming, gymnastics, yoga.

Myth number 4. Swelling on the legs is a sign of preeclampsia.

This is not so, edema itself does not indicate preeclampsia ("late toxicosis", preeclampsia - complications at the end of pregnancy). Only in combination with high blood pressure, impaired renal function, loss of consciousness, convulsions, edema can be a symptom of this disease. It seems that you and your doctor will not miss such signs and will take action in time.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy, what to do in such a situation, how dangerous is it to health and how is it treated? This problem is very common in the second half of pregnancy, and especially from the third trimester. Not only doctors, but also women themselves notice edema during pregnancy. In the middle of the day or in the late afternoon, sock bands leave marks on the ankles. The rings are getting small. Even visually, the legs look fuller.

At each visit to the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother calculates the weight gain from the last visit and checks for edema. Especially carefully examine and talk with a woman if a large weight gain is noted in a short time. Swelling of the legs in late (36, 37, 38 weeks) pregnancy is often a sign of preeclampsia. But only if, in addition to them, a woman is diagnosed with protein in the urine and a persistent increase in blood pressure. In order to avoid serious consequences for the mother and child, labor may be stimulated, and in especially difficult and risky situations, a cesarean section. Otherwise, the woman is placed under supervision in a hospital. If necessary, lower blood pressure, regularly check the condition of the kidneys (monitor the increase in protein in the urine). In addition, the woman is monitored by an ophthalmologist in order not to miss changes in the fundus - another serious complication of gestosis.

If blood pressure and urine tests are normal, then the causes of leg edema during pregnancy are different. There is an interesting opinion that in this way the body, before childbirth, which is always accompanied by large blood loss, is stocked with fluid to restore the volume of circulating blood. To relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy, it is not at all necessary to go to the hospital, where, for sure, they will prescribe unnecessary in this case "Curantil", sedatives and diuretics (the most famous folk remedies for swelling of the legs during pregnancy), a restriction in admission may be recommended liquids. Or, even worse, they will cause premature labor. To avoid all this, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

1. Limit salt in the diet. Prevention of edema during pregnancy begins with the exclusion of sausages, smoked meats, canned food and other salty foods from the diet. At the same time, it is not necessary to completely exclude table salt from the diet. They say that, on the contrary, this can provoke puffiness.

2. Drink plenty of fluids. The recommendation to limit the amount of fluid consumed per day to 800-1000 grams is incorrect. You can and should drink as much as you want. Especially in the heat.

3. Do not limit unnecessarily physical activity and, on the contrary, exclude strong physical activity.

4. Wear comfortable, non-tight, low-heeled shoes.

5. Rest with slightly raised legs.

What to do if your legs swell a lot during pregnancy and there are signs of varicose veins? In such cases, it is recommended to wear compression hosiery. Knee-highs, or better stockings. The degree of compression (pulling) of the limb will be told by the doctor. This is what a phlebologist is doing. Wearing compression hosiery is the prevention of thrombosis and edema of the legs. Legs in such knitwear do not get tired quickly, aching pains disappear.

Edema does not need to be treated, it is not an independent disease. But they can be a symptom of a dangerous pathology of pregnant women. It is in order to distinguish a physiological state from a pathological one that you need to be registered with a competent, educated obstetrician-gynecologist and regularly take tests.