The organization and effectiveness of the pedagogical process in the OGUZ "Child's home specialized". Features of pedagogical work with children

2.3. System of work with pedagogically launched children.

Overcoming pedagogical neglence is carried out in the overall education process. Many teachers and psychologists prefer punishment as the main personality correction. This approach was present in all exploitative forms, but practically proved its inconsistency. The desire in our conditions correct the personality is mainly punishments incorrectly.

What is the basis of re-education as the process of overcoming pedagogical neglection in the contemporary system?

The goal is to form a full-fledged person who can live, work, be useful and happy in our society - determines the essence of re-education: intensive development of positive qualities, comprehensively harmonious identity development, restoration and formation of its comprehensive needs. Intensification of the general development of the personality is the main task of pedagogical prevention and re-education. Note that in numerous research on offenses and crimes of minors, one general feature is recorded: a low level of general education, low culture.

The low level of general development underlies the most ridiculous, sometimes inexplicable, cruel criminal actions. Most of those who have been registered in minors in minors from children's years, does not show sustainable cognitive interests, has serious gaps in general training. Consequently, the basis for overcoming pedagogical nestness is the optimal level of the educational process at school, the maximum use of the capabilities of the modern system for the highest development of the potential possibilities of all students.

Working with pedagogically launched children is integrated, since pedagogical nestness itself is a complex and multidimensional education, and it cannot be overcome by fragile efforts. Teachers who direct work on the prevention and overcoming the pedagogical neglence of schoolchildren emanate from the general system of prevention of minors, which has developed in our country.

The coordination center of all preventive work was the reference points of law and order in the neighborhoods. Militia inspector with each pedagogically launched teenager, evading study and labor, hold the following job:

ü personally talk with a teenager about the reasons for his behavior and warn of its consequences from the point of view of the law, help adolescents in employment and control it to study in the evening or by correspondence school;

ü in writing informs school, family about the measures taken with difficult teenagers, who stood in the police;

ü detect the facts of antisocial behavior of parents, persons who harmfully influence adolescents, prepare material on this issue for the Commission on Juvenile, the Councils of Prevention, and if necessary, officially warn;

ü, together with the school teachers, the Administration, the Council of the Supervision Point of Protection of Law Enforcement determine the measures of individual influence on difficult adolescents, measures to limit the impact of parents and persons abusing with alcoholic beverages and drugs.

The teacher should know the functions, rights and obligations of the Inspection of Minors to use them in the process of re-education of pedagogically launched children.

Equally, it is important to know the responsibilities of employees of the law enforcement point, which currently coordinate all preventive work with minors.

In all this work, the school is actively involved, clearly performs the following functions:

ü Propaganda of psychological and pedagogical knowledge among the population;

ü registration in the law enforcement points of children who need constant supervision are characterized by burdened hardness and prone to offenses;

ü alert inspections and commission on juvenile affairs, councils of law enforcement points on the facts of offenses among parents and schoolchildren;

ü Personal participation in the public on the improvement of the zone of the nearest social environment;

ü Ethical, legal and psychological - pedagogical education among schoolchildren, to create an intolerant environment towards the facts of anti-office behavior.

School work with pedagogically launched children, correction of a personality is a process that includes the destruction of hardness, elimination of negative components of character, restoration and formation of leading positive qualities and self-improvement. All this is the main content of re-education.

Overcoming the hard-primacy of schoolchildren is carried out by different paths, means and methods. The right to existence has any re-education system at school, if it meets certain requirements:

ü The integrity of the system: There are single target and optimistic attitudes in the activities of all persons participating in the re-education, the connection of the goals, the tasks of re-education with the content, means and methods of impact on the spiritual world of the teenager;

ü appropriateness of re-education under concrete conditions (validity, necessity, effectiveness of pedagogical measures);

ü Unity of the pedagogical leadership, re-education, the activities of the student self-government and the self-organization of the behavior of a difficult teenager;

ü Unity of the school, family and the public, coordination of the work of mentors, representatives and inspections of the police, the Commission on Minors and other educational institutions.

The main link of the re-education system is a pedagogical guide. This is a special regulatory process, the purpose of which is the formation of the ability to self-regulating the behavior and activities of educated in accordance with social requirements. The purpose of the pedagogical leadership is to create a lifestyle, which will allow the pedagogically launched adolescence to control their actions and actions, fix moral behavior. Hence the need to build a model of life, labor, life and relations of pedagogically launched adolescents in the zone of the nearest social environment in order to take into account the general and individual in each of the pupils, the specific conditions of education. In the pedagogical guide, elements of pedagogical diagnosis, forecasting, modeling, organizing the lives of adolescents, control and self-analysis of the results of educational work are intertwined.

In re-education, you need to avoid typical errors. Their main objective reason is the multi-term, inconsistency, complexity of problems of working with pedagogically launched children. Errors in the work of teachers most often leak out of their acute reaction to the negative behavior of schoolchildren. With negative stressful states (anger, fear, irritation), teacher is difficult to find the right decision. Its actions in this case become screening, sometimes tactless, harsh, which inevitably encourages all educational work on failure.

It also prevents the rehabilitation of the intentional or indirect humiliation of a pedagogically launched schoolboy, the infringement of his authority in the team, ignoring his self-esteem. The best tool for achieving objective relationship is to concern about the whole team, which the teacher exhibits constantly, taking into account the individual peculiarity of each student, his mental state.

At the same time, the absence of a differentiated approach of the teacher to students is a typical error in managing the re-education. One can be influenced by the order, to another - only as a request, belief: it is impossible to overcome the difficult-toeability of standard methods and means.

There is also a formal execution by the teacher of its direct duties, for example, imposing to children's work, which does not interest them, but which is recommended by the administration. This means that any official events prevent the upbringing that they cannot be wondering and more benefit. Any work with children can be made attractive and appropriate. Formalism in educational work indicates a low level of pedagogical literacy and pedagogical skill of the educator.

The warning of these errors requires:

ü corrective corrective aspirations;

ü concreteness of educational work, clarity in the distribution of responsibilities, intelligence planning of the actions of teachers and students, personal responsibility of every educator for the resulting case;

ü coordination and universality coverage of the educational work of children and their parents;

ü combination of all types of planning (general, cool, individual, promising, current, working) and coordination with the system of monitoring the implementation of the plan;

ü maximally attracting planning, organizing, conducting and monitoring the course of the educational work of the children themselves;

ü a variety of forms and methods of educational work, decisive overcoming stencil, cosiness of pedagogical impacts; use for educational purposes of all conditions and all elevations of educational work; ensuring the continuity of education;

ü interconnectedness of pedagogical influences on the formation of a collective and personality.

The management system of the re-education includes the following main links:

1) Improvement with the public situation in which a difficult advocating schoolboy lives. At the same time, the positive connections of the pedagogically launched child with the outside world are expanding at the same time, it is involved in active activities to improve the surrounding reality, the recovery of the family and the microgroup of adolescents. Social contacts of the pedagogically launched pupil are expanding, mainly through business connections with adult teams.

2) Strengthening prophylactic work in the microdistrict, targeted organization of the free time of the student.

In any case, the impact on the nearest social environment should be carried out if it provokes pedagogically launched schoolchildren for negative behavior.

Often the school parents and school are accused of the emergence of hard-primacy of the street, forgetting, however, that it is necessary for children for their normal mental development, which does not affect the person by itself negatively, but only certain groups of children with a negative direction that are spontaneously. With the right organization of leisure, children spend time in campaigns, games, sports competitions, work in circles.

3) Intensification of socially useful activities of pedagogically launched schoolchildren in the primary team and in the system of other teams. Especially engaged in useful things, pedagogically launched students break the discipline less, are taught to definition, the order, they produce hard work skills, honest attitudes to the case, i.e. All the qualities that are necessary for serious teaching are formed. The dialectic of all this work is as follows: switching forces, energy, attention of difficult children first for useful labor cases, and then to the teaching.

4) the destruction of a negative type of behavior of an educational personality. Neutralized the leading sign of hard-primacy or negativity. This work requires great caution. The greatest effect, as studies have shown, is achieved by confidence, respect for a raised, surprise of a positive relationship, i.e. A situation that inevitably causes teenagers to be discontent with himself, excites the desire to get rid of flaws.

5) Organization of a new lifestyle lifestyle, in which positive qualities are being enshrined. In practice, negative in personality is sometimes destroyed by strict punishment, by the court, universal condemnation, isolation of a person from society. But at the same time often his lifestyle changes little. If the stereotype is raised under the same conditions, it is quickly restored in his own form. "What was a man, so remained," sometimes complaining of school workers. And he could not change, since the pedagogically necessary conditions were not created, the first negative stereotype was found in the root.

6) the inclusion of the identity itself into the process of overcoming its disadvantages, negative properties. This last link in the re-education system actively affects the personality only when previous links of the re-education system are effectively used.

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The first steps in the system of special (correctional) education are associated with such names as R. M. Boskis, M. S. Pevzner, R. E.levina, L. S. Vygotsky, A. R. Luria, etc. They are widely offered Use an individual approach to communicate with a child with development problems. It is recommended to carry out a pedagogical impact from the standpoint of its comprehensive psychophysical development, as well as in order to humanize the most complete rehabilitation of these children.

In order for the child to consciously mastered the knowledge, skills and skills, it takes a fairly high level of development of cognitive processes. Features of mental activity and the general low level of awareness of children with combined disorders determine the underdevelopment of cognitive (cognitive) sphere, i.e. They often can't independently install connections, and disoriented in the outside world.

By the time of admission to school, the children with sensory motor disorders reduced different sides of the psyche: from the lowest level of thinking of cognitive activity - sensations to the highest level - thinking.

The main purpose of the correctional work with the children of this category is the correction and development of mental processes. According to L. S. Vygotsky, training and education of children with features in development is impossible without correction of higher mental functions. Each section of the Correction in the Moscow School No. 4 includes a system of specially organized events, specific activities and individual techniques used by those or other specialists.

Correction of motor disorders.

1. LFC, physiotherapeutic, orthopedic and drug treatment.

2. Theurines of physical education, rhythmics, physical attacks on the general education lessons, an hour of motor activity (free, or specially organized form).

3. Turks of labor (the development of elementary labor skills and skills of labor self-service).

4. Correction classes with a Survival, Speechoped (Articulation Gymnastics, Respiratory, Voice Exercises).

5. Additional circle classes on aikido, basketball and other sports.

6. The situation of the protective motor regime.

Child cerebral palsy - a disease associated with the early defeat of the brain. A child with cerebral palsy does not have the right motor skills and ideas about the movement. Therefore, one or another skill is developing in the lecturers of the exercise and physical education and the correct representation is formed through the sensation of movement.

In these lessons, children are trained in various movements and actions with objects in the formation of each new instructor's movement scheme seeks from children's definition, movement freedom, smoothness of switching from one action to another and increase or decrease the amplitude of movements.

The use of various ways to hold objects (in accordance with their size, form, quality), manipulation with various materials develop small motility of hands. The following complexes of physical exercise for the correction of motor disorders are taken from the Methodological manual T. M. Tarasova. The material of this manual is recommended by the LFC instructors, teachers of felting, educators and parents and is of practical interest.

So in a combined defect, the hyperkinetic form of cerebral palsy is most often found, then consider the set of exercises for this form. In other cases, the teacher can turn to the original. The output will be given in the literature list.

Correction of sensory disorders.


1. Developing auditory perception.

2.Forming pronunciation, sound accounting.

3. Accidental literacy, reading and writing.

4.Reviews passive and active dictionary.

5. Activation of oral speech.

6. Correction of visual violations in the system of correctional classes with typhalopadagogue.

8. The situation of the protective visual regime.

Correction of cognitive activity.

1. Were provision of the stock of general information about the world around the lessons for the development of speech, grammar, environmental education, reading, labor learning, etc.

2. Development of basic mental processes (analysis, synthesis, comparisons, generalizations, distracts) in the system of lessons, individual classes with a teacher, a psychologist, a sorcenegogue.

3. Correction of cognitive activity in the system of general educational items, extracurricular activities (corrective tasks of the lesson).

4. Forming the ability to use the knowledge gained in practice (the organization of extracurricular activities in the work of the educator).

5.Medicate and other types of tinted treatment (vitaminization, phytotherapy, etc.).

Cognitive activity is presented in the most promising way of their development, since the process of knowledge of the surrounding world requires the harmonious development of all mental processes.

A particularly important role in the knowledge of the surrounding world for children with sensory-motor violations plays the assimilation of the sensory standards adopted in society.

The child in the first years learn to watch and see, listen and hear, feel and perceive. The newborn child does not see and do not hear until it learn to distinguish forms, colors, sizes, contours, combinations of stains and tones until you learn to distinguish sounds. This refers to the formation of a child of sensory standards and perceptual actions for their perception.

Sensory development, aimed at the formation of a full perception of surrounding reality, serves as the basis of the knowledge of the world, the first step of which is the sensual experience (sensation and perception).

By the time of school learning, normally developing children perceive the holistic appearance of the subject in the aggregate of all its parts relative to each other, allocate smaller parts of the subject and establish their spatial location in relation to the main parts oriented over time and space.

In the absence of special sensory education, the development of perception occurs spontaneously. Of particular importance is the formation of generalized methods of surveying objects, that is, perceptual action. Intelligent development of sensory standards, the establishment of quantitative links and dependencies involves clarifying the views on geometric shape, space, time, movement, color, phonemon, grapem, digit.

The basic all kinds of learning, the necessary prerequisite of any creative activity is memory. Memory, like all cognitive processes, is a reflection of real reality.

Of particular importance in the correctional work is the development of shaped memory. Specific, visual, detailed images of objects, their properties, actions - the main content of child memory.

Initially, the ways to memorize and remember are very primitive: it is a repetition of speech material, repetition of an adult order, spatial movement of pictures, etc. In the future, more complex memorization techniques appear: the use of auxiliary means requiring the ability to create new ties, a new structure, look for support on the already known.

Pictures, words, graphic symbols, visual models can be used as auxiliary tools.

So the development of arbitrary logical memory begins. The correction of the many children's activities involves targeted learning children how to remember and recall how to use a variety of ways to semantic material processing (semantic grouping and semantic correlation), as well as to control the memorization process (how to carry out self-control).

Special attention must be paid to the mental development of a child with combined disorders. The learning of the school program requires a child of various skills: comparisons, analysis, generalizations, reasoning, creating certain designs, drawing, the ability to make independent conclusions.

Thinking is the highest cognitive process. It is always aimed at solving any task and is a creative conversion of presentations and images available in memory.

At the first stage of school learning children with sensory motor disorders, games related to the orientation of children in space, simple labyrinth problems, construction games using schemes, useful for the development of visual-shaped thinking.

Passing speech changes the nature of the child's thinking. The child begins to argue verbally, without relying when reasoning on actions with objects or their images.

An important result of intellectual development is mastering the overall intellectual activity structure - mental operations, mental actions necessary for solving mental problems.

The focus of the correctional work is given to the development of a rational style of mental activity, the development of the ability to act in the mind by operating with images, visual schemes, models, to perform mental dismemberment of components, abstraction of the necessary signs, their grouping in accordance with the task, develop the ability to use symbols, signs , conventional notation that replaces the function. The use of graphic models for awareness and memorization of complex material contributes to the formation of logical actions and operations.

Thus, the basic principles of the correctional work with children having combined violations are the systematicity and complexity of events. The successful implementation of the educational process is possible in the presence of a state of highly professional specialists: teachers, educators, psychologists, physicians, a survival, a typhalopal.

2 ) So this allocate four groups of learning methods:

1. Audial learning methods. Information is presented in sounds. This group includes all types of stories, conversations, explanations of lectures. In its pure form, these methods provide transmission and fixation of information on the audio channel.

2. Visual learning methods. Information is presented as an image. This group includes demonstrations of natural objects and visual benefits, as well as methods involving work with all types of printed or written information.

3. Kinesthetic learning methods. Transmission and perception of information are organized using muscle efforts and other sensations of the body. For the secondary school and university in its pure form, these methods are not described, however, training, for example, the deplexed children is possible only through these methods. In elementary school, a certain amount of kinesthetic techniques is used in teaching children. They are used in the preparation of athletes.

4. Polymodal learning methods. Information moves across several channels of perception:

4.1. Audio-visual (demonstration of dia-, film and video films, some experiments and experiments; methods are designed for simultaneous visual and audio fixation of information).

4.2. Visual-kinesthetic - methods include performing graphic and written work without an oral explanation / presentation: recognition and identification of natural objects, visual observations with subsequent registration of the phenomenon; This should also include methods involving work with a computer that does not have a sound card. This group also owns the basic methods of teaching deaf children. When using these methods, information passes through two channels, which already increases the effectiveness of her assimilation.

4.3. Audio-kinesthetic - listening followed by a description. In the secondary school there are rarely found, but are leading children when teaching blind children.

4.4. Audio visual-kinesthetic - conducting experiments and experiments, demonstrating training video and movies, working with computer training programs. When using these methods, the information is fixed over all channels of perception.

In addition to organizational, logical and technical methodological techniques, as part of each method of learning, it follows as an independent element of the structure to allocate information visualization techniques, techniques for the organization of independent learning activity of students, techniques for stimulation and motivation, techniques for the formation of training skills, skills and methods of action, organization Feedback.

Form of learning. The form is considered as a method of expressing content, therefore, as its carrier. Due to the form, the content acquires the appearance, becomes adapted to use. Additional classes, instructions, quiz, test, lecture, dispute, lesson, excursion, conversation, meeting, evening, consultation, exam, etc. Any form consists of the same components: goals, principles, content, methods and learning tools.

All forms are in complex interaction. In each of the forms, the activities of students are organized in different ways. Based on this, shapes are allocated for students' activity: individual, group and frontal (collective, mass).

promote the best development of individual students' abilities

The learning process is significantly complicated when it comes to a blind child. When teaching such children, it is necessary to take into account that they are developing on the same laws as well-seen children, but have their own characteristic features that highlighted L.I, Solnthev:

1. The general lag in the development (mental and physical), the causes are the passivity of children, the restriction in the development of space, and, consequently, the lack of a motor sphere, the poverty of ideas about the environment.

2. Periods of development of the blind do not coincide with the development periods of moays (blind has to develop their ways to know the world).

3. Disproportionality: functions and sides of the person, which are less suffering from lack of vision, are developing faster (speech, thinking), while others are slower (movement, mastering space).

Features of the development of blind children:

Fast pace of psychological development;

Fragility and vulnerability of the body;

Excitation processes prevail over braking;

Thinking is concrete, visual-effective, visual-shaped;

Laid the foundation of the child;

All this requires a special learning regime.

3) Tasks of correctional and pedagogical work and its main directions

"One of the main tasks of preschool education of children with a disturbed hearing is the formation of a verbal speech, including orally: its perception at the hearing and auditory basis and reproducing (pronunciation)."

"The early beginning of the medical and correctional work is particularly important. Currently, the effectiveness of early correctional work with deaf children has been proven. In the domestic survival, the experience of such work has been gained, starting from the first months of life (E.P. Kuzmichva, N.D. Shmatko, T.V. Pelimskaya et al.)

It should be noted that important corrective tasks are solved in the process of developing auditory perception of pronunciation. The purpose of this work is to form and develop in children with disturbed hearing skills of perception and reproduction of oral speech. Work on the development of auditory perception in deaf and hearing imaging preschoolers is aimed at the development of residual hearing: children are trained by the perception of speech material and neustal sound. On the basis of developing auditory perception of oral speech, speech communication skills are formed.

Thus, work on the development of residual hearing and pronunciation is aimed at solving the following tasks: learning to perception on rumor of speech material and non-snowing sound; creating and improving the hearing-visual basis of perception of oral speech; Formation of speech communication skills.

Pronunciation learning suggests: Creating a need for oral communication; The formation of oral speech close to the natural sound; Widespread use of different sound-violent equipment.

As well as their normally developing peers, children with hearing impairment seize the systematic elementary ideas about the number and number, magnitude and form, the spatial properties and relationships of objects, counting and measuring skills in classes to form elementary mathematical ideas.

Special importance in preschool institutions for children with hearing impairment is attached to the game. The formation of gaming activities involves the development of interest in games, learning actions with toys, forming role-playing behavior, the ability to use substituent items, imaginary objects and actions, the ability to reflect the actions of people and their relationships, deploy and enrich the plots of games.

In the process of labor education of preschoolers with hearing impairments, interest in the work of adults is developing, there is an introduction to elementary labor activity. The cognitive and social development of preschoolers occurs in the process of targeted work to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Of particular importance in the process of correctional and pedagogical work with deaf and hearing imaging preschoolers acquires musical education. Here, the tasks of correction and compensation for the deficiencies of the development of children are solved with the help of funds such as the formation of the perception of music, vocal-intonational development of the voice, the development of the rhythm of speech movements. Music education contributes to the emotional and aesthetic development of children, the development of their emotional responsiveness and sensitivity. "

"Currently, an original system of early correctional work has been developed, which is carried out, starting in the way:" Parts of the body. Face "," Room "," Furniture ". The child is taught by visually tactile perception to know the world around the world, to stimulate early communicative activities, special attention is paid to the person's face, the child relates photos with a real person (family member), describes the missing parts of the person. All this activity is accompanied by a disheveled speech instruction.

It is important to educate the child to master the new space (orientation in its own apartment, as well as in the new premises). Classes are held according to a special program with a consistent study of various topics: "Clothing", "food", "dishes", etc.

Speech development stimulation is also carried out in stages and with a consistent change in the prevailing motive establishment of communicative communications. As communicative behavior is being generated, the child is increasingly acting to imitate the speech actions of an adult in the process of joint subject-practical activity.

At the next stage, the child form a motive in achieving success in the verbal designation of the surrounding items. And finally, at the last stage, the motive of active knowledge of the surrounding reality is developing.

To stimulate the speech development of a deaf child, the creation of natural situations is important. "

"As you know, learning the pronunciation of hearing preschoolers is aimed at the formation and development of a clear, self-regulatory, natural speech. Work on pronunciation in the pre-school period is based on an analytical synthetic method: children are taught to utter only whole words and short phrases, but also individual elements - sounds, syllables; In this case, the ultimate goal is always the word, phrase. The training is widely used methodological techniques based on the imitation of the speech of the teacher (conjugate and reflected progress), as well as independent climbing of items, pictures, a private speech (pronouncing individual rods, readers, cleanrs, poems, permanent rows of words, for example, the name of the seasons of the year , numerical series, days of the week), answers to questions, independent statements, and as receptions are attracted by letters related to reading.

In the early years of training, work on pronunciation is conducted at a hearing basis; Later - from 4-4.5 years, if necessary, various special techniques are applied.

In the pre-school period, the use of speech rhythmis as one of the effective techniques for the pronunciation of speech occupies a special place. It is based on teaching children to imitate the major movements of the body, hands, legs that are accompanied by the pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, phrases. Motor capabilities of a small child are gradually developing, and imitating movements (not only large, but also small, including articulation) becomes more accurate. In this case, it is the movement that leads the pronunciation. Such a learning method was proposed by the center of Suwag (Croatia). "

Thus, experts believe that the child must communicate with all ways accessible to him - if only the personality has developed.

But the main task of teachers is to form a verbal speech. A civilized world today does not allow the appearance of deaf-and-dumb and every hearing impaired child to study speech communication.


Among the anomalous children, children with various severe hearing deviations are consistent. Speech regulates the behavior and all types of activities of the child. Therefore, the education of children with a defective speech causes certain difficulties. Deep impairment of hearing and speeches contribute to the well-known social isolation of abnormal children, as their participation in various types of joint activities with normally hearing children is limited. Thus, a deep and persistent impairment of hearing has a negative impact on the mental, physical and personal development of the child. Based on the works of modern researchers in Surdopsychology, they concluded that there are three main groups of children with hearing impairments: deaf, weighted (taguhi) and late boosters.

Considered types of violations that accompany auditory violations: violation of the activities of the vestibular apparatus; Different visual impairment options; minimum brain dysfunction; Extensive brain damage causeing oligophrenia; violations of the brain systems leading to children's cerebral paralysis; Local disorders of the lubber brain system (cortical and subcortical formations); diseases of the central nervous system and the whole organism leading to mental illness (schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, etc.); Heavy diseases of internal organs - heart, lungs, kidneys, digestive system, etc., leading to the general weakening of the body; The possibility of deep socio-pedagogical neglection.

Considering the psychological and pedagogical classification see that it was developed by R.M. Boskis, taking into account:

a) degree of damage to the hearing function;

b) the level of development of speech with a given degree of hearing damage;

c) the time of the occurrence of hearing damage.

The success of the correctional work with children suffering from hearing loss and deafness depends on a number of favorable factors:

· Intensive systematic and adequate condition of the child of training;

· Active family participation in its upbringing and training;

· The potential features of the child himself, its physical condition and personal qualities (activity, communicability, physical endurance, performance, etc.);

· Using Survival Funds.

Experts believe that the child must communicate with all the ways available to him - if only the personality has developed. But the main task of teachers is to form a verbal speech. A civilized world today does not allow the appearance of deaf-and-dumb and every hearing impaired child to study speech communication. These are engaged in scientific and pedagogical organizations conducted, very important, although the invisible world work.

Many proper thoughts due to etiology, shape and pathogenesis of stuttering was expressed by a domestic doctor X. Lagizen, and later I.A. Sikorsky. A great contribution to the study of the problem of skating GD. Nishkachev, V.M. Bekhterev, V.A. Gilyarovsky, Yu.A. Florenskaya, F.A. Pay, N.A. Vlasova, N.P. Treiphigine, M.E. Grbets, B.C. Kochergin, N.I. Zhinkin, V.I. Seliverstov et al. From foreign authors, it is necessary to name the names of E. Frechels, Guttsman, A. Kussmouul, M. Nadolychnyh, M. Zeeman.

In subsequent years, stuttering was associated with neurotic reactions. Introduction to the clinic in the XIX century. The term "neurosis", under which they began to unite all cases of neurotic disorders not related to the organic damage to the nervous system, made it possible to approach the understanding of the nature of stuttering, which began to relate to the so-called functional disorders of nervous activity. The significant milestone in the study of the nature of the functional disorders of the nervous system of the work of work IP. Pavlova about the mechanism of neurosis. According to Pavlov, neurosis is a peculiar violation of the activity of the cerebral cortex, resulting from the overvoltage of the processes of cortical neurodynamics. As a result of a breakdown in the crust, congestion foci of excitation or braking (so-called pain points) are formed, which can change the nature of different functional systems. Interpretation of neuroses is closely related to the concept of I.P. Pavlova about the second signal system characteristic of person.

According to B.C. Kochergina, etiology of polymorphic stuttering and may include predisposing and causing factors. The predisposing factors may be minor post-traumatic or post-infectious brain dysfunctions that manifest themselves in weakness of nerve cells, their increased fatigue and fatigue. Some neuropathic phenomena that be observed in this background may precede the beginning of stuttering.

Directly causing reasons may be sharp shock or subshoke mental injuries, such as fright, separation from parents, changing the usual life stereotype (room in preschool institution, hospital), or long-term traumatic mental situations, including conflict relations in the family, improper education , overloading information, an attempt to form a speech statement, a sharp change in the requirements for speech activity, bilingualism in the family, etc.

it is often stuttering against the background of another speech violation of the organic plan of the type of Alalia or Dysarthria. The type of higher nervous activity, the type of response is of great importance in the stutter pathogenesis.

Stuttering occurs more often at the age of 3-4 years, during the period of the most active use of the speech. Shutting in the form of a seizure of a tonic or clonic nature is manifested. With a tonic convulge, there is spasm in articulation muscles and the patient cannot say the desired sound. When clonic stuttering, rhythmic repetitions of individual sounds or sludge elements are observed and difficulty switching to the next sludge element. Localization cramps is possible both in articulating muscles and in respiratory and lancing.

According to different estimates, we have in the country from two to four million bedrooms, 620 thousand orphans (and, 95% of them are the so-called "social orphans"), that is, orphans with living parents.

OGUZ "The child's home specialized is the only medical institution in the Amur region, in which children are orphans and children who are left without parental care, from 0 to 4 years.

Early age is a completely special period of the formation of all organs and systems, and how L. S. Vygotsky wrote quite rightly, - "Early Senziven age in everything." And if the necessary conditions are not created for the optimal progress of the child's development and the necessary functions of the sensitive period are not formed, it has a negative impact on the further development of the child.

According to the results of the All-Russian dispensarization of children, 100% of the pupils of the child houses have certain deviations in a state of health and need complex rehabilitation. Most often, these are premature babies, having an indispensable course of intrauterine development and childbirth, diseases of the newborn period, unfavorable heredity. Children's homes are characterized by an emotional state instability, a slow teaching pace, reduced motor activity, insufficient coordination of movements, delay in the development of small motility. Considering that the Oguz "House of the Child Specialized" G. Blagoveshchensk is specialized for children with organic defeat of the central nervous system with a violation of the psyche, the need to organize integrated medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation is obvious. According to the preventive inspection of the pupils of OGUZ "The House of the Child Specialized" in the arrival of children in the institution in the first place - the lag in the mental and physical development of children. Over the past three years, 95-98% of children enter the child's house with the V group of psychophysical development. Mental backwardness among all pupils, on average, 14 children per year (12% of the total number of children).

In the OGUZ "Child's House Specialized", a comprehensive medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of pupils of the child's house is carried out, which involves the introduction of a joint work model of all institution specialists.

For the implementation of rehabilitation activities, the institution has special equipment and specialists (neurologists, physiotherapist physiotherapist, an orthopedist traumatologist, masseurs, teachers, defectologists) are prepared with an emphasis on the rehabilitation of children with the defeat of the central nervous system and the combined pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

<Рисунок 1>

In the rehabilitation of children in the child's house, in addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy methods (galvanization and electrophoresis of medicines, amplipuls-therapy, ultrasound and phospharesis, magnetotherapy are widely used; electrosone, dancenization, ultraton therapy, UHF therapy; UFO, Laser therapy, Dance therapy, paraffin, mud appliqués, hydrochief, meroerosolherapy, reflexology, "salt track"); therapeutic gymnastics (individual and small group); Treatment with the use of orthopedic laying, reducing tires, gypsum flashes, positional equipment); massage (including vibrator massage; cryoissage); Elements of hippotherapy. Taking into account the complex combined pathology (neurological, orthopedic, somatic) diagnosed in children, these methods of treatment in some cases are basic, and sometimes the only one.

Pedagogical staff of the child's house, working in close cooperation with medical personnel, seeks to achieve the optimal level of the physical, intellectual and personal development of children, weaken the effect of adverse factors, to provide children with a sense of comfort, security, enrich the lives of children with bright, joyful impressions, expand their contact with The outside world and help pupils to find a family.

In the house of a child, 65 teachers, of which are 8-teachers defectologists. Have a higher pedagogical education - 23 teachers. Have a category -38 teachers. In 2009, 100% of educators trained in advanced training courses in the Amur Regional Institute for the advanced training and retraining of pedagogical personnel on the topic: "Medical and psychological and pedagogical support of children in the conditions of the child's house."

A comfortable objective environment and living space has been created in the child's house to ensure the diverse activities of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics and tasks of pedagogical impact. And in the group room there is no abundance of materials. The specificity of age dictate this asceticity, justified by the fact that children have a very small concentration of attention, fast switching from one type of activity to another; An abundance will cause scattering, chaotic behavior. Materials and some elements of the interior are dynamic, if necessary, it is reorganized space and replacement or addition to its other games, equipment. The spatial organization of the medium simultaneously provides security and stimulates the motor activity of children. In the center of groups there is enough free space for riding on cars, catalogs, rockingages, rolling from a hill, the construction of modular designs, sensory tracks, ribbed rugs, water and sand centers, etc. The equipment is changing once a week.

Teachers help children to establish positive contacts with peers, organize productive and creative activities of children, respect for the personality of each child, a benevolent attitude towards him, develop in pupils of curious curiosity, activity, initiatives.

<Рисунок 2>

In the child's house for pupils there are various educational zones (depending on the age of children): the center for sand and water games, the center of educational games (didactic material, didactic toys, various types of designers and toys for playing), motor activity zone (soft modules , slides, dry pool, caterpillar tunnel, rocking chairs, touch balls, etc.), corner of omens, corner "Playing the theater", Corner "Little Artists", Corner "Little Musicians", Corner "Hello, Book", Corner "We Play" (material for display games and games with plot elements).

In the house of the child, there is a motor and psychological unloading room. The game room creates conditions for free motor activities of children, which contributes to the right and timely development of the central nervous system, and, consequently, the mental and motor development of children. In the room, pupils can climb the labyrinths represented by soft modules, ride the rocking chairs, ride with a low roller, play with multi-colored balls in a dry pool, and sometimes just lie down on relaxation pillows for birds singing, foliage sounds, sea sounds, quiet music, recorded on musical disks.

<Рисунок 3>

In the child's house, children are held every month holidays, entertainment, physical education, which are charged with kids joy, fun. Over the past years, concerts of children's teams of the Amur region are organized for pupils of the child's house: the ensemble "O, Key", Choir Studio "Young Stars of Estrades", the pop studio "Kotovasi", the children's team - the center of reducing treatment "Sonata".

<Рисунок 4>

In the scenarios of holidays for children, theatrical representations are included: puppet theaters, beat songs by children, fun. In the festively decorated hall, pupils sing with pleasure, dancing along with the characters of the holidays: parsley, hare, teddy bear and other heroes. In the house of the child even created an ensemble of folk instruments. Children with great joy playing on spoons, maracas, rejoice in the sound of the bells.

<Рисунок 5>

All groups have developed prospective planning in all directions of educational and educational work with pupils, which allows methodically to correctly determine the system of working with children, to ensure its focus and efficiency.

Annually approved the grid of classes with pupils of the child's house in all groups (in accordance with state standards for the children's homes), a grid of musical, physical education. Approved recommendations for classes, independent activities of children in the conditions of the child's house. Systematic control over classes according to the grid of classes is carried out. Each group has 4 classes every day.

For 1 g. Pedagogues close attention to the formation of visual and auditory orientations, expanding and enriching the sensory experience of children, the development of the ability to understand the speech of an adult and the implementation of preparatory stages to master the active speech, the development of movements. On 2, 3 g. Teachers in classes expand the experience of orientation in the surrounding, enrich children with a variety of sensory standards, develop the speech of children, improve the grammatical structure of speech, develop and improve the motor skills of children.

<Рисунок 6, 7>

When organizing an educational process with pupils of the child's house, teachers use the optimal selection of methods, funds, forms of training and education, compositeness, gradual complication, multiple repetition, consideration of individual and mental characteristics of children.

In the house of the child, various methods of complex rehabilitation of pupils are widely used.

Music therapy - as a method of complex rehabilitation of pupils. Music therapy is successfully used in working with young children, starting in 2 years, when other forms of psychological impact are not yet available. The purpose of classes using music therapy: the creation of an emotional positive background of rehabilitation, stimulation of motor functions; Development and correction of sensory processes. In the child's house there are: technical means for playing musical works: audio and video equipment, synthesizer, music center, digital piano, children's tools: bells, triangles, tambourines, pipes, wooden spoons, k.orf, costumes for children and related attributes for drawing Songs.

Teachers (music director, teachers - defectologists, educators) in working with pupils of the child's houses are used by a variety of elements of this technique: listening to classic works, rhythmic movements to music, drag songs, music games, combination of music and amusement.

A great place in the correctional and pedagogical work during the year is given to gaming activities, as the games deliver many joy to children are accompanied by positive emotions. The game is the path of children to the knowledge of the surrounding world. Games - the use of various types of games, contributes to the personal growth of pupils, approving its own "I", the development of self-confidence, an increase in self-esteem. Teachers in working with pupils of the child's house are used: objective and gaming activities; Correctional and educational games, display activities, the elements of the plot-role-playing game.

In the correctional and pedagogical work with pupils 3 g. Kuklotherapy is successfully used - the use of puppet dramatization. Adults play a puppet play, affordable in the content of the pupils of the child's house, which is introduced conflict and significant situations for a child, offering him as if to evaluate them. Music leader, defectologists, teachers use in working with pupils theater of pictures, puppet theater, toy theater, growth dolls. In the child's house there are: multifunctional shirma, plywood lodge, growth dolls, toy theater, pictures, Bi-Ba-Bo dolls, costumes for children and adults for this type of correctional-pedagogical work.

<Рисунок 8>

Artherapy - therapy by means of art. The teachers of the child's house together with pupils perform tasks on a specific topic when working with a given material: drawings, modeling, application elements, without limiting the work of children. In working with children, elements of this technique are used, which are more unconventional: drawing in the air, on the surface, fingers, palms, klexography, with the help of a stamp, foam sponge, etc.

The children's teachers are used in practical activity sensory exercises recommended by M. Montessori and the system of educational games Jackie Cook. The main directions of correctional-pedagogical work on this technique: the development of sensory functions, the development of speech, the development of shallow motility, the development of interest in the world around the world. The kids learn to dress, overflow water from one vessel to another, spend the grain from one vessel to another with a spoon, fingers. Work with clothespins, paper clips, choose the same largest, in color. Sort natural material - cones, pebbles, acorns, beans, peas, beans. Different floating items are caught with a dapper, they collect a sponge water, whipped the foam with a whisk and others.

Agrotherapy is one of the new modern corrective methods for complex rehabilitation of children with deviations in neuropsychiatric development. Teachers in an affordable form show children that everything in nature is in a certain connection, dependence, form the first ideas about the living nature phenomena, about the most common bright, blooming plants, are trained by the first simple work skills. For this, various methods are used, techniques, incl. Elementary search engagement. For the expansion of ideas, clarifying and concretizing knowledge, classes and target walks, excursions, "ecological paths" are held for the development of observation. On the territory of the institution there are: a garden with fruit-berry trees and shrubs, a vegetable garden on which vegetables, flower beds grow. In winter, teachers decorate the Christmas tree with ice floes, lanterns from colored water, please pupils with snowy buildings.

<Рисунок 9>

In the child's house, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of January 24, 2003, a medical and psychological and pedagogical commission was established, which carries out comprehensive diagnosis of children, assessing the dynamics of the health of pupils in accordance with the established periods, is developing an individual comprehensive program of rehabilitation, treatment and social adaptation. Children and control over the effectiveness of correctional impact measures.

To date, there is a sufficient amount of diagnostic material developed by both domestic and foreign authors. Teachers-Defectologists OGUZ "House of the Child Specialized" carry out a system for monitoring the psychophysical development of young children based on the diagnostic material developed: at the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPO); At the Department of Neuro and Pathopsychology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov; At the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO.

Evaluation of the level of development of children in the child's house is of great practical importance, control over the dynamics of neuropsychic development makes it possible to identify children with a delay in development. The detected lag in development is a signal of the need to take urgent measures, to develop an individual comprehensive program of rehabilitation, treatment and social adaptation of the child. Administratively, medical and psychological and pedagogical meetings are held in all groups. Information about the dynamics of the psychophysical development of children quarterly voiced and recorded.

Thus, the comprehensive timely diagnosis of pupils, accounting for the psychological and pedagogical features of children with developmental deviations in the preparation of a comprehensive rehabilitation program, the introduction of modern methods of complex rehabilitation into the correctional-pedagogical process of modern methods of integrated rehabilitation is aimed at preventing secondary defects, the development of compensatory functions, the implementation of reserve forces and opportunities Pupils of the child's house and allow for a positive trend in the psychophysical development of children.

Correctional and pedagogical work carried out in collaboration with the staff of the pediatric, neurological, physiotherapy service, the LFC service, annually provides a positive trend in the development of children with deep retention of psychophysical development. As a result of the work being carried out, it is possible to improve the psychophysical development of pupils for 1-3 epicris terms during the year. Over the past three years, on average, 95% of children come with a group of psychophysical development. When departing from the child's house, on average, 30% of children have II Group Development, 30% - III Development Group, 20% - IV Development Group, 20% - remain on the V development team (these are disabled children and children with persistent health disabilities .).

The result of a comprehensive rehabilitation of pupils of the child's house is to reduce the interest of children with access to the centers (from 31 in 1991 to 9 in 2010), a decrease in the interest of children translated into social protection institutions (from 35 in 1990 to 6 in 2009), As well as the increase in the share of children transferred to family education (more than 50%).

On the basis of the child's house, the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region, which carries out a comprehensive diagnosis of pupils of the child's house and makes a decision to determine the type of institution and the form of learning students of the child's homes to achieve 3 years of age. Over the past three years, 88 pupils of the child's house are examined. Specialists of the PMPC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region noted the sustainable positive results of the educational process in the OGU "House of the Child Specialized".

The institution has a lot of work on the organization of continuity in the work of the child's house and other government agencies in which pupils for the achievement of the 3-year-old age are departed. When removing each child, the characteristic of psychophysical development is attached. Continuity promotes a faster adaptation of the former pupils of the child's house in a new state institution, allows employees of orphanages to properly predict and conduct an educational process, to continue the correctional and pedagogical work in a timely manner, started in the house of the child.

In our institution, children are bright, warm rooms, life of children if possible close to home. But no institution will replace the family to children. As if strong and effective, there was no effort to replace the child a native family, he still needs it. The timely rehabilitation of children left without parental care makes it more efficient to realize the right of children to be adopted - to live and brought up in the family. Over the past three years, 119 pupils of the child's house are adopted and transferred under custody.

The institution has its own traditions that are aimed at stimulating a targeted continuous increase in the level of professional competence of workers, promotion and dissemination of best practices. A system of pedagogical work with frames is organized, including medical and psychological and pedagogical meetings, training seminars, consultations, open views, creative reports, presentation and protection of experimental work.

Of particular interest over the past three years, teachers caused the submission of materials related to the cognitive interests of educators, teachers - defectologists and other specialists, somehow: "Analysis of educational programs for preschoolers", "new approaches to the planning of educational and educational work with pupils", "Organization of an object and developmental environment in the child's house", "Organization of the work of teachers in self-education in the conditions of the child's house", "Organization of pilot experimental work in the conditions of the child's house", "presentation and protection of research activities", "order of certification. Changeable forms of certification "," Modern scientific data on patterns and regulations for the development of young children. The system of monitoring the psychophysical development of children "," organization, content of the activities of PMPK teachers. Performance of the work of the PMPK home of the child "

The methodical office of the child's house is equipped with sets for working on modern technologies. There is a permanent selection of publications in periodicals, covering the problems of education and training at an early age. Materials are systematized for the diagnosis of psychophysical development, materials on topical problems of prevention and correction of deviations in psychophysical development in pupils, recommendations on the organization of an object and development environment in the child's house. The methodological office is decorated the best pedagogical experience of teachers-defectologists, educators of the institution, portfolio - a set of materials demonstrating the ability of teachers to solve the tasks of their professional activities, choose the strategy and tactics of professional behavior and intended to evaluate the level of professionalism of the employee.

For the period 2005-2009, a video card has been created with 70 open browsing of the work of educators and teachers-defectologists of the child's house: classes, holidays, entertainment. Video recording of open views allow you to see everyone, how colleagues work, use their positive experience, realize their shortcomings.

Annually by the Administration, the trade union organization OGUZ "House of the Child Specialized" a competition is held for better preparations for the new school year, which includes an analysis of the organization of the subject-spatial environment in groups, analysis of the documentation in groups, the presentation of materials for the self-education of teachers, the performance of the work, the results of the summer healing period .

The teachers of the child's houses systematically increase professional competence, study at advanced training courses, are active listeners of methodological associations. On the basis of OGUZ "House of the Child Specialized" for many years, urban and regional methodological associations of educators, senior educators, defectologists teachers have been held for many years. Teachers represent experience in advanced training courses in the Amur Regional Institute for advanced training and retraining of pedagogical personnel, introduce students of methodological associations with the organization and effectiveness of the pedagogical process in the OGUZ "House of the child specialized". Representing systematized materials on the coverage of the methods of psychological and pedagogical research of children of early and junior preschool age, materials on topical problems of prevention and correction of deviations in psychophysical development in the pupils of the child's house.

Thus, the indicators of the success of the pedagogical process in the OGUZ "House of the child specialized" in the Commonwealth with the staff of the pediatric, neurological, physiotherapy service, the LFC service, are:

  • The implementation of regulatory and legal documents regulating the educational and educational activities of the OGUZ "House of the child specialized",
  • stability
  • ensuring the protection, restoration and strengthening of the health of children, the creation of favorable, comfortable conditions close to home, contributing to the normal development of pupils,
  • creating favorable conditions providing physical, intellectual and personal development of a child, successful indicators of psychophysical development of pupils,
  • creating an atmosphere of creativity, cooperation, an increase in the level of professional competence, participation of teachers in the methodological activities of the city, region.

Consultation for teachers and parents: "difficult children" - the features of their development and education.

Work teacher psychologist with "difficult" children in Dow

Recently, the problem of communication with "difficult children" has become extremely relevant. This happens because the number of "difficult children" is steadily growing.
If in the old years "difficult children" became the advantage of adolescents, now children fall into this category often at the age of 6-11 years. Currently, even in relation to children-preschoolers, teachers and educators apply the expression: "difficult child". So who can be attributed to the category "difficult child"? In this case, we will highlight the following categories of children belonging to the concept of "difficult children". This is: - anxious - hyperactive - aggressive - impulsive - closed - slow children.
Next, consider the characteristic most often some categories of children.

"Alarm children"
The psychological dictionary is given the following definition of anxiety: this is "an individual psychological peculiarity, which consists in an increased inclination to experience anxiety in a wide variety of life situations, including those that are not predisted."
Anxiety anxiety should be distinguished. If anxiety is an episodic manifestation of anxiety, unrest of the child, then anxiety is a steady state.

Portrait of an alarming child:.
They are distinguished by excessive concern, and sometimes they are afraid of not the event itself, and its premonitions. Often they expect the worst. Children feel helpless, fear to play new games, start up to new activities. They have high demands on their own, they are very self-critical. The level of their self-esteem is low, such children really think that worse than others in everything they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They are looking for promotion, adult approval in all matters.
Somatic problems are characteristic of disturbing children: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, spasms in the throat, hindered superficial breathing, etc. During the manifestation of anxiety, they often feel dry mouth, com in the throat, weakness in the legs, a rapid heartbeat.

How to reveal an alarming child?.
An experienced teacher or teacher, of course, in the first days of exploring children will understand who of them has increased anxiety. However, before making final conclusions, it is necessary to watch the child causing concern, on different days of the week, during training and free activities (on change, on the street), in dealing with other children.
To understand the child, find out what he is afraid, you can ask parents, educators (or subject teachers) Fill out the questionnaire form. Adult answers will clarify the situation, help trace the family history. And the observations of the behavior of the child will be confirmed or refuted your assumption.

Causes of anxiety in children:
To date, a certain point of view has not yet been developed for the causes of anxiety. But most scientists believe that in preschool and primary school age, one of the main reasons lies in violation of children's and parental relations.
Also, anxiety is developing due to the presence of an internal conflict that may be caused:
1. Contradictive requirements for parents or parents and school
2. inadequate requirements (most often overestimated)
3. Negative requirements that humiliate the child put it in a dependent position.
How to help an alarming child?
Working with an alarming child is conjugate with certain difficulties and, as a rule, takes enough long time.

It is recommended to work with disturbing children in three directions:
1. Improving self-esteem.
2. Teaching a child with the ability to manage themselves in the specific, most exciting situations.
3. Removing muscle tension.
Use in working with children-dramatization games (in the "terrible school", for example). The plots are chosen depending on what situations are disturbing the child most. Applications of drawing of fears, stories about their fears. In such classes, the goal is not to completely deliver the child from anxiety. But they will help him better and openly express their feelings, will increase self-confidence. Gradually, he will learn more to control his emotions.
Alarming Children often prevents to cope with some task fear. "I will not succeed," "I am not able," they say they say. If the child refuses to take up the case on these reasons, ask him to imagine a baby who knows and knows how much less than he. For example, it does not know how to count, does not know the letters, etc. Then, let him imagine another child who will certainly cope with the task. It will be easy for him to make sure that he has left odds and maybe if he tries to come closer to complete ability.
Now ask him to say: "I can't ..." - and explain to myself why it is difficult for him to fulfill this task. "I can ..." - Mark what is already by the power now. "I will be able ..." - as far as he can cope with the task, if it makes every effort. Emphasize that everyone does not know how to do something, something can not, but everyone, if he wants, will achieve his goal.
Be able to relax important to all children, but for disturbing guys, it is just a need, because the alarm condition is accompanied by a clamp of various muscle groups.
Teach a child to relaxation is not such a simple task that it seems at first glance. Children know well what to sit down, get up, run, but what it means to relax - they are not entirely clear. Therefore, some of the relaxation games are based on the easiest way to teach this condition. It consists in the following rule: after a strong tension of the muscles, their relaxation follows.

"Aggressive children"
The psychological dictionary presents the following definition of this term: "Aggression is a motivated destructive behavior that contradicts the norms and rules for the existence of people in a society that makes harm to the objects of attack (animated and inanimate), which causes physical and moral damage to people or causing psychological discomfort (negative Experience, state of tension, fear, depression, etc.). "

Portrait of an aggressive child
In almost every group of kindergarten, in each class, at least one child meets with signs of aggressive behavior. He attacks the rest of the children, calls and beats them, picks up and breaks toys, intentionally uses gross expressions, in one word, becomes a "thunderstorm" of the entire children's team, the source of chagrins of educators and parents.

How to identify an aggressive child?
Aggressive children need an understanding and support of adults, so the main task is not to put a "accurate" diagnosis and the more "stick the label", but in the provision of satisfying and timely assistance to the child.
As a rule, for educators and psychologists, it is not difficult to determine who from children has increased the level of aggressiveness. But in controversial cases, it is possible to take advantage of the criteria for the definition of aggressiveness, which are developed by American psychologists M. Alvord and P. Bayker.

Causes of children's aggressiveness:
The reasons provoking such behavior have quite real soil, and it is extremely important to know about it. After all, ignoring them, it is hardly possible to cope with the manifestations of aggression. Consider the most common causes.
- rejection of children by parents
This is one of the basic causes of aggressiveness, and by the way, not only a nursery. Statistics confirms such a fact: often the attacks of aggressiveness are manifested in unwanted children. Some parents are not ready to have a child, but an abortion for medical testimony should be done undesirable, and the child still appears.
- indifference or hostility from parents
- increased aggressiveness of the child can cause the destruction of positive emotional ties both between parents and a child and between the parents themselves.
- aggressive reactions can be caused by incorrect and non -actic criticism, offensive and humiliating comments
- Excessive control over the behavior of a child (hyperopka) and its own excessive control of it is no less harmful than the complete absence of such (hypoems). Published anger, like a genie from the bottle, at some point it will definitely break out.
- Excess or lack of attention from parents.
- ban on physical activity
- Increased irritability
- subconscious expectation of danger
- Aggressive reaction may be associated with the personal characteristics of the child, its character and temperament, or provoke the facts of the child's personal experience.

How to help an aggressive child?
The causes of such behavior can be a lot. But often children come exactly this because they do not know how to do otherwise. Unfortunately, their behavioral repertoire is pretty zakud, and if we give them the choice of ways of behavior, children will be happy to respond to the proposal, and our communication with them will become more efficient and enjoyable for both parties.
The work of educators and teachers with this category of children should be carried out in three directions:
- work with anger - teach a child to generally accepted and non-hazardous for those who surround the ways of expressing their wrath; To do this, it is recommended to use the following games:
- "Crack bag", "Pillow for kicks", "Sheet of anger", "cutting firewood".
- teach self-control - to develop a child's spending skills in situations provoking wrath or anxiety; To do this, it is recommended to use the following games:
"I decided to ten I decided", "" Anger on stage. ""
- work with feelings - to learn to realize your own emotions and emotions of other people, to form the ability to empathize, sympathy, confidence in others;
- "Stories of photographs", reading fairy tales and reasoning on the topic, who feels like his mood (the heroes of fairy tales)
- instilling constructive communication skills - teach adequate behavioral reactions in a problem situation, ways to exit conflict.
- "Creating a problem situation and option out of it", "blind and guide"

"Hyperactive children"
The word hyperactivity comes from Greek Hyper - a lot of Latin Activus - active. Consequently, hyperactivity in the literal translation indicates increased activities. In a medical understanding, hyperactivity in children is an increased level of motor activity at school and at home.

Portrait of a hyperactive child:
Such a child is often called "surgery", "Eternal Engine", tireless. The hyperactive child does not have such a word as "Walking", his legs are worn around, somehow catch up, jump out, jump over. Even the head has this child in constant motion. But trying to see more, the child rarely catches the essence. The look slips only over the surface, satisfying a momentary curiosity. The curiosity is not peculiar to him, rarely asks questions "why", "why". And if you ask, then forget to listen to the answer. Although the child is in constant movement, there are violations of coordination: clumsy, when running and walking, it drops items, breaks toys, often falls. Such a child impulse his peers, his mood changes very quickly: then unrestrained joy, then endless whims. Often behaves aggressively.

How to determine if your child is hyperactive?
Hyperactivity (ADHD) - a medical diagnosis that is entitled to put only a doctor based on special diagnosis, specialist conclusions. We can notice behavioral features defined by symptoms. To determine if the child has features characteristic of hyperactivity children, see the criteria system for which it is determined.
Causes of hyperactivity:
There are many opinions about the causes of hyperactivity. Many researchers note that the number of such children is growing every year. The study of such features of development is in full swing. To date, among the causes of the occurrence of the occurrence:
- genetic (hereditary predisposition);
- biological (organic brain damage during pregnancy, generic injuries);
- socio-psychological (microclimate in the family, alcoholism of parents, living conditions, improper rapidation).

General recommendations for working with a child with ADHD
- They are not susceptible to proven and punishment, but they react very well to praise, approval. From physical punishment, it is necessary to refuse.
- Very important and physical contact with the child. Hug it in a difficult situation, to come to myself, calm down - in dynamics it gives a pronounced positive effect, but permanent savings and restrictions, on the contrary, are expanding the abyss between parents and their children.
- The organization of the whole life must act on a child soothing. To do this, together with it, make a routine of the day, following which to show flexibility and perseverance at the same time.
- More often, mark and praise its efforts, even if the results are far from perfect.
- The hyperactive child does not tolerate a large cluster of people. Therefore, it is useful to play with one partner.
- The general one should follow and protect children with ADHD from overwork, as the overwork leads to a decrease in self-control and increasing hyperactivity.
-System of prohibitions should be accompanied by alternative proposals.
Games for hyperactive children
- game development games
"Corrector", "Teacher", "catch - do not catch", "the opposite"
- games and exercises for removing muscle and emotional stress (relaxation);
"Soldier and rag doll", "Shaltay-Boltay", Psychodastic classes
- games, developing skills of volitional regulation (control);
"Silent - whisper - shout", "speak the signal", "Zamri"
- Games that promote the consolidation of the ability to communicate, communicative games.
"Right toys", "Sorryokozhe", "good angels", "spoiled phone".