Open a person's financial channel. How to open a money channel yourself? Question from Elena

To attract money into your life, you need to establish a harmonious interaction with the financial egregor.

Indeed, for the material embodiment of the energy of money, it is necessary that the channel of wealth works at the maximum of its capabilities, and cash flows circulate in it without hindrance.

And for this it is necessary to free the channel of finance from all obstacles and obstacles - to open it.

After its opening, it will only be necessary to maintain the correct mood of thoughts and regularly perform various magical rituals.

What is a money channel

Each cell is continuously involved in energy metabolism, and money is no exception.

They have a material, that is, tangible and visible embodiment, and with their help, a person interacts with the world.

This energy exists in the mental sphere in the form of a monetary egregor, which embodies all the variety of words, thoughts, motives and desires related to financial issues.

Monetary egregor often exists independently of the will of a person and does not have a tangible effect on him, no matter how he tries to get rich.

Therefore, it is very difficult without special synchronization with its subtle energies.

The correct setting is necessary so that the egregor comes into contact with the biofield more often, more stable and more readily.

A special energy flow is formed between him and the person, which is called the money channel of wealth.

To establish interaction with the monetary egregor, it is necessary to fully and clearly understand the principles of its work.

How does the blockage of the money channel manifest?

People who are chronically short of funds, even for household needs, usually suffer from a blockage of financial flow.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • negative thinking
  • violation of communication with people
  • spoiled poverty

Negative thinking prevents you from opening a channel of money and positive thinking is the key to your success, and makes it almost impossible to successfully implement large plans.

So stop dwelling on your failures.

Anyone who sees only problems everywhere misses a lot of opportunities to change their life for the better, to discover something new for themselves.

Communication skills are needed for everyone who wants to be successful.

Gloomy and withdrawn people are unable not only to open an effective business, but even to find a job with decent pay.

If you have serious communication problems, then see a psychologist. Or at least read a couple of books on communication psychology.

The evil eye, damage and other attempts of ill-wishers to prevent you from getting rich take place.

In exceptional cases, generic karma is realized, which carries financial well-being, and a specialist should already understand this.

The narrowing or complete blocking of the financial energy flow can be judged not only by the emptiness of the wallet, but also by the physical signals of the human body.

  • frequent headaches - problems in communicating with others, which can bring tangible costs and losses
  • sore throat and sore throat - your aggression and anger pour out freely on others, bringing conflicts with debtors and colleagues on whom your income depends
  • toothache - unnecessary spending on relatives, not allowing you to maintain wealth in the house
  • Limb diseases - the presence of ill-wishers that harm work, business and other sources of income
  • problems with the spine - lack of work on oneself due to the fulfillment of other people's karmic tasks

If there are no signs described above, but money bypasses you, then you just have low sensitivity and you need to work with the subconscious with a vengeance.

You also need to know and get in the way of attracting wealth and good luck.

The reasons for failure when trying to attract money are external and internal.

Very often, relatives and close people interfere, causing a failure in your energy field with careless words and actions.

The internal causes of the instability of the monetary channel are incorrect attitudes and disdain for material issues.

How to open a money channel

There are many ways to open money channels on your own.

These are rituals, impact on chakras, mantras, feng shui and other effective methods.

Simoron game techniques are also suitable for beginners.

It is important to start with a reassessment of values, a change in the perception of the surrounding world and work on yourself and your own worldview.

Try to change your thinking style. If you are looking at an expensive and desired thing, then instead of the attitude "I cannot afford it", start thinking in the key "what can I do to get it?", "How can I achieve this?"

Money magic ritual to open the channel of wealth:

1. Light 3 candles.

2. Take a 1000-ruble note.

3. At midnight sharp, light all the candles.

4. Piercingly looking at the bill, pronounce the money conspiracy monotonously.

From now on, I will open the channels of wealth, I will carefully hide from all the rituals. Let my money multiply randomly, add up to untold wealth. Amen!

5. Spend the bill.

6. Having got a new one, again perform the money ritual.

Correct attitude and visualization

The visualization ritual is performed before dawn as follows:

2. Close your eyes and take twelve deep breaths, observing how the body relaxes, the mind clears.

3. Imagine a sparkling crystal of pure energy appearing in front of you. Absorbing the rays of the rising sun falling on it with its facets, it begins to shine even brighter and expands more and more.

4. Gradually this pure light approaches you, penetrates into your body and absorbs it completely. You are surrounded on all sides by a reliable sparkling dome, through which nothing can break through.

5. Try to imagine this as clearly as possible, see the crystal and the light emanating from it as detailed as possible. Remember the emerging feeling of harmony and security and return to it mentally if necessary (in uncomfortable situations).

It is better to start the ritual of visualizing the self-opening of the money channel on the growing moon and then carry it out daily.

To open a channel (financial flow), it is not at all necessary to seek help from a magician or a psychic. You can do this on your own by following important recommendations.

1. Notice abundance.

Pay attention to the abundance that is around you. Look at nature. She makes us understand that everything in our world is limitless. Seas, oceans, trees, flowers ... there is so much of it! Also in the material sense. The universe is built in such a way that everything is enough for everyone!

2. Give thanks.

The powerful power of gratitude produces wonderful results. This technique is based on the Law of Attraction. You feel grateful, focus your attention on the positive aspects and thereby attract even more good things into your life.

3. Know how to share your wealth with others.

Money is energy that needs movement. When you just take, but do not give anything, you block it. Your cash flow is closed. Therefore, learn to do good deeds with the help of money, share your own benefits with others. Remember one of the laws of the universe: "What you give is what you receive."

4. Use feng shui to open a money channel.

Feng Shui is an additional way to increase your appeal for money. You can harmonize your home by allowing qi to flow easily and freely, explore what kind of money talismans exist in this art, and place them in the wealth sector in your apartment.

5. Play the role of a rich person.

To open a money channel, it is important to feel rich now. Enjoy this state. Experience positive emotions.

You already know about the 3 main steps to. Now read on for additional recommendations that are very important for opening a money channel.

1 noticing abundance

Pay attention to the abundance that is around you. Look at our nature. She makes us understand that everything in our world is limitless. Seas, oceans, trees, flowers ... there is so much of it! It is the same in the material sense. The universe is built in such a way that everything is enough for everyone!

2.Thank you

The powerful power of gratitude produces wonderful results. This technique is based on the Law of Attraction. You feel grateful, focus your attention on the positive aspects and thereby attract even more good things into your life.

In addition, you can be grateful not only for the things that you possess, but also for what you want to have. The point is that our subconscious mind does not know the future or the past. It takes everything literally, and then transforms it into reality ...

3. We use different sources of income

Successful people don't focus on one source of money. They attract wealth by capitalizing on whatever is possible. For example, it can be a real job (or business), earnings on the Internet, passive income from investments, and much more.

4.Buy a blessing record

It will attract new opportunities and material success. Many businessmen use it. It replaces one hour of regular meditation to open the money channel.

5. Simoronim playfully

For positive people with a good sense of humor, they are great, which are good because when they are performed, the importance is removed, which is one of the obstacles to materializing the desired.

6. Know how to share your wealth with others.

Money is energy that needs movement. When you just take, but do not give anything, you block it. Your cash flow is closed. Therefore, learn to do good deeds with the help of money, share your own benefits with others. Remember one of the laws of the universe: "What you give is what you receive."

7. We use feng shui to open a money channel.

Feng Shui is an additional way to increase your appeal for money. You can harmonize your home by allowing the qi to flow easily and freely. You can study what kind of money talismans exist in this art and put them in the wealth sector in your apartment.

A prestigious job, career growth, a high stable salary, your own business - this is what indicates a successful, modern woman. All this is good, but! The universe has ordered so that the constantmaterial well-beingcomes to a woman not through work or financial achievements, but through pleasure and . And unfortunately, if a woman gets too involved in the "male" games of achievement, then graduallydepletes your cash flowand loses what was given with such difficulty.

Today you will learn to discern the subtle connections that exist between feminine nature and wealth. Learn how to makeactivation of cash flowand take the first steps towards yourself: a woman who is loved by money, men and the Universe.

Read the article to the end and you will find out the easiest, proven and most interesting wayrestore cash flow by using Games... But first, let's figure out how a woman, by her own actions, prevents herself from receiving benefits from the Universe.

How masculine energy blocks your cash flow

A successful woman is one who works (sometimes in two jobs), manages a family, takes care of households, and spends money sparingly. She knows exactly when and where to shop. He even chooses a shirt for her husband, jeans for his teenage son on his own. Do you recognize yourself?

Such a woman monthly saves money in an account or in a box. She is confident in her abilities and knows that the financial well-being of the family depends only on her.

And also such a woman does a manicure at home, changes her hair once a year, does not buy new shoes in the spring and acquires new things only in case of emergency. The economy must be economical!

And more often than not, the money flow of such a thrifty woman remains weak and choppy. And in order to maintain the desired standard of living, more and more efforts are needed. So a woman goes further and further from her easy, playful nature ...

How to restore cash flow

The morning of a woman who gets everything she wants begins with a smile and a good mood. She is confident that she can do anything. The source of herinspirationsis the beauty of the World. She always sees a subtle rainbow after rain, air clouds before sunset. He hears the flight of a butterfly, feels the warmth of the autumn sun with his whole body.

Having received the energy of the Cosmos, a woman gives out to those around her: colleagues, children, beloved man. She is confident that her husband wants and can provide her with everything she needs. And if there is no worthy person nearby, she waits. The princess knows that her hero is already looking for her and is readytake care, gifts moneyfrom a loved one.

A woman always takes care of herself. It looks neat, beautiful, attractive. She believes that the Universe will provide her for everyone just because she is a Woman.

In her life constant cash flow, stable and working to attract money, love and good luck into her life. She often finds money on the street - a gift from the Universe. Strangers give her flowers or pay for purchases in the store. A woman does what she loves, which brings a lot of joy and fully provides. The life of such a woman is like a fairy tale! But in fact, behind her success are regular and easy actions that allow you to instantlyboost cash flow... Just a little bit left, I'll tell you what these actions are!

The most monetary ritual to attract money and not only

Unfortunately, the twentieth century has brought many difficulties to a woman's life. She was forced to play both female and male roles at the same time. The struggle for survival has been passed on with mother's milk to modern girls and women. But today we should go back to basics and stop constantly playing male roles.

You don't have to work hard and hard to have a lot of money. To do this, you need to becomefemininesoft, fragile and abundant. Only an abundant woman is able to become a magnet and, with every action, perform monetary rituals to attract good luck, success and, in fact, money. Here are the 7 main qualities that a fertile woman possesses:

  1. Love yourself.
  2. Believe in a Higher Power.
  3. Let the man take care of you.
  4. Love nature and find sources of positive energy in it.
  5. Do what you love.
  6. Do not do what you don’t like.
  7. Be a source of strength for men and children.

And I want to invite you to the magic which allows you to naturally awaken feminine strength and restore cash flow in three weeks. All you have to do is listen carefully to the video tutorials and do your homework responsibly.

The game "Money Fairy" allows you to start a wave of your luck and open up a cash flow at home - you only need a good internet connection! These magical changes will happen to you during the game "Money Fairy":

  • You will be able to create "happy accidents" in your life
  • You will stop trying to change yourself and finally accept your Divine nature and love yourself for who you are.
  • You will begin to respect yourself and all the people around you will feel it.
  • You will learn to say STOP to feelings of guilt and stop being dependent on someone else's mood
  • You will learn the most effective emotional defense tactics to conserve your energy and strength.
  • You will learn a secret technology that triggers the events you need
  • You will learn to change reality when something goes wrong.
  • You will get rid of dependence on other people's opinions and start living your own life.

But this is only a small part! The start is very soon, follow the link below to learn more about the Game!

I wish you to become a woman who is loved by money as quickly as possible!

There are many effective ways how open money channel... Various psychological techniques, rituals, spiritual practices, reading prayers, and other methods will help develop the money channel. Some of them are easier, others require hard work and a long time. Each is suitable for something different, depending on the individual characteristics and readiness.

One of the simplest ways to raise money is through a ritual. This method is suitable for beginners. However, it requires a deep immersion in the process and the correct adjustment of consciousness. Thinking about money do not give in to doubts. For the ritual to be effective, you need to be completely sure of the result. Thoughts should be pure, well-meaning.

For the ritual on opening a money channel , you will need 3 candles and a large bill.

The ritual takes place at midnight.

You should light the candles and focus on the bill. When you feel that the attention is kept on money, you need to say:

“From now on I will open the channels of wealth, I will carefully hide from all the rituals. Let my money multiply randomly, add up to untold wealth. Amen!"

The next day, you should spend the bill. When a new one appears, you need to repeat the ritual.

In addition to practice, you should constantly train your mind. Monetary energy loves gratitude and generosity.

Make your attention work positively. Change values. Try to notice what you already have instead of what you don't have. Even at the level of psychology, such a perception of the world helps people to be happier and more successful. Money energy accumulates where it is appreciated and ready to share.

Gratitude. The energy of gratitude works incredibly powerful. It is she who adds the strength of other positive energy.

Do not resist when you need to provide financial assistance. Money energy is movement. Finances must be transferred to money channel was constantly active.

Money talismans enhance the effectiveness of rituals and are protection. The more money symbols there are in the house, the stronger the cash flow will accumulate. Even small inconspicuous amulets will work to improve the financial situation.

Change your beliefs. You can't treat wealth as something inaccessible. As soon as you let your mind relax and stop dwelling on financial failures, they will immediately leave you behind.

Unhealthy savings are also detrimental to the operation of active cash flow. Unwillingness to part with money creates a dead end for cash receipts. Money energy is movement and freedom.

Chakra work

This method is the most difficult, suitable for people who know how to immerse themselves in themselves and work with visualization.

Chakra Manipura is responsible for financial well-being. You need to focus on it. It is located in the upper abdomen. When the chakra is active, a person acts proactively and decisively in financial matters. He knows how to manage money energy and has a stable financial income.

With the help of massage of active points on the body, you can open a money channel... They are located in the area of ​​the right palm and left foot. You should sit comfortably and start massaging the points in a circular motion. This chakra is defined by a yellow-gold glow. During the massage, you need to visualize the yellow color. In this case, breathing should be calm and even. With the help of massage, you must achieve complete relaxation of the body and mentally engage in the energy flow of Manipura. By imagining a yellow glow emanating from your body, you open money channel .

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The money channel is a resource where everyone can find a lot of useful information about money energy and attracting financial flows into their lives. We offer many practical solutions for creating stable financial well-being, regardless of a person's social status at a given point in time.

The money channel is a portal that will help you to quickly establish an inflow of funds for confidence in the future.

The mission of the resource is to help visitors find the reason why money has been completely or partially blocked in their lives.

She will teach you how to activate the money channel and carry out effective work with negative influences at the level of the physical and energy body.

The money talisman is essentially what the money channel is. Each visitor will be able to find useful tips on how to maximize their energy flow, analyze if there are signs of the evil eye or other unfriendly interventions.

Stable financial flows will flow to the visitors of the resource. To do this, it is enough to practice the advice of professionals and work on beliefs about your financial situation. We will help prepare your body to accept new energy flows that will bring an abundance of luck, money and joy.


Money is an important ingredient in success and in a life that is enjoyable. Money does not fall from the sky - everyone is a well-known fact, but it is a living energy that can be faithful helpers in achieving financial well-being.

Energy works for a person only when the person's thoughts, motives and actions are in harmony. The harmony of mental components is able to form a money channel. An active mental channel attracts regular financial injections.

Raising money - working with energy flows through specially designed practices:

  1. Dealing with the elimination of negative thoughts;
  2. Work on the elimination and absence of damage, evil eyes;
  3. Communication skills training.

If there is a lack of money and development in a person's life, it means that there is something that prevents the channel from developing, while it does not matter whether the person is working or planning the budget. The root of the problem lies much deeper, in the negative, which is in the energy space.

Attracting money and good luck is especially important for every person, a component of life on our website, everyone will find a reason why financial well-being does not come into his life and will be able to eliminate it.

Often, the money channel works in the opposite direction and represents a destructive force for a person, which leads to an abundance of debt and financial waste.

How to open a money channel, they often turn to me with the same question. And basically they want it to be quick and effortless. Means apply magic.

Sometimes they even receive such statements:

"You open a channel for me, I will pay a loan of 3 million, and then I will pay you"

I always want to ask, if I could make myself 3-5 million with one click of my fingers, would I work in the network? Sit out all day long?

To open the money channel, you must first put in order and remove the settings that:

A lot of money can only be earned in a non-honest way.

Rich people are bad, and I want to be good.

I am uncomfortable taking money for services from my acquaintances


But in this article, I want to tell you how now you can yourself open a money channel and attract good luck.

1. The rule of money flow.

Money should not stagnate; one should strive not only to receive money, but also to give it back. While enjoying it. If we are engaged in accumulation, but at the same time save on ourselves, then the cash flow will turn into a swamp.

How do I get paid?

You need to calmly and with a sense of dignity that you deserve them, and give them away with joy that you have purchased a good thing or invested in, or maybe pay for a loan (which means you have acquired an expensive and necessary thing).

When a person begins to save money, clamp down on money or look for freebies, then the cash flow is cut.

2. Rule,

It says that we must always raise the money bar. Also called the money ceiling. Remember examples from your life when we live at the level of a certain amount.

For example, we get 20,000 rubles. And for this amount we buy groceries, clothes, but as soon as we suddenly (for example, were given a bonus) received 50-100 thousand rubles, panic arises. We need to spend it somewhere, or the car breaks down abruptly, sometimes they rob us or cheat us for this amount, borrow money and don’t give it back ...

This says that the bar you have is in the region of 20,000 rubles, and a large amount introduces you into discomfort. And as a result, we lose it or spend it not rationally.

In this case, you need to raise the money ceiling.

To do this, learn to buy better quality things and products, but at an expensive price. Stop hoping for freebies.

An example of my clients, a person wanted to find Additional income on the internet, but didn't want to pay the instructor. At first, the woman bought dubious courses at a cheap price, where they promised 7-10 thousand rubles a day.

There was no result. These are the shitty courses that the authors profit from.

Then she herself looked for information, and read to the point that she no longer understood what to do and where to start, until she turned to a paid coach.

Now she has her own website and business, she left her main job (Example).

It is not for nothing that they say that a miser pays twice.

The more you spend, the more money will come to you.

And so gradually your cash flow will increase. But you need to go not abruptly, but slowly. We bought a sausage not for 200 rubles, but a good one for 500 rubles.

You show your subconscious mind that you can afford a quality product. Thereby raising your self-esteem.

3. Rule,

Selection of attachments. Where do you give your money. If you buy in high-quality stores, where money energy is from rich people, then the return will come to you in the form of energy of wealth. And if you buy in shops "Consumer goods" where the energy of poverty and greed (and sometimes anger, that's how they brought us !!!), then energy.

Once I bought things myself in cheap stores, where you could buy 5-6 things for 3000 rubles. This led to the fact that the wardrobe was full, and there was nothing to wear, and after the first wash, the thing loses its appearance. Now I buy better one expensive thing, but it is relevant for me 3-5 years. And even longer.

The second case, when we help, we borrow like a black hole, but we get no return. On a subconscious level, there is an installation that this is extra money and they will come in less and less.

The best practice in this case is to set specific deadlines and return the debt with interest.

At least 100-200 rubles should be given more.

How to open a money channel, the exercise: