Small postcard Happy Seniors Day. Older person's day congratulations and poems

Greetings, dear readers of our site! October 1 is the International Seniors day... We cannot pass by this holiday. Therefore, we have prepared congratulations and poems for our beloved close people of the elderly.

Previously, this holiday was called the Day of the Elderly. What an ugly word - elderly. Before old age. And when does old age come? According to the Wikipedia site:

Old age- the period of a person's life from the loss of the organism's ability to reproduce until death. Characterized by deterioration in health, mental abilities, attenuation of body functions.

Old age is divided into several shorter periods of a person's life:

  • Advanced (elderly) age - 61-74 for men, 56-74 for women.
  • Senile age - 75-90 for men, 75-90 for women
  • The age of longevity is over 90 years. Attenuation of body functions.

Nah! Well, is this normal ?! Women from 55 years old are already considered elderly ?! I disagree!!! I know many people who, at 65, 75, and even 80, lead active image life, cheerful, cheerful and help their children and grandchildren in every possible way. And even many so-called elderly people nowadays master the new kind activities - blogging. Sit down at the computer, study different programs, create their own sites, blogs, actively "live" on the Internet and earn money.

Elderly does not mean old
Very wise - that's for sure
For such people with a guitar
Yes, we urgently need to congratulate!
We rarely remember them
And they all wait and believe
We know about this day
He will measure their longing
How little - a day of attention
... they need more of it!
Conversation, understanding
The reward is more convincing!

I think you will agree with me that all these people amaze us with their stormy energy, active life position and, most importantly, youthful spirit !!!

Seniors day

I propose to congratulate Seniors day all our friends and relatives who are just "a little" over 60!

I wish all of them years life so that they stay with us longer, share their wisdom and experience!

Let the gray hair decorate with silver,
Wrinkles are not a reason for you to lose heart,
We want, dear, to congratulate with love,
I wish you good and fun.

Let your young soul remain
And what if your curl has long become gray?
And what, that a man is called this grandfather?
He will give Forum to all the young!

Did they call this beauty granny?
Well, over the years it is only more beautiful,
A young soul does not know sorrow,
After all, spring is blooming in her heart!

Well, they will come up with this
A holiday for the elderly ?!
We will celebrate with you
A day of tempting ideas
Day that from morning exercises
We start for so many years
Football day, garden day
"Dominos" victories!
Flower day for your beloved
A day of walking under the moon
From the very one, irresistible,
We are young at heart!

You are not young anymore
And a little elderly!
Just don't be discouraged
Continue to live as before!

Do physical exercises
Always try to be cheerful
Eat less and sleep less
Move more, walk!

Be nice to everyone
Yes, not responding to anger,
Help children more
Get congratulations!

Dear, loved, the wisest
This greeting is addressed!
Let the sun shine through the window in the morning
Inviting me to eat a pie
Have a cup of tea and - get down to business!
Do old people have few of them?
"No" - we will answer, easily and boldly! -
“Pray to God for granddaughters,
Go to the store, cook dinner,
Water the Kalanhoye on the table. "
Let it never, neither in the snow nor in the slush,
The guests will not get tired of walking to you!

I wish you always to be so cheerful, perky, adventurous, young in spirit !!!

Our dear old people!
How great and wonderful there is in you!
We couldn't be like that
Strong as you and wise!

What age are you! Glitter of cheerful eyes
Makes you young again!
And to be honest, we are without you
Couldn't, dear, dear ones!

You can find more congratulations for grandparents

All the experience and wisdom of our planet is concentrated in the elderly. These are our fellow citizens who serve as an example for us to follow and will always help in any situation. wise advice... V Seniors day I wish you good health, joy, happiness and only sunny, pleasant days!

Poems and congratulations were prepared thanks to

Until next time!

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According to the UN decision, October 1 is declared as the International Day of Older Persons. To present postcards on this day means to pay respect to grandparents for their contribution to the education of the younger generation.

Video lessons

In the selection of videos posted in this article, master classes with step by step instructions... Needlewomen will show how you can complete beautiful postcards decorated with colorful flowers to please their grandparents.

Older Person's Day Cards for Grade 1-2

If it's grade 1 or 2, the teacher may suggest that students make a postcard decorated with a large bright flower and a touching poem. For work you need a sheet of cardboard, preferably light color, sheets of colored paper, a printed poem and templates, as well as scissors and glue.

First you need to distribute prepared for children, printed on a sheet of paper light shade a poem, and patterns for making a flower, namely a pattern of petals and a core. The sheet with the poem must be glued to the base, which can be used as a sheet of cardboard folded in half. Then you can draw a frame. Then, according to the template, you need to cut out the petals and the core, then the cut out parts should be glued to the base and the postcard is ready.

3-4 class

If it is grade 3-4, students can be asked to complete more difficult option postcards using scrapbooking technique. For work, you will need sheets of colored paper, thematic pictures, curly hole punches, as well as scissors and glue.

First of all, a sheet of colored paper must be folded in half, measure five centimeters from the edge, and mark a line. Then you need to cut off a piece of paper along the marked line. Next, you need to cut strips from sheets of paper of a different color using curly scissors one centimeter wide. After all the blanks are ready, you can start gluing the constituent parts to the base. First, you need to glue the thematic picture, then you need to glue the strips on both sides. Further, using a curly hole punch or according to a template, you need to cut out flowers, twigs and figures of butterflies. The petals should be bent in half, the leaves should also be bent along the veins, then all the prepared elements should be glued to the base. Then, using a hole punch, it is necessary to make strips one and a half centimeters wide from sheets of white paper and decorate all the edges of the future postcard with these strips. On the final stage need to do congratulatory inscription... All stages of work are shown in the photo.

Another simple master class

For work, you will need a sheet of cardboard, preferably a light color, sheets of colored paper, pieces of fabric, as well as scissors and glue.

First of all, you need to bend a sheet of cardboard in half, then outline the window and use scissors to cut the sash of the window. Then you need to arrange a spread of the postcard, for this, draw or glue a thematic picture, and on the inside of the window you need to attach pieces of fabric to make curtains, the lower edges of the curtains should be glued, securing with a strip of paper. Next, you need to write a congratulation and decorate the window with strips of colored paper. In order to decorate the title page, it is necessary to cut flowers, twigs, leaves from sheets of colored paper and stick them on the base, after which the work can be considered completed.

What could be do-it-yourself card for an elderly person? Firstly, it should be modest, no frills, and secondly, if you do any inscriptions on it, then choose a large print, and in general it is better not to use small details, since it will be difficult for a person of age to see them and appreciate.

DIY gifts are now in great demand, and we decided to tell you a few interesting options what will be DIY greeting card for an elderly person, ideas to create them involve the use of various scrapbooking techniques. But do not forget about the gift itself or a cute present, for example, it may be.

DIY greeting card for an elderly person

So, first you need to think about what event can be timed do-it-yourself card for an elderly person, photo ideas will help you find the right options.

For every veteran, the most expensive holiday is Victory Day, and grandchildren should not forget to congratulate our grandfathers and grandmothers on this memorable day. We suggest you make your own postcard dedicated to this day.

To complete it, you will need two sheets of red double-sided A4 cardboard, special scrap paper, 90 cm of satin ribbon color pink(width 2.5 cm), 50 cm of green satin ribbon, regular and foamed double-sided tape, 20 cm of St. George ribbon, three beads, "Moment" transparent, sewing thread pink and white, stamp and stamp pad.

One sheet of cardboard must be bent in half, and from the second one cut out a part, the size of which is 17 by 12 cm.Next, parts of 14 by 20 cm and 8 by 11 cm must be cut out of scrap paper. You also need to take a photo of a military theme, image size 6.5 by 10.5 cm. You can print any photo you like on a printer.

Around the edge of the cut out picture and detail, the scrap of paper must be drawn with a stamp pad. Fasten on a sheet of red cardboard george ribbon using for this regular scotch... Next, using ordinary tape, you need to fix the scrap paper, then cardboard with George bow... You can also buy tape with black and yellow stripes at a fabric and furniture store.

Next, you need to fix the picture on scrap paper, using foam tape for this. Now the paper elements are fixed with us, and you can start making flowers that will serve as the main decorative decoration for a postcard.

First you need to take pink ribbon and scorch its edges with a lighter. One flower will take us 30 cm, so the piece must be cut into three parts. Next, bend the segment every five centimeters. Sweep along the edge on one side, as well as along the fold, but on both sides, performing small stitches. Pull the threads and tie, cutting off the excess.

The middle of the flower should be decorated with a bead by placing it on Moment glue. Next, you need to complete the leaves: cut the green ribbon into 10 cm pieces. Bend them in half lengthwise, then connect the ends of the ribbon, placing them on top of each other. The ends must also be scorched with a lighter.

Glue the leaves to the flowers with glue. Then the flowers and petals must be fixed on the bottom of the postcard, again using the "Moment". Fix the inscription "Congratulations" below.

Patsukova Anastasia Sergeevna

We bring to your attention master-class for manufacturing old man's day cards... The master-the class is intended for older preschool children.

Target: development emotional sphere child, respect for elders.

Required materials to create postcards:

* colored A4 paper (blue, yellow);


*glue stick;

* butterflies for decoration.

Phased production postcards!

First, cut out the circles. We circled the children's cup to make a circle of the required diameter.

We fold our circle several times.

Cut out the edges, we get an elongated heart. then we make cuts where we will have petals.

It turns out such a flower. Use a pencil or paintbrush to bend the petals inward. Twisting the tip of the petal, it bends.

We glue a yellow circle in the middle - and our chamomile is ready. From such daisies we made a volumetric postcard- it turned out very nice!

It doesn't matter that there is gray hair

Do not count your summer.

After all, we have only one life -

As before, love, dream.

Let them say « elderly» ,

And we can only congratulate you on this.

Let the soul be young

And an even back is the envy of everyone.

Not age, but experience comes.

And wisdom replaces naivety.

And you are not sad, on the contrary,

Look ahead positively!

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