Reviews of women who have experienced abortion for medical reasons. What are the indications for termination of pregnancy in the early and late stages. Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons. Pregnancy after medical termination

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks. The artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out in an obstetric and gynecological hospital or in a antenatal clinic by specialists of the appropriate profile.

Types of abortion

To date, any woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy at her discretion, if the period does not exceed 12 weeks. In the second and third trimester, abortions are performed only for medical reasons. Regardless of the chosen technique, the procedure is accompanied by various complications and is extremely stressful for the female body, both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages.

There are such types of abortion:

  • Mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration of the fetus is carried out when menstruation is delayed by no more than 20 days. You can terminate an early pregnancy in a gynecological hospital or in a antenatal clinic;
  • Curettage of the uterus is performed under local anesthesia or with the help of intravenous anesthesia. The procedure for removing the fetus is more aggressive, but acceptable for later dates;
  • Medical abortion is the newest way to terminate a pregnancy, which consists in the use of specially selected drugs that cause spontaneous miscarriage without any surgical intervention.

Planned and unplanned termination of pregnancy

A woman can terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks at will, if there are no contraindications. At the same time, a doctor may strongly recommend that a woman who wants to carry and give birth to a child, resort to the procedure for terminating the pregnancy. In all cases, artificial termination of pregnancy is a necessary measure (when carrying a fetus can threaten the life of a woman or the child itself has developmental defects that are incompatible with life).

It is conditionally possible to divide the indications for medical abortion into two categories:

  • Up to 12 weeks;
  • In the later stages (in the second and third trimester).

Indication for early abortion

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by severe circulatory failure (this is dangerous for both the woman and the fetus itself);
  • Leukemia;
  • Chronic lung diseases;
  • Kidney disease, absence of one kidney;
  • Open form of tuberculosis;
  • Severe endocrine diseases (diabetes, etc.);
  • Postponed surgical interventions, after which the body did not have time to recover;
  • Severe damage to the nervous system;
  • Transferred rubella in the 1st trimester;
  • Mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, dementia);
  • Severe form of early toxicosis;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Identified defects of the fetal egg.

Indications for late term abortion

Starting from the 13th week, pregnancy can be terminated solely for social reasons and a number of medical reasons. To have a medical abortion, a woman must be in the following predicaments:

  • Large families (more than three children);
  • Sudden death of husband during pregnancy;
  • Divorce during pregnancy;
  • The presence of a disabled child in the family;
  • Problems with social services (after the procedure of deprivation of motherhood).

To carry out the abortion procedure in the later stages, they resort to intra-amniotic technology. This is a method involving the introduction of hypertonic solutions into the uterine cavity. The fetal bladder is pierced through the cervical canal with a sterile tube and the required amount of solution is injected. Then the cavity of the amnion (fetus) is also filled with fluid. To speed up the abortion process, they practice the introduction of inducing labor.

How to prepare for the procedure

At any stage of pregnancy, a woman should carefully prepare for the upcoming procedure. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough gynecological examination. A doctor of any clinic that a woman really has a fetal egg, as well as set the exact gestational age.

The doctor's appointment begins with a thorough history taking. It is important not only to establish the very fact of pregnancy and make sure that the woman really wants to resort to the abortion procedure, but also to determine whether there are any contraindications to any type of disposal of the fetus. Interruption is not done if a woman suffers from inflammatory processes, acute infections of the uterus, endometrium or other organs and tissues of the reproductive system.

It is mandatory to conduct a basic examination of the patient on the gynecological chair. Then the fact of pregnancy is confirmed by the necessary tests (analysis for hCG) and ultrasound. After that, the specialist takes a swab from the vagina and urethra. This is necessary in order to establish whether a woman has an infectious-inflammatory process. A blood test for syphilis and HIV infection is mandatory.

How is a medical abortion performed?

After carrying out the standard preparatory procedures and the final decision regarding the procedure for terminating the pregnancy, the gynecologist must carefully calculate the dose of the active substance. Today, many different drugs have been developed and introduced into official practice that allow medical abortion and get rid of the fetus in the early stages in an extremely comfortable and safe way.

Interruption with the help of special medications leads to the fact that the fetal egg is removed from the uterine wall and forced out of the woman's body. Self-elimination of the fetus is accompanied by bleeding, reminiscent of menstruation, but more painful, prolonged and profuse.

The patient stays in the clinic for several hours, then goes home. After 24 hours, she is obliged to visit the gynecologist's office again. If the abortion took place, the patient is prescribed drugs to correct the hormonal background and a re-examination is prescribed after 3 months.

Vacuum aspiration

The procedure of vacuum aspiration for termination of pregnancy in the early stages is carried out in a gynecological hospital. The cervix of the uterine canal is not expanded in the traditional way, but resorted to using a special tip. It is attached to a special apparatus that creates a vacuum. For the fetal egg at the initial stage of development, a weak attachment to the wall of the uterus is characteristic. Due to the effect of vacuum, the egg is easily separated. Vacuum aspiration is performed under both local and general anesthesia.

After the abortion has been carried out, the woman remains in the room for several hours.

Curettage of the uterus

During pregnancy at a relatively late date, the traditional method of getting rid of the fetus is practiced - curettage of the uterus. Abortion is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

First, a preliminary expansion of the cervical canal is carried out with special dilators. As soon as the doctor manages to open the organ, the tissues of the fetal egg are separated from the walls of the uterus by means of a curette. After removing the fetus, the doctor performs a control curettage. After making sure that the abortion procedure was successful (this is evidenced by the full contraction of the uterus, followed by short-term bleeding and the actual absence of the fetus), the specialist completes the intervention.

This type of abortion is not possible for outpatient procedures. After the abortion procedure, the patient is transferred to the ward, drugs are administered to reduce the uterus, and the woman's well-being is monitored. Blood pressure is monitored and body temperature is measured. If the patient feels normal, she is discharged from the hospital. If the abortion caused the development of various complications, the patient is left in the hospital until the pathology has been completely eliminated.

In today's world, society is already accustomed to the fact that there is an artificial termination of pregnancy, abortion, and they perceive this as normal, if not in the order of things. But still, there are a couple of people who still bring discord into society, saying that abortion is tantamount to murder. But sometimes abortion is the only way to save a woman from death.

Today, a certain list of medical indications for artificial termination of pregnancy is regulated by law. But from time to time this list is reduced. So, already in 2008, about a hundred diseases were removed, as a result of which women were forbidden to give birth to a child.

An abortion is called an artificially interrupted pregnancy, no later than the twenty-eighth week. Early termination of pregnancy is considered up to twelve weeks.

When a woman is pregnant for more than twenty-eight weeks, but there are certain reasons why it is not possible for the mother's life to allow the birth of a child, then she is interrupted. And this process is called premature birth.

An interrupted pregnancy is possible artificially, or it will be a spontaneous miscarriage.

But as for the medical indications for abortion, there is a certain regulation that every doctor must adhere to.
Approve medical indications for artificial termination of pregnancy: gynecologist, specialty doctor, and head of the health department. This often occurs in both outpatient and inpatient settings.

All specialists consider all the testimony of a pregnant woman, after which they must certify this document with a seal and signatures. And after, they give this document with a diagnosis to the woman, or directly send it to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

When talking about termination of pregnancy, it can also be prescribed if there are certain physiological indicators of the pregnant woman. For example, this can include too young age of the expectant mother, namely the minority of the woman in labor, or vice versa, the age after forty years, when the woman's reproductive system is already fading.

Artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons

  1. Infectious diseases: tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and rubella.
  2. Neoplasms: malignant tumors, especially of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems, as well as malignant neoplasms that a woman has or had at the moment.
  3. Endocrine diseases: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter.
  4. Adrenal insufficiency, non-diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroidism.
If we talk about the very list of indications for abortion, then this also includes blood problems, various mental disorders, alcoholism, problems with the central nervous system, respiratory problems, problems with the digestive tract, genitourinary system, or there are skin diseases, as well as hereditary diseases.

There are four types of abortion known:

  • If the gestational age is up to six weeks, then artificial interruption with the help of medications is possible, which is the safest in modern times.
  • Another option, in the early stages of pregnancy, is a mini-operation, or a vacuum operation, when a fetal egg is sucked out using a special apparatus, creating a vacuum.
  • Surgical intervention, when the fetus is scraped out of the uterine cavity, which occurs in late pregnancy.
  • Artificial childbirth in the third trimester.
But a woman always has the right to keep her pregnancy, even if there are certain indications for its termination.

But still, it is worth listening to the conclusion of the doctors, because if the pregnancy is maintained, there is a high probability that the child will be born with pathologies.

Pregnancy does not always proceed joyfully and cloudlessly, as we would like, there are often cases when it needs to be interrupted for a long time. It should be noted that no one will have an abortion simply out of "wish" in the later stages. According to existing legislation, pregnancy for a period of more than twelve weeks can only be terminated for existing medical or social reasons.

Termination of pregnancy after 20 weeks is accompanied by an extremely high risk to the health and life of the mother. On the other hand, abortion at such times can be equated with murder, since the fetus is viable by this time. In such situations, a woman must have very weighty arguments in order to decide on such a step.

Indications for late abortion.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy in the later stages can be based on medical and social reasons. The first group of indications includes a serious deterioration in the general health of the mother against the background of complications of diabetes mellitus, existing serious diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels, the central nervous system, various tumors that require immediate therapy. In addition, an indication for late abortion is the identification of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, malformations that interfere with its further normal development or provoke its death, as well as if there is a risk of genetic diseases. I must say that some infectious diseases can lead to abortion. In these situations, abortion is the only salvation for mother and child from future suffering.

In order to obtain documentary permission for a surgical operation to stop intrauterine development of the fetus in the later stages of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist at the place of observation, who will issue it after the examination and tests, as well as after the exclusion of any contraindications to its implementation. Based on the results of the tests, the general health of the woman and the degree of abnormalities in the development of the fetus are assessed.

It also happens that a woman, due to physiology, did not immediately determine that she was pregnant, or she made a mistake when calculating the gestational age (sometimes it happens that menstruation continues for several months after fertilization), or she did not immediately tell this news to her lover or loved ones, therefore, the decision to terminate is made at a later date. It is for such cases that there is a second group of indications for abortion - social. This group of reasons should also include extremely unpleasant situations when the husband or father of the unborn baby suddenly dies in a pregnant woman, when this pregnancy is the result of rape, or when the expectant mother is in “places not so remote”. Deprivation or restriction of parental rights, as well as disability of the first and second groups can also serve as a serious reason for carrying out an artificial termination of pregnancy at a later date. In each specific case, a special commission of doctors at the place of observation of the pregnant woman is considering the issue.

It should be noted that, despite the presence of a significant social or medical indication for late abortion, in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs in an acute form, inflammatory processes in an acute form and infectious diseases in an acute form, such surgical intervention is not permissible.

Pre-abortion examination.
Before the abortion operation, an ultrasound of the fetus and uterus is prescribed, the blood group and Rh factor are determined, a blood test is done for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, a hemostasiogram, a biochemical blood test, urine, smears from the urethra, cervical canal and vagina are examined, antibodies are determined to hepatitis C, a chest X-ray, and an examination by a general practitioner and other specialists, if necessary.

If there are social or medical reasons for terminating the pregnancy, the woman is issued with a certified conclusion outlining the full clinical diagnosis with the signatures of specialists and the seal of the institution. If a woman is diagnosed with mental and venereal diseases, the documents are transferred to an obstetric and gynecological institution. In the absence of medical contraindications, a woman is given a referral to a medical institution, where the gestational age, the results of the examination, the conclusion of the commission (diagnosis) and social indications are indicated.

Since late abortion is associated with many risks, this operation is performed using painkillers in a hospital setting and only by specialists with special training. At the end of the surgery, an ultrasound is performed to accurately assess the result (check whether all parts of the fetus and placenta are removed).

Methods for terminating a pregnancy at a later date.
Taking into account the gestational age, the doctor selects the appropriate method of abortion. The least number of complications gives termination of pregnancy for a period of no more than 21-22 weeks, and in general, abortion is possible up to 27 weeks.

Cervical dilation and fetal extraction is performed between 12-20 weeks of pregnancy. A vacuum aspirator is introduced into the uterus, through which the fetus and fetal membrane are removed in parts. With this technique, there is a high risk of injury to the uterine wall, which results in severe bleeding, often resulting in death.

Another method used to terminate a pregnancy at 20-28 weeks is vaginal fluids (one of the artificial birth methods). Having expanded the cervix, a small amount of fetal fluid is sucked out of the fetal bladder using special instruments, after which the same volume of a highly concentrated solution of salts and glucose is injected into the uterus. As a result, the fetus dies, and after a day and a half, the woman starts contractions, and the dead fetus is rejected by the body (a kind of miscarriage occurs). On average, such an abortion occurs within thirty hours.

In rare cases, kelp sticks are injected into the cervical canal to induce labor. If in this case the contractions do not begin, special substances-stimulants of labor (prostaglandins, oxytocin, antispasmodics) are introduced.

Very rarely, but in the presence of medical contraindications with simultaneous medical or social indications for late abortion, a small caesarean section is performed. During such an operation, surgeons open the anterior abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the uterus, then the fetus and surrounding tissues are removed from the uterus, and the uterine wall is scraped. As a result of using this technique, the fetus may be alive, but no resuscitation is applied to it, and it dies.

Complications after late abortion.

  • Incomplete cleansing of the uterine cavity from fragments and parts of the fetus with the addition of infection.
  • placental polyp.
  • Hematometer.
  • Ruptures of the cervix.
  • perforation of the uterus.
  • Diseases of purulent-inflammatory course.
The period of a woman's stay in a hospital after a late termination of pregnancy is established exclusively by a doctor, while she is given a sick leave for no more than three days. After an abortion, a woman, together with her gynecologist, selects the most appropriate contraceptive option for her, and also undergoes the necessary rehabilitation procedures in an outpatient clinic.

To perform any work, a citizen must have certain skills, capabilities and abilities. Particular attention is paid to the health of the employee. If a person for various reasons becomes disabled or cannot continue to work in a particular position, then dismissal is carried out for medical reasons. The process must be well designed. Health problems can be detected during a mandatory physical examination or after surgery and illness.

Dismissal of a person at the initiative of the employer is possible only if there are good reasons. If they are absent, then the termination of the employment relationship is considered illegal. Dismissal for medical reasons is used on the condition that a particular specialist really can no longer cope with his job duties due to deteriorating health.

An official document must serve as the basis for terminating the employment contract. It is presented by a medical report, which confirms that a particular citizen has experienced a complete or partial loss of ability to work.

An expert opinion is issued only by two organizations:

  • Clinical expert commission. Members of this commission identify how much the state of health of a citizen has worsened under the influence of various factors. Additionally, advice is given on the conditions under which it is allowed to continue working.
  • Medico-Social Commission. It is she who decides on the recognition of a particular person as a disabled person. Recommendations are given on where and under what conditions labor activity can continue.

The decisions of these commissions are binding, therefore, if a person still wants to continue working on the same conditions, the manager is obliged to provide him with such conditions that will not lead to a deterioration in his condition.

If the management of the company receives the conclusion of the commission, which indicates that the employee, due to the state of health, can no longer cope with his main duties, then one of the following decisions is made:

  • if the employee cannot continue to carry out labor activities at all, then according to Art. 83 of the Labor Code, he leaves the company immediately, so the employer does not have the right to demand working off;
  • if the ability to work is only partially lost, and also in the conclusion there is a recommendation to transfer the employee to another job, then the head of the company may offer the possibility of transferring to another position, but if the employee does not agree to the transfer, then the employment contract is terminated on the basis of Art. 77 TC;
  • if the employer does not have the opportunity to transfer the employee to another position, then the employment relationship is terminated, and a reference to Art. 77 TK.

Dismissal for medical reasons is permitted only if the employee is unable, on the basis of the opinion received, to start employment duties for 4 months or more. If the period of rehabilitation or treatment does not exceed 4 months, then the employer is obliged to remove the specialist from work without saving earnings, but with the preservation of the workplace. Otherwise, the employee may dispute the dismissal for medical reasons. The step-by-step procedure for terminating an employment contract depends on who is its initiator.

The dismissal of an employee for medical reasons is most often carried out at the initiative of the direct head of the company.

But often direct hired specialists understand that they can no longer cope with official duties. In this case, they write a letter of resignation, where they indicate that their departure is associated with poor health. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the results of the medical examination.

Nuances with partial and complete disability

The medical report contains information on the conditions under which a citizen can continue working. If the position meets these requirements, then the person can continue to work in the company. If the conditions do not meet the requirements of the conclusion, the employer may offer another position or terminate the employment contract.

If the conclusion indicates that a complete loss of working capacity has been recorded, then the employment relationship must be terminated, after which the dismissal is recorded in the work book. Such measures are usually applied when assigning the 1st group of disability. Dismissal for medical reasons in this case does not contradict the requirements of the law.

If, due to various injuries or illnesses, a hired specialist cannot continue working, then dismissal is carried out for medical reasons. The step-by-step procedure of the process consists of the following steps:

  • initially, the employee receives an appropriate medical certificate, which indicates under what conditions a citizen can continue to work;
  • the document is transferred to the employer;
  • if the company has vacant positions that are suitable for the health status of the employee, then he is offered a transfer;
  • the proposal must be formed in writing, and also handed over under the signature;
  • if the employee does not agree with the transfer, then he draws up a corresponding statement;
  • a decision is made to terminate the employment contract;
  • the employee is notified of this decision, and the notice must indicate the reason for terminating the employment relationship;
  • a dismissal order is issued;
  • it is provided for review to the employee who signs the document;
  • settlements are made with the dismissed specialist;
  • the necessary information is entered in the work book and the personal card of a specialist in the company.

The employer must not skip any steps, otherwise the process may be challenged. After performing these actions, the employee is dismissed for medical reasons.

If the employee himself decides to stop working due to poor health, then he draws up a statement. It includes the following information:

  • FULL NAME. and position held;
  • reason for dismissal, represented by poor health;
  • the date when the termination of the employment relationship is planned;
  • signature.

Since the employee is dismissed for medical reasons, work is not required for two weeks. This is due to the fact that the citizen simply does not have the opportunity to cope with official duties. An example of such a statement can be found below.

If the decision to terminate the employment relationship is made by the employer, then he sends the employee a notification. It contains the following information:

  • the reasons for termination of the contract are given, presented by dismissal due to medical reasons;
  • it is reported that there are no vacancies in the company that could be offered to the employee;
  • indicate the date of termination of the agreement;
  • the signature of the head and the seal of the organization are put.

Such a notification is transmitted for review to a specialist under the signature.

Dismissal for medical reasons does not always occur. Group 3 disability is considered the simplest, and when it is registered, citizens can continue to work even in rather difficult conditions. Therefore, employers often offer specialists the possibility of transferring to another job.

This offer contains the following information:

  • the need for transfer is indicated in connection with the deterioration of the employee’s health;
  • all proposed vacancies for translation are listed;
  • the salary that will be received by a specialist after occupying a new position is given;
  • at the end, the signature of the head and the seal of the company are put.

The employee must give a formal response to such a proposal. To do this, a written consent or refusal is drawn up. If a citizen agrees to a transfer, then the relevant information is entered in his work book, after which the employee begins new duties.

If it is not possible to offer another job or the specialist refuses to transfer, then the employee is dismissed for medical reasons. The step-by-step procedure involves issuing an appropriate order. It contains the following information:

  • the reason for the termination of the employment relationship, represented by the deterioration of the health of the employee;
  • date of termination of the contract;
  • personal information about the employee and his position in the company;
  • at the end, the signature of the employer and the seal of the company are put.

This order must be signed by the direct employee.

Dismissal for medical reasons under the Labor Code must be carried out taking into account numerous rules. This includes the need to enter certain information in the work book. The document must contain the following information:

  • record number;
  • date of entering information;
  • information about the dismissed employee;
  • reason for termination of employment;
  • reference to the order and art. 77 TK.

On the last day of work, a citizen is issued a work book with other necessary documents.

If indeed a citizen cannot cope with work due to deteriorating health, then dismissal for medical reasons is required. Group 2 disability often does not allow you to work normally in difficult conditions. Upon dismissal, the employer must pay the employee certain funds. These include payments:

  • salary for all hours worked;
  • compensation for unused vacation;
  • severance pay upon dismissal for medical reasons, equal to earnings for two weeks of work.

Before calculating the severance pay, it is necessary to determine what is the average salary of a specialist in the company. If the employee loses his ability to work at all due to the fact that he performed work in dangerous or harmful conditions, then the employer is obliged to pay benefits to him in the amount of average earnings until full recovery.

If the company has vacancies with easier working conditions, they are offered to a hired specialist. This helps to prevent dismissal of an employee for medical reasons. The following situations serve as the basis for the transfer:

  • there is a conclusion of the medical commission on the need to offer easier working conditions;
  • the employee was injured, after which he cannot cope with his previous job duties;
  • the person has undergone surgery;
  • the general state of health has worsened;
  • The worker has an occupational disease.

If an employee knows that the company has vacancies for his transfer, but they are not offered to him, then the specialist can appeal the dismissal in court.

To determine the health status of all employees, various companies often conduct a medical examination. Dismissal for medical reasons is carried out if it is revealed that a particular employee cannot cope with duties due to a deterioration in health.

Under such conditions, the employer cannot demand working off, so the specialist leaves work immediately.

The dismissal of any employee is considered a specific process, since disagreements often arise between the two participants during the implementation of this process. Labor disputes can be resolved amicably or by the employee filing a complaint with the labor inspectorate or court.

The most common problems when dismissing an employee due to a deterioration in the health status of an employee are:

  • the employer does not offer free vacancies in the company;
  • the employee hides his illness or injury, as he wants to stay in the company and receive a good salary;
  • the employer insists that the employee write a letter of resignation of his own free will, although this is a gross violation of the labor rights of a citizen;
  • does not pay the head of the company the required payments and severance pay;
  • the director insists on working off.

All such disputes should be resolved through the labor inspectorate. Additionally, with the help of the court, the employee may demand compensation for moral damage.

The state of health of any person can deteriorate for various reasons at any given time. This leads to the fact that the citizen ceases to cope with his official duties. The basis for the termination of work is the conclusion of the commission.

An employer can not only dismiss an employee, but also offer him various other free vacancies, but working conditions must correspond to the state of health of a citizen.

The desire to be a mother is natural for every woman. However, life makes its own adjustments, sometimes quite difficult and unfair. Some women who are expecting a baby may find themselves having to terminate a very desirable pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks is called abortion, after this term - premature birth. Experts distinguish between early abortion (before the 12th week) and late (at the 12-28th week). Consider the main indications for abortion.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons

Abortion for medical reasons is carried out if the further course of pregnancy threatens the health and life of a woman. Another reason for its implementation is the presence of fetal malformations that are incompatible with his life.

Abortion for medical reasons is done regardless of the gestational age. A prerequisite is that the operation should be carried out only in stationary conditions.

There are the following medical indications for early termination of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks):

  • Severe malformations of the cardiovascular system, for example, pathologies of the myocardium, pericardium and endocardium, congenital and rheumatic heart defects, vascular disease, heart rhythm disturbance, hypertension;
  • Infectious diseases such as rubella, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • Acute infectious processes with severe damage to the internal organs of a woman;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the chest and abdominal cavity, which require the use of radiation or chemotherapy in the pelvic area;
  • Malignant diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders: Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, prolactinoma (pituitary tumor), acromegaly (impaired function of the anterior pituitary gland), hyperparathyroidism (chronic endocrine pathology), diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the nervous system (catalepsy, epilepsy and narcolepsy);
  • Some diseases of the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system, connective and musculoskeletal tissue.

The above pathologies in the expectant mother often lead to miscarriage, contribute to the appearance of defects incompatible with life in the baby, and are dangerous to the health and life of a woman.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons in the later stages is associated with the condition of the mother and child.

The indications on the part of the woman include pathologies that create a great risk to her health and life with the further preservation of pregnancy. These include:

  • Heart defects;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver with a significant decrease in their functions;
  • Severe forms of diabetes;
  • Syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • Mental illnesses in which a woman is considered incompetent.

Indications for termination of pregnancy in the later stages on the part of the child are such health conditions that are incompatible with life or are severe genetic pathologies. Namely:

  • Complex heart disease;
  • Developmental anomalies (missing or extra parts of the body);
  • Pathologies of muscle and bone-connective tissue (their absence or abnormal development);
  • Deformations of the internal organs and skeleton of the fetus (missing organs, fused limbs);
  • Chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome;
  • Fetal death (missed pregnancy).

Medical indications for termination of pregnancy in the later stages are established by a special commission in inpatient or outpatient clinics. The committee usually includes an obstetrician-gynecologist, a medical specialist whose field the disease of the pregnant woman belongs to, and the main head of the health facility.

It should be noted that according to the law, a woman has the right to keep her pregnancy, despite her diagnosis and the recommendations of doctors. But in this case, the medical staff is not responsible for the health of the mother and child.

Social indications for abortion

Indications for termination of pregnancy for social reasons at different times were different. Today, as indicated in the legislation, there are situations that provide for the possibility of an abortion:

  • Pregnancy as a result of rape;
  • Deprivation or restriction of the mother's parental rights in relation to other children;
  • Finding a woman in custody;
  • Death of a spouse during a woman's pregnancy;
  • The husband has a serious illness with disability (disability of the first group).

Social indications for termination of pregnancy after the 12th week are established in licensed medical institutions (territorial antenatal clinics). To do this, a special commission considers a written application of a pregnant woman, medical documents, documentation confirming the existence of indications for an abortion for social reasons.

It is very difficult for a woman who is carrying a desired baby to hear about the need to terminate a pregnancy. However, she must understand that such a decision is sometimes necessary in order to preserve her health and even life. A woman needs to believe that she will be able to give birth to a healthy child and become a mother, albeit a little later.

Text: Galina Goncharuk

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