Outline of a lesson in application, modeling (senior group) on the topic: Who lives in the autumn forest. Summary of a modeling lesson in the senior group. Fascinating dough plastic. Topic: "Journey to the forest

On October 10, 2013, she held a drawing lesson on the topic "Who lives in the autumn forest" in the middle group. In the lesson, children drew a bunny.

Program content: to develop a concept in children - to continue the content of the previous lesson, teach children to portray a bunny, consolidate the ability to hold a brush, use a napkin. Use appropriate colors to represent animals.



Abstract of the drawing lesson "Who lives in the autumn forest!"

Program content: to develop in children the idea - to continue the content of the previous lesson, teach children to portray a bunny, consolidate the ability to hold a brush, use a napkin. Use appropriate colors to represent animals.

Vocabulary: verbs: typing, drawing, jumping, sitting, cuddling, scared.

Adjectives: joyful, bright, fluffy, gray, red, yellow, orange, dull, cowardly;

Nouns: hare, trees, leaves, fur coat, paws, hare head;

Equipment: drawings from the previous lesson, paints, brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work: examining illustrations, albums, for coloring.

Methodological techniques: questions that activate the speech of children, conjugate and reflective speech, game techniques.


Guys, in the last lesson you drew a joyful autumn. And today, let's put animals in our forests. Who can be found in the autumn forest? (bunny, hedgehog). Yes, all these animals can be found in the autumn forest, but we will settle a bunny with you. Look, different bunnies have come to visit us. Let's take a look at them. What does the bunny have? (torso, legs, head, tail, ears, eyes ...)

  • Which part of the body is larger? (torso)
  • The head is located slightly on the side at the top of the body.
  • What ponytail? (the hare's tail is small, located on the other side of the body).
  • And where are the paws of the bunny? (below, under the body)
  • What color is the fur coat? (gray, brown)
  • Look, guys, how you can depict a bunny (laying out on a flannelgraph in parts). If we depict the paws of a bunny like this, then what will he do? (bunny sits, snuggled, jumping, running)
  • What geometric shapes will we draw a bunny from? (from ovals) And what color? (gray)
  • Look, I'll show you how to draw a bunny. I moisten the brush in water, draw brown paint over the entire pile, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, take the brush by the iron shirt. I start drawing from the torso.
  • And what is the shape of the torso? (oval). I apply the brush to the paper with all the nap, the brush runs in a straight line, rounds, runs along the short side, rounds, runs along the long side, rounds and runs to where it was. Now we will paint over the body with straight lines, without going over the edges (show).

Then I draw a head, a slightly smaller oval, paint over it, draw long ears for a bunny, a small fluffy tail. Now I will draw the paws - the bunny is hiding in my place. It remains to draw the eyes, nose, antennae, but you need to wait for the paint to dry. Here I got a bunny.

Here I drew a large bunny, and in the forest we have to draw a small one. A bunny can be drawn under a Christmas tree, a tree, or just running along a path. Take a look (showing the work by the teacher).

Before we start, let's remember where we start?

We will choose which bunny we will draw, first we will draw the body, oval, then the head, ears, tail, paws, eyes, nose, antennae.

Now let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics. Bunny has long ears

They stick out of the bushes.

He jumps and jumps,

Cheers his bunnies.

Part 2. Children's work. Individual Conversations with Children: What are you doing?

I pick up paint, press it with all the pile to the place and draw the body. What is your bunny? (small, fluffy, he runs along the path)

Where are the ears of the bunny? (he pressed his ears)

Part 3. Analysis: children's works are exhibited (a bunny comes).

Thanks guys. Now it will be very fun for me in the forest, look what different bunnies are: cowardly, running, jumping.

I have a bunny sitting under a Christmas tree, waiting for my mother to come for him. He is fluffy, gray, he has a head, tail, torso, paws.

Well done!

Analysis drawing "Who lives in the autumn forest".

Program content: teach to develop the concept of the previous lesson, teach to depict a bunny, consolidate the ability to hold a brush, use a napkin, use the appropriate colors (learn to mix white and black paints)


Verb: typing, drawing, mixing, jumping, sitting, cuddling, scared.

Adjectives: joyful, bright, fluffy, gray, red, yellow, orange, dull, cowardly.

Nouns: hare, tree, leaves, fur coat, paws, head, tail.

Adverbs: top, bottom, left, right.

Methodological techniques: explanation, reminder, full and partial demonstration, analysis of children's works, questions to children, activating vocabulary, introduction of a description-model, a surprise moment, game techniques.

Equipment: brush, napkin, paints, children's work from the previous lesson.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations.

Analysis: Developed active and passive vocabulary of children. The assigned tasks were realized: coherent speech developed, compilation of a monologue-description, and along with speech tasks, tasks on performance were solved, continued to develop the concept of the previous lesson. They taught me to draw a hare from ovals of different sizes, reinforced the ability to hold a brush correctly, and taught me how to mix paints.

All the necessary equipment was prepared for the lesson. We used the help of the children on duty. Before the lesson, preliminary work was carried out: examining the illustrations (the bunny is sitting, running), answers to the teacher's questions about the picture. Different methods and techniques of work were used in the lesson: full and partial demonstration, explanation, reminder, analysis of children's work, questions to children, use of a model, game techniques, a surprise moment when organizing a lesson.

Throughout the entire lesson, the children's vocabulary developed: verb - I type, draw, jump, run, sit, get scared, mix; vocabulary of adjectives: joyful, bright, fluffy, gray, red, yellow, orange, cowardly; dictionary of nouns: hare, trees, leaves, fur coat, paws, head, tail; dictionary of adverbs: top, bottom, left, right; dictionary of numbers.

The children's vocabulary became more active in the first part of the lesson when answering the teacher's questions, in the second part - during individual dialogues with children (for example: what bunny do you have? works. Children agree on adjectives with nouns (cowardly bunny); numerals with nouns (one bunny under the tree).

When analyzing children's work, children compose small stories about their drawing. Children talk about their bunnies, using the model, their color, size, position of the hare and the accuracy of the work.

For example: It was in the fall. The bunny is gray. The ears and body are oval, the head is round. Have he has a head,nose, eyes, mouth, paws, small tail. There are long ears on the head, a ponytailat the top of the torso. The bunny is soft, fluffy. He runs to a large tree, looks sideways. The tree is brown, tall with short and long branches. The trunk is thick, and the branches are thin, there are few of them, five, only at the top of the trunk. Two yellow leaves remained, the rest fell to the ground.

Thus, the child singled out the objects of description, color, shape, parts, size, relative location, but uses the same type of expressions between sentences, there is no final phrase. Throughout the lesson, the children's vocabulary, both active and passive, as well as coherent monologue speech, develops.

Tasks.To acquaint children with changes in the surrounding nature, the inhabitants of the forest. Paint fallen leaves, gray clouds in the sky, rain, animal tracks on the ground.

Material.Sheets of paper painted in light gray tones, with applicative silhouettes of trees; brushes; paints - dark gray, brown, yellow; cans for water; napkins.

Preliminary work.Observing changes in nature during walks. Examining illustrations depicting late autumn (trees without leaves; gray clouds; it is raining), depicting the inhabitants of the autumn forest (bunny, fox, wolf, hedgehog, bear). Reading poetry, nursery rhymes, singing songs.

The content of the lesson.The teacher reminds the children of the changes in nature: “It is raining more and more often, there are very few leaves on the trees, they lie on the ground. In the autumn forest, animals are preparing for winter: squirrels, hedgehogs store mushrooms, apples. Let's paint how the bunny jumps, and the bear walks through the forest. " The teacher shows the traces of a bunny with the end of the brush, and then draws large strokes with the entire nap of the brush. “The bunny ran and hid behind a tree from the gray wolf,” says the teacher and places the strokes near the tree. And this wolf ran through the forest, - the teacher continues and draws the tracks larger: - I didn't catch the bunny. There is a gray cloud in the sky, it started to rain. Gloomy, rainy autumn has come. " Draws streaks of rain.

After the story and demonstration of drawing techniques for "traces of animals on the ground," the teacher suggests that the children draw on their own "their own" forest, in which "a bunny gallops, a fox runs, a wolf walks, a bear walks." Children complement the composition begun by the teacher (they add trees, bushes, leaves, animal tracks). At the end of the lesson, the drawings completed by the children with the applicative images of trees form the overall composition of the autumn forest. Recollect

the tatel asks the children to find the tracks of a bunny, a fox, a bear, a wolf. “This is the kind of autumn forest the children drew, and the animals live in it,” the teacher finishes examining the overall composition. He encourages the desire of children not only to return to the process of examination, finding their drawings with animal tracks, but also to the story of what each drew. Children's stories can be more monosyllabic, such as: "Here is a bunny jump-jump", "My wolf", etc.

Actions with objects. "Find the same one"

Tasks. Learn to find identical objects, develop visual memory, imagination. Improve the ability not to be distracted when completing a task.

Materials. Toys (cars, dolls, pyramids, balls, balls, cubes, rings, ribbons, fungi, etc.).

The content of the lesson. The teacher selects pairs of absolutely identical toys (objects) - "twins". The toys are divided in half. One half is put on the children's table, the other is put into a “wonderful bag” (a bright, beautiful case, 40x40 cm in size). Before putting some of the toys in the bag, the teacher and children examine each object, name it, note its features. Then the children begin to alternately lower the pens into the bag, taking out the objects they come across, and name them. The teacher invites each child to choose the exact same toy from all the toys on the table. While the baby is picking up an identical toy, the adult hides his object, prompting him to act according to visual memory.

If the child finds it difficult, the teacher shows the toy from a distance, calls it, thereby encouraging action. When a child brings a toy, the adult says: "Look, did you bring such a toy?" Items are located side by side. In the same way, pairs of all other toys are selected in turn. The teacher teaches them to compare according to vivid signs (color, shape). At the end of the lesson, children can play with the objects they like according to their plan. (In the future, an adult can offer the child a more complicated choice, depending on his individual development. So, for example, you can choose objects that are not identical, but similar, but of different sizes and colors, etc.).

Speech. "I am a goat Me-ke-ke"

Tasks. Involve children in communication. Enrich the vocabulary of names of body parts. Correlate the word and expressive movements. Raise interest in folk nursery rhymes. To develop speech hearing, articulatory apparatus of children.

Materials. Goat toy.

Who came to us? Horned goat, butted goat. Not boo
dem afraid of the goat. Let's say: “Hello, goat! We are glad to see you! "

(Initiative statements of children.)

The goat brought milk. Substitute the mugs. Drink mo
lochko (conditional actions that the teacher himself does).

Who wants to pet a goat. Thank her for the delicious

Where is the goat's eyes? Where is the goat's ears? - Educator
enables children to show their horns on their own.

I am a goat Me-ke-ke I walk on the meadow, Sharp horns, Thin legs At the very top of the head - Velvet ears.

(A. Prokofiev) 1

What is this with a goat? - Shows horns, ears, eyes, nose.
The goat gives a voice: "mee, mee" (together with the children).

Now I'm like your mom is a goat, and you are little goats
Ki. Show me which horns the goats have? (Conditional actions.)
zochki walk along the puddle, nibble the grass, they give a voice: mee, mee.
(Repeat 2-3 times.)

The teacher addresses the children with the words: “The legs, the legs of the goat are top-top. With eyes, eyes goat - clap-clap! ". These words are accompanied by expressive movements and onomatopoeia and are repeated 2-3 times.

Reader for little and older / Comp. L.N. Eliseeva. - M .: Knowledge, 1996.S. 13.

Mom-goat brought milk to the children. Substitute, kids
ki, mugs. Drink milk! (Conditional actions.)

The kids-goats ate, drank and went for a walk.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 78 combined type"


a comprehensive lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling)

"Who lives in the autumn forest?"

Prepared by: higher educator

qualification category

Igonina T.A.

g. Saransk 2015

Purpose: Strengthen and expand children's knowledge in a new non-standard environment.


Educational:generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn. Strengthen the ability of children to highlight the characteristic features of the main periods of the season. Clarify and expand - children's knowledge about the animals of the forest. Strengthen the ability to convey the characteristic features of animals using different sculpting methods (from a whole piece and in parts).

Developing: develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare independently, draw conclusions, develop evidence-based speech, expand children's knowledge about the animal world, generalize and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Educational: foster curiosity about the natural world, ecological culture, develop cooperation skills.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction"; "Socialization", "Artistic creation", "Physical culture".

Material and equipment

Game "Who lives where", punched cards, red, blue chips, layout« Autumn in the forest ”, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, 2 napkins for each child (dry, wet).

Methods and techniques

Creation of a game environment, conversations, visual display, artistic word, guessing riddles, games, game exercises, practical activities.

Preliminary work

Reading stories, poems aboutanimals of the forest, guessing riddles about animals, observing autumn phenomena, changes innature, making the layout "Autumn in the forest".

Course of the lesson

I Organizational moment.

Educator - Children listen carefully to the poem.

Guess the season:


Colorful forest, beautiful

The mown fields will get wet

Clouds walk across the sky

Birds fly to the south

Mushroom pickers are in a hurry from the forest,

Yellow leaves are flying

The hedgehog collects leaves,

They insulate their mink.

Educator - What time of year does the poem say?

(Children's answers)

II Main part.

Educator - And now what time of year do we have?

(Children's answers)

Let's remember and name the autumn signs.

(Children answer)

What changes have occurred, andlife of forest animals?

(Children's answers)

Well done, you know how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - Now let's play the game "Who lives where."

I i will make riddles, you guess, find animals and settle where they live.

(The teacher makes riddles, the children guess and place the animal in the picture)

Educator - Well done, children, you know wellwho lives where.

See what an interesting clearing.

Go to the clearing.

(Children sit down and work with punched cards)

Educator - Mark with a red token the animal who is called the "Forest orderly".

Mark the animal with a green chip - "Sweetheart",

Educator - Well done. We coped with this task. Now stand in a round dance and play the game "We are the animals."

Physical education: "We are animals"

(The teacher calls the beast, the children imitate the movement of this beast)

  1. You bears (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a bear).
  2. Now you are wolves (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a wolf).
  3. You hares (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a hare).
  4. You turned into a fox(children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a fox).
  5. You, guys (children walk in a circle at their usual pace).

Educator - Well done, guys, you portrayed animals well. I suggest you go to our workshop.

(Children sit at tables)

Educator - Let's mold the animals of the forest and put them in our

the fairy wood we made last night.

Think about what kind of forest animal you would like


Educator - Nastya, what kind of animal will you besculpt? (Answer)

And you, Sasha? (Answer) etc.

Educator - But before we sculpt, let's get our hands ready for

work. Let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

"Counting fingers"

One two three four five

One two three four five.

Ten fingers, a pair of hands

Here is your wealth friend.

Educator - So our hands are ready to work. Get startedwork.

You can sculpt in any way.

(Calm music sounds)

(Children work, the teacher walks and looks, if anyone needs

help, prompts(showing on your piece of plasticine)

III Final part.

Educator - Who are readyanimals, put them in the "fairy forest".

(Children put their work on the model "Autumn in the Forest").Educator - Children, go all to the layout.

Look, our fairy forest has come to life.

How beautiful our autumn forest turned out. Educator - But what time of year will come soon after autumn?

(Answers of children).

Educator - Children, it is very difficult for animals in winter. Why?

(Answers of children).

How can we humans help them?

(Answers of children).

I think, that you will not leave animals in trouble, you willhelp them and never offend them.

IV Final point.

Educator - What did you like most about the lesson?

(Children's answers)

Educator - I am also our occupationliked. Because you were all active, attentive, all tasks were completed correctly. They fashioned wonderful animals.Well done! Thank. Our lesson is over.

Clean up your workplacesand play.


  1. O. A. Voronkevich Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood Press", 2004.
  2. L.S. Vygodsky Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M., 1987.
  3. S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I. G. Toporkova We develop hands - to learn and write, and draw beautifully. - Yaroslavl, Development Academy, 2007.
  4. O.F. Gorbatenko The system of environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Publishing House "Teacher", Volgograd, 2008.
  5. T.G. Kazakova Development of creativity in children. M., 1986.
  6. N.S. Karpinskaya Artistic word in the upbringing of children. - M., 2010.
  7. IN AND. Kovalko ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers. - M .: VAKO, 2005.
  8. A.I. Maksakova, G.A. Tumanova Learn by playing. - M., 1983.
  9. The development of speech in pictures. Animals. - M., 2011.
  10. The development of speech in pictures. Live nature. - M., 2011.
  11. E.O. Smirnova Features of communication with preschoolers. - M .: Academy, 2000.
  12. E.I. Udaltsova Didactic games in the education and training of preschoolers. - M., 2007.
  13. O.S. Ushakova Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and the development of speech. - M., TC "Sphere", 2012.
  14. N.B. Kholezova Modeling in kindergarten. - M., 1986.
  15. G.S. Shvaiko IZO in kindergarten (senior group). - M., 2003.
  16. L.M. Shipitsyna, O. V. Zashchirinskaya, A.P. Voronova, T.A. Nilova The ABC of Communication. Childhood - Press, St. Petersburg


Expand children's knowledge of the forest and its inhabitants.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To acquaint children with the concepts of "dark" and "light".
Continue teaching children to listen to a piece of music.
To form stable ideas about color, shape, geometric shapes, quantity, size, position in space.
Teach children to do collective work without disturbing their comrades.
Improve the skills of modeling, non-traditional drawing (with fingers and toothbrushes).
Exercise in carefully gluing the details of the image.
Develop visual and auditory concentration, thinking, fine and general motor skills.


The background picture depicting a forest edge with inscribed geometric figures of green and brown colors.
The squares are dark green and light green.
An image of a tree without leaves on a large sheet of paper, flexic: the leaves are light and dark green.
A picture-background with the image of a tree with shadows-geometric shapes, color images of owls in the form of these geometric shapes.
A picture depicting three trees and one mushroom.
Blank for drawing "willow", green gouache, toothbrushes.
A picture-background with the image of a forest (a tall and a low tree, a spruce, two clouds, a tree stump, a lake, three lilies), silhouette pictures (a bird, 2 mushrooms, 3 flowers, a snake, a frog, the sun, a duck).
Game "Who lives in the forest": background picture "forest", colored silhouette pictures of animals.
Game "Whose tail?": A picture of animals without tails, colored silhouette tails of these animals.
A picture of trees with hollows of three sizes, silhouette pictures of squirrels, leaves and acorns of three corresponding sizes.
A blank picture with a picture of a bush, brown plasticine.
Hazelnuts. Cones, basket, saucers from dolls.
Background picture for application, tree crowns cut from colored paper, glue, finger paints.
Equipment for dynamic pause: hemp, artificial tree, bench, "trickle".
Audio recordings: "Morning in the forest" by E. Grieg, "In the forest" by Zheleznov, "Noise of the forest" by Ferens Liszt.

Course of the lesson:

Welcome game "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
The ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
The handles will clap
Legs will stomp.
The backs are straightening
We smile at each other.

Game situation "Let's go to the forest"

Today we are going for a walk in the forest. Let's build a bus out of chairs and hit the road. (You can use the "Song of Friends").

Listening to the music of Edvard Grieg "Morning in the Woods"

An audio recording is being played.

Construction "On the forest edge"

Lay out the geometric shapes in their place. Show a narrow path, a wide path. What are the colors of the circle, oval and triangle? Green color. What are the colors of the square and rectangle? Brown color.

Introducing children to shades of green

There are squares in front of you. What color are they? Green. And this color is green and that color is green, but they are different. This green is light, and this green is dark.
Show light green, dark green.

Collective application "Tree"

Now we will stick light green and dark green leaves on this tree.

Didactic game "Owls on a tree"

Plant the owls in a tree. Place each owl on its shade that matches the shape.

Didactic exercise "What is superfluous?"

Look closely at the picture and tell me what is superfluous on it? An extra mushroom, because everyone else is trees.

Drawing with toothbrushes "Willow"

The willow tree has branches down, draw green branches with leaves. Use toothbrushes to paint.

Musical exercise "In the forest"

Children walk around the room to the words of Zheleznova's song "In the Forest". Then they say "ay".

Didactic game "In the forest"

Children put small colored silhouette images on the background picture.

Here is a picture of a forest. Let's complete this nice picture.
Let a bird sit on the highest tree. And two mushrooms will grow under the low tree.
And three flowers bloomed around the hemp. A snake climbed onto the stump. Cones have grown on the tree. The sun is shining brightly in the sky. A frog sits near the lake, and a duck swims on the lake. Count how many water lilies have bloomed in the lake? How many clouds are there in the sky?

Didactic game "Who lives in the forest?"

Let's expand on the picture of the inhabitants of the forest and name each of them.

Didactic game "Squirrels"

Help each squirrel find its hollow. Treat the squirrel with an acorn. Match the hollow and acorn to the size of each squirrel. Now try to guess which tree these leaves fell from.

Modeling "Walnut bush"

Nuts ripened on the walnut bush. Let's make them out of plasticine. What color is the plasticine? Brown color. Tear off pieces of plasticine, roll balls-nuts out of them, apply to the bush and press down with your finger.

Dynamic pause "Walk in the woods"

Children walk on stumps, walk around the tree, jump over a stream, walk along the bench. (An audio recording of "The Sound of the Forest" by Frances Liszt is played).

Didactic exercise "Whose tail?"

Help the animals find their tails.

Visual activity "Forest"

Attach foliage to tree trunks. These are the trees in the forest! Stick them on. And draw the leaves on the birch with your finger.

Pine cones games

Count the cones, put the cone in the basket, do not drop the cone (carry it on a saucer).

Hazelnut tasting

As parting, the forest prepared a gift for us - hazelnuts. Try them.

Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: "Autumn tree"

Software content:
1. Teach children to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between their palms, and flatten them with a finger on top, attaching them to a sheet of paper.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the color, size of autumn leaves.
3. To fix the concept of "leaf fall", to teach how to move around the site, following the instructions given in a playful way; accompany the words of the poem with appropriate movements.
4. To educate independence, accuracy.
Material: red, brown, white and yellow plasticine, sheets of paper.
Preliminary work: examining autumn trees, talking about autumn.
Vocabulary work: autumn, leaf fall, forest, autumn.
Course of the lesson:
- Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)
-Why do you think so? (it got cold, people put on warm clothes, etc.)
-What color are the leaves on the trees? (yellow, red)
-Yes, in the fall, the leaves on the trees first turn yellow or turn red, and then they begin to fall off, that is, they fall to the ground.
-What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?
-This phenomenon is called leaf fall. Leaves, falling to the ground, are merrily circling in the air.
- Let's turn into yellow leaves with you.
The game "Falling Leaves" is held.
Game progress:
All children are given leaves from an autumn bouquet.
- Guys! All of you will be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some yellow, some red, some big, some small.
Each child shows and names which leaf he chose in color and size.
- The leaves are light, they slowly fly through the air. (Children run and wave their arms.)
Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
The yellow leaves are flying!
As if the umbrellas are circling!
- Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.)
- Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)
- Spun around and sat down on the ground. (Children squat.)
- We sat down! They sat down and froze. (Children don't move.)
- The wind blew: one-two-three,
We got off the ground, (an adult blows, followed by children.)
- And flew high,
But the sky is far away.
-The leaves rose, scattered in different directions. (Children scatter around the playground.)
- Spun, spun, spun! (children are spinning)
- Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
- Leaves fly in the wind (children run, spin with leaves in their hands).
- Circled and again.
Sank to the ground to sleep.
“The breeze has died down, and the leaves are slowly sinking to the ground” (children squat slowly).
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Then the children sit down at the tables.
- Guys, look, there are sheets of paper on the table?

And what does a tree have? (trunk)

Let's make a trunk, tear off a piece of plasticine and roll it out between our palms, put it on a piece of paper, press on top of it with our fingers.

What else is missing? (branches)

We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it out between the palms, then apply it to the trunk and press on it with a finger.
- What else is missing from our tree? (leaflets)
- Come on, we blind plasticine leaves for our tree.
- And what color will we take plasticine to make the tree fall? (yellow, red, orange)
- Look how we will sculpt the leaves.
- We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it out between the palms, then apply it to the branches, press it on top with your finger.
- Pieces need to be attached to tree branches
I show the children how to tear off small pieces from plasticine, roll them between the palms and, pressing on the balls, attach them to the branches of a tree.
- The tree became autumnal, because we blinded yellow leaves for it.
- How can you name a lot of trees in one word? (forest)
Let's all say "forest" together.
- Yes, we got an autumn forest.
- Look, in some trees the leaves are attached to twigs, and in other works - the leaves are spinning in the air, falling to the ground.
- What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall to the ground? (leaf fall)
- Let's all together say "fox-to-pad".
- The yellow leaves are dancing,
They fall from the branches, they fly,
This fairy tale is golden
They call it "leaf fall".
- All the children tried very hard. This is what a beautiful autumn forest we have.
- And now let's take our works to the exhibition of creativity, we will please our mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers.