The fetus in the stomach wriggles like. How does a baby feel when in the womb? “I read somewhere: the way the mother wears the child, whether she wants him or not, depends on what he will become in adult life. Well, this, in my opinion, is just fantastic, and not on

The development of a child in the womb is a very interesting and, to some extent, even an amazing process. Despite the fact that the whole process takes months, the development of the child in the womb can be assigned to the pregnancy calendar by weeks, because every week there are some, albeit tiny, changes. If you are simply wondering for yourself exactly how a child develops in the womb, you can know what to expect in the future for yourself or your wife, understand how you yourself have developed, being not yet a full-fledged person, but an embryo. If you are expecting a baby at the moment, then by drawing up a pregnancy calendar by week, you can track the development of your baby and already have some idea of ​​when to expect the first signs, for example, movement. Let's see how the development of the fetus proceeds by week.

2 weeks

At the beginning of this week you have a happening. The oocyte is fertilized 12-24 hours after the penetration of the sperm into it, thus triggering complex biological processes that accompany the emergence of a new life and the gradual development of the child in the womb. Over the next few days, the fertilized egg will begin to divide into several cells as it travels through the fallopian tube and, upon entering the uterus, burrows into the lining of the uterus.

3 weeks

Once nestled in the nutrient-rich lining of the uterus, the egg continues to rapidly produce cells that will eventually form into your baby. This ball, which diligently multiplies cells, or blastocyst, begins to produce the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). based on the detection of the presence of the hCG hormone in urine or blood.

4 weeks

The former ball of cells is now officially an embryo. About a month has passed since your last period. Usually at this time, as soon as a delay in menstruation is detected, the pregnancy test may come back with confirmation. Your baby is now the size of a poppy seed.

5 weeks

At 5 weeks old, your baby looks more like a tadpole than a future human, but he is growing rapidly. The circulatory system begins to form and it is this week that a tiny heart begins to beat for the first time. Your baby is about the size of a sesame seed.

6 weeks

Little by little, the outlines of the nose, mouth, ears begin to appear, and the intestines and brain develop. A kid about the size of a lentil.

7 weeks

Your baby has grown noticeably in size since last week, but still has a tail that will soon disappear. Vague shapes of small arms and legs begin to appear. Your baby is about the size of a blueberry.

8 weeks

Your baby has begun to move a little, although you are unlikely to feel anything at this stage. Nerve cells branch out to form primitive nerve canals. The airway extends from his throat to the developing lungs. Your baby is about the size of a bean.

9 weeks

The main physiological signs (including tiny earlobes) are already in place, but the development of the baby in the womb is far from complete. The little tail of the embryo has finally disappeared. He is already ready to start gaining weight rapidly. Your child is about the size of a grape.

10 weeks

The embryo has completed the most critical part of development. His skin is still translucent, but his tiny limbs can already bend, and they begin to acquire such fine details as nails. Your baby is about the size of a kumquat.

11 weeks

Your baby is almost fully developed. He kicks, stretches, and even hiccups as his diaphragm develops, but you still can't feel any of the above. Your kid is about the size of a fig.

12 weeks

Reflexes start showing up this week. The baby's toes will begin to open and close, the toes curl up, and his mouth will begin to imitate sucking movements. He will feel if you gently poke your belly, but you will not feel anything in return. Your baby is about the size of a lime.

13 weeks

This is the last week of your first trimester. Your child's tiny fingers already have full fingerprints, and their veins and organs are clearly visible through their skin. Your baby is about the size of a pea pod.

14 weeks

The development of the baby in the womb is included in the second trimester. The baby's brain began to send impulses and he began to use his facial muscles. His kidneys are also working at this stage. If you get an ultrasound, chances are you will see your baby suck his thumb. Your baby is the size of a lemon.

15 weeks

The baby's eyelids are still closed, but he can sense light. If you shine a flashlight on your belly, it can move away from the beam. An ultrasound scan this week can determine the sex of the baby. Your baby is about the size of an apple.

16 weeks

The first signs of hair have begun to appear on the scalp, but they are not yet visible. The legs are more developed. The head is held more upright and the ears are almost fully formed. Your baby is about the size of an avocado.

17 weeks

The child can already move the joints, and his skeleton, which was previously a soft cartilage, begins to thicken to the consistency of bone. The umbilical cord becomes longer and thicker. Your kid is about the size of a turnip.

18 weeks

The kid kneads his arms and legs, and you can finally feel some movement. Inside, around his nerves, a protective sheath of myelin forms. Your baby is about the size of a bell pepper.

19 weeks

This week, the senses begin to develop: smell, touch, hearing, taste, sight. He can hear your voice. You can sing, read or just talk to your child and there is a chance that he will hear you. Your child is about the size of a large tomato.

20 weeks

The baby can swallow, and his digestive system now produces meconium, a dark, sticky substance called the first feces of newborns. Your baby is about the size of a banana.

21 week

The child's movements go from weak fluttering to full-fledged thrusts and kicks. Your baby is about the size of a carrot.

22 weeks

The embryo now looks almost like a miniature newborn. Details like lips and eyebrows look more distinct, but the pigment that will determine the color of the baby's eyes is not yet present.

23 weeks

The child's ears begin to distinguish sounds better. After birth, he may recognize some sounds that he heard while still inside the womb. Your baby is about the size of a large mango.

24 weeks

The embryo is still quite slender, thin, but soon it will begin to gain weight. The translucent skin condition will also change soon. Your baby is about the size of an ear of corn.

25 weeks

The baby's wrinkled skin begins to smooth out as it gains weight, giving the embryo a more newborn-like appearance. He begins to develop hair of a certain color and structure. Your baby is about the size of a turnip.

26 weeks

Your baby is now breathing in and out amniotic fluid, which helps lung development. These breathing movements are actually good practice before that crucial moment of the very first breath after birth. Your child is about the size of a bunch of green onions.

27 weeks

This is the last week of the second trimester. Your little one sleeps and wakes up on a specific schedule, and his brain is quite active. His lungs are not yet fully formed, but they are already able to function outside the uterus with medical assistance. Your baby is about the size of a head of cauliflower.

28 weeks

The child's vision is actively developing, allowing him to feel the light penetrating from the outside world. He can blink and he already has eyelashes. Your baby is about the size of a large eggplant.

29 weeks

The baby's muscles and lungs are actively preparing for work in the outside world. Its head grows in size as the brain develops. Your child is about the size of a butternut squash.

30 weeks

The embryo is surrounded by a large amount of amniotic fluid, which will decrease as it grows and takes up more space in the womb. Your child is about the size of a large cabbage.

31 weeks

Your little one can now turn their head from side to side. A protective layer of fat builds up under the skin, filling the arms and legs. Your baby is about the size of a coconut.

32 weeks

You are likely gaining at least 1 pound a week. Half of that weight goes to your baby, who will gain a third or half of her birth weight over the next seven weeks.

33 weeks

The baby's skull plates have not yet fused together, allowing the baby's head more flexibility as it travels through the birth canal. Your baby is about the size of a pineapple.

34 weeks

The baby's central nervous system and baby's lungs mature rapidly. Babies who are born between 34 and 37 weeks of age, provided they do not have any other health problems, do well afterwards. Your baby is about the size of a cantaloupe.

35 weeks

Your baby's kidneys are fully developed and their liver can already process some of the waste products. Your baby is the size of a melon.

36 weeks

Your little one gains a little weight every day and, on the contrary, loses the fluff covering his body, along with the original lubricant that has protected his skin until now.

37 weeks

The day of birth is just around the corner, but while your baby already looks like a full-fledged infant, he is not yet ready for life in the outside world. For the next two weeks, his lungs and brain will finally mature.

38 weeks

Interested in your child's eye color? Its iris is not completely colored yet, so if the baby is born with blue eyes, they can still darken for up to a year.

39 weeks

The physical development of the child is already fully completed, but he still has to gain some weight in order to control the body temperature outside.

He will tell you more about the stages of a child's development in the womb.

1st day. The sperm is connected to the egg. As a result, one "large" (smaller than a grain of salt) cell is formed, which contains 46 chromosomes inherited from the parents (23 chromosomes from each). The fertilized egg carries all the genetic information about the future person: his gender, eye color, skin and hair, facial features.

3rd-9th days. The fertilized egg descends through the fallopian tube into the uterus. The embryo attaches to its wall and soon begins to receive the necessary substances for nutrition and oxygen for breathing with the mother's blood, which enters it through the umbilical cord and the branched chorion (future placenta).

10-14th days. The embryo is one-tenth larger than it used to be.

20th day. The process of laying the nervous system begins.

21st day. The heart begins to beat.

28th day. The spine and muscles are forming. Ultrasound shows hands, feet, eyes, ears.

30th day. Over the past month, the embryo has grown 10 thousand times and continues to actively develop. The heart pumps an ever-increasing amount of blood through the circulatory system.

35th day. Fingers can be distinguished on the baby's handle. The eyes darken as the child's body has already begun to produce pigment.

40th day. With the help of a special device, it can detect and record signals coming from the brain.

First trimester

6 weeks. The liver begins to produce blood cells, and the brain controls muscle movement and heart function.

7 weeks. The eyelids begin to cover the baby's eyes, protecting them from light and dryness (from the 28th week, the baby will be able to open and close his eyes at will). At the same period of pregnancy, the baby's inner ear is formed, the outer ear develops, the jaws are formed, and the rudiments of teeth appear. But the most important thing is that the baby starts to move. However, the mother does not feel this, since the child is still too young.

8 weeks. The kid has grown to 2.5 centimeters. He already looks like an adult. The heart beats, the stomach produces gastric juice, and the kidneys function. Muscles contract under the influence of impulses from the brain. By the blood of a child, you can determine his Rh-affiliation. Fingers and joints formed. The baby's face acquires certain features, facial expressions develop. The baby's body reacts to touch.

10 weeks. The child is 4 centimeters tall and weighs approximately 2 grams. During this period, the baby's external and internal genital organs begin to form.

12 weeks. The kid is growing. From time to time he sucks his thumb. During the waking period, the child vigorously trains the muscles: turns his head, bends his fingers and toes, opens and closes his mouth. The kid already hears and sees: if sharp sounds coming from the outside world begin to disturb him, he tries to cover his ears with his hands, and tries to block his palm from the beam of light directed into his eyes. If you touch his palm, she clenches into a fist. All these movements are carried out due to the fact that the baby has formed a vestibular apparatus, which helps him to navigate in space.

Second trimester

16 weeks. The child weighs about 150 grams, his height reaches 16-18 centimeters. Hair appears on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows appear on the face. The kid opens his mouth, swallows, sucks, smiles. During this period, the placenta begins to fully function, which connects it with its mother.

20 weeks. The growth of the baby reaches 30 centimeters, he has marigolds on his fingers and toes. Now his mother feels his movements, since from time to time he begins to engage in physical education: he pushes off from one wall of the uterus and swims to the other. In addition, the baby may respond to a harsh sound or excitement from the mother by jumping, which is perceived as active movement. If the baby starts to hiccup, the woman feels weak rhythmic tremors coming from the inside. At 20 weeks, doctors listen to your baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope.

24 weeks. The kid may already be angry. This is proved by a photograph of a child at this age. It shows his angry look, the tension of the muscles around his eyes, wrinkled lips, you can see that he is crying, expressing his displeasure. By the way, to rest at night, the baby goes to bed and ... sees dreams. The child weighs about 500 grams, which is not much, but he has just started to gain weight. His skin is red and wrinkled. Since she is still very tender, the baby is protected from the effects of amniotic fluid with a special lubricant. By the 24th week of pregnancy, the fat and sweat glands begin to function, the baby's lungs mature. A film forms in them, which prevents them from sticking together when breathing. If the child is born at this time and is provided with the necessary care, he will be able to survive.

Third trimester

28 weeks. The child weighs about 1000 grams, his height reaches 35 centimeters. He has already developed all the senses - these data are confirmed by a study of the brain biocurrents (EEG) of an unborn child. He begins to recognize his mother's voice. The baby carries out the first elementary respiratory movements. His skin thickens (thickens) and becomes more like the skin of a newborn. If labor begins at this stage of pregnancy, it will be called premature, but doctors will be able to help the baby survive.

32 weeks. The child weighs about 2,000 grams, subcutaneous fat is formed, the arms and legs become plump. The immune system is laid down: the baby begins to receive immunoglobulins from the mother, which will protect him from diseases in the first months of life. The volume of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is one liter. They are completely renewed every three hours, so the baby always swims in "clean" water that can be swallowed painlessly.

34 weeks. The baby weighs 1800-2100 grams, his height reaches 40-41 centimeters. He becomes cramped in the uterus: he can no longer roll over and is most often located with his head down. His lungs finally mature, and in the event of a premature birth, the baby will breathe on its own. However, the subcutaneous fat layer is still poorly developed and does not retain heat well.

36-38 weeks. From the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby gains weight daily (up to 14 grams). Iron accumulates in his liver, which will help hematopoiesis in the first year of life. The fluff covering the baby's skin (especially the shoulders and back) disappears by the time of delivery. The child grows intensively, the uterus becomes too tight, so his movements are felt more intense.

Usually in 38 weeks its head descends to the entrance to the small pelvis. The baby is already ready for an independent life and is counting the days until birth ...


Childbirth that occurred at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy are considered timely. Usually, a baby is born with a weight of about 3,000 grams or more and a height of about 50 centimeters. Barely born, he utters the first cry. The child breathes on his own, his heart beats, he actively moves his arms and legs .

In medicine, it is customary to divide trimester pregnancy:
1st trimester - from the 1st to the 3rd month of pregnancy, during this period, the child's organs and structures of the body develop;
2nd trimester - from the 3rd to the 6th month, the heart, lungs and brain are formed to the level necessary for survival;
3rd trimester - from the 6th to the 9th month, preparation for the work of all systems and organs is taking place, that is, the adaptation of the baby.

All people know that child in the stomach it is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, through which he receives the nutrition he needs. Everyone advises a pregnant woman to eat well and be calm, experiencing extremely positive emotions. And this is absolutely correct, because pregnancy is a hormonal process, and all emotional reactions of a person are associated with hormones. With stress and fear, every person in the body produces adrenaline, which excites the nervous system, and in a pregnant woman, the nervous system of the child in the womb. Under severe stress, huge doses of adrenaline can lead to a constant need to receive it, hence the birth of restless, excitable children who sleep and eat poorly, causing great anxiety to their parents. Many dads are interested in the question, does the child feel anything in the womb and does he hear his speech? By the end of the sixth month or the beginning of the third trimester of a woman's pregnancy, the baby begins to respond to sounds.

By the end of this month, the weight baby is from 700 to 750 grams, and its height is only 30 cm. At this time, nails on the hands and eyelids are formed, the hair on the child's head becomes thicker, and the contours of the face are formed. Also, the child's nostrils open and the alveolar sacs of the lungs begin to form. Scientists have come to the conclusion that starting from this period, close communication with parents is very important for the child. The baby in the belly should feel the touch of the parents through the tummy and hear their voice.

Contemporary research American scientists showed that starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the child in the womb feels, hears and understands in his own way what is happening. Here are some interesting facts that scientists discovered during their research:

1. The child duplicates the actions and mood of the mother... He sleeps when the mother sleeps and awakens with her. When the mother is calm, then the child behaves calmly.

2. The child reacts to light... This happens by the end of the sixth - beginning of the seventh month. Despite the fact that vision is almost not required before birth, the baby sees light in the womb. If the lamp is directed at the mother's belly, then the child will strive to escape. He closes his eyelids and rolls over in his stomach.

3. The child memorizes words and whole expressions... He hears the sound of mom's voice and distinguishes it from other sounds. If the dad often talks to the child through the tummy, then he remembers the sound of his voice well and immediately recognizes it after birth. American scientists cite the following fact: a pregnant woman attended courses for expectant mothers and did gymnastics under the command "inhale-exhale", two years after the birth of her daughter, she was very surprised to hear her daughter repeating the same command: "inhale-exhale".

4. The child is listening how parents talk and react to the intonation of their voice. When his father or mother addresses him, he calms down, the rhythm of his heart is even and calm. Parental quarrels make the child's heart beat fast. If the parents are optimistic, then the child inherits these character traits already in the womb.

5. The child has a sense of taste and loves sweets.... Scientists have found that after the introduction of glucose into the amniotic fluid, the child's swallowing movements intensify, and the injection of iodine slows them down. The unpleasant taste of iodine makes the child winced with disgust.

6. The child reacts to external stimuli... He moves his head if he strokes his mother’s tummy with his hand. And if cold water is poured on the mother's stomach, he kicks with his legs, expressing his displeasure and anger.
7. Child hears music... It turned out that babies in the womb do not like rock and they really like classical music. The calm music of Beethoven and Vivaldi puts them to sleep.

8. The child hates smoking... The child does not even like it when mom thinks about smoking. His heart begins to beat faster even when his mother thinks about whether she should take another drag on her cigarette.
9. Already a 2-month-old baby in the womb reacts to the mother's physical trauma... If the mother accidentally hits her stomach, then the child hides, as it were, seeking salvation.

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They say that a child in the womb both hears and almost sees ... Is this true? And what is she intrauterine life of a child? How does an unborn baby react to the outside world? How does the fetus develop and how does its intrauterine life affect the future? Polina Sergeevna DEREVYANENKO, a gynecologist of the highest category, answers these and other questions. Interviewed by Lyudmila SLAVINA.

“What kind of science is this - prenatal psychology? When did she appear? "

Prenatal, i.e. prenatal, psychology appeared not so long ago. The fact is that the previous idea of ​​the prenatal life of a future person as a period of purely biological existence in recent years has been completely and irrevocably forgotten. Now it is already an axiom that the fetus develops not only parts and systems of the body, but also cognitive functions and sense organs. And some researchers argue: starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the human fetus already understands in its own way what is happening around, reacts not only to internal changes in the mother's womb, but also to external stimuli that reach it. Prenatal science studies the prenatal psychology of the child.

“Is it true that a future child hears? And how does this happen? "

- It is well known that the organ of hearing in the embryo is one of the first to form. By the age of four months, the fetus hears music. He reacts to bravura and loud music with active stirring, calm and melodic music calms him down. There are cases when pregnant women were forced to leave rock music concerts due to the unbearably violent reaction of the fetus.

The fetus reacts with anxiety to the quarrels and screams of the parents. Sometimes they can lead to miscarriage, and it is not known what the reason for this development of events is - whether the sharp fluctuations of hormones in the mother's body, or the threat itself, contained in the violent screams and insults with which the scandal proceeds.

It is known that more unborn babies memorize melodies, words, whole expressions and even nursery rhymes if you read them often in the last months of pregnancy. The mother of a two-year-old girl once heard her daughter repeat: "Inhale - exhale, inhale-exhale" - commands that sounded at the courses of expectant mothers.

The born children hear and recognize parents' voices react to their intonation. Doctors advise expectant mothers to talk to their baby as often as possible. After birth, such children are calm, cry less often.

The fetus hears external sounds in a peculiar way - the low frequencies are cut off, as it were, the high frequencies are heard more clearly. It is with this that psychologists associate the maternal instinct to talk with a newborn: in a special, high-pitched voice - it sounds clearer and safer than low sounds.

“I read that in ancient Greece, pregnant women were forbidden to look at everything ugly, ugly. And they made it a duty to systematically admire beautiful drawings, statues, landscapes. Supposedly, the future baby sees the same thing as the mother, and this affects his development ... "

- It is not yet known whether the fetus distinguishes between beautiful and ugly, but the fact that a born child reacts to light has been proven. If a doctor examines a pregnant woman using a fetoscope (a device for intrauterine examination), then the bright light from it scares the child. He rolls over, trying to hide from the beam, tightly closes the eyelids. Perhaps the next news about intrauterine life will be exactly what you are asking about, and find out that the fetus is really inclined to be beautiful.

“Does the fruit have a taste sensation? It's hard to believe that he can taste, but I've heard that too. "

This is indeed the case. The unborn child, like all children, loves sweet and does not like bitter. If glucose is added to the amniotic fluid in which it floats, the fetus swallows twice as much of it as usual. And the introduction of a bitter medicine there reduces the swallowing reflex. Moreover, swallowing the bitter, the fruit makes exactly the same grimace, depicting disgust, as an adult.

"They say that the fetus senses the mother's mood, reacts to her smoking, falls asleep with her. " Is this all true? "

- The fetus really repeats all the actions and even the mood of the mother. He sleeps when his mother falls asleep, wakes up with her. If the mother is calm, then the fetus behaves calmly. If she is nervous, then he either freezes or actively moves. But he also has his own needs. If the mother remains inactive for a long time, he does not have enough oxygen, and he begins to move violently, jerking his legs. If the mother, on the other hand, is active, he can get tired and motion sick. By the way, the traditions of rocking a newborn in the arms or in a cradle are connected with this.

A five-month-old fetus moves its head if the mother's belly is stroked with her hand, and if cold water is poured, the fetus is very unhappy, angry, kicks its legs.

The fetus also reacts to the smoking of the mother. And not only for the intake of harmful substances into the blood, but even for her desire to smoke: a woman is just thinking about a cigarette, and his heart is already beginning to beat faster. The reason is that because of smoking, the fetus receives much less oxygen, and this causes painful cramps in it. And the anticipation of tobacco · by a woman, apparently, somehow changes hormonal reactions.

The fetus reacts to physical injury already from the second month of life. If you hit the mother's belly, he gets scared, tries to hide, shrink.

“I read somewhere: the way the mother wears the child, whether she wants him or not, depends on what he will become in adult life. Well, this is, in my opinion, just fantasy, and not scientific ... "

- No, not fiction, but scientific research. Scientists have found that the experience gained during pregnancy seriously affects the entire future life of a person. Desired children, who already in the womb felt her love and joy, are more confident in themselves, react more calmly to stress, have a generally positive outlook on life, are friendly, communicative, learn easier. Unwanted children, on the contrary, feel insecure, often fall into depression, expect only troubles and blows from life, are distrustful, have difficulty getting along with people, and experience difficulties in their studies.

It is not difficult to explain this from the point of view of science: maternal experiences and emotions are directly related to changes in the hormonal background of her body, which, in turn, forms the child's reactions, his physiology.

“I'm finally expecting a baby. It is impossible to convey how happy my husband and I are. I really want to be born and raised healthy, strong and happy. I know that Eastern traditions count the age of a person not from the date of birth, but from the moment of conception.
Please advise: how should I behave during pregnancy so that the baby is good? I still have a very short time, I hope I am not late. "

If you are expecting a child, try create favorable conditions for him from the very first days of his existence. Of course, do not smoke, walk more, eat right.

And also a modern approach to conscious parenting implies active communication with the unborn child from the first months of pregnancy.

It is good to tell the future baby fairy tales, rhymes, turn on pleasant, melodic music. If he has older brothers and sisters (this, apparently, is not your case - at least not yet), it is worth involving them in communication with him. Then, after birth, he will recognize their voices as relatives.

You should not violently sort things out at this time, quarrel, scandal - you can scare an unborn baby for the rest of your life. But you want him to grow up calm, balanced and happy.

Agree, dear ones, have you read it? What interesting things did you observe / observe in the behavior of the child during your pregnancy? Share your experience in the comments!

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In 9 months, a child goes a long way from a tiny embryo to a chubby baby and already in the womb acquires some features that will remain with him for life: for example, you can understand whether he will become right-handed or left-handed and what food he will prefer. In a fairly short period of time, a lot of interesting things happen to the child, and today we offer you to walk with the baby the path from birth to birth.

site prepared this exciting journey for you.

1st trimester of pregnancy

1-2 weeks

So the long journey has begun. For the first 4 days, the future person is smaller than a grain of salt - its size is only 0.14 mm. However, starting from the 5th day, it begins to grow and by the 6th it almost doubles - up to as much as 0.2 mm. On the 4th day, the embryo "arrives" where it will spend the next 9 months - in the uterus, and on the 8th day it is implanted into its wall.

3-4th week

The embryo at the 4th week of pregnancy.

Around the 20th day of pregnancy, a very important event occurs: a neural tube appears, which then turns into the baby's spinal cord and brain. Already on the 21st day, his heart begins to beat and all important organs are formed, for example, the kidneys and liver. The eyes have not yet taken their usual position - the bubbles, from which they will then take shape, are on the sides of the head. By the end of the 1st month, a circulatory system appears in the embryo, and the spine and muscles begin to develop.

5-6th week

At the 5th week, the hands of the embryo appear, however, the fingers are still very difficult to distinguish, but in the joints the arms and legs are already bent. It was at this time that the external genital organs begin to form, but it is not yet possible to see on an ultrasound whether it is a boy or a girl. By the way, since its inception, the embryo has grown a lot - it has increased as much as 10 thousand times. Even now, the baby's face is beginning to form, and the eyes, which will be closed for a very long time, darken, becoming more human-like.

7-8th week

The 7th week of pregnancy is the time when the baby begins to move, however, it is still completely invisible to the mother, and the fingers and toes become almost the same as in adults. At this stage, the embryo begins to develop the rudiments of milk teeth and the reproductive system develops, and the kidneys begin to produce urine. Despite the fact that the growth of the fetus is only 2.5 cm, it acquires its own facial expressions, its eyelids appear, and the tip of the nose becomes more defined.

9-10th week

The child is 9-10 weeks pregnant.

By this time, the baby has already grown well - its weight is 4 grams, and its height is 2-3 cm. Despite its tiny size, the brain is already divided into two hemispheres, and milk teeth and taste buds are beginning to form. The baby's tail and membranes between the fingers disappear, he begins to swim in the amniotic fluid and move even more actively, although it is still imperceptible for the mother. It is at this time that the child's individual facial features appear, and hair begins to grow on the head.

11-12th week

At this time, the child's genitals are formed, therefore, on an ultrasound scan, you can already find out his gender, although the likelihood of an error is still high. The child still looks slightly alien: he has a large head and a small body, but his face looks more and more like an adult. The ears are already almost in the desired position, eyebrows and eyelashes appear. The cartilage that makes up the skeleton gradually ossifies, new blood vessels appear and hormone production begins. By the way, the baby has already grown up to 6 cm and weighs about 20 grams.

13-14th week

The baby is in the 14th week of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the child's head is half the length of the entire body, the face is increasingly reminiscent of an adult, and the rudiments of all 20 milk teeth have already been formed in the oral cavity. The child is already able to put a finger in his mouth, but he will learn to suck a little later. Due to the active formation of blood vessels, the baby's skin is red and very thin, therefore, vellus hair appears on the body - lanugo, which is necessary to maintain a special lubricant that protects against hypothermia.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

15-16th week

By the 15th week, the baby grows to 10 cm and gains weight - now he weighs about 70 grams. Despite the fact that the eyes are still quite low, the face is already quite recognizable, moreover, the child begins to "make faces", since the facial muscles are well developed. By this time, he already knows how to suck a finger, and the sebaceous and sweat glands begin their work.

17-18th week

And finally, the child's auditory canals are formed, so he begins to distinguish sounds well and hears the mother's voice, moreover, he is able to recognize it. In addition to milk teeth, molar embryos also appear, the bones are finally formed and begin to harden. By the way, the bones of the skull will remain mobile until birth - when passing through the birth canal, they will be superimposed on each other to make it easier for the baby to be born. But the mother is finally beginning to feel the movements of the child, who has grown to 14 cm and 190 grams.

19-20th week

The baby is in the 20th week of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the child's eyes are still closed, he is already well oriented in the surrounding space. Moreover, now it is possible to understand whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed, because right now he begins to more actively use his leading hand. Fingerprints appear on the baby's fingers - another unique sign of each of us. By the way, the child is already beginning to gradually distinguish day from night and is active at a certain time.

21-22 weeks

21st week - the time when the baby begins to gain weight due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. Soon, folds, which newborns have, will appear on its arms and legs. At the 22nd week, those neurons that will be with a person all his life are formed in the brain. Very soon the child will open his eyes, he is already trying to do this, and the eyeballs move almost like an adult.

23-24th week

At the 23rd week, the child may begin to dream, and his face is so formed that an ultrasound scan can determine whose facial features he inherited. His skin becomes opaque, his eyes open, and the child can already react to light, moreover, bright flashes can scare him. By the 24th week, the child grows to almost 30 cm, and his weight reaches 0.5 kg.

25-26th week

At this time, the baby's taste buds are finally formed and, tasting the amniotic fluid, he may frown if he does not like it. By the way, eating habits are formed in this way - already in the womb we have our favorite and unloved foods. Very soon the child will learn to blink and can already see a little, however, so far it is very, very vague.

3rd trimester of pregnancy

27-28th week

Child at 27–28 weeks of gestation.

If you do an ultrasound scan at this time, you can see how the child smiles and intensively sucks his finger. At this time, the baby gets the first "toy" - his own umbilical cord, and he is actively studying his body. At the end of the 7th month of pregnancy, the child develops an individual metabolism, which he will have throughout his life. The kid is already quite large - his weight reaches 1.2 kg, and his height is 35 cm.

29-30th week

The baby is in the 30th week of pregnancy.

The layer of subcutaneous fat increases and the baby becomes more plump and well-fed. In addition, he already knows how to cry, cough and even sometimes hiccup - this happens, most likely, when he swallows too much amniotic fluid. By the 30th week, the child's brain is already so developed that it is quite capable of memorizing and even analyzing information.

31st-32nd week

At this time, a person has all 5 senses, and his daily routine more and more resembles the one that he will follow after birth. The child hears the work of all organs of the mother, knows her voice perfectly, thanks to which, immediately after birth, he is able to distinguish her from all other people. The baby's immune system begins to produce antibodies that will protect him from all kinds of infections that may lie in wait in the first days and months after birth.

37-38th week

And finally, the process of human formation has come to an end completely - now he is completely ready for birth, and obstetricians consider the pregnancy to be full-term. Lanugo finally disappears from his body and only sometimes can remain on the arms and legs. Since there is almost no room left in the uterus, it may seem to the mother that the baby has begun to move more intensely, but in fact the force of the blows has increased, because the baby's muscles have already been finally formed and strengthened.

39-40th week

The first minutes after birth.

The baby's lungs continue to form until the very birth, and only by the time of birth do they release the right amount of surfactant - a substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together after the first independent breath. Very soon, the baby will announce his birth with the first cry and will begin his long journey across a large and interesting world.