Why does the nail tear at the base. Voids and cavities under the nail plate on the legs. An abscess under the nail - the main methods of treatment and preventive measures

At first glance, injuries to the fingers of the upper and lower extremities in the form of cuts, abrasions, scratches, injections, and burrs do not cause serious concern until the infection joins. There is redness, swelling, swelling, pain, pus under the nail plate and near it. Throughout life, many people are faced with such a problem as the formation of pus under the nail plates. Such a clinical picture indicates that an infectious disease begins to develop in the human body -.

In most cases, inflammatory phenomena with purulent exudate are observed in pediatric patients who have a bad habit of biting nail plates and in adults who are employed in the following fields of activity: agriculture, cooks, carpenters, locksmiths and others.

Where does the pus under the toenail come from?

One of the most important causes of this disease is the infection of wounds, various pathogenic microorganisms, and pathogenic bacteria. The process of infection is carried out by the penetration of pathogenic purulent pathogens into the soft tissues of the body.

After they settle in a comfortable environment for themselves, they begin their functional activity, which consists in destroying the integrity of healthy skin cells in the area of ​​the nail bed.

In order for pathogenic microbes to penetrate into the human body, they need a characteristic environment, which is possessed by injuries of the skin. In most cases, each of us does not attach much importance to minor scratches, abrasions, thermal burns, but in vain. It is these skin lesions that are the most appropriate "invitation" for the penetration of bacteria into the structure of the epidermis, followed by deepening and development of infection in all layers.

If the human immune system functions at a sufficient level, then the protective function of the body will independently prevent the development of infection. But, and if the body fails to defeat the pathogenic bacterium, then in the near future signs of panaritium will appear.

The main reasons that provoke the formation of pus under the nail include:

  • Untimely treatment of the wound surface of the fingers with antiseptic or the complete absence of disinfecting measures.
  • Carrying out cosmetic procedures in hairdressing salons in violation of the rules for disinfecting pedicure instruments.
  • Ingrown toenails and toenails, causing physical and psychological discomfort.
  • The ingress of a foreign object from the outside under the nail plate.
  • The course of fungal diseases with complications.
  • The presence in the patient's history of a disease such as diabetes mellitus.
  • Problems from the vessels of the extremities.
  • Decreased body defenses.
  • Failure to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene.

If suppuration is located under one nail, then it can be assumed that its appearance is associated with local trauma to the finger. But, if the presence of pus is observed immediately under several nail plates, then you can safely diagnose a general infection of the whole organism. In most cases, the main types of pathogens that affect the human body are staphylococci, as well as streptococci. It is as a result of their vital activity that infections of a local and general nature are formed.

Pus under the nail, what to do to eliminate it

Before proceeding with the treatment of the finger, on which there is pus under the nail plate, it is necessary to independently conduct a visual examination of the affected finger. If, with a slight pressure on it, discomfort is felt, then the panaritium in this case has a not very pronounced form, which indicates the initial stage of the development of the disease.

At the beginning of the disease, each of us tries to cope with this problem on our own. We treat the place of suppuration with a disinfectant and perform applications with any ointment that contains an antibiotic. And of course, treatment is not complete without methods. We begin to make various kinds of baths, lotions, put compresses.

If there is a large suppuration under the nail, and the skin around the nail and the finger itself with clear signs of inflammation, then you should immediately consult a doctor for medical help. The deterioration of the condition will lead us to a specialist who will correctly assess the state of health and prescribe an accurate treatment aimed primarily at destroying pathogenic microbes, as well as eliminating the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, and combating complications.

The treatment plan for pus under the nail consists of taking systemic drugs with antibacterial, antifungal or anti-inflammatory effects on the body. The appointment of a medicine of any group is done exclusively by a doctor based on the results of a microscopic examination of pus, which contribute to the accurate determination of the type of pathogen. Often these require the use of painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

Also, for a local effect directly on the focus of inflammation, the use of local preparations is prescribed. To do this, before applying them, it is recommended to take special baths daily that help soften the structure of the affected nail and the inflamed skin around it. Often they are carried out with a solution of sea salt, baking soda with iodine, potassium permanganate or furacilin. After such water procedures, it would be rational and correct to apply a bandage with antiseptic or antibiotic ointments.

In the event that conservative methods of therapy did not bring the desired result, while the condition only worsened, surgeons prescribe surgical intervention. By carrying out the operation, a gentle opening of the purulent sac occurs, followed by removal of the affected areas of the epidermis. If the pus is far and deep under the nail plate, the nail plate is completely removed. All envy is solely on the degree of development of panaritium.

This operation is performed under local anesthesia. After its completion, a gauze bandage moistened with an antibacterial preparation is applied to the infected area. On average, the time period for recovery after surgery is 5-10 days, during which daily dressings are required.

Pus under the nail on the big toe: an alternative therapy

This pathological process brings a lot of discomfort to the sick person. It occurs as a result of traumatic damage to the nail and nearby tissues when an infection is attached. It can occur as an independent disease.

The disease begins with the appearance of redness and itching in the affected area, then throbbing pain joins. The skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation stretches and shines, swelling and swelling are noted. The place of accumulation of pus of white or yellow color appears. In some cases, purulent contents may leak out. Swelling and pain restrict movement of the affected finger. Sometimes an increase in body temperature is noted.

Traditional medicine can help in the fight against panaritium, and save a person from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. With proper comparison of traditional and alternative therapy, you can get a quick and effective therapeutic effect.

In this case, of course, treatment is not complete without traditional medicine methods. We begin to put compresses, make all sorts of lotions. The result depends on how the technology of their implementation is correctly observed.

To remove unpleasant painful sensations, relieve inflammation, we will take the same amount of the following medicinal herbs: inflorescences of medicinal sage and chamomile; dried lilac leaves, St. John's wort, plantain. Pour cold water in an amount of 1000 ml, boil for 3-6 minutes. Remove from the stove and add 12g of baking soda. Cool, the broth should be warm.

It is desirable to carry out the procedure daily for ten days, the duration of one manipulation is on average 15 minutes with the finger completely immersed in the solution, the frequency is three times a day. Before the bath, it is necessary to sanitize the infected field: carefully, using sterile wipes, wipe it with any antiseptic available in the house.

Carefully, using glass spatulas or cosmetic sticks, lift the nail plate and, in turn, press first on the surface of the nail and then on the opposite side of the finger, thus squeezing out the pus. Remove the remnants of purulent contents with a disposable sterile napkin. Once again, treat with alcohol and immerse your finger in the bath.

The void under the nail plate is a fairly common and very significant cosmetic defect. True, if such a void has formed on the toe, a serious cosmetic problem may not arise. But it should be understood that such defects pose a danger not only to the beauty of the legs. Often they are symptoms of serious illnesses. True, voids are only a consequence of the disease, and not the cause. And to get rid of such a visual defect, indicating a serious illness, patients strive in the first place.

Reasons for the formation of voids

The void under the toenail has received its own medical name, onycholysis. It means a set of degenerative processes that occur in the tissues of the finger at each stage of defect formation. Their activation can be caused by two main reasons that directly affect the choice of treatment option for the disease. This could either be a finger injury or a reaction to a disease. The formation of a void under the nail is often the result of:

  • taking antibacterial agents;
  • infectious skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • fungal infections directly covering the nail or soft tissues next to it;
  • mechanical or chemical injury to the toe;
  • long-term medication.

The chemical action of acid or alkali on the finger can cause a void under the nail. The regularly repeated stress that tissues are exposed to when applying low-quality varnish or solvent to the nail plate may well cause the development of the disease. The same is true for the use of gels, washing powder and other types of household chemicals, which, due to their low quality or individual intolerance to individual components, can adversely affect the soft tissues of the fingers.

The principle of treatment of onycholysis

Treatment of onycholysis consists in restoring the natural state of the tissues of the finger and the nail plate. The most harmless cases that cause the need to see a doctor are finger injuries. Depending on the degree of their mechanical damage, the nail plate is trimmed to the required state - up to complete removal. Subsequently, the body restores the nail plate, but without the voids that appeared under it due to injury.

The treatment process is much more complicated when the cause of onycholysis is a disease. In this case, the first mandatory task is to make a correct diagnosis. Otherwise, local therapy of a toe or hand will not bring the desired effect, and the disease itself will either periodically remind of itself, or gradually lead to complete loss of the nail.

If it is not possible to immediately identify the cause of the disease, the patient will need to undergo a serious diagnosis for the presence of systemic diseases in the body. At certain stages of development, they can signal themselves by detaching the nails. A correct diagnosis is very important, as certain medications can cause onycholysis when taken regularly. By eliminating the cause, you can continue to take such drugs to fight the consequences of their intake.

The voids under the toenails caused by exposure to chemical elements should first of all be treated, eliminating the contact of the toes with irritants. Next, a local therapy of a selected degree of intensity is carried out, depending on the violations of the nail plate and soft tissues under it. The rule “exclude the irritating factor” is also relevant for cases where the disease develops as a result of taking antibiotics or other similar drugs.

Most often, the main reason for the formation of a cavity under the nail is dysbacteriosis. But it can be correctly diagnosed and eliminated only in the hospital.

Danger of fungal infection

The largest percentage of visits to the clinic with the subsequent diagnosis of "onycholysis" is due to two reasons - due to mechanical damage to the finger and its defeat by a fungal infection. If many have heard about the dangers of the first, few know about the destructive effect of the fungus on the toes. Most often, this problem is seen as a kind of discomfort, a cosmetic plan that can be endured.

The result of this attitude is a serious damage to the soft tissues and the nail plate by a fungal infection. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene can slow down the development of the disease. But if he has already "hooked" on soft tissues, simple daily cleansing procedures are not able to have a healing effect. Treatment of a fungal infection often takes several weeks or months, even with the use of special medical products. After all, fungal spores can penetrate not only the nail plate or soft finger tanks, but also the circulatory system. And it, in turn, is a “door” that opens access to any point in the body.

Therefore, for complete healing and to exclude the possibility of recurrence, treatment of a fungal infection should be carried out as early as possible, consistently and regularly. It is recommended to seek help from a specialist and carry out the necessary procedures under his guidance.

Remember that by brushing aside a seemingly harmless fungus on your feet, you can thereby allow a serious infection to gain a foothold in the body. The healing of which, in far from the most advanced cases, sometimes requires at least a year of complex systematic treatment.

Prevention methods

Any disease is always much easier to prevent than to fight it. In the case of onycholysis, this rule is also relevant. Mechanical damage to the fingers that cause voids under the nail can also be minimized if this issue is carefully considered.

As for the rest of the rules that can keep your toes healthy, they are formed into a few easy-to-follow recommendations. The table below shows the optimal rules for the prevention of voids under the nails.

Recommendations can be supplemented with another equally important piece of advice - seek qualified help at the first sign of onycholysis. This will allow timely start of therapeutic and preventive medical measures, as well as stop the disease at an early stage.

Voids under the nails appear for a reason, but for certain reasons. They should be clearly known, as well as competently apply various methods of treating this unpleasant ailment.

Women take care of their hands and nails no less than their face. However, even with this approach, it is not always possible to avoid nail problems and related diseases, which often result from infection or injury. One such disease of the nail plate is onycholysis. What is this disease, what is its cause and what are the methods of its treatment? It is worth finding out first of all, from what emptiness appears under the nails.

Onycholysis or onychodystrophy is a widespread form of nail plate dystrophy. With this form of the disease, there is a violation of the integrity of the connections of the nail plate with soft tissues, this leads to the formation of voids, over which the nail plate changes its color and can become from bluish-yellow to brown. It is worth looking closely at the nails in order to determine in time when something is not right with them.

At the beginning of the disease, detachment is insignificant, but as the disease progresses, rejection affects the entire nail bed, and it will not be possible to mask the problem. If treatment is not started on time, then in the future you can lose the entire nail. Onychollosis affects not only the nails of the hands, but also the nails on the hands. It may be that the disease affects only the nails on the hands or feet, or maybe both here and there.

Onycholysis most often occurs as a result of damage to the nail plate by fungal infections. Therefore, competent treatment is possible only after consultation with a dermatologist-mycologist, who will prescribe the appropriate tests and select the correct treatment.

The spread of the disease occurs very quickly, the fungal infection can also affect the space between the fingers and toes. Treatment should be started as soon as the first signs appear.

Onycholysis can also be non-infectious in nature, most often it occurs after taking antibiotics, various injuries, under the influence of chemicals and other substances, such as washing powders and detergents. Effective treatment of emptiness under the nail depends primarily on determining the cause of this disease.

In the treatment of onycholysis, general strengthening therapy has proven itself well. Iron preparations, vitamins of groups A and B, calcium, gelatin are usually prescribed. In addition, it is necessary to apply local treatment: make hot baths for hands and feet using calcium permanganate, syntamycin or heliomycin emulsion. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a solution of chrysarobin in chloroform and a solution of tinol. During treatment, it is necessary to observe the hygiene of hands and feet, to ensure cleanliness so that dirt does not accumulate under the nails. Limit contact with chemicals, use gloves when using detergents or detergents.

Treatment with folk remedies, especially procedures with olive oil, in the treatment of onycholysis have proven themselves very well. For treatment, it is necessary to mix olive oil with lemon juice, rub it into the nail plate, put on cotton gloves and leave it overnight. You need to do this procedure 2-3 times a week. Firming compresses also help. To do this, mix 70g. water, 20g. glycerin and 5g. alum. This composition is applied to the nails and aged for 10-15 minutes. Three times a week it is necessary to do baths using sea salt, 1 hour. l. sea ​​salt for 500g. water, soak your hands in such a bath for 10-15 minutes. After treatment, for the purpose of prevention, such baths should be done weekly. It will also help strengthen and improve the appearance of the nails.

In the process of treatment, you need to regularly do manicures and pedicures, this will help prevent the accumulation of infected dead tissue from under the nail plate.

Like any disease, onycholysis is easier to prevent by simply observing hygiene standards and avoiding injuries to the nail plate. Everyone should be aware of them.

Of course, the treatment of this disease is a complex and rather lengthy process, so timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment and ultimately the final result.

It is very important, at the moment when a void has formed under the nail, to pay attention to this shortcoming. If you give up and hope that everything will go away by itself, then as a result the disease will begin to develop further and the situation will worsen greatly. That is why it is so important to treat yourself and your health responsibly and not think that everything happens just like that.

Knowing how to treat a hollow under a nail can come in handy, because no one knows what might happen to him tomorrow. If, at the time of the development of the disease, you begin to carry out useful procedures, this will lead to a quick result.

Purulent inflammation under the nail can cause very unpleasant pain and interfere with an active lifestyle. If pus has formed under the nail on the finger, then involuntarily you avoid doing any actions with this hand, and if suppuration develops under the nail on the big toe, then you can forget about comfortable movement even in very comfortable shoes. Purulent inflammation under the nail plates can provoke very serious complications up to blood poisoning, and therefore it is important to know what to do first when the first unpleasant symptoms of panaritium appear.

The most common reasons for the development of an abscess under the toenails are mechanical injuries caused by the ingrowth of the lateral tips of the plates into the soft tissues of the rollers, as well as severe bruises or pinching of the thumb. Pus under the nail on the hand is formed in most cases after a splinter enters the nail bed, trimming manicure with poorly disinfected instruments, injury to the soft tissues around the plate (abrasions, cuts). Children who often bite their nails on their fingers may also develop suppuration on the nail phalanx. In rare cases, panaritium on the fingers or toes develops as a result of impaired blood microcirculation in the extremities, the development of diabetes mellitus, and untreated onychomycosis.

The pronounced symptoms of panaritium include swelling of the nail phalanx, redness of the soft tissues around the plate, throbbing pain when pressing on the nail. Most often, an abscess begins to develop near the plate on the lateral or periungual ridges (an inflammatory process in paronychia) and if the pus does not come out of the abscess, it gradually penetrates under the nail. Do not treat panaritium without consulting a specialist. Only a surgeon will help get rid of purulent inflammation under the nail, but if it is not possible to visit a doctor in the next day, then use the recommendations for first aid.

- in the photo: pus under the nail on the big toe

- in the photo: suppuration under the nail on the hand


❶ Conservative treatment of panaritium is possible only at an early stage of development of an abscess under the nail. The doctor must definitely examine the nail phalanx, and if the inflammation has affected only the subcutaneous adipose tissue, then the specialist can prescribe treatment procedures at home. Disinfectant baths are made daily: add a tablespoon of furacilin solution and a pinch of potassium permanganate to 200 ml of warm water, immerse your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes. Before the procedure, treat the inflamed nail phalanx with boric alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. To get rid of pyogenic bacteria, the finger is treated with ichthyol ointment or Levomekol, then a gauze bandage is applied. Comprehensive treatment of panaritium may include taking antibiotics prescribed by a doctor;

❷ If the swelling of the inflamed phalanx does not decrease, and pus continues to accumulate under the nail, then the doctor prescribes a surgical operation to remove the abscess. In most cases, it is possible to save the nail plate or remove only a small fragment of it in order to be able to completely clean the soft tissues of the bed from pus. The surgeon injects local anesthesia and after the operation puts a bandage with an antibacterial agent on the phalanx. Within a week, the patient independently changes the bandage every day and treats the nail phalanx with antiseptic and wound healing ointment;

❸ To completely eliminate the possibility of recurrence, stimulate the regeneration of the soft tissues of the damaged nail bed and accelerate the growth of a healthy nail, it is useful to do strengthening baths in the postoperative period (after a week).

We make a bath (for 1 liter, increase the number of components proportionally for the legs): mix 1 tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile, St. John's wort and sage; pour the mixture with hot water and when the water cools down a bit, add a tablespoon of sea salt and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix everything and immerse your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes. Perform the procedure once a day before bedtime;

❹ Compresses with propolis tincture inhibit the activity and reproduction of pyogenic bacteria in the soft tissues of the nail bed. The tool is effective in the early stages of the development of panaritium, as well as after surgical removal of pus under the nail as a prevention of relapse. To perform the procedure, we soak a cotton pad with a solution of propolis (you can add aloe vera juice), apply it to the inflamed phalanx of the finger, wrap a gauze swab around the phalanx and fix it with a band-aid. Perform the procedure 2 times a day;

❺ Antibacterial applications help draw out pus from under the nail at an early stage of inflammation. Before the procedure, we fold a piece of gauze in several layers, then treat the nail phalanx with a thick layer of Vishnevsky ointment (or Tetracycline), fix the gauze pad on the finger with a bandage or plaster. Remove the bandage after a few hours. Perform the procedure twice a day.



Detachment of the nail is always a very unpleasant event, but the void under it can appear quite suddenly even on well-groomed hands. This disease is called onycholysis, and can be localized both on the leg and on the arm. At the same time, the nails move away and change their color to a yellow or brown tint, in some cases they become whitish.

Causes of detachment of the nail

There are many reasons why onycholysis occurs:

  1. Taking antibacterial agents.
  2. Damage to the nails as a result of trauma, or by chemical means. In the latter case, even a simple washing powder can become the cause.
  3. Skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.
  4. Emptiness under the nail is the result of long-term use of a number of medications. This type of onycholysis does not require separate treatment, after stopping the use of medications, everything is restored on its own.
  5. The cause of the pathology can be diseases of the digestive system, blood vessels and heart, as well as a disorder of the endocrine organs.
  6. Thus, a fungal infection of the nails and the skin around them may appear, the treatment of which is mandatory, since such a problem does not go away, and close people are at risk of infection in this case.

Problem symptoms

The disease manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • the nail changes color and becomes thicker;
  • scales appear around the skin;
  • bubbles appear near the fingers or toes;
  • the patient complains of reddening of the skin, itching and burning sensation.

Principles of treatment

Since this disease is most often secondary, the main treatment is to eliminate the cause of the pathology, without affecting the etiological factor, you can only alleviate the condition a little, but then, with the slightest impact, all the symptoms will arise with renewed vigor:

  • After a traumatic injury, it is enough just to wait until a healthy nail plate grows back. To prevent infection, you can stick a bactericidal patch to it.
  • Treatment with local remedies does not make sense if the void under the nail was formed as a result of another disease. In this case, you should take all measures to cure it, or bring the body into a state of compensation.
  • In case of contact injuries, it is necessary to protect the skin on the hands with rubber gloves before using chemicals.
  • Onychomycosis, which is caused by a fungus, is treated only with antimycotics for topical and systemic use.

natural remedies

Treatment with natural remedies for onycholysis involves the use of baths, lotions, various techniques to strengthen nails and get rid of the fungus.

Bath with iodine to improve nails

Such warm baths are a very effective way to improve the condition of the nail plate:

  1. Heat up vegetable oil (half a glass).
  2. Add three drops of iodine and vitamin A to it.

Apply daily for 15 minutes until the result is obtained. Instead of iodine, you can use apple cider vinegar.

Bath with sea salt for nails and skin

It is good to use sea salt for the procedure, without dyes and aromatic additives. For this purpose, a large spoonful of salt should be added to two glasses of water. The duration of the bath is at least 10 minutes. This treatment should be done every week to get an effective result of improving the condition of the nails and the skin around them.

Bath with oil and honey

Mix and heat in a water bath two large tablespoons of olive oil and honey. After cooling, add one egg. Place your fingers for 10 minutes, then wash thoroughly and spread with cream.

Healing decoction for nails with chamomile and green tea

For one glass of boiling water, take a tea boat and the same amount of green tea. Dip your fingers in a warm broth for 30 minutes. It can be prepared in advance (no more than three days), and then heated before use.

Strengthening nails with calendula tincture

You can strengthen the nail with a pathology such as onycholysis using. To do this, it is recommended to lubricate it daily with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution. Black or red currant juice works in the same way..

Lemon for nail and finger health

You can improve the condition of the skin of your fingers and nails with the help of. It is cut in half, and just put your fingers in the pulp for 10 minutes. Then hands should be washed with water.

Baths with beeswax

For fungal infection

Such a serious reason for the development of onycholysis, as infection with a fungal infection, requires not only the use of special preparations, but also long-term treatment with the help of folk remedies. This requires perseverance and patience.


It is very favorable to fight the fungus with the help of ordinary iodine. Twice a day, they need to lubricate the damaged nail for 20 days.

Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture (20%) can be a real salvation for this disease. It is recommended to soak the diseased nail in the solution with a swab for 10 minutes. After a few days, the plate will be able to move away, and a new one will grow in its place.

It is not always necessary to resort to an expensive drug, if there are problems with the nails, minor damage can be cured by folk methods. But when a serious problem arises, consulting a specialist becomes a vital necessity.