Craft a robot from boxes with your own hands. How to make a robot out of boxes with your own hands? Instructions and photos. About making these crafts from matchboxes and other junk material

Childhood is a wonderful time in which even a simple cardboard box can easily become a home for dolls, a spaceship or a funny robot. It will not be difficult for any parent to make a robot out of boxes with his own hands, especially since you can easily involve your child in this process, who will be delighted with both the result and the manufacture of crafts. In this article, you will find detailed instructions for making a variety of robots from scrap materials.

What you might need

Before you start making a robot from boxes with your own hands, make sure that you have prepared all the tools that you may need during work:

In order for your work to bring you only joy, read these simple tips:

  1. Do not glue the boxes to each other with PVA glue - it soaks the cardboard and prevents the product from holding well. Also, do not use a glue stick - it is too unreliable. The best solution would be glue - a moment or a glue gun.
  2. Allow a layer of water-based paint to dry well before applying spray paint.
  3. Spray your robot with spray paint only outdoors, on a balcony or in an entrance to avoid inhaling large amounts of harmful fumes.

DIY robot made of boxes

In order to make such a blank for a robot:

  1. Match boxes of different sizes and stack them one on top of the other.
  2. Swap boxes, try different compositions.
  3. Secure the boxes with glue.
  4. Glue all the joints of the boxes with paper tape so that these joints are not visible under the paper or paint.
  5. If desired, glue the entire surface of your future robot with white paper or simply paint it with water-based white paint.
  6. Decorate your robot as desired.

Craft with a child "big robot"

Making a robot out of boxes with your own hands can be an excellent way to cheer up your kid at a time when it is impossible to go for a walk and you need to keep him busy at home. A wonderful feature of this type of creativity is that you, most likely, will not fully imagine the final version of your product, because you will come up with the appearance of your robot on the go. First, collect all the boxes you have around the house. Immediately remove those in which the equipment was sold, the warranty period of which has not yet expired. With the rest of the boxes, you can create as much as you like. It is advisable that the cardboard on the boxes is not glossy, since other materials do not adhere well to it.

Stack boxes in several ways. Add guidelines for the arms, legs, head. Experiment! Perhaps the arms of your robot will not be made of boxes at all, but, for example, from an old hose or foil pipe for ventilation. Do not be lazy to find the materials remaining after the repair - the remains of baseboards, ceiling tiles, wallpaper and more.

When the image of your craft is thought out, glue the parts together using glue-moment. It is better not to trust a child under 10 years of age to work with materials such as fast-drying glue. Take this part of the work yourself.

Now spread the whole robot with PVA glue or pencil and glue the paper on top. You can leave the robot in its original form.

Connect all your imagination when decorating it: give your child plasticine, paints, matchboxes, ropes, bottle caps of different sizes and colors. Simulate levers and light bulbs. Such an activity for the evening will definitely be an excellent pastime for a child from 5 to 12 years old, the main thing is that the parent himself is carried away at this moment.

DIY robot suit made of boxes

Halloween, popular in the West, is firmly established in Russia as well. Now, in many educational institutions, a party dedicated to All Saints' Day is being organized, when both children and adults are happy to dress up as various characters. A robot costume can be a great idea for a costume party. To make it you will need:

  1. Pick up two boxes for the head and torso. One is larger, and the other, respectively, is slightly smaller. Check that the head can easily pass into one, and the child's torso into the second.
  2. Cut a hole for the head in one box, and in the second, remove the bottom edge, also cut a hole for the head and two holes for the hands on top.
  3. Cut a hole for the eyes in the box that should serve as the head of the robot. You can make antennas out of wire and fix them from the inside.
  4. Paint and decorate both boxes. Choose silver paint to simulate the steel body of the robot.
  5. Put foil pipes on your arms and legs or simply wrap them with foil.

In such a hand-made robot suit out of the box, your child will definitely not have the opportunity to go unnoticed.

Matchbox robot

The robot you are going to make with your child does not have to be full size. It can easily fit in the palm of your hand, while remaining absolutely charming. In order to make a robot out of matchboxes with your own hands, take 8-10 boxes, fold the robot out of them and glue the boxes together with any glue. It is even possible to use ordinary glue-stick here, since the boxes are very light.

Now gently paint the product with a brush, after waiting for the glue to dry completely. Decorate the item to your liking.

Robot head out of the box

In the event that you do not need the whole, and the child really wants to feel like this particular character, you can limit yourself to one helmet. Make him a robot head out of the box with your own hands, and he will be incredibly happy. To make such a toy:

  1. Find a box that fits your child's head or slightly larger.
  2. Glue it well so that it does not open.
  3. Cut a hole for the head to fit.
  4. Cut a hole for the eyes.
  5. Ties can be made from the bottom to keep the helmet firmly on the baby's head.
  6. Paint the box with water emulsion and tint it with a spray can.
  7. Add a grin or a smile, make antennas or earphones, glue on a couple of temperature sensors.

Done! Your child will be fascinated by playing the robot for more than one day.

Thus, you learned how to make a robot out of boxes with your own hands and realized that such an activity can be turned into a hobby for you and your child. Show a little imagination and even ordinary material can make your child happy.

Olga Grunina

Robotics - an exciting activity at any age. Constructing homemade robot not only an exciting experience, but also

the process of learning in many areas. And you don't have to be an engineer to create robot, at least from the material at hand.

Educational robotics is gaining in importance and relevance at the present time. Classes on robotics acquaint the child with the laws of the real world, teach them to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, develop observation, thinking, intelligence, creativity.

For work you will need:

Two boxes, lids, jars, New Year's garland, self-adhesive paper, glue.


1. Develop fine motor skills.

2. Introduce children to the world robots.

3. Develop the creativity and logical thinking of children.

4. To generate interest in the world of science and technology.

5. Promote the development of design skills.

6. Develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Whose tramp is heard there?

I went to work robot.

Muscles are metallic,

Thoughts are electrical.

The robot blinked with a lamp,

The robot waved its paw:

“Look guys,

How I plowed arable land! "

Valentin Berestov

Science day in kindergarten

Cover suitable boxes with self-adhesive paper.

A non-working New Year's garland and hanger sticks will come in handy.

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You can find a wide variety of toys on the shelves of modern children's stores. And every child asks his parents to buy him this or that toy "new thing". And if this is not included in family budgeting? In order to save money, you can try to make a new toy yourself. For example, how to make a robot at home, is it possible? Yes, it is quite possible, it is enough to prepare the necessary materials.

Can you assemble a robot yourself?

Nowadays it is difficult to surprise someone with a robot toy. The modern technology and computer industry has made great strides. But still, you may be surprised by the information on how to make a simple robot at home.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to understand the principle of operation of various microcircuits, electronics, programs and designs. In this case, it is difficult to do without basic knowledge in the field of physics, programming and electronics. Even so, each person is able to assemble a robot on their own.

A robot is an automated machine that is capable of performing various actions. In the case of a home-made robot, it is enough that the car just moves.

Available tools will help to facilitate assembly: a telephone receiver, a plastic bottle or plate, a toothbrush, an old camera or a computer mouse.

Vibrating bug

How to make a small robot? At home, you can make the simplest version of a vibrating bug. You need to stock up on the following materials:

  • motor from an old children's car;
  • lithium coin cell CR-2032 series;
  • holder for this very tablet;
  • paper clips;
  • electrical tape;
  • soldering iron;
  • lED.

First, you need to wrap the LED with electrical tape, while leaving free ends. With a soldering iron, we solder one LED end to the back of the battery holder. Solder the remaining tip with the contact of the motor from the machine. The paper clips will act as feet for the vibrating bug. The wires from the battery holder are connected to the wires of the motor. The bug will vibrate and move after the holder contacts the battery itself.

Brushbot - children's fun

So how to make a mini robot at home? A funny car can be assembled from scrap materials such as a toothbrush (head), double-sided tape and a vibration motor from an old mobile phone. It is enough to glue the motor to the brush head, and that's it - the robot is ready.

The power supply will appear thanks to a flat battery. For remote control you have to come up with something.

Cardboard robot

How to make a robot at home if a child requires it? You can come up with an interesting toy out of plain cardboard.

You need to stock up:

  • two cardboard boxes;
  • 20 plastic bottle caps;
  • wire;
  • scotch tape.

It happens that dad wants to make such a curiosity for the baby, but nothing sensible comes to mind. Therefore, you might think about how to make a real robot at home.

First you need to use the box as a body for the robot and cut the bottom out of it. Then you need to make 5 holes: under the head, for the arms and legs. In the box for the head, you need to make one hole to help connect it to the body. Wire is used to fasten the parts of the robot together.

After attaching the head, you need to think about how to make a robot arm at home. For this, a wire is pushed into the side holes, on which plastic covers are put on. We get movable arms. We do the same with the legs. You can make holes in the covers with an awl.

For the stability of the cardboard robot, careful attention must be paid to the cuts. They give the toy a good appearance. It is difficult to connect all parts with the wrong cut line.

If you decide to glue the boxes together, then do not overdo it with the amount of glue. Better to use sturdy cardboard or paper.

The simplest robot

How to make a lightweight robot at home? It is difficult to create a full-fledged automated machine, but you can still assemble a minimal structure. Let's consider the simplest mechanism that, for example, can perform certain actions in one zone. You will need the following materials:

    Plastic plate.

    A pair of medium sized shoe brushes.

    Computer fans in the amount of two pieces.

    9-volt battery connector and battery.

    Clamp and tie with snap-in function.

We drill two holes in the brush plate with the same distance. We fix them. The brushes should be at the same distance from each other and the middle of the plate. Using the nuts, we attach the adjusting mount to the brushes. In the middle position, set the sliders from the mounts. Computer fans must be used to move the robot. They are connected to a battery and placed in parallel to keep the machine spinning. It will be a kind of vibration motor. Finally, you need to put on the terminals.

In this case, large financial costs or any technical or computer experience will not be required, because here it is described in detail how to make a robot at home. Getting the parts you need is easy. To improve the motor functions of the structure, microcontrollers or additional motors can be used.

Robot as advertised

Probably, many are familiar with the browser commercial, in which the main character is a small robot spinning and drawing shapes on paper with felt-tip pens. How to make a robot at home from this ad? It's very simple. To create such an automated cute toy, you need to stock up on:

  • three markers;
  • thick cardboard or plastic;
  • motor;
  • round battery;
  • foil or electrical tape;
  • glue.

So, we create a shape for a robot from plastic or cardboard (more precisely, we cut it out). You need to make a triangular shape with rounded corners. In each corner we make a small hole into which a felt-tip pen can crawl. We make one hole near the center of the triangle for the motor. We get 4 holes around the entire perimeter of a triangular shape.

Then we insert in turn the markers into the holes made. A battery must be attached to the motor. This can be done with glue and foil or tape. In order for the motor to firmly hold onto the robot, it is necessary to fix it with a small amount of glue.

The robot will move only after connecting the second wire to the fixed battery.

Lego Robot

"Lego" is a series of toys for children, which consists mainly of construction set parts, connected into one element. Details can be combined, while creating more and more new items for games.

Almost all children from 3 to 10 years old love to assemble such a constructor. In particular, children's interest increases if a robot can be assembled from parts. So, to assemble a moving robot from Lego, you need to prepare parts, as well as a miniature motor and control unit.

In addition, ready-made kits with parts are now being sold, allowing you to assemble any robot yourself. The main thing is to master the attached instructions. For instance:

  • we prepare the details as indicated in the instructions;
  • we fasten the wheels, if any;
  • we collect fasteners that will serve as support for the motor;
  • we insert a battery or even several into a special unit;
  • we install the engine;
  • we connect it to the motor;
  • we load a special program into the structure memory that allows you to control the toy.

It would seem that it is quite difficult to assemble a robot, and a person without certain knowledge will not be able to do this at all. But this is not the case. Of course, it is difficult to build a full-fledged automated machine, but everyone can do the simplest option. It is enough to read our article on how to make a robot at home.

Crafts from waste material: unusual crafts and toys from matchboxes - robots and transforming toys. Crafts for boys.

Amazing matchbox crafts

You can make many different crafts with children from junk material. Such creativity develops fine motor skills, imagination, spatial thinking, construction skills, modeling, etc. in children.

What kind of crafts can you make with children or for children from matchboxes? Usually I remember a mini-chest of drawers and 2-3 more ideas. But it turns out that you can make very interesting toys from matchboxes. For example, robots and cars, as well as transforming toys.

Such crafts made from junk material (matchboxes) are more suitable for boys, but my daughter and I really liked them!

Crafts robots and transformers from matchboxes

A samurai craft made from matchboxes glued to each other, pasted over with colored paper (or even easier -). Samurai swords are made of cardboard, attached to the box-handles with ordinary paper clips, so they can be easily removed and attached in place.

Made from 14 matchboxes, this adorable yellow transforming robot can transform into a car.

A red fire truck can turn into a robot and back again.

And this transforming toy can turn, in addition to the robot, into two more different models.

The video makes it clearer how this happens. Awesome, right?

And in this video there is another transforming robot, it is not in the photo.

About making these crafts from matchboxes and other junk material

Sergei replied that he used to be fond of modeling - gluing models of military equipment. After they became more expensive, I began to invent my own models from matchboxes and lids, because this is a waste material that requires almost no material costs.

Once during his vacation, when there was a lot of free time, Sergei began to make robots from matchboxes. Then he complicated them until transformers began to turn out. Gradually I began to make crafts not only from matchboxes, but also from lids and other waste material.

The first matchbox craft was this robot. Then other robots, transformers, cars and even a dinosaur appeared.

How to make robots from matchboxes with your own hands

Descriptions of making robots are in the book ... This is a small brochure. Master classes on making transformers, etc.more crafts will be in a new book due out this fall.

And taking these ideas as a basis, you can come up with your own crafts from matchboxes.

I suggest looking at others and in particular.

Enjoy your creativity!
© Julia Sherstyuk, https: // site
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  • Books about crafts from junk material: robots and ...

The robot is one of the favorite crafts for kids of all ages. Figures can be made independently from a variety of and sometimes even unexpected materials: from unnecessary boxes to edible mastic. Let us consider in detail in what ways a robot can be made quickly and easily with our own hands. Descriptions and step by step photos are given below.

We make various robots with our own hands in step-by-step master classes

Crochet robot Bibi.

One of the cutest and funniest characters is the robot Bibi from everyone's favorite "Smeshariki". It is easy to crochet a round figure from the remains of multi-colored yarn.

Necessary materials:
  • acrylic or cotton yarn in yellow and turquoise colors, as well as some black, brown, green and red threads;
  • hook of a suitable size;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • cardboard;
  • wire;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
Operating procedure.

With yellow threads, we collect two loops and close them into a ring, tie it with 6 single crochet columns. In the second row, we knit 12 single crochets, then evenly add 6 columns in each row. We knit from 9 to 16 rows without increments, in each row there should be 48 columns. From the 17th row, we decrease the loops in the reverse order, until we get a round workpiece. As we knit, we stuff the part with padding polyester.

We start knitting the body. For one part, we collect two air loops with turquoise threads, close them in a ring and tie it with 6 single crochet columns. In the second row we knit 12 single crochets. In the third and subsequent rows, we make uniform increments of 6 columns, alternating between classic and embossed columns. In row 9, we knit the last increase, you should get 54 single crochet. We knit the next row without increments, then we tie the workpiece with half-columns, inserting the hook behind the back wall of the loops. In the 12th row, alternate 2 single crochets, a bump of 4 unfinished double crochets and 8 single crochets. Then, in row 13, we tie the resulting hemisphere with single crochet columns and cut off the thread. We knit the second part in the same way. You can use other knitting patterns for the case.

We collect the yellow base and body parts, leaving space for the eyes. From turquoise threads, knit handles of arbitrary shape and attach them to the body. Then we knit wheels, antenna, decorative keys and bulbs, eyes from scraps of thread. Sew on the details to the figure, embroider the pupils and highlights on the eyes. We first insert the wire into the antenna and twist it with a spiral. Cut the threads and thread them carefully. Bibi robot is ready!

Felt soft toy.

Who said that a robot must necessarily be made of metal and plastic or, at worst, cardboard? A funny robot girl made of felt can easily replace a soft toy or a miniature amigurumi figure.

To make a small toy in the amigurumi style from soft felt or fleece, we cut out square parts of the following sizes:

  • 4.5 cm for the torso;
  • 3.5 cm for the head;
  • 2.0 cm for legs;
  • 1.5 cm for hands.

For each part of the body, you will need 6 squares. If desired, the size of the blanks can be significantly increased so that a large soft toy can be sewn.

We cut out blanks without allowances or with minimum allowances of 1-2 mm. Sew the details on each side with a basting stitch until you get a cube. Before stitching the last side, fill the blank with synthetic fluff or other filler. We make sure that the filler fibers do not stick out along the edges of the cube, if necessary, cut off the excess.

In the same way, we sew all parts of the body of the future robot and connect them together with a needle and thread or a glue gun. Sew on eyes from half beads, embroider eyelashes, if desired, sew on a bow and other decorations. The miniature figurine can be made in the form of a magnet on the refrigerator, a keychain or a brooch.

A robot made of boxes.

A funny and very cute robot is made from unnecessary boxes. You can use whole boxes to create a large product, or cut corrugated cardboard boxes to create a miniature figure.

To make a small robot out of boxes, you can use the following template.

We transfer the pattern of the required size to cardboard and carefully fold the parts along the fold lines. To avoid the formation of torn creases and folds, you should use a clerical knife. In the details for the head, we carefully make cuts in the form of eyes and nose; if desired, the shape of the holes can be modified. We glue all the allowances with PVA glue or "Moment" and assemble the figure, starting from the body. Arms and legs can be made to swivel so they can move.

If you have ready-made, neat and clean boxes of the right size, you can use them. This method is great for beginners. Similarly, you can make a robot from other, more durable materials - wood or plywood. In this case, it is necessary to cut out blanks of the required size from the plywood, sand the edges and glue them into cubes using adhesive tape. Further assembly is carried out by analogy with a figure made of cardboard or ready-made boxes.

Matchbox robot.

A simple and cute robot can be made from matchboxes.

To make the craft, you will need 9 matchboxes, colored paper and glue. Paste over five boxes for pens, legs and head with colored paper, on the blank for the head, draw an image of the face with a black marker. Glue the four remaining boxes together and paste over the resulting blank with colored paper. Assemble the robot, decorate it if you wish: make antennas from matches or sticks, glue or draw additional elements.

Robot from packs of cigarettes.

A classic craft of our childhood - a robot from a pack of cigarettes. To make it, you need several empty packs and glue.

We assemble the body of 8 packs, glue the head on top, placing the cigarette packs perpendicular to the body. We make ears and mouth from the covers. We collect legs from three packs each and put a body with a glued head on them. From two packs we make an arm bent at the elbow. We glue the handles to the body in the places of the covers. We decorate the robot's face, make eyes and antennas from pieces of cardboard.

Applique of geometric shapes.

Even toddlers can easily cope with making an image of a robot - a fun application of geometric shapes.

It is necessary to draw and cut out geometric shapes of various shapes and sizes in advance: circles, rectangles, squares, triangles. Using PVA glue or a glue stick, together with the child, glue the figures on a sheet of paper so that we get an image of a robot. With a marker, draw small details or decorate the background. This work will teach kids to navigate in colors, sizes and shapes, and develop fine motor skills.

Earrings "Robot" made of wire.

An unusual piece of jewelry can be made in the shape of a robot - original earrings made of wire and large beads.

We cut the wire into pieces of the same size and make dense spirals out of them, winding them onto a rod or a thin tube. From a wire, four spirals and two beads of white or silver color, we fold the head, thread the ends of the wire into a large colored bead and unbend it to the sides to form hands. Each hand will need two spirals and four small beads. Having folded the arms of the robot, we proceed to the formation of the body and legs. To do this, we again pass the ends of the wire through a large colored bead and make legs, consisting of two spirals and a small bead each. We fix and cut the wire. In the same way we make the second earring, attach the hooks.

A robot made of plastic bottles.

A lot of different crafts can be made from waste material. A very unusual and original robot figurine is made from plastic bottles.

In order to make such a robot, it is necessary to cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle for the body using a clerical knife, and also to cut out the curly parts for the arms and legs. We will use covers and other parts from plastic containers as decorative elements and fasteners. With the help of an awl, we make holes in the right places and connect all the blanks with wire. We fix the wire and hide it inside the figure.

Mastic robot.

An edible robot can be made from mastic and used to decorate a cake for a children's party.

To make such a figurine, you will need red, blue and white food mastic. We sculpt each part separately and connect with toothpicks or glue. Finally, we make out the face and make additional details. Cake candles can be used as antennas.

Video selection on the topic of the article

You will learn how to make other robots by watching the videos below.