Iron sticks than cleaning. How to clean the soleplate of an iron: special tools and improvised methods. Can the Teflon coating be repaired?

Teflon soles are easy to scratch, so no abrasive products are used for cleaning, it is advised to clean it with a special pencil for removing carbon deposits, paraffin or vinegar. For aluminum, use a tube of toothpaste, ammonia, or hydrogen peroxide. Steel can be rubbed with powders, soda, salt, silicon sponge. We will tell you how to clean the iron from burnt fabric and how to properly care for it in our article.

There was such a nuisance that while ironing synthetic clothes, the phone suddenly rang, and the chattering hostess forgot to put the iron on the stand? In this case, the thing can no longer be saved, and a stain from melted synthetics remains on the sole of the iron. This carbon deposit will further stain light-colored items during ironing, smell foul and interfere with the normal operation of the device.

Never try to scrape off the carbon deposits with a knife or blade, nor should you clean the device with sandpaper. These are very effective methods, but after such cleaning you will have to buy a new iron, below we will talk about more economical methods.

Before cleaning, you should find out what material the sole is made of, so as not to worsen the situation. For example, steel can be cleaned by any means, including abrasive powders and acids, but for enamel, Teflon, and ceramic products, special pencils, vinegar and soft rags are suitable.

How to clean a teflon iron?

Teflon, enamel, metal-ceramic coatings have a number of useful qualities, improve sliding on fabric, facilitate ironing, but require careful handling. It is not recommended to clean such devices with soda, powders, salt, because the coating is easy to scratch, and this is fraught with chips until the enamel is completely destroyed. How do I clean burnt-on fabrics from my Teflon iron?

  1. Pencil
  2. Vinegar solution
  3. Paraffin candle

How to remove carbon deposits from the iron using a pencil?

The household chemicals store sells special pencils for cleaning irons and electric stoves. This mild product does not contain abrasives and is suitable for cleaning enamel, steel, aluminum and Teflon coatings.

Using a pencil is not difficult, you just need to heat the iron to a temperature of 140 ° C (this temperature corresponds to two points on the thermostat). Rub the work surface with a melting pencil and immediately wipe off any dirt with a linen or cotton cloth. If there is a steaming function, then you need to release a few puffs of steam, after which the iron can be considered clean.

Be careful! Do not allow the heated composition to come into contact with the skin, the active substance of the pencil is acid, it not only smells unpleasant, but can also cause painful chemical burns.


One of the most popular ways to clean your iron, inside and out, is with vinegar. How to clean?

Soak a cotton ball in undiluted vinegar, heat the appliance slightly to avoid scalding, and wipe the surface until the stains disappear. To clean the holes, use the same product and cotton swabs.

It is easy to replace vinegar with citric acid; to prepare a working solution, dissolve 2-3 sachets of citric acid in a glass of water. Then the solution is used as described above. If you need to descale the iron, then the resulting liquid is poured into the water tank and the "self-cleaning" function is turned on, do not forget to pour clean water after that and evaporate it to remove any residual scale and means.


A very gentle cleaning method, suitable for even the most fragile coatings. Wrap the candle in a cotton cloth, heat the device and treat its work surface. The paraffin wax will begin to melt and flow down, at the same time separating the carbon deposits from the sole. After a while, iron a piece of unnecessary cloth, rubbing off the remaining paraffin along with the dirt.

If the fabric did not have time to burn, but the poor-quality material left a dark pile on the Teflon surface, which stains the laundry during ironing. It is easy to remove with soap: rub the sole with remnants and rinse with a damp cloth.

Cleaning aluminum appliances

Irons with aluminum soles are very comfortable due to their lightness. However, this metal has its own characteristics, it is too soft, so it cannot be cleaned with powders, a metal mesh or a silicon sponge. What can be cleaned:

  1. Toothpaste
  2. Hydrogen peroxide
  3. Ammonia

Helpful advice: the aluminum sole leaves shiny marks on woolen and synthetics. To prevent this from happening, iron these materials through cheesecloth.


Quite unusual, but in fact, toothpaste is used not only for its intended purpose, with its help you can or. The toothpaste cleans well and does not contain abrasives, suitable for the care of aluminum, Teflon and enamel surfaces.

Squeeze a small amount of the paste onto a cold soleplate, take an old toothbrush and scrub it well, the brush not only cleans the work surface, but also the steam holes. Leave the device for 10 minutes so that the active substance dissolves the carbon deposits, and rub it again. Wipe off any residue with a damp cloth and blow off a few puffs of steam to remove dirt and paste from holes.

Hydrogen peroxide (hydroperite, perhydrol)

With the help of peroxide, you can get rid of not only carbon deposits, but. We will describe three ways to clean your iron with hydroperite. We will describe three ways:

Method number 1

Set the thermostat to a medium temperature, when the iron heats up, rub the spots with a hydroperite tablet with smooth movements. With this method, there is a high probability of getting burned, so you can crush several tablets, sprinkle them on a newspaper and iron the powder with an iron, the substance quickly destroys carbon deposits that flake off after you wipe the iron with a damp cloth.

Method number 2

Liquid hydrogen peroxide copes with the task a little worse, so if you have a steel sole, then in addition to a bubble of peroxide, take a sponge with abrasive spraying. Apply peroxide to the heated sole and rub with the hard side of the sponge. If the coating is Teflon, enamel or aluminum, then it is better to use a cotton swab or soft cloth. Peroxide not only cleans the molten nylon, but also brightens the metal surface, after this procedure, your assistant will shine like new.

Method number 3

In this way, you can remove carbon deposits, and at the same time clean the inside of the iron from limescale. So: dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in half a glass of water, pour the solution into the tank and plug it in. When the appliance reaches its maximum temperature, turn on the steaming function at full power and iron an old unnecessary item for 10 minutes.

When all the liquid has evaporated, wipe dry the working surface of the iron, change the cloth and pour in clean water without additives, repeat the whole process again. After such cleaning, let your household appliance dry for a few hours - and you can use it normally.


Previously, almost every house had ammonia, what do you think for what? It turns out with it you can, mold, clean glass, tiles, enamel and of course the iron. It is worth immediately warning the hostesses that it will smell unpleasant and strong, but the effect of using this remedy deserves a little patience.

Heat the device, soak a cotton pad in ammonia and wipe the sole. The product can also be used “cold”, do not forget to wipe off the remnants of the ammonia with a damp cloth.

Another mysterious way to clean the iron, the principle of which is not entirely clear, but many housewives claim that it works. Just take a large enough piece of foil and iron it for a few minutes - any burnt tissue will remain on the foil.

We clean the steel sole

  1. Silicon sponge


The grandfather's method of cleaning steel irons is cheap, effective and simple, give it a try and you won't regret it. Heat the device to the maximum temperature, pour a 1-centimeter layer of table salt on a thick cardboard. Iron the salt until all carbon deposits have disappeared from the soleplate.

You can use the salt differently: wrap a handful of salt in a thin cotton cloth and rub the heated surface with a knot. It should be remembered that this method is not suitable for Teflon (ceramics).


Recently, sponges made of polyurethane and silicon carbide have appeared on the market for cleaning irons, ceramics and glassware. It is not difficult to use them; additional household chemicals are not required. Wet a sponge and lightly rub the sole, this should be enough. Carbon deposits and rust can be easily removed from irons and pans, with its help, soot can also be removed. However, you should be aware that a silicon sponge cannot be used for chrome, non-stick and polished surfaces.


An excellent home remedy for cleaning almost any surface, it belongs to mild abrasives. Use baking soda to remove burnt-on debris from the soleplate. To do this, dilute soda in any liquid detergent until a thick slurry is formed, dip a sponge into the mixture and rub the work surface intensively. Leave it on for a while for the remedy to work. Wash off the soda with water, after which the sole is wiped dry.

Remove tricky stains

In a house where there are small children, various incidents happen, mothers know that the iron can be stained with rubber, molten plastic, plastic, plasticine and even chewing gum. For tough stains like this, use acetone or unaddressed nail polish remover. You just need to moisten a cotton swab in the specified product and wipe the sole until it becomes clean. Such stains are removed without heating the sole.

How to care for your iron

  1. Read the instructions carefully and follow all recommendations for cleaning and using the device.
  2. In order to make the sole less dirty, it is sometimes wiped with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of citric acid. Remember to wash off the acid with a damp cloth and dry the appliance.
  3. Use distilled water to prevent limescale build-up. If there is a self-cleaning function, use it from time to time.
  4. Use a non-stick attachment to iron synthetic items, if not included, then iron through cheesecloth or fine chintz.
  5. There will be no lint and burnt fabric on the sole if you iron things at the correct temperature. How to find out? Our article on how to help you figure it out.

By following these simple rules, you will extend the life of your appliance and avoid tedious cleaning.

Anastasia, 17 August 2016.

Information on how to clean the burned-in fabric from the iron at home can be useful to every housewife. Home appliance manufacturers are constantly improving the design and operating principles of irons, but modern synthetic fabrics can surprise and melt. The spoiled clothes will have to be thrown away, but the sole of the device can be cleaned of carbon deposits without much effort. But for this you need to know how and how it is done.

How to clean an iron at home

First of all, you can get rid of the remnants of burnt tissue with a special acid-based cleaning stick. This product is sold in the household chemicals department of any large store and does an excellent job with the task. The pencil has only one drawback - an unpleasant and pungent smell when melted. If there are no special tools at hand, and you need to clean it urgently, you should use no less effective home methods. To clean the sole of the iron, apply:

  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • citric acid or juice;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • paraffin candle;
  • Toothpaste;

The farm always has the listed funds, it remains only to choose what exactly to clean the iron with. One way or another to remove dirt depends on the type of soleplate of the appliance. For example, if there is a Teflon or ceramic coating on it, you cannot use abrasives, otherwise the equipment will simply have to be thrown away.

Cleaning the teflon coating

Teflon has proven itself as a heat-resistant and non-stick layer both on dishes and on the sole of irons. However, this coating requires very gentle cleaning: the smallest scratch will render the device unusable. The cleaning pencil is also suitable for Teflon as a universal product. After heating the iron to the temperature indicated in the instructions, you need to quickly wipe off the dirt with a pencil, and then wipe the soleplate with a piece of unnecessary cloth. It is advisable to work with gloves and with an open window.


Another safe way to remove burnt-on tissue residues.

You will need 9% table vinegar and a soft old cloth:

  • heat the iron;
  • put on gloves;
  • moisten a rag swab in vinegar;
  • intensively rub the places of contamination.

Fresh burnt-on fabric stains can be easily cleaned in this way. If the contamination is old, it is recommended to spread the rags soaked in vinegar on a horizontal surface and leave the switched off iron on it for several hours.

Citric acid or juice

For work, you will need freshly squeezed lemon juice or an acid solution (a teaspoon of crystals in a glass of water). With a swab soaked in liquid, you need to gently wipe off the carbon deposits from the pre-heated iron soleplate. Lemon juice is just as effective as vinegar, and the advantage of this method is the absence of unpleasant odors.

Paraffin candle

You can safely and quickly clean the Teflon coating with an ordinary candle. To do this, wrap it with a cloth and wipe off the dirt from the hot surface with the obtained homemade pencil. The melting paraffin will remove the burnt tissue, after which the sole must be wiped clean.

Cleaning the ceramic sole

Irons with ceramic soles perfectly smooth linen, keep warm for a long time and are reliable and durable. But even such modern technology is not immune to trouble. If synthetics have melted during ironing, you can use a universal pencil, special compositions for glass ceramics, or improvised means. To clean ceramic irons, it is permissible to use acid (acetic or citric), as for Teflon, or use other proven methods.


The method is effective, but requires careful ventilation: you need to clean a slightly heated iron, and the unpleasant smell of ammonia will increase significantly. With a sponge or cloth soaked in ammonia, the spots of burnt cloth are carefully cleaned, then the surface is wiped with a clean damp cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

To clean dirty ceramic soles with peroxide, you will need the solution itself, as well as a piece of unnecessary linen cloth. The method is very simple: a cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide is ironed with a hot iron until the remnants of the burnt cloth completely disappear. The holes in the sole are cleaned with a cotton swab.

Cleaning a regular metal soleplate

Irons with stainless steel soles are often quite old appliances that require careful adherence to temperature conditions, so fabrics often burn or melt. However, it is easier to clean than a ceramic or Teflon iron. All of the above methods are suitable for steel surfaces, as well as abrasive cleaning with salt, soda or toothpaste.


Despite the resistance of the steel surface to damage, it is still better to use fine salt for cleaning: large crystals can scratch the sole.

You can clean the iron with salt in different ways:

  • pour a handful of salt onto a sheet of thick paper or newspaper and iron it with a hot iron until the dirt disappears;
  • make a knot of salt from a cotton cloth and wipe the stains with it;
  • stir in half a glass of hot vinegar the same amount of salt and clean the sole with a cloth dampened in the solution.


Baking soda is an excellent and almost universal cleaning agent: it is suitable for cookware, stoves, and steel irons. Having mixed soda with a small amount of water, the resulting gruel must be carefully cleaned off the dirt, and then wipe the sole clean with a damp cloth.

Sometimes in a hurry, you can forget about the included iron. The result is a damaged item and an iron soleplate with burnt-on fabric. This situation can also arise when the temperature regime recommended by the manufacturer for a particular fabric has not been observed. If carbon deposits are not removed from the iron in time, untidy yellowish stains will remain on the clothes during the ironing process. Fortunately, you can clean your iron at home using folk recipes. The choice of cleaning agent will depend on the type of soleplate.

Cleaning rules for different coatings

When ironing clothes, you must observe the temperature regime. Natural fabrics can be ironed at high temperatures. While synthetics can easily burn if the iron is too hot.

The sole of the iron can be made of various materials: Teflon, ceramic and stainless steel. The choice of cleaning agents will depend on the type of coating.

  1. 1. Teflon soles are non-stick. Therefore, the fabric rarely burns to them. If it does melt on the surface, moisten a cotton cloth with cold water and wipe the problem area. Under the influence of the temperature difference, the carbon deposits will go away. In addition, sometimes a special Teflon scraper is sold with the iron to remove burnt tissue. You can use a wooden spatula instead of this fixture.
  2. 2. Ceramic soles are more susceptible to mechanical damage. In no case should you use abrasive products to clean them. Otherwise, scratches will remain on the surface, trapping the fibers of the fabric during ironing. As a result, carbon deposits will appear over and over again. To remove burnt-on fabric from the soleplate, you can use a microwave and glass ceramic cleaner.
  3. 3. Stainless steel is much more resistant to external influences than ceramics and Teflon. The sole made of this material can be cleaned with toothpaste, baking soda, salt and even a matchbox. To do this, you need to warm up the iron and remove carbon deposits by rubbing it with a sulfur strip on the box. Then wipe the surface with a soft cloth and, if necessary, clean the holes with cotton swabs.

When using the above products, it is important not to overdo it, as rough cleaning can leave scratches even on the metal.

Methods for cleaning the soleplate of the iron

Having found out what material the sole of the iron is made of, you can start cleaning it. There are a variety of media suitable for Teflon, ceramic or stainless steel.

It is very easy to use these products at home, as they are almost always at hand.


Use regular laundry soap to remove fresh carbon deposits from Teflon and ceramic coatings.

Algorithm of actions:

  • heat the iron so that the sole becomes warm;
  • rub it with household or liquid toilet soap;
  • wait for the iron to cool completely and wash the soleplate with a soft damp cloth.

There is another way to use soap:

  • prepare a soap solution by adding shavings of laundry soap to the water;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting composition;
  • iron it with a hot iron.

If necessary, you can clean the clogged holes with cotton swabs or toothpicks dipped in vinegar.

After cleansing, be sure to iron the damp, clean gauze with a hot iron. Otherwise, when ironing, soap streaks will remain on the clothes.


You can also use vinegar to clean Teflon and ceramics. There are two options for using it.

Method 1:

  • heat the soleplate of the iron to keep it warm;
  • mix table vinegar with water in equal proportions;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting vinegar solution;
  • wipe the burnt-on fabric from the sole.

Method 2:

  • mix table vinegar with ammonia in equal proportions;
  • moisten a soft cloth in the prepared mixture and wipe the sole heated to a comfortable temperature;
  • when it becomes clean, you should warm up the iron as much as possible and iron it on a clean, damp gauze.

This method will help get rid of even old carbon deposits.

It is necessary to clean with ammonia and vinegar in a well-ventilated area, since the fumes of these substances are poisonous. In addition, it is worth protecting the skin of your hands with thick rubber gloves.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for cleaning ceramics. This substance will help get rid of fresh carbon deposits and bleach the material.

Procedure steps:

  • heat the iron as much as possible;
  • moisten a thick cloth, for example, a waffle towel with 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • iron it with a hot iron several times until the sole is completely cleaned.

Alternatively, you can simply moisten a cotton pad with peroxide or lemon juice and rub it over the warm ceramic sole.

If you don't have fresh lemon on hand, you can dilute some citric acid in warm water. In this case, it is important to ensure that the granules are completely dissolved. Otherwise, the sole may be scratched.


You can clean the stainless steel sole with a coarser effect. For this, toothpaste is suitable. You will need:

  • warm up the iron and apply toothpaste to the soiled sole;
  • wipe off carbon deposits with an old toothbrush;
  • after cleaning, wipe the soleplate with a clean damp cloth and wipe dry.

It is advisable to take a simple white paste without colored blotches and abrasive particles.


You can also clean the metal sole with regular baking soda. This substance is highly abrasive and should be handled with care.


  • mix soda with water until gruel;
  • apply the resulting mixture to a cold stainless steel sole;
  • leave for 20 minutes if the dirt is ingrained;
  • after the allotted time, gently wipe off the burnt fabric with a soft cloth;
  • then wash off the rest of the composition with a damp sponge.

Soda cleaning should only be used as a last resort, when burnt tissue cannot be removed by other methods.


Under no circumstances should table salt be used to clean Teflon and ceramic coatings. But it will help to cope with old carbon deposits and adhered fluff on the steel sole.


  • take a handful of coarse table salt and moisten it with water;
  • pour onto a sheet of cardboard or thick paper;
  • set the maximum heating temperature and iron the salt layer several times;
  • then rub the soleplate with a clean, damp sponge.


If the fabric burns to the soleplate due to existing scratches, you should use a paraffin candle. Paraffin will not only clean the carbon deposits, but also fill microcracks.

Mode of application:

  1. 1. Take a paraffin candle and wrap it in a dense cloth made of natural materials. It can be linen or cotton.
  2. 2. Then warm up the appliance so that the soleplate becomes hot.
  3. 3. Rub the candle with a candle. The paraffin wax will begin to melt, trapping the burnt clothing. In this case, you need to be careful not to burn your hands with a hot mass.
  4. 4. Moisten a cloth with clean water and iron it several times with an iron. This will help get rid of the wax residue.

If the molten mass gets into the holes on the sole, you will need to turn on the steaming mode and release steam intensively several times.

Special pencil

Cleaning pencils with acids are often sold along with irons. They are available for different sole materials.

Removing carbon deposits with such a device is very simple. It is enough to heat up the iron and wipe the dirty areas with a pencil without pressing too hard. Care must be taken to ensure that the molten agent does not enter the holes in the sole.

After this cleaning, iron a clean, damp cloth to remove pencil marks.

It is not so difficult to clean the soleplate of the iron yourself. The main thing is to take into account what material it is made of. Depending on this, you should choose a cleaning agent. Most are easy to find in the kitchen or medicine cabinet.

The choice of cleaning agent for your iron depends on the material from which the soleplate is made. At home, all coatings can be cleaned from burnt fabric. However, it is worth applying popular advice carefully and carefully so that you do not have to run to the store for a new electrical appliance.

Precautionary measures

Teflon, ceramic or stainless steel coatings cannot be cleaned with a knife, sandpaper or abrasive substances. Any scratches, even the smallest, will cause the fabric to burn more strongly and permanently ruin the iron. Salt is also not recommended for soles. With continued use, it will damage even steel surfaces.

The best folk remedies for cleaning carbon deposits

For each type of coating, a specific agent is effective. The most suitable methods for cleaning burnt tissue are shown in the table below.


You can clean your iron at home using a paraffin candle and cotton cloth. This method will also help remove scratches.

Instructions: wrap the candle in a cloth and rub on a hot sole until the melted paraffin removes the burnt-out cloth. Use the method carefully, as the hot mass can burn your hands and get into the holes of the sole.

If the paraffin leaks inside, it can be removed by ironing a white sheet or unnecessary cloth in the “steam” mode.

Toothpaste and soda

The toothpaste will clean almost any surface of carbon deposits, like the sole of the sneaker. Please note that the abrasive substances contained in the composition harm the sole with constant use.

Instructions: apply toothpaste to a heated iron and rub with a brush. Rinse and dry with a cloth. The holes are cleaned with cotton swabs.

Another effective method that is used with caution is soda.

Instructions: apply a mixture of soda and water to the cooled surface. After 20 minutes, gently clean with a soft cloth.

Toothpaste and baking soda will remove even old carbon deposits and adhered villi. However, it will inevitably lead to scratches and microcracks. They are used only as a last resort, if other home recipes have not helped get rid of the problem.


Use vinegar only in a well-ventilated room with open windows, as harmful vapors can cause discomfort and poisoning.

  • Mix water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. Moisten a soft cloth in the solution and wipe off a heated iron. The soles are warm enough not to burn your hands.
  • For a ceramic surface, pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the liquid. This will restore the shine to the material and whiten.
  • A mixture based on vinegar with lemon juice and ammonia will not leave a trace of burn. Wipe the surface of the iron with a cloth or cotton pad in solution.

Don't forget about the holes in the sole, which can be easily cleaned with cotton swabs. At home, instead of cotton swabs, toothpicks dipped in vinegar are used.

Hydrogen peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide solution will handle minor contamination. A cotton pad or cotton ball soaked in the solution will clean the surface. For more persistent carbon deposits, solid peroxide is suitable - hydroperite.

Instruction: rub the surface of the iron with a hydroperitic tablet. After the material has cooled, remove the residue with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Hydroperite tablets are used in well-ventilated rooms on an iron preheated to the maximum temperature.


An effective way to remove fresh burn marks. Not suitable for old stains.

  • Rub a warm surface with soap and leave until cold. Then remove the dirt with a damp cloth.
  • Moisten a cloth with soapy water and iron with an iron. Clean the holes in the sole that are soiled with carbon deposits with a wooden stick.

After cleaning with soap, be sure to iron the damp gauze so that no streaks remain.

Video instructions

Iron cleaning pencil

When buying, pay attention to which surface the pencil is intended for. Pencils or crayons are sold for any type of sole.

Instructions: Warm up the device to the temperature indicated on the pencil. Then clean the dirt and wipe it with a cotton cloth.

When cleaning, do not press hard on the pencil, otherwise it will crumble and fall into the openings of the device.

Features of cleaning teflon, ceramic, steel soles

Teflon coating

Teflon is non-stick, making it easier to clean than others.

  • The method is effective if applied immediately, as soon as the fibers have melted or plaque has formed. To remove burnt-on fabric from the iron, wet a piece of cotton cloth and apply it to the carbon deposits. Due to the temperature difference, the burn will begin to flake off.
  • A special device for removing carbon deposits is on sale - a Teflon scraper. If not, a regular wooden spatula will do. First heat the appliance to the maximum temperature, then carefully, without allowing the spatula to heat up, remove the burnt cloth.
  • Ammonia is used to clean the iron in pure form or in a 50/50 proportion with vinegar. Use only in well ventilated areas. A cotton pad or thick cotton cloth is suitable for application to a dirty surface. Before use, warm up the iron to a warm state, when you can touch it with your hand.

Cleaning the iron with a special pencil after each use will prevent the build-up of carbon deposits. Manufacturers recommend wiping the surface with a dry cotton cloth.

Ceramic coating

The ceramic surface is fragile. Long-term use of an iron with such a sole leads to the formation of microcracks in the material, therefore, fabrics may burn. For protection, treat the appliance with care and avoid shock or scratching.

Cleaners for glass ceramics or microwave ovens are also suitable for cleaning the iron. Instructions: moisten the dishwashing sponge in the product, rub the sole, pour the liquid onto the bag and place the cold appliance on it. After 30 minutes, wipe off the residue with a sponge so that the chemicals do not get into the holes of the iron.

After cleaning with liquid products, be sure to let the appliance dry and leave it off for 2 hours.

Steel sole

For cleaning stainless steel, use harsher methods than for ceramics or Teflon.

A matchbox will help remove carbon deposits from the surface of the iron. Instructions: preheat the device, then clean the dirt with a sulfur strip. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to scratch the metal.

After using this method, wipe the sole of the sole with a soft cloth to remove excess wax. If dirt gets into the holes, remove it with cotton swabs.

  • After each use, drain the remaining water from the steamer reservoir to prevent lime scale build-up.
  • Carefully choose the temperature setting for each type of fabric, and do not forget to turn off the iron after use.

It will be successful to clean the iron of burnt-on fabric if the sole material is correctly determined. For maximum effect, use several cleaning methods one at a time.

All stores with household appliances have a wide selection of ironing devices, that is, irons. They come in a variety of sizes, weights, and even shapes. You can choose them by color, brand, type of sole cover, characteristics and other indicators. Most modern irons have a built-in "self-cleaning" function, but it will never cope with the resulting carbon deposits on the surface, but will only help to prevent scale deposits that clog the steam holes.

Carbon deposits on an iron are a defect that occurs on the sole of the iron as a result of the melting of fabric materials. Where does it come from? Most often, when the temperature regime is not observed or it is incorrectly determined for a particular thing. Synthetics usually actively leave their mark, since artificial fibers do not tolerate high temperatures.

Today we will give you a short instruction on the topic “how and how to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home”.

The first thing you have to figure out is to find out what material the sole on your iron is made of. Usually, when making a purchase, you will already have to understand what you are dealing with. If it was, for example, a gift, then detailed information is always available in the instructions.

Knowing the type of sole is imperative, since not every method described may be suitable for your specific case. It is not scary that it does not cope with dirt, but if it damages the coating, then consider that buying a new iron is just around the corner.

There are 4 types of irons:

  • With stainless steel sole;
  • Aluminum coated;
  • With Teflon coated aluminum surface;
  • With a sintered work surface.

How to clean the iron from burnt fabric with all these components, we will learn further. But remember one rule, which is valid for absolutely everyone, the sooner you notice a burn and the faster you react, the higher the chance to save the life of your assistant.

Durable stainless steel

Irons with a metal surface made of stainless steel are durable, not capricious and resistant to mechanical stress.
Someone advises to scrape off the carbon deposits directly with a knife, but we do not recommend that you do this, since there is a high probability of causing the device to malfunction, because with
deep damage to iron things without consequences is no longer possible.

  • Arm yourself with a metal scraper or wooden spatula;
  • Turn the iron on at the highest temperature;
  • Wait until the adhering fabric is completely melted;
  • Remove the sticky layer with a spatula or scraper. In the case of the latter, we advise you not to be very active, but only to press lightly.

The resistant metal will stand up to salt scrubbing just fine.

  • Place a sheet of thick paper on the ironing board;
  • Sprinkle salt on it with a thin layer;
  • Preheat the iron to maximum and start ironing the salt;
  • The burnt-on fabric will gradually dissolve into salt crystals and you will be able to completely clean the soleplate of the iron.

Aluminum irons

Why are aluminum irons good? They are lightweight, comfortable, do their job well and are relatively cheap. A big drawback of such a metal is that it is very soft, fabric “likes” to stick to it and it cannot be cleaned with abrasive agents or coarse materials, since it is quite easy to leave scratches.

You, as a hostess, will probably ask yourself a question, but how to remove carbon deposits from the iron if the aluminum is so delicate?

  1. The first way is to use a special pencil that will gently clean the surface.
  2. The second method: dilute table vinegar in water (1: 1), warm up the iron a little, but so that you can touch it with your hand painlessly, take a soft cloth, dip it in the solution and wipe the sole thoroughly. Such a substance is able to soak the remnants of burnt matter, and they can be easily removed without the use of force.
  3. Third method: identical to the previous one, but use toothpaste instead of vinegar solution.
  4. Fourth way: mix 1 tsp. soda with the same amount of liquid dishwashing detergent, apply the gruel mixture to the dirty areas and rub it with a damp washcloth.

How to handle Teflon

Teflon coated aluminum has unique non-stick properties. When ironing things, the risk of carbon deposits is minimal, but as the coating becomes thinner (after several years of active home use), small stains may appear. It is possible to clean a Teflon iron at home using table vinegar. Its acid is capable of oxidizing any dirt, and you only need to remove them with a cloth. Proceed in stages:

  • First, soak a cotton ball in pure vinegar (no more than 9%);
  • Smear it along the traces of carbon deposits;
  • If the burnt cloth has blocked the steam holes, then instead of a cotton pad, take a cotton swab and take it out to hard-to-reach places;
  • Now connect the device to the mains and heat it up at the highest setting;
  • Take an unwanted cotton item and iron it so that all the dirt remains on it.

How to wash the iron if there is no pencil and vinegar? Apply laundry soap. Rub the heated coating liberally with it, unplug the device and let it cool down. Remove caked soap and carbon deposits with a soft material.

Delicate ceramics

The most popular irons at the moment are ceramic-coated. They ideally quickly and smoothly iron all types of fabrics, glide well over materials and practically do not burn. But if this happens, then you need to act very carefully, because even a minimal chip can lead to peeling of the entire coating.

There are several ways to clean your ceramic iron. Among the effective options for cleaning carbon deposits from the soles, the following methods are distinguished:

  • With vinegar. In this case, first heat the appliance, then treat the lower surface with an acidic substance, and after cooling down, wipe it with a cloth.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Soak a piece of fabric in it and iron it. Wet the material until all dirt is completely removed.
  • Toothpaste. The hot sole is smeared with white paste, disconnected from the power supply and cools down as it is. Dried agent is removed with a dry soft cloth.
  • With ammonia. Mix equal proportions of alcohol and water. Heat the iron and unplug it. Dip a washcloth in an alcohol solution and gently clean the hot surface of the product.
  • Lemon juice. It is also bred in half with water and applied with a washcloth to a heated sole.

In this article, we have collected the most effective carbon removal products. Now you know that cleaning the soleplate of the iron at home is more than realistic, but it is better to keep it clean and follow the temperature recommendations on clothing labels.