Natural stones and their properties. What stones are capable of is magic. The magical properties of precious and semiprecious stones

Since ancient times, stones have attracted the attention of people. Stones have been used for centuries to create amulets and various talismans. A great many legends, traditions and myths are associated with the world of stones. The healing properties of stones in the old days played a large role in the healing of people.

When choosing a stone, a person should be based on his intuitive perception of this stone. If given the stone suits you according to your zodiac sign, but you feel that the energy of the stone is not in harmony with your energy, so this is not your stone. Feel what emotions this or that stone evokes in you, and this feeling will help you in choosing the right stone. The magical properties of stones are very diverse, and if you choose the right stone for you, it will bring you good luck, wealth and prosperity, and will also be a powerful amulet or talisman for you.

The magical properties of precious, semi-precious stones and minerals


Aventurine is considered a talisman that brings happiness, and it is also worn to maintain a joyful mood.

Aventurine is associated with the magic of the moon. To achieve success in the business you have started, you should wear a ring with yellow-red-brown aventurine on the 21st lunar day. It is not recommended to wear aventurine jewelry for a long time. he is able to change his energy.


Agalmatolite is believed to improve intuitive perception. Agalmatolite jewelry promotes empathy for other people.


It is customary to give agate to farmers, gardeners and all those associated with agriculture. A symbol of health, longevity and prosperity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant to talk to, and also protects from intrigues and intrigues of enemies. Agate protects its owner from energy attacks and "energy vampirism", while taking negative energy on itself. A ring with agate will give a man beauty in the eyes of a woman.


Adamite helps a person to concentrate on a set goal and find the right direction in creative activity. Small pieces of adamite are used as an amulet, which contribute to a successful business, help in finding a new job, and internal growth. Adamite helps to achieve financial well-being and success in business.


Increases your power of knowledge. Azurite carries healing energy and is able to have a positive impact. Azurite stimulates the opening of the "third eye".


This mineral is recommended for use in meditation, it expands the channels of your self-knowledge. Aquaurite increases the ability to transmit thought energy. The stone promotes success in business and protects its owner from negative programs from the outside. Also aquaurite is called "aura cleaner".


Aquamarine is traditionally the talisman of sailors and naval commanders. It is also a stone of friendship, courage and justice. It is believed that aquamarine can change its color depending on the mood of the owner and the weather. Aquamarine protects its owner from dangers and deception, gives prudence and strengthens the spiritual side of a person. Aquamarine helps relieve stress, fears, anger, irritation, cools strong emotions, promotes longevity and mutual love.



It is believed that if you put a desire on the alabaster, then it will help to realize this desire, because able to store sacred information and translate it into reality.


Symbol of love and jealousy. Alexandrite jewelry contributes to the spiritual renewal of its owner. Alexandrite is a stone of luck, longevity and prosperity. Mediums use this stone to enhance the ability to see the future.


The diamond is able to protect the owner from negative influences, protects from sorcerers and magicians, while reflecting negative energy. Symbolizes perfection, invincibility, strength, power, purity and innocence. The diamond will make a warrior invincible in battle. Diamond is able to drive away fears. But diamonds work only for those who acquired a diamond in an honest way, it is contraindicated for a criminal to wear a diamond, otherwise he will play an unkind service to his owner. The diamond has the greatest power if the stone was presented to you or passed on by inheritance.


It is a stone of fire. Almandine is able to drive away the seal, bring joy, excite passion, and temper anger. Almandine has a strong energy. It has a beneficial effect on human emotions. It is considered the stone of masquerades and balls.


A stone of courage and devotion. Creates a good mood for the owner, relieves anxiety and insecurity. Amazonite jewelry will help strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. Amazonite will attract material wealth to its owner. Inspire older people to the impulses of youth. Magicians place pieces of amazonite under the "magic altar" to give it special properties. Amazonite enhances the ability to see.


Amethyst is a stone of purity, purity and devotion. A symbol of happiness, health, sincerity, frankness and peacefulness. When placed between the eyebrows, an amethyst crystal will calm your mind and help you achieve inner peace. Amethyst helps to open the "third eye" and enhance your discernment. Amethyst stone has the ability to extinguish mental pain and anxiety, soothes and purifies thoughts, fills the owner's aura with positive energy and good intentions. A ring with an amethyst will bring good luck to athletes. If you put amethyst jewelry under your pillow at night, you will see a good dream.


It is considered a talisman that is able to combine contradictory principles in love.


Ammolite in the form of a seven-color stone, which is an amulet, contributes to economic prosperity, family happiness, and if brought to work, it will bring good luck in business.


The angelite is able to establish a connection with the higher heavenly forces. It is a stone of inner peace and peace of mind. Angelite is able to extinguish outbursts of anger.


Anhydrite improves memory and helps to enter a new period of life. Helps with meditation: while lying down, put a piece of polished anhydrite in the area of ​​the navel chakra and take a quartz crystal in each hand.


Rosary beads and amulets are cut out of andalusite, which protect the wearer from various cataclysms and contribute to constancy in love.


Blue apatite is able to cool violent emotions and cause the owner to be pacified, and even drowsy. Green apatite promotes good mood and optimism.


Apophyllite promotes important decision-making and increases awareness. The stone helps to take the first step in life. Apophyllite promotes clarity of consciousness, opens the veil of the subconscious and is a reliable guide during astral travel.


Aragonite is a symbol of home comfort and family well-being. Helps to gain peace of mind and balance the psyche. Helps with meditation.


The magical properties of argillite stone are very extensive.

Sacred totem animals are depicted on mudstone.


Balin is a talisman. It protects from evil forces and brings good luck.


Barite is used in religious rites, at.k. the stone helps to communicate with the souls of ancestors. Barite sharpens intuition, strengthens relationships, softens spiritual joy and brings joy to a person.


Belomorite helps to establish a connection with the past. Pendants with belomorite are a talisman that protects a person from dark forces. If you put Belomorite under your pillow, it is capable of evoking prophetic dreams. Belomorite helps to contemplate. The stone can absorb negative energy, but cannot process it, and on this basis, it should be constantly cleaned under running water. Helps in times of depression.


Benitoite promotes emotional health, positively affects the intelligence of its owner. Benitoitis promotes empathy and emotional sensitivity.


The magical properties of beryl are very strong. A magic stone that brings life-giving energy into the body and removes negative energy. Beryl protects against fatigue and helps to maintain good spirits. Beryl will help win the lawsuit. The stone will sharpen the mind, because associated with thinking and reason.


Good luck and victory symbol. If you decorate your hand with a turquoise ring, your hand will never become scarce. Turquoise is a powerful talisman. Turquoise is able to protect the owner from poisons and poisoning. Turquoise promotes peace in the family.


Bowenite is a talisman of loyalty. It is customary to give to newlyweds and spouses with experience. Bowenite is useful for meditation.


Has a beneficial effect on relationships. Recommended to be worn by people who very often communicate with strangers. Brasilianite will help improve parent-child relationships.

Herkmeier diamonds

It is believed that Gerkmeier diamonds increase the awareness of their owner. It will help a person remember his past dreams. Promotes a sense of harmony, helps a person behave more naturally in a new environment. The Gerkmeier diamond will relieve internal stress, help you relax, and help remove "energy" congestions in your body. Increases the power of clairvoyance and telepathy. Most powerful when located between the throat and heart chakras.


When fingered with wavelite, it can calm anxiety. Wawelite is able to protect its owner from external negative influences.


Vanadinite will help to achieve the intended goal. They will bring optimism to life. Improves communication skills.


Gives a sense of peace. It will help to find a balance between body and spirit. Products with variscite will bring wealth and prosperity to their owner. During meditation, they will help you remember your previous incarnations.


Vesuvian will increase creativity, expand creativity. Vesuvian will help in the fight against negative energy influences. It will help in overcoming neuroses.


Verdelite attracts money and success. Relieves stress. The greenish color has a calming effect on the nervous system.


Green verdite will help activate genetic memory. Strengthens the strength of the spirit and stamina of a person. Verdite will help you find the right solution.


Greenish vivanite will calm violent emotions and bring peace and tranquility to the human soul. Strengthen will and strength of mind. Vivanit is able to enhance a person's awareness, develop discernment and foresight. It is also a symbol of rebirth.


It will help you find your own individuality. It will attract the necessary events, meetings and circumstances to its owner, which will be useful in the future.


Wulfenite will instill in the owner a sense of confidence, give an emotional boost. Wulfenite will develop creativity, and allow you to more subtly feel the beauty of nature. Wulfenite maintains invisible bonds between people.


Jet protects the owner from dark forces, dispels fears and is an absorber of negative energy. All bad thoughts directed towards the owner of the stone get stuck in the depths of the stone. The jet, placed under the pillow, will protect the owner from nightmares. If you attach a piece of jet to a newborn, it will save you from the evil eye. Jet is burned in order to drive evil spirits out of the house. Jet protects the traveler on the way. Jet will ease the pain of separation. Jet jewelry is worn during the period of mourning, as a symbol of grief and sorrow.


Warm shades will help you find peace of mind and become wiser. The stone will infuse the owner with joy, peace and help to create an atmosphere of relaxation and entertainment. If the jewelry with heliodor is worn by a woman, it will increase the number of her admirers.


Heliotrope is considered the best Christian amulet. The stone is used to create various amulets. A symbol of courage and wisdom. Heliotrope forms a strong protective energy field for the wearer, which protects the wearer from negative influences.


A symbol of courage and wisdom. It is considered the talisman of warlocks. Promotes the maintenance of optimism, will and courage.


Helps fight illusions and develops creativity.


A symbol of mercy and compassion, understanding and forgiveness. Dark goethite will help you concentrate your thoughts and help you achieve your goal.


It is able to protect its owner from violent emotions and protect from uncontrollable passion.


Green giddenti gives the owner a clear outlook on life. The stone connects thoughts and spirit. Giddenti will help in solving everyday problems, and develop a deeper self-esteem in a person.


White Howlite symbolizes innocence as well as the power of human dignity. Howlite jewelry can help calm anger, anxious thoughts and violent emotions. Howlite brings restful sleep and helps to remember past dreams. Will sharpen the sense of beauty.


The crystal ball is the main attribute of magicians and soothsayers. Rock crystal concentrates attention, sharpens thoughts, improves speech. Helps in opening the "third eye".


Pomegranate is a stone of love, love passion, it excites sexuality. It drives away sadness and brings good luck. Develops self-esteem. Ring with a pomegranate, gives power over other people. Black garnets help communicate with the world of the dead. Also, pomegranate helps to look into the future.


Danburite increases a sense of responsibility and compassion. Will attract new acquaintances to its owner. Danburite is able to cleanse karma.


Green demantoid promotes a sense of calm and serenity.


Traditionally, it is considered to be amulet stones that protect the wearer from negative influences. Green diopside will enhance intuition and compassion. Recommended to be worn by surgeons.


Green dioptase will help fight negative emotions. He is able to remove the negative effects of psychological trauma. Raises vitality.


Dolomite will increase its owner's generosity and increase the ability for original thinking. Dolomite will eliminate sadness and help to cope with the bitterness of loneliness.


Dravit protects its owner from the influence of extraneous negative karma. Establishes energy balance between different chakras. If you take a yellowish-green dravite in your left hand, you will soon have a feeling of concentration of internal energy.

Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz will help raise thoughts from the darkness of the subconscious. Smoky quartz jewelry neutralizes anger and relieves irritability. Smoky quartz is able to protect its owner from the evil eye and damage.


Used as an amulet. It will help to develop such qualities as accuracy, methodicalness, accuracy, will help to increase organizational skills and a sense of responsibility.


Bright green jadeite protects the wearer from trouble and misfortune. Jadeite can make a person happy. Jadeite brings emotional relaxation. If you hold a piece of jadeite in your hand, you can conclude a profitable trade deal.


Contemplation of pearls calms the psyche, brings peace of mind and peace. Pearls are considered the elixir of youth, fertility and have magical properties of power. Pearls are an indicator of poisons. It is a symbol of marriage, prosperity and well-being. Also related to durability.


Symbol of temptation and possible sin. It is worn if they want to deliberately deceive a person. The serpentine will help to avoid dangers on the path of life, as well as to protect the owner from negative influences from other people.


Stone of wisdom, composure and hope. The owner of the emerald is protected from evil spells and misfortunes. Protects on long trips. Emerald attracts wealth, pacifies sensuality and brings peace. Emerald will help preserve virginity. Also, emerald strengthens memory, drives away bad sleep and dispels melancholy.


Iolite enhances discernment. Iolite will help the owner get rid of debt, as it increases the sense of responsibility and the correct spending of money. Iolite removes disharmony in interpersonal relationships.


Pyramids are used for meditation. Calcite is used to relieve nervous stress and overcome stress. Promotes economic well-being.


Symbolizes a pure state of mind and thoughts. Strengthens well-being, health, brings peace and tranquility to the house. A symbol of purity of thoughts. Clears the mind during meditation, helps to cope with the anxious state of the psyche.


Quartz will give its owner the gift of foresight. Will help ward off melancholy. Rose quartz will help, heal mental wounds.


Kyanite will help you remember your dreams. Increase owner awareness. Kyanite is suitable for meditation and soothes the nervous system.


Cinnabar serves as an amulet and is used for ritual purposes.


Covellite helps its owner return to their past. Promotes an optimistic outlook on life. Kovelite will save you from unnecessary fuss.


Conicalcite increases the communication skills of the owner, helps to easily come into contact with strangers. It has a positive effect on the development of imagination.


A symbol of happiness and immortality. They have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, contributes to the development of intuition and logic. Coral is a symbol of modesty. It is a prophetic stone.


Cornerupin will help its owner overcome difficulties and discover new abilities. It will make its owner stronger, not subject to everyday circumstances. Cornerupin is for those people who want to become the master of their own destiny.


A symbol of passion and sensual love. Helps to concentrate sexual energy. Blue and blue corundums can calm your passion.

Cat's eye

The cat's eye is a traditional talisman. Able to protect its owner from evil forces, the evil eye. The cat's eye is able to preserve love, protect from betrayal. The cat's eye is capable of developing foresight abilities in a person. The cat's eye is able to gently and unobtrusively draw attention to its owner. Improves understanding and attitude of people.


Stone amulet. If kept in the home, it will enhance family well-being. It is also a protective amulet. Flint is able to energize its owner. It is a stone of resilience and strength that will help you overcome life's adversities.


The purple color of creedite has a strong effect on information and energy fields. It helps the owner to self-discover.


The red-yellow crocoite crystal is able to free the wearer from anxiety and unfounded fears. It will help in a quick assessment and analysis of the situation, will not allow emotions to take over the mind. Female mineral. He will help the hostess to find a companion in life.


Able to give inner strength.


Cuprite is able to remove anxiety about those things from them that they cannot change. Promotes memories of past incarnations. It has a beneficial effect on the relationship of children with their parents.


They are good amulets. Enhances the wearer's ability for visions and revelations. It is recommended that only mature people wear jewelry with Labrador Retriever. On the new moon, the Labrador gains magical powers. A symbol of purity and chastity. Labrador protects the house from intruders and develops self-control in the owner.


Lazulite assists in making deals and negotiating. A symbol of harmony and tranquility.

Lapis lazuli

Power symbol. Lapis lazuli is used to cleanse the aura from negative influences. It will help fight anxious thoughts. Lapis lazuli will help get rid of unnecessary memories. Lapis lazuli symbolizes good luck, prosperity and success. Helps to bring plans, projects to life and strengthens friendships.


Lepidolite is a stone of inner peace. An amulet made of lepidolite to protect its owner from external negative influences. Purple and lilac lepidolite will help you survive trauma.


The power of the moonstone increases at a full moon. Moonstone perceives and attracts love, bring a feeling of love into your life. Awakens dreaminess and tenderness in the owner. Able to eliminate anger and relieve inner tension.


The symbol of the fulfillment of desires. Malachite superimposed on the "third eye" chakra will help clear the mind of resentment and anxiety.


Promotes the opening of any of the human chakras, especially the "third eye". Moldavite will help to establish a connection with the Higher powers.


Sharpens the mind, protects against fatigue and maintains good spirits. Helps in the fight against enemies, helps in litigation, and helps in the restoration of conjugal love. Helps eliminate the effects of emotional trauma.


One of the stones that has strong magical properties. Morion is associated with otherworldly forces. Connect with the memory of people who have left us. Morion helps to summon the souls of dead people during a seance. Stone of magicians and soothsayers. If morion is used for selfish purposes, he will take revenge on his owner, make him insane. Morion develops fantasy and daydreaming. Negative energy can be removed from the stone under running water.


The muscovite amulet will protect its owner from external negative influences and help to establish connections with the astral spheres.


Neptunite increases the speed of thinking and reaction in stressful situations. Recommended for people who are in government service. Neptunite will help in making an impartial decision without emotion. The talisman in the house will bring stability in all manifestations in life.


Symbolizes kindness, moderation and justice, science, courage, purity. A symbol of purity and perfection. Recommended for those who want to change their lives. A stone of change that will help you get out of everyday dead ends. Family well-being and longevity are linked.


Obsidan absorbs bad intentions, will help its owner to realize his weaknesses. Obsidan protects its owner from wrong actions.

Petrified wood

The symbol of the universe. An amulet that carries ancient symbolism.


A symbol of comfort and forgiveness of other people and ourselves. Okenite will help you get rid of bad habits, it is a cleansing stone.


Promotes the accumulation of vital energy, helps its owner get rid of indecision and suspiciousness. The ring with onyx will protect the wearer from sudden death. It is the stone of self-confident people. Onyx stone has the properties of a talisman, as a symbol of luck and good fortune.


A symbol of impermanence. They symbolize a changeable fate. Sharpens intuition and fosters inspiration. The stone of faith, love and compassion. Disperse gloomy thoughts and fears. Looking at the opal, you can remember your previous incarnations.


Promotes peace of mind. Develop the gift of poetry and romanticism. Develop creativity. For lovers, a symbol of harmony and fidelity. A good talisman for people with an unbalanced character.


Peridot strengthens spiritual strength and develops intuition. He pacifies anger, brings success in friendship and marriage. Peridot is capable of breaking witchcraft. Good talisman from the evil eye .


Associated with the sea element.


Petersite helps the wearer to cope with emotional outbursts and channel energy in a peaceful direction. Develops the ability to teach and speak. Promotes the identification of the best spiritual qualities in people.


Associated with fond memories. Psychological protector of his master from negative influences. Mineral of fanatics and robbers.


Pyrope helps to preserve the owner's energy potential. The Stone of Honesty. Brings good luck in love, friendship. The mascot of lovers. They are worn as a sign of friendship, memory and love. Pyrope should not be worn all the time. Not recommended to be worn by nervous and passionate.


Prehnite is a stone of peace and tranquility. Can be used during meditation. Helps to remember the past. It will help a woman to feel like a leader and make her wish come true.


Rhodolite gives the owner vitality and passion. Recommended for people who are constantly active.


Rhodonite awakens hidden talents and abilities, helps the development of various skills and dexterity. Awakens the love of life. Used in meditation. Rhodonite is a messenger of the Higher Powers.


Rhodochrosite can evoke love, calm violent emotions and fill the soul of the owner with the energy of life.

Rose quartz

Helps fight stress, extinguishes outbursts of anger. Able to increase the owner's creativity and self-confidence. Rose quartz in the form of a talisman is useful in love, it will protect family happiness and help you get married successfully. Soothes mental pain. Will improve the owner's connection with other people. It is often used as a pendulum.


Fills the heart with love, courage and faith. Helps fight fears, anxieties, has a beneficial effect on the human mind. Talisman of artists. Rubellite generates creative powers.


A symbol of deep feelings, passion. Gives mental strength and courage, strengthens the heart. Helps to concentrate sexual energy.

Rutile quartz

Able to drive away melancholy, sadness, loneliness. Endows its owner with the gift of foresight and allows predicting the future. An amulet that helps in matters of the heart.


Helps to expand the boundaries of consciousness. Able to harmonize the interaction of soul and body. Sagilite will help mitigate mental and physical death. Helps absorb negative emotions and anger. Sagilite helps to show your hidden talents and abilities. It instills self-confidence.


A symbol of wisdom, power, victory and justice. Sapphire makes its owner calm, tames passion. It will help the owner find a purpose in life, overcome fear, laziness, inactivity, and awaken the craving for life.


A symbol of luck, good fortune, vitality and happiness in marriage. Sardonyx protects the owner from infidelity, deceit and fear of the future. Sardonyx will help increase the power of clairvoyance.


Used during meditation sessions. Able to attract the love of others and money to its owner. A symbol of health and strength.


Carnelian protects from dangers. Protected from envy and the evil eye. Protect the owner from human ill will, intrigues of enemies and evil spells. Carnelian stone has the property of a talisman - it raises spirits, softens anger, helps prevent quarrels and keeps you from wasting your energy. Carnelian promotes wealth, and gives the owner strength, including creativity.


Scapolit helps its owner find the right solutions in difficult life circumstances. Gives strength and determination. Attracts success to its owner. Neutralizes harmful radiation.

Apache tears

Amulet given with wishes of good luck. Brings benefit, stimulates leadership, adds

Courage in life. Anyone who has Apache tears will never cry from resentment and grief again.


Helps in learning new knowledge, claiming leadership and being more discerning. Brings confidence, helps to get rid of the fear of meeting new people.


Sodalite is suitable for meditation. Helps in the fight against fears and helps to achieve inner harmony. The stone purifies the mind.


A strong Christian amulet that is able to protect a person from the effects of black magic.


White and yellowish stilbites are able to develop intuition and help their owner in self-realization. Help in the development of love relationships. Promotes creative thinking and creativity.


Talisman of love and luxury.


Tektite helps to establish a connection with the past. Helps to enter the astral plane. Tektite contributes to the accumulation and preservation of knowledge. Save the owner from making mistakes. They will help the owner to overcome karmic mistakes.

Tiger's Eye

A symbol of protection in battles. Powerful amulet. Protect their owner from dangers.


A talisman for people who are engaged in intensive mental work. It will help you concentrate and prepare for serious debate.


The person who wears topaz is always optimistic. He gives beauty to women, wisdom to men. Will drive away anger and hatred from the owner. Topaz will help to focus and attract material wealth to its owner. Topaz protects against the evil eye, witchcraft and other negative influences. It will help dispel depression and fears, dispel doubts.


A talisman that attracts wealth and brings peace to its owner. A stone of peace in the soul and a sense of peace.


It has a beneficial effect on the body and mind, eliminates fears and anxieties. It will help concentrate attention and give clarity to the mind. Blue tourmaline is able to sleep peacefully. Talisman of artists. Able to develop creativity.


They excite an insane passion in a person. Helps develop intuition and foresight. Talisman of honest, loyal and brave people. Protected from thieves and deceivers, the evil eye and damage.


Ulexite is able to attract the attention of other people to its owner and create a halo of increased interest in him.


Unakite is a balancer that helps to achieve harmony between body and spirit, emotions and mind. Unakite will help a person live in the present, not the past. It will help remove psychological barriers that interfere with inner growth. Able to cheer up and dispel sadness.


Phenakit will help to establish contact with the "Subtle World", helps to open the "third eye". Used in meditation and when conducting spiritualistic sessions.


Fluorite will help its owner to streamline their thoughts and achieve a state of peace of mind. Increase analytical skills. Magicians use fluorite balls for divination. Used in meditation.


Associated with good thoughts and wishes.


A charm for sailors. The stone of love that attracts men to women. A stone of joy that is able to drive away longing. Chalcedony removes fear and instills in the owner self-confidence.


Chrysoberyl brings insight, peace of mind, and healing to the wearer. Protects its owner from everyday misfortunes. He will help women to succeed in business, and a man - in the company of women.


Helps to establish contact when meditating with cosmic forces. Dispels tension, fear and removes illusions. A symbol of intuition and wisdom. It will help women to become more tender, welcoming and compassionate.


Chrysolite awakens love passion in men. Helps with impotence. Able to warn its owner against unreasonable actions.


Protected from dangers, from the evil eye and damage, from evil envious people and slanderers. The stone of inventors and innovators. Attracts friends. Raises money and develops eloquence. The amulet protects its owner from negative energy. Chrysoprase drives away nightmares.


Celestite has a healing effect on the human soul. Allows you to overcome karmic problems. Helps people who often perform in public. A talisman that attracts money and good luck.


Develops a sense of self-confidence and a sense of appreciation.


Amulet of traders, artists and travelers. Improves mental abilities and stimulates the desire to do science. It instills in the owner self-confidence, optimism and good spirits.


The stone of wisdom and tranquility is able to save a person from depression. Strengthens memory and develops eloquence. Promotes mutual understanding and helps to establish psychological contacts between people. Recommended for people who do delicate work. Help you benefit from the contracts you have received. A talisman for swindlers and swindlers.


Zoisite is able to bring happiness to its owner, and make him more optimistic. Green zoisite will help the lazy person to cope with their cravings for idleness.


A stone of charm, spiritual purity and prudence. Charoite gives its owner calmness and self-control. Helps to strengthen marriage. Awakens clarity of thinking, enhances prudence, prudence, and also helps to develop a philosophical outlook on life.


A powerful stimulant for sexual energy, love and passion. Arouses an irresistible passion. Not recommended for people with excessive impulsivity.


Increases the individual abilities of its owner.


Green epidote is a good talisman against harmful information influences. Enhances any positive qualities of its owner.


Amber will help clarify thoughts and help fulfill plans. Will give joy and peace. Amber is a source of creativity, faith and optimism. Amber brings good luck, maintains health, and gives physical strength.


Jasper will help build relationships, protect the owner from evil doom and help develop eloquence. Strengthens a sense of duty and honor. Jasper of a cold color gives the power of prediction and reveals hidden from the eyes, and a dark shade protects from the evil eye. Greenish jasper will help you concentrate and open the invisible to the eyes.

Few people on earth have not heard of the healing and magical properties of natural minerals.

Many books, encyclopedias have been written about this, which list their properties and the effect on the human body.

The proposed article presents a brief material related to this issue:

  • List of diseases amenable to lithotherapy treatment.
  • The magical properties of precious stones and minerals.
  • The meaning of stones for the signs of the zodiac, etc.

From ancient times, the teachings of medicinal stones have survived to this day, which provide clear guidance on their intended use.

The section of alternative medicine - lithotherapy - dwells on each specific case of the disease, offering to use a certain stone to solve the problem.

The table lists the various diseases and minerals used:

Natural minerals Diseases
Agate - yellow, blue, red, mossy Used for pathologies of the digestive system, respiratory system, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system.

Viral and skin diseases from exposure to radioactive radiation

Aquamarine It is used to normalize mental balance, improves seasickness, helps with diseases of the lungs, skin, helps to strengthen the immune system
Diamond Activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation
Garnet To facilitate pregnancy and labor
Amber Improves the condition of meteosensitive people, relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, has an anti-cancer effect
Jasper Helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, normalizes the work of female organs, has a hemostatic and analgesic effect
Chrysolite Improves digestive processes, helps with diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver
Nephritis Water infused with the mineral improves potency, cleanses the blood, strengthens bones and muscles
Onyx Has an analgesic effect
Belemnite or a fucking finger It is used in the treatment of skin diseases: ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, burns - the infusion on the mineral is used as lotions, baths, can be used in the bath.

Mineral powder helps with tuberculosis, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

Tourmaline crystals It is used in the form of various medical products: socks, knee pads, rugs with tourmaline stones, belts, gloves.

For the treatment of sciatica, arthritis, neuralgia, endocrine disorders, varicose veins, diseases of the central nervous system, etc.

Shungite A unique mineral that has no analogue. Location - Karelia. Used as a filler in water filters.

For medicinal purposes, it helps with anemia, bronchial asthma, allergic reactions, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, kidney stones and gall bladder.

With low immunity, frequent colds, cardiovascular and nervous disorders.

It is useful to brew herbs in the water prepared in this way: knotweed, chamomile, coltsfoot, which enhance the effect and accelerate recovery.

Note! To enhance the healing effect of the stones, they must be immersed in clean, better spring water, and then held in their hands, relaxing to the music.

If heat emanates from them, the healing charge is tuned to the same wavelength as the body and a positive effect is expected.

In addition to these stones, unique areas of Russia and other parts of the Earth have healing properties.

One of such places is Surovikinskie hills near Volgograd. A huge stream of people who want to gain health flocks here.

There are legends that if you lie down on the local stones and ask for health, diseases will recede.

The magical properties of minerals

In addition to medicinal, natural stones have tremendous magical properties. Since ancient times, their clusters gave rise to legends, shrouded in mysticism.

They were credited with a huge magical power that could change a person's life and restore health.

An ancient temple near Ryazan in the Starozhilovsky district was discovered in 2008 by local archaeologists.

In the center is a huge stone in the form of a male genital organ. Everyone who touched him and made a wish received what was requested.

Any mineral, properly used, has similar magical properties, serving:

  • Amulets and charms - block the flow of negative energy, protect from harm.
  • Talismans - attract good luck, happiness, success to the owner.
  • Sources of wealth - increase material wealth.
  • Personal energy guides - contribute to personal growth and the discovery of hidden talents.

Stones are chosen according to the sign of the zodiac and personal predisposition. A person, acquiring a mineral, must feel its energy, working in unison with the body.

The meaning of gems for the signs of the zodiac

In order to choose the right gemstone by the sign of the zodiac, you need to know its meaning well.

Suitable for:

  • Aries- Ruby, but jewelry with garnet, amethyst, diamond, pearl and chrysolite will bring good luck.
  • Taurus- sapphire, but will help to organize the affairs of jewelry and crafts from onyx, topaz, emerald.
  • Gemini- rauchtopaz, but will have a beneficial effect and protect from adversity amulets of citrine, emerald, amethyst, pearls and chrysolite.

    A special patron who drives away evil spirits is chiastolite.

  • Rakov- an emerald, but jewelry made of pearls, amethyst, topaz or ruby ​​is a reliable protection from the evil eye.
  • Lviv- the diamond is on guard, but framed by citrine, pomegranate, emerald, ruby ​​and topaz will protect you from adversity and give strength.
  • Dev- jasper, but when wearing chrysolite, emerald, carnelian and pomegranate, you shouldn't worry about sudden problems.
  • Libra- aquamarine, but you do not need to give up amethyst, diamond and emerald.
  • Scorpions- black opal will protect you from evil, but having topaz, garnet and amethyst, you can feel completely protected.
  • Streltsov- Garnet. Pomegranate, sapphire, chrysolite are suitable.
  • Capricorn- topaz. But the presence of amethyst, obsidian, rauchtopaz will strengthen the defense.
  • Vodoleev- turquoise, replaced by pearls, amethyst, sapphire, citrine.
  • Pisces- amethyst, aquamarine, pearls, chrysolite are suitable.

All stones carry charged energy, emitting the accumulated. Feed the charms with positive energy, and they will protect you for a long time, warding off troubles and disappointments.

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They demand a careful attitude towards themselves, due respect, in response to injustice, they can change their shade.

It should be remembered that stolen stones, minerals bring misfortune, purchased ones start to work only a few years after purchase. Therefore, the best option for owning a stone for the maximum manifestation of its positive qualities is that it be presented to you or it passed to you by inheritance.

Some stones have a more pronounced effect at one time, while others - at another, which can be divided by months:

January - hyacinth, pomegranate.

February - hyacinth,.

March - , .

April - sapphire.

May - emerald, sapphire.

June -, emerald.

July - emerald, onyx.

August - sardonyx, carnelian.

September - sapphire, chrysolite.

October -, beryl, chrysolite.

November .

December -, ruby.

Now let's take a look at the main characteristics of most of the known stones.

Aragonite is a symbol of home comfort, helps to find seed well-being, peace of mind.

Aragonite is good for meditation.

Possesses extensive magical properties, especially if images of sacred totemic animals are applied to it.

evokes compassion for others, suppresses negativity, quarrels, brings harmony, peace of mind to the family, enhances creativity.

Protects from dark forces, brings good luck.

Helps to contact with the souls of ancestors in religious rituals, sharpens intuition, strengthens relationships, brings joy.

relaxes the nervous system, relieves stress, bad dreams, insomnia, depression, helps in conceiving a child, restoring women's health.

Belomorite does not tolerate clutter, trash in the house, therefore, it causes a great desire to clean up both in the physical (general cleaning) and in the moral sense (to logically comprehend the cause of your troubles, improve in business, make a choice in favor of permanent relations with your beloved partner).

Belomorite suits Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini.

Provides emotional health, improves intelligence, sensitivity.

It protects, brings good luck, wealth, helps in achieving goals, fulfilling desires, improves the life of the owner, returns to the sources of light, removing all negative energy, improves memory, thinking, concentration, and calms.

Beryl helps win the trial.

Turquoise helps to understand spiritual books, to survive separation from a loved one, reconciles loved ones, eradicates evil, warns against sectarians, saves from stupid death, poverty, neutralizes anger, stops quarrels, protects from poisoning, brings peace to the family.

Turquoise is good at driving away evil spirits from children. In case of severe danger to the owner, it can change color, crumble.

Turquoise brings happiness to honest people, and only troubles to dishonest ones.

Provides fidelity to both newlyweds and married couples with experience.

Bowenite is good for meditation.

It has a positive effect on relationships, helps to establish relationships between parents and children.

Increases awareness, helps to remember the past, bring harmony, relieve tension, relax, enhance the ability to clairvoyance, telepathy.

protects, changes a person, saves from jealousy.

Purposeful people, the bull's eye helps to achieve what they want in business, to make big profits, to avoid dishonest deals, and the lazy is burdened.

The bullseye does not need to be worn all the time due to its strong penetrating power.

Soothes, protects from negative influences.

Helps in achieving goals, brings optimism, improves communication skills.

Brings peace, balance, wealth, prosperity.

Variscite is good for meditation as it helps to remember previous incarnations.

Strengthens creativity, creativity, removes negative energy influences, neuroses.

It attracts money, luck, relieves stress, soothes.

It activates memory, enhances endurance, resilience, helps to make the right decision.

Calms, brings peace, tranquility, strengthens the will, develops foresight.

Protects against magical actions, enhances attractiveness, sexual energy, provides mutual love, inspires creative people, brings wealth and success.

As a gift for a loved one, it has a love spell effect.

Jewelry stones talismans have a wide variety. Almost every stone has its own meaning, and among the huge number of varieties, you can even find inexpensive options for creating jewelry and amulets.

In the article:

The magical meaning of gemstones is a whole science that has passed through the millennia. Despite the huge number of varieties, most were known to people in one form or another in ancient times. Our ancestors had a habit of noticing even the smallest details, systematizing them and understanding the impact of each thing on a person and others.

Gemstones, due to their rarity and beauty, have become objects of much closer attention. At the same time, it cannot be said that expensive jewelry is stronger than cheap and widespread ones - each stone has its own characteristics.


Aquamarine is a transparent aquamarine stone that is often found in jewelry stores. It is easy to buy jewelry with it in any region of the country.

Aquamarine amulets are ideal for sailors. They will protect you while sailing and remind you of your family. In addition, a talisman with such a sea mineral will help you find out the truth about the events taking place around. It is a stone for those who wish to skillfully balance between emotional and rational mindsets.

Aquamarine blocks thoughts of breaking laws - both human and magical. With its help, you can find out if they are going to deceive you. Helps mineral and quit smoking, drinking and drug use. You will gain courage, courage and self-confidence. Aquamarine is well suited for travel (especially marine) and those whose work is related to science and research.


A fragile stone that changes its color depending on the lighting will help you to know in advance about future troubles. In ancient times, alexandrite was considered a stone of prophecy, so it can serve as a good talisman for fortune-tellers and those who wish to develop their intuition. But he helps and does not harm only people who have willpower.

The mineral can subdue weak-willed people and constantly lead to troubles. But if you pass the tests of alexandrite with honor, he will reward you with well-deserved success in any endeavor.

This mineral can make you more judicious and balanced. If you lack these qualities, choose it to create an amulet. But wearing one stone is undesirable, pick up a set of jewelry.


A diamond, or brilliant, is one of the most expensive stones in the world. It differs from the rest not only in cost, but also in strength. Jewelry with a diamond is the dream of every girl, but few know that a very strong amulet can be made of it.

For it to work, the mineral must be taken without anyone's advice and bought without trying to drop the price. The greatest power lies in diamonds, inherited from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. These stones are very popular for creating ancestral talismans, but they can lose their power if an inveterate sinner is wearing a talisman.

Diamonds help restore youth and health, enhance hearing and vision. They protect against attack by animals, witchcraft and evil forces. If you want to gain confidence, courage and luck, choose a diamond as an amulet. Spiritual development is what its owner always strives for.


Amethyst is most often colored in all shades of purple. Its translation from ancient Greek means "sober", therefore it is believed that the amethyst talisman is needed for those who quit drinking or want to get drunk less at the festive table and not have problems associated with alcohol.

Amethyst was often worn by widows as a sign of eternal love for the deceased spouse, as this mineral symbolizes pure love, loyalty and devotion. An amulet from it will protect your relationship from quarrels and betrayals. The ancient Sumerians believed that amethyst could evoke love feelings for the giver of this stone, which makes it a good option for a gift to your loved one, which will always remind him of you.

If you have not been able to get pregnant for a long time, choose an amethyst amulet. Sometimes it even helps infertile women.

What matters is the frame in which you enclose the amethyst. Silver will promote the establishment of friendly and business contacts, and gold will give energy balance and harmony in everything. Magicians value amethyst for its ability to develop the inner, hidden abilities of people and help in gaining wisdom.


Ametrine is polychrome and combines citrine and amethyst. But, combining two stones that have different meanings in magic, this mineral is used for completely different purposes.

It is a symbol of peace, balance and harmony. Medieval courtiers made amulets from ametrine, which allowed them to gain the favor of higher-ranking persons. This is relevant today, because a lot can depend on the attitude of the superiors. At the same time, the stone protects from any violence and coercion, helps to settle any conflict not only with others, but also with oneself.

Ametrine was appreciated by magicians and alchemists of all times and peoples. The ancient Indians with his help turned to the gods in order to avoid bloody battles and to resolve the conflict between the tribes in the world. Ametrine is the stone to end the war. He calmed and disposed to communicate with medieval sorcerers of spirits, whom they also summoned with the help of this mineral. Currently, ametrine is used to develop psychic abilities. Good amulets are obtained from it for prophetic dreams, which usually take their place near the head of the bed.

It is believed that ametrine is bad because it intensifies fears and can cause constant anxiety.


This semi-precious ornamental stone most often has a blue color, but there are minerals with greenish, brown, gray and even olive shades. It is difficult to find a person who would not know about this stone.

It is believed that amulets made of turquoise bring happiness to their owners and know how to warn of trouble by changing color. They bring peace, help calmly resolve conflicts and convince anyone to change their anger to mercy. In addition, amulets are made of turquoise for the loyalty of a husband.

Turquoise brings victory, helps to advance your career, especially if you are a politician. But, at the same time, the stone treats badly those who are impure with intentions. Do not violate moral principles, and then your turquoise amulet will work for you, and not against.


There are many varieties of beryl, and they all come in a variety of colors, from azure to bluish black, yellow and greenish.

In the distant past, amulets were made from this mineral to preserve family, peace and love between spouses, as well as parents and children, fidelity and mutual understanding. Beryl will save your home from negative energy and guests who came to you with malicious intent.

The stone is very good in quality. It helps to avoid financial losses in business, layoffs and will help not to lead to conflicts with management, colleagues and those to whom you owe money. Beryl is also useful in legal proceedings, but it will protect you only if you are trying to defend yourself, and not get profit. In addition, the amulet will help you keep your life and health in case of danger.

This mineral will also turn out good, students who pass exams or enter a higher educational institution, researchers (especially philosophers).


This stone is often referred to as the Brazilian emerald. It is green, not always uniform. Verdelites of other colors do not exist.

Verdelite is a stone of harmony. It will help you better understand your body and the world around you, feel what harmony with nature is. Of course, he will not teach you how to talk with animals, but he can be a translator between the outside world and you. This mineral will correct your shortcomings - both external and internal, endow you with noble qualities and improve your health.

It cannot be worn by those who harm nature. If you are a poacher or lumberjack, you cannot use verdelite. The stone does not punish those who hunt exclusively for food, fish in legal ways, humanely kill livestock in order to eat them, etc.

Verdelite is ideal for creating a talisman for a person who is associated with the protection of nature, its study - both scientific and magical. These are herbalists, gamekeepers, veterinarians, biologists and some other specialists.


Another name for the mineral is black jasper, and, accordingly, it has a black color. There are many legends about the origin of its name.

The stone was dedicated to many female deities and their various forms. Jet is the stone of the Mother Goddess and natural forces. He absorbs all the negativity that is created by enemies or the owner of the jet amulet himself.

The mineral gives help in getting rid of cowardice and indecision, favors those who seek to gain knowledge, to develop their minds. But those who are too brave and self-confident, he can make reckless and overly self-confident.

The stone will help you know when you are being deceived, recognize lies without mistakes. It is believed that the Mother Goddess has imprisoned in him the power that helps to give birth with little or no pain or other problems. But, at the same time, pregnant women should not wear jet, it threatens with miscarriage. Make a talisman out of it that you will only wear in the maternity ward. This mineral also helps after childbirth, for example, drives away postpartum depression and other psychological problems, helps a woman to quickly adapt to changes in life.


Hyacinth is not only a flower, but also a stone. It is painted in warm colors, has a high strength and a diamond luster. Previously, it was believed that he was associated with God, and the walls of Heavenly Jerusalem were decorated with it. The Indians believed in the connection of the hyacinth with the legendary dragon, causing solar and lunar eclipses.

This is an amulet for those who go on a long journey. If you are often on business trips, travel a lot or do research in something in distant countries, feel free to choose this mineral. It will protect you from attacks by evil people and other unpleasant incidents, illnesses on the way (but vaccinations are still necessary, you cannot rely only on stones) and even from stomach problems that are not used to foreign food.

But the help of the hyacinth is dangerous and brings misfortune in love. Jewelry made from it can even destroy a family. Be careful with this amulet.


This stone can be not only red, as is commonly believed, but also black and even green. But the green variety is called uvarovite, and will be discussed below.

A pomegranate needs a strong-minded owner, characterized by poise and confidence. It gives its owner power over people. You can easily find an approach to any person and get what you want. Pomegranate will reward you with vigor, optimism and inexhaustible energy. With the help of such a talisman, you can get rid of bad thoughts and harmful ideas. If you consider yourself a little emotional, wear a pomegranate.

In addition, this mineral has always been considered a love stone. He will help you find, win and keep the right person for you for many years. Garnet jewelry will inflame passion and make you remember feelings even after several decades of marriage.

In the Middle Ages, the pomegranate was an exclusively male amulet. He protected the soldiers from injury, injury and helped to get out of any unpleasant situation, even from enemy captivity.


The value of this stone can sometimes exceed the price of a diamond, if the shade of the emerald is dark enough. Its magical properties were appreciated even in the days of Russia.

It is believed that the emerald can save a person from all bad inclinations - the desire to commit crimes, cheat on his spouse, deceive. But it is also suitable for those who are not endowed with such vices. It brings good luck, protects both the person himself and his house from damage.

Emerald is a good family amulet. It protects from quarrels, betrayals, helps to conceive, successfully give birth and properly raise a child. Good as an amulet for a nursing mother, helps in creativity.

In magic, this stone is used to communicate with the dead and contact with other worlds and higher powers. An excellent amulet for those who practice astral travel. He will not only help to succeed in this, but also protect against possible consequences.


It is a little known mineral that is blue or purple in color. It is called a peace-making stone.

He can protect any family from scandals, quarrels and even minor disagreements. If discord reigns in your family, make an amulet of iolite stone. In addition, he kindles passion and love, protects against betrayal.

Iolite protects against slander, envy and intrigues of enemies. In addition, it will help you avoid conflicts at work and cause only positive emotions in people in public places, for example, in public transport.


As you might guess, the moonstone is associated with the moon and its power and can be used in appropriate rituals. He can also help find love and keep the peace in the family. At the same time, the moonstone reduces carnal feelings and contributes to the emergence of only high feelings.

Selenite, as this stone is also called, will correct your emotions, removing everything bad. It relieves aggression and helps to resolve conflicts peacefully. Also, the moonstone will reveal your hidden talents and abilities. If your imagination needs nourishment, and your imagination seems impermissibly poor, choose a moonstone as a talisman stone.

It also has a good effect on meditation, helping to find balance and harmony within oneself. You will find harmony in all other areas of your life.

Be very careful with black opals. There is a high probability that an amulet made from such a mineral will strengthen all your bad inclinations if your will is not strong enough. Careless use of black opal leads to addiction to debauchery and the emergence of bad habits, at best. This stone enhances the ability to witchcraft when set in gold.


Opal is a very beautiful stone that can look similar to any other or, on the contrary, have a bright, multicolored color characteristic only for opals. However, the background color can only be white or black. It is difficult to see in the photo, but when you hold the stone in your hands, it will be much easier to determine its color.

During times, opals were used to make protective amulets from damage, evil eyes and evil spirits. Protects such a charm from death during natural disasters and thefts.

White opals, in addition to protective properties, can also enhance all positive character traits and inclinations. He will help you establish connections with the people around you and good spirits. It is believed that the white opal talisman is the best choice for a healer or medic.


This bright red mineral is common in Russia and other countries. Rhodolite is one of the varieties of pyrope, which has a more pinkish tint and has properties similar to it.

It is believed that pyrope brings good luck in love affairs. Moreover, he can help either to start a family or simply look more attractive to the opposite sex. He protects love relationships from quarrels and betrayals and helps to maintain passion for many years of a happy marriage.

It is also recommended to wear pyrope for those who need extra energy. At the same time, the mineral loves active people and tries to make them happy, and will also strive to fill with energy those who do not have the strength to manifest their favorite talismans of qualities.

Pyrope perfectly protects not only from black magic and negative witchcraft influences, but also from the harmful influence of the energy of a large metropolis. Therefore, it is shown to be worn not only for those in love and suffering from a lack of vitality, but also for those who live in big cities. However, this stone is very strong and should not be worn continuously.


The color of rubellite is similar to that of a potassium permanganate solution. This is not surprising, because this mineral contains manganese in its composition.

Like most stones of this color, rubellite is used to create talismans of love, disclosure of talents, creativity and good intentions. With it, you can love yourself, gain confidence and discover your creativity. Rubellite attracts inspiration, makes it more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and helps to find family happiness.

With rubellite, you can revitalize your relationship with your husband if you have been married for a very long time. The stone drives away all fears and gives courage. It will be easy for creative people with such a talisman to achieve success and gain fame.


Jewelry with this stone strengthens the character of the wearer, gives confidence, and helps to make the right decisions. Rubies make women attractive and charming. Wearing rubies will provide additional vitality, longevity and good health.

A charm made of ruby ​​jewelry will well protect you from any manifestations of black magic and evil spirits. It is believed that this mineral helps to recognize secret enemies and their intentions.

It saves from injuries and protects soldiers, rescuers, miners and representatives of other professions that are associated with a risk to life in mortal danger.


In ancient times, sapphire was called the stone of nuns because it symbolizes purity of conscience, chastity and truthfulness. This is a stone of modesty that does not allow its owner to be deceived, provided that he is honest with others.

Sapphire charms not only protect against lies and the use of any violence, but also bring happiness in marriage and help to learn about the world around. It enhances attraction, but does not contribute to multiple love affairs. With the help of sapphire, you can determine the goal and achieve it, it will give wisdom, calmness and confidence.

Contemplation, a philosophical outlook on life and cleansing thoughts of unnecessary thoughts and emotions - this is what a sapphire talisman can bring into your life. It is well suited for cultural figures, historians, philosophers and those who study the humanities.


The stone of a pleasant blue color is often used to create magic items and talismans. It is considered a symbol of luxury, beautiful life and true love. It is well suited for those who want to achieve a strong financial position and no less strong family ties based on love and affection.

Tanzanite does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards love. If its owner has such a character trait, then he will not see success in finances and career. But when the goal is to create a happy and wealthy family, this amulet is perfect for you.

The family, which is under the protection of a tanzanite amulet, will always live in peace, mutual understanding. Your home will be cozy and not the worst in the neighborhood. Tanzanite makes women sexy, attractive and eye-catching.


The interpretation of the meaning of topaz in magic may depend on the color of the crystal, but in general it is considered a stone of wisdom, attractiveness, enlightenment and friendship.

If you wear topaz, your friends will not leave you, you can become a more confident and interesting person for the opposite sex. The stone is good for businessmen and careerists, scientists and those who travel frequently.

Golden topaz helps you see the essence and gain enlightenment. The pink minerals of this group bring back hope and desire to live. Topaz helps to overcome obstacles without loss and gives strength in difficult times.


This mineral, unusual in its appearance, attracted the attention of people hundreds of years ago. Tourmaline can look like a slice of watermelon, even a small slice of it can be colored pink and green. There are also tourmalines of other colors.

Black tourmalines with or without splashes are considered ideal amulets for practicing magicians. They will help you find your way, strengthen your abilities, see the essence of what is happening and protect you from negativity and the forces of evil.

Green tourmalines are shown to be worn by creative people to enhance talent and make inspiration a constant companion. If you are going to discover any ability in yourself, choose such an amulet.

Red and pink tourmalines also have a positive effect on creative people. They can energize the moment you need it. But wearing tourmaline is too often undesirable, it can lead to mental problems.


Catherine II loved to wear jewelry with uvarovite, so the mineral, similar in color to an emerald, was nicknamed the imperial stone.

In the past, it was believed that uvarovite was able to evoke passion and love. Pieces of this stone were sewn into a pillow to improve the sex life in marriage, and were presented to lovers, and also worn in order to become more attractive.

Uvarovite is also used as a home talisman; it can protect against theft, fire and other disasters. It attracts profit, but does not bring happiness to scammers and thieves. Uvarovit welcomes honesty, generosity and devotion to close people and wants to see these qualities in its owner. Therefore, it protects against deception and fraud, and also helps to awaken intuition and develop intellectual abilities.


Chrysoprase is green in color and has been considered a successful stone since ancient times. Currently, it is used to create amulets when they embark on a new undertaking. They make excellent assistants to inventors.

Chrysoprase loves restless people who follow an atypical path and have extraordinary character traits and hobbies, a desire to change places. Good amulets from it are obtained from businessmen, merchants and those whose work is related to advertising.

Chrysoprase does not like selfish people and suspicious people who do not keep their word. But he can protect people of honor from damage, evil eye and any troubles, help to find friends and make useful acquaintances.


Citrine is a bright yellow or orange variety of transparent quartz semi-precious stones. It has a very narrow interpretation, it is a stone of lies and deceit.

It is used to create talismans by those who earn their bread by any kind of fraud or theft. Such talismans attract money luck, help to deceive and develop intuition, saving a representative of the criminal profession from being taken into custody and from attempts to deceive by other scammers.

Also, this stone can often help if your business is associated with constant risks, or if you have to use deception and dishonest methods on duty.


Jewelry made from this variegated pink-violet-green stone is not difficult to find in stores, it is quite popular.

Stones accompany humanity throughout its entire existence. Since primitive times, they have been used to build dwellings, make utensils and tools, wear them in the form of adornments, and observe their influence on a particular action. With their help, ceremonies were performed to increase yields and improve weather conditions.

For centuries, the peoples of the world have composed myths and legends associated with the origin and magical properties of stones. In India, it is revered, believing that it is the blood of the Gods who are fighting on the heavenly Olympus. The inhabitants of Egypt have long attributed the varieties of stones to specific planets and consider their influence on a person, depending on their astrological affiliation. In Arab countries, they were treated with special reverence, attributing powerful magical properties to them. Persian legends say that the history of the stones goes back to biblical times. It is believed that the Tempting Serpent created bright gems to distract Eve's attention from the flowers created by the Lord.

After a period of calm, stones with their inherent properties are gaining popularity again. They are successfully used in everyday life as adornments, which often act as magical items.

The role of magic and stone in human life

For centuries, people have tested and described the properties of minerals, created amulets and talismans of various shapes and purposes, in order to declare today that stones can have a healing and magical effect on a person.

The energy of minerals can have a fateful impact on human life. Turning to the stone for help, you can change character, get rid of bad habits, and also strengthen positive personal qualities. Magic objects made of stones are able to protect from misfortunes and troubles, to attract feelings, luck and prosperity. Some types of stones are used in magical rituals to learn universal secrets, return to the past and communicate with the world of the dead. Sometimes this is necessary to protect a person from fatal accidents or to get rid of generic curses.

Stones are effectively used in lithotherapy. Despite the denial of science, today we can safely say that minerals are able to heal severe ailments, affect the psychoemotional state and signal an impending illness before the first signs appear.

However, not every stone is able to play a positive role in the life of its owner, therefore, when choosing such an assistant, many factors should be taken into account, including the pursued goal and its astrological affiliation.

Varieties of stones in magic items

Often, unenlightened people choose a magic item without distinguishing its purpose. They are waiting for protection, help and assistance, not understanding why a miracle does not happen. The reason is that the actions of the amulet, talisman and amulet, despite the general direction, are different:

  • Stones-amulets and amulets warn against troubles, diseases and the influence of dark forces. Sapphires, rubies and emeralds are considered effective guardian angels.
  • The action of talisman stones is aimed at attracting love, luck and moral wealth. Jasper, rose quartz, and citrine are good options to achieve these goals.
  • Stones that provide material prosperity can act as talismans, but their energy is aimed exclusively at increasing cash flows. These properties are attributed to all green-colored stones, especially green-brown emerald, beryl and aventurine.
  • Healing stones with versatile healing properties and are able not only to heal an illness, but also to prevent it at the initial stage.
  • "Personal" energy stones are an attribute of magicians, mediums, psychics and healers. With their help, they establish contact with phantoms, travel in time, predict events and conduct magical sessions. Diviners and clairvoyants use rock crystal, emerald, amethyst, and eye quartz.

Some rules and principles for the use of magic items made of stones

In order for magic items to work effectively and for the benefit of the owner, it is necessary to use them correctly. They are made to order from natural stones and raw minerals, sometimes they speak for a specific purpose, pick a color and wear them on a specific part of the body.

Magic items are worn under clothing, hiding from prying eyes, or in plain sight as an adornment designed to attract the following benefits:

  • Hairpins and hairpins increase the flow of energy, while golden-yellow stones attract fame and improve the position in society, colorless and blue - contribute to an increase in intellectual and spiritual wealth.
  • Earrings, pendants and pendants are responsible for the financial sphere and raising money (orange gems), develop creativity and help to find love (minerals of pink and green tones).
  • Bracelets worn on the forearm or wrist are universal items, so when choosing a talisman, you should focus on the properties of the stone;
  • Rings have a wider spectrum of action, therefore, depending on the goals pursued, you need to wear them on a particular hand. The left hand is responsible for the inner state and emotional comfort of a person, the right hand is responsible for the influence of external factors. Each finger has a specific task: little finger - has a positive effect on logic and mind, contributes to success in commerce; nameless - is responsible for success in love relationships; medium - increases willpower and self-esteem; indicative - helps to increase power and influence over people; big - helps to learn the art of seduction.

Amulets, unlike other magical items, protect not only their owner, but also his home. It can be both jewelry intended for direct contact with a person, and figurines, dolls, horseshoes and other objects of sacred significance and located directly in the house. In this case, protection from negativity is provided not only by the property of the stone, but also by the shape of the object, as well as the rite performed on it. In some cases, the amulet can play the role of a talisman (for example, a wedding ring or a pectoral cross).

In order for magical objects to work effectively and be useful, you should not allow strangers to touch them. You should also periodically cleanse them of negativity. To do this, it is enough to move the object over a lighted candle, immerse it in salt water for a couple of hours and rinse it with running water.

It is forbidden to use other people's talismans and amulets, as they can carry accumulations of negative energy of the previous owner. The acquired stones must be close to their owner for a certain time in order to accumulate his energy. The properties of magical items donated by loved ones or inherited are most clearly manifested.

25 popular magic stones

Stone from the evil eye and damage