Work program for the senior preparatory group. When working with children according to the program it is necessary. Program implementation methods

The work program of additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation: "Merry palms!"

1. Explanatory note.
2. Goals and objectives.
3. Forms and methods of program implementation
- principles of organization
- methodological support
- the expected result
4. Working with children.
5. Working with parents.
6. Working with teachers.
7. List of literature.

The program of additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation was developed on the basis of methodological recommendations
- Davydova G.N. "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten",
- Shvaiko G.S. "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten: Program, class notes", - Lykova I.A. "Colored palms", - TS Komarova “Fine arts in kindergarten. Classes in the art studio "Teaching children drawing techniques".
The age of children participating in the implementation of the work program is children of the early development group (2-3 years).
Implementation period: the program is designed for 1 year of study.
The implementation of the program is designed for 36 calendar weeks, and includes 1 lesson of direct educational activities per week. The duration of one lesson in the early development group is 8-10 minutes, according to SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13 dated 05/15/2013 No. 26.
1-Explanatory note
... It's true, it's true!
Well, what is there to hide?
Children love, children love
They love to draw very much!
On paper, on asphalt, on a wall
And in the tram at the window! ...
E. Uspensky.

Children become interested in drawing after the first year of life. The kid gets acquainted with paper, pencils, paints and first plays with them, and after observing the adult, the kid begins to imitate his actions and, having “mastered” the writing subject, comes to the joyful discovery that he can leave a mark on paper, and not only ...

Drawing for children is a game, and using games, game techniques and finger gymnastics, a relaxed creative atmosphere for work is created. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using objects that are well known to them as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability. Non-standard approaches to the organization of visual activity surprise and delight, liberate children, thereby causing the desire to do such an interesting thing. After all, drawing for a child is not only a game, but also a joyful, inspired work, which does not need to be forced, therefore it is very important to stimulate and support the baby, gradually opening up new possibilities for visual activity for him

Meanwhile, even small artistic failures can negate their desire to engage in visual activities, therefore, the use unconventional techniques creating a picture provides elements of surprise, gives the kids a lot of positive emotions and helps to form their lasting interest in this activity.

This program is based on an understanding of the priority educational work, aimed at developing perseverance, accuracy, patience, the ability to concentrate, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in children. The development of creative and communication skills of preschoolers on the basis of their own creative activity is also a distinctive feature of this program.
Today we can say with confidence that each normal child born with innate creativity. But only those children grow up to be creative people, whose conditions of upbringing made it possible to develop these abilities in time.

During the implementation of the program, weekly exhibitions of children's works are organized, which organically fit into the space of the group, contribute to the formation of the harmonious development of the child's personality.

The program was developed in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard and is an innovative educational program document.

2-Objectives of the work program
- Create conditions for the development of potential creative abilities inherent in the child, interest in their own discoveries through search activity.
-help preschoolers master the necessary skills and modern painting techniques to translate ideas into their drawings.

Objectives of the work program:
- educational:
1. Teach children to use pencils, paints, a brush
2. To acquaint children with the color scheme,
3. To acquaint children with the properties of materials (plasticine, salt dough, paints, paper, etc.)
4. To teach the techniques of visual and tactile examination of the form.
5. To form in children the skills and abilities necessary to create creative works.

1. To bring up in children the accuracy, hard work and the desire to achieve success by their own labor.
2. Encourage children to experiment, using non-traditional drawing techniques in their work.
3. To cultivate the ability and desire to organize their own workplace and remove it.

1. To develop in children artistic and creative abilities, artistic taste, imagination, ingenuity, spatial imagination, creative thinking, attention.

2. Help the child to learn and discover the world of drawing.
3. Develop fine motor skills of hands.

3-Forms and methods of program implementation
-conversations; -classes; -group and individual work; -collective creative work; -work with parents, master classes; - games, entertainment; -design of exhibitions;
-visual; -practical, -explanatory-illustrative, -publication of information on the website of the preschool educational institution, group.
In the process of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured: -Social-communicative-development -Cognitive-development -Speech-development -Artistic-aesthetic-development -Physical development
- principles of organization: - presentation of material in a playful way. - development of children's creative abilities, imagination. - familiarizing children with the norms and traditions of the family and society. - the choice of topics, methods of work in accordance with the age of the children. - the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

Methodological support: (non-traditional techniques)
- a tip with a hard brush;
-imprint with seals from vegetables; - wax crayons and watercolors;
- candle and watercolor;
-prints of leaves;
- hand drawings; -finger drawing;
- stencil printing.
- expected result: As a result of mastering this program, by the end of the year, children will be able to: - select colors that match the depicted objects. - know how to use the brush correctly. - show your creativity, imagination, imagination. - they will have a more developed sense of composition, visual memory, thinking.

4- Working with children:
Thematic plan classes with children 2-3 years old
Topic Tasks

Hello kindergarten! Introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques.
Rowan twig Introduce unconventional finger painting techniques. Show reception of receiving points. Develop an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.
My favorite rain Continue acquaintance with the finger painting technique. Show receipt receipt short lines from dots (light rain, droplets and strong, like a downpour).
A smart fly agaric Continue acquaintance with the finger drawing technique. Exercise in even painting the mushroom cap with paint; to learn to apply rhythmically and evenly points on the entire surface of the cap.
A smart fly agaric in the grass. Exercise in carefully gluing the silhouette of the mushroom on a sheet of paper and drawing the grass with your fingers.

The transformation of the palm. (flower) Introduce an unconventional technique of drawing with a palm.
Autumn tree Exercise in drawing with a palm (crown of a tree), develop the ability to draw straight vertical lines (trunk) with a brush.
Leaf fall Image of leaves with a finger and a brush using the wetting method. Continue acquaintance with "warm" colors (yellow, orange, red).
Underwater kingdom. Lead children to create a simple composition.
Exercise in drawing fish with palms, and with fingers - algae.

Fluffy kittens play on the carpet
(collective work) Introduce the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush (imitation of animal hair). Gluing figures of kittens on a tinted sheet of Whatman paper (carpet).
Cherry compote Introduce the technique of printing with a cork, potato matrix, show the method of obtaining a print (cherry berries). Drawing berries on the silhouette of a jar.
"Air balloons, obedient to the breeze ..." Arouse interest in the combination of different materials: paint balloons with a brush, and the strings for them - with cotton swabs.
Gift for mom. - "Admire the geranium." Exercise in the technique of printing with a cork, in drawing with your fingers. Learn to draw an elementary flower, drawing the drawing evenly in certain places.

The first snowflakes Exercise in drawing with cotton swabs, Learn to repeat the image, filling the entire space of the sheet.
Winter has come To acquaint with the technique of painting with foam rubber. Exercise in drawing over the entire surface of the sheet (snowflakes in the air and on tree branches).
"It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter ..." Exercise in drawing with fingers, cotton swabs, Introduce a new unconventional isomaterial - a sponge, and the way of drawing with it (tamponing snowdrifts on the ground).
Festive Christmas tree Exercise in the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush (imitation of the texture of the prickly needles of a tree).
Exercise in drawing with cotton swabs; to learn to arrange strokes in a row, using a visual reference (arcuate lines) - “let's light the lights on the Christmas tree”.
New Year's fireworks! To consolidate the technique of drawing with fingers, in drawing a pattern over the entire surface of the sheet

Exercise in the technique of poking with a hard brush (coloring the silhouette of a snowman).
Learn to supplement the drawing with simple details, completing them with felt-tip pens (eyes, carrot nose, buttons on a fur coat).
Winter patterns Acquaintance with the technique of drawing with a candle (frosty patterns on the window). Learn to carefully paint over a sheet with a drawing already applied with a candle with liquid paint.
Matryoshka. Continue to foster interest in visual arts. Teach children to decorate the silhouette of the finished shape with rhythmic strokes. Enrich the plot of a child's play

Winter day
(collective work) To acquaint children with the paper-plastic technique: crease a paper napkin and try to roll it into a tight ball. Creation of an uncomplicated collective plot composition ("we will wrap the trees in the forest with snow").
Scarf for a doll Continue acquaintance with the technique of drawing with a candle. Painting a sheet of paper with a drawing already applied with a candle with liquid paint.
Rocket Exercise in crumpling and rolling into balls of strips from paper napkins (paper plastic technique). Continue building applique skills (sticking paper balls on a rocket instead of windows)
Decorate a cup for dad. Strengthen your ability to decorate items with a cork signet (polka dot cup). Develop a sense of rhythm.

Beautiful beads for mom Exercise in the printing technique with various seals (corks, potato matrices in the form of flowers, circles). To form the ability to create an elementary pattern from simple elements, alternating it in color.
Multi-colored fish To continue teaching to use the palm as a pictorial means - to make a print with it. To consolidate the ability to supplement the image with details (to draw scales on the body of the fish, eyes with felt-tip pens).
"The sun is looking out the window"
To consolidate the ability to draw with the palm of the hand: the image with the palms of the sun's rays.

Icicles are dripping. Continue to learn to combine various non-traditional drawing techniques: to depict icicles with a finger, and drops falling from them with cotton swabs.

A cow on the grass To acquaint children with the technique of drawing on a stencil. Encourage free placement of strokes over the entire surface of the sheet. Reinforce the knowledge of green in children. Foster sympathy in children for the game character, arouse a desire to help him.
Space Exercise in the technique of printing with potato seals (stars in space), in drawing straight lines with cotton swabs ("let's fill the rocket engine with fuel").
Clowns in the circus
(2 lessons are planned) 1. Exercise in the technique of drawing with cotton swabs, placing strokes over the entire surface ("decorate the clown's costume" - polka-dot outfit). Develop a sense of rhythm.
2. Making balls for a clown-juggler using paper-plastic technique; gluing them, relying on a visual reference.

Balloons Continue teaching the children to draw shapes that look like rounded ones. Place them all over the sheet (balls fly). Arouse children's interest in drawing.
Fireworks on our street
(collective work) Exercise in the paper-plastic technique. Gluing paper balls on a prepared dark background (multi-colored fireworks lights in the sky). Develop a sense of rhythm.
Dandelion Exercise children in the printing technique of seals. Learn to draw a flower with a stem and grass. To consolidate the adhesion technique. Develop a sense of composition.
Rain, rainbow and sun! Practice the technique of drawing with a brush and paints, practice poking with a hard brush. Develop aesthetic perception.

5- Working with parents:
September - Adaptation of children to kindergarten. (Parent meeting)
October - Magic colors. "The role of non-traditional drawing in the development of young children" (consultation for parents)
November - How often does your child draw (parent questionnaire). Paint together (drawing on glass) -Portrait of mom.
December - Drawing with salt (workshop for parents)
January - Features of the visual activity of children of primary preschool age. (Publication on our website)
February - Drawing without obstacles with the most unusual things. (Master Class)
March - All small children are artists. (Slide folder)
April - Development of fine motor skills of the hands. (advice for parents)
May - Useful Tips for the development of the creative abilities of children. (reminders for parents)

5- Working with teachers:
1. Consultation for educators:
"Development of aesthetic taste in preschool children through visual activity"
2. Consultation for educators with a master class.
"Experimenting, learning, creating!"
3. Consultation for educators:
“The development of fine motor skills with the help unconventional species of activity. "

6 - References:
1. IA Lykova - "The program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old." 2011
2. IA Lykova - “Kindergarten and family. Fine art from cradle to school doorstep. " 2010
3. I. A. Lykova - " Didactic games and classes (integration of artistic and cognitive activities preschoolers. " 2010
4. GN Davydova - "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten." Moscow 2007
5. AA Fateeva - "We draw without a brush." 2004
6. T.N. Doronova - "Teaching children 2-4 years old to draw, sculpt, applications in the game." 1992
7. G.S. Shvaiko - "Classes in fine arts in kindergarten." 2008
8. Kazakova T.G. "Develop creativity among preschoolers" 1985
9. Komarova T.S. "Visual activity in kindergarten" 1982

Municipal educational institution- secondary general education

school number 3 of the city of Marx, Saratov region named after L.G. Venediktova
Structural subdivision of MDOU d / s No. 1


at the meeting of the teachers' council
MOU-SOSH No. 3 SP MDOU d / s No. 1
"_____" __________ 2017
protocol No. ___ dated ________ 2017

director of MOU-SOSH №3
Gorbunova N.V. _____________
order No. ____ dated "___" ______ 2017

Working programm

for artistic and aesthetic development, for visual activity using non-traditional drawing techniques

"Peace magic colors"For children 6-7 years old (preparatory group)

(within the framework of the EMC of the main educational program "From birth to school" edited by Veraks N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A.)

for the 2017 -2018 academic year.

Compiled by:

Educator I categories

Latysheva N.V.

Marks, 2017

I . Target section

1.1 Explanatory note ………………………………………………… ..… ..3 - 5

1.2 Practical significance of the program …………………………………… ..… 5

1.3 Pedagogical expediency ………………………………………………………………………… 5 - 6

1.4 Purpose and objectives of the work program ………………………………………… .6 - 7

1.5 Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process ...................... 7 - 8

1.6 Features of the development of older preschool children ………… ..… .8 - 9

1.7 Planned results of the development of the program ………………………… ...… .9

II ... Content section

2.1 The content of the educational process in the preparatory group ..................... 10 - 11

2.2 Forms, means and methods of program implementation ……………………….… .11 - 12

2.3 Non-traditional drawing techniques and technology of their application ... ... ... .... 12 - 16

III ... Organizational section

3.1 Conditions for the implementation of the program ……………………………………………… .17 - 22

3.2 Working conditions under the program …………………………………………… ... 22 - 23

3.3 Long-term planning of art classes using non-traditional drawing techniques for children 6-7 years old (preparatory group)

………………………………………………………………………………………….24 - 43

List of used literature ……………………………………………… ... 44


GCD abstracts

I ... Target section

1.1 Explanatory note

“The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, there are the finest threads - rivulets that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, “the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child is,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Fine art is one of the most ancient areas of art. Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

Preschool age is the most appropriate period for aesthetic and artistic development, since it is at this age that children have great potential for fantasy, creativity based on self-expression, self-development, cooperation, and co-creation.

The main goal of the modern system of additional education is the upbringing and development of the child's personality. Achievement of this goal is not possible without the implementation of the tasks facing the educational field of "artistic creativity", a component of which is the fine arts. The visual arts have variety and techniques. Often the child is not familiar enough, traditional ways and the means to express your fantasies.

Many scientists, teachers, psychologists, educators are trying to re-evaluate traditional approaches to artistic education children. Such searches lead to a revision of the familiar and well-known, help not to stop at what has already been achieved, "shake up", and enrich. As a result of such searches and discoveries, children's activities are becoming more free, joyful and successful!

After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, as well as the advanced experience with children, accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign pedagogues - practitioners, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional methods of art in working with preschoolers in the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. In my work, I decided to turn to non-traditional art techniques to increase children's interest in art. Unconventional painting techniques showcase unusual combinations of materials and tools. The formation of an artistic image among preschoolers occurs on the basis of the practical interest of developing activity.

Novelty of the present program lies in the fact that the use of this technique has not yet become widespread enough and has not taken root, these techniques are rather experimental.

The pedagogical experience of using these techniques has not yet been systematized, generalized and not presented (to the proper extent) in modern educational programs... In the methods of image (quite simple in technology) there is no rigid assignment and strict control, but there is creative freedom and genuine joy.

The result is usually very effective and almost does not depend on the skills and abilities of the child.

Unusual techniques are like a game in which the enormous potential of children is revealed. Even the most traditional technique can be transformed into original if it is applied on the basis of unconventional materials. For example, with ordinary paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, you can draw on white and colored, dry and wet, even and wrinkled, smooth and sandpaper. You can invent your own methods and techniques from what is at hand. And you can master new materials: pencils - wax, oil; paints - stained glass, mother-of-pearl, acrylic ... It is very interesting to paint on sand, birch bark, natural stone with charcoal, bird's feather, pine cone, string.

As well as relevance the program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. Currently, there is a need for new approaches to the teaching of aesthetic arts, capable of solving modern problems of creative perception and development of the individual as a whole. In the system of aesthetic, creative education of the younger generation, a special role belongs to the fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the world around us, contributes to the education of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional ways of drawing, their features, the variety of materials used in drawing, learn to create their own drawings on the basis of the knowledge gained. The program is aimed at introducing children to creativity through art. Thus, a creative personality develops, capable of applying their knowledge and skills in various situations.

The methodology of working with children is built in such a way that by means of art and children's artistic activity, the following qualities are formed in children: independence, initiative, creative activity, which allow self-realization in various types and forms of artistic and creative activity; to reduce the complexion, stiffness.

This program is based on an understanding of the priority of educational work aimed at developing perseverance, accuracy, patience, the ability to concentrate, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in children. The development of creative and communication skills of preschoolers on the basis of their own creative activity is also a distinctive feature of this program.

Work program for additional education of preschoolers in preparatory school for the group "The World of Magic Colors" is a part Basic educational programMOU Secondary School No. 3, Marx, Saratov Region named after L.G. Venediktova structural unit MDOU d / s No. 1"Healthy baby" and obeys its main goal -achieving the best results in the formation of a creative, intellectual, spiritually, physically and culturally developed personality, capable of conscious perception of the phenomena of the surrounding world and self-development.

The work program for the section "Visual activity" is drawn up on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the state standard - the development of older children "Time requirements" for the content and methods of upbringing and teaching implemented in a preschool educational institution "taking into account the general educational program of preschool education
"From birth to school" edited by Veraks N.Ye., Komarova TS, Vasilyeva MA and is designed for 1 year of study.

A distinctive feature of the program for senior preschool children "The World of Magic Colors" is that classes are aimed at developing artistic and creative abilities in preschoolers through teaching non-traditional drawing techniques.

Firstly, The pedagogical experience of using these techniques of non-traditional drawing has not yet been systematized, generalized and not presented (to the proper extent) in modern educational programs.

Secondly, these techniques have not gained widespread acceptance or "ingrained", they are rather experimental.

Thirdly, non-traditional art techniques are just beginning their history in art pedagogy, although they have been known for many years.

Fourthly, in the methods of image (quite simple in technology) there is no rigid prescription and strict control, but there is creative freedom and genuine joy, the result is usually very effective.

Unusual techniques are like a game in which the enormous potential of children is revealed. Even the most traditional technique can be transformed into original if it is applied on the basis of unconventional materials.

During the implementation of the program, children get acquainted with the following drawing techniques:

    « finger painting»(Paint is applied with a finger, palm);


    drawing with a candle;

    drawing on wet paper;

    painting by splashing paint;

    impressions of stamps of various types;


  • blotography (blowing with a straw, drawing from the spot);

    drawing with a hard brush (poke);

1.2 The practical significance of the program

Non-traditional drawing techniques are a real flame of creativity, it is an impetus to the development of imagination, the manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality.

Unconventional approach to fulfillment gives impetus to the development of children's intelligence, pushes the child's creative activity, teaches to think outside the box. New ideas arise related to combinations of different materials, the child begins to experiment, create. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

The path to creativity for them has many paths, known and still unknown. Creativity for children is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are instruments of the soul. The creative process is a real miracle. “There is no right path in creativity, there is no wrong path, there is only one own path».

1.3 Pedagogical relevance

From many years of experience working with children on the development of artistic and creative abilities in drawing, it became clear that standard sets of visual material and methods of transferring information are not enough for modern children, since the level of mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher. In this regard, non-traditional drawing techniques give an impetus to the development of children's intelligence, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.

All classes in the program developed by me are of a creative nature. Classes under the program "The World of Magic Colors" are aimed at the implementation of the basic tasks of artistic and creative development of children. Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities of using objects that are well known to them as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability. Original drawing without a brush and pencil relaxes the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize. The teacher must awaken in every child faith in his creativity, individuality, uniqueness, the belief that he came into this world to create goodness and beauty, to bring people joy.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques for this program:

    Develops self-confidence.

    Helps relieve children's fears.

    Teaches children to freely express their ideas.

    Encourages children to creative searches and solutions.

    Forms children's skills in working with a variety of artistic, natural and waste materials.

    Develops fine motor skills of the hands. Develops creativity, imagination and fantasy flight. While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

    Confidence in their creative abilities is fostered through the use of various isotechniques.

The program for introducing a child to a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques and isomaterials is based on the following principles:

The principle of seasonality: the construction of cognitive content, taking into account the natural and climatic characteristics of a given area in this moment time.

The principle of consistency and consistency: setting objectives. “From simple to complex”, from “Unknown to known”.

The principle of conformity to nature: setting tasks for the artistic and creative development of children, taking into account age characteristics and individual abilities.

The principle of the developing nature of art education.

The principle of interest: building based on the interests of children, a playful form of material presentation.

Personally - oriented approach to every child.

Activity, controllability, an individual approach to teaching and artistic development of children, the availability of material, its repetition, the construction of program material from simple to complex, visibility.

Based on all of the above, the goal of the program is determined.

1.4 Purpose of the program : the formation of emotional and sensory inner peace, development of fantasy, imagination and creativity of preschool children.

Objectives of the program:


    teach the techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques and methods of image using various materials;

    to acquaint children with the visual arts of various types and genres, to form the ability in children to understand the expressive means of art;

    to form children's ability to see and understand the beauty in life and art, to enjoy the beauty of nature, works of classical art, surrounding objects, buildings, structures;

    lead children to create an expressive image when depicting objects and phenomena of the surrounding activity;

    to form the ability to evaluate the created images;


    develop emotional responsiveness when perceiving pictures, illustrations: (to draw children's attention to expressive means, to learn to notice the combination of colors);

    develop the creativity of children;

develop the aesthetic perception of artistic images and objects of the surrounding world as aesthetic objects

    develop in children the ability to convey the same form or image in different techniques

Educational :

    to instill in children an interest in visual activities;

    foster a culture of activity, develop cooperation skills.

    foster artistic taste and a sense of harmony;

    cultivate perseverance, patience, diligence;

    foster independence in completing assignments;

    bring up moral qualities, namely the tolerance of benevolence towards others

    to develop the ability to organize the workplace and clean it.

1.5 Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process

    the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education;

    accounting for age and psychological characteristics children;

    assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

    supporting the initiative of children in various activities;

    game form of material presentation;

    cooperation of the Organization with the family;

    familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

1.6 Features of the development of older preschool children

This is the age active development physical and cognitive abilities of the child, communication with peers. Play remains the main way of knowing the world around us, although its forms and content change. The child continues to actively learn the world... He not only asks many questions, but also himself formulates the answers or creates versions ... His imagination is involved almost 24 hours a day and helps him not only to develop, but also to adapt to the world, which is still difficult and inexplicable for him. Wants to show himself to the world. He often attracts attention because he needs a witness to his self-expression. Sometimes for him negative attention is more important than none, so the child can provoke an adult to attract attention with "bad" actions. He can hardly measure his own “want” with other people's needs and capabilities, and therefore constantly checks the strength of the boundaries set by other adults, wanting to get what he wants. I am ready to communicate with peers, learning through this communication the rules of interaction with peers. Gradually moves from role-playing games to games according to the rules, in which a mechanism for controlling one's behavior is taking shape , which then manifests itself in other types of activity .

In productive activity, children know what they want to portray, and can purposefully follow their goal, overcoming obstacles and not abandoning their design, which is now becoming anticipatory. They are able to portray anything that piques their interest. The created images become similar to a real object, recognizable and include many details. It can be not only images of individual objects and plot pictures, but also illustrations for fairy tales and events. The drawing technique is being improved and complicated. Children can convey the characteristic features of an object: shape outlines, proportions, color. In drawing, they can create color tones and shades, master new ways of working with gouache (wet and dry), use different ways of overlaying a color spot, and color as a means of conveying mood, state, attitude to what is depicted or highlighting the main thing in the drawing. Techniques become available to them decorative decoration.

In sculpting, children can create images from nature and by imagination, also conveying the characteristic features of familiar objects and using different sculpting methods (plastic, constructive, combined).

In the application, preschoolers master the techniques of cutting out the same figures or parts from paper folded in half, like an accordion. They have a sense of color when choosing paper in different shades. Children are able to construct according to the scheme, photographs, given conditions, their own idea of ​​construction from a variety of building materials, complementing them with architectural details; make toys by folding paper in different directions; create figurines of people, animals, heroes literary works from natural material. Most important achievement children in this educational area is the mastery of composition (frieze, linear, central), taking into account spatial relations, in accordance with the plot and their own intention. They can create multi-figured plot compositions by placing objects closer, further away. Children show interest in collective work and can negotiate with each other, although they still need the help of a teacher.

The most important achievement of children in this educational field is the mastery of composition (frieze, linear, central), taking into account spatial relations, in accordance with the plot and their own intentions. Children can create multi-figured scene compositions by placing objects closer, further away.

They show interest in collective work and can negotiate with each other, although they still need the help of a teacher.

The world is not only stable in the child's perception, but can also act as a relational one (everything is possible for everyone); the conditional plan of action formed in the previous period of development is embodied in the elements of figurative thinking, reproducing and creative productive imagination; the foundations of the symbolic function of consciousness are formed, sensory and intellectual abilities are developed. By the end of the period, the child begins to put himself in the place of another person: to look at what is happening from the standpoint of others and to understand the motives of their actions; independently build an image of the future result of a productive action. Unlike an early child, who is only capable of making an elementary distinction between such spheres of reality as the natural and man-made world, “other people” and “I myself,” by the end of preschool age, ideas about various aspects of each of these spheres are formed. Appreciation and self-esteem are born. By the age of 7, the prerequisites for a successful transition to the next level of education are formed.

1.7 Planned results of the development of the Program

In children:

    New techniques of graphic activity have been mastered.

    Developed creativity, hand skills, spatial representations, composition skills, volitional qualities- perseverance, patience.

    Formed the ability to bring the matter to the end.

    The development of integrative qualities: they compare objects, highlighting their features for artistic and pictorial purposes; smoothly and rhythmically depict shaping lines; depict objects from memory; use color to create different looks; create compositions on sheets of paper of different shapes; convey the mood in creative work; use different techniques of non-traditional drawing; comment on their creative work in detail.

Children can:

    use tools, materials, devices for non-traditional artistic creativity;

    skillfully combine various materials to implement a creative idea;

    use color as a means of conveying mood, state, highlighting the main thing;

    use lines of different nature to convey the greatest expressiveness of the image;

    apply color and tone contrast, size contrast, contrast of dynamics and tranquility;

    own means of expressiveness;

    transmit the spatial position of objects;

    compose compositions on a given topic from art materials;

II ... Content section

When choosing teaching methods, preference is given to developing methods that contribute to the formation of the cognitive, social sphere of development.

A distinctive feature of the program is that it is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the behavior, activities and attitude of the child to the world. The program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

The program effectively implements the ideas of developmental education continuously and successively from preschool training to graduation comprehensive school.

The work program of the preparatory group for artistic and aesthetic development ensures the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the direction: artistic and aesthetic development (non-traditional drawing techniques).

The program is drawn up taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in the following sections:

    "Communication". In the classroom, the technique of commented drawing is used. In the process of playing up the plot and the drawing itself, there is a continuous conversation with the children, the children discuss their work with each other in drawing. Use of the artistic word in the classroom: nursery rhymes, riddles. Performing practical actions, kids are able to learn many new words and expressions of the active and passive vocabulary of children, the development of the communicative function of speech, the development of coherent speech.

    "Cognition". Plots that are close to the child's experience are selected for classes in activity, they allow you to clarify the knowledge already mastered by him, expand it, apply the first options for generalization. In the classroom, children learn about various natural phenomena, about the life of people, about the life of animals. Also, activity classes contribute to the assimilation of knowledge about color, size, shape, number of objects and their spatial arrangement.

    "Socialization". Joint creative activity develops ability to interact with the surrounding society, obey general rules behavior.

    "Music". Drawing to convey the perception of musical works. The use of drawings in the design for the holidays, musical design to create a mood and a better understanding of the image, to express your own feelings.

    "Physical education". The use of physical minutes, finger gymnastics, work on the protection of vision and prevention of posture disorders.

The work on the program adheres to general didactic and private methodological principles and teaching methods foreseen Federal State Educational Standardpreschool education:

    Systematic presentation of material - the interconnection of a complex of methods and techniques in all types of classes, and throughout the entire period of training in this program;

    Visibility in teaching - carried out on the basis of the perception of visual material;

    The cyclical structure of the lesson - lessons are based on the previous lesson;

    Availability - the set of classes is compiled taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers according to the principle of didactics (from simple to complex);

    The principle of humanity - the set of classes is based on a deep knowledge and understanding of the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of children; conditions have been created for the maximum disclosure of the individuality of each child, his self-realization and self-affirmation.

    Problematic - activating methods aimed at finding solutions to problem situations;

    The principle of consciousness and activity - training, based on the student's conscious and interested attitude to their actions

    Developmental and educational nature of training - is aimed at the development of aesthetic feelings, cognitive processes, to expand the horizons.

2.2 Forms of program implementation:

Group and individual work with children;

Exhibitions of creative works in the group and at the preschool educational institution;

Master classes with teachers and parents;

Consulting for parents and teachers;

ICT parent meetings;

Publication of information on the website of the preschool educational institution;

Subject-environment design.

Means of program implementation:

1. Specially organized training.

2. Joint activities of a teacher with children.

3. Developing subject-game environment.

4. Working with parents.

5. Diagnostics.

Program implementation methods

child in a preschool educational institution.

2. Creation of a developing subject-game environment

3. Zoning of free space.

4. Organization of situations of play interaction with children.

5. Creating an emotionally rich, varied daily life.

6. The participation of the teacher in children's games, based on the relationship of partnership between the teacher and the child.

7. Creating an atmosphere that allows the child to delve into creativity.

1. Didactic

games and exercises.

2. Role-playing games.

3. Outdoor games.

4. Finger and gesture games.

5. Conversations.

6. Memorizing poems and counting rhymes,

8. Entertainment.

9. Observations

1. Didactic games and exercises.

3.Examination of illustrations,

reproductions of paintings by artists, postcards.

4. Compilation and review

albums with standards.

5. Introducing elements of dramatization.

6. Organization of exhibitions.

7. Personal example of adults.

2.3 Non-traditional drawing techniques and technology of their application

Taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering different skills at different stages for non-traditional drawing, it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques.

So, for children of older preschool age, when drawing, children can master more difficult methods and techniques than children of younger and middle preschool age, such as: drawing with sand, soap bubbles; drawing with crumpled paper; blotography with a straw; stencil printing; subject monotype; blotography is common; plasticineography.

The main form of work is occupation. Classes are held in accordance with the long-term plan developed by me 8 times a month. The plan is developed taking into account the age characteristics of children, the duration of the lessons is 25 - 30 minutes. Classes are characterized by a change in the type of activity, clarity, the presence of exercises with movements, musical accompaniment. Classes are held in the form of games, travel, riddles.

The learned drawing techniques are fixed in the free creative activity of children. Also, individual work is carried out with children who have difficulties in working with non-traditional drawing techniques.

Cognitive research activity, or GCD occurs in stages:

1. Water part or organizational moment.

Purpose: to attract the attention of children, create motivation.

Methodological techniques are used:

    Artistic word - poems, riddles, fairy tales;

    Listening to audio recordings - sounds of nature, animals.

2. The main or practical part, includes acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, the implementation of practical activities with children, individual refinements of the technique in the drawing process.

Techniques are used:

    Examining illustrations;

    Demonstration of techniques and stages of work;

    Determination of the stages of work;

    Making additions to the overall composition.

3. The final part.

Purpose: to promote the development of speech and motor skills of the hands.

Lesson structure:

Motivating children

Taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, the fabulous-play form of presenting the material dominates. Fairy tale narration, game situations, elements of pantomime, travel games, didactic games, immersion of the child in the situation of the listener, then in the situation of the actor, the interlocutor give the lessons dynamism, intriguing mystery. The teacher can act as an Artist, a beautiful Sorceress who creates human visible peace according to the laws of beauty and harmony.

Finger gymnastics

It is known that the lack of elementary visual skills complicates the manifestation of artistic creativity. One of the effective ways to solve this problem is to carry out special finger gymnastics before starting the creative process using artistic texts. Warming up the joints of the hand and fingers helps to prepare fragile hands for the movements necessary in artistic creation. Allows children to confidently handle a variety of materials, effortlessly use tools.

Artistic and visual activity

It is related to the content of a specific lesson and includes tasks related to the use of the expressive capabilities of materials, performance techniques. Provides for the use of a synthesis of arts and artistic activities. Literary works help children to develop the ability to compare, contrast different emotional-figurative content of works of fine art, the mood of wildlife. Musical accompaniment encourages preschoolers to convey emotions, feelings in practical activities, design creativity through plastic sketches, improvisations.

A child is able to "turn" into a flower, to show how it grows; feel like a bird, a fragile twig, recognize yourself in sounds and colors. In the classroom, game characters are used - Akvarelka, Vredina, Klyaksa, who make mistakes, make inaccuracies, and confuse. Children will be happy to come to the rescue, feel joy, self-confidence. Children learn to project their emotions and experiences in paints, visual materials, to notice the unusual in the ordinary, in the unprepossessing - expressive.

The combination of individual and collective forms of work contributes to the solution of creative problems. Exhibitions of children's art, individual exhibitions, joint discussion of works are a good incentive for further activities.

A positive analysis of the results of all pupils from the standpoint of originality, expressiveness, depth of concept helps children to feel the joy of success, to feel the significance of their work.

The structure of building directly educational activities

PART 1. Introductory

The purpose of the introductory part of the lesson is to tune the group to work together, to establish emotional contact with the children.

The main work procedures are reading a fairy tale, games on topics, for example, the game "Sculptor", " Magic pictures"," Animating bugs "listening to songs (about winter, about the landscape" If you see in the picture ... ", about insects), listening to the melody" Sounds of nature ", relaxation, conversations with tea drinking, viewing albums, works of art, conversations about artists.

PART 2. Productive

This part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It includes artistic word, games, explanation of the material, showing, the teacher's story, examining illustrations, reproductions, aimed at enhancing cognitive activity, developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.

PART 3. Final

The purpose of this part of the lesson is to consolidate the knowledge gained through the creation of collective drawings, joint plot-based role-playing games, and quizzes. And also consolidation of positive emotions from work in class. At the end of the lesson, the teacher analyzes the activities of the children; older preschoolers can themselves assess the result of the work. A mini-exhibition of creative works is organized during practical classes. At each lesson there is a physical minute on the topic of the lesson.

It is not excluded to frame each work created according to the idea of ​​children or with the help of a teacher, using non-standard types of drawing or application. Thus, the artistic and decorative abilities of children are developed.

Techniques and methods used in the classroom:

    Practical - exercises, games methods,

    Verbal methods - stories, conversations, artistic word, pedagogical dramatization, verbal techniques - explanation, explanation, ped assessment.

When conducting classes, I adhere to the basic rules:

1. Using the reception of broadcasting information,

2. Selection of thematic content,

3. The main character of the drawing is a child,

4. The adult does not seek to immediately correct the child's speech,

5. The teacher creates schematic images,

6. Not only talks about what is drawn, but also show through pictorial actions,

7. As a "physical education" - elements of dramatization, imitation movements, accompanied by a commented speech are used.

All classes are based on the communicative principle:

1. Creation of optimal conditions for motivating children's speech,

2. Providing the main conditions for communication,

3. Stimulation and maintenance of speech initiative,

4. Use of various communication means.

Classes differ in their structure:

1.creation of a positive attitude towards the topic and the way of its implementation,

2.communicative drawing using imitation movements and discussion of the creation and plot of the drawing (no more than 10 minutes),

3.dynamic pause with elements of logo rhythmics and psycho-gymnastics,

4. storytelling from a picture with modeling of a communicative situation,

5. word games, games - dramatizations.

Methods and techniques used in non-traditional drawing classes:

    Creation of a game situation.

    Educator show.

    Using hand movement.

    Comparison of the two techniques.

    Examination of reproductions of paintings.

    Reading and memorizing fiction

    Pronunciation of the sequence of work.

    Emotional attitude - the use of musical compositions,

    Practical methods - exercises, game methods,

    Verbal methods - stories, conversations, artistic word, pedagogical dramatization, verbal techniques - explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

    Visual methods and techniques - observing, examining, showing a sample, showing ways of doing, etc.

All methods are used in combination.

Principles of working with children:

    the availability of the selected material;

    the gradual complication of the program content, methods and techniques for the management of children's activities;

    individual approach to children.

Forms of organizing the activities of preschoolers: group; individual.

Forms of conducting classes : lesson-travel; lesson-experiment; game; excursion; problem situation.

Forms of the results of the implementation of the work program:

    Organization of monthly exhibitions of children's works for parents.

    Thematic exhibitions at the preschool educational institution.

    Participation in city exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.

    Designing an aesthetic developmental environment in a group, etc.

Cooperation with parents:

    assistance in equipping and equipping the pictorial corner in the group with material;

    questioning of parents;

    joint work children and parents on the designated preschool educational institution;

    design of the photo album of the "Colorful World" circle;

    participation in quizzes and competitions.

Working with teachers:

    consultations for teachers;

    speeches at pedagogical councils, methodological associations;

    pedagogical workshop "Exchange of creative finds";

    Master - class for teachers "Non-traditional visual technologies"

Expected results:

1. The desire and ability of children to create independently, experiencing the joy of creativity.

2. The ability of children to use a variety of graphic means and non-traditional ways of drawing in visual productive activities.

3. Development in children of fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination, compositional skills of color perception and visual - motor coordination.

4. Formation of practical skills in working with paper and gouache.

5. Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.

6. Formation of prerequisites for educational activity (self-control, self-esteem, generalized methods of action) and the ability to interact with each other.

7. Formation of activity and independence of children in activity.

8. Formation of the ability to find new ways for artistic image.

9. Formation of the ability to convey your feelings in works with the help of various means expressiveness.

The implementation of the program will help preschool children to be creative in the vision of the world they are portraying and to use any available means for self-expression.

III . Organizational section

3.1 Conditions for the implementation of the program

When organizing classes in non-traditional drawing, it is important to remember that for the successful mastering of skills and abilities by children, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements become more complex, the shape of the paper, new means of expression are allocated.

GCD are carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children. Children 6-7 years old are already able to create vivid generalized figurative compositions, highlighting the main thing in them, showing the relationship. In progress decorative painting the child is aware of the emotional stylized embodiment of images in decorative painting, which helps in the implementation of the transition from visual-figurative thinking to abstract.

The creative abilities of children are improved, artistic taste is formed. The increased activity, consciousness, independence of the child allows him to express himself much more clearly in the process of aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality.

Based on the age, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of older preschool children, the program is designed for a year of study.

GCD for this program are held from September to May, inclusively, once a week. Duration of direct educational activity is 30 minutes. The total number of educational situations per year is 36.

The form of organization of the educational process is group.

The form of the lesson: combined (individual and group work, independent and practical work).

In the course of the educational process, various methodological and didactic material(riddles, fairy tales, children's songs, various illustrative material, visual aids, etc.). The classes themselves are conducted in a playful way. Thanks to this, children show more fantasy, imagination than in simple life situations, and the teacher's task is to help children in the implementation of their ideas.

The conditions for the implementation of the Program are:

Children's interest in the content of the Program and its final results.

Organization of the learning process in an interesting accessible form.

Visibility of training.

Availability of tools and materials for work.

The presence of a room that meets sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements.

Furniture for the growth of children. The teacher is given the right to change the content of the program and the list of practical works, to make changes on the distribution of hours in the study of certain topics, depending on the contingent of students, working conditions, opportunities for creative association and the nature of the material used.

Methodological techniques:

    Carrying out a thematic outdoor game;

    Viewing drawings in a playful way - choose the most fun, unusual composition;

    Listening to a song or poem.

Each stage ends with a physical minute, which contributes to the development of coordination of speech and movements.

Thus, we can conclude that information-receptive, reproductive, partial-search, research methods are used in the structure of GCD.

5. The availability of the use of non-traditional drawing techniques is determined by the age characteristics of preschoolers and consists of the principles:

    From simple to complex - based on a card index of non-traditional drawing techniques (by age);

    The principle of visibility - a developing environment in the group has been created in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards, built taking into account the principles of integrating educational areas;

    The principle of individualization is to ensure the development of each child;

    Communication with society - development of personality, creativity.

    It can be concluded that given view activities "Artistic Creativity" is integrated with educational areas:


Develops cognitive and research activities; Forms sensory representations;

Broadens horizons, develops personal qualities;


Promotes the expansion of vocabulary, helps the formation of oral speech, its development and enrichment;


Introduces to the norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;

Brings up the desire to negotiate with each other, to yield to comrades;

Forms in children the ability to work individually and create collective compositions, hard work;

Strengthens the skills of using a brush and other materials;


Develops literary speech, introduces to verbal art;


Promotes emotional outlook

    "Physical education"

Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health in children.

The program can be successfully implemented in the presence of the following

materials and equipment:

Sets of mixed paper.

Additional material (natural, household, waste).

Artistic and visual material (watercolors and gouache paints, special stained glass paints of the "Gamma" or "Luch" company, wax crayons, white wax candles, felt-tip pens, colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, seals).

Tools for artistic creation (brushes, scissors, brush holder, napkins, PVA glue).

Methodological support of the program

In my class I use non-traditional techniques in my work:

    drawing with crumpled paper;

    blotography with a straw;

    blotography is common;

    imprint with seals from vegetables;

    drawing with plasticine;

    jab with a hard brush;

    stamping with seals from an eraser;

    foam rubber stamp;

    wax crayons and watercolors;

    candle and watercolor;

    leaf prints;

    hand drawings;


    infusion of color into color;


    stencil printing.

    drawing with soap bubbles;

    magic threads;

Each of these methods is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. In addition, this work contributes to the development of coordination of movements, attention, memory, imagination, fantasy. Children have unlimited opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, mood in drawings. The use of various techniques contributes to the development of the ability to see images in combinations of color spots and lines and to design them into recognizable images. The activities of the circle are not in the form of "study and teaching". Children master artistic techniques and interesting means of knowing the world around them through unobtrusive involvement in the drawing process. The lesson turns into a creative creative process of the teacher and children with the help of a variety of visual material, which goes through the same stages as the creative process of the artist. These activities are assigned the role of a source of fantasy, creativity, independence.

Children independently choose visual materials, the material on which the image will be located. A variety of drawing methods gives rise to original ideas in children, speech, fantasy and imagination develop, arouses the desire to come up with new compositions, the ability of children to act with various materials: stones, sand, ropes, wax crayons, candles, etc. In the process of drawing, children enter into communication, asking each other questions, make assumptions, practice all types of communicative statements.

Now I will introduce some unconventional painting techniques and talk about the rendering method:

The most simple ways drawing for older children is:

1. Watercolor + wax crayons.

The drawing is applied with wax crayon, then painted over with watercolors in one or several colors. The crayon drawing remains not painted over.

2. The next technique is "candle + watercolor", the principle is the same.

3. Prints - tomponing.

This technique is closely related to stencil or painting, where an object or plot is filled with a swab.

4. The technique of leaf prints is very popular with children. A leaf of a tree is covered with paint different colors or in one color and applied to the paper painted on the side.

5. The next technique " crumpled paper+ hard dry brush ”is also simple and understandable for children. It turns out an imitation of texture and whether a prickly surface. In this case, the brush does not sink into the water; they hit it on the paper while holding it vertically.

6. Drawing on crumpled paper gives the effect of volume.

7. With the help of coal, children get acquainted with the expressive possibilities of graphic material.

8.With interest, they master more complex techniques that contribute to the development of fantasy, imagination, creative independence:

Subject monotype

A sheet of paper is folded in half and half of the symmetrical object being depicted is drawn on one half of it. While the ink has not dried, the sheet is folded again to form a print. Then the missing details are completed.

Monotype through glass:

    Put glass on the illustration.

    Apply the drawing to the glass and let dry.

    Lightly moisten the album sheet with foam rubber and put on the glass with a pattern, gently press it with your palm.

    Then remove the sheet by the upper corners.

    Allow to dry and frame.

9. The technique of drawing by stroke solves the following problems:

    Improving fine motor skills.

    Consolidation of writing skills.

    Formation of coherent speech.

With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the nature of the object, convey its lightness, as well as its gloom. Stroke is good for depicting furry or shaggy animals, bird feathers, trees, and more.

10. Drawing with semolina is of particular interest.

Sprinkle semolina on the finished background, made over raw.

At first, semolina sticks to the brush, but the wetter the brush, the more textured the work. Watercolor paint permeates the semolina, gradually coloring it. This effect helps to depict the crown of trees, bunches of lilacs, animal hair.

11. Plasticine graphics develop perseverance, finger motor skills, accuracy.

12. Children draw rain and trees with great interest.

On a wet background, colors are quickly applied depending on the image and nature of the rain. Images of trees and houses are also applied. While the sheet is still wet, a metal comb is carried along it in a given direction, and if the sheet is dry, then whitewash is applied to the comb.

13. Drawing with salt also delights children.

Use the wet technique. The paper is moistened with water and watercolors of any scale are applied. Then sprinkle with coarse salt, which absorbs some of the paint, forming many bleached areas.

You can also sprinkle salt in a certain way:

HORIZONTAL movements AROUND the CENTER of the sheet make it possible to draw the seashore with its reflection in the water.

With the help of HORIZONTAL movements ALONG THE BOTTOM half of the leaf, you get a field, melting snow.

The salt, sprinkled with VERTICAL FRAGMENTAL movements, makes it possible to obtain an image of the trees.

14 . Paint infusion.

Raw technique is used. The preliminary drawing is applied with wax and crayons. The color is from dark to light with the addition of white for a highlight.

15. With great interest, children master the technique of nitkography, which develops imagination and accuracy.

The thread is dipped into the paint, then images are laid out on half of the folded sheet of thread, leaving one end free, closed with the other half, holding it with your hand, pulling the thread by the tip. The missing details are completed.

1 6. Blotography with a tube.

The child scoops up paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, making a small drop, then blows onto this drop of paint from a tube so that its end does not touch the drop or paper. The missing details are completed.

17. Drawing with glue.

A drawing is applied with glue and laid out with a thread.

18. Unusual drawing technique - GRATTAGE.

    The candle is covered with a sheet of paper in one direction.

    A mixture of mascara and gouache with liquid soap is used to tint the leaf.

    Then a landscape is scratched with a stack over the dried background.

nineteen . Monitoring. Classes with the use of scientific and technological revolution at an older age are carried out, as a rule, after familiarization with the traditional ones. This sequence allows children to form the ability to see differently objects, develops creativity to the fine arts.

20. For the successful achievement of the goal and the holistic development of the child, coordinated joint work of all participants in the educational process is necessary: ​​not only children, but also teachers and parents.

The involvement of teachers in the creative process takes place through various forms of cooperation. Introducing teachers to new technologies in artistic creation, she conducted both individual and collective consultations, workshops, pedagogical workshops on mastering and using non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children.

21. The upbringing and development of a child, including creative, is not possible without the participation of parents

One of the most effective forms of work with parents are exhibitions of joint creativity. Through consultations, workshops, parents receive theoretical and practical knowledge about the role of visual activity in the development of the child.

When working with children according to the program, you must:

    Teach children to find a connection between objects and phenomena of the world around them and their images in a drawing

    to form methods of visual and tactile examination of objects, to clarify and enrich perception

    observe in nature and a corner of nature, to enrich and clarify visual impressions

    create conditions for children to master the methods and techniques of depicting familiar objects on the basis of familiar and non-traditional means of artistic and figurative expressiveness

    encourage children to choose their own image methods when creating expressive images using mastered techniques

    learn to navigate in concepts such as shape, color, size, quantity

    try to arouse interest in co-creation with the teacher and other children when creating collective compositions

3 .2 Working conditions under the program:

For the effective implementation of the pedagogical process in the group, a developing environment is created in which pedagogically expedient interactions between an adult and a child are characterized. The space is designed in such a way that every child can find an exciting activity during the day.

When creating an environment, taking into account the development of visual activity, a number of requirements are taken into account:

    Compliance with the child's ability to move to the next stage of development

    The object environment includes not only objects already known to the child, but also those that induce activity

    The design of the objective environment follows from the initial initiative of children, their desire to actually apply their knowledge and skills.

The developing environment is based on the principles:

    The principle of compliance with the peculiarities of development and self-development

    The principle of awareness, enrichment

    Activity principle

    The principle of emotional saturation

    The principle of consistency

    The principle of static and mobility

    The principle of emotional well-being and comfort

    Closedness principle

    The principle of ensuring sex differences

    The principle of universality

Development environment to work on the program includes the following centers:

Paper of various sizes and structures.

Equipment for work.

Mnemonic tables

Technological maps


    Unconventional drawing


    Coloring Pages

Game Library

Clarification, systematization of knowledge, skills and abilities, their use in game activities

Didactic games in accordance with age in various sections

Play activity

Book Center

The accumulation of cognitive experience, the ability to "work" with a book.

Cognitive and fictional literature, pictures and photos, "Knizhkina Hospital"



    Organizing visual material

Corner of nature

Expansion of cognitive experience, its use in other activities

    Equipment for labor

    Illustrations with ecological content

    Card file of riddles, poems, signs, proverbs, sayings

    Herbaria, plant seeds

    Natural material

    Mnemonic tables

    Didactic games of ecological content

Observation, experiments, experiments. Natural history work.

3.3 Long-term planning of art classes using non-traditional drawing techniques

for children 6-7 years old (preparatory group)





to class

"Rainbow Country"

(Drawing with foam rubber)

Improve skills and abilities in the free experimenting with materials, for work in various non-traditional techniques.

Encourage creativity and the desire of children to make their own choice of composition and materials.

Develop creative thinking, imagination.

Palettes for each child, gouache, A4 sheets of white paper, foam sponges, jars of water, brushes for each child, napkins.

View illustrations, postcards depicting rainbows and other natural phenomena to enrich children's artistic experiences. Telling a fairy tale: "Is it possible to draw a rainbow with three colors." Reading the poem "The Colors of the Rainbow" (by A. Wenger).

« Autumn tale»

(Imprint of cabbage leaf (imprint, drawing with salt)

To form the ability to reflect the features of the depicted object, using non-traditional visual techniques.

Develop a sense of composition.

Improve the ability to work in various techniques.

Sheets of white paper A-4, gouache, PVA glue, salt, jars of water, napkins, jars for glue, glue brushes and drawing, cabbage leaves.

Observing trees while walking, viewing reproductions and illustrations of trees in the fall reading fiction, memorizing poetry about autumn

"Fairy Glade"

(Crumpled paper and cotton swabs)

Arouse an active interest, an emotional response to works of art, a desire to carefully examine the paintings. To form the ability in children to classify reproductions of paintings by genre - portrait, landscape, still life. Strengthen the knowledge and skills of children in mixing colors and obtaining new shades. Encourage children to independently transfer images of objects using unconventional forms drawing with crumpled paper and cotton swabs. Develop imagination, imagination.

Brushes, crumpled paper, cotton swabs, dishes for crumpled paper and cotton swabs, gouache,

background for drawing on an album sheet,

glade with butterflies, flowers, napkins, palette, brush holders, oilcloths for the background, jars of water.

Examination of paintings by artists;

remember the genres of painting, drawing landscapes, portraits, still lifes.

"Cat on the window"

(drawing with semolina)

Form the ability to draw semolina; apply a pattern over the entire surface, apply glue;

Develop children's creativity, imagination and perception of the world around them. Develop fine motor skills of hands,

To bring up good and affectionate attitude to pets, to educate accuracy when doing work, the ability to diligently do it.

Cardboard white, PVA glue, sockets for semolina, sockets for glue, gouache, paint brushes, cups, napkins.

Examining pictures of a cat with children. Reading - S. Marshak "Mustache - striped", memorizing nursery rhymes about a cat.





to class

"Autumn leaves"

(Leaves seal)

To acquaint with the technique of printing leaves, to develop color perception, to teach how to mix paints directly on the leaves.

Album sheet, fallen leaves, gouache.

Observing autumn nature while walking, learning poems about autumn, talking about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations with images autumn nature collecting leaves from different tree species, differing in shape, size and color.

Find the tree game

“Forest bird. Owlet "

(jab with a hard brush

To consolidate the skill of working in an unconventional technique by jabbing with a hard brush. Develop the creative skills of children through their transfer of texture, color, character of the depicted object. To educate the aesthetic perception of animals and birds through their image in various artistic techniques... Solve speech problems: fix the names of baby animals.

Album sheets tinted with blue - violet tint; brush stands, hard brushes; gouache (yellow, black, brown); paper napkins.

Examination with children of pictures depicting a kitten, bear cub, owlet. Reading stories about wild animals and their babies.

"Autumn landscape"

(Drawing with a foam sponge, leaves and cotton swabs)

To consolidate and expand the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe signs of autumn. Make you want to paint autumn forest.

Scrapbook sheet, dry leaves, gouache, water jars, oilcloths, aprons, watercolors, foam rubber swabs, napkins, a simple pencil, brushes, poke brushes, cotton swabs

Excursion to the park, by its appearance to determine the type of tree; observing nature while walking; examining reproductions of paintings.

"A bunch of mountain ash"


Expand and clarify children's knowledge about rowan. Teach her to depict her using plasticineography. To develop children's attention, patience during painstaking work, fine motor skills of hands. To foster a love for nature, for the beauty created by artists and nature.

Plasticine, board for sculpting, black contour of mountain ash on a white background - cardboard.

Observing rowan while walking, viewing rowan, illustrations depicting rowan at different times of the year, reading riddles and poems




Preparing for



(Drawing with salt)

Continue to introduce various non-traditional painting techniques (drawing with salt). Develop artistic taste, imagination, a desire to experiment in your work. To bring up accuracy, diligence, dedication. Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.

Brushes, a jar of water, paints, PVA glue, a jar of glue, salt, butterfly stencil.

Examining illustrations of butterflies, talking about the appearance and benefits of butterflies.

"Reflection in water"

(Drawing on raw, monotype)

Improve the technique of painting with watercolors. Expand the possibilities of the "wet" drawing method with obtaining prints as expressively - visual medium in children's painting. To acquaint children with the technique of drawing double (mirror-symmetrical) images (monotypes). To form the ability in children to make a harmonious color composition, cutting-edge impressions of autumn.

White paper, watercolor paints, 2 brushes of different sizes, a jar of water, a napkin, reproductions, illustrations depicting trees reflected in water.

Examination of illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists depicting autumn landscapes. Viewing photographs illustrating trees reflecting in the water. Observation of the trees while walking.

"Crumbs are octopuses"

(Drawing with the palm of your hand)

Show the resemblance of an octopus to an inverted palm silhouette. Form the ability to create expressive images of sea creatures using wavy lines (algae, octopus tentacles).

Develop perception, a sense of the form of rhythm.

Foster curiosity, independence.

Album sheet of A - 4 format, gouache paints of different colors, brushes, cans of water, oilcloths, napkins.

Conversation about the sea as a habitat for various marine animals and plants, presentation with nautical theme, images of a dolphin, stingray, starfish, sea turtle, shark, octopus.

"Late fall"

(Drawing on wet, blowing, sponge wetting

To acquaint children with the painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn".

To consolidate the ability to draw with various non-traditional techniques (drawing on a wet basis, blowing, wetting with a sponge, positioning the image over the entire sheet.

Raise interest in the art of visual activity, the ability to see the beauty of nature.

Develop creativity, imagination, the ability to navigate a sheet of paper

Painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", sheets of tinted paper, gouache, palette, blowing tubes, napkins, foam sponge

Examining illustrations in autumn landscapes, learning poems about autumn, playing with leaves on walks.




Preparing for


"Trees in the forest"

(Drawing with cocktail straws - blobography)

Continue introducing new species to children drawing.

Develop an interest in creative activities.

Album sheet A - 4, watercolors, cocktail straws, straw cups, paper napkins, brush, brush holder, jar of water.

Examination of illustrations, reproductions, postcards introducing winter landscapes famous artists. Observation on a walk for trees, bushes, snow, sky.

"Winter landscape"

(Drawing with toothbrushes)

Build drawing skills using unconventional techniques.

To acquaint children with non-traditional drawing techniques with toothbrushes.

Strengthen the ability to mix paints. Give an idea of ​​the winter landscape, show that nature is beautiful at any time of the year.

Sheets of white paper, brushes, foam sponges, old toothbrushes, gouache, palette, cans of water, napkins, DVD player, audio recording of classical music.

Examination of reproductions of works by artists on the theme "Winter landscape", illustrations; didactic games with color; observing in nature, reading and memorizing poems about winter; drawing with various art materials.

"Cheerful Snowman"

(Tearing and rolling paper)

To reinforce practical application skills in children. Exercise children to combine two different techniques for volumetricdepicting expressive images of snowmen. Lead children to the image of familiar objects. Develop accuracy, clarity. Develop an aesthetic perception of the environment. Induce a sense of joy in the work done.

Thick paper of gray, blue and other colors or colored cardboard,soft white napkins for rolling them into a lump or tearing them off, pieces of colored napkins for eyes and buttons, a carrot nose and a hat cut out of paper, a brush,PVA glue in a saucer.

"The New Year tree is our guest"

(Drawing using techniques - poke, spray and plant stamps)

Create fond memories of the past in children New Years holiday ... Encourage, with accessible means of expressiveness, to depict a decorated christmas tree that they had at home. Strengthen the skill poke drawing , depict the silhouette of a Christmas tree using splashes and an image New Year's toys with plant stamps.

Little Christmas tree, album sheet for drawing, gouache paints, palette, hard brush, toothbrush, stack, stencils, vegetable stamps.




Preparing for


"Winter patterns on the window"


Arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena.

Continue teaching children how to create a winter pattern using the unconventional Scatter technique.

To improve the skills and abilities of children in the application: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers; the ability to compositionally arrange "snow" from foil on a sheet of paper.

Photos of frosty patterns on the windows; cardboard of blue color; shredded foil, semolina; PVA glue and a brush; pencil.

Walking observations of winter phenomena in nature; making riddles, poems, reading stories about winter.

« Winter's tale»

(Wax candle)

Continue learning how to paint a winter landscape, using various visual materials and painting techniques (with a wax candle) to create an expressive image.

Expand and clarify children's ideas about the peculiarities of winter: fabulous, magical, fluffy, frosty, harsh, sonorous, blizzard, joyful.

Develop independence, initiative, individuality, a sense of rhythm and composition, activate creative manifestations children.

Watercolors, brushes, sheets of A-4 paper, cans of water, napkins, paraffin candles.

Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Examination of reproductions of paintings depicting a winter landscape; listening to musical compositions on the theme of winter.

Reading poems about winter, talking about the content, explaining unfamiliar words. Memorizing poems, songs, proverbs about winter.

"Sorceress Winter"

2 lessons - start

Teach children to create a simple plot composition, depict a picture of winter nature using napkins;

Develop the child's fine motor skills.

Develop the ability to arrange lumps along the silhouette;

Continue to develop the ability to use glue when gluing parts;

Paper plate or cardboard blue, napkins of different colors, glue, pictures and illustrations about winter, brushes, oilcloths, PVA glue.

Observations of winter phenomena in nature. Examination of reproductions of paintings. Reading poems about winter, talking about the content, explaining unfamiliar words. Memorizing poems, songs about winter.

"Sorceress Winter"

(Object applique from napkins)

2 lessons - continuation


Preparing for


"Portrait of the Pope"

(Wax pencils)

Develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of a person's face (dad) and convey them by means of drawing (shape, proportions);
Encourage children to combine different materials in one drawing to create an expressive image.

Scrapbook sheets of paper, gouache, watercolors of different colors, brushes, jars of water, wax crayons, brush holders, napkins, palettes.

Examination of parts of a person's face (eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, etc.), photographs of dads of children.

(Drawing with a plastic fork)

Help children learn new way Images - fork drawing .

Development of creative abilities of children

Album sheet with drawn outline of a hedgehog , disposable forks, gouache paints

Reading fiction I. Akimushkin "Once upon a time there was a hedgehog", V. Rosin "Why does a hedgehog need thorns". Examining the album "Wild Animals".

"Frost patterns"

(Painting with a candle)

Continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques (candle painting).

Develop creative imagination and independence when creating a composition.

Develop aesthetic feelings and emotions.

Album sheet of paper A - 4, watercolors, brushes, jars of water, candles, PVA glue, napkins.

Reading fiction about winter, talking about the seasons, their signs, viewing paintings of various genres, observing snow, the impact of frost on water, viewing snowflakes.

"Umka is looking for friends"

(Silhouette Painting, drawing with a password , crayons, cling film)

To acquaint children with the brightest natural phenomenon of the North - the polar (north) radiance. Introduce a new painting technique using cling film. Develop in children a sense of form and composition. Strengthen the skill children draw with the help of wax crayons the northern lights in layers, using stroke in large zigzags. Improve skill children paint with a password . Create conditions for the development of observation, creative imagination, figurative thinking, independence. To foster independence, activity and creativity in the application of previously learned ways of depicting in drawing and applique , using expressive means. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards animals, towards nature. Arouse a sense of admiration for natural phenomena.

Album sheet, watercolor paints, white gouache, thick thin tassels for drawing, brush stands, parollon, jars of water, wax crayons, cling film, napkins, PVA glue, silhouettes with the image of bears.

Watching a cartoon « Umka» , « Umka is looking for a friend» , video film Edge to edge. Artika ", reading V. Kataev's fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower", conversation about different parts light and climatic zones, about the North, its characteristic features, about the White Sea as a part of the Arctic Ocean, about the living conditions of animals in the Arctic and Antarctic, study of presentation materials on the topic: "Comparison of brown and polar bears", viewing pictures, illustrations on the topic ...




Preparing for


"Flowers for Mom"

(technique "Nitkography")

With the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a persistent interest in visual activities. To form the ability to independently choose a color scheme of paints corresponding to a joyful spring mood... Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Consolidate previously acquired skills. To systematize and consolidate children's knowledge about spring. Cause a positive response to the results of your creativity.

Woolen thread, album sheet, watercolors or gouache, brushes, one pencil for each child, containers of water on each table, wet cloth napkins for hands.

View an album about spring, spring flowers singing songs about spring.

Cutting a vase from colored paper of different colors, reading fiction.

"Spring tree"

("Blotography", using the "poke" method, "sticking")

To consolidate children's skills to draw in an unconventional drawing technique "blotography", using the "poke" method, "sticking".

Develop imagination, attention, memory and thinking.

Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make assumptions and draw the simplest conclusions.

Tinted sheets, diluted brown gouache, hard brush, cocktail tubes, jars of water, napkins.

Examining illustrations on the theme "Spring has come".

Blowing air through the tube.

Making a background using the "On wet" technique.


(Usage cotton pads, cotton swabs)

Develop graphic skills and creativity.

To educate accuracy in work.

Develop an eye and a sense of proportion.

Instill a love for animals.

Album sheet, watercolors, brushes, cotton pads, cotton swabs, wet wipes, scissors.

Examining illustrations of different breeds of horses; reading literary works about horses.

"Flower meadow"

(Crumpled paper drawing technique)

To educate in children an aesthetic perception of reality, an aesthetic attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding world.

Cultivate a steady interest in visual arts. To consolidate the concept of "landscape".

To form the ability to depict the background of a picture, using the method of applying watercolor paint "on wet", alternating shades of the sky - from dark blue to blue, grass - from light green to dark green.

Form the ability to draw using the technique of drawing with crumpled paper (pressing the paper lumps to the sheet).

To form the ability to complement the small details of the depicted image with a brush movement (flower petals, stems, thereby completing the aesthetic picture.

To develop creativity in older preschool children.

To develop attention and accuracy, aesthetic taste.

Encourage children to convey in the drawing the beauty and vivid diversity of a blooming meadow.

Sheets A - 4, watercolors, brushes No. 4 for transferring the background, gouache, paper lumps, brushes No. 2 for the image of small details of the drawing (petals colors, stalks, napkins; musical excerpt of the song Gr. Gladkova "About pictures", a snippet of a song « Colorful game » (author of the text L. Rubalskaya, composer B. Savelyev.

Examining illustrations on the theme "Spring has come". Blowing air through the tube. Making a background using the "On wet" technique.


"Space landscape"

(scratching technique)

To acquaint children with the "scratchboard" technique.

Strengthen the ability of children to master various techniques for depicting objects.

Consolidate children's knowledge of space.

Continue to form children's interest in visual activities, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

Audio recording of space music, illustrations depicting space, spaceships, planets, prepared paper, pens or toothpicks.

Examination of illustrations depicting space, spaceships, planets; conversations with children about the solar system; prepare a sheet of paper for work: coat the sheet with a wax candle or wax crayons. After the sheet of paper has been completely shaded, we apply black gouache on the sheet, after adding a little liquid soap to it (so that the gouache fits better on the wax).

"Fluffy kitten"

(jabbing with a hard brush)

Continue to develop children's drawing skills the way of drawing with a hard brush.

To form the ability to hold the brush correctly (just above the iron tip, with three fingers) while drawing.

Expand knowledge about pets, instill a love for them.

Develop visual skills and abilities, hand motor skills; enrich vocabulary: funny, fluffy, purring kitten, poke drawing.

Album sheet with cat pencil outline (for children who cannot draw the outline themselves),stiff brush, gouache, napkins, brush holders, easel, images of cats, an envelope with a letter and a sample, a toy - a cat.

Watching cartoons, viewing illustrations of cats and kittens, reading fiction about animals.

« Wonderland- underwater kingdom»

(drawing on a "wet" sheet)

To form children's ability to draw in an unconventional way "on a wet" sheet. To develop multidirectional, continuous, smooth hand movements, visual control over them. Foster imagination and creativity.

Scrapbook, paints, foam sponge, brushes, napkins for each child.

Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing "on a wet" sheet, reading the fairy tale by A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", examining the illustrations for this work, examining pictures and photographs depicting marine life.

"Asters for Dunno"

(drawing with a cocktail straw)

To strengthen the use of non-traditional drawing techniques with children;

Strengthen the ability to create a composition, select a color scheme;

To foster love for the beauty of native nature, respect for each other and mutual assistance;

Arouse interest in creating the image of a flower using various non-traditional techniques.

Consideration of the didactic illustrative material"Flowers", viewing a living Aster flower;

Introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques;

Didactic games of ecological content "Flowers", "Garden flowers", "Wildflowers" (loto, dominoes, cut pictures).

Album sheet for each child; gouache paints; a jar of water; brush; cocktail tube.


(drawing with a simple pencil and eraser)

With the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, an eraser and a simple pencil can enrich, expand the artistic experience of children in working with a simple pencil.

Develop a strong interest in visual arts.

Improve the fine motor skills of the fingers and hands.

Develop a positive response to the results of your work.

A pencil, an eraser, white thick paper, a piece of cotton wool

Consideration of the didactic illustrative material "Flowers", consideration of a living Chamomile flower; Introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques; Didactic games of ecological content "Flowers", "Garden flowers", "Wildflowers" (loto, dominoes, cut pictures).

"Dinosaur excavation"


To bring up in children the desire to know the world around them.

To teach a new way of obtaining an image - scratchboard.

To form the ability in children to create a picture of a "dinosaur excavation": to draw a dinosaur skeleton, its fossils, using knowledge and impressions obtained earlier from literature and illustrations.

To develop fine motor skills of hands, to form the ability to obtain a clear outline of the objects being drawn. Observe the technique of drawing.

Cardboard with ready base under the scratchboard, a pointed stick (you can use a toothpick or a pen with a feather); old newspapers that can be used on tables, large soft brushes or napkins to remove excess wax during work.

Viewing images of dinosaurs in pictures and book illustrations. Watching cartoons and films about dinosaurs, for example: "Dinotopia"; "The Ballad of Big Ale" and "Walking with the Dinosaurs" produced by the BBC. Drawing ancient animals with gouache paints and watercolors. Conversations about dinosaurs: their appearance, lifestyle, food, their diversity on land, in water and air, etc. Dinosaur figurine games.

"Penguins on an ice floe"


Continue to acquaint children with an unconventional drawing technique - plasticineography. Exercise in smearing plasticine over the surface;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

Develop creativity, imagination;

Summarize children's knowledge of traits appearance the inhabitants of Antarctica - penguins;

To activate the children's vocabulary on the topic of Antarctica;

To cultivate a cognitive interest in the animal world of our planet;

To foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.

Globe, screen, multimedia presentation, illustrations depicting penguins, drawing schemes, plasticine, stacks, napkins, simple pencils, colored sheets of different formats.

Reading stories, poems about penguins, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations depicting penguins.

"On the seabed»

(drawing with fingerprints, palms and even various subjects, vegetables)

To expand the idea of ​​children about underwater inhabitants and plants, to introduce them to non-traditional image techniques. Form the skills of self-tinting paper. Develop imagination and imagination. To teach to convey in the drawing not only the shape, but also the plasticity of the object, and its character with the help of small details. Develop visual control. Use health-preserving technologies, physical training, finger play, eye gymnastics, music therapy.

Tinted paper, “sound of the sea” recording, multimedia installation, paints of different colors and shades, brushes, vegetables, knife, plates, aprons, basins of water for washing hands.

Conversations about underwater world and its inhabitants, viewing illustrations. Before the lesson, children tint the paper on a wet background: wavy wide lines - blue, green, etc., the last one below - yellow.


1. Fateeva A.A. "Drawing without a brush" - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. - 96p.

2. Col, Mary Ann F. "Painting with paints" - M: AST: Astrel, 2005. - 63p.

3. Solomennikova O.A. “The joy of creativity. Development of artistic creativity of children 5-7 years old "- Moscow, 2001.

4. Doronova T.N. "Visual activity and aesthetic development of preschoolers: a methodological guide for teachers of preschool educational institutions" - M. Education, 2006. - 192p.

5. Casanova R.G., Saiganova T.I., Sedova E.M. "Drawing with preschool children: Non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes" - M: TC "Sphere", 2004 - 128p.

6. Alekseevskaya N.A. "A naughty pencil" - M: "Leaf", 1998. - 144s.

7. Utrobina K.K., Utrobin G.F. "Fascinating drawing by poking with children 3-7 years old: We draw and learn the world around" - M: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2001. - 64p.

8. Lykova I.A. "Visual activity in kindergarten" - M: "Karapuz - Didactics", 2006. - 108s.

9. Koldina D.N. "Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old", M, publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2007.

10. Dovydova T.N. "We draw with palms": Dragonfly, 2012.

11. Niktina A.V. "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten"; KARO, 2010

12. Solovyova O. "Unusual drawing", M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2004.

13. Kazakova R.G. "Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional drawing techniques"; TC: Sphere, 2006.

14. Utrobina K.K. "Drawing with a poke" - M, 2004.

Mira Rakshain
Fine art program

Program on Artistic creation for children of primary preschool age.

Explanatory note

In preschool age, children lay the foundations for comprehensive, harmonious development, the foundation of creative principles. Classes in visual activity contribute to the active development of the surrounding world through the visual arts as the most accessible form of creativity in preschool age, an important feature of which is the inseparability of emotions from the process of perception, thinking and imagination. Artistic creativity in preschool age directly affects the formation positive attitude to reality, and systematic studies contribute to the all-round development (aesthetic, intellectual, labor, physical) and help in preparing for school. In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creativity. Develops the ability of visual assessment of form, orientation in space, a sense of color, as well as special skills and skills: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Applying non-traditional techniques in working with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and activity, first of all I want to draw your attention to the fact that they are very attractive for work. They use unusual combinations of materials and tools, the undoubted advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. Drawing technology is interesting and understandable for children.

Methods used:

Allows you to train the child's hand for writing;

Allows you to study the multi-colored image of objects;

Form an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing;

Promotes the development of imagination, perception and cognition

General position

1. Working program by section"Visual activity"

compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the state standard.

2. Classes are conducted with children 2-3 years old in the form of art classes within the framework of the annual curriculum.

3. Program involves one lesson per week, in the first half of the day. The duration of the lessons is 10 minutes.

Introduction of a new one.

The main task in my work is to teach children visual skills using both traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques, the development of visual skills, speech and intelligence.


Classes in visual activity allow children to develop communication skills in the process of activity, as well as artistic abilities.

The main objectives of the working programs:

To develop artistic, linguistic, intellectual abilities in the process of commented drawing, the development of creative abilities and a positive-emotional perception of the world around.

Program decides the following tasks:

Educational: Teach children to master communication, language, intellectual and artistic skills in the process of drawing.

Developing: develop creativity, hand muscles, strive for self-affirmation.

Educational: to form a positive-emotional perception of the surrounding world, to bring up artistic taste, interest in the fine arts.

1. To interest children in various visual materials and the opportunity to act with them.

2. Encourage children to portray by means of expressiveness available to them what is emotionally significant for them.

3. Create conditions for mastering the color palette.

4. Create conditions for children to communicate.

5. Promote the development of coherent speech in children.

6. Help children create expressive images while keeping them alive children's perception.

7. Gradually increase the requirements for visual and communication skills and abilities of children.

8. Contribute to the emergence in children of the feeling that their drawings are interesting to others

(teacher, children, parents)

9. Development of speech. Teach generalization and reasoning.

This program compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links sections: SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. In the classroom, the method of commented drawing is used.

In the process of playing up the plot and the drawing itself, there is a continuous conversation with the children, at the end of the lesson the children discuss their work. In the classroom, nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes are used. Performing practical actions, children are able to learn many new words and expressions, which contributes to the development of coherent speech.

KNOWLEDGE. For lessons on iso-activity, topics have been chosen that are close to the understanding of the child, which make it possible to clarify the knowledge already acquired by him, expand it, and apply it in communication. Children learn a lot of interesting things about various natural phenomena, about the life of people, about animals. MUSIC. The use of drawings in the design of holidays, and musical design for a better understanding of the image and expression of one's own feelings.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION. The use of physical education minutes, finger gymnastics, work to protect eyesight and prevent postural disorders.

SENSOR EDUCATION. These classes contribute to the assimilation of knowledge about color, size, shape, arrangement of objects in space.

Methodological support. (For unconventional painting techniques)

1. Seals from vegetables (print,

2. A jab with a hard brush,

3. Impression with foam rubber,

4. Wax crayons and watercolors,

5. Leaf prints,

6. Drawings from the palms

7. Glass for stained glass (blank)

Classes using these items are miniature games. The proposed method of teaching allows children to feel bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives freedom for self-expression, develops coordination of movements, attention, memory. The work is a creative process of a teacher and children using a variety of visual material.

Methods used:

1. Emotional attitude - the use of musical works.

2. Practical - exercises in a playful way.

3. Verbal - stories, conversations, artistic word, pedagogical dramatization, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

4. Visual methods and techniques - observation, examination, showing a sample, showing methods of execution, etc.


Cotton swabs,

Foam seals,

Cloth napkins, water containers, brushes and brush stands,

A4 paper,

Plain and colored pencils,

The process of conducting classes foresees:

1. Using the reception of broadcasting information,

2. Selection of thematic content,

3. The main participant in drawing is a child,

4. The teacher tries to help the child correctly express his thoughts,

5. The teacher creates schematic images,

6. The teacher not only talks about what is drawn, but also shows through pictorial actions,

7. During physical education, elements of dramatization, imitation movements, accompanied by a commented speech, are used.

Classes are structured according to the communicative principle:

1. Creation of optimal conditions for motivating children's speech,

2. Providing conditions for communication,

3. Maintaining speech initiative,

Lesson structure:

1. Creation of a positive attitude towards the topic and the way of its implementation,

2. Communicative drawing using imitation movements and discussion of the creation of the plot of the drawing,

3. Word games, games - dramatizations.

Results of the working programs:

1. Organization of open classes for parents,

2. Thematic exhibitions at the preschool educational institution,

3. Design of the aesthetic developmental environment in the group and kindergarten.

By the end of the year, skills and abilities are formed in children. children program:

1. They learn a lot about the world around them, because classes are held on certain topics.

2. Learn to use different visual materials in one work.

3. Learn to paint with different materials.

4. Use in the work of various additional materials

5. Develop storytelling skills.

6. Experimenting.

7. Coherent speech develops.

8. Formation of technical skills.

9. Learn to respect the work of comrades and an objective assessment of their work.

Expected results:

Due to individual characteristics, the development of creative abilities cannot be the same for all children, therefore, in the classroom, each child is given the opportunity to express himself, to experience the joy of creative creation. Topics included in program, change according to the principle of gradual complication of the material. This should contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by children in the process of drawing, the identification and awareness of children of their abilities, the formation of self-control.

Fragment Long-term planning for visual activity in the first younger group

No. Topic (drawing technique, methods and techniques) The purpose of the lesson Basic knowledge and skills. Material for the lesson


1 "How we draw"

(drawing with pencils) Determine the level of proficiency in pencils. Introduce children to the correct course of action pencils: hold with three fingers, not close to the sharpened end, do not squeeze the pencil too hard; learn to draw only on paper, use different colors; to form an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. To be able to hold a pencil correctly, to make light pressure when drawing. Know that the sun, grass, flowers can be drawn using pencils of different colors. Sketchbook, sets of colored pencils (by the number of children).

2 "Chicken paths" (drawing with pencils) Arouse children's interest in the topic, in the drawing process; teach to hold a pencil in your right hand, with three fingers; learn to make wide, smooth movements in any direction; cause and maintain a sense of satisfaction from the process as a result of the activity. Be able to draw straight lines in different directions. Album sheet of A4 paper, colored pencils, pictures with the image of hen and chickens.

3 "Nuts for squirrels" (drawing with foam rubber poke) To acquaint children with gouache paints; teach children to use a brush; consolidate knowledge of primary colors, introduce new colors (Brown); create interest and positive attitude to be able to use unconventional methods in the image

"Nut"... Know that the nuts are in the shape of a circle, and Sheets of paper for drawing are depicted with a picture of a tree and a squirrel for each child; foam tampons;

drawing. brown. toy squirrel; nuts; basket; jars of water, napkins.

4 "Autumn Leaves" (painting with a brush) Continue to acquaint children with gouache paints, teach them how to use a brush correctly; consolidate knowledge of basic colors, introduce new colors and shades; learn to distinguish maple leaves; to form an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. To be able to hold a brush correctly, to type gouache on it. Know and name the colors of autumn leaves. Yellow and red gouache; brushes number 4; album sheets of paper for drawing for each child, mat with cut out silhouettes of maple leaves (by the number of children); Maple leaves; sippy jars; napkins.

1 "Rain"(drawing with felt-tip pens

adding details) Teaching children to properly hold a felt-tip pen in their hand; learn to draw with a felt-tip pen - do not press hard, draw straight vertical lines; do not go beyond the boundary line; to form an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. To be able to hold a felt-tip pen correctly, draw short vertical lines. Know how you can depict rain in a drawing. Blue or blue felt-tip pens; sheets of paper with blanks (according to the number of children, a blue cloud is drawn at the top of the sheet, and a horizontal line is the earth at the bottom, so that children, drawing rain, do not go beyond the lower border.

2 "Let's help the bugs hide in the grass"(drawing with a pencil; finishing

details) Teach children to properly hold a wax pencil in their hand, draw straight vertical lines; consolidate knowledge of colors; spark interest in drawing with colored pencils. Be able to draw short vertical lines, recognize and use green for the image. Green colored wax crayons; sheets of paper for drawing with painted beetles,

located and in different places on the sheet (by the number of children).

3 "Yellow leaves are flying" (painting with a brush; adding details) Teach children to draw leaves by applying a brush to a sheet of paper; continue to teach how to hold the brush correctly, use paint, a cloth, rinse the brush in a jar of water. To be able to depict autumn leaves by the wetting method, to collect the required amount of paint on the nap of the brush. Know yellow and work with him. Album sheets of A4 format with painted trees (by the number of children); yellow paint, brushes

No. 4, jars of water, rags.

4 "Along a flat path" (finger drawing) Teach children to draw with their fingers, rhythmically putting a print on a strip of paper; continue to acquaint children with color (red, blue, green, consolidate the names of colors; develop an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. Be able to draw in non-traditional ways, know the main colors to show and name them. A demo sheet depicting two houses with a red and a blue roof, opposed to each other (a path was drawn between the houses with a pencil and paint); strips of drawing paper 1/2 sheet according to the number of children; green gouache, wet wipes for hands.

Inna Razuvaeva
Work plan of the circle on fine arts "Rainbows" (preparatory group, age 6-7 years)

Target program plan: to develop children's skills and abilities of visual creativity, using non-traditional image techniques.


Educational - in drawing: teach to draw using non-traditional drawing techniques. V sculpting: Encourage children to create dynamic, expressive imagery and collective storytelling. In applique, learn to create expressive images using techniques (tearing, plucking, crushing paper form to transfer the invoice)... To acquaint children with new types of applications from fabric, natural material. Organize, together with the children, exhibitions of children's works.


1st week: "Pictures in the Sand"

Mastering a new art technique- work with semolina, sand. Comparison and measurement of the volume of bulk solids. Word formation sand-sand. Artistic word by V. Shipunov "Ladoshki". Work with parents to experiment with bulk solids at home.

Preliminary Work: drawing with sticks in the sand, tool: markers, glue, brushes, semolina.

2nd week: "Beauty Butterflies"

Mastering plastic and applicative skills. Help in choosing a material. Collage creation in group... Preliminary Work: Watching butterflies in the summer. Artistic word: V. Shipunova "Portrait of a butterfly". Material: colored cardboard, scissors, glue, plasticine, beads, beads, wire.

3rd week: "Wonderful mosaic"

Arouse interest in mosaic painting. Learn to make a harmonious multi-color composition based on a contour drawing. Artistic word N. Sakonsky "Metro". Material: white sheets with different contour drawings for the choice of children, confetti, strips of colored paper, glue brushes, pencils, markers for the choice of children.

October 1st week "Wicker basket for still life"

Teach children to create a form as the basis for a future composition. Improve the applique technique, cut in a straight line with scissors. Weave paper strips to simulate basket weaving. Preliminary Work: consider wickerwork. Discuss the weaving technique. Artistic word: M. Faizullina "Basket". Material: colored paper, scissors, glue.

2nd week "Autumn still life composition in a wicker basket"

Improve the technique of cutting symmetrical objects from paper folded in two. Develop a sense of color when matching color. To foster an aesthetic attitude to nature in the surrounding world and in art... Preliminary Work: pre-made wicker baskets. Artistic word: reading Russian folk nursery rhyme "Vanya-Vanechka". Material: scissors, colored paper, glue, brushes, paints.

3rd week "Migratory birds are flying" (applique and drawing)

Teach children to create stories based on a familiar fairy tale, combining drawing and applique. Work read the fairy tale about "The Frog Traveler"... Artistic word by M. Garshin "Frog traveler". Material: gouache, colored paper, brushes, glue, silhouette of a frog and paper ducks.

November 1st week: (drawing and applique)

Learn to create different images trees, bushes and make a composition out of them. Use in work tear-off and overhead applique, cut-out decor. Preliminary Work: view reproductions, paintings by Russian artists.

Artistic word: I. Bunin "We are definitely looking at the painted forest ...".Working with parents: take a walk with children in the park, pay attention to the beauty of autumn nature. Material: a set of colored and textured paper, gouache, brushes, glue.

2nd week: "We are building a multi-storey house" (modular cut-off application).

To acquaint children with the modular application method (mosaics)... To help in mastering the break-off applique technique. Form skill plan your work... Preliminary Work: building houses from cubes. Artistic word V. Mayakovsky "Who to be". Material: colored and textured paper, glue markers, pencils.

3rd week: "Brave parachutists" (modeling and applique)

Teach children to sculpt a human figurine from a roller by cutting arms and legs with a stack. Cut the parachute out of paper, folding it in half. Artistic word: V. Shipunova "Once under a parachute". Work with parents to watch films with the participation of parachutists at home. Material: colored paper, plasticine, scissors, stack, threads, glue, brushes.

December 1st week: "Frost patterns" (decorative drawing based on lace-making) .

Teach children to draw patterns using technique lace-making... Create a situation for the free creative use of various decorative elements. Artistic word: V. Nabokov "Winter". Material: posters: "Winter window", "seasons", sheets of paper of different colors, gouache, brushes.

2nd week: "Openwork snowflakes" (decorative applique with design elements)

Teach children to cut six-ray snowflakes from colored foil. Show the children an element of cut-out decor (circle, semicircle, triangle, rhombus, zigzag). Working with parents: Fix the cutout elements at home with children. Artistic word: V. Shipunov "Snow shawl". Material: scissors, colored foil.

3rd week: "Christmas toys"

Teach to make children bulky toys from paper and cardboard, show one of the methods of their manufacture by connecting 6-8 identical shapes (circles, rhombuses, triangles, ovals)... Preliminary Work... Consider Christmas toys various shapes and colors. Artistic word: A. Tolstoy "Nikita's childhood". Material: colored paper, colored foil, cardboard, scissors, glue.

January 2nd week: "Feather of the Firebird", applique with drawing and writing elements.

Teach children in one work combine applicative, graphic and calligraphic elements. Master the artistic technique of overlaying when creating an overlay multicolor applique. Preliminary Work: consider reproductions of fabulous firebirds. Artistic word: conversation about fairy birds, reading Russian folk tales. Material: colored paper, paper rectangles of various shapes for overlay applique, scissors, glue, pencils, and felt-tip pens.

3rd week: "Paper Zoo"

Teach children to create a plot composition. Learn to construct images of animals from paper. Artistic word: S. Marshak "Zoo". Working with parents: go to the zoo with the kids. Material: colored paper, scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue.

4th week: "House with a chimney and magician smoke" (applique and drawing - fantasizing)

Teach children to create fantasy images. Cut the hut and chimney out of paper, draw fantasy images of smoke with paints or pencils. Artistic word: J. Moritz "House with a pipe". Material: Colored and white paper, scissors, glue, pencils, felt-tip pens.

February 1st week "Green oak near the sea" (story modeling, collective composition)

Improve the sculpting technique, freely combine different methods and techniques. Teach to sculpt images of fairy tale heroes (scientist cat, hare, baba-yaga, black sea, etc.) Work read the fairy tales of Alexander Pushkin with his parents. Artistic word: A. Pushkin "Near the curvature ...". Material: plasticine, plastic bottle, cocktail tubes, beads, beads, buttons, green foil, glue.

2nd week "Thirty-three heroes" (application, collective Work) .

To teach how to cut a hero along a self-drawn contour from paper folded in half. Supplement with other foil elements - helmet, shield. Artistic word: A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Material: white paper, colored foil, scissors, glue, markers, pencils.

3rd week "I'm with daddy" (drawing on view)

Learn to draw a paired portrait in profile, trying to convey the features of the appearance, character and mood of a person. Acquaintance with the genre of art (portrait)... Preliminary Work: view reproductions of paintings by famous portrait painters. Bring a photo with dad or grandfather. Artistic word: a conversation about how my dad and I spent the day off. Material: white paper, gouache, pencils.

March: 1st week "I'm with my mother"

We draw a portrait conveying the features of the appearance, character and mood of a particular person. We continue to get acquainted with the types and genres of fine art. Preliminary Work: view reproductions of paintings by famous portrait painters. Bring a photo with mom. Artistic word: V. Shipunova "Present". Material: white paper, gouache, brushes, palette, family photography.

2nd week "Napkin for a vase"

Acquaintance with slotted decor (paper folklore)... Teach children to create a cutout pattern on a paper rectangle folded in half. Preliminary Work: to introduce children to new types of folk arts and crafts (weaving, paper applique)... Artistic word: a conversation about weaving, carpet weaving, as about folk art. Material: paper squares of different colors, scissors.

April: 1st week "Golden Clouds"

Introduce children to new art material "Pastel"... Develop a sense of color. Learn to convey delicate color nuances. Preliminary Work: to introduce children to the reproduction of paintings on the theme of spring landscapes. Artistic word: I. Bunin "Sky". Material: pastel - crayons of different colors, white paper.

2nd week "Doves on a Tiled Roof" (silhouette applique)

Teach children to create a collective composition by placing the cut elements in different ways. Preliminary Work: watching pigeons. Artistic word I. Bunin "The sky is turning blue". Material: A3 paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, brushes, napkins.

3rd week "Stars and Comet"(applique made of colored paper, fabric and foil)

Teach children to cut out five-pointed stars. Arouse interest in the creation of a comet image. Preliminary Work: presentation about space. Artistic word: S. Yesenin "Stars". Material: gold and silver foil, colored paper, scraps of fabric, serpentine, glue, brushes, sheets of black or dark purple paper.

May: 1st week "Favorite toy" (drawing from life).

Teach children to draw toys from nature. Introduce the sketch as a result work planning... Preliminary Work: bring your favorite toy from home and come up with it interesting story... Artistic word: V. Dragunsky

"Childhood friend"... Material: white paper, pencils, gouache, brushes, palette, favorite toy.

2nd week: "Tree of Life" (embossed molding from salted dough)

Teach children to create a complex composition of salt dough based on folklore motives - the tree of life. To foster interest in folk culture, the desire to participate in interior design. Artistic word: A. Bosquet "Grain". Material: soft salty dough, suitable for air drying.

(2 years from 5 - 7 years old)

Explanatory note

Preschool age is the foundation overall development child, the starting period of all high human beginnings. It is at this age that the foundations of the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child are laid.

Fine art is a specific children's activity aimed at the aesthetic mastering of the world through fine art, the most accessible form of a child's cognition of the world. Most characteristic the aesthetic attitude of a small child - the immediacy of an interested evaluating "I" from any objective situation; inseparability of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking and imagination. We can assert that artistic creation has the most direct impact on the development of children's aesthetic attitude to reality.

The ability to be creative is a distinctive feature of a person, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without harming, multiply without destroying.

Psychologists and educators have come to the conclusion that the early development of the ability to create, already in preschool childhood, is the key to future success.

The desire to create is an internal need of the child, it arises in him independently and is distinguished by extreme sincerity. We, adults, must help a child discover the artist in himself, develop abilities that will help him become a person. The creative person is the property of the whole society.

Drawing is one of essential funds knowledge of the world and development of knowledge aesthetic education, since it is associated with the independent practical and creative activity of the child. In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creativity. While drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities in himself: visual assessment of the form, orientation in space, a sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Systematic mastering of all the necessary means and methods of activity provides children with the joy of creativity and their all-round development (aesthetic, intellectual, moral-labor, physical). And also, it allows you to fruitfully solve the problems of preparing children for school.

The works of domestic and foreign experts testify that artistic and creative activity fulfills a therapeutic function, distracting children from sad, sad events, offenses, relieving nervous tension, fears. Causes a joyful, high spirits, provides a positive emotional state of each child.

Sufficient attention is paid to the development of the creative abilities of the preschooler in such integrated programs, as: "Childhood", "Rainbow", "Development" and others. The authors of the programs of the new generation suggest, through the section of artistic and aesthetic education, to acquaint children with traditional methods of drawing. Thus developing the creativity of the child.

The lack of development of graphic skills and abilities prevents the child from expressing his plans in drawings, adequately depicting objects of the objective world and complicates the development of cognition and aesthetic perception. So, the technique of depicting objects with thin lines is difficult for preschoolers. The line carries a very specific artistic load and must be drawn professionally enough, which is not possible for children due to their age characteristics. Objects are obtained unrecognizable, far from reality.

The fine arts have a variety of materials and techniques. Often, the child does not have enough familiar, traditional ways and means to express their fantasies.

After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, as well as the advanced experience of working with children, accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign practicing teachers, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional methods of artistic activity in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Unconventional painting techniques showcase unusual combinations of materials and tools. Undoubtedly, the advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. The technology for their implementation is interesting and accessible to both adults and children.

That is why, non-traditional methods are very attractive for children, as they open up great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

Methods used:

- allow you to develop special skills and abilities that prepare the child's hand for writing;

- make it possible to feel the multicolored image of objects, which affects the completeness of the perception of the surrounding world;

- form an emotionally - positive attitude towards the drawing process itself;

- contribute to the more effective development of imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.

General position

  • This Regulation defines the goals, objectives of the creation and implementation of activities of the circle of the general developmental educational type of MDOU No. 16.
  • This Regulation has been developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Standard Regulation and regulatory documents of the education system of the city of Chistopol.
  • Classes are held with children in senior and preparatory groups for school in the form of activity classes within the framework of the schedule of the annual curriculum and circle work.
  • The work on activity is carried out by the educator of the 2nd qualification category Natalia Sergeevna Vorushilo.

The work program for the section "Visual activities" is drawn up on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of the federal component of the state standard - the development of older children "Time requirements" for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution "taking into account the" Program of education and training in a child garden "edited by MA Vasilyeva, VV Gerbova, TS Komarova and the priority intellectual direction of the MDOU.

Novelty. For a long time, the main task in the work of the circle was to teach children visual skills using traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques. But the practice of working with children and the education I received in the specialties - educator of preschool children; the head of the visual activity, the teacher - speech therapist, pushed me to the idea that for the harmonious development of the personality it is necessary to have correct speech. Therefore, the main task in the work of the circle is the development of not only visual skills, but the speech and intellectual development of children, through teaching visual skills using traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques. The main content of the types of activities within the framework of this methodology is the process of "opening the world" using the installation of speaking in Russian.

Mastery of technique is understood in this case not only as the basis for the emergence of an image, but also as a means of generalizing by a child his idea of ​​a particular aesthetic object and ways of conveying an impression of it in a specific product.

Relevance. Classes in the circle allow children to develop not only artistic abilities, but also communication skills in the process of drawing.

The work program has the goal of: develop communicative, linguistic, intellectual and artistic abilities in the process of commented drawing, the formation of all mental processes, the development of artistic and creative abilities and a positive and emotional perception of the world around.

This program contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

Educational: teach children to master communication, language, intellectual and artistic abilities in the process of drawing.

Developing: develop creativity, hand muscles, support the need for self-affirmation.

Educational: to form positively - emotional perception of the surrounding world, to bring up artistic taste, interest in fine arts.

Objectives of the circle of the first year of study:

1. Arouse interest in various visual materials and a desire to act with them.

2. Encourage children to portray by means of expressiveness available to them that which is interesting or emotionally significant to them.

3. Create conditions for mastering the color palette.

4. Creation of conditions for communicative activity of children.

5. Development of coherent speech.

Objectives of the circle of the second year of study:

1. Help children in creating expressive images, while maintaining the spontaneity and liveliness of children's perception. Delicately and tactfully contribute to the development of content, form, composition, enrichment of the color range of drawings.

2. Gradually, taking into account individual characteristics, increase the requirements for the visual and communication skills and abilities of children, without making them the subject of special educational knowledge.

3. Promote the child's feeling that the product of his activity - drawing is interesting to others (teacher, children, parents, kindergarten staff).

4. Development of the descriptive, commenting function of speech. To teach to generalize and contrast, to reason.

The program was drawn up taking into account the implementation interdisciplinary links by sections:

1. "DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH". In the classroom, the technique of commented drawing is used. In the process of playing up the plot and the drawing itself, there is a continuous conversation with the children, the children discuss their work with each other in drawing. Use of the artistic word in the classroom: nursery rhymes, riddles. Performing practical actions, kids are able to learn many new words and expressions of the active and passive vocabulary of children, the development of the communicative function of speech, the development of coherent speech.

2. "KNOWING THE ENVIRONMENT". Plots that are close to the child's experience are selected for classes in activity, they allow you to clarify the knowledge already mastered by him, expand it, apply the first options for generalization. In the classroom, children learn about various natural phenomena, about the life of people, about the life of animals.

3. "SENSORY EDUCATION". Activity classes contribute to the assimilation of knowledge about color, size, shape, number of objects and their spatial arrangement.

4. "MUSICAL EDUCATION". Drawing to convey the perception of musical works. The use of drawings in the design for the holidays, musical design to create a mood and a better understanding of the image, to express your own feelings.

5. "PHYSICAL CULTURE". The use of physical minutes, finger gymnastics, work to protect vision and prevent postural disorders.

Methodological support.

Non-traditional techniques:

  • imprint with seals from vegetables;
  • jab with a hard brush;
  • stamping with seals from an eraser;
  • foam rubber stamp;
  • wax crayons and watercolors;
  • candle and watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • hand drawings;
  • magic ropes;
  • blotography;
  • monotopy;
  • stencil printing.

Each of these methods is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. In addition, this work contributes to the development of coordination of movements, attention, memory, imagination, fantasy. Children have unlimited opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, mood in drawings. The use of various techniques contributes to the development of the ability to see images in combinations of color spots and lines and to design them into recognizable images. The activities of the circle are not in the form of "study and teaching". Children master artistic techniques and interesting means of knowing the world around them through unobtrusive involvement in the drawing process. The lesson turns into a creative creative process of the teacher and children with the help of a variety of visual material, which goes through the same stages as the creative process of the artist. These activities are assigned the role of a source of fantasy, creativity, independence.

Children independently choose visual materials, the material on which the image will be located. A variety of drawing methods give rise to original ideas in children, speech, fantasy and imagination develops, arouses a desire to come up with new compositions, the ability of children to act with various materials develops: stones, sand, ropes, wax crayons, candles, etc. In the process of drawing, children enter into communication, asking each other questions, making assumptions, exercising in all types of communicative statements.

Organization of the circle's classes.

The circle is attended by children of the senior and preparatory group for school. Classes are held 2 times a week. The duration of the lesson is 30 - 35 minutes.


  • watercolor paints, gouache;
  • wax and oil crayons, candle;
  • cotton swabs;
  • foam rubber seals;
  • cocktail tubes;
  • sticks or old rods for scratching;
  • cloth napkins;
  • glasses for water;
  • brush stands; brushes.

Techniques and methods used in the classroom from the circle:

  • Emotional attitude - the use of musical compositions,
  • Practical - exercises, games methods,
  • Verbal methods - stories, conversations, artistic word, pedagogical dramatization, verbal techniques - explanation, explanation, ped assessment.
  • Visual methods and techniques - observation, examination, showing a sample, showing methods of execution, etc.

All methods are used in combination.

When conducting classes, I adhere to the basic rules:

1. Using the reception of broadcasting information,

2. Selection of thematic content,

3. The main character of the drawing is a child,

4. The adult does not seek to immediately correct the child's speech,

5. The teacher creates schematic images,

6. Not only talks about what is drawn, but also show through pictorial actions,

7. As a "physical education" - elements of dramatization, imitation movements, accompanied by a commented speech are used.

All classes are based on the communicative principle:

1. Creation of optimal conditions for motivating children's speech,

2. Providing the main conditions for communication,

3. Stimulation and maintenance of speech initiative,

4. Use of various communication means.

The activities of the circle differ in their structure:

1.creation of a positive attitude towards the topic and the way of its implementation,

2.communicative drawing using imitation movements and discussion of the creation and plot of the drawing (no more than 10 minutes),

3.dynamic pause with elements of logo rhythmics and psycho-gymnastics,

4. storytelling from a picture with modeling of a communicative situation,

5. word games, games - dramatizations.

Forms of the results of the implementation of the work program:

  • Organization of monthly exhibitions of children's works for parents.
  • Thematic exhibitions at the preschool educational institution.
  • Participation in city and exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.
  • Creative report of the educator - the leader of the circle.
  • Designing an aesthetic developmental environment in a group. Etc.

Indicators of passing the work program:

  • They learn a lot about the world around them, because the classes are held in a specific topic.
  • Learn to use different visual materials in one work.
  • Learn to paint with different materials.
  • They use various additional materials (sand, stones) in their work.
  • Develop storytelling skills.
  • Children learn to study color.
  • Experimenting.
  • Coherent speech develops.
  • They learn to respect the work of their comrades while objectively evaluating their work.


  • to form skills and abilities,
  • develop personal qualities.

Expected results: the mastery of certain knowledge, skills, and abilities by children in the process of drawing, the child's identification and awareness of his abilities, the formation of self-control methods.

Due to individual characteristics, the development of creative abilities cannot be the same for all children, therefore, in the classroom, I give each child the opportunity to actively, independently express themselves, to experience the joy of creative creation. All topics included in the program change according to the principle of gradual complication of the material. Due to individual characteristics, the development of creative abilities cannot be the same for all children, therefore, in the classroom, I give each child the opportunity to actively, independently express themselves, to experience the joy of creative creation. All topics included in the program change according to the principle of gradual complication of the material.

Grade: the effectiveness of the program is carried out twice a year (December, May) of the formation of the level of artistic and aesthetic development of children.

1. Galanov AS, Kornilova SN, Kulikova SL .. Classes with preschoolers in the fine arts. - M: TC "Sphere", 2000. - 80s.
2. Koll M.-E. Preschool creativity, per. from English Bakusheva E.A. - Mn: LLC "Potpourri", 2005. - 256s.
3. Belkina V.N., Vasilyeva N.N., Elkina N.V. Preschooler: learning and development. For educators and parents. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", "Academy of K˚", 1998. - 256s.
4. Fateeva A.A. We paint without a brush. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. - 96p.
5. Kolle, Mary Ann F. Painting with paints. - M: AST: Astrel, 2005 .-- 63p.
6. Col, Mary Ann F. Drawing. - M: LLC Publishing house "AST": Publishing house "Astrel", 2005. - 63p.
7. Fiona Watt. I can draw. - M: LLC Publishing House "ROSMEN - PRESS", 2003. - 96p.
8. Collective creativity of preschoolers: class notes. / Ed. Gribovskaya A.A. - M: TC "Sphere", 2005. - 192p.
9. Solomennikova O.A. The joy of creativity. Development of artistic creativity of children 5-7 years old. - Moscow, 2001.
10. Doronova T.N. Visual activity and aesthetic development of preschool children: a methodological guide for educators of preschool educational institutions. - M. Education, 2006 .-- 192s.
11. Dubrovskaya N.V. An invitation to creativity. - S.-Pb .: "Childhood Press", 2004. - 128 p.
12. Casanova R.G., Saiganova T.I., Sedova E.M. Drawing with preschool children: Non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes. - M: TC "Sphere", 2004 - 128p.
13. Alekseevskaya N.A. The pencil is mischievous. - M: "Liszt", 1998. - 144s.
14. Call M.-E., Potter J. Science through art. - Mn: LLC "Potpourri", 2005. - 144s.
15. Utrobina K.K., Utrobin G.F. Fascinating drawing using the poke method with children 3-7 years old: We draw and learn about the world around us. - M: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2001. - 64p.
16. Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten. - M: "Karapuz - Didactics", 2006. - 108s.
17. Steinle N.F. Visual activity. - Volgograd: ITD "Coryphaeus". 2006 .-- 128s.
18. Koldina D.N. "Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old", M, publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2007.
19. Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. - SPb .: KARO, 2007 .-- 96p.
20. Vetrova T.N. TRIZ in activity. - Nab. Chelny. 2007 .-- 80s.
21. Miklyaeva N.V. Commented drawing in kindergarten. - M .: TC Sphere, 2010 .-- 128p.
22. Komarova T.S. "Visual activity in kindergarten", M, publishing house "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2006.
23. "Methodological recommendations for the program of education and training in kindergarten", edited by MA Vasilyeva.
24. Strawing A. "Trees in the development of visual activity."

The full version of the work can be.