Ration for children 10 months. Baked apple with cottage cheese. Chicken quenelles

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Breast milk continues to be included in the main menu of a child at 10 months. However, it is already produced much less, so you need to think carefully about how to feed the baby.

What is included in the diet?

The closer to a year, the more varied the child's diet becomes. Juices are far from the last place here. Moreover, you can give not only fruit juices, but also vegetable ones. And if the child does not like the latter, then you can mix them with fruit juices. He certainly should not refuse such a drink.

A portion of cereals should be 200 g and it is advisable to alternate cereals. Meat should be given no more than 50-60 g. Do not overload the baby's body with too much protein. No more than twice a week, a child can be given an egg yolk, half or whole, as well as cottage cheese. Fish should not be given often - once a week is enough.

In the diet of a child of 10 months, bread or special children's cookies are used as an addition to the menu. It usually melts quickly in your mouth. And various kinds of puree are usually supplemented with a small amount of vegetable or butter.

Since at this age the child already has several teeth, it is possible to cook cutlets or steamed meatballs from meat and fish. For lunch, you can cook soup, which does not need to be turned into a homogeneous mass.

As for breast milk, it can be present in the diet of a 10-month-old baby and you can continue to breastfeed your child for up to two years.

Menu planning

For a 10-month-old baby, nutrition plays an important role, since its further activity and development depend on it. The more active he behaves, the more appetite he eats. By 10 months, every mother already knows what her baby loves most of all, and therefore she can decide what approximately portions should be fed.

For proper nutrition of a 10-month-old baby, it is important that the menu includes all the necessary minerals. You should not buy ready-made sweets for your child and give him products that cause allergies. You should also feed at least 5 times daily, and an approximate menu for a 10-month-old child may be as follows:

  • 6 a.m. Breastfeeding or formula milk. Before breakfast, you need to give the baby some water, herbal tea or fruit juice. This will allow him to get used to the right diet.
  • For breakfast, you can serve some kind of porridge cooked in milk (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Instead of porridge, you can drop cottage cheese in combination with fruit puree. You should not feed a child at this age with semolina porridge, because it contains a lot of carbohydrates, and there are no other useful substances in it. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet, starting from the year.
  • At lunchtime, a 10-month-old baby's food may consist of soup in meat or vegetable broth. Garnish can be vegetable puree or baby vermicelli. Meatballs from dietary meat: poultry, calves, beef will give the child more strength. Twice a week, meat dishes can be replaced with fish cakes, which should be steamed.
  • Dinner may consist of one egg yolk or its halves, mashed potatoes (vegetable or fruit). You can also invite your child to try breadcrumbs.
  • Feeding a 10 month old baby at bedtime should not include heavy meals, because then the baby will sleep restlessly. In this case, instead of mother's milk, it is better to use kefir.

Allergy Risk

In some cases, when feeding a 10-month-old baby, an allergic reaction may occur. How can you tell if a child is at risk? In medical circles, this phenomenon is called atopy, which implies an innate predisposition. If one of the parents had an allergy, then the risk can be up to 37%. A more risky situation will be if both parents have suffered an allergy - in this case it is already about 60%.

Usually, in order to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, it is necessary not to include cow's milk and soy-containing products in the menu of a 10-month-old baby. Also, do not give your child chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus and wheat products until the child is one year old.

Our pediatrician sent prescriptions, maybe someone will come in handy

Minced meat soufflé (can also be made from fish)
meat 100 g, white bread 15 g, water 1.5 tbsp. spoons, 1/4 egg, 1/2 teaspoon butter, 1/4 teaspoon salt solution.
Add the egg to the cutlet mass, mix well, place in molds, greased with oil, add the salt solution. Steam with a lid.

chicken pudding
Chicken (pulp) 100 g, wheat bread 10 g, butter 1/2 tsp, milk 1/4 cup, egg 1 pc., salt solution 1/4 tsp.
Rinse a piece of boneless chicken, pass it twice through a meat grinder; the second time, skip the meat along with stale wheat bread, previously soaked in milk (1 tablespoon). Rub the resulting mass through a hair sieve, mix with the rest of the milk, add raw egg yolk and egg white whipped into a strong foam, salt solution, transfer to a greased form and cook in the same way as rice pudding. Chicken, brain, veal, liver and other puddings can be served with mashed potatoes or vegetables.

Steam meatballs
Meat (pulp) 40 g, beaten egg 1/4 pc., viscous rice porridge 1 tbsp. spoon, salt solution 1/4 teaspoon.
Pass the meat cleaned from fat and tendons through a meat grinder, mix with cold viscous rice porridge, pass through a meat grinder again, add an egg, salt solution and beat well. Divide the resulting mass into small balls, put them in a frying pan, greased with oil, pour cold water and cook.

Rabbit cutlets
Rabbit (pulp) 100 g, wheat bread 15 g, butter 2 teaspoons, water 1-2 tbsp. spoons, salt solution 1/4 tsp.
Rinse a piece of rabbit and cut the meat from the bones. You should not chop the bones of the rabbit before separating the pulp, so that small bone fragments do not get into the meat.
Pass the meat cut into pieces through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk (without crusts), salt solution, mix and pass through a meat grinder again.
Cut the cutlets and fry or steam them in a pan with a wire rack or with a little water, covered with a lid in the oven.

Fish meatballs
Fish 100 g, wheat bread 18 g, onion 1/8 pc., wheat flour 2 tsp, vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon, milk 2 tbsp. spoons, sauce 2 tbsp. spoons, salt solution 1/4 tsp.
Cut the fish into fillets without skin and bones and cook a mass from it as for cutlets. Add finely chopped parsley and grated onion to the fish mass, add salt solution, mix, then cut into balls (meatballs) the size of a walnut. Put the meatballs in a saucepan or deep frying pan, pour over the tomato juice sauce and simmer at a low boil in the oven or on the stove in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes.

Fish casserole
Fish fillet - 200 g, potatoes - 1 pc., egg - 1 pc., butter - 2 tbsp. l., vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l., ground crackers - 1 tbsp. l., salt.
Boil potatoes, cool. Pass the fish fillet and potatoes through a meat grinder, add 1 teaspoon of butter, milk, egg, salt.
Grease the pan with vegetable oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out the whole mass.
Top with melted butter and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes over low heat.

Soup with curly pasta
2 l. Water, 800 g of chicken fillet, 250 g of green peas (can be frozen), 2 carrots (in circles), a handful of baby pasta (in the form of letters, stars, etc.), dill and parsley
Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, fill with water and cook, removing the foam. Salt and add carrots.
Shortly before the chicken is ready, put the peas, and when it boils, the pasta. As soon as they are ready, serve the soup sprinkled with herbs.

Liver soup
liver (veal, chicken) - 50 g, potatoes - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 head, butter - 2 tbsp. l., milk - 1/2 cup, water - 2 cups, salt, parsley.
Wash the liver, peel, finely chop, quickly fry with 1 tablespoon of butter, along with grated carrots and chopped onions, pour 1 glass of hot water and simmer for 10 minutes.
Peel the potatoes, finely chop, cook until soft, mash hot.
Pass the liver through a meat grinder, combine with potatoes, hot milk, salt, boil well.
Remove from heat, add chopped herbs, butter.

Chicken puree soup
chicken - 150 g, carrots - 1/2 root, onion - 1 head, milk - 1 cup, water - 2 cups, wheat flour - 2 tsp, butter - 1 tbsp. l., salt.
Boil the chicken with carrots and onions, cool, remove from the broth. Pass the pulp twice through a meat grinder.
Strain the broth, boil, put the meat, salt, flour dressing prepared in advance. Pour in hot milk, boil for a few minutes and remove from heat.
For greater nutritional value, you can add the yolk mixed with milk.
Beef soup is prepared in the same way.

Beetroot with lecho
300 g beets, 400 g frozen vegetables (preferably lecho), 1–2 cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, herbs, sour cream, salt to taste.
Peel the beets boiled in the morning, grate coarsely and dip into boiling water. Open the package with lecho and, without defrosting, add the contents along with the bay leaf to the pan. 5-7 minutes after boiling, the beetroot is ready. Add crushed garlic, salt. Put greens and sour cream in plates with ready-made beetroot.
Cooking time - 10 minutes.
The volume of the dish for the baby is 200 g.

Milk cloud (milk soup)
water - 150-200 ml., cereals (rice, oatmeal, barley) - 20-30 g, sugar - 3 g, butter - 5 g.
Sort and rinse the grits. Pour it into boiling water and cook until soft at a low boil.
Then wipe the cooked cereal through a sieve.
Pour in hot milk. Add salt and sugar.
Boil it for a few minutes.
Fill with butter.

vegetable puree soup
potatoes - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 head, tomatoes - 1 pc., cauliflower - 1/4 head, green peas - 2 tbsp. l., zucchini - 1 pc., water - 3 cups, butter - 2 tbsp. l., sour cream - 1 tbsp. l., herbs, salt.
Wash the vegetables, peel, chop, divide the cauliflower into inflorescences. Fill with hot water, cook until tender.
Cool, rub through a sieve, salt, boil, season with oil, sour cream.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

At 10 months the nervous system of the baby is already sufficiently developed so that he can make the following movements when feeding:

  1. make lateral movements of the tongue;
  2. clean a spoon with your lips;
  3. bite and chew food;
  4. move food to the teeth with the tongue.

Based on these features, doctors have developed recommendations for the transition of children from breast milk to dishes of the general table.

The World Health Organization advises including in a sample menu for a week for a child at 10 months. dishes in chopped or mashed form.

At each feeding (according to the child's regimen), it is possible and necessary to give foods that are convenient to eat with your hands: cubes of vegetables and fruits, slices of potatoes and cheese, pieces of meat and bread.

Different rice balls, meatballs, bread crusts can be perfect.

  1. liver, meat (it is required to thoroughly boil, then passing through a meat grinder);
  2. boiled vegetables and fruits (previously grind);
  3. raw vegetables and fruits (banana, melon, tomato, etc.);
  4. cereals (in cereals - wheat, oats);
  5. bread.

Feed the baby should be varied, alternating in the menu different types of cereals for cereals, fruits and vegetables.

The answer to the question "What to feed a baby at 10 months?" can also be found in guidelines No. 99/225 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the organization of nutrition for infants in the first year of life. The compilers suggest the following composition of an approximate diet for children aged 10 months. (with natural feeding):

  1. fruits (mashed potatoes, juice) - 90-100 ml;
  2. vegetables (mashed potatoes) - 200 g;
  3. porridge with milk - 200 g;
  4. cottage cheese - 50 g;
  5. yolk - 0.5 pcs.;
  6. meat (mashed potatoes) - 60-70 g;
  7. fish (mashed potatoes) - 30-60 g;
  8. fermented milk products (kefir, etc.) - 400-500 ml;
  9. whole milk - 200 ml;
  10. crackers and cookies - 10-15 g;
  11. bread (wheat, premium) - 10 g;
  12. oil (vegetable, butter) - 6 g each.

The complementary food ration recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for 10-month-old babies who are on mixed or artificial feeding differs from the one given in that it additionally contains 200-400 g of adapted milk formulas (or subsequent ones).

The diet includes three main meals and two light snacks - you can offer crumbs yogurt, kefir, an apple, bread with butter or jam, etc.

Pediatricians advise, based on the above recommendations, to draw up an approximate menu for a week and then use it, making the necessary adjustments. The calorie content of the dishes included in this list can be viewed in special tables.

Meal Requirements

Cooking meals for babies at 10 months will not differ in great variety. But for them there are general rules.

  • Raw fruits and vegetables are cut immediately before serving, after removing the peel from them.
  • The fruits are stewed together with the skin, which is then removed.
  • To boil vegetables, they are washed, cut into small cubes, add quite a bit of water.
  • Fish and meat are boiled in large portions, then a part is cut off for the child and mashed or simply chopped into small pieces.
  • For the preparation of complementary foods, you can use only high-quality vegetable oil: corn, sunflower, olive.
  • If you want to enhance the taste of food, then instead of spices and salt, it is better to use buttermilk, lemon or cranberry juice in small quantities.

Healthy drinks

At 10 months you should continue to breastfeed so that the energy of the baby is constantly renewed. But at the same time, WHO recommends introducing crumbs and other liquids into the diet, including unmodified cow's milk, and all drinking should be offered only from a cup.

Juices for complementary foods are best squeezed out on their own, so they better retain their beneficial properties. The consumption of such liquids should be strictly dosed, since excessive use interferes with the use of breast milk. The sugars found in fruit drinks can cause cavities and erosion of emerging teeth due to their acidity.

Kissel, compote or fruit drink from various berries (currants, cranberries, raspberries) is a great alternative to juices. To prevent seeds or grains from getting into the drink, the juice is first squeezed out, and then compote or liquid jelly is boiled. They perfectly quench thirst, increase appetite, at the same time being a source of vitamins. Cranberry juice is most often used for fruit drinks, diluted with boiled water.

Tea is drunk in almost every family, but a child at 10 months old should not be given it. This is due to the fact that the drink contains tannins that prevent the full absorption of iron and minerals from food. Adding sugar to tea can reduce appetite and contribute to the development of dental diseases.

To quench your thirst, it is better to give mineral water without gas, tea from fennel, rose hips, dried fruit compote without sugar.

What is forbidden to give a child

  1. spices, salt, sugar;
  2. spicy dishes;
  3. raw fruit or vegetable salads;
  4. whole kernels of nuts;
  5. smoked food products (meat, sausage, fish, cheese);
  6. unripe fruits, fruits with a rough peel (must be peeled first), in which seeds remain;
  7. bread made from wholemeal flour, which contains whole grains.

When buying any products in stores, carefully read their composition: they may contain additives harmful to children.

sample menu

Members of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Speransky G.N. and Arkhangelsky B.A. in their writings, they offer to feed babies according to the approximate menu of a child at 10 months, observing the following regimen:

  1. early breakfast (6 hours) - 200 ml of formula or mother's milk;
  2. breakfast (10 hours) - 180 g of porridge, 50 g of fruit puree, 0.5 yolks;
  3. lunch (14 hours) - 180 g of pureed soup or vegetable puree, 50 g of meat puree or 1 fish / meat cutlet, 1 pc. of bread;
  4. dinner (18 hours) - 50 cottage cheese, 50 g fruit puree, 100 g kefir, 1 cookie or 1 piece. of bread;
  5. late dinner (22 hours) - 200 ml of breast milk or formula.

At the transition to 10 months. the new feeding regimen should gradually replace breast milk with solid food.


According to WHO, the concept of "proper nutrition" includes four main aspects:

  1. the method of feeding should be maximally adapted to the psychomotor capabilities of the baby: is he able to hold a spoon, can he fully chew, drink from a cup;
  2. persons who feed the child should be attentive, encourage his readiness to eat, offer a supplement;
  3. giving complementary foods, you should interact with the baby, showing attention, tenderness and affection;
  4. feeding should always be clearly organized, while maintaining cleanliness, regularity, and monitoring the safety of the little one while eating.

Compliance with the feeding regimen, the good mood of the child, communication with parents are very important so that he eats with pleasure, while receiving the entire set of substances necessary for development at 10 months.

Your baby is happy with life, energetic and inquisitive, he already has teeth, and he gnaws cookies or bagels with pleasure. You are already free to choose meals for your 10-month-old baby, his children's menu is becoming more diverse and does not cause your anxiety. The baby already has his favorite foods, their recipe is quickly approaching the "adult", but do not rush to transfer it to the general table.

Babies 10 months of age are still receiving breast milk or formula at their first and last feedings. As a rule, at this age, even evening (before bedtime) feeding is replaced by a vegetable dish or milk porridge. By this age, the children's menu is already very diverse, and there are almost no unexplored natural products left. Only their combinations and portion sizes have changed.

Compared to the nutrition of a 9-month-old baby, meals for a 10-month-old baby are no longer pureed, but finely ground. The food is prepared more dense so that the baby has already learned to chew it before swallowing, developing the chewing skill.

Very important changes relate to the heat treatment of vegetables and fruits. More dishes that are not boiled or stewed are already being added to the menu. A 10-month-old child needs to prepare salads from fresh carrots and apples more often, enrich them with finely chopped greens. Fruits and berries also try to give fresh, just start with very small portions. Avoid highly acidic berries and citrus fruits.

Let's look at the main dishes of the 10-month-old baby menu, which you can combine when compiling a diet for your baby.

Meals for children 10 months

Dairy dishes

Milk porridge is best offered in the first half of the day. It is better to cook them with milk obtained from milk formulas for children under the age of 12 months. It is not recommended to include cow's milk in the diet of a child under 1 year old! If there is no other way out, then cow's milk should be diluted with water 1:1.

From cereals, you can take buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, sometimes semolina or wheat. You can already try to cook baby vermicelli. No need to sweeten porridge!

We give cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, we prepare it from fat-free kefir. Portion - no more than 50 g. You can add a slice of banana to the curd.

vegetable dishes

Pureed vegetables can be replaced with vegetable stews made from finely chopped ingredients. Also, the menu already includes fresh carrot salads - with the addition of a pear or an apple.

Vegetables: Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, petiole celery, spinach, zucchini and onions. With white cabbage, you should wait a while.

Puddings and casseroles

At 10 months old, it's time for your baby to try casseroles and puddings. You can cook cottage cheese casseroles with fruits and berries, meat and fish (with white meat).

Mix 200 g grated cottage cheese with 1 egg yolk, 1 grated apple and bake. Instead of an apple, you can use pumpkin, carrot, banana. We spread it in a mold, sprinkle with butter (1 tsp) and steam it.

meat pudding

Scroll chicken or veal twice (200 g), add 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. semolina and 3 tbsp. milk. We carefully combine all the components and at the end we mix in the beaten egg white. Put the pudding in the form and bake for a couple of 50 minutes.

If your baby is not yet familiar with egg white, then the first meal of this dish should not exceed 20 g.

According to the same recipe, you can cook fish pudding - hake, pollock or cod.

Meat dishes

Meat purees can already be confidently replaced with meatballs and cutlets. Soup with meatballs is a favorite dish of many kids! You can use chicken, turkey, beef or veal, lean pork. Fish meatballs are also very tender.

In the twice ground meat, add a little white bread, a piece of onion and yolk (if there is no allergy). We form small balls and cook either steamed or in lightly salted water. A good solution is to simply add a few meat (or fish) balls when making soup.

The drinks

  • Fruit, berry or vegetable juices.
  • Compotes from apples, pears, berries.
  • Milk and berry kissels. In the winter season, you can use frozen berries.

How to cook jelly?
Boil fruits and berries, filter, and pass the pulp through a sieve into a separate bowl. Cool the broth and stir the starch in it (1 tsp per 100 ml of broth), put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Add pulp and bring to a boil again. Ready! We do not add sugar.

  • Kefir for children or bifidok from skimmed milk (adult) - very fresh!

Dishes for a 10-month-old are regulated less strictly. Many mothers are already transferring children for 10 months to a common table, although this is not true. Nevertheless, in the children's menu, sweet and salty dishes should be limited. The metabolism of the baby is still unstable and his body does not process these flavoring additives qualitatively. Exercise Conscious Caution