Scenario of a holiday for an elementary school "holiday of childhood". The script of the concert "Moments of a Happy Childhood

Music sounds, presenters appear.

Lead 1: Good afternoon, everyone!
Lead 2: All-all radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day!
Lead 1:
Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
Lead 2: Such beautiful, such grown-up boys and girls have gathered in this hall today. You leave the fabulous land of childhood and enter into a big life.
Lead 1: Happy, irreversible childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?
Lead 2:
We will remember more than once
That kind planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
Sunrises meet
Lead 1:
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world is brighter around
And louder bird trills.
Lead 2: What a pity that the days of a happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called "Childhood"!
Lead 1: Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a spatula.
Lead 2: Arrange a brawl with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
Lead 1: Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates ...
Lead 2: But childhood is gone forever. Now, if you knew where?
Lead 1: Perhaps this question will be answered by our vocal group, which will perform the song "Where does childhood go?" (The song is performed either by a really high school vocal group, or it is simply played on a tape recorder).
Lead 2:
Here today, my friends,
We have not gathered in vain.
We hasten to congratulate from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and guys!
Lead 1:
May the angel always keep you
From loss of life
And childhood even though sometimes
The door opens for you!
Lead 2: We invite to the microphone ... (either the head of the GORUO or the school director is invited to the microphone).
Lead 1:
The ship of childhood floats away into childhood.
White large pipes are beveled back.
Let me see, goodbye to see,
Let me hear how they hum!
Lead 2:
The breeze on the deck touched someone's hair
A naughty tear suddenly flashed on my cheek.
How madly I want, believe me, I really want
Time is fleeting to turn back!
Lead 1: Let's, today, on Children's Day, try to perform a miracle and turn back the clock. Let's remember the golden childhood!
Lead 2: Now we will write an essay about this cloudless period of our life. I only need adjectives from you. I will write them down in the template, and in a few minutes the essay on the theme "Remember the golden childhood" will be ready.

Game-story "Let's remember the golden childhood"
The spoken adjectives fit into the text, and the story is ready.
How good it is to be a child! No ... worries and problems for you. ... in the morning ... mom wakes you up, feeds you ... breakfast and leads you to ... kindergarten. And there ... educators, ... friends, ... toys and a very ... life are waiting for you. ... holidays, ... classes, ... walks - there is no time to get bored! And at home ... grandmother will treat you ... with a pie, ... dad will let you knock ... with a hammer on the table, ... mom will tell you ... a fairy tale for the night. Everyone loves you, cherishes, cares, pampers ... with gifts. And I wish that ... childhood never ends!

Lead 1: It was a wonderful composition. And your childhood was very funny. That is why you are so cheerful and joyful today. And also because the guests of our holiday came to congratulate you. (Guests are invited to the microphone, if any).
Lead 2: So attention! The journey to the country of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very young and did not go to kindergarten yet. All children are very fond of gifts. I invite the two teams of six who are most eager to win the holiday prizes.

Skins competition
The team captains are given a large vessel with a drink (compote, juice, water), and each participant is given a long straw. Team members stand around the vessel, at the same time lower their straws there and begin to drink the drink. The first team to empty the vessel wins. Prizes for the winners and incentive prizes must be prepared in advance and do not forget to hand them over at the end of each competition.

Lead 1: Now, children, sit on the chairs and carefully watch the dance (or listen to the song). Either a choreographic or a vocal group performs.
Lead 2: At home, under my mother's warm wing, of course, it's good. But, the day comes when the baby first goes out into the world. And a big life usually begins in kindergarten.
Lead 1: Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there is a good company, then even tasteless porridge, an evil teacher and old toys recede into the background.
Lead 2:
Many, many days in a row
Summer and winter
We went to kindergarten
Native to kindergarten.
Lead 1:
We were always in a hurry here,
We loved him very much.
All the guys say:
"Let's not forget the kindergarten!"
Lead 2: With such a rosy mood, two friends are going to kindergarten. It will be you (two young men are invited).
Lead 1: Their mothers, hurrying to work, try to dress them faster. Here we have "mothers" (two girls are invited).
Lead 2 : So, the clothes are already ready, but suddenly the light goes out!

Competition "Dress the kid for kindergarten"
The girls are blindfolded and offered to dress the guys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, large trousers). The one who copes faster and more accurately wins.

Lead 1: And now there is a musical or dance pause.

A song is being performed or a dance is being danced.

Lead 2:
There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Lead 1:
May the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good overcome evil forever.
Lead 2: The kingdom of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic is far, far away. And whoever has been in it at least once will remain a prisoner forever.
Lead 1 : Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible.
Lead 2: And also because from childhood on fairy tales we learn goodness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, courage. Let's remember the Russian folk tale "Turnip" and show a performance based on it.

Fairy-tale game "Turnip"
The participants are called on the roles: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Granddaughter, Beetle, Cat, Mouse.
When the presenter reads the text of the tale, each hero must, upon hearing the name of his character, say the words assigned to him and make a gesture:
Turnip - "Ay, yes I am!" and shows with his hands how big it is.
Grandpa - "Oh, sciatica!" and, bent over, holds on to the lower back.
Grandma - "Father's lights!" and at the same time throws up his hands.
Granddaughter - "Well, here's another!" and puts his hands on his hips.
Bug - “Woof! Will you give me a bone? " while resting his hands on bent knees and wagging his "tail".
Cat - “They don't let you sleep! Meow!" and stretches, bending over in the back.
Mouse - "Well, where can you go without me!" and demonstrates strong biceps.
On the whole, such a performance of "Turnip" looks very funny.

Lead 1: According to the daily routine in kindergarten, after games and lunch, it is supposed to take a break - "quiet hour".
Lead 2: We will have such a “quiet hour” a dance break. And at the same time we will check what kind of obedient children you are.

Dance game "Do as I do"
I think everyone remembers and knows this dance game well. When the presenter makes some movements to the beat of cheerful and incendiary music, and all those present, standing in a circle, repeat these movements after him. A very energetic and fun workout.

Lead 1: Early childhood experiences are often remembered for life. And the holidays give them special brightness.
Lead 2: Joyful excitement, decorated rooms, guests, gifts, a festive table - this will be remembered for a long time. And what are the possibilities for the flight of children's imagination!
Lead 1: And the imagination of adults usually boils down to one thing: mothers and fathers love to show off their beloved, intelligent and obedient child to guests.
Lead 2: "Daughter, baby, stand on the chair and tell the guests a rhyme." I think that many of you have complied with this request so as not to upset your parents.
Lead 1: We invite the guys who still have a love for poetry to decorate our holiday.

Children's poetry competition
Everyone comes out and reads children's poems. Prizes are awarded for artistry and originality.

Lead 2: We continue to talk about dolls, bears and airplanes. Each of us had a favorite toy in childhood. Perhaps someone keeps it to this day.
Lead 1: Can you remember your favorite toy now? What was it - a doll, a bunny, a ball? Several children remember and name their favorite toys.
Lead 2 : As it should be, girls are more attracted to dolls and stuffed toys, and boys are more attracted to cars. We ask the most inveterate motorists to contact us.
Lead 1: You will organize two convoys of 4 people each: "Truck" and "Fireman".

Relay "Drivers"
The first two young men are presented with children's toy cars on strings. The task of the participants is to “drive” the distance, bending around the skittles placed on the floor, and not to knock them down. The team that does it faster and more accurately wins.

Lead 2 : The winners of the car races are awarded a musical (dance) gift.

A song is being played or a dance is being danced.

Lead 1 : Everyone knows that children and animals are the greatest friends. The little man just needs someone to bark, meow, tweet or croak next to him.
Lead 2: Children love to take care of our smaller brothers: they treat the cat with sweets, save the fish from the aquarium so as not to drown, share toys with the dogs.
The cat says quietly to me:
- Have pity on me a little!
Lead 1:
I don’t understand this cat:
I put candy in her mouth
I put my arms around her neck:
- That's how I pity you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
Lead 2:
She says:
- Have a little, at least a little pity -
Let me go soon!

During the text, the presenters distribute notes with the names of animals to the children.

Lead 1 : Attention! Now our smaller brothers will appear in this hall! Anyone who has received the notes, please come to me. The cats are on the left, the pigs are on the right, and the horses are in the center.
Lead 2: Have you forgotten how these animals "speak"? Let's rehearse?

Contest "Concert of Animals"
The teams get acquainted with the song that they will perform:
Cats - "Two funny geese"
Piglets - "Grasshopper"
Horses - "I'm lying in the sun"
Songs must be performed by making sounds appropriate to the animals. Looks very funny from the outside.

Lead 1: Ah, kindergarten! Ah, kindergarten! First friends, first love ... Yes, it is in kindergarten that this feeling comes.
Lead 2 : I'd like to know which of our boys was Don Juan in kindergarten. I ask two confident guys to come out.
Lead 1: We are announcing a dance break, and during the first dance, the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more female fans?

Contest "Autographs"
Sheets of paper and felt-tip pens are given to two participants. The task of the participants is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The winner is the one who has more signatures on the piece of paper.
A musical or dance break.

Lead 2:
It was good in kindergarten! There we were loved, raised, fed and taught to be real people.
But parting comes
We'll go to school soon
And today, goodbye
We say from the heart:
Lead 1:
“Goodbye, kindergarten! -
All the guys say -
We will never forget
Our favorite kindergarten! "
Lead 2: And now we are no longer just children, but students. On the threshold of the school we are greeted with a smile by the first teacher.
Lead 1:
Who will show the letter "A"?
Multiply twice by two?
Will he fit the sticks into the notebook?
Will he put "5" for the first time?
Lead 2:
Our very first teacher
Keeper of the light of wisdom.
Lead 1: The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.
Lead 2: We invite two teams of five to join us, for whom the memories of the first teacher are still dear.
Lead 1: Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a keepsake. And you will draw it.

Relay "Portrait of the first teacher"
Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of the teacher on the sheets of whatman paper. The first participant draws an oval of the face, the second - the eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - the lips, the fifth hair. The team with the most artistic drawing wins.

Lead 2: And together with the portraits we present this song to the teachers ...

A song is being sung or played on a tape recorder.

Lead 1:
School is over at school
You have moved to the senior class.
Lie in the sun
The sea invites us.
Lead 2: Vacation, vacation, fun time! Sea, sun, soft sand and, of course, beach volleyball. We invite you to take part in volleyball competitions - get ready for the beach season.

Air Volleyball Competition
All team members inflate two balloons each. And then the game of volleyball with balloons begins.

Lead 1: After such a successful game, you need to rest.


Lead 2: School years have flown by, all your victories and failures, "deuces" and "fives" are in the past ...
Lead 1: Yesterday you were the masters of the school, and now you can only be guests.
Lead 2: Yesterday you were schoolchildren, children, and today you are already adults, independent.
Lead 1:
School flew by like an hour
School is the first class of life,
School is the arithmetic of fate
School is not to forget these years.
Lead 2: When you say goodbye to school, you part with your teachers. They taught you to comprehend science and understand the world. Together with you, Vanya experienced failures and shared the joy of victories. There was room in your teacher's big, warm heart for each of you.
Lead 1: Today your teachers will light up a light for their former students, which will become a guiding star on the road to adulthood. And along with this spark, the mentor will give you his parting words.
Lead 2: Let this candle pass from hand to hand, and let each of you say wishes and warm words to each other.

A candle is lit and the process of passing it from hand to hand and with wishes goes through.

Lead 1:
Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It leaves everyone once.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I want not to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.
Lead 2: It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go to youth along rainbow paths,
Through thick snow and grasses.
We are leaving for youth, we rush the time,
And we ourselves are sad about childhood.
Lead 1: But don't be so sad. First, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood will remain with you or will go away forever, it depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes even for a minute look into childhood and take a break there from adulthood.
Lead 2:
Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save you!
Lead 1: We congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to the disco!

Scenario of the holiday "Ship of childhood"

Good day! Good day!

We want to tell you

Peace, happiness, kindness

wish this day!

May luck accompany

To you every hour.

We start our holiday -

This holiday is for you!

Good afternoon, everyone!
All-all radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day. And today I would very much like to travel with you to the distant land of childhood on this beautiful boat.

What a pity that the days of a happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called "Childhood"!
Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a spatula.
Arrange a brawl with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates ...
But childhood is gone forever. Now, if you knew where?
Perhaps we will get the answer to this question by listening

song "Where does childhood go?" performed by Kryzhka Lyudmila and Svetlana's Tour.

Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

We will remember more than once
That kind planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
Sunrises meet
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world is brighter around
And louder bird trills.
Song "Pansies" Kubushko Snezhana and Galenduk Julia

Let the globe of the earth spin

At the hour of the day and at the hour of the night

Only under the most peaceful sun

And under a peaceful moon!

Let children's laughter be everywhere

In life, makes us all happy!

Let him get up and sleep

With a peaceful song, man!

Song "Gnomes" Reva Arina and Bekhter Sonya

Poem by Marchenko Irina

Take care of your children
Do not scold them for their pranks.
The evil of my bad days
Never rip off on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them,
Even if they are guilty,
Nothing is dearer than tears

If fatigue falls down
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, sonny will approach you
Or my daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight
Cherish the caress of children
Is this happiness? short moment,
Hurry to be happy.

These golden days will flash
And they will leave the hearth dear
Grown up your children.

Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember the past with sadness

How will you want
At this time, come back again

And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There is nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world,

Yes, friendship is good, just wonderful, but in order for you to have many friends, you need to be honest and kind.

D let's call Krivobokov Sasha, who will sing to us about kindness.

Song "If you are kind"

Song "Walking Fun Together"


It's a pity, childhood, that there is no return to you,

We didn't notice how we matured.

But all my childhood dreams

Song "Umbrella" Krivobokov Sasha and Kryzhka Luda.

Children draw on glass, children draw on asphalt

They are building a city on the sand - this is not yet on the map.

In the hands of crayons, pencils ... And children are little magicians.

But so much soul has been invested in their beautiful world on paper!

Here the sun, the sky is blue, here we are among the fairy-tale heroes.

We are the ones who must protect their world from grief and war.

Children draw on glass and on asphalt ... Let them draw!

And let the joy of childhood on Earth triumph forever!

Song "White Daisy" Kryzhka Luda

Childhood is the happiest time. Well, who, if not our kind grandmothers, we owe for these moments of joy. Our dear grandmothers - you are the source of the best on earth - the source of life. You pass through your heart and soul all the hardships of our daily life. You don't have free time.

Grandmother is a dear kind person, without whom it is difficult to do in life. After all, for your grandchildren, you are the best friends. Sasha Krivobokov sings about this in the song "I live with my grandmother."

Song "Clouds" Bechter Sonya

Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It leaves everyone once.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I want not to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.
It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go to youth along rainbow paths,
Through thick snow and grasses.
We are leaving for youth, we rush the time,
And we ourselves are sad about childhood.
But don't be so sad. First, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood will remain with you or will go away forever, it depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes even for a minute look into childhood and take a break there from adulthood.

Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save you!

"Ship of childhood" Tour Ruslan

Poems for children

I will shave off a splinter and make a boat,

And I'll tie the sail with a stern thread.

And let him go across the white world,

But he will return to the shore, where I am waiting for him.

I will give my boat to my smaller brother -

Maybe he'll be a sailor someday.

May from childhood itself with the changeable wind

And he will be familiar with the stubborn wave.

The breeze will rise, the sails will fill

They will carry my boat to the distant lands.

All cherished dreams will finally come true

If I believe in a good fairy tale.

Take care of your children ...

Take care of your children
Do not scold them for their pranks.
The evil of my bad days
Never rip off on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them,
Even if they are guilty,
Nothing is dearer than tears
That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.

If fatigue falls down
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, sonny will approach you
Or my daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight
Cherish the caress of children
Is this happiness? short moment,
Hurry to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in spring,
These golden days will flash
And they will leave the hearth dear
Grown up your children.

Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember the past with sadness
About the days when we were together.

How will you want
At this time, come back again
So that they sing a song to the little ones,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There is nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world,
Take care of childhood, please!

Leading: - Good afternoon, girls and boys! All-all radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day. We are glad to welcome you to our concert. There are many of you and all of you are very interesting. I really want to meet you. I will now say my name, and when I wave my hands, each of you should say your name. So attention!

My name is Elena, and you?

- (all children call out their name)

Well done, I remember everyone, so we met !!!

And today we will go to the country of a happy childhood.

Guests are glad that they came

They found a time for us

We will have fun here

Performances for glory

We are in a hurry to amuse you

Maybe we will laugh.

Now watch the concert

Do not squeak, do not shout

They will sing and dance

And we clap, help.

Meet Korlyukova Anya, who will sing about "Kitten".

Leading: -Sparks of childhood fly to the sky

Beckoning for a far, far away

Hundreds of guys are here today

They believe in a dream, and it is so easy at heart!

And our planet is spinning, spinning

She is warmed by the palms of the sun.

And they warm the planet much warmer

The smiles and laughter of so many children.

After all, it's true, friends, it's good on the planet,

When the hosts on the planet are children!

Ballroom dance studio "Impulse" "Berlin Polka"

Leading:- I dream of spreading a star garden on our planet,

So that all children in the world draw it.

And everyone will boldly draw everything that interests him:

Flowers, drawings, forest and fairy tales, he will draw everything, there would be paints,

Yes, a sheet of paper on the table, and the world, and mother on earth.

Lebedeva Varya with the song "Mama"

Leading: -Today there is no place for boredom

Watch the dance "At the Ball".

He's funny and good

Get ready to clap your hands!

Choreographic collective "Solnyshko" "At the Ball".

Leading: -How many interesting things happen in childhood! How much free time! And how many friends are around!

Neither oceans nor meridians

Friendship does not prevent us

Friendship is like a bird to distant lands

Flies in spite of all the winds!

Pajurova Dasha with the song "The Weather has cleared up"

Leading: - Guys, I propose to take a short pause and warm up a little. I will read the poem while you listen carefully and perform the action. Ready?

All are friends in this room!

Look at the sbei, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.

All are friends in this room!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.

All are friends in this room!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Hug the neighbor on the left, hug the neighbor on the right.

All are friends in this room!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Wink at the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left.

All are friends in this room!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Smile at the neighbor on the right, smile at the neighbor on the left.

All are friends in this room!

I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Look at yourself - together we are one hundred thousand "I"!

We played great

Only now we didn’t dance

……………… I suggest

I invite everyone to dance.

Ballroom dance studio "Impulse" "Cha-cha-cha"

Leading: -If you want to sing while sitting

Don't sit down like a bear

Straighten your back soon

Feet on the floor boldly

Once, inhale - and began to sing!

The sound flew like a bird

Hands, shoulders, everything is free

It is pleasant and convenient to sing!

Lebedeva Liza "2 birches".

Leading: -Everyone knows here and there

Everyone knows this:

Children are looking forward to

The speech is.

Guys, together with the choreographic collective "Solnyshko" you can do simple exercises, and you will have a set of exercises for warm-up for every day.

Choreographic collective "Solnyshko" "Warm-up".

Leading: -Let the angel always keep you

From loss of life

And childhood even though sometimes

Opens the door for you!

Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

And Ivanova Arina with her "4 brothers".

Leading: - Guys, let's play.

Do as I do.

Let's play like this (2p)

Let's all together, all at once,

They play this way only with us.

Come on, clap like me (2p),

Only here they clap.

Come on, sink like me (2p),

Come on, all together, all at once,

Only here they stomp.

Come on, spank like me (2p),

Come on, all together, all at once,

Only here they spank.

Come on, let's all shout: "Hello!" (2p)

Come on, all together, all at once,

Hello, they shout so here.

Tell me what your name is (2p),

Well, what are the names of all of you?

They only get to know each other here.

Come on, say: "Apchhi!" (2p),

Tell APSHI you now,

Are you sick with us?

Well, show your tongue (2p),

Show your tongue now

No, you are healthy with us.

Let's start the engine (2p),

The motor will start in one hour,

We will go to Moscow now.

Well - let's all shout: "Ha - ha!" (2p),

We all shout more amicably: "Ha-ha!"

Only we laugh like that.

Nice we had some fun

Played, joked

Now it's time

Dance for us kids.

Meet ballroom dance studio "Impulse" "Quick Step Lesson"

Leading: -We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances

But there is nothing more interesting

Than our fairy tales

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we cannot live in the world without them.
May the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good overcome evil forever.

A quartet of the Benefis studio with a song about Little Red Riding Hood.

Lead: - We will remember more than once
That kind planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
Sunrises meet.

Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world is brighter around
And louder bird trills.

Leading: - Do you know what summer thunder is? What about lightning? Is the rainbow colored?

You say that this does not happen?

It happens, but I'll talk about that later.

My school desk is piled high

And the phone rings incessantly.

I can't get down to earth in any way-

All thoughts are about you.

How strange it is ...

Lebedeva Lera "I'm tired".

Leading: - Guys, let's play some more? A game called Italian Football. We divide the hall in half. The first team obeys the right hand, the second - the left. When I wave my right hand, the first team shouts: "Goal!" When I wave my left, the second team yells "Past." When I raise both hands at shoulder level, both teams shout: "Barbell!", And when I raise both hands up, both teams shout: "Hurray!"

Leading: - There is such a cherished, unusual, seven-colored country,

If you have not been there before, you should know that the forests there are orange.

The sea is sweet there, not salty, there is a cheerful sky, green,

This is a cherished country - my seven-color childhood!

Quartet of the "Benefis" studio with the song "Wandering Artists".

Lead: - Thank you all for your attention

For the enthusiasm, for the ringing laughter

For the fire of the competition

Ensuring success!

Now the moment has come to say goodbye

Our speech will be short,

We say to you: “Goodbye!

Until a happy new meeting! "

"Let the children laugh!"

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kachulskaya secondary school"

Holiday script

"The world of childhood!"


Turtsina Nadezhda Sergeevna

primary school teacher


Educational ... Broadening your horizons. Systematization of knowledge on the rules of the road.

Developing ... Development of creativity, imagination, logical thinking. Development of communication skills.

Educational. Education of partnership, mutual assistance.

(Two buffoons come out and start the party. )
Buffoon 1We begin, we begin
We invite you to the holiday
Buffoon 2
Both girls and boys
All quiet and naughty.
Buffoon 1
It is forbidden to be sad today
The fun holiday begins!

Musical number of a group of children. Song Yuri Shatunov "Childhood, childhood Where are you running ?! "
Buffoon 2
Everybody, everybody, everybody attention!
We continue the noisy festivities.
Buffoon 1
We are the dearer guys
Who laughs more fun
Buffoon 2
Who does not wait for an invitation
He dances and sings himself!

Good afternoon, dear adults and dear guys!
Today we are celebrating a wonderful holiday of childhood, which traditionally coincided with the end of the school year. For some, this academic year was the first, for others - the second. And some guys can rightfully consider themselves old-timers of our school.
(A fun and entertaining number prepared by the club workers)

- this is a great time when the sun seems big, the stars shine brighter. The song pours, the heart beats, dreams come true.

1 station "Sportivnaya"

(musical accompaniment to Lev Barashkov's song "A coward does not play hockey")

Mop Hockey game.

Are you real athletes? Do you like hockey? Yes, now everyone loves hockey and even girls play it! You know that there is ball and puck hockey. And we have hockey with a mop! You line up one after another, with this mop you have to push the ball to the finish line and back. And transfer the mop to another participant.

2 station "Funny ducklings"

Dance "Ducklings" (children repeat the movements behind the leader. The team that performed all the movements and did not make mistakes wins)

Continue to the next station.

3 station "There on unknown paths"


Do you know that you are in a fairyland?

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot live without them ...

Do you know many fairy tales?

(questions are asked in turn to the teams, the winner is the team that gave the correct answers to all the questions)

1. What is the name of the fairytale hero who sings the song:

“... I am every beast

Stronger and braver!

Trembles before me

Club-toed bear,

When will the bear

Defeat me! "

2. In which tale did such an event occur:

"... Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof swayed, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king ..."

3. About whom they say - “She has only two legs! What squalor! She doesn't even have a mustache! ... "

5. Which fairytale hero was one of the sons of the old tin spoon?

6. In what fairy tale, with the help of a pea, the princess found herself a groom?

7. What boy was supposed to lay out the word "eternity", for this he was promised to give skates and the whole world?

8. What was the name of the elf queen Maya at the beginning of the tale?

9. What did the Goldfish answer to every request of the old man?

10. Which tale ends with the words:

"The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

Good fellows a lesson! ”?

11. What did the queen say when looking in a magic mirror?

12. What tale are these lines from?

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat urges

He runs to himself in the waves

On inflated sails.

13. How many years did the old man live with the old woman by the very blue sea?

14. How did the peasant divide without offense one goose into seven: the master, the lady, the sons, the two daughters, and did he not offend himself?

(Sent to the next station)

4 station "Traffic light"

The whistle sounds, the policeman runs out.

Dear young citizens!

I send you a policeman hello to everyone!

I invite the kids to a wonderful game!

This game is the most needed!

Because you are all a little naughty!

There are too many dangerous undertakings

Our smart and lively children!

There is a lot of traffic in the streets

It's time to cultivate respect for him!

To teach the kids about street rules

We started our game!

Think - Guess

Rules: it is necessary to give the correct answer and not shout it out in chorus. The winner is the one who received more chips for correct answers.


How many wheels does a car have? (4)

How many people can ride one bike? (1)

Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who is driving the car? (Driver)

What is the name of the intersection of the two roads? (Crossroads)

What is the carriageway for? (For traffic)

On which side of the carriageway is the vehicle moving? (On the right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident)

What is the overhead light at a traffic light? (Red)

At what age are children allowed to ride a bike on the street? (From 14 years old)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Three)

What animal does a pedestrian crossing look like? (On the zebra)

How can a pedestrian get into an underpass? (Down the stairs)

If there is no sidewalk, where can a pedestrian move? (On the side of the left, towards the traffic)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police vehicles)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand)

Where do you need to play in order not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground)

5 station "Cockfight" (In a circle, they stand on one leg, which is held by the hand of 5 people and pushed out of the circle. Those who flew out of the circle are eliminated)

Song "If you went out with a friend" lyrics by M. Tanich music: V. Shainsky


- Now it's time to say goodbye. Dear friends! Rest well and gain strength to tell us in three months: “Hello! We returned!".
We would like to thank our cheerful hosts who helped me to spend this wonderful holiday.

Goodbye friends! Until next time!

Used Books:

  1. Scientific and methodical journals "Classroom teacher". Enlightenment Moscow 2011,2012 The Last Call Magazine 2010 No. 2, No. 3; 2009 No. 3.


Childhood Road

Holiday script dedicated to

Childhood Day.



social teacher.

Target: develop emotional responsiveness, creative activity, a sense of collectivism; foster patriotism, the manifestation of care and attention to each other; broaden your horizons.

Materials: toys, paper flowers, flags, crayons.

The music "The Road of Childhood" is played.

Ved. Hello little people!

Children's holiday is coming to us!

For all sorrows, he is the best remedy

I am calling you on the road, I am calling you to the Road of Childhood!

(children run out with toys).

Ved. We have good toys:

Dolls, bears and crackers

It's fun to play with them

But don't forget!

Toys are not people

But everyone understands

And they really don't like

When they are broken.

Let toys be friends with us

We will not offend them,

Let's play and then

Let's put everything in place.

("Dance of little ducks".)

Ved. We celebrate the holiday of childhood
A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light.

Come visit us

We are always glad to guests.

Birds will fly to the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

Will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

(song "Smile".)

Ved. For something that cannot be conveyed in words,

People invented a sheet and a pencil.

We all see the world a little bit differently

And while drawing, friend, do not forget about it!

Draw, draw simple and complex!

Draw, draw, not for the sake of word of mouth!

Draw, draw as much as you can!

Draw, draw, as you can see!

(song "Solar circle". Drawing with crayons on the asphalt))

Ved. Multicolored ribbons

Soar above the ground

People amazed

They look at the heavens.

The rainbow has spread

Smooth semicircle,

A festive halo

It burst open suddenly!

(dance "Chunga-changa")

Ved. As a child, you can touch ...

The very edge of a dream.

Find your way to her ...

You certainly can.

Children love blue stars

Fly in colorful dreams

Everything comes true in the world

If you only want to.

We really want

To make all dreams come true!

(song "The sun came out".)

Ved. All the kids from Russia

Outside of it

Whites, blacks

We love everyone dearly.

Children are our future,

Children - must live in the world.

Children - said so loud

And it sounds with all my heart!

Reb. White blue red

My checkbox is beautiful

My checkbox is beautiful -

I live in Russia!
(the song "With you and for you, Russia" is performed with paper flowers and flags)

Ved. Guys, the best cure for boredom is

Stretch your legs and arms daily.

And the surest remedy for laziness is

Squat in place, bending your knees.

Stretched on tiptoes

Inhale and exhale ... We ducked a little ...

We stood up straight and all together

Together jumped on the spot

("Sports relay".)

Vedas: So we went Dear happy children!

It has room for adults and kids!

A road without quarrels, without war and without grief,

The road for games and ventures!

Fantasy road! The road of smiles!

Girls' road! Boys' road!

Everything: Let's walk on it merrily, me and you!

(song "Childhood ship")

Used materials:

1. "The Road of Childhood" (D. Pilov)

2. "Smile" (V. Shainsky - M. Plyatskovsky)

3. "Chunga-changa." (V. Shainsky - Yu. Entin)

4. "Dance of the little ducklings". (Fr. Nar. Song - Yu. Entin)

5. "The ship of childhood." (Yu. Ustinov)

6. "The sun came out." (K. Ibryaeva - Y. Chichkov)

7. "With you and for you, Russia." (M. Tretyak)

8. "May there always be sunshine." (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin).