Syndrome of a sudden death of a baby (SVSM). Causes of sudden death - heart disease, thrombosis and hereditary factors sudden death in a dream


The sustainable cum comes due to a rapidly central latent or clinically pronounced painful state. As medical practice shows, sudden death in adults often occurs because of the acute coronary insufficiency, innate or acquired heart and vascular pathologies. Find out which symptoms can indirectly indicate a hidden threat.

What is a sudden death

According to international medical recommendations, the perpetrator is considered to be the death of man within 6 hours after the appearance of the first symptoms of the pathological condition. Instant death, or translated into English Sudden Death, comes without knowingly a certain reason. In addition, there are no morphological signs, based on which it is possible to put an appropriate diagnosis of the patient's sudden death.

Nevertheless, during the posthumous study of the person by the pathologist, comparing all the available data, can make a logical conclusion about the instant or violent death death. In most cases, in favor of instant death, such changes in the organs, in which the continuation of life has been impossible for the very short period of time.

Causes of sudden death

Statistical data show that the main cause of most deaths are diseases of the heart: ischemic pathology, the offensive of ventricular fibrillation. At the same time, answering what instant death comes, experts often call chronic ailments, which for a long time flowing in a hidden form, after which they suddenly exacerbate and lead to the unexpected death of a person. One of these deadly diseases is cancer.

In most cases, oncology develops asymptomatic and makes itself felt when the patient is often considered hopeless. So, the malignant lesion of the liver is the main cause of unexpected deaths of China's inhabitants. Another cunning disease capable of leading to a sustainable death is AIDS, which annually takes millions of lives in Africa. In addition, it should be said separately about Mexico. This is the only country in which cirrhosis of the liver performs the main cause of high mortality of the population.

In young age

Today, young men and girls are subject to the negative impact of the modern lifestyle. From the screens of TVs, the covers of fashionable magazines with young people is imposed by the cult of slim (often dystrophic) body, availability and licentation. Therefore, it is quite clear that the mortality rate of persons only begin with their life path will increase over time. The main reasons for instant death among young men and girls, not reached 25 years, is considered:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • indiscriminate sex;
  • addiction;
  • improper nutrition;
  • psychological susceptibility;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • heavy congenital pathologies.

In a dream

Unexpected death in this state comes due to the loss of special cells responsible for the contractile ability of the lungs. So, scientists from the USA managed to prove that people die in a dream in most cases due to the central sleepy apnea. At the same time, a person may even wake up, but still leave this mortal world due to oxygen starvation caused by a stroke or heart stop. As a rule, the syndrome is subject to people of old age. There are no specific methods for treating the central sleepy apnea.

Sudden children's death

This syndrome was first described at the beginning of the 60s of the last century, although cases of instant death of infants were recorded earlier, but they were not subjected to so thorough analysis. Little children have very high adaptive abilities and incredible stability to the most distinctive negative factors, because the death of an infant child is considered an exceptional situation. Nevertheless, there are a number of external and internal reasons that can lead to a sudden children's demise:

  • the elongation of the Q-T interval;
  • apnea (phenomenon of periodic respiration);
  • shortage of serotonin receptors;
  • overheat.

Risk factors

Due to the fact that the main cardiogenic cause of instant death is the ischemic disease, it is quite logical to assume that the syndromes associated with this pathology can be fully attributed to states capable of increasing the likelihood of the occurrence of sustainable death. With all this, it is scientifically proven that this connection is mediated through the main disease. Clinical risk factors for the development of clinical death among patients with ischemic syndrome are:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • post-infarction largest sclerosis;
  • unstable angina;
  • violation of the heart rate due to ischemic changes (rigid, sinus);
  • ashistol of ventricles;
  • myocardial damage;
  • episodes of loss of consciousness;
  • damage to coronary (heart) arteries;
  • diabetes;
  • electrolyte imbalance (for example, hypercalemia);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • smoking.

How does a sudden death occur

This syndrome is developing in minutes of minutes (less often hours) without any warning among full well-being. In most cases, instant death is striking young men aged from 35 to 43 years. At the same time, often during the pathologist examination of the dead, the vascular causes of the occurrence of sustainable death are detected. So, studying the frequent cases of instant death, the specialists concluded that the main provoking factor in the occurrence of this syndrome is a violation of coronary blood flow.

In heart failure

In 85% of cases, an instant fatal exodus is registered in persons with structural anomalies of the body injuring blood into the vessels. At the same time, a sudden hearty looks like a lightning clinical option of ischemic illness. Medical practice shows that a quarter of those who died instantly, bradycardia and the episodes of asistolia are observed before the emergence of primary symptoms. Death from the heart stop comes due to the launch of the following pathogenetic mechanisms:

  • Reducing the fractional emission of the left ventricle by 25-30%. The syndrome has repeatedly increases the risk of a sudden coronary fatal outcome.
  • Ectopic focus of automatism in the ventricle (more than 10 ventricular extrasystole per hour or unstable ventricular tachycardia) arising as a consequence of ventricular arrhythmias. The latter mostly develop against the background of acute transient myocardial ischemia. Ectopic focus of automation is customary to qualify as a risk factor of sudden arrhythmic death.
  • The process of spasmodization of the blood vessels, which leads to ischemia and helps deteriorate to restore blood flow to damaged areas.

It is worth noting that there are particularly significant electrophysiological mechanisms, as a result of which there is a sudden coronary death in a person with heart failure, Tahiaritmia is. In this case, the timely treatment of the specified state with a defibrillator with a modified pulse configuration significantly reduces the amount of lethal outcomes among patients who have undergone a sudden stopping of the heart.

From heart attack

The flow of blood in the heart is carried out through the coronary artery. In the event that their lumen closes, the formation of primary deaths, ischemia in the heart. Acute manifestation of cardiological pathology begins with damage to the vascular wall with further thrombosis and arterial spasm. As a result, the load on the heart increases, myocardia begins to test oxygen starvation, which affects its electrical activity.

As a result of a sudden coronary spasm, ventricular fibrillation occurs, after a few seconds after that there is a complete cessation of the blood circulation of the brain. At the next stage, the patient has a stop of breathing, atony, lack of corneal and pupil reflexes. After 4 minutes from the onset of the fibrillation of ventricles and the complete stopping of blood circulation in the body in the brain cells, irreversible changes occur. In general, death from a heart attack may occur in 3-5 minutes.

From thromba

In the venous bed, these pathological education arise due to non-uncomordinated work of coagulation and antoslude systems. Thus, the beginning of the appearance of a clot is determined by damage to the vascular wall and its inflammation against the background of thrombophlebitis. Perceiving the appropriate chemical signal, the coagulation system turns into action. As a result, the fibrin threads are formed near the pathological site, in which blood cells are confused, creating all the conditions for the tomb of the thrombus.

In the arteries, the formation of bunches occurs due to the narrowing of the vascular lumen. Thus, cholesterol plaques block the path of the free current of blood, as a result of which a lump of platelets and fibrin yarns are formed. It is important to note that the medicine distinguishes floting and cloth thrombus. Compared to the first species, the latter has a minor chance to break away and cause the vessel blockage (embolism). In most cases, the causes of the sudden stop of the heart from the thrombus are due to the movement of floting thromba.

One of the difficult consequences of the separation of such a clutch is the blockage of a pulmonary artery, which is expressed in a strong cough, skin of the skin. Often there is a violation of breathing with the subsequent cessation of cardiac activity. No less serious consequence of thrombube is a violation of cerebral circulation against the background of the embolism of the head vessels of the head.

Diagnostics of sudden death

In a timely manner, the physical inspection is the key to the success of further events on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (SLR). The diagnosis of instant death is based on the symptoms characteristic of the natural death of the patient. So, the absence of consciousness is determined if no external stimuli cause reactions from a reanimated person.

The diagnosis of respiratory disorders is noted when 10-20 s. Observations are not able to catch coordinated sternum movements, the noise exhaled by the air patient. At the same time, agonal breaths do not provide proper ventilation of the lungs and cannot be interpreted as self-breathing. During the ECG monitoring, pathological changes are found characteristic of clinical death:

  • fibrillation or quadricular flutter;
  • heart Asian;
  • electromechanical dissociation.

Clinical manifestations

In 25% of cases, a sudden fatal outcome occurs instantly without any precursors. Some patients a week before clinical death complain about different longitudinal manifestations: the increase in pain in the chest, general weakness, shortness of breath. It is important to note, today there are already methods for preventing a heart attack based on early diagnosis of the preventive symptoms of this state. Immediately before the onset of sudden death, half of the patients has an anginal attack. Clinical signs of the early death of the patient include:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • lack of pulse at carotid arteries;
  • expansion of pupils;
  • lack of breathing or the appearance of agonial breaths;
  • changing the color of the skin with normal on gray with a blue tint.

Medical assistance in sudden death

As a rule, most of the cases of an unexpected cardiac arrest occurs outside the hospital walls. For this reason, it is extremely important to own equipment for emergency care in the sudden attack of clinical death. This is especially true of the subjects of society, which, by virtue of their official duties, contact with a large number of people. Remember, competently spent resuscitation actions directly in the first minutes after the symptoms of the heart stop will help win the time before the arrival of medical workers.

Urgent Care

The main problem that occurs in persons unconscious is the obturation of the respiratory tract of the root of the tongue and the epitleant, due to muscle atony. It must be said that this condition develops at any position of the body, and when the head slope, it develops in 100% of cases. Because the first thing you need to take is to ensure the proper airways permeability. To this end, you need to use the triple reception of P. Safara, consisting of the following consecutive actions:

  1. Backstage heads;
  2. Null the lower jaw forward;
  3. Opening of the mouth.

After the passability of the respiratory tract should be saved to the artificial ventilation of the lungs (IVL). When first aid, the specified event is carried out by the method of "mouth to mouth". So, one hand is located on the forehead of the victim, while the other pursues his nose. Then the resuscator fixes its own lips around the mouth of the animated and blows air, while controlling the patient's chest excursion. With her, it seems to raise, you need to let go of the victim's mouth, giving him a chance to make a passive exhale.

At the next stage, artificially maintaining blood circulation is carried out, to ensure which the algorithm of the indirect massage of the heart, or the pectoral compression is used. For this purpose, you need to properly put a reanimated person on a flat surface. Further, the points of compression should be determined: by palpation of the sword-shaped process and retreat from it on 2 transverse thumbs up.

The hand must be placed on the border of the middle and lower part of the sternum so that the fingers are parallel to the ribs. Shocks are performed straightened in elbows. The chest compression is carried out with a frequency of 100 presses per minute with a break on artificial ventilation of the lungs. The depth of the impetus is about 4-5 cm. Cardiac recovery activities should be discontinued if:

  1. Pulse appeared in trunk arteries.
  2. The actions undertaken do not have a proper effect for 30 minutes. In this case, the exception is the following states that require resuscitation prolongation:
  • hypothermia;
  • drowning;
  • overdose of drugs;
  • electricalrama.

Resuscitation events

To date, the basis of the Concept of the CPR is based on strict rules that ensure the full security of the activities carried out for the human life. In addition, the algorithm of reanimation actions algorithm is presented and scientifically substantiated with a sudden stopping of the heart or a sharp loss of respiratory function at the affected person. When developing these states, the main role is played by time: only few minutes separately separate a person from death. The cardiovascular resuscitation algorithm assumes the following actions:

  1. Determining the state of the victim, on the basis of which the spectrum is selected for revitalizing measures;
  2. The early onset of the SLR, which assumes the execution of two manipulations: Indirect heart massage and artificial ventilation of the lungs.
  3. With the ineffectiveness of the second stage, it is transferred to the implementation of defibrillation. The procedure involves the impact on the heart muscle with an electrical pulse. In this case, DC discharges should be applied only under the condition of the correct placement of the electrodes and their good contact with the skin of the victim.
  4. At this stage, as a rule, the victim is provided by specialized medical assistance, including the following early medical events:
  • artificial ventilation of lungs with tracheal intubation;
  • medical support involving use:
  • catecholamines (adrenaline, atropine);
  • antidiuretic hormones (vasopressin);
  • antiarrhythmic drugs (cordaron, lidocaine);
  • fibrinolytic agents (streptocinase).
  • intravenous drip administration of electrolyte or buffer solutions (for example, the sodium bicarbonate is injected with acidosis)


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Causes of sudden death - heart disease, thrombosis and hereditary factors

Many people dream to die in a dream so that there are no torment, agony, painful sensations - once and all, but few people know that a sudden death can happen and at the time when a person is awake.

What is a sudden night death syndrome

The first time the sudden night death syndrome was recorded as an independent disease in the 80s of the twentieth century. Then the American Incidence Control Center in the United States registered a large level of sudden mortality of young men (this is 25 per 100,000 people), they were all, mainly from Southeast Asia.

They died all at night, in a dream, while there were no lesions of the heart muscle or coronary vessels. The age of these men was 20-49 years old, and for the most expensive weight they did not suffer and led a healthy lifestyle (alcohol did not drink, did not smoke, and did not take drugs). It is very interesting that African Americans are not subject to this disease.

The first description of the sudden night death syndrome was found in the medical literature on cases in 1917 in the Philippines, where the syndrome is called the Bangung, and in Japan in 1959 this syndrome called Pokuri. They wrote about him almost all of Asia.

How Sudden Night Death Syndrome flows

Most cases of such death, that is, 65%, occurred with the witnesses, the rest were found in the posture of sleep. It is also known that in 94% of cases, death fell within an hour since the beginning of the agony, it was manifested in this way:

  • The man first sleeps calmly;
  • Then begins to moan, hoarse;
  • Then the snoring begins, the patient lacks air (chips);
  • And then death comes.

Trying to wake a person at this moment it is useless.

There are a lot of men of the people of Hmong, who arrived in America and lived there a little less than a year, died in a dream from the syndrome of sudden night death. Recently, this strange syndrome is discussed at scientific conferences.

So, Shelly Adler wanted to learn more information and took an interview with the men of the people of Hmong, in parallel re-read all the scientific sources in which this topic was covered. After that, wrote a book dedicated to his research on the impact of a person's consciousness on his biology.

In scientific works, this phenomenon is called sleepy paralysis. People at this point are part of a special state - there comes the paralysis of the muscles until the moment of falling asleep or during the awakening that each time is accompanied by a sense of strong fear.

All adult men of the people of Hmong associate sleepy paralysis with the arrival of an evil spirit. Indonesian This spirit is called DJnesson, the Chinese - Bay Gi Ya, the inhabitants of Newfoundland Island - Old Hag (Kimoro). And translated from Dutch is a "night witch".

In different cultures, a visit to this spirit is described equally. People who were attacked by this spirit think they are not sleeping - so everything is realistic. But, despite this, a person cannot move, horror comes to him, because he is aware that someone comes to his chest, it becomes impossible to breathe and never move.

One of the interlocutors Shelley Adler said that he experienced sleepy paralysis twice in life. He could not describe all the completeness of his sensations, this inexplicable state - he felt the evil, which appeared from where, it was very disgusting, it was approaching, but he knew that he would stay alive. In the end, he woke up in such a state of horror, which never experienced before.

But, despite this, there is a difference between the sleepy paralysis and the fact that the people of Hmong experienced in the 80s, as the sleepy paralysis is always harmless, and Hmong died after that.

Shelley came to the conclusion that people died because of strong faith in evil spirits that if Hmonshi would not comply with their rituals, to correctly pray and make sacrifices, then for them would come evil spirit.

In this regard, we can say that they had too much impact of faith on the biological processes of the body. They, so to speak, configured themselves to the untimely death.

Of course, in our time, there are still few known about the relationships of consciousness and body, but by studying the question of the sleepy paralysis, perhaps in the near future this mystery will be solved.

Video on the topic

Sudden Child Death Syndrome (SVDS) is a medical diagnosis that is made by a healthy child who has deceased without visible reasons. This is an inexplicable tragic case that has no unambiguous scientific confirmation. According to statistics, today 0.2% of babies are subject to caustic death.

The reasons

If the doctor could not determine because of what a child died, he was diagnosed with "Sudden Child Death Syndrome." The reasons why children die are still unknown.

One version of SVDS is the defect in respiratory centers and awakening. Such babies cannot adequately respond to non-standard situations. If during sleep, the oxygen has ceased access, the baby may not wake up of concern and CVDS will come.

As the child grows, the risk of sudden death seeks to zero. The highest frequency of CVDS cases is observed among children of the second - the fourth month of life.

Preschoolers have no such concept as a syndrome of sudden children's death. Most often after nine months feared for the state of the child there is no reason.

Possible causes of SVDS are:

  1. The elongation of the Qt interval per ECG. This indicator reflects the time from the moment of cutting the ventricles of the heart to their complete relaxation. Normally, this figure is 0.43-0.45 ms. An increase in this value can lead to ventricular arrhythmia that led to the death of a newborn;
  2. Apnea. The brain temporarily ceases to stimulate the operation of the respiratory muscles. An adult man can control this condition, delay the air up to 2-3 minutes. For infants, the notion into the organism of oxygen for 30 seconds will lead to death. The intervals between the inhales are lengthened mainly in premature babies;
  3. Sereotonin receptors. When opening after SVDS, an insufficient number of these cells was discovered in the oblong brain. The shortage of nerve endings reacting to serotonin violates the cohesive work of the respiratory and Cardiovascular Center. There is a theory that this is exactly the cause of SVDS;
  4. The errors of the thermostat function. The air temperature in the room where the child is located, should be within 18-20 o C. When overheated, unworthy cells of the oblong brain may refuse to perform their functions. Even short-term stopping of the heart or termination of breathing will cause a sudden death of a baby;
  5. Infection. The immune system protects the child not only from the negative impact of bacteria and viruses, but also takes part in the work of the heart and lungs. The weakening of the body intrauterine or in the period of newborn may cause SVDS;
  6. Genetic predisposition. If there were already cases of a sudden stop of the heart or SVDS, the risk of kid's death is about 90%. The birth of a healthy child with a strong immunity is not the key to his vitality.

Predisposing factors

  • cold season;
  • second month of life;
  • mother child under 20 years old;
  • smoking during pregnancy;
  • premature babies;
  • insufficient body weight at birth;
  • intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus;
  • resuscitation measures to the child during the delivery.

Reduced the risk of death, following the following conditions for preserving the health of the child:

  1. Do not lay the baby to sleep on the stomach.

As long as the baby does not learn to roll over, sleep should be lying on the side. If the child is stacked on the stomach, the risk of asphyxia or suffocation increases, as a result - death.

When overlapping oxygen access, the baby will be inactive - the suffocation will cause sudden childhood syndrome. The age of a child turning from the abdomen on his back independently is more than six months;

  1. Maintain optimal temperature.

Overheating, as well as excessive cooling of the child's body, adversely affects the functioning of the body, lead to the death of a baby. To prevent SVDS, the temperature is adjusted using air conditioners and heating devices;

  1. Exclude smoking.

Nicotine, both during pregnancy, and after the birth of the child is very harmful. The task of the parent to protect his baby from SVDS, so it is worth limiting not only the active impact of tobacco smoke, but also passive.

In the apartment where the child is located, there should be no smell of cigarettes. If someone from your relatives has such a detrimental habit, ask them to go out and do not let me up to the baby until the whole smell will definitively destroy;

  1. Sleep surface must be medium hardness.

Mattresses choose specially adapted for newborns. The pillow under the head of the child does not fit (the exception is orthopedic rollers recommended by the pediatrician or orthopist).

If the bunch of the baby is deformed, the ribs and the spine occurs on the bone musculoskeletal system. The squeezing of the chest negatively affects respiratory and cardiac activity, with the termination of the work of vital organs, death will come;

  1. Baby blankets. To minimize the risk of SVDS in a dream, it is not necessary to strengthen the child with volumetric and heavy capes;

Note! In the cold season, it is better to wear a child warmer, and not to use a blanket. The baby can shift him on his face and overlap the oxygen access.

  1. Foot support. The child is placed mainly at the bottom of the bed. If the legs break into the side, it will reduce the probability of slipping down and shelter with a blanket with a head will prevent death from suffocation.

Features of the child's behavior

SVDS is impossible to predict or prevent. All that parents can, so it is a little more control over the state of health and the behavior of the baby. Pay more attention to the child if the following noticed:

  • increased body temperature;
  • decline in appetite;
  • motor passivity;
  • availability of respiratory diseases (read how to protect the child from a cold? \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • long laying a child to sleep;
  • frequent crying;
  • sleep in unusual conditions for child.

Sleep with parents

If you sleep comfortable together with your baby - on health. You do not have to get up from bed to feed the baby's breast.

Feeling his native smell, the baby is stronger and calmly sleep, he is less likely to wake up. Mom will immediately calm if the little starts to capricious. Awakening will be more vigorous from parents who did not run midnight to the children's bed.

Permanent contact strengthens emotional communications. Maternal dream is very sensitive. Even in a dream, you control any movement of your baby and you can exclude the emergence of SVDS.

Important! With a joint dream, mom and kid should not be hidden by one blanket.

The choice is yours. Available as it is more convenient for you. Do not specifically rebuild your familiar mode. Joint sleep is the most optimal solution for your mother with a child, and it does not increase the risk of SVDS.

Parents should not sleep in the same bed with a child if:

  • very tired;
  • alcohol consumed;
  • take sedative drugs.

Should I give a baby to a dirty?

How does the Dummy do not affect the emergence of SVDS? Sucking during sleep, indeed, reduces the risk of infant death. One explanation is that the air constantly goes through a dudder circle, even if the kid hooked off his head. But you should not push it into your mouth for a child forcibly.

Note! If the child is used to sleeping with a nipple, then to teach it gradually. Cropling stopping the use of dust, on the contrary, to increase the risk of death.

Breath Monitor

Permanent breathing control of the newborn can be ensured by using an electronic device. The sensor is attached to the child's body, and the ultrasonic sensor is on the children's bed. When interruptions in breathing, the device will sign about the failure of the rhythm.

Do you need to use it? A similar device will help prevent SVDS. But apply it if the child has breathing problems or it refers to a group of high risk of childhood. No one forbids to acquire a monitor and for parental peace.

First aid when stopping the breath

You noticed that the child stopped breathing. Without panic, gather, the accuracy of your actions depends, CVDS will come or not. Shallow movements are made along the spinal column from the bottom up. The baby is taken on the hands: Start braking it, make a massage of the hands, legs and urchine ears.

These actions are enough to normalize the respiration and prevent SVDS. If the state has not improved, call the ambulance brigade. Start making a thoracic massage and artificial respiration. Only the doctor can state the occurrence of death, until its arrival, continue resuscitation activities.

Important! Breast baby is very fragile. The region of the heart is massaged by index and middle fingers on the lower third of the sternum.

The predisposition to death in infant age is laid in the intrauterine. The harmful habits of both parents can hardly affect the health of the baby and provoke SVDS. During pregnancy, it is worth completely eliminating the use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Do not neglect the advice of doctors.

The lack of proper control over the child, the lack of attention to him by parents can lead to death in the cradle. According to the results of the study of British pediatricians, more than half of the cases of SVDS fall on weekends and holidays.

Scientists confirmed the fact that preventive vaccinations, air travel or type of a mattress in a crib of the child are not the causes of sudden child death syndrome.

Roschina Alena Aleksandrovna, pediatrician. Especially for the site lessons for mothers.

Sudden death syndrome in children (SVDS) is the death of a child in the first year of life that does not have almost no deviations in health. Moreover, the reason for this cannot be determined even by the pathologist when performing an autopsy. Quite often, the syndrome is referred to as "death in a crib" or "death for no reason." However, the reasons, the risk factors of the occurrence of this almost unexplored phenomenon still exist. By excluding them, parents can minimize the risk of SVDS.


A disease of sudden death syndrome is not. This diagnosis is posted posthumously if the analysis of the history of the child and the results of the autopsy do not allow to determine the cause of death. If it is possible to detect that pathology has not been detected to death, not previously detected, the diagnosis of SVDS is not placed.

From a long time, information is received on cases of sudden death of babies, but the explanation of such a phenomenon is not found so far, despite the fact that scientists of the whole world are trying to solve this problem. It is noteworthy that SVDS is notepins for children of the Asian race, and the White race occurs twice as much as Indians and African Americans.

The most often sudden death syndrome occurs when the child sleeps, and on the eve of no symptoms manifest itself. Currently, up to 6 cases of such a phenomenon for each thousand of their peers are registered.

How old is a sudden child death can come?

The study of the phenomenon made it possible to identify some patterns of this mysterious phenomenon:

Factors increasing the risk of SVDS

Scientists by studying cases of sudden death in infants were able to identify a number of factors that contribute to its development:

  1. The development of postpartum depression in the mother.
  2. Baby Baby Mother Single.
  3. Bad social and economic family conditions (parents have no knowledge of how to properly care for the child, parents do not have work, family members smoke, there is no regular ventilation of the apartment, there is a crowding in the apartment).
  4. During pregnancy, the mother took narcotic substances or smoked.
  5. Mother gave birth when her age was less than 17 years old.
  6. In recently, the child suffered any disease.
  7. Hypoxia and anemia of the fetus occurred during its excavation.
  8. Medical observation of pregnancy was launched at the later date or was absent.
  9. There are marked cases of stilling or SVDS in these parents in the past.
  10. Mother had many pregnancies, and the gaps between them are short.
  11. Multiple pregnancy.
  12. At birth, the baby had insufficient weight.
  13. Baby presence. Moreover, the risk of developing SVDS is higher than the lower gestational age of the child.
  14. Overheating of the child's body. This factor can be attributed to both excessive heating in the room and the use of too warm blankets when shelting a child.
  15. For a child, too soft bedding are used - blankets, mattress, pillows.
  16. Sleeping baby in the stomach position.

The reasons for sudden children's death were not fully understood. Separately, it should be noted an increase in the risk of SVDS in the event that parents smoke. Studies show that CVDS cases would decrease by 40% if the mother had not smoked during pregnancy. Moreover, the danger lies both in both active and passive smoking. Harm is even smoking in a nearby room in which the window is open and ventilation is turned on.

Probable reasons for sudden death

SVDS scientists have not fully studied. However, some of its mechanisms are described. Currently there are several theories that are capable of explaining the mechanism for the development of this phenomenon.

Normal sleep is often accompanied by respiratory impairment under which it can be terminated briefly. The result of such a stop is the development of hypoxemia. Normal hypoxemia provokes awakening and subsequent restoration of the respiratory function. If the breath is not restored, a sudden death occurs. Causes of this are shown below.

Regulatory mechanisms in the child are in immature state, in connection with which the apnea in infant age is a frequent phenomenon. If such a breath delay occurs more often than once an hour, and their duration reaches 15 seconds, it is important to appeal to the pediatrician immediately.

A separate group of scientists believe that the presenter factor in SVDS is a violation of the rhythm of the heart, and not apnea. Among them is a often changing frequency of heart cuts, bradycardia (accompanied by a decrease in the number of heart abbreviations to 70 and less blows per minute), disorders of the type of blockade and extrasystole.

The confirmation of this theory is the developed in some cases of the development of SVDS Mutation of the gene, which is responsible for the structure of sodium channels located in the heart. The change in these structures provokes heart rate disorders.

Even healthy children may not have a violation of the rhythm of the heart, up to its short-term stop. If such phenomena are noted in infancy, it is important to immediately contact the pediatrician and examine the baby.

What else can cause sudden death syndrome? Changes in the structures of the stem department of the brain. In the oblong brain there is a century-responsible vascular center and the respiratory center. The studies of some cases of SVDS allowed to detect a violation of enzyme synthesis, formation in the stem portion of the brain of acetylcholine receptors against the background of the influence of tobacco smoke components. It is assumed that such changes can contribute to the development of SVDS.

In some babies, after sudden children's death, structural changes and damage to cells forming the stem brain were identified, which occurred at the stage of intrauterine development as a result of hypoxia.

With ultrasound echography, which was conducted by children saved after stopping the breath, it was possible to find that in 50% of cases there is a pathology of arteries that supply the brain stem. It may say that disturbed cerebral circulation is capable of provoking SVDS in some children.

The blood circulation is broken if the artery is shifted due to the wrong position of the baby's head. Due to the underdevelopment of muscles, the child is unable to turn his head independently. The child can reflexively turn his head into a safe position only after 4 months.

In addition, there is a circulatory disorder, if the baby is sleeping on the side. The most strongly bleeding is broken in a dream in the stomach position. Studies confirm that in such a position there is a sharp slowdown in respiration and the weakening of the pulse.

A combination of a large number of pathologists found from all deceased children, suggests that SVDS is often developing against a strong stress to which the child's body has been subjected. Such pathologist changes are expressed in the form of small hemorrhages found in the fork gland, the outer shell of the heart, lungs, traces of ulcerations on the mucous membranes, wrinkled lymphoid formations, reduced blood viscosity. Such phenomena are the symptoms of nonspecific stress syndrome.

Clinically, this syndrome is manifested in the form of a runny nose, highlights of the eyes, an increase in almonds, spleen, liver, rash, weight loss. Most often, such symptoms is celebrated in a child about 3 weeks before the development of SVDS in 90% of cases. However, many scientists believe that these symptoms are insufficient for the subsequent onset of death. It is possible that the aggregate of any violations in the development of the child and stress is able to lead to terrible consequences.

It was noted that the majority of suddenly deceased children during the week before the onset of SVDS were observed symptoms of viral infection. At the same time, the examination of children by a pediatrician, antibiotics were prescribed some kids.

Among the supporters of this theory, there is an opinion that pathogens allocate cytokinines and toxins that can disrupt the protective mechanisms of the body, for example, the ability of awakening from sleep during apnea. Thus, the present risk factors are exacerbated by infectious infection. Pathogenic microorganisms toxins (golden staphylococcus are often discovered posthumously) can provoke and strengthen inflammation.

The data obtained allow you to judge that toxins affecting children, in conjunction with risk factors, are able to cause a fatal outcome.

Recent studies report the detection of the SVDS gene with a comparative analysis of the DNA of children who died from SVDS, and children of healthy. It is believed that the likelihood of the syndrome of the sudden death of babies is higher three times in those children who have a mutation of the gene responsible for the formation and subsequent development of the child's immune system. However, scientists prefer to believe that the presence of a mutated gene in itself does not provoke, but only in conjunction with other factors.

Some studies indicate the likelihood of sudden death as a result of the presence in the body of bacteria Helicobacter Pilori. It is based on this conclusion that it is this bacterium most often occurs in the dead children. Microbic data provoke ammonium synthesis, causing respiratory disorders, and as a result, a sudden death of a baby comes. It is assumed that the child, shinking, can inhale a number of microbes that are in the vomit. Thus, ammonium enters the blood and causes disruption of breathing up to his stop.

Consider another probable cause of sudden child death syndrome.

Baby swagging as a risk factor

Specialists in relation to the safety of swaren in opinions disagree. Some believe that swaddling reduces the risk of SVDS, as it prevents the child to turn the child and cover it with a blanket with his head.

Others adhere to the opinions that the physiological development of the baby is violated when swaddling. Tight waving restricts the movement of the child, does not allow to take it a convenient position. As a result, thermoregulation is violated - its heat transfer increases in the straightened position of the body.

In addition, respiration is limited, that is, the risk of developing pneumonia and SVDS significantly increases.

Dummy as a way to prevent SVDS

Some researchers believe that the use of a pacifier in periods of day and night's night's sleep allows you to reduce the risk of SVDS. This effect is explained by the fact that the design of the nipple provides air penetration into the respiratory bodies of the child in cases where it accidentally covers with a blanket head.

It should be started to use the dummy from 1 month when breastfeeding has already been established. However, if the child refuses to take a pacifier, no perseverance should not. The child's teaching from the nipple should begin with the age of 1 year.

Baby Sleep Safety With Mother

Various scientists ambiguously interpret joint sleep with a baby. Undoubtedly, joint sleep contributes to the extension of the breastfeeding period. The relevant studies have made it possible to identify that with a joint dream of a mother with a child, the risk of development in the last SVDS is reduced by about 20%. This may be explained by the fact that the body of the baby has sensitivity and is able to synchronize breathing and heartbeat with breathing and mother heartbeat.

In addition, the mother, being near, is able to subconsciously control the sleep of the child. It is noted that the risk of sudden death increases if the kid first crying loudly, and then firmly falls asleep. At such periods should not be isolated a child, it will be safer if he is near the mother who can notice the stopping of breathing and provide timely help.

However, on the other hand, with a joint dream, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome is growing significantly if the parents of the kid smoke. Even if smoking is carried out not in the presence of a baby, in a dream a smoker exhales air saturated with harmful components contained in tobacco. A similar situation occurs if parents use alcohol or drugs. In addition, the likelihood is increasing that firmly sleeping parent is inappropriate to presate the baby. With a joint dream with a child, it is also not recommended to abuse spirits.

Selection Rules Baby Baby

The best placement of the baby bed is the mother's room. It should be put away from the radiator, heater, fireplace. This will eliminate the overheating of the baby. The mattress needs to choose solid, smooth. You can sit on it, and on top - carefully painted sheets. It is better to do without a pillow. The children's bed must be such a degree of rigidity so that they do not remain dents from the child's head.

In the cold period, the baby blanket must be made of wool, not cotton or duly. It is forbidden to use thermal dryer. Do not cover the child higher than before the shoulders. This minimizes the likelihood that the child will accidentally cover head. At the same time, the child in the crib needs to be located so that he rests on the legs into the bottom board of the bed.

If a sleeping bag is used, then it should be seamless in strict accordance with the size (in order to avoid the displacement of the child in its bottom). The average temperature in the children's room should be no more than 20 degrees Celsius. The toddler overheating causes a deterioration in cerebral control over the activities of the respiratory center.

Determine whether the child is not cold, you can, touched to his tummy. Definition by hand and legs is considered wrong, as they can be cold even if the child is hot. Upon returning from a walk, you need to undress it, even if it can wake up.

When laying sleeping, the baby should be placed in the back position. To prevent vomit and further aspiration of the vomit in a dream on the back before placing the child, hold in a vertical position for about 15 minutes. This will allow air, swallowed with meals, get out of the stomach.

Sleeping on the stomach increases the risk of sudden death for several reasons:

  1. Weaker physiological control of light, heart, vegetative functions.
  2. There may be a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic fields of the NA.
  3. There is a violation of the lung ventilation. It is doubly important for babies up to 3 months, which have a weakening of reflexes that promote ventilation.
  4. Sleep on the stomach is deeper due to increasing the wake-up threshold.

The most dangerous such position in a dream for those children, who usually sleep on the back, and turn on the stomach by chance. Kids who prefer to sleep on the stomach should be turned over to the back after their falling asleep. Less secure than on the back is also considered a position on the side. Put soft toys in the crib should not.

After half a year, the baby can already be swallowed independently in bed, so you can allow him to occupy the most convenient pose for him. However, laying it to sleep on the back.

Using Radionani.

Currently, there are specialized devices that allow control of heartbeat and breathing from kids up to a year. Such monitors have a special alert system, which is triggered with a disturbed heart rhythm or a sudden respiratory stop.

Protect the baby from CVDS such devices are not capable, but they can promptly notify parents about the problems available. This will provide timely help to the child. The most appropriate use of such monitors is in children who are included in the risk group of the development of sudden childhood syndrome, which have respiratory disorders.

Risk groups by age

Nepical SVDS is for kids up to month. Most often, the syndrome occurs from 2 to 4 months. According to statistics, the most critical is the 13th week of life. About 90% of all CVDS cases fall at age until half a year. Extremely rare syndrome of sudden death in children occurs after a year, although there are registered such cases even in adolescence.

Help the child

If a child has a sudden stopping of breathing, you need to immediately take it into hand, to vigorously spend your fingers along the spine, in the distance from below. Then it is necessary to massate ear blades, feet, knobs, stretch it out. Most often, such actions lead to respiratory restoration.

If the breath is still not restored, it is necessary to immediately contact ambulance service. Waiting for her arrival should be held a child with a heart massage and artificial respiration.

Thus, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of sudden death due to the fact that its causes are not studied to the end. However, minimizing risks, reducing development factors, may each parent.

The smaller we know about a strange, inexplicable phenomenon, the worst it seems to us. So about the syndrome of the sudden death of babies, which is the main cause of the death of kids aged from the month to the year in many countries, is known extremely few. Despite the decades of research, doctors still cannot bear a clear verdict why an externally, a completely healthy baby suddenly, without any of the visible reasons, quietly freezes in his crib and no longer wakes up ...

The very idea that the baby can, without a visible reason, simply stop breathing in a dream and will never wake up anymore, he inspires a tremendous horror in the most courageous, loving and caring parent hearts. However, fear is not a reason to rotate back to a potential threat. This is a reason to ensure that your informed parental behavior does not allow death even behind the mile to get closer to the cradle. And believe me - if the danger is not known, it does not mean that it is impossible to reduce the risks!

Syndrome of the sudden death of babies: diagnosis without a diagnosis?

The syndrome of the sudden death of infants, abbreviated with CSM, (international name Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS) is still still alas, to the category of medical mysteries. The only thing is transparent here - statistics. And she is ominous: in America alone (the country, where to study the syndrome of the sudden death of infants, the greatest attention is paid) annually dies about 4,000 kids completely unfortunately.

In other words, these children do not find any mechanical, toxic or any other deviations from norms or injuries, not to mention any obvious diseases. 82% of these kids die right in a dream - they simply stop breathing, their heart stops "stroke".

What unites these babes and on what grounds they attribute the cause of death - sudden death syndrome? In medicine, there is such a concept as "an exception diagnosis" - it is assigned in a situation where no other explanation can be applied. So the diagnosis of "sudden death syndrome" is a classic example of a diagnosis of exception. It is put as the main and only cause of the death of infants aged from 1 to 12 months, which no diseases were observed, proper care and care was carried out, and with which no accidents did not occur.

The processes that lead from the death of babies are a sudden inexplicable stop of cardiac and respiratory activities.

If you are easier for you, you can clothe a deaf medical concept of unreasonable infant death in any "human" phrases: these children simply leave; Hardly time to be born, for an incomprehensible reason, they are "hurry" to go back ... And there is no intelligible explanation for today this phenomenon.

To officially make a diagnosis of Sudden Death Syndrome, the doctor is obliged to study in detail the child's medical card, the history of his birth and the conditions of detention, as well as to take an autopsy. And only in the absence of any other explanations of the death of a baby, the Medic has a reason to put in the Count "Cause of Death" - SVSM.

In the States whose statistics we have already mentioned, and in many other countries with different levels of development of medical science (and in particular - diagnostics), sudden death syndrome in kids up to a year is the leading cause of infant mortality. This is somewhat shocking, isn't it? It would be difficult to "sin" infections, congenital diseases or even accidents - no, in favorites, oddly enough, it is SVSM.

Sudden death syndrome: what kids in the risk area

Despite the fact that the concept of the syndrome of the sudden death of infants is still a mystery to husbands from science, some many years of research have been given. For example, scientists doctors outlined a kind of risk zone, the "inhabitants" of which have more chances to die, without surviving up to the year. So who is in the risk area:

  • Babies older than 2 months, but under 4. Doctors, not the first decade literally "the preparing" theme of the syndrome of the sudden death of infants noticed that the most critical age of death of babies is 2-4 months. Obviously, this is due to the fact that at this age the child is already able to turn on their own in a dream to face down, while the survival instincts are not yet developed. In other words, if the baby is missing oxygen, he will not take any maneuver (will not turn, will not pay, will not boast his head) to save himself. Children under 2 months are not able to turn over, while children over 4 months are gradually developing instinct of self-preservation.
  • Children with reduced immunity. The fact is that the "Fortress" and the cozyness (according to age) of the child's immune system directly affects cardiac activity and breathing. Strong immunity - more stable heartbeat and breathing. In the same category (it is "thanks to" weakened immunity) fall, for example, the premature children, children of parents-smokers and alcoholics, children from multiple pregnancy.
  • Boys. According to statistics on 1 girl aged from 1 to 12 months, the died with a diagnosis of "sudden death syndrome" accounts for 2 boys. In part, such a relation can be explained by the fact that immunity in infant age is somewhat higher in future ladies than the cavaliers.
  • Children experiencing overheating or supercooling. Both the external environment forces the breath of the baby to deviate from the normal rhythm of work. And overheating in this situation is terrible hypothermia - when the baby is cold, its breathing and cardiac activity slow down, fading gradually. But if he is hot and especially - stuffy! Breathing and heart can just stop.
  • Children who sleep on the stomach. According to statistics, about 82% of the dead kids diagnosed with a "sudden death syndrome" died in a dream, 70% of them - lying on the stomach face down or aside.

Do those who did not have enough happiness?

The only reason for the occurrence of sudden child death syndrome, having a more or less plausible medical rationale, is connected directly with the production of an organism .... Serotonin then you mean.

Studies on the syndrome of the sudden death of infants who have been accumulating the US Department of Health and Human Services for several years, show that in the body of the kids who died with SVSM, the level was significantly reduced (if more correct with The wording is in the brain of infants hormone serotonin was produced in critical small quantities).

Since serotonin - in everyday life, it is not different as a hormone of happiness - directly involved in many vital physiological processes, including heart and respiratory activities, the conclusions themselves "asked" in the inquisitive heads of physicians: the lack of serotonin, possibly, is a physiological reason for spending Breathing and heartbeat processes. And in this case, the position on the belly or the scented climate in the room is already rather a catalyst for the future tragedy than its basis.

Researchers hope to develop a test that will measure the level of serotonin in the child's blood, and, depending on this, plan activities that potentially reduce the risk of sudden death syndrome.

Death hollow at the cradle ... What to do?

It would seem how to treat inexplicable? How to prevent the fact that no one can intelligible to describe? How to deal with what is unpredictable? In fact, some security measures against the syndrome of children's sudden death can be taken. And you need!

All these measures naturally have developed from the descriptive statistics accumulated by the details of the death of infants who received a posthumously diagnosis of CSM. In other words, excluding risk factors, we can significantly increase the chances of a baby against a sudden death syndrome. So, the prevention measures of sudden child death syndrome can be attributed to:

The kid to the year must occupy the pose on his back or side. This insignificant at first glance the detail plays a huge value!

In Western European countries, statistics on the syndrome of the sudden death of infants have been conducted since the early 1980s. In the mid-1990s, European pediatricians conducted an active "libez" among young mothers about the benefits of infant sleep on the back in terms of the prevention of CSM. And in the late 1990s, terrible statistics in Europe decreased by 2.5 times!

There are a few weighty arguments that advocate poses on the back during sleep:

  • 1 When the baby sleeps on the stomach face down, he involuntarily squeezes his lower jaw (joints and ligaments are not yet developed so much to keep it without the slightest offset) - Thus, the upper respiratory tract is narrowed and breathing finds it difficult.
  • 2 Sleeping on the stomach increases the risk of the so-called "return respiratory" - when the circulation of oxygen is difficult, and the baby begins to inhale the same air that he exhaled before. Catastrophically inconsistent oxygen, his heart gradually slows down and stops.
  • 3 Breathing of a child who lies face down, can overlap the dummy or a piece of fabric (sheets, diapers, etc.), which the baby is capable of reflexively sucking in a dream instead of her mother's chest or pacifier. And if the baby lies on his back, he is physically able to do this. Moreover, the dummy, when he falls asleep, simply falls on the side, in no way overlapping the access of the air either in the nose, nor in the mouth of the baby.

How exactly these circumstances can affect different children - no one forces to predict. The body of some kids can easily overcome all the "obstacles" with breathing and perfectly surrounds in the pose "on the stomach". While the organism of others, by virtue of the unknown causes, suddenly refuses life in similar conditions. So why risk? Just lay your hot beloved baby to sleep in the back position (and if on the side - then with the lock in the abdomen, which will not allow the baby to roll over in a dream face down) - in order to minimize the risks as possible.

To protect the baby from the occurrence of sudden death syndrome, you have to do everything possible so that the baby is always (and especially during sleep!) It had the opportunity to breathe unhindered.

The climate in the nursery should be cool, with a sufficient percentage of humidity. We have already given good arguments in favor of cool and wet air. Now another important argument has been added to these arguments - the infant overheating can cause him to stop breathing and heartbeat. Therefore, come up with the way to withstand in the room where the baby is sleeping (sleeping on the back!) "Healthy" climate: humidity about 50-60%, temperature 19-21 degrees. And do not ride the child - you can overheat the baby not only outside, but also "from the inside."

In the crib should not have anything but baby. Watch that in the cradle, cradle, a crib or stroller in which the baby sleeps, there were no extraneous things. Believe me, even the nasal handkerchief, which will accidentally break up the toddler's spout during night sleep, can provoke the occurrence of return respiration.

If your baby's head, who sleeps in the crib (and especially - if he lies face down) surround a pillow, toy, cat parsley or anything else - you potentially create a child a threat to a sudden stop of breathing and heartbeat.

Smokers - disorder. All the same Americans scientists, which along and across "perepaked" the topic of the syndrome of the sudden death of babies, were calculated that if the kid also faces tobacco products anyway (smoke from the kitchen, nicotine in Mother's milk, resollers on her lips and t. p.), It significantly weakens its immune system and stabilizes the respiratory function.

Support breastfeeding. Thousands of flame speeches are pronounced about the benefits of breast feeding daily. His "5 kopecks" added and doctors studying the phenomenon of the SVSM: the fact is that the mother's breast milk naturally normalizes the process of producing hormones in the infant - including SEROTONIN hormone.

Of that very serotonin - hormone of happiness, which, according to some scientists, often saves people from death. All people without exception: both big and small.