Dogs in the Guinness Book of Records. The biggest dogs in the world

The popular book is updated annually, in which Guinness records are entered. Both human and canine achievements are recorded there.

For example, there are pets who have been training for a long time and have achieved phenomenal success, there are also those who have an unusual appearance from birth. Let's talk about curious dog records.

No. 1 - huge in size

George is a blue dog and his height is 2 m 13 cm. The owner of the dog is Dave Nasser, who lives in America (Arizona). A dog eats more than 60 kg per month. He sleeps in his own large bed. George rides in the back of an SUV and barely fits in there.


  • From paws to shoulders he has 1 m 10 cm;
  • From the nose to the base of the tail - 2 m 21 cm;
  • It weighs 110 kg.

No. 2 - a favorite, smaller than others

Milly - . She is only a little more than 9 cm at the withers. The owner Vanessa lives with her in Puerto Rico. The dog lives at home and rarely happens on the street, riding only on the master's hands. Her paws are so thin that if she jumped off the couch, she would break.

Millie can get lost in the grass. On the street, people take pictures with her.

Now the dog is 2 g and weighs about 400 g. In infancy, the dog easily sat in a tablespoon.

No. 3 - expensive male

For this red-haired owner gave a round sum.

These puppies are:

  • In the Russian Federation, 3-14 thousand c.u. e. give for 1 puppy;
  • Approximately 100 thousand. e. in Tibet;
  • For a puppy, the multimillionaire gave the most - 1.5 million USD. e.

No. 4 - fat man

Cassie from England. The owner fed the dog up to 58 kg, which is 4 times higher than the norm for this breed.

There was a time when the dog lay down and could not walk.

Volunteers drew attention to her, took her to their place, and now Cassie is losing weight in a shelter.

No. 5 - wealthy dog

The hostess, the Countess, left Gunther () 300 million USD. e. He is looked after by guardians. They donate money to shelters. Gunther's children will legally receive a good inheritance.

No. 6 - excellent balancing

A mix of Australian Shepherd and Collie - Sweet Pie can hold a glass of water on his head. He walks without spilling even a drop and took 2 records.

  1. passed 10 steps with a glass weighing 150 gr. on his head and managed to get back into place.
  2. ran 100 m with a tin can on top of his head in 2 minutes. 40 s.

The owner taught the dog these tricks for over 2 years.

No. 7 - heavyweights

  • Benedict of the St. Bernards - weighs more than 140 kg, when 98 cm at the withers;
  • Heidan is also from the St. Bernards and weighs 138 kg when 87 cm at the withers;
  • In the English Mastiff - 133 kg with a height of 95 cm at the withers.

No. 8 - tall

In Gibson at the withers 2 m 15 cm. He and his mistress live in a dog kennel in California. She takes care of his diet and lifestyle. The pet is filmed in social projects and is often next to a baby chihuahua.

No. 9 - there is no jumping

  1. Steg jumped 3 m 50 cm high;
  2. The German took a barrier in the form of a smooth wall at 5 and 6 m;
  3. Oli jumped 1.5 meters high.

#10 - phenomenal stamina

  • It was 1978. Brady from the St. Bernards was able to move the railroad rails by 3 thousand kg;
  • Typhus from the St. Bernards dragged the rails in a wagon 4.8 m;
  • Barbara from Newfoundland was able to drag 2 tons 300 kg through concrete.

#11 - Who is the fastest?

Hounds are faster than other dogs.

Greyhounds were not crossed with others to become more perfect.

In a short distance, they run from 60 km in 1 hour, with a throw - 90 km per hour. And they weigh only 30 to 38 kg and are small-boned.

Star took the record and ran 67 km per hour.

No. 12 - smart and savvy

Smart and fast learner:

Worse than others, they learn commands, not understanding what is needed,. They need to be trained harder and longer.

No. 13 - the rarest breed

They are classified as endangered breeds. In 1981 there were only 12 of them (they were on the verge of extinction). They are trying to restore the breed, but even today there are very few of them. Specialists continue to work on restoring the normal number of dogs of this beautiful breed.

In 1975, there were only 100 Eskimo dogs. Now there are 300 of them around the globe and puppies cost more than 8 thousand USD. e.

#14 - Who has longer ears?

Jeffrey's basset hound has ears larger than 30 cm. The dog steps on them and even gets injured. They interfere with eating and how flags flutter in the wind.

The hostess ties elastic bands on the ears that support them and insured the ears for 48 thousand USD. e.

The last record holder was our grandfather Jeffrey. Apparently a genetic predisposition.

#15 - who is scarier than the others?

Chinese crested Sam won a prize of 1 thousand USD at the competition of ugly dogs in California. e. and won it 3 years in a row.

The family loved him. He lived for 15 years and died of cancer.

No. 16 - who is more prolific than others?

  • The Greyhound - Low blood pressure (that's the name of the dog) officially had 2,400 puppies;
  • The American Foxgound Lena had a litter of 24 puppies;
  • St. Bernard Annie had 23 puppies, 14 survived;
  • Irish Setter gave birth to 22 puppies in 1974. Of the survivors, 15;
  • Mastiff Tia gave birth to 23 puppies. She has a record - 4 died, 19 are alive.

No. 17 - who swims better than others?

Dogs from puppyhood are excellent swimmers and love the water. Records for Kai and Gypsy. Both Labradors and they have one owner, who trained them so that they swam a 15.6 kilometer bay in 6 hours and 18 minutes.

While some prefer decorative dogs that can be carried in a purse and “walked” on a cat tray, others are firmly convinced that a dog must be big! Finding out which breeds of dogs are considered the largest, we have compiled a rating based on average weight and height at the withers. Also in this article you will learn about the largest dog in Russia and the world as a whole.

You may be interested in the opposite record - you can read about the smallest dogs here.

The largest dog breeds in the world

Deerhound (Scottish deerhound)

Deerhound is a rather thin dog (up to 45-46 kg), but due to their high growth (from 71-76 cm) they deserve to be called the giants of the canine world. The advantage of the breed is the speed that can compete with deer speed. Due to this, deerhounds are used during deer hunting without weapons.


The name of the breed originates from the German city of Leonberg, on the ancient coat of arms of which a lion was depicted. It is believed that the breed was bred precisely as a recognizable symbol of the city.

Several of the largest breeds at once had a hand in the creation of the Leonberger: the St. Bernard, the Newfoundland and the Pyrenean Shepherd Dog. The result of many years of crossbreeding, proud handsome men not only fell into the ranks of the largest breeds, but also earned a reputation as an excellent “family dog”. Calm and even gentle character, sociability and goodwill to all family members are the distinguishing qualities of the Leonberger. It is this breed that the Hollywood actor of Scandinavian origin adores Alexander Skarsgård.


This good-natured aristocrat came to Russia from the Canadian province of Newfoundland, bordering the waters of the Atlantic. No wonder this breed is an excellent swimmer. And not only that - on their native island, they were assigned the responsibility of pulling nets with fish out of the water, carrying heavy objects over fairly long distances, and even babysitting.

The quiet nature of the Newfoundland ensured that the dog would not capsize the boat. Some owners claim that Newfoundlands are able to determine which way the coast is when the horizon is shrouded in fog.

The Newfoundland is a huge dog, but not a record-breaking one: average height is 66-61 centimeters, weight is 54-68 kilograms. However, the largest known Newfoundland weighed 117 kilograms, and its length from the tip of the nose to the tail was 182 centimeters.

Tibetan mastiff

In general, there are several varieties of mastiffs, and almost every one of them deserves to be included in the top of the largest dogs. The Tibetan mastiff is still shrouded in a halo of mystery, because it is one of the most ancient, rare and expensive breeds in the world.

The first mention of this breed in literature dates back to the 4th century BC. Aristotle admired the complaisance, strength and endurance of these dogs. In the old days, one Tibetan mastiff was exchanged for a pack of 20-25 greyhounds - their hunting skills were so highly valued! The "migration" of this breed to the New World is also surprising - in the second half of the 20th century, the Dalai Lama himself presented such a puppy to President Eisenhower.

Planet of the Dogs: Tibetan Mastiff

Nowadays, due to the mystery of this breed, many people who are far from cynology have the impression that the Tibetan Mastiff is the largest dog in principle. But this is not so, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the exhibition (if you are lucky, and this rarest breed will be present at it). The weight of these dogs can vary from 60 to 80 kilos, the height is about the same - from 60 to 77-78 centimeters (depending on gender).

Irish wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world, the Irish Wolfhound has a long and proud history. Even four centuries before our era, the Celts used them (more precisely, their ancestors - the Celtic greyhounds) for hunting. The outstanding size, strength and speed of the Irish wolfhounds laid the foundation for mass demonstrative persecution of wild animals with their help. Alas, this also led to a reduction in the number of breeds to a critical point.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the breed had practically disappeared, and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the length and breadth of the islands of the British crown in search of the "old-type" female Irish wolfhound, today we can enjoy these curly muscular paws.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Although the age of this breed is more than three thousand years, the Pyrenean Mastiff was officially recognized only in 1946. According to experts, this breed was bred by the ancient Phoenicians - primarily as a shepherd and watchman. Males reach 80-81 centimeters in height, females - 72-75. The average weight fluctuates around 70 kilograms.

"Affectionate Giant" - this is how their owners call the Pyrenean Mastiffs. This dog is distinguished by truly canine affection, is very patient with the antics of the smallest members of the family, although it can often not intentionally knock the child down during the game. However, in the presence of strangers, the Pyrenean Mastiff is always on the alert. The dog understands perfectly well that it inspires fear with one look, therefore, in communication with strangers, it is usually limited to barking, but does not proceed to “combat” actions.

st bernard

St. Bernard is undoubtedly one of the strongest, bravest and kindest dogs. Male St. Bernard can grow up to 90 centimeters at the withers. The curious history of this breed is known to many. Back in the 9th century, monks who lived in a monastery hidden in the mountains of Switzerland brought Tibetan mastiffs from Asia. Over the years of crossbreeding with European breeds, they have developed a faithful companion for dangerous mountain journeys.

The dog was distinguished by its thick coat, which saved it from frost and wind, its excellent sense of smell, which made it possible to find people buried under an avalanche, complaisance and excellent trainability.

One of the most famous pets of the St. Bernard monastery is St. Bernard Barry, who at the beginning of the 19th century found a boy buried in the snow, warmed him with his tongue and carried him to the monastery on his back.

German dog

Great Danes, recognized giants of the canine world, do not even have an upper height limit in the breed standard: Great Danes girls should not be lower than 72 centimeters, and boys - 82. It was to this breed that the tallest dog in the world belonged - Great Dane George, which will be discussed a little lower.

A powerful, not devoid of grace body, nobility, expressed in every movement, combined with innate delicacy make the Great Dane an excellent life companion for responsible, active people.

The pedigree of the Great Dane is so closely related to the pedigree of the English Mastiff that the debate about which of the two breeds is larger continues to this day.

The largest dog breed in the world is the English Mastiff.

This ancient English breed has the status of the largest among the variety of dog species. The standards for this breed are as follows: males reach about 0.9 meters at the withers and weigh approximately 100-110 kilograms. However, the largest English mastiff, Hercules, grew to 94 centimeters and weighed as much as 155 kilograms.

English mastiff trying to climb on the couch

Despite its awe-inspiring size, the English Mastiff has a good-natured disposition and is an excellent companion.

The biggest dog in Russia

The record holder for the largest among Russian dogs is the Alabai Bulldozer. Its owner, Alexander Khudyakov, adored dogs for as long as he could remember. And the man always gave preference to large breeds: boxers, rottweilers, shepherd dogs. But the strongest affection was the Turkmen wolfhounds, they are also Central Asian Shepherd Dogs - Alabai. Therefore, having moved to a private house in Mineralnye Vody, he immediately got to try himself as a breeder of this breed.

By the age of five, Bulldozer, who daily eats five kilograms of pure meat and ten liters of porridge, reached a weight of 125 kilograms, and standing on his hind legs, he could easily put his front legs on the shoulder of even the tallest man. He was already a recognized dog fighting star, a grand champion of Russia. Every day the owner had to walk with him for six hours to keep the Bulldozer in shape.

Unfortunately, in February 2012 Bulldozer died. The press cited poisoning as the cause.

The biggest dog in the world

Although the Great Danes are not in the first place in our ranking, the largest dog in the world still belonged to this noble breed.

For a long time, the largest dog in the world was considered a blue Great Dane named George. By the age of four, he reached 110 centimeters at the withers (213 on his hind legs) and weighed more than 111 kilograms.

Its owners, Dave and Kristy Nasser, purchased a puppy in 2006 and could not even imagine that a real giant would grow out of this baby (by the standards of Great Danes, of course). Already by the first birthday, the dog outgrew the owner's bed and was moved to a personal double mattress. The Nasser family spent about $ 250 on his monthly food - every month George ate about 50 kilograms of food.

Blue Dog George

In 2010, Giant George entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in history, after which he was even invited to the Oprah Winfrey show and presented with a certificate that officially confirmed the title of the largest dog in the world.

These dogs are not just big, they are huge! Each of them had the honor to get into the top 10 largest dogs in the world, which means that these giants are not only the largest, but also the most powerful dog breeds on the planet!

10 Akita

This is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, aggressive towards strangers and kind to family members. Akita is considered the largest breed of Japanese dogs!

It is known that even in ancient times, her ancestors went with their owners to hunt for a large animal, up to a bear. Adult males reach 71 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg.

9. The Anatolian shepherd dog (Kangal)

Kangal is a brave shepherd from Turkey. This breed is distinguished by its lightning-fast reaction and vigilance. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog has a distrustful but very balanced character. This large breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm!

Although most often described as a shepherd dog, Kangal is actually a guard dog that protects the herd from jackals and wolves, and even bears.

8. Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

Although not the largest breed in the world, it is a very large dog. Males at the withers reach 70 cm, and weight up to 80 kg! The ancestors of Alabai were ancient shepherd dogs that served man thousands of years ago in Central Asia. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a complete lack of aggressiveness towards children.

7. (Leonberger)

One of the largest dog breeds in the world, bred in Leonberg, Germany. Leonbergers have a very strong and well balanced body. Their height is 66-82 cm, and their weight is between 45 and 77 kilograms. First and foremost, this is a family dog.

6. Tibetan Mastiff (Tibetan Mastiff)

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mention of them dates back to 1000 BC. This is a working breed of dog, bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals.

Considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan mastiff is from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is 60–77 cm.

5. Newfoundland

A breed of working dog native to the island of Newfoundland in Canada. These dogs are very good swimmers and divers. They are even-tempered and alert, courageous and resourceful, and easy to train.

The average height at the withers of an adult Newfoundland is 71 cm, and the weight is about 68 kg. As far as I know, some dogs of this breed weighed over 90 kg, and the largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120.

4. Irish wolfhound (The Irish wolfhound)

The tallest breed of greyhounds. Height from 71 to 89 cm, and weigh from 53 to 84 kg. Initially, they served in wars and hunting, where they were most often used in baiting wolves.

Their legs are long and strong, thanks to which the Irish wolfhounds achieve great speed during the hunt. And although they are used to bait wolves, these giants can not be an excellent guard dog / And all because they do not bark, and are not very aggressive.

3. St. Bernard

St. Bernards standing, on average, have a height of 68-90 cm and a weight of 64-91 kg. The Saint Bernard is indeed a giant breed. They were originally bred for rescue missions in the Alps.

It is mandatory for this breed to keep them in good physical condition. St. Bernards are also good observers. These big dogs can be a big threat to burglars.

2 Great Dane Dog

Giant Great Dane breed. Height up to 92 cm, and weight up to 90 kg! The Great Dane was originally bred as a hunting dog. They are also depicted on Egyptian artifacts as early as 3000 BC.

In 2012, the Great Dane named Zeus was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's tallest dog, which had 112 cm at the withers.

1. English Mastiff (English Mastiff)

The English Mastiff is rightfully recognized as the largest dog breed in the world, considering only the weight of the animal. Even Julius Caesar, when he first saw the mastiff, was surprised by their endurance and strength.

Mastiffs even participated in the gladiator fights of ancient Rome. This breed has an average weight of 68 to 110 kg, and a shoulder height of up to 84 cm. Look, in this photo, a mastiff is next to a pony. And it's not photoshop.

You recognized the 10 largest dogs in the world, saw photos of these huge and rare breeds of pets. Now watch a video about them.

Many curious readers would like to know what is the largest dog in the world, what breed it belongs to, and what are its dimensions. This is indeed a very interesting topic, worthy of separate consideration - and what you learn about big dogs will surely give you a flurry of vivid impressions.

Someone used to think that the largest dog can hardly reach the waist of an adult, and this is a diver, or a Newfoundland. However, in reality this is not the case. So, first, consider what is the largest breed of dog in the world.

The largest dog in the world - the breed decides a lot

The largest breed of dog in existence today in the world is Tibetan mastiff. Like most other large breeds, such a dog will please with its friendliness, excellent guard qualities, devotion to its family and owner.

These dogs will not annoy with barking, excessive activity, but they love to play, love to attract attention, require love and care. The Tibetan mastiff is an exceptionally intelligent dog, affectionate for its own, and ferocious for enemies, violators of the territory, offenders of the owner. This is a rare and expensive breed that delights connoisseurs.

In addition, it has a history of several millennia, and was first mentioned in the 4th century BC. So the largest breed of dog is also one of the most legendary. In the past, one male was exchanged for 20-25 greyhounds - and not by chance. After all, his hunting qualities are also on top, and he can become an excellent assistant to a big game hunter.

Cane Corso, Irish wolfhounds, and some other breeds compete for superiority in size with the mastiff. Such an opinion also has a right to exist, since these species introduced the world to many large dogs. But it is impossible to judge unambiguously, because a breed is a breed, and each animal is an individuality with its own unique capabilities of the organism. And besides, a lot is decided by the conditions of detention, nutrition - especially at the very young age of the puppy. And therefore it is worth paying tribute to the individuality of large dogs.

There are also many other breeds of dogs, the size of which is simply amazing. This is a tall but light deerhound, which was bred to hunt deer without a weapon, as well as a leonberger, and many others.

The largest dogs

Breed decides a lot, but not everything. The individuality of the animal is also an important factor, and considering the question of which is the largest dog in the world, you can see people from different breeds. It should be noted right away that gigantism often becomes not even a genetic, but a hormonal disorder due to the high synthesis of growth hormone. Of course, this is not so good for the health of the dog, but the issue of the health of large dogs is worthy of separate consideration.

So, the largest dog in the world, whose photo can be seen even in the book of records, is Zeus, who, unfortunately, died in 2014. The dog weighed more than 70 kg, its height exceeded 112 cm at the withers, and such a pet needed about 14 kg of feed per day. But even with such a seemingly impressive diet, the dog was rather thin - it was impossible to overfeed it, otherwise an unbearable load would have fallen on the joints. Despite all the efforts of veterinarians and owners, the dog lived only 5 years - here it is, the price for gigantism. Zeus belonged to the breed of Great Danes, he loved an active life and games, which, unfortunately, could have a devastating effect due to the large size and weight of the dog, which until the end of his days did not stop being a puppy in his soul.

The second dog in terms of size and dimensions - the record holder is also a Great Dane - apparently, this breed determines the tendency to gigantism. This is George with a height of 111 cm at the withers and a weight of 110 kg, because of him the owners had to move and get new housing, which also had to be rebuilt for the dog and its needs. The animal was very fond of playing with other dogs, and had a strange habit of panicking about cats. George lived for 8 years, this period can be considered normal, average for his breed, which does not have a long life.

Gibson is considered the third record holder, this is a Great Dane of the Scandinavian type, which in amateur circles is called the Great Dane. He was able to reach a height of 105 cm, remaining an active and inquisitive animal, always ready for games. The dog is friends with the Chihuahua, they often walk and play together, surprising all bystanders with the contrast of growth.

Life and health of large dogs

Not every person decides to have a truly large pet. This is quite natural, because a large dog:

  • It will require a large space for living, you can’t get along with it in an ordinary apartment.
  • Will have serious nutritional needs that will not be so easy to provide.
  • Training plays a special role, because. aggression or inappropriate behavior of the animal will have more than serious consequences.

Seeing a large dog with its owner on the street, many people remember their own childhood, feel nostalgic for those times when every dog ​​seemed huge. However, is it so easy to be the owner of such an animal - and the largest dog? This issue has its own reverse side of the coin.

Gigantism does not allow the animal to live a long life, because the body, its musculoskeletal system suffer and age at an increased rate due to heavy loads. A large animal needs special conditions, otherwise it constantly has to face inconvenience - like its owners. Thus, large height and weight is not only a luxury, but also a burden, and it is worth thinking twice before getting a large dog.