A combination of three components value attitude towards health. Formation of the value attitude of schoolchildren to health and healthy lifestyle

Health perception as values


1.2.3 Cost of health

Values \u200b\u200bThese are objects of phenomenon, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody public ideals and act as a standard due.

Values \u200b\u200bcan be considered as a factor that provides a greater likelihood of a certain type of behavior in conditions of competing external influences. The development of values \u200b\u200bis carried out through their assimilation in social groups and transformations from public to personal. Interiorization and social use to the formation of personal values \u200b\u200bare two sides of the same process. It is important to take into account the ratio between the needs of the individual and the values \u200b\u200bof society.

The system of personal values \u200b\u200bis developing in the process of activity distribution by individuals of the content of social values, for personal values \u200b\u200bis characterized by high awareness, they are reflected in the consciousness in the form of value orientations.

Value orientations are installations, ideological, political, moral, aesthetic and other grounds for assessments by the subject of surrounding and orientation in it.

The concept of "value orientation" first appeared in the works of the Olgian, where he considers them as the goals of the desire, vital ideals, represents them in the form of a system of certain norms adopted in the group consciousness.

B.G. Ananyev considers values \u200b\u200band value orientations as basal, primary property properties that determine the motives of behavior and forming inclinations and character.

Fainburg said that the value orientations are complex formation that absorb various faces and forms of public and individual in personality, determines the forms of interaction between the internal and external, specific forms of the personality of the world of the past of the present and the future, as well as the essence of their I. Value orientations are based on the needs of the interests, norms caused by both biological nature and historical conditions in which a person is supplied.

Value orientations, as well as any psychological system, can be represented as a multidimensional dynamic space, each measurement of which corresponds to a certain type of social relations and has various weights. The most important characteristic of the value system is multi-levelness, manifested in its hierarchical structure. In order to build the theoretical model of the value structure, hierarchy levels are allocated and the grounds are determined to detect each of them. So N.A. Berdyaev at the top level has three types of values: spiritual, social, material, all others he considers as a special case as a specific manifestation of one of these three. According to M. Rokich, there are two levels of hierarchies: value values, or the final goals of existence, and value-means, or personality behavior.

Also a very important point in the formation of value orientations is a lifestyle, the system of values \u200b\u200breflects existing goals, ideals, ideas of their era.

Value orientations are formed with the assimilation of social experience and are found in order to believe, the interests of man, the needs and installations.

The needs are the state of the individual created by the need for them in the objects necessary for its existence and development and protruding the source of its activity. Human nature is a continuous satisfaction of needs. The perception of the world in humans occurs depending on the needs and desires that exist at the moment. According to Solmin I.L. Everything is somehow connected with the needs, whether we choose the occupation, a circle of communication, or a spouse, work, everything is determined ultimately with motives.

According to P.V. Simonov in the hierarchy of the basic needs of the individual is always dominant, which is the core of the person, that is, the most significant personal line of man, value through needs. The needs of a person are not reduced to alone organic needs, he has a whole hierarchy of various needs, interests, installations.

Installations are readiness, the predisposition of the subject, which occurs when the anticipation of their manifestation of a certain object and ensures a steady, targeted nature of the activity relative to a specific object.

Moting and guiding power of behavior are motives and installations. They are determined by the needs and value orientations. The latter serve as a base for forming installations. The highest level of the dispositional regulation of human behavior forms a system of value orientations, means of achieving these goals (V.A. poison).

In Liteinrarat 3 options for understanding the nature of values:

1) Bojovich L.I., Ruchko N.A. - value is in one row with such concepts as the opinions of submission, beliefs, such an understanding of values \u200b\u200bdoes not have an independent prominent force;

2) V.A. Poons, M. Morris - Values \u200b\u200bare considered as a kind or similarity of social attitudes in which the understanding of values \u200b\u200bbelongs to the direction of functions that belong to the effective value regulation

3) rapprochement of the concept of value and motive, needs and emphasizes their real prompting force - Dodon B.I., Zhukov Yu.M., Maslow A., Vasilyuk F.E.

Some values, according to A. Oil, are common to all, but there are also specific values. Communication needs (values) is strong, each has its own place.

The lack of a formed system of personal values \u200b\u200bgenerates a feeling of internal emptiness, human orientation in the external evaluation criteria, for non-critical adoption of group norms.

The indigenous breakdown of society that occurred in the last decade could not not affect the psychological state of people. Much has been reassessing, and to adapt to new life realities a huge number of people had to reconsider their former valuables.

Allocate the following levels of values:

1) the most generalized, abstract;

2) values \u200b\u200bfixing in vitality and manifest as personal properties;

3) the most characteristic ways of personality behavior as means of implementing and consolidating property values.

E.B. Pantalova offers the following main values \u200b\u200bof man:

active, active life;


interesting job;

beauty of nature and art;

materially secured life;

availability of good and faithful friends;

self confidence;


happy family life;


· Availability of friends;

· creation;

· Professional growth;

· Participation in public life;

· Satisfaction with itself;

· Skill to control yourself;

· Respect;

· Reliability against threats;

· Security;

· personal life;

· Pure conscience;

· Interesting free time;

· Health.

One of the most important concepts is the "attitude to health" - it is a system of individual electoral relations with various phenomena of the surrounding reality, contributing or vice versa with threatening health of people, as well as a certain assessment of the individual of its physical and mental state. Health problem has a socio-psychological moral aspect.

Health often acts as a means for other purposes - to work, relax.

Obviously, the need for health and health experience as life value largely determine the subjective health assessment. It is important to know what place is health in the structure of life values. This aspect of health psychology rarely acts as a subject of research (L.V. Kulikov) needs accurate data for psychology of health. Such data will help to clarify the subjective picture of the health and well-being of the individual, the place of this value in her mind and will help you understand how the poor is influenced by the emergence of emotional discomfort. Health values \u200b\u200bcan be by expression L.S. Dragoon knowledgeable values, but not necessarily recognized or accepted.

The stages of the development of the child and the formation of the main processes of forming care for their health and developing a corresponding attitude towards health, as a value and as a condition for his personal growth, are very important.

V.P. Petlenko highlights health relations levels:

1) Health as a value perceived by a person's emotionally - this level of personal health concept is characterized by the lack of pronounced health promotions, health value is preserved as a fact of consciousness - indifferent type of people;

2) Personality perceives the need for health, but does not realize its social significance, it may be arisen for health promotion, but it is very unstable, when the circumstances change is not implemented - it is characteristic of a spontaneously active type of people;

3) the value of health is perceived by the personality, as a socially significant need for health promotion, require new knowledge, but more often the value orientations remain at the verbal level - passive type;

4) Health as value perceived at the level of beliefs, the need for health promotion forms a sustainable social plant, human behavior fully corresponds to value orientations, it consciously manifests itself in healthy activity - characteristic of an active-acting type.

A.M. Ivanyushkin proposes to highlight three levels of health:

1) biological - harmony of physiological processes;

2) social health as a personality activity, an active attitude of an individual to the world

3) psychological - health is not as no disease, but as a denial of it in the sense of overcoming, health as a human life strategy.

An important factor in awareness of the value of health is a positive and emotional desire for actions to strengthen and improve.

The main thing is, to appreciate health and believe in what is healthy, because the faith itself is half the case.

Thus, it is impossible to disagree with the words N.V. Pancratyev that a person is the Creator himself of the whole complex of material and spiritual values, and he determines that it is more important for him, because the values \u200b\u200bthat he does not take it is very significant. And, as A. Maslow said, the specific and complete perception of the object implies that the object is perceived with love, so to realize that health is great value and refers to it with love and, accordingly, this is a great deal. And, as you know, the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bat various age will be different, and the same values \u200b\u200bwill be perceived differently.

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"Formation of value attitude towards health as a basis for upbringing"

Mathematics teacher MOU "Popovskaya

main secondary school "

Kurova Svetlana Sergeevna

Health is the first and most important human need that determines its ability to work and ensuring harmonic development. All people want to be healthy, strong, have a beautiful figure, ideally engage (or at least love) by some sport.

Very disturbing the deterioration of children's health. Every third child coming to school has one or another chronic disease. Many schoolchildren acquire disease in the learning process. One of the reasons for the current situation is the lack of developing issues of forming a positive value attitude of schoolchildren to their health. This leads to the fact that they are gradually, as they grow up with the norms of a healthy lifestyle.

The main task of our state is the upbringing of the younger generation. The concept of raising children and students of young people reflects all directions of the educational process. One of these areas is the physical development and education of a healthy lifestyle, contributing to the realization of the importance of its own health and readiness for its preservation and strengthening, active participation in sports and physical culture and recreation activities, refusal of harmful habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle contributes to the inclusion in the daily life of the schoolchildren of various new forms of health care for it (physical robes in lessons, health lessons, the use of the valeological component in various lessons).

A healthy lifestyle is possible, the main factor in the prevention of various kinds of diseases. From this flows one of the main tasks of educational work with students - the formation of a healthy lifestyle. However, we should not forget that this problem is the main not only for teachers, but also for parents, and it is on the latter that the main load is responsible.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle should include several aspects:

Conducting explanatory events with schoolchildren and their parents about the importance of a healthy lifestyle for a growing children's body;

Building the right schedule of student's school life;

Introduction of certain school rules and norms (tidy type of schoolchildren, banning smoking on the school and other).

In addition, one of the factors for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren is a personal example, which the teacher should never forget. Parents of students are often advocated as an example for imitation, the parents of students are often advocated, explanatory conversations on parental meetings.

The lifestyle of the child is the basis of his health throughout the subsequent life. Incorrect base may result in damage to the entire structure, even if all other elements will be laid correctly.

For the health of the future generation of our nation, you must instill and motivate a healthy lifestyle. The motivation of a healthy lifestyle is a set of measures aimed at the appearance of the children of the desire to comply with all the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle. The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes a whole range of conditions and requirements, the execution of which has a beneficial effect on human health. These include:

compliance with the day mode;

proper and timely nutrition;

compliance with the norms of personal hygiene;

rejection of bad habits;

regular activity of amateur sports, the right OPC;

and etc.

It should be noted that at present the healthy lifestyle becomes fashionable. More and more popular people promote a healthy lifestyle, besides, healthy, sports, strong personalities are more popular than exhausted by bad habits. Based on this, in conversations with schoolchildren, it is necessary to give them to understand that good health is one of the first steps to popularity and success.

Motivation formation activities should be started from the birth of a child. To do this, parents gradually teach it to the right and regular nutrition, personal hygiene, etc. It is also necessary to instantly instill the skills of self-service and self-fulfillment of basic actions of personal hygiene. Mortification, the child gets used to the regime of the day established for him by the parents of the rules and does not imagine another lifestyle.

The family is laid by the concept of "health" into the consciousness of the child, but further formation of a child with a value attitude towards him shifts to school.

An analysis of best practices shows that the process of forming a value attitude to health consists of the following interrelated areas:

1. Education in children of a positive attitude, interest in exercise classes;

2. Armament of schoolchildren knowledge of physical culture, hygiene, human physiology and formation on the basis of their beliefs need to follow their health, systematically engage in physical culture;

3. Practical teaching students for daily physical culture activities in school and out-of-school time.

The above directions are achieved in the practice of school work in a close connection in a single educational process. Developing children's interest in their health, becomes one of their motives of internal motives for their physical culture, an important condition for the formation of a value attitude towards him.

Waking and development in schoolchildren of interest contributes to the qualitative conduct of lessons and extracurricular activities. Lessons of physical culture, physical attacks, classes in sports sections, mass school competitions have a clear focus to introduce all students to systematic practices in physical culture and sports. An important section of work on grafting schoolchildren needs to take care of their health is the formation of their respective beliefs. At the same time, it is important to ensure the relationship between practical skills and theoretical knowledge of students. The formation of students of the necessary beliefs contributes to a gositive explanation of the teacher, the work of parents.

Of great importance for the formation of students in sustainable beliefs have agreed actions of the school and family. To achieve the unity of pedagogical and parental influence on children, it is necessary to discuss health issues at parental meetings.

Practical teaching schoolchildren take care of their health in school and non-school time mode is a decisive condition for the development of this need. The need formed through the habit. Sports and recreation activities are promoted in this important business: "Health Days", various sporting events ("the most sporting class", "Olympians among us" "the most designer and clever", "sports family", etc.), where they accept Participation of students and their parents, as well as class managers who can be given the role of assistants of judges, organizers, etc.

In order for the child to have a value attitude towards his health, interest in sports has been maintained, compliance with some principles:

The principle of comprehensive, harmonious personality development. The human body is one of the whole, to develop and strengthen all its bodies.

The principle of recreational orientation provides for the preservation and promotion of health.

The principle of communicating physical education with further life.

In addition to the teacher, who is interested in the novelties of literature, which may, and most importantly wants not only to teach children how to do physical culture correctly, but also to make interest on the rest of life, an important stage is the motivation of children.

But at the same time, efforts and family are needed. But all this work is impossible, and in general is useless, without the support and help of parents. After all, it is in the family that the child receives basic knowledge; It is the family that helps the child to understand "what is good and that it is bad that the benefits, but that the harm."

Family leisure should be built on the basis of the main spheres of family relationships and considering all family functions. Resting and communicating, participating in joint contests and programs, parents and children learn to be closer to each other.

Where the love of his health is cultivated, usually children, in due time, parents will give it to their children

For the formation of a value attitude to health, a program of activities of working with parents and children in grade 6 has been developed:

p / P.

event title

The purpose of the event

Reveal the concept of a healthy lifestyle; show the moral and moral aspects of a healthy lifestyle, the meaning of a reasonable approach to stressful situations; Inform students about the false action of the "pleasure" derived from the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and irreparable consequences of their use.

Conversation "The meaning of a healthy eating for the human body"

Show students the meaning of healthy eating for the human body; make a conclusion that contributes to health, and which brings harm; Stimulate chatting children, instill love for sports.

The conversation "We did a charging - jumped and ran"

Show students that to preserve health it is necessary to perform physical exercises daily; introduce students with personal hygiene rules; with the role of healthy eating.

Claus hour "How to learn to be healthy?"

(together with parents)

Upbringing respect for personal health and health surrounding; Education from parents and children interest in joint activities; Develop the ability to give warm and kindness.

Situational class "Tabakocurbation in our life"

To hold self-analysis of the attitude of students to tobacco.

Situation Claus Hour "Energy Drinks in our Life"

To hold self-analysis of the attitude of students to energy drinks.

School-wide sports event "Dad, Mom, I am a colors"

Upbringing a positive attitude towards sports; Education from parents and children of the spirit of competition; Cohesion of parents with their children.

Parent meeting "Healthy lifestyle: its principles and components"

Introduce parents with the principles and components of a healthy lifestyle; Lookage

holistic Relationship to Health.

Formation of the younger students value attitude to health


2 Concept and essence of a healthy lifestyle

Conclusions on chapter 1

1 Stage Stage

2 Forming stage

3 Check Stage

Conclusions on chapter 2


List of used literature



Health is the first and most important human need that determines its ability to work and ensuring harmonic development. All people want to be healthy, strong, have a beautiful figure, ideally engage (or at least love) by some sport.

Human health - the problem is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and at present it becomes paramount. The World Health Organization has defined health as a state of "full physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects."

The main task of our state is the upbringing of the younger generation. The concept of raising children and students of young people reflects all directions of the educational process. One of these areas is the physical development and education of a healthy lifestyle, contributing to the realization of the importance of its own health and readiness to preserve and strengthen, active participation in sports and physical culture and recreation activities, refusal of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs.

One of the negative trends in modern education is the deterioration of schoolchildren's health. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, only 1/3 of students in 1-grades can be fully healthy. The rest have certain deviations. By the 11th grade, the number of patients with schoolchildren increases 4 times. Research over the past 10 years has revealed negative trends - an increase in children's schoolchildren with chronic diseases, an increase in neuropsychiatric pathology. The number of absolutely healthy students in school teams does not exceed 15%.

As in the upbringing of morality and patriotism, and in the upbringing of a valid attitude to health, it is necessary to start from early childhood. According to medical specialists, 75% of all human diseases are laid in orphanage. Why is this happening? Apparently, the thing is that adults mistakenly believe: the most important thing for the child is to learn well. The activities of teachers and medical staff in the direction of strengthening the health of students should be considered a health and educational work, which is a complex of health measures of hygienic, medical and prophylactic, physical education, psychological-pedagogical, natural-wellness, artistic and aesthetic orientation in combination with the formation of children on strengthening and maintain health. Issues that make it possible to understand the importance of health events, the features of their use in personal recovery and the formation of a conscious attitude towards their health.

The school is not only an institution, where for many years the child goes to learn. This is also a special world of childhood, in which the child lives a significant part of his life, where he is not only studying, but also rejoices, takes various decisions, expresses his feelings, forms his opinion, attitudes towards anyone or anything.

It remains important and the fact that the family has a major role in the formation of a value attitude towards health. A child grows in the family, and from the first years of his life, he assumes the norms of human relations, absorbing from the family and good, and evil, everything that his family is characteristic. Becoming adults, children repeat in their family all that was in the family of his parents. The family strengthens the health of children, develop their deposits and abilities, care about education, developing the mind, education, solve their fate and the future.

The relevance of this problem has identified the topic of the course work "Formation of a value attitude towards health from younger students."

Object: Pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a value attitude towards health from younger students.

Subject: Pedagogical conditions forming the value attitude of younger schoolchildren to health.

The purpose of the study: Determine the conditions necessary for the formation of a value attitude to health in the younger schoolchildren.

Hypothesis: The formation of a value attitude to health in younger students will be more efficient if the following conditions are created:

) Manifestation of positive reaction emotions to the need to form a healthy lifestyle;

) saturation of the content of lessons by valeological knowledge, motivating children to a healthy lifestyle;

) Ensuring the maximum motor activity of younger students.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the following research tasks are delivered:

Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under study.

Determine the conditions for the formation of the value relationship of junior schoolchildren to a healthy lifestyle.

Conduct spectrum of students on the topic of course work.

To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used:

.The method of theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature.

.Pedagogical experiment.


.Mathematical data processing methods.

Research base: GOO "High School No. 202 Minsk". The total sample amounted to 46 students 4 "a" and 4 "b" classes aged 9 - 10 years.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the formation of a value attitude to health in younger students

1 The concept of "Value", "Value Relationship"

Values \u200b\u200bare specifically social definitions of the objects of the surrounding world, revealing their positive or negative values \u200b\u200bfor humans and society (good and good and evil, beautiful and ugly), prisoners in phenomena of public life and nature.

According to M. Weber - value - term widely used in philosophical and sociological literature to indicate the human, social, cultural significance of certain phenomena of reality. Essentially, all the variety of human activity, public relations and the natural phenomena included in their circle can act as subject values \u200b\u200bas objects of the value relationship, that is, evaluated in terms of good and evil, truth or not truth, beauty or disgrace, permissible or prohibited , equitable or not fair, etc. Methods and criteria, on the basis of which the procedures for the assessment of relevant phenomena are manufactured, are fixed in public consciousness and culture as "subjective values" (installation and assessment, imperatives and prohibitions, goals and projects, expressed in the form of regulatory views), speaking by human activity.

V.P. Tugarines gives such a definition: "Values \u200b\u200b- items, the phenomena of nature and their properties that are needed (observed, useful, pleasant, etc.) to people of a certain society or a class and a certain person as a means of meeting their needs and interests, as well as ideas and awakening in The quality of the norm, goals or ideal "in this way, the author as a criterion of value calls their need to meet the needs.

According to P. Mezer, "the value is that the feelings of people dictate to recognize standing over everything and what you can seek with respect, recognition, the reverence, thereby show that it is not only what is learned, but what needs to strive for the values .

The philosophical dictionary is given such a definition: "Values \u200b\u200bare specifically social definitions of objects of the surrounding world, revealing their positive and negative importance for humans and society. This definition refers to a positive or negative value of value.

According to the definition of S.I. Maslova under value We will understand the positive importance of the objects of the material and spiritual world in terms of satisfying the material or spiritual needs of the person and society. External values \u200b\u200bact as the properties of the subject or phenomenon. However, they are not inherent in nature, not just due to the internal structure of the object itself, but because it is involved in the sphere of public life of a person and became a carrier of certain social relations. In relation to the subject (person), values \u200b\u200bserve as objects of his interests, and for his consciousness, the role of everyday landmarks in the subject and social reality, the designations of its various practical relations to the surrounding subjects and phenomena

Each historically concrete social form can be characterized by a specific set of value hierarchy, the system of which acts as the highest level of social regulation. It contains those criteria for socially recognized (by this society and the social group), on the basis of which more specific and specialized regulatory control systems, relevant public institutions, and the purposeful actions of people, both individual and collective, are deployed. The assimilation of these criteria at the level of the personality structure is the necessary basis for the formation of the personality and maintaining a regulatory order in society.

In the psychological dictionary, value orientations are understood as the most important elements of the internal structure of the individual, enshrined by the life experience of the individual, the entire set of its experiences and limiting meaningful, essential for this person, from an insignificant, insignificant. The combination of the established, established value orientations forms a kind of axis of consciousness, ensuring the sustainability of the individual, the continuity of a certain type of behavior and activity, expressed in the direction of needs and interests. Because of this, value orientations act as an essential factor regulating identifying personality motivation. The main content of value orientations is a political, philosophical (ideological), moral conviction of man, deep and permanent attachment, moral principles of behavior. By virtue of this, in any society, the value orientations of the individual turn out to be an object of education, purposeful impact. Value orientations act both at the level of consciousness and at the subconscious level, determining the focus of volitional effort, attention, intellect. The mechanism of action and the development of value orientations is associated with the need to resolve contradictions and conflicts in the motivational sphere, the selection of personality desire, in the most general form in the struggle between the debt and desire, the motives of moral and utilitarian order

Among the infinite set of knowledge, a small number of phenomena can be distinguished, which retain a positive value at all times and for all people (universal imperruptive values): life, health, work, etc. Z.I. Ravkin such values \u200b\u200bcalls absolutely. He writes: "The awareness of the absolute values \u200b\u200b(and priority to a large extent) unites people living in different countries and parts of the world belonging to different layers of society. This unifying, the integrative function of this kind of values \u200b\u200bgives them universal value and does not detract from their national originality. "Next, one can allocate the values \u200b\u200bof priority in the spiritual life of a particular ethnos, an era, social group. In addition, in philosophy there are a number of categories for the designation of the value-high: good - morally higher, beauty is aesthetically higher, truth is the highest value in knowledge, justice is the highest value in social relations. All these types of values \u200b\u200bare absolute, higher, priority - constitute a system of basic values \u200b\u200bdepending on social and professional affiliation, characteristics of temperament and other factors.

The task of educational institutions is to form the adequate progressive interests of our society of the system of basic values \u200b\u200bamong the younger generation. On the one hand, it must be universal, on the other - it is necessary to take into account that every personality is characterized by its system of value orientations depending on the abilities, professional orientation, etc.

For targeted and effective realization of values \u200b\u200bin education, their classification is necessary. In axiology there are many values \u200b\u200bclassifications. Consider the most significant of them. The following classification of values \u200b\u200bare proposed in the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary: from a formal point of view - positive and negative, relative and absolute, subjective and objective; in content - logical, ethical and aesthetic

F. Anasimov allocates the following types of values:

but) the highest values \u200b\u200bof being - humanity and man, as people, humanity as a form of collective civilization remain from the well-known formations of cosmic evolution. All others are only so far, because they provide existence and progressive development of humanity;

b) values \u200b\u200bof material life: natural resources, labor, tools and products of labor necessary for the existence of humanity and its reproduction;

in) values \u200b\u200bof social life: various public entities arising during the progressive development of humanity, public institutions necessary for the life of society (family, nation, class, state, etc.);

d) values \u200b\u200bof spiritual life and culture: scientific knowledge, philosophical, moral, aesthetic and other ideas, ideas, norms, ideals designed to satisfy the spiritual needs of people.

In this qualification, the first value group is not located in one row with the rest, referring to the formal side of values.

V.P. Tugarin, unites the values \u200b\u200bof two large classes: the values \u200b\u200bof life (life, health, joy of life, communicating with themselves like, nature, etc.) and the values \u200b\u200bof culture. The latter is divided into material values, socially political (public order, peace, safety, freedom, equality, justice, humanity, etc.) and spiritual. Spiritual values \u200b\u200bare the values \u200b\u200bof science (the criterion - "truth"), the values \u200b\u200bof morality (the criterion - "good"), the values \u200b\u200bof art (the criterion is "beauty"). Higher value V.P. Tugarins considers a person.

Analysis of research in the field of axiology (Z.I. Ravkin, V.P. Tugarinov, O.G. Drobhinsky, T.V. Lyubimov, etc.) allow us to allocate the following groups of values: intellectual, social, religious, aesthetic, material, Valeological.

Moral: good, freedom, mercy, world, debt, loyalty, honesty, thanks, etc.

Intelligent: truth, knowledge, knowledge, creativity.

Religious: shrine, sacrament, piety, rites, relics, faith, etc.

Aesthetic: beauty, harmony, etc.

Social: family, ethnos, fatherland, humanity, friendship, communication, etc.

Material. Material values \u200b\u200bare designed to satisfy the material needs of a person, i.e. The need for material benefits necessary to ensure the physical existence and development of people: the need for nutrition, clothing, dwelling, in the means of preserving and producing all these goods: in materials, in labor instruments. Because the material values \u200b\u200binclude the following: natural resources and phenomena, dwelling, clothing, tools, materials, equipment, furniture, dishes, money, and for younger schoolchildren also school things, toys.

Valeologic: life, health, food, water, air, sleep, work. Valeological values \u200b\u200bare designed to provide individual and species existence of a person.

"Value relationships" is the principle of communication of objects of knowledge with values \u200b\u200bintroduced into the science of Rickert and developed by M. Deber.

Rickert G. considered the principle of attitude to the values \u200b\u200bof the most important in the process of education and ideographic, i.e. Individualizing, concepts and judgments. According to Rickert, the "logical goal" of an individualizing understanding of reality itself does not guide the fact that "the individuality of which objects is essential and that it is from their individuality to be taken into account by historical presentation" .The instructions can only be given a relation to value The individual can become essential "only at an angle of view of any value", and therefore the destruction of "any connection with values" would mean "the destruction of historical interest and history".

Holding a rickertov understanding of the class attitude to value, Weber gave his version of this concept, having allocated in the act of attribution to value the stage of "assessing objects", carried out on the basis of "value points of view" of the scientist, and the stage of "theoretical and interpretative" reflections on the possibilities of "classification" of these objects to value. The first stage represents on Weber not "concept", but a complex "feeling" or "unity", highly individual in nature. In the second stage, in his opinion, there is a transformation of the objects of the initial (volitional) estimate in the "historical individuals". A correlative object with a certain system of values, the scientist brings "to his consciousness" and the consciousness of other people its specific individual and "unique form", in which the value of the object under study was embodied. Thus, its universal "meaning" is approved.

Relying on the reflection of Weber, you can determine the formation of a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle on the example of schoolchildren.

At the first stage, the schoolboy "Comfortable feeling", "excitement" and the adoption of this concept as an inevitable need for its individual plan.

In the second stage, the transformation of the objects of the initial (volitional) estimate in value is carried out. A correlative object with a certain system of values, the schoolboy brings "to his consciousness and consciousness of other people" its specific individual and "unique" form in which the value of the object under study was embodied, in our case, it will be a "healthy lifestyle".

Considering the process of attributability to value, it is impossible not to consider the logic of assimilation of value. This process has three phases for younger schoolchildren.

The first phase is associated with emotional comprehension of the object - the child first any object perceives emotionally. And at the level of emotional adoption or inappropriateness.

The second phase is associated with the awareness of the personal and social significance of the perceived object.

The third phase is associated with the inclusion of value in the system of value orientations through its correlation with other values \u200b\u200bat the level of emotional reactions and personal significance

Knowing the object of assigning an object to value, it is possible to effect on it with the help of pedagogical and psychological methods.

2 Concept and essence of a healthy lifestyle (s)

At a way of life, by a majority of people are understood as a sustainable, which has developed in certain socio-environmental conditions, a way of human activity, manifested in the norms of communication, behavior, a warehouse of thinking.

According to E.N.vaner, the concept of lifestyle should be determined as a way of vital activity of the person, whom he adheres to everyday life by virtue of social, cultural, material and professional circumstances. In such a definition, the cultural aspect should be selected, which emphasizes that the lifestyle is not identical to the living conditions, which are only mediated and determine the lifestyle of material and intangible factors. The culture of the same person in the context of the question under consideration means that a person due to their knowledge and life attitudes itself chooses a lifestyle, taking into account its conditions.

Personal component is most important in ensuring the lifestyle, which involves establishing a lifestyle, depending on the hereditary typological features of a person, hereditaryly determined or acquired diseases or violations of its regulatory and adaptive systems or immunity, the level of valeological education, the vital targets available to available socially - Economic conditions. The individual address of lifestyle should be considered a natural address, which should include the above factors, as well as environmental, regional, and the like. Consequently, the lifestyle is a biosocial category, which integrates the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain type of human life and characterized by its work, life, the form of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, the rules of individual and social behavior.

The most smoothly interconnection between the lifestyle and health is expressed in the concept of "healthy lifestyle." A healthy lifestyle can be viewed as a type of vital activity that contributes to health promotion and its preservation.

A healthy lifestyle combines everything that helps the person of professional, public and living functions in optimal conditions for health and expresses the orientation of the individual in the direction of the formation, conservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

Hippocrates with a specific element of a healthy lifestyle considered human health, and Democritus is a spiritual start. The desire to achieve health at the expense of any one tool is fundamentally incorrect because it does not cover the entire variety of interrelations of functional systems forming the human body, and the relationship between human themselves with nature - all that ultimately determines the harmony of its livelihoods and health. Based on these prerequisites, the structure of a healthy lifestyle according to E.N. Winera (1998) should include the following factors: the optimal motor regime, rational nutrition, rational mode of life, psycho-physiological regulation, sexual culture, hardening, lack of harmful habits and valeological education.

Consider these factors Read more:

Optimal motor mode

Motor activity (activities) is a mandatory and defining factor determine the detachment of the structural and functional genetic program of the body in the process of individual age development. Physical activity is a dedicated motor activity of a person aimed at improving health, the development of physical potential and the achievement of physical excellence for the effective implementation of its departures, taking into account personal motivation and social needs.

Currently, humanity has accumulated numerous facts of the beneficial effects of motor activity on the level of exchange processes, the function of the internal organs, the volume of muscle tissue, an increase in the life capacity of the lungs, the state of the cardiovascular system of the human body. It is generally recognized that rational physical activity, leading to an increase in the capacity and stability of the mechanism of general adaptation by improving the functions of the central nervous system, regenerative processes, makes it possible to maintain a person's health and working capacity at a high level. Adaptation to systematic physical exertion has multiple cross-protective effects: it limits the atherogenic dislipidemia, has a pronounced anti-skille effect, reduces blood pressure in the initial stages of hypertensive disease. It has a positive effect on sugar diabetes, increases the organism resistance to hypoxia and severe damaging effects

G.L. Atanasenko came to the conclusion that regular (not sports, but wellness) physical activity increases the potential of energy formation, which determines the stability of the body to factors contributing to the development of coronary heart disease and other diseases. This potential provided by the growth of the proton area of \u200b\u200bthe mitochondrial conjugate membranes contributes to an effective ATP residence, a decrease in oxygen consumption in certain (standard) conditions and unloading a cardiovascular system, providing oxygen transport to tissues

When using the motor load in individual and group classes, a muscular deficit is replenished. At the same time, the ability of the body is included, its functional state is improved. Motor activity (activities) is a non-specific irritant involving all links of the nervous system in response, and acts as a common effect on the human body. It stimulates physiological processes in the body and increases the tone of the system, and therefore its sensitivity and response ability. Exercise increases the resistance and completeness of anti-abstress physiological reactions. But, as already mentioned above, all these features of physical exertion are most well manifested when the optimum in dispensing, which develops the greatest sensitivity of the body

Physical movements: gymnastics, walks, hiking, running, breathing exercises, as well as supporting procedures such as shower, massage, rubbing, are an important condition for the prevention and preservation of health. All these exercises and procedures are deep and favorable on the body, as well as a reviving, stimulating and therapeutic effects. They counteract many painful changes and disadvantages, exercise, entered gradually, carefully and performed for a long time, actively act on chronically sick people, improve the condition of even weak people. And in healthy physical culture supports biological youth and physical strength to old age.

Currently, one of the serious problems, the most adversely affecting human health, is considered a lack of movement due to the detrennation of the main functional systems of the body, a decrease in the beneficial properties of the body, etc., which is associated with a decrease in the share of human physical labor in everyday life and in production .

The lack of movement - hypokinesia - causes a whole set of changes in the functioning of the body, which is commonly denoted as hypodynamine.

Modern study and automated production create a pronounced emotional tension, which is not accompanied by active motor activities. Hypokinesia reduces the power and endurance of the muscles, reduces their tone, reduces the volume of muscle mass, red and white muscle fibers, worsens the coordination of movements, leads to pronounced functional changes: cardiac abbreviations are rapidly, the impact and minute blood circulation volume decreases, and the volume of circulating blood is reduced, reduced Capacity of the vascular bed, slows down the time of the total blood cycle.

Motor activity is a prerequisite for maintaining the state of health, the factor in the improvement of adaptation mechanisms, the main factor in physical development in the child's life. For children, movement is one of the most common means of non-verbal communication, self-expression and knowledge. Through the movement is aware of its own "I" and the world around. Therefore, children need to be able to participate in a well-thought-out and implemented physical education process. In children's and adolescence ages - periods of intensive growth and development - environmental factors are mainly determined by children mastering engine coordinations, expand the reserve of adaptation of functional systems, create a volitional attitude to a strained training and competitive mode. The effectiveness of therapeutic and physical recovery work in childhood is also relevant due to the fact that during this period it is possible to develop methods for valeological education and learning sustainable motivation for health and formulate practical skills of conducting a healthy lifestyle of a person in accordance with the stereotype and model of its behavior embedded in early childhood.

Health and physical fitness of children and young people are the most important components of the health and physical potential of the entire people. However, many facts today express an acute alarm for the health of the younger generation, which is primarily due to the unsatisfactory organization of the physical education of schoolchildren, which is carried out on the basis of existing school programs.

The growing body of the child requires a huge number of movements for its development; 50 - 60% of time in day should be given motor activity. The rehabilitation processes in the body are held very quickly, therefore children can perform more than adults. It means that the exercises should be intense, but short-term (20 - 40 s), with a small rest, and all major exercises should take no more than 20 - 30 minutes of classes. The need for movement in children is satisfied in the School conditions by independent movements by 18 - 20%. In the days when physical education lesson is held, in the absence of other forms of physical education, children are not allowed to 40%, and without such lessons - up to 80% of movements. If they miss the lessons or do not participate in rolling games with intensive mental activity, they are lagging behind in physical development, they are worse, more often sick. Based on this data, it can be concluded that to meet the natural need in motion in the younger schoolchildren, the daily volume of active movements should be at least 2 hours, and the week is at least 14 hours.

Balanced diet

Under the rational nutrition, they understand a well-selected diet, which meets the individual characteristics of the organism, takes into account the nature of labor, sex and age characteristics, climatogeographic conditions of residence. The concept of rational nutrition is inextricably linked to the definition of its physiological norms. They are average indicative values \u200b\u200breflecting the optimal needs of individual population groups in major food and energy

The concept of rational food includes compliance with the three basic principles:

Ensuring the balance of energy coming from food and consumed by the person in the process of vital activity;

Satisfying the body's needs in certain foods;

Compliance with the power mode.

Violation of the principles of rational nutrition inevitably leads to the development of diseases that shorten human life make it defective, and sometimes painful. It is enough to say about such problems as starvation, obesity, chronic nutrition in nutrition of essential nutrients.

Thus, food is an essential factor that determines human health. Each educated person should have the necessary information about rational nutrition, substances that make up food, about their role in the vital activity of a healthy and sick organism. All this forms the food culture and is an integral part of the culture of society.

Rational regime of life

The human activity involves the records of all types of activities: professional, household, social, leisure, physical education, etc. When solving the issue of rational organization of life, it is important to take into account the fact that the more voluminous and intense work performed, the more complete it is a period of recovery, and not only the passive state (sleep, peace) should be taken into account, but also actively restitution.

The rationing and rational alternation of various types of activities and recreation maintains high performance and health, produces a stereotype of human activity. Incorrect routine of a day or a frequent breaking of his breaks cause health disorders that are manifested in fater, sleep impairment, increased irritability, various diseases.

The rational regime of the day is appropriately organized, corresponding to age-related features and individual biological rhythms of daily activities. In this case, all mode elements are conducted sequentially at the same time, which contributes to the development of stereotypes of behavior that increases adaptability to the environment.

It should be noted that there is no same for all chart of the routine of the day, life mode. Thus, the spelling day of the schoolchild must meet the necessary requirements for the organization of academic work at school, home regime, rest, sleep. It is also necessary to be able to switch from active intense activities during a working day on vacation, mental and physical relaxation. Active physical activity should be alternate with relaxation and active rest, forming some dynamic equilibrium.

Immunity training and hardening

Hardening is a necessary component of preparation for healthy, active old age. The modern lifestyle made a person quite eroded and susceptible to the change of weather, atmospheric pressure, air temperature. If a person is painfully reacting to weather changes, then cold rain or snow and the wind can cause him supercooling the body. Cooling or cold as such is not a disease, but can contribute to its occurrence, as the protective functions of an inacked organism weaken. The most common diseases associated with a cold: Qatar of the upper respiratory tract with cough and a runny nose, flu, and even inflammation of the lungs. Hardening increases the body's stability to the effects of pathogenic microbes. If the hardened person is still ill, then the disease is usually in a light form. The process of hardening is associated with regular exposure to air and water procedures. When they talk about hardening with air, then have in mind the stay and movement in the fresh air in any weather, in summer and winter. It is important that the desire to visit the fresh air to any weather has become a serious need for a person, and the satisfaction of this desire is an integral part of his lifestyle.

Psychophysiological regulation

The physiological system combining subcortex nerve centers is a reticular formation and hypothalamus with a pituitary gland, centers of sympathetic and associated adrenal gland. All comply of them provide mental stress, i.e. The overall level of brain activity corresponding to the difficulty of solved objectives. This system is included on feeling and emotion, but then herself supports itself due to reverse relations - through hormones circulating in the blood. Therefore, any mental tension decreases only gradually. Pleasant and unpleasant feelings and emotions impose an imprint on the subjective sensations, but any strong tension is accompanied by a shift in many physiological physiological functions, up to pathological stress. Of course, unpleasant stresses are more severe, durable than pleasant. Calm muscle work discharges the tension, since hormones are destroyed faster, and feedback is broken to nervous centers. "Non-viable" emotions movements, especially unpleasant, tighten the status of the voltage. It can remain long in the subconscious, activating the models - words, images associated with the cause of the voltage. This manifests itself, in particular, in dreams. Prolonged and frequent emotions, mainly unpleasant, lead to "overravel" voltage system. This is manifested by a bad bed and even leads to various "bodily" diseases, not to mention the impaired psyche. Everything is said, fully applies to children. Emotions have them from birth, feelings are included as needs centers ripening. At the same time, there are specifics: the processes of excitation prevail over braking. Therefore, the psyche of children is unstable. The voltages also associate a number of typical childhood diseases, which are more often manifested at a certain age. So, in children from one and a half to three years there are intestinal disorders, somewhat later - cold and colds. Some children complain of fatigue, others - on pain in the joints, thirdly - periodic vomiting, in the fourth - headaches, sometimes the elevated temperatures are held by weeks. So, on the voltage system, on the emotional sphere "Body" health closes with the psyche.

Negative emotions (envy, fear, etc.) have a huge devastating force, positive emotions (laughter, joy, love, sense of gratitude) preserve health, contribute to success.

No harmful habits

There is no doubt the need to work on the prevention and elimination of harmful habits, which is based on a person's education with a resistant motivation on health and a healthy lifestyle. Smoking Tobacco is one of the most common bad habits, leading to serious health violations. The life expectancy of smokers for 7 - 15 years is less than non-smoking. Smoking reduces physical strength, slows down the reaction, worsens the memory. Smokers more often than non-smokers are born defective offspring. All this allows you to say: "smoke - to harm health." Health disorders occur only in 20 - 30 years after the start of smoking. Under the influence of additional impacts on the body, for example, under the influence of alcohol, the harmful effect on the tobacco smoke organism can sharply increase. Smoking can be not only active, but also passive, and in secondary smoke (smoke located in the room), the content of some carcinogenic substances, in particular, compounds from the nitrosamine class, it turns out to be even more than in smoke, inhaled by a smokers. Therefore, in the case of taking alcohol in the jammed room, even a non-smoking person increases the danger of damage to DNA of its cells. So, as studies have shown, carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke and alcohol mutually reinforce each other, that is, these harmful factors act on the body synergistically.

When moving to a healthy lifestyle:

-the worldview changes, the priorities become spiritual values, the meaning of life becomes;

-the physiological and mental dependence on alcohol, tobacco, drugs is disappeared (a good mood is formed by the "joy hormones" - endorphins, which are formed in the human body);

3 ways of formation among younger students value attitude to health

According to the expression of Academician N.M. Amosov "... to be healthy, need their own efforts, constant and significant. Replace them can not be replaced. " Specify the desired direction of "own effort" is designed to a young rapidly developing science of Valeology. " Valeology (from Latin Valeo - "Health", to be healthy) - Science, which is based on human health

Installation on health (A, accordingly, on a healthy lifestyle), as is known, does not appear in a person by itself, but is formed as a result of a certain pedagogical impact, therefore, the pedagogical component becomes special importance in the valeological support structure. Pedagogy health is a relatively new direction in valeology. Its main subject is the health of the younger generation. The structure of the health structure of the system-forming is a pedagogical aspect, the essence of which is in the formation of a person from the very early age of an individual way of a healthy lifestyle.

Junior school age is a fairly important period for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a child. First, at this time the child's body is intensively growing. Secondly, adaptation to the new school conditions of existence occurs. Thirdly, study is a stressful mental work associated with a large number of centers of large hemispheres. From what conditions for the study and development of the child are created in school, the health and formation of a healthy lifestyle of a developing person are dependent. The latter is particularly relevant for children of younger school age, since at this time self-determination of the individual involves the definition of position in various spheres of vital activity. In particular, in the younger school age, the need for a healthy lifestyle

By definition, V.V. Kolbanova, a healthy lifestyle - "Health management by adequateizing behavior", the specificity of which is the main researcher and the subject of the management itself. As a researcher and a subject of management, a child must be informed, in the form available to him, about his health.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle contributes to the inclusion in the daily life of the schoolchildren of various new forms of health care for it (physical robes in lessons, health lessons, the use of the valeological component in various lessons).

A healthy lifestyle is possible, the main factor in the prevention of various kinds of diseases. From this flows one of the main tasks of educational work with students - the formation of a healthy lifestyle. However, we should not forget that this problem is the main not only for teachers, but also for parents, and it is on the latter that the main load is responsible.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle should include several aspects:

) Conducting explanatory events with schoolchildren and their parents about the importance of a healthy lifestyle for a growing children's body;

) Building the right schedule of student's school life;

) Introduction of certain school rules and norms (tidy type of schoolchildren, banning smoking on the school and other);

) Introduction of penalties for violators of the rules of school regulations, etc.

In addition, one of the factors for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren, especially students of junior classes, is a personal example, which the teacher should never forget. The parents of students are often acting as an imitation example, the parents of students are often advocated, explanatory conversations on parent meetings.

The lifestyle of the child is the basis of his health throughout the subsequent life. Incorrect base may result in damage to the entire structure, even if all other elements will be laid correctly.

For the health of the future generation of our nation, you must instill and motivate a healthy lifestyle. The motivation of a healthy lifestyle is a set of measures aimed at the appearance of the children of the desire to comply with all the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle.

It should be noted that at present the healthy lifestyle becomes fashionable. More and more popular people promote a healthy lifestyle, besides, healthy, sports, strong personalities are more popular than exhausted by bad habits. Based on this, in conversations with schoolchildren, it is necessary to give them to understand that good health is one of the first steps to popularity and success.

Conclusion by chapter 1

Health is the overall well-being of the body, including the following aspects: the absence of a disease, some level of physical training, the preparedness, the functional state of the body. There are many criteria for assessing the level of health of the body. These criteria are determined by various indicators.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes a whole range of conditions and requirements, the execution of which has a beneficial effect on human health. These include:

compliance with the day mode;

proper and timely nutrition;

compliance with the norms of personal hygiene;

rejection of bad habits;

regular activity of amateur sports, proper posture, etc.

Motivation formation activities should be started from the birth of a child. To do this, parents gradually teach it to the right and regular nutrition, personal hygiene, etc. It is also necessary to instantly instill the skills of self-service and self-fulfillment of basic actions of personal hygiene. Mortification, the child gets used to the regime of the day established for him by the parents of the rules and does not imagine another lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle should be a need for a child: if a child, for example, could not make charging or clean his teeth in the morning, then he already experiences discomfort.

A huge impact on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a child imposes a personal example of adults surrounding it, as in nature the children is struggling to adults. This refers to the actions of parents, family members, educators of kindergarten, teachers. It is also important to constantly monitor the child: all of its actions should be appreciated, it should receive encouragement or censure.

Chapter 2. Ways of formation in junior school students value attitude to health

1 Stage Stage

At the stating stage of experimental work, diagnosis was carried out by the degree of formation of valeological values \u200b\u200bin children of the experimental group. For this, the following techniques were used:

· Questionnaire for assessing the level of knowledge of health (Appendix 1).

· Questionnaire for the formation of a healthy lifestyle program (Appendix 2).

· Testing, allowing to identify how students will be paid in this valeological situation (Appendix 3).

46 students of 4 "A" (23 students) and 4 "b" (23 students) of classes participated in the experiment:

After analyzing the answers of children, the following was revealed:

.In general, children know that health is manifested and externally (good, healthy view, beautiful body) and internally (I want to play sports, there is a desire to work well, a healthy person is an active person, etc.). However, students' responses 4 "a" class were more complete, deployed.

.Students 4 "A" class accurately noted the causes that can harm health when only 16 people coped with this task (69.6%) in 4 "b" class.

The results of the formation form of a healthy lifestyle program are listed in Table 1.

Table 1

Іkak do you form your healthy lifestyle? 4 "a" class 4 "b" classday1. Clearly perform a day mode1859142. I am engaged in physical culture1671673. Regularly walk in air2301944. I perform hardware procedures1498155. Rationally nuts 2032126. I fulfill personal hygiene rules2302307. I go to school with hunting194176ІІKak save the right posture? 1. I comply with the correct pose1491492. I turn on the exercises that form the correct posture1761673 in charging. I wear a wipe on two shoulders1941211I_igitative mode1. You can independently spend in the Fizkultminutkuka class 2031942. Regularly engage in physical culture at school and houses1761673. You are engaged in sports sections185149Ivpsychical health. Do you often want to cry? 3208152. Do you often gnaw nails, twist your hair, shake down? 4199143. When are you lying in bed in bed, do you think with anxiety, what will happen tomorrow at school? 221518

The processing of the results obtained showed that in general, students 4 "a" class more seriously approach their health. In the section "How do you form your lifestyle" positive answers in 4 "A" class 133, when in 4 "b" - 113. As a positive moment in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, it can be noted that all students 4 "a" and 4 "B" classes perform personal hygiene rules; In 4 "a" class, 23 students are regularly walking in air (100%), when in 4 "b - 19 people (82.6%).

In the section "How to maintain the right posture", students' answers to questions 1.2 did not differ much, but in question 3, students 4 "a" class more understand the need to carry a backpack on 2 shoulders (19 people - 82.6%), than in 4 "b" class (12 people - 52.2%).

Student responses in the "Motor Mode" section showed that students 4 "a" and 4 "b" classes as a whole can conduct independently in the Fizkultminutka class (the answers of children on this question are characterized by the teacher's positiveness in this direction), but to the question of employment In the sports sections 4 "b" class showed a bad result (11 people - 47.8%), compared with 4 "a" class - 78.3%.

Analysis of the responses about the mental health of students showed that most students have a steady emotional state, but the situation at school has 11 people (23.9%) sometimes cause anxiety and a sense of anxiety.

At the next stage of the stating experiment, we were tested by students. It made it possible to judge how schoolchildren will come in this valeological situation.

The students were offered valeological situations that help children master the standards and rules of behavior (Appendix 3). Each response was estimated from 1 to 3 points:

the point is the correct answer showing that the child has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe norms and rules of behavior in the valeological situation;

score - partially the correct answer, the child has a partial idea of \u200b\u200bhow to behave in this situation;

the score is the wrong answer, the child does not know how to behave in this valeological situation.

Based on the results obtained, three levels of representations can be identified:

· 345 - 300 points - high level (B) (the student is well formed by the ideas about the norms and rules of behavior in this valeological situation);

· 299 - 230 points - the average level (c) (the student partially formed submissions on the norms and rules of conduct in this valeological situation);

· 229 - 115 points - low level (H) (student has no idea of \u200b\u200bthe standards and rules of behavior in this valeological situation).

The test results of classes were listed in Table 2.

table 2

Classroom issue, points, level representation of the presentation (on average) 123451. 4 "A" class332 B297 C278 C286 C297 Comstered2. 4 "B" class295 C115 H287 C222 H229 indispensable

The processing of the results obtained revealed that in 4 "a" class of the average level of knowledge; In 4 "b" class - low.

The results of the statement stage make it possible to talk about the low competence of students 4 "b" in matters of valeology and their weak readiness to lead a healthy lifestyle. Consequently, there is a relevance of the valeological education of children within the framework of the school educational program.

Thus, 4 "A" class, showing the highest results, will be the control, and 4 "b" class is experimental.

2 Forming stage

The purpose of this stage of experimental work was the creation of conditions for the formation of an experimental group of value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in the educational process and verify the effectiveness of these conditions.

With the students of 4 "b" class, it was decided to hold a number of events:

extracurricular activities "We are for a healthy lifestyle" (Appendix 4) and "Healthy - everything is great" (Appendix 5), a health lesson on the topic "Bad habits."

3. Control stage

The purpose of the test phase of experimental work was to verify the effectiveness of work on the formation of a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among younger students in the educational process.

In the control experiment, the techniques described earlier were used. Children of the experimental group were proposed tasks similar to the tasks of the stateing step of the experiment.

The results of repeated survey "The formation of a healthy lifestyle program" are presented in Table 3.

Table 3.

ІKak you form your healthy lifestyle? 4 "A" klass4 "B" klassDaNetDaNet1Chetko doing mode dnya2121672Zanimayus physical kulturoy1942033Regulyarno walk on vozduhe2302304Vypolnyayu tempering protsedury1851495Ratsionalno pitayus2122126Vypolnyayu good personal gigieny2302307Hozhu to school with ohotoy212194ІІKak to maintain the correct posture? 1Soblyudayu correct pozu2211852Vklyuchayu in charge exercises that form the correct osanku2212033Noshu satchel On two shoulders230221ІІІ) Maintenance Make someone in class Fizkultminutku2302302regularly engage in physical culture in school and house212033 Are you in the sports sections203176іv's health. Anxiety, what will happen tomorrow at school? 122419 health junior schoolboy

The processing of the results showed that 4 "A" and 4 "b" studies are seriously suitable for their health. In the section "How do you form your lifestyle", the number of positive answers in 4 "A" class from 133 to 146 has increased; In 4 "b" class - from 113 to 136.

In the section "How to maintain the right posture" Answers of students for questions 1.2, as previously, were not very different, but in question 3, students 4 "b" class in realizing the importance of the correct wearing a backpack (from 12 people - 52.2% up to 22 people - 95.7%).

In 4 "B" class, the number of students involved in sports sections increased (with 11 people - 47.8% to 17 people - 73.9%).

The emotional state of students 4 "A" and 4 "B" classes of situations in school sometimes cause anxiety and a sense of anxiety in 5 people (10.9%). Earlier, this figure was 11 people (23.9%)

Comparison of the results obtained proves the effectiveness of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle:

The results of the testing of classes were listed in Table 4.

Table 4.

Charger of the question, points, level representation of the presentation (on average) 1234514 "A" class332 B302 B302 B286 C297 Human24 "B" class312 B231 C327 B245 C252 Commercial The processing of the results obtained revealed that students 4 "b" class increased their level of knowledge, the indicator also improved in 4 "a" class.

The results of a comparative analysis of the results of survey and testing prove the positive effect of the work carried out and the effectiveness of the conditions of formation in the younger students in the educational process of the value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to all activities, a survey was conducted among 46 students 4 "a" and 4 "b" classes on the topic "How I spent my day off." Children's responses are presented in diagram 1.

Diagram 1.

The diagram shows that most children spend their holidays on their own (playing with friends or at home at the computer), some children go to visit relatives, some children play with their brothers or sisters. Small number of children (27 people - 58.7%) Weekened with parents (attend the pool, go on excursions, attend rink, etc.).

Thus, it can be concluded that at least the family of "health" also laid into the consciousness of the child, but further formation of a child with a value attitude towards him shifts to school. It seems to me, caused by a number of reasons:

insufficient motivation of the parents themselves;

big load of parents at work; On weekends, parents try to relax, "gain strength" for the upcoming labor week;

most parents do not know how to plan their holidays with health benefits of both their own children.

Thus, it is safe to say that all activities aimed at forming students of the value attitude to their health are fulfilled.

Conclusions on chapter 2

The question of how to form students the need for a value attitude towards health, in the method of physical education is weakly lit. Teachers, to everyone at their discretion, based on pedagogical experience, love for their profession and many more other reasons, have to solve this task on their own.

An analysis of best practices shows that the process of forming a value attitude to health consists of the following interrelated areas:

1.Education in children of a positive attitude, interest in exercise classes;

2.Weapons of schoolchildren in physical culture, hygiene, human physiology and formation based on their beliefs need to follow their health, systematically engage in physical culture;

.Practical teaching students for daily physical culture activities in school and out-of-school time.

The above directions are achieved in the practice of school work in a close connection in a single educational process. The development of children, starting from the first class, interest in their health, becomes one of their motives of internal impulse them to exercise by physical culture, an important condition for the formation of a value attitude towards it. In younger students, interest, as a rule, gives rise to positive emotions caused directly by the events themselves.

The formation of a value attitude to health significantly depends on how the atmosphere reigns in the team of teachers and students, which is occupied by physical recovery events in the life of the school and the family itself. And this, in turn, depends on the attitude of the school leaders, teachers and of course parents.

Waking and development in schoolchildren of interest contributes to the qualitative conduct of lessons and extracurricular activities, good equipment and aesthetic design of the material and sports base. A good base contributes not only to the qualitative learning learning knowledge and skills, but also the successful implementation of educational tasks, in particular the formation of a value attitude towards health. Lessons of physical culture, physical attacks, classes in sports sections, mass school competitions have a clear focus to introduce all students to systematic practices in physical culture and sports. An important section of work on grafting schoolchildren needs to take care of their health is the formation of their respective beliefs. The basis for the formation of beliefs is the corresponding knowledge. At the same time, it is important to ensure the relationship between practical skills and theoretical knowledge of students. The formation of students of the necessary beliefs contributes to a gositive explanation of the teacher, the work of parents.

Of great importance for the formation of students in sustainable beliefs have agreed actions of the school and family. To achieve the unity of pedagogical and parental influence on children, it is necessary to discuss health issues at parental meetings.

Practical teaching schoolchildren take care of their health in school and non-school time mode is a decisive condition for the development of this need. The need formed through the habit. Sports and recreation activities are promoted in this important business: "Health Days", various sporting events ("the most sporting class", "Olympians among us" "the most designer and clever", "sports family", etc.), where they accept Participation of students and their parents, as well as class managers who can be given the role of assistants of judges, organizers, etc.


Without regular, specially organized physical exercises in modern conditions, even children who inherited good health, development and living in good conditions, do not reach the level in physical fitness, which can be achieved by the children of Middle and below the Middle Development, subject to systematic physical culture. But at the same time, the child has a value attitude towards their health, interest in sports has been maintained, compliance with some principles:

.The principle of comprehensive, harmonious personality development. The human body is one of the whole, to develop and strengthen the all of the authorities.

.The principle of recreational orientation provides for the preservation and promotion of health.

.The principle of communicating physical education with further life.

In addition to the teacher, who is interested in the novelties of literature, which may, and most importantly wants not only to teach children how to do physical culture correctly, but also to make interest on the rest of life, an important stage is the motivation of children.

But at the same time, efforts and family are needed. But all this work is impossible, and in general is useless, without the support and help of parents. After all, it is in the family that the child receives basic knowledge; It is the family that helps the child to understand "what is good and that it is bad that the benefits, but that the harm."

Family leisure should be built on the basis of the main spheres of family relationships and considering all family functions. Resting and communicating, participating in joint contests and programs, parents and children learn to be closer to each other. Joint conversations and conferences with the participation of medical professionals, psychologists, social workers help generations in the family find a common language, learn tolerance and attention towards each other. Two-thirds of modern families in the Republic of Belarus do not have hobbies (they can be sport, tourism, applied art, music, dance, etc.). One third of families are generally called "disadvantaged", the upbringing of children in them does not attach any importance, often children from such families go to the club in order to find their second family in the person of the head and comrades. But there are families who actively spend their leisure together: it is noted that such families are more cohesive, less conflict, children from such families are less likely to become asocial elements.

Family forms

· Conversations - they also include various conferences, disputes, talk shows, raising family problems affecting healthy lifestyles, family leisure issues.

· Gaming leisure programs are an adult method for a while to feel like children and plunge into the world of children's psychology. Together participating in games and contests, children and parents begin to feel like a team. Popular types of competitive programs as "Mom, Dad, I am friendly (sports, musical, dance - variants of many) Family", "and well, grandparents", etc.

· Rerelative family vacation - tourism, hiking.

· Sports family vacation (relay, mass running, beach tournaments, etc.).

· Excursion work is a family visit to museums, exhibitions, monuments of art and architecture, commemorative places.

· Joint visits to concerts and mass holidays

Thus, I can conclude that there is a love for your health, usually children, becoming, in due time, parents will give it to their children

The task assigned during the study is solved, the hypothesis extended is confirmed.

As a result of the analysis of scientific literature on this problem, we have disclosed the concept of "value", "value attitude". With the help of psychological and pedagogical literature, we managed to understand the essence of a healthy lifestyle. During the experimental work, the conditions forming the value attitude of junior schoolchildren to a healthy lifestyle in the educational process were identified:

1).The manifestation of positive emotions of responding to the need to form a healthy lifestyle. A person is the unity of bodily and spiritual. It is impossible to keep the body healthy, if you do not improve the emotional-willed sphere - do not work with a child's soul. It is important that with the development of valeological culture, each child has been formed feelings of tenderness and love for themselves, the mood of special joy from understanding their uniqueness, uniqueness.

2).Saturation of the content of lessons by valeological knowledge, motivating children to a healthy lifestyle. Any elementary school must contain valeological knowledge. Knowledge allow the child to assess the contribution of each body system into the survival and health of the body as a whole and consider its growth and development as a life process that is favorable for a reasonable knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.

).Ensuring the maximum motor activity of younger students. The youngest schoolboy should be able to satisfy his motor needs in the process of training sessions: gymnastics before classes, physical attacks in lessons, movable changes. The pleasure of motor activity develops into a habit, and from it - in need.

The results of the control stage of experimental work prove the effectiveness of our work on the formation of a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among younger students in the educational process.

The practical significance of this work is in the methodological recommendations developed by us. They implement the value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among younger students in the educational process:

¾ valueological exhibitions at different classes in elementary school;

¾ test work with valeological content;

¾ tests for valeologic themes;

¾ approximate curriculum of health lessons and health lessons, "Health Theater";

¾ gymnastics complex to lessons, games - physical attacks, movable changes.

List of sources used

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Attachment 1

for students of 4 classes to determine the level of knowledge of health

Please answer the following questions:

.What does health appear?

.Continue: "If a person is healthy, then ... .."

.You can harm your health if you:

doing sports


do not follow your health

have bad habits

observe personal hygiene standards

observe the regime of the day

.You can improve your health if you:

doing sports


do not follow your health

observe the regime of the day

right feed, take vitamins

have bad habits

observe personal hygiene rules

Appendix 2.

"Forming a healthy lifestyle program"

І How do you form your healthy lifestyle?

1. But I perform the day of the day

I am engaged in physical culture

Regularly walk in the air

I perform hardware procedures

Rationally feed

I perform personal hygiene rules

I go to school with hunting

ІІ How do you save the right posture?

I comply with the right pose

I turn on the exercises that form the correct posture

I wear a backpack on two shoulders

III Motor Mode.

Can you spend yourself in the Fizkultminutka class?

Do you regularly do physical culture at school and at home?

Do you do in sports sections?

Iv mental health.

Do you often want to cry?

Do you often gnaw nails, turn your hair, shake down?

When in the evening you lie in bed, do you think with anxiety, what will happen tomorrow at school?

Appendix 3.

Testing on valeological situations that help children master the norms and rules of behavior

Situation 1. Where to call? (connect arrows)

.The house is burning or in the apartment has become strongly smelling with something piping (without fire)

.A person felt very badly, he doesn't get better

.In the apartment calls strangers or drunk people

A) Militia "102"

B) ambulance "103"

C) Fire service "101"

Situation 2. Garbage burns in the garbage tank. What are you going to do?

Call the fire service on the phone "101".

You will try to repay the fire in the tank.

Call adults.

Situation 3. You saw an unfamiliar plant with appetizing fruits. It seems to you that you have ever ate like berries. Your actions?

Try 1 - 2 berries, checking if you like this taste.

Show caution and pass by.

We collect a handful of berries to show adults.

Situation 4. Your best friend suggested that you try to smoke a cigarette. Your actions?

Explain to him that smoking is dangerous to health and refuse.

Try not to offend a friend.


Situation 5. Your friend near your house hurt his foot (did not deep down) and decided to give myself the first help, putting a plantain to the wound or sprinkle with sand (land). What are your actions?

.I am pleased to help him in this

.I will say that it is impossible to sprinkle the wound nor the earth, nor sand, and offer it your pure handkerchka (paper napkin).

Appendix 4.

Extracurricular event

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Purpose: To form in children the installation on a healthy lifestyle. Promoting the formation of a responsible and careful attitude towards their health. Visit practical skills


) Presentation:

) Sheets of paper, markers

) Exhibition of Posters "Healthy Lifestyle"

) Items: Outlet, brush, mirror, soap, handkerchief, drawing, depicting shower, shampoo, cream, toothpaste.

) Model watch

) Cards with tasks

) Chamomile with tasks

) Basket with harmful food.

Music design:

1."Music purelty"

2."We are small children"


."Tired toys are sleeping".

. "Stay"

."Chamomile hid"

."Song Winnie Pooh"


Master teacher

Children's Girl

Girl dirtwork


Winnie the Pooh.

The class is divided into 4 groups (5 stages), to cook homework to the game: class business card, emblems

Introduction, the teacher and the girl leading Curellka overlook the music of Curelli.

Teacher: The most complicated and amazing of everything that is on earth is a person! A person is part of nature, he breathes, feeds, growing, develops.

Celebrate: But in order to be healthy, strong need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Teacher: Today, we gathered with you to shout on the whole Universe: "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Curellka: But first let's get acquainted with our teams.

Business card commands. Presentation of the jury.

stage: Warming up "Who is faster"

The result of the effect of frost on the human body (frostbite)

Who can infect a person with rabies? (Animals: Dogs, Cats, Foxes and others)

What should be in a home first aid kit? (iodine, bandage, green, ammonia, activated carbon, aspirin, etc.)

For each correct answer-1 point.

Music sounds, a dirtwork girl appears.

Celers: (referring to the dirtwork)

Oh, you, Girl Chumazay, -

Where do you smear the handles? -

Black palms

On the elbows track!


I lay on the sun,

Hands upwards

Here they are tanned.


Oh you, Girl Chumazay,

Where are your face so smeared?

The tip of the nose is black,

As if wrapped.


I lay on the sun,

The spout to the top kept,

So he tanned!

Celers: Where do you live, so Chumazay?

Dirty: how? In the city is dirty. There are all such. In the morning, do not wash, do not clean your teeth, do not cut your nails, do not care for hair and do not know how much more.

Teacher: You will have to teach you everything. And our captains will help us.

Competition of captains. On the table are subject to rations. The captain must take a guess to the question. Who is faster. (There are extra objects)

I go, fermenting not in the forests,

And on the mustache, by hair.

And my teeth are longer,

Than that of wolves and bears. (Hairbrush)


Like hedgehog in appearance

But does not ask for food.

On clothes run-

She will be cleaner. (Brush)

I, silently, look at all,

And they look at me.

Merry see laughter,

With sad cry I am.

Deep like river

I am at home on your wall.

Sees old man old man

Baby baby in me. (Mirror)


Eludes how living

But I will not let him down.

White foam foams,

Hands wash not lazy. (Soap)

Volosisto head

In her mouth she clings to deftly

And considers teeth to us

In the morning and evenings



Loe in pocket and guard

Roar, plaks and dirty.

They are the morning streams of tears,

I will not forget about the nose. (Nose handkerchief)

Here is a funny case!

Settled in the bathroom cloud.

Rain pouring from the ceiling

Me on my back and sides.

How nice is it!

Rain warm, heated,

It is not visible on the floor.

All the guys love .... (shower)


Says the track

Two embroidered end:

Will you get a little bit

Ink Smeat from face!

Other than half a day

Step me. (Towel)

Dirty: Thank you for the advice, I will be friends with all these items and will be the same as Curellka. (goes out)

stage. "The sweetest"

Teacher: (Riddle)

We will not weigh the scales, you will not sell in the bazaar, but it is not on the light of the Mile (Sleep).

The music "sleep tired toys" sounds, a dream boy appears.

Sleep: Since ancient times, people have thought about the question, what is a dream? But, as nor enough, even at present, scientists cannot give accurately determining sleep. But each of you knows: if you do not sleep, then you are scattered in the lesson and you think much worse.

Teacher: You will have to draw up the rules of healthy sleep.

(Commands perform a task) Check the task with an explanation. The present answers appear on the presentation slides.

1.Be sure to go to bed and get up at the same time. Children should sleep at least 9 hours.

2.Before bedtime, wash, clean your teeth, wash my legs.

.Cannot look terrible films.

Not to night

.Need to sleep in complete darkness

.Need to sleep in a well-wedrid room

.Need to sleep on a flat bed

.Sleep better on the back or on the right side

.Do not apply a sleeping pills.

stage: "Sport, Sport, Sport!" Music design Song "Stay"

On the slide of the word "body without movement, like standing water, which flies, moldsheet and rot"

Gymnast: Folk wisdom says: "Health lost, everything lost" Movement for a child is not only a vital necessity, this is life itself.

Celebrate: And the task is. You have to collect folk proverbs and sayings dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

a person from the team collects cut proverbs.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Smoke - to harm health.

Health is only more expensive

Take care of the dress dream, and health resor

You will be healthy - you will add everything.

Setting team members:

Teacher: What types of sports do you know? (Pupil Answers)

Gymnast: Listen to the riddles.

I do not understand the guys who you are?

Beekeepers? Fishermen?

What a nemid in the yard?

You would not interfere in the game!

You would have moved better,

We play ... (Volleyball)


Kings, kings

War down again!

Just started the war

They immediately eaten along the elephant. (Chess)

On ice I drawn eight

Put the coach me a five. (Figure skating)


In the sky, the swallow is striking.

Fish in the lake divers. (Diving)

stage: "Delicious menu"

Musical accompaniment of the song Winnie the Pooh. It turns out, Winnie the Pooh, in his hands he has a basket with a meal (chips, and other harmful products)

Celebrate: Winnie the down, than you eat, it's all harmful!

Winnie the Pooh: But it is very tasty and cook is not necessary, and I have a birthday today.

Celebrate: Look, what is my beautiful chamomile. She is not simple. On each petal it is written the name of plants, fruits and vegetables from them you can make a wonderful festive menu for your birthday.

The names are written on the petals, team members take off their 6 petals and make up a festive menu.

Names: Potatoes, Potatoes, Burning, Beans, Mustache, Nuts, Chanterelles, Sorry, Nuts, Cabbage, Chestnut, Chamomile, Bananas, Strawberry, Cucumbers St. Johnsic, Melon, Tomatoes, Wolf Berry, Grapes, Watermelon, Pear, Orange, Salad,

Winnie the Pooh: Thank you guys. I will now eat only healthy food.

Appendix 5.

"Healthy - everything is great!"

1.Learn to be a healthy soul and body;

2.To form in children the position of the recognition of the value of health, sense of responsibility for the preservation and strengthening of their health;

.Expand knowledge and skills on hygienic culture.

Event flow

Welcome to all who found time

And came to school for the health of health!

We are growing here, we tear here.

And gain, naturally weight!

We are always healthy, with charging friend,

We are sporting with physical education as the air is needed,

And with them order, comfort, purity,

Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!

Health is saved from the small years. |

It will save us from pain and troubles. Representation of teams

(Teams in turn show their emblems and say motto)


We cleaned better (cleaner) all

Today success will come to us.


Vitamins absorb

Help health.


We are shooting not kids

Do not play toys

We love sports and we are strong

And you will not lose!

Host: Health is the main value in the life of a person. You can not buy it for any money. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to give your strength to the creation. And to overcome the vital tasks, you will not be able to fully realize in the modern world.

What does it mean to be healthy? How do you understand that?

A healthy person is (children's responses) strong, healthy, hardy, deft, slim IT.D.

A healthy person is a state of full spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or damage .. Competition Useful habit.

Before each command is a chamomile on each petal, you need to write useful tips for other teams that help strengthen and maintain health.

Host: All of these tips will help you the formation of one, the most necessary and necessary human habit - to maintain your health.

The habit is behavior, an image of action that have become ordinary, permanent.

What prevents being healthy? (bad habits, ecology)

What habits do we call harmful? (who are harmful to our health)

Host: There are such children in the world who do the opposite. When they say: Warring! - They are not wash. When they say: Do not climb on a tree! - They climb. For such children, the writer Grigory Oster, invented specially Harmful tips.

And who is disgusting

That way and does not look.

We are not climbing to him

Let him not stick.

Council Team Chorel :

Finger picking in the nose -

It is very bad.

You can fall out a suit,

Yes, and unculturally.

Host: You need to use a nose handkerchief. Acquire yourself to abide by hygiene.

Hygiene is very strict

It is always necessary to observe.

Under the nails of dirt a lot

Although she is not unclear.

Dirt microbes scares

Oh, cunning them!

After all, they are ill

People in a matter of days.

If your hands are watered with soap,

That microbes quickly

Hide under the nails strength

And look from under the nails.

And come in the world

As if grew up in the forest.

Neonic children:

Dirty nails gnaw.

Do not do nails, children

Do not pull your fingers in your mouth.

This rule, believe me

Just benefit you.

Host: No wonder there is such a proverb: Sing the habit - you will get a character, lay in nature - get enough fate.

If you are attentive to your health, then very quickly get rid of such non-ultimate habits.

They are also habits that bring harm and are mortally dangerous to health.

These are smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Smoking is a bad habit, disgusting for the gaze. Frustic for smell, harmful to the brain and is dangerous for the lungs. The human body when smoking is poisoned gradually. Scientists have proven that tobacco contains about 400 harmful substances, and nicotine is the most harmful of them.

Nicotine is a poison that is contained in tobacco and is addictive. It has a poison action. Amazes nervous system. A person becomes excited or inhibited. Affects the work of the heart. It easily penetrates blood, accumulates in the internal organs and gradually destroys them. From smoking yellow teeth, there is a bad smell in the mouth, the work of the heart makes it difficult, the growth slows down, the skin becomes yellow, under the eyes of black circles, wrinkles appear early. The guys who smoke are quickly tired, they have a weak memory, poor attention. The smokers are waiting for diseases of the respiratory organs: asthma, tuberculosis.

Alcohol - poison. He causes the disease of the stomach and other organs. Penetrating the body, alcohol leads pest activities . When he penetrates into the nervous system, he slows down the reaction, manages our behavior, mood. The use of small doses of alcohol worsens the memory, children cannot learn even small poems, tell you read.

Alcohol affects not only the nervous system, but also the heart. The heart needs a constant influx of nutrients and oxygen, and alcohol prevents him, so the heart can stop, and death comes.

Another important body whose work is hampered by alcohol, are lungs. They work all their life without stopping. Alcohol damages lung tissue, making it vulnerable to microbes that cause pulmonary diseases.

Alcohol is harmful to blood. Blood contains red blood balls and calves that fight and destroy microbes. Alcohol kill them and violates the work of the whole organism.

Drugs are chemicals that change human consciousness (feelings, feeling, thoughts, mood and behavior) cause mental and physiological dependence.

Drug addiction is a deadly disease in which chronic attraction to drugs is so strong that it is impossible to stop without treatment.

The body is so much accustomed to drugs that each time it takes an increasing amount of narcotic substance. In response to the cessation of drug reception, drug addicts manifests itself: cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, feverish chills, reinforced sweating.

Each of us is getting a wonderful gift-health. For this, the habit of maintaining health is the key to normal life for a person. And this habit will be formed only when the person himself is constantly and regularly engaged in what he benefits him. . Health Competition

It is necessary for each letter of this word to come up and write down the words that are related to health, a healthy lifestyle. For each correctly chosen word

S - health, charging, hardening,

D - diet, soul,.

R - Mode, Comb, Racket

In water, vitamins, doctor

Attention is checked in this game. Listen to the questions that leads the lead. If the answer is negative, then everyone is silent, and if the positive is responded by choir phrase: This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Who is Vatago Merry

Goes to school every day?

Knows who is red

Means: no stroke.

Which of you from kids,

Walks dirty to ears?

Who loves mom help

In the house garbage scatter?

Who takes clothes,

Under the bed it puts it?

Who lies early sleep

In dirty shoes on the bed?

Which of you does not go gloomy,

Loves sports and physical education?

Who, of you going home,

The ball chased on the pavement?

Who loves to answer in the classroom,

Applause to receive?. Concurs of health friends

Guess the riddle, about what is friends of health. The teams are made by riddles. If none of the team guess, then the queue passes the next team.

Two sisters in the summer of green,

By autumn one blushes,

Other blacks (currants)

Caroten he is rich

And useful for guys.

We are not dragging from the ground again

For the green tail (carrots)

Round, ruddy,

I'm a rastic on the branch.

Love me adults

I am small kids (apple).

Throw in the river - not sinking,

Beating about the wall - not moaning,

Will you wim, throw,

Will up to fly (ball)

Riding horses in the snow jump,

In the snow do not fall (skis)

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs 2 wheels.

Sit down and rush on it

Only better right steering wheel (bike).

Bone back, tough bristle

With mint paste friends

We diligently serves (toothbrush)

Rubber acupun - went, walk on the back,

It is going to wash the back to Krasnaya (urine).

Lay in pocket and guard - roar, plaks and dirty,

They will wise threads tears, will not forget about the nose .. Competition Healthy healthy

American scientists found out that when a person laughs, almost three times more air flows into his lungs. In addition, laughter trains voice ligaments perfectly. So laugh on health!

Whose team will be graceful to laugh at and won the competition!. Competition Power of Spirit

commands must quickly inflate balloons (1 person - 1 ball) .. Blittechnir for captains

Leading: You can't buy health - His mind gives - Under such a motto we spend a blitturer. For the fast and correct answer, the captain brings his team to his team.

In the spring grows, in summer blooms

In the fall crept

And the flower is not a naked,

Heals from influenza, cough and wheezing. (Linden)

It grows around

She and the enemy and friend.

Like needles - hairs

Covered all sheets.

Slomony at least hairs

And droplet caustic juice

On the skin - at least anior!

Oh, oh, oh - blister!

But if you are friends with her -

You are many healthy;

In it vitamins - treasure

In the spring it is eaten. (Nettle)

There is a root of curve and horned,

Hebly power is rich,

And maybe two centuries - he is waiting for a person

In the Forest Cell under Cedar Pine (Ginseng)

Why am I from the road

Not far away?

If you hit your feet

I will help them.

I will attach palm to the wound,

The pain subsides, and again

I will leg on the road

Standing with the sun step (plantain). Summarizing.

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Values \u200b\u200bThese are objects of phenomenon, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody public ideals and act as a standard due.

Values \u200b\u200bcan be considered as a factor that provides a greater likelihood of a certain type of behavior in conditions of competing external influences. The development of values \u200b\u200bis carried out through their assimilation in social groups and transformations from public to personal. Interiorization and social use to the formation of personal values \u200b\u200bare two sides of the same process. It is important to take into account the ratio between the needs of the individual and the values \u200b\u200bof society.

The system of personal values \u200b\u200bis developing in the process of activity distribution by individuals of the content of social values, for personal values \u200b\u200bis characterized by high awareness, they are reflected in the consciousness in the form of value orientations.

Value orientations are installations, ideological, political, moral, aesthetic and other grounds for assessments by the subject of surrounding and orientation in it.

The concept of "value orientation" first appeared in the works of the Olgian, where he considers them as the goals of the desire, vital ideals, represents them in the form of a system of certain norms adopted in the group consciousness.

B.G. Ananyev considers values \u200b\u200band value orientations as basal, primary property properties that determine the motives of behavior and forming inclinations and character.

Fainburg said that the value orientations are complex formation that absorb various faces and forms of public and individual in personality, determines the forms of interaction between the internal and external, specific forms of the personality of the world of the past of the present and the future, as well as the essence of their I. Value orientations are based on the needs of the interests, norms caused by both biological nature and historical conditions in which a person is supplied.

Value orientations, as well as any psychological system, can be represented as a multidimensional dynamic space, each measurement of which corresponds to a certain type of social relations and has various weights. The most important characteristic of the value system is multi-levelness, manifested in its hierarchical structure. In order to build the theoretical model of the value structure, hierarchy levels are allocated and the grounds are determined to detect each of them. So N.A. Berdyaev at the top level has three types of values: spiritual, social, material, all others he considers as a special case as a specific manifestation of one of these three. According to M. Rokich, there are two levels of hierarchies: value values, or the final goals of existence, and value-means, or personality behavior.

Also a very important point in the formation of value orientations is a lifestyle, the system of values \u200b\u200breflects existing goals, ideals, ideas of their era.

Value orientations are formed with the assimilation of social experience and are found in order to believe, the interests of man, the needs and installations.

The needs are the state of the individual created by the need for them in the objects necessary for its existence and development and protruding the source of its activity. Human nature is a continuous satisfaction of needs. The perception of the world in humans occurs depending on the needs and desires that exist at the moment. According to Solmin I.L. Everything is somehow connected with the needs, whether we choose the occupation, a circle of communication, or a spouse, work, everything is determined ultimately with motives.

According to P.V. Simonov in the hierarchy of the basic needs of the individual is always dominant, which is the core of the person, that is, the most significant personal line of man, value through needs. The needs of a person are not reduced to alone organic needs, he has a whole hierarchy of various needs, interests, installations.

Installations are readiness, the predisposition of the subject, which occurs when the anticipation of their manifestation of a certain object and ensures a steady, targeted nature of the activity relative to a specific object.

Moting and guiding power of behavior are motives and installations. They are determined by the needs and value orientations. The latter serve as a base for forming installations. The highest level of the dispositional regulation of human behavior forms a system of value orientations, means of achieving these goals (V.A. poison).

In Liteinrarat 3 options for understanding the nature of values:

1) Bojovich L.I., Ruchko N.A. - value is in one row with such concepts as the opinions of submission, beliefs, such an understanding of values \u200b\u200bdoes not have an independent prominent force;

2) V.A. Poons, M. Morris - Values \u200b\u200bare considered as a kind or similarity of social attitudes in which the understanding of values \u200b\u200bbelongs to the direction of functions that belong to the effective value regulation

3) rapprochement of the concept of value and motive, needs and emphasizes their real prompting force - Dodon B.I., Zhukov Yu.M., Maslow A., Vasilyuk F.E.

Some values, according to A. Oil, are common to all, but there are also specific values. Communication needs (values) is strong, each has its own place.

The lack of a formed system of personal values \u200b\u200bgenerates a feeling of internal emptiness, human orientation in the external evaluation criteria, for non-critical adoption of group norms.

The indigenous breakdown of society that occurred in the last decade could not not affect the psychological state of people. Much has been reassessing, and to adapt to new life realities a huge number of people had to reconsider their former valuables.

Allocate the following levels of values:

1) the most generalized, abstract;

2) values \u200b\u200bfixing in vitality and manifest as personal properties;

3) the most characteristic ways of personality behavior as means of implementing and consolidating property values.

E.B. Pantalova offers the following main values \u200b\u200bof man:

active, active life;


interesting job;

beauty of nature and art;

materially secured life;

availability of good and faithful friends;

self confidence;


happy family life;


· Availability of friends;

· creation;

· Professional growth;

· Participation in public life;

· Satisfaction with itself;

· Skill to control yourself;

· Respect;

· Reliability against threats;

· Security;

· personal life;

· Pure conscience;

· Interesting free time;

· Health.

One of the most important concepts is the "attitude to health" - it is a system of individual electoral relations with various phenomena of the surrounding reality, contributing or vice versa with threatening health of people, as well as a certain assessment of the individual of its physical and mental state. Health problem has a socio-psychological moral aspect.

Health often acts as a means for other purposes - to work, relax.

Obviously, the need for health and health experience as life value largely determine the subjective health assessment. It is important to know what place is health in the structure of life values. This aspect of health psychology rarely acts as a subject of research (L.V. Kulikov) needs accurate data for psychology of health. Such data will help to clarify the subjective picture of the health and well-being of the individual, the place of this value in her mind and will help you understand how the poor is influenced by the emergence of emotional discomfort. Health values \u200b\u200bcan be by expression L.S. Dragoon knowledgeable values, but not necessarily recognized or accepted.

The stages of the development of the child and the formation of the main processes of forming care for their health and developing a corresponding attitude towards health, as a value and as a condition for his personal growth, are very important.

V.P. Petlenko highlights health relations levels:

1) Health as a value perceived by a person's emotionally - this level of personal health concept is characterized by the lack of pronounced health promotions, health value is preserved as a fact of consciousness - indifferent type of people;

2) Personality perceives the need for health, but does not realize its social significance, it may be arisen for health promotion, but it is very unstable, when the circumstances change is not implemented - it is characteristic of a spontaneously active type of people;

3) the value of health is perceived by the personality, as a socially significant need for health promotion, require new knowledge, but more often the value orientations remain at the verbal level - passive type;

4) Health as value perceived at the level of beliefs, the need for health promotion forms a sustainable social plant, human behavior fully corresponds to value orientations, it consciously manifests itself in healthy activity - characteristic of an active-acting type.

A.M. Ivanyushkin proposes to highlight three levels of health:

1) biological - harmony of physiological processes;

2) social health as a personality activity, an active attitude of an individual to the world

3) psychological - health is not as no disease, but as a denial of it in the sense of overcoming, health as a human life strategy.

An important factor in awareness of the value of health is a positive and emotional desire for actions to strengthen and improve.

The main thing is, to appreciate health and believe in what is healthy, because the faith itself is half the case.

Thus, it is impossible to disagree with the words N.V. Pancratyev that a person is the Creator himself of the whole complex of material and spiritual values, and he determines that it is more important for him, because the values \u200b\u200bthat he does not take it is very significant. And, as A. Maslow said, the specific and complete perception of the object implies that the object is perceived with love, so to realize that health is great value and refers to it with love and, accordingly, this is a great deal. And, as you know, the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bat various age will be different, and the same values \u200b\u200bwill be perceived differently.

Olga Guseva
Formation of preschool children to health

Interest in health children are due to an increasing trend

to the growth of morbidity, decrease in the functional abilities of children

and the pace of their physical and mental development.

Childhood is a key period of life when everything is formed

morphological and functional structures defining

potential opportunities for an adult. Therefore, at the stage

preschool agewhen the lifestyle of children is still

not enough durable and nervous system is characterized by special plasticity, it is necessary to form health motivation and the organization of their life

interests on healthy lifestyle.

The child cannot develop, not knowing the goals and meaning of its existence, without having an idea of \u200b\u200bitself and its capabilities. Understanding yourself, your life needs are necessary to understand "feel" other people. therefore formation In children responsibility for individual health - This is a pedagogical problem.

Many scientists in the main factor in strengthening and maintaining health consider systematic motor activity, forming in the process of physical education. It is physical education in preschool educational institutions are designed shape The child is correct and conscious attitude towards yourself and your health.

It should be borne in mind that preschool Aged biological need in motion is leading and has a mobilizing effect on the intellectual and emotional development of the child, its habits and behavior. This need is manifested in unity with the need to enjoy, enjoying participation in motor activity, empathize in the process of interaction, communication and self-affirmation. For the interest of children to physical education the skills and skills of healthy livelihoods are formed., Motivation on health. This principle is based on the technology of targeted formation of the value relationship of children of preschool age to health and healthy lifestyle.

According to the leading specialists, it is the elder preschool Age is the most optimal for the conscious comprehension of the surrounding world, for development, both intellectual abilities and practical skills and skills. However, it should be especially emphasize: formation in preschoolers of knowledge, skills and skills should be included in affordable and interesting activities. Only then the program developed by adults will become for the child "His own".

Value attitude It is manifested in assessing the importance, the importance of a certain type of activity not only at the level of consciousness, but also in real actions and actions, namely, personal manifestations of children focused on mastering knowledge and skills of preserving their own health.

4 levels of solving tasks of targeted admission of children to

First level - informationdefining formed Knowledge in the field of culture health and physical culture, which manifests itself in the relevant statements and judgments.

The second level is personal, indicative of formed Emotionally positive relations child to the content of classes (emotional-motivational level value relationship). Its indicators are interest, the need, positive emotions when performing tasks.

The third level is an activity, which characterizes the active inclusion of the child in the organization of the call.

An important indicator forgetting value relationship acts actual behavior of the child in the form of certain forms of activity, feelings, experiences, positive reactions, etc. All 3 levels are manifested in unity at each lesson and create space to realize the possibility of children enriched by the developing objective-spatial educational environment. However, its effectiveness for each child is different, and the results are achieved in different times.

Structural process forming a value attitude towards health and healthy lifestyle in classes in physical culture can be submitted as follows way:

1. Creating a problem with the participation of familiar kids character.

2. Formation of knowledge of health value and how to strengthen it.

3. Mastering, consolidation and improvement of practical actions on the organization healthy lifestyle.

Classes must comply with seasonal climatic features and related issues in a state. health. For example, in autumn on the topic "Autumn troubles" It is advisable to give advice-recommendations of a preventive nature that allow you to preserve health In terms of drops temperature: Wearing multi-layered clothes, if warmed, remove the upper clothes; During the wind, it's already early fall in a light hat, so as not to pose into the ears; Rain went to protect against dampness with rubber boots, raincoat and umbrella. Colds can be avoided if inhaling the smell of garlic, perform point massage, etc.

Physical wellness classesUnited by one plot can be carried out within two weeks. Acquaintance with the topic is carried out in form setting the problem, searching and analyzing alleged actions by decision, mastering knowledge and practical skills to provide specific assistance to the victim, fixing and improving the material studied.

Scenery complexes are aimed at the phased formation of ideas about healthy The lifestyle and development of motor qualities.

Scene classes make it possible to use exercises of various focus, allowing the versatile impact on the body and at the same time decide wellness, educational and educational tasks.

In the process the formation of the value relationship of children to health and healthy The lifestyle is recommended to use the complex both traditional and specific physical culture tools. To traditional means believe exercisesthat constitute the basic content of the program in physical culture. These are gymnastic, acrobatic and athletics exercises, effectively decisive tasks of the full development of the child, an increase in the level of physical fitness, the correction of psychomotor development. Elements of sports are also actively used. activities: Tennis, Football, Basketball, Badminton, etc. It includes rhythmic exercises.

Traditional funds of physical culture are improving physical qualities, form Motor skills and skills strengthen healthbut they do not fully form value attitude towards health and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, taking into account the anatomo-physiological and psychological characteristics of children preschool The age of children use special games and exercises - Specific funds. These include the games used for formation of ideas about health, organism functions, as well as practical actions on the organization healthy vital activity --stafta and special game assignments, such as, for example, "Collect a man".

Travel games include all kinds of motor activity. Each game has a goal, the plot and the result. For example, when studying the topic "Autumn joy" Children go B. "journey" In the autumn forest. The sun shines (the usual walking with closed umbrellas, rain began (running with open umbrellas, jump over the puddles (jumping with open umbrellas, the wind blows in the face (walking back forward).

Gaming self-massage - the basis of hardening and healing. Such exercises contribute formation they have a conscious desire to be healthy.

Iropelasty is based on a non-traditional methodology for the development of muscle strength and flexibility, including elements of yoga therapy and stretching exercises.

Fingering gymnastics - which serves as the basis for the development of manual swelling, shallow motility and coordination of movements of hands, has a positive effect on memory, thinking, fantasy.

Creative gymnastics includes non-standard exercises, special tasks, creative games aimed at developing fiction, cognitive activity, thinking, free self-expression.

All physical education tools used in classes are subordinated to a specific plot. For example, in class "We treat the breathing system" The exercises of respiratory gymnastics are used ( "Sail"generalizing exercises ( "Fish", "The little Mermaid", outdoor games ( "Seine", "Water", dance ( "Cracks", Circular training ( "Sailors on the ship in the storm") etc. The use of imitation and imitation, shaped comparisons, corresponds to psychological features preschool children, facilitates the memorization process, increases the emotional background of classes, contributes to the development of creativity, cognitive activity.

Thus, the basis of the methodology for conducting formation of value attitude to health is playing activities. All exercises combined with one game plot.

It is known that in connection with its physiological features, children are quickly tired and cannot long focus on movements, so it is recommended to use exercises with various objects and a different pace of execution.

After consolidating the topic, it is proposed to meet with a fabulous character, in the process of which the exercises, dances, games and relay are used in class exercises, dances, games and relay. Preparing for the meeting is a good incentive for children to carefully check your skills and knowledge.

At the end of the session, children are given homework - to hold such moments when it was especially fun; Think about how mom and dad can be the same mood.

When conducting classes, it is necessary to use a positive assessment, praise, promotion.

In the process of communicating the teacher with children, not only the transfer of knowledge, skills, but also external expression, which paints, enriches classes, acts as an important condition determining the type of emotional regulation of the collective of children. The so-called emotional infection effect can be considered the most essential.

The teacher must constantly monitor all the children to be involved in work, not tired and not distracted. Therefore, each occupation should include procedures that promote self-regulation: muscle relaxation exercises, respiratory and mimic gymnastics, alternating or simultaneous performing movements with different hands under any text; Reading flows with alternating movements, tempo and speech volume.

Great importance on integrated physical culture activities has visibility - pictures corresponding to the plot of classes that contribute to the development of figurative perception, creative thinking. Sports inventory must correspond to the age and growth of the child.

An important role in organizing classes is the person pedagogue: It should be sincere, emotionally open, artistic, capable of improvisation, own self-regulation and relaxation skills, perfectly perform exercises offered to children, exercise a creative approach to children. Emotional attitude to the classroom depends on the teacher to a large extent, the effectiveness of the exercises performed.

An important role in solving the tasks plays a family that together with preschool The educational institution is the main social structure that ensures and strengthen children's healthbringing them to values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle. It is known that no, even the best program and the technique can not guarantee full-fledged resultif its tasks are not solved together with the family, if preschool An educational institution was not created a children-adult community (teachers' children who are characterized by the assistance of each other, accounting for the possibilities and interests of everyone, his rights and obligations.

And in conclusion I want to say that concern for child Health, formation of his habits of healthy Lifestyle should be carried out systematically and consistently. The positive result of this work may be achieved only with the close interaction of all participants in the educational process.