Resistant power of passion. Love is stronger than death (according to the story of A. I. Kurin "Pomegranate bracelet")

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Saving power of feelings

- Can I help you with something? - Alexos Hionakis, politely asked, when on Monday morning he entered his office and saw a unfamiliar woman there, who was torn with his coffee machine.

Over the past month, he changed four personal assistant, because none of them managed to bring order in its extremely intense work schedule. But today from the holidays should have retained his superpost personal assistant, and he looked forward to that moment when his life would go back to the usual bed. The mood of Alekos spoiled with the thought that Sarah for some reason could stay with access to work and he will have to spend another day in the company of a temporary secretary.

He looked at the stranger with a rapid look, lingering on her hair, freely dropped her on her shoulders and entered the many shades, ranging from caramel and ending with Latte. A seductive figure of a woman was packed in a pink blouse of muted tones and a cream-like-label-pencil skirt slightly above the knee.

Alekos with approval looked at her long legs, whose beauty emphasized high-heeled shoes and with open weekee, in which her fingers were visible. He noticed that the lacquer was playfully pink, which was more suitable for the beach than for the prestigious office of Hionakis Corporation, which was located on Piccadilly Street.

- Good morning, Alekos.

- Sarah? - shocked Alekos.

But when a woman turned, he realized that there could be no mistakes. Despite the fact that she stood a little bit, Alekos immediately recognized these incredibly green eyes. They were the only deserving feature of his personal assistant. More precisely, it was before, when Sarah acted to work in dark blue skirts with jackets, which it supplemented with white blouses, fastened to all buttonholes, or black turtlenecks.

Before Sarah suddenly decided to take a monthly vacation to relax in Spain, Alekos would describe the appearance of his assistant as well-kept, practical and frankly boring. Alekos, of course, did not want to let her go, but she stated that she did not take a vacation since then began to work in his company, except for one day off when she went to the funeral of the mother. Sarah then looked pale than usual, and even though Alekos did not differ much sensitivity, he could not not recognize that the concern for the incurable sick mother could exhaus its strength, so he reluctantly agreed and let her go for a whole month.

Alekos knew that Sarah loves history, so I thought she would choose a tour of the historical places in Spain. There will definitely be full of retirees, and his assistant will be made to some old Virgin or widow, which travels alone and which will be grateful to Sarah for the kindness inherent to it.

He was very surprised when Sarah stated that he was going to the MSO tour, which meant rest for young, free and lonely. Alekos suggested that this tour operator specializes in recreation organization for people twenty with a small years who want to spend each evening in clubs or having fun on the beach. The newspapers often appeared snapshots with orgies that were satisfied with the British in Benidorm. When Alekos noticed that her tour is better to name DDS - available for sex, Sarah walked and, to his great amazement, said that it was not against how to tear off.

Alekos looked at her hair again. Sarah always collected them into a neat beam with a whole arsenal of metal spills.

"You changed the hairstyle," he threw. - I tried to understand why you look different.

- Yes, I tried. The hair was so long, almost to the belt, and I'm tired of going to death every time to collect them in a bundle. "She ran her hand on silky strands, which in the stream of sunlight, pouring through the windows, slate, like gold, and Alekos suddenly felt some inner excitement. - And I also changed glasses on contact lenses. Although, to be honest, I have not gotten accustomed to them. Sometimes my eyes are watched.

Alekos sighed out relief because she slapped with her eyelashes not because he tried to seduce him, but because her contact lenses were disagreering. Yes, without his glasses in a thick frame, Sarah looked different. They immediately became more noticeable by her cheekbones, and her face was much more attractive.

He became interested, whether she did something like a plastic surgery for their lips. Alekos would probably remember such chubby sponges. God is right, her lower lip was so seductive that he suddenly wanted to kiss her. Alekos discarded this ridiculous idea and reminded himself that he had his gray mouse in front of him. That was exactly the Sarah, one of the legion of the long-legged blond mistresses Alekosa.

This nickname approached the intrinsic appearance of Sarah, but not her sense of humor, acute um and no less acute tongue. Alekos respected his personal assistant, because Sarah Lavjoy was the only woman who was not afraid to express his opinion, even if it was distinguished from his own.

- I'll take coffee on your table? "Without waiting for an answer, Sarah crossed the room and put a cup on the table."

Alekos, with a fading of a heart, looked like when walking it was seductive, her thighs were swayed, and when she slightly leaned over the table, the skirt facilitated her buttocks.

He loudly hung over and, squeezing the handle of the portfolio, hose to them so that Sarah did not notice that he was excited. Why, damn it, is going on with him? For the first time in this month, Alekos woke up in a wonderful mood, knowing that today his superpowable assistant will return to work and they will begin to rake the cases that have accumulated during her absence.

But the thoughts about the work immediately disappeared, cost Sarah to turn to him, and he noticed how the pink silk blouse gently emphasizes her elastic chest. Two top buttons were unbuttoned enough to see the fever, but more than enough for Alekos with a feverishly beating pulse to pretend how this blouse and a lace bra takes through this thin cloth.

Alekos hardly torn his eyes from Sarah's chest and looked at her surprisingly thin waist. He again hesitated.

"You ... uh ..." It seems you lost a little bit.

- Actually, two kilograms. Probably due to the active lifestyle that I was on vacation.

I wonder what exactly she did in this tour for young, free and lonely? Alekos did not differ in a rich imagination, but immediately presented how his personal assistant abandoned all his excursions and enjoyed life in the society of some Spanish lovela.

- Oh yes, your vacation. Hope you rested?

She was pretty smiled, why became a cat like a cat who had a whole bowl of sour cream.

"I'm glad for you," Alekos said stretched. - But now you have returned to work, and it is not clear to me why you came in clothes, more suitable for the beach than for the office.

When he spoke with such an ice, disapproving tone, surrounding immediately took him to attention and responded to respectfully, as he demanded. But Sarah simply shrugged and spent his hands on the skirt.

- Well, on the beach I wore a lot less clothes. On the French Riviera for women is quite acceptable to sunbathe topless.

Is Sarah walked without a bra? Alekos tried not to submit his personal assistant to the universal viscement of the breast.

- But it seemed to me, did you go to Spain?

- I change my mind at the last minute.

While Alekos digested the fact that he was extremely organized by an organized assistant to change the last minute and go to a completely different place than it was conceived, she slowly approached him. Why did he never noticing before, how do you flash, like emeralds, her eyes when she smiles? Alekos was angry with himself for such poetic nonsense, but could not take a look from her.

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on literature

On the topic: "The theme of love in the novel" Tih iy D. is he" ยป

Prepared: Tatiana Usova

group student: 19fm5 (2)

Lecturer: Stetsenko L.A.




Roman M.A. Sholokhov "Silent Don" - This is primarily a historic work, reflecting the characteristics and features of the era of the First World and Civil Wars. This is one of the most difficult periods in the history of our country, fundamentally changed the fate of people who lived then. He was reflected in the works of many writers of the XX century, Roman M.A. Sholokhov - One of the most outstanding and outstanding among them. In Him, the writer reflects not only the political views of the Cossacks, their perception of historical events, but pays a lot of attention and their everyday life, life, traditions, relationships and, of course, their soul, feelings, affecting those philosophical issues that have always worried and worry humanity .

In the novels, M. Sholokhov love rapidly, passionately, tragically. Love drama Natalia, the tragic story of love Grigory and Aksigni, Lyubov Nagulnova and Lushkin - Whenever we open up new and new facets of the human personality, its possibilities.

Each of women - Heroine Roman "Silent Don" - - painful but always - genuine.

The topic of love in this novel is one of the main, because love - It is a feeling that makes the feats and go for a crime, a feeling that can roll the mountains, change the course of history, feeling, giving happiness and inspiration and forcing it to suffer, feeling without which life does not make sense.

1. Saving female love for the novel M. Sholokhov "Silent Don"

"Silent Don" M. Sholokhov is a novel about the fate of the people in a turning point. Dramatic folded fates of the main persons of the novel. It is difficult for women's fates marked with a deep and bright sense of love.

The image of Mother Gregory Melekhov, Ilyinichny, personifies the difficult share of the Cossacks, its highest moral qualities. Life with her husband was for her lamb. Sometimes, out, he beat it hard. Ilyinichna raised early, he was sick, but until the last day remained a caring and energetic mistress.

Ilyinichna M. Sholokhov calls "courageous and proud" old woman. She is inherent wisdom and justice. Ilinichna - The keeper of the family mistake. She comforts her children when they are bad, but she is severely judging them when they make unrighteous actions. She is trying to dissuade the Grigory from excessive cruelty: "You're a god something ... God, son, do not forget ...". All her thoughts are connected with the fate of children, especially the younger - Gregory. But she loves not only children and her husband, but also native land tormented by wars and revolution.

The external and inner beauty is the image of Aksigni. She is completely absorbed in love for Gregory, in the struggle for happiness, she shows pride and courage. Early tested the entire bitterness of the honeycomb shares of a woman, Aksinya boldly and openly rises against patriarchal morality. In her passionate love for Gregory, a decisive protest against the ruined youth, against the tortures and despotism of the father and the unloved husband was expressed. Her struggle for Gregory, for happiness with him - This is the struggle for approving its human rights.

Rebel and recalcitrant, with proudly raised head, she was against prejudice, hypocrisy and falsehood, causing evils and peres. Throughout his life, Aksinya Love for Gregory carried away. The strength and depth of her feeling was put to readiness to follow the most serious tests. In the name of this feeling, she throws her husband, the farm and leaves Grigory to the letsiditsky. During the Civil War, she comes with Gregory to the front, divides with him all the adversity of hiking life. And for the last time, she leaves the farm with his hope to find his "share" in Kuban with him. All the strength of the character of Axigni was expressed in one inclusive feeling - Love to Gregory.

Loves Gregory and Natalia, a woman of high moral purity. But she is unloved, and her fate is marked by suffering. However, Natalia hopes for the best proportion. She curses Grigory, but loves him infinitely. And happiness comes, the family agrees and love. She gave birth to twins - Son and daughter. Natalia was as loving and caring mother, what was his wife. But , eventually , Natalia cannot forgive the infidelity of her husband, refuses motherhood and dies. Destroyed and offended Natalia did not want to live, because the ideal of her life - purity.

The exact opposite of it - Daria Melekhova, a broken, blessing woman, ready to "twist love" with the first counter. But now comes a decisive hour - An hour of testing, and for this street morality, something else opens for an exaggence, hidden, which promised other possibilities, another direction and development of character. Daria decided to die not to be disfigured "bad illness". In this decision human challenge and human force.

2. The heart who was able to love (the image of Aksigni in the novel M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")

In the novels, M. Sholokhov love rapidly, passionately, tragically. Natalia's love drama, the tragic story of love Grigory and Aksigni, Lyubov Nagulnova and Lushki - every time we are opening new and new facets of the human personality, its possibilities.

Special charm highlights the image of Aksigni. It is also inherent and external and internal beauty. She stubbornly fights for his happiness, early having experienced the whole bitterness of the female share, Aksinya boldly and openly rebel against the slave, the printed position of a woman, against patriarchal morality.

In the passionate love of Axigny to Gregory, a decisive protest against the ruined youth, against the tortures and despotism of the father and the unloved husband was expressed. Her struggle for Gregory, for happiness with him - This is the struggle for approving its human rights. The rebellious and recalcitrant, with proudly raised head, she was against prejudice, hypocrisy and falsehood, rearing his happiness with a loved one, causing evil signs and peres.

Throughout his life, Aksinya loved the love of Gregory, the strength and depth of her feeling was expressed in dedication, in willingness to follow her beloved on the most serious tests. In the name of this feeling, she throws her husband, the farm and leaves Grigory to the letsiditsky. During the Civil War, she goes for Gregory to the front, sharing with him all the adversity of hiking life. And for the last time, she leaves the farm with his hope to find his "share" in Kuban with him. All Sips of the character of Axigni expressed in one comprehensive feeling - Love to Gregory.

One of the constant definitions of the human essence of Axigny, its struggle for happiness becomes the epithet "proud" in the novel. Aksinyi "Proud" face, despising the farm gossip, she "proudly and highly carried her happy, but an immature head." After a quarrel with Melekhov, she does not greet them, "with Satanic pride, blowing the nostrils, passed by." Repeated definition of "proud" serves to allocate one of the most significant traits of Axigni. Axigna is proud not only with its bright, exciting beauty. Pride of it expresses a constant readiness to defend its human dignity, shows lifestableness, strength and nobility of character.

Grave life tests did not break Axinhu, but on the contrary, they revealed all the best in it. If at the beginning of the novel, she could under the influence of a minute mood to change Gregory with Lotatitsky, offend Natalia, screeching the proco-fieve, then in the last volume it changes, shows love and understanding towards other people. The new feeling arises from Axigny in relation to the unloved husband Stepan - She begins to understand him and regret in his own way. The attitude towards Natalia is changing: in the last conversation, when Natalia comes to find out whether Aksinha has "sealing" Gregory again, Aksinya is no longer mad at Natalia, as before, and Head, almost like Ilinichna, argues: "Do you know what? Let him no longer go through it. Will live ... come back - He himself chooses. " Aksinha loves Gregory's children with all the completeness of maternal feelings ("They themselves, Grisha, began to call me a mother, do not think that I taught them"). Not by chance Ilyinichna, so irreconcilable before the relations of Gregory with Aksigni, as Dunyashka says, "Failing to Axiny lately."

Axigny's rebellious character, her comprehensive feeling to Gregory open the reader the beauty and wealth of human experiences. Each of the characters depicted by M. Sholokhov carries the uniqueness that constitutes the variety and wealth of the human world.

Each of women - Heroine Roman "Silent Don" - Pursue his own way. This path is noted by love not always happy, more often - painful but always - genuine.

The topic of love in this novel is one of the main, because love - this feeling that makes the feats and go for a crime, feeling capable of minimizing the mountains, change the course of history, feeling, giving happiness and inspiration and makes it suffering, feeling without which life does not make sense

3. Women's love in the novel "Quiet Don"

love female don quiet

The main women's images of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Don" is Natalia Melekhova and Aksigna Astakhov. Both of them love the same Cossack, Grigory Melekhov. He is married to Natalia, but loves Axinhus, and that, in turn, married to another Cossack, Stepan Astakhov. A very traditional love triangle is formed, an important component of the scene of the novel. But it is permitted very tragically. Natalia and Aksinha dying to the final of the novel. What led two almost all of each other women to a sad outcome? In general, this question can be answered like this: love for Gregory. Natalia cannot transfer the fact that the husband continues to love Axinhus, does not want to have another child from him and makes a suicide abortion, actually looking for death, and not just trying to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. Aksinhu love to Gregory is driven with him to Kuban. And since Melekhov is hidden from the authorities, they have to run from the patrol going to meet. Potrol bullet accidentally hurt Axinho, and wounds deadly.

The end of each of the heroines is natural in its own way. Natalia - a woman nervous, reflecting. She is hardworking, beautiful, good, but unhappy. Natalia, just learning about the matchmake of Melekhov, says: "Easy to me Grishka, and I will not go anymore for anyone! .. I do not need, my friend, others ... I will not go, let's not wipe and do not wove it. And then fucking in Ust-Medreeditsky Monastery carry ... "She is a deeply believer man, God-fearing. And in order to decide first at the attempt of suicide, and then a child who was not born elsewhere, she had to cross through such Christian commandments to her. Only the strongest feeling of "love and jealousy was promoted by Natalia to such actions. It is worried about his own in himself in himself, without splashing him out. Aksinya from the very beginning" I decided to take away the Grick in a happy, neither grick, nor the joy of love not seeing Natalia Korshunova ... The only one decided to redeem: to take away the mushroom from everyone, pour love to "own them, as before," to marriage. But in the collision of two women who love the winners, as we know, will not.

When, because of the treason, Natalia is temporarily returning to the parent house, "it seemed to her that Grigory would return to her, I was waiting for my heart, without listening to the sober in the mind of the mind; I came down at night in Zhugia Tosca, destroyed, melted by an unexpected unkought. Axigna, unlike Natalia, loves Gregory not only with a heart, but also by the mind. She is ready to fight for loved by all available means. Axigna actively strives for his happiness, while doing unhappy Natalia. However, kindness is peculiar to it to no less than the opponent. After the death of Natalia, it was Axinha's death, he cares for her children, and they call her mom. NatalalyaDolodo death leans to the parents together with children to go to the parent house, allowing Gregory to be openly taken to his Kunny Axinhu. However, Mother Gregory, Ilyinichna, on the author's definition, "wise and courageous old woman," to do it categorically forbids: "I thought it so much," Ilyinichna said with a sigh. - My father was also not the latter. That I am a fuelist It took from him, and it is impossible not to say. Just get away from my native husband, and not for what. Wake up the mind - you will see it myself. And the kids from the Father pick up, how is it so? No, it's so good. And do not think about it I do not work! " Here, "Everything that has been copied so long at Natalia on the heart, suddenly broke down in a convulsive fit of the sobbers. She aparted from the head of the handkerchief, fell face on dry, nobascious" earth and, pressing her breasts, sobbed without tears. "In the frenzy Natalia sends the most terrible curses on the head of the wrong husband: "Lord, punched him damned! Satisfy him to death there! So that he no longer lived, did not torment me! .. "and encourages himself to the painful death, trying to get rid of his child. Ilyinichna gathered with the help of Panthery Prokofievich" to dissuade from the unreasonable act with the grief of sorrow ", but did not have time. Natalia Sorrow was whisching. "Aksinya is balanced by Natalia. She also bored a lot of grief, survived the death of her daughter. However, it was abstained from harsh, rapid acts. Aksini wants to make rid of Gregory, to get rid of the people, to heal a normal life. It seems to her This dream can come true after the death of Natalia. Aksinya nurses the Melekhov-sky children, and they almost recognize the mother in it. But Gregory did not happen to calmly live with her. Almost immediately after returning from the Red Army, he is forced to flee from his native farm because An arrest is fear for old sins - an active part in the Voshensky uprising. Aksinya jeeping without him, afraid of his life: "It can be seen, and her, such a strong, broke the suffering. It can be seen, Solono lived for her these months ..." Nevertheless, Axigna will readily respond to the offer of Gregory to throw a house, children (their Melekhov It is counting to pick up later) and go to Kuban to meet the unknownness: "How would you think? .. Sweet me alone? I'll go, Grizhenka, my relatives! Petit go, getting up behind you, and one no longer stay! No me without you Life is better kill, but do not throw again! .. "She, of course, does not suspect that this time they will be very long with Gregory, which is waiting for her ambulance and reliating death. Gregory is experiencing the death of both women, but is experiencing. differently. Having learned that on the fatal step, Natalia pushed a conversation with Aksinyi, who told his wife all the truth, Grigory "from the hill, aged and pale was released; silently Shevel bluish, trembling her lips, sat down to the table, caught the children for a long time, putting them on her knees .. . "He understands that he is to blame for the death of his wife:" Grigory presented how Natalia said goodbye to the children, as she kissed them and, perhaps, baptized, and again, as when he read the telegram about her death, he felt acute, knee pain In the heart, the deaf ringing in the ears as notes by the author: "Grigory suffered not only because he loved Natalia and bother with her in six years, lived together, but also because he felt guilty of her death. If Natalia had his threatened, he took the children and went to live to the mother if she had died there, fiercely in hatred for an incorrect her husband and unambiguous, Gregory would probably not have experienced the severity of loss, and probably Rassowing would not torment it so violently. But since Ilyinichna, he knew that Natalia forgave him everything she loved him and recalled him until the last minute. This increased his suffering, aggravated the conscience with an unconducting reproach, forced a new one to comprehend the past and his behavior in it ... "Grigory, who previously belonged to his wife, and even disliked, warmed up to her because of children: father's feelings awoke . He was ready for one time to live with both women, every of them loved in his own way, but after the death of his wife, for a while he felt hostility towards Axier "For the fact that she gave their relationship and thus pushed Natalia to death."

However, the death of Aksigni causes even deeper suffering from Gregory. He saw how "the blood flowed ... From the half-open mouth of Axigny, the bubotal and bouffroy in the throat. And Grigory, the dead from horror, realized that everything was over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life, - already happened. .. "Again Melekhov unwittingly contributed to the death of a woman close to him, and this time she died literally in his arms. With the death of Axigni life for Grigory almost lost its meaning. Khoronia beloved, he thinks; What "they break out for a while ...".

In the "quiet don" there are generally a lot of deaths. Almost all members of the Melekh family are dying, and none smoke on the farm Tatar did not bypassed death. So it was indeed in a civil war, when a lot of Cossacks died. And the death of two main characters in this sense is natural. The death of Natalia and the death of Axigny, according to the writer, should deepen the loneliness of Gregory to the final of the story, leaving him only with the only surviving Son Mishatyk: "As the steppe of the Palal, Black has become the life of Grigory. He lost everything that was expensive to his heart. Everything took away He, everything took the ruthless death. Only children remained "(Gregory still does not know that the daughter of the puff died" from the pharysty "). Doomed to death in the Sholokhov novel and strong volitional axigns, and a weaker Natalia. The tragedy of the Civil War strengthens the tragedy and the love line "Quiet Don".

Brothers, there is no forgiveness! .. Burn, for God's sake ... In God, a mother ... death ... Predit! .. "

He says almost the same words as the Cossack Egor Zharkov, who received a deadly wound in the first world war and begging comrades to stop his torments: "Brothers, give away death! Brothers! .. Brothers ... What are the glya-di-e -Do? .. aha-haa-ah-ah! .. Brothers, betray death! .. "

Melekhov, unlike the Zharkov, who from the torn belly fell out of the guts, are not injured, but it experiences almost the same torments that you have to kill compatriots, Russian people, Cossacks, men, sailors ... Even killing the enemy in honest battle, he is experiencing Sometimes moral flour. What to talk about the murder of unarmed. True, mushy for Peter, Grigory and so black does. But the feeling of revenge is quickly passed. And having learned that Peter's killers got into the hands of Cossacks, Gregory was in a hurry in his native farm, to speed up their death, but on the contrary, to save from death. But he was late: during Ivan Alekseevich's Samoya, Peter Daria's widow kills.

Truly, "What is done with people"! Outliation caused by civil war, Gregory does not accept. And ultimately it turns out to be a stranger in all warring mills. He begins to doubt, whether the truth is looking for. Melekhov thinks about the red: "They are fighting for them to live better, and we fought for our good life ... one truth is not in life. It can be seen who will serve someone, he felt ... And I was looking for a bad truth. I was sick, it turned back and here ... In the old days, heard, Don Tatars were offended, they went to take away the land, catching up. Now - Rus. No! I don't even come up! They are strangers to me and all the Cossacks. He experienced a sense of community only with countrymen Cossacks, especially at the time of Vieshen's uprising. It seems that the Cossacks are independent and from the Bolsheviks and from the Cadets, but quickly understands that there is no "third strength" in the struggle of red and white there is no place. In the White Army, Ataman Krasnova, Grigory Melekhov serves without inspiration. Here he sees and robbery, and violence over the prisoners, and the unwillingness of the Cossacks fight outside the region of the Don Troops, and himself shares their mood. And also without enthusiasm, Gregory is fighting with red after the junction of Vyeshen rebels with the troops of General Denikin. Officers who ask tone in the volunteer army, for him people are not just strangers, but also hostile. No wonder the enemy becomes and Esual Evgeny Lydotitsky, whom Grigory for communication with Axinhae beats up to death. Melekhov anticipate the defeat of white and not too sad on this occasion. By and large, he was already tired of war, and the outcome is hardly indifferent. Although in the days of retreat "at times he was born by a vague hope that the danger would make sprayed, demoralized and warring between their forces to unite, give rebuff and overturn the victorious advancing red parts." Conclusion

Each person understands what love is in its own way. In the novel, M.Solokhov, all the verge of this feeling is revealed, the author allows us to look at it from different sides, helps to understand that love cannot be given an unequivocal definition. Even the same person can feel so different! Bright proof of this is the love of Grigory Melekhova, the main character of the novel.

In general, the traditions and moral foundations that have developed in the Cossack society do not have the manifestations of gentle feelings. The Kazakh Cossack is characterized by the utmost simplicity, the absence of any prejudice inherent in the aristocratic society. But at the same time, the Cossacks are mostly rude and cruel, disrespectful towards women. In early childhood, the boy sees the father who is negligible, even contemptuously drawn with his mother, and this model of relations transfers to his family. Melekhov stands out from all the Cossacks special sensitivity, humanity, the ability to empathize, to finely feel someone else's pain. It has a good soul, huge potential of warmth and tenderness. But the Cossack is not soft and puzzled. It is not surprising that, afraid of ridicule, Gregory dries in itself the voice of the heart and bright spiritual impulses hides behind inhability. Recall, for example, an episode with a cliff, by randomly cut scythe in the meadow: Suddenly, a sudden feeling of pity mushka is shy to hide from others from themselves. He does not know that there should be some respect for a woman, he does not know about romantics, and it's funny, probably to imagine a knight, singing a serenade under the window of his beloved. But he meets Axinhu, his first love. According to the Cossacks, it is extremely beautiful. But not a simple her beauty, but like a vicious, forbidden and therefore even more injecting. Some kind of mystery and calls to fall in these "shameless greedy, plump" lips, in fluffy curls on the neck, in black eyes, burning fierce fire. This fire was witch in the soul of Grigory Passion, and life without a spiritual storm, without a fire was not life for him. Therefore, Axigna has become simply necessary for him, as if in her soul he screamed vitality. The fact that she was married, just came to him. And Grishka became for Aksigni is not indifferent, but love. Many sorrows and suffering that did not know the caress, who was still a girl raped by his own father, and in marriage almost every day beaten by Stepan, she delighted the attention of the "black affectionate guy", reached for him: "At the dawn, waking up to milk cows, She smiled and, not yet conscious of the money, recalled: "Now there is something joyful. What? Gregory ... Grisha ... "" This feeling, at first it seems like a joking and non-serious, reversed in real love. These proud, self-adequate, freedom-loving, passionate people, such similar on each other, brought fate. They were designed to each other over.

The love of Axigny and Grigory was so strong that forced them to neglect the public opinion, the views of people on the farm.

Sholokhov spends its heroes through the tests. The first test is the marriage of Grigory. Marrying on Natalia and throwing Axinhu, he did heely. How much pain, moral and physical, should have transferred it because of the selfishness of Melekhov! "The bitch will not want - dog does not jump ", - He answered Aksino when she tried to blame him. They were to blame, indeed, both, but one she was responsible.

Grigory was young and inexperienced then, but his heart was wiser him, it stretched to Axier. In distant campaigns, in war, in the arms of any stood, wherever Melekhov, he always recalled his beloved, her fluffy curls on the neck, and tenderness overwhelmed his soul: "Grigory in thoughts, confused, like a satell The experienced, stumbled into this left somewhere in the irrevocable life on Axinhu, thought: "Lubuska! Noise! \u200b\u200b"" Even her betrayal with Lotnitsky did not raise this feeling. No matter how tried Grigory to wave, forget, always before his eyes stood proud, "victorious" view of Aksigni. The Mishka himself was not without sin, so what Aksinhu can be punched? Sanding together sorrows and joy related to them: "And I, Ksyusha, I still can not tear you from the heart. Here are my children are big, and I myself have halfched the gray, how many years each have a precipice for them ... and everything thinks about you. " He returned to her again, with the new force, their love lights up, they found strength in it, and nothing in the world no longer existed for them.

But Sholokhov gives her hero and another love - Natalia. Pants Prokofich married Grishch as if with anger, violently. Immediately after the wedding, Natalia, although a pretty, kind, so-cold, open, submissive, unrequited, caring, but in love-friendly, shy, modest and inexperienced in love, with its "indifferent, slow blood", oppressed Grigory: "Alien You some kind ... you - like this month: do not refrige and do not warm. I don't like you ... "

Aksinya then occupied all his thoughts. And the naive girl was already falling in love with her husband without memory, not really knowing him. Exchange with the rings, Natalia gave him the soul. Leaving her, Grigory ruined her youth. It was painfully unhappy to see mocking views of passersby, learn about the gossip. Lightness Melekhova pushed Natalia to suicide. But she was lucky: she survived. It was lucky because not all my life was destined to hurt the pain. He matured, obstacle, there was a need for peaceful shelter. He was tired of all this fuss, fire, war, wanted silence and peace. He found this rest at home, in the devotees of his legitimate wife Natalia.

Natalia was originally associated with Grigory with a pacification, soothing, and Aksinha - With fire, with a storm, with elements. The rapprochement of Natalia and Grigory also affected the birth of children. The children were the fact that they had united them, for Melekhov they were a gift: "Children's love opened a response feeling from Gregory, and this feeling, like a light, was challenged to Natalia." He really loved Natalia as much as Axinhu, but another love: "She was next to him, his wife and mother Mishaty and Puffles ... Slightly bowing his head, she sat, such a pathetic, ugly and still beautiful, shining Some pure inner beauty. "

Melekhov loved Aksinhu, and Natalia at the same time, he never thought that one could replace him with another. For Grigory, who found only cruelty and blood, the only life truth remained the love that he was carried through all the difficulties and always kept in his heart. For Aksigni Love - Source of life, its only joy and its inexpressible suffering. For Natalia Grigory - life itself.

Here is a multifaceted, solicitious shows us M.A. Sholokhov is great, in many ways eponaya, unknown feeling.

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The villains threw Mikhail Semenovich nick on a cold rough concrete.
Ruthless boot washed the blades.
Mikhail Semenovich did not resist: meaningless. There were five people. And Mikhail is not more than half. Man. The rest of the human in it was extruded, flattened with forged krisas, melted with a nonconscious iron, spitto on the floor with the last cutters.

The leader crookedly grinned:
- Well, the client is ready?

Mikhail again poked - he realized that the question was addressed to him, although it was said about him in the third person. Perhaps the leader was Pole. Although - what's the difference?

Gotoeu ... - Mikhail had quietly: the bitter word barely squeezed through the bloody lips.

Excellent! Sign up!

And Michael slipped the contract, in the disturbed fingers invested "Parker". Naughty hand, Mikhail brought his monogram. The company "Olesusterz LTD", with all its assets, has moved to third parties. To faces of criminal nationality.

Well done! - Praised the leader. - That's right right. Debt payment green. What a vow is the debit! What a loan is such ...
The leader thought about rhyme.

Bandit! - Mikhail sank himself unexpectedly. He was joined for the "spray bazaar" again.

But the leader himself, on the contrary, was delighted and planted:
- That's right, your mother! "And he also migned Mikhail, but not with reproach, but in the sign of encouragement, almost in a friendly." Michael slipped the native tooth: two more left.

And now, - said the leader, - the final stroke. How do you feel about Quentin Tarantino movies? I - I love the films of Quentin Tarantino! In my opinion, they have a very high artistic and educational value.

Mikhail thought he would be killed now. At last!
He tried to remember all his life - but the consciousness was built by the vision of the iron and vile sodists.

How do you feel about the movie "Bratva"? - continued to trust the leader. - Yes, he is not so famous as "criminal fiction" - but there is a charm in it ... as in all that Americans are removed about the British. Sharm - and some sort of playful children's diet to the parent nation. Once I wrote the dissertation on this topic. I failed me - and here we are both in shit. The difference is that I am standing on your shoulders. So you watched the movie "Brutal"?

The leader threw the hand of the WBOV, with the demanding palm, as a surgeon over the operating table - and the meat cleaver was immediately invested.

Someone's uncomfortable sole to the crunch pressed the right forearm Mikhail to the floor. He did not watch the film "Brother" - but I understood ...
- What for? - He shouted, wanting a cry and bugger, nauseous thick saliva.

Then! - Vesko replied the leader. - We are in memory, you for memory. And so that, Clea, I have nothing to give to the cops ...

Someone disgustingly called.
And the leader Mahaned Tesacian ...

Mikhail woke up in the hospital. Davited in the bint of the cult cruelly sucked, despite the anesthetic. But much more terrible bodily pain was the consciousness of irreparable loss.

"I am now a disabled. A man is impaired ... Lark will leave ... how to drink ... I want to drink! I poison me, poison! "

A neighbor in the ward, an intelligent old man in pajamas and for some reason in Panamka, treated Mikhail Pumpkin Juice from Lytric Bank.

"You, a guy, picked up on the porch," said an old man. - And someone turned the harness with his hand - and then "bloodstand" the whole ... "

"Who cut off - he pulled! - Mikhail thought with plasma hatred. - Nichrome are not afraid of bastards! Cops bought, prosecutor on the hook, security officers on the scene ... "

"The doctor said you are stray dogs bit!" - informed the old man.

"How to eat dogs! - Mikhail mentally agreed. - bitch! Wolves! Wary! And the ice is a creature ... with a driver ... with a deputy ... bitch! Now - accurately go! "

At that moment the door swung open and the wife of Mikhail, Larisa flew into the ward. With two polyethylene packages - so heavy that the handles cut off and Larisa pressed them to the chest, the view of his reminding Radisk Kat, shelting in the Berlin sewerage.

Larisa began to shake the contents of the packages - bananas, a razor device, yogurt, soap, chicken in a foil, towel, and a lot more - right on Mikhail's bed.
He looked exhausted: what would these signs of attention, when and so everything is clear?

Larisa was unprofitable with one hand, in turn, and the other - all I stroked Mikhail in the hair, I stupidly looked into my eyes, not embarrassed by my father's blue carcass, and asked: "How are you? How are you?"

"Nothing!" - answered Mikhail, and deciphered himself: "In the sense," nothing ". I am now nothing. Full nonentity! ".

Having gathered with the Spirit, Mikhail issued an indulgence:
"Larisa! Throw me! Why do I like you? "

"I'm a cripple! Moreover, I am a beggar cripple: they selected everything! - With some gloomy mazochistry, Mikhail exhorted his wife. "I used to be a bad husband ... Walked to the right and left ... especially - left ... Drunk came. Hamil. And now - and at all ... do not goubi yourself, Lara! "

Larisa suddenly trembled tears, the folds of the flooded face were dealt with, the strength and rigor found, the eyes were hampered by dry anger of love:
"Be careful! What are you saying, Mike! You ... You ... You were and there ... - It can be seen, she wanted to express too much: the words were coming in her sobbing sore throat. But finally, the most important and strengths broke through: - You are a good husband! Best!"

Further Larisa spoke without stopping.
Yes, what was - it was. They quarreled and even fought and even changed each other. But this is because cute - only chop. And if she did not leave his beloved T-shirt, when he was strong and rich - how can she throw him now when he is weak and is weak financially? And in trouble, and in joy ... did Mike forget? While death will not separate us ... only death. And nothing but. And T-shirt still - to live and live. Think - hand? Yes, even if he became, like this English professor in the catal, without a voice ... No - it's not all the same! And think no dare!

Mikhail suddenly felt the extraordinary warmth, rising from his chest, who melted into his head and melted his eyes, kingned from the world of cold pill and frostbitated criminal reality. He slapped with eyelashes - and turned off. He seemed for the first time to see his wife. More precisely, no: after a long year of sensual stuffing, he again saw her as he saw into carefree student years. "She called me Mike - just like then!"

"We will leave here far and far away! - Mikhail thought. - I still have an apartment - I will sell it, and we will settle in the fishing hub on the seashore. I will fish, and Larisa will clean it. Because it is possible to keep the fishing rod and one hand, but to scrape the scales - uncomfortable. But I will keep the fishing rod. I will be engaged in the expander, I will so much my left hand that I can pull the biggest fish ... Even - Marlin. And in the evenings we will sit on the beach and admire the sunset. Catch the last green ray of the Sun, drowning in the sea gave. And at night, the majestic white liners will float and welcome us with lights of their sides ... oh, these lights of their sides ... lights of sides ... "

And Mikhail again plunged into oblivion - but this time a serene, pure and warm, like the water of the Red Sea, where they rested together two years ago. Mikhail dropped his head on Laris's knees, and she caressed and caressed his curls. With late and bright smile on face ...

P-S.: This miniature was born in those times when the discussion was about the essence and the role of the so-called. "Postmodern". And some of those interested in literature people led to the opinion that "postmodern" is just the ephemeism of "Pokhabshchina" and "fecalers". In fact, not quite so. "Peace" and "fecalization" are the most affordable (and for authors, and for readers) "Potmodernization" methods. But it is quite possible to do without them, when you wish cynicly to press over the cultural heritage and wisely narrow its "angino-shaped" cuttlecy.
Actually, as an example of "pure" postmodern, I wrote this miniature then. Now - she is held in universities. There - especially notphibered students on the fingers explain where the "postmodern" is here. Readers here, on, however, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the comments. And I must say, then Carapax, despite his whole boring, was true Seneca and spinosa under one shell :-)


hello, Artyom!

I am not in text, but just thought appeared after reading your answer to Kotovsky

That's what made you think:
"But after all, as a conscious ideology, postmodern was formed in the newest time when it became clear that we would be crushed as a speech in front of our cultural and moral heritage, when we don't overstead all this and would not be facilitated by this burden on our brains and souls."

And who actually feel himself crushed? That is, it is clear to me who are someone who cannot exceed the cultural heritage, but I want to become famous, and therefore I will kill, for example, John Lennon

But to say that the population of the planet also suffers from the burden of culture and morality - it is unlikely ...
In general, I do not understand why suddenly postmodern acquired (if so) the value of the cultural phenomenon comparable, say, with Renaissance
In my opinion, this is the problem of a limited circle unrealized by artists, no more

In addition, I think, cultural and moral evolution has a pulsation character, not a monotonous, and a decrease in the tempo, a certain cultural stagnation, it was necessary to observe after the same Renaissance ... And here two world wars ... So everything is fine, Wait and there will be a new impulse :)

But those nemes, they want here and now, and civilization on the rubbish, when there is still a new explosion, and it seems to them that they were the first to catch this phase of braking, "discovered" it, and therefore have a moral justification - the case of rubbish, - And kill Lennonov

Somewhere like this :)

Hello, Victor.

You know, I would not say that postmodern is a phenomenon comparable to Renaissance. By wise, I mean. That is, in three hundred years we will be judged about it. Although it is "ideologically" - a lot of things. "Take and rejected" (bonding cultural imperatives and dogmas). From here - and the Rabl with His Pokhabshchina, and the Decameron, and the lush forms in the way, as a challenge to still asceticism, and so on.

How much is the culture of the previous centuries "take" and "oppresses"? Most of the world's population are naturally not particularly oppressing. Suffundically less - they concerned them in the Middle Ages, when God for interest, ten was able to read the Rabl and Decameron.
Now, of course, more people, at least in developed countries that actively consume cultural products. Let them be a "massive" culture, although it is not possible in all cases, it is possible to understand where pure pop idiocy, and where - "Latent postmodern, who paroding his own and genre stamps", such as the film "Armageddon" with Bruce Willis.

Once again, however preventing from living "Cultural culture, the glorious heritage of ancestors"? Yes, she does not interfere, she helps to live. But still - you have never met a blessing people arguing about Pushkin, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Silver Century - invariably with the blasts on the verge of orgasm? I met in many. And these people are not even annoying, but - for some reason, for some reason, a passionate desire to press on the fact that they are holy for them. Actually, such a call was also observed at Mayakovsky ("Crestive Gloss"), and Harms, and - You Name Them.

In this, in fact, I see the main motive and essence of postmodern. In getting rid of the excess, "fascinating" pitue in front of cultural greatness. Under the slogan - Take IT Easy. And, of course, a similar direction creative hooliganism was before, but why was the postmodern formed as a "conceptual" phenomenon after two world wars? Because - after two world wars. Because even at the philistine level it became clear: it can happen the third, and she is likely to be likely to be the last. And when so what?
"Yes Relax, citizens! It can very much that we all die much earlier than you thought. And all that we are now so honorable - religion, culture, political doctrines, - all this will not have any meaning tomorrow. So it is asked What is hell? But the main thing: the more serious we will now - the more likely that we will not be no. Therefore, Take It Easy, and - "Nothing Holy" as a principle. "
Something like that.

The murder of Lennon is just a psychopathy face, and no postmodern. Postmodern is the "killing" Mickey Maus. Or, let's say, Perfomance Side Vishez, when he was shot from the stage from a revolver (idle) specially prepared viewers with "blood packages" on the chest. The rest of the audience, who were not in the know, of course, were embarrassed at first. And that LED Vishez was a patient on the head of Sukin Son - is not discussed. However, in this case, it was the postmodern perforant. And when a little more sick on the head of Sukin, the son takes two trunks and arranges a slaughterhouse at the university, along the way, allyusy on cult films, is still more clean criminality than art.
How kind of these phenomena, cynical performance for the sake of the steam and the tendency to arrange natural slaughters? What is related to something. Roots - all the same. "Tomorrow there may be a war, the last war, or the epidemic, is also the last - so actually, Who The Fuck Cares?"
Well, and - the absence of large wars and deprivation, the comfort of the current muddy life, against the background of which, firstly, the need for spectacular violence is aggravated, for the deficiency of real, and secondly, such very rare outbreaks of truly pathological behavior are particularly noticeable.

As for the "cultural stagnation" - I would not risk it to characterize the state of the last sixty years. Literature - a little lost the value that I had in the nineteenth century. Little. But what about the quality - in my opinion, not so little good books were written during this time. And this is despite the fact that the "best creative forces" - go to cinema.

Civilization "On Strip"? What do you mean by the word "caught"? Galaxy resettlement? No, before that is still far away. One hundred and thirty years, if you are accurate :-)

All the best,

Sarah Lavjoy secretly in love with his boss, Greek magnate Alekos Hionakis, who does not pay any attention to it. But after she decides to experiment with his appearance, Alekos literally does not give her a passage, and soon their relationship go beyond business. Sarah dreams of big and bright love, but it turns out that Hionakus simply uses it for its own purposes ...

Chatel Show
Saving power of feelings

Chapter 1

- Can I help you with something? - Alexos Hionakis, politely asked, when on Monday morning he entered his office and saw a unfamiliar woman there, who was torn with his coffee machine.

Over the past month, he changed four personal assistant, because none of them managed to bring order in its extremely intense work schedule. But today from the holidays should have retained his superpost personal assistant, and he looked forward to that moment when his life would go back to the usual bed. The mood of Alekos spoiled with the thought that Sarah for some reason could stay with access to work and he will have to spend another day in the company of a temporary secretary.

He looked at the stranger with a rapid look, lingering on her hair, freely dropped her on her shoulders and entered the many shades, ranging from caramel and ending with Latte. A seductive figure of a woman was packed in a pink blouse of muted tones and a cream-like-label-pencil skirt slightly above the knee.

Alekos with approval looked at her long legs, whose beauty emphasized high-heeled shoes and with open weekee, in which her fingers were visible. He noticed that the lacquer was playfully pink, which was more suitable for the beach than for the prestigious office of Hionakis Corporation, which was located on Piccadilly Street.

- Good morning, Alekos.

- Sarah? - shocked Alekos.

But when a woman turned, he realized that there could be no mistakes. Despite the fact that she stood a little bit, Alekos immediately recognized these incredibly green eyes. They were the only deserving feature of his personal assistant. More precisely, it was before, when Sarah acted to work in dark blue skirts with jackets, which it supplemented with white blouses, fastened to all buttonholes, or black turtlenecks.

Before Sarah suddenly decided to take a monthly vacation to relax in Spain, Alekos would describe the appearance of his assistant as well-kept, practical and frankly boring. Alekos, of course, did not want to let her go, but she stated that she did not take a vacation since then began to work in his company, except for one day off when she went to the funeral of the mother. Sarah then looked pale than usual, and even though Alekos did not differ much sensitivity, he could not not recognize that the concern for the incurable sick mother could exhaus its strength, so he reluctantly agreed and let her go for a whole month.

Alekos knew that Sarah loves history, so I thought she would choose a tour of the historical places in Spain. There will definitely be full of retirees, and his assistant will be made to some old Virgin or widow, which travels alone and which will be grateful to Sarah for the kindness inherent to it.

He was very surprised when Sarah stated that he was going to the MSO tour, which meant rest for young, free and lonely. Alekos suggested that this tour operator specializes in recreation organization for people twenty with a small years who want to spend each evening in clubs or having fun on the beach. The newspapers often appeared snapshots with orgies that were satisfied with the British in Benidorm. When Alekos noticed that her tour is better to name DDS - available for sex, Sarah walked and, to his great amazement, said that it was not against how to tear off.

Alekos looked at her hair again. Sarah always collected them into a neat beam with a whole arsenal of metal spills.

"You changed the hairstyle," he threw. - I tried to understand why you look different.

- Yes, I tried. The hair was so long, almost to the belt, and I'm tired of going to death every time to collect them in a bundle. "She ran her hand on silky strands, which in the stream of sunlight, pouring through the windows, slate, like gold, and Alekos suddenly felt some inner excitement. - And I also changed glasses on contact lenses. Although, to be honest, I have not gotten accustomed to them. Sometimes my eyes are watched.

Alekos sighed out relief because she slapped with her eyelashes not because he tried to seduce him, but because her contact lenses were disagreering. Yes, without his glasses in a thick frame, Sarah looked different. They immediately became more noticeable by her cheekbones, and her face was much more attractive.

He became interested, whether she did something like a plastic surgery for their lips. Alekos would probably remember such chubby sponges. God is right, her lower lip was so seductive that he suddenly wanted to kiss her. Alekos discarded this ridiculous idea and reminded himself that he had his gray mouse in front of him. That was exactly the Sarah, one of the legion of the long-legged blond mistresses Alekosa.

This nickname approached the intrinsic appearance of Sarah, but not her sense of humor, acute um and no less acute tongue. Alekos respected his personal assistant, because Sarah Lavjoy was the only woman who was not afraid to express his opinion, even if it was distinguished from his own.

- I'll take coffee on your table? "Without waiting for an answer, Sarah crossed the room and put a cup on the table."

Alekos, with a fading of a heart, looked like when walking it was seductive, her thighs were swayed, and when she slightly leaned over the table, the skirt facilitated her buttocks.

He loudly hung over and, squeezing the handle of the portfolio, hose to them so that Sarah did not notice that he was excited. Why, damn it, is going on with him? For the first time in this month, Alekos woke up in a wonderful mood, knowing that today his superpowable assistant will return to work and they will begin to rake the cases that have accumulated during her absence.

But the thoughts about the work immediately disappeared, cost Sarah to turn to him, and he noticed how the pink silk blouse gently emphasizes her elastic chest. Two top buttons were unbuttoned enough to see the fever, but more than enough for Alekos with a feverishly beating pulse to pretend how this blouse and a lace bra takes through this thin cloth.

Alekos hardly torn his eyes from Sarah's chest and looked at her surprisingly thin waist. He again hesitated.

"You ... uh ..." It seems you lost a little bit.

- Actually, two kilograms. Probably due to the active lifestyle that I was on vacation.

I wonder what exactly she did in this tour for young, free and lonely? Alekos did not differ in a rich imagination, but immediately presented how his personal assistant abandoned all his excursions and enjoyed life in the society of some Spanish lovela.

- Oh yes, your vacation. Hope you rested?

She was pretty smiled, why became a cat like a cat who had a whole bowl of sour cream.

"I'm glad for you," Alekos said stretched. - But now you have returned to work, and it is not clear to me why you came in clothes, more suitable for the beach than for the office.

When he spoke with such an ice, disapproving tone, surrounding immediately took him to attention and responded to respectfully, as he demanded. But Sarah simply shrugged and spent his hands on the skirt.

- Well, on the beach I wore a lot less clothes. On the French Riviera for women is quite acceptable to sunbathe topless.

Is Sarah walked without a bra? Alekos tried not to submit his personal assistant to the universal viscement of the breast.

- But it seemed to me, did you go to Spain?

- I change my mind at the last minute.

While Alekos digested the fact that he was extremely organized by an organized assistant to change the last minute and go to a completely different place than it was conceived, she slowly approached him. Why did he never noticing before, how do you flash, like emeralds, her eyes when she smiles? Alekos was angry with himself for such poetic nonsense, but could not take a look from her.

Sarah changed not only the hairstyle and style of clothing, she also chose other spirits: a seductive aroma, which combined citrus and saturated notes of exotic colors. Alekos could not stay indifferent, feeling how heavy his flesh.

- So, what do we do now? - Vomribula Sarah.

- What? "Alekos froze, and his imagination immediately painted a picture, where Sarah lay spreading on his leather sofa, with a skirt-sided to the waist and diluted towards his feet, waiting for it to take his place between her hips.

Saving power of love on the work of "Master and Margarita"

Love is an unforgettable and beautiful and bright feeling that unexpectedly settled in the human soul and warms it with a pleasant warmth. Unhappy love torments the soul worse than any sharp knife, leaving behind the tart and painful precipitate in the heart. Many songs are written about love, many paintings are devoted to this feeling, many works affect this topical topic at all times.
"Master and Margarita" -n first glance, mystical and gloomy work. But only, delight in the essence of this book, we understand that it was not without "amur".
Love Margarita and her masters - flashed unexpectedly and unexpectedly in the souls of both characters. He fell in love with a beautiful woman at first glance, and she, married a noble woman, devoted and sincerely loved him.

Margarita believed in the talent of her beloved, probably she was his muse, his inspiration. And the master, as a thirteen-year-old boy daily, was looking forward to meeting with his goddess. They appreciated every minute, held together. It seemed that Margarita was a whole universe for a loving writer, and he is the meaning of life for her. I can say with complete confidence that their relationships were concluded on the heavens themselves, because the relationship and consent that reigned between lovers was unearthly.

Like many of the then poets, the master paid for her talent with his own freedom. He shy to inform the beloved that he was in a psychiatric hospital. And there was no day and there was no night when he did not remember his excellent muse, his meaning of life is to Margarita.

She also did not forget him. And already, having lost hope to be happy with her beloved, Margarita got a chance to fulfill his dream.

Very heartfelt and gentle is the scene of the meeting of the Master and Margarita. It seemed that lovers did not believe in their happiness. And all the terrible was already behind. The main thing is that they are together.

Why Bulgakov portrayed the history of love among the gloomy-mystical motives of the novel? The poet's love and a noble woman is the only gentle spot on the gray background of the work events. I believe that the immortal love of these two people proves to each of us that everything is in our hands, if we only believe and hope for the best.