Do-it-yourself sports equipment in the dhow. Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment for physical education in kindergarten

Rather, it is physical education and play equipment, which allows the child to freely switch from purely motor activity to play and vice versa.
Thus, conditions are created for the most complete self-expression of the child.
Along with the factory simulators, our kindergarten widely uses its equipment made of waste and natural materials (massagers, walking and jogging tracks, devices for the development of dexterity, coordination, etc.). This equipment is especially effective for developing children's interest in physical education. In addition, it allows you to do without significant material costs, which is very important in conditions of insufficient funding of preschool institutions.
Physical education aids and non-standard equipment were made by the hands of educators - simple, inexpensive, but they bring elements of unusualness into each lesson, arouse the interest of children. The desire to play with attributes that are new to them. The use of these aids and equipment increases the number of exercises for different muscle groups, and also allows you to apply a differentiated method of working with children with various pathologies, to prepare them for performing other more complex movements, exercises, and tasks.
It is necessary that the selected equipment and its placement satisfy the following requirements:

  • multifunctionality (for games, movements, activities);
  • the ability to easily transform, strength, safety;
  • the ability to store in an accessible convenient place so that it can be easily brought into the room or removed.

During the morning intake, the motor activity of children should be calm, moderate. The teacher is busy with receiving children and cannot pay due attention to the direct leadership of her. Therefore, it creates conditions in advance for simple, well-known movements for children that do not require insurance: lay flat paths, cords, rings on the floor, changes their location several times, quickly removes something, something into a single complex.
All this is done so that children who have come to kindergarten early in the morning can participate in meaningful and varied motor activities, responding with pleasure to the play situation created by the teacher.

List of non-standard equipment.

Massager "Rope - health"
It consists of capsules of "kinder-surprises" tightly strung on a fishing line (length - 21 cm), on the sides there are two handles (used markers).
It is convenient for massage of the neck, head, upper shoulder girdle, back, chest, legs.

Path "Orange"
Consists of dense fabric (35 cm wide), (1.5 m long), with plastic bottle caps sewn to it with the inner surface upwards.

Trainer "Catch the ball with a trap."
Made from the top of a plastic bottle. With the help of a lid, a fishing line with a capsule of a "kinder-surprise" at the end is attached to the bottle.
Goal: to throw the capsule into the basket.
Develops agility, accuracy. The difficulty of execution is regulated by the length of the line.

Trainer "hit the ring"
Racket from babinton. A rope was tied to one end, a capsule from the "kinder-surprise" at the end.

Material: Plastic bottle, cord, bottle caps, or "kinder surprise".
Usage: to hit the target.
Development: agility, attention, eye, reaction speed, the ability to regulate and coordinate movements, the formation of self-control skills.

Material: thick fabric with cut holes - circles, sticks, ball
Usage: for throwing and hitting the target.
Development: eye, attention, reaction speed, manual dexterity, coordination of movements.

Ski trio.

Material: wooden planks with three ski bindings or dense elastic band.
Usage: for sports games, relay races.
Development: coordination of movements in joint physical activity, dexterity, quickness of reaction, ability to work in a team.

Sticky ball.
Material: Velcro kitchen mittens.
Usage: for playing tennis.
Development: coordination of movements, throw range, eye, agility, ability to play in a team.
Conducted a physical training session, which was aimed at developing breathing, used a new manual.

Breeze in the bottle.
Material: Holes are made in a plastic bottle. Finely chopped colored paper, foil, confetti are poured inside. A breathing tube is left in the hole in the plug.
Usage: for breathing exercises (the child blows into a tube inserted into the stopper)
Development: respiratory organs.

Soft log.
Material: pieces of fabric, foam rubber, oilcloth (dermantin), dense fabric for upholstery.
Usage: for walking, climbing, stepping over, jumping over.
Development: agility, balance, strengthening the muscles of the legs of the foot, self-confidence.

Track with footprints.
Material: a piece of thick paper.
Usage: for walking on toes, heels, whole feet.
Development: balance, precision, self-confidence.

Sliding track.
Material: foam rubber, dense fabric, oilcloth (dermantin), rope.
Usage: for walking with high knees, stepping over, jumping over.
Development: the difficulty of performing the exercise, the length is adjustable.

Material: thick fabric, peas, buckwheat, rice, etc.
Usage: for walking on toes, heels.
Development: balance, eye.

Material: wire, bottle caps, make a hole in the cap and put on the wire and fasten.
Usage: jumping, throwing, throwing.
Development: eye, precision, dexterity.

Nice chain.

Material: bottle caps, thick threads, put all the caps on a thread while making flowers.
Usage: walking on toes, heels, massage.
Development: accuracy of movement, eliminates flat feet.
The use of simulators increases muscle tone, improves blood circulation, activates redox processes in muscles, joints, and tissues.
Massagers can be used in the process of performing general developmental exercises.

The use of simulators and non-standard equipment in work with preschoolers.

Physical activity is a natural requirement of the human body. The use of simulators and non-standard equipment contributes to the increase in physical activity.

Exercises on them improve coordination of movements, strengthen the ligamentous-articular apparatus, as a result, the flexibility of the spine improves, the chest develops, posture improves, blood circulation increases, the vessels of the heart and brain are strengthened.

Basic principles of using non-standard equipment

  1. The equipment can be used for physical education and independent activities of children.
  2. Start exercises from the simplest ones, gradually move on to more complex ones, and diversify the movements.
  3. It is important to alternate exercises so that the load in movements following each other does not fall on the same muscle groups.
  4. In the process of performing the exercises, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health of the children, to avoid overloads.
  5. In order to foster independence and activity, it is advisable to invite children to come up with exercises themselves.
  6. Based on their physical capabilities and level of motor skills.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipality "City of Arkhangelsk" "Primary school number 12"

Physical education instructor: Chistyakova Anna Vyacheslavovna Arkhangelsk 2017

Non-standard equipment, at present, has become an integral part of the work of a physical education instructor. Hand-made sports and play attributes make the work of both educators and instructors easier. With their help, we increase the physical activity of children during their stay in kindergarten.

We develop all physical qualities for the full development of children (strength, agility, flexibility, coordination of movements, jumping ability, eye, etc.)


Made from yogurt bottles. Ordinary river sand is poured inside the dumbbell, the lid is fixed with glue, the dumbbells are decorated with

the idea. Dumbbell weight 350 gr.

It is used in older preschool age for exercises, as well as for warm-up. Develops hand strength.

"Merry Buratino"

Made from plywood. A silhouette of the hero of a fairy tale is cut out on a stencil, then we draw a face and a cap. Next, cover the product with varnish.

At the tip of the nose of the product, a hole is drilled for a string, 25-35 cm long. You also need a ring

with a diameter of 10-15 cm, which is fixed with a rope. The toy is ready.

It can be used at any age, a very entertaining game for fun in a group. Develops an eye, manual dexterity, coordination.


For manufacturing, you need a canvas of any light fabric (in our case lining fabric), 3 meters long, the width depends on the diameter of the hoop. Then we sew the weave on the sides, we sew one side of the canvas into a gymnastic hoop. We leave the other side unstitched so as not to

the tunnel turned out to be through.

It is used at any age. Develops dexterity, coordination of movements, orientation in space, speed. It can be used both in a group and in physical education, at holidays and entertainment in kindergarten.


Crafted from carpet (2.5-3 meters long, 1.5 meters wide)... We embroider classes and numbers with braid. A very old forgotten game

"Classics" ... It is used at any age.

Develops coordination of movements, jumping ability, dexterity, eye and many other qualities necessary for the full development of a child. Can be used both in a group and in physical education classes.

Rug "Dexterous legs"

Made of dense fabric. We embroider cells for legs from a lighter fabric into it. In our case, along 4 cells, across 3 cells, a total of 12 cells are obtained. Separately draw and cut out the silhouette of the foot from the fabric. We sew one or two feet to the rug in each cell (at your discretion)... It is used at any age. After sleep, during invigorating exercises. Also on exercises in the morning and during corrective gymnastics in physical education classes. Develops coordination of movements, dexterity of the legs, flexibility of the feet, orientation in space.

"Wooden bar"

It is used at the age of 4 years and older. For the development of hand strength. Can be used both in a group and in a lesson. At sports events and entertainment, the barbell will be an excellent attraction for both children and parents.

"Dexterous bag"

The bag is made of dense fabric, preferably in a bright color. It is used more often in relay races. Develops agility and jumping ability "Shorts for twins" We sew large shorts from dense fabric, so that a child can fit in each leg. It is better to make the legs in different colors. It is used in running games or relay races.

Two children participate in the game at once. Develops dexterity, speed, speed, flexibility, and also fosters mutual assistance. "Magic Cube"

Made of fabric or oilcloth. On each side there should be a pocket in which the teacher will put the task. It can be a drawing of an animal or a diagram.

The teacher or child throws a cube, the children perform the task that fell out. Develops both the physical qualities and the imagination of the child.

For the development of the physical qualities of a preschool child, the following sports and play attributes were also made:

  • "Pigtails for gymnastics and exercise" (2-7 years old)
  • "Wooden steering wheel" for p.i. "Colored cars" , "Sparrows and Cars"
  • Attribute for p.i. "Carousel"
  • "Wooden horses"
  • "Puddles, bumps, tracks" Develops coordination of movements. It is used from the age of 1.5 years. Perfectly develops the coordination of movements of the child.
  • Wall template "Dexterous legs" (2-7 years old)

Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment for physical education in kindergarten

Currently, the most urgent tasks are instilling interest in physical culture and sports in children, as well as teaching them accessible motor skills and abilities. For the full development of a child, it is necessary that in motor activity he gets acquainted with as many different physical education aids and objects as possible. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of motor activity of children, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity. Along with traditional physical education aids, much attention is paid to the production of non-traditional aids. Non-standard equipment is always an additional incentive for physical culture and health improvement work. Therefore, it is never superfluous. You can upgrade your group's game inventory at no extra cost. Sports and game non-standard equipment is designed to help solve the problems of purposeful and comprehensive development of children, and the formation of personality. Project non-standard equipment for physical activity of children.


"Non-standard equipment for physical activity of children"

Educator: Stepanenko Yulia Viktorovna. MKDOU TS.R.R. kindergarten number 21. group number 3

1 junior (nursery).

Relevance of the topic.

The main task of preschool institutions is health improvement, ensuring the versatile physical development of the child, the kindergarten has certain ones that allow you to fully engage in the health improvement of preschoolers. These are hardening procedures in groups, breathing exercises and acupressure, morning exercises, physical exercises and a swimming pool, sports events and entertainment, health days, various circles.

It's no secret that in kindergarten and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position at tables, watching TV, etc.

Recently, the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders has increased in kindergarten. I believe that the main purpose of physical culture is movement and active rest, which should help children get rid of hypodynamia syndrome.

New sports equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health-improving work with children,

The world of things that can find a second life thanks to creativity, invention and skillful hands is diverse and unpredictable. More than one generation has used chicken eggs, coils, corks, matchboxes, etc. to realize their fantasies.

To replace the disappearing household pets, we chose modern objects that attracted us with unusual shapes and materials from which they are made: cases from "kinder surprises", plastic bottles, yogurt jars, as well as all kinds of packaging, rubber stoppers, bobbins made of - under scotch tape, etc. These seemingly useless objects have turned into amusing toys and tools for performing various exercises and corrective gymnastics.

Children in physical education should be, first of all, interesting.

Equipment, especially non-standard equipment, plays an important role in creating an exciting atmosphere for the class.

Project problem:

Is the development of movements at a young age a need or a path to health?


Non-standard equipment allows you to quickly and efficiently form motor skills and abilities, contributes to an increase in interest in physical education.


Form motor skills and abilities.

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Development of creativity, imagination using non-traditional equipment.

Promote the development of a culture of movement and body reflection.

Arouse children's interest in the use of non-traditional equipment in the classroom and in free activities.

Estimated results:

For kids:

1. Formation of the concept of Z. O. Zh.

2. Development of physical activity.

3.Interest in physical development classes.

4. Mastering cultural and hygienic skills.

For parents:

1 Involve all parents in the project.

2. Search for new forms and methods of working with parents in the work on this topic.

Outcome of the project:

Manufacturing by a teacher of non-standard equipment for physical activity of children.

Non-standard equipment stimulates the interest of children, the desire to move, participate in games; evokes joy and positive emotions. The materials for making such a manual are varied and inexpensive: cases from "kinder surprises", plastic yoghurt bottles, various buttons, fabric, linoleum bobbins, etc. These, seemingly useless, objects have turned into amusing toys and tools for performing various exercises and corrective gymnastics. Having achieved the goal of expanding the subject-developing environment by creating new non-standard equipment that helps the full physical development of children, we solve the following tasks: - Ensure high physical activity, improving the movements of children and their physical qualities. To develop creative imagination, the desire for activity, independence. - To develop children's interest in the process of movements using non-standard equipment. - To create and consolidate a positive psychosomatic state. - To foster friendly relations between children, the desire to help each other. The use of non-standard manuals brings variety to physical activities and the effects of novelty, allows more use of familiar exercises. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with play, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motor activity. The use of bright color manuals increases children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

BARRIERS Can be used to step over, jump, crawl, overcome obstacles. Purpose: Vigorous actions, various physical qualities are stimulated. Materials: polypropylene pipes and chocolate eggs from kinder surprises.

MASSAGE WAY: Use for foot massage, walking to prevent flat feet. Purpose: Stimulates the work of internal organs. Develops coordination of movements, balance. Materials: Rubber footprints, square foam rubber mats.

COLORED STREAMS: (Pigtails made of thick fabrics) Can be used for jumping over a “stream”, for walking along a “path” (along a narrow one on a wide one). Purpose: Exercise develops coordination of movements, jumping ability, agility, strengthens the muscles of the legs. Materials: thread thick

SNAKE: Use: For stepping over, jumping over, forming in a line, column, circle, for games and fun. Purpose: Develops the muscles of the trunk, coordination of movements, agility, positive emotions. Material: Kinder surprise capsules, polypropylene pipes.

FOAM tracks: use: Walking a snake between balls, throwing into the distance from behind the head with both hands, pushing the ball with your head in front of you, stepping over the balls, throwing the ball to each other from different positions. Purpose: Develops coordination of movements, an eye, dexterity, the ability to play in pairs, positive emotions. Material: Fabric, foam rubber.

Fight with foam rubber pillows; use: For games. Purpose: To develop the eyes of children, coordination of movements, dexterity, to educate volitional qualities. Material: foam rubber, material.

Foot massager (rubber footprints) left, right.

Usage: foot massage.

Material. Rubber

“Footprints. Used: to consolidate the concepts of "left leg", "right leg", for general developmental exercises.

Material: pieces of rubber

Games with non-standard equipment

« Funny tracks»:

a) "Do not wet your feet" - younger age - walking in a forward direction at the signal of a teacher or parents.

b) "Do not fall" - senior and young age - walking on a tightrope in a straight direction on your foot and sideways on the heels, on toes, in the middle of the foot.

« Multilevel racks»:

a) "Jump over the back" - jumping on two legs over the crossbar in height.

b) "Crawl - don't hit" - crawling under the crossbar (can be used in speed relay races).

c) "Don't touch the rope" - in relay races, snake running at the signal of a teacher or parents.

« Tunnel»:

a) "Crawl into the tunnel" - two teams of five take part in the game (for speed).

« Funny clown»:

a) "Hello everyone" - young age - crawl on all fours under the clown and shake his hand.

b) "Say hello to the clown" - older age - crawling in a forward direction, right and left side.

"Vortiki" are intended for stepping over, jumping over, climbing from an early age

Material: Material: capsules from chocolate eggs, polypropylene pipes. Purpose: to develop an eye, coordination of small movements, train the forearm and hands and feet, trunk.

develop in children the ability to perform movements on

signal of the teacher, exercise in walking, running, stepping.

Treadmill: Material: polyurethane foam. Purpose: to develop speed, endurance, attention; for relay races and outdoor games, develops the muscles of the arms when lifting them up, the muscles of the legs when walking; - develop coordination abilities during movement; - form a sense of teamwork, friendship, since several children participate in the game, in close contact at the same time. Used to step over, jump over.


Material: foam rubber, filler. Tasks: for the development of hand strength, playing with a ball for practicing outdoor control systems, ATS, for throwing and outdoor games, as well as for the development of fine motor skills, develop strength, coordination of movement

Rope ropes - pigtails; Material: woolen or cotton threads.
Tasks: are used for training outdoor switchgear, for outdoor games, stepping over

Snake running


Games and fun

"Snake»Material blue, beige, white strong thread

Objective: to develop the muscles of the trunk,

Coordination of movements,

Agility, balance, positive emotions



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Instilling healthy lifestyle skills, creating motivation for doing gymnastics and sports are one of the priority tasks of strengthening the health of the child. An important role in this is played by a properly organized subject-spatial environment, which should be developing, interesting, stimulating to motor activity. To do this, they often make do-it-yourself kindergarten equipment. Such equipment contributes to the conduct of new exciting games in the classroom. It allows children to "take a break" from boring exercises, and teachers - to implement new tasks with minimal expenditure of finance.

For new equipment, not so much is required: various waste material (ribbons, bags, kinder egg cases, etc.) and, of course, your patience.

The equipment proposed in the article can be used both in the daily life of children and in physical education.

DIY kindergarten equipment: breathing exercises

The game "Feed the Beast": you need to blow the kinder surprise case into the hole. Children not only train in accuracy, but also develop an eye.

Game "Let's drink some tea": you need to cool the tea by blowing on the rising "steam".

Blow out the butterfly game. The exercise can be made more difficult by blowing a butterfly onto another flower so that the children learn to control their breathing.

Game "Breath of the Wind": you need to blow on the leaves / snowflakes so that they wobble.

The equipment changes depending on the season. In winter, snowflakes are suspended from the ceiling, in spring - flowers, in summer - butterflies, in autumn - leaves.

DIY kindergarten equipment: accuracy exercises

Game "Knock down the fruits". A circle with a target is glued to the stitched dummies of fruits.

Game "Hit the Cloud". The cloud should be hung away from the lamp to prevent children from accidentally breaking it. Small bells are tied to the cloud. When a child hits a cloud, the bells will ring and the throw will not count.

DIY kindergarten equipment: ORU

ORU is a complex of multifunctional exercises. As a rule, for outdoor switchgear, universal equipment is used, which is very easy to make. Here is an example

... how to make charging plates out of ordinary plastic plates;

... make bright sultans from plastic bags;

or pigtails;

... make flowers from a stick, a case from kinder's surprise, ribbons.

The purpose of physical education lessons is to educate physically hardened, healthy youth, ready to actively participate in social life, industrial work, and military service. Therefore, it is necessary to interest the majority of students in these activities, so that they regularly perform physical exercises, instill a love for physical education lessons. The solution to this problem can be the use of non-standard sports equipment at the lessons.

In our time, the funding gap has also affected the school. Sports inventory and equipment have become very expensive. This forces physical education teachers, together with students, to devote a lot of time to the manufacture of non-standard equipment, to think over a storage system for such inventory and equipment.

Of course, this work distracts part of the teacher's time from direct teaching and educational work, but using non-standard equipment, the density of the lesson reaches 80-90%. Well-thought-out and aesthetically executed sports equipment has a beneficial effect on students, creates a cheerful mood, and helps to successfully perform physical exercises.

Non-standard equipment or simulators can be very different and perform various functions, they allow the teacher to take a differentiated approach to the organization of physical exercises, taking into account the skills, knowledge and characteristics of students, They selectively affect certain muscle groups, tighten the training cycle, halve or three reduce the acquisition period the necessary motor skills and abilities. It is very effective when a person leading a sedentary lifestyle to restore strength, give a load to inactive muscles and when you want to diversify your leisure time. The simulator is an excellent tool for the prevention of hypodynamia.

Undoubtedly, mistakes are possible in the design and manufacture of sports equipment. Therefore, when designing and manufacturing, everything must be done seriously and efficiently. In this case, preference should be given to collective creativity. You can also upgrade your existing sports equipment. We need to start with the fact that we determine for what purposes this inventory is needed. Next, we make sketches on paper, taking into account the age of the students and the size of the product. The choice of material also plays not a secondary role, the strength and safety of the equipment depends on it. And of course, the aesthetics of the product plays an important role.

Homemade devices are in constant need of care and repair. Regularly before use and after classes, they must be checked and faults and breakdowns identified in a timely manner. All these activities will be a guarantor against injuries to students in the classroom.

Device and application

We use several types of targets. The numbers from 1 to 12 can be arranged chaotically or in a certain order. They are used in athletics lessons for throwing the ball at a target, in basketball and volleyball for passing accuracy. They are necessary for the development of accuracy of game actions, ball handling technique, peripheral vision. Targets are placed at a height of 3-4 meters. Transfers can be performed with a turn to the left (right), in a circle. Manufactured from chipboard or plywood.

Medicine balls

Weight 1-2 kg. They are used to develop basic and special physical qualities. This is one of the means of developing speed - strength qualities and allows you to perform exercises close to the structure of game techniques. They are made from worn-out volleyballs, stuffed from nutria with cotton wool, rags of fabric. Used in volleyball, basketball, athletics, outdoor sports lessons, outdoor games.

Ball on shock absorbers.

It is fixed in the corner of the sports hall. Leather loops are sewn to the ball, rubber bands are attached to them, with which the projectile is attached to the wall. To exclude prolonged vibrations of the ball after impact, we attach it from below to the floor with a nylon cord. We use it to develop coordination of movements during an attacking blow in volleyball.

Ball holder.

This device serves to master the percussion movements when performing feeds and attacking strikes. The ball is in the net and is attached to the pole with a cord. Holding the ball at a given height, the students attack (serve), which significantly brings the conditions for performing the exercise closer to game actions. Adaptation is good because students perform the exercise in a stream, without delays, which increases the density of the lesson.

Flying ball.

It differs from the previous one in that a piece of leather is sewn to the ball. We fix the cord to the pole and attach a clothespin to the cord. We fix the ball with a clothespin. When an attack hit or serves, the ball flies in a given direction.

Double mesh.

A second mesh is fixed above the main mesh, the top of the main mesh and the bottom of the second mesh are tied in several places along the entire length. Two teams can simultaneously perform exercises for practicing techniques and tactics of attack and defense. This allows you to increase the density of the lesson.

Elongated mesh.

With the help of a stand and volleyball nets, the court is divided into four parts. The density of the lesson increases, to the greatest extent it meets the tasks of primary education, it is especially indispensable when conducting educational two-sided games preparatory to volleyball, tactical actions in defense and attack.

Made of plywood. They are used in primary training of setting the block in volleyball. Students master the positioning of hands and fingers during block from the stand. This device gives them the confidence to do the exercise.

Mechanical block.

Made of plywood. It is used during an attacking strike to circle the block.

Racks for attaching a volleyball net.

They are made of two pipes of different diameters. One pipe is inserted into the other. The smaller diameter is attached to the wall and floor, the height is 250 cm, the larger diameter moves along it. It has loops for attaching the net, height 120 cm. In addition to attaching the net, racks are used in athletics lessons for teaching high jumps through an elastic band.

Gymnastic sticks.

We use old ski sticks. We cut it to size with a hacksaw for metal, we use it in outdoor games and outdoor switchgear.

Tug of the stick.

Round stick and footrest. Material is wood. It is a national sport.


Cuts of pipes of different diameters, connected by welding. The locks are made on a metal-cutting machine. We cut pancakes from rubber or from a bar. We use it in extracurricular activities and in competitions.

Hinged crossbar.

Made of pipes, connected, welded. It can be used to perform various exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Hangs are normal and complex, pull-ups with different grips, swinging bends and swinging to the side.

Improved crossbar.

Additionally, raising the legs to the crossbar from a hang, lifting by force, bending the arms in support.

Inclined board. Wood. One side rests on the floor, the other on the gymnastic wall. The exercises are performed while lying down. The legs are fixed to the bar of the gymnastic wall or we take the bar with our hands and lift the body or legs. You can adjust the angle of inclination of the board.

Inclined staircase

Wood. For junior schoolchildren. Moving on an inclined staircase in full growth, on your knees with the transition to a gymnastic wall. In a horizontal position, walking on the blocks for the prevention of flat feet.

Flexibility control device.

Wood. Consists of two parts. Marking made in centimeters. Leg cutouts. It is very convenient and easy to manufacture. Checking the development of flexibility.

Wood. Marking up to 3 meters. We measure the long jump from a place to control the bar in high jumps, control the height of the net in volleyball.

Relay sticks.

Wood. We use it in relay races, outdoor games.

Wood. We use in relay races, shuttle running, for marking the site.


Wood. We adjust the weight by filling it with the material at hand.

Stacking for pomegranates.

Wood and fiberboard. We store, carry and use grenades in lessons and competitions.

Wall bar.

One crossbeam post is attached to the wall and floor. The second post is installed using guy wires that are attached to the floor. This crossbar is quickly installed and retracted.

Storage space for balls.

Made of metal corner and wood bars. There are compartments for storing volleyball, basketball, football, medicine balls. Very convenient and compact.

Ski storage room.

The ski storage boxes are made of wooden blocks and planks. Each pair of skis is numbered and has a boot size stamped on the storage compartment.

Place for TSO.

A turntable for video equipment was made from a steel angle and pipes. Display table and shelves for storing audio, video equipment and cassettes. Transmission screen, made of transparent film in two layers and matte paper between them.


Green painted plywood. On it, we mark in chalk the results of relays, competitions, tactical actions of players on the court during the training of playing volleyball, basketball, outdoor games, etc. e. The window that opens when the board is raised serves to demonstrate through it filmstrips, images from a grafoscope, film rings on the screen through the gap. A video is shown through it.

2 old metal desks and handles from pipe scraps are connected by welding. Chipboard top. We conduct training sessions and competitions in hand wrestling (arm wrestling).


Working in the classroom with non-standard equipment, you can achieve certain results.

There are no additional costs for sports equipment;

The material and technical base is improving;

We involve students and parents in the manufacture and modernization of non-standard equipment;

Students' interest in classes increases;

Students engage in consistent physical activity, strengthening their health;

We distract them from smoking, drug addiction, drinking alcoholic beverages, hooliganism on the streets in public places.

Preparing young men for military service and improvement in physical exercises, in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Master difficult exercises quickly;

The density of the lesson increases;

Lessons are held on a more emotional level.

For three years in a row we have won first place in the Olympiad in physical culture;

Prizes in volleyball, basketball, table tennis, checkers.

First place in 2009 in the Olympics.


Books and textbooks.

  1. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Volleyball at school. Moscow, Education, 1989;
  2. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Training of young volleyball players. Moscow, Physical culture and sport, 1967
  3. Kleschev Yu.N. Volleyball. Moscow, Physical culture and sports, 1985


Physical education at school:

  • No. 1, 2000:
  • No. 6, 2000;
  • No. 1, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007;
  • No. 4, 2007;
  • No. 5, 2008