Senile diseases. Mental illness in old and senile age. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Almost any cough, even a chronic cough, can be cured by choosing the right expectorants.

Despite the abundance of medicines that can be found in the pharmacy, they do not always help better than completely natural folk remedies from completely accessible to everyone and very inexpensive components.

It is worth noting that most of the drugs that stimulate sputum discharge or liquefy it are also plant-based.

Classification of expectorant natural remedies

Products that stimulate expectoration differ in their principle of action.

Reflex expectorants

The principle of action of this group of funds is moderate irritating effect alkaloids or saponins on the receptors of the stomach, stimulating reflex excitation of the center of the vagus nerve in the medulla oblongata. As a result, the secretion of mucous glands in the bronchi intensifies and liquefies, and the contraction of the motility of the bronchial muscles is stimulated. The viscosity of the sputum decreases, it comes out easily and the inflammation goes away.

Expectorant herbs of reflex action

The most effective expectorant agent of reflex action is considered to be an extract or infusion of thermopsis. It is very effective in pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis;

The root of istode is used for scanty secretion of thick mucus associated with inflammation of the bronchi (contraindicated in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract);

Marshmallow root, elecampane and cyanosis - with chronic bronchitis or tracheobronchitis, have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the intensity of cough.

Licorice root - for shortness of breath and bronchospasm, severe bronchitis, "smoker's cough";

Salvia officinalis is used in the fight against "wet" cough;

Mother-and-stepmother leaves.

Any of the above means differs in speed and simplicity of its application. In the people, an expectorant is prepared in this way: for a liter of hot water (not boiling water), take two tablespoons of any of the above dry plants and insist for several hours (preferably in a thermos or wrapped in a thick towel), optimally during the night. Accepted herbal infusion between main meals, one glass three times a day.

Separately, it must be said about licorice root- it can also be used for inhalation (together with chamomile flowers), or by regularly chewing on dried roots.

Note: reflex expectorant herbs have one significant feature: by stimulating the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata, they can provoke nausea and vomiting.

Resorptive expectorants

The funds of this group are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and, released through the mucous membrane of the bronchi, liquefy the masses of secretion in the bronchi. The mechanism of action of iodine-containing agents is the splitting of sputum proteins, due to this, its liquefaction.

Eucalyptus oil and other essential oils, thyme herb, anise fruits and iodides act directly in the respiratory tract, causing coughing and removing phlegm from the body.

Pine buds they treat acute bronchitis with increased formation of thick sputum, since they do not increase the amount of sputum, but thin it and increase immunity in the bronchi.

Thyme used in cases with dry cough and difficult sputum discharge, since the herb of thyme has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

A universal expectorant folk remedy - eucalyptus

Typically, essential oils are used in the form of inhalation, in some cases - inside... One of the plants taken internally is eucalyptus. A decoction is prepared from its leaves in the above proportions and used according to the same principle. In addition to the expectorant effect, eucalyptus leaves relieve the patient's condition during the flu.

Eucalyptus essential oil is added to the mass for inhalation. It also helps with wet (in combination with oil tea tree), and dry cough (in combination with chamomile).

Inhalation can be carried out with or without an inhaler. To do this, pour a decoction of chamomile or calendula into a saucepan and add expectorant oil. But the people believe that there is no better remedy for inhalation than potatoes. It is on boiled potatoes that it is recommended to drip eucalyptus, rosemary, pine or fir oil.

Expectorant folk remedies from improvised products

The above herbal remedies used both by the people and in medicinal medical preparations("Gedelix", "Herbion", "Tussin"). However, herbs are not always available, what to do in this case ?! There is a solution: there are edible expectorants that can be easily found and prepared at home.

Onion cough relief

For the bow to give maximum effect for expectoration and cleansing respiratory tract, people are advised to prepare remedies with cough onions with the addition of honey. To prepare the product, you need to finely chop 500 grams of peeled onions, put it in a saucepan, add 400 grams of sugar there and pour in a liter of water. For three hours, boil over the lowest heat, allow to cool and put 50 grams of honey in the resulting product. Honey must be added only to the chilled mixture, otherwise it loses medicinal properties.

Apply onion remedy for cough, five tablespoons a day after meals at regular intervals. You can use it for five days.

Banana: " Ambulance"With annoying cough

Yes, you are not mistaken: even overseas sweet treats have such an important expectorant effect. The folk remedy is prepared as follows: grind two medium bananas through a sieve, you should get a homogeneous puree. Dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in 150 ml warm water, and pour sweet water bananas. Take after meals.

Kalina - excellent remedy when coughing

Cough resulting from colds It is successfully treated with a medicinal decoction of viburnum with the addition of honey. The proportions are as follows: 1 liter of hot boiled water, 1 tablespoon of chopped ripe viburnum berries. Pour the viburnum with water and boil for no more than 10 minutes on the lowest heat. Stir and strain through a sieve, while all the pulp does not need to be removed. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the broth, mix and drink three times a day at regular intervals.

You need to be very careful with viburnum for people with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with low blood pressure.

Black radish - expectorant for adults and children

Black radish has been used since antiquity in folk medicine to liquefy and stimulate sputum discharge. White radish is not suitable.

How to prepare the remedy

Remove the top with thoroughly washed, but not peeled radish, remove a third of the contents from the root crop, and put three teaspoons of honey in the resulting "cup". Put it in a glass, and put it in warm place for three hours. The juice that comes out of the radish is an effective expectorant that is sweet and quite tasty. It is thanks to the taste and mild action of the radish that it can be given even to small children. The doctor prescribes the dosage for children, and for adults it is usually enough three times a day, 1 tablespoon of juice.

These were the most common expectorant folk remedies, time-tested.

On initial stage diseases with correct reception they help very quickly with these funds. But in advanced cases of cough, with a viral or bacterial attack, they may not be enough. If the cough persists within three days, be sure to see a doctor.

Cough is a reflex defense reaction of the body and a symptom that accompanies the underlying disease. Thanks to him, sputum (bronchial pathological secretion) is removed from the respiratory tract of the individual. The choice of an expectorant for cough depends on its type, individual characteristics and the age of the patient, as well as pathology. For the treatment of diseases accompanied by cough, drugs are prescribed that have an expectorant, mucolytic, thinning, antitussive effect. The latter and combined drugs are used for dry, painful cough, and for productive cough with thick and viscous secretion, mucolytics are shown.

Dry cough in adults

This type of cough is characterized by difficult sputum discharge, that is, it is secreted in small amount or does not clear his throat. The reasons for its appearance are:

  1. Allergy. In this case, the cough is a consequence of the manifestation allergic reaction organism, may be accompanied by rhinitis and lacrimation.
  2. Pneumonia.
  3. Pleurisy. Feels painful sensation in the side when coughing.
  4. Irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa - on contact with household chemicals, corrosive foods or polluted air.
  5. SARS, flu, colds. With correct and timely therapy, after a short period of time, the cough turns into a wet one.
  6. Tracheitis is a debilitating and excruciating cough.
  7. Laryngitis.
  8. Smoker's bronchitis.

According to the duration of the course, several types of dry cough are distinguished:

  • more than two months - chronic;
  • from three to eight weeks - protracted;
  • up to three weeks - acute.

A concomitant symptom of a cough is a sore throat.

Dry cough therapy

Only a doctor can choose the right medicines and their dosage. The following are the best known expectorants for dry cough in adults:

  1. Sinekod is a centrally acting drug. Used in pill form in adults. It has a direct effect on the cough center, has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilating effect. The effect of using the drug does not depend on the origin of the cough. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
  2. "Herbion" - means vegetable origin... Helps to cope with the inflammatory process in the respiratory system. It has antitussive, expectorant and antimicrobial effects. Not indicated for patients with individual intolerance to plant components, fructose and individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus.
  3. "Bronchicum" is a universal expectorant for dry coughs. Relieves seizures and promotes its transition to wet, in addition, improves sputum excretion. Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance to certain components of the drug, as well as in liver and kidney diseases.
  4. "Codelac Fito" is a combined preparation containing plant extracts. It has an antitussive and expectorant effect. Not recommended long-term intake due to the presence of codeine among the components.
  5. "Stopussin" due to the presence of a mucolytic substance called guaifenesin in the preparation reduces the viscosity, increases the amount and facilitates the removal of phlegm. Taking the medicine in the first trimester is not recommended.
  6. Linax is combined remedy plant origin increases the productivity of cough, exhibits expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment with folk methods

Obsessive coughing gives the individual inconvenience and discomfort. Effective and soft impact in this case, adults can provide folk remedies for coughs. An expectorant effect in the treatment of dry cough is provided by medicinal decoctions prepared from the following medicinal plant materials:

  • St. John's wort;
  • plantain;
  • calendula;
  • oregano;
  • licorice;
  • thyme;
  • Linden;
  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot.

However, their use is possible only in the absence of allergies. The use of inhalation helps to moisturize an irritated throat, thin phlegm, and clear the airways. This procedure promotes penetration nutrients directly to the affected focus, without exerting overall influence on the body of the individual. Inhalation with the use of mineral water, saline, soda, essential oils, herbal decoctions and potatoes, in which onions or garlic can be added to enhance the effect. Folk expectorants for cough include various compresses and rubbing:

  • Cake. To prepare it, you will need honey, flour and vegetable oil... Apply as a compress at night.
  • Potatoes are boiled in their uniforms, kneaded and used as a compress, which is kept until the potatoes cool completely.
  • Cabbage leaf roll out with a rolling pin and spread with honey, then attach to chest sticky side, cover with plastic wrap and warm cloth on top, leave until morning.
  • A mixture made from pork fat, honey and alcohol, rub back, chest and feet. After manipulation, it is advisable for the patient to wear warm jacket and socks.

These simple folk recipes are combined with drug treatment will help you recover faster, and natural ingredients will strengthen the body's defenses. The best expectorant for dry cough for pregnant women will be inhalation using linden blossom, chamomile, plantain, sage, thyme, soda, mineral water, potato vapor. The result from this procedure will be instant.

Moist cough

With this type of cough, the patient has a separation of bronchial pathological secretions, the nature of which is different. Sputum analysis gives an idea of ​​the nature of the pathology. A productive cough is due to some pathological conditions:

  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory system.

Distinguish the following types productive cough:

  • constant;
  • periodic;
  • weakly expressed;
  • average;
  • strong;
  • manifested in certain time days or any irritant.

Excreted sputum may be different color, consistency, with blood or purulent blotches. Its amount is meager or abundant. A wet cough is considered productive, as the phlegm is excreted.

Medicines for adults for wet coughs

Therapy is reduced to sputum dilution. The action of expectorants for a wet cough is aimed at stimulating excretion liquid secretion, decrease in viscosity. All means by the mechanism of action are subdivided into:

  • Reflex. These include drugs based on medicinal herbs, essential oils. Their biological active substances have a stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa and provoke a weak vomiting reflex, which, in turn, affects the bronchopulmonary system and helps sputum discharge.
  • Mucolytic - "Ambroxol", "Acetylcysteine", "Solvin". When taking these drugs, bronchial secretions are diluted.
  • Combined - "Bronholitin", "Ascoril", which, in addition to stimulating the excretion of mucus, have an anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Resorptive - "Terpingidrate". Stimulates the secretion of the brochial glands, increases the volume of liquid sputum and improves its output. The drug is effective in small doses.

Some of the best known names for expectorants for wet coughs in adults are:

  1. "Acetylcysteine";
  2. "Gedelix";
  3. Bromhexine;
  4. "Gerbion";
  5. Ambroxol;
  6. "Bronchicum";
  7. "Travisil";
  8. "Stopussin";
  9. "Gerbion";
  10. "Pertussin";
  11. "Codelac broncho";
  12. "Bronhosan";
  13. "Ascoril";
  14. "Doctor Mom".

Expectorants during pregnancy

The future baby is negatively affected by coughing, since the resulting tension of the respiratory muscles, press and diaphragm leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, the blood supply to the fetus is disrupted and develops intrauterine hypoxia... The more difficult the sputum leaves, the stronger the load on the fetus.

To the most frequent reasons cough, which can appear at any time when the baby is waiting, include:

  • colds;
  • asthmatic cough;
  • cough provoked by chronic pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • allergic cough.

Regardless of the reason, an expectorant for coughs should act quickly and gently, and also be safe for the unborn baby. The wrong drugs can be harmful. Banned for the use of drugs of central action, depressing the cough center, for example, "Codeine", and affecting the receptors of the bronchi. From the medicinal product, the use of fees from the following herbs should be excluded:

  • Mother and stepmothers. Due to its carcinogenic effect and the possibility of causing fetal mutations.
  • Ginseng, Eleutherococcus. They contribute to the allergization of the unborn baby.
  • Oregano. Leads to uterine bleeding.
  • St. John's wort. Significantly complicates childbirth.

However, there are a number of adult expectorants for coughs that are allowed to be taken by a pregnant woman after consulting a doctor:

  • "Dr. Theiss" syrup. It dilutes phlegm well and allows you to quickly cough up it.
  • Tonsilgon N. Effective for wet coughs.
  • Sinupret. Liquefies a viscous secret.
  • Mukaltin. Reduces the number of seizures, eases the production of phlegm and softens it.

In any case, before using an expectorant, a pregnant woman should receive recommendations from a gynecologist and therapist. Do not self-medicate.

Top best expectorants for coughs for adults

The list includes drugs selected according to the results of various indicators: effectiveness, contraindications, availability, etc. The best drugs are presented below.

With a dry cough:

  • Stoptussin. Eases coughing, soothes the throat.
  • "Sinekod". It is indicated for dry coughs of any origin, quickly relieves severe attacks.

For a wet cough with phlegm:

  • "Lazolvan". Thanks to active substance Ambroxol increases the formation of sputum and facilitates its excretion. Several other drugs have such a composition, and all of them are good expectorants for coughing adults.
  • "Acetylcysteine". Thinns phlegm, making it runny, which promotes better coughing. Acts quickly and efficiently.

Plant origin:

  • Mukaltin. Natural remedy based on marshmallow root. The tablets are swallowed or dissolved in water.
  • Chest fee number 4. Facilitates the excretion of phlegm, pleasant to the taste.

Homeopathic - "Stodal". Convenient to dose, good effect.

Folk - black radish with honey. The most delicious expectorant for adults.

So, a cough is a symptom of a disease. First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the disease.

Expectorants for children

Any malaise in the baby, including coughing, worries the parents. In most cases, the appearance of this symptom indicates the presence pathological processes caused by microorganisms, viruses or allergies. Expectorants for coughs for children will help cope with this problem. They are indicated for diseases accompanied by increased glandular secretion. respiratory system with the following pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • bronchospasm;
  • sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • allergy;
  • rhinopharyngitis.

The mechanism of action of drugs is to drain sputum from the respiratory system. There are two groups of medicines:

  1. Stimulants. They promote increased secretion production and improve the passage of mucus through the respiratory tract. Among them there are agents that have a reflex-stimulating effect, which cause a cough, irritating the inner lining of the stomach and provoking a gag reflex. And also drugs with resorptive properties. Facilitation of sputum discharge occurs due to the balancing of the thick and liquid part of the bronchial secretion.
  2. Thinning agents. Medicines belonging to this group, eliminate the viscosity of sputum by converting it into a liquid state.

Choose the right expectorant medicine, dosage and duration of use in childhood only a doctor can. Newborns are recommended "Gedelix" in the form of syrup. In addition to an expectorant, it has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. In severe pathologies, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia, expectorant mucolytic agents "Lazolvan", "Ambrobene" for inhalation administration are indicated. If, when using the above medicines, the baby has difficulties in discharging the liquefied secretion, then it is removed in a hospital with a special device. V age category from one to three years, the choice of expectorants for a wet cough is much wider:

  • "Acetylcysteine";
  • Ambroxol;
  • "Mukaltin";
  • "Gedelix";
  • "Fluimucil";
  • "Prospan".
  • Vegetable origin - "Doctor Mom", "Pertussin", "Gedelix", "Prospan", licorice root syrup.
  • Mucolytics - "Halixol", "Lazolvan", "ACC".
  • Secretolytics - "Bromhexine".

Parents need to remember that when treating a baby, it is important to observe the dosage of the medication depending on age, as well as the course of therapy recommended by the doctor. An important condition is and drinking regimen... During this period, it is recommended to give the kids more water, which helps coughing up, and therefore, the discharge of the liquefied secretion.

The most effective remedies used in children's practice for a wet cough

According to doctors, the following are recognized as effective expectorants for cough:

  • Licorice syrup. Approved from birth.
  • "Alteika". Improves bronchial function, dilutes phlegm, stimulates expectoration.
  • Bromhexine. Recommended for bronchitis, asthma.
  • "Pertussin". Has a softening and expectorant effect.
  • "Gedelix". It has natural composition.
  • "Fluimucil". Shows a mucolytic effect, increases the amount of phlegm and promotes its discharge.
  • "Doctor Mom". This drug contains a large number of medicinal herbs that allow you to quickly remove phlegm by easy coughing up.
  • Stopussin-Fito. In addition to an expectorant, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The best herbal expectorants for coughs include various preparations that are produced in the factory:

  • expectorant;
  • chest under numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4;
  • a decoction of plantain herb.

Before using all of the above means, a doctor's consultation is necessary, who will recommend the most suitable one depending on the pathology, the presence of contraindications and the age of the baby.

The use of alternative medicine methods in children

For a long time, folk remedies for dry cough have been used for treatment. Expectorants can only be applied after it has become wet. Tried and tested over many generations, recipes that promote better sputum discharge are approved by pediatricians and recommended for young patients:

  • Milk mixture. To prepare it, you will need hot milk, to which a little butter, honey and sodium bicarbonate (soda). The resulting drink is drunk in small sips before bedtime. The last ingredient can be replaced with cocoa butter, alkaline mineral water, turmeric.
  • from the leaves of this herb - an excellent cough remedy.
  • Black radish and honey. This recipe is known to everyone and is easy to prepare. In the middle of the vegetable, they make a depression and put honey in it, insist for about three hours. Take a teaspoon of the resulting juice up to three times a day.
  • Infusions and fees from medicinal herbal raw materials. The herbs included in their composition have an expectorant, mucolytic, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial effect. For their preparation use following plants: fennel, thyme, violet, marshmallow, plantain, coltsfoot, elecampane, licorice, anise, mint, calendula, chamomile, sage. Breast fees in finished form available in pharmacies... At home, a cough suppressant can be prepared using the above herbs individually or in combination.

To fight wet cough use means that stimulate the outflow of sputum, otherwise stagnation of secretions in the lung tissue as a result of the inability to cough up it leads to grave consequences... The following are recognized as the best folk recipes:

  • Steam inhalation with coltsfoot, thyme, sage.
  • Aloe leaf juice. Indicated for children after three years. Add to the freshly squeezed solution lemon juice and honey.
  • Ginger infusion.
  • A mixture of milk, radish and honey. The first two ingredients are mixed in 2: 1 proportions and a little honey is added.
  • Oat broth... In a liter of milk, boil unpeeled oats, filter and take 100 ml about thirty minutes before the main meal.

In the case of a productive cough in a baby, medicines and folk remedies are not recommended, but are shown:


Why do you need expectorants for coughs? In a healthy individual, bronchial secretions are synthesized, which helps the respiratory tract to remove microorganisms, viruses, small particles that come with the inhaled air. If the body is damaged by an infectious process, the amount of secretion increases, and it becomes an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. In order to get rid of such phlegm, the body begins to take measures, that is, a cough begins. However, the hard-to-separate thick and viscous secret does not clear his throat. Expectorants for coughing help to cope with it, the main action of which is aimed at thinning sputum and its subsequent excretion.

Expectorant folk remedies often help more effectively than medication prescribed by a doctor. In addition, taking medications made by folk recipes, does not harm your body if you follow the dosage correctly, which cannot be said about pharmacy medicines. There are a large number of advantages of folk recipes, which makes them the most popular and effective.

Among other things, another benefit of expectorants folk remedies in that they can be taken by both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. The only thing to do with this is to make sure that you or your children are not allergic to the products used, and that you also need to follow the dosage correctly.

In our article you can find out what expectorants you need to use when different types cough, as well as with bronchitis and pneumonia. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

For dry and wet coughs

For dry and wet coughs, they are usually used different kinds drugs, made according to folk recipes: some accelerate the release of phlegm, while others help relieve dry cough and prevent cracks in the mucous membrane.

For a wet cough, the following recipe works great.:

  • First, take half a kilo onions and peel it off.
  • Chop the peeled onion as finely as possible and send it to a small saucepan prepared in advance.
  • Add 400 grams there. Sahara and one liter of water.
  • Put the saucepan on the fire and wait until it boils, stirring the medicine constantly. It is necessary to boil such a mixture for at least three hours.
  • After the medicine has boiled well, remove it from heat and cool to room temperature.
  • Add 50 grams to the cooled liquid honey, stir it all, after which you can take an expectorant mixture.

Such a remedy must be taken within 4-5 days, five tablespoons at a time after meals. For children under 10 years of age, the dose should be reduced to 1-2 tablespoons. Also, be vigilant: make sure your child is not allergic to onions or honey.

A banana is great for relieving dry cough symptoms. In addition to the fact that the expectorant will be very useful, it is also tasty, so it can be easily given to children. And you can cook it as follows: choose a couple of ripe, but not overripe bananas, peel them and use a fork to mash them into gruel. Then pour 150 grams of water into a saucepan and add two large tablespoons of sugar. Heat the mixture, and when it boils, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. After that, add the banana gruel there and you can take this expectorant immediately after meals.

Expectorant folk remedies for bronchitis

An excellent expectorant for bronchitis is black radish with honey... Many have heard about the miraculous remedies of black radish and honey, however, not everyone can use it correctly. In our article, we will tell you how to properly prepare black radish syrup with honey as an expectorant for bronchitis.

In order to prepare the most effective expectorant for bronchitis, you need to choose a black radish not too much big size, wash it well and cut off the top. Next, you need to arm yourself with a small knife or spoon and make a wide hole in the pulp of the fruit. Place three tablespoons of honey in this hole and cover with the cut top. You can first make several cuts in the pulp of the radish so that it lets out the juice and the expectorant syrup turns out faster.

Send the radish with honey to infuse in a dark place for six hours, after which you will see amber syrup appear in place of the honey. It should be poured into a separate container, and the radish can be used in this way two more times.

Ready-made expectorant syrup can be taken up to three times a day before meals. There are no contraindications, just make sure that you or your children are not allergic to honey or radish.

With pneumonia and pulmonary congestion

Concerning pneumonia and lung congestion, then with such diagnoses, herbs personally brewed according to folk recipes will be an excellent expectorant. Herbs will not harm the body even during pregnancy, and they are also used as an expectorant for smokers.

Herbs such as thyme, coltsfoot, licorice root and oregano... And it is very simple to prepare an expectorant infusion. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of any herb you like, pour them with one liter of hot, but not boiling water, and wait a couple of hours for the expectorant to infuse. You can take no more than three times a day. Preferably one hour after eating.

Any of the suggested remedies will help you remove phlegm at home. However, check with your doctor before using such expectorant folk remedies.

Expectorants are used to help the body clear accumulated phlegm from the airways. In some cases, the mucus thickens and thinning agents are required to remove such phlegm. Excess mucus can lead to inflammation of the airways and the emergence of new foci of infection. Therefore, every family has its own ways of making an expectorant for cough at home.

Dosage forms

Expectorant folk remedies have following forms... These are infusions, decoctions, inhalations and compresses. A special niche in treatment is occupied by aromatic herbal tea, which not only has a mild antiseptic effect, but also softens cough, restores immunity and has a general tonic effect.

Tea is usually offered to children, but adults will not refuse a delicious broth, which includes raspberries, linden, thyme and currant leaves.

Despite the fact that the attitude towards herbs is often quite condescending, not like "real" medicines, herbs contain active substances in sufficient quantities and quite effective... You should also observe the dosage and not abuse the treatment. Drink constantly medicinal decoctions it is forbidden. Even harmless and very tasty mint tea, useful for calming the nerves, should not be drunk longer than a week... Otherwise, it can be harmful to health.

Relate to drug fees with the same responsibility as for conventional pill medicines.

In what cases can an expectorant fee be applied? Mainly vitamin and expectorant fees are consumed during rehabilitation period after illness and as a general tonic in the autumn-winter period.

For smokers, especially those who have already left bad habit, the expectorant collection will help to quickly restore lung function and get rid of chronic smoker's bronchitis, which is usually caused by the accumulation of mucus and tar in the bronchi and lungs.

Mucolytics help with dry coughs by thinning phlegm and promoting its excretion from the body.

The best and most effective recipes for folk remedies for cough

Folk remedies for coughs for adults expectorant include fairly strong remedies.

Note. If there is a lot of mucus in the lungs, expectorants can make the cough worse by a large number outgoing sputum. It is really necessary to remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Do not swallow any mucus that comes out. Be sure to spit and disinfect dishes that come into contact with mucus, they may contain pathogenic microbes. Don't forget about sanitary requirements. Wet cleaning of premises and the absence of dust is the necessary conditions to prevent re-infection.

Horseradish honey syrup

Honey has a powerful bactericidal effect, in addition, it is a natural catalyst that enhances the action of other active ingredients... Any means, even a simple vitamin collection, when added with a spoonful of honey, turn into powerful medicines.


Honey is mixed with grated horseradish root in a 1/1 ratio. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day, on an empty stomach, before meals. V therapeutic purposes 1 teaspoon is enough in the morning, before breakfast.

Side effects

The product may cause profuse sweating. It is necessary to immediately change wet clothes, it is advisable to observe bed rest.

Attention! Honey can cause allergies, products based on it are not recommended for people with honey allergies. Also honey is not recommended for diabetics due to its high sugar content.

Black radish with honey

It is an effective and best expectorant for children, because it is prepared "in a pot" and tastes good.


Wash the black radish root thoroughly, cut upper part putting aside. Remove about a third of the radish pulp and put 1-3 teaspoons of honey inside. Cover and place in a warm place for 3-4 hours. The secreted juice is a powerful and mild expectorant.

Especially for children, it can be served directly in a radish pot. Take in the morning and before bedtime. Depending on the age, 1-3 spoons.

Homemade licorice syrup

Be careful, this is a potent remedy.

Pour 20 grams of chopped roots with 1.5 cups of boiling water and keep in a water bath for about half an hour. Cool, squeeze, add honey or sugar. Take 1 tablespoon.

Kalina with sugar

Ripe fresh berries Rub the viburnum through a sieve, adding sugar or honey. Take a teaspoon.

Mild expectorants during pregnancy

Expectorants during pregnancy should be selected with extreme caution. A honey-lemon mixture will work best.

Honey with lemon

The lemon should be scalded and squeezed out thoroughly. Add honey to taste and take a tablespoon 3 times a day to treat cough or as a tea supplement to strengthen the body's resistance.

Tea additives

Teapot loose tea is different best quality than the usual tea bags.

For the prevention of colds and when coughing, drink brewed tea, adding raspberry, currant, thyme leaves to the teapot. Fragrant preparations will help you quickly defeat a cold.

Herbal decoctions

Simple decoctions are prepared as follows. Any expectorant herb for coughs, such as licorice root, thyme, oregano, pharmacy breast collection, taken in the amount of 2 tablespoons and poured with one liter of boiling water.

Insist 2 hours, take half a glass 3-5 times a day.

Therapeutic inhalations

The use of inhalations is ideal for pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and smoker's bronchitis.

The steam temperature should not be too high, otherwise you may burn yourself.

Contraindications: Heat, abundant discharge phlegm, throat spasm.

Classic inhalation with potatoes

The water is drained from the freshly boiled potatoes, the pan is covered with a towel rolled up with a bell. It is recommended to breathe the steam of the potato through the mouth for 5-10 minutes through the hole in the rolled towel.

Any cough decoction can be used as an inhaler during preparation as it cools.

Oil inhalation

Healing essential oils effectively fight microbes in the air and actively contribute to the restoration of the respiratory system.

Get it at the pharmacy essential oil eucalyptus or juniper, cedar, sage. Drop in the saucer and put the saucer in high place for better distribution of active substances.

To enhance the effect, you can drop essential oil into hot water and use as a classic inhaler.

Compresses and warming coughs

Compresses have a warming, expectorant and healing effect.

Vinegar compress

Apply for 3 hours. A terry cloth is moistened with a mixture of vinegar and water 1/3 and wrung out well. Apply to chest and wrap with a towel.

Curd compress

It is better to cook it from homemade cottage cheese or from that cottage cheese of which you are sure of the natural origin. Cottage cheese is slightly warmed up in a warm place, add a spoonful of honey. The resulting mixture thin layer applied to a towel.

The patient is wrapped in a towel, it is desirable to leave a lumen in the region of the heart. That is, leave the area in the middle of the towel without the curd mass. The towel is secured with a scarf and the compress is left overnight.

In addition to medicinal, curd compress has a diagnostic function. If the curd remains white, then there is no pneumonia. Yellow and green spots indicate presence inflammatory processes... In this case, urgent medical treatment is needed.

Honey compress

Just lubricate the chest area with liquid honey and wrap with a towel. The compress warms up and has a strong antiseptic effect.

How to determine the nature of the disease by the color of sputum?

With inflammation of the bronchi, which is of an allergic or asthmatic nature, the sputum discharge has no color.

For bacterial infections characteristic yellow and green color secretions and the presence of clots.

With pneumonia, purulent sputum is released, a prolonged dry cough is possible.

What to do if sputum is secreted with blood?

In most cases, the presence of blood in the sputum is simply a rupture of a small blood vessel as a result of muscle spasms. But in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will need antispasmodic and relaxing drugs to help avoid new damage.

What to do if there are signs of a bacterial respiratory tract infection?

For bacterial respiratory tract infections and pneumonia, see your doctor for a prescription effective means suppressing infection. Most bacterial infections are quickly and effectively treated with tetracycline antibiotics.

Colds and respiratory infections can be treated with home remedies. Antiseptic preparations and decoctions will help well. Can be used as a natural antiseptic nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, sage... Chamomile helps to thin phlegm and soften coughs.

  • Cleanliness, damp anti-microbial cleaning, warm dry clothes and the constant availability of changeable underwear will help you overcome the recovery period faster.
  • Drinking plenty of water, vitamin teas contribute to the early withdrawal harmful substances from the body and normalization of metabolism.
  • Fresh air is required.
  • Simple breathing exercises and exercises, such as inhaling full breast for 3 counts and exhale sharply for one, also help to clear the respiratory tract of phlegm.