"Styles" - the history of subculture. Blouses and tops. Little secrets of retro style

Stirsters - youth subculturewhich existed in the USSR. The subculture existed from the late 40s to the beginning of the 60s of the last century. The styles were distinguished by the fact that the American lifestyle was borrowed - fashionably dressed, worn, worn the most stylish clothes The European and American manners denied the norms of Soviet morality, were absolutely indifferent to the policy that existed then and was distinguished by increased cynicism to what was happening to others. The styles also showed an increased interest in American music and foreign dances.

In society to styles it was often ambiguous attitude. The styles were told in the press, they were pronounced at student meetings, and sometimes even beat. In the early 60s, when many foreign currents, including music, fashion, art, and so on, began to legalize in the USSR, the subculture of the stylag began to gradually fade.

They wore bright, sometimes ridiculous clothes and showed a special interest in Western music and dancing. Among these young people there were quite a lot of children of party workers and officials of various ranks.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of the "Stylag" movement was the intensification of international contacts of the USSR both during the war years and after it. The increase in the number of diplomatic workers has automatically increased the number of members of their families living in another, "non-counseling" reality associated with success and prosperity.

from the movie "Styles":

Let everything be as you want ..

Youth because of their capabilities and wealth tried to match fashion


And they taught such dances:

You love bogi wg

If, for children of the Soviet elite, the addiction to Western culture was an element of an indicative protest and a sign of "peculiarities", then for young people from the simple people, it was a desire to join the forbidden culture of the West. It looked sometimes funny and naive. In addition, the winners who returned from Europe brought with them a huge amount of trophy clothing, shoes, decorations and fashion magazines. These objects released from fashion in the west and became the basis for creating a wardrobe styles "from the people." In addition to things, after the war in the USSR, foreign records were popular with jazz compositions and unknown persons dance. So, the bougie-woogu dance was first seen by Soviet people during a meeting on the Elbe with American soldiers.

X-ray plates

Another chip stylagi - say to chew chewing gumAs it did in his films James Kagney. Since it was very problematic to get a gum, it was replaced by a piece of paraffin.

The writer Edward Limonov in his book "We had the Great Epoch" so describes the situation there after the war:

On the country's flea markets landed and went on the hands of dresses, costumes, coats for all sexes and ages - "trophy junk", exported by soldiers in douse bags from conquered Germany ... catalog and guide to the sea of \u200b\u200bleather Tyrolean shorts, Romanian, Italian and Hungarian military Coats and children's Berlin Suit served American films ... Looking at Hollywood girls and harsh gangsters in double-breasted costumes and hats, remembered Russian youth model of clothing.

Films that have become cultured for styles: "Serenade of the Solar Valley", "George from Dinky Jaza", "Tarzan", "The Girl of My Dream", "Fate of Soldier in America", films with the participation of Dina Dorbin.

These young people themselves were either not called in any way, or were called "patenks" (that is, the hot fans of the United States).

In 1949 on March 10, Faketon D. G. Belyaeva "Stylesa" under the heading of the "Types, leaving in the past" appeared in the journal "Crocodile" (No. 7). In Faken, a school evening was described, where it appears ridiculous "to a foreign manner", a vain, ignorant, silly young man who is proud of his fucked outfit and skills in the field of foreign dances. And all these skills, according to Fakelonist, cause laughter and squeezing pity among the rest of the students. Thus, the stylary term not only sweating the singer "patenn", but also completely replaced it.

Clothing and lifestyle itself styles were not blindly copied from the American sample. In the first years of the existence of this phenomenon, the appearance of the styles was, rather, caricature: wide bright pants, baggy jacket, hat with wide fields, unthinkable socks, notorious tie "Fire in the jungle". Description of styles from the above Faketon D. G. Belyaeva:

At the door of the hall appeared the young man. He had an amazing ridiculous look: the spin of the jacket bright orange, and the sleeves and the floors are green; I did not see such dreadful pants of the Canaryo-pea color even during the years; The shoes on it were a cunning combination of black varnish and red suede. The young man finishes about the door of the door and some extremely joined movement threw right leg on the left. Socks that blinded their eyes were discovered before they were bright ...

Subsequently, the appearance of the styles have undergone significant changes: famous pants shoes appeared, whipped "Kok" on the head, an elegant jacket with broad shoulders, a narrow tie - "Sellish", tied on a microscopic assembly, an umbrella - a cane. Sweaters "with deer" were relevant at the styles, in the imitation of the heroes of the films "Serenade of the Solar Valley" and "My Dream Girl." As shoes in the style of the style, the lowers on the thick white rubber sole (the so-called " semolina"). In the summer, bright shirts in the "Hawaiian style" were popular.

Thus, the image of the styles evolved from an empty to elegance. For a girl, to enjoy the style, it was bright enough to paint and wear the hairstyle of the "worshi of the world" (the hair was wound around the head and laid in the form of a crown). Special chic was considered narrow skirts, tight hidden.

In the style of the style, peculiar luxury items were popular - trophy lighters and cigarette, American playing cards with semi-blank girls (Pin-Up style), rare pens at that time. In the 60s, the styles partly adopted rock-n-ring (rocabile) image.

music and dancing

In the late 1940s - in the early 1950s. In the environment, the music of the Glenn Miller Speeding Orchestra was relevant, in particular hits that sounded in the Serenade Serenade of the Solar Valley. Despite the fact that Millerovsky Big Band continued to exist and enjoyed in the world unchanged popularity, many in the USSR thought that this musical team broke up after the death of his head: Major American Air Force, thrombonist, arranger and composer Glenn Miller died (according to other data - Lost) in 1944. The song from the movie "Serenade of the Solar Valley" called "Train to Chattanugu" became a kind of anthem styled:

In general, styles for jazz music: many of them were familiar with jazzmen or played various musical instruments. Among the dances in the late 1940s were the relevant of the Bogi-WGOG. Moreover, Soviet styles were not limited to pretty meager knowledge in this area and invented their own variations on the theme of fashionable dance. So, there were "atomic", "Canadian" or "Triple Hamburg" styles. The first two did not differ much from each other and were some kind of variation on the Dance Dance Jitter Bug, Lindi Hop and Bogi-Vuy. "Triple Hamburg" was a slow dance that look like Slade Fox.

With the emergence in the west of fashion on rock and roll, the styles were perceived and this dance. The compositions of Bill Haley (especially "Rock Around The Clock") are popular, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Buddy Holly.

One of the most significant Russian jazzmen (in the past - styles) Alexey Kozlov in his autobiographical book "Kozlov on Saks" describes the situation:

All controlled: clothes and hairstyles, manners and how dance. It was a strange mixture of a concentration camp with the first ball of Natasha Rostova. Dances approved by Rono, and manners were from the last century - the Padekatr, Padetiner, Padegras, Polka, Waltz. Foxtrot or Tango was not forbidden, but not recommended. They were allowed sometimes to start once in the evening, and it was not always, everything depended on the opinion and mood of the present director of the school or senior pioneerweave. At the same time they watched no attempts to dance Foxtrot "style" not. As soon as any of the disciples did something wrong, a sign was urgently filed, the record was filmed and nothing further ballroom dancing did not put.

In the sixties (in times of thaw), when in the Soviet Union began to be more tolerant to relate to various subcultures, the styling gradually disappeared. Many former styles even became successful directors, artists and musicians.

In the 1950s, the USSR was separated from almost the entire world by an iron curtain. In the country, everything related to the West was prohibited. And it was at that time a public "capitalist" phenomenon appeared - styles.

Who are these styles? Predecessors of modern hipsters? Soviet "Golden Youth"?

In our article we will analyze this bright youth subculture in detail.

The styles were distinguished by deliberate apoliticality, cynicism in judgments, indifference to the norms of Soviet morality, were bright, sometimes ridiculous clothes and showed a special interest in Western music and dancing. Among these young people there were quite a lot of children of party workers and officials of various ranks.

The appearance of styles in the USSR falls on the post-war period. The imitation of the Western style was traced at the style of the entire Soviet period, this was expressed in the style of clothing, a kind of slang and interest in foreign music.

Stylish dancing

In each major city there was a relatively small group of young people who had seized from the gray mass. Typical monophonic modest clothes of the Soviet sample did not suit the most "educated" students, of which, mostly, and consisted of styles.

The name of the subculture received from the word "stylish", and they really had their own style. The young men usually wore a narrow trousers, widespread jackets, Hawaiian shirts, ties of screaming colors and umbrellas-canes. In the shoe, shoes were considered to be a thick rubber sole. Girls wore strongly prutted dresses in american style, narrow knee skirts and trouser suits.

Almost American fashionists

Suites from intelligent families had access to foreign goods brought by parents because of the "Bud". Metropolitan styles were more secured materials for compliance with the selected image. Citizens working in foreign embassies, dipms and serving in a foreign business trip, could lead to their homeland clothes, shoes, musical works, tape recorders and other products of foreign production. For the "iron curtain" these goods were for a long time In short supply, and were objects of desires and envy.

Representatives of this alternative culture in other large settlements received all the necessary things from the capital or port cities, which came in foreign vessels. But in most cases, the styles dressed in a shrub clotted clothing. They rebated from the materials produced by Soviet factories.

The most fashionable guys of Moscow

If a need clothing And it was possible to get into finished videoThe case was more complicated with the shoes. Boots on thick rubber soles and shoes with a pointed nose in Soviet shoe stores were not sold. Abroad, such shoes cost expensive, and was on the pocket only children of nomenclators. Soviet styles Several layers themselves add to the sole of the shoes produced in the Union. So the desired height of the soles was achieved, and the "unique" style was attached. Such "nozzles" could often be seen on the representatives of this motley stylish culture.

Many styles themselves reprovered a few motley things of the Soviet sample, giving them the desired style. Music and flea market also helped create stylish image released young people. Individual tailoring and shoes allowed everyone to become representatives of this "stylish" culture.

Stylish couple

Hairstyles of young people emphasized belonging to overseas style. Rarelline COC, combed thick chub, long hair Highlight a guy style from the crowd. There were in fashion and neatly glued or grown bastard "Fools", which complemented an abnormative external image. Stylish hairstyles for girlfriends styles were "Babetta" (like Bridget Bordeaux in the same film) and short haircut "Under the Frenchwoman." Mandatory in makeup girls was bright red lipstick, which caused a sharply negative reaction from conscious public representatives.

Pie girls were harder to match the selected semi-lifting style. The norms of behavior and clothing for the Soviet girl differed in modesty, and the installed morality did not allow to take a step towards the alternative. Skirts just above the knee were considered as depravity, and immediately condemned the oldest generation.

Rock and Roll, Bogov-Vuy, Foxtrot and other foreign directions in music and dance prevailed at the style. Audio recordings were brought from abroad, and also cut themselves with a handicraft method, to X-ray film. But the most popular and affordable was listening to foreign radio programs where music was broadcast by styles.

Many of the styles were creative personalities And they did clothing and accessories themselves. Some own hands Created musical instruments or reworked for jazz acoustic guitars in electric. And they also recorded plates with beloved music themselves - on old x-rays. In addition to the style of clothing and hairstyles, in the subculture styles was very important music. The styles mostly listened to Jazz and Swing, but their favorite song was "Chattanuga Chu-Chu" from the soundtrack for the film "Serenade of the Solar Valley".

Children's plates from x-ray pictures

Dressed in bright motley outfits of styles made the central squares and streets of large cities in places of their parties. Listening to stylish music and dancing took place on dance floors and in clubs. Soviet styling has become a prototype for alternative youth trends in modern Russia.

Twist on the cardboard: we take the ships

And although the subculture of the style was contrary to the communist ideology, the motives of these young people, as a rule, were far from politics. It was rather an escapist subculture, and not a group of cultural protesters: styles in essence created their own colorful world in the conditions of an egalitarian regime with a multitude of restrictions. The behavior of the styles was not so much a protest as a way of self-expression. The generation of post-war youth no longer wanted to fight for communist ideals, young people wanted freedom. Stroy and society, at the same time, dictated their rules: "Be as all", "do as everything." Opportunities for the manifestation of their own individuality practically did not remain. If you, of course, was not going to (or could not) establish labor records.

Covers of Western magazines - the subject of lust of all styles

Since the styles were usually representatives of golden youth, they had free access to western magazines, music and movies. And this is understandable: high-ranking parents were ready to do everything for their favorite chad, even open the forbidden curtain. Young people not only listened to Western music and danced "forbidden" dances, young people imitated Western musicians in everything. For example, many styles guys made themselves hairstyle in the style of Johnny Weismüller, who starred in a series of films about Tarzan.

That's what the styles sought

The appearance, values \u200b\u200band behavior of the styles were in complete dissonance with the norms of Soviet morality, so the styles sometimes were subjected to ridicule and an open negative from ordinary people.

Despite the fact that the subculture of the styled was extremely provocative, this unusual youth did not participate in any events that were officially prohibited by law, but no one forbade groups and meet in interest groups. To solve this problem, the authorities began to try to set the styles as asocial, "alien human society»Elements.

Mini skirts and bright plastic decorations, fitting trousers, free image of hippie 60s and elegant dresses A la Sudrey Hepburn - the 1960s are considered legendary in the fashion world. They were bright and dynamic, is it worth wondering that modern fashion That and then returns to the style of those times. On the podiums and in everyday images, you can find out the characteristic cut of dresses or swimsuit.

Who are these women who influenced the style of the Epoch? First of all it is worth named Mary Cuant. This is a British fashion designer, who offered a mini skirt in his collections. Although at first the model invented by it caused indignation, very soon girls around the world picked up this innovative idea. In addition, it introduced into fashion short shorts, colored tights, bright makeup With an emphasis on the eyes, short haircuts.

Mary Cuant and her models

Style icons

But not only the fashion designers affected the 1960s. This time is associated with some movie stars and other media. One of the most famous -. Of course, she became an example of elegance in the 50s. But it was in the decade under consideration that she embodied the image of Holly Golightli (film "Breakfast at Tiffany") - Long black dresswhich leaves open shoulders, gloves, updo, and diamonds.

Jacqueline Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn

Sample elegance has become. Women admired her fitted costumes in conjunction with tablets and tablet hats and sunglasses.

In the 60s, a lot of girls dreamed of look like Catherine Denovev. Wonderful feeling Styles made her muse of the famous Couturier Yves Saint Laurent. Singer Cher used Hippie's style in his outfits. And the life of the participant of the "Beatles" John Lennon Yoko. She demonstrated authentic ensembles in white: mini dresses, knee-high boots and widescard hats.

Yoko, Cher and Catherine Denev

Bright coat and high boots - another trend of the 60s.

Coat 60s

Features of Figures

Fashion in the 60s has undergone fundamental changes. Now there are not female figures from 50s - lush thighs and breasts, a narrow waist - and very thin ones. Bright example - famous model of that time twiggy. She became the first model with 40 clothing size, although the trend was preserved and after it. Her image infantile girl in short dresses produced a real extender. Another her raisin is brightly suspended huge eyes.

TViggy model

Another model, characterized by the same harvest - Verushka. She is also one of the brightest representatives of the era that was not afraid to experiment with clothing and makeup.

Also, the 60s is the era of hippies. It is characterized by mixing styles, deliberate carelessness in clothes, the ethnic orientation, handmade decorations.

Chas of Hippie 60s

What was worn in the 60s

Surely fashionista is interested, what clothes was relevant in the 60s. After all, the modern fashion often offers details from the past, including swimsuits. If you look at the photos of those times, it is easy to come to the conclusion that it is worth a little changing the decor on a dress or pants, sew them from another fabric, and they will correspond to the 21st century.

Dresses and trousers

Fashion 60s was distinguished by feminine and democraticness, any things, even swimsuits emphasized the dignity. It is not surprising that the girls gladly wore dresses.

In that epoch, they were such:

1960s - the time of the sexual revolution. Women feel free and liberated, it becomes less and less restrictions - and they begin to wear pants. First of all, it is a model of clams or shortened models. Fashion allows you to wear tight styles that pay attention to the advantages of the figure. Business ladies choose trouser suits, in fashion tuxedo and short jackets.

Models of trousers


Even swimsuits are changing. They become not closed as in the 50s, women are boldly carrying bikini. And some designers offer a very frank option - Monokini swimsuits, barbing breasts.


Accessories: handbags, glasses, decorations

Bags of the era of the 60s complement female image, more often a rigid form.

In the 1960s, bright multicolored plastic decorations.

Stylish glasses of the 60s


Hairstyles, Makeup

Girls often cut briefly. Thanks to the actress, Miet Farrow becomes an urgent hairstyle "Pixie".

Would you like to repeat the image of the twiggy? Need mini dress and overhead eyelashes.

Another actress - Bridget Bardo - made a popular careless, bulk shield of hair. Such a hairstyle is called "Babetta", by the name of the heroine of the film. It is considered one of the cult hairstyles that women have tried to repeat around the world, creating a fatal image.

Hairstyles, haircuts and styling

Makeup is called up to emphasize the eyes, false eyelashes are very popular.

Fashionable 60s in our time

Fashion trends in the 1960s are in demand and in our time. Of course, other fabrics, fittings, accessories are used. But silhouettes of dresses, especially a free trapezoid or feminine style with a lush skirt, often flashed on the podiums. Returns love for throwing jewelry. Or another option - minimalism: black dress, pearls and shoes. Also relevant trouser suits, white blouses and ties, including women. Even swimwear correspond to the epoch.

Modern interpretation of the 60s

If a woman wants to try for himself new image, then the photo session in the style of the 60s will help. Characteristic makeup feminine dress And hairstyle - retro Image It will be possible to return to the past.

Images for photo shoot

Fashion is constantly changing. But it not only offers a new one, but returns to the old one. The style of the 1960s is relevant again, so it is worth paying attention to his directions in clothes. Add new lines and silhouettes into your sets, do not be afraid to try dresses, pants or swimsuits.

Youth, with any mode, seeks to make a self-expression, and therefore, there are periodically different directions, differing in appearance and worldview from all other social groups. Such were styles. The years of the Stalinist era caused the emergence of young people's movement, which defended their right to freedom with the help of clothes, words and music. They did not call for changing the regime, they only wanted to have the right to their individuality in the world of serness and lightness. We will tell about what the subculture is and what the image of the style is different.

The origin of subculture

A phenomenon like styles is the result of a number of factors. After the October coup in 1917, the USSR was in international isolation, and only after World War II, contacts with foreign states resume. This leads to the fact that there is a layer of people who regularly appear abroad, and their children. It is the children of diplomats and trade workers and became the basis of an emerging social Group Golden youth. They wanted to emphasize their peculiarity, and for this they elect a special western appearance, music, etc.

Also on the formation of a culture of styles affects the increasing internal protest of young people against the serm of life and poverty. This feeling surfaced the trophy things, movies, musical works. Young people wanted after many years of denying holiday, brightness, unusualness. Style style style, their musical tastes, dances have become challenged to regulate the sphere of privacy.

Etymology name

Initially, representatives of this subculture called themselves patenks, as they took an example in all of the United States of America. But in 1949, Faketon "Tips leaving in the past" appeared in the popular humorous journal "Crocodile". It described a new social phenomenon - Fans of Western culture - as a completely alien and harmful to Soviet society, there for the first time and the word "styles" appeared. The subculture was described as some perverted behavior, unworthy of the Soviet man. The bright imagery and causticity of the text attracted the attention of the general public, and the word went to the people.

Gradually, the initial name of the "patenkers" disappeared from the lexicon of newspapers, people and the representatives themselves. There is a version that the word "styles" originated from the word "style" as the most important thing that distinguished young people of this movement from all others. And even there is an assumption that such a name came from Jazz slang. Anyway, in the early 50s, the new term firmly entrenched this social movement.

Motion ideology

Styleaga is a person who confesses the Western principles of freedom of self-expression. However, attributing this subculture of the Bunlet ideology is erroneous. Young people wanted to listen to them to listen to the music that they like, and dance as they like. This subculture had no pro-Western ideology, which they tried to attribute to them. But since the United States was officially considered a hostile state, then exceeding american culture Perceived as in fact the image of the style - it was only a form of defending freedom to their opinion and taste and nothing more. The main pastime styles were walking and parties. In Moscow, the main place of their promenade was Tverskaya Street - Broadway.

Fashion and costume styles

The main sign of the style is their appearance. A typical image of representatives of this community evolved and changed, until the "classic" option was formed. It consisted of narrow trouser shoes, a shredded jacket with wide overhead, bright tie and sharp shoes. At the same time, preference was given to bright colors as a method for opposing the gray ordination around.

A special subject of concern for each styling is a hairstyle. High apt on the head, Kok, was a mandatory element of the image. Also, the costume was often complemented by sunglasses, absolutely alien to the Soviet man.

Girls have a styles of the costume options. Usually it was a dress in with narrow Talia, lush skirt and neckline. Later there were still fitting dresses and skirts, emphasizing the figure. Mandatory element The image was shoes on a small curved heel and a small handbag.

Coloring was also welcomed predominantly bright. The girl was supposed to wear stockings - the subject of unprecedented luxury. Therefore, those who could not buy them were content with the fact that they painted the seam right on her naked foot with a chemical pencil. Girls practiced a rich makeup with arrows in front of her eyes and bright lipstick. On the head, they built a hairstyle in the form of a crown or decorated the hair with a ribbon, a bright handkerchief or rim. Also girls necessarily wore a rather large jewelry: beads, earrings, clips, bracelets.

Such bright young people, of course, strongly stand out on a general background of serness and poverty and therefore attracted a lot of attention. Fashionable clothes It was possible to bring from abroad, which was available only to units, buy from fan trucks or sew themselves. In this environment, a whole range of tailors is formed, which are styled.

Music Styles

The main source of inspiration this subculture was American jazz. Songs from the film "Serenade of the Solar Valley" were considered to be the cultures of the Orchestra of the composition of Duke Ellington, Eddie Rosner, Charlie Parker, Benny Hudman. In the USSR, diplomats and commoded specialists brought the records of fashionable American music, so Elvis Presley appeared in the country, Buddy Holly and other musicians in the style of rock and roll.

In those times, the style - it was a person who works well in Western art, especially American. It was possible to listen to such music only on apartments or in institutions working for foreign citizens (for example, "Cocktail Hall" in Moscow). Bridal recordings were replicated on underground studios, the phonogram was applied to X-rays, so he received the nickname "Music on the bones".

Gradually, in this environment, a circle of own musicians playing jazz and rock and roll is formed. For example, the famous jazzman and saxophonist Alexey Kozlov grew up from this culture.

Dancing styles

This culture was also expressed in their own dances that came against conventional styles, trendy were rock and roll, Foxtrot, Charleston, Bugi-WGOG. Stirsters in the ability to dance expressed own attitude to existing regulations and restrictions. Show my skills could be on dancing, in a cafe and even just on the street, where the styles often satisfied "demonstration performances." The dance showed that public challenge that styles sent Soviet equalial.


To designate its features, the styles developed their own language, which is based on the adaptation of the lexeme of English language and slang jazmen. It was a jargon, which performed the function of dividing people on his and strangers. IN different cities In speech, the styles had their own words, most often toponyms, but there was a lexical array characteristic of the entire subculture. So, there were words to designate various places: "Broadway" - he was in his own city, "Kok" ("Cocktail Hall"). A lot of a lexeme marked people of different varieties: dude, Chouvich, Baton, Rug, Phaser. For the name of dancing and musical styles used familiar terms: rock and Roll, Jazz, Foxtrot, Bugi-Vuy. Stirsters a lot of words from English have adapted for the name of the wardrobe items: sockeys, Tyuk, Hattle, Shuza, Jackets.

Public censure

In the USSR, the stylago is an asocial element, his inaccuracy was considered as a threat to the publication and morality of the Soviet man. In the late 40s, this subculture began in the country and became an excellent target for the speeches of Komsomol and party activists. There were squads who caught the styles, cut off Coki, pumped up clothes.

In the press styles of the 50s became a favorite object for ridicule and censure. There was a lot of caricatures and feuethons that rinse this movement. For the wide masses, these young people appeared as empty copies of Western samples, they were denied patriotism, taste, morality. A huge amount of styles across the country were excluded from public organizations, dismissed from work. All this led to the fact that initially apolitical styles began to hate Soviet power and their protest began to acquire political subtext.

Stirsters of different years

Inside this subculture, you can see a formal ideological evolution. Stirsters whose subculture arose in the late 40s in the USSR, first there were a group of people who are fond of film and music of the United States. But in the 50s, the style crystallization and the design of the initial protest movement occurs. By the end of the 50s, many representatives of this subculture had already negatively related to Soviet power and secretly dreamed of offering the USSR.

Later, the styles of the 60s lose their acute opposition to public sentiments. The starting thaw led to the wide criticism of the Soviet building of Stalin's period, and therefore the self-expression of the styles was no longer so bright. The persecution of young people cease, and gradually the direction comes on no, it is replaced by new

Value of subculture styles

This social movement left a big mark in the Soviet society. Many styles, the years spent on the study of American art, costume, language, in the following years they became part of the creative intelligentsia of the country. Sociologists note that this subculture was the first significant social movement, which became the beginning of the formation of numerous youth informal associations: hippie, punks, rockers - all of them somehow rose from the traditions of styles. In addition, this movement has encouraged Russian fashion designers to think about creating a youth style, about finding new forms that would help overcome the same Soviet people.

The desire to stand out from the crowd, without merging with the gray mass, bring charm, burdens and bright notes - such were the main motifs of the past century styles. Binding in the 60s. During the Soviet era, the style of the style affected not just the fashion industry: it was a lifestyle, behavior, manner of talking.

Inspiration has fallen because of the ocean, from distant and inaccessible America. Often styles copied the kinheroev. Note specific traits Style:

  • Print and color palette . The riot of paints is all shades of the rainbow - here is the main bar in clothes. Prints in polka dot, bright flowersStrips are also welcome.
  • Women's clothing. She assumed the outfits of the tightness, atlas, bouffant skirts And dresses with a fitting bodice. The waist is necessarily emphasized by a bright strap.
  • Women's shoes. Popular shoes with sharp spout and a small heel (4-5 cm) were comfortable and at the same time allowed the ladies to look spectacularly.
  • Men's clothing. Jackets with false pockets, broad shoulders, pants-shirts, motley shirts, jumpers and pullovers with deer and snowflakes and certainly motley herring ties - here is a set of a guy-styles.
  • Men's shoes. Fashion Pych were shoes white colorbut wearing and wearing and multicolored models. The sole appreciated rubber.
  • Decoration . Earrings, short and long beadsas well as bracelets bright shades enjoyed great popularity.
  • Makeup. This item is Cassail female halves. Eye stove bright sponges - constant accompaniment of the style of style.
  • Hairstyle. Magnificent, high hairstyles called Babetta, "the wings of the world" completed the image of girls and women. Men actually had a hairstyle "Kok" with a pile.

At the very beginning, the clothes of such an image assumed several attributes and accessories: broken pants, a supreme jacket, a motley tie plus widewide hat. After some time, the style gained already familiar to many features. Style style clothes for men and women Protects the main principles of stylish style - "No" Seryosa and Otday!

The main object of the male wardrobe styles, as noted, are narrow pants shoes. Length - certainly before the bones. It performs an additional feature: "opens the world." Multicolored socks and narrow shoes. The second most important attribute is a jacket. Large cage, strip - here are 2 sought-after prints. Shirt who endorses in unison pants and jacket, suggests juicy shades: Pink, orange, blue. Pestrog options are allowed. A narrow tie, which is tied to a miniature nodule, completes the male kit.

The female fashion of this style is the magnificent skirts with the presence of several checkers (the same bright as the skirts themselves) or crinolines. Length reaches a knee or just below. The waist is emphasized by a contrasting satin belt. Large, rushing jewelry pretty simple design: Bracelets, rings, earrings, beads. In the role of decorations, bandages from the same satin are hairstyle as on the waist, as well as rims, hairpins and bows. A small hat is used.

Stock Foto Clothes in style styles 60s

"All new is well forgotten old." This is a saying as it can not be suitable for modern fashion trends. Popular images of young people, and style style is the embodiment of brightness, originality, the desire to stand out from the crowd. Designers recreate the forgotten images of the 60s. The twentieth century, following the interest and demand. Take a look stock Foto Clothes in style styles,and you certainly want to try on this shackle and carefree image.

Where to buy clothes in style styles?

Of course, for those who, looking in the grandmother's closet, found a relevant outfit, we just envy. This is a rarity: do not refuse such a dress! It's not difficult to sew clothes in style and for needlewomen. In this case, the advantage will be that it is sewn on their own sketches and will sit on you perfectly. But what to do the rest of the category of people? Where to buy clothes in style styles? Huge selection Provide both ordinary and online stores. Of course, among many models you will find the corresponding to your internal state Outfit Besides, in specialized stores You can take such rolling outfits.