Stonehenge - interesting data and facts. Interesting facts about Stonehenge: what is it and why was it built? Stonehenge interesting facts

About 130 km southwest of London is a unique megalithic (stone) structure. This stonehenge, which since 1986 has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and transferred by the British Crown to the management of English Heritage.

What is Stonehenge, one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, and why have the eyes of those who research history been riveted to it for many years?

Let's try to answer this question. To do this, consider all the interesting facts related to the world of Stonehenge.

To begin with, one should turn to the historical name of this mysterious complex, which in ancient times sounded like Stanhengues.

They tried to translate this word back in the Middle Ages, and the most accurate version was listed as “suspended stones” or “hanging stones”.

Today, this monument is called Stonehenge, which means "stone henge", that is, "stone circle".

Where is Stonehenge

Stonehenge is located in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and is one of its most important attractions.

To be more precise, as we have already said, the structure is located in Wiltshire, England, about 3.2 km west of Amesbury and 13 km north of Salisbury.

World of Stonehenge

Scientists believe that Stonehenge originated around 3000 BC. e. In other words, this structure is about 5 thousand years old.

The complex is a circle of stones, around which there are 56 burial "holes of Aubrey", named after the explorer of Stonehenge in the 17th century.

In the very center is an altar weighing 6 tons. In general, Stonehenge consists of 82 megaliths weighing 5 tons; 30 blocks, each of which weighs 25 tons; and 5 triliths (arches of three stones), weighing 50 tons each.

By the way, the arches point to the cardinal directions with impeccable accuracy.

The stones that were used to create this mysterious structure have a different origin. It is believed that they could be transported from a site located 210 km from Stonehenge.

When considering such structures, the question involuntarily arises: how were these giant blocks of many tons moved from one place to another?

Scientists conducted an experiment and found that 24 people can move a stone weighing one ton at a speed of 1 km per day.

As we said earlier, there are 50 ton blocks at Stonehenge. Consequently, ancient builders could move one such block for several years.

Legends of Stonehenge

One of the legends says that the megalithic complex was built with the help of the wizard Merlin, who was also a mentor to King Arthur. Allegedly, he transferred stone blocks from South Wales - a place of accumulation of sacred springs.

However, even assuming that the legend has some basis, it is difficult to assume that this is true. After all, the distance to these quarries is huge, and it was much easier to transport multi-ton blocks by sea, and then only drag the remaining 80 km by land.

According to another version, a huge Heel Stone was formed when one monk was running away from the devil and did not have time to hide. The demon threw a stone at the fleeing saint and crushed his heel.

Of course, all this cannot be true, if only because the characters of ancient England lived much later than the appearance of Stonehenge.

Who built Stonehenge

Like any unique cultural heritage site, Stonehenge has a controversial origin. Whether the ancient Romans were involved in the construction, or whether it was the result of the activities of the Germans and the Swiss, remains a mystery.

It is believed that this complex was used for its intended purpose for 2-2.5 thousand years, after which it was abandoned.

Of course, it is not possible to verify this, and such conclusions are drawn on the basis of insignificant facts and details.


There is no intelligible and unambiguous answer to this question either. However, there is a persistent version that it was an ancient observatory.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, as a result of computer modeling, researchers found out that Stonehenge is not only a lunar calendar, but also a solar one.

Moreover, Stonehenge is a visual model of the solar system in cross section. An interesting fact is that at that time this model consisted of 12 planets.

Perhaps the ancient sages knew what is still a scientific mystery for us.

The English historian Brooks, who has been exploring Stonehenge for many years, proved that it is part of a giant navigation system.

Of course, the complex was also used as a ritual place. Many ritual attributes were found in the vicinity.

After the excavations, scientists came to the conclusion that in total about 240 people were buried in Stonehenge, who were cremated before burial. Archaeologists believe that most likely representatives of the local elite or the ruling dynasty were buried here.

Using radiocarbon analysis, scientists have established that the largest part of the remains dates back to 2570-2340 BC, and the first part of the ashes, which was found in the oldest part of Stonehenge, is dated 3030-2880 BC.

At the beginning of the 20th century, local residents skillfully sold hammers, chisels and other auxiliary tools to visitors so that they could chip off a piece of the sacred megalith for themselves.
To date, tourists do not have such an opportunity, since this monument is the most important architectural heritage of the past and is protected accordingly.

Druid Sanctuary

John Aubrey (English writer and antiquary) believed that Stonehenge is the fruit of the hands of the Druids (priests of the ancient Celts).

This led to the fact that modern English neo-druids regularly visit Stonehenge, considering it one of them.

Given the fact that this complex was indeed built taking into account astronomical patterns, many representatives of pagan beliefs come to Stonehenge on the days of the winter and summer solstice to feel the connection with nature and space.

Maybe future scientists will be able to answer this question, but for now we have to limit ourselves to describing interesting facts.

Against the background of the endless sky, these giants clearly loom. There is something mysterious, completely incomprehensible and attractive in these giants. To this day, it is not completely known why these megaliths were erected in the 3rd millennium BC. Their purpose is still the subject of much debate in the scientific world. At first glance, stone sculptures seem completely primitive. But this is only at first glance.

Against the background of the endless sky, these giants clearly loom. There is something mysterious, completely incomprehensible and attractive in these giants. To this day, it is not completely known why these megaliths were erected in the 3rd millennium BC. Their purpose is still the subject of much debate in the scientific world. At first sight, stone the sculptures seem quite primitive. But this is only at first glance.

The principles by which Stonehenge was built are neither primitive nor accidental. They are all based on the laws of perspective. It is not known why this complex was erected, nor, moreover, how this construction was carried out. But it is not difficult to guess how much effort it cost. The construction dates back to 4 - 2 millennia BC (several centuries before the fall of Troy), of course, about any technical assistants are out of the question. Each block that makes up Stonehenge weighs at least 50 tons, and the nearest rock is 350 km from the place where it stands.

It is also obvious that the place on which Stonehenge stands now was not chosen at all by chance. Each megalith is located directly above the underground stream water, and exactly at the points where rivers intersect with each other. A huge number of underground rivers and streams have been discovered under Stonehenge itself. Mystics say that water helps the accumulation and preservation of energy and information.

When studying Stonehenge, it was clearly established that the construction of individual parts of the megalith was carried out in different historical periods. Moreover, these stages are separated from each other by thousands of years. The most ancient parts (they date back to 3100 BC) - the central ditch and the shaft are made in the shape of a circle. Holes were found inside this circle, in which sacrifices were made (traces of burnt corpses were found). These holes are located around the entire circumference, at an equal distance from each other. Outside this circle is a stone called the “heel of the running monk.” Inside the moat, the so-called blue stones are placed, and they are dated to a different period. These are embossed blocks of a bluish hue. Moreover, all of them are not the same in their geological characteristics: from different deposits and different ages. At the same time, even the nearest stone quarry from Stonehenge is located as much as 380 km from eastern Wales. Today, in order to bring several of these blocks, you will need a special technique, powerful tractors, platforms and cranes.

Scientists, having studied the traces, found that these stones were rearranged around 1800 BC, more than once.


The purpose of Stonehenge is still a subject of much debate. There are countless versions.

For example, Inigo Jones, an English architect of the 17th century, who studied giants commissioned by King James I, found much in common with samples of ancient architecture. He suggested that Stonehenge is nothing more than the ruins of a Roman temple.

In later times, considering the exact calculations of the construction of gigantic stones, it was assumed that Stonehenge was used as an observatory, served to predict lunar eclipses. This assumption is connected, first of all, with the fact that during the summer solstice, the main axis of Stonehenge points to where the Sun rises. At sunrise, the megalith is cut by a beam exactly in the middle.

The assumption that Stonehenge was nevertheless built in order to determine eclipses and the days of the winter and summer solstices, meanwhile, raises some doubts. Was it really necessary to invest so much effort to build a building that, in fact, would only be a calendar?

There is another version, which in the scientific world is considered absolutely incredible. It is assumed that Stonehenge is an airstrip for alien ships. Allegedly, 14 km from Addis Ababa, rock paintings dating back to 5 thousand years old were found, which depicted a drawing of a building very similar to Stonehenge, from the center of which something resembling space ship.

Many legends are associated with the megalith, however, it is not known how true they are. So, it is reported that in 1953 the boy, having touched one of the stones, fell as if knocked down. Since then, he has been completely paralyzed. In 1956, a photographer who took photographs of Stonehenge discovered a strange defect in the picture - an unusual glow emanated from each stone to the sky.

Scientists themselves have faced many riddles. For example, strange clicking sounds are periodically heard near the stones. It is said that this is due to the strong magnetic field that spreads around Stonehenge. Also known about phenomenal a phenomenon when the red compass needle always points to the center of the megalith, even if you go around it from all sides. It also turned out that if you tap on Stonehenge in a certain way, the sound propagates from stone to stone, although they do not touch each other.

There are endless versions of what Stonehenge is. Historians are studying the megalith, archaeologists, geologists, anthropologists, chemists and even civil engineers. It is only known for sure that it is impossible to solve this riddle to the end, and all versions will remain only assumptions: Stonehenge is so old that its history was forgotten already in ancient times. There is not a single inscription, drawing, or any mark on the stones.

These megaliths are of great interest not only among scientists, but also among the townsfolk. Every year, the legendary Stonehenge attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. Someone comes just to look at the gigantic statue, and someone dreams of touching the stones, believing that life energy will be transferred to them this way.


Stonehenge- one of the most ancient monuments in the world, which is a stone megalithic structure-cromlech, located on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. Built around 2500 BC, Stonehenge is a true reflection of prehistoric times. Unfortunately, information about who and why this structure was created has not reached our time. Some researchers believe that it was either a sacrificial altar or an observatory, and in the 18th century there were even suggestions that Stonehenge was used as a gallows. Stonehenge consists of earthen fortifications surrounded by large vertical stones that form a circle with a diameter of 29.6 meters. Below you will learn some more interesting information about this prehistoric monument.

Stonehenge is located on the Salisbury Plain, in the English county of Wiltshire, about 137 kilometers southwest of London.

The name of this building comes from the English "Stone Hedge", which means "stone fence".

Although there is no definite information about who built Stonehenge, it is traditionally believed that it was built by the Druids, Greeks or Atlanteans.

Stonehenge was built between 3100 - 1100 BC.

In 1986, Stonehenge and its surroundings were included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, in addition, it has the status of a national historical monument.

The prehistoric site of Stonehenge is owned by the Queen of England, managed by English Heritage, and the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust, a heritage charity.

The stones and arches of Stonehenge indicate the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon as they move throughout the year.

The builders of Stonehenge had a fine understanding of astronomical, geometric, and architectural principles.

Rings of huge stones are surrounded by a large moat and ramparts.

The stones of Stonehenge are placed in such a way that they increase in size towards the center and alternate in shape between tall, thin pillar-like stones and cone-shaped obelisk-shaped stones.

Two types of stone were used in the construction of Stonehenge - blue stones, which weighed almost four tons and were delivered from a distance of 380 kilometers. The second type of stone is sandstone boulders, which reached a height of about 5 meters and weighed twenty-five tons.

Researchers estimate that the construction of Stonehenge took more than thirty million hours of labor time.

Stonehenge is the most famous megalithic structure of the nine hundred stone rings that exist in the British Isles.

Until 1950, most archaeologists believed that the purpose of Stonehenge was limited to ritual functions. However, it is now believed that Stonehenge was an astronomical observatory used by ancient people to observe the sun and moon.

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On December 18, a new museum complex with an electronic panorama and previously unexhibited artifacts opens in the vicinity of Stonehenge. For this event, we have collected interesting facts about this mysterious structure.


Stonehenge is a group of giant 5-meter stones set in a circle on the Salisbury Plain (Wiltshire County, South West England) between 3000 and 2000 BC. On its main axis, Stonehenge is oriented strictly to the point of the winter solstice. The rays of the emerging sun fall into the gap between the vertical supports of one of the large stones that form part of the circle. This fact gave researchers a reason to believe that Stonehenge is an ancient observatory, but disputes about its purpose have not subsided for more than eight centuries.

So, scientists in the 17th century noticed that the position of the stones can be linked to astronomical phenomena. A theory has also been put forward, according to which Stonehenge originally served to predict cosmic catastrophes associated with the consequences of the passage of the Earth through the tail of a comet. In addition, it is often claimed that Stonehenge was used for burials. Indeed, burials were found on the territory of the monument, but they were made later than the construction of Stonehenge.

Another version describes Stonehenge as a primitive temple - a place of rituals, funerals and festivities.

Stonehenge builders

The first researchers associated the construction of Stonehenge with the Druids, but excavations have shown that the construction was built much earlier: in the New Stone and Bronze Ages.

At the same time, it is noted that before the conquest of Britain by the Romans in the first century AD, the island was inhabited by a small number of primitive captives and communities that simply could not build such a complex structure. Legends associate the construction of Stonehenge with the name of the wizard Merlin. At different times, scientists called the builders of the construction of the ancient Romans, Swiss and Germans.

It was found by radiocarbon method that the construction of Stonehenge lasted in three stages for almost two thousand years, from 3020-2910. BC e. before 2440-2100 BC e.

Delivery of stones

It remains a mystery how huge boulders were brought to Stonehenge. Some of the stones concentrated in the center of Stonehenge were imported from afar. It is believed that these so-called "blue stones" were brought from a distance of 380 km, approximately from the east part of Wales, where the nearest stone quarry is located. Moreover, each stone was about 2 meters high, about 1.5 meters wide, 0.8 meters thick and weighed 4-5 tons.

According to researchers, Stonehenge consisted of 82 five-ton megaliths, 30 stone blocks of 25 tons each, and 5 giant triliths weighing up to 50 tons.


In 1901-1965, the monument underwent numerous restorations, which became the subject of sharp criticism and even journalistic investigations. Many researchers point out that Stonehenge was completely reconstructed, and, most likely, even moved to another place. So, the curator of the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge Christopher Chippindale admitted that "almost all the stones were moved in one way or another and now stand in concrete."

Other "stonehenges"

Stonehenge is only the most famous and most imposing stone ring in the British Isles, but far from the only one. In total, about 900 such structures were discovered.

tourist attraction

Every year on the winter solstice (December 21 this year), Stonehenge sees an influx of tourists. Thousands of people from all over the world, including adherents of pagan cults, strive to celebrate this day in Stonehenge. According to British Minister of Culture Maria Miller, Stonehenge attracts a million tourists a year every year.

museum complex

The new museum complex opens on December 18, 2.5 km west of Stonehenge. It includes a modern electronic panorama with a circular view. Artifacts are also exhibited here, many of which have not been shown to tourists before. So, in the spring, visitors to the museum will be shown the reconstructed dwellings of the ancient builders of Stonehenge.

The arrangement of tourist infrastructure in the vicinity of Stonehenge will significantly simplify the life of visitors to the sights. For example, if earlier it was necessary to walk from the entrance to the complex to the monument itself, now guests will be driven by electric cars (the trip will take about 10 minutes). In addition, parking will be significantly expanded here, several restaurants and cafes will open.