Wedding toasts. Quotes of great men. Beautiful and wise phrases about love and marriage

Expressions and statuses about the wedding

  • Seeing the number of my friends in contact, Mom said: "No, daughter, we will not pull such a wedding!"
  • You need to marry such a woman that you would choose yourself as a friend if she was a man.
  • Disposable packaging - bride wedding dress.
  • One spoke a lot, the second wrote a lot. And the third came and did: she put her ring on his hand, took him to himself and made her happy!

Broke the leg day before the wedding? Wedding will heal!

  • If you have not seen flying plates - marry!
  • Yesterday was a witness at the wedding. Better B I got married!
  • I?! Marry?! Yes, what?! I even have a hamster mad ... And then the husband is such a responsibility!
  • If a woman loves you, be alert: the case can end the registry office.

  • The worst wish - going from the wedding, wish the newlyweds "Good night"
  • Are you married?! Not. And when are you going? When the university finish. Are you married?! Not. When are you going? When you finish the university!
  • Wedding is the best day for self-expression!
  • Boy, and boy? Maybe you donate the surname !!!
  • If a woman feeds a man with one delicacies before the wedding, he still has time to get treasured.

  • Dima said "Hi", and Katya mentally played a wedding and gave birth to three children.
  • Bentally is noodles on the ears and in bed. But for the hair and the registry office is original!
  • I would ring, and the fingers are frowning ...

Family life and marriage expressions

  • I used to think that marriage is a marital status, and now I know that it is a medal. It is called "for courage!"
  • To the question: "What are you doing?" I always have one answer: "I help my husband ... Wear the surname!"

  • A happy marriage is when you look at the most beautiful man passing past, look, you look ... and you think: "Damn, a cool jacket, you need to buy my husband !!!"
  • A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say.
  • My husband will be the happiest man in the world, because I will be my wife!
  • The marriage is the most expensive way to reduce the cost of relationships, and turn them into priceless.
  • Called her husband. I ask: "Do you love me much?" Replies: "BUY!". That's what this matrimonial understanding is!
  • If men knew about women what they knew their mother, the world would be full of bachelors.

  • Mom always told me: Trust my husband, adore her husband and write down as much property as possible on your name
  • A man is not he who has a woman, and the one who takes her.
  • What is the secret of our long marriage? No matter how busy, twice a week we are chosen to the restaurant. Candles on the table, dinner, pleasant music, dancing. She dines on Thursdays, and I am on Fridays.

  • Marriages are in love, by calculation and foolishness.
  • Only the man who gave this house to a woman can demand cleanliness in the house. Waiting for a delicious dinner can only be the man who bought products for its preparation. Well, only the man who dresses it can only undressing a woman.

  • My wife considers me too curious .... At least it is written in her diary.
  • In India, a girl who became his wife, draw a red point on his forehead ... And her husband gives a sniper rifle ... That's why they live long and happily!
  • Marriage is 2 people, one of which is always right, well, the second is a husband!

  • Happiness is when in the house, in bed and in the head - the same person ...
  • "No person is able to understand what real love is until he lives in marriage a quarter of a century" (Mark Twain)
  • Choosing a husband, you choose your father to your children and the quality of your life.

Beautiful thoughts about women, statuses for girls

  • Never play with a woman! You do not know, suddenly she plays better than you ...

  • In the family must command someone alone!
  • Love your women, otherwise it will do someone for you ...
  • The girl is pretty in his eyes when he knows that she is loved.
  • In the evenings there is nothing more expensive than hear ... "And I, too, too.

Wedding Aphorisms

winged wedding expressions

Bay Muga Kettle - There will be a husband the head!
In the family, all robbed: husband - tie, wife - fur coat!
Where love Yes, there is no advice there.
Let's run in smoke. So that was happiness - young!
Children - Flowers of Life! Give a whole bouquet!
Another docked!
We wish a pair of a young to live to a golden wedding.
My wife is not a mittens - you will not shut up for the belt.
He married himself - help a friend.
Live among themselves as the ps with water.
Who is where, and we marry!
Who will not have fun. We will give wander.
The best friend from the son-in-law is called he is called.
Love Ring, and y rings began not and no end.
Love while underpin, a lamp.
Newlyweds. Reduce the level of marriage in your marriage.
Our wedding law is simple: Pey, have fun and sing.
Ha is needed treasure, since the wife of the wife.
He picked up to marry a day, and poured a hundred years.
Height Lych DPYGA than a vertex.
Mosse your wife in your arms ... until I sat on the neck.
Well, the mother-in-law was not Yuli, dariy son-in-law - Zhiguli!
From the kisse to the SSOP, one step, and from SSOs to a kisse - week, and even new boots!
Under the table more than three not to gather!
The path to the heart of the husband lies through the stomach.
With a good wife, I am half a half, doubly.
With a cute PAY and in a hood, but Lyche, if the slashes in the PA.
Wedding - She and Africa - Wedding!
Family is the key to happiness.
Family without love - Depere without more.
The mother-in-law is not Kpyti - Kypi son-in-law "Zhigyli".
Sober at the wedding - spy.
The goodwill there are no skinny.
So that the Union is durable - the ducts need a duct!
In this terme, Karglazaya languishes (green-eyed, blue-eyed) Maiden.
Who has what, and we have a wedding.
You are good today - you marry today.
Anyway, you will not go anywhere from me. (Drawn Karapuz)
We ask you not to forget, more often "bitterly" to us shout.
A good mother-in-law will not be skinny. (Mother-in-law feeds son-in-law pancakes).
Husband Professor - Erunda, husband student - What is yes!
Easy life is not looking for, married - do not food!
Hee heeh, ha ha ha, we will rob a bridegroom!
Tili-tili dough - a bride lives here.
Threw to drink, smoking, swear - we will marry.
Stop, groom! Do not touch from the place - your bride lives here.
Little to get to heaven, you need to get a lot there. (Shalash, in it refrigerator, TV, etc.).
Husband king - heel wife of his crown.

Aphorisms of great people

Unrequited love is useful for the poet's notebook: it fills the pages, devastating his soul.
Unknown author

In one hour of love - a whole life.
Honore de Balzac

Every obstacle love only enhances it.
Shakespeare William

Yes, if love has something in common with the mind!
Goethe Johann Wolfgang

If two love each other, it can not come happily.
Hemingway Ernest

Women love only those who do not know.
Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich

We live and breathe we, loving,
But he loves all of himself.

Others think that old love should be chopped by a new love like a stake.
Cicero Mark Tullya

Who will not forget their first love, will not recognize the last.
Burluk David Davidovich

Any passion pushes on mistakes, but love is pushing.
Larancy Francois De.

Love is not to look at each other, but look in one direction.
Saint Exupery Antoine de

Love runs from those who chase for her
And those who are running running, throws on the neck.
Shakespeare William

Love is always, - not to lie, -
Love for yourself. So created light.
Lope de Vega (Lope Felix de Vega Carpio)

Love and puppies are born blind.
Swedish saying

Love does not argue; With wings and without eyes, it is the emblem of blind rashness.
Shakespeare William

Love is born in admiration, he lives in depression and dies in hysterics.
Bucharian Yuri Vyacheslavovich

Love dies, contrary to the priest and the wedding promise.
Tekkrei William Majpis

Love is the only passion that does not recognize the past or the future.
Honore de Balzac

Love is a rude exaggeration of the difference between one person and all the others.
Show George Bernard

Love, the only passion that is paid for by the same coin, which herself coins.

Love, a volu-color-bitter monster, from which there is no protection.

Love ... stronger death and fear of death.
Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

Dream and reality merge in love.
Nabokov Vladimir Vladimirovich

A man falls in love with his eyes, and disappointed with ears.
Bucharian Yuri Vyacheslavovich

A man loves usually women who respect; A woman usually respects only men who love. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loved, and a woman often respects men who should not be respected.
Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

A man wants to reduce love to the size of pleasure, and a woman wants to increase love to the size of happiness.
Melikhan Konstantin Semenovich

A man who cleverly speaks of love does not love much.
Sand Georges (Dupin Aurora)

Men always want to be the first love woman. Women dream of being the last novel of a man.
Wilde Oscar.

No less than the plague ruffle love people.
Gorky Maxim (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov)

Before saving a woman, no one to love anyone, besides her, it would be necessary to see all women, or only to see her alone.
Bouast Pierre

Separation for love is the same as the wind for fire; He quit a weak fire and swells strong.
Burke Rod

Only the last love woman can be compared with the first love of a man.
Balzac Onor De.

The mind looks at thousands of eyes, love looks one.
Polonsky Yakov Petrovich

The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours.
Marquez Garcia Gabriel

Man is not a beast and not an angel; He must love not animal and not placed, but human.
Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

What is love? This is a toothpick in the heart.
Heine Heinrich

"Love - above the raw lighthouse,
Not fading in the darkness and fog
Love - Star, who is sailor
Determines the place in the ocean. "
V. Shakespeare

"Joy and grief, excitement of the Duma,
Sweet flour alarmed mind,
Thrill delight, sadness grive again;
Happy only the one who owns love! "
I. Goette

"Love is ... High prompting an individual to growth and maturity, to becoming something within himself, become a kind of world, to become the world inside him for the sake of another. It is a great, almost exorbitant requirement, something that chooses us and calls for the Great. Love is that two will retire to protect, maintain and enjoy each other. "
Rainer Maria Rilke

"The beginning and weakening of love feels like the difficulty that we experience, remaining alone."

"It always seems to us that we are like that we are good. And do not guess that they love us from the fact that those who love us are good. "
L. Tolstoy

"The heart is in equilibrium only on the edge of the razor."
Pierre Reversis

Most people are so happy as they decided to be happy.
AB Lincoln

Darkness can not dispersed darkness - can only light.
Hate can not destroy hatred - can only love.
Martin Luther King

People are often lonely, because they build walls instead of bridges.

Do you know what a woman wants?
To appeal to it as a queen; But she wants it from the king, not from the pawn.
James Robison.

Friendship is love minus sex and plus reasons.
Love is friendship plus sex and minus causes.
Mason Cooley.

Friendship is love without wings.

Maybe love is really a disease, but, alas, not contagious.
Hot Petan

If you do not like too, then you love not enough.
Louis de Pethe

Without having loved, it is impossible to come to the thought that love does not happen.
Alexander Kulich

To be beloved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you need to be loved.
Francoise Sagan.

Woman young as long as she loves.
G. Flaubert

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but it is an attractive one hundred thousand opportunities.
Sh. Montesquie

Be a woman - a great step.
To drive crazy - heroism.
(B. Pasternak)

What is the smartest woman? That we want to thank even for refusing.
V. Klyuchevsky

Woman's heart is a white sheet of paper: you never read anything on it, but you will write a lot if you can write on such a material.
V. Klyuchevsky

Do not joke with women: these jokes are stupid and indecent.
Goat rods

Nothing bothers the novel as a sense of humor in a woman or the lack of him in a man.
Oscar Wilde

We must give the same way as we get, willingly, quickly and without oscillations, because there is no nobility in distinguishing with ripping from the hands.

Love is a disease of tenderness.

If, by forty years, the person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.

If the art rose to lead a conversation, fertility would drop.
S.E. Belts.

Let a man afraid of a woman when she loves: for she brings any sacrifice and every other thing has no price for her.

Women are all heart, even a head.
Jean Pol

Those who praise women knows them not enough. Those who scold them do not know them at all.

The woman is beautiful and virtuous is a mirage, which replenishes our great moral desert with bright lakes and shady alleys.

If the vessel is not clean enough, everything will be skis, whatever you poured.

You contemplate a star for two reasons: Because she sparkles, and because it is incontended. But next to you - the radiance is more gentle and the mystery is deeper: a woman.

A woman worries about the future until married. A man does not worry about the future, until he marries.
Coco Chanel

A man forgives and forgets, a woman forgives - and only.

Beware of a woman who has many girlfriends, for they will constantly strive to destroy your marriage union, your "we". However, one girlfriend is even worse: over time she can become your wife.
Sirill Connolli

Forgive - good, but best - forget.
R. Browning

Women are that flowers: one woman and one flower delight and admire; In the same place, where in the room there are many colors and many women, they produce headaches.

If a woman converges with you, not love, she will make you pay for it; And if she loves, she will make you pay even more expensive.
R. Koldington

Femininity is the quality that I admire the most in women.
Oscar Wilde

"Yes" - a word that women are easier to pronounce their eyes than mouth.
Paul decechel

The separation for love is the same as the wind for fire: it is a little love, and he is even more inflated.

Bad, if you have no one to take care of you. Even worse, if you don't care about you.
S.E. Belts.

Jealousy is an art to cause yourself even more evil than others.
Duma Son.

Rogues require a wallet or life, women - both.
Samuel Batler

Men appreciate the most real - beauty in women, and women in men are the most ephemeral: reliability.
N. Vekhin

Love is not to bandage at each other, but to watch together in one direction.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We are responsible for those who have tamed.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love like fire, without food goes out.

To the wedding you need to prepare not only young, but also invited. The original toast charges everyone with a positive and set up to the desired way. We offer you a selection of toasts, which are based on the statements of great people.

As the famous French writer Hugo said: "If the love is real, she will never recognize suggestions and cannot cool." This is brilliant words! So let's wish young spouses every day of family life enjoying each other's society and never satisfy the sweetness of your love!

The French writer Albert Cami somehow said: "Go always with me next and be my friend." I believe that spouses are not only lovers, but also faithful, devotees and closest friends for life! I want to wish a young family to always go close to each other, looking in one direction and having a common goal! Let them be easy and pleasant to both! Bitterly!

Dear young! As the great Spaniard Cervantes wrote: "Love wears such glasses, through which copper seems to be gold, poverty - wealth, and drops of fire - pearls." So let's drink to your family you all saw the naked eye!

Dear young! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: "In family life, the most important screw is love, sexual attraction, a single flesh, still the rest is unreliable and boring, as if cleverly calculated." I offer a toast for the "most important screw" in your life - for your love!

Dear young! Great Spaniard Servantes said:
"In love, in whose chest everything is again and again
Doubts feed love
Her holy world is not fit. "

So let's drink for the fact that our bride and the bride never doubted each other in each other!

French writer Andre Teres wrote: "There is no happy life, there are only happy days." Let us drink for the fact that the newly created family had a lot of a lot of happy days, of whom would generally have their lucky life!

Bernard Shaw claimed: "Marrying stupid, not marry - even more stupid." Our young of two nonsense chose less. And correctly done! Raise the glasses for you and your happiness!

The great writer A. P. Chekhov said that in a person everything should be perfect - not only face and appearance, but also the soul. Today I want to wish the newlyweds every day and an hour to be for each other with the most spacey over white light!

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, having a stopping wife, Xantippu, loved to reason on the topic of married. On the one hand, he claimed: "We marry or not marry, you still repent of", and on the other hand I assured: "Firth, no matter what." I want to raise a glass for beautiful women, thanks to which we never regretted that they were allowed to challenge themselves for marriage. For female wisdom, love, tenderness and care! For the bride!

A loving person in everything sees beauty. Her light and glitter improves spiritual impulses and eradicates disadvantages. As Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world!". I raise a glass for the sincere love of this pair and for the shining beauty of the bride!

Cute newlyweds, I want to quote for you Chekhov: "Do not calm down, do not sleep! While young, strong, cheer, do not get tired of doing good. " I have only one supplement to this statement - do not get tired to give each other love! I raise this glass for the happiness of the young!

In preparation, materials from were used

Reed Khasanova

Original anniversary statuses

No need to write banal things like "We have a wooden wedding today." And, for example, you can write status in humorous or in poetic form

Examples of original anniversary status:

  • - Do you have a dream?
    - Was.
    - And now?
    - Now you are next to me. Happy Wedding, Favorite!
  • Congratulations on the anniversary
    beloved man.
    Kind, smart and sexy -
    for me, you are perfect!
  • So we lived a year,
    without trouble and without worries.
    No "mine" or "yours"
    for two, we divide everything.

Cool wedding anniversary statuses:

  • Our wedding anniversary took place in silence, as the restaurant has free internet.
  • We celebrate the first anniversary of the wedding, and by this time I worsened vision! I do not see money!
  • Someone wishes forever to stay in the heart of a man, in his thoughts and memory. And here for 5 years I have been on the 14th page of my husband's passport.
  • A year ago, we were not afraid to take a chance, and now we will be happy all my life!
  • I will not bother you, and you are terribly - we have a golden wedding ahead!

Wedding anniversary quotes

To tell all about your happy day - about the anniversary of the wedding, you can take advantage of famous statements. famous people about family life.

Onor de Balzac said: "You need to believe in marriage just like in the immortality of the soul"

Beautiful words for those spouses who want to emphasize that their love to each other will never die.

You can simply original to confess to the love of the spouse using the quotation Floor Suiney: "I love to be my husband's wife." Or the words of Martin Luther King emphasize that marriage is daily labor of two people: "Chains will not keep marriage. Hold his many tiny threads that are sewn throughout the long years. "

Other quotes about the wedding anniversary:

  • This happiness is when 5 years after the wedding, the butterfly in the stomach still flute even from one of his gaze.
  • Why is the wedding ring wear on a nameless finger? Because it has Vienna, which leads to heart. So you are - now for a whole year in my heart.
  • Life is like a sensual dance length of 15 years!

Our feelings are unchanged, like red roses bouquet.

Interesting hashtags and posts about the anniversary of living together

Anniversary of living together in marriage is usually celebrated more widely and festively than intermediate dates. These include:, Pink (10 years old), Silver (25 years), Golden (50 years) and others.

On such days, you can congratulate your loved one not only with a gift and warm words, but also placing a touching post about the wedding anniversary at home on a social network page.

Examples of such posts:

  • We celebrate the anniversary of the wedding - this is a real holiday of sincere love, happiness and mutual understanding. Let all the following years of our life be held in the same atmosphere of calm and serenity, as well as the previous ones. Our feelings every day are getting stronger and stronger, and we wish everyone in their lives to experience true love - such as we have.
  • Dear my spouse! I am happy to be with you nearly now without a small 30 years. Let God keep our family and our feelings. And I will always be with you, giving you my love and gratitude.

Such words about love can be supported by hashtagsTo emphasize the individuality of the pair. For example, such hashtegi:

  • # 25 liter;
  • # Solovyovyovotyolwood;
  • # 10Twest.

How to invent hashtags about the anniversary of the wedding

Users of social networks have long been used by hashtags, arranging them under their posts. But creating an interesting, bright wedding hashtega Still in demand. It is explained by the fact that personal hashtg will emphasize the individuality and creativity of a person who has spread the post.

So that hashteg about the anniversary of the wedding is not lost among many similar, you need to try to make it as original as possible. You should not be limited to one name, for example, # Pashamash.

It is better to combine in one hashteg and names, and the noted date. So that the phrase was readable allocate words in it with capital letters. Examples:

  • # 21Suylanezyvytsevayvadb;
  • # Woodwood gadgets17;
  • # 1-year-winged.

The harder the phrase in the hashtegé, the less people will see this photo or post.

Do not use lower underscore or too many digits. It is also not recommended to use words, the meaning of which is changing if instead of the letter E put the letter

Hashteg in Latinice You can write only if friends and guests of the holiday own keyboard layout in English. If the majority of invited anniversary do not have such knowledge, then the signatures for the photo it is better to leave only in Russian.

Good examples of hashtegov about the anniversary of the wedding:

  • # Zolotazvadbaivanov;
  • # Mashamaxavraver;
  • # Muishen5 years;
  • # Romantic Buggyback.

Despite the fact that it is selected to designate an important date for congratulations on social networks: cool status, a quotation of a well-known person or a post about love in prose - the most important thing is that all this comes from heart, sincerely and with the best feelings about who are dedicated to these the words. Mandatory on the birthday of the family you need to personally congratulate your halves and spend this day without the Internet, but enjoying each other's society.

February 19, 2018, 09:19

Behind the wedding table, guests pronounce newlyweds. Wish them live together and happily, let me love and take care of each other, bringing beautiful and wise quotes about the wedding.

Find the right words to express your feelings in this exciting day, it is not easy. On this page of our site, wedding quotes that you can use in your speech are presented.

Quotes and Aphorisms about the wedding

"Husband with his wife is similar to Luka,
Luka with a strong theater.
Although she pulls him
But herself is obedient.
Although she flexs him,
But herself is inseparable.
Porn - both are useless. "

"The marriage is the greatest happiness on Earth, if it is based on complete harmony."
Benjamin Dizraeli.

"In family life, the most important screw is love."
Anton Chekhov.

"With a good wife, I am half a patent - doubly."
Russian proverb.

"Love is more expensive than all treasures. She is a diamond that can not even buy kings. She is a whole world, although it is embraced by two hands. "
More Yokai.

What to tell newlyweds on the wedding day, what to wish them? Let the leitmotif of your congratulations be love and happiness of a young family. These wishes are always relevant, and newlyweds will be nice if you emphasize the importance of family values, bringing beautiful wedding quotes and aphorisms.

"Any matrimony, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting and more than any novel, even the most passionate."
Wainten Oden.

"Marriage is too perfect condition for an imperfect person."
Nikola Shamf.

"What is a great happiness - love and be loved."
Anton Chekhov

"The home focus warmed by the warmth of the faithful friend makes a person invulnerable."
Francis Bacon.

"The golden rule of marital life is patience and condescension."
Samuel Smilets.

"A good family is the one in which the husband and wife for the day are forgotten that they are lovers, and at night - about the fact that they are spouses."

"The dependence of the family's life makes a person more moral."
Alexander Pushkin.

Specified on the wedding day the words sound in a special touching, and the quotes given to the place and by the time are remembered for a long time. Therefore, it is worth the preparation of such a speech to approach, thinking it to the smallest detail. Exception suitable wedding quotes, raise glasses and congratulate your loved ones with the beginning of a family life!

"The marriage must look at all eyes before marriage and keep them semi-closed after."
Madelen Schudery.

"The wife is not a mistress, but friend and satellite of our life, and we must teach it in advance to the thoughts to love her and then when she is a fascinating woman, and then when she is an old woman."
Vissarion Belinsky.

"The wedding is the result of relations that are in the process of development."
Vladimir Sukhorukov.

"The wedding is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end."
Yuzef Bulatovich.

Choose quotes and aphorisms about the wedding that will seem most consonant and appropriate atmosphere to raise a glass for young.

And if you do not have the opportunity to attend this celebration, you can congratulate newlyweds in a letter by email or in SMS, place congratulations on their pages on social networks, bringing suitable quotes about the wedding.

"Lovers may love each other before, thanks to each other; Spouses should get to know each other before you love. "
P. Bouast.

"Each of us is half a whole, dissected into two parts, and therefore everyone is looking for always the corresponding half."

Funny wedding quotes

Wedding quotes may not only be serious, but also joking.

"In the life of each girl there should be not only a small black dress, but also a long white.
The worst wish is to wish newlyweds to complete the wedding "Good night".

"The marriage is a smart thing for a fool and stupid for smart."

"If after a silver wedding you noticed that they married not on that woman, wait until Golden: as they say, it's scorching."

"With a cute and in a hood, but if this slag will stand in PA."

"In the family, all robbed: husband - tie, wife - fur coat."

"He married himself - help to a friend."

"Keep your eye to the wedding and grieved after."
Benjamin Franklin.

"The bride at the altar thinks:" Finally then! At last!". The groom: "Already too late! Too late!"".
Henry Menken.

"A man suffers the marriage because of love for a woman. A woman suffers a man because of love for marriage. "
Gabriel Laub.

"Two rings are involved in the wedding ceremony: one thing is put on the finger of the bride, the other is in the nose of the groom."
Robert Orben.

"A woman worries about the future until married. A man does not worry about the future, until he marries. "
Coco Chanel.

"Of course, your husband has its drawbacks! If he was holy, he would never marry you. "
Dale Cargo

"How many married couples are missing for happiness just a bit of passion! But how many missing just a bit of indifference! "
Jean Rostan.

"The marriage resembles scissors: halves can move in opposite directions, but they will study anyone who will try to get up between them."
Sydney Smith.

Wedding quotes for toasts and congratulations

In his speech upon completion of the ceremony in the registry office or at a festive table, you can use quotes and aphorisms on the topic of weddings, which will raise the mood to newlyweds and guests and help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Bernard Shaw claimed: "Marrying stupid, not marry - even more stupid." Our young of two nonsense chose less. And correctly done! Raise the glasses for you and your happiness!

French writer Andre Teres wrote: "There is no happy life, there are only happy days." Let us drink for the fact that the newly created family has had many happy days, of which as a whole would have formed a happy life!

The famous writer said: "Happiness is when you understand." And indeed it is. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is important for us to feel support and respect for others. I want to wish our young mutual understanding and love for long-long years! Happiness to you, dear!

As one writer said, "a happy marriage is a long conversation, at the end of which it seems that she was very short." So let your family life become a good, vital conversation two loving hearts for many years!

What is happiness? For all it is different, but there is one wise statement: "Happiness is to find half of my soul and keep her tightly, but gently and carefully, like a beautiful snowflake, admiring her beauty and fear to melt." I want to wish you with the same caress and tremble to keep and protect your happiness! Bitterly!