The course of pregnancy by trimester. What you need to know about the trimesters of pregnancy by week, how to behave in the first, second and third? Trimester analyzes

The waiting period for a child is usually no more than 42 calendar weeks. The entire period of pregnancy is usually divided into 3 trimesters, each of which has its own characteristics.

In this article, we will tell you which week each trimester begins, as well as what features of the course of pregnancy you can notice, depending on its duration.

Sometimes doctors use a simplified method when calculating the gestational age - the maximum waiting period for a child of 42 weeks is divided into 3 equal trimesters, 14 weeks each. Thus, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy with this method of counting will begin from week 15, and 3 from 29.

However, another breakdown method is most often used - using a special table that lists all trimesters of pregnancy by week.

Consider the most significant features and changes in the entire period of pregnancy by week of each trimester, while breaking down the entire period of expectation of the child as shown in the table.

1st trimester of pregnancy by week

1-3 weeks. The countdown of the beginning of the waiting period for the baby begins from the first day of the last menstruation. A little later, the egg is fertilized and the tiny embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus. You don't even know what's going on inside you while you're still waiting for your next period.

4-6 weeks. The hormone hCG is produced in the body of a woman, during this period, most expectant mothers find out about their situation with the help of a pregnancy test. In a tiny embryo, a heart begins to form. Some women begin to experience malaise, as well as nausea in the morning.

7-10 weeks. The future baby is growing and developing rapidly, its weight is already about 4 grams. Mommy may gain a little weight, but there are no external changes yet. Most girls fully suffer from toxicosis.

11-13 weeks. Time to pass, which includes ultrasound diagnostics and a biochemical blood test to determine the likelihood of possible chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Toxicosis, most likely, is already receding. The baby has formed the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, spine and face. By the end of the first trimester, his height reaches 10 cm, and his body weight is about 20 grams.

2nd trimester of pregnancy by week

14-17 weeks. The baby is actively moving in the mother's tummy, but most pregnant women do not yet feel this. The growth of the fetus reaches 15 cm, and the weight is about 140 grams. The expectant mother herself is also actively gaining weight, and by this time her increase can reach 5 kg.

18-20 weeks. During this period, most women get acquainted with the sensation of moving their baby. The tummy is already so prominent that it cannot be hidden from prying eyes. The baby develops by leaps and bounds, its weight reaches 300 grams, and its height is 25 cm.

21-23 weeks. At this time, you will have to undergo a second screening test. Very often, it is on the second ultrasound that the doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, whose weight reaches 500 grams.

24-27 weeks. The uterus becomes quite large, and the expectant mother may experience discomfort - a feeling of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, cramps in the legs, etc. The baby occupied the entire uterine cavity, his weight reaches 950 grams, and his height is 34 cm. His brain is fully formed .

3rd trimester of pregnancy by week

28-30 weeks. The load on the kidneys of a pregnant woman increases every day, the fetus develops incredibly rapidly - now it already weighs about 1500 grams, and its height reaches 39 cm. The baby's lungs begin to prepare for independent breathing.

31-33 weeks. During this period, you will undergo another ultrasound, on which the doctor will even be able to take photos of the baby's face. Its parameters reach 43 cm and 2 kg. The expectant mother is increasingly experiencing the body preparing for the upcoming birth.

34-36 weeks. All organs and systems of the baby are formed, and he is ready to be born, now until the due date he will only gain body weight. He becomes cramped in his mother's tummy, so the number of movements decreases. The weight of the fetus reaches 2.7 kg, height - 48 cm.

37-42 weeks. Usually during this period the logical end of pregnancy occurs - childbirth, the baby is born. Now he is already considered full-term, and the development of the lungs allows him to breathe on his own.

With the appearance of two stripes on the test, life is radically changing, how to live now and what to do? How is a new life born and what happens in the stomach of expectant mothers during 9 months of pregnancy?

What trimesters of pregnancy exist and what exactly happens in each of them, worries, in fact, only expectant mothers. It is important for doctors to know what week of pregnancy is the most accurate measurement of the term.

In total, there are three trimesters of pregnancy, each for about three months - a total of nine months.

The division into trimesters is rather arbitrary, in each of them the number of weeks is different. So in the first trimester there are 12 of them, and in the second and third, 16 each. This division is associated with the nature of the changes that occur with the baby at one time or another. In the first trimester, the laying of internal organs occurs, in the second, their intensive development and growth of the fetus, and in the third, the emphasis is on weight gain and preparation for life outside the mother's body.

First trimester of pregnancy

What's going on in mom's tummy

As mentioned above, the first trimester includes 12 obstetric weeks, which are counted from the moment the egg meets the sperm in the fallopian tube. From this point on, it will be another two weeks before the fertilized egg successfully reaches the uterus and attaches to its endometrium (outer layer) for further growth and development. They often confuse and start counting weeks from this very moment, but it is obstetric weeks that should be taken for calculation.

If the pregnancy is planned, the girls start doing tests from the very first days of the delay. It's early enough and the test will most likely be negative. For the accuracy of the result, it is better to wait 1-2 weeks and repeat the test. It reacts to the so-called pregnancy hormone - hCG, and it begins to double every 2-3 days from the moment of conception.

When the zygote (fertilized egg) is attached, its intensive development will begin. In the first three months, she will turn into a tiny man with all the necessary internal organs and systems. It will be possible to listen to a beating heart and see with the help of ultrasound how the future baby is somersaulting, moving his arms and legs. By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the weight of the embryo is about 14 g, and the weight from head to calf (KTR - calf-parietal size) can reach up to 9 cm.

How the life of a future mother changes

Not everyone immediately realizes the new situation. You shouldn't be afraid of this. When you see a little man on the ultrasound monitor, or a little later you feel his first movements, the necessary feelings will come.

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most difficult period of pregnancy for some expectant mothers. Although for someone it goes unnoticed, you should especially take care of yourself. Now all the vital organs of the baby are being laid, and the woman's body is adapting to the new position, sometimes causing not the most pleasant responses:

  1. Toxicosis. A frequent companion of the first trimester, although it bypasses some lucky women. Because of it, appetite may disappear and even weight may decrease a little - do not be afraid, the body will then return its own. But of course, it is necessary to be observed by a doctor and inform him about the symptoms. To minimize the consequences of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you should ventilate the premises more often, spend more time in the fresh air, and try to sleep for at least 8 hours. It helps some to gnaw a cracker in the morning without getting out of bed. Toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon, and, as a rule, it disappears by the end of the first trimester.
  2. Gastronomic delights. If previously loved foods can cause disgust up to vomiting and nausea, then strange and absolutely incompatible foods can whet a wild appetite.
  3. Frequent urination. The uterus begins to grow and, accordingly, put pressure on some internal organs, hence the constant urge.
  4. Violation of the digestive tract - constipation or diarrhea, as you are lucky.
  5. Lethargy, weakness, drowsiness. The body is moving to a new working rhythm, it needs time to adapt. This is a normal response to such a serious change. Rest at every opportunity, now learn to take care of yourself and listen to your desires.
  6. Sensitivity in the chest area, even painful sensations are possible. Hormonal changes prepare the mammary glands for breastfeeding. The chest may slightly increase, swell.

Not necessarily all of the above signs should appear in all pregnant women. Someone will feel only a part of them, and someone will not notice any changes in themselves at all. Everything is individual, there are no norms.

So, in the first trimester, a woman should get enough sleep, rest during the day, eat the right and healthy food, giving up fast foods and unverified cafes. You should not visit the sauna during this period and lie in hot water, carry weights and generally overstrain. Smoking and alcohol should be completely forgotten, ideally even at the stage of pregnancy planning!

You can’t overexert yourself, but you can and even need to move. Preferably in company with someone and in the fresh air. And if the tests are excellent and the doctor gave the go-ahead, it's time to do gymnastics for pregnant women and go swimming in the pool.

You should pay attention to the sensations in the abdomen. Sharp pulling pains that do not go away, accompanied by impurities of blood in the secretions, may be evidence of a fading pregnancy and a miscarriage that has begun.

Now we need to take care of ourselves more than ever. Any mild cold can negatively affect the embryo, because the placenta is still at the stage of formation, which means that any microbe can penetrate and cause harm.

Analyzes and examinations in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

To begin with, as soon as there are suspicions of pregnancy, and the test showed a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor. An increase in the hCG hormone in rare cases does not necessarily mean pregnancy, and its poor dynamics may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In the second case, fertilization also occurred, only the embryo for some reason attached itself in the wrong place (in the fallopian tube, on the ovary, in the abdominal cavity ...), while hCG will also grow, but at a slower rate than during normal pregnancy. Therefore, the doctor will first of all send you for a blood test several times in order to firstly confirm the increase in the hormone, and secondly, to track its dynamics in exact numbers. After several such tests, the doctor finally confirms the pregnancy, puts it on record and gives further directions for tests and examinations.

As a rule, they donate blood for all kinds of infections and diseases (AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis ...), they look at the Rh factor (if mom is negative and dad is positive, it will be necessary to donate blood for antibodies every 3 weeks). They will conduct a general analysis of blood and urine, tests for the presence of rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus, and so on. This is necessary to warn mommy from potential dangers. For example, if she does not have antibodies to rubella, then you should especially protect yourself from it, since it can cause irreversible fetal pathologies or even provoke a miscarriage.

It will be necessary to go through a number of specialists - an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT and therapist. As a rule, at the beginning and end of pregnancy. This is necessary to determine the course of childbirth, for 9 months, due to the ever-increasing load, vision may deteriorate, for example. And poor eyesight is a reason for a planned caesarean section.

At a period of 10-12 weeks, the first ultrasound is usually done (if for some reason it was performed earlier, it will have to be repeated at this time). It is advisable to go to it with your spouse. For many, it is very surprising that for such a short period of time there is a real little man in the tummy - arms, legs, head.

Second trimester of pregnancy

How does the expectant mother feel?

The most fertile period of pregnancy covers from 13 to 28 weeks. Unpleasant symptoms, such as toxicosis or constant fatigue, are already behind us. The tummy is already rounded, but not yet so much that it interferes with movement and the normal rhythm of life.

It's time to switch to shoes with a flat sole, because as the stomach grows, the center of gravity also shifts, balance is disturbed. Thongs should be abandoned in favor of the most ordinary cotton underwear. Maternity stores sell special nursing bras, you can start wearing them now. They have a soft lining, which gives undoubted comfort with increased sensitivity in the chest area. Other clothes are also sold there - outerwear, casual, swimwear, pajamas, etc. The main thing is that the clothes are loose, breathable and there is no pressure in the tummy area.

You might consider wearing a bandage. Usually start from the 20th week to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. However, it should be remembered that the constant wearing of a bandage weakens the abdominal muscles, which means that it will be more difficult to bring it into shape after childbirth. An additional and mandatory measure against the appearance of stretch marks will be the daily use of special moisturizers. Olive oil is perfect as an alternative to expensive cosmetic preparations.

If in the first trimester, for some reason, going to the gym and swimming pool were forbidden, now, most likely, now the doctor will give the go-ahead. And this must be taken advantage of, because how else to prepare the body and the little baby for labor? Walking in the fresh air is desirable every day, and try to ventilate the air in the room as often as possible.

Since the toxicosis was supposed to recede, most likely, a period of constant desire to eat something will begin now. This is a very tricky moment. Of course, it is necessary to indulge desires, but in moderation! It is better to try to avoid cakes and pastries that have absolutely no benefit other than gastronomic satisfaction.

The amount of discharge may increase, there should not be any unpleasant sensations (itching, burning), there should be no bloody impurities. With the advent of the first perturbations, one must observe them. If the baby is not active for a long time, it can be dangerous. There is still a risk of pregnancy fading, therefore, with such signs, you should consult a doctor.

Meanwhile in the stomach

By about the 16th week, the laying of the internal organs of the crumbs and the formation of the placenta are completed. From now on, it will protect him reliably from germs and various infections. But until then, a cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is still a serious danger. It is especially dangerous because traditional methods of dealing with it are inappropriate during pregnancy. Most medicines can seriously harm your baby. So, prevention is better than cure. And if we treat it, then only with the help of a doctor. You should not do this on your own, because even a banal sore throat can be the result of a bunch of completely different diseases.

Between 16 and 22 weeks, the first movements in the tummy are usually felt. For some, this resembles light bubbles, and for some it is akin to the movements of the fin of a small fish. The first movements are felt earlier if the expectant mother is thin or her pregnancy is not her first. When the movements are already clear, that even dad can feel them, you should begin to follow their character. Too intense kicks mean that the baby does not have enough oxygen. You should put aside all your affairs and at least briefly go out and get some fresh air. If the child does not manifest itself in any way for more than a day, you should immediately see a doctor. In the second trimester, the risk of pregnancy fading remains. Usually, babies start kicking when mom lies down for a while without moving. So some pregnant babies are sometimes not allowed to sleep.

During the second trimester, the baby grew to 39 cm, and its weight is about 1 kg. There is practically no room in the stomach for somersaults, however, if the child is not positioned correctly in the womb, he can still change his position. Doctors for this recommend special gymnastics, inclinations and classical music. Music should be listened to in large headphones, pressing them to the lower abdomen. From the 13th week, babies can perfectly hear everything that is happening around. So in addition to classical music (they say it has a beneficial effect on the development of the child), you can talk with the baby, introducing the future dad to this. The baby will learn to recognize your voices and calm down from their sound, both in the tummy and after childbirth.

During the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the baby will do a great job in its development. On ultrasound, you can see a real little man who knows how to frown, smile and even grimace.

Analyzes and examinations in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The second ultrasound according to the plan is optimally performed at 20-24 weeks. If the pregnancy is multiple and it was not established earlier, now this fact will be confirmed. If the baby does not turn away, you can see its gender. Ultrasound is necessary in order to evaluate the work of the internal organs of the crumbs and recognize possible pathologies and defects. The amount of amniotic fluid is estimated, the date of the PDR is specified.

In addition to an ultrasound examination, blood, urine and a smear are taken as standard. If necessary, the doctor may refer to the analysis for TORCH - infections.

If in the past there was a fading of pregnancy, or there are relatives with congenital pathologies, they may be offered to undergo a triple test. In this case, blood is taken from a vein and three important components - hCG, AFP and choriol - are checked for the presence of special markers. This is necessary to assess the risk of diseases such as Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome, for example.

Cordocentesis is another procedure that a pregnant woman can undergo in the second trimester. It is not mandatory and can be assigned if any deviations are identified. Using a special needle, fetal blood is taken from the umbilical cord in order to study it in detail. The procedure is not completely safe, in rare cases, after it there was a miscarriage in pregnant women.

At 23-24 weeks, a doppler is prescribed, although sometimes this happens later - at 30-34 weeks. This study is necessary in order to assess the usefulness of the blood flow, whether the baby’s body is well supplied with blood and whether he has enough oxygen.

Third trimester of pregnancy

What happens in the stomach

It is referred to from 29 to 44 weeks. Yes, it happens that childbirth occurs at 44 weeks! Although usually after 42 weeks, doctors try to stimulate labor as much as possible, because overwearing is a serious threat to both the mother and her baby. The longer he is in the womb, the stronger the bones harden, the crumb itself becomes more and more every day. And the most dangerous thing in this situation is that the placenta, which is necessary for the life of a small organism, nourishing it and supplying it with important vitamins and minerals, begins to age. That is, it ceases to cope with its functions, and this is dangerous, first of all, for the baby's brain.

DDD usually occurs around 40 weeks, but it is rare for a term-on-term delivery. It happens that childbirth occurs earlier, especially if the pregnancy is multiple. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby is already considered viable outside the mother's body. But if the birth occurred for some reason before the 36th week, then special equipment is needed to nurse the baby. The fact is that only from the 36th week his lungs will finally form and he will be able to breathe on his own.

During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the baby continues to add growth, although not at the same pace as before. He will reach about 52 cm and gain about 3.5 kg of weight. Of course, all children are different, and these parameters depend on the genetic characteristics of his parents and on the lifestyle and nutrition of his mother in the last three months. Indeed, in the third trimester, the main weight gain occurs in both the woman and her baby. That is why right now it is so important not to overeat and give preference to the right food. If the baby is too large, they may even prescribe a caesarean section. In addition, excess weight can complicate the health of the mother, who will be harder every day.

What should mom do

From the 30th week, the mother is supposed to go on the long-awaited maternity leave, and if the pregnancy is multiple, then even earlier. The tummy is large enough, but so far does not greatly restrict movement. So you can immediately arrange a professional photo session. Then it will be harder, with each week the weight gain will be more noticeable.

As mentioned above, in the third trimester, the main weight gain occurs. You should not overeat, and empty calories (cakes, sweet pastries) should be completely postponed until better times. If possible, it is better to move more, to be in the fresh air, putting on a bandage if necessary - it will greatly ease the load on the lower back. The pool will be a real outlet for pregnant women in the later stages. After all, it's no secret that all objects seem lighter in water. Similarly, it will be nice to feel the former lightness of women with already large tummies. In gymnastics for pregnant women at such a late date, the emphasis is no longer on strength exercises, but on Pilates. Muscles prepare for childbirth. Particular attention is paid to Kegel exercises - with their help, the muscles of the pelvic floor are trained, which are directly involved in labor. With their help, they become more elastic, and after childbirth they recover faster.

The kid has long heard and even sees (at least distinguishes between light and darkness). He can be frightened of loud sounds, so it is better to forget about noisy parties for now. But the sounds of the voice of mom and dad and pleasant classical music can calm him down.

Now there are many courses for expectant mothers. Now is the time to start visiting them! Many of them are booked in advance, so it’s better to find out everything a month in advance, clarify the schedule in order to start right away. They will tell you about the signs of childbirth, about the process of labor, how to behave, and so on. Knowing this information and giving birth will not be scary at all. Many courses also include lessons on newborn care. Although the best school in the second case would be to take a joint ward with a baby in the maternity hospital and immediately study under the strict guidance of doctors and pediatricians.

Bregston-Higgs practice contractions may begin. This is normal, as the uterus prepares for childbirth. The main thing is not to confuse them with real ones. Training does not increase in strength, the interval between them can jump. But the real ones will definitely be more intense, and the interval will gradually decrease.

Listen carefully to yourself and your baby! Although there is almost no place in the tummy, from time to time it should remind of itself. It is necessary to track the nature of his movements. Your body will tell you exactly when labor should begin. For example, one of the first signs is considered to be lowering of the abdomen. This is pretty easy to track - you can measure the height of your navel above the floor and stick a strip of tape on the mirror in this place, or draw a dot with a marker. And then measure - whether the navel has become below the intended line.

A change in the nature of the discharge can also suggest that childbirth is just around the corner. The release of the cork changes the consistency of the discharge and makes it look like a transparent jellyfish.

The most important thing in this period is to provide yourself with complete peace, protect yourself from stress and fully prepare for the meeting with the baby, both physically and psychologically. You can do meditation. Many people imagine a spacious green meadow with a calm relaxing melody.

Analyzes and examinations in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is carried out at 30-34 weeks. The readiness of the baby for childbirth, its presentation (buttock or pelvic may be an indication for caesarean section) is assessed. They look at the placenta, evaluate the fetoplacental and uteroplacental blood flow. PDR is confirmed, the state of development of the baby is assessed.

In the third trimester, a woman increasingly comes to the consultation. She is weighed and her blood pressure is measured, urine tests are taken every week! This is necessary, because even in 7 days the situation can change radically at such a late date.

Summing up

Pregnancy is an incredibly complex and at the same time thought out to the smallest detail process. In just 9 months, a new life is born in a woman's tummy. A little man is born, able to see, hear, touch, smell ... Being a mother is an incredible happiness and vocation for every woman. In children, our continuation.

Video "How is the conception of a child"

First trimester
- Save the pregnancy test as the very first evidence that the baby is already with you. The two-stripe test can be included in your child's first album.

At 6-8 weeks, you need to visit a antenatal clinic, a family doctor or your obstetrician-gynecologist to confirm the fact of pregnancy and receive the first recommendations.

Throughout pregnancy, you should not do laser and photoepilation, electrolysis, visit a solarium. Therapeutic physical procedures should be prescribed only strictly according to indications.

If you have previously used an epilator or wax for hair removal, then in the absence of contraindications (such as the threat of termination of pregnancy), you can continue to remove unwanted hair with these methods until childbirth. You will be pleased that during pregnancy, hair in unwanted places grows more slowly than usual.

Discuss with your doctor the need to take vitamin and mineral tablets, folic acid.

Before taking any drug (for headaches, colds or problems with the gastrointestinal tract), carefully read the instructions for contraindications during pregnancy or consult your doctor.

Take and save the first fetal photo of your baby during the first ultrasound while he looks like a small grain of rice or a small lizard.

Quit smoking or reduce to a minimum the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.

Limit the amount of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks: in the first trimester, the most important organs and systems of the unborn baby are laid.

Limit coffee consumption to 1 cup a day and drink only not very strong natural brewed coffee.

To combat drowsiness, which is a normal sign of pregnancy, you can not use stimulants - tincture of ginseng, coffee (if you have not used it before), etc.

Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep in a well-ventilated area.

Be outdoors more.

Introduce walking into your daily routine to improve blood circulation and supply nutrients to the baby.

Avoid stressful situations.

Set a goal to eat at least 3 fruits per day and 1 serving of fresh vegetable salad with herbs throughout your pregnancy. Do it :)

Include in your diet at least 1 serving of fermented milk per day: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or natural yogurt.

Make it a habit during the first trimester to drink at least 1 liter of pure unboiled water per day: a glass in the morning and evening, and throughout the day.

Sign up for courses for pregnant women to better understand the processes taking place in your body.

If spotting occurs, ensure bed rest and call a doctor as soon as possible. Bleeding Sex in the first weeks of pregnancy occurs in almost a third of pregnant women and most often ends favorably.

Be especially attentive to yourself on the days of the expected menstruation - the likelihood of a threat to the course of pregnancy increases these days.

At the family council, start looking for a place for a crib or planning a renovation in the children's room.

Smile more - your baby at the moment of rapid development is so useful for mother's positive emotions.

Sex during pregnancy is possible only at will and in positions that do not cause discomfort to the expectant mother.

Slightly reduce the load when doing fitness, taking into account your position.

If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, measure your basal temperature (BT) every morning. If there is a sharp decrease in BBT, contact your doctor immediately - he will diagnose and prescribe supportive therapy.

If you work in a hazardous industry, take a pregnancy certificate and recommendations for transfer to another position from the antenatal clinic.

Plan and prepare for your first pregnancy photo session, which is best done in the second trimester when you can already see a small tummy.

If you are not driving yet, sign up for a driving course so that by the time your baby is born, you will be “on wheels” and have freedom of movement.

Use sunscreen throughout your pregnancy: this will prevent or reduce the appearance of pregnancy age spots.

Do not appear in the open sun from 11 am to 4 pm: at this time, the greatest solar activity - the sun's rays do not benefit, but harm.

It is possible and necessary to get a haircut during pregnancy. But the question of hair coloring, each expectant mother decides individually. Harmlessness to the fetus of any hair dye has not yet been proven or refuted.

You should not have pets for the first time during pregnancy - the first meeting with toxoplasmosis is highly undesirable in terms of consequences for the fetus.

In its normal course, it is not necessary to take tests.

At the end of the first trimester, you can already find out on an ultrasound examination. However, if you want the baby to be born as a "surprise", then warn the doctor about this at the beginning of the study.

Second trimester
- It is necessary to visit the doctor again and be registered in the antenatal clinic.

Know that some tests are not required during pregnancy. This applies to tests for ToRCH infection, and the so-called double test and triple test.

It's time to visit the dentist and carry out the sanitation of the oral cavity, and simply heal caries and holes in the teeth. If necessary, local anesthesia can be used, after notifying the attending physician about the pregnancy

Don't forget to keep your pregnancy diary.

Sign up for childbirth preparation courses, you can with your spouse.

Pregnancy yoga is the best way to stay fit and ensure good circulation, and thus the needs of a growing fetus.

Start updating your wardrobe with your growing belly.

Choose comfortable underwear: elastic maternity panties with a high or low waist, a comfortable "growing" bra without underwire and with wide straps.

The second trimester is a great time to travel as a couple or three with an older child. Do not drastically change the climate, choose too active types of recreation

Listen to classical music with the baby in the tummy, learn lullabies, attend practical classes on sonata (the perinatal musical development of the baby).

Sex in the second and third trimester should be especially neat and gentle. Choose poses in which there is no pressure on the stomach.

Orgasm can cause short-term hypertonicity of the uterus. Lie on your side and try to relax. Pay special attention to relaxing the hands and face: by relaxing these muscles, you will relax the uterus.

From the middle of pregnancy, it is recommended to sleep on the left side, placing a special pillow between the legs, which will then be used when feeding the baby. Sleeping on your back is not recommended and it can even cause you to feel unwell.

By the end of the second semester, start making a list for the hospital.

Classes in the pool for pregnant women (water aerobics) have a beneficial effect on the expectant mother and baby.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day during the second trimester. Give preference to pure unboiled water.

Start using oil for stretch marks: do not forget to do a light massage with a special product in the morning and evening after a shower.

Do not once again do an ultrasound without indications just to look at the baby. In the end, this is not entertainment, but a serious study, one way or another affecting the body.

- Perhaps, the pregnant wardrobe will have to be updated again. You can't do without comfortable maternity clothes. Walking in a husband's T-shirt and mother-in-law sundress has long been out of fashion.

Your face can change a lot - this is the effect of pregnancy hormones. Don't worry, everything will be back to normal after delivery.

Your memory can increasingly give you “surprises”. Use a diary to record even the most banal things.

Don't forget to complete your pregnancy diary every week.

Control your weight every week. Gaining weight too quickly will not please you or your supervising doctor. Think over the menu for a week in advance, so as not to have a hasty snack on sandwiches and buns.

Your sweat glands are getting more and more active. Take a warm shower 2 times a day, a bath - only not hot and infrequently. Use deodorants as little as possible.

It is advisable to finish repairs in the room where the child will be located at least a month before the birth and thoroughly ventilate the room.

It's time to take a course in childcare. This course can either be included in the course of preparation for childbirth, or take place in separate classes. Choose what you like best.

You can already think about choosing a name for the baby: just in case, choose a name for a boy and a name for a girl. Be sure to listen to the opinion of the future dad - he also has the right to vote!

Plan an original pregnancy photo session in the later stages, but in such a way that you are guaranteed to be in time before the baby is born. Don't forget to bring your husband and older child with you.

Continue with maternity yoga, gymnastics, and/or water aerobics. Or you can just go to the pool. Any moderate physical activity is useful, taking into account your gestational age.

In your free time, do Kegel exercises - this trains the perineum, serves as a prevention of urine leakage in late pregnancy and promotes rapid recovery after childbirth.

Swap your heels for shoes with a lower, more comfortable last.

Avoid overeating: this will save you from discomfort in the stomach. Eat small meals, but more often.

Start preparing your breasts for feeding: take air baths more often, finish evening baths with a contrast shower. You can also use oil to prevent stretch marks. Apply a few drops of oil and massage the breast with light movements in the direction from the periphery to the nipple.

Spend less time at the computer: the computer and pregnancy are not very compatible, especially in the later stages.

Move more: Being active throughout your pregnancy is the key to an easy delivery.

Attend breathing and relaxation training classes. This will help you breathe properly and relax during contractions and childbirth.

Prepare the dowry for the baby. Buying tiny little things will give you a lot of positive emotions and provide your baby with high-quality and necessary clothes and accessories from the very moment of birth.

If you have fears about the upcoming birth, you should consult with a perinatal psychologist. Also visit a family psychologist if the future dad is in doubt about whether he should attend the birth. Support your husband - he is also very difficult!

For 1-1.5 months before childbirth, limit the use of meat food, eggs and cottage cheese to increase the elasticity of perineal tissues. Breaks in childbirth are absolutely useless to you.

Your diet should now consist to the maximum of plant foods with minimal heat treatment (boiling, stewing, steaming), vegetable oils, kefir or natural yogurt.

By the 36th week, collect things from the list in the maternity hospital in packages. Bags and suitcases are not allowed to be brought into the hospital.

It is better to buy a crib and chest of drawers in advance, because. all furniture, even the highest quality, has a slight, but the smell of production: varnish, wax, paint or chipboard.

A month before giving birth, start practicing perineal massage with special oils or regular peach oil. Your dad-to-be should help you with this.

For a period of 32-36 weeks, choose a maternity hospital, meet a doctor or midwife. It is also worth choosing an “alternate airfield” in case the maternity hospital is closed for washing or other unforeseen circumstances.

In the later stages, avoid too much chocolate, citrus, exotic fruits in order to avoid allergies in the baby.

Decide whether you will vaccinate your child at the maternity hospital and prepare in advance to refuse them in a free form without a date.

Well, the very last piece of advice: first of all, during pregnancy, listen to yourself, your body and your intuition.

Easy delivery and a healthy baby!

The most detailed pregnancy calendar

The happiest time in the life of every woman - pregnancy - is divided into time stages: trimesters, months, weeks. Each of these units of time has the peculiarities of its course - both in the body of the expectant mother and in the body of the future baby. We will talk about all this in the most detailed and understandable way.

Living stories to help

In addition to medical (gynecological) information from experienced obstetricians, we will share with you the real stories of thousands of Babyblog mothers on the pages of our calendar. They are equipped with expressive photographs, ultrasound images, descriptions of sensations in one or another obstetric week of pregnancy. We will also give you tips and recommendations for each of the stages on the road to a miracle.

On the verge of a miracle

In order to receive a newborn carefully wrapped in a diaper for the first time, to hear its first cry, to smell its smell, you have to climb the happy ladder of forty steps - forty weeks. Not one of them stumble, do not grumble about fate, do not complain about ailments. On the top step of this amazing staircase, you will spread your wings and go on a magical flight of happy motherhood. The miracle is close at hand!

Listen to Experienced Moms

It is very important at the time of bearing a child not to worry once again, not to quarrel with loved ones, not to allow phobias and stress. It is for this purpose that each week of pregnancy in our unique calendar is accompanied by useful tips and good recommendations from experienced mothers who have gone through this path more than once. You will be calmer when at each time stage you can find out the experience of other mothers in this or that issue of your well-being and the healthy course of pregnancy.

How is the pregnancy going?

In the first obstetric week of pregnancy, the female body begins to prepare for possible fertilization, which will occur later.

In the second week, the "leader" in this cycle is determined - the egg, which will give rise to a new life.

As a rule, at the end of the second - the beginning of the third obstetric week of pregnancy, fertilization occurs - the fusion of a mature egg with the most nimble and persistent sperm from a huge number of applicants. As a loving man completely dissolves in the object of his passion, so the spermatozoon dissolves inside the parent egg. The genetic information of the parents is combined. Now a new life exists!

At the fourth week, the baby is a lump of rapidly dividing cells. When viewed under high magnification, the embryo resembles a raspberry.

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the laying of the most important systems begins. Now the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system are being formed - something that is vital for independent existence.

Next week, the future baby has a hint of arms and legs, separate parts of the inner ear and larynx are formed.

At the seventh week, the fetus actively develops the brain, the gastrointestinal tract begins to form, and the lungs form.

In the eighth week, the great sculptor - nature is engaged in fine work. Ears, nose and upper lip are now formed, as well as fingers on the hands.

At the ninth week of pregnancy, the back of the embryo will begin to straighten, and the tail will “dry out”. The baby's brain develops at a tremendous pace.

The laying of milk teeth begins next week. The embryo is now surrounded by amniotic fluid, protecting it inside from shock and shaking.

At the eleventh week, the unborn baby already has sexual characteristics, and with the help of modern equipment, future parents can now find out who is inside - a charming girl or a strong little boy. In addition, the color of the eyes is determined in the fetus.

By the twelfth week of pregnancy, the future baby has practically formed all the systems of the body. In the remaining time, they will grow and develop.

The thirteenth week ends the first trimester of pregnancy. The placenta is fully formed. Now she will be responsible for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen from mother to baby.

At 14 weeks, the baby is covered with a gentle fluff - lanugo. It retains a cheese-like lubricant, which in turn protects the baby from the surrounding waters.

It has been proven that already at the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby's tiny heart passes more than 20 liters of blood per day. The skin of the belligerent is thin and red, it is still so different from a well-fed baby.

At the sixteenth week, the fetal head is no longer so pressed to the chest, it gradually straightens. The muscles of the face are developed, so the child can wink and frown.

At week 17, "brown fat" begins to be deposited, which is necessary for the body's heat exchange. But there is still no subcutaneous fat.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby can already hear you, as the structures of the middle ear are being improved. It's time to talk to the child and sing children's songs to him.

The following week, the limbs grow and become more proportional.

At the twentieth week, the puffer is a miniature man - with a delicate fluff on his head and tiny nails on his fingers and toes. He has a lot to do - the baby yawns, sucks his fist, somersaults.

In the twenty-first week, blood cells begin to be produced, which are responsible for protecting the body from infections. Thanks to the developed papillae on the tongue, the fetus feels the taste of the surrounding waters.

At week 22, the baby strokes his arms, legs, face, sucks his finger and pushes off the walls of the uterus with his legs.

At the twenty-third week, the fetus begins to store subcutaneous fat.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes larger and more well-fed. It occupies almost the entire uterus, it becomes more and more difficult to tumble.

The next week, bones are strengthened, joints are formed.

At 26 weeks, the baby is able to open his eyes.

The third trimester starts with the twenty-seventh week. A baby weighing approximately 1000 g has all the main systems working, although their development has not yet been completed.

At week 28, the brain grows, new cells and nerve connections are formed.

At the twenty-ninth week, the baby has already learned to more or less regulate its own body temperature.

At the thirtieth week, the baby's eyes are wide open, he reacts to the contrast light penetrating through the mother's tummy.

The following week, the baby reacts to loud noises and pain. You can feel it move as the doctor feels your abdomen.

At 32 weeks of gestation, the baby hears perfectly what is happening outside the tummy. He recognizes the beating of his mother's heart, bowel movements and the sound of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. That is why the baby calms down after birth if the mother presses him to her chest, because he hears the usual sounds of her heart.

At 33 weeks, the baby still has enough space for movement, but every day the space of the temporary house - the uterus becomes more and more cramped for him.

By the next week, subcutaneous fat is already a tenth of the baby's weight, which gives the skin of the fetus a smooth and pinkish tint.

From week 35, the baby will gain 200-220 grams weekly to his current weight (approximately 2550 g).

The next week, the baby's face became smooth, plump cheeks appeared.

At week 37, the baby is ready for birth and has taken its final position in the uterus.

At 38 weeks, the baby lost lanugo. There is less original lubricant.

At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the walls of the uterus contract from time to time, "rehearsing" childbirth.

At the fortieth week, fetal movements slowed down in anticipation of birth. His intestines are filled with original feces (meconium). The appearance of the crumbs into the world should be expected at any time.

At 41 weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems of the unborn child are ready to start independent work at any time.

At 42 weeks, the baby grew long nails on all fingers, hair. His eyes are open, he is becoming more active again.

In our calendar, each week of pregnancy, we will consider in as much detail as possible. Welcome!

Carrying a baby is a special time in the life of a woman who is waiting for a miracle. It is very important to navigate the periods of pregnancy in order to know how the baby develops by weeks and months, what are the terms for the formation of its internal organs. Each stage of the child's growth takes place in a limited time period - the sequence of all processes is rarely violated.

What is pregnancy

In the reproductive organs of a woman preparing to become a mother, the future baby grows and develops. First, the embryo is called the embryo, then the fetus. The baby receives nutrition through the umbilical cord - a tube with veins and arteries that connects it to the placenta, the vascular sac. From the mother, the fetus receives blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients, and back - with carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

How does

Pregnancy occurs after a successful conception. This process is possible during the period of ovulation, when a woman's egg (oocyte) matures in one of the ovaries and begins its journey to the uterus. Spermatozoa in the male seminal fluid, entering the woman's vagina during intercourse, tend to reach the egg. Male cells “loosen” the surface of the oocyte, and the spermatozoon, the first to reach the inner shell, merges - fertilization of the egg occurs.

There is an opinion that if two spermatozoa penetrated into the oocyte, a multiple pregnancy will occur, but such an embryo is doomed to death. A fertilized egg becomes a zygote, into which only one spermatozoon has implanted. The future embryo does not stop, but continues to move down the fallopian tube in order to attach to the wall of the uterus, after which pregnancy occurs.

How long does it take

If the countdown starts from the moment of conception, the period of intrauterine life of the fetus will be 38 weeks. However, the period of pregnancy is usually counted from the first day of the last menstruation. Then the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. This practice of counting is a consequence of the fact that it is not always possible to accurately determine the day of conception.

The course of pregnancy by week

Each stage of bearing a child has its own characteristic features that a woman should know about. Obstetricians divide pregnancy into trimesters of equal length. In addition, there is a practice of breaking down into periods of pregnancy due to one or another stage of fetal maturation: these are the pre-implantation, implantation periods, organogenesis and the fetal stage.

Pre-implantation period

From the moment of conception and the actual onset of the first stage of pregnancy, 6-7 days pass. The zygote, in which cell fragmentation occurs, moves along the fallopian tube. At this point, the embryo is a ball of 200 cells called a blastocyst. Having reached the uterus, the blastocyst is fixed on one of its walls. This period is called pre-implantation.

Implantation period

The inner surface of the uterus is covered with a special tissue - the endometrium, which thickens during implantation. Blastocyst cells are attached to the endometrium by special processes. At this moment, the future placenta secretes a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, which, when it enters the ovaries, prevents the onset of menstruation. The presence of this substance in the body helps to determine pregnancy using a test.

Organogenesis and placentation

After the successful introduction of the ovum, the embryo enters the process of organ formation, which is called organogenesis. The so-called axial complex is formed: neural tube, chord, intestine. In parallel with the laying of organs, tissues are formed - nervous, epithelial, connective, muscle. The latter serves as the basis for the heart, kidneys, genitals, blood. Organogenesis is completed by the end of the fourth month.

In parallel with these processes, from the end of the second month, the formation of the placenta occurs. Up to this point, the embryo is determined by the chorion, which serves as the outer shell. With the development of the fetal egg, villi appear in the chorion, which are gradually pierced by vessels. Further, the chorion grows together with the cells of the endometrium, and at 12-14 weeks a placenta is formed in the uterine cavity.

fertile period

Starting from the 12th week and ending with childbirth, the embryo is no longer considered an embryo, it is called a fetus. Obstetricians talk about the fetal or fetal period, in which, if there is a threat of miscarriage, they try to save the fetus. There are other critical periods of pregnancy, but the first danger is over. By this time, the crumbs have already formed all the main organs and systems, it is growing rapidly, gaining weight and acquiring human features.

child development

A baby in the womb develops according to a schedule. Each trimester, week, is characterized by new achievements of the crumbs:

Trimester/weeks Period name Development
1 (1-12) Embryonic The size of the fetal egg increases from microscopic to 50-60 mm. The heart, brain and other organs are formed. At 9 weeks, an ultrasound can already determine the sex of the baby. The first motor reflexes appear.
2 (13-27) Fetal (fetal) From 16-20 weeks, the first movements of the fetus are possible. The length of the child by the end of the trimester can reach 35 cm, and weight - about a kilogram.
3 (28-40) The baby is actively gaining weight, it forms subcutaneous fatty tissue. He moves less often, because there is no longer enough space in the uterus for activity. Before childbirth, the growth of the baby approaches 50 cm, and the weight is 3-4 kg.

Feelings during pregnancy by week

A pregnant woman must understand what is happening with her body and how the child develops week by week in order to better interpret her feelings. Bearing a child is not only a gradual growth of the abdomen, but also a host of other manifestations. During conception, until the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus, the woman does not have any sensations. The first sign of pregnancy is the moment of implantation of the ovum, which sometimes causes bleeding.

First trimester

For 1-3 months of pregnancy, the following sensations are characteristic:

  • Toxicosis of pregnant women. The body does not immediately accept the foreign body that the embryo considers, and begins to produce antibodies. Possible manifestation of intoxication - nausea, vomiting. There are other hypotheses that explain toxicosis, but experts do not have an exact answer why it occurs.
  • The production of progesterone increases, which sometimes affects well-being.
  • The mammary glands swell and hurt.
  • Food preferences change, sometimes favorite dishes cause rejection.

Second trimester

By the beginning of the second trimester of the pregnancy period, in most women, the manifestations of toxicosis disappear. Obstetricians call this time the most comfortable. Unpleasant sensations pass, and the volume of the abdomen does not yet become an obstacle to normal movements - it does not interfere with bending over to put on shoes, and the child's movements are still too easy and painless.

In nulliparous women, the belly grows more slowly, and by the end of the second trimester, a pregnant woman may think about changing her wardrobe for the first time. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the tummy increases faster, but this also depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some pregnant women report heartburn. This is due to the growing uterus, which compresses the internal organs and prevents the pancreas from fully working.

third trimester

Starting from the 6-7th month of the pregnancy period, the stomach grows faster, this causes some discomfort. From time to time, a woman has training contractions, which begin with a pulling pain in the lower back. In addition, the pelvic bones, preparing for delivery, begin to diverge - there may be pain in the perineum, which increases during movement.

During this period, the number of fetal movements should be monitored, noting each movement in the pregnancy calendar. It is believed that a baby should remind himself at least 10 times a day. A smaller number of movements may indicate pathologies. It is also important to monitor the discharge - bloody may indicate the exit of the mucous "plug" from the cervix, which occurs shortly before childbirth.

Critical periods of pregnancy

A woman carrying a child should listen to her body for the entire period, monitor her well-being, avoid stress and excessive stress. However, there are periods of pregnancy when the threat of miscarriage increases. Obstetricians note several critical points:

  • The most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester are from 2 to the beginning of 4. During this period, implantation of the embryo may be impaired due to weak endometrium, fibroids, a scar after cesarean, physical activity and stress.
  • Dangerous terms during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester - 8-12 weeks. At this time, the placenta is actively developing, hormonal disruptions are critical, which lead to the risk of miscarriage. These are ovarian dysfunctions that do not produce enough of the hormone progesterone.
  • 18-22 are extremely dangerous weeks during pregnancy. Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes under certain conditions can cause disruption of the functioning of the placenta, infection of the fetus and miscarriage. The danger of a late miscarriage is also the low location of the placenta.
  • There are also critical weeks of pregnancy at the end of the term - from 28 to 32. Pathologies such as late preeclampsia, insufficiency or placental abruption are possible, which can cause premature birth.
