Foot care, foot care, pedicure - getting your feet ready for summer. Perfect foot care at home: tips and rules

RULE 1. Take care of your feet constantly

Trouble in the form dry calluses, cracked heels or corns familiar to many. And the blame for this is, first of all, the increased load on the feet (for example, due to being overweight or staying on the legs for a long time), uncomfortable shoes (podologists especially often “blame” narrow model shoes) and lack of proper care. Modern medicine offers many ways to get rid of them, and even the oldest calluses can be removed (for example, with a laser). However, it is easier to prevent their appearance by observing the following rules for foot care in the summer.

RULE 2. Do a pedicure every 2-3 weeks

A systematic pedicure is not only a hygienic and aesthetic, but also a preventive procedure that allows you to avoid many problems. Moreover, with “problem feet”, the most effective will be hardware pedicure. Due to the fact that it uses different cutter attachments for removing cuticles, grinding nails, grinding, skin treatment, thanks to a hardware pedicure, you can achieve an almost perfect condition of the feet, correct the irregular shape of the nails and forget about such troubles as corns, cracks, calluses and ingrown nails. By the way, all these problems lend themselves perfectly to “treatment” with the help of a hardware pedicure. True, you will have to be patient, especially when it comes to corns with a rod. But the classic edged pedicure very often, on the contrary, causes excessive growth of the epidermis and cuticles.

RULE 3. Buy a good foot cream!

And use it daily! It is best if it contains vegetable oils that have a strong nourishing and regenerating effect, and softening ingredients(allantoin, bisabolol, panthenol). If walking barefoot or just wearing open shoes dries the skin of the feet, choose for summer foot care creams with intensely moisturizing and moisture-retaining ingredients(urea, glycerin, lecithin, aloe extract, collagen, etc.).

Brand promo

Softening foot cream "White tea", Herbalife with shea butter, macadamia and blackcurrant. Refreshing and revitalizing foot balm, Neutrogena "Norwegian Formula" with shea butter, allantoin, bisabolol, panthenol. Anticuticle softener and cuticle remover Avoplex Exfoliating Cuticle Treatment, OPI with AHA acids and lipid complex. Cream for cracked feet and heels Byrelax, Byly with urea. Plaster from wet corns on the legs, Compeed

RULE 4. Do not allow the skin of the legs to become rough

If a few days after the pedicure, the heels look like you did it a couple of months ago, they will help foot scrubs(exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week) and salicylic acid creams(use them daily). Salicylic acid prevents the overproduction of keratin, the main culprit in the roughness and thickening of the top layer of the skin on the feet. The best result can be achieved if, before using the cream, make warm foot bath(in order to soften the skin, in addition to the cosmetic product for foot baths, it is good to add a tablespoon of soda to the water). Such procedures will also be a good prevention of cracked heels (emollient creams or an old proven remedy will also help get rid of them - Castor oil, who need to lubricate the heels instead of cream).

RULE 5. Control sweating

With increased sweating, talcum powder, a cream with a deodorizing effect or a special deodorant are useful for foot care in summer. The main condition is that all these products are applied only to clean and dry skin. Many modern foot deodorants do not contain aluminum salts, which narrow or even clog the flow of sweat glands, but antibacterial ingredients, preventing the growth of sweat-causing bacteria (farnesol or triclosan) and ingredients that gently regulate perspiration, e.g. alum, essential oils (e.g. lavender, bergamot, lemon, rosemary) and plant extracts (especially sage, willow or oak bark, mint, string). By the way, extracts and oils are good to add to foot baths. You can simply buy a herbal collection at the pharmacy and, brewing 1-2 tablespoons in a water bath or boiling water and letting it brew under the lid for 30-40 minutes, add it to the water for a foot bath.

Brand promo

Healing foot cream Cucumber Heel Therapy, CND with urea, extracts of cucumber, chamomile and aloe vera. Beaute Des Pieds Beaute Des Pieds, Yves Rocher smoothing foot gommage with bio-essential oil and bio-lavender extract. Foot scrub "Lemon and Sage" Bare Foot, Freeman with tea tree oil, lemon and sage extracts. Spa Hand & Foot Smoother Retexturızıng, H2O Plus with salicylic and lactic acids and shea butter. Feet Up Relaxing Foot Bath, Oriflame with lavender and eucalyptus essential oils

RULE 6. When doing a pedicure on your own, do not make mistakes!

If you prefer home pedicure foot care in a beauty salon or just to maintain the effect of salon procedures in this way, start it with a foot bath: softened skin and nails are easier to process. To keep the skin of your feet soft and smooth longer, use special lotions with AHAs or sodium hydroxide, gently dissolving dead skin. And do not use pedicure machines with blades: the main mistake of inexperienced craftsmen is that they cut off too much skin, affecting living cells. As a result, the skin thickens and becomes rough. In addition, such an incorrect pedicure very often leads to cracked heels.

RULE 7. Wear beach shoes

If you decide to walk on hot sand or pebbles barefoot, you may not get a burn on your feet, but your skin will suffer anyway. So if you want to run barefoot, it is better to choose a lawn for this.

Take immediate action when it occurs« bones in the leg» - hallux valgus. Watch the video.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

In order for your legs to always look perfect, you need to constantly take care of them, do special moisturizing and cleansing procedures for the legs so that they are elastic and elastic. If this is not done, the skin on the legs and feet will become rough, the heels will begin to crack, which will subsequently lead to.

And besides, this leads to the development of complexes in women that prevent them from wearing open shoes or just walking barefoot along the beach. And how to carry out at home, we will now tell you.

Cleansing procedures

Cleansing procedures should be carried out at home regularly. It is necessary at least once a week to clean the feet from dead cell particles. To do this, you need to steam your feet in warm water and treat their skin with a pumice stone or a stiff brush. Just don't use a razor! This severely damages the skin, making it painful and rough.

After you have completely removed dead cells from the skin, dry your feet and treat them with a nourishing cream. Put cotton socks on top and leave them overnight. If you carry out such a procedure weekly, your heels will never form, and the skin will be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Such home foot care not only improves the appearance of the foot, but also heals the skin, relieves fatigue and prevents.

Foot care at home

It should be noted that proper foot care also implies the use of various baths, especially in the summer, when we wear open shoes, as a result of which the skin is constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

In the summer, we are often faced with such a problem as. And it is from this scourge that baths will help us. They should be carried out using a decoction of medicinal herbs, which will not only help eliminate irritation and swelling, but also moisturize and nourish the skin.

At home, for proper foot care, you can use the following herbs to prepare decoctions:

  • St. John's wort, nettle and mint (they cleanse the skin and refresh it);
  • oak bark and thyme (help reduce sweating of the feet);
  • chamomile or clip color (relieve swelling, prevent the reproduction of pathogens).

It is also useful to add various essential oils to the baths, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the legs, and are regularly used in beauty salons for professional foot care.

Baths with the addition of sea salt are considered especially useful. It not only tones and cleanses the skin of the feet, but is also an excellent prophylactic against fungal infections.

Foot care at home will help you not only give them a beautiful appearance, but also relieve fatigue after a long day at work. For this, contrast baths are ideal, which are also an excellent prophylactic against varicose veins.

To carry them out, you will need several deep containers. In one you need to pour hot water, in the other cold. You need to periodically lower your legs into them, alternating them - first in the cold, then in the hot.

It is worth noting that if you have chronic or inflammatory diseases, you should not use too hot water for bathing. This can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and a deterioration in your well-being.

The duration of one procedure can last from 5 to 15 minutes. The rougher the skin on the legs, the more time it takes to steam it. If you do everything according to the instructions, then such foot care procedures will make your legs soft and flawless.

Home foot care with various masks

Naturally, foot care at home simply cannot do without the use of special ones. It is better to do them immediately after you clean your feet and steam out the skin. After these procedures, pores open on the skin, which will facilitate the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis. These foot care methods will be effective if they are carried out regularly.

At home, you can use a celandine-based foot mask. This herb has powerful medicinal properties. It will quickly relieve you of irritation and inflammation, and will also help accelerate the healing of wounds, if any, on the surface of the legs.

To prepare a mask from celandine, you will need fresh grass, which you need to grind to a mushy state (you can use a meat grinder or a blender). The resulting slurry should be applied to the skin of the legs, wrapped with polyethylene on top and wait about 30 minutes.

After this procedure, the legs should be washed under running water using a pumice stone. The keratinized particles are easily removed from the surface of the skin, as a result of which it becomes soft, like a baby's.
For proper foot care at home, you can use lemon juice, which softens and whitens the skin of the feet. To do this, cut one lemon and simply rub the skin of your feet with it, and after 15 minutes, rinse your feet in warm water.

Useful means for foot care are masks based on cottage cheese and sour cream. These ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin of the feet for 20 minutes. After that, the remnants of the mask are removed with warm water, and the skin is treated with a rich nourishing cream.

If you have painful cracks on your heels, then slurry made from cabbage leaves will help you relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up the healing process of wounds. It is applied to damaged areas of the skin for half an hour, and then removed with plain warm water.

In order for such rules for foot care at home to bring a noticeable result, they must be performed 2-3 times a week for several months, until a lasting positive effect is obtained.

Taking care of your toenails is just as important as taking care of your skin itself. They need to be trimmed regularly. Just remember that you can’t cut the corners, otherwise they will begin to grow into the skin, causing severe discomfort when walking.

If it happens that the nail has already grown into the skin, it must be removed. To do this, stretch your legs and use sharp nail scissors to remove the ingrown nail. Then treat the damaged area with an antiseptic and place a piece of bandage under the nail. Wear it constantly until the nail grows back. Otherwise, it will again grow into soft tissues. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, contact a specialist.

Take care of your legs, keep your feet and nails clean and tidy. Provide professional foot care at home with natural products, using quality ingredients.

If allergic reactions or other disorders occur, you should stop using cosmetic masks or creams, and be sure to consult a specialist for advice about the health of your legs!

Do not forget about daily foot care, and that often the cause of problems with the skin of the feet is wearing uncomfortable and low-quality shoes. If the material from which the shoes are made does not contribute to the penetration of air, then the feet in it begin to sweat, forming a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. And this is the main reason for the development of fungal infections. Remember that foot care starts with the right shoes!

Also, do not forget that wearing shoes with high heels also negatively affects the condition of your feet. Firstly, it leads to the formation of corns and dry calluses, and secondly, to varicose veins of the legs. With such a pathology, blood circulation in the legs is disturbed, which causes swelling of the soft tissues and they begin to receive little nutrition. This can result in dry and rough skin on the heels and soles.

If you regularly take proper care of your feet, the skin on them will always be in perfect condition. And the more often you carry out various procedures for its cleansing and restoration, the less time it will take you to bring the appearance of your legs in order.

foot care video

Foot care at home

Toenail care at home

At least once a month it is necessary to do a pedicure. First, you should pay attention to the toenails. If you cut them off after you make a foot bath, the nail platinum will be saturated with liquid, after which it will soften. As a result, the nails cannot be properly filed, which can lead to their fragility, as well as delamination.

Due to malnutrition and frequent use of varnishes, toenails may turn yellow. To whiten them, you can use lemon juice by rubbing it into the nail plates.

To properly trim your toenails, follow these guidelines:

  • carefully cut the nails with scissors or tweezers perpendicular to the nail plate, not too close to the skin of the toes;
  • it is better to make the length of the nails such that the nail does not slightly reach the edge of the toe;
  • use a scraper or spatula to remove accumulated dirt, as well as horny cells from under the nails;
  • gently round the edges of the nail plate with a nail file to avoid ingrowth;
  • At the end of the procedure for cutting nails, grind and polish them. This will whiten yellowish toenails. At the same time, try not to overdo it with the abrasive, so as not to damage the nail plate. After this technique, you will not need an additional application of varnish, since the nails will look quite well-groomed;
  • now apply and rub in the cuticle softener and remover. After that, you can lower your legs into a warm bath.

Here we stand: five top procedures for foot care

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How to take care of your feet at home

To make a foot bath, pour hot water into a basin, add a handful of sea salt and liquid soap. Then put 5-10 drops of essential oil into the water. It can be mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree or lemon oil. Place a rolled-up terry towel at the bottom, then put your feet on it. You need to take such a bath for about 30 minutes. When the skin is steamed, you can start taking care of your feet.

If your legs are very swollen, you should take contrast baths. Baths with a decoction of mint leaves or lemon juice will help get rid of sweating feet.

After the bath, you need to make the skin of the feet soft and smooth. To do this, you will need a pumice stone or a machine. Rub hardened areas on the soles of the feet with pumice stone, and clean off very thick corns with a machine tool. When doing this, do not press too hard on the machine to avoid cuts.

The next step on the way to beautiful legs is peeling the skin of the feet. This procedure is quite simple. Apply an exfoliating agent to damp skin of the legs and wipe the skin with some force for 5 minutes. As an exfoliator, you can use ground coffee, olive oil and sugar, powdered oatmeal, or ground lemon rinds.

To make the skin of your feet velvety and tender, also make a foot mask. You can purchase a ready-made mask at the store or make your own with warm oatmeal or a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream and egg yolk. Apply the mask on dry, clean skin of the feet and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water, dry your feet with a towel and apply the cream on your feet with massage movements.

Cracks between the toes: treatment

Often there is such a problem as cracks between the toes, accompanied by diaper rash or itching, pain when walking. In addition, the skin between the toes periodically peels off, and the feet may smell bad. The cause of the cracks may be a fungus between the toes. In this case, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment with the use of antifungal drugs. Treatment should be continued even after the cracks have disappeared.

Home foot care: gentle, soft heels

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There are many different folk ways that help remove cracks between the toes. But these methods should be used after consultation with a dermatologist. To treat cracks, you can make a foot bath by adding 2 tsp to hot water. spoons of soda. After the bath, apply a compress of chopped onions on your feet at night. In the morning, wash your feet thoroughly, rub with a pumice stone and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Treating cracked toes also requires careful personal hygiene. It is important to ensure that shoes and socks are always dry and clean.

Daily foot care at home

Feet should be taken care of daily. Wash them at least once a day with gel or mild soap. After washing your feet, do not forget to thoroughly dry your feet with a towel, especially the skin between the toes. Before going to bed, apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the feet with massage movements. If the skin on the legs is very rough, you can apply a thick layer of cream on the feet at night, and put cotton socks on top.

  • The need for foot care
  • Basic principles of care
  • Leg exercises
  • Proper foot care
  • Overview of products for the care of the skin of the legs and feet

The need for foot care

Foot care is often an unobvious part of the beauty ritual. But it is necessary to take care of them, because even naturally slender legs can lose their shape if they are not given proper attention. The rules of care are not limited to moisturizing-nutrition. You will need extra effort. However, the result - an easy gait and a good mood - is worth it.

If you spend most of your time in an office chair and driving a car, or, conversely, are forced to be on your feet all day, then sooner or later you will encounter the problem of swelling.

Massage with a draining cream will help against swelling of the legs.

Puffiness is the main enemy of the graceful contour of the legs. The reason is slowed blood circulation and lymph stagnation. The accumulation of fluid in the legs causes a feeling of heaviness and changes their shape for the worse.

The good news is that you can deal with congestion and keep your legs in perfect shape on your own - with the help of a simple care program.

Basic principles of care

The minimum foot care program is aimed at combating swelling and congestion. Stimulating blood circulation and lymph flow is your main task. Other helpful tips are listed below.

Foot massage

The knees and ankles are the main areas responsible for fluid accumulation and impaired lymph flow. Massage them as often as possible to prevent swelling. As a massage agent, use oil or nourishing cream that provides slip. You can add a little anti-cellulite - for a drainage effect.

    Knead the area above the knees with your thumbs. Gently remember the inside with your fists and pat your palms on the back surface. Thus, you will stimulate blood circulation and lymph circulation.

    Massage the ankles with smooth circular grips in the direction from the heels to the calves.

    Knead the calves with fists and fingers, moving from the bottom up.

    Grasp the ankle with both hands, slowly rise to the knee, as if pulling on a stocking, and then to the inguinal fold, where the lymph nodes are located.

Advice. During the foot massage, use slimming and anti-cellulite products. They always contain components that help remove fluid from tissues.

Pour cool water over your feet, moving the shower head from your feet to your thighs. This hydromassage relieves stress and fights congestion.

Leg exercises

No, we do not drive you to a sports club. Everything that is good for the legs can be done both at work and at home (even while lying in bed).

  1. 1

    In a sitting position, make several circular movements with your feet in both directions, without lifting your heels from the floor.

  2. 2

    Elevate your big toes from time to time during the day to stimulate circulation.

  3. 3

    Tap your feet on the floor, lifting your toes without lifting your heels.

  4. 4

    Stand on your tiptoes, stretching out into line. Stretch, moving your arms back and straining your legs. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. Do this exercise several times a day and your legs will be in good shape.

Gymnastics for the legs and feet is useful in the evening before bedtime.

  1. 1

    Take a tennis or golf ball and roll it with your feet twice a day for a couple of minutes - this exercise relieves tension in the soft tissues of the foot.

  2. 2

    Do not sit still for more than 40 minutes, find an excuse to at least take a walk around the office. Walking is the best fitness for swollen feet.

  3. 3

    Before going to bed, while lying in bed, lift your legs up and move them in the air, as if shaking off fatigue. You can do this in the morning - for a lymphatic drainage effect.

It is not good for the health of the legs to sit cross-legged or cross-legged. Such postures interfere with normal blood circulation and lead to swelling.

How to choose foot care products

The appearance of the legs depends not only on their shape, but also on the condition of the skin. The covers on the ankles and legs are prone to dryness and flaking, as they contain few sebaceous glands and are under constant stress. Therefore, regular moistening of these areas is relevant regardless of the season.

All body care products are designed for the skin of the feet as well. Choose thicker textures in winter and light textures in summer. And don't forget sun protection.

Features of seasonal foot skin care

Proper foot care

The feet are the driest part of our body. The skin of the feet is completely devoid of sebaceous glands, but contains a large amount of sweat glands. In addition, over the years, it noticeably loses elasticity, coarsens. Foot care consists of several stages.

Hygiene and cleansing

Keeping your feet clean and dry is essential for maintaining a healthy foot and nail microflora.

Hydration and nutrition

Use special foot products that soften the skin. Apply them to the entire surface of the foot and nails, avoiding the area between the toes (it should always be dry there). Spread the cream on the ankle in an upward motion.

It is better to take care of your feet in the evening, when you are not in a hurry. Baths and massage not only relax the legs, but also relieve stress in general.

Foot baths

Cool foot baths will relieve stress in five minutes.

Foot massage

“Massage is one of the most painless, pleasant and effective ways to maintain the health, beauty and youthfulness of the skin. It improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, promotes the elimination of toxins, saturates cells with oxygen, relieves swelling,” says Olga Gorokhova, Decléor training manager.

Apply foot care products from bottom to top, from feet to thighs.

    With your thumbs, press on the center of the arch of the foot, then “draw” a spiral, moving from the middle of the foot to the periphery.

    Massage the entire foot in circular motions, including the balls.

    Knead the space between your toes.

    Vigorously rub your feet with your palms, as if making fire.

An overview of skin care products for legs and feet

Oils for skin care.


Name Active ingredients Action


essential oils of grapefruit marjoram, patchouli

Used as a massage oil to reduce volume, smoothes the skin.


essential oils of lemon, tangerine and grapefruit

Ideal for massage, makes the skin more elastic.
Oil for skin elasticity Body Refirm Stretch Oil, Biotherm

vegetable oils, Padina Pavonica algae extract

Nourishes the skin, improves elasticity, tones, softens. Suitable for massage.

Creams and milk for the skin of the feet.

Milk and creams

Name Active ingredients Action


royal jelly, protein, hazelnut extract

Restores the epidermis and the protective barrier of the skin.

Milk for dry and very dry skin of babies, children and adults Lipikar Lait, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, La Roche-Posay thermal water, niacinamide

Nourishes, restores the lipid barrier, soothes and improves the protective functions of the skin.


avocado, shea butter, wheat germ

The rich cream softens and nourishes dry, rough skin. Suitable for foot massage.

PRECIOUS MILK OF BEAUTY, GARNIER argan, macadamia, almond and rose oils Moisturizes, nourishes, protects, quickly absorbed, for daily use.

Gels and emulsions for foot skin care.

Emulsions, gels

Name Active ingredients Action


plankton extract, shea butter

Intensively moisturizes and refreshes the skin of the body, including the feet.

Light moisturizing, protective emulsion Lipikar Fluide, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, niacinamide

Moisturizes, soothes, protects the skin, restores the hydrolipidic barrier.


10 natural oils, hyaluronic acid, lipohydroxy acid

Nourishes, moisturizes, exfoliates and smoothes the skin.

Exfoliating products for the skin of the legs and feet.

Ideally, our feet need daily care and restoration. Question: How to care for your feet and why proper foot skin care is a guarantee of health, this article is devoted to.

The average person takes 7,000 steps a day. The entire load is distributed on the surface of the foot. It’s good if you have comfortable, correct shoes, normal weight. In the opposite case, the legs experience colossal overloads.

Why take care of your feet every day

The feet need special care. A small area of ​​the foot is under enormous stress. She is strong, but at the same time defenseless. Well-groomed feet are not only a tribute to beauty, but a physiological necessity. Healthy feet improve overall well-being.

The skin of the feet is dense, but defenseless. The fact is that there are no sebaceous glands in it. The sebaceous glands are required to prevent moisture loss, to ensure an even distribution of the hydro-lipid film that protects the skin.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the condition of the feet directly affects the condition of the whole body. On the feet are reflex zones that are associated with parts of the body. Direct influence on biologically active points affects one or another organ.

Why foot care and unloading procedures are vital

The skin on the feet is 7 times thicker than on any other part of the body. In 705 cases, we wear uncomfortable and unsuitable shoes. Feet are often exposed to cold and intense heat. A sharp transition from heat to cold and vice versa is harmful to the skin. The skin on the feet is dry. They are especially affected. Cracks, calluses and corns form on them.

Dead skin cells accumulate on the skin of the legs, especially on the heels, feet and skin around the toes. These are old cells, through the layer of which not a single cream will “break through”. It makes no sense to waste quality, expensive foot creams and apply them to "dead" cells.

Over time, without care and cleansing, old cells thicken and remain on the skin of the legs in the form of thickenings, corns. If you do not clean off the layers of old skin, then the seals increase.

The skin on the legs loses elasticity, and cracks appear, touching the living skin. Cracks in the legs cause pain when walking and are an open gateway to any infection.

Pain when walking changes gait due to improper distribution of the load on the spine. After gait, posture changes for the worse, and deterioration in posture leads to a faster change in facial features and aging. The neck moves forward, a hump forms, the blood supply to the brain and facial tissues deteriorates. Here is such a chain.

Foot care steps or how to feel light

The first step in foot care is cleansing and a salt bath. Baths with sea salt soften the skin and prepare for further care.

The second stage of foot skin care is the removal of rough skin and corns. For this procedure, peelings based on fruit acids, scrubs with sea salt, and foot files are used.

Finishes home care for the skin of the feet with the application of a nourishing cream and massage. Foot care cream should contain caring and softening components: urea, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, plant oils. Massage and a set of exercises for the feet and legs complete the treatment. Perfectly soften the skin of the legs.

To sum up: important points of foot care

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Buy new shoes in the evening when the foot is more swollen.
  • Do leg exercises every day
  • Sit with your feet up most of the time
  • Do not walk barefoot in swimming pools, saunas and other public places where you can pick up a fungus
  • Twice a week do foot baths with sea salt and herbs
  • Regularly cleanse the skin of old cells
  • Apply emollient cream only on clean skin of the feet.
  • In advanced cases, visit a podiatrist and do a hardware pedicure

Video lesson: How to massage the foot. Massage for fatigue and before the pedicure procedure.