Jewelry dress code - jewelry for the office. Jewelry at work or jewelry dress code


It is known that a successful career depends not only on the quality of work, but also on the employee’s compliance with company standards.

Today, in a competitive environment, any organization cares about creating a positive image, a company style, which is reflected not only in business communication skills, rules of behavior, traditions, office design, logos, but also in the clothing of employees. These elements make up the company's image, the main goal of which is to create a favorable impression of the organization, the level of its business culture and reliability. And this, in turn, largely determines the income of the organization and its development.

Clothing as a tool for business development is reflected in the concept of “dress code”. The dress code is one of the components of the corporate culture and corporate image of the company.

It has long been a known fact that in the process of communication between people, from 60 to 80% of communications are transmitted through non-verbal means of expression, and only 20-40% of information is verbal. And the first impression is created in just 30 seconds. In this regard, a very important component of the interlocutor’s disposition is appearance. After all, it is by your appearance that the professionalism and seriousness of the company you represent can be determined. Appearance can inspire both trust and indicate the success of the company and, conversely, cause doubt and uncertainty about the stability of the company.

The purpose of this course work is a comprehensive study of the rules of the dress code and its purpose using the example of the company Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

.consider the concept of dress code and its functions;

.familiarize yourself with the general rules of the corporate dress code;

.get acquainted with the activities and personnel policies of Sberbank of Russia OJSC;

.consider the features of the dress code at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

The object of the course work is the company OJSC Sberbank of Russia.

The subject of the course work is the corporate dress code.

Chapter 1. The essence of the dress code and its purpose

The history of the concept of “dress code”, its essence and functions

The concept of a dress code has long been part of the modern world. Back in the nineteenth century, German Field Marshal Helmut Moltke coined the term “corporate culture” to describe relationships among officers, which were regulated not only through laws and regulations, but also through a whole set of unspoken but generally accepted rules.

The concept of “dress code” is inextricably linked with the term “corporate culture” and originally originated in the UK . Literally it translates as “code of clothing.” This is a kind of encrypted language of costume, embodied in forms of clothing, combinations of colors, details, which speaks of a person’s social status, his professional affiliation, and attitude to any organization.

There are many examples in history of various documents that prove that in the past there were also rules that determined the standards of clothing, shoes, and jewelry in which it was worth appearing in noble society. Back in 1700, Peter I signed a decree according to which it was possible to attend New Year’s celebrations only in “Hungarian and Polish dress”; a year later the dress code required wearing “German dress”.

Also in Russian history, Empress Catherine II issued a decree, which was called “On the appointment of what holidays, what dress to wear for persons of both sexes who are visiting the court.”

Today, dress code rules determine what employees of a particular organization can wear in the office, appear at receptions and special events, and what is strictly prohibited.

At the same time, a dress code is not a merciless system of taboos that obliges workers to wear a uniform. These rules in no way prohibit the expression of individuality or a creative attitude towards one’s appearance. They only set certain boundaries regarding the appearance of employees, and at the same time contribute to the manifestation of professionalism and show a business-like and serious approach to work.

First of all, a dress code is a set of rules and recommendations on how employees should look in specific business communication situations.

It should be remembered that a person leaves an impression of himself in the first few seconds of communication. Appearance, clothes, hairstyle are a kind of “calling card” according to which the first impression is formed. Intelligence, business qualities, and manners can only be assessed after quite a long conversation. But, even without entering into a conversation, the client or boss, buyer or employer immediately forms an idea in his mind about the interlocutor. That is why business people striving for success absolutely need to know all the rules of the dress code and, what is also important, do not forget to comply with them.

Heather Vandenberg, vice president of marketing says, “The person needs to show that they are not too young to take on the position. Maturity comes from within and is manifested in a suit, hairstyle, facial expression." After all, clothes can make us taller in the eyes of others, and in our own. This is worth taking into account when dressing for work on weekdays, preparing for a speech at a conference, or going to a business meeting. Clothing is a means of human self-expression, a kind of mirror in which it is possible to reflect certain qualities of one’s inner world and reveal them to others.

In the modern world, employers are increasingly establishing corporate dress codes for their employees. The fact is that clothes sometimes serve as an integral part of a company’s brand, its corporate culture and image in the professional market. After all, a study or office is not a place to demonstrate the latest fashion trends. Clothing should not distract from work, but, on the contrary, should create a business atmosphere. For violation of dress code rules, managers are increasingly using fines and other sanctions, including dismissal. The dress code here plays the role of a unique element of discipline within the company.

Thus, we highlight the main functions of the dress code in the company:

)the dress code allows you to show your status and not get lost in the variety of styles offered;

)prevents ridiculous situations when employees may come to work in ridiculous clothes that are not intended for this job;

)disciplines. By dressing in company-standard clothes, a person feels that he is at work, and this does not allow him to be distracted by extraneous problems;

)increases the level of team cohesion, allows company employees to feel like a single whole, to feel like part of a team;

)calms down. A dress code can prevent conflicts within a team. After all, appearance is one of the reasons for negative emotions towards each other. It practically eliminates feelings of envy and competition;

)Properly selected clothing sets the tone for business-like communication. If the interlocutor is dressed in a suit, the client is not distracted by his informal clothes, but quickly concentrates on work;

)increases performance. Seeing successful, career-satisfied people in suits around them, employees begin to identify business style with career growth;

)allows you to build the image of employees in accordance with uniform corporate norms, generally accepted European standards of business style and the specifics of the company’s activity profile.

Despite the fact that a dress code has a lot of advantages, there are also supporters against it. Thus, we will group the main disadvantages of implementing a dress code:

)Business clothes are not the most comfortable clothes. In looser clothes, a person feels more comfortable and relaxed.

)Monotony and boring. There are a limited number of business-style clothing items and wearing the same clothes 365 days a year does not inspire enthusiasm among employees.

)The need to wear a suit with long sleeves and stockings even in hot weather conditions, and in cold weather there is a ban on warm clothing. This not only causes discomfort and interferes with work, but can also be harmful to health. Salaries do not always allow employees to look decent and buy expensive business clothes, and not everyone is ready to spend money on clothes to meet the employer’s requirements.

)Many employees, especially women, do not like to look “like everyone else” and wear the same thing. Especially if the model is unsuccessful or does not suit your body type.

)In an effort to save money, companies often order cheap clothes that quickly lose their appearance.

1.2 General rules of corporate dress code

As we have already said, image is no less important element of business communication than professionalism and quality of services or product. The image of the company’s employees forms the impression of the organization, because the business dress code emphasizes belonging to the business sector and professionalism.

Business style is a kind of international standard, which values ​​restraint, good quality clothing, and the absence of too bright and vulgar details. In general, this is a classic style with its inherent conservatism.

Thus, both women and men must comply with the dress code rules dictated by the position and field of activity of the company, as well as the rules prescribed by the company.

Speaking about the dress code, we should highlight the main sections that you should pay attention to when choosing a business wardrobe. This:

)Color. Different colors are not only associated with certain human qualities, but also have different psychological effects. Therefore, the main palette of shades in clothing is determined for the company. Discreet, muted, pastel, light, medium or dark colors are recommended; Bright colors are excluded if they make up more than 10% of the entire set of clothes, etc.

)Textile. There is a division of fabrics by texture into business and all others. So, for business, for example, fine wool belongs. Fabrics such as chiffon, lace, brocade, etc. are prohibited.

)Drawing in fabric. This is also no less important section than the texture of the fabric. The following designs are considered business-like: chalk stripe, small stripe, checkered pattern, small polka dots, foulard. Complex, intricate designs, patterns, and prints in clothing are unacceptable.

)Cut of clothes. This includes: trim and decor of the suit, details, shape of the suit or dress, length of the product, degree of fit of the silhouette, etc.

)Accessories. The main criterion for business accessories is their compliance with the status of the owner, social role and position occupied in the company. For the management team there is one characteristic of the accessory group, for the staff it is another. The shape and size of the decorations, their number and arrangement are important. Everything should be restrained and concise.

)Leather goods. Here the shape of bags or briefcases, their color and style are determined. Shoes are also very important. There is a concept of classic shoes that are suitable for the office. Open toes, high heels, sporty style or brightly colored shoes are not acceptable in the office.

)Hair, makeup and manicure. There must be moderation in everything. We must not forget that pretentious bright nails or an evening hairstyle are unacceptable at work.

Let's take a closer look at the general dress code rules in the company, both for women and men.

The business dress code in women's clothing presupposes a classic style, strict in cut and color: a skirt no shorter than mid-knee and a jacket with a lined collar, a formal dark trouser suit or a business dress.

Classic colors suitable for a business environment: black, beige, gray, brown, dark purple. The traditional classic blouse is white, but other solid colors are also acceptable. Sheer, translucent or lace blouses are not acceptable. Tight-fitting dresses, open or low-cut backs, necklines, mini- and maxi-skirts, and too-tight skirts do not correspond to business style.

Products made from natural fabrics are preferred. Velvet, lace, and knitwear are not recommended.

For mid-level employees, brighter colors are acceptable, as well as dresses and suits with fashionable elements. A mandatory addition to the suit in any weather are flesh-colored stockings or tights.

Products made from denim are often prohibited by the dress code rules of large concerns, international firms and banking institutions. Denim is also not recommended for high-level female managers. For office workers, denim is acceptable, but you should pay attention to the classic cut and combination with a blazer or blouse.

A classic model of shoes with a medium heel of regular thickness is combined with a business style, but any heel height is acceptable. During the rainy and winter seasons, it is recommended to have replacement shoes in the office.

In a business setting, you should not wear summer or holiday models, shoes with laces or straps, sports shoes and moccasins. Dress shoes that barely reveal the toe, but do not expose all the toes, are acceptable.

A women's business bag is made of genuine leather, often holds A4 sheet size, has strong handles and a laconic clasp. If the bag is small, business papers are stored in a folder. In this case, it is recommended to combine the bag with the folder in color and texture. Fabric bags and bags are not recommended1.

Jewelry for a business woman is not prohibited, but it must match the image, emphasize the business style and remain strict and discreet so as not to distract from work.

Business style does not combine with jewelry and fakes; precious or semi-precious metals are preferred. Earrings for a business lady - studs, without dangling elements. One or two rings with medium-sized stones are acceptable.

The choice of accessories for a lady also depends on the rank of communication. Expensive, precious or shiny accessories should not stand out and dominate the interlocutor.

Proper makeup is also part of a business image. Unlike everyday or evening makeup, business makeup is strict and restrained. The base tone is light or beige. Bright colors and glitter are not accepted.

For lips, it is better to choose matte lipstick, transparent gloss, and also use a pencil for eyeliner. During business communication or presentation, a woman will have to talk a lot, and the attention of those listening will be directed to her lips.

It is acceptable to touch up business makeup throughout the day, for example by applying lipstick or powder, but it is better to do this between meetings with new people.

As for the hairstyle, the business style corresponds to a neat styling that easily maintains its shape. Loose hair is not recommended for a business woman. For long hair, a back or ponytail is suitable. The bun should not be pulled too tight so as not to look too academic and strict. For mid-level office workers, loose but neatly styled hair is acceptable.

The higher the lady's official position, the less visible the headbands and hairpins should be. Short hair requires volume, otherwise the hairstyle will simplify the look.

The dress code for a business man (business style) is chosen from the two most common styles.

Btr (Business Traditional) - traditional business style involves a business suit and is a casual dress for office employees, lower and middle managers when negotiating and participating in business meetings. Such a suit is designed to emphasize a man’s business qualities, his severity, restraint and brevity.

Bb (Business Best) - a strict business suit prescribed by the dress code for high-ranking managers. Used for important negotiations, meetings of foreign delegations, when meeting a partner, communicating with senior management.

In a business suit, special attention is paid to the quality of fabric and tailoring. The preferred fabric is wrinkle-resistant, practical, and made from natural fibers. Better are suits that are made to order or tailored to your figure. Preferred colors for a suit: dark blue, gray, dark gray, brown, beige. Gray is considered a universal color; it can be easily combined with shirts and ties of different colors. Black is acceptable, but is too strict and is often used for special, formal events and meetings.

A shirt for a business suit - preferably plain or with barely noticeable stripes. It is important that the cuffs fit neatly to the arm and are visible from under the jacket sleeve by 1.5-2 centimeters1.

A classic suit is the strictest corporate style. For office employees and middle managers, a more democratic approach to the choice of clothing is often allowed. It is also called a relaxed or conventional business style. This everyday style allows for classic-cut denim trousers, also in combination with a jacket or a formal shirt. However, stylish jeans and trendy T-shirts are not acceptable.

The absence of a tie or, in the summer, a shirt with a tie without a jacket is acceptable. For office employees who are not busy meeting clients or negotiating, in the absence of strict regulations, jumpers, turtlenecks, and no tie are acceptable.

Compliance with strict dress code rules is especially important for individuals interested in career advancement. Employees seeking promotion are encouraged to adhere to the dress code appropriate for their higher position. However, lower-level employees should not dress more formally or expensively than their manager.

Shoes for a business suit are made of leather; it is better to exclude artificial substitutes. The color of the shoes matches the color of the belt or wallet. Black, brown or natural leather colors are preferred. Well-groomed and perfectly clean shoes have an impact on the entire look. A business model does not have to be elegant; the fewer decorative details, the better.

It has been noticed that the status of a business person is reflected in the thickness of the sole of his shoes: owners of models with thin soles are unlikely to travel on the subway; they usually have personal transport and a driver. In a business environment, sneakers are not acceptable and moccasins are not recommended.

A men's business suit requires the presence of appropriate accessories. A tie, tie clip, cufflinks and belt are components of the basic look.

Gloves, scarf, and headdress must be combined with outerwear. They are removed upon entering the premises, but are an indispensable attribute of a business person.

A watch, a briefcase (case), glasses, a case for glasses are designed to emphasize respectability and official status. A mobile phone and a lighter are additional elements of a business image; their quality and combination with the overall style forms the final holistic image. Handkerchiefs (handkerchiefs and pocket squares), an umbrella, and a keychain are useful accessories, and they are designed to emphasize high official status. Business accessories should be compatible with each other in style and price; special attention should be paid to the brands used.

An essential factor is the ability to use accessories. For example, a business wallet of a successful person is always flat and does not have a compartment for coins.

Cufflinks are an elegant addition and replacement for buttons; they add sophistication to your look. Large cufflinks, as well as those made from artificial materials, are not recommended in combination with a business suit.

Acceptable rings for men are wedding or family rings, if they belong to an old family. Signets, rings with stones or a corporation symbol are strictly not recommended.

Scarves and tinted glasses do not go well with a business look. Do not wear suspenders and a belt at the same time.

So we looked at the theoretical basis of the dress code in the company. We can summarize.

In this theoretical chapter, we examined the general rules of the dress code for both men and women.

business suit shoes makeup

Chapter 2. Dress code at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

1 General characteristics of the company Sberbank of Russia OJSC and main financial and economic performance indicators

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" - Russian commercial bank, international financial group, one of the largest banks Russia and Europe . Controlled by the state.

Full name - Open Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" .

The history of the bank begins on November 12, 1841, when Russian Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree establishing savings banks in Russia. This date began to be considered the birthday of Sberbank.

Sberbank is the historical successor to the savings banks founded by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, which at first were only two small institutions with 20 employees in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Then they grew into a network of savings banks that operated throughout the country and, even in difficult times, helped maintain the stability of the Russian economy. Later, during the Soviet era, they were transformed into the system of State Labor Savings Banks.

Today, Sberbank of Russia OJSC is a modern universal bank, a large international group whose brand is known in more than twenty countries around the world.

Sberbank is the “circulatory” system of the Russian economy, a third of its banking system. The bank provides work and a source of income to every 150th Russian family.

The leader of the Russian banking sector in terms of total assets accounts for 29.4% of total banking assets (as of August 1, 2014).

The bank is the main creditor of the Russian economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market. It accounts for 46.4% of household deposits, 34.7% of loans to individuals and 33.9% of loans to legal entities.

Sberbank of Russia OJSC includes 16 territorial banks and more than 17 thousand branches throughout the country, in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In Russia alone, Sberbank has more than 110 million clients - more than half of the country's population, and about 11 million people use Sberbank's services abroad. Also, the bank's clients include more than 1 million enterprises.

The range of Sberbank services for retail clients is as wide as possible: from traditional deposits and various types of lending to bank cards, money transfers, bancassurance and brokerage services.

The highest governing body of the Bank is the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The Supervisory Board carries out general management of the Bank's activities, with the exception of resolving issues referred to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders by the Bank's Charter.

Management of the current activities of the Bank is carried out by the President, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank and the Management Board of the Bank.

Share of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the authorized capital of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is 50% plus one voting share, in voting shares - 52.32%. The remaining shareholders of Sberbank of Russia are more than 273 thousand legal entities and individuals. The share of individuals in the bank's authorized capital is about 9%, and the share of foreign investors is more than 24%.

The number of Sberbank employees is more than 260 thousand qualified employees.

Now let's look at the main financial and economic indicators of the activities of the company OJSC Sberbank of Russia (Table 2.1., Fig. 2.1.).

Table 2.1 Main financial and economic indicators of the activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC from 2009 to 2013.

Indicator (in billion rubles)20092010201120122013Rel. Meas. Abs. amendments.%Operating income to reserves 648,10649,80736.36.30920.801103.80+455.70+70.31 PRIBILAL UNDERSTANCE29,90230,10395.70447.90455.70+425.80+1424.08 PRODUCT 24.40181.60315 ,90347.90362.00+337.60+1383.61Assets7105.078628.5310835.0015097.4018210.00+11104.93+156.30Customer funds5438.876651.007932.0010179.30 12064.00+6625.13+121, 81

Rice. 2.1. Dynamics of financial and economic indicators of the activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC from 2009 to 2013.

According to table. 2.1. and rice 2.1. Let's draw conclusions about the financial condition of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. It can be seen that in dynamics from 2009 to 2013. net profit increased by 337.60 billion rubles. Bank assets since the beginning of 2009 as of 2013, increased by 11,104.93 billion rubles, which is 156.3%. The financial condition of the bank is not only stable, but is gaining momentum and strength every day.

2 Values ​​and dress code at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Sberbank of Russia OJSC has a highly developed corporate culture, a clearly structured system of values ​​and rules in relation to employees, shareholders, investors, clients, and society.

“Devotion to the bank, teamwork, common success - everyone’s success” are the main elements of the bank’s personnel policy. The Bank strives to create conditions for employees that would best meet their needs. This is based on the following principles:

· The Bank values ​​its employees and takes care of them;

· The bank provides employees with the opportunity to develop personally and professionally, where the best professionals strive to work;

· The bank gives each employee the opportunity to feel like active participants in all processes, and not “cogs in a big machine”;

· The Bank provides its employees with decent material income and position in society;

· The bank gives confidence in its future.

It should be noted that Sberbank follows the company’s values ​​even in the color scheme of its corporate identity. There are two colors in the corporate image of Sberbank - green and white. These are the colors that are associated with Sberbank. Not only the company name and logo are made in these colors, but they are also present in the employees’ uniforms - a white shirt and a green tie.

These colors were chosen for a reason. Green embodies the bank's confidence in the future and a stable position in any financial conditions. This color also reflects respect for traditions, goodwill, and a healthy lifestyle. White color signifies purity and a new beginning. For a bank, this explanation of color is quite appropriate. With the bank, people can start a new life. White color helps solve all problems, and Sberbank also strives for this in its image. After all, most of people’s serious problems are associated with a lack of funds. White color evokes in people a feeling of purity, reliability, and incorruptibility. The combination of green and white has a positive effect on the emotional state of the target audience, which includes both employees and consumers, and has a calming effect not only on bank clients, but also on the employees themselves.

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is an exemplary employer. Sberbank as an employer is not only called upon to provide a decent level of remuneration, stability and respect for the rights of employees, but also to provide opportunities for comprehensive development, building a successful career and self-realization in society.

The main thing that Sberbank strives for in its policy towards employees is to create a new work philosophy in the bank that would stimulate the desire for continuous improvement and personal interest in achieving common success. Sberbank also considers it fundamentally important to create modern, comfortable and safe working conditions for employees, ensure their social security and support in difficult life situations, and provide the opportunity to gain new knowledge and realize their potential. In addition to all this, Sberbank pays special attention to the health of its employees.

“Every employee is the face of Sberbank.” This is one of the bank’s rules, which briefly outlines the essence of the importance of an employee and his appearance.

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is a clear representative of the company where the dress code has been introduced. The bank's dress code provides for a business style of clothing that meets international standards, and the highlight of the classic style is a green tie (scarf) (for cash desk workers). Sberbank employees must look neat and tidy in clean and ironed clothes.

Let's take a closer look at the dress code rules at Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

Let us highlight the general rules for bank employees:

)Cloth. It should be noted. That the dress code for cash register workers is much stricter than that of administrative staff. The clothes of cash register workers should be in black and white, or more specifically white top, black bottom. For women, this can be a white jumper or shirt and a skirt, or classic black trousers. For men, this is a black or gray business suit or classic trousers and a white shirt. All Sberbank employees serving clients must also have such an item of clothing as a green scarf (tie). As for the administrative staff, there is a more relaxed dress code. Both men and women should adhere to classic business style. For women, it can be a black, gray, blue, or pastel-colored dress, blouse, or skirt. There should be no deep necklines or cutouts, and the length of the dress or skirt should not be shorter than 10 cm from the knee. For men, this can be a business suit, or trousers and a shirt. Men's suit or trousers should be gray or black. The shirt can be white or pastel colors with a barely noticeable pattern or stripe. A mandatory element of men's appearance is a tie. Denim clothing is not allowed.

)Shoes must be black or match the suit or uniform, leather or high-quality leatherette, with closed toes and heels. Sports and evening shoes are not allowed.

)During working hours, all women are required to wear flesh-colored tights or stockings;

)The hairstyle of both men and women should be kept in a calm style. Hair must be clean. If women have long hair, it should be tied back. Men's hair should not touch the collar.

)Men's faces must be clean shaven; a mustache is allowed, which must be neatly trimmed;

)Makeup should be in pastel colors;

)Nails must be neatly trimmed (or the length of the nails should not exceed 5 mm). The varnish is colorless or pastel shades.

)Accessories. Jewelry should not be conspicuous. It is allowed to wear a watch; classic style earrings for women, but no more than one in each ear; men are not allowed to wear earrings; women have no more than one ring on their hand, in addition to the wedding ring; for men - only a wedding ring;

)While working, you must wear a name badge.

Let's summarize the practical chapter.

So, we looked at the dress code rules using the example of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. It should be noted that the bank pays great attention to personnel policy and each Sberbank employee is its “calling card”. The bank's dress code provides for business attire that meets international standards. For cashiers and cashiers, the dress code is stricter than for administrative employees.


In the modern world, dress code has firmly entered our lives, and employers are paying more and more attention to the appearance of employees. After all, corporate clothing for employees is not only affiliation with the company, but also one of the factors that influences the success of the company. An employee of a company conveys the principles and philosophy of the company to the public, so he must always follow certain rules. This is, first of all, a single corporate style in clothing.

In a company's image, every little detail matters and can ruin the entire impression. Therefore, the development of a corporate identity is the most important moment, which can become a turning point in the path of any company.

A dress code is not a law, but a set of rules and recommendations that establish certain boundaries regarding the appearance of employees, and at the same time contribute to the manifestation of professionalism and show a business-like and serious approach to work. Also, the dress code in the organization disciplines, increases the level of team cohesion, allows you to show status, allows the company’s employees to feel like a single whole, prevents conflicts, motivates them to work, increases efficiency, etc.

In this course work, we examined the general rules of the dress code for both men and women. We found that when choosing a wardrobe for work, you need to pay attention to the color and cut of clothes, fabric, pattern, accessories, hairstyle, makeup and other details that should correspond to the image of the company.

It should be noted that there may be no dress code rules in an organization at all, this is especially common in small and medium-sized companies. But, as a rule, all large corporations have dress code rules.

In practice, we examined the dress code rules using the example of Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

Today, Sberbank of Russia OJSC is a modern universal bank, whose brand is known in more than twenty countries around the world.

Sberbank is a third of the banking system of the Russian economy. The bank provides work and a source of income to every 150th Russian family.

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is an exemplary employer. The Bank strives in its policy towards employees: to form a new work philosophy in the Bank, which would stimulate the desire for continuous improvement and personal interest in achieving common success. It is fundamentally important for the bank to create modern, comfortable and safe working conditions for employees, to ensure their social security and support in difficult life situations, to provide them with the opportunity to gain new knowledge and realize their potential.

Each Sberbank employee is its “face”, “business card”. Therefore, this is one of the obvious representatives among the company where a dress code has been introduced. The bank's dress code provides for business attire that meets international standards, and the highlight of the classic style is a green tie (scarf).

To summarize, we have completed the tasks facing us in this course work.

List of sources used

1.Vos Elena. Business Etiquette. Rules of behavior, communication, dress code. - Eksmo Publishing House LLC - 2014 - 342 p.

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3.Demenko E. Intracorporate PR in the management of organizational relations // Personnel Manager. - 2005. - N 8. - 198 p.

.Kapitonov E. A. Corporate culture and PR: educational and practical work. allowance. - M. - Rostov n/a. : March, 2010. - 412 p.

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.Kursova Yu. Internal corporate PR: problems and ways to solve them // Marketing communications. - 2007. - N 1. - 99 p.

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.Spivak V. A. Corporate culture: theory and practice. - St. Petersburg. and others: Peter, 2006. - 345 p.

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I must admit, I was very lucky! I work for a company that does not have a strict dress code. To be honest, he's not here at all. Naturally, no one comes in torn blouses and dirty trousers. It’s just that you can wear jeans and T-shirts here not only on “free Friday”. But what can we hide: during the sweltering heat of the summer, we paraded around the office in short shorts and microdresses... In a word, my creative soul as a stylist rejoices!

But there are not so many such lucky ones(. Many companies have a dress code that imposes very strict restrictions on employees both in clothing and jewelry.
And, if such “infringements” in clothing are not so terrible, then accessories... After all, accessories help emphasize our individuality! It is not at all necessary to refuse them; the main thing is to stay on the edge and not cross the line.

Business ladies most often prefer rings, earrings, watches, chains and bracelets. Of course, you shouldn’t put everything on yourself at once. However, each of these things can complement the image of a successful businesswoman.

Business lady jewelry is considered a symbol of status and prestige. At the same time, they speak eloquently about her taste and sense of style.

The choice of certain decorations depends on:

- areas of activity (government structure, publishing house, gallery, etc.);
- the significance of the event (negotiations, presentation or corporate party);
- time of day (daytime or evening);
- age and position (an ordinary employee cannot afford jewelry at a cost higher than what the manager wears)... At least in the office))).

What can you wear to the office and what can’t?

Experts (by the way, I largely agree with them) offer us seven basic rules of the office jewelry dress code:
1. We focus on elegant minimalism. This is an ever-fashionable trend, especially relevant for business dress codes. And both in clothes and jewelry. Give preference to modest, not flashy things that captivate not with brightness, but with unobtrusive chic and style.

2. Nothing personal. Business style excludes the presence of any personal intimate elements. Heart pendants, bracelets with numerous pendants, earrings with angels... leave all this for a meeting with friends.

3. Relevance. Avoid wearing vintage necklaces or large wooden or plastic bracelets to the office. It’s also better to save exclusive jewelry for an evening out or a date. Jewelry should fit harmoniously into the overall image, without drawing attention to itself.

4. Remember the rule of “three things”. The office dress code requires a woman to wear no more than three pieces of jewelry. For example, an engagement ring can be complemented with earrings or a chain and bracelet.

5. White or yellow. A combination of jewelry made of yellow and white metals is considered bad taste. But modern jewelry trends fully allow this union. So, if the product itself is made using both metals, then why not?!

6. Stones. As part of the office style, jewelry with small stones, such as diamonds, is acceptable. Pearl carnations will also perfectly highlight your business look.
True, they are somehow silent about engagement rings, which can be with 1- or 2-carat diamonds...

7. Time is money. For real businesswomen, every minute counts. In short, you can’t go anywhere without a watch! The best option is classic models with a calm dial and leather straps in neutral colors. But a ring watch, a pendant watch, a bracelet watch (in jewelry), the case of which is made of precious metals or inlaid with precious stones, are suitable for evening and special occasions.

8. Price issue. By their price of your jewelry, business partners will judge how well things are going in the company where you work. Conclusion - you shouldn’t skimp on jewelry, but you shouldn’t go to extremes either. Buy something that matches your income level.

Each piece of jewelry has its own purpose. Some products are suitable for a gala evening, others for everyday wear. Let's talk about what decorations would be most appropriate at work and how to choose them.

Wearing excessively provocative jewelry to the office is the height of vulgarity. You need to know how to combine products, how to choose sets for everyday wear and what to avoid. The jewelry dress code is not as simple as it seems. So let's get started.

What kind of jewelry should you wear for the office?

The choice of jewelry for work should meet five fundamental principles:

1. Moderation.

2. Courage.

3. Relevance.

4. Combination of materials.

5. Quality.

Let's figure out what each of them means. These criteria and rules will allow you to select products that will look harmonious in the office.

Moderation implies the application of the “golden” rule - no more than three or four jewelry per image. Please note that this amount includes your wedding ring if you are wearing one. One of the following combinations will be optimal:

· earrings + ring + chain;

· earrings + brooch + ring;

· earrings + ring + beads;

· earrings + ring + bracelet.

Despite the principle of moderation, you should not ignore bright products. For example, a large pendant or necklace will perfectly complement a strict, plain office dress with a simple cut. However, such a bold decision implies the abandonment of other jewelry.

Always remember that what is appropriate in a restaurant or theater will not always look harmonious in the office. Avoid overly variegated textures, shine and massive stones.

The workplace is not an environment where you need to show off extravagant ideas. Give preference to laconic classics.

Combining different metals is not the best solution. In business style, such freedom is not acceptable. If you are wearing a gold wedding ring, then all other items should be made of this metal. The combination of silver and gold in one image is bad manners.

Business style is primarily about minimalism. Don't skimp on decorations. They must be of high quality and aesthetically attractive.

Remember, people are greeted by their clothes. An elegant look will give you confidence and, as a result, success.

Pay attention to the color of your clothes. This is very important when choosing the metal from which jewelry will be made.

So, gold goes better with black, red, white and burgundy. With clothes in cool colors, preference is given to silver. The stones are selected accordingly.

Jewelry with bright stones suits dark-haired women. For example, earrings with emeralds or sapphires. For fair-haired ladies, transparent or pastel shades of stones - topaz, zircon, turquoise - are suitable.

If the clothes have a light texture, neat jewelry with delicate outlines and openwork carvings are suitable. Such decorations are not suitable for thick fabric. You should choose more discreet accessories with natural stones or without them at all.

Pearl jewelry is very popular now. However, you need to be careful with them. If your work involves international cooperation, keep in mind that in some countries pearls are a symbol of tragedy (for example, in Spain).

Nevertheless, pearl products are relevant. Discreet jewelry from the Rivoli brand is perfect for the office.

What jewelry should you avoid?

You should not wear exclusive jewelry to work that attracts attention with its brightness and extravagance. Such products should be reserved for special occasions and cultural events.

Carefully select earrings to match your business look. They should not be excessively massive and long. It is worth abandoning symbolic products - in the form of butterflies, flowers, etc. They will not be appropriate with a formal business style.

Avoid woven bracelets and items with feathers. Leave such decorations for friendly gatherings.

Personalized and “personal” jewelry would also be inappropriate. Here we mean products based on the signs of the Zodiac, hearts and similar things. Such decorations absolutely do not fit into the office style.

Remember the “three things” rule and the above principles for choosing jewelry for the office. By following these simple recommendations, you will not only fit perfectly into the office dress code, but will also still look feminine and elegant.

Choose stylish jewelry suitable for work and everyday life in the catalog of the LUX FAIR online store. Style, quality and a wide range for every taste from the best designers in Europe!

No matter how strict the dress code, women will always remain women. Light makeup, a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma and, of course, jewelry - even in an office environment you can feel like a queen.

How to choose the right decorations for the office?

There are several rules in this regard, following which you can always look elegant and appropriate.

Must correspond to your status, type of activity and position. The secretary in a diamond bracelet looks as strange as the deputy director in plastic earrings. Also consider your type of activity. If you only have to deal with established clientele, it is perfectly acceptable to wear something more expensive. In all other cases, your jewelry may scare away potential clients or customers.

Number of decorations

Less is more. If you doubt the compatibility of any things, choose one thing. Decorate no more than two areas at a time. Optimal: earrings + plus a ring, a chain with a pendant plus a bracelet. Don't wear everything at once, even if you have a ready-made set.

Specific decorations

Leave any laces, self-knitted beaded bracelets, wooden rings and other things that do not fit well into the office dress code at home. Exceptions are only possible for people in creative professions, and even then it’s better not to go too far. In an effort to look creative, few people know how to avoid slipping into farce.

This also includes religious symbols and esoteric gizmos. Even a harmless cross displayed in public can confuse your business partners from the Muslim world.


The best choice for the office are stud earrings, neat earrings with an English lock or dior earrings.

You should be careful when choosing jewelry with stones. Colored stones are very demanding. They attract attention and impose on their owner the obligation to comply, first of all, with suitable clothing. If you are not sure about the choice, abandon this idea. Choose earrings with white transparent stones or without them at all.

Earrings with pearls are always appropriate. This is a win-win for almost any occasion.

You can select and buy earrings in Kyiv in the MustHave online store. A wide range of quality jewelry, the opportunity to receive professional advice and convenient delivery will make your shopping easy and enjoyable.

Absolutely contraindicated for the office: dangling massive earrings (are you sure you won’t start dancing oriental dances now?), large rings (or fiery samba?), bright plastic (teenage club on the floor below).


The main rule is that there should be only one ring on your hand. The exception is the wedding ring. Don't turn into a gypsy by wearing rings on all your fingers. Rings worn on the little finger, thumb or index finger look ridiculous on adult women.

Avoid heavy, bulky rings. Often this is not only inappropriate, but also inconvenient.

Do not mix metals. Gold on the right hand, silver on the left. It doesn't look very good, between us.


Let's immediately say no to sets of thin rings, chains with a bunch of pendants, leather laces, tasteless gold chains and huge beads. There is a special taboo for everything that rings, rumbles, or knocks on the table. This distracts not only you from work, but also those around you.

There is nothing more elegant than discreet minimalism. If you have a watch, it is better to avoid the bracelet altogether. If you don't wear a watch, wear a bracelet that best suits your clothing style.


A properly selected watch is the most important component of a woman’s business image.

For the office it is better to choose two options. The first is a classic women's watch on a metal bracelet. The second is a women's watch with a leather strap in black, beige or brown.

Not suitable for the office: huge dials, “children’s” watches on a plastic or rubber strap, watches in the form of bracelets studded with precious stones.

Chains, beads, necklaces

Perhaps the most “dangerous” type of women’s jewelry. It is dangerous because it involuntarily draws attention to the décolleté area, so if you choose the wrong jewelry, it can create a lot of unnecessary situations for you at work.

In order not to look vulgar, make sure that the chain or beads do not emphasize anything unnecessary - an overly revealing neckline or a button on a blouse that is holding on with all its might. Well, of course, it’s also better to save the neckline for some other occasion.


Traditional business jewelry for women. With the help of a brooch you can “revive” a strict jacket, a boring blouse and add a touch of femininity to a tightly closed sheath dress.

If you are wearing a brooch, remove all beads and chains. An exception may be a string of pearls under the neck, if the brooch is made in the same style. But remember rule number one - it’s better to “under” than “over”.

Jewelry is the most important component of a modern business woman. Regardless of the level - you are a business owner or an ordinary employee - the office jewelry dress code has its own laws that apply to everyone. The only question is the cost of jewelry, which precisely emphasizes the status of a woman.

Business style and only

The appropriateness of the situation is the most important feature of jewelry for the office in general and the business woman in particular. No matter how much you like designer hand-made items, felted wool jewelry or exclusive colored rhinestones, it’s best to save all this for a day off and a long, airy sundress.

The road to stylish elegance

Elegant minimalism is a fashion trend in the jewelry industry in recent years, especially relevant for “business style.” Give preference to modest but stylish items that captivate not with brightness and flashiness, but with unobtrusive chic. Prefer quality to quantity - better one ring, but expensive, than many, but like everyone else.

We'll leave personal things at home

Nothing personal is one of the principles of business jewelry style. Business style does not imply the presence of any personal intimate elements in the appearance of the employee. Heart pendants, jewelry in the shape of your zodiac sign, all sorts of Feng Shui signs, names, cute cats and dogs should be left for a romantic Friday evening.

Rule of three things

The most important rule of the jewelry dress code is the law of “three things”. That is, the office dress code requires a woman to wear no more than three pieces of jewelry. This number also includes an engagement ring, which can be complemented with earrings or a chain and bracelet.

White and yellow are bad taste

Business style, and indeed all the rules for wearing jewelry, consider the combination of gold and silver jewelry to be bad taste. As an exception, sometimes it is possible to accept products made using both metals, for example, the famous Cartier ring, but such things are rare. Therefore, choose either yellow or white jewelry, matching it with your clothes whenever possible. So, gold jewelry is better suited to black things and clothes of warm colors, but silver jewelry should be preferred to a suit of cool colors. And explain to your husband why you sometimes take off your wedding ring...

Choosing a noble metal

The most fashionable metals of recent seasons are platinum, white gold, and high-grade silver. They look more formal than yellow gold and are more suitable for business style.

Choosing stones

Classic stones for office style are pearls, cubic zirconias and small “friends of all girls” diamonds. If you work in a creative company where a certain bright variety is acceptable, focus on the natural color type - brunettes and brown-haired women can choose emerald, amber or sapphire, but for blondes or women with light brown hair, stylists recommend stones of transparent, translucent or light tones. It can be the same diamond, topaz, amethyst, chrysolite.

Watches as decoration

Time is money. Let's not forget about such an important accessory for a business woman as a watch. The best option is a classic gold watch with a calm dial and leather straps in traditional black, white or neutral beige colors. Avoid models with shiny stones; bright colored straps will also be inappropriate.

About the cost of jewelry

So we come to the question of how a businesswoman differs from an ordinary employee. Alas, there is nothing new here, the question is the price. Based on the cost of your jewelry, business partners and clients will judge how well you are doing and, accordingly, whether it is worth working with you. In Europe, it is customary that a watch, a cell phone, or a woman’s handbag cost approximately one salary. Hence the conclusion - you should not either save on jewelry or buy something super expensive that does not correspond to your income level. And do not think that the price of jewelry will solve all issues - in business, business qualities and ability to work will always be rated higher than any jewelry.

Olga Spasskaya All rights reserved