Application for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension. Old Age Pension Application: Structure and General Guidelines for Completing

The form of the document "Application for the appointment of an old-age pension" refers to the heading "Application". Save the link to the document on social networks or download it to your computer.

To the Main Directorate of the PFR No. ___ for the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow

Applicant: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________


I, ____________________ _______ year of birth (passport series ____ No. _______, issued by TP No. ___ OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA FOR ST. PETERSBURG AND THE LENINGRAD REGION IN THE FRUNZENSKY DISTRICT OF ST. PETERSBURG ___________, division code ________) has now reached retirement age (60 years) ...
In accordance with Art. 3 FZ of December 17, 2001, No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", citizens of the Russian Federation who are insured in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" are entitled to a labor pension, provided they comply with the conditions, provided for by this Federal Law.
In accordance with Art. 7 of the above-mentioned Federal Law, men who have reached the age of ___ years and women who have reached the age of ___ have the right to an old-age labor pension.
The total length of my work experience is ___ years (the work book was started ___________ years).
At the present time, I continue to carry out my labor activity in LLC "__________________" in the position of General Director, which is confirmed by the corresponding entry in the work book (I attach a certified copy).

In accordance with Art. 10 ФЗ, the insurance experience includes periods of work and (or) other activities that were performed on the territory of the Russian Federation by persons specified in part one of Article 3 of this Federal Law, provided that insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for these periods.
In accordance with Art. 18 FZ, the appointment, recalculation and payment of labor pensions, including the organization of their delivery, are carried out by the body providing pension provision in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" at the place of residence of the person applying for the labor pension. When a pensioner changes his place of residence, the payment of the labor pension, including the organization of its delivery, is carried out at his new place of residence or place of stay on the basis of the pension file and registration documents issued in accordance with the established procedure by the registration authorities. An application for the appointment, recalculation of the size of the labor pension, transfer from one pension to another, payment or delivery of the labor pension can be submitted in the form of an electronic document, the procedure for issuing which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and which is transmitted using public information and telecommunication networks, including including the Internet, including a single portal of state and municipal services.

The payment of a labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension), including to retirees who carry out work and (or) other activities, is made by the body carrying out pension provision at the place of residence or place of stay of the pensioner in the established amount without any restrictions.

Decisions on the establishment or refusal to establish a labor pension, on the payment of the specified pension, on deductions from this pension and on the collection of overpaid amounts of such a pension may be appealed to a higher pension body (in relation to the body that made the relevant decision) and (or) in court.

So, in accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 02.05.2006 "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation", citizens have the right to apply personally, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies, local authorities and officials.

Based on the aforesaid and guided by Article. 2 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation"

1. Accept and consider this application;
2. To assign the applicant the payment of an old-age labor pension;
3. I ask you to send the answer to this application in writing to the above address;

1. A copy of the applicant's Passport;
2. A certified copy of the work book;
3. References from work;
4. A copy of the insurance certificate;
5. A copy of the Certificate of registration at the place of stay;

" "________________ G. _____________________________________

  • It is no secret that office work negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the employee. There are quite a few facts confirming both this and that.

  • At work, each person spends a significant part of his life, so it is very important not only what he does, but also who he has to communicate with.

  • Gossip in the work collective is quite common, and not only among women, as is commonly believed.


1. Section 1 specifies information about the citizen to whom the pension is assigned, the transfer from one pension to another is carried out.

In the case of submitting an application for the appointment of a pension (transfer from one pension to another), the representative additionally completes section 2 of the application.

1.1. The last name, first name, patronymic of a citizen are indicated in full in the nominative case in accordance with the document proving his identity.

1.2. The line "Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance No." indicates the number of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of a citizen.

1.3. In the line "Belonging to citizenship" the word is written: "citizen" or "citizen", depending on who this line is filled in, and the state of which the person is a citizen (subject) is indicated. If a person has dual citizenship, information on citizenship shall be separated by commas. If the person is not a citizen of the Russian Federation and does not have proof of the citizenship of a foreign state, then this line indicates: “stateless person”.

1.4. Information about residence in the Russian Federation is filled in if the citizen lives in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the line "address of the place of residence" the full address of the place of residence of the citizen is indicated; in his absence, the word "no" is indicated.

The line "address of the place of stay" is filled in if the citizen has a place of residence confirmed by registration, including if there is a place of residence confirmed by registration.

The line "address of the place of stay" indicates the full address of the place of stay of the citizen, in his absence, the word "no" is indicated.

The line "address of the place of actual residence" is filled in if the address of the place of actual residence of the citizen does not coincide with the place of residence or place of stay, or the citizen does not have a place of residence and place of stay confirmed by registration.

The line "telephone number" indicates the telephone number of the citizen.

1.5. Information about residence outside the Russian Federation is filled in if the citizen lives outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

The line "full address of the place of residence on the territory of another state" in Russian and foreign (language of the state of residence) languages ​​indicates the full address of the place of residence of a citizen on the territory of the state of residence.

The line "address of the place of residence before leaving the Russian Federation" in Russian indicates the full address of the place of residence of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation before leaving it.

1.6. The line "Name of the identity document" indicates the name of the submitted document proving the identity of the citizen (passport, residence permit, etc.). Further, along the corresponding lines, the series, number, date of issue of the document, the name of the authority that issued it, as well as the date and place of birth of the citizen in accordance with the submitted document are indicated.

1.7. In the "Gender" line, a check is made in the "husband." or "female", corresponding to the gender of the citizen.

1.8. In the line “Currently working, not working” a mark is made in one of two cells: “working” or “not working”.

1.9. In the line "Dependents are ______ disabled family members", the number of disabled family members who are dependent on the citizen is indicated in words, or the word "no" is indicated (in the absence of these persons).

2. Section 2 of the application is completed in addition to section 1 in case of submission of an application for the appointment of a pension (transfer from one pension to another) by a representative (legal representative of a minor or incapacitated person, an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, a confidant).

2.1. In the line “Representative (legal representative of a minor or an incapacitated person, an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, a confidant)”, by underlining one of the proposed answer options, the nature (type) of representation is specified.

2.2. The surname, name, patronymic of the representative are indicated in full in accordance with the document proving his identity.

For an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, this line indicates the name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents of the legal entity and the surname, name, patronymic of its representative.

2.3. Information about the place of residence, place of stay, actual residence of the representative is filled in in a manner similar to filling out the specified data about the citizen.

For an organization entrusted with the performance of the duties of a guardian or trustee, the legal address of the organization is indicated in the corresponding line. The lines “residence address”, “residence address” and “actual residence address” are not filled in.

The line "Phone number" indicates the phone number of the representative (the organization that is entrusted with the duties of a guardian or trustee).

2.4. In the line "Name of the document proving the identity of the representative" shall indicate the document proving the identity of the representative (passport, residence permit, etc.).

2.5. The line "Name of the document confirming the authority of the representative" indicates the document on the basis of which the representative performs his functions on behalf and in the interests of the citizen (certificate of guardianship or guardianship, power of attorney, etc.).

Further, along the corresponding lines, the series, the number of the document (if these details are provided for by the form of the document submitted to confirm the authority of the representative), the date of issue and the name of the authority that issued it are indicated.

3. Section 3 shall provide information on the established pension.

3.1. The type of pension, a part of the labor pension, for the appointment of which a citizen applies (or a representative in his interests) is indicated in the accusative case: for example, “old-age labor pension”, “seniority pension”, “social disability pension”, “share the insurance part of the old-age labor pension ”, etc.

3.2. In the cells of the lines “I ask to assign the insurance part of the old-age labor pension”, “I ask to assign the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, except for the fixed base size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension”, “I ask to assign the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, taking into account clause 21 Art. 14 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, "I ask to assign the funded part of the old-age retirement pension", "I ask to assign a retirement pension for disability", "I ask to assign a retirement pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner," a note is made in case of a citizen's request ( or in his interests a representative) for the appointment of a labor pension or part (parts) of an old-age labor pension.

3.3. In the cell of the line “I ask to assign the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, except for the fixed base amount”, a note is made if the citizen (or a representative in his interests) applies for the appointment of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, except for the fixed basic amount.

3.4. In the cell of the line "I ask you to transfer from ___________ to retirement __________________", a mark is made when a citizen (or in his interests a representative) chooses the specified procedural action when transferring from one type of labor pension to another, as well as from another pension established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation , to a labor pension, or from one type of state pension to another.

3.5. In the line "Previously a pension on another basis or from another department", a note is made in one of two cells: "assigned", "not assigned".

3.6. A mark is made in the cell "refusal of a previously assigned pension" when a citizen who is a recipient of a labor pension or a state pension and does not have the right to receive two pensions at the same time (or, in his interests, a representative) applies for the appointment of another pension (another type of pension ).

3.7. In the cell of the line “consent to recalculate the amount of pension upward when establishing a higher disability group (establishing disability for the first time), reaching the age of 80, changing the cause of disability”, a mark is made upon the consent of the citizen (or in his interests of the representative) to recalculate the amount of pension in the side of increase upon the occurrence of the specified circumstances subsequently.

3.8. In the box "I ask to assign a federal social supplement to pension", a mark is made with the consent of the citizen (or in his interests of the representative) to the appointment of a federal social supplement to the pension.

4. Section 4 contains the provisions about which the citizen (his representative) has been warned. If necessary, the line “(indicated otherwise)” shall indicate other provisions: for example, on the need to immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about the performance of work in positions entitling citizens from among the pension is not paid (for citizens from among the employees of the flight test personnel who applied for a seniority pension).

5. Section 5 "Documents Attached to the Application" shall indicate the documents attached to the application.

5.1. The column "No. p / p" indicates the serial number of the entry on the name of the document.

5.2. The column "Name of the document" indicates the names of the documents attached to the application (certificate of earnings, military ID, birth certificate, etc.). If several documents with the same names are presented, in addition to the name, the details (information) specifying the document are indicated: date of issue, number. For example, "certificate of earnings dated 09.11.1979 No. 365".

6. In the line "Date of filling in the application" by the citizen (his representative), the date of filling in the application is indicated.

In the line "Signature of the citizen (his representative)", the citizen (his representative) puts a signature, which confirms:

the accuracy of the information specified in the application;

the fact of familiarization of the citizen (his representative) with the provisions specified in paragraph 4 of the application.

The duty of the state is to take care of its disabled citizens. People who have reached retirement age are entitled to monthly cash payments from the state. But before they begin to accrue, each applicant must draw up a corresponding application for the appointment of a pension.

When and where to serve

Currently, the options for applying for a pension have expanded. Now this can be done in three ways:

  • with a personal visit to the FIU;
  • submit documents through the MFC;
  • use the website of the State Service;
  • using the services of the Russian Post;
  • through the current employer at the place of work.

You can submit an application in person, or with the help of a legal representative. This should be done as soon as the right to receive pension payments has come.

How to compose

Despite a number of differences depending on the type of pension, each such document must contain basic information regarding the applicant himself:

  • Full Name;
  • the series and number of the passport, when and where the document was issued;
  • Date of Birth;
  • SNILS number;
  • place of registration and place of residence;
  • all contact details;
  • the fact of the presence of dependents, if any.

The application must indicate the type of pension that the citizen is claiming. In addition, it should be indicated if the applicant has previously received any pension benefits.

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Then an inventory of all documents attached to the application is drawn up. At the end, the current date, the signature of the applicant and its decryption are required.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • general passport. If it is not yet there, then a birth certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN certificate;
  • marriage certificate (dissolution);
  • birth certificates of children, if they are dependents;
  • 2-NDFL certificate;
  • work book, if available. If not all jobs are recorded in it, then additional certificates with such information can be submitted;
  • military ID (for men who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces).

The list of other documents varies depending on the type of pension that the citizen is claiming.

On the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner

When drawing up an application for the payment of a survivor's pension, in addition to basic information, the document should indicate the degree of relationship between the applicant and the deceased citizen.

There is a certain procedure for Russian citizens to enter. This procedure is described in detail in the Federal Law.

If you are interested in the question of what an urgent pension payment is and how it is assigned, then you will be interested.

Subtleties you need to know about

  1. In order to receive a pension on time, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary list of documents and write an application.
  2. An old-age pension application form can be taken from the Pension Fund and filled out at home.
  3. Now there is an opportunity to submit documents for registration of a pension through the website of "Gosuslugi". You need to register on the website, create a personal account, then fill out an application form, scan the collected documents and send the entire package to the Pension Fund. You can also apply for a pension through the MFC or send documents and an application by mail.
  4. If a Pension Fund specialist reveals a shortage of any document, it must be provided within three months.
  5. Pension is calculated after all documents have been approved by a specialist.
  6. There is no need to certify copies, but they must be prepared along with the original documents.

In order to timely receive the due cash payment, the future pensioner should take care of collecting all the required documents in advance.

To avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, you need to carefully study the rules for filling out the application, make sure that all documents are collected, if you have any questions, consult with a Pension Fund specialist.