Healthy and beautiful hair. Cosmetics for shiny hair. Silkness and hair health is not always determined by hereditary factors

Want to have long and beautiful hair, but you can't grow them in any way? They break all the time and begin to fall out, not having time to achieve the desired length? Yes, this is the problem of most women.

How to grow beautiful and healthy hair

Hair care

Over time, from daily stacking, stress and the environment, our hair is losing their strength and begin to sneeze, break and fall out. In order for the hair to grow healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to provide them with regular care and, of course, hair nutrition.

Nutrients come into hair and spread over the entire length, but if you have sectable ends, then all nutritional elements will be directed not to hair growth, but on their recovery. Therefore, so that the hair does not spend their strength to restore, we must regularly cut weakened tips, at least 1.2 - 2 mm once a month.

The second secret of long and healthy hair lies in their nutrition. Food hair completely depends on what we eat. And, if we do not consume the right number of necessary vitamins, they simply have nothing to eat and gain a vital power. Vitamins and minerals plays an important role in the growth of hair. These vitamins act directly on the scalp and stimulate the development of hair follicles. They also stimulate Hormone levels in the body. Changes in a hormonal background can also help in improving the development of hair follicles.

Basic vitamins that contribute to hair growth:

There are many vitamins that are useful for hair growth.

Vitamin A : It is an important vitamin hair growth, which mainly contributes to the generation of skin saline in the head of the head. He will prevent your hair from dryness, and also helps to avoid dandruff. Smoking and reception aspirin reduces suction vitamin A.

Avoid excessive consumption of vitamin A. Since it is responsible for the production of skin sala in the skin of the head, excess vitamin A can make your hair too fat, which can lead to the formation of dandruff and hair loss, as well as other serious health problems. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before taking a vitamin.

You can avoid an excessive dose of vitamin, we simply have fruits or vegetables that are rich in vitamin, such as oranges, sweet potatoes, mango, meat, eggs, cabbage, liver, fishery, carrots, peaches, spinach, broccoli and apricots.

Vitamin B. : All vitamins of this group are very useful for hair growth. Vitamin B helps blood to receive oxygen and improve hair growth.

Vitamin B6. (Pyridoxin) helps in creating melanin, prevents hair loss and gives hair color. The daily dose of this should be 1.6mg.

The best food sources of this vitamin are cereals from raw grain, organ meat, egg yolk, vegetables, liver and beer yeast. It is also contained in products, rich proteins: potatoes, oats, bananas, fried beef, etc.

Niacin also known as vitamin B3. (vitamin PP, nicotinic acid, niacin, nicotinamide). It feeds the scalp and provides its nutrition with oxygen. The best sources of food for niacin are fish, beer yeast, chicken and proprietary wheat. The daily dose of this vitamin must be 15 mg.

Vitamin B5. Also known as pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate. It is used to prevent the appearance of gray hair and their dropping out. The best food sources of vitamin B5: beer yeast, egg yolks, solid grain of cereals and liver, kidneys, fermented milk products, green parts of plants (Radish, radish, onion, carrots, salad wool, peanuts, porridge from unfinished croup, turkey dark meat , bran, oatmeal, crude grain. The daily dose of this vitamin B5 should be 7 mg.

Vitamin B12. (Cyanocobalamin) helps in preventing hair loss. The best food sources of this vitamin B12 are fish, eggs, milk and chicken. The daily dose of this vitamin B12 must be 2 mg.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid): This vitamin is often found in oranges, red and green pepper, Guava, in a strawberry, dark green vegetables, potatoes, melon, citrus, kiwi and pineapple he is responsible for the growth of collagen, which is necessary for strong and healthy hair. It acts as an antioxidant for the scalp and prevents hair loss. The daily dose of vitamin C should be 60 mg.

Vitamin E. (tocopherol): Also is an antioxidant that improves blood circulation in the skin of the head and stimulates a good hair growth. The best sources of vitamin E are: wheat sprout oil, raw seeds, cold spinning vegetable oil, soybean beans, nuts, green leaf vegetables and dried beans.

Be careful, taking vitamin E, because it increases blood pressure and leads to a decrease in blood coagulation. People who have high blood pressure should consult with their doctor before taking Vitamin E.

Vitamin B9. (Folic acid, vitamin Sun) promotes hair growth. The daily dose should be 0.2-0.3 mg per day. The best sources are legumes, green leafy vegetables, carrots, cereals (barley), bran, buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, yeast, nuts, bananas, oranges, melons, apricots, pumpkin, yeast, dicks, mushrooms, root. Liver, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, egg yolk, milk, cheese, salmon, tuna.

Biotin: ( vitamin N.) This is the most important vitamin of hair growth, which mainly produces keratin. This vitamin prevents hair loss and helps to avoid gray hair. Best sources of food are whole grain, rice, liver, milk, yeast Beer and egg yolks. The daily dose of this biotin should be 150 to 300 μg.

Following the above advice, it will help to grow long and healthy hair!

If your hair looks weak, confusing and dull, then you will probably pay too expensive for advice from a professional how to make them healthy and attractive. But in fact, there are affordable and fairly effective ways that can successfully solve many hair problems.

Outer and internal factors affect the condition of hair and skin of the head. Given the external, and internal reserves, it is possible to quite easily reach good results.

We provide you with 12 tips, the purpose of which to help restore the former beauty and glitter of hair.

Beautiful hair in the shortest possible time

Hair - health mirror. If the brilliance of your hair disappears, and their density decreased, this indicates a violation of the physical and psycho-emotional balance in the body. Dandruff appeared, brittle hair and fall out - it's time to take action. But, first of all, it is necessary to find out what the origins of the occurrence of problems with hair.

Among the most likely causes of hairproof diseases, doctors call iron deficiency. But there are a number and other problems of physiological or mental nature: hormonal imbalance, thyroid disease, malnutrition, air pollution, frequent hair washing with aggressive shampoo, curling, hair paint, etc.

Learning the reasons, you can safely take for restoration. But, unfortunately, often the reasons are not so easy to detect.

The reason for the problem with the hair is always a significant period of time.

Hair loss, for example, manifests itself on many weeks later, the occurrence of the main reason is a specific disease. Why is this happening?

Hair pass through various phases of their development. In the so-called period of anagene hair, many years lasted their roots. And then the so-called telogenic phase occurs. Roots of the hair at the beginning of this phase begin to break off. The hair no longer feeds, but still, about three months, remain on the head before, finally, begin to fall out.

Naturally, to start treatment when the hair is almost dead, it is useless. But, prevarying the reason for the reason for the occurrence of this problem, which was the source of the disease, often manage to prevent baldness in advance, both partial and significant, right up to full.

If you manage to implement the following tips, it will become a good prevention of many hair diseases, including their fragility, loss, excessive solidity or, on the contrary, dryness, thinning and pepotion.

The fat-soluble vitamin with the title affects the hair in such a way that they become strong and elastic. Retinol stimulates growth due to the synthesis of fats in the hair follicles. It remains to choose the elements necessary for the synthesis. For example, vitamin A useful in this respect is contained in ordinary chicken eggs. Beta-carotene can be found in many natural products. For example, in fruits and vegetables - cabbage, spinach, melons, carrots, peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin contains a large amount of beta carotene.

If you do not have time for cooking of vegetables and salads, then use chopped seasonings rich in carotene instead of them: nettle, parsley, spinach, broccoli, barley or green mixes.

Perfect solution:

mix a mixture of greenery in a glass with carrot juice, which will ensure your body an additional beta carotene.

Tip 2. Vitamin B complex as the necessary element of hair strengthening

All group vitamins are an important condition in supporting hair at the proper level of health and beauty.

In the complex, these vitamins stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and metabolic processes in the roots of the hair. They are able to prevent hair fragility and skin inflammation, providing healthy skin not only heads, but also the whole body.

For example, biotin, also known as vitamin B7, or vitamin H contributes, in particular, preventing the loss and thinning of hair, their fragility and fragility.

Among the most important supplier of vitamin B, doctors call nuts, whole grains, legumes and oilseeds, pumpkin seeds and chia, recommending to include sufficient quantities in the daily diet.

Biotin is also contained in food yeast, egg yolks, soybeans, oats, walnuts and mushrooms.

Be sure to check your daily diet for the content of the Vitamins of Group V. If there are not enough products containing certain vitamins, fill this gap, improving it towards a more comprehensive approach in compliance with healthy nutritional standards. Enrich food with vegetables and fruits with maximum content of biotin.

Tip 3. Without vitamin with your hair will not cost

Vitamin C is called universal and it is not surprising. It solucts well in water, which is already a big plus for hair. Vitamin C is also stimulating the binding in red blood cells of iron components, as a result of which the hair follicles are better provided with oxygen and iron.

Vitamin C is most of all in the citrus family, in all types of pepper and cabbage broccoli. But the richest to the quantity of this important vitamin scientists consider the South American fruit of Cami Cam. Its there is a record number, from 30 to 50 times more than in ordinary oranges! Much contains universal vitamin and sea buckthorn oil.

Board 4 prevents hair loss

Full healthy hair growth is impossible without a sufficient amount of iron. This trace element transports oxygen in the blood, is engaged in the power supply of cells and produces various proteins.

Most of all iron is contained in green leaf vegetables (not all the favorite spinach), cabbage. Many diverse dried fruits (peaches apricots) are fully accessible and loved by many. Many iron in the berries of Goji, black and red currant, raspberry.

A very good option for all - as a dietary supplement in a daily diet, add the crushed seasoning of the year. A total of 50 g of such powder provide about 6 mg of iron, that is, half of the daily rate for an adult man. Women for healthy and beautiful hair need iron even more. Especially during pregnancy, when this element is also spent on the formation and development of the fetus.

Scientists have long discovered that copper actively improves the structure of the hairproof. The trace element contributes to the absorption of iron from food and participates in the formation of skin, bone fabrics and hair.

Excellent suppliers of natural copper are whole grains, sunflower seeds, legumes (especially nuts and soybeans), various nuts and cocoa beans are considered.

The norm of copper is 1.0 to 1.5 mg per day. Such a number contains about fifty grams of cashews or forty grams of chickpeas.

Zinc - excellent mineral additive to activate hair growth. It activates numerous enzymes in the skin, hair and nails.

Zinc protects hair roots from various inflammations and maintains skin health.

A lot of this element is contained in nuts, corn and eggs.

The leader in the content of zinc scientists consider pumpkin seeds, poppy and flax.

The daily need of a person in the zinc is from 7 to 10 mg. This dose is contained, for example, in 100 g of pumpkin seeds.

If there is a deficit of this mineral in your diet, there are enough products and drugs containing its large amounts.

Tip 7. In the treatment of hair, do not forget about silicon

Silicon is an important building substance for hair, nails and connective tissue, and, therefore, it is necessary for the body as a traditional regenerative agent.

Organic silicon is also involved in the development and stabilization of bones, in the creation of connective tissue. It supports the mineralization process of the human support system. For such a process, oats and barine rich in silicon plants are required.

Many silicon (about 70 percent) is contained in the bamboo, in the field's field and nettle.

In modern society, there is a constant deficit of this mineral due to the peculiarities of the kitchen and the tradition of "fast food". As a result, many women complain about the poor condition of hair and their unsightly look. A person needs a daily rate of 70 mg of silicon. To fill the disadvantage, add products or preparations rich in its content.

Tip 8. Love meat? It promotes hair problems

Eat less fats and meat. Recently, Japanese researchers have found that hair loss can be associated with increased subcutaneous salts.

Animal fats contribute to an increase in the production of subcutaneous salla in people abusing fat-conspicuous products. If you do not want to lose your hair with cardiovascular diseases and obesity, make your daily diet rich in fruit, fruits and vegetables and poor on meat dishes.

Tip 9. Palmetto fruit prevents hair loss

Palmetto fruit (Serenoa Repens) began to be used in medicine, including for hair treatment.

Fruits Palmetto inhibit dihydrotestosterone, that is, derived from testosterone hormone, which can be successfully used in hair restoration.

Palmetto is available for acquisition in the form of food additives. Supplements also proven themselves in the treatment of prostate in men and the urinary system in women.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM, dimethyl sulfon) contributes to the synthesis of keratin and strengthens the hair follicles.

MSM is an organic sulfur compound that is crucial for its balance in the body. The sulfur is an important component of the immune system and directly affects the skin and hair connective tissues.

Keratines do not dissolve in water and produce fibrous proteins, which are the main component of hair and nails. The body should freely form keratin so that the hair is strong and healthy. To do this, he needs to receive an organic sulfur in sufficient.

Establishing MSM consumption for six weeks will prevent hair loss and stimulates new hair growth.

MSM can be used in the form of tablets or capsules.

There are many medicinal plants, such as nettle, nasturtium, ginger or rosemary, which can be used to improve health and, therefore, be the guarantor of the beauty of your hair.

Medicinal plants for hair restoration are used in the form of tea. But this is not the only way to deliver the necessary elements into the body. The tincture of herbs rubbed into the skin of the head, such a massage is very effective. Also, herbs are used as a natural air conditioner for hair.

Hair air conditioning with chamomile, for example, is a good homemade tool to combat excess hair salinity.

The pharmacy chamomile pharmacy has a soothing property that can be used when applied to the skin to reduce the production of skin salted glands.

Romash tea for the best effect, use as a roller agent, at least once a week.

Heat five liters of water, and throw four chamomile tea bags in a basin. Wait 10 minutes and carefully rinse your hair.

For treatment, you can try special shampoos from the store or make extract yourself. For example, this is. Just try and you make sure how much it works!

Tip 12. Vitamins Package oil for damaged hair

If your hair due to external influences lost shine, you can with the help of a simple procedure to breathe new life in them.

We use biotin, provitin A, vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin C and folic acid for regenerating the scalp and giving hair shine again.


  • 1 tablespoon of oil from rosehip fruits;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • ½ banana;
  • 1 teaspoon of oil of sunflower or soy, with carotine or carrot extract;
  • 5 drops of lemon and 5 drops of essential lemon.

Preparation for use:

Move the banana fork and thoroughly mix all the ingredients. Blend on a slightly wet no washed hair, put the bag on your head and bite your head.

Leave a hair mask for 1-2 hours so that the mixture is well absorbed, and then wash your hair with a soft shampoo.

A mask can be used before every wash of the head for a long time. If there are very long hair, the amount of ingredients can be doubled.

In addition to this recipe, there are many others that also have a high effect. For example, instead of a rosehip, you can use olive, coconut oil. Or arganya oil.

Be always beautiful and healthy!

We try to give the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. Materials posted on this page are informational and are intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment technique remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for the possible negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the site website.

Here are some simple tips to help the hair become beautiful and healthy:

  1. It is necessary to trim the hair every 5 or 6 weeks. This will prevent the emergence of split tips. It will also save it from those who are already seated.
  2. Use a wide comb of genuine bristles. It combing wet hair to avoid confused clubs.
  3. Apply a bit of olive oil on the tips of the hair. This is a temporary cosmetic solution for the secting ends, but will help hair look healthier.
  4. Do not overheat them. Try to limit the use of a rectifier and curl. Perfect dry hairdryer, it is recommended to sprinkle the hair with a special protective serum.
  5. In the summer it is necessary to wear a headdress, since ultraviolet rays can damage the hair.
  6. When visiting the pool, you should always wear a bathing cap. It will not decorate you, but the hair will be grateful to you.
  7. In winter, the wind can harm your hair. Protect them with the header and scarf.
  8. When washing the hair with shampoo, the use of the air conditioner will help the hair together a couple of times a week and be in good condition.

In addition to selling cosmetics, you can prepare masks at home. For example, a mask with yolk and olive oil.
Just mix a few yolks with a small amount of oil. Apply on your hair and leave for an hour. Then wash the shampoo. Egg yolk will help restore the hair rod, and the oil moisturizes hair and the scalp.

When it comes to the fight against dandruff, coconut oil will help you. In addition, it will make hair shiny and silky. This oil can be purchased in healthy food stores or on the Internet.

Before using coconut oil, you need to warm up a bit. For dry hair, a mask with such an oil must be left overnight using a hat. For normal and oily hair, you will need a couple of hours. Then wash the shampoo.

Your diet also affects the condition of the hair. Green leafy vegetables, chicken, carrots, low-fat dairy products, beans and salmon are the main assistants in the struggle for health. They contain all the necessary nutrients.
Avoid treated products with high sugar or trans fat.

Be beautiful and healthy!

Smooth, falling on the shoulders hair, crispy the hair, lush hairstyle - Well, how not to envy someone who does not know what problems are with hair! But if the hair became dim and brittle, then you are to blame for yourself, and fix it, besides you, no one else.

Hair always give out the lifestyle of its owner. - Nerves, stress, smoking, improper food every day make them weaker. Improve the condition of the hair will help a dairy diet or simply an increase in the amount of milk consumed in its diet. Milk is rich in vitamins group B, calcium, helps to strengthen hair and their growth. Having healthy, strong and shiny hair - a dream is not only women, but also men. Women most often complain about hair loss, sequencing tips, dandruff, dryness or, on the contrary, increased fatty scalp; Men to this list have to add also baldness.

Consider the problem of preserving hair health in more detail. Hair covers almost all human body. The exceptions are palms, soles, lips and some other parts of the body. The hair is long: on the head, on the chin in men, under the mouse. Bristy hair is our eyelashes and eyebrows. But the rest of the body is covered with flush hair. Naturally, women are almost imperceptible, and here men have flutter hair thicker and, accordingly, much more rushing into the eyes. Not all hair on our body is satisfied with us: men shave the beard, women remove hair under the mouse and on their feet. But here the hair growing on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows are trying to do as beautiful as possible.

In order to try to make our hair healthy, you must first look at the mirror and honestly admit yourself why you consider your hair not quite attractive that you are not satisfied. Perhaps your hair is sometimes at the ends and very dry. Suppose you can not get rid of dandruff or catastrophically losing your hair, and they become very rare.

Now, when you decide that you need to change, let's try to make hair more attractive with milk and dairy products.

It is necessary to care for hair to start from early childhood. Mom's kids must first wash the head, distributing a soap foam on the child's head carefully, easily massaging the scalp. In no case, do not rub your head too much - you can paint the gentle skin of the baby. Little children usually wash the head with special shampoos, which, falling into the eyes, do not irritate the mucous membranes and do not pull the children's eyes. If you wash your head's head with ordinary shampoo or baby soap, it is possible that soap falls into the eyes. Do not bunch a child's cry, and better to immediately rinse his eyes with milk. It helps better in this case than water, since instantly relieves unpleasant sensations.

It happens that the peel of the baby's head is covered with small crusts, from which it is easy to get rid of, rub the head of the child for half an hour before swimming with warm milk, and then launched a small amount of butter into his crust. After bathing, the remaining crusts on the child's head are easy to remove with a cotton swab.

If you want the hair on your child's head thick, use the following advice. Once a week, wash the baby's head rustic. It is necessary to do it like this: rinse your head with warm water without soap, apply weak on wet hair for a few minutes, and then rinse the procure of flowing warm water. This recipe reached us from Central Asia, where the girls wash the head, starting with a one-year-old age, sour milk. And in many oriental beauties, the hair grows thick and long due to this recipe. Of course, Prostokvash is useful not only to children, she is perfectly treating adult hair.

In order to make her hair with a more thick, you can also use the following tool: Carefully separate the egg yolk from the protein, beat the yolk, mix with 1/2 cup of sour milk or serum, apply a mixture for 10 minutes on wet hair, and then rinse with warm water, Massaging the scalp.

In adolescence, children often have oily hair. Those hair looks extremely ugly: the surfy strands hangs up with icicles, to build some hairstyle from such hair very problematic. It appears that most often because the adolescent organism is rebuilt at this time, publishes occurs, and the sebaceous glands begin to work more active. For fatty hair you need to constantly care: more often wash special lotions into the scalp skin, follow the recipes of traditional medicine. Mix 10 g of birch tar, 10 g of castor oil, 50 g of milk and 100 g of alcohol. Slip this mixture into the skin of the head a few hours before washing. This lotion helps this well with itching, oily scalp and dandruff.

With a fat seborrhea head, the next composition helps well. Boil for 10 minutes 1 tbsp. l. Dry oak bark in 1 cup of water, let it breed and mix in equal proportions of the leaky decoction and fresh milk. Daily rub the mixture into the scalp, and soon you will feel relief.

If you have dry leather head and hair too brittle, sometimes can be recommended to use the following compounds.

With dry skin of the head and hair loss, Russian signs advised that: wash the head with warm fresh milk without soap, and then, gently massaging the skin of the head, labeled the cook salt. Duration of manipulation 10 - 15 minutes. Rinse hair with clean water. Repeat this procedure 5 - 7 times with intervals 2 - 3 days. Russian signs argued that this tool saved many of the baldness with dry skin of the head.

With dry leather and dry hair, rub the mixture of 5 parts of the alcohol tincture of calendula, 5 pieces of hot milk and 1 part of castor oil. Wrap the hair with cellophane, and look at the top with a terry towel. After 2 hours, wash your ordinary shampoo my head. Repeat the procedure follows 1-2 weeks until complete cure.

A bone marrow was used to strengthen the roots of hair and improving the skin of the head. Approximately 200 g of beef bone marrow boil in 1 cup of milk and strain. The resulting makeup thoroughly mix with a teaspoon of alcohol. Massate your head, smearing it with a burnt oil or decoction of the buried and cream in equal parts, rinse the head with warm water, make it good again and wrapped the cooked composition into the head of the head. Water the towel in hot water, press and give them head. Repeat several times by changing the towel as it is cooling it. Tie my head with a warm dry handkerchief overnight. In the morning, massage the head again and wash it.

Prepare the following mixture: Mix 1 part of brandy, 4 parts of boiled hot milk, 6 pieces of bursting of the root root. Apply the resulting composition on your hair and wrap in the scalp. Wrap your head with cellophane and a towel for 2 hours for warming, after which you wash it. Repeat the procedure is necessary weekly. The composition well strengthens hair roots and makes hair more elastic.

To disappear dandruff and strengthen the hair of the root root, lay in a saucepan, fill with fresh milk so that it only covered the roots, and put on a slow fire. Make sure that the milk does not affect and not burnt. Cook the roots in milk until their softening. Strain the decoction and wet the scalp them every day. Preserve the mixture in the refrigerator.

Prepare a mixture of chopped roots of burdock and rhizomes of AIR in equal proportions. Six tablespoons of the mixture pour the water liter and boil 15 to 20 minutes. Let break for 2 hours. Mix 4 tbsp. l. infusion and 2 tbsp. l. Warm fresh milk and rub into the scalp in 20 minutes before you are going to wash it.

With starting baldness and for the prevention of strengthening the roots of hair, a mixture of bumps of hops and milk cones was used. You need to collect bumps in August-September, when they are completely ripe. A tablespoon of hops pour a glass of steep boiling water and give to breed 30 minutes. Mix the infusion of hops with 0.5 cup of milk and 2 tbsp. l. Cognac. Run into the skin of the head before washing.

When having hair drops, it is useful to systematically eat fruits of sea buckthorn, and the decoction of young branches in a mixture with serum wipe the scalp.

Relief from dandruff will help the following: Before washing your head, make a massage with butter and lemon juice (3 tbsp. L. Oil mix with juice half of the lemon). Lock this mixture into the skin of the head of the fingers, separating the hair on the probes. After 15 - 20 minutes, wash your head shampoo. Such a massage feeds hair roots, strengthens them and stimulates blood circulation.

To strengthen the roots of the hair, rub in the skin of the infusion of the burdock, mixed in equal proportions with shaken butter and alcohol.

To strengthen dry hair, use the following means: Mix in equal proportions of milk, spinach and lemon zest. Apply the resulting mixture for hair for 20 to 30 minutes. Then the hair needs to rinse and, if necessary, wash with a small amount of shampoo.

An excellent reinforcing means for dry hair is a mixture of oil, lemon juice and milk. Pour a few soy and olive oil into the pan, warm it in a water bath, add 1 tsp. Lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. milk. Mixing all the components well, wrap in the scalp. Then put on cellophane cap and clog the head with a warm terry towel. After 1 hour, ride the head with water with the addition of infusion from the lime color.

Thin and dry hair well feeds and strengthens the shampoo with the addition of 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. milk. Apply a mixture on your hair, clog the cellophane and a terry towel. Keep the mixture on the hair you need at least 1 hour.

To wash fatty hair, it is not very good to use shampoo, but a special remedy with nettle and milk. Take 100 g of nettle, 1 l of water and 1/2 l of milk. Mix all components and place a mixture on fire. Boil for 30 minutes, then strain. Before use, take 2 - 3 tbsp. l. Mixture on water basin.

After washing, it is recommended to rinse your hair not just water, but a special decoction of herbs with milk. Take 2 tbsp. l. Horsetail, peppermint, oak bark. Fill 1 liters of boiling water and insist about 1 hour. Then prohibit infusion into a glass vessel with a dense lid. Before use, take it 3 tbsp. l. Infusion, mix with 1 tbsp. l. Prostokvashi and add water to the basin. This rinse is desirable to apply people with dark hair.

Worders of light hair well use a little different rinsing than people with dark hair. Take a little horsettle, hop packs and chamomile. Fill herbs 1 l boiling water and insist 1 hour. To 2 - 3 tbsp. l. Mixes add 1 tbsp. l. Prostokwashi, spread in the water and need hair after washing.

To strengthen oily hair and giving them a brilliance, you can use the following uncomplicated agent. Take the shampoo for oily hair, add yolk, 1 tsp. Honey, 1 grated raw bulb (or 2 garlic slices) and 1 tbsp. l. Prostokvashi. Apply the resulting mixture on your hair and after 1 hour, rinse with water. Rinse the decoction from nettle, willow bark and wormwood. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. l. Plants, pour the glass of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. After that, the hair does not become fat for a long time and acquire a healthy look.

A black bread was used to strengthen hair used black bread, operated in Prostokvasche and washed into Cashitz. This mixture was lubricated and kept at least 20 minutes. Then washed the mixture with warm water.

To get rid of dry dandruff, you should try the following tool: 1 tsp. Vegetable and castor oil mix with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tsp. sour cream. Grind the mixture into the head of the head in 2 - 3 hours before washing.

With severe hair loss, you must take measures to strengthen them. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Honey, a little aloe juice, 1 tsp. garlic juice and 1 tbsp. l. milk. Pour the mixture into a glass vessel and close a tight lid. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Before use, add 1. Egg yolk and apply on the hair, separating them on strands. Take the head with a cellophone and a terry towel. After 20 minutes, we rinse your hair, smear the egg yolk and rinse with boiled water. Repeat this procedure at least 5 times in a row.

There is another remedy for hair loss. Take 1 egg yolk, mix with 1 tbsp. l. Vodka and 1 tbsp. l. milk. The resulting mixture is styled into the scalp and wash in 40 minutes.

An egg-milk mixture is used for washing dry hair. Take 25 g of children's soap, finely push it and spread it in boiling water. The mixture is then strain and cool down. It should be jelly, which you need to dissolve in warm water before use, add whipped yolk and 1 tbsp. l. Fresh milk.

For the washing of oily hair, it is recommended to use a similar mixture, but with the addition of alcohol or cologne. Take 100 g of finely distant soap, spread it in boiling water, strain, add 25 g of alcohol or cologne and cool down. Before use, add a whipped egg and a tablespoon of milk. Before applying the mixture, clog the head wet in warm water with a towel. After 5 minutes, wash your head with the resulting soap mixture.

In order for oily hair longer remained clean, lemon water with milk should be applied. Lemon cut to slices and fill with cold water. Insist 2 - 3 hours under the lid. Then straighten the liquid and add 1 tbsp. l. milk. The resulting mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.

We hope you use our advice and become the owner of thick lush curls that will be the subject of your special pride.

Long and beautiful hair is a dream of every girl. After all, a gorgeous chapel will never come out of fashion. In order to quickly reflect healthy and beautiful curls, it is enough to know several secrets.

You do not need to immediately run to the store and buy expensive, but not proven cosmetics. After all, there are a lot of ways to reflect curls at home, using only natural, natural methods. We will tell you about them now!

Wear a health!

Hair responds to all changes and problems that appear in our body. And if the growth of hair has been suspended, you need to look for reason in our internal system. Here are some tips, how to support health and give curls push to start growth.

If you cannot find the reason for the growth of growth, then it is best to go to a specialist and pass a professional examination. Remember that healthy curls begin with the health of your body as a whole!

How to properly care for hair at home?

Food is the best assistant

To quickly repel Healthy Lowons at home, they need to "feed" useful food. Eat more fruits and vegetables - their vitamins will be useful for hair. Drink at least once a day Natural juices. Add nuts and honey to the diet.

You also need to protect yourself from harmful food. Refuse trips to fast food - it is very harmful to your chapels. It is better not a lot of fat, fried and salty. Carbonated drinks Drink as less as possible.

Remember that alcohol and cigarettes are enemies of our beautiful curl. Therefore, it is better to use them in a minimum quantity or at all abandon such bad habits. You will see, at first, the hair will begin to grow faster.

Activate Rost.

Growth activators are our best friends. They will help the hair follicles faster develop and give us gorgeous hair. There are special products from which hair masks need to do. These activators include:

  1. Mustard.
  2. The juice of a regular bow.
  3. Ginger.
  4. Cinnamon.
  5. Herbal herbs: nettle, hop bow, chamomile, calendula.
  6. Essential oils: Rosemary, Sandal, Cassia, Ylang-Ylang.
  7. Hair oils: REPEY, Castor, of course, almond.

Natural masks for healthy chapels

Now we will learn what masks can be made from the above-described products at home. Remember that the main thing is the regular use of the mask. Then the result will be really stunning.

How to use cooked masks?

To quickly reflect curls at home, you need to use masks correctly and regularly. Apply any selected mask with massage movements and distribute over the whole skin of the head. Lock the useful mask in the roots slowly, without twitching the hair. Remember that you can make a mask on strands and not to apply, the main thing is that it gets on the scalp.

Now you need to warm your head with a cellophane or food film. Top shook the hair with a warm terry towel. You need to create a bath effect so that the mask is quickly heated and better activated hair growth.

Keep a mask at least half an hour. If you feel unpleasant feeling, it is better to wash the mask. In order for the effect to be noticeable, you need to apply a mask at least 15 times with an intensity of 1-2 times a week. After such a course activation of growth, you will be pleased with a pleasant result.

Haircut for health

Many specialists believe that regular circumcision of the tips helps them grow faster. Do not worry that such haircuts see you with your hair and you will grow them longer. On the contrary, after the haircut of the chapelur will begin to grow more intensively, and the hair will become healthy. The haircut is better to do at least once a month.

Fighting unpleasant sequencing hair

Agree, little to have long braids. They should also be healthy and beautiful. Section tips always spoil the overall picture of your image. We will tell you how to deal with this problem at home:

  1. Wash your hair very carefully, do not try them with all the strength of your hands, treat the hair gently, gently.
  2. Water for washing should be not hot.
  3. Use natural, home shampoos. If you buy a tool in the store, be sure to read the composition so that it does not harm your hair.
  4. Cold in winter, be sure to wear a hat and protect curls from frost.
  5. Do not tighten your hair with hard rubber bands. Less often use hairpins and studs.
  6. Make useful masks against the sequential ends. Best is the kefir and oil mask.

How to wash is right and safe!

Many people do not know that it is during the washing of hair that are allowed terrible mistakes that destroy the health of our chapels. Therefore, it is important to remember the main rules for washing the hair and start applying them right now!