Winter holiday in elementary school. Scenario. "Winter-winter". Speech therapy holiday in elementary school

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Olkhovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

Teacher of individual education of the first category

SCOU RO boarding school №41

Scenario of the holiday "Hello, Zimushka-Winter"

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Scenario of the holiday "Hello, Zimushka-Winter"

in primary school kind.

Teacher of the 1st category of school No. 41

Olkhovskaya T.V.

Goals :

    Generalize and repeat students' knowledge about winter;

    Develop memory, thinking, imagination, develop auditory perception;

    Develop creative abilities;

Lesson progress:

(Children's songs sound. Children sit down).

Presenter: Dear guys, today we have gathered for the holiday of meeting winter, which is called “Hello, Zimushka-Winter”.

(The song “Hello, guest - winter!” Sounds. All the children sing. The host comes out in a winter costume).

Winter: Hello! Winter has come to visit you. I covered the forests, and the meadows, and the fields and paths with a white veil.

Let's start the winter holiday

There will be games, there will be laughter

And funny fun

Prepared for everyone.

Where are my snowflake helpers?

(girls of grades 1 and 2 run out to the music. Dance of snowflakes).

Winter. Guys, look at the windows. Oh, what is it that our Santa Claus forgot to paint them? Our first competition "Draw winter patterns."

( Draws the whole class. Winter patterns on a sheet of Whatman paper)

Winter. Now guess the riddle.

The fishermen are sitting

Guard floats.

Fisherman Roots

Caught three bass.

Rybak Yevsey -

four carp,

And the fisherman Michael

Caught two catfish.

How many fish from the river

Fishermen dragged?

(The game “Catch a fish” is being held. A magnet is attached to the fishing rod, and metal clips are attached to the fish. Who will catch the most fish.)

Winter: The nature of our country is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. There are so many interesting things to see if you look closely at everything. The next competition is called "Relive the Mask".

Guess which animal or bird mask is in these bags. And then depict this animal or bird, show its habits, lifestyle.

    Clumsy, clumsy

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw.

    small, white

Jump-jump through the woods

On the snow poke-poke.

    From branch to branch

Fast as a ball

Jumping through the forest

Red circus.

Here he is on the fly

Tore off the bump

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran away in a hollow.

    jumping animal,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.

    scarlet scallop,

Ruffled caftan,

double beard,

important gait

Gets up first

Leading: And now, guys, let's sing the song "Why does the bear sleep in winter."

Winter: Guys, my friend always goes everywhere with me in winter. Do you know who? Not? Then guess the riddle:
He was born in frosty winter
Carrot nose, no problem!
He was used to snow from birth
So this is ... (Snowman)
And now we will collect a snowman.

(children are given three white or blue circles of different sizes cut out of cardboard, two small black circles, two ovals, carrots, a bucket, a broom - all this is cut out of thick cardboard. Children must assemble a snowman.)
Winter: Guys, who scattered snowballs all over the hall? Which team will collect the most snowballs.

(By the signal begins to collect snowballs ).

(song "Snowballs", lyrics by Dubrovin, music by Korganov.)

Winter : In warm fur coats and earflaps

Snowy winter time

Kids on fast skis

A whirlwind rushes from the steep mountain.

Childish faces in the wind

They flared up with a flare.

Let the prickly snow gather dust

Let the angry frost get angry -

All the guys don't care.

(Skiers compete. On small skis, go around three pins and go back. Two skiers compete. If there is only one pair of skis, then you can take one ski to the player.)

Winter: Guys, what else can you ride in winter?

Shiny skates

The skating rink glitters

Fluffy snow sparkles.

Put on your skates

Yours, my friend

Try to ride.

(game "Who is faster on skates?" Cut holes in bottles for legs. The team takes turns putting them on and sliding to the chair and back.)

(All students together sing the song “Hello, Zimushka-Winter!”, words by G. Ladonshchikov, music by L. Makovskaya.)

Everything covered with white snow:

Both trees and houses

The light-winged wind whistles(2 times).

Hello Zimushka-Winter.

Intricate snow winds

From meadow to hill.

This is a hare printed(2 times).

Hello Zimushka-Winter.

We put up bird feeders.

We fill them with food,

And pichugs sing in flocks(2 times).

Hello Zimushka-Winter.

Winter : So our holiday program has come to an end. But I have sweet prizes for you. (Hands out candy to the kids)

It's a pity, of course, but you need to say goodbye. Forests, fields, meadows are waiting for me.

(Winter says goodbye to children, dance "Ducklings")

Scenario. Extra-curricular event "Meeting Zimushka - Winter!" among grades 1-4 On the day of the holiday, the class is decorated. Snowflakes, drawings are attached to the board.

Guys today we have a holiday "Meeting Zimushka-Winter". Today there will be songs, riddles, poems about winter.

Winter is not like spring, autumn and summer. In winter, everything becomes white, clean, bright, everything changes.

Pupils 1 A class .:

1. Snowflakes fall from the sky,

Like white fluff
Covering everything around
Soft velvet carpet.

2. Winter has come ... Outside the windows,
Where are the rows of black trees
Fluffy and light
Snowflakes are flying.
Flying, fluttering, spinning,
Fluffy ones fly
And white soft lace
Envelop the garden.

3. Such beauty in winter

I don't want to go home.
Fun, laughter and crowding
On an icy hill.
Mittens got wet for a long time,
But we don't freeze
And we are in the snow
And we are in the snow
And we play snowballs!

4. Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and steppes.
We have an expanse -
Walk anywhere:
Build bridges across rivers
And lay out the carpets.
We can't get used to it,
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
Burning in the cold!

5. Quietly snowfall
Everything around is white-white,
I am very happy with snowflakes
After all, they are everywhere light.

6. The night is magical
Only in winter-winter.
We all fall asleep
And, like a cartoon, we watch dreams.

7. Zimushka-winter -
Snow time.
Blinding with silver -
Painted carpet.

So, let's start, invite Winter to visit! And where is the winter!

Winter (student 1st grade) :

I'm here! I'm here! Hello! Winter has come to you.

And for you guys, I brought questions:

    What winter activities do you know? (skating rink, snow slide, snowball fights, sledding)

    2. What will happen to the snow if you bring it home? (melts)

    3. What animal sleeps in winter? (Bear)

4. What winter months do you know? (December January February).

Winter (student 1st grade) : They are three brothers, they are my sons. Sons come to me. (music by Vivaldi)

Tarantella months with the transfer of staff.

Come out 3 students (3A, 4A, 2A). December January February. They tell poems about their months.


In December, in December all the trees are in silver!

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,

Frost paved the night

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest!


In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard!

Snow - on the roof, on the porch,

The sun is in the blue sky.

There are stoves in our house.

Smoke is rising into the sky!


The winds blow in February

Howling loudly in the pipes.

Snake rushes along the ground

Light snow

Teacher. And now there will be a song performed by the 2nd and 3rd grades “Three White Horses”

Division into blocks

    Children come out 3 a

about december

December is a student. Brother January come to replace me. Staff transfer. Apprentice December hands over the staff to apprentice January. (Sounds Vivaldi January)

    Children 4a, 4b come out

Poems, riddles, signs, proverbs about January.

January is a student. Brother February come to replace me. Staff transfer. January's student gives the staff to February's student. (Sounds Vivaldi February)

    Children come out 2a

Poems, riddles, signs, proverbs about February.

Teacher. So 3 months of winter - winter have flown by. The staff of ice is about to bloom now. And of course spring will come. But it's good that she was a winter - winter, with her fun, games and folk holidays.

Teacher. And now, at the end of the holiday, the song “If there was no winter” will be performed by the 1st and 4th grades

The course of the holiday

The central platform is designed to look like a snow-covered meadow on which the house stands. Along the perimeter of the site there is a snow rampart decorated with plastic hoops and colored sticks.

To the music of the song “Troika” by E. Krylatov from the movie “Magicians”, children come in, the presenter meets them and offers to dance. The signal for the beginning of the holiday sounds (you can use a bell).

Leading. Hello children. We have gathered for a fun holiday at a magical forest edge. Do you love winter? What do you like in winter?

Children. Play snowballs. Sledding.

Leading. Yes, winter is a wonderful time of the year. You can skate, sled, play snowballs, just enjoy the winter nature. And in winter, nature is unusually good: “The dark forest - that it was covered with a wonderful hat ...” I just want to exclaim: “You are good, mother winter!”

“In winter, everything around was white, there was a lot of snow. And here comes the sorceress Winter herself.

To the music of the song "Winter" (music by Hanok, lyrics by S. Ostrovsky), Winter enters the stage and performs a dance.


The snow is fluffy.

The street is white.

I, the winter blizzard,

Came to visit you.

Leading. Hello guest Winter. Please have mercy on us.

Winter. You have so much fun here, are all the guys brave, hardened, and probably not afraid of frost?

presenter. No, they are not afraid.

Winter. And if I blow the north wind on you, whistle with a strong blizzard?

A soundtrack of wind, blizzards is given.

presenter. We are not afraid of frost and do not hide our nose in a fur coat (pats ourselves on the sides - warms up, rubs our nose),

We will also warm our feet, we will stomp sooner.

Winter spends with children the game “Winter and Children” to the music (Metlov’s collection “Yolka”, “Santa Claus and Children”).

Winter. Yes, I now see that you are brave children, hardened, and you are not afraid of frost.

presenter. We don’t get used to it, let your frost crackle, our Russian blood burns in the cold!

To the soundtrack of the melody “Oh, you, canopy, my canopy,” Emelya rides onto the stage on the stove.

Emelya. Make way, honest people, I'm going to my home ... (gets off the stove). Oh, where did I go?

Leading. On holiday, stay with us.

Emelya. Reluctance.

presenter. Stay, we're having fun.

Nesmeyana appears in the window of the hut, she cries.

Emelya. Fun, fun, but who's crying?

The host looks for children who are crying, then finds Nesmeyana.

Leading. Children, do you know who this is?

Children. Nesmeyana.

Emelya. Nesmeyana, you, like in a fairy tale, are sad and sad, jokes, games, dances are everywhere, you don’t laugh alone.

presenter. Emelya, try to cheer her up.

Emelya. Children, let's have some fun together Nesmeyana,

Emelya dances with the children, then conducts the game "Do as I do."

Winter. Guess the riddle:

It grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

Only the sun will bake it,

She grows up and dies. What's this?

Children. Icicle.

Leading. Children, look what a magical icicle. Let's check it out now.

Winter. This icicle needs to be waved, and it will work a miracle.

presenter. Let's check, turn around, Winter, back. I will point to the guys, and you guess who it is - a boy or a girl?

The presenter points to the guys with an icicle and each time asks, highlighting the word “boy” or “girl” with her voice. The host repeats this 3-4 times.

Leading. Yes, guys, the icicle is really magical!

Winter. Everyone can see, the icicle is not easy. Just wave it again - Baba Snow is ready.

A snowman appears on the stage to the tune of the song “Along the street a snowstorm is sweeping”.


I'm the Snowman guys. I'm used to snow and cold.

My head is round. Well, the nose is a carrot.

And in my hands the broom is dancing deftly.

The snowman conducts the dance "Ducklings" with the children.

Under the soundtrack "Variations of Russian Folk Songs" Wolf and Fox appear. The wolf carries the Fox on a sled and says: "The beaten one is not lucky."

presenter. Children, did you find out what fairy tale she is from?

Children. Fox, sister and gray wolf.

Wolf. Lisonka and I caught a lot of fish and brought it to you. Do you know how to fish?

Children. We know how.

Wolf. We will now see what kind of anglers are you?

The wolf and the fox are playing the game "Catch the fish".

The song "Valenki" sounds, under it the Bears appear on the stage and hold a competition - a tug of war. The wolf leaves, the fox stays. Zima then plays a "Carousel" game with hoops to which ribbons are tied.

To the music from the cartoon "Well, you wait!" the Hare appears and hides from the Wolf among the children. Wolf runs.

Wolf. Children, have you seen the Hare?

Children. No.

Wolf. Where does he go? I run after him all the time and can't catch him.

presenter. Wolf, you probably don’t exercise at all? And our children do exercises every day, they are dexterous, courageous.

Wolf. Yes, I don't like to exercise. I'm more into aerobics. Do you want me to show you?

The wolf conducts rhythmic gymnastics to the song "Aerobics" (music by V. Raimchik, lyrics by V. Neklyaev). The hare moves along with everyone and stumbles upon the Wolf.

Wolf. Well, Hare, wait! (Tries to catch him.)

The game "Catch-up - mousetrap" is held on the stage. The hare and the wolf run away. Sounds music from the cartoon "Leopold the Cat" "Let'slive together, ”and the Cat Leopold appears. He invites the children to dance.

Winter. Of course, guys, you need to live together and never quarrel. We have a lot to do with you. And for friendly people, work always argues.

Leading. Since ancient times, Russia celebrates the holiday of the "Russian Winter". Fun, jokes, laughter reign at this holiday. But now our holiday has come to an end. Let's say to Zima "Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"

Municipal educational institution

"Elan-Kolenovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Prepared and conducted

GPA teacher:

Agapova Yulia Petrovna

Target: instilling an interest in the history of their native country.


    introduce winter games and entertainment;

    develop thinking, creative abilities of students;

    to cultivate respect for the culture of the Russian people.

Equipment: presentation about winter and winter months, soundtracks of songs, costumes.

(Against the background of music, there is a slide show - pictures about winter.)

Student: Many miracles have been prepared for us by nature-sorceress. One of them is the change of seasons. Every year one season follows another. Summer is always followed by autumn with its leaf fall. And after autumn - winter. Our winter for poets, musicians, artists is a beauty, sometimes mischievous, sometimes quiet, like a dream.

Student: Our winter is very different. At first glance, every year is the same: snow and frost. But in fact, it is both icy and with a thaw, with a blizzard and with drops, snowy and with the sun. And the day in winter is different! Morning - early, quiet, inaudible, with the sun huddled in the frosty blue and crisp snow. And the evening is long, thoughtful and a little mysterious.

Student: December is the first month of winter. In the people it is called jelly. He freezes the earth, bridges rivers and lakes with ice, covers the fields with a silvery veil.

Winter is just beginning in December

Everything is covered with white snow.

Frosty December tries so hard

He builds ice slides -

Everyone wears snow hats.

Student: January is the second month of winter. In January, the snowdrifts are higher. The snow is deeper, the ice is thicker. In January, frost draws patterns on the windows.

Winter month, snowy month

Opens the first year

Again with snow and frost

January is upon us.

He's on rivers and lakes

Built bridges everywhere

And dressed in fluffy snow

All trees and bushes.

Student: February is the shortest month of the year. The people call it the lute. In February, winter is "angry", fierce. Does not want to leave, sends blizzards and blizzards. Hard frosts only at night, and during the day the sun warms. This is the last month of winter.

The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly

A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Student: What happened outside the window?
The snow is drifting down.
It's winter-winter
Laughing fun!

Our Russian young
Coloring - soul,
Snow-white winch -
How good are you!

Oh winter, winter, winter!
We have been waiting for you for a long time.
Oh winter, winter, winter!
Finally, you have arrived!

(The song "Winter has come" is performed,Author - Yuri Verizhnikov)

Student: Winter has come ... Outside the windows,

Where are the rows of black trees

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying.

Flying, fluttering, spinning,

Fluffy ones fly

And white soft lace

Envelop the garden.

Student: Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Like white fluff

Covering everything around

Soft velvet carpet.

Student: The sun is full of light caress,

Everything shines like in a wonderful fairy tale,

Mirror pond is immovable

Under cover of ice.

Student: And how good is fluffy snow,

Flying from above!

He hangs on the branches

Like white flowers.

Student: Icicles ring in silence -

crystal shards,

The rivers fell asleep under the ice,

Fields sleep under the snow.

Student: Draws frost in the morning

Patterns on the window

Friends, how good winter

We are in our own country.

(Winter enters to the music)

Winter: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see everyone here!

I brought for children

Lots of fun stuff:

ice slides,

painted sleigh,

Sticks, skis and skates,

Yes, cold days

Yes, shiny smooth ice,

Yes, snowflakes round dance,

Threes with bells,

With dashing fellows.

Many folk holidays

Many round dance songs

Christmas tree holiday

Brought everyone today.

Louder, music, play!

Collect everyone for a song!

(Performed song "Russian winter" music and lyrics: L. Olifirova )

Winter: Yes, everyone loves me, especially the children. It is in winter that you can have fun from the heart. I offer you many interesting entertainments. Someone likes to sled down the snow-covered mountain. Someone arranges snow fights. Some people are great at figure skating. Some people like to go skiing. Many people just spend the weekend at home.

Student: Winter knocked on the door
Happy snow kids:
Sledges, slides and skates -
Simply heavenly days!

Student: In warm coats and earflaps

Snowy winter time

Kids on a fast sled

A whirlwind rushes from the steep mountain.

Childish faces in the wind

They flared up with a flare.

Let the prickly snow gather dust

Let the angry frost get angry -

All the guys don't care.

Student: Interesting to cut ice

ringing skates,

Dropping mittens, sculpt

Wet snow with hands.


Take the ice fortress

In a hot fight

To get you by the collar

Snowflakes were falling.

Student: Fight with us

And the girls too

On the snow maiden they

Similar on a winter day.

Student: And ice shines in the sun

Fun and strict

And calls you forward

Winter road.

Student: The snow is crossed out by skis,

Slim and straight.

What's up in our region

Good in winter!

(Children sing ditties about winter)

Ah, winter, winter, winter,
Russian beauty,
You drove us all crazy
We love winter!

Oh! Winter, winter, winter!

Dressed up in the snow at home,

And I have not forgotten -

Fur coat, hat gave!

Oh! Winter, winter, winter!

Brought a lot of snow

And now the Frost is calling,

To pinch our cheeks, nose!

Oh, and the Frost pinches,

Old bully.

Anyutka on her cheeks

Two poppies bloomed.

That's how Santa Claus -
Freeze everyone seriously.
Look at the guys
Like icicles, everyone is standing.

Oh! Winter, winter, winter!
You do everything yourself
And you freeze and sweep
Don't get tired until spring!

Oh my dear

Bullfinches, titmouse!

I made a feeder for you -

Eat up, birds.

Winter has come - beauty,
There's been a lot of snow!
And the kids come out
Everyone is making a snowman!

In the yard we have

Snowman with a whisk

Guards the dark night

He is our home from the wolf.

I skated to school

On skates and answered -

Hurry up your boots

After all, I did not take it with me!

I'll go skiing
And from the mountain I will rush down.
I'll set a record
And I'll get a medal!

Coloring book winter

You don't visit alone!

Always leads

The best New Year's Eve!

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

Oh! Winter tormented!

Life is a complete mess:

That frost, then ice,

It's a happy New Year!

We sang ditties to you,
Meeting winter!
And now they would like to sit at the table -
Have some tea!

Student: Everyone loves winter, which is why they affectionately call it winter. Winter is not only a time of fun, winter is a time of miracles, fairy tales and new expectations. Winter is a blizzard, snow, cold. This is the weather created for hot tea, a warm blanket and wonderful fairy tales… Oh, how good a winter fairy tale you are!

Winter: Sometimes fairy tales come to us
Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, suddenly,
When everything seems like a mystery
Wonderful beauty all around.
Fresh air is saturated with goodness,
Snow sparkles from purity.
And a good fairy tale wizard
(he is awake, not in a dream),
He leads me through the pages
My favorite books since childhood.
Burning eyes, flickering faces,
And fairy tales come to life in an instant.
Sparkling blocks of ice...
Here is dusk, cold, night, and darkness...
Snow Queen's Domain
And the mirror is a threatening sign,
And in it grimaces are reflected,
Identification of all black forces -
Koshchei, trolls and Yagi,
Cruel malice, slander.
They will meet us, believe me,
And they will hurt as always.
But we can beat them
Good, hot bold heart.
The path winds like a thin snake ...
Friends, you will have to see
An unthinkable plot.

(fairy tale being performed)

The course of the performance

Sounds like Christmas melody

Author: On a frosty day, on a cold day,
Almost New Year's Day
Santa Claus was going
Not a joke, but seriously
To Pichaevskaya secondary school
This news has spread
All surrounding forests.
A fox on its tail.
Notified everyone around
Babka-Ezhka reported.

Baba Yaga: Frosty day, wonderful day.
How lovely I look.
Who dares to tell me
What am I 335.
Creams, balms and lotions,
I know the means of millions,
To stay young
To be, not to appear.
But in the cold winter
Still I lose my peace.
The wind dries my skin
Mon-5 (pe-ash-five) breaking my.
wrinkles appear,
I suffer for no reason.
Santa Claus, his handiwork!
How tired of all this!
Santa Claus will take revenge:
I'm going to school quickly.
I'll get to the point smartly.
I'll steal the Snow Maiden.
She studies at school
And now it should be there.
Goblin! Prepare my step!

Goblin: Oh! Love burns in me.
Oh! Yaga, my queen,
Shouldn't we get married?
Look how the heart beats
How is it going to go...
Takes his hand off his chest, a clockwork frog falls onto the stage and jumps on the floor)

Baba Yaga: Oh, Leshy, old friend!
Hide your feelings in a chest.
Yes, hang a big castle,
So that no one gets carried away.
jet broom
She will drive us to school.

Baba Yaga: Here is the school, we are at the goal.

Goblin: We actually got there.
Formidable music sounds, robbers appear.

Rogue 1: Frozen around...

Everything in the world sat.

Goblin: Look, the teachers are scurrying about.

Rogue: How are they still living?
What else are they eating?

Baba Yaga: Yeah, with their salary
I wouldn't be rich!

The Snow Maiden appears

Snow Maiden: New Year is coming soon.
Will he bring us something?
New Year's Eve, no tree...

baba yaga(behind the spruce): Here's the lifeline!

Goblin: Who cares, come on!
Buy quickly!
Our Christmas tree is top notch!
Specially carried for you!

Director: Affairs up to the neck and do not get up.
Oh, who should I call.
Hey, Snow Maiden, go.
What a tree, look!
The Snow Maiden goes to Leshy. The robbers grab her.

Snow Maiden: Where is the tree? Help!

Baba Yaga
: Do you want to ride?

Rogue 1: Quickly climb into the mortar.
You've been robbed, you know.

Teachers come out
1 teacher: Look, a UFO is flying!

2 teacher: Our Snow Maiden is sitting there!

1 teacher: What should we do, how should we be?
How can I overcome grief?
We need to look for her.

2 teacher: And save from the clutches of enemies.
Where is our hot steam?
Blow up the balloon
We will find robbers
And save the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: Snowman, look
What's glowing in the distance?

Snowman: Having fun in the hut
Elderly girl...
Baba Yaga sings and dances in the house

Baba Yaga: Oh how beautiful I am
Ah, how beautiful I am.
Oh how cunning I am
Oh, how dangerous.
I cheat, I steal
I'll circle my finger
I am any trouble
I'll bring witchcraft.

The robbers also dance with her, sing a song.
Rogues: We are free robbers,
Satisfied with their lives.
Gold and jewels
Any other value
We love to pick
In the thicket of the forest to feast!

Santa Claus enters the hut
Father Frost: In honor of what are you having fun?

Baba Yaga: We are celebrating housewarming.
Please visit. So happy.
(speaking to the side): I would treat you with poison,
Got icicles for you
And there is ice cream.

Goblin: Please be respectful!

1 Rogue: Sit with us.

Snow Maiden: Help! Help!

Father Frost: Have you taken up the old again?

Taps with a staff
Father Frost: Come on, who's here, show yourself!

The Snow Maiden comes out
Father Frost: How? Snow Maiden was stolen?

Rogue2 A: We accidentally, we did not know.

Father Frost: I'll turn you into ice now!

Baba Yaga: I don't want to be an icicle.

Rogue 1: Don't freeze us, have pity!

Rogue 2: Let's be kinder now.

Goblin: Let's dance
And to entertain the kids.

Snowman: Father Frost! School is waiting for us
On the eve of the New Year.

Father Frost: Well, villainous robbers,
I really pity you
If you sing a song
Take the Christmas tree to school.
(Robbers sing a song)

Snowman: It's time.

Father Frost: We sit in the sleigh,
Let's fly under the sky.
Snowman, turn on the radar.

Snow Maiden: I see a balloon.

teachers: Help, help!
Give us back the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: Good news, hear
The Snow Maiden is with us.
The old year ends
Things happen.

Teachers: We believe that on New Year's Eve
Santa Claus is coming to visit
Bring gifts to everyone
Our Christmas tree will be lit.

Father Frost: congratulations today
On this New Year's holiday.
May wishes come true.
Hurry, no delay
Children do not grieve
And get fives.
(Christmas melody sounds)

Winter: Thank you very much to everyone for the holiday, you were just great! And now I want to treat you with sweet "icicles", from which the throat does not hurt. (He gives you candy.)

Looks like it's time to leave.

Now everyone needs to say goodbye

I wish you success in the new year,

More cheerful, sonorous laughter!

More good friends and girlfriends

Excellent grades and knowledge chest!

And at the end of our holiday, let's all sing the song "What is winter?"

(The song "What is winter" is performed,Author - Yuri Verizhnikov)

Equipment: New Year's tree, New Year's room decoration, character costumes, inventory and props for games and contests, lighting and musical equipment, soundtracks.

Characters: Zimushka, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Targets and goals: 1. Introducing children to theatrical art and stage culture.

2. Increasing the creative activity of students.

3. Organization of leisure.

4. Development of children's creative abilities.

5. Contribute to the formation of a deep interest in children in poetic creativity and folk culture.

Sounds New Year's song (Zimushka) (Music fades)

Zimushka enters the hall.


Hello dear children and respected adults!

I congratulate you on the occasion!

Happy New Year tree holiday,

To which you came today!

And I'll have fun here

I will sing, I will play and I will dance,

So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large stock.

Who are they for?



Children, do you recognize me?

I'm going to tell you a riddle about myself:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

Children say: "WINTER"


We greeted you.

Do you know that in all countries of the world, people greet differently.

In some fears, a handshake, in some countries a nod of the head, in some they embrace, and among northern peoples it is customary to rub noses when meeting.

And so I propose to play with you the game "Greetings"

There will be music. We will dance, jump, jump. But as soon as the music stops, we must stop, and those with whom you are next to you must greet you in the place that I will name. For example, let's say hello with elbows. Heels, foreheads, knees, ears, heels, little fingers.

Incendiary music sounds.

We played and sat down.

Zimushka .

I know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Our favorite cartoons!

Today Santa Claus has prepared an unusual New Year's gift for you, he brought you a movie.

And I would like to ask you riddles about cartoon characters. But keep in mind the riddles need to be listened to CAREFULLY, because they are a little mixed up.

Well, hold on guys. Listen carefully and don't get confused by the answers.

In the New Year before overeating,

He ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing,

His name was…. CARLSON

He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

He is famous, famous

This is a doctor... AIBOLIT

He plays a little

For passers-by on the harmonica,

Everyone knows the musician!


He conquered Jafar

And love the princess

Jean helps him

Call the hero... . ALLADIN

He was a cloud of rain

I went home with a piglet,

And of course I loved honey.

This is Gene... WINNIE THE POOH

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

And circle above the earth

Light fluff



Who sings these songs, name them.

If I scratch my head, it doesn't matter,

In the head of my sawdust - yes, yes, yes.

But although there are sawdust,

But chants and yells,

As well as noisemakers, puffers and nozzles

I write well sometimes.

(Winnie the Pooh.)

soundtracks of songs from cartoons

A lion cub lies nearby

And wiggles his ears

Only I'm lying

And I don't look at the lion cub.


From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,

From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...

(Little Raccoon.)

“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, my love, how are you? -

"I ran after you, Santa Claus,

I shed many bitter tears.

(Wolf, Hare.)

In the hall, you can hang illustrations of various cartoon characters and ask the children to guess the name of each character.


- Guys, let's guess from which cartoons the characters hang on our walls and what are their names?

The guys call the cartoon characters in unison.

Zimushka .

- Thanks guys! Well done!


- Something I can’t see Santa Claus, somewhere he probably got lost, I’ll go look for him.

Loud music playing (Rumbling)

Baba Yaga runs into the hall. (minus "Gentlemen of Fortune")

Baba Yaga sings a song.

(Music fades out)

Baba Yaga.

- All clear! The holiday has already begun and, of course, without me.

Why have I been forgotten?

Why weren't they invited?

And I came here without an invitation.

Are you going to celebrate the New Year and receive gifts?

- Did you come to watch the movie?

- You recognized me?

- Of course, I'm Baba Yaga - Bone Leg.

- They didn't invite me to the party.

- Well, well, well ….

“But I’m going to ruin the whole holiday for you.”

On the stage there is a bag in which lies a reel of film. Baba Yaga approaches the bag.

Baba Yaga.

Oh what a bag. Well... well... well, let's see, let's see what we have here. Probably Santa Claus brought gifts.

Pulls out the bobbin.

- And this is a movie. Wow, this is a very interesting movie. And I'll take him now, take him to my hut and there I'll watch with my friend Leshy.

- They won't show you anything.

Grabs the bag and runs away.

Music sounds, the snow maiden comes. (Music fades out)

Snow Maiden

Hello guys, hello darlings. I haven't seen you for a whole year. As you grew up, matured.

And Grandfather Frost and I brought you a wonderful gift for the new year. But this gift is unusual. We drove through the fields across the seas and brought you a film.

Comes up to the stage and watch the film bag, but there is no bag.

- Oh, what happened, where is the gift of Santa Claus?

Guys, have you seen?

Who took our present?

(Children answer: This is Baba Yaga)

- What to do? Grandfather Frost so wanted to surprise you for the New Year.

- We urgently need to call Santa Claus for help. Maybe he will help us return the film?

- Guys, let's call Santa Claus.

Everyone shouts "Santa Claus" together.

- Guys, let's try to call him again. He is old, deaf, probably does not hear us.

All shout "Santa Claus" together.

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes (Music stops)

Father Frost.

Hello guys! (Guys answer).

Sounds dumb for now.

Come on, one more time. Hello guys!

Now your answer is not bad.

I was a little deafened by him.

I was with you a year ago

Glad to see you all again.

I see, they have grown up, they have become big.

Did everyone recognize me?

The children answer. YES


Santa Claus, how are you on time! You were in such a hurry, in a hurry, you brought a gift for the guys from afar, and the guys say that Baba Yaga came and stole your gift. What are we to do now? How can we leave the guys for the new year without a gift?

Father Frost.

- Now let's figure it out. Baba Yaga, where are you? Go here.

Baba Yaga arrives.

Baba Yaga.

- What happened? What's the matter? Citizens, citizens, what's the matter?

Father Frost. Snow Maiden. Zimushka.

— Baba Yaga. How is it that you want to leave children without a New Year's surprise? Why did you steal our present?

Baba Yaga.

Everyone was invited to the party, but I wasn't. Am I worse than others? I also want to have fun, celebrate the New Year. I am in a cheerful mood today, and I will have fun. I have a special day today. For the first time in my life a good mood. Let's play. I will be leading. The one who manages to offend more offensively wins. The winner will receive a super prize, "figs you" is called ...

Baba Yaga.

- I'm joking, I'm joking.

Snow Maiden. Zimushka

- Baba Yaga, please give us the film. We will invite you to our party. Watch with the guys.

Baba Yaga.

No, I won't just give it up. I also want to go to the New Year's holiday, I also want to play and dance with the girls and boys. I also want to participate in competitions.

Let me show you my competition.

Father Frost.

- Okay, can you show me?

Baba Yaga.

“I will give you different tasks, and you all must complete them together.

Father Frost. Snow Maiden. Zimushka (referring to children)

Guys, what will we do with you all the tasks of Baba Yaga?

Children answer yes

Baba Yaga holds a contest


Well, let's continue the holiday!

Let's all dance together!

Father Frost.

So that a blush blooms on everyone's cheeks,

I give all children modern dance.

Dance in modern rhythms.

Baba Yaga (after the dance).

You are hot, your face is blush!

Are you tired of dancing?

Now it's time to take a break.

So, for the rest of the game!

Baba Yaga holds a competition.

Father Frost (after the dance).

I offer a dance to everyone else -

He is funny and also mischievous,

As soon as the music begins to sound,

Everyone wants to dance!

Dance in modern rhythms.

Father Frost

Oh, I evaporated, I would drink cold water to cool off a little.

Santa Claus drinks from a mug, then abruptly splashes its contents onto the children, in a mug of multi-colored confetti.

Father Frost.

Frightened, did not expect?

That's how naughty I am.

Even if you're not young anymore.

You danced and sang

Have fun from the heart!

And masquerade costumes

Yours are good too!

Baba Yaga.

Who worked, was not lazy,

Who spent a lot of energy

Who used fantasy, skill when sewing -

The best will be rewarded.

What kind of prize is a surprise for now.

Music sounds. All children in costumes go to Santa Claus, and those who would like to read poetry receive a prize.

Father Frost.

Guys, are you afraid of the cold?

And if the hands freeze, what do you do?


We clap!

Father Frost.


That's how. (clapping with children).

Father Frost.

What if your feet get cold?


We stomp!

Father Frost.


But like this, (Stomping with children).

And yet. Santa Claus, we dance!

Father Frost.


But like this!

Performing "Dance on the ground"

Father Frost.

Well, you are the master of dancing!

Here's a game for you to relax!

Who is ready to fight with me -

To play pranks and frolic?

I'll play "Freeze" -

Ears, I'll pinch your nose.

Father Frost.

Well, it's time for me to pack up

Go on the road!


Santa Claus, and you forgot about something.

Father Frost.

How did you forget?

Did Santa Claus play with children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Did you sing songs?

Did you make the kids laugh? What else have I forgotten?


Santa Claus, you forgot about the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.

Do you all know the magic words that will help light up our Christmas tree? That's right: "One, two, three - our Christmas tree, burn!"


"Happy New Year!" - says each needle. Let's sing a song: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

All children sing a song.

Well, for this we need

So that we are all very friendly

She was told: “One! Two! Three!

Well, Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat: “Christmas tree, burn!”, Santa Claus knocks with his staff, the tree lights the fires.

The tree lights up.

Father Frost

Our tree is lit up

Here is the beginning of the holiday!

Santa Claus is calling you all

In the New Year's round dance!


Our tree is awake

All the kids smiled!

We'll go to the Christmas tree

Let's sing a song for her!

The song “Yolochka” is performed, lyrics by M. Alexandrovskaya, music by Yu. Komalkov “Snegurochka”


Let our holiday end

But the holidays are coming

Lots of fun and different games

All the guys will bring.

Father Frost. Baba Yaga

Winter days are waiting for you

Skis, sleds and skates.

You all need to gain strength

To do better.


Happy New Year!

See you soon!

Zimushka .

Guys! After you try our treats, we invite you to the cinema hall to watch a movie. So, Happy New Year!

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

With new happiness!!!

Music sounds. The guys go to the tables.