Project in the senior group “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products. “Fruits”Recommendations for parents (younger group) Playing in a circle with a ball “Fruits can be prepared ...”


Theme "Vegetables. Fruits".

Children should know:

  • . names of vegetables, fruits and their parts;
  • . that vegetables grow in the garden, in the ground, in beds, on bushes, fruits grow in the garden, on trees;
  • . similarity and difference (be able to compare vegetables and fruits by color, shape, size, taste, smell);
  • . how vegetables and fruits are harvested (dug up, plucked, cut, pulled out, processed (washed, cut, peeled, rubbed, how they are cooked and eaten (salted, raw, dried, boiled, which is prepared from vegetables, fruits;
  • . that vegetables and fruits are healthy, they have a lot of vitamins.

Children's vocabulary expansion:

Nouns cucumber, tomato (tomato, potato, beet, carrot, onion, turnip, cabbage, radish, pepper, garlic, eggplant, squash, zucchini, greens, parsley, dill, radish, pumpkin, beans, beans, peas, pods, tops, roots, fruits, seeds, tubers, leaves, head of cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, vinaigrette, juice, bag, box, path, fertilizer, pests, harvest, garden, bed, land, planting, watering, apple, pear, lemon, orange, tangerine, cherry, peach, apricot, plum, persimmon, banana, palm tree, pulp, stone, peel, apple tree, tree, branch, garden, watering, compote, jam, jam, juice;

Adjectives: red, green, yellow, ripe, unripe, tasty, tasteless, sweet, sour, bitter, salty, pickled, canned, raw, boiled, healthy, large, small, round, oval, elongated, oblong, smooth, ripe, fragrant, fragrant, juicy, vegetable, fruity, rough, soft, hard;

Verbs: plant, care, grow, sow, loosen, ripen, water, collect, ripen, sprinkle, dig, pull out, cut, wash, rub, boil, stew, fry, eat, crunch, cut, harvest, salt, ferment, preserve, pickle, dry, care, squeeze, dry, take out, ditch.

The grammatical structure of speech

. D / ex. "Call it sweetly"(formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural):
cucumber - cucumber - cucumbers,
pepper - pepper - peppers,
apple - apple - apples,
pear - pear - pear,

. D / ex. "One is Many"(plural formation of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases):
tomato - tomatoes - tomatoes,
pumpkin - pumpkins - pumpkins,
plums - plums - plums,
orange - oranges - oranges, etc.

. D / ex. "Tell me which one? »(formation of relative adjectives):
tomato juice - tomato,
apple juice - apple, (from plums, orange, grapes, peach)
carrot juice - carrot,
peach jam - peach,
apricot jam - apricot.

. D / ex. "Agreeing nouns with adjectives":

tomato is delicious, carrot is delicious, beans are delicious, tangerine is delicious, apple is delicious, plum is delicious, etc.

. D / ex. "Count to Five"(coordination of nouns with numerals):
one cucumber, two cucumbers, three cucumbers, four cucumbers, five cucumbers;
one apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples, etc.

. D / ex. "Say the opposite"(selection of antonyms):
potatoes are large, and radishes are (small,
the pepper is empty inside, and the carrot is (full,
the tomato is soft, and the cucumber is. (solid,
the peach is big, and the apricot is (small,
an orange is round, and a banana is (long,
lemon is sour and peach is (sweet).

Do you want children to better remember the names of vegetables, fruits, their color, shape and taste? Give them the opportunity to take care of vegetables and fruits in the garden and in the garden: plant, water, loosen, dig and whitewash trees, harvest. You can play with vegetables and fruits at home, feel them, wash, cut, grate, squeeze juice, sort.

Games will help you learn the material on the topic:
. Taste game. The child closes his eyes, and the adult puts a piece of carrot, cucumber or other vegetable in his mouth. The same game is played with fruits. The child must guess what it is.
. The game "Know by touch". The child feels a vegetable or fruit in an opaque bag.
. Sculpting and drawing vegetables, fruits, shading contours in various directions.
. The game "Inventing riddles about vegetables and fruits." An adult describes a vegetable or fruit, for example: this vegetable is green, oval, hard, juicy. The child guesses what it is. Then the child himself learns to guess, and the adult guesses. Explain to the child that you need to indicate which vegetable or fruit to taste, shape, color, touch.
. D / ex. "The Fourth Extra"(selection of an extra item from a group of items). For example: apple, pear, vase, lemon (vase); lemon, peach, tomato, apricot (tomato); onion, turnip, nettle, garlic (nettle). Be sure to ask the child why he chose this or that object as superfluous.

"Harvest. Vegetables, fruits, berries»

1. Help your child remember the names berries : blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries. Draw or paste pictures of these berries in a notebook. Let the child show and name them.

2. Play a game"What grows where?"

Beet, potato, raspberry, pear, cucumber, cranberry, blueberry, tomato, apple, plum, etc.(Consolidation of the material covered.)

3. Play a game"What a jam" :

raspberry - raspberry jam

blueberry - blueberry jam

strawberry - strawberry jam

cranberry - cranberry jam

lingonberry - lingonberry jam

4. Read the poem on choice :

"Picking berries"

I take berries from the branches

And I collect in a basket.

Berries - a full basket!

I'll try a little.

I'll eat a little more -

It will be easier to get home.

And eat more raspberries.

How many berries are in the basket?

One two three four five…

I will collect again.

On the bushes and on the bushes,

On big swamps

Berries grow in the forest

They ripen quickly on weight. N. Nishcheva

5. To help children remember names better vegetables , fruits, berries, guess them puzzles :

The calves are smooth, tied to the garden.(Cucumbers)

No windows, no doors, the room is full of people.(Cucumber)

Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs.(Potato)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.(Onion)

The caftan on me is green, and my heart is like red.

Tastes like sugar, sweet, looks like a ball.(Watermelon)

Eat in the orchard miracle : leaves brighter than emerald,

Silvery flowers, golden fruits.(Orange)

For a curly tuft, a fox was dragged from a mink.(Carrot)

I was born to fame: head is white, curly.

Who loves cabbage soup, look for me in them.(Cabbage)

6. To consolidate the names of vegetables, fruits, berries, I recommend that you play with your child the game “Guess vegetable (fruit, berry) by answering questions."

An adult thinks of something vegetable (fruit, berry, the child tries to guess it, asking questions : size? Form? Color? Is there a tail? What kind of skin does it feel like? Top or spine? What taste? What is prepared from it? What can be prepared for the winter?

This game teaches children to express their thoughts accurately and fully, to convey their sensory feelings in words, and also allows them to practice in formulating questions, in transforming verbal descriptions into visual images.

7. Play a game"Autumn Fair". Children should know that vegetables , fruits, berries can be harvested for the winter (salt, sour, pickle, dry, freeze, squeeze juice, make jam, compote); name the product prepared for the winter, tell how it is prepared; play the role of seller and buyer. This game develops children's speech, role-playing interaction, cultivates a culture of communication.

8. Play a game"We believe" .

One two three four five -

Brought from the store

We are a huge cart.

It has many different vegetables,

Count them quickly.(For example, one cucumber, two cucumbers, etc. up to 10)

9. Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

For berries

One two three four,(Fingers of both hands "hello".)

We go for a walk in the forest(Fingers "walk".)

For blueberries (Bend one finger at a time.)

for raspberries,

For cranberries

For viburnum.

We will find strawberries

And bring it to my brother.

Crafts for children "New Year's miracles with their own hands" So winter has come to us. Great time! A snow-white blanket enveloped the earth. Purity and Beauty! White snow has adorned the city, The New Year is about to come, And under the tree very soon Everyone will find his own surprise! In every kindergarten with the advent of ...

In our kindergarten there was an action "Take care of the Christmas tree". Volunteers of the preparatory group did not bypass her! They actively took in the organizational work. At their site, educators and volunteers organized a flash mob called "Take Care of the Christmas Tree", where they invited the children of the older group to...

Form of carrying out: meeting in a cafe. Participants: parents, educators. Goal: developing interest in knowing your child, emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, organizing their communication in an informal setting. Preliminary work: - release of booklets for parents; - Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. Decoration: The hall is decorated in the style of a cafe (tea, sweets are on the tables, calm...

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Mamsurova Ludmila Totrazovna

Autumn is a fertile time, which generously bestows a wide variety of fruits - bright and tasty. Since ancient times, it has been customary to thank the earth for such gifts. Modern society has modified this tradition by holding autumn festivals where people present beautiful and original vegetable crafts.

Festivities where children represent autumn crafts are regularly held in our kindergarten. This is one of the components of the educational process. Such children's crafts are important for the development of the child's creative abilities, his aesthetic taste, skills in working with natural materials.

crafts children especially love from natural material, because they can be created from what they themselves find in the park, in the field, in the forest, on the sea coast or in the mountains. The main thing is to have enough imagination! In addition, natural material is the most environmentally friendly material for activities with children.

In our Kindergarten, a traditional competition of parent-child crafts from vegetables and fruits"miracle vegetables!". Parents took an active part with the children. Our parents are active, creative, the best are our assistants.

We wish you creative victories in the future interaction with the Kindergarten team!

Related publications:

Talk with children about the benefits of vegetables and fruits. Program content: 1 Continue to enrich the ideas about vegetables and fruits. 2 To consolidate the ability to classify, highlight signs.

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Compiled by:

Portnyagina Diana Rifkhatovna,


MADOU CRR - Kindergarten No. 146 of the city of Tyumen

Type project : cognitive - research, creative.

Implementation period: medium-term

Members project: educators: Portnyagina D.R., Shadrina N.S., children of the middle group and parents.

Relevance: The key to the health of preschoolers is proper nutrition.

From childhood, we only hear - you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they have a lot of vitamins, they are very useful. And why? Nobody explains this. Let's see what it gives us, and what are the benefits of fruits and vegetables.

1. Cheer up - Fruits and vegetables are like chocolate - they contain substances (selenium and folic acid) that contribute to the production of endorphins. If something went wrong or you are in a sad mood, eat an apple or a banana and your mood will improve.

2. Give cheerfulness - Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water - at the same time they save you from hunger and thirst, they are quickly absorbed. If you need a charge of vivacity - there is no better solution.

3. Add vitamins - How many pharmacists do not struggle to create supervitamins, but they cannot find the perfect balance. It is impossible to fit vitamins in one tablet so that they are all harmoniously absorbed! With vegetables and fruits, such a problem does not arise - everything is harmonious, everything is digested!

4. Make you smarter-Vegetables and fruits help maintain mental clarity and excellent memory: A study was recently published in which they found out that 6-8 fruits and vegetables a day help to better remember and solve math problems.

Children are used to thinking that delicious food is chips, crackers, sweets, and their favorite drinks are cola, sprite, fanta. They refuse to eat healthy food - cereals, vegetables in any form, even fruits are eaten selectively. Children know and expect that their mother will buy them a chocolate bar, a pack of chips, cola, etc. in the evening after work.

And since the foundations of health are laid in the family, we decided to pay close attention of parents and children to a healthy diet, to food rich in vitamins - vegetables and fruits.
It is important to convey to the minds of children the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits for human health, that is, to instill in children the basics of a healthy diet.

Target project : Formation of ideas about proper healthy nutrition among children and parents, about the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits for the normal functioning of the body throughout life, about a healthy lifestyle.



Expand children's ideas about vegetables and fruits: names, shape, color, taste, smell, hardness (softness);

To acquaint children with vitamins A, B, C, to reveal their importance for human health;

To systematize knowledge about the place of growth of vegetables and fruits.


To form a culture of nutrition for children, a desire to take care of their health;

Involve parents and children in joint creative activities.


To form in children a cognitive interest in the world around them;

To form in children ideas about the relationship between health and proper nutrition;

To form in children the ability to process the information obtained during the study and develop creative abilities in the process of cognitive research activities.

Problem: Children know little about the vitamins necessary for human health, contained in vegetables and fruits, their useful properties and insufficiently consume natural vegetables and fruits in food, which they need to maintain and strengthen their health

Implementation stages project :

Stage 1: Preparatory

Creation of a subject-developing environment

Selection of literature and illustrative material on the chosen topic

Selection of didactic and board-printed games

Visual material for parents (folder-slider "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products")

Preparing a consultation for parents on the topic “Healthy eating - healthy child"

Stage 2: Main

cognitive development

Game situation "Help put vegetables and fruits in different baskets"

Conversation "What vitamins are contained in vegetables and fruits"

Conversation "Healthy lifestyle"

Conversation "What can be prepared from vegetables and fruits"

View children's presentations " Mom and I cooked from……………………….», "Vegetables and fruits - vitamin products"

Game situation: “Guess what it is? » , "Salted or fresh?" (development of touch and taste buds)

- NOD "Journey to the orchard» (As part of the implementation of the speech development project)

Social and communicative development

Didactic games:

"Ascorbinka and her friends"(acquaintance of children with vitamins), "Find a home for vitamins" ( distribute vitamins among vegetables and fruits), "Mysteries from the Garden"(silhouette image vegetables and fruits), « fourth extra"(development of logical thinking), "Funny cooks"(cook borscht and compote), "Wonderful bag"(guessing vegetables and fruits to the touch, "Find out by taste", fruit domino , "Recognize the dish", " puzzles« Vegetables and fruits», "Pick by color", "Find a pair"

Speech development

- “What juice?”, What jam?”, “What jam?” (Agreement of the endings of adjectives and nouns)

- “Call me affectionately” (use of diminutive suffixes)

"Our riddles" (compilation of descriptive riddles about vegetables and fruits)

- "One - many" (ending of nouns)

- "Find by description" (development of coherent speech)

- “What grows where? (use of prepositions)

Learning poems: Y. Tuwim « Vegetables » learning proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles

Reading: Fairy tale by D. Rodari "The Adventures of Chipolino", Belarusian folk tale "Puff", S. Mikhalkov "Dispute of vegetables" , “About the girl Yulia, who ate badly”, V Suteev “A bag of apples”, G Sapgir “Mysteries from the garden”, S. Marshak “Signor Tomato”, V. Korkin “What grows in our garden?”,

L. Zilberg Healthy foods».

Theatrical activity on the autumn festival. (Staging "Grandfather planted a turnip")

Artistic and aesthetic development

Application "Preparations for the winter

Modeling "Vegetables in a plate"

Plasticineography "Orchard"

Collective work "Vitamins in vegetables and fruits"

coloring pages « Vegetables and fruits » -independent activity of children

Physical development

Outdoor games: « Cucumber, cucumber”, “Gardener”

"Baba Sowed Peas", "King Peas", "Vegetables and Fruits" , "Tops and Roots »

Round dance games: « Zucchini", "Uro zhay", “Apple tree”, “Let's go to the garden for raspberries”, “Hello, Autumn”.

Finger gymnastics:

“Orange”, “Vegetables”, “Cabbage”, “We cook, we cook compote”, “Our garden”, “We are standing in the garden”, “Apple”, “Lariska has two radishes, “Fruits” , “Girl Arinochka has vegetables in a basket”, “Garden”

Stage 3: Final

Presentation of baby books by children on the topic: « Vegetables and fruits - healthy foods»

Final entertainment: "House for Pumpkin"

Working with parents:

Conducting consultations for parents on the topic “Healthy nutrition - a healthy child;

- "How to fortify a child's nutrition", "How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits" ;

Help parents in printing coloring pages for classes on the topic: "Vegetables and Fruits" ;

Reminders for parents "Doctor Vitaminkin's advice."

results project:

Children are aware of the need to eat vegetables and fruits to improve their health;

Know about the vitamins contained in vegetables, fruits, their beneficial properties;

They are able to compare, classify vegetables and fruits and choose healthy foods for a healthy diet;

Children have formed initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

Increased cognitive activity of children, their curiosity;

In the process of cognitive research activities, children learned to express themselves in various activities and show their creative abilities;

The vocabulary has expanded and the speech activity of children has increased.

Practical significance:

Joint project activities united educators, children and parents in a common creative work and rallied the children-adult team;

As a result of work on the project, children have increased their interest in their health through the organization of healthy eating.


1. S. N. Nikolaeva « Methods of environmental education in kindergarten "- M:" Enlightenment ", 1999

2. O. F. Gorbatenko “The system of environmental education in pre-school educational institution-Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2008

3. O. A. Solomennikova "Introduction to nature"

5. A. A. Vakhrushchev, E. E. Kochemasova, Yu. A. Akimova, and I. K. Belova. Hello world! For educators, teachers and parents Moscow "Balass" 2001

6.O. S Ushakova Classes on the development of speech for children 5-7 years old Creative Center Moscow 2010.

7. Educational program for the speech development of preschool children (from 3-7 (8) years old) "On the way to the alphabet" R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Kislova

Internet sources:

Photos from the archive of the teacher: Portnyagina D.R.

Annex 1

Synopsis of the final event

under the project "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products"

in the middle group "House for Pumpkin"

Guys, do you want to be in some wonderful fairy tale in which amazing adventures can await us?

Let's say the magic spell

If we get on our feet together

Then to the land of funny fairy tales

Can be accessed immediately

So, we ended up in one fairy tale, and which one we will now find out!

(Music from the cartoon "The Adventure of Cipollino" sounds!)

Cipollino appears!

Guys, did you guess what fairy tale we got into?

(children's answers)

Cipollino, very excited! Let's find out what happened to him!

Dear Guys!

How, I'm glad that you ended up in our fairy tale!

Probably, you all know the nasty Senor Tomato!

He found Pumpkin's house in the forest and hid it well!

I can't find it alone!

Help find Pumpkin's house!

Guys, can we help Chipollino? We need to decide where to start looking!

Look, I see someone's footprints, they lead to the houses.

(There are red footprints on the floor)

Before the guys, there are two houses in one live vegetables in the other fruit!

But Signor Tomato mixed all the vegetables and fruits.

Let's help them get back to their homes!

Didactic game "Spread vegetables and fruits"

(Children sit on chairs and one at a time, come up, lay out vegetables and fruits in different houses: carrots are a vegetable, a banana is a fruit, beets are a vegetable ....)

Why is it good to eat fruits and vegetables?

(children's answers)

Look, guys, Signor Tomato, he was in such a hurry that he left a map that shows where he plans to hide the Pumpkin's house!

(Children with a teacher look at the map and determine where they should go next).

Guys, Vitamins A, B, C live here, they are very cheerful and hospitable, but in order to visit them, we need to read poems about the benefits of vitamins!

Who will tell the verses to Vitamins!

(Children read poems about the benefits of vitamins)

What vitamins are found in fruits?

What vitamins are found in vegetables?

(Children tell what vitamins live in vegetables and fruits)

Now let's play a game "Find Vitaminka a home"

Children put on masks of different vegetables and fruits, dance merrily, as soon as the music ends, the guys run up to their Vitamins A, B, C.

It's time for us to continue the search for Pumpkin's house.

Before us is the castle of Countess Cherry, in order to get into it, you need to name the dishes that can be prepared from vegetables!

Game in a circle with a ball "From fruits you can cook ..."





Fruit salad

Fruit icecream

Fruit pie filling

And what fruit dish Sasha Tikhonova cooked at home with her mother and Anya Obizhaeva, they will tell us now!

(View children's presentation).

What fun it was to listen to! Thank you girls and thank you to your parents!

"Name it right"

Guys, look at the pictures.

Plum jam (what kind?) plum jam

Pear jam (what?) pear jam

Peach jam (what?) peach jam

Apple juice? (what?) apple juice

Pomegranate juice? (what) pomegranate juice

Orange juice (what?) orange juice

Peach filling (what?) peach filling

Pear filling (what?) pear filling

- Count Cherry, I am very glad that you coped with this task!

In secret, he told us that in the dungeon where Signor Tomato keeps his prisoners, there is a secret room in which the Pumpkin's house is hidden!

In order to get into the dungeon of Signor Tomato, we need to outwit the Lemon guards.

Game "Go around the guards"

(Before the guys are pictures with harmful foods and healthy foods)

Guys, you should choose only healthy products, and if you choose harmful ones, then we will not be able to pass unnoticed by the guards of Lemons!

(Children choose vegetables and fruits)

We coped with all the tasks, we were able to get past the Lemons guards. And here is Signor Tomato's secret room! But we can't get in here without a key!

Listen, Chipollino, he wants to tell us something!

Guys, my friends, Radish and Count Cherry helped to lure the keys from Signor Tomato. A whole bunch of them! There are pictures of vegetables on the keys, we need to pick up the key to the lock so that the shape of the vegetable looks like the geometric shape of the keyhole.

(The teacher lays out a lot of keys in front of the children, the children compare the shape of the vegetable with the shape of the keyhole and turn the key and put it on the tray next to the lock. When all the keys are picked up, a click is heard and a secret door opens)

So, we found the Pumpkin's house! He will be very happy!

Let's call him!

(Children call Pumpkin, Pumpkin appears and thanks the children)

Children, well, it's time for us to say goodbye to Chipollino and his fabulous friends!

To get back to kindergarten, we need to cast a magic spell!

If we get on our feet together

Stomp, jump - do not fall

That's easy guys can

Go back to kindergarten

Here we are back, in our group!

Guys, did you like our fabulous adventure with Cipollino?

Why is it good to eat fruits and vegetables?

Activities with parents.

(Creating baby books, parents and children choose a coloring picture with a vegetable or fruit, which they will decorate with colored paper or color, free choice)

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0005382

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?