What to say to a man during intimacy. What to say to a man? Psychology of communication with men. The main thing is not what, but how

Remember the last time you complimented a man? And what was his reaction? Do men like being complimented?

I believe that the compliments that we give to women (for example, "t I have the most beautiful, dear, you look so good"), efficient and effective...

Men also like to be told nice words. It's our nature - we love to be praised. But, are those affectionate words that a woman says to her man always really a compliment? Learn more about this.

And as always, I will tell you about compliments that a man WANTS to hear. But first I want to explain why I decided to write this article for you.

Believe me, first you need to strive and only then to be understood. In this order. I want to emphasize that this does not mean at all that you put your interests in the background. Quite the contrary, as a result, both are satisfied.

What is common between compliments to a woman and a man and how do they differ?

The compliments that we make to each other pursue the same goal - to show the significance of a lover or beloved for us. So let's go in order. To begin with, I want to convey to you the importance of compliments to a beloved man.

Compliments to a man are necessary in order to instill strength in him, to give him support. Your words, when they are sincerely caring, are able to convey to your beloved that he "hero"He wants to hear about it, not guess. Praising his masculine qualities - you strengthen the man's self-confidence.

He needs to know that he is strong, that he has influence, that he has the gift of persuasion, for example. Let him know what you see in himhis hero."

This article is valuable in that you will gain practical skills if you read it to the end. In addition, I will sharesecret information, which I give only in training.

Thanks Evgenia! Mutual understanding reigns in their family relations with their beloved. I'm happy for them.

Do you want to get the husband of your dreams? Then let's get started.

The purpose of complimenting a man is to keep the emotional connection in the relationship.

First, let's remember what it is - an emotional connection? In the modern world, there is an opinion that successful and functional relationships in a married couple are built on mutual respect and unconditional trust. And love, passion and other romance"is not a matter of first importance,"
possible without it" .

If in your relationship with a man there is a place for that very “ romance", then strengthens them" emotional connection". This is important for your communication. And I'll tell you why.

Emotional connection, in a married couple, is the foundation on which your House is built. A home where you want to return as soon as possible. You know the feeling when you really want to get home after " have a bad day”, where all the negativity of the day will not weigh on you. This is the place where troubles lose their weight, become insignificant.

Be sure, if you, as a married couple, do not create such an atmosphere for each other, then no one will do this for you. Such an environment is necessary. After all, it can come to , rupture of relations.

Ask yourself: do I want communication with my man to create conditions "security inside my house "? If "Yes”, then a very effective method is to compliment your man. And do it right.

In the training, we teach women the art of making the right compliments. This skill is devoted to a whole lesson number 18 called “Compliments”.

The effect on a man that compliments can have

And this is a particularly important point. How do you like this thought: you can " program» actions of a man with the help of « proper compliments".

It is noteworthy that with their simple help you can get from a man .... yes anything! If you know how to compliment a man in bed, in correspondence, at work, anywhere and at any time, about his style, about his appearance - thereby instill in him a desire to do something. Also you can while complimenting him.

I want you to understand correctly. For this, I will give one statement of the muse V.V. Mayakovsky - Lily Brik. This idea conveys the essence very accurately. She said:
“... It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful and even brilliant, it’s just that others don’t understand this. And allow what is forbidden to him at home, and then you will create your ideal man ... " .

But you could do " correct"compliment to a man. Say that none of the men you know has such extraordinary mental abilities. Believe me, it motivates you to achieve. The mechanism works - and the man, confident in his abilities, begins to act.

How to compliment a man?

So, the desire to restore a smile on the face of your loved one, the desire to cheer him up is commendable and absolutely true. But in most cases, women use “supposedly tried and proven” methods that bring the opposite result.

For example: try to bring it to " intimate talk". The catch here is that men mostly endure hardships. inside yourself". And so for him talking about your problems' is by no means an encouragement. On the contrary, he moves even further away.

Remember, have you ever had this: did he react to a sincere attempt to help his lover in such a way that he closed himself even more inside himself?

I want to convey that the best compliment for a man is a phrase that characterizes your condition next to him, makes it clear that you are happy and grateful to him for being with you. A man wants to understand that you are satisfied with the way he cares for you. He wants to know that you feel happy next to him, appreciate what he does for you. Therefore, I want to present you a very easy, but effective method.
Pay attention to these 16 phrases, " denounced» in compliments to the man. You can successfully use them in order to develop, improve those qualities for which you value him - courage, strength, and similar character traits.

16 phrases denounced as compliments to a man ...

  1. Your smile turns me on / You make me lose my mind
  2. I lose track of time when I'm around you
  3. I think about you all the time when you are around
  4. I adore your smile. In the morning when I see her, she motivates me to be even better for you.
  5. Take my hand, let's go for a walk. I want everyone to see what a wonderful man I have
  6. Looking into your eyes, I want to dissolve in them. I want you. You feed my life force more than the air I breathe
  7. I want you to hug me" whole body". Let even the wind not slip between us
  8. I can't think of anything else when you're next to me
  9. If you were a drink, I would drink you in one gulp / or vice versa - savored, with a blissful smile on my face
  10. Having touched your world once, I burned with a desire to be a part of it always.
  11. I love it when you look at me like that. I feel loved
  12. When you speak, I can even hear your warm breath
  13. There is no such person in the whole world. Which would be of such value to me
  14. It was next to you that I understood the essence of the statement " women love with their ears". When you speak, my attention is drawn to every word you say. Your voice is a real magnet
  15. I admire your ability to make……/your ability
  16. The best place on earth where I can be is your strong embrace. I feel protected next to you

Compliments to a man are a weapon.

So, in your fragile hands is the tool with which you can create the man of your dreams.

You will be surprised how easy it is to have such a man nearby who meets all your needs. The main thing is that you do not deprive him of his freedom, because he wants this himself - to BE THE BEST FOR YOU. Remind him that you feel protected next to him, and you will feel it more and more.

Impress him that with such a level of intellectual development can not be compared « not a single head» at his job that he has no competitors there. With each passing day, this confidence will grow stronger. Fill the mind of your chosen one with this confidence.

And again about harmony. Not always your words can achieve the ultimate goal and cheer up a man. These words may seem feigned, and he will perceive them as flattery. Believe what you say when complimenting a man.

In addition, men cannot be overpraised. It is arrogant 🙂 This has been tested by more than one woman and not one man.

Marilyn Monroe said: I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world". You have the power, use it. This is how this world works.

But I want to remind you: I want happy families to be built. And it is for women pursuing a noble goal - to create a family, healthy relationships, that I give away the accumulated experience. And this experience is not meant to seduce a man and rejoice"purchasing a toy.

Lesson number 5 called "Secrets of building relationships" (as part of the training) gives a woman practical skills and techniques for taking relationships with a man to a new level. Including compliments.

Thank you for reading this article. It is very important for me to know that my words have value for you! Save these phrases on your page on the social network. Remember, by giving the right compliments to a man, you are making the right choice!

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I asked my husband what words can excite a man? Without hesitation, he answered: “The borscht is ready! Would you like a cold beer? Can we buy new tires? At first I laughed, appreciating my husband's sense of humor, and then I thought about it, because there is some truth in every joke. Somehow it happened ... What to hide, intimate relationships after 10 years of marriage, to put it mildly, are not the same. You take care of him, you try to share his interests, you endlessly sacrifice something for him, and he begins to look at you with completely different eyes, in which, alas, all desire has long dried up ...

Elena K.

Well, okay, let's not go into the details of this difficult case. I hope everything is not as neglected for you as it was for one of my clients! I would like to chat about what words can excite a man. And is it even possible to arouse desire in him with the help of a word.

Scientists have long established the fact that a man is visited by thoughts related to sex at least 8 times a day. And in order for these very sexual fantasies to visit him, neither pictures of naked women, nor exciting sounds or smells are needed. He starts to think about it involuntarily. And how to make him think not just about sex, but about sex with you? And it is even better not only to think, but also to act ...

Most women underestimate the power of verbal action. The Internet is teeming with information on how to excite a man in sign language. Seduction experts recommend returning former passion with new erotic lingerie, role-playing games, aphrodisiacs and love potions. By the way, read - and in your head a lot about this will become clear.

In general, what a woman does not go to to seduce a man! Of course, you can also jump half-naked in front of him performing dirty dances, but I still advise you to consider a simpler and no less virginal way.

What should I say

The list of phrases and words that excite a man has been known for a long time. Many women often resort to his help. And although all guys are individual and require a unique approach of their kind, there are still universal verbal “recipes-activators”:

His name

Better than any stimulant, a man can be aroused by his own name, pronounced with an aspiration, in a languid voice. And remember, there should not be any "bunnies, cats and babies" in the bed!

intimate compliments

Hints of great length and sexual strength of the guy are 100%. Laudatory words and phrases addressed to the intimate dignity of a partner can excite anyone:

  • "so powerful";
  • "just huge"
  • "big and bouncy".

sexual fantasies

Stories of an erotic nature will not leave any man indifferent. If you are embarrassed to tell him your fantasies, cheat and tell him that you dreamed all this. Believe me, it doesn’t matter to him where these frivolities came from in your head. The main thing is that they appeared at all.

How to say

It is very important not only what you will say to him to turn him on, but also how you say it. This is where many women make mistakes, thereby postponing the moment of intimacy. The list of words that can turn him on has been drawn up, now you have to pronounce them in a special way.

The exact answer to the question: "How to excite your partner with words?" - No. Which phrases are effective and efficient, and which ones cause negativity and rejection, you can only find out by experimenting. There is only one universal advice - speak with feeling.

Voice timbre

Start with your tone. Intonation during a conversation changes significantly and often depends on your mood. Exciting a man with words, or rather during the pronunciation of certain phrases, the main thing is that the speech does not sound feigned. Remember - no pathos, falsehood and artificiality! Better you get lost than start minting a prepared speech, as if speaking in front of a thousandth audience with a report.

Voice volume

The loudness of the pronunciation of words is no less important. The main thing is to evaluate the relevance. Loud phrases are also acceptable, unless of course you are sure that no one will hear your “loud conversation”. A barely audible languid whisper is also possible if your partner is not deaf. It is important that it sounds organic.

Dual meaning

Women, of course, are more likely than men to search for a hidden meaning, but some phrases, if you say them at the right time, may please a guy. For example, tell him that his hands are comparable to those of a musician. And believe me, the result will not keep you waiting - at today's concert he will "play" a breathtaking melody. And in the main role of the instrument - your naked body ...

By the way, there is one phrase that works flawlessly: "Let's get down to business!". Apparently, this is a kind of male stereotype, since even an unfamiliar man will definitely react to these words.

Without the art of ambiguity, there is no true eroticism. The stronger the ambiguity, the more intense the excitement.

Milan Kundera

Personal approach

Not everyone can like outright vulgarity. Of course, there are connoisseurs of a strong word uttered by a heated woman. There are also men who are excited by an exquisite speech turnover. In order not to make a mistake, you just need to listen to his everyday speech. Never forget individuality.

Unfortunately, the analysis of the effectiveness of various exciting phrases has never been carried out by anyone. And, of course, there are no statistical data, too delicate questions. There are no identical men, exactly the same as there are no universal expressions that excite them. Therefore, I will give some examples of the most effective and common phrases, and you will decide for yourself whether they are suitable in relation to your partner.

    "I want you". I consider this phrase the undisputed leader in comparison with all other phrases. After all, what can excite more than the sincere desire of a woman.

    "Take me". Someone will say that this phrase is too frank, but experienced ladies are sure that these words always work flawlessly.

    "I want to feel you." No clarifications are needed, he will definitely understand everything himself.

    “To caress me” are chic words that can not only excite, but also push to action.

    "Beloved, I am yours." With this phrase, you will emphasize not only your desire, but also your feelings, trust and emotional closeness.

    "I can't wait for tonight." If a couple of hours before the end of the working day you call and say this phrase, a passionate night will be provided for you.

You can blow him away by telling him you didn't wear underwear. It is this phrase that has a lightning effect. In any case, in order to choose the right phrase for your boyfriend, you must be guided by his interests and secret desires.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed phrases, you may have to use more than one phrase. I think he will like your game, because after all, most men really like experiments.

What to Avoid

If you have known a man for a long time and are well versed in his desires and preferences, then it will not be difficult for you to excite him. But how can words arouse desire in him if your relationship is only gaining momentum in its development, or rather, what should never be done?

    Avoid laughter and jokes during lovemaking. Humor is not conducive to excitement! And by joking about his sexual dignity, you risk pushing him away from you once and for all.

    It's easy to ruin sex with idle chatter. If you just confessed to him that you want him, and after a couple of minutes, already in bed, you voice that he did not wash his plate after dinner, the evening can be considered ruined.

    The key to good sex is sincere desire and love for your partner. To excite a man with words is half the battle, the main thing is to keep passion for many years. Say and do everything possible and necessary for the sake of your partner and never be selfish in bed.

Despite the fact that men have a calmer disposition and very rarely show negative emotions towards their beloved women, sometimes even they cannot restrain themselves when they hear unpleasant words from the lips of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But, in addition to what men do not want to hear, there are those phrases that they agree to listen to for hours. If you love your chosen one and want to bring him joy as often as possible, take care of what you need to say to a man.

What not to say to a man

Once and for all, remember that all the cute nicknames and words that you say to your beloved man should not go beyond your home. Even if he happily accepts everything that you say to him in private, this does not mean at all that he will be just as pleased to hear them in the presence of strangers and especially friends. Hearing such cute words, his acquaintances and friends will not fail to play a trick on him once again or smile behind his back.

Shows of tenderness in society cause irreparable damage to male pride, making it weak in the eyes of other representatives of the strong half of humanity. And most likely, his wife's friends can be called even more affectionate words, but in public they will never appreciate such manifestations of love, as well as overly tender touches reminiscent of motherly care. But the emphasis on his masculine qualities, on how strong and caring he is, how many times he helped you out in difficult situations, and that without him you certainly would never have completed some very important business, he will always appreciate. Men value admiration from women like nothing else. These words are a real balm for their wounded soul in the struggle for a place in the sun.

Do not tell your husband about your imaginary and real shortcomings. Do not draw his attention to the fact that you have gained weight, have become worse at cooking, or have ceased to take care of yourself. Usually men rarely pay attention to such, in their opinion, trifles, but if they hear such conversations, they will subconsciously begin to look at you and look for flaws to make sure that you are not deceiving him. Do not forget that in the heat of conflict, a person can use these words against you. Always be the best for your man. And for this, talk only about the fact that you have become slimmer, more beautiful and younger. And that there is no one better than you in the world. Men believe what they hear from the women they love.

If a representative of the strong half of humanity did not do something, although he promised, ask him to do it again. There is no need to remind him once again that he failed. Few people will like the fact that they blame him for what he himself has repented a hundred times. Better say that you can’t do without his help and if he could go for bread, put away socks, take out the trash or help prepare dinner, and your gratitude will know no bounds. No need to walk all evening, offended, and trying to convict him of being indifferent to you. Believe me, he himself has already felt guilty a hundred times that he did not fulfill this promise, therefore, having heard, instead of regular complaints, a simple request to do what he did not have time to do, he will do what he needs with double zeal.

Under no circumstances compare a man with other representatives of the strong half of humanity. No matter how he offends you, no matter what he does, mentioning that your old acquaintance is a thousand times better than him will not correct the situation, but will only provoke a quarrel and resentment. Since you live with this man, it means that he is the best for you and there is no one in the world who could compare with him. And any misunderstandings can be resolved by discussing the differences that have arisen and by remembering how dear you are to each other. Your love is priceless to trade it for squabbles. Remember your feelings more often, and you will be surprised how much easier it will be to live and find a common language with your beloved man.

Photo: what you need and what not to say to a man

Do not criticize his work, hobbies, former women and friends. Any negative in their direction is perceived by a representative of the strong half of humanity as a criticism of his personality. After all, he chose these women, and since they are not so good, it means that he does not know how to choose his favorites. Constantly emphasizing your superiority over his ex can backfire. A man may decide that you are not suitable for him either, because, according to you, he does not know how to choose women at all. The same applies to his work. Self-realization is very important for any man, and it is at work that he can feel what contribution he can make to the development of society, no matter how pathetic it may sound. Therefore, the slightest criticism will be perceived as a belittling of his dignity, and he is unlikely to like it.

If you do not like his work, then it is better to carefully ask why he chose it. Maybe he himself has long wanted to change it, but he thinks that you will not approve of such a decision, or there is a way to take a more paid position. If the work completely suits your loved one, then it remains only to put up with it, since you love this man.

In general, try to express an opinion, not giving an assessment of what he is doing, but suggesting ways to solve some issues or problems. In any case, be interested in his affairs, what is happening with his friends and relatives, even if you could not find a common language with them. Realizing that you are doing this for him, the man will be able to appreciate how lucky he is with you.

Top 7 phrases to say to a man

  • Tell him about your love. Don't look for an excuse or the right time. Meet him with words of love from work when he wakes up or goes to bed, sits down to watch TV or has dinner. Believe me, men like the phrase "I love you" no less than women. And if you want, leave him a note describing the full strength of your feelings. Waking up, he will remember once again how happy he is.
  • Tell him how proud you are. No matter what he does, no matter what he decides, no matter what he does, there will always be a moment when you can tell him that he is worthy of your respect. But how could it be otherwise if you agreed to become his wife or bride. He brought home an unfortunate puppy, a kitten, a homeless dog, who didn’t even hope that he would be noticed and saved, don’t say that you don’t have the strength to look after the animal, but tell him how kind he is and that you are behind him like behind a stone wall. All difficulties will be left behind, and you will forever remember what a big heart your loved one has, seeing how your new pet clings to his knees, thanks for saving him.
  • There is always a reason to say what "golden" hands he has, because as something breaks, you immediately turn to him for help, so that he can help and fix it. How many broken things he was able to fix, or, in the end, buy. And in a difficult situation, is it really not a man who is looking for a way out, what to do and how to be. Most importantly, do not forget that sometimes men need words of admiration and approval more than women.
  • When choosing clothes for him or going to visit, emphasize what beautiful eyes he has, a courageous face, and his figure drives you crazy. Just be prepared that you may be late for a visit.
  • In addition to words of love, do not forget to say that there is no such man in the world anymore, and never will be. That for you he is the one and only and that you are grateful to fate for the fact that she gave a meeting with him.
  • As often as possible, tell your chosen one how proud you are of him, and that he, like no one else, deserves respect and gratitude. It doesn't matter what he did today, the main thing is that he cares about you and tries to turn your life into a real fairy tale. How much lies on his shoulders, but he carries this burden on his strong shoulders, protecting you from all the hardships and difficulties of this world. Recognition of his merits from your lips will be for him the best praise and appreciation of his work.
  • Compliment him, tell him how strong, smart, courageous, delightful and caring he is. How happy you are, being next to him, feeling his love. So that he finally falls at your feet, tell him that meeting him has changed your life beyond recognition, turning it into a fairy tale.

Photo: what you need and what not to say to a man

Having learned what to say to a man, you will never get into trouble, you will not feel his anger and displeasure on yourself by saying something wrong. The ability to please a loved one will be a huge advantage over other representatives of the fair sex. You can be calm that from such a sorceress who knows how to give joy, even in a word, a man will never want to leave for another.

Many women around only declare: All men only want sex! He's not interested in me at all." - “I only need him to satisfy! Animal!" - “Men are so primitive that they are not interested in anything in a woman but sex!”. Or maybe just the fair sex do not want to see anything else?

You may be surprised, but there is something what men want even more than sex (with the exception of the age of 15-19 years). Only their severity and pride does not allow to say about it. Today's editorial "So simple!" dispel the main stereotype about men.

What to say to a man

Men absolutely do not want to offend women. Yes, they have a much stronger attraction to the opposite sex, but such is nature. But as has long been known, sex is only 50% of a happy relationship. After all, women want men to understand them, but for some reason they themselves do not want to look beyond the stereotype. And the males are so offended that, perhaps, women will never know the whole truth.

In fact, a man needs tenderness and a sense of peace. He wants to have a completely different personal world with a woman. A light touch of a beloved woman can not only improve your mood, but also relieve melancholy and motivate you to new achievements. But a man is afraid to ask about it, because it is, at first glance, so obvious. And yes, they are afraid to seem weak and soft in the eyes of their beloved.

A man must feel love. We are sure that every man wants to feel it. It's simple - female acceptance and approval. As you know, it is the woman who sets the emotion in the relationship. The second most important place after touch is occupied by words. They can give a man self-confidence that will soon change the world around you.

Men want to be interested. You don’t need to be smart about anything, just ask about how the day went, what was interesting, how this or that circumstance influenced it. But there is one nuance here: you should not arrange a real interrogation about a man’s work affairs, especially if he is an influential person or works in “interesting” services. There are things that a woman should not go into too much, especially if she likes to gossip with her friends.

Men also want to be appreciated for their efforts. Note verbally. Because he can't know what you thought. He is not you. So you need to express your thoughts and admiration. That's about what a man wants to hear.

  1. "I'm glad you brought us here, thank you".
  2. “You are such a good guy! You work so hard and do your best for our family.”.
  3. So that she touches my shoulder and whispers: “You are such a good father and husband. I love you for it".
  4. When I offered her my vacation option, she took my hand and said: "Damn it, I adore you!"
  5. When I come home from work, she meets me at the doorstep and says: "Hello! I am so glad to see you". Ideally, if she does it with a smile, and if she also wears beautiful lingerie...
  6. So that when I feel bad, she just hugged me and said: "Everything will be fine". No extra words or questions.
  7. So that after intimacy she does not start immediately about everyday life, but says: "Wow! Well, you're still the beast!

The main rule, of course, is the emancipation of both partners during sexual contact in bed. And in this case, it doesn’t matter whether everything said in bed will carry a certain semantic load or not, because in order to approve the partner’s actions or express your feelings, it is enough to use short words or statements, for example, “more”, “ mmm…”, “yes!”. In such statements, one can perfectly hear not only sexual desire, but also love for a partner, pleasure and impatience derived from his caresses.

Next, you probably need to discuss a rather controversial definition - "obscene expressions" in bed. The reasons for the satisfaction that partners can get by hearing rudeness during sex are a thing of the distant past. A hard life forced people then simply not to pay much attention to caresses during sex. That is, men then lived according to the only and main principle: he came, he saw, he conquered. They did not think about what to say in bed, they were simply not up to it. And it is for this reason that men during sex may not hold back from strong expressions that speak juicy and passionately, and may even be pleasant for a woman. It is possible that for both partners, obscene language will cause an even greater surge of sexual desire, so you can say in bed what both partners like.

And now we must, of course, remember the groans and screams during sexual contact. In this case, an adequate reaction of the neighbors is a rather significant factor. In all other respects, the partners will be able to do almost anything. By the way, it is not at all necessary that during sex, moans are heard only from the side of the partner, while the partner, courageously squeezing his lips, would be silent, like partisans during interrogation. Neither partner is obliged to limit himself. Both a woman and a man can do in bed whatever they like to do, that is, cry, and laugh, or just be silent. Keep in mind that during sex with a non-regular partner, you need to initially tell him about personal preferences. Otherwise, you can simply scare him. And, perhaps, it will be the love of your life and your soulmate? And you will simply frighten off personal happiness with your own behavior ?!

And another rather difficult question, which concerns whether it is possible to identify one's own sexual desires, while using statements and words for this, for example, “I want you right now!”. So, saying such statements in bed is not only possible, but also necessary. However, this must be done, of course, not on the first day after meeting. But in other cases, you can quite demand if you really want to.