Why don't they return empty dishes? Is it possible to give dishes at home. A sign - why you can’t wash dishes at a party and trust guests with this business. Is it worth letting the guest to the sink. Crockery and other kitchen utensils

It would seem that in the 21st century, during the period of rapid development of science and technology, there is no place for superstitions and prejudices. In practice, things are completely different. You can often observe how, for example, having treated the neighbors with a plate of freshly baked buns, we get back the same plate filled with a “reciprocal” portion of the treat. And vice versa, when we are treated, we strive to give someone else's dishes filled with something tasty.

Not knowing all the signs and superstitions, we instinctively follow them, because we see similar behavior in our mother, grandmother and other people around us. Why is it important to return someone else's dishes full? And why can't you give away empty dishes?

It is believed that from the moment the dishes appear in the house, it must be filled in order not to “get used” to emptiness and thus not attract emptiness into the life of its owner. Empty crockery has supposedly already exhausted all its functionality, and therefore demons and other evil spirits can move into it. Explaining this superstition, people refer to the phrase "a holy place is never empty." Yes, and Domovoi may not like empty dishes in the house. Most likely, the origin of these beliefs is connected with the symbolic meaning of emptiness. Empty dishes become a symbol of an empty and barren life. And who wants his life or the life of the people around him to become hopeless? Therefore, the dishes should not be given empty.

Empty dishes - to loss, full - to well-being

There is a belief among the people that says: “You can’t return empty dishes, you definitely need to put something in - it will turn out good for yourself.” This sign applies not only to dishes, but also to any things in which something can be stored. It is supposed to put a coin in a purse, a couple of things in a suitcase, in a frying pan - part of the delicious that was cooked in it. Then the house of the giver will not be empty, and the table will always be full of treats. It is believed that everything that we give away with dishes will return to us in double size. And vice versa, by giving away empty dishes, we attract even more emptiness and poverty into the house.

Tableware and energy

People who are versed in human energy issues also recommend giving the dishes full. Then the energy in the house will be positive. And washing someone else's dishes before giving them away will help wash away all the evil eye that a stranger could consciously or not convey. To give someone else's dishes empty or, even worse, dirty, means to attract negative energy into your own life, which can lead to health problems and disappointments.

Empty dishes and poverty

Giving away empty dishes or keeping them empty at home - to financial hardship. People who believe in omens believe that even being near empty dishes is dangerous, because an empty object can “suck out” the energy of a person who is unlucky enough to be nearby. And, of course, you can’t pick up empty dishes for those whose energy is weakened by illness or bad mood.

Empty dishes as a gift

According to superstition, empty dishes should not even be given as a gift. The exception is the newlyweds, who like to present a tea set for the wedding. If you decide to present someone with a cup or plate, you should put something inside. No matter what. Otherwise, the donated dishes can bring various financial difficulties to the new owner.

Dishes and psychology

If we consider the everyday side of this superstition, we can see that in fact it is designed to improve relations between people. Taking someone else's dishes and returning them with a gift, a person shows gratitude. It always causes pleasant feelings and desire for further communication. Friendship is the foundation of any relationship.

A lot of traditions and signs have always been associated with dishes. The woman, being the mistress of the house, was responsible for its cleanliness and integrity. Esotericism associates with washing dishes the "washing out" of selfishness and self-interest from one's thoughts.

Can you wash dishes

Washing plates and glasses is equated with bringing happiness and financial well-being to the family. Dirty dishes, which, out of unwillingness to wash, were left in the sink for the night, become an open door into which wealth is rapidly leaving.

Each person has their own special energy in the house. It consists of the energy of each family member - those who live in this house permanently.

Eating is an important part of family life, and not all the signs associated with the dishes from which we eat are so unfounded.

Of course, you go to visit and, like any hospitable hostess, you receive guests at your place. Sometimes it's just a tea party, but the generous Slavic soul most often demands a real feast, where there will be plenty of treats.

The consequence of a rich feast is a mountain of dirty dishes in and around the sink. Sometimes you just want someone to solve this problem for you. But best of all, when tempting offers to help with dirty dishes begin to arrive, politely refuse.

The reason for such a strange decision is the integrity of the energy balance in the house. The close bond between the cookware and the family that uses the cookware on a daily basis does not tolerate outside interference.

A benevolent girlfriend or even a distant relative who fusses around your sink with a foamy sponge in her hands is a direct threat to peace and harmony in the family. Someone believes in such signs, someone does not. In any case, you definitely should not quarrel on this basis!

The best way out of the situation would be a compact dishwasher. Even the simplest model will quickly wash all the dirty dishes for you. So the company gathered at your house will receive all the attention it deserves!

For everything to be good, try to keep the kitchen utensils clean and in order in the house yourself. Do not trust the happiness of your loved ones to anyone else.

Take care of yourself and try to believe in the good! After all, the question here is not only superstition, but also hygiene - no one is reluctant to eat from plates washed in haste.

There is one curious sign that will appeal to most who love to relax, have fun and not do dirty work after - “you can’t wash the dishes while visiting someone.”

Some people, mostly your close friends or relatives, are always willing to help, especially after a long feast when there is a huge amount of dishes left. They politely offer their candidacy for washing, but this sign recommends refusing help and washing dirty dishes yourself.

In the old days, it was believed that the dishes contain powerful energy, which is directly related to the owners of the house. If someone else's hands wash it, it can greatly harm the family and deprive it of its well-being.

There are several reasons for not washing dirty cutlery. Let's analyze each of them.

  • Our ancestors believed that if your acquaintance came to the house in a terrible mood or had a bad relationship with one of the family members and decided to wash the dishes after himself, it means that he wants to harm this house. The guest will fill your plates and cutlery with alien negative energy, which will eventually lead to bad consequences.
  • If a stranger or someone you met literally at this meeting is busy with the dishes, then it is better to remove him from this work as soon as possible. This can greatly affect your financial situation.

Omen Variations

Believe one thing, but situations are different. Almost under each there is a sign associated with washing dishes.

Signs why you can’t wash dishes at a party

  • A frequent visitor and a mountain of dishes. If this frequent visitor is a dear friend or family member, then there is nothing to be afraid of. He has a similar energy with the house, so he will not bring any harm. It simply cannot.
  • Washing dirty dishes at your parents' house. Here you definitely have nothing to fear. This sign promises to strengthen your understanding and portends frequent meetings.
  • Guest and his cup. If your visitor decides to wash the cup after himself, stop him. This can greatly affect your relationship, you may have frequent skirmishes and screams, as well as misunderstanding of each other.
  • Dishes are occupied by people close to you living in another city. This belief has two meanings: Some believe that the help of distant relatives in washing dirty dishes marks more frequent meetings with them, while others believe that this promises a family departure in the near future or a trip.
  • Your friend washes a lot of dishes after himself. One of the worst signs. It is believed that an outsider can “wash out” happiness from your home in this way. And, frankly, this is not polite on the part of the owners.
  • The guest washes both his own dishes and those of others. Almost the same meaning as in the previous situation. This promises a series of problems, serious failures in the family. This person will "wash" not only happiness, but all positive energy in general.

strange signs

  • Your guest refuses to wash the dishes after themselves. There is nothing bad or shameful here. This, on the contrary, will positively affect the well-being of your home. It is believed that if the guest did not clean up after themselves, then your home is safe and secure. You can not be afraid of the penetration of bad people.
  • Washing hands by a guest over a sink with dirty dishes. This sign portends various conflicts and financial problems, various unpleasant events.
  • The husband's mother is engaged in washing dishes while visiting her son-in-law. People believe that this can lead to frequent bickering between family members. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.
  • In particular, they speak negatively about washing dishes in the house of an unmarried girl. The one who helps her with washing will become a stumbling block between an unmarried girl and her female happiness. In some regions, they even believe that they do this only to take their husband away or somehow harm them.
  • If a young girl is busy washing dishes ... Such a sign promises her an early marriage or the marriage of some young guy who is in this house. This is sometimes used in desperate situations.

There are times when the amount of dishes accumulates too much and you cannot physically cope with such a volume. The question is, what to do in such a situation and not incur trouble? Naturally, you can ask your relatives or friends without paying attention to signs, or you can buy a dishwasher and not bother yourself or your guests with such an activity.

I would like to repeat: to believe in these signs is everyone's personal choice. However, there are too many things in the world that we don't know anything about at all.

Who knows, maybe you really need to be more careful with the dishes?

Many unusual signs among the people are passed down from generation to generation and take root firmly for centuries. The fear of a black cat who crossed the road, of returning home if he suddenly forgot something, seven years of misfortune, if you look in a broken mirror ... One of these signs is why you can’t wash dishes at a party.

It would seem that to show respect for the owner and after a noisy feast to help in the kitchen is such a trifle. But there is a strong sign: you don’t even need to offer to wash plates, cups, bowls, spoons. Many housewives will accept such an offer as an insult, and the reason for this is a sign firmly planted in their heads - washing dishes not at home will not lead to good. So why you can’t wash dishes at a party and what kind of superstition this is - let's figure it out.

Since ancient times, dishes have been considered a very personal attribute for a person: every pot and cup in the house is filled with the energy of the household, accumulates it for years. And guests at home are capable of destroying the existing aura or bringing their own, not always positive. You can eat and drink from the dishes of the owners, but in no case should you wash them.

Water is involved in the process of washing - it is she who is able to wash away the energy of the owners, destroy the information accumulated over the years, absorb the negative thoughts of the one who is engaged in washing dishes and transfer them to kitchen utensils.

Everyone knows that it is precisely for its magical properties that water is so important when performing rituals by sorcerers and healers. A guest who decides to wash the dishes can inadvertently take away all the good energy from the house and leave the atmosphere of strife, swearing and conflicts to the household. Also, bring some light into the house.

It all depends on the mood with which the guest washes the dishes and whether even the slightest evil against the hosts is hidden in his soul. Since we cannot be completely sure how friendly this or that person who comes to our house really is, the sign advises not to let anyone other than the household close to the sink.

By the way, in the old days it was believed that the housewife, who entrusted someone else to wash cups and spoons in the house, might be offended by the brownie. And from this home keeper you can expect anything, so it is not recommended to make him angry.

Washing dishes in a strange house is a sign of trouble

It is believed that washing pans, spoons and knives at a party means washing away not only the energy of the hosts, but also destroying their financial situation.

If, nevertheless, after a feast, a mountain of dishes horrifies and discourages the hostess, and there are those who want to help clean it all up, you can reduce the negative sign as follows: give a small fee to voluntary “washers”, thus pay off negative energy.

By the way, unwashed dishes left overnight in the sink also promise trouble for the owners. It is believed that dirty bowls become a kind of portal where prosperity, wealth and financial luck go.

Washing dishes at a party and signs of marriage

The sign of washing dishes is also associated with affairs on the love front. So, in ancient times, people noticed:

To believe or not to believe in the sign of washing dishes at a party is up to you. But every housewife should remember that order in the kitchen is a special energy and aura in the house, cleanliness and harmony are still only her duty and concern. And with what attitude even a good friend can come to the house is unknown.

Also, being in the place of a guest: it is better not to put the hostess in an uncomfortable position by offering her help with dishes. This can destroy mutual understanding and peace not only between you, but also among households. And another solution to the problem with washing dishes can be a dishwasher - here you don’t need to offer help to anyone, and you won’t have to refuse this help. Our ancestors could not even dream of such a thing!

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Since ancient times, people have believed that dishes have powerful energy. Like many household items, it has a strong connection with the owners of the house. Therefore, washing dishes with the wrong hands can bring misfortune to the home, take away happiness from the family. Let's consider the sign in more detail.

Water is the custodian and transmitter of energy

Many polite guests, especially friends, after a plentiful feast or celebration, are not averse to helping the hosts with cleaning the kitchen. But you should not do this, even if you really want to make it easier for the owners.

Water perfectly stores various information and energy, and can also act with it: flush, clean, transfer. Washing dishes means cleaning them not only of dirt, but also of the previously accumulated energy of those who ate from it. Washing cups and plates, the guest removes the energy of the house and its owners from them and fills it with someone else's energy. It can be negative or harmful, and in the future bring trouble to the owners. This is especially important if your helper guest is offended, frustrated, or angry. In addition, other people's hands on the farm can cause resentment of the brownie.

Comes from antiquity

The sign came to us from ancient times. In ancient times, people followed the little things, noticed them and remembered them. Particular attention was paid to the household. So there was a belief that washing dishes in someone else's house can bring trouble. In ancient times, few people were assigned to wash dishes after common gatherings. Such work could be entrusted to relatives, good friends and no one else.

Firstly, it was considered impolite for guests in festive clothes to wash dishes. And secondly, they thought that a person with bad intentions, a bad mood, or simply evil thoughts could bring trouble to the owners of the house. Washing dishes with the wrong hands means washing away his happiness and well-being. The owners may lose their luck, they may have conflicts, financial difficulties and other troubles.

Sign of marriage

This sign is especially necessary to observe if an unmarried girl lives in the house. It is believed that a guest or guest washing dishes in such a house will take away all the suitors from her, “wash” them out of the house. Some people think that this can be done on purpose - in order to take away the groom or husband. And in our time, the belief has been preserved: if others constantly wash the dishes in the house of a girl, she will never be able to get married.

The sign works and vice versa. An unmarried girl should not wash dishes at a married couple's house - this way she can destroy the well-being of the family. It is believed that a husband can leave his wife, and the one who washed the dishes will become her rival.

A good wife is a great hostess

Also, belief is associated with the choice of a wife. Previously, little attention was paid to the feelings of the young, and those who were good at housekeeping were considered the best wives. This was in the first place, since a man should be comfortable living with a woman. A similar sign warns unmarried girls against laziness in housework.

Signs and dreams

This belief is also confirmed by the interpretation of dreams. It's good when a woman dreams about how she washes the dishes on her own. This suggests that everything is fine at home, in union with her husband, loyalty, love and harmony reign. The following dreams are considered bad omens:

  • spouses washing dishes: there is not enough money in the house;
  • married people wash dishes: there are tensions in the house and there is no mutual understanding;
  • the dishwasher washes the dishes: the hostess has problems with independent decision-making.

Now you know why you can't trust other people to wash dishes. If you are a guest yourself, you can help the hosts with cleaning up after a big feast, if you are a family member, a good friend and you have no malicious intent against them.

Signs and superstitions associated with many things do not lose their relevance in the modern world. Use the wisdom of the ancestors so that misfortunes do not take you by surprise.

There are a great many signs about dishes. Some of them promise good luck and prosperity, while others warn of imminent changes in life, and not always positive ones. If you constantly have situations in your home when plates and mugs break or crack, you may need to reconsider your plans for life, change your mind about the decision you are making, or just become more careful.

Eat from one plate: what signs promise

  • As the saying goes, eating from the same plate is imprudent. People thereby doom themselves to a quick quarrel.
  • Another interpretation says that a meal from one plate can reveal to a person your secret thoughts and intentions.
  • Common utensils for eating should not be used because of the possibility of energy influence on each other.

Dishwashing tips

  • Avoid washing dishes at a party. Our ancestors believed that washing dishes washed away happiness and prosperity from the family, so they refused such help.
  • Washing someone else's dishes can provoke an influx of negative energy to the one who volunteered to help. An exception can be made for distant relatives if you want to see them visiting more often. In this case, you can entrust them with washing dishes.
  • You can also wash dishes in the parents' house, thereby strengthening the ties of kinship.
  • According to a sign, a young girl washing someone else's dishes at a party will soon get married, and if the guest washes her hands over dirty dishes, then the owners should prepare for unpleasant news and scandals in the family.
  • If the guest does not offer to help you wash the dishes, then your house will be reliably protected from negative energy.
  • According to a sign, housewives who wash dishes before dawn attract prosperity and well-being to the house.
  • Washing dishes at night will get rid of negative energy and bad thoughts.
  • According to a sign, the dishes are not washed at night, so as not to bring quarrels and problems with money into life.
  • Washed dishes in the early morning promises health to all family members.

Signs about broken dishes

  • If you broke a plate on your birthday, then a happy year awaits you, full of luck and good news.
  • A plate broken on a church holiday promises well-being to the whole family.
  • An unmarried girl who accidentally broke a plate may expect an early invitation to a romantic date.
  • The young man who broke the plate can expect a quick career growth.
  • Cracked dishes for no apparent reason will save you from the negativity accumulated in the house.
  • A married woman may consider a broken plate a warning about possible conflicts with her husband.
  • A married man who accidentally breaks a plate should be prepared to face trouble at work.
  • For older people, such a nuisance promises a lot of money spending.
  • A plate broken at a party does not portend good luck in life, because with it you take part of the negative energy of the owners of someone else's house.
  • A broken plate on Monday promises happiness and luck in the next seven days. If you broke a plate on Tuesday, then you can expect interesting news and profits in your own business. Broken dishes on Wednesday promise trouble and conflict in the business environment. On Thursday, the battle of dishes provokes a series of minor troubles. On Friday, your careless handling of dishes and their "death" will indicate that you are doing your household right. If trouble happens on Saturday, then expect a crowd of guests in the coming days. On Sunday, a broken plate promises peace and happiness in the family.
  • A cup accidentally broken on the floor portends good news for the family, and if you break it on a table or other furniture, then get ready to defend yourself from the attacks of envious people.
  • A broken saucer, according to signs, promises quick pleasant meetings with people whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • Glass transparent dishes promise pleasant chores and an early celebration in a large company of guests.
  • A broken teapot speaks of an imminent meeting with distant relatives who will unexpectedly come to visit you.
  • If the child’s dishes, especially the cup, are broken, the mother should read a prayer over him from the evil eye and corruption.
  • Broken dishes in the bedroom promise health problems.

Dirty dishes tips

  • Dark spots on the plates appear if the owners have to receive unpleasant news.
  • Strange marks that you notice on the dishes may serve as a warning about your dishonesty.
  • If a girl licks a plate, then she will get an elderly bald man as her husband.
  • For young men, such a sign promises an unsympathetic girl with a bad character as a chosen one.
  • If a child licked the plate, then expect good news.
  • A dirty cup in your house promises scandals with your lover, as well as unpleasant gossip against you.
  • According to a sign, a dirty plate promises the arrival of an ill-wisher who will bring negativity into your life.
  • A large number of dirty dishes in the house - to the imminent illness and outflow of material resources.
  • Leave dirty dishes overnight - to damage and the evil eye.
  • According to a sign, dirty dishes left under the bed promise poor health and negative thoughts.

Signs about donating dishes

  • Superstitious people are wary of gifting plates because they believe that such a gift will bring trouble to both the giver and those who receive the gift. In this case, it is worth giving dishes filled with fruits in order to eliminate the occurrence of trouble.
  • A plate donated for the New Year holidays promises a cloudless and financially stable year.
  • The service given as a housewarming gift guarantees the family prosperity and well-being. No wonder our ancestors tried to give the newlyweds a full service so that they quickly get on their feet and be able to manage their household on their own.
  • An increase in income promises a porcelain saucer presented for a birthday. Choose painted things so that the birthday boy blossoms and becomes prettier day by day.
  • If you are presented with a set of cups, then soon your partner may change you.
  • Pots and pans donated by guests promise problems in relations with parents and imminent illness.
  • Giving knives, forks and spoons is a big nuisance.
  • The gift of porcelain, according to signs, promises material well-being, and crystal indicates imminent changes for the better.

Signs about someone else's dishes in the house

  • Someone else's plate in your house leads to financial problems, so it is important to return it to the owners as soon as possible. However, do not forget that a dirty and empty plate will carry negativity for you. Return clean dishes, filling them with sweets or fruits of your choice.
  • If you stole someone else's plate, then a theft will soon happen in your house.
  • Someone else's cup promises a rival and suggests that your spouse has romantic ties on the side.
  • Someone else's glass in the house indicates that one of your relatives has problems with alcohol.
  • If you broke someone else's dishes in your house, then perform a rite of purification from damage.

Signs about cracked dishes

  • A cup with a crack promises betrayal of one of the partners in personal relationships and betrayal in the business sphere.
  • A chipped cup portends discord between spouses.
  • Crooked devices speak of imminent quarrels with relatives.

Signs about new dishes

  • Washing new dishes - to luck and prosperity. According to the sign, the donated dishes are washed to wash away all the negative energy.
  • Our ancestors sprinkled new dishes with salt. Thus, good luck was attracted to the house. The dishes were also sprinkled with sugar to attract "full" life.
  • New dishes are not immediately put on the table, so as not to attract failure.
  • The new dishes are broken, which means you have an evil eye.

Whether you believe in omens or not, try

Probably, each of us had situations when we temporarily used someone else's property or ourselves loaned it to someone for a while. Meanwhile, some things should not be given or borrowed under any circumstances.

Personal hygiene items

Even in case of emergency, you should not lend your towel, handkerchief, soap, washcloth, comb, cosmetics to strangers. These things accumulate a lot of germs, and if we lend them to someone, then the germs enter our body. It’s not worth talking about energy here and in general: since all these objects have an “intimate” purpose, they carry a very strong one. And if someone else used the thing, we may not feel very good. And the consequences in some cases can be quite serious. It is also possible that the borrowed thing will become the subject of witchcraft.

Clothing and footwear

Who among us has not asked a girlfriend for some thing to “wear”? In fact, this is not so much unhygienic (after all, a dress or a blouse can be washed), but not harmless from the point of view of the same energy.

Parapsychologists say that by giving other people items of clothing and shoes that we used previously, we give away a piece of our luck. And if before that everything was fine with us, then a less fortunate friend’s life can suddenly improve, but for us, on the contrary, it can deteriorate.

It is recommended to give things away only if you have not worn them for a long time. And it is better to donate or sell such a thing, and not give it away for a while. In this case, the energy connection with the former owner is broken. Just remember to wash and clean the item thoroughly before handing it over to the wrong hands.


Women and girls often borrow jewelry from their girlfriends to go on a date or a party. But, when borrowing a ring, earrings or necklace, you should remember that the jewelry is worn by the one who wore it before. Stones and metals easily absorb the aura of their former owners. And some of them are hard to endure the "transition" to the new owner. Therefore, do not be surprised if your head hurts in other people's earrings. You should not borrow jewelry from someone who is ill with something, who is pursued by failures or a person with a difficult character. You can "get infected" with his problems. You should be especially careful with family jewels, the history of which you do not know anything about. Some of them are able to bring on a new mistress, even temporary, all sorts of misfortunes, troubles in finances and personal life. There are times when everything was fine in a woman’s life, but as soon as she had a piece of jewelry that used to belong to someone else, everything went awry.

You should also not let your jewelry “wear” it, especially after you yourself have worn it for a long time. If you absolutely need to give the jewelry to someone, rinse it thoroughly with cold running water or carry out another cleaning procedure. The same if the decoration was lent to you.


Trips to the neighbors "for salt" have already become the talk of the town. Salt ran out, so why not look at a neighbor?

Meanwhile, experts on argue that crystalline substances, such as salt and sugar, are able to absorb information about those who held them in their hands. As well as the energy of the previous owners. Therefore, if desired, you can use borrowed sugar and salt in witchcraft rituals.

Now these products are not in short supply. Therefore, the visit of a neighbor for salt or granulated sugar looks at least suspicious. If it is already impossible to refuse under any pretext, try at least not to transfer the container with bulk substance from hand to hand, put it on a cabinet or chest of drawers. And it is also customary to take at least a nominal fee for this, then failures will not haunt you.

It happens that a neighbor asks for bread - they say, the house is over, but there is no time to go to the store or the shops have already closed. They say that in no case should you give away the last piece or crust - this will lead to poverty. It is undesirable to share bread after sunset - failure awaits you. It is still impossible to pass any products through the threshold, otherwise you will “give away” happiness from home.

Crockery and other kitchen utensils

Even in the Soviet years, it was customary to lend plates, bowls, cups, glasses, spoons, forks and knives to neighbors, for example, for a wedding or anniversary, when many guests were expected. Nowadays, such events are usually celebrated in cafes and restaurants. At home, extensive feasts are extremely rare.

But, if you were asked for something from kitchen utensils, then it is undesirable to borrow it. Firstly, where is the guarantee that a sick or contagious person will not use a plate or fork? And even the dishwasher is not always able to wash off the infection. Secondly, objects absorb the energy of those who used them. And we are talking about the dishes from which they eat. Thirdly, through utensils, if desired, it is very easy to damage. As a result, quarrels, health problems and other "charms" await you. By the way, it’s better not to use someone else’s dishes yourself. If there is not enough for everyone, now there are always disposable cutlery on sale.

cleaning tools

Many signs and beliefs were associated with brooms and other utensils intended for cleaning in the old days. So, a broom was used to rid the home of negative energies, for various purposes. It was impossible to sweep the garbage out of the house, it was necessary to put the broom only with the handle down, otherwise there would be no money, etc. It was believed that you can not trust strangers to clean the house - they can sweep good luck out of the house.
It is dangerous to lend someone a broom or mop. If you can’t refuse, then it’s better to give this thing away for good, then buy a new one. Otherwise, finances will “leave” the house.

Who among us is not superstitious, may I ask? They say that we are basically a peasant nation, and we still live in an animated world that speaks to us and even sends messages - in the language of signs. As a former folklorist, I have collected many of these signs. There are those that you won’t take seriously - black cats don’t affect me, apparently, I love them so much.

But I take those signs that are associated with dishes seriously. No self-hypnosis - a simple life experience! That's why in my kitchen you will never find cracked plates, scratched cups and teapots with broken spouts. Do you want to know why? Will explain.

They say that if something breaks in the kitchen, it's good luck. But I noticed that if someone broke a plate or a mug, then troubles begin in the family. I decided to delve into the history of this sign and quickly discovered that - yes, in fact, the dishes are beating for trouble. But in order to appease the spirits, our ancestors hurried to shout: “Fortunately!”. Say, maybe it will carry. So, either don't beat the dishes, or yell at once, that there is urine: "Fortunately, this is fortunately!". And if you broke someone else's dishes, then you were jinxed.

  • You can’t keep damaged dishes at home, utensils with cracks - this is at a loss, to the loss of money and well-being. That's how they think from time immemorial. Do not scare away your luck, do not spare money for a new teapot!
  • Do not break anything glass in the house, otherwise honesty and harmony will leave it.
  • However, earlier, when the newlyweds left the bedroom after the wedding night, the mother-in-law broke a glass in front of them. It is a sign that the young lost her innocence at the right time. But find now the newlyweds who lost their virginity after the wedding ...
  • If something from the dishes broke at a birthday party, it will be possible to throw away the pieces only after the last guest leaves.

The magic of forks, spoons, knives

If you dropped your fork or spoon, it means that a woman will come to your house soon. Moreover, if a fork, then a thin woman - in the sense, harmful, bringing evil. If you dropped a knife - wait for the man to visit. If you don’t need anyone visiting, knock on the window three times with a dropped fork or spoon - the guests will be canceled.

When setting the table, put the salt shaker first to avoid quarrels. Then put down your forks and spoons. If a woman first puts the plates with food, and then, as a reminder, hurriedly runs after the appliances, then she is a bad wife and mistress. If suddenly there is an extra fork or spoon on the table, expect guests soon. Little home magic - put a knife under the tablecloth during large and responsible feasts. Then all the guests will praise your cooking and your welcoming home.

You can’t stick a knife into bread and leave it like that - this is a sign of disrespect for food, and fate will repay you with poverty. And in many French villages, they believe that bread can only be broken, and the one who cuts it defiles the food and spoils the baker. Never leave a knife on the table overnight - this is a sign of quarrels and strife in the family, unfortunately. Do not keep dull knives in the house - and you yourself will become stupid. With this, scare your husband if he is completely lazy and does not want to sharpen knives.

About clean and dirty, empty and full

Never leave unwashed dishes on the table, in the sink, or anywhere else. You will terribly anger the brownie, and it is better not to quarrel with him - things will begin to disappear and break. And finally, dirt attracts poverty and strife into the house. But try to wash all the utensils in the evening, you can’t wash the dishes at night if you don’t want quarrels and problems with money.

An empty bottle must not only be immediately removed from the table, according to an old Russian sign, but it is better to take it out of the house as soon as possible. And then there will be trouble with money.

If you took a plate from someone, then give it back filled with something - sugar, cereals, buns. This is so that your family will never know the lack of food, and the one who gave the dishes will never refuse to help later. But, in general, try not to borrow dishes and give someone else's as soon as possible. They believed in the old days - someone else's cup for male infidelity.

Use utensils only for their intended purpose. No need to store nuts in glasses, buttons in cups, and so on. This is almost blasphemy, a violation of ancient traditions and a sure way to anger the ancestors.

Signs and manners

And I also have a wonderful excuse when someone expects that I will wash the dishes at a party. I refuse under the most plausible pretext: to wash dishes in a strange house - to bring poverty and misfortune to this house. So, I can eat, that’s welcome, but to clean up after myself is not, thank you. I love you too much, dear hosts. Happiness to you!

  • Never eat from the same plate, especially with another woman! Otherwise, you will have to share one man.
  • If you give someone a set for a housewarming party, then this is a very good sign: the family will be prosperous and prosperous. Try to make the service from a large number of items.
  • And there are some very funny things. For example, if a girl licks a plate, she will marry a bald man. But if a child licked the plate, expect good news.
  • Got a bay leaf in a plate? Wait for letters!
  • Do not leave a teaspoon in a cup when you drink tea - you won’t believe it, but according to an old saying, this is not only a vulgar habit, but also a way to get drunk on “tea with devils” - they, like a bridge, will go down to you in a mug on this very spoon .


  • It seems that most of all in our life it will be connected with dishes. And this is clearly no coincidence. Food for our ancestors was a sacred ritual, and it is better to take it seriously - and now.
  • It is not necessary to panic because of every broken mug and prepare for the invasion of troubles. Many signs, especially those related to cleanliness and order in the house, contain a lot of common sense. If only superstition can make you wash dishes at night, be superstitious. Your cockroaches will be very upset.
  • Signs organize not only home life, but also the rules of hospitality. Study them so as not to inadvertently frighten the superstitious owners for whom you rush to wash the dishes.

To believe in folk signs or not, each person decides for himself. Signs are a kind of experience accumulated by mankind. Maybe you should listen to his advice sometimes. Today we will talk about the signs associated with dishes, in particular, with someone else's dishes in your home.
According to popular beliefs, someone else's dishes in the house are always in trouble, they violate the existing energy of your house, and can lead to damage and the evil eye. The longer it stays with you, the stronger the negative consequences.
Try not to give away your dishes and, as soon as possible, give someone else's, if you have it

Someone else's cup in the house is a rival, her husband's lover, secret connections on the side. Pay close attention to relationships.

Someone else's glass or glass in the house promises health problems, possibly related to alcohol.

Someone else's plate or dish in the house brings financial problems, big debts and excessive spending to the family.

A lot of other people's dishes in the house - big health and relationship problems, frequent quarrels and misunderstandings, perhaps a divorce of the spouses or a serious illness of one of the family members.

A stolen plate brought into the house portends theft. This means that a loved one can be taken away from you.

To break someone else's dishes means that you have been jinxed.

To give the dishes and not get them back - to energy exhaustion, you may feel bad or you will suffer a series of failures.

Washing someone else's borrowed dishes means washing away all the damage and the evil eye that a stranger or ill-wisher could bring on you.

Returning someone else's dishes dirty or empty means attracting "empty" energy into your life, experiencing health problems and disappointments.

To return someone else's dishes filled - to attract positive energy, improve relations with people.

If a stranger washes dishes at a party - deprives the owners of the house of good luck and destroys the family, harms the energy of the house, especially if there is at least one unmarried girl in the family, then the guest washing the dishes will take away all her suitors and all personal happiness.