Sweating in children - symptoms and methods of treatment. How not to confuse prickly heat in children with other diseases. Symptoms, treatment and prevention of sweating in children of different ages What is better for sweating in children

Prickly heat is an irritation of the skin due to an imbalance between the release of sweat and its evaporation. Most often, children under one year old are susceptible to the disease, but it can occur both in children of different ages and in adults (in rare cases).

The reasons for its occurrence

In order to avoid overheating of the body, the human sweat glands secrete a special secret that can accumulate in the skin and cause redness and irritation. This skin secret consists of salts, urea and ammonia - such a mixture, remaining under the skin for a long time and on it, has an irritating effect (a weak chemical burn).

Due to the fact that children's skin is much thinner than that of adults, is better supplied with blood and contains a lot of water, it is easily injured and quickly overheats. At the same time, the child's sweat glands function from the first weeks of life, and the duct channels through which the secret is excreted from the body are formed only by 5-6 years.

As a result, the appearance of prickly heat in children in the vast majority of cases is caused precisely by increased sweating and clogged pores.

What are the most common reasons children sweat?


When a child is dressed too warmly, his skin begins to perspire, as there is simply nowhere for moisture to go (especially if he is wearing clothes made of synthetic materials). If you notice that after a walk your baby is sweaty, then you should think: did you overdo it with dressing him?

That is why (and not at all unreasonably) prickly heat is called the disease of overly caring mothers. It is worth noting that the disease most often manifests itself mainly in the hot summer, so try to always have fresh air at home (air conditioning, fan), but so that there are no drafts.


Wet and sticky from sweat, the skin is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, therefore, prickly heat often occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

To avoid this, wash your child more often, bathe or, in the absence of running water, wipe his skin with wet wipes or moistened cotton pads. Also in the summer it is better to do without diapers if possible.


When a child has a fever, his sweating intensifies, prickly heat here is secondary. In this case, it is better to direct efforts to combat the primary disease - to treat the infection.

Use of oily creams

Often, parents begin to smear the skin of children with creams that are not suitable for their delicate skin, which again leads to clogged pores and the appearance of prickly heat. It should be remembered that creams are good, but it is very important to ensure that they do not irritate children's skin and are well absorbed.

Too tight clothing or diaper

In places where the material fits snugly against the child’s body, the skin begins to rot, so you just need to use larger items (do not dress the baby in overly tight and especially synthetic clothes and small diapers). Also, sweating can occur if the baby is allergic to the diaper material.


Overweight children sweat much more often than normal weight babies. In addition, they often have a metabolic disorder, which may be a sign of some other, more serious disease. In this case, in addition to fighting sweating, you need to consult a doctor and carefully monitor the child's diet.


A metabolic disorder associated with a lack of vitamin D in the body is characterized, among other things, by abnormally profuse sweating (wet pillow syndrome). It, in turn, leads to the appearance of prickly heat.

In this case, you need to urgently treat the root cause in order to make up for the lack of important trace elements in the body and normalize metabolism, as well as walk in the sun as much as possible.

In what places does sweating usually occur, and what does it look like?

In most cases, prickly heat occurs in places that are most prone to sweating, that is, on the neck, in places of natural folds, on the face, behind the ears, on the back of the head, at the top of the back, on the chest and bottom of the child.

However, it can also spread throughout the body if left untreated.

Outwardly, the sweatshirt looks like whitish or pinkish vesicles on the skin (in the photo above you can see several examples), which can be combined into larger ones. The color and size of the rash, as well as the symptoms associated with it, depend on the type of disease.

Varieties and symptoms of the disease

Medical practice distinguishes the following types of prickly heat:


This subspecies is a rash in the form of whitish vesicles about two millimeters in size (usually on the upper body), which can coalesce into larger vesicles. Infants are more likely to be affected by this type of prickly heat.

The rash usually disappears on its own in a couple of days, without causing much inconvenience to the child, so if you are sure of the diagnosis, there is no need to use special ointments and creams. You should consult a doctor only if other symptoms that are not similar to sweating have been added to the above signs.


It is characterized by the presence on the skin of bright red nodules or vesicles that do not merge with each other, as was the case with crystal prickly heat. When touching the area affected by the rash, the child may experience pain and itching.

Red sweat is usually treated according to the instructions of the attending physician.

Usually in this case, the following treatment is prescribed:

  • local antiseptics: boric, salicylic acid, potassium permanganate (in the form of solutions);
  • antihistamines;
  • baths with calendula and chamomile (they have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin);
  • ointments and products containing zinc oxide;
  • talc and other powders containing zinc oxide.


It is a rash, which consists of pinkish and flesh-colored bubbles with a diameter of up to three millimeters, can appear on any part of the body.

This form of prickly heat often occurs in adults who previously suffered from red prickly heat and live in places where there is high humidity. However, sometimes it can also occur in children. This type of disease is dangerous because the sweat glands in the areas of inflammation are depleted and the skin dries out from lack of moisture (anhidrosis).

Deep prickly heat can provoke the appearance of skin eczema and other infectious diseases, so if the baby has a temperature or, especially, a fever, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

How to distinguish sweating from other types of rash?

Prickly heat in children appears in the form of skin redness and rash, but it is often confused with urticaria, diathesis, lichen, dermatitis, measles or allergies. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish it from other diseases, even from a photo, therefore, in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor and take tests.

Usually, prickly heat begins with the formation of small pink dots on the skin, and then turns red and increases in size, bubbles appear with a clear liquid inside, and when they burst, the skin begins to peel off, and prickly heat can also be identified by the constantly weeping skin of the baby.

If a child tries to comb the rashes, and compliance with hygiene rules does not work, then this is a clear signal that the baby has some other disease.

How to get rid of the disease at home?

  1. Dress your child for the weather. Every mother eventually begins to understand whether her child will be hot in one or another clothes.
  2. Make sure the clothes fit the child. The skin often sweats and sweats in places where the fabric is too tight. In addition, if the baby is a boy, make sure that his testicles do not sweat, to do this, change his diaper more often and, if possible, try to do without him, or use breathable diapers.

  1. Wash, wash and bathe the child more often, make sure that he is always clean, carefully follow the rules of hygiene - this is the most powerful weapon against not only this disease, but many others.
  2. After bathing, let all the moisture from the skin (especially in places of natural folds) soak into a towel before dressing the child.
  3. Ensure that the house has fresh air at all times, but without drafts.
  4. Let the baby's skin breathe as much as possible, use less creams, take air baths.

Folk recipes

Infusions and solutions for bathing

  1. A decoction of bay leaves. It has a strong antibacterial property and is great for soothing baby's irritated skin (15 sheets per liter of water, simmer for 15 minutes on low heat, then add to a bath tub). Already on the second day, the redness disappears.
  2. Infusion of succession to relieve inflammation from the skin and prevention (4 sachets per liter, poured with boiling water and brewed like tea, then added to the bath for bathing a child).
  3. Also, an infusion of calendula will help relieve inflammation with sweating (20 g of leaves pour boiling water, let it brew, strain and add to the bath for bathing);
  4. Bathing in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. However, you need to remember that it has a drying effect, so do not overdo it with the concentration of the substance (the color of the water should be barely pinkish).
  5. Oak bark: brew about 20 g of bark with a liter of boiling water, wait until it cools down, add to the bath.
  6. Add a couple of drops of lavender oil to 50 ml of milk, pour the resulting mixture into a bath.

Rash Treatments

  1. Treatment of inflamed areas of the skin with a decoction of chamomile relieves redness and soothes (a bag of chamomile must be poured with boiling water, allowed to cool, then strain, moisten a cotton swab with it and treat the baby's skin).
  2. In equal proportions, mix water with vodka or calendula infusion; with a cotton swab moistened with liquid, wipe the areas affected by prickly heat.
  3. Hold 100 ml of sunflower oil in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour, then lubricate the inflamed areas with it (it has a healing effect);
  4. Laundry soap without additives (while bathing, lather your hand and walk it over reddened places).
  5. Soda: pour about a quarter of a glass, pour boiling water, moisten a cotton swab with the resulting liquid and treat the inflamed skin.
  6. Potato starch: pour half a glass of starch with hot water, stir, then add the mixture to a bucket of warm water, put the child in the bath and pour over (the water should be about 30 degrees), do not rinse.

Recipes for ingestion

It is very useful to include freshly squeezed carrot juice in the child's diet (can be mixed with apple juice). It contains vitamin A, which is responsible for skin health.

The following products will also help to bring the baby's skin in order and normalize the metabolism: pomegranate, sorrel, plum and lentils. If possible, it is also very desirable to include them in your baby's menu to help him quickly cope with sweating.

Pharmacy funds

Means for disinfection: boric and salicylic acid. Alcohol infusion of acid is carefully treated with the skin of a child around (!) Redness (if it comes into direct contact with inflamed areas, the skin can get burned!).

The reddenings themselves in children are allowed to be periodically treated with alcohol solutions of fucorcin or chlorophyllipt.

To make the child's skin sweat less, use talcum powder - it will absorb excess moisture. Also for these purposes, you can use baby powder, which is now on sale in a wide range.

Salicylic-zinc ointment also has a drying effect, it can be applied to inflamed areas several times a day.

What should not be done during treatment?

  1. It is impossible to smear the areas of the body affected by prickly heat in children with a cream - this is fraught with complications.
  2. During the period of illness, try to bathe the baby about three times a day, but use soap only once (once every three baths).
  3. Don't leave your baby in diapers for a long time.
  4. When purulent pimples appear, in no case do not self-medicate, since pus is a sure sign of an infection entering the body. Here the only right decision is to see a doctor and do tests.

Prevention of the appearance of prickly heat in a child

Prevention of prickly heat in children primarily consists in observing the rules of hygiene and other precautions:

  1. Never wrap a child too tightly and do not dress too warmly: if it is more than 20 degrees at home, then he simply cannot physically freeze.
  2. When caring for a child, use only hypoallergenic water-based products. Children have special skin: if an adult has an acidic pH level, then in babies it is neutral, therefore, products for their delicate skin should have the appropriate composition and properties.

  1. Choose baby creams according to the season (fatty creams are best used in the cold season).
  2. Feed your baby a balanced diet, but don't overfeed.
  3. Make sure that the child and all of his skin breathe freely and fresh air.
  4. Bathe more often, add decoctions of herbs to the bath to soothe the skin.
  5. Dress your baby in natural fabrics (cotton, linen), especially in summer.

Prickly heat can occur in any child, there is nothing to be afraid of, and in the vast majority of cases, mothers do just fine without the help of a doctor. However, remember, this is not a disease that will go away on its own, without taking any measures!

Therefore, in order to avoid its repetition again and again, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the baby's skin, and then everything will be in order!

Many parents are familiar with the situation when their child has prickly heat. The body of a peanut is designed in such a way that its sweat glands at this age work very actively, and the pores have not yet developed enough to sweat out. However, in some children, the inflammatory process on the skin appears even at an older age. Therefore, when sweating occurs in babies, how to treat it and what to do for prevention are questions that concern many parents.

Where does sweating occur?

As a rule, this skin disease manifests itself in places of folds, namely: on the neck, shoulders and elbows. It can occur in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits and buttocks, it also affects the upper back zones and behind the ears of the child. To know how it is necessary to be able to recognize the symptoms of the disease.

anxiety symptoms

The first symptoms of prickly heat on the baby's neck are a red or pink rash, which can be either in the form of spots or in the form of blisters. The spots most often have a diameter of 1-2 mm, and the bubbles are filled with a clear or cloudy liquid. After they burst, an unpleasant one appears in their place. As soon as the peeling passes, there are no traces of the disease on the neck of the baby.

About the types of prickly heat

Doctors divide this disease into several types. So, sweatshirt is crystalline and red. Therapeutic measures also differ depending on the type and symptoms of the disease. So what and how to quickly stop the symptoms that appear? The answers to these questions are given below.

Treatment of sweating in the baby

If a crystal prickly heat has arisen, then it can be recognized by a pearly and white rash. Bubbles also appear, filled with a white transparent liquid, which tend to burst quickly, forming

As a rule, the disease develops in children aged 2 to 5 months, but it can also occur in the older period. When baby sweat appears, how to treat the baby? Use the following tips:

  • Change your baby's diapers regularly.
  • Periodically ventilate the room in which the baby is located.
  • Keep the child clean, making sure that the clothes are light and made from natural fabrics.

This disease often resolves on its own, so no special treatment is required.

If a rash appears on the baby's body, which is vesicles and nodules with reddened skin around, these are signs of red prickly heat. Also, quite often with such an inflammatory process, another unpleasant symptom appears - itching. The disease develops most often at the 6-8th month of the life of the crumbs, sometimes at an older age.

How to treat sweating in babies in this case? To do this, you need to eliminate the factors contributing to this disease. Such a reason can be, for example, an increased temperature in the apartment. Also, to improve the condition of the child's skin, you can use special products, for example, Bepanten, Fenistil-gel, etc.

Local treatment of prickly heat

When baby sweats appear, its treatment is a matter that worries parents very much, since this phenomenon occurs quite often. How to help the baby in order to quickly stop the symptoms and prevent complications that may be the cause of the development of other, more serious diseases? Is local therapy possible to eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin? Parents always look for answers to such questions when there is sweating in babies. Its treatment should begin after consulting a pediatrician and establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Doctors recommend using various powders. For example, if you ask the question: “How to treat sweaty skin on the face?”, Then a qualified specialist will recommend the use. This remedy is very effective: it has the necessary anti-inflammatory effect, and also dries the affected areas on the skin, bringing the child closer to recovery. The ointment is applied to the inflamed surface with a frequency of up to 6 times a day.

Also, ointments containing zinc in their composition are also suitable for the treatment of prickly heat. An example is the Calamine remedy, which is very effective in solving such a problem as sweating in babies. The positive effect is observed quite quickly: itching and inflammation are removed. Using which contains zinc, you will save the child from the problem of prickly heat in the groin area.

But how to treat sweating in a baby, if home therapy still does not give the desired result, the child's condition worsens and even the temperature rises? In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Only a pediatrician will be able to competently examine the child, prescribe a diagnosis and answer the question: “If babies have a sweat, how to treat the disease correctly and how to prevent complications for the body?”

Baby sweating on the face

Treatment of this disease is usually not super-heavy or very long. All that is needed to speed up the recovery of the baby is to take care of the hygiene of the child and immediately eliminate those factors that could provoke the inflammatory process.

Some mothers try to bring the skin on the baby's face into good condition with the help of compresses and lotions. Such methods are strongly discouraged. Because they not only do not contribute to recovery, but also cause complications, because they moisturize the skin even more. But when sweating occurs in babies, how to treat it without resorting to chemicals?

Washing with a weak solution of chamomile is suitable for eliminating prickly heat under the nose and under the lower lip. This tool is great for crumbs, because it almost never causes an allergic reaction. And also chamomile is known for being an excellent natural antiseptic.

How to treat sweating on the neck?

When there is sweating on the neck, how to treat it correctly? Only a pediatrician can answer this question. But to alleviate the condition of the child can be quite simple and effective ways. For example, rinse your neck with warm boiled water, then powder can be applied to clean, dry skin. It must first be distributed over the palm of your hand, and then applied with gentle movements to the affected areas of the skin so that the blisters (if any) do not burst.

If this treatment does not help, it is important not to delay the visit to the doctor, because prickly heat in an aggravated condition can harm the child's health, cause a fever and affect his well-being.

Other treatments

In the cold season, baby sweats may also appear. How to treat it in this case?

  • Your child is at risk of getting prickly heat if you constantly wrap him in all sorts of warm flannel clothes. This clothing should only be worn in moderation.
  • Increase the number of baths with the infusion of succession (6 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of water). The sequence tends to dry out the skin, so use it until the rash passes.

If the disease worsened, how to treat a child's sweat in this case?

  • Do not abuse creams and oils, because they nourish the skin, and also form a film that does not allow the skin to "breathe".
  • Once a day, treat the affected areas on the body with brilliant green (but before that, be sure to show the rash to the doctor!).
  • If itching is a problem, apply a piece of terry cloth soaked in cold water to the places where the rash is present (then the skin must be thoroughly blotted and dried).

Possible consequences

Miliaria does not cause any special health complications in children, but often provokes unbearable itching. Such discomfort can be the root cause of the fact that a seemingly harmless phenomenon will develop into an infectious disease. After all, if a child constantly combs the places affected by prickly heat, an infection can get there, causing the appearance of bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

An acute inflammatory process of infected skin is often accompanied by suppuration and often leads to an increase in temperature in a child. He becomes capricious, restless, sleeps badly. With improper and ineffective treatment, the baby's health may worsen. In such a situation, you should not hesitate, but contact a dermatologist for help.


Avoiding prickly heat is not difficult at an early (and not only) age, given a few simple rules:

Children always bring us strong emotions - joy when they are healthy and cheerful and excitement when they are sick. Prickly heat is a fairly common disease in babies under one year old, but it is not uncommon for children 2-3 years old.

From this material you will learn how to treat and diagnose it. Photos of prickly heat in children under one year old will help you better understand whether your child has this disease and start treating it correctly.

What it is

Classic prickly heat is skin irritation due to sweating disorders. Children have a particularly delicate epithelium, its thickness is small, so they are more often exposed to this unpleasant disease.

The glands that secrete sweat function properly from the moment when the baby is a month old and even earlier, but the ducts do not always form until the age of six. That is why the disease occurs in children under 5 years of age very often.

It is of the following types:

  • red;
  • crystalline;
  • deep.

Sometimes exudative-catarrhal diathesis is taken for prickly heat, which is a separate variety and requires a different, special treatment.

If the irritation on the skin is not paid attention and action is not taken, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis may develop.

Symptoms: what does prickly heat look like in children

If your baby's skin is reddened and pink dots are visible in places, these are most likely symptoms. But there may be other signs: with a crystalline variety, pearl-colored bubbles will appear on smooth, not red skin. They flake when combed and dry out after a couple of days.

Does the skin itch if the baby is sick? If the type of ailment is red, then white bubbles or nodules will appear, the skin will turn red, the affected areas will burn and itch.

They are ill with this variety for about two weeks. The deep type of the disease is characterized by vesicles that merge in tone with the skin, which quickly appear and heal quickly.

Places of origin

It happens that the rash is located on the whole body, and it happens that it appears locally. Most often, prickly heat occurs on the neck and back of a child, on top of the chest, on the head or in the armpits, as well as in natural folds.

Sweating on the face of a child is less common, but occurs - as a rule, in the forehead. If the disease has overtaken the intimate parts of the body, it can turn into diaper rash if you do not change the diaper for a long time - under the influence of friction and excrement.

It's worth starting to worry when the skin begins to get wet. This usually happens in the armpits and folds. If at the same time the temperature rises, cracks and abscesses appear, he becomes unnecessarily restless or unusually lethargic, you need to urgently go to the doctor. If all these signs are not present, you can try to cope on your own by applying treatment with folk remedies or pharmacy ointments.

How to distinguish from other diseases

Sometimes parents provide the baby with proper care, but do not disappear.

This may mean that something else is disguised as a sweatshirt, it could be:

  • diathesis (in this case, there will be white scales and rashes on the head and limbs, they may appear);
  • scarlet fever;
  • allergy;
  • hives;
  • measles;
  • (usually it happens in children after a year);

It is best to consult a doctor for any rashes so that he can determine the cause visually or take bacteria for sowing.

Causes and prevention

The disease is caused by the following causes, manifested in the aggregate:

  • overheating;
  • heavy sweating;
  • duct blockage.

The little man is hot, he sweats, and the tubules, whose task is to remove this liquid, are not yet sufficiently developed, therefore they become clogged with skin cells.

The following reasons contribute to the appearance of ailments:

  • excessive wrapping of the baby;
  • prolonged exposure to heat;
  • increased air humidity;
  • allergy;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infrequent diaper change;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • friction;
  • oily creams.

Here's how to get rid of the disease and prevent its occurrence:

  • wash the baby after using the toilet;
  • do not wrap it too tightly even in the cold;
  • do not wear synthetics on it, preferring cotton;
  • change the diaper on time (about nine times a day);
  • provide air baths;
  • use only hypoallergenic laundry detergents;
  • do not use antibacterial wet wipes or chlorhexidine wipes.

How to get rid of prickly heat in a child

How to cure a baby? First you need to eliminate the factors that contribute to the appearance of prickly heat, which are listed above. After that, you should move on to the fight against rashes.

This is usually done with baths, creams and ointments, or disinfectant solutions. All this can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Folk remedies

A well-known remedy used by our grandmothers is herbal decoctions. It will help, even if the sweat is strong. Here's how to treat children with infusions.

Take three tablespoons of each of these ingredients:

  • oak bark;
  • series of ordinary;
  • chamomile pharmacy.

Pour the raw material with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. After that, strain and pour into the tub. Dilute with water and bathe the son or daughter - let him or she sit there for a while.

Bathing should be repeated daily until the rash disappears. After the bath, dry the skin with a towel and powder with powder. Be careful to keep the body dry.

Another way is to make such a solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiled water. It is better to pour soda with moderately hot water, but not boiling water - in this case it will bubble, and the child will be hot if you start. Dip a cotton swab into the solution and blot the rash, do not rinse.

Pharmacy funds

A 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, ointments with zinc, panthenol or boric acid, lotions with the same components help well from this disease. But ointments against fungi should not be used without the permission of a doctor.

Here are the most effective kerms and ointments for prickly heat:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Baneocin;
  • Desitin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Mustela.

Before spreading, wipe the rash with potassium permanganate or, for example, Nitrofuran. Pour the product onto a cotton swab or gauze and use it locally to treat the foci of infection to cleanse them of sebum and prepare them for the effects of the medicine.


This disease is not so terrible, it occurs both in infants and in children at 2 and 3 years old, and may appear later. Each organism is individual.

To cope with the disease, you must first get rid of high humidity, synthetic clothing, rubbing diapers, and so on, and then turn to folk recipes or drugs from a pharmacy.

If the rash does not go away or the temperature rises, you need to consult a doctor, he will tell you in more detail how to treat prickly heat in a child, and will also be able to distinguish it from another disease. Health to you and your children, may they bring only joy and positive emotions!

If your baby suddenly develops a bright red rash on the neck, under the armpits, under the elastic bands of diapers or panties, do not be alarmed - it is most likely prickly heat. Miliaria, also known as miliaria, is a red rash that develops when a baby overheats in hot, humid weather. Miliaria often develops in skin folds or where clothes come into contact with skin, such as the upper chest, neck, crotch, and underarms. If your baby wears a hat, the rash may appear on his forehead or on his head.

Is sweating something serious?

No, it's just a sign that your baby is too hot. If you do not cool the baby, then the situation may worsen, and he may experience heat stroke. With heatstroke, your baby cannot control their body temperature, the temperature rises and this can lead to dehydration.

What causes sweating in children?

When the heat comes on the street, the baby begins to sweat in order to somehow cool. If the baby sweats too much, then the pores on his skin become clogged and the sweat cannot come out. As a result, sweating appears. Newborns and young children have a particular tendency to develop prickly heat, as their sweat glands are not yet fully formed.

Tight or too tight clothing prevents sweat from being released and this causes skin irritation. Sweating in the chest. can provoke literally everything (and not least - hot weather), as they are actively moving and, therefore, sweat a lot.

Does prickly heat hurt my baby?

No, prickly heat does not cause pain to the baby. However, it can cause itching and burning or skin irritation, which cause a lot of discomfort. In some places, irritation can be especially sensitive.

How to treat prickly heat?

In most cases, prickly heat goes away within a few days. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our recommendations that will help relieve itching and discomfort in your baby:

  • Avoid hot and humid environments. Move to a well-ventilated area and, if your little one moves around a lot, try to calm him down so he sweats less. In hot weather, use a mini fan outside. If the heat persists at night, place a fan next to the baby's crib.

  • Undress your baby or wear only cotton clothes. Do not wear synthetic fabrics (nylon or polyester) as they retain heat. Use clothes made from natural fabrics. However, it is better to undress the baby and let him be without diapers for as long as possible.

  • Let baby's skin "breathe". Wipe those areas of the skin that have a rash. Use a washcloth soaked in cool water, or wash your baby in cool water in the bath or shower. Let his skin air dry on its own. Don't dry your baby with a towel. The longer he walks naked, the sooner the rash will go away.

  • If there are a lot of rashes on the skin, consult a dermatologist. He will assess the condition of the baby and, possibly, prescribe a hydrocortisone cream (0.5%).

Do not use ointments and lotions, as they can increase the rash by not allowing moisture to pass through. Talk to your doctor if your baby has a fever. Your doctor may recommend pediatric paracetamol to help your child feel better and lower their temperature. (Never give your baby aspirin, as it can sometimes cause a life-threatening condition known as Reye's syndrome.)

Carefully monitor the condition of the baby during this period: when the temperature subsides, he may become cold and will need to be warmed up again.

How to avoid sweating in a child?

Dress your baby in loose, light cotton clothing, especially in hot weather. If you are not sure if the baby is overheated or not, feel his skin. Wet and hot skin is a sign that the baby is hot. On hot days, stay at home with your baby or look outside for a shady spot. Make sure your baby is drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Should I show my baby to the doctor when prickly heat appears?

You should consult a doctor if:

  • If the baby has a high temperature (above 39 degrees), which is not reduced by medicines.

  • The rash does not go away after 3-4 days.

  • The rash spreads or suppuration appears.

Skin rashes are not uncommon among children, prickly heat is especially common. Parents are interested in prickly heat in children, photos of it, causes and treatment.

This disease is formed during skin irritation and is a specific form of dermatitis. The reason is the excessive sweating of the child. Most often, newborns are exposed to the disease, because their skin is very delicate and thin. If the disease is recognized in time and a full course of therapy is carried out, complications can be avoided and the baby's discomfort can be alleviated.

Delicate baby skin is very susceptible to all sorts of negative factors. The sweating system is poorly developed, which often provokes the appearance of small red spots, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Prickly heat appears on various parts of the skin, looks like small and large bubbles of a whitish hue. If you provide the crumbs with timely assistance, a serious problem can be avoided, because if you ignore the disease or improper therapy, there is a high risk of infection. In addition, the rashes itch, which greatly interferes with the baby.

Reasons for the formation of the disease

Consider the factors that can provoke this disease:

  • very tight, synthetic clothing, restricting movement and rubbing the skin;
  • poor quality diapers and underwear. Use of cheap personal care products;
  • overheating of the baby, too warm clothes leads to the appearance of a rash. The body of a small person is not able to cope with a large amount of heat, sweats, a "greenhouse effect" is created. In addition, excessive wrapping of the baby can even lead to heat stroke !;
  • if the baby is chubby, he has a lot of folds on the arms and legs, neck;
  • monitor the child's body temperature - this can also cause prickly heat.

For high-quality treatment and prevention, find the cause of the problem - this will be the first and only right solution for your child.

Of course, rashes should be treated with medication, after consulting a doctor.

How to distinguish from allergies?

A characteristic feature of prickly heat is the similarity in appearance with an allergy, for example, urticaria. It is very similar to a common childhood disease - diathesis, which is manifested by massive red rashes on the skin of the face.

The final diagnosis is always solely for the attending physician, but parents should also be able to visually distinguish prickly heat by external signs. This will help to give the baby first aid before going to the doctor.

To make sure that this is not an allergy, you can give the baby antihistamines - medicines that relieve the manifestations of allergies. They significantly reduce the production of mediators of the inflammatory process.

Consult your doctor first - he will prescribe you a drug according to the age category of the child. If the medicine does not work, you should contact your pediatrician. A rash that is not relieved by antihistamines is in most cases prickly heat.

If we talk about diathesis, then this disease is characterized by rashes in the face (cheeks are most exposed). Prickly heat - localized on the neck, and only then goes to the face. In addition to this symptom, diathesis is characterized by solid redness, while miliaria is characterized by nodular formations.

Try to slightly push the skin folds in the affected area: if the redness around the rash turns pale, then you are dealing with prickly heat. If the child has a severe allergy or diathesis, the redness will remain in place.

Sweating is just skin rashes, in which a priori there is no increase in body temperature. If your child has a jump in temperature and at the same time red rashes - things can take a serious turn, you need to urgently consult a doctor - most likely, the baby has severe intoxication of the body caused by an infection.

What is dangerous?

It is impossible to call sweating in a child a terrible full-fledged disease. Most likely, this is just a specific condition of the skin, so it does not pose a serious threat to the health of the child. Of course, it needs to be treated, since the baby is very uncomfortable, because the rashes itch.

In addition, if you do not provide timely medical care, you can get very unpleasant consequences: for example, purulent infectious dermatitis. It is undesirable to start prickly heat, because this is a special condition of the skin in which the dermis becomes very vulnerable to infections.

Do not wrap a child in a hundred clothes

Sweating in a child symptoms and types

There are several types of the disease, each with its own symptoms and signs.

crystal prickly heat

Most often, this type of disease occurs in babies. Symptoms: bubbles appear throughout the body (or its individual parts), which are no more than 1 mm in diameter. They can merge and form a continuous inflamed area of ​​red color.

Sometimes the bubbles can burst and dry out, form crusts, peel off, like chickenpox. Infections, infections may also occur, pustular-type formations appear.

The rash can appear on different parts of the body, mainly on the forehead, shoulders, back or neck. The disease is accompanied by itching, peeling, swelling of the skin, which is very unpleasant for the smallest crumbs. Sometimes the disease can be confused with chickenpox or measles. Often, a secondary infectious process joins the primary symptoms - diaper rash appears.

red prickly heat

With this disease, the bubbles become larger in diameter - they reach 2 mm. Inside them, the contents are yellowish, the rash itself seems to be surrounded by a red border, the boundaries of which are very clear. Bubbles often merge into one affected area, itch a lot, especially if the baby sweats profusely (during the hot season).

The most common localization of the disease is in the buttocks, under the diaper or between the ribs of the baby. These are places of constant friction. Very often this disease is observed in adults. The bases of the vesicles are inflamed, so the rashes are red. They can merge into one area, or they can be homogeneous and rare.

papular miliaria

Most often, this form of the disease is observed in the hot season, when the humidity of the air is significantly increased. What is typical for this type of disease: rashes appear on different parts of the body, up to 2 mm in diameter, colorless (flesh-colored).

Main localization: on the abdomen, chest and sides. Often - on the legs and arms. The disease is accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin and other unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort. It occurs in children much less frequently than other types, requires timely medical attention.

deep prickly heat

Such prickly heat can both arise and disappear very abruptly. The affected area can be any, depending on the localization of the factor - the pathogen. In children, it occurs in the back, groin, neck, face, arms and legs, buttocks.

Rashes often appear in several places at the same time. The reason lies in the wrong temperature regime of the environment, uncomfortable for the child.

Sweating in newborns: photos and what it looks like

If the air temperature rises in a room or environment, the body activates its natural defenses, opening the pores on the skin. Profuse sweating begins, which has a cooling effect.

The sweating system cannot work smoothly if the pores are clogged with a lot of sebum or decorative cosmetics. The fluid from the body evaporates slowly, irritation and redness may form.

Daily hygiene procedures are required

What can irritate the skin with heavy sweating? First of all, salts, which adversely affect the epidermis. From excess sweat, pathogenic microorganisms appear on the surface of the skin, which inflame the glands and form prickly heat.

There are unpleasant small rashes, discomfort, itching. Depending on the type of disease, prickly heat looks different. Most often, the pathogen can leave small bubbles of a transparent color, up to 2 mm in diameter, on the dermis. Sometimes they are much smaller.

Inflammation can appear in a variety of areas, so it is best to consult a doctor to know exactly about the necessary treatment measures.

Prickly heat in children photos of places of localization

The affected areas can be different, they determine the type of disease and the pathogen that caused the onset of the disease. No one is immune from the appearance of sweating - a rash can occur in both infants and adults. Parents need to be able to recognize the nature of the rash in time and prevent the disease from developing further.

So, consider the most common localization of the disease:

  • the appearance of rashes on the inner sides of the arms and legs can be triggered by the child's restlessness, his tearfulness, nervousness. The fact is that babies often sweat their palms and feet - this is the start for the spread of prickly heat throughout the body;
  • if a rash appears in the buttocks and groin area - parents should more carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene of the baby, abandon low-quality, cheap cosmetics and diapers;
  • prickly heat on the back is the reason for wearing low-quality, synthetic clothing and the activity of the baby. But the main stress factor is: the wrong temperature regime in the room;
  • a rash in the armpits indicates excessive sweating of the baby. Most often occurs in chubby children;
  • in a particularly hot season, prickly heat on the face and neck may occur. Do not wrap your child - you not only harm his proper heat transfer, but also risk treating delicate baby skin from red rashes;
  • if the baby has profuse and frequent sweating, prickly heat may appear on the chest and abdomen. There may be several reasons: poor-quality clothing, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene (if the child is sweating, it is better to wash him in warm water and change clothes, especially in summer).

Be sure to take your child to the doctor.

Red prickly heat in children, treatment

Agree, it is much easier to avoid a problem than to fix it later! Note to young parents: how to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in young children, because there is no special cure for prickly heat:

  • buy your child clothes made from 100% cotton or other natural fabrics;
  • do not accustom children to diapers - let the baby's skin breathe;
  • if a rash appears, wipe the affected areas with a swab dipped in warm water;
  • do not wipe the baby's skin dry - let it absorb a little moisture;
  • do not use lotions, creams and ointments of non-organic origin - in addition to allergies, you risk getting an inflammatory process or diaper rash.

If your child is seriously sprinkled, see a doctor. According to the doctor's advice, it is necessary to eliminate not only the rashes, but also the cause of their appearance. When bathing a baby, add herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects: St. John's wort, chamomile, string.

When treating, do not use decorative cosmetics or other means.

Ointments and creams for prickly heat in children: the best remedies

In modern medicine, there are many remedies for treating the unpleasant symptoms of miliaria. Emulsions, creams, solutions, ointments (for itching and flaking) can be used. There are proven means and branches of traditional medicine.

home solutions

If there are no effective medications at hand to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of prickly heat, use improvised methods that will help save your baby from itching:

  • a solution of baking soda and a glass of drinking water is prepared very simply: mix 1 tsp. soda in liquid and moisten the affected area with a cotton pad several times a day;
  • manganese solution also relieves itching well and prevents further rashes and complications;
  • starch solution: 80 grams of powder per 1 glass of liquid helps a lot while bathing.

Ointments against prickly heat

There are many special ointments that are not so expensive and are quite effective for prickly heat:

  • zinc ointment is one of the most popular remedies that actively fights many rashes, even at an advanced stage. It is applied in a thin layer on the cleansed skin of the baby several times a day;
  • "Nystatin" is another popular remedy that needs to be applied along with zinc ointment several times a day;
  • "Bepanten" in the form of an ointment is often used for babies from birth, nourishes the skin and moisturizes it. The skin is restored and becomes smooth.

Creams for prickly heat

In order not to provoke an allergic reaction in delicate baby skin, it is recommended to use creams with a special composition:

  • "Emolium" plant-based cream, nourishes and moisturizes;
  • "Desitin" is actively used for newborn babies;
  • "Mustela" is a universal remedy that is used for children of all ages;
  • "Sudokrem".

What can not be done?

What actions of parents can aggravate the situation and cause symptoms of prickly heat:

  • do not squeeze out the bubbles, do not rub them - this can lead to infection of the inflamed areas, do not irritate the skin additionally;
  • do not smear prickly heat with iodine or brilliant green - for delicate baby skin, this can cause a serious burn;
  • in no case do not treat the baby with antibiotics and antiviral;
  • do not “clog” the child’s pores with a large number of creams and cosmetics - they prevent the skin from breathing, disrupt air circulation, and delay sweating;
  • do not make sudden movements, do not dry the skin. The towel for drying the child should be soft, the movements should be neat, soaking - do not irritate the prickly heat mechanically.

It is necessary to bathe the baby


To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of prickly heat, follow these simple recommendations:

  • the child's room should have a comfortable air temperature, appropriate humidity. You can not overheat and wrap the baby;
  • do not use diapers daily - let the skin breathe. Wear them only in case of emergency - for a walk on the street or at a party;
  • do not buy low-quality synthetic clothes for your child. This also applies to bed linen. This is especially important for babies who are constantly in the crib;
  • bathe the baby constantly;
  • do not overdo it with creams and lotions - children's skin should be minimally exposed to cosmetics. The same applies to powders.

To prevent complications, contact your pediatrician immediately after experiencing uncomfortable symptoms.