All styles. Oriental tattoos - distinctive features of the Oriental style Tattoos in oriental style for girls

Due to its mystery and originality, Eastern culture has long conquered the whole world. The Oriental tattoo style has a large army of fans due to the extensive storyline and rich history. Oriental tattoos are the common name for wearable images associated with Asian countries from Japan and China to India. A distinctive feature of the Oriental style is the large size of the drawing and the play of colors. Often, oriental motifs cover the entire body, leaving only those areas that are in plain sight empty. Bright and colorful motifs with unexpected color transitions are a characteristic feature of such tattoos, but despite the unexpected color schemes, the tattoo looks harmonious. The main motives of oriental tattoos are:

    Flora and fauna;

    Marine motives;

    National representatives: geisha, samurai, monks, sumo wrestlers;

  1. Buddhist symbolism;

    Plots and episodes with travels of fictional characters.

Considering the size and complexity of the Oriental Tattoo, it is necessary to prepare for the staged sketching over several sessions.

The meaning of oriental tattoos

A spectacular and bright oriental tattoo always carries a certain philosophy for its owner and often even changes his fate. Therefore, you should carefully read the meaning of each symbol that you decide to apply to the skin. We will tell you about the most popular heroes of the Oriental tattoo style.

- The Dragon. In the East, the Dragon is a creature that personifies wisdom, strength and respect. The appearance combines several images - a snake body, demonic gzala and eagle claws. If a luminous sphere is depicted in the paws of the dragon, then this is a symbol of control over the natural elements. It is rare to find a cunning and dangerous dragon, most often it is portrayed as benevolent and wise.

- carp koi tattoo. This symbol means moving forward towards your goal. Men prefer to portray Karp Koi, who thus emphasize their warlike temperament, courage, perseverance and masculinity. The colors for the tattoo are usually chosen bright golden, like scales, with blue symbolizing water.

- tiger tattoo in oriental style is a symbol of strength and longevity. Girls, on whose body the tiger lives, want to emphasize their cunning and femininity. Often a tiger is stuffed, which desperately fights evil spirits, which means the protection of the owner of the tattoo from evil spirits.

A rose tattooed in a conspicuous place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, a ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare version of the tattoo, symbolizing perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make tattoos of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, addition, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying "umbrellas" is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and Arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - this is the secret meaning of a tattoo in the form of a key. All doors will open before such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Persistence, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is an ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it’s not far to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a good soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high measure of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in oriental symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, a passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost unnatural four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

Want a tattoo? Decorating your body with drawings or inscriptions has been and will be fashionable. The main thing is to choose the right tattoo, which will not only carry a semantic load, but also stand out with the beauty of the execution. For a talented craftsman, this is a completely doable task.

Making a tattoo: how does it happen?

First important step The way to get a really cool tattoo is to choose a design based on its meaning. For example, a butterfly is very popular among girls, which embodies the symbol of rebirth, a new beginning, and is simply a symbol of freedom and unearthly beauty.

Second step- decide on the style of the tattoo, because the same butterfly can be made in different directions.

Third step- preparation of a sketch and selection of a professional master. It is better to sketch together with the master, so that he has an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe client's desire.

What are the styles of tattoos?

Now the tattoo is primarily decorative in nature, which is why tattoo styles are so often mixed with each other. Nevertheless, it is customary to single out the main, “pure” styles of drawings on the skin.

Ethnic style

The ethnic style of tattoos is the most common, as it combines several directions. These are all kinds of images collected from the history of different peoples. So, ethnic tattoos include:

  • Celtic style, which is clearly recognizable for its characteristic "braid" - an ornament with expressive knots;
  • Indian motifs, among which Mayan and Aztec style tattoos stand out;
  • old school tattoos have regained popularity, today such drawings can be seen on the body of representatives of all segments of the population;
  • oriental style is ideal for expressing strength, devotion, feelings or one's worldview. Most often, tattoo parlor clients want Chinese, Japanese or Indian oriental symbols on their skin. Hieroglyphs do not lose their relevance - beautiful and original at the same time;
  • polynesian is a style of tattoo, which is characterized by images with waves, ribbons, spiral patterns and lines, diverging rays;
  • Scythian is rich in various design techniques, animal motifs;
  • tribal style also refers to ethno-tattoo.

Other styles of tattoos that are popular right now:

  • fantasy style;
  • animalistic;
  • vegetable;
  • Slavic;
  • cybernetic;
  • Black & Grey;
  • dotwork;
  • blackwork tattoo.

How to choose "your" tattoo?

There are really a lot of styles, and each of them contains thousands of drawings, patterns and ornaments - you can get confused in your desires. Here are a few advice to help you choose:

  1. No need to copy someone else's tattoo, even if it's beautiful - be unique!
  2. Study the portfolio of masters - perhaps some of the works will seem close to you in spirit.
  3. Do not think about what tattoos are in fashion, focus on your feelings, because you will have to become related to the pattern on the skin for life.
  4. Remember that a tattoo is more than just mascara under the skin. We make them with the desire to display the innermost particle of the inner world.

Be sure to choose a professional master who will bring to life any of your fantasies.

blue bird of happiness

The tattoo has been known to mankind since ancient times. Initially, the drawings on the body had a sacred meaning, each sign, image, carried a certain message, played a protective role. In modern society, tattoos are stuffed, rather, for beauty. For young people, this is a kind of way to express themselves, say something personal to the world, emphasize individuality and simply decorate the body. Attitudes towards tattoos can be different, but looking at the ornate underwear patterns, it is impossible to remain indifferent. Art lovers are always in the public eye, so they have to increasingly turn to the origins, the sacred meaning of the drawings. This is dictated by the desire through this or that drawing to protect oneself from evil, an evil eye, envy. Therefore, it is important to know what tattoo amulets exist, what is their strength and secret meaning.

Protective tattoos with a secret meaning

In the ancient world, the most devoted fans of tattoos were the Egyptians. They decorated the body with small pictures, each of which had a certain meaning, protecting the body and soul from dark forces, the evil eye. Such a tattoo amulet was applied to children, adults, women and men, regardless of class.

Celtic male pattern

Each nation had special traditions, rules for applying wearable amulets, each image contains a magical meaning, a powerful energy that affects a person’s character. In addition, male and female drawings have a completely different meaning, strength and direction of magical action. Before deciding on such an important life step, it is important to know what amulets are and their meaning.

Owl - a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment

Slavic tattoo amulets

Our ancestors are a wise people, Slavic history, traditions, culture are a valuable heritage for contemporaries. Today, Slavic tattoos are very popular, and this is no coincidence. Each image is a magical message, a powerful energy force emanating from the drawing, so you need to choose it wisely. Runes, solar signs, geometric ornaments, trixels, images of pagan gods - all this symbolized unity, secret knowledge, protection of the forces of higher worlds. The right to choose and apply wearable signs was received exclusively by the ancestor worshipers - the Magi and priests.

Small trixel on the wrist

The gods of the Slavs were masculine and feminine, respectively, the runes also carried female or male energy. Therefore, Slavic tattoos are divided into female and male.

Let's take a closer look at their meaning:

  • Ladinets. One of the most powerful Slavic tattoo amulets for women is Ladinets. It is a symbol of happiness, love, a protector from family adversity. The goddess Lada patronized female beauty, love, in the family a woman called her husband “Lado”, and he answered “Okay”. Ladin is depicted as the sun with rays refracted to the right. Our ancestors believed that this direction is emotionally feminine.
  • Lada Star. The symbol is directly related to the same goddess. Slavic amulets in the form of a star were applied to girls to ensure longevity, a happy female lot. The symbolic star protects women in childbirth, preserves women's health, gives peace and prudence.

Women's amulet
  • Bereginya is another Slavic amulet with powerful female energy. Depicted as a woman with birds in her hands. Slavic tattoos depicting Beregini promise a happy fate, are a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and reverence for ancestors.
  • Kolyadnik. A truly masculine tattoo amulet, which was applied to boys at a young age. It was believed that the sign gives the young man the strength and courage of a warrior, brings good luck, gives wisdom.
  • Svarog square. The primordially male Slavic symbol helps everyone who is engaged in physical work. Russian men at all times were famous for their physical strength, endurance, ability to work. The square of Svarog gave strength, and also endowed the mind of the worker with ingenuity.

Svarog's square on the shield is a powerful symbol of protection

In addition to the symbolic images of pagan gods, it was customary for the ancient Slavs to put signs of runes, images of animals and plants on the body. All drawings served as amulets, talismans for good luck, protectors from diseases, the evil eye and dark forces. After the Baptism of Rus', the art of tattooing began to be eradicated, considering it a manifestation of pagan beliefs. Today, Slavic tattoos are again being treated as a powerful energy source of strength and protection. Ancient amulets and their meaning are magical, if the ancestors believed in their miraculous power, then why shouldn't we follow the established tradition?

Image of animals - totems as a talisman

Oriental tattoos

The East is magic, magic, a separate world in which many seek to gain knowledge of the meaning of life. The oldest tattoo art in Tibet, India, Japan, China includes sacred signs, hieroglyphs, images of flowers, animals, mythical heroes.

The dragon symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance, nobility and wisdom.

Tibet is called the "Roof of the World", it is not accidental, because it is there that a person can learn ancient practices, philosophy, secret teachings, reveal the potential of the soul and body. Tattoos are one of the ways to protect yourself, achieve harmony with your inner self, direct energy in the right direction.

When choosing oriental signs, drawings, patterns for application to the body, you should know about the meaning of each:

  • Ohm. The most powerful Tibetan sign, the personification of sound, symbolizing the beginning of the creation of the world. It is believed that he saves from any life misfortunes, troubles, helps to understand the situation, find the right way out. Such a symbol should only be applied to the upper body.
  • Mandala. The luxury of ornate patterns, a bizarre interlacing of lines that fold into a circle is a symbol of the Universe. Drawing will help to maintain spiritual integrity, protect from fuss, turn to the main thing. By the way, according to the principle of the most ancient symbol in the East, the construction of altars, temples and even entire cities took place.

Mandalas "decorate" the chakras on the human body
  • Lotus is a flower symbolizing wisdom, inner harmony. Such tattoos are applied by women in order to preserve purity, spirituality, to receive wisdom and tranquility as a gift from the Universe.
  • Sakura is a symbol of blooming Japan, the personification of youth and beauty. Tattoos in the form of a delicate flowering spring tree are a favorite among young girls who are in search of love.

sakura in bloom

The East is a delicate matter, this is manifested in the art of tattoos. If Slavic tattoos protect from evil forces, then the main meaning of the tattoo of the East is philosophy, knowledge of the individual, the search for truths within oneself.

flower mandala

Indian tattoos

Indians are a developed and civilized people of North America. They are excellent hunters, builders, healers and brave warriors who protect their lands, and women are the guardians of the family hearth. A talisman tattoo for Indian men is not just a drawing, but a symbol with a secret meaning. The most popular wearable designs in Indian tribes:

  • Dream Catcher. The most popular Indian symbol today, the protector of thoughts and dreams. Anyone who wants to get a tattoo in the form of a dream catcher should know that the sign should be applied to the body closer to the head, on the shoulders, back of the head or neck.

Protector of thoughts and dreams
  • Kokopelli. One of the supreme gods of the Indian tribes, symbolizes fertility, prosperity, helps to reveal creative and sexual energy.
  • Indian face. Not everyone knows that the Indians themselves could not apply such an image to the body. The privilege was given exclusively to the leader of the tribe. Today it is believed that the image of an Indian helps to find a soul mate, to find family happiness.

In search of family happiness

In every Indian tribe there was a totem - an animal protector, the patron of the people. Animal tattoos are popular, but not everyone knows their meaning. The wolf symbolizes perseverance and loyalty, the coyote - cunning, the bull - a desperate willingness to take risks, the bear - strength and courage.

The bird is a symbol of freedom

Often, an important life event pushes the decision to apply a tattoo on a person’s body. Often, drawings are applied to attract happiness, prosperity, to protect oneself from evil and envy. Many simply want to decorate their body with artistic painting. Remember that the choice of a tattoo cannot be random, everyone must take into account personal aspirations, character, desires, so that the drawing protects and brings good luck to its owner.

Native American male energy symbol

The history of oriental tattoos

Unlike the Chinese, the Japanese nowadays get quite a lot of tattoos, but this was not always the case. Indeed, for a brief period of time at the end of World War II, getting or giving tattoos was effectively illegal in Japan. The end in war marked the beginning of freedom in tattooing.

The alphabetic characters that appear in many Japanese tattoos are called Kanji. These symbols, by themselves or in combination with others, can show the full range of human emotions, thoughts, parables and poems.

In addition to calligraphy-like Kanji symbols, there are many different animal, spiritual and nature-oriented images and symbols that are done on the body in the form of a Japanese tattoo.

More traditional Japanese tattoo styles feature dragons, koi, and other symbols of Japanese culture and lifestyle. These types of Japanese tattoos are becoming more and more popular with women who have trouble with it, sometimes intricate tattoos are placed on the hips, back, ankles or arms.


The difference between Chinese and Japanese tattoos

Reference in Chinese tattoo history dates back to around 5000 BC, and it is likely that the Japanese were drawing tattoos on each other even before then, with early Japanese artefacts dating earlier than those days which include face-tattooed clay figurines.

In the early days of Japanese warrior clans, large and complex tattoos symbolize the warrior's ability to endure pain. Larger and more elaborate Chinese tattoos were for the bravest warriors.

As warriors began to fall out of fashion, and Japanese culture moved towards the art of Japanese tattoos. Tattoos now symbolize appreciation for the finer things in life, often associated with wealth and power.

Today, like many Japanese people, as well as people from all over the world, they love to look at the beauty of Japanese tattoos and the skill of the masters who create them.

Why Japanese tattoos

People also prefer to decorate themselves with a Japanese tattoo because they are in love with the classic simplicity of Japanese Kanji symbols that can say so much in such a small space.

Japanese tattoo trends

You don't have to eat raw fish to enjoy a Japanese tattoo. All you have to do is love the simplicity of Kanji, or enjoy the spiritual and natural elements that are at the heart of many Japanese tattoos.