3 pregnancy when. Normal course of pregnancy

It is worth recognizing that three children in a family today is an unjustified luxury. Permanent instability in all spheres of life does not allow many people to provide even one baby with everything necessary. Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, some families manage to support and raise three or more children.

At the same time, another question remains quite relevant, concerning how safe the third pregnancy and childbirth is for a future mother of many children. An unequivocal answer here, most likely, will be inappropriate, since there are many nuances and features of their own. The only thing that can be said for sure is that women who already have two children have more experience and skills in terms of bearing and giving birth to a child, compared to first-time mothers.

According to the current legislation, with the advent of the third child, the family acquires the status of a large family, which gives the right to qualify for certain cash payments, benefits and other types of social assistance.

Features of the 3rd pregnancy

In most cases, a favorable course is characteristic of the 3rd pregnancy and childbirth. As statistics show, a mother of many children usually becomes at the age of 32-34 years. At this age, a woman may already experience whole line diseases that affect the course of pregnancy. In order to prevent serious complications during gestation and further childbirth, it is necessary to control and, if possible, eliminate the following pathological conditions:

  1. chronic diseases internal organs.
  2. Varicose veins on the legs.
  3. anemic syndrome.
  4. Muscle overstretching abdominals.
  5. Misplacement of the placenta.
  6. Pregnancy reversal.

In order for the third birth to end safely, you should take into account all the features of the course of pregnancy and choose the right tactics for their management.

Chronic pathologies

If you are already over thirty, then you are unlikely to call yourself completely healthy. Most young women are easily diagnosed with one or more diseases, especially those related to the female reproductive system. Today, all around you can find various inflammatory pathology uterus and its appendages in women whose age is slightly over 30 years. The most common gynecological diseases are:

  • Adnexitis.
  • Salpingitis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Benign neoplasms of the uterus (myoma, fibroma).

Enough serious threat for the pregnant woman and the fetus represent any chronic diseases cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary or other body systems. To prevent development in the third pregnancy severe toxicosis or diseases such as pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension, diabetes, you should undergo a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, treatment. Besides, Scientific research proved that what older parents, the higher the risk of congenital malformations in the fetus. Therefore, in without fail age dads and moms are assigned a genetic consultation, which is not recommended to be neglected.

Varicose veins on the legs

It is noted that each subsequent pregnancy increases the risk of developing varicose veins. lower extremities. The first symptoms of the disease are spider veins on the legs and edema, increasing after the second half of the day. One of the main reasons similar phenomena is that during pregnancy increases the volume of circulating blood up to 50%.

In addition, obesity, endocrine pathologies, bleeding disorders and some others pathological conditions can contribute to the development of varicose veins in the legs. As preventive measures recommend the following:

  • Wear anti-varicose compression stockings.
  • Try to lie down with your legs elevated.
  • Do therapeutic exercises.
  • Stick to proper diet nutrition.

Varicose veins are quite successfully treated, if not delayed with a visit to a specialist doctor.

Stretching of the abdominal muscles

The third pregnancy cannot but affect the condition of the abdominal muscles. It is quite natural that the abdominal muscles will be even more overstretched. It should be noted that the fetus also leads to additional stretching, which, as a rule, becomes larger with each new pregnancy. Excessively stretched muscles of the anterior abdominal wall often provoke pain in the lumbar region and lower back. In such cases, it may be recommended to wear a bandage to support the abdomen and reduce the load on the spine.

As a rule, third births are normal if the pregnancy proceeded without complications.

Misplacement of the placenta

Low attachment of the placenta, which is also called presentation, is considered one of the most serious problems that can cause a lot of trouble in the process of labor. The thing is that in this case the placenta overlaps the cervix, preventing the birth of a child through the natural birth canal.

Placenta previa may be due to thinning of the uterine lining from previous deliveries or abortions. In addition, its incorrect location often leads to the development uterine bleeding during pregnancy. At the same time, an increase in the uterus due to the growth of the fetus can change the position of the placenta and the problem with presentation will be solved by itself.

Prolongation of pregnancy

Clinical experience shows that the chances of having large fruit in the third pregnancy increases by an average of 25%. This can be promoted various factors. Among all doctors distinguish such:

  • Psychological moment. Multiparous women do not experience the stress associated with bearing a child that mothers experience in anticipation of their first child.
  • The body of an experienced woman in labor is more prepared for new pregnancy especially in terms of income nutrients from mother to fetus.

A large fetus is one of the main causes of delayed pregnancy, the duration of which exceeds 42 weeks. Early signs indicating an increase normal term bearing a child, are a decrease in the volume amniotic fluid or low fetal activity.

Management of 3 births

In the vast majority of cases, third births pass without any complications if the course of pregnancy was normal. Nevertheless, it is never possible to foresee everything, and sometimes some problems are possible. Features of the third birth:

  • Contraction of the uterus.
  • The speed of childbirth.
  • The position of the fetus in the womb.
  • Obstetric ruptures.

Delivery rate

As a rule, the third childbirth is characterized by speed and swiftness. This feature is due to the fact that there is a faster opening of the cervix. Usually generic activity does not exceed 4-5 hours. In such situations, the pregnant woman must be warned so that at the first manifestations of the approaching birth she will be taken to the nearest maternity hospital. There were cases that rapid labor activity led to the birth of a baby not in a medical institution. Unexpected contractions can take you by surprise, but if you are near a maternity facility, you should not worry or worry too much.

Uterus contraction

Each birth affects the condition of the uterus. Excessively stretching, it loses its tone, which leads to insufficient contraction in the process of the third birth. What measures can be taken to prevent the development of weakness of labor activity:

  • Do exercises to strengthen your abs.
  • Your diet should contain a sufficient amount of vegetable oils.
  • Watch your body weight.
  • If indicated, wear a bandage to support the abdomen.
  • At the final stages of bearing a child, you can take cold and hot shower, concentrating more on the abdomen.

obstetric lacerations

Many clinical studies show that the risk of perineal tears in third births is quite low, if they have not happened before. However, even if they did occur, there are some steps you can take to help prevent these kinds of complications.

As a prevention of obstetric ruptures, perineal massage sessions are recommended with essential oils. Also on later dates pregnancy, scars from previous incisions or ruptures can be treated with Contratubex gel. At the same time, if you decide to use traditional medicine recipes to prepare the perineum, then it is best to consult with your doctor first.

The woman's previous experience has important in the successful passage of the third birth.

Fetal position

Quite often there are obstetric problems associated with the fact that the fetus does not want to take correct position. Most experts believe that one of the main reasons for this is excessive stretching of the uterus and abdominal muscles.

It should be noted that it is not worth panicking ahead of time. As a rule, in right moment the child turns head down and takes the correct position, which greatly facilitates the management of the third birth.

In some cases, the technique is used obstetrical rotation fetus at pathological types presentation.

postpartum period

Many years of clinical experience has shown that one of the main problems after childbirth is enough high risk the occurrence of bleeding, which is due to a decrease in the contractility of the uterus. However, if the afterbirth period (exit of the placenta) has passed safely, bleeding may not develop. What measures are recommended to be taken to increase uterine contraction:

  1. We put the baby to the breast immediately after birth. Great value for mother and newborn has the first feeding, the duration of which should be about two hours.
  2. We feed the child every time he asks. When the baby suckles the breast, there is a better uterine contraction. If you want your uterus to recover faster, you need to feed as often as possible.
  3. Empty regularly bladder and rectum.
  4. The postpartum diet of the mother should consist mainly of plant foods.
  5. Drink water in enough. About two liters per day is considered optimal.
  6. If you are lying, it is better on your stomach.
  7. Move more. Active movements contribute to the active contraction of the uterus.

Reduced uterine contractility is not the only problem that a woman may experience after childbirth. Some multiparous, in addition, note significant pain during uterine contractions in postpartum period. In addition, the pain can intensify in the process of feeding the baby. What can be recommended in such cases:

  • 20-30 minutes before feeding, take a medicine that has a pronounced analgesic effect. Do not forget that the drug must be prescribed by your supervising physician.
  • When you feed your baby, you can put a heating pad on your stomach with moderate hot water, but only if there are no contraindications to its use. Wherein pain are significantly reduced.
  • It is recommended to feed the baby lying on its side. Bend your legs and pull closer to you. Your position will resemble the typical "fetal position". In addition, you can lie down like this every time the pain starts.
  • A full bladder and rectum not only significantly slow down the process of uterine contraction, but can also provoke very painful sensations, so the toilet should be visited regularly.

Proper preparation for the 3rd birth, which consists in comprehensive examination before and during pregnancy, as well as the elimination of all negative factors significantly reduces the risk of complications and provides great odds give birth to a healthy baby.

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. I'm pregnant, I took a test and two strips and I don't know what to do. I am married, we have two children - 5.5 and 4 years old, literally as the second year I work, I came out of the decree. I have a wonderful husband, he is a very good father, but I'm not sure that we will be able to overpower the third child, financially and morally. Only the children have become more independent, they now require a lot of financial investments, these endless sections and developmental games.

And as I imagine, the reaction of the leadership! They barely survived the first pregnancy, and then the third one !!! I think mom will be shocked! To be honest, I always wanted three children! I'm probably more worried about how others will react.

I'm worried, and I think, maybe it's not necessary! How will a sister react who has not been able to get pregnant for more than 15 years. And literally last year after another IVF attempt, a miscarriage at 24 weeks. She still can not recover, and here I am with the third !!!

I'm afraid that I won't be able to either physically or mentally.

But to go to a ..., even writing is scary.

And I'm already old, I'm 36 years old! There are health problems!

Help me figure out what to do, child, this is a miracle, but somehow I didn’t plan it at all!

The psychologist Shenderova Elena Sergeevna answers the question.

Hello Alice! think it's too much high price for fear of others - before management, before mother, sister - why should a child pay for your fear with his life? First of all, it is your family, your husband, your children. And if it turned out that you are pregnant, then it did not happen by chance, perhaps unconsciously, you wanted it. Now we are faced with the fact that your dream can come true, you can give birth to a third child, but for this you need to take responsibility for this decision. Yes, it will be difficult financially, morally (since you will have to face your fear of being judged by others), but you will be able to see the smile of the child, his first tears, laughter, see how he will grow. Or you can give his life in order to hide from your fears, find a thousand excuses (not solutions!) And justify yourself and your step. Think - it will be impossible to return anything! What can you live with and what can you not: constantly justify yourself and your fear, running away from it, while constantly thinking and feeling that the soul that you abandoned is near? or to be close to the child, to be his mother, giving warmth and love, but coping with your fears? The choice is yours...

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The content of the article:

Not every family can boast of many children. A family was considered complete if one or two children were brought up. A woman usually decides to carry a third pregnancy in cases where she is sure that material wealth and the strength is enough to not only bear the baby, but also to educate all members of his large family.

And although a woman knows all the nuances of bearing and giving birth to children, the third pregnancy has its own characteristics, which the expectant mother should have an idea about.

Normal course of pregnancy

A woman who is pregnant with her third child is much calmer about her condition, as a rule, she prepares for her third motherhood for a long time, knows all the intricacies of the process, she has already gained life experience and wisdom, which she lacked before. Experts note the following nuances:

This pregnancy is much less often accompanied by toxicosis;

A woman is calm about restructuring in her body, the adaptation itself is faster and much easier;

A pregnant woman is not accompanied by vain worries, fears, psychological instability is practically not noted;

The cervix opens in a shorter time, it happens less painfully, the debilitating "preliminary" contractions that accompany the opening of the cervix may not be at all;

The birth canal has already been prepared by previous births, so their best opening is noted;

muscles pelvic floor stretch well, to a large extent reduces the likelihood of injury to the child during childbirth;

The birth itself proceeds much faster, their duration is sometimes even less than 6-7 hours;

Much less often there are ruptures of the perineum and cervix during labor;

The lactation process normalizes faster;

Attempts are easier, breathing problems during this period, as a rule, no longer occur.

Gynecologists note that the success of the third pregnancy increases significantly if:

The age of the woman is not higher than 35 years;

Previous pregnancies were not aggravated by complications;

After last birth no more than 6-7 years have passed;

No history chronic diseases or related, which may have negative impact on the course of pregnancy;

All children were born from the same man.

However, what we want does not always happen. During the gestation period, some problems may arise, which we will talk about.

Possible Complications

1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. As a rule, a woman is pregnant for the third time and decided to bear a child when she stepped over the 30-year threshold, and sometimes even at a much older age, which can affect the course of pregnancy.

The fact is that by this age, each person has a number of chronic diseases that can provoke the development of some complications, both during gestation and in the postpartum period.

The presence of diseases in a woman can affect the course of pregnancy genitourinary system, heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, diabetes, pathology of internal organs. This can lead to the development of preeclampsia, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Exacerbations of chronic pathologies can lead to the development of such a serious complication as bleeding. This is due to the fact that due to age-related changes, the elasticity of tissues decreases, which leads to various injuries, impaired contraction of the muscles of the uterus, and separation of the placenta.

Besides, age-related changes can also lead to the development of endometriosis and endometritis. The ability of the uterus to contract is already impaired, this contributes to the accumulation of secretions in it, which can lead to infection of the mucous membrane of the organ.

2. Vein changes. The venous system undergoes changes with every pregnancy. Already after the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids or other diseases that were not previously diagnosed in a woman may appear. Varicose veins first appear during pregnancy, and a woman cannot change the situation, because it is difficult for venous vessels to withstand such a load as an increase in blood volume. The first symptoms of varicose veins are pain and fatigue in the legs, vascular network legs, swelling. If the vessels of the internal organs or organs of the reproductive system are affected, then the manifestations may be more serious: appear hemorrhoids, the "mesh" on the legs can be replaced by bulging veins.

3. Muscles. More precisely, the abdominal muscles, which are subjected to a huge load with each subsequent pregnancy, as a result of which they undergo changes. In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and avoid pain in the back and lower back, as well as in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to wear a bandage for pregnant women.

4. Malformations of the fetus. After reaching the age of 35, the likelihood of developing birth defects fetus. It is advisable for a woman to visit a geneticist, undergo the necessary screening examination, which will determine the correct development of the fetus and its compliance with the timing of development. A similar examination is performed three times: at 12 weeks, at 22 weeks and in the third semester.

5. Rhesus conflict. If a woman has negative Rh factor, and the fetus is positive, then her body can perceive the embryo as a foreign body. After the erythrocytes of the embryo enter the mother's blood, her body begins to produce antibodies. This can lead to hemolytic disease. Therefore, throughout pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination in order to control the amount of antibodies produced. When they are increased to critical values early delivery may be required to save the baby's life. If antibodies are absent, the woman in labor on the first day after birth is administered anti-rhesus serum to prevent future antibody production.

6. Pregnancy after caesarean section. If a woman is pregnant with her third child after a cesarean, it is advisable for her not to delay registration. In this case, you will have to undergo more ultrasound to control the strength of the scar. Also, a woman should know that she should give birth only in the maternity hospital, so that doctors can help in case of possible complications. Therefore, unconventional births should not be planned. In addition, it is now considered quite possible to give birth on your own after a previous cesarean, a second operation is prescribed:

During pregnancy after the second caesarean;

If pregnancy occurred a year and a half after the previous operation, in this case the scar has not yet grown stronger;

Medical indications;

Age over 30-35 years.

Since the third pregnancy is in most cases planned, a woman can prepare in advance for this period in order to reduce the possibility of complications. It is necessary to treat the diseases that have appeared in time, maintain normal weight, perform sport exercises, eat properly. Then there will be no complications for either the woman or the baby.

State assistance

The birth of a third child in most regions of the Russian Federation gives the family the status of having many children. Governmental support is expressed as follows:

A mother of many children receives the same payments as at the birth of the first;

Mother's supposed to lump sum on the birth of a third child;

Local budgets allocate “regional capital” to families;

Until the child reaches one and a half years, the woman will receive a monthly allowance for the care of the third child;

If the family income is less than living wage in your area, you will receive additional payments for a third child until they reach the age of three;

If you did not receive maternal capital earlier, you can exercise this right now;

Additional benefits until the children reach the age of majority. This is a priority right when applying for kindergartens, exemption from tuition fees in art, sports and music schools, the allocation of vouchers, medicines, meals in school canteens and children's kitchens. In addition, on preferential terms loans are allocated for the purchase of housing, obtaining privileges for paying for housing and communal services, taxes, compensation is allocated for the purchase of textbooks and stationery, and many others.

A mother of many children ... Now you will not surprise anyone with this. Many women go for this bold move for a variety of reasons. The third pregnancy is markedly different from the first and second. It has a lot of features.

The psychological state of the expectant mother

As practice shows, a woman during pregnancy with a third child feels calmer and more confident for many factors:

  • By this time she has permanent job and stable income. She is already confidently on her feet and knows exactly what she needs from life.
  • There are no more surprises for her. She knows how the pregnancy will proceed and is ready for anything. possible changes in her body.
  • She does not worry that she will not be able to cope with the baby, since she has quite a lot of experience behind her shoulders.
  • With her third pregnancy, a woman does not have to worry about who will help her cope with business, since she already has at least two senior assistants.
  • Most likely, by this time she is already a member of legal marriage and completely confident in her man.

In addition, at this time the woman is in a more solid age category than carrying the first and second baby. Accordingly, she became wiser, more reasonable and calmer.

Chances of a normal pregnancy

The third pregnancy and the third childbirth is a great stress for the body of the expectant mother. There are certain chances for normal course pregnancy under the following conditions:

  1. It is desirable that the woman was under 36 years old. According to experts, at this age in her body all the functions aimed at rapid conception and full bearing of the baby.
  2. Most likely, the baby will be born healthy and at term if the last two pregnancies also proceeded without complications.
  3. If the first and second births were not natural. Most often, the third caesarean section is done earlier due date. Otherwise, there is Great chance divergence of seams.
  4. There is a recommended time between births, it should be at least 2.5 and no more than 8 years.
  5. It is recommended that you first visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests to exclude the presence of a disease that may affect the course of pregnancy.

Unpleasant consequences for older women

As mentioned earlier, planning a third pregnancy is recommended for women whose age has not reached the border of 36 years. At an older age, there is a risk of the appearance of the most dangerous complications. A woman may develop diseases that she previously did not suspect. Basically, a large load is on the respiratory organs, as well as on the urinary and endocrine systems.

Carrying a child at this age is a huge stress for the body. It will be quite difficult for him to cope with such a load, so toxicosis may be present throughout all 9 months. For the same reason, it may increase arterial pressure and blood sugar levels.

If a woman is over 36, and a man is over 45, then the risk of chronic diseases in a newborn baby increases.

Another unpleasant disease is a varicose vein that affects about 70 percent of women. The higher the age, the higher this probability.

A third pregnancy at 35 or more years old can be absolutely normal. To do this, it is recommended to find an experienced specialist who will carefully monitor all changes in the patient's body.

How to recognize pregnancy?

medical specialists they assure that it is much more difficult to determine an interesting situation during a third pregnancy over the age of 30 for several reasons:

  • At this age there is often a change menstrual cycle. It is connected with hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, it is rather problematic to accurately determine whether there is a delay.
  • Because of these same changes, the breasts can swell and hurt. Bottom part belly.
  • Signs of a third pregnancy can vary markedly. For example, toxicosis overtakes much later. This can happen at 8-9 weeks. Rarely do they show taste changes, nervousness or weakness.
  • It is several times more difficult for specialists in mature patients to detect the presence of a fetus by the size of the uterus due to individual characteristics organism.
  • Due to hormonal changes, even the highest quality test can deceive, it often gives out two strips in the absence of pregnancy.

The only true method that will reveal the third pregnancy is ultrasound. On the early dates such a diagnostic study will reveal whether there is a fetus, the number fertilized eggs and their position (uterine or ectopic).

Changes in the abdomen and mammary glands

During the third pregnancy, patients notice some changes in the abdomen and mammary glands. First of all, it concerns stretch marks. They appear in smaller numbers than during the past bearing of the baby. This is due to the fact that the skin is already accustomed to such stretching. The figure after childbirth also quickly returns to its original state. Surprisingly, as practice shows, expectant mothers gain weight much less.

Separately, it is worth talking about changing the position of the abdomen. Before the birth of the first and second baby, it can be quite high, and is released only at the 38th week of pregnancy. By the third pregnancy, the muscles noticeably weaken, they are no longer able to hold the baby's head. As a result, already in the second trimester, the stomach may begin to release. If this happens, then the doctor should give some recommendations about the change familiar image life.

Milk appears much faster in the mammary glands. At first, the chest swells and begins to hurt. Then future mother may notice an active release of fluid already on last dates pregnancy. This is a significant plus, since a newborn baby does not have to eat mixtures.

Why does anemia occur?

With the third pregnancy after 30 years, a woman automatically falls into the risk group. According to statistics, almost every patient during the entire period of bearing a baby complains of circulatory disorders in the limbs. Medical experts identify several reasons why this happens.

  • Due to excessive load on the body. Circulatory system begins to cope worse with basic functions, as a result, blood circulates poorly in the limbs.
  • The onset of diabetes mellitus (most often after 24 weeks). Its main symptoms are slight tingling and anemia in the fingers.
  • The level of hemoglobin dropped sharply.

As a rule, this symptom does not come alone. Along with it also appears fast fatiguability, constant sleepiness, dry mouth, slight dizziness and lethargy. The woman feels as if she is out of breath and has shortness of breath. These symptoms should be reported to your doctor. The first thing he will do is give change necessary analyzes. According to their results, he will find out the reason why this happened. Next, the specialist will prescribe a course medicines and, if necessary, a special diet.


The process of development of the baby during the third pregnancy is several times faster. This concerns movement in the first place. If at the first birth a young mother begins to feel her baby for a period of 18 to 22 weeks, then a more experienced pregnant woman may feel tremors already at 14-16 weeks.

What is it connected with? There is an opinion that the child really develops faster in the womb of his mother. The second version is more realistic. The fact is that the woman is already familiar with these pleasant sensations and can distinguish them from other phenomena (gas in the stomach, cramps, bloating).

In order to understand whether these are really long-awaited movements, you need to take correct posture. You should lie on your back or on your side. You can also turn on a light pleasant melody, many children react to such sounds while in the tummy. You can also lie down in the bath and pour cool water from the shower over yourself for a few seconds.

Do not worry if by the 17th week the movements have not appeared. The normal period is also from 18 to 22 weeks. Also, this phenomenon may depend on some factors. For example, skinny girls feel the movements of their child earlier than curvy ladies. Calm mothers have more active children than those who are constantly under stress.

natural childbirth

Pregnancy and third births, fortunately, are much easier for many mothers. By this time, the body is already perfectly prepared and trained for the birth of a baby. According to statistics, rarely anyone makes it to the end of the term, contractions begin already at 36.5 - 39 weeks. Many women notice that they are already becoming less tangible.

Childbirth is also much faster and easier. Most of the women in labor cope with this task in less than five hours. Women already know in advance what awaits them, so they are better psychologically tuned, understand what obstetricians require of them and follow all their instructions. The body seems to be already tuned in to this process and knows itself what actions to do.

As for training bouts, they are also much weaker. Most expectant mothers do not even notice their presence.

There are also negative factors. When pregnant with a third child, not all of the patient's muscles are sufficiently elastic. They do not hold fluid well in the body, which can spill a large number of blood. Often there are gaps. Experienced Specialists familiar with similar cases and take appropriate action promptly.


If the first and second pregnancies ended in a caesarean section, this does not mean at all that the operation will have to be done a third time. According to the recommendations of the doctor, many patients give birth fully on their own. But in most cases, they fail to bear fruit until the end of the term. The fact is that by this time the seams become noticeably thinner. When the belly grows, at first they start to hurt. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, then they may even spread. Experts come to the decision that it is necessary to stimulate childbirth. They inject special drugs into the woman's body that cause the uterus to contract. The birth of the baby is carried out at 38-39 weeks of the third pregnancy. Is it possible to refuse artificial labor activity. Of course. But the consequences can be the most unpleasant.

In most cases, doctors do not take risks and perform another caesarean section. It also happens about two weeks ahead of schedule. After the third surgical intervention, gynecologists strongly recommend not to give birth again, so as not to risk your health.

The only way to find out how the birth will go after the third pregnancy is with an ultrasound.

Recovery after childbirth

At slim women after the third birth, the figure quickly returns to its original state. But it is worth talking separately about the category of women in labor who are over 35 years old. At this age, the skin becomes noticeably weaker. Therefore, the abdomen and chest often sag after childbirth. Special massages will help restore them, proper nutrition and exercise. Can be used special creams and stretch clothing.

If, during the gestation of the fetus, a woman has various diseases(diabetes mellitus, hypertension or anemia), then most likely they will disappear. This will happen only if she takes medicine, follows a diet and listens to all the recommendations of doctors. Otherwise, the disease may worsen noticeably.

The uterus after the third birth is reduced noticeably worse. Therefore, blood may continue to flow for more than one month. Usually, doctors prescribe special drugs that will help you recover faster. Rupture stitches also heal more slowly. Experts recommend treating them with an antiseptic (mainly brilliant green).

In order for the process of bearing a child to go smoothly, and childbirth to be easy and fast, you need to pay attention to a few tips selected by medical specialists.

  • In rare cases, conception for the third time can happen by accident. By this time, the experienced couple should already know how to properly avoid unwanted pregnancy. If, nevertheless, parents are planning a baby, then they must first go through medical examination. Most likely, the specialist will prescribe a number of vitamins that will need to be drunk three months before fertilization for both partners.
  • If a woman has excess weight, then it is recommended to lose weight first. Obese pregnant women are more likely to develop various diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. Do not lose weight abruptly, as this will cause a lot of stress for the body.
  • You should take up a light sport and continue to do so during pregnancy. Yoga is perfect for this. Thanks to the exercises, all the muscles of the body will be tightened, this will greatly facilitate childbirth.

It is also necessary, when planning the birth of a new life, to find a qualified gynecologist, with whom the patient will be examined until the very birth.

Positive reviews

Fortunately, nowadays it is far from uncommon for ladies to adulthood decide on a third pregnancy. Reviews about this quivering state from them are mainly the following:

  • After two children, they already have everything they need for a new family member: a stroller, clothes, a crib. Accordingly, there will be no need to spend a lot of money.
  • Most mothers note that labor activity was noticeably easier and faster. Contractions, in comparison with the previous ones, were practically not noticeable.
  • The prepared organism perceived the first months of pregnancy much easier. There was no painful toxicosis, nervousness and constant drowsiness.
  • The belly began to grow much later. The people around him began to wonder interesting position only in the fifth month of pregnancy.
  • Many mothers were forced to be constantly at work. Care in maternity leave was a great opportunity to take care of yourself and your beloved family.
  • As a rule, spouses feel more confident, since most of them already have their own housing and a stable job before planning a third child.

99 percent of women thank higher power for the opportunity to give birth to another baby, despite all the possible difficulties.

Negative Feedback

Women also highlight the negative aspects of this condition. Basically, they come from those women who have small children at home. During pregnancy, there is less strength to do them and household chores, and there is also no way to pick them up, since you can’t carry heavy things. Many mothers worry about how older brothers and sisters will perceive a new family member, whether they will become jealous of him. Majority negative reviews leave those women who carried the baby after two surgical interventions, they claim that they were very disturbed by the previously applied stitches.

For many women and their partners, a third pregnancy is a shock. What to do in such a situation? Keep the baby or not? No one can give an unequivocal answer to this question, even the most qualified specialist. Only a woman herself can determine the state of her body and understand whether she is able to endure full-fledged baby. There were cases when doctors forbade giving birth, but women felt confident and successfully bore full-fledged children.

In any case, a child is a gift from God, and in no case should one refuse it.

on the channel "Home" Tutta Larsen, Polina Dibrova and Sasha Zvereva also became mothers for the third time.

And among busy careers star moms there are many who are not afraid to move into the category parents with many children. Tatiana Lazareva, Valeria, Christina Orbakaite, Chulpan Khamatova, Anastasia Myskina mothers who crossed the middle family norm by children. It is no coincidence that a third child makes a family with many children, because if mothers doubt before his birth, then after many decide to give birth further.

When Victoria Beckham announced her third pregnancy, only a lazy secular journalist did not joke that the singer aimed to give birth to David's own football team. But during the third pregnancy Natalia Vodianova spiteful critics insisted that now the career of a supermodel would definitely end. But Natalia entered the podium three weeks after giving birth, and soon gave birth to a fourth. Maria Shukshina the third pregnancy gave two babies at once, although she decided on it at the age of 38. And in the summer of 2005, the twins Foma and Foka were born to her.

1. Planning

The third pregnancy is extremely rarely thoughtless and accidental. As a rule, this deliberate step a self-confident woman who really wants another child and feels the strength and love in herself to raise him. She perfectly understands what awaits her, what difficulties she will have to face and how to minimize troubles. future mother the third child is no longer so afraid of childbirth and she calmly accepts the changes that await her body.

Doctors note that these experienced mothers much during pregnancy less neuroses, and practically no toxicosis. Apparently, calculation, calmness and experience are doing their job. Moreover, future mothers of many children aware of and trying to prevent all the risks to which health is exposed.

2. Risks

If we are talking about a young mother who has acquired numerous heirs under the age of 30, then there is no question of any special risks. Often, a third pregnancy occurs in women between 35 and 45 years of age. Today, from a social point of view, there is nothing reprehensible to give birth at that age.

By this time, most of us have already reached social status and stable income. However, one should not lose sight of the potential possibility of chronic disease. Therefore, when planning such an event, do not be too lazy to undergo a medical examination and warn the doctor who will conduct the pregnancy. It would also be useful to go consultation with a geneticist and during the pregnancy itself, do screenings for the detection of pathologies.

3. The course of pregnancy

Doctors say that for most mothers, the third pregnancy is quite calm. This is due to the fact that women have already walked the path of these nine months more than once and know what to expect in each trimester. , and small "emergency situations" do not scare so much.

Keep in mind some specifics. Firstly, load on the venous system, to prevent the occurrence varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids. Abdominal and pelvic muscles need support which will help provide correct bandage. There may be more indications for caesarean section. Doctors often prescribe it only because the third child, as practice shows, is born larger than his older brothers and sisters.

4. Childbirth

If the third birth occurs in the "normal mode", then most likely they will be faster than the previous ones. This is due to the fact that the body already knows what is required of it and all the necessary stages go through a well-established scheme. The opening of the birth canal is faster and may even take the mother by surprise. So-called "False or training fights" are also likely to not be, so it’s better to come to the hospital in advance, or have everything you need ready, such an alarming mother’s suitcase.

Doctors allocate 5-6 hours for contractions, and attempts pass faster than the last two times. Moreover, mother, being an experienced person, already knows how to breathe and push. Due to the fact that the mother knows how to behave, and the birth canal is prepared, in the third birth babies are much less likely to receive birth trauma and emerge more calmly.

5. Postpartum

Experts note that after the birth of the third and subsequent children, mothers are much less likely to suffer from postpartum depression. They already know the price of these vain experiences and know how to concentrate on the joy of motherhood. But if psychological recovery happens quite quickly, then everything is not so simple with the physical. The uterus can contract much more slowly, and monitoring by specialists is necessary to prevent inflammatory processes.

But milk will come straightaway, and not on the third day, as often happens after the first and second births.

6. Instead of an afterword

The third pregnancy has one feature that is not related to either the physical or psychological side of this important process. Rather, it social aspect Mom already has big family. And this family needs attention and care. Especially if older children are not so mature and do not understand very well how busy mom is now. And in this situation, in everyday fuss, it is very important for a woman to learn to stop her unborn child.

It is very important to explain to relatives that now, more than ever, she needs care and rest. Do not be shy take some of your worries off and distribute them among households. Moreover, when a new member of your family appears, you will definitely not be up to them. After all, a new, even more interesting chapter filled with a triple portion of love will begin in your life.