What amethyst matters to a magician. Amethyst, stone: magical properties of a gem. Talisman for the signs of the zodiac. Care and storage

The bright and delicate stone amethyst has long been appreciated by lovers of precious stones. In the Middle Ages, amethyst was called "blessed", and the color of the stone - purple - attracted specialists in magical practices.

The meaning of amethyst and its history is of interest to many today. And therefore, "Magic of the Stone" decided to tell who the experts recommend to wear amethyst, as well as what value they give to the stone.

Amethyst: basic properties

Amethyst is a type of quartz. It differs from quartz itself in violet color of varying intensity up to almost transparent. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the stone tends to fade.

The stone was named so in honor of the petrified nymph Amethyst, into which Bacchus poured wine to revive. The name of the stone is translated as "intoxicated", as it is believed that amethyst absorbs wine vapors and sobering, but he himself remains sober.

For its beauty, medicinal and magical properties, this stone was valued both in ancient Russia and in ancient Europe. They know about its positive effects even now.

The meaning of amethyst: effects on the body.

Amethyst is considered an anti-stress stone. It is recommended to wear it to get rid of depression, strengthen the nervous system, improve the endocrine system, acquire brain function, purify blood and improve energy.

Amethyst is the best friend of the intellect: it tunes the brain to improve, contributes to the versatile development of a person. For a long time they were treated for poisoning, with the help of this stone they eliminated headaches, insomnia, relieved nervous tension and cured skin diseases.

Amethyst: the symbolic meaning of the stone.

Since amethyst is a traditional symbol of loyalty, it used to be often worn by widows as a symbol of loyalty to their abandoned spouses. For this reason, amethyst has long been called a widow's stone.

The value of amethyst in the Feng Shui system

The Feng Shui system attaches particular importance to amethyst: it is believed that it strengthens the marriage bond, especially the stone located at the feet under the bed binds the spouses firmly. In addition, according to Feng Shui, the stone attracts wealth to its owner. To improve the wealth in the house, amethyst crystals are placed in the southwestern part of it.

The stone also helps its owner to attract the love of another person. Moreover, this stone is considered so strong in amorous affairs that it is able to fall in love with its owner even an unfree person.

The Indian spiritual system claims that amethyst, acting on a specific chakra, opens the third eye, stimulates the development of inner vision.

How to wear amethyst?

You should know that the power of amethyst can play a cruel joke with its owner: if it is in an unfavorable energy environment for a long time, it can begin to transmit negative energy to its owner. To neutralize the negative charge of the stone, you just need to hold it under cold water.

Regardless of the various systems and spiritual teachings, amethyst is considered a stone of peacefulness, an open heart, and sincerity. It soothes in case of anxiety and worries. To achieve such a beneficial effect of this stone, it is worn in the form of a necklace or ring.

One of the spheres of influence of amethyst on a person is that it contributes to the comprehension of universal wisdom, helps to be filled with new knowledge.

Amethyst is often worn in jewelry on the ring finger, only women on the left hand, and men on the right.

This talisman is a good defense against the anger of high-ranking people, it protects its owner from addiction to alcohol.

The amethyst is framed mainly in silver. Only a few stones are combined with a gold setting in one piece of jewelry.

Given the properties of amethyst, it is recommended to wear it primarily for air signs - Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Due to the peculiarities of the character of Leo and Taurus, amethyst is categorically not suitable for these signs. All other signs can wear this stone.

Especially for the site "Stone Magic"

Bacchus was angry with the people and vowed to hunt down the first comer with tigers. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a nymph named Amethyst who served in the temple of Diana. In fright, the poor thing called out to her patroness, and she, in order to save the unfortunate one from predators, turned her into a white statue. Seeing this, Bacchus repented and, hoping to revive the beauty, filled the statue with grape juice. But the miracle did not happen ... Only the stone turned from white to purple, like the eyes of a living nymph.

Amethyst: meaning and symbolism

This is, of course, a legend. However, archaeological excavations show that from the most distant times people knew and appreciated this stone. For example, on the territory of Europe, an amethyst crystal is by no means a rarity among the finds in the sites of neolithic tribes. In many ancient cultures, it was widely used in the manufacture of all kinds of amulets, beads and sacred attributes. Gradually, with the development of civilization, jewelry with amethyst firmly entered the everyday life of the upper strata of society.

For its peculiar beauty and richness of shades, they began to call it the "royal stone" and a symbol of power. It is known that the crown of the wife of the Russian sovereign Fyodor Ioannovich - Queen Irina Godunova - was decorated with large amethysts of a rare dark purple color. This stone could often be seen in the ceremonial regalia of other autocrats, both European and Eastern.

Amethyst in the culture of the peoples of the ancient world

It was especially popular with the ancient Egyptians. To this day, the so-called "heart scarabs" carved from it have survived - images of sacred beetles that were placed in the chest of the deceased for his safe stay in the afterlife. In addition, amethyst, whose significance in this culture went far beyond decorative adornment, was used for medicinal purposes. We do not know how this was done, but we know that with its help it was possible to exert a strong psychological effect on the patient, freeing him from feelings of fear and guilt. Also, this stone was considered an effective talisman for everyone who went on a journey.

The very name "amethyst" in translation from Greek means "not intoxicated." This was always encouraging, so in the Mediterranean countries, they were often decorated with cups, from which, it was believed, one could drink wine without harmful consequences. Sometimes, in the absence of a goblet, the stone was placed in the container from which libations were made. It is curious that amethyst, the magical properties of which were well known, was also used to excite the fervor of love. For this purpose, it was worn under clothing in the navel area.

Bible stone

It is also known from history that in Christianity this mineral for centuries was called "bishop's stone" among Catholics, and "bishop's" among the Orthodox. This is not accidental, since it was customary to present rings decorated with amethyst to high clergymen on the occasion of their ordination. It was believed that amethyst, whose magical properties are truly unlimited, is able to save the hierarch from power intoxication. This noble stone is also mentioned several times in the Bible. Even in Old Testament times, amethyst in silver and even in gold was an integral part of the vestments of the high priests. Suffice it to recall the efud (breastplate) of Aaron - one of the most revered Old Testament heroes.

Some ancient beliefs

It is known that amethyst is a stone, the properties, sign of the zodiac and the history of which have always generated a special mystical attitude towards it. Some beliefs associated with him make modern people smile, while in ancient times they were considered a dogma. For example, the Peruvians had no doubt that if the names of the sun and the moon were engraved on the surface of an amethyst, and then worn around the neck along with baboon's hair and a swallow's feather, then this would be the surest remedy for witchcraft.

By the way, one of the most authoritative philosophers of antiquity - Pliny the Elder - taught that such a stone with images of the sun and the moon gives a person immunity against poisons. True, he strongly objected to the fur of monkeys and swallow feathers - only a cord made of dog hair, according to the philosopher, helped to reveal the amazing properties of amethyst. In this case, the mineral, according to him, was supposed to protect from snake bites.

Stone - the harbinger of the storm

There is information that the Indians of North America made amulets with the image of a bear out of it. Such a talisman, in their opinion, put the demons to flight, and kept its owner from drunkenness. It is difficult to say how justified the belief in such properties is, but there are also real facts testifying to the exceptional properties of the wondrous stone. Natural amethyst is known to change its color in the hours leading up to the storm. But there is nothing mystical about this feature. Scientists have long proved that the crystal owes this to its layered structure. But in the past, among travelers, he was highly respected precisely as a predictor of impending bad weather.

Medical opinion on the properties of amethyst

It should be noted that the data of modern medicine largely confirm the healing properties attributed to this stone. There is no doubt that amethyst stimulates the production of hormones in the body and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands. It has been found that it contributes to the saturation of blood with oxygen, and is also effective in the treatment of a number of diseases. Suffice it to mention the solution to the problems of the stomach and heart. For face rejuvenation from time immemorial, representatives of various eras and cultures have used a massage with a polished stone, smoothing wrinkles and giving the skin a look of freshness and health.

It is also said that the water in which the amethyst has lain overnight is beneficial for cleansing the blood vessels, liver, and kidneys. It is used both for drinking and for washing the body. The same water, according to numerous testimonies, helps in the treatment of colds. The mineral, among other things, helps to strengthen the immune system and is effective in relieving pain, swelling and bruising. It is also used to treat all kinds of sleep disorders. It is recommended to put it under the pillow in cases of insomnia caused by excessive nervous excitement or obsessive nightmares.

A gift from nature itself

Amethyst ... The stone, the properties, the sign of the zodiac and the exceptional beauty of which give rise to interest in it for many centuries, is one of the varieties of quartz. Its color is represented by the widest range of colors - from pale purple to the darkest shades of purple. Sometimes there are even almost black specimens. This is how natural amethyst looks like, which has properties inherent in it by nature itself. In recent years, on the shelves of jewelry stores, you can see stones painted in golden-green color. These are also amethysts, but they have undergone special heat treatment.

It is known that under the influence of sunlight, as well as high temperatures, this type of quartz changes color. This feature is used to obtain various shades of green and golden. By the way, not all of the variety of amethysts mined in the world are suitable for such technologies, but only those taken from the Montezuma deposit located in Brazil. All other green-colored stones are just artificially grown crystals. They tend to have a brighter and richer hue than their natural counterparts.

Beware of counterfeits

It is known that amethyst is a stone whose properties, zodiac sign and history shrouded in legends provide it with increased market demand. Unfortunately, in such cases, a large number of counterfeits are inevitable. In order not to become a victim of scammers, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between natural and fake stones. This is not difficult to do. Most often, ordinary glass is used for falsification. In this case, it is enough to try to scratch the surface of the product with a knife. If this succeeds, then this is a fake, since a real stone is hard enough and it is impossible to scratch it with a knife.

It is more difficult to identify falsification when it comes to artificially derived crystal. According to its characteristics, it is close to natural, but unlike it, it has a brighter and, which is characteristic, evenly distributed color. In natural stones, as a rule, there is an alternation of darker and lighter areas, as well as the presence of natural inclusions and cracks, visible through a magnifying glass. If you immerse the amethyst in water, then the edges of a natural stone will always look paler than the central part, while a fake one will not change its color over the entire surface. Knowing these simple tricks, you can easily recognize a fake amethyst.

Stone: properties, zodiac sign and some more facts

For everyone born in February, amethyst is of interest not only as a piece of jewelry, but also as a reliable talisman. This applies primarily to those whose zodiac signs are Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Scorpio. It is especially recommended for the latter to pay attention to it. It is no secret that such people, according to the horoscope, have some selfishness. Due to its extraordinary properties, it is able to protect this crystal from the manifestations of this defect.

And another interesting feature of it is its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases associated with brain imbalance. You may be surprised, but one of the most effective means of combating drug addiction is precisely the amethyst stone. Who is this form of treatment suitable for? It is believed that everyone, with the exception of patients suffering from schizophrenia and paranoia. The amazing properties of the stone described in this article are only a small part of its merits. Much has remained forever hidden from us by a veil of secrecy, and what is known is often met with skepticism. Nevertheless, a stone that emits a wondrous purple light, like the eyes of a nymph named Amethyst, can undoubtedly be called one of the wonders of this world.

Amethyst is the most valuable of the many varieties of quartz. This mineral contains silica or silicon oxide. The color of amethyst is associated with iron impurities. The gem is able to withstand high temperatures, and under the influence of the sun, the crystal can fade. When a piece of amethyst is heated to 200 degrees, the stone will become colorless, and as it cools, the gem will return to its original hue. All types of cutting are applied to this gem.

The highest quality stones are found in the Urals, Brazil and Uruguay. In Russia, altars, panagias, icons and pectoral crosses were decorated with this gem.

The name "amethyst" comes from the name of the ancient Greek nymph Ametis. If you believe the legend, then once the god of wine Dionysus fell passionately in love with a forest nymph. But Ametis refused to court the Greek god, because she loved the shepherd Sirikos. Angry and offended, Dionysus chased after her, but she prayed to the goddess Atremis for help. The moment Dionysus approached the exhausted nymph, she turned into a statue. In an attempt to revive Ametis, Dionysus doused the statue with wine, but it only turned purple. This is how the amethyst stone appeared on the ground.

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Amethyst is an incredibly beautiful stone, which is a kind of quartz. It usually has a bluish pink or reddish purple hue. Not only is it used to make jewelry, it is also credited with magical properties. And now we will talk about them.

Ancient greek legend

Translated from the ancient Greek, the name means "not intoxicated." According to one famous myth, the god of fun and wine Dionysus fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Ametis. But the girl had feelings for a simple shepherd, and therefore rejected him. This Dionysus offended to the depths of his soul, and he chased after the beauty.

The girl was exhausted, and in despair she appealed to Artemis, the goddess of chastity, fertility and the patroness of all life on earth. As soon as Dionysus tried to touch the exhausted nymph, the goddess turned her into a beautiful lilac stone.

This is how the amethyst appeared. In memory of the rejected god of fun and wine, he was endowed with a unique ability - to protect the one who owns him from drunkenness.

Properties of stone that were believed in before

All peoples had their own beliefs associated with amethyst. The properties of the stone were attributed to the most different. Here are some interesting facts related to this, you should pay attention to:

  • In ancient China, it was believed that this type of quartz is actually the frozen saliva of a lilac dragon. He was very much appreciated and small boxes and bottles were made from this stone.
  • In ancient Rome, small jewelry, seals and gems - jewelry stones with images - were made from amethyst.
  • The priests chose this stone as a talisman. Therefore, the amethyst was nicknamed episcopal. According to legends, this type of quartz possessed occult properties, cleansed the soul from sin. That is why pectoral crosses, altars and icons were often decorated with amethyst.
  • When a person was ordained, the Pope gave him a ring with this stone.
  • Another interesting property of the amethyst stone is the ability to change the human soul. Therefore, it was used in the decoration of religious objects. Even books decorated with amethyst existed. One of the real examples is the Morozov Gospel, kept in the Moscow Armory.

But perhaps the most famous property of the amethyst stone is its ability to endow its owner with power over other people. This explains its use also in royal regalia. It was he who decorated the crown of Irina Godunova, the wife of Tsar Fyodor I Ioannovich.

Healing properties

It will not be superfluous to mention them. The healing properties of the amethyst stone, the photo of which is presented above, has long been determined by lithotherapists - specialists in treatment with minerals.

If you believe the existing information, then this type of quartz enhances the production of hormones, normalizes the work of the endocrine glands and the nervous system, and contributes to the saturation of blood with oxygen. Also, products made from this stone are recommended to be worn by people suffering from diseases of the intestines, stomach, heart.

It is also believed that if you massage your face with amethyst, then its color will improve over time, and wrinkles and other defects will become much less noticeable.

People who want to cleanse the kidneys, liver and vascular system are advised to drink water in which this infusion stone was placed overnight. You can also wash your face with it - this way you will be able to remove bruises and puffiness.

Also, the stone heals headaches, migraines, insomnia. By placing it under your pillow or just next to you, you can ensure a sound sleep without nightmares.

And of course, it helps to cope with drunkenness (a reference to the aforementioned legend). Lithotherapists recommend ensuring direct contact with the skin, and it is better if the amethyst is in a silver frame.

Magical properties

Amethyst has enough of them. This stone is considered the personification of concepts such as purity, devotion and spiritual purity. It strengthens sleep, drives away improves memory. And to a person who is disinterested and honest, it brings happiness and health, protects against black magic and the evil eye.

The magical properties of amethyst stone are associated with its color. Violet is the personification of the "third eye", therefore it is believed that the mineral endows the owner with the possibility of omniscience. And he also protects against insincerity.

Also, many believe that amethyst helps to reveal creativity and talents.

A stone of loneliness or a symbol of loyalty?

Interestingly, amethyst is often called the "widow's stone". This colloquial name was given to him because the rings decorated by him were previously worn by women who had lost their loved ones. But the context here is a little different.

The fact is that women put on these jewelry after the incident. Amethyst was a symbol of their loyalty to their departed loved ones. So they let those around them know about their grief and that they had no desire for any more love relationships.

Love symbol

Talking about the meaning and properties of the amethyst stone, it should be noted that it is also a symbol of love. If a person received it as a gift, then it is no coincidence. The donor clearly has strong sympathy. And it is generally accepted that if a person accepts him, then mutual feelings will warm up in his soul.

Therefore, people who believe in the properties of a stone recommend being careful. The gift was presented by someone with whom you already have a romantic relationship? Then you can rejoice, the stone will bring more understanding and love to them. But an amethyst, handed by someone already in a relationship to a person, will bring discord. Of course, what happened will not bring happiness to the donor, but few people think about it.

Zodiac meaning: fire signs

And now it's worth talking about who suits the amethyst stone. The properties of this type of quartz are truly interesting, and this is what effect the mineral has on the fire signs of the zodiac:

  • Aries. Amethyst is able to moderate the aggressiveness, irascibility, selfishness and ardor of these people, which are peculiar to them by their nature. It also gives you the ability to make informed decisions.
  • A lion. These people are recommended to have a talisman made of amethyst with them, as it helps to overcome fatigue and bouts of melancholy, adds even more energy. And the gem also helps to pacify unhealthy ambitions and focus on thoughts.
  • Sagittarius. If the properties of the amethyst stone are suitable for any sign of the zodiac, it is for him. The mineral endows Sagittarius with optimism, peacefulness, sincerity, calmness, balance. In simple terms, it enhances its best qualities.

Jewelry made of amethyst with silver in the case of all signs will contribute to the establishment of harmony in life. And gold jewelry will enhance its basic properties.

Air signs

Now it's worth talking about them in continuation of the topic regarding who is suitable for the sign of the properties of amethyst. The stone is suitable for all air representatives, and this is what its effect is:

  • Twins. Everyone knows that the representatives of this sign are distinguished by some anxiety and imbalance. Amethyst talismans help them cope with insomnia and nervousness, as well as establish harmony in relationships with loved ones and family, give sincerity and purity.
  • Scales. Amethyst helps the representatives of this sign to become even more attractive, perfect and charming, as well as improve their intuition. Libra girls are advised to pay attention to the greenish mineral.
  • Aquarius. Amethyst can make people of this sign more discerning and strong in spirit, as well as less stubborn.

If you want to enhance the influence of the stone, then you should study the tint palette of the mineral and choose the option of such a color, which is the most successful and happy for the zodiac sign.

Water signs

For representatives of this element, a colored mineral means the following:

  • Cancer. For people of this sign, amethyst is a stone with the properties they need. He endows them with sincerity and harmony, normalizes digestion, improves kidney function and immunity, with which they usually have problems.
  • Scorpion. For representatives of this sign, amethyst is a powerful talisman and a secret talisman. He gives self-confidence and wisdom, bestows health, love, happiness and friendship. In general, amethyst awakens in Scorpios all the best that lies in their souls.
  • Fishes. For people born under the auspices of this sign, amethyst brings good luck, calms the nerves, eases the state of mind in case of troubles and problems, and restores vitality. If it is also combined with gold, it enhances intuition and gives wisdom.

For water signs, by the way, the best are products made of amethyst, the shade of which is closer to red, purple or orange.

Earth signs

  • Taurus. The stone helps people of this sign to get rid of melancholy, and also helps to activate mental abilities. They are encouraged to wear Brazilian amethyst combined with silver.
  • Virgo. Everyone who was born under the auspices of this sign, under the influence of amethyst, especially if it is combined with gold, begins to more easily overcome troubles and melancholy. The stone strengthens the spiritual strength of Virgo, expels fatigue, adds cheerfulness. It is just not recommended to wear rings with this gem. It is believed that this jewelry upsets the emotional balance.
  • Capricorn. For the people of this sign, amethyst helps to preserve the purity of the body and spirit, prolong youth, expel from the soul all the negative energy and negativity that they often accumulate over the years. As a result, Capricorns become calmer and more peaceful.

By the way, since earth signs are distantly related to fertility, they should opt for green amethyst, which is quite rare.

Until the middle of the 18th century, only crowned persons and hierarchs of the church could wear it. Its properties and significance are recognized as a love talisman, a powerful amulet against intoxication. All this is amethyst stone.

In ancient Greek, the word means "not drunk." According to the myth, the god of wine and fun Dionysus was inflamed with a passion for the beautiful Ametis. But she loved the shepherd. Dionysus did not back down, then Artemis intervened. The goddess turned the nymph into a magnificent violet stone that protects from intoxication. Rings with amethyst were worn at feasts.

Amethyst and the properties of a stone in magic were appreciated by the rulers of Sumer, the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, and the Chinese even today keep precious aromatic oils in vessels made of it. It is used to decorate the crowns of the British Empire and Russian tsars.

This is one of 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest of Judea. Each new cardinal receives a ring with this stone when ordained by the Pope.


Amethyst and a description of its properties have been studied thoroughly for a long time. In fact, it is silica, the most expensive of the quartz. In nature, it is represented by rhomboid crystals of varying degrees of transparency.

The main trump card of the stone is a bright purple hue, which can be seen in the photo. The full range of colors, from pale pink to black, is determined by the following factors:

  • impurities of manganese, iron or cobalt;
  • organic pigments;
  • crystal structure defects plus iron ions.

Looks most effective in natural light.

However, intense ultraviolet light is destructive: no matter what color the amethyst was initially, it burns out, turns pale. It can become discolored with strong heating, but will restore its original color as it cools. Regardless of storage conditions, it loses a percentage of color intensity every year. Hard mineral: characteristic on the Mohs scale 7 units out of 10 possible.

The gem is not considered rare, deposits are found all over the world. The most valuable in the Urals, stones are supplied by Brazil in tons, but they are of low quality.

A precious mineral of the second order, amethyst has acquired the value of a first-class stone due to its luxurious purple hue.

Green crystals (prasiolites) are prized, a real rare black mineral with a deep opaque color. Pink is even rarer. Although the classic description of the stone by color is a deep purple crystal.

Therapeutic effect

The property of a stone is well known to prevent a person from getting drunk. However, stone therapists - lithotherapists - recognize the value of amethyst in solving many health problems.

The water in which the amethyst lay all night before breakfast helps:

  • cleanse blood vessels, liver, kidneys, defeat colds;
  • debug the work of the endocrine system;
  • relieve swelling, remove bruises, reduce joint pain, normalize pressure;
  • strengthen the nervous system, reducing tension, stress; it helps to heal mental disorders (other than paranoia or schizophrenia);
  • with ailments of the stomach, intestines, heart;
  • with gout;
  • to saturate the blood with oxygen.