Angiovitis during pregnancy: use and contraindications. Possibility of simultaneous use by a man and a woman. Basic rules for planning

White, two-layer (seen in section) biconvex film-coated tablets, in a cell package of 10 pieces. In a cardboard box - 6 contour blisters (total 60 tablets in a box). Also, tablets can be packed in polymer cans, 60 pieces each, and then in cartons.

Pharmacological action

Angiovitis is a combined pharmaceutical preparation containing B vitamins , the action of which is primarily aimed at metabolism methionine (aliphatic, essential, sulfur-containing alpha-amino acid). Biological Effects Promote Enzyme Activation cystathione-B-synthetase and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase carrying out transsulfation and remethylation of this amino acid. This allows you to significantly accelerate the metabolism of methionine and reduce the concentration of free in blood plasma.

Thus, the vitamin complex prevents the development of the following diseases ( hyperhomocysteinemia and increased concentrations of methionine in plasma is a key element in the pathogenesis of 60-70 percent of all cardiovascular diseases):

  • great vessels;
  • arterial bed;
  • ischemic brain;
  • diabetic angiopathies ;
  • chronic (habitual) miscarriage ;
  • congenital fetal pathology.

Recent studies in the pharmacology of homocysteine ​​prove the conjugation of increased concentrations of this amino acid in blood plasma with such complex diseases as senile or elderly dementia , depressive states , .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The vitamin complex is rapidly absorbed after oral administration.

Indications for the use of Angiovit

Long-term prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • cardiac ischemia ;
  • II-III functional classes;
  • ischemic ;
  • sclerotic disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • diabetic damage to the vascular system.

It should be separately emphasized that the drug is used for normalization of fetoplacental blood circulation (exchange of blood masses between the fetus and the mother during the intrauterine period of development).


Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or their complex use.

Side effects

As a rule, vitamins are well tolerated by the body, especially in the spring-summer and autumn periods, when their deficiency is noted. However, in some clinical cases, allergic reactions of a general or local nature may occur ( , , and so on) or other undesirable manifestations ( headache , , hypersensitivity of the skin, symptoms of impaired physiological sleep cycles). Also described as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain , belching, or flatulence after an intensive vitamin course.

Application instruction of Angiovit (Way and dosage)

The vitamin complex is used orally ... The tablets can be taken both before and after meals with plenty of water. You should be careful with the shell, it cannot be damaged using a drug, that is, you should not chew or crush the tablets, because in this way you can reduce the pharmacological action of Angiovit to naught. Duration of the conservative course treatment is determined by the attending physician, usually it is from 20 to 30 days, depending on the individual indications and the patient's condition.

The instruction for Angiovit also says that you should take one tablet a day, preferably in the morning, in order to protect the body for the whole day. Clinicians note that the course of treatment can be started with two capsules with excessively high levels of homocysteine ​​and methionine.


Cases of drug overdose have not been found, however, in cases of uncontrolled use of the vitamin complex and unbalanced nutrition, symptoms of hypervitaminosis may occur:

  • violation of the coordination of fine motor skills of the upper extremities, partial with an overabundance vitamin B6 ;
  • not passing, long-term convulsions , especially in the calf muscles (consequences of increased concentration vitamin A AT 9 );
  • thrombosis of small vessels and even at hypervitaminosis B12 .


Folic acid (vitamin B9) , which is part of the complex preparation Angiovit, significantly reduces the effectiveness Phenytoin (antiepileptic and antiarrhythmic agent), which requires an increase in its daily dose. It is recommended that you obtain a precise indication from a qualified pharmacist or treating physician.

Antacids aluminum and magnesium (antiulcer pharmacological group), Cholestyramine, Sulfonamines reduce the effective absorption of the vitamin complex (pharmacokinetic incompatibility), which is manifested in the weakening of the beneficial effect of the drug.

At the metabolic stage of conversion vitamin B9 its pharmacological effects are reduced by drugs that inhibit dihydrofolate reductase. For example, you should not take Angiovit in combination with , Triamterene or Pyrimethamine .

Hydrochloride pyridoxine (B6) greatly enhances the effect thiazide diuretics (the already small specific gravity of urine decreases, the amount of urination increases, especially in the daytime), but weakens activity Levadopa (antiparkinsonian agent acting on adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors of the central nervous system).

The following drugs weaken the effects of vitamin B6:

  • isonicotine hydrazide ;
  • penicillamine ;
  • estrogen-containing .

It should be emphasized separately that pyridoxine promotes the increased formation of contractile proteins of the myocardium, which is manifested in increased resistance of the heart muscle to hypoxia, if the vitamin complex Angiovit is prescribed in conjunction with cardiac glycosides .

Aminoglycoside antibiotics , antiepileptic drugs, salicylates , and potassium preparations reduce gastric absorption Cyanocobalamin .

NOTE! Information about medications on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Angiovit, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Alina | 20:27 | 13.11.2018

Angiovitis is better than folic acid as a separate drug. Firstly, it has a fairly large percentage of it, which significantly increases the chances that the fetus will develop correctly without pathologies. Secondly, in addition to folic acid, the composition also contains very important vitamins - B6 and B12. They are also responsible for the development of the fetal organs. Plus, they help to fill the lack of these vitamins in the mother's body. I started drinking it even before pregnancy, as the doctor ordered. And then I drank for the first 3 months.

Maria | 20:50 | 27.09.2018

My husband and I were prescribed to drink Angiovit even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Folic acid in the composition of the drug is useful not only for women, but also for men, as it turned out. It significantly improves the condition of the sperm and increases the chances of getting pregnant) Well, for a woman, I think, it is already clear to everyone what it is useful for)) After they began to drink angiovitis, it was possible to conceive in the first cycle. Although before that they tried for almost half a year.

Irina | 20:56 | 02.11.2017

My husband and I both drank Angiovit when we started planning. But it turned out to conceive in the first cycle!

Polina | 21:24 | 21.06.2017

I was prescribed angiovitis during pregnancy, there was a very high risk of miscarriage. And all because of the high level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. I spent two months on drink. The pregnancy was proceeding normally, I endured and gave birth to a healthy child.

Katerina | 16:39 | 12.06.2017

My husband and I believe that after 45 years, you need to monitor your health, if necessary, take preventive measures so as not to face a serious illness. To strengthen blood vessels, we drink Angiovitis in two-week courses every six months.

Evgeniya | 20:49 | 11.06.2017

The cardiologist recommended that I drink Angiovit for the prevention of thrombosis. He explained that the composition of the drug includes folic acid and B vitamins, the dosages are correctly selected, and it is these substances that are very important for vascular health.

Everyone knows that vitamins, especially of group B, play an important role in the normal course of the "interesting situation". Their deficiency can negatively affect both the development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother. For this reason, your doctor may prescribe Angiovitis vitamins during pregnancy.

Taking vitamins Vitamins of group B Angiovitis
making it important to take a newborn
Daily dose Three months before planning a pregnancy, it will be useful for a future mother to take a complex of vitamins.

Since the load on the body during the carrying of a child, as well as the need for nutrients, increases, it is necessary to compensate for their deficiency with the help of vitamin complexes. The drug angiovitis during pregnancy can be a real salvation.

What is the drug prescribed for?

  • the development of defects and deformities in the embryo;
  • lagging behind in physical and mental development after the birth of a baby;
  • the development of anemia in the expectant mother, which in the future may affect the underdevelopment of the fetus, a decrease in its vitality;
  • the occurrence of a condition called hyperhomocysteinemia - an increased level in the body of the substance homocysteine, which during the carrying of a child can cause a disruption of normal blood circulation between the placenta and the embryo, increase the risk of developing pathologies in the baby, and in the future mother, in the future, chronic miscarriage.

Moreover, angiovitis in the early stages allows:

  • restore natural placental blood circulation;
  • prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia in the expectant mother and associated complications;
  • prevent cases of stillbirth;
  • prevent the development of mental and physical disabilities in the baby.

Taking essential vitamins

Consider why else angiovitis is prescribed during pregnancy.

  1. The presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system (heart attacks, strokes, angina pectoris, circulatory disorders).
  2. With vascular diseases, if diabetes mellitus is present (diabetic retinopathy, diabetic angiopathy.
  3. In case of fetoplacental circulation disorders (between the body of the expectant mother and the baby) at different stages of pregnancy.

Possible dangers and contraindications

Among those who drank angiovitis throughout pregnancy, only individual intolerance to the active components of the drug was recorded, but it is extremely rare.

As for the side effects, with prolonged use of angiovitis during pregnancy, as well as an increased dosage, you can very often encounter problems.

  1. Allergic reactions of a general and local nature: angioedema, pruritus, urticaria.
  2. Severe headaches.
  3. High sensitivity of the skin.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Insomnia.
  6. Dyspeptic symptoms: vomiting, nausea, epigastric pain, belching, flatulence.

Instructions for use

The basis of the therapeutic action of vitamins angiovitis in planning pregnancy is based on the activation of metabolic processes and restorative reactions at the level of intercellular metabolism, as well as the regulation of the metabolism of a special protein - homocysteine. To date, its role has been proven in the development of various vascular pathologies, which can lead to the premature appearance of atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, impaired blood circulation and the development of habitual miscarriage.

The synthesis of homocysteine ​​occurs as a result of the exchange of an amino acid - methionine, with the help of specific enzymes, the activity of which is determined by the level of B vitamins. Homocysteine ​​is constantly in the blood, and its level may fluctuate slightly. If there is a lack of B vitamins, then there is a violation of cysteine ​​metabolism, and the level of homocysteine ​​increases to values ​​that damage blood vessels.

Are in group B

According to the instructions for use, angiovitis contains 3 main active substances.

  1. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - takes part in the exchange of nucleic acids (are the basis of genes), regulates the formation of nervous tissue in the embryo.
  2. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - affects the basic metabolic processes in cells, acts as an accelerator of many redox reactions in the body.
  3. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - takes part in the synthesis of genes, regulates, together with folic acid, the proper development of the child's nervous system, has clear antioxidant properties.

According to the instructions for use, angiovitis must be taken for a long time (at least 6 months) as follows:

  • dosage during pregnancy - 1 tablet by mouth, regardless of food intake;
  • drink a little water;
  • 2 times / day for 2 months;
  • subsequently - 1 tablet 1 time / day for 4 months;
  • after - a break of 6 months, after which the course must be repeated.

As you can see, angiovitis during pregnancy is very often necessary, and its approximate price is from 170 to 270 rubles.

A tool for planning pregnancy

Indications for the use of angiovitis when planning pregnancy are the following deviations, conditions and diseases:

  • for women - prevention of the lack of all B vitamins that are contained in this drug: their deficiency when planning conception can lead to disastrous consequences - the development of various physical abnormalities and heart defects in the embryo;
  • the risk of developing hyperhomocysteinemia during the gestation of a child in the expectant mother - an increase in the level of homocysteine;
  • if a woman belongs to an increased risk group, in other words, she has previously had complications with bearing a child, or her relatives have those who have experienced a heart attack, stroke or thrombosis before the age of 50;
  • treatment and preventive measures for women who plan to become a mother, cardiovascular diseases, which are caused by high blood levels of homocysteine: angina pectoris, stroke, cerebrovascular accident, diabetic vascular disease;
  • angiovitis is often prescribed when planning a pregnancy for men in order to increase the quality, speed and permeability of sperm, which will lead to successful conception.

To eliminate cardiovascular diseases

The opinion of women

Consider the reviews of women who took angiovitis when planning pregnancy and shared their opinions about this drug.

Margarita Avramova:

I have always had a lack of hemoglobin. Therefore, as soon as I became pregnant, his level dropped to the alarming mark - 80-90. The state of health became terrible - weakness, apathy, indifference, constantly drawn to sleep, even barely reached the clinic. Seeing the results of my tests, the gynecologist almost yelled at me and offered to go to the hospital. Since I am not a supporter of such establishments, and indeed, already accustomed to such a state, I asked to first prescribe some drugs. I was immediately prescribed angiovitis. I thoroughly studied the instructions for using the drug during pregnancy, as well as reviews on it, and after that I started taking it. After 3 days I felt much better!

Alesya Savelyeva:

As soon as she got pregnant, she immediately ran to the doctor to celebrate. They did not examine me, but they ordered tests. As soon as the doctor found out that I had not taken folic acid before pregnancy, I was immediately prescribed angiovitis. Since I did not know if it was possible to drink this drug during pregnancy, I immediately opened the instructions. Among the indications were various developmental abnormalities and a lack of vitamins. I still did not understand why I was prescribed angiovitis, but I still began to take it. I did not feel any changes in my condition, which I reported to the doctor at the appointment. All test results were normal, but I drank this drug until the 12th week. Probably, it was useful.

Galina Sokolova:

Took angiovitis before conception as prescribed by a doctor. There were no side effects, and I felt good. She also took it after childbirth to restore the required level of vitamins in the body. The drug is excellent, it includes all the vitamins necessary for the expectant mother.


The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for information only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not advise to self-medicate. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

During pregnancy, a woman needs to monitor her intake of vitamins even more closely. It is difficult to get all the necessary substances with food, especially if the body begins to work “for two”. Angiovitis during pregnancy helps to eliminate the lack of B vitamins - biologically active compounds that contribute to the successful bearing and development of the fetus.

The use of Angiovita prevents the development of many pathologies in a child, as well. The drug has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Angiovitis is a vitamin complex that includes:

  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - a compound that improves metabolic processes and accelerates redox reactions in the body;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9) - a component necessary for the formation of fetal nervous tissue, as well as for the normal exchange of nucleic acids;
  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is an antioxidant that is involved in the development of the fetal nervous system and gene production.

The therapeutic effect of Angiovit is based on the activation of metabolic processes, oxidation and reduction reactions at the cell level. This drug regulates the exchange of homocysteine, a specific protein compound that is involved in the appearance of various damage to the vascular walls.

Such pathologies lead to the development of atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels and disorders in the circulatory system. During pregnancy, this causes spontaneous abortion, often several times in a row (habitual miscarriage).

How can B vitamins alter homocysteine ​​levels? These biologically active substances affect the activity of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and cystathione-B-synthetase - enzymes involved in the metabolism of methionine, from which homocysteine ​​is synthesized. In other words, Angiovitis acts indirectly, through a chain of biochemical reactions.

Homocysteine ​​is always found in the blood, but its level is negligible. When there is a shortage of B vitamins in the body, the amount of this amino acid increases, and disorders in lipid (fat) metabolism develop, blood clots are formed, and blood vessels are damaged.

Indications and contraindications during pregnancy

Given the composition and mechanism of action of Angiovitis, during pregnancy it is indicated for vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis of group B. In addition, the drug is used in the complex therapy of diseases caused by an excess of homocysteine ​​and requiring the restoration of blood vessels.

It is prescribed for women with hyperhomocystienemia, diabetic angiopathy, ischemic heart disease, cerebral circulation insufficiency with atherosclerotic genesis. The drug helps to recover from operations, long-term illnesses, psychoemotional and physical stress.

Angiovitis has no contraindications for admission during pregnancy. Subject to the dosage recommended by the doctor, the drug cannot harm either the mother or the child. In rare cases, the intolerance of some components of Angiovitis is found, then the reception should be stopped and the doctor should be informed about it.

Instructions and dosage

According to the instructions, the main indication for the appointment of Angiovitis is a deficiency or lack of vitamins of group B. During pregnancy, this condition is especially dangerous, since it can affect the fetus: the risk of congenital malformations, lagging in the physical and mental (including intellectual) spheres increases.

The lack of B vitamins also affects the condition of the pregnant woman herself: the woman develops. This affects the viability of the fetus, can cause a stop or slowdown in intrauterine development.

Against the background of hyperhomocysteinemia, blood circulation in the mother-placenta-fetus system is disrupted, which leads to, and.

Lack of vitamins B6, B9 and B12 can be caused not only by their insufficient content in the diet, but also by chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and impaired renal function. Angiovitis during pregnancy helps to eliminate this problem, regardless of its cause.

Thanks to this drug, normal blood circulation between the fetus and the placenta is restored and maintained, the development of congenital anomalies, including those leading to stillbirth, physical and mental disorders, is prevented.

Angiovitis during pregnancy can be taken at any time. The doctor makes a decision on the need for his appointment based on the results of laboratory tests, well-being and the individual characteristics of a woman. With an established shortage of B vitamins, the dosage is 2 tablets per day: in the morning and in the evening. For prophylactic purposes, it will be enough to take 1 tablet a day.

Side effects

Usually, vitamin complexes are well tolerated by patients, especially during periods of increased body demand for them (including during pregnancy). In rare cases, allergic local or general reactions may appear in the form of urticaria, itching, angioedema, etc.

With increased sensitivity to the components of Angiovitis, headache, sleep disturbances, dizziness, changes in skin sensitivity may develop. Adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are represented by symptoms of dyspepsia: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, belching and flatulence.

No cases of overdose have been identified, but with hypervitaminosis, violations of fine motor skills of the hands, numbness of various parts of the body, incessant convulsions, blood clots in small vessels may develop. If you find side effects, as well as symptoms of an overdose, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

Release form and price

Angiovitis is a vitamin complex that comes in pill form. This form is conveniently dosed and allows you to take the drug both in a hospital setting and at home. Each tablet contains 4 mg of vitamin B6, 5 mg of vitamin B9 and 6 mg of vitamin B12.

Angiovitis is available in 60 pieces per pack. The cost of the drug on average ranges from 220 to 280 rubles.

Safe analogues

There are no analogues of Angiovit that completely coincide structurally (in terms of the number and volume of active substances). The most similar drug is Medivitan. It also contains vitamins B6, B9 and B12, but comes in the form of injection solutions: # 1 - B6 and B12, # 2 - B9. Due to the need to give injections, it is not very convenient to use, moreover, it has more contraindications and side effects than Angiovitis.

During pregnancy, as well as at the planning stage, a woman needs proper and balanced nutrition. However, not all the substances necessary during this period are contained in the products in the right amount. This statement also applies to vitamins of group B. Therefore, in order to compensate for their deficiency, you need to take medications. For this purpose, doctors often prescribe Angiovitis.

The action of the drug Angiovit

Vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid), which are part of Angiovit, regulate the amount of homocysteine. An increase in the level of this amino acid in human blood leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis, and even to the formation of blood clots. The drug speeds up the metabolism, and also has an antioxidant effect (neutralizes the action of free radicals that cause cell aging).

Initially, this complex was developed for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but later the scope of its application expanded.

Angiovitis is a source of B vitamins

Why doctors prescribe Angiovitis throughout pregnancy

Quite often, the drug is prescribed to expectant mothers. The fact is that an increase in homocysteine ​​in the blood can provoke chronic miscarriage or lead to congenital fetal abnormalities. According to the instructions, one of the indications for the use of the vitamin complex is placental insufficiency (impaired blood circulation between the fetus and the placenta) in the early and later stages of pregnancy.

To prevent a lack of folic acid in a woman's body, Angiovitis can be recommended even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The effectiveness of Angiovitis for the body of the mother and the fetus is due to the action of the substances included in it:

  • vitamin B6 helps to stabilize the activity of the woman's nervous system and avoid uterine tone;
  • vitamin B9 is necessary for cell division, promotes normal hematopoiesis and is important in the formation of DNA and RNA molecules;
  • vitamin B12 affects the formation of the baby's nervous system.

Lack of vitamins B6, B9, as well as folic acid can occur not only due to improper nutrition, but also due to impaired renal function or as a result of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Angiovitis can be prescribed for any period. Depending on the indications and test results, the treatment takes place in one or more courses, and in some cases continues continuously throughout the entire waiting period for the baby. In order to prevent folic acid deficiency, the drug is recommended by the attending physician at the planning stage up to the 16th week of pregnancy, or in the second trimester along with medications containing vitamin E and calcium.

Contraindications, side effects and interactions with other drugs

Subject to the dosage recommended by the doctor, the drug does not pose a potential hazard. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified it as Category A. This means that the studies did not reveal an adverse effect on the fetus in the first trimester, although there are no data on risks in the second and third trimesters.

Angiovitis is contraindicated in cases where the pregnant woman has an intolerance to any of its components. As a side effect, an allergic reaction is possible, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes.

Compatibility with other medications

The effectiveness of Angiovitis can be reduced while taking a large group of medications. Among them:

  • analgesics (with long-term therapy);
  • anticonvulsants;
  • estrogens;
  • aluminum, magnesium and potassium preparations;
  • drugs that increase blood clotting.

Angiovitis is not used together with other multivitamin complexes containing B vitamins, in order to avoid overdose of these substances.

Instructions for safe use

Angiovitis comes in pill form. The treatment regimen is compiled by the doctor individually and depends on the degree of deficiency of vitamins B6, B12 and B9, as well as on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The tablets are taken with or without food and washed down with plenty of liquid.

Drugs that can replace Angiovitis during pregnancy

Angiovitis has no complete analogues, however, there are drugs with the same active ingredients, but in a different dosage. They can be prescribed in case of intolerance to individual components or against the background of a deficiency of vitamins that are not included in its composition.

Table: vitamin complexes prescribed during pregnancy

Name Active substance Release form Contraindications Application during pregnancy
  • vitamin C;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9)
  • pernicious anemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Magnelis B6
  • magnesium lactate;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe renal failure;
  • phenylketonuria.
possibly according to the doctor's indications
Folic acid folic acid tablets
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • B12 deficiency anemia;
  • deficiency of sucrase;
  • isomaltase deficiency;
  • intolerance to fructose;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

During pregnancy, all the efforts of a woman are aimed at creating conditions for the correct development of the child. One of the key factors is a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body, especially group B. Their deficiency can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and baby. To prevent this condition, doctors often recommend taking vitamin complexes, among which is Angiovitis.

The effect of the drug and its safety during pregnancy

Angiovitis is a vitamin complex that was developed for the treatment and prevention of cardiac pathologies. Its action is based on the normalization of metabolic processes, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, as well as reducing the level of homocysteine. A small amount of this substance is constantly present in the blood, but with a lack of B vitamins, its content can greatly increase and become a risk factor for the development and occurrence of blood clots.

Angiovitis is a combined preparation containing B vitamins

The preparation contains vitamins:

  • B 6 (pyridoxine) - is responsible for metabolic processes in cells, accelerates redox reactions;
  • B 9 (folic acid) - participates in the formation of fetal nervous tissue;
  • B 12 (cyanocobalamin) - has antioxidant properties.

Action of Angiovitis - video

Is it possible to take Angiovitis during pregnancy and for how long

According to the instructions, the drug is not prohibited for expectant mothers. However, it should only be taken as directed by a physician and under his supervision. Depending on the test results and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, Angiovitis can be prescribed in any trimester or throughout the entire period.

In some cases, Angiovitis is prescribed even before conception to prevent the development of anomalies in the nervous system. Some doctors believe that taking it increases the likelihood of pregnancy, and also prevents miscarriage.

What is Angiovitis prescribed for during pregnancy?

The doctor may prescribe a vitamin complex in the following cases:

  • placental insufficiency;
  • violation of placental blood circulation between the mother's body and the fetus;
  • premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • lack of B vitamins.

Lack of B vitamins is dangerous by delaying the mental and psychomotor development of the child. In addition, a deficiency of these substances contributes to an increase in homocysteine ​​levels, which disrupts placental circulation. This condition can lead to fetal hypoxia, and in the future cause the appearance of neurological diseases.

These pathologies can cause premature birth, uterine bleeding, infection of the uterine cavity and blood poisoning (sepsis). Therefore, Angiovitis is often prescribed for the risks of miscarriage, as well as to prevent dangerous conditions. More often taking the drug is recommended for women who have already encountered gynecological problems before conception. The substances that make up Angiovit normalize placental blood circulation and promote the production of hemoglobin, which saturates the blood with oxygen and transports it to all body systems. This action prevents the development of anemia (lack of red blood cells) in a pregnant woman and congenital anomalies in an infant.

Contraindications, side effects and interactions with other medications

In most cases, Angiovitis is well tolerated, especially with a lack of B vitamins. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.

In rare cases, side reactions are possible in the form of:

  • hives;
  • small rash;
  • itching;
  • swelling.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking and consult your doctor. As a rule, they disappear soon after the withdrawal of vitamins.

According to the classification of the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), multivitamins are assigned category A. This means that the studies conducted did not reveal an adverse effect on the fetus in the first trimester, and there are no data on risks in the second and third trimesters.

Angiovitis is not recommended to be taken with drugs that increase blood clotting. With its simultaneous use with thiamine (B 1), there is an increase in the risk of developing allergic manifestations, and in combination with potassium-containing agents, a decrease in the absorption of cyanocobalamin is revealed (B 12). When Angiovit is taken together with asparkam and glutamic acid, an increase in the resistance of the heart muscle to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) is observed.

B vitamins are better absorbed by the body if taken with vitamins C and D.

It must be remembered that vitamins are also medicines, therefore it is strictly forbidden to prescribe them yourself, especially during pregnancy. Uncontrolled intake can lead to hypervitaminosis and cause serious disturbances in the body.

Instructions for the use of Angiovitis during pregnancy

The multivitamin complex is available in tablet form. The dosage is selected depending on the degree of vitamin B 6, B 12 and B 9 deficiency, individual characteristics and concomitant conditions of a pregnant woman.

The tablets are taken regardless of food, without chewing or crushing, drinking plenty of liquid. The duration of admission is usually at least 6 months.

The dosage and duration of taking Angiovitis during pregnancy are determined only by the attending physician

Other complexes containing B vitamins

There are no complete analogues of Angiovitis. Preparations with a similar composition have a different dosage of B vitamins and additional elements that completely change the direction of exposure to the body.

Multivitamin complexes containing B vitamins - table

Name Main substance Release form Indications Contraindications Use in pregnancy
  • retinol;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • nicotinamide;
  • vitamin O
  • prevention;
  • malnutrition.
hypersensitivity to components permitted
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • octothiamine.
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • hypo- and avitominosis of pregnant women;
  • preeclampsia of the early and late trimester;
  • symptomatic therapy in conservative and operative gynecology.
Vitrum Prenatal Forte
  • folic acid;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin C;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenate and calcium carbonate;
  • trace elements.
  • prevention of anemia;
  • prevention of hypovitaminosis;
  • calcium deficiency.
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • excess in the body of vitamins A, E and D;
  • impaired renal function;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • intolerance to fructose and lactose.
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • folic acid;
  • cyanocobalomin;
  • nicotinamide;
  • vitamin C.
  • dragee;
  • tablets;
  • capsules.
  • traumatic damage to the central nervous system;
  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • recovery in cardiovascular diseases;
  • asthenia.
  • acute thromboembolism;
  • erythremia;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • allergic manifestations to the components of the drug.
allowed in cases where the benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the fetus