Alphabet of names for babies. Entertaining alphabet studies in kindergarten. A fun alphabet for kids, preschoolers, first graders. Holiday of the Primer in elementary school. Methodical piggy bank. Merry ABC Agnia Barto Christmas tree in sparkles

Outside the window is a moon-flashlight
Silently floats across the sky ...
I now have a primer
Lives on my desk.

They gave me a primer
On my birthday.
And when they gave it, they said:
"There is nothing more wonderful!"


- A-a-a, - cried A lenka.
- On! - said her sister.
A plucked a flower
AND A I gave it to Lenushka.
She is glad.

- Be-e-e, - b arashek b white b flies
B more b ukv does not understand.


V arezhki V ari
Lost on the boulevard
V swore V arya
V in the evening from the boulevard,
And I found it in my pocket
V arezhki V arvara.
That's how it is!


G cold, cold
G Alky, sparrows?
G cold, G olubi,
G my darlings?
Fly to G awn,
Are full with us G Orsti!
Peck, G stay,
Do not be alarmed, peck!
G ul- G ul- G ul!


D ozhdik, d ozhdik,
Not d wait!
D ozhdik, d ozhdik,
D ah d go to d oh
D gray-haired eater!


E le- e le Lena e la,
E I didn’t want to out of laziness.

Yo glitter
In warm sl e zkah
Fresh, green e naya,
Sunshine e nnaya.

F will survive
Above f uncleanly
F uk.
On f uke


Z got a kick out
Z green
Z entry.
Z let's let
Z airplane


AND head and thread -
Big buddies.
Look, it turned out
What stitches!


- Play th-ka, for th ka,
Play with me. -
Responsible for th ka:
- I can't, it hurts th.
- O th-O th-O th, poor th!


TO wa-kva, - hums To wakushka.
TO u-ku! - To riches To bite.
A whole day along the line:
- Kva-kva!
- Ku-ku!
- Kva-kva!
- Ku-ku, ku-ku!


L ohmami
L units
L we bathed.
L eteli
From winter.


M art m a month, and m etel, m aroz ...
Bought m ame we m imoz.
Clever guys.


N yanya na n och N inu soap.
N ina did not like soap,
But not n was N ina,
N Ina is a fine fellow!


O are open O kna wide
Outside the windows - O ka.
And over O which is high,
High - O blac.
They O which are reflected,
V O ke repeated.


NS growth NS relate these NS they!
NS apa, NS are they horses too?
NS isn’t it?


R guys-october
They staged a parade.
Wonderful turned out
October parade!
Flags snapped in the wind
Trumpets sounded: tu-ru-ru,
The drums beat ...
R The guys were happy!


WITH bosoms are smart
WITH bosom with peaceful
WITH bosom with deceased
AND with ilny.


« T y - one hundred and fourteen "in the port,
How T teaching with thunder on board,
And he will gain height
AND T will become a point ...
Like this " T y "!


Have edges
Two old ladies
They took milk mushrooms
And waves.
Owl: - Ooh NS!
Owl: - Ooh NS!
Have the spirit of the old women froze -


F new form F one,
AND f urazhka just right.
Today F I'm going all the neighbors
They are escorted to the first grade.
F our welt F eating!


- Oh, you are my darlings,
Not NS thieves,
Not NS silt,
NS good little ones!
Oh! Oh!


C Irkach knows how to prancing,
Train animals and birds,
And spinning on the trapeze
And dance on a tightrope.
I love c irk!


H Four Anyuchki,
Not a bit tired
The third days are dancing
Everything is for jokes:
- H ok-chok, heel,
H uki-chuki-chuki,


NS silt NS ubka,
Sewed a skirt;
NS silt NS pharmacy,
Sewed a sneaker.
Good NS blowing


SCH he was so puny!
His me SCH I fed everything,
Protected from the fierce cold
SCH The little boy squeaked for joy.
Still would! He grew up happy!
Now mine SCH en not SCH en, and the dog -


Under b driving to the construction site
Crane under b deep.
Under b removable tap -
The strong man is huge!


CONL NS hali
From owls NS,
That there are no words
On the letter " NS»


V b not far away
Rechen b ka-river,
Malen b kaya river -
Men b neck of the brook.
Do not swim b,
Will not dive b,
Legs only
Dipped b
A little bit b!

Here's the fun!
The monkey is NS NS!
it NS ho every time
Mimics us:
« Uh-OOO- NS


NS lka- NS lazy NS la,
NS lka NS was bright.
Sit still NS lka
Not a minute could!


I AM face
WITH I am bark
Have I AM shki.
I AM measles
On teln I am shke!
Pestilence I am to our I AM shka!

(E. Blaginina)


(Vladimir Orlov)

For some reason, Nyura has
And other names:
And she is only one.

Is sailing
Squadron of ships
And by all ships
In command A NDREI.

They are in a regular bath
They float like in the ocean.

B ELLA is busy all day
Everyone in the house can see it.
B ELLA spins until the night
Like a squirrel in a wheel.
B ELLA - in the soap,
B ELLA - in the dough,
But things stand still.

B Orya,
B Orya,
Wake up soon!
B ORKA sat down and sniffled:
- I overlooked the cartoon!

- Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
The river has run out of water!
This is because of V ALI -
V ALU was washed.

The spring breeze is spinning
Like I’ve lost something.
He's just in warm puddles
Together with V I danced like a sheep.
And now without V OVKI
On this warm day of spring
Together with the wind on the rope
Dancing V OVKINS pants.

There is no more beautiful than ours G LASHI,
Praise all her beauty:
Everything that ours ate G LASHA -
All at G LASHI on the nose.

Have G RISHI has a bike,
He is good, no doubt about it.
If only he had traveled,
He would be no worse than others.

Not afraid D IMA
No fire, no smoke:
He's in a fireman's helmet
He walks without fear.

With his girlfriend D USYA
I quarreled forever:
- I won't make peace with her anymore
No way and never!
I will not get along with her
Maybe a whole hundred minutes ...
Something is not sitting at home,
Something they don't invite to visit ...

Goes out into the street
Granny E VA,
And the poodle walks
From the grandmother to the left.
The old woman would not E VA
And the poodle would not walk on the left.
And if he walked to the right,
That grandmother's name would be Klava.

July noon out the door
The miller comes out E REMEY.
And he, like from a blizzard,
The mustache and eyebrows turned white.

Mowing is going on around the village,
A E REMEY like Santa Claus.

- Eat for mom, F ENECHKA!
And for dad, F ENECHKA!
And for my brother, F ENECHKA!
And a little for yourself!

- Every day a hassle with you -
Eat for me yourself!

What's happened,
What happened?
Dress suddenly
And boots and socks
Small and narrow!
What is the reason?
What's the secret?
Who is on this
Will he give an answer?

- Just yours F ANNA
Has grown up unexpectedly.

Until sundown baba Z OY
Follows the goat.
- Where is the goat going?
- And where the eyes look!

Took a coin Z AKHAR
And he went to the market.
Though I returned home
Completely empty
But back and forth
He went for free.

For some reason, a whole hour
Quiet in our room
Quiet, quiet in the hallway -
This is us with AND RINA is at odds.

Tararam in our apartment -
This is us with AND RINA in the world.

Surprised AND LYUSHKA:
- I do not know what happened to me?
I helped an old lady yesterday
Carry the suitcase home. -
Looks in the mirror AND LIA:
- Is it me or not me?

TO ATYA ironed the dress -
I didn’t feel comfortable with the iron.
From ironing - a black trace:
There is a hole, but there is no dress.

He jumped off the railing.
And the second TO IRILL
He jumped off the railing.
And on the third TO IRILLA
The railing fell.

Cow fed
Sweet sweet
With your own chocolate bar.
But with a cow
Something's amiss -
Doesn't give milk

Came out L YENYA from the gate -
Everything is the other way around on it:
Inside out,
Inversion of the collar,
L YENYA is just great -
I got dressed myself at last!

Swept the floors M ARISHKA,
Washes every corner
And he doesn't know what the mouse has
The ceiling is leaking.

Uncle M ISHA on the stove
I ate cakes and rolls,
And during the respite
I ate dumplings and crumpets.
Very soon uncle M ISHU
They got it through the roof.

The girl N ADI
Lips in lipstick.
Now this lady
Not a daughter, but a mother.

Your whole face N IKITA,
Covered with cannabis.
- I always - said N IKITA, -
I sunbathe through a sieve.

Rolled up on the doorstep
Snow-white bun.
Is it our O LEG,
Is it Bigfoot?

- Want, O lechka, jam?
Cherries are delicious!

Answers O LECHKA:
- I don’t want a bit!
I don't want him at all -
Because I'll eat it right away!

White dress NS OLI,
Red curls.
Like a girlfriend in an open field
Daisies are waiting for her.

Our grandmother has
First -
I woke up myself
At dawn.

And the other -
Every time
A whole hour.

Sewn up R OMAN
One pocket,
Sewn up R OMAN
Another pocket:
After all, in the pockets
Except for the wind -

- Why are you
- I have just
From the Crimea!
- Why are you
- And I fell
In the pig's trough.

The bouquet goes along the path
And under it feet stomp:
It's small WITH VETA
Not visible because of the bouquet.

Have a fluffy
Red tail
And little ears.
That tail pillow
That for WITH ASHI
Sings songs.

Cat named T IMOFEY
And the owner - T IMOFEY,
Sleep quietly before dinner
On the couch by the door.
The clock is ticking on the wall
Now the clock strikes twelve.
- TIMFOFEY! - shouts the hostess.
Both at once - right there.

- I took the flour myself,
I made the dough myself
You are silent, do not teach!
I myself, myself, myself!
I baked the cake myself
I called the guests myself.

The guests got up and said:
T ANYA, eat it yourself!

Sitting at the table Have STEEN
AND Have STINIA next to him.
They drink seagulls, they look out the window
Years, probably fifty.
It is immediately obvious: this is the case
They were not at all tired of it.

- Sing us a song F Rosya! -
The first grader was asked.
- I am for mommy F ROSYA,
And for you - EFROSINYA!

They guarded the vegetable garden.
And the goats thanked
Them for this a whole year.

- Where are the candies, ELLA,
Did you eat them yourself?

Only ELLA give an answer
Doesn't even try:
Teeth stuck together from candy -
The mouth does not open.

The cat's paw is bandaged,
And the puppy has brilliant green paint:
Did it NS DICK -
The famous physician.

In our house
NS LYA is spinning with a whirligig.
NS LYa, not knowing rest,
Everything is spinning
How groovy.
And in the evening -
On a side
And silence.

Two chickens at NS ROCHKI,
He raised them himself.
Chickens walk all the time
Per NS ROY on his heels.
For many days
They think NS ROCHKU
To my mother.

A bone leg knocks on the door -
Baba asks for the alphabet I AM GA.
They say to her:
- You appeared uninvited!
The seat was last occupied I AM NOAH.

I AM NA answered:
- I'll make room!
I am this grandmother
I'm not afraid at all.
Let's help
To the old woman -
She's so lonely
In the hut!

I AM GA was surprised:
- Even though it is strange,
But very good
Girl I AM ON!

Grandson and grandfather -
Cooking together
Together something
Walk together
To the zoo.
And the same
Hum too
Love in the house
Grandson I AM SHU,
Grandfather I AM KOVA.

(V. Orlov)


(Tatiana Lavrova)

Our first class is very friendly,
He wants to be the best at school.
We read and believe
We learn the letters quickly.
All my friends are in the class
There is from the letter A before I AM.

A nya- headman of the detachment,
B oryaour example in everything,
Vika-fashionista, glad to everyone,
G oshtossing around idle.
Dimaa verse from a book teaches
E melyanbrought a flower -
Yo gic-cactus. It is prickly
Zhenkupricks, right up to tears.
Z oyaknows a lot of songs
And nnaTh Odom smears the chair.
Katespills paint,
L izemakes a "tattoo".
Bearlike a goat jumping
N inaquietly shedding tears,
Oh ladifficult task
P eteto write off gives.
R ohmeating his cheesecake,
Sashachalk in the corner gnaws
T anyanew toy
U lesews for his birthday.
F eatingboasts with a smile:
NS I caught a homyaka yesterday,
C Caesar is my dog, very quick,
H I drove four cats. "
NS hurray writes letters in a line:
B and B ,
SCH urit eyes, puts a point ...
NS not written in any way.
E dickdecided to fight again,
Yuralooks and is silent,
I am shashouted: "Stop, brothers,
It turned out Alphabet»!

(T. Lavrova )


(Vladimir Stepanov)


My acrobat, Acrobat,
The legs are like springs.
He is happy to jump like a ball
On the back of the pig.
The pig is flapping its ears
She is pleased to play with us.


I have a barbie doll -
A shock of golden hair!
I'll tie a bow to the doll
She will smile at me.
I'll smile back at her
And, like a Barbie, I comb my hair.


Merry Pinwheel
Doesn't let me get bored.
Merry Pinwheel
Calls me to walk.
Merry Pinwheel
Leads me to the river
Where the frog croaks
In the green reed


No, not at all just like that
I hung up the hammock.
I know what will be in it
Relaxing cheerful gnome.


The dragon flew far away
He traveled across the sea.
He saw a magical forest,
Enchanted princesses.
He saw heroes
Sorcerers, kings ...
He knows many fairy tales -
My flying dragon
And tells me
These tales are in silence.


The plane is humming
It will take off now.
The pilot put on the helmet,
Call him Raccoon.


Hedgehog, rubber my hedgehog,
You can't pour water on us.
We swim in the bath
Like in the ocean.
I will dive and he will dive
Doesn't lag behind me.


The mustachioed beetle is an important Beetle,
In yellow speckled frock coat.
I turn it on with the key,
And he crawls:
"Zhu-zhu! Zhu-zhu!"
Anu-ka, get out of the way
Elephants and rhinos!


Bunny lives merrily
Long-eared Bunny.
He sings in the morning
In the paws of the balalaika.


Indian with a bow on his back -
Hunter, tracker.
He floats on a river road,
In a hurry along the forest path:
“This is where the crocodile dined,
Here the goat went
And here, tired of the roads,
The wise Yogi sat under a palm tree. "


I'll take a look at the picture -
I will add a house of cubes.
The squirrel will live in the house,
The bug is to guard the house.


The lunar rover bristles its horns
He was going to the moon.
Nesting dolls
The hedgehog and the elephant are sad:
"Do not rush to a distant land,
Better play with us! "


Who is there walking along the path?
Who plays the accordion?
This is a teddy bear
I taught him to sing.


The tumbler bent over,
But to fall - it will not fall,
Even if my cat is Yashka
He will push the tumbler in the side.
He will push the toy in the side
And in response he will hear a ringing!


Monkey Leela
The hat was presented.
Lilya likes the hat:
She is beautiful in her.


Steam locomotive knock knock!
The locomotive is friend-friend!
Animals in the morning
Carries to kindergarten.


Robot Rob ran away,
The table touched and on the side - bang!
Before I could blink an eye,
How our vase broke.
That's what it means, my friend Rob,
Forget about the stop button.


My whistle is whistling
Spring nightingale
And a thick icicle
Losing weight outside the window.
Whistles, shimmers,
The trill flies after the trill -
Snowdrop wakes up
April is knocking on the window.


The mouse has a Phone,
He rings all day.
This is a mouse from mice
Congratulations are in a hurry.


How funny he is
My duckling is groovy.
He walks waddly,
It is important to lead the nose.


We didn't walk today
We didn't play snowballs.
We cut out today
New Year flags.
Amicably clicked with scissors
My favorite kindergarten ...
Try on rather, tree,
Summer rainbow outfit.


What Piggy Mani has
Tucked away in your pocket?
Soap is hidden there,
To wash their stigma.


All day long my Chickens,
Three fluffy yellow brothers
They beat on the board with their beak,
Amicably the grains peck.
I call them: "Chip-chick-chick!"
And they told me: “Rash-rash-rash!
Pour handfuls of grains for us,
We are growing up as heroes. "


Katyusha has a birthday!
So there will be
Tea with jam.
Katya takes out the Cups,
The teapot pounds its nose importantly.


Brother bought himself a flashlight
Well, for me - a balloon.
Over my head
He dances as if he were alive.


My Puppy, Puppy Watch,
Guards the house and yard.
From dawn to dark night
He walks with a telescope pipe.


Even dolls
Must know
Solid sign And the letter Y.

Solid sign -
In a crane, S -
in a mouse On the couch.


A deer came to the lesson.
He began to read the word "penny".
Yes, I could not read it in any way:
He forgot the soft sign.


Eskimo in fast harness
I rode on a silvery tundra.
Rode reindeer
Rode the dogs
Through a blizzard and a blizzard ...
He is brave, however.
The fur coat is long to the toes,
Black eyes shine.
Me from the tundra Eskimo
I brought the Eskimo yesterday.


Yula cheered up and
She went to dance.
As the wind swirled
Singing Yula.
Just one leg
And how she dances, baby!
Dancing near the bedside table
Yula in a flowery skirt.
Yula in a flowery skirt
At the girl's, at Lyubochka's.

I am HTA

The yacht raises the sail,
The wind blows the sail
And to distant shores
Drives the Yacht along the waves.
Who sails into the distance on a Yacht
The one who lives in the alphabet.
All toys, all friends
The letters are all - from A to Z.

(V. Stepanov)

Elena Blaginina

I'll learn to read
(ABC in verse)
- A-a-a, - Alyonka cried.
- On! - said her sister.
I plucked a scarlet flower
And she gave it to Alyonushka.
She is glad.

- Be-ee, - the white lamb bleats.
He does not understand any more letters.

Vary's mittens
Lost on the boulevard
Varya returned
In the evening from the boulevard
And I found it in my pocket
Barbarian's mittens.
That's how it is!

- Hungry, cold,
Jackdaws, sparrows?
Hungry, pigeons -
My gulenki?

Fly to visit
Our handfuls are full.
Peck, guest,
Do not be alarmed, peck!

- Rain, rain,
Don't rain!
Rain, rain
Let's get home
To the gray-haired grandfather!

Lena barely ate,
I didn't want to eat out of laziness.

Christmas tree in sequins
In warm tears
Fresh, green,
Illuminated by the sun.

Over honeysuckle
Heavy on the beetle

Lit up
Let's run

Needle and thread -
Big buddies.
Look, it turned out
What stitches!

- Come on, bunny,
Play with me.
The bunny answers:
- I can’t, patient.
- Oh-oh-oh, poor!

- Kva-kva! - hums a croak.
- Ku-ku! shouts the cuckoo.
A whole day along the line:
- Kva-kva!
- Ku-ku!
- Kva-kva!
- Ku-ku, ku-ku!

We broke.
From winter.

March is the month, and a blizzard, frost ...
We bought mimosa for mom.
Clever guys.

The nanny washed Nina for the night.
Nina didn't like soap,
But Nina didn’t moan.
Nina is a fine fellow!

The windows are open wide
Oka outside the windows.
And high above the Eye,
High - clouds.
They are reflected by the Okoy,
Repeated in the Oka.

Just lovely - these ponies!
- Dad, are the ponies horses too?

October guys
They staged a parade.
Wonderful turned out
October parade!
Flags snapped in the wind
Trumpets sounded: "Tu-ru-ru!"
The drums beat ...
The guys were happy!

Elephants are smart
Elephants are meek
Elephants are calm
And strong.

"Tu - one hundred and fourteen in the port,
Like a thundercloud on board.
And he will gain height -
And the point will become ...
That's "Tu"!

At the edge
Two old ladies
They took milk mushrooms
And waves.
Owl: - Ooh!
Owl: - Ooh!
The spirit of the old women froze -

Fedya's new uniform
And the cap is just right.
Today Fedya is all neighbors
I was escorted to the first grade.
Our dandy Fedya!

Chickens are good
At the crested!
Corydalis coughs,
- Oh, you are my darlings,
Not sick
Not feeble
Nice little ones!
Oh! Oh!

A circus performer knows how to prancing,
Train animals and birds,
And spinning on the trapeze
And dance on a tightrope.
I love the circus!

Four Anyuchki,
Not a bit tired
The third days are dancing
Everything is for jokes:
- Chok-chok, heel,

Sewing a fur coat -
I sewed a skirt
Sewing a hat -
Sewed a sneaker.
Good seamstress Natasha!

The puppy was so puny!
I fed him everything with cabbage soup,
Protected from the fierce cold
The puppy squeaked for joy.
Still would! He grew up happy!
Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog -

I drove up to the construction site
Lifting crane.
Crane -
The strong man is huge!

Have heard
From an owl,
That there are no words
The letter "s".

Curls not far away
The river is a river.
Little river -
Less stream.
No swim
Nor dive
Legs only
A little!

Echo, echo!
Here's the fun!
The monkey is an echo!
It echoes every time
Mimics us:
- Eh-e-o-o-o-e!

Yulka was nimble.
Sit still Yulka
Not a minute could!

With anchor
At Yashka's.
On a vest!
Our sailor Yashka!

She is glad. B

- Be-ee, - the white lamb bleats,
He does not understand any more letters. V

Vary's mittens
Lost on the boulevard
Varya returned
In the evening from the boulevard
And I found it in my pocket
Barbarian's mittens.
That's how it is! G

Hungry, cold
Jackdaws, sparrows?
Hungry pigeons
My gulenki?
Fly to visit
Our handfuls are full!
Peck, guest,
Do not be alarmed, peck!
Ghoul-ghoul-ghoul! D

Rain, rain
Don't rain!
Rain, rain
Let's get home
To the gray-haired grandfather! E

Lena barely ate,
I didn't want to eat out of laziness. Yo

Christmas tree in sparkles
In warm tears
Fresh, green,
Illuminated by the sun. F

Over honeysuckle
On a beetle
Casing. Z

Lit up
Let's run
There?! AND

Needle and thread -
Big buddies.
Look, it turned out
What stitches!
Wonderful! Th

- Come on, bunny,
Play with me. -
The bunny answers:
- I can’t, patient.
- Oh-oh-oh, poor! TO

- Kva-kva, - hums a croak.
- Ku-ku! Shouts the cuckoo.
A whole day along the line:
- Kva-kva!
- Ku-ku!
- Kva-kva!
- Ku-ku, ku-ku! L

We broke.
From winter. M

March is the month, and a blizzard, frost ...
We bought mimosa for mom.
Clever guys. N

The nanny washed Nina for the night.
Nina didn't like soap,
But Nina did not whine,
Nina is a fine fellow! O

The windows are open wide
Oka outside the windows.
And high above the Eye,
High - clouds.
They are reflected by the Okoy,
Repeated in the Oka.
Beautiful! NS

These ponies are just lovely!
- Dad, are the ponies horses too?
Truth? R

October guys
They staged a parade.
Wonderful turned out
October parade!
Flags snapped in the wind
Trumpets sounded: tu-ru-ru,
The drums beat ...
The guys were happy! WITH

Elephants are smart
Elephants are meek
Elephants are calm
And strong. T

"Tu - one hundred and fourteen" in the port,
Like a thundercloud on board
And he will gain height
And the point will become ...
That's so "Tu"! Have

At the edge
Two old ladies
They took milk mushrooms
And waves.
Owl: - Ooh!
Owl: - Ooh!
The spirit of the old women froze -
Creepy! F

Fedya's new uniform
And the cap is just right.
Today Fedya is all neighbors
They are escorted to the first grade.
Our dandy Fedya! NS

- Oh, you are my darlings,
Not sick
Not feeble
Nice little ones!
Oh! Oh! C

A circus performer knows how to prancing,
Train animals and birds,
And spinning on the trapeze
And dance on a tightrope.
I love the circus! H

Four Anyuchki,
Not a bit tired
The third days are dancing
Everything is for jokes:
- Chok-chok, heel,
Chock! NS

Sewing a fur coat
Sewed a skirt;
Sewing a hat
Sewed a sneaker.
Good seamstress
Natasha! SCH

The puppy was so puny!
I fed him everything with cabbage soup,
Protected from the fierce cold
The puppy squeaked for joy.
Still would! He grew up happy!
Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog -
Real! B

I drove up to the construction site
The crane is lifting.
Crane -
The strong man is huge! NS

Have heard
From an owl,
That there are no words
On the letter "Y"

Curls not far away
Little river -
Less stream.
No swim
Nor dive
Legs only
A little! NS

Echo, echo!
Here's the fun!
The monkey is an echo!
It echoes every time
Mimics us:
"E-e-o-o-o-e!" NS

Yulka was nimble.
Sit still Yulka
Not a minute could! I AM

With anchor
At Yashka's.
On a vest!
Our sailor Yashka!
E. Blaginina

The letter "I"
Everyone knows:
The letter "I"
In the alphabet
The last one.
Does anyone know
Why and why?
- Unknown?
- Unknown.
- Interesting?
- Interesting! -
Well, listen to the story.
Lived in the alphabet with us
Lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends
Where no one quarrels
There and the matter is arguing.
Only time
The whole thing
Has become
Due to a terrible scandal:
The letter "I"
I didn’t fit in the line,
The letter "I"!
- I AM, -
Said the letter "I" -
I want,
To everywhere
I don't want to stand in a row.
I wish to be
In sight! -
They say to her:
- Get in place! -
Answers: - I will not go!
I'm not just a letter for you,
I am a pronoun.
Compared to me -
Misunderstanding -
No more no less!

Then the whole alphabet came
Into a terrible excitement.
- Phew, well, you! -
F snorted,
Blushing from resentment.
- Shame! -
Angrily S said.
B shouts:
- Imagining!
Anyone could do that!
Maybe I myself am an excuse! -
Grumbled P:
- Try,
Have a talk with such a special person!
- We need a special approach to it, -
Suddenly a Soft Sign mumbled.
And an angry Solid Sign
Silently showed his fist.
- Ti-i-she, letters! Ashamed, signs! -
The Vowels screamed. -
All that was missing was the fight!
And also the Consonants!
We need to figure it out earlier
And then fight!
We are a literate people!
The letter "I"
She herself will understand:
Is it a conceivable thing
Push forward?
After all, no one in such a letter
Will not understand anyway! -
Flooded with feet:
“I don’t want to hang out with you!”
I will do everything myself!
I’m smart enough! -
The letters looked at each other,
Everything - literally! - smiled,
And the friendly chorus answered:
- Good,
We go to the dispute:
If you can
By oneself
Write a message
At least a line -
That is,

So I
I couldn't,
I'm not somebody
... The letter "I" got down to business:
For an hour she
And groaned
And she was sweating, -
She managed to write
"... yayayaya!"
How the letter "X" is filled:
- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! -
It rolled with laughter!
I grabbed my head.
I grabbed my stomach ...
The letter "I"
At first it was fastened
And then how it roars:
- I, guys, are to blame!
My guilt!
I agree to get up guys
Even behind
Letters "U"!

Well, - the whole alphabet decided, -
If he wants - let him stand!
It's not about the place at all.
The fact is that we are all together!
That everything -
From A to Z -
We lived like one family! * * * * *

The letter "I"
Always was
Each and every one is dear.
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place
Letters "I"!
B. Zakhoder

Big letter "A"
My sister can read -
And from the very morning
Reads or writes
Big letter "A".
And if he goes out into the city -
The whole street will pass
All signboards will inspect
And he will find the letter "A".
Our letter climbed
Almost every home!
Not believing your eyes,
My sister says to me:
- Look,
At the stop
The bus is worth it!
At every stop
On a tin plate
The letter "A" is shining.
While we are driving home
Together with my little sister
We read the letter "A"
We sing the letter "A".
And at home right off the shelf
She takes the primer
And he sees - the wolves howl,
The fire sings in the oven.
But she's not scared at all
One is passionate about:
She's on all pages
Reads the letter "A".
And this one is "A"! And this!
And this one is bigger!
Let only this letter
While familiar to her.
Let the pencil be awkward
Clenching in a fist
Just this letter
Draws on a piece of paper.
Forgotten and the hare in the field,
And a wolf with a fox in the forest -
Only the letter "A" walks
On a white sheet.
The carousel is frozen
There is ice on the river.
Only the letter "A" across the field
Goes tirelessly.
By the pillars on the road
Walking from the hillock
Draws this letter
Stubborn sister.
Let it be crooked, clumsily -
Push and fall -
Limping now and then
That letter goes.
Let it be crooked -
Not scary,
No problem,
But she -
S. Kozlov

The alphabet of dreamers

Everyone knows the letter A -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter A
In the alphabet, the main.

Cheerful, fat clown
Plays the trumpet.
On this pot-bellied
Looks like the letter B.V

B is a very important letter,
I was imagining it scary.
The chest is a wheel, the belly is inflated,
As if nothing is more important here.

Stork on one leg
Reminds the letter G. D

D - like a neat house
With a high gable roof.

In the word spruce we will hear E,
We will write the letter E like this:
The trunk and the trunk have three branches.
Let's remember the letter E, kids.

The tree is the same as the spruce,
And there are drops over the tree.
Add drop-dots,
E - we read the letter like that.

F has so many legs
As if the letter can crawl.
Letter Ж for sure
Beetle shadow on paper.

Look at this letter!
It is just like the number 3.
3 not just a curl,
3 - spring, pretzel, shavings. And

And looks like an accordion
And a frightened cat.
And - between two straight roads
One lay diagonally.

Dances to one paw,
And waves with the other paw,
And at the same time the letter K
Like the antennae of a beetle.

The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - forest hut.M

It's easy to know this letter,
Who has been on the subway at least once
In the evenings it shines for us all
Between the houses the letter M.N

I have about the letter N
Suddenly there was a song:
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n -
It turned out a ladder.

The letter O is the moon and the sun,
The house has a round window.
Both the clock and the wheel
And this, it seems, is not all.

Someone recently said:
P is like a gate
I was too lazy to object
I knew that P was like a tree stump.

How to remember the letter P?
Everyone can, for example,
Put your hand on the side
And introduce R to each other.

The crescent moon was melting in the sky,
Sickle leaned towards damage.
And so from heaven
The letter S. T shone for us.

Looks like an antenna T
And the umbrella seems to be too.

The letter U resembles ears
At the hare on the top of the head.
The snail has horns too
So they look like the letter U.

F puffed out her cheeks
Or put her hands on her hips.

The letter X, you are a laughter
And a good braggart!
We will start a round dance
Together, we will sing merrily.

The letter C stands sideways
And hooks everyone with a hook.

Drew the number 4 -
We drew the letter H.

The letter Ш in these words:
School, pole, charade, shah.
I wrote the letter Ш:
Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.

This letter U seems to be ...
Drop all doubts.
Decorates this letter
Pig's tail.

Solid sign - b -
write like this:
A wheel and a match
There is a pigtail behind.

S ... What a fatty you are!
Your tummy is like a pillow.
To make it easier for her to walk,
I had to get the stick.

The letter P was turned over,
And sat down as if on a chair,
And they named the letter like this -
soft sign - L.E

The letter E - no matter how you look -
You will see pincers and pincers.

The whole letter Y was bent,
Holds his wand.
It looks like this -
An old woman with a hook.

A bunch of apples on the counter ...
And I noticed, my friends:
If an apple had two legs,
The letter Y would immediately come out.
B. Zakhoder

ABC-fairy tale

The letter A lived in Watermelon,
In a striped fat belly.
Once Apricot came to her,
Sweet Pineapple brought.
The stork flew past,
He saw the letter A
And I decided to take it for myself.
Apricot let's shout:
- A-a-a, stolen, help,
Return the letter A to the ABC book!

The Baran rode to the cry,
He began to beat the Drum,
Call the letter B for help,
To help out a girlfriend!
The squirrel jumped on a branch,
The Badger got out of the hole,
Ballerina straight from the ball
I ran to help them,
The bull came and the hippo:
- The letter A was stolen! Here! In

Sparrow says to them:
- We need to look soon
This letter is everywhere!
We are looking in the air, in the water!
Wolf howls: - And who is the thief?
Raven starts an argument:
- I have a question,
Who took her where?
And Volnushka is worried:
- Where are you, my girlfriend?

But none of them knew
Where is the stork's nest!
Geese walk on the lawn
The carriages are rolling down the hill,
The dove blinks its eyes:
Where is the nest, and he does not know!
And thunder rumbles in the sky:
- We'll find the letter anyway!
The Rook shakes his head.
- The stork hid his house!

Yes! - Dolphin told friends,
- There are many of us, but he is one!
- The stork hid the house on the oak tree! -
The Woodpecker reported to everyone important.
Rain knocked on the roof:
- Will you find the way?
The woodpecker looks out of the hollow:
- I remember the dacha was there,
A dark pond beyond the village
All storks live there!

Past the pines, past the firs
Everyone ran and flew!
Raccoon hurries ahead,
On his back the Hedgehog carries
Sighing quietly behind the Hedgehog,
The hedgehog eats the blackberry.
Some are running, some are barely
I went forward to the cherished goal!
Ruff in the river waved his tail,
A goose shouted from the Christmas tree: - Let's go!

The Beetle hums over the road,
The foal is running
A Giraffe in a bright jacket
He puffed: - It's hot today!
And the beaver juggles
Acorns like a juggler!
From a distant pond
The toad shouted: - Trouble!
I'm terribly sorry for the letter A.
I'll save her! Kva-kva! Z

Zebra hit the hoof,
The hare says angrily:
- The stork asked us a problem!
Nothing, we won't pay!
We will find the letter A soon,
Even in the castle, behind the fence,
We will find it everywhere:
Under the ground and on the star!
Strawberry under the umbrella
She boldly shouted: - We will find it!

And Ishak shouts after them:
- I can't catch up with you in any way!
On his back is a turkey
And a whole bale of raisins.
A raccoon hurt my foot,
Iodine carries the cock to him.
Well, it's time to eat.
The fox eats sweet yogurt.
The hedgehog ran into the hut,
He took toffee from the table.

The Cat jumped off the bookshelf,
He guards the candy.
- Who stole the toffee?
The mole explained everything to him.
The Cat called the Cow and the Cat,
I took potatoes from the pantry,
I put my keys in my pocket
Shouted: - Horse, Goat, Boar,
Let's go looking for the letter A
And save from the stork!

Swallow flies in the sky
The elk has been on the way for a long time,
Fox and five Foxes
They are in a hurry to help them!
Lily of the valley waves them with a leaf:
- You will save our letter!
Leo and Frog have no time for sleep,
The Moon will show them the way.
And behind the forest, a clatter is heard:
A horse with a ribbon in his magnificent mane! M

The moth carries raspberries
The ant got into the car
Bear on his back
Mouse with a handful of coins
So that in the nearest store
Buy marmalade in the basket.
There's a broom on their way
Quickly rubbed the debris.
And Matryoshka washed everyone,
I fed sweet honey.

The night overtakes them on the way,
The sky is flashing stars.
All the lifeguards are tired
We need to think about a halt.
Forget-me-nots Rhinoceros,
Legs stretched out, lay down.
And the thimble, taking out the thread,
He began to sew a jacket for the negro.
The tumbler won't fall asleep:
Tomorrow is on a long journey again!

Over the vast ocean
The sun rose early, early.
The octopus at the bottom woke up
The sleepy perch shook himself off,
In dandelions Wasp
I began to dance with the Eagle.
There are three Sheep in the garden
Found cucumbers.
The monkey is eating a nut
The donkey wakes everyone up with a cry.

They ate the pies with jam,
We sat on the path
And they went ahead.
Look, and there the river flows!
They sat down on the sand sadly
Ate a delicious peach.
Suddenly the shepherd approaches them,
He says: - Why are we sitting?
You just have to make a raft
The Spider will weave a sail for you.

Work is in full swing by the river:
Someone pulled the rope
Sawed a log by a beaver
Cancer has an ax in its claws!
In the sky, a rainbow blooms:
- Oh, what a beautiful raft!
Rose with dew drops
She whispered: - Well done!
Fish also help
The raft is pushed from the shore.

That's all on land again.
The elephant trumpets: - Everyone should listen to me!
The case is drawing to a close
And what is the end of the tale?
So many days we walked with you,
The letter was never found!
The plane is buzzing from heaven:
- Ahead there is a pine forest.
The firefly will guide you
Next, woodpecker, it's your turn!

The stomp of paws filled the forest:
A cockroach climbed onto a pumpkin,
The tiger took a pumpkin in his teeth,
I walked along the path
And behind them the Fawns
And spotted calves
Birds are carried on their heads
The tractor is driving on the grass.
And thunder bursts out of the cloud:
- There is a nest, and a letter in it!

They surrounded an oak tree,
They see: a lumberjack is needed!
They cannot remove the letter themselves,
We must drop the tree.
Already hisses: - Beavers, saw!
Someone with teeth - help!
A duck bites a thick trunk,
The mouse gnaws at the roots,
And the Snails are working,
Eating the leaves quickly!

The falcon in the sky is like a flag:
- Hey, surrender the vile enemy!
Violet worries:
- Oh, sorry for the poor letter!
An owl shines a lantern:
Letter, we will save you!
The letter A waves his arms
And in the nest she dances with happiness:
- I believe you will save me,
The stork hid in a swamp! X

OK! - said the Hamster.
The formidable lion roared: well, well!
- Oink, - the pig assented,
The head nodded to the calf.
The animals stood in a round dance,
The mustachioed cat sang the song,
A friendly chorus sang along with him,
The boastful fox finished the bread
And lay down on a fluffy tail,
A lame Weasel sat next to him.

What a circus? - the bear growls,
- I am ashamed to look at you!
What did you sing and dance?
Did you get the letter?
We need to help out the letter,
Shake the mighty oak!
Flowers rustle in response:
- Bear, you will be in charge!
The heron walks like a queen:
- I cannot but agree!

The animals drank sweet tea,
We washed the cups in the rain.
Sat down to think: how to be?
How to cut down a mighty oak?
- We will help. How?
Worm asked from the ground.
The seagull is circling over the nest.
And a dwarf came out of the thicket.
He put his hand in his pocket,
Took out a whole suitcase!

And what is there just not:
Checkers, chess, moped,
Washer, ball and laces,
Even dark glasses
Corkscrew, invisible hat,
Basket with chocolates,
A colorful silk tent!
- No saw? The beaver asked.
The bumblebee circled over the dwarf:
- Yes! He forgot the saw!

The gnome sits and wrinkles his cheeks.
The pike's fins are bulging.
Sad to the gnome horse said:
- It is a pity that you did not take the saw!
- Nothing! - the crow croaked,
- Beavers will file the oak soon.
They will call the beavers,
Only the chips will fly!
Dwarf Stroking Puppy's Nose
And shouts: - What have I brought!

Hey beavers, I'm already running
I'll help you now!
He took out of the suitcase
Boots and eggplant
Frying pan and toys,
Blanket and pillows
The letter Y with a piece of SOAP
I got into this heap!
- S-s-s, - the good gnome cried.
- We won't find anything!

He could not find in any way
Soft sign b and hard sign b.
- And why do I need magic?
I can’t do anything!
But as soon as the cancer whistled,
A firm b-sign appeared:
With a sharp tooth and under a roof.
The soft sign b quietly left:
Like a soft pillow
Like a cheesecake.

Sawed down a solid tree,
Soft letter picked up!
-Ah, - said the letter A,
- I hardly died!
“Uh-uh,” the ostrich replied to Emu.
- We are all so happy for you!
The animals sang, hugged,
They danced and laughed.
The echo picked up the song
And it rolled over the forest.

And in a beautiful long skirt,
Strawberries paints sponges
And goes out into a motley circle
Dance among friends.
Like Yula, she is spinning.
Birds sang on the branches.
The sun was shining bright
Letter A told everyone:
- Thank you, friends!
How I missed you!

The magpies heard the news
Everyone in the world was told:
Knows the berry-raspberry,
Ripe mountain ash knows
Knows the Apple tree in the garden,
Tadpoles in the pond
And the kids are frolicking:
- The letter A was saved! Hooray!

In a swamp, a stork in a hole
Crying with bitter tears
Pokes the ground with a long nose:
- I will not take without asking!
The letter A forgave him
And she treated me to candy.
The letters are all in place now
They felt good together!

We told you a fairy tale
So that you know all the letters!
I. Gurin

ABC with names

Alexandra and two Ali
They planted asters in the garden,
And Arthur and two Alyoshka
The alphabet was read to the cat. B

Bella, Borya and Bulat
They eat bagels all day.
Bobik is spinning at his feet:
"Throw at least one piece!" V

Valentine and two Valera
Cornflowers are for Vera.
You fell in love with her, you can see! " -
Vasya yells at them maliciously. G

Gene with Grisha for Gali
They plucked pears from the tree.
Galya ate three buckets,
"Says:" It's time to go home! " D

Dima to brother Denis
I got into a fight because of the toffee.
Even because of the chocolate
Do not do this, friends! E

Eve gave the soup to Emelya,
Emelya barely ate.
“If you don’t finish your soup,
You can't get a blackberry! " F

Jean lives in France
He calls Zhora to visit.

hook it to the line. The wind will pick up the paper dome and carry it to the serpent soaring in the sky.

With the help of these parachutes it is possible to deliver reports while sitting in a "besieged fortress" if there is a war game in the camp. A scattering of such multi-colored domes with attached paper flowers in the sky will be a decoration of the summer carnival. samodelki / detigri / zmei- I / zmei-l.htm

Elena Blaginina


And she gave it to Alyonushka. She is glad.

Be-e-e, - the white lamb bleats. He does not understand any more letters.

Varya's mittens disappeared on the boulevard. Varya returned from the boulevard in the evening, And found Varvara in her mittens. That's how it is!

Hungry, cold, jackdaws, sparrows? Hungry, pigeons - my guliens? Come to visit, we have a handful of handfuls. Peck, guest, Do not be alarmed, peck! Ghoul-ghoul-ghoul!

Rain, rain, don't rain! Rain, rain, wait! Let the gray-haired grandfather reach the house!

Lena barely ate, she did not want to eat out of laziness.

Christmas tree in icy sparkles, In warm resin tears. Fresh, green, illuminated by the sun.


A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle. Heavy casing on the beetle.

With these fun poems, you will easily learn the alphabet with your young children.

A-a-a, - Alyonka cried.

On! - said her sister. I plucked a scarlet flower

A green star lit up. Let's launch the starship there ?!


Needle and thread are great friends. Look at the stitches! ... Wonderful!