How to cool the aquarium. Cooling the water in the aquarium in the summer heat. How to understand that you need to cool the water

According to the Moscow Zoo, due to the abnormal heat
in apartments every 7th aquarium fish dies.

Indeed, only not many fish can tolerate such a prolonged rise in temperature by 5-7 degrees above their temperature norm!
Most of all now go to crucians - goldfish and other derivatives. Yes, and the rest of the species is not the same sweet.
Let us briefly recall that fish do not know how to regulate their body temperature - they simply do not have such a mechanism. An increase in water temperature leads to an acceleration of metabolism, or simply, the fish begins to age faster. A steep increase leads to overheating and death from suffocation and organ failure.

What can we do for our little cold-blooded pets?

  • First, turn off the lights!
    If you use incandescent bulbs, tubes or halogen, then it is better to turn it off so as not to heat up an already overheated situation.
  • Second - Open the lid!
    Evaporating water cools. Therefore, open the lid of the aquarium, thereby increasing the heat exchange of air on the surface of the aquarium.
    If your fish is prone to jumping out of the aquarium, cover the aquarium with a mosquito net or something similar.
  • Turn on aeration to maximum!
    The worst thing for our pets in overheated water, as well as for us in an overheated city, is a sharp drop in the proportion of oxygen. The animal world is simply suffocating in such heat, it does not matter whether in water or air. By turning on the aeration to the maximum, we will not only arrange good mixing of the water, but strong ripples on the surface, which will increase both evaporation and saturation of water with oxygen. It is worth remembering that the room must be ventilated.
  • Install additional fans!
    On the forum you can find many tips on this matter. The fans cool the water, increasing evaporation and air exchange on the surface of the aquarium. And the larger it is, the better the water cools.
    An example of such an installation in this thread
  • Change the water often and do not feed the fish!
    Did we talk about metabolism? :) Well, I ate, digested, and so on. In hot water, this not only happens quickly, but also decomposes very aggressively. So 5-10% changes 2-3-4 times a day will only improve the situation in the aquarium. And hunger in this heat is good for both the fish and the owner.
    Just don't pour ice water !!! A sharp jump in temperature can lead to the instant death of your pets. It would be ideal to add water 2-3 degrees below the current in the aquarium, so as not to arrange heatstroke for the pets. And for the grass, these are not the best changes.
  • Cool water with ice containers!
    An old, but very effective method is to freeze 3-4 bottles from Essentuki (beer destroys your health in such heat) and alternately lower them into the aquarium.
    The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to lower two-liter bottles in 10-liter aquariums - the cooling will be fatal.
  • Air conditioners and other household appliances, that's good!
    But do not forget that they are driving the same air, which means that the oxygen content in it decreases.
    Ventilate the room!

Here are some tips that can save your pets from extreme ear play;)
Hope everyone will be healthy!

Every aquarist knows that not all fish species tolerate the summer heat when the water in the aquarium is heated to the limit. High temperature can not only harm and cause discomfort to the pet, but even lead to death. Therefore, it is important to know how to cool the water in your aquarium to the temperature you want. There are several options for exactly how to do this.

Turn off lighting

The very first thing to do when there is lighting in the aquarium is to turn it off, because the lamps heat the water. The aquarium can do without it for a couple of days. If there is no way to disable it, then there are many other options.

Control stations

If you want to monitor not only the temperature, but also absolutely all parameters of the liquid in the aquarium, then you need a control station. It can detect heat and cool water to the desired temperature.

However, this method is very expensive, and such stations will most likely have to be ordered from abroad. Not all fish require precise control of water parameters. Therefore, such devices are purchased mainly by professionals who have rather capricious individuals who need special care.

Methods related to aeration

Open the lid

Many types of aquarium covers prevent air from circulating inside the water tank. To lower the temperature, simply remove the lid from the aquarium. This method works well in summer, on days when there is no particular heat. If you are afraid for your fish, and you are worried that they might jump out of the tank, then cover the tank with a light cloth or choose another method.

Lowering the ambient temperature

Probably the easiest method of all. The temperature of the water in the aquarium directly depends on how warm the air around is, so to prevent the water from overheating, it is enough to close the curtains. Then the sun's rays will not penetrate the room and heat the air in it. You can also use air conditioning, if available.

Change filter parameters

Heating mainly affects the amount of air dissolved in the water. The hotter it is, the less it is. If you have an internal filter, place it as close to the surface of the water as possible, the movement of water it creates will cool. If the filter is external, then additionally install a so-called "flute", a nozzle that allows water to be poured onto the surface, which will provide sufficient aeration and reduce the temperature.


The method is cheap, however, you will have to work hard. Probably, every house has an old computer in which there is a cooler. It can be used to cool the water in the aquarium, it is enough to mount it in the lid of the water tank.

To do this, you will need: an aquarium cover, an old cooler, an old 12 volt phone charger and silicone sealant. All this can also be purchased in the store. The cooler costs on average up to 120 rubles, for the charger they will ask for 100 rubles.

  1. Place the cooler on the lid where you would like to install it later, and circle it.
  2. Cut a hole in the lid along the resulting contour.
  3. Insert the cooler into the hole and coat the space between the cover and the cooler with sealant. Let the structure dry. The exact drying time can be read on the sealant packaging.
  4. After the sealant dries, take the old charger, cut off the plug that was inserted into the phone and strip the wires.
  5. Twist the wires with the charger wires. They are usually categorized by color into black and red. It is important to combine black with black, and red with red, otherwise the cooler will spin in the opposite direction. If the wires are of other colors, then be guided by this criterion: blue or brown can be connected to black, other colors are suitable for red. If both wires are black, try twisting them in the same position first. If the propeller is spinning in the opposite direction, then swap them.
  6. It is very easy to check in which direction the cooler is blowing. It is enough to take a small thread, about 5 centimeters long, and bring it to the cooler from the back side. If it wriggles, then the cooler is connected incorrectly, it is worth swapping the wires. If it sways, but remains relatively straight, then the connection is correct.

For the best effect, it is advised to put 2 coolers, one at the input and one at the output. Also, for better aeration, they should be at a slight angle relative to the water. In summer, it is recommended not to turn off the coolers at night, otherwise you will have to get up before the sun, since after sunrise the water warms up very quickly.

The downside is the complexity of the method, since not everyone has sufficient knowledge and funds to build such a structure.

Lowering the water temperature

Using a filter

If you have an internal filter, then besides aeration, there is another way that will help you cool the water in the aquarium. Remove the filter wool from the device and put ice in its place. This method will allow you to cool the water, even in the heat, in a matter of minutes. However, you need to constantly monitor the temperature, as you can inadvertently overcool the water, which will also adversely affect the fish.

Ice bottle

The most popular way. Usually ice is frozen in 2 ice bottles, then these bottles are submerged in the aquarium. The method is similar to the previous one, however, the cooling is more extended and smoother. But still, do not forget to monitor the temperature inside the aquarium.

These methods can help your pets get through the summer heat without too much trouble. Remember that fish are most mobile at the right temperature, which not only looks beautiful, but also allows them to live a long and healthy life.

Not all fish species can easily tolerate the natural heating of water in the heat. This can lead to poor health and even death of pets. In addition, elevated temperatures often lead to disease outbreaks in the aquarium, with serious consequences. To avoid such situations, you need to know how to cool the water in the aquarium in the summer. This can be done with special devices, as well as with simple home methods.

How to cool your aquarium water in hot weather

The rise in temperature directly affects the lifespan of pets. Also, an excessive increase negatively affects the condition of aquarium algae. The amount of oxygen in the water decreases, which leads to poor development and decay of vegetation.

The aquarium water cooler can be purchased at the store and is necessary for complex ecosystems or a marine aquarium.

If this option is not suitable, you can use home methods for adjusting the microclimate for your pets.

All methods for solving aquarium water cooling

Typically, normal temperature readings for most types of aquarium fish range from 22-25 degrees Celsius. Tropical fish in such an environment can be uncomfortable, so temperatures up to 30 degrees are considered acceptable for them. If these standards are exceeded, it is necessary to know the main ways to reduce the water temperature in hot weather.

What are the ways to cool water:

  • Placement inside ice containers. Very helpful in case of extra heat. To do this, place a plastic bottle of water in the freezer and then add it to the aquarium. The method is effective, but laborious, because the bottles have to be constantly changed, and it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. An important drawback is the sharp contrast in temperature, which is undesirable for fish and algae.
  • Turn off the backlight and remove the cover. Helps with a slight increase in temperature. Also, if possible, it is better to remove the aquarium from heat sources, place it further from the window and balcony. This method also has disadvantages - the inhabitants of the aquarium may feel a lack of light.
  • Enhanced water aeration. The strong current from the above conventional filter will also gradually cool the water. The flute from the external filter can be placed above the level of the aquarium. This will create movement from the overflowing water and help increase the oxygen supply.
  • You can also put ice cubes in the external filter compartment instead of a washcloth. This method will help to quickly cool the water in the aquarium, but the temperature parameters must be strictly controlled.

You can also cool the aquarium with your own hands with special equipment. When choosing, take into account the dimensions of the container and the maximum power.

For small models, you can use a regular fan, and if the room is equipped with air conditioning, the problem of cooling in summer is solved by itself.

How to cool an aquarium in hot weather

It is a mistake for novice breeders to change too much water. Of course, this method is the first thing that comes to mind, but there are also a lot of hidden dangers.

What does it threaten:

  1. Reducing the temperature too quickly can be stressful for the aquarium inhabitants.
  2. The natural microflora of the reservoir is violated, which cannot be quickly restored.
  3. Excessive reproduction of small algae that pollute the aquarium.

The optimal mode of how to cool the water in the aquarium by replacing the water is to gradually add no more than 10-15% of the total volume.

Such manipulations can be done three to four times a day, more is undesirable. It is necessary to capture water near the bottom, and topping up should be carried out in places where there are no fish.

Cooling the aquarium with your own hands with a computer fan

Many aquarium owners practice this method of cooling water in hot weather. Such a budget analogue of professional equipment works well for containers of different sizes. You must first purchase several coolers - computer fans, you can adapt for these purposes and other equipment for a similar purpose. The fans are built into the cover, next to the backlight lamps. This will create the necessary fluctuations in the water, and for the aquarium inhabitants it will not become unnecessary stress. It is also important to set the fans as quiet as possible so that the fish are not afraid of loud sounds and vibrations.

To make a cooler for an aquarium with your own hands using fans for a computer, follow the video instructions.

The aquarium chiller helps to maintain the optimum water temperature in hot weather. An increase above 28-30 degrees is fraught with excessive growth of small algae, pollution of the aquarium, disease and fish death. To prevent this, you can consider various options for self-cooling water.

Summer! Finally, the long-awaited summer has come! It would seem that you can relax, take a break from the fatigue that has accumulated over the past time. But this is only if you are not the owner of an aquarium, and even more so, not a farm from several artificial reservoirs. Otherwise, you will not have to relax too much - summer brings with it not only positive emotions, but also a certain headache for the aquarist. This is especially true for those regions where the daytime temperature in the shade does not drop below 35 degrees, and in the sun it can even reach all 50 degrees (it also happens!). It is clear that we are talking primarily about Central Asia.

Alas, many problems for our aquarists arise precisely in the summer, when the water in the aquarium is like fresh milk. Naturally, the most unpleasant things begin to happen to the inhabitants of such "hot baths", right up to their death.

And also, we advise you to ask for a visit to some aquarist who breeds fish in large quantities at home. Then you will fully experience all the delights. greenhouse effect on a separate living space.

In the room where the aquariums are located, such high humiditythat sweat instantly appears on the skin, and the lungs begin to work like a locomotive.

So, friends, for our brother aquarist in the summer, oh, how difficult it is, and therefore it is simply necessary to solve the main problem of this period - cooling the water in aquariums to the normal temperature required for the comfortable living of the main part of the aquarium inhabitants. This is what we will continue our conversation about.

Air conditioner and aquarium

Of course, the most radical way to bring your fish to life is to install an air conditioner in the room where the aquarium is located. It often happens that then, on the contrary, water heating is required - the temperature of the air, and, consequently, of the water in the aquarium drops so dramatically. Besides, air conditioning lowers the air humidity, which is also important for the normal stay of people in the room with the aquarium, especially if it is large or there are several of them.

But not everyone can afford to purchase this useful unit in the household for a number of reasons, so the advice buy air conditioner is not the most important thing in our case. Let's try to advise something simpler and cheaper. Although, to be honest, this is the best option.

Warm water and problems in the aquarium

So, our task is to ensure that the water temperature in the aquarium does not exceed +28 degrees at an ambient temperature of +32 (usually this is the temperature that is observed in apartments in the Central Asian region during the daytime in the summer). Of course, this is too general a case, since options are possible when the aquarium, for example, is under direct sunlight for a fairly long period. But this is no longer the case - to put the aquarium on purpose in those places where the aquarium turns into a kind of geyser (except perhaps without splashes!). Therefore, we will consider the average statistical situation when it is necessary to lower the temperature by three to five degrees.

By the way, why did we choose the upper limit of the optimum at +28 degrees? The fact is that most aquarium fish can withstand such water quite calmly. However, it should be borne in mind that some fish still begin to feel somewhat uncomfortable at this temperature. These are, first of all, goldfish and their varieties, various catfish that live in nature, usually in fast-flowing cold rivers, small haracin, for example, neons. For them, it would be desirable to lower the temperature to +25 degrees. But, by the way, +28 is not too bad either.

Yes, we forgot about living plants! But this is in vain, since they also require certain temperature limits. The bulk of aquarium plants are inhabitants of the tropics, where the water temperature is within 22 ... 27 degrees. Going beyond these boundaries usually leads to various troubles.

For example, such a pretty plant as bolbitis gedeloti (Bolbitis heudelotii) when the water temperature drops to 20 degrees, it stops growing abruptly, and when it exceeds 27 ... 28 degrees, it very quickly depletes and withers.

Aquarists, mostly beginners, very often make the mistake of placing in their aquariums obviously unsuitable for tropical aquariums plants. Such, for example, hydrophytes such as cladophora, hornwort, key moss, Canadian Elodea, some types of Echinodorus do not tolerate water with temperatures above 20 ... 24 degrees. As a result, after a short period of time in warm water, these plants stop growing, disintegrate into small pieces, rot and die. Therefore, when choosing plants, as well as fish, you should think over everything to the smallest detail, so that later you will not be disappointed in your aquarium very quickly.

Finally, it should be said that in warm water, the life processes of all aquatic organisms are significantly accelerated, which means that fish need more food and more oxygen for breathing. In addition, water accumulates much faster organic, an excess of which can lead to ammonia poisoning of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Thus, we state: the water temperature should not be increased more than +28 degrees.

But there are exceptions here too! On the contrary, some fish require warm water, especially during the spawning period. This applies to discus, scalars, especially black ones, and some other species. So, if your aquarium is inhabited by these fish, you can skip further reading.

Well, we continue!

And I wonder why the water in the aquarium has a temperature several degrees lower than the surrounding air? Everything is very simple - water evaporates, and due to this process, its temperature decreases slightly.

So, the more intense the evaporation process, the lower the temperature? Not certainly in that way. Evaporation cause certain conditions, namely either thermal effects on the water layer, or blowing it with the help of, for example, fans.

The first option is clearly not suitable for us, since the upper layers of water will not only evaporate, but again heat up, warming up the lower layers, thereby further increasing the temperature.

The second option is quite real, and in this way it is recommended to lower the water temperature.

Intensive blowing water and even the organization of a rough current in the aquarium (with the help of pumps) allows you to lower the temperature by 4 ... 5 degrees, but at the same time the water evaporates very quickly, so that in a short time you can lose quite a lot of it in the aquarium.

Do not forget that the evaporated water smoothly turns into a gaseous state, and if the appropriate exhaust ventilation, then the greenhouse effect is ensured in it. And this, believe me, is very unpleasant!

It is usually recommended to install a few small low-voltage fans under the aquarium lid, such as those used in computers to cool processors. Their advantages are low power consumption, quiet sound of work, small dimensions.

Here's how, for example, it is recommended to install fans experienced aquarists:
“Better if you put one fan to blow off the water surface. Then the air flow (with vapors) will easily come out through a specially made hole in the lid from its other edge. Air is still a gas, and the resistance to its movements will be microscopic. Therefore, it is hardly worth installing another fan for air extraction. However, of course, with the help of two fans, you can intelligently direct the air flow. And you can also turn both impellers into blowing, raise the wave and speed up the process of water evaporation. "

Thus, there are two options for installing the fans in the aquarium lid:
one fan that blows the interior space under the cover;
two fans, one of which works for blowing, and the second for exhaust.

Both options are quite effective. But we think that the two-fan version is better suited to large and long aquariums with a large area of \u200b\u200bthe upper layer of water.

This is perhaps the most effective way to lower the water temperature. You can also recommend simply blowing the aquarium with, for example, a floor fan, but the effectiveness of this method will be much lower.

Another option is proposed for organizing forced cooling using a hose, the middle of which is placed in the aquarium, one end of it is connected to a cold water tap, and the other end is lowered into the sink or into the toilet.

However, it is not for nothing that this method has received the name "barbaric" among aquarists, since a large amount of water is wasted aimlessly, which, as you know, must be protected. Moreover, this system looks very unsightly, which is hoseslaid out on the floor of the apartment.

Some aquarists simply place closed containers of ice in the aquarium to cool the water, this allows the water temperature to be quite low. But this method is bad in that the temperature jumps within wide limits rather sharply, and it is extremely difficult to control these jumps.

Overheating, how to avoid high water temperatures in the aquarium

In conclusion, here are the simplest tips to prevent overheating of the water in aquariums.

Firstly, in the summer you need to remove the aquarium from the windows as much as possible, especially if straight lines enter the apartment through them. sun rays.

Secondly, if possible, the aquarium should be placed as low as possible, or better - set it on the floor. On the floor, the air temperature is not a few degrees lower than at a certain height from it.

Thirdly, install a floor fan in the room where the aquarium is located, direct the air flow to the aquarium.

Fourthly, increase the pumping of water by air from the compressor - this will slightly increase water evaporation in aquarium.

Fifth, give up completely artificial lighting aquarium, as lamps, even daylight, generate heat and further increase the temperature of the water.

/ the article uses materials from the forum of the Tashkent aquarium site /

Every summer in front of the owners aquariums




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The main disadvantage of cooling water with a fan is water loss. Approximately 5 liters evaporate from a 100 liter aquarium per week. In addition, the humidity in the room rises very strongly, which can be harmful to those around. Also, too high air humidity can damage furniture and the formation of mold on the walls.

How do I cool my aquarium water? Cooling methods

Measuring instruments

Ice cubes

How do we make cool tea in the summer? We throw ice into it and enjoy its taste. The same principle can be adopted if the question arose of how to cool the water in the aquarium on your own. If you have a small aquarium, then simply freeze the cubes and put them in the vessel. The temperature drops quickly enough, but you need to watch out, as soon the water will heat up again.

If the aquarium is large, this method is not suitable. You will need a few pounds of ice to bring the water temperature back to normal. Why not? We take plastic bags or plastic bottles (2 liters), fill with water and freeze. Now we carefully place this vessel on the bottom of the aquarium and observe the temperature. Remember that a large volume of ice drops the temperature very quickly and dramatically, so be prepared to stop the experiment. This is the most effective way. In addition, he can help out if you leave for a long time, and it is very hot outside. Then throw in an ice pack, close the curtains and go about your business.

Using a filter

The temperature is above the critical point

You need to start sounding the alarm when the thermometer has risen above 26 degrees. In this case, you need to urgently decide how to cool the water in the aquarium. At the same time, if there are a huge number of heating devices, of all shapes and sizes, then with coolers everything is very modest. There are practically no special offers on the market that could make life easier for the inhabitants of your home pond.

First of all, moms need to think about how to lower the temperature in the room in which the aquarium is located. All methods are suitable for this. The ideal solution would be a modern climate control system or air conditioning. In this case, you no longer have to worry about the temperature of the water, except to heat it up for the most heat-loving inhabitants. And if there is no air conditioner in the room, and the sun beats down mercilessly?

Close windows

Aquarium cover

Size matters

Frequent water changes

Aeration of water as a way to reduce temperature

Technique on the verge of fantasy

❶ How to cool the aquarium :: Equipment and accessories

Every summer in front of the owners aquariums one problem arises - what to do when the water in the aquarium heats up to 30 degrees. It is known that this temperature can be detrimental to most fish species. So what do you do?


1. Too high a water temperature in the aquarium is dangerous because the solubility of oxygen in it decreases, while the content of harmful carbon dioxide increases. In addition, the decomposition of organic matter in overheated water is faster, and this can also cause poisoning of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Please note that not all fish can tolerate a sharp increase in water temperature, and many can get heatstroke. Also, overheating has a negative effect on the operation of the aquarium equipment, since various filters and pumps are not equipped with their own cooling system, they are cooled with the help of water passed through them, overheated water often causes them to fail. aquarium in extreme heat? There are several ways, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

2. Use special coolers for aquariums... Such devices are reliable and do not consume a lot of electricity. Note, however, that they have their drawbacks. They are very expensive (for less than $ 500 and don't count), a large aquarium will require several devices, which means fabulous costs. In addition, many of these devices work only under the condition that the ambient temperature does not rise above 35 ° C, which makes them simply useless in case of abnormal summer heat. In addition, these devices are not equipped with their own cooling systems, which means that you will have to cool the device itself (most often with a fan).

3. Try to use for cooling aquariums the so-called "old-fashioned" methods. For example, change some of the water in the aquarium daily. Take some of the heated water and replace it with a colder one, thereby lowering the overall water temperature in the aquarium. In the most advanced cases, replace up to half of all the water in the aquarium.

4. Method two (even more effective). Place ice packs in the aquarium. The main thing is to make sure that the container with ice is well closed, because if a leak occurs, the fish may die due to sudden hypothermia. Place the ice packs in the least visited corners of your aquarium, as contact of the fish with the pack can end in failure. Change packages every 5-6 hours. And one more tip. In extreme heat, keep the aquarium lid open as the evaporation of the water will help lower the water temperature. If you keep the so-called jumping fish, then cover the aquarium with a mesh with small cells (precisely small ones so that the fish does not get stuck in them).