Birthday of a 10 year old girl. Birthday script for a girl based on the cartoon "The Little Mermaid"

Children of different interests and strangers at the age of 10-12 were invited to the holiday. Now at this age, if children are already adults, if teenagers are still very young. I was faced with the task of finding such a holiday scenario that would be interesting for both the first and second categories of children. So that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, first of all to my daughter and, of course, to her friends. Using the materials of entertaining leisure activities for children and scenarios for children's matinees, I decided to generalize them and come up with my own. The scenario is very simple, it does not take much time in preliminary preparation, and does not require special material costs. The hosts of this event were me - (mother) and my daughter Angelica.

Preparation for the holiday

  1. Be sure to decorate the room. It can be balloons, a Christmas tree garland (electric), on the wall, mark "10" with large numbers (you can use foil or a Christmas tree "rain-hedgehog")
  2. Cardboard cards with the names of guests.
  3. Tokens. They can be colored paper or cardboard. Awarded to players for correct answers.
  4. Prizes such as school supplies, which will be awarded at the end of the evening when the number of tokens is counted.
  5. Cards with letters for the "Brownie's Tricks" competition.
  6. For a comic lottery: candle, calendar, felt-tip pen, chocolate, cream, handkerchief, comb, mug (or tea bag).
  7. A postcard with the text of congratulations for "Comic congratulations" and small leaves with adverbs: boldly, quickly, accurately, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly.
  8. For "Self-portrait" prepare sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of participants.
  9. Prepare tasks-notes for the game "forfeits".
  • do not start the holiday with difficult contests, start with the simplest ones;
  • rehearse each number (game, rally, magic tricks);
  • take the role of the presenter very seriously: connect the numbers with each other with some stories, jokes;
  • if you do not rely on your memory, it is better to have a printout of your holiday on hand (from the words of the presenter to assignments and questions).

Holiday script

Leading - mom:

"Each person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, on his personal holiday - Birthday. Today is Angelica's birthday. Today she is 10 years old. This is the first round date. in your life. This is the first date of years, consisting of two digits. 10 years! Infancy and early childhood have passed. Childhood is ahead, but already "adult", the whole life is ahead, and I want to say:

I wish you at ten years old
Life is fun, bright, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less resentment and whims!
May everything be fine at school:
Nice, understandable and cool!
I wish you a perky laugh
More luck and success! "

All guests congratulate the birthday girl, get to know each other and sit down at the table. To avoid confusion at the table, my daughter and I prepared cards with the names of the invited children, put the cards on the table. On the spread of each card, they explained what the name meant, and wrote a comic poem with it. For example:

Nadezhda: "Nadezhda" is a Russian name.
Always shine a gentle dawn
Over the world, clever Nadezhda!
Gayane: "earthly" is an ancient Greek name.
You're like a star in the night window
O stranger Gayane!
Victoria: "victory" is a Latin name.
Vicki has her own approach to clothes,
Since Vika is a trendsetter.

After absorbing salads and a hot dish, the presenter again takes the floor.

Leading - mom:

"I draw your attention to the content of the inscription in the middle of the cards. Let's read it one by one." Each of the guests reads humorous rhymes about themselves and the designation of the name. Thus, if the children meet each other for the first time, it is another opportunity to remember the names.

Host - Angelica:

"And now we are starting our holiday program. I invite you to participate actively. Because for each correct answer, my assistant (this is my mother or younger sister) gives a token. At the end of our evening, points will be calculated and prizes will be awarded in accordance with their number. So, the contest of riddles.

Both adults and children love to guess riddles. Thanks to riddles, a person thinks about new, previously unnoticed properties of an object, learns to find the correct answer. To make it easier to answer, I divided the riddles into groups: about nature, about man, about the house and household utensils.

About nature:

  1. He lives in the forest, hoots like a robber, people are afraid of him, but he is afraid of people. (Owl)
  2. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)
  3. Not fire, but burning. (Nettle)
  4. Flies - a long nose, a thin voice, whoever kills him will shed human blood. (Mosquito)
  5. A blue shawl, a red bun rolls around on a shawl, smiles at people. (Sky and sun)

About a human:

  1. Five brothers equal for years, different in height. (Fingers)
  2. All their life they go after each other, but they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)
  3. Two Yegorkas live near the hill, live amicably, but do not look at each other. (Eyes)
  4. What is the most precious thing in the world? (Health)

About the house, household utensils:

  1. Knocks, spins, walks the whole century, and not a man. (Watch)
  2. The little dog lies curled up, does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house. (Lock)
  3. Hangs in the house, there is no tongue, but he will tell the truth. (Mirror)
A token is awarded for the first correct answer.

Host - Angelica:

"Imagine if a brownie suddenly came and mixed up the letters in words, we would stop understanding each other. This cannot be allowed! So, each of you needs to break the brownie's spell and restore the words."

Further competition "brownie's tricks"... Cards are handed out, each with one set of words. You need to lay out the cards with letters so that you get the word:
monk - cinema, kevi - eyelids, ointments - winter, riag - game, kera - river, roll - eagle, and so on. Those who correctly and quickly collected the words are awarded tokens.

Leading - mom:

"You are probably already tired of mental work. Let's play comic lottery... One box contains both prizes and rolled up notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you comes up, takes a note, reads what prize he got, and takes it himself.

  1. We'll have to live a study of grief,
    Don't forget about the days of the calendar. (prize - calendar)
  2. Do you understand what is the meaning of the gift?
    Life will be joyful and bright. (prize - markers)
  3. And you will not be bitter - it will be sweet,
    Since you got a chocolate bar. (prize - chocolate bar)
  4. And big love awaits you
    And kisses all year round. (the prize is a handkerchief)
  5. You will be beautiful to walk with your hair
    Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (prize - comb)
  6. While the teacher "removes the shavings" from you,
    Calmly brew a mug of tea. (prize - a mug or tea bag)
  7. To the one who receives this candle,
    We'll have to travel around the world. (the prize is a candle)
  8. Even though this cream is inedible
    But the smell is just incomparable. (prize - cream)

Host - Angelica:

"I want to show you some funny and hilarious tricks. Focus "I am clairvoyant"... I learned to read minds. I suggest you write your plan on pieces of paper (for example: drink a glass of juice, look at the ceiling, etc.), glue these sheets in an envelope and give it to me. "

For the uninitiated, what follows looks like this. The magician takes the envelope, puts it on the table, covers it with his palm and says: "They ask me to look out the window. Was there such a request?" The magician at this time opens the envelope and does not read the contents of the note aloud. Someone answers: "Yes". The session continues. The magician takes the next envelope, etc. What is the secret? At the beginning of the session, the magician asks his sister (mother, grandmother) to join the joke, having previously agreed with her about the content of the note in the envelope, and it is also necessary that she somehow mark the envelope (for example, fold a corner). The magician will take this envelope last. And having taken any envelope, he "reads thoughts" not from the envelope in his hands, but from an agreed agreed phrase written by his sister (mother, grandmother). When the magician seemingly checks what he has written against what he has "read", he actually memorizes the contents of the note in order to "read" it while guessing over the next envelope.

Host - Angelica:

"Now I want to show you a small draw "at least three times"... Who would like to participate? Here's a strip of paper. I bet you can't rip it three times? "

The participant replies that he will cope with such a trifle and will now show how it is done. It really breaks the strip. The presenter raises his eyebrows in surprise and says: "But I told you - from three ..."

Host - Angelica:

"The next competition is game "I believe - I do not believe"... I ask the question, do you answer "yes" or "no". Do you believe that:

  1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
  2. Was the fountain pen invented in ancient Egypt? (Yes)
  3. In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)
  4. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, they can't fly)
  5. If you put a flounder fish on a chessboard, will it become checkered? (Yes)
  6. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots? (Yes)
  7. Can bats use radio signals? (No)
  8. Do spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)
  9. Are fortified pencils produced in Africa for children who have a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)
  10. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)
  11. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
  12. Do the Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
  13. Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Leading - mom:

"I suggest you play game "forfeits"... Children are given a hat in which there are notes-forfeits (for example, telling a joke, dancing an oriental belly dance, singing the song "Let them run awkwardly ...", etc.)

Host - Angelica:

And now competition "questions for quick wits"

  1. Which month is the shortest? (May - 3 letters)
  2. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, cannot speak)
  3. What can you cook but not eat? (lessons)
  4. What etiquette hand should you use to stir tea? (tea is better with a spoon)
  5. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (wet)
  6. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
  7. Which European capital stands on the mown grass? (Paris, on the Seine)
  8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
  9. What key can't you put in your pocket? (violin)
  10. What state can you wear on your head? (Panama)
  11. What are we eating for? (at the table)
  12. What stones can't you find in the sea? (dry)
  13. Which word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (name)

Tokens are awarded for the first correct answers.

Leading - mom:

"Guys, you are great: dexterous, resourceful, smart. And you have not forgotten who the holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday boy. Let's congratulate him. So, "comic congratulations"... The birthday boy gets up, the guests are given a box with little notes-words (boldly, quickly, accurately, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The presenter reads the text, and the children take turns taking out notes, finishing sentences and sticking words on the postcard. The more ridiculous, the more fun. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text:

Dear Birthday Girl! Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you that you
I got up in the morning .....................,
I washed my face .........................,
Did the exercises ......................,
Had breakfast ..........................,
I went to school ........................,
She answered in the lesson ...............,
At recess she behaved ...................,
I prepared my homework ............,
And I also studied well.

Next, a birthday cake with candles is introduced. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles. The birthday girl thanks all the guests and asks to leave her self-portraits, and everyone should draw themselves blindfolded, and then sign with their own name. It turned out very interesting and funny.

Then the number of tokens is counted and prizes are awarded.

Everyone liked the holiday: both my daughter and her guests. Conversations about an interesting holiday did not stop for several days.

Elena and Angelica.


I took this script for my daughter's birthday. I liked it. Highly. Cool. Thoughtful. The children were delighted. It was fun and interesting. The holiday turned out to be great !!! thanks

12/19/2018 18:32:58, LyudmilkaD

Thanks for the script. I downloaded it, printed it out: everything is ready. I spent my birthday. The children are delighted. A sea of ​​positive, joy and happiness in children. Fun and perky. The daughter said: "I didn't have the best birthday!" Thanks to the author for the tremendous work on creating a script, a selection of games and puzzles, a detailed description of competitions, tips for holding a holiday

04.24.2017 00:06:52, Ella M 11/30/2016 9:49:53 PM, Ramila

Nice script. Great! Funny, interesting, funny. I will arrange a holiday for my daughter. Thanks.

Great script. Thank you for the tips and tricks in the celebration and a special thank you for the script of the holiday! Spent my son's birthday. Everyone liked it. Fun, original, interesting. The guys were delighted.

Super cool! I also want to celebrate my holiday so much

09/22/2010 13:54:19 PM, NASTYUHA

The script is very funny, perky, unique, interesting. It was a very cool birthday for my child. thanks

07/28/2010 12:04:21 PM, ANNUSHKA

Thank you so much for such a wonderful script! I was looking for something like that for my birthday a lot, and I found everything in your script! Thanks again!

05/19/2009 11:06:55, Katy

my daughter is soon 10 years old and this scenario is just the way. Very good. Just super

11/26/2008 11:31:27 PM, olga

I like it

10/20/2008 12:47:40 PM, Larsen

I looked through the entire Internet and did not find anything like it. This Scenario is the best !!! I'm 10 years old in three days. Thank you.

08/22/2008 11:06:37 AM, Ivanna

Simply amazing! The holiday was great! The girls were happy!

07/23/2008 13:22:35, Alexandra

I am looking for different ideas for a celebration for my heroes Julia and Denis. My husband and I have developed our own project. I will take note of your comments. My project for 30 children of classmates and their friends with their parents. D / r will be held in a clearing on the topic "Egypt", took the idea of ​​"Myths of other Greece"

07/02/2008 20:47:08, Zhanna

Comment on the article "First Anniversary. 10 Years"

Please add some tips on how to celebrate the birthday of your 9-year-old son. Second grade. He wants to invite 3-5 people from the class. What is it to come up with that would be both fun and interesting. Where to go: cinema, ... ?? and then feed them at home or ??


Look at the go-quest exit quests, it is convenient that you can even call them home even in a cafe, they are like animation for those who grew up from animators or saw everything

Thanks for the ideas! I actively choose! They really wanted my quest :))) !!! Thanks again!

Bowling birthday. Friends, classmates. Teenagers. Education and relationships with adolescent children Birthday in bowling. There is an idea to spend a children's DR in a bowling alley during the day. But in general, in my entire life, I myself have been in bowling once and then not in Moscow ...


we celebrated 9 people 2 tracks for 2 hours, ordered food there, drinks and pizza, the children sat by themselves.

For 6 people order 1 track for 2 hours. 12 - 2 tracks. In principle, up to 8 people are allowed on 1 track. It is better to try to avoid coming up later, at the beginning of the game the bowling boy enters the names of the players into the computer and these names remain unchanged for the whole game, no one can be added. The game involves special removable shoes, which are usually given out for free. But disposable socks can be paid, 10 rubles. If the size is absolutely childish, then there may not be such shoes in bowling, then you definitely need your own sneakers. Specify this moment.
Training there is not particularly required, the maximum you can ask those children who have already played, tell the rules to those who have not yet played. Well, read them yourself somewhere on the internet, if yours is not in the subject. In reality, there the computer counts everything and reports whose move and how many points. But it's still better to understand what a strike is :) You can also ask the bowling boys to show you how to hold the ball correctly.
It makes sense to immediately agree with the children that we are holding something like a tournament. The first game is warm-up, the second is real, with prizes. Prepare prizes. 6 people on the track will play one game for 40-50 minutes. Two games will be fine. For three - children, especially younger ones, may simply not have enough strength. We recently celebrated 15 years in bowling. Only the birthday girl had enough strength for the 3rd game, those who do not go to the sports school were noticeably tired by the end of the 2nd.
The balls have different weights, which are indicated by a number. Children will need balls from about 7 to 11, they don’t need the heavier ones, but I haven’t seen the easier ones :) So before starting the game it makes sense to joke on the stock of balls and drag the lungs onto your track.
The food issue is decided by ordering pizza, which is usually found in any bowling alley. I have never left my babies born in a bowling alley to the mercy of fate, so I ordered the food myself, and on the spot determined what to add, and paid after the fact. While the children were small, she brought a cake with candles with her, having previously agreed about this with the bowling alley. You can probably order and pay for everything in advance.
Bowling itself is paid on time. Specify whether your tracks are ordered after you, or it will be possible to stay if the children do not have time to finish playing. Usually, when booking, employees take this into account, but if there are not enough tracks and a weekend evening, a series of orders is possible. As a rule, discounts for schoolchildren on weekdays.

How to organize a children's birthday in the apartment. What to cook, what to do with children. A very helpful article! The children are all familiar to each other in the garden. All children's others where we have been went according to the scenario: upon arrival, gifts are piled up in a heap; first the games, then they bring in ...


Calmly! %) Look here, on the site, "holiday scripts" search. there will be a sea of ​​articles.

Draw them a crossover on some interesting topic. Let them guess.
Fants - pull out, perform (jump three times on the left leg, jump around the table, sing the song of the Turtle and the Lion Cub, list all the fabulous mice (Jerry, Ratatouille (rat), Lariska rat, a mouse in Repka, a Ryaba chicken, Mouse and Suteev's pencil ),

further in 8 years it is already possible to play "Nonsense". We take a sheet of paper and each one writes the answer to the question of the presenter. Questions - Who? (everyone writes what they want - a cat, Tanya, a teacher, a hare), when? (Tuesday morning, after rain), where?, what did you do ?, who came? what did you say? how did it end ?. After each question, a piece of paper is handed over to a neighbor. Then the presenter artistically and cheerfully reads the resulting stories. Usually funny. My son adores her.

MINI super winning lottery. Just a bunch of small gifts (key chains, stickers, rubber bands, candy) in a dark bag. Everyone pulls out a present for themselves. Just atk.

You can use the traditional one - who quickly winds the string onto a pencil. Two strings are tied to a pencil and given to opponents.

Congratulation with a candle looks beautiful. Each guest is given a candle. He / she says a wish to the birthday girl, hands the gift and passes the candle on. It is better to warn about this ceremony and congratulations in advance, so as not to be presented ahead of time. :)

Game for attention. take with you a bright and realistic picture, show it for 10 seconds. Then questions about the picture.

You can recognize animals that are pinned to the player's back. He does not see them and must ask questions to which the others answer "Yes, no." The rest can see what animal is behind him.

Do you have any books at home on the topic of organizing holidays or how to keep the children busy? Or watch some contests here or on the Sun. For example, the well-known "nonsense": the answers to the questions are written on the sheets of paper: who, with whom? what they were doing? where? what came of it. Remember this game or do you need more details? Mine also played a game of some kind (on leaflets) about animals, I don't remember already. In general, remember, full of sedentary games and very funny. I don’t remember anymore - I don’t like it myself, but the children do better than me.

Birthday script. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Parenting, nutrition, daily routine, attendance at kindergarten and relationships with educators Girls share ideas for a scenario for your birthday. Children from 2 years old to 10 will be. Thank you so much in advance.

Another great nanny idea - soap bubbles - they were returned to them several times during the holiday - both children and mothers, everyone was happy to let them in and catch them.

We had several games, I don't remember rhymes for them now - either the bear caught everyone, then the bunnies were hiding from someone, special masks were made for them, but unfortunately there was only one bear mask, and to persuade the birthday boy to give it to someone something was not possible.

In general, we all together spent two weeks preparing for the holiday - making masks, learning games, making decorative garlands ...

As for food, we had business in the summer, so the table was almost fruit-rich, and even then no one ate anything, only drank juices or water. Well, we tried a piece of birthday cake with candles. By the way, of course, the cake was also beaten, they sang a loaf.
If necessary, I can look at rhymes and play conditions at home.

HELP !!! birthday invitations. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with educators, illness and Tell me ... Our daughter will celebrate the scenario of celebrating the birthday of the kindergarten.

Children's birthday - games and contests for children 5-6 years old with balloons, fruits and cubes. Daughters are soon 14 years old, I don't know how to celebrate, what to come up with. There were always a lot of scenarios and ideas, funny children's birthday parties went off with a bang!

The presenter is mom.
Each person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, on his personal holiday - Day
birth. Today is ILYA's birthday. Today he is 10 years old. it
the first round date in your life. This is the first two-digit date. 10 years! Past infancy and early childhood. Ahead is childhood, but already "adult", the whole life is ahead, they want to say:
I wish you at ten years old
Life is fun, bright, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less resentment and whims!
May everything be fine at school:
Nice, understandable and cool!
I wish you a perky laugh
More luck and success!
All guests congratulate the birthday man and sit down at the table.

"Comic congratulations"
The birthday boy gets up, the guests are given a box with notes-words (boldly, quickly,
carefully, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The presenter reads the text, the adetes take turns taking out notes, finishing sentences and sticking them on a postcard
the words. The more ridiculous, the more fun. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text for
birthday boy:
Dear birthday boy! Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you that you
I got up in the morning …………………,
I washed my face …………………….,
Did the exercises ………………….,
Had breakfast ………………………
I went to school ……………………,
I answered in the lesson ……………,
At recess I behaved myself ...…………….,
Homework was prepared by …………,
I studied only excellently.

The next competition is the game “I believe - I don’t believe”. I ask a question, you
answer yes or no. Do you believe that:
1. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots before? (Yes)
2. Are turnips grown most of all in Russia? (No, in America)
3. Can a rainbow be seen at midnight? (Yes)
4. Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries?
5. In China, do students write on the blackboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
6. Was the ballpoint pen first used only by military pilots? (Yes)
7. Are fortified pencils produced in China for children who have a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)
8. In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)
9. Is the person taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
10 Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in
some hot provinces in China where water is scarce)
11. The first place among the causes of death from accidents in China in 1995 took high-heeled shoes? (Yes, almost 200 Chinese women died from falling from high heels)
12. Is the use of disposable blackboards practiced in China? (No)
13. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
14. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)
15. Can bats receive radio signals? (No)
16. Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)
17. Are dolphins little whales? (Yes)
18. Was gunpowder invented in China? (Yes)
19. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
20. Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)
21. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
22. Did the Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before the battle? (Yes, this is the only one
the luxury they allowed themselves)
23. Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
24. The first crackers in China were made from bamboo scraps? (Yes, it was believed that the crackle
burning bamboo drives away evil spirits)
25. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Competition "We all covered songs"
Leading. All people strive for happiness. How to achieve it? The Chinese offer a very simple and wise Chinese answer: happy is the one who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and sing a song cheerfully.
So, let's start the competition. I am reading the definition for a nursery rhyme.
A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constant
eating tropical fruits (Chunga-changa);
a song about a vehicle of heavenly color ("Blue Carriage");
a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and
at the same time takes sun baths ("I am lying in the sun");
a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was felled by a peasant ("A fir-tree was forest-grown");
a song about how fun it is to march with the team (“It’s fun to walk together”);
a song about a small insect resembling a certain vegetable in color (“In the grass sat
a song about how bad weather conditions cannot spoil the holiday ("We will survive this nuisance").

Comic lottery
Leading. Are you tired of outdoor activities - contests and games? Let's count
the amount of RMB earned. Prizes are in one box, rolled up in the other
notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you takes a note and reads what prize is to him
got it. And he takes it himself. The one with the most tokens starts.

In life, one must hope for the best
Get glue if it doesn't stick in life. (Glue)

You won not a dime,
but a real ruler.

You will be beautiful to walk with your hair
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Comb)

Why do you need a wallet,
Put your money in a bag. (Plastic bag)

Get it, hurry up, you get a notebook,
Write poetry. (Notebook)

Yes, your lucky ticket,
So hold your pencil.

Do you understand what is the meaning of the gift?
Life will be joyful and bright. (Marker)

And big love awaits you
And kisses all year round. (Handkerchief)

Braked Fun

Cheerfully Fast

Kaifovo Playfully

Lightning fast Superski

Competition "ice floes in the ocean"
Two volunteers are called. They are given two sheets of A4 format each - these will be ice floes, and ribbons or long strips of fabric or thick threads are spread on the floor from one side and at some distance from it on the other side - these will be the banks.
Host: You need to get over
On ice floes across the ocean.
The task is to be the first to cross from one “coast” to another, using “ice floes”. How they use them depends on their resourcefulness. The main thing is that the feet only step on the ice floes, if at least one foot steps in, the participant lost.

Competition "Dwarfs and Giants".

Children stand in a circle and join hands (this way the children can help their friend if he gets confused). When the leader says the word "dwarfs", the players should squat down, and when the "giants" - stand up. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition.

Accuracy Contest

Host: And now you are waiting for a test of accuracy! Who wants to try? I ask 3 participants!
Everyone is given a nipple (pacifier). A container is placed at some distance from them, where the participants must get with a nipple. But they will not throw it, but spit it out of their mouths. The winner is the one who gets into the container. If several participants hit the target, then the container is slightly removed from the participants and those who hit, compete again. And so on until one person wins. If no one got in the first time, then the container is pushed closer.

Competition "Earth, Water, Air and Fire"
This is a simple and fun game. Prepare a medium sized rubber ball. Among the players (5-10 people can play), select the leader to whom you will hand the ball. The rest of the players line up at a distance of 3-4 steps from the leader, facing him.
The game begins. The presenter throws the ball to any player of his choice and simultaneously says one of four words: "earth", "water", "air" or "fire". The player's response depends on what the presenter said. If the name is "land", then the player must catch the ball and quickly throw it to the host, while naming an animal that lives on land. If the presenter said "water", then the player must name some fish or other animal, whose native element is water (the actions with the ball are the same). If the leader says "air", then the player's task is to quickly throw the ball to the leading player, while naming a bird. If the presenter says “fire”, then the player should never catch the ball. He should simply quickly turn his back to the presenter. If the player catches the ball by inertia, it will be considered "burned". Then he either drops out of the game, or, for example, stands with his hands raised up until the leader again throws the ball to him, giving him the opportunity to re-enter the game. The same applies to the situation when the player says the name of the animal, which has already been pronounced before. Play until you get bored.

Host: And now the time has come for the secret dedication of our birthday boy to the decade!
I ask everyone to proceed to the table, the sacrament will begin now.
The presenter reads congratulations to the birthday boy for 10 years and the guests shout three times: Congratulations!
After that, the birthday boy blows out the candles, the light turns on and everyone starts eating the cake.

How to spend a 10 year old child's birthday? A fifth grader moves from primary school age to adolescence. Children want more independence, variety and creativity. Most parents also want to celebrate their child's first birthday in a special way. Consider different options for celebrating your tenth birthday.

Modern options: pros and cons

Conventionally, all holidays are divided into three categories: budget, comfortable, outdoor. In the first case, we are talking about house parties, in the second version, animators, artists are invited, the last method involves celebrating the anniversary outside the home.

Celebration in various cafes, entertainment centers is convenient in the sense that mom does not need to cook dishes, wash dishes, entertain guests. All this will be done by professionals. But this proposal has two drawbacks: the high price, the same type of template programs. Of course, you can choose make-up master classes for girls, go to shooting ranges with the boys, or go to an ostrich farm together, but not all Russian families are used to celebrating without a feast.

In the next version, the hostess of the house will have to think over the children's menu, and after the holiday, put the house in order. Guest animators will entertain the guests. This option is not much cheaper than the first one, but it is convenient for those mothers who have no idea, in autumn or winter, otherwise. The disadvantage is expressed in the exorbitant pricing policy of the animators. But if you turn to the students of an artistic university, then all the participants of the holiday will benefit:

  • children will have a fun and unique birthday;
  • parents will save the budget;
  • students will receive a portfolio and earnings.

The third option is budgetary for finance. Mothers themselves prepare meals, decorate the house, prepare a script for the holiday, work at the same time as a waitress, toastmaster, animator, and dishwasher. It will take a lot of strength and energy from a woman, especially if many guests are invited. But even before the holiday, you need to carefully consider the birthday scenario (10 years old child).

How to choose animators, artists?

If an entertainment institution is selected for a holiday, then no initiative is required from the parents. We rented a room, chose the one they liked from two or three programs, informed the guests about the place and time of the holiday - that's all.

If you invite artists to your home, then you need to think over the script. To do this, you need to know your child's favorite characters, as well as the exact number of guests. What is it for? First, the holiday will be fun with familiar cartoon characters. Second, you need all guests to be involved.

Call all companies, specify the following points to have a fun children's birthday (10 years):

  • what heroes are there;
  • how many artists can be ordered;
  • what is the payment;
  • how many hours the entertainment program lasts;
  • what options for celebration are there;
  • look at the portfolio of the holidays;
  • read customer reviews.

All this is very important to consider. Worried about the birth of a 10-year-old child, check with the company if the artists need to prepare the interior, attributes for competitions and other little things. You can save on professional services by using private classifieds. Or reach out to art students. But then you need to think over the script yourself, prepare the interior, test the actor in action so that you don't get embarrassed.

Many pseudo-actors behave ambitiously, talk about employment, a large number of clients, that is, they drive up the price. Therefore, try to speak with such a person clearly, firmly, competently, demand a personal meeting to see his acting skills in action, or let him provide links to videos. By the way, the most budgetary option is the help of the music director of the kindergarten. More often they have to spend all the holidays. If you have acquaintances, contact them.

If the holiday is on the street ...

It's better to celebrate your birthday in the summer in nature! Children have plenty of space, and parents do not need to clean the house. What is needed for this? First, think over the menu. Second, prepare the area. Third, think over contests with prizes.

The idea can be borrowed from the West. On one side of the selected area, set up tables under a canopy with snacks, canapes, sandwiches, drinks. In the middle, organize a platform for outdoor games, competitions. It is good if there is an inflatable pool or river. Competitions can be taken from television programs ("Fort Boyard", "Crossroads", "Big Races", "Call of the Jungle", "Merry Starts") or come up with yourself, the main thing is to prepare the attributes.

In general, you can easily celebrate a birthday (10 years). Games are selected by age and gender: for boys, think of more active ones. A very popular game in the West with hanging a bag with prizes, confetti, sparkles, which must be knocked down with a stick with closed eyes. It can be altered a little. For example, boys like to play blind man's buff on the roller coaster. Hang prizes on the stairs and use claps to tell the driver where the gifts are.

Or add mystery: hide the prizes, prepare notes with puzzles for them. Children will complete tasks and receive part of the gift or points for which a souvenir is issued. Such contests with the search for "treasure" are loved by both children and adults.

How to celebrate a birthday in autumn or winter?

At home, also decorate the interior with balls, Christmas tree garlands, shiny rain. In the middle of the room on the curtain, attach the date of the anniversary with congratulations. They are not suitable for most apartments, because the table can be placed in the middle of the room. Hide all attributes for contests, prizes in another room or by the exit. To create an atmosphere of celebration, mystery from the first minutes, arrange a costume party or hand out attributes to the guests (masks, raincoats, glasses, caps, etc.).

As a 10-year-old boy, intellectual, musical, artistic games with a "male bias" are suitable: about cars, weapons, superheroes. There can be many variations. If this is a fancy-dress holiday, then remake all familiar contests ("Guess the song", "Solve the puzzles", "Draw a portrait", "Tell a fairy tale") taking into account the theme. For example, menus, clothes, interiors, riddles, songs, games on a pirate theme.

Add creative contests for girls. For example, create a fashionable outfit from the proposed clothes and accessories, draw sketches for dolls. You can make a hairpin, bracelet or keychain in a short time, which will be left to guests as a gift. The girls will love culinary contests even more, when you can cook sandwiches, salads, and snacks with them.

But costumed anniversaries are becoming more memorable. Not all parents will be able to make a costume for their child, therefore the birthday boy's mother needs to think over various options. For example, everyone will be wearing pajamas, pink, striped, or green outfits that almost everyone has. Or prepare attributes for the guests. For example, kids love the Harry Potter movie. Then all guests receive Gryffindor badges. All contests revolve around the character. Here's how you can spend a 10-year-old daughter's birthday with contests on this topic:

  • Magic wand. Children make themselves a magic wand from scrap materials. The competition is suitable if the birthday boy's mother does not have a dish ready for the table.
  • Potion. The ingredients for a simple salad with magic inscriptions are put on the table and the recipe is given. Children mix "potion components" in their plate and fill everything with magic power.
  • Spells. You need to spell not only to pronounce without hesitation, but also to put it into action.
  • Portrait of Voldemort. Draw it with your eyes closed.
  • Travology. Threads with gifts are tied to a stick, and children take turns with their eyes closed, cutting off a souvenir for themselves.

Watch the movie, create your own competition for each subject. Children will love the magic. After such contests, not a single child wants an anniversary in a cafe.

10 years (birthday): congratulations, menu

Decorate the street area with flags, garlands, balloons, flowers. You can make decorations out of paper yourself. Be sure to include the date of the anniversary. Not a single birthday (10 years) is complete without this. The outdoor table menu may include sandwiches (bread, vegetables, sausage, cheese), snacks, drinks, canapes.

On the street you can make grilled vegetables, barbecue, bake fish, potatoes. If you are making an anniversary outdoors, then you can catch fish with children, cook fish soup. In the fresh air, any dish will be swept away even by the fastidious. Only sweets will need to be brought ready-made, the rest of the dishes can be made with the children.

At home, the menu can be more varied. In the sense that it is easy to add hot and main dishes. Only now, children of ten years of age rarely touch such food, unless the holiday lasts more than four hours. Most of all, children prefer cakes, pastries, ice cream. Therefore, you can order ice cream cake, make cocktails.

The main component of the holiday is congratulations! At first, children are squeezed, so the task of an adult is to think over to the smallest detail a scenario for a 10-year-old birthday. Include a compliment or congratulation contest at the start of the meal. This will help the birthday boy assess his strengths, cheer up, and the guests will learn how to say compliments.

To relax the guests, first play the game "Compliment Corridor". Children form a column, and a blindfolded person passing by. Each of the column should say in a whisper something kind, pleasant to the passing, shaking, hugging, stroking are welcome. The game ends as soon as the last child passes through the column. After this game, it will be easier for children to express their sincere wishes and congratulate the birthday boy.

How to build a party?

Ten-year-olds seem to be able to organize their leisure time, but more often after games the house resembles a ruin. If a birthday (10 years old girl or boy) lasts more than two hours, then children get bored. They are not interested in sitting at the table all the time, as a result, catch-ups, pillow fights and other pointless games begin.

This is where the help of an adult or an animator is needed. It is necessary to initially accompany contests, feasts, outdoor games. Here it is important to correctly link all stages of the holiday into a single thread. For example, before competitions, tell a legend, brighten up awkward pauses with stories and anecdotes, so that all stages of the celebration are interconnected.

Table games

Let's continue the conversation about how to spend a 10-year-old child's birthday at home. What games can be organized at the table?

  • "Guess." Place a whirligig with an arrow on the table. There are stripes around it, on which the theme of riddles is signed on the reverse side. Children take turns spinning the spinning top, name the topic, and the presenter reads the riddle. A token is awarded for the correct answer. Whoever has more of them gets a prize.
  • "Slovodel". Each participant receives a note with letters. From this set, you need to make a word. Whoever copes first gets a gift. You can also encrypt a proverb or saying.
  • "Who is bigger?". All participants are given a piece of paper with one word (for example, "curdled milk"), from which you need to make up as many words as possible. Whoever misses a move is eliminated from the game. The winner is awarded a prize.
  • "Smile". Birthday (10 years old girl) will not do without a smile and compliments. From the box, the guest pulls out his task to smile. For example, to show the smile of Mona Lisa, Leopold the cat, teacher, baby, poor student, who received an A. You can also hold a compliment contest, when you need to say pleasant words to each other in turn.
  • "Letter". For one letter you need to sing songs or name dishes, fairy-tale characters, flowers.

Action games

As fun as sitting games are, it's hard for teenagers to sit through their birthday. A child of 10 years old must be involved in outdoor games:

  • "Fanta". Small things of each participant are hidden behind the player's back. The host asks him what to do to this phantom, and he gives the task.
  • "Painter". Children receive a piece of paper with an assignment, for example, to draw an elephant. Each artist is closed his eyes and brought to the picture, where he draws only his own detail (ear, trunk, leg, tail). It will be better if the guests are divided into two teams, and the winner will be the one who guesses what is drawn.
  • "Silent movie". The participant is given the task to depict the written word without words. The one who guesses goes to the place of the depicting. It is better to first discuss the topic of animation.
  • "Dance like". Children take turns pulling forfeits, performing the task (dancing like kittens, dogs, ducklings, crocodiles). It is important to prepare children's songs in advance. Guests can dance each of their tasks, but if they feel shyness, embarrassment, then one task is given for all and the best dancer is chosen.

Outdoor games

How to spend a 10-year-old child's birthday outdoors? Create an entire holiday in the style of sports starts or treasure hunt. All competitions from television shows, "Zarnitsa", "Maslenitsa" are suitable here. It is better if the children are divided into teams, then it will be more fun and exciting.

  • Tug of War. Whoever pulls the opposing team to his side to the last player becomes the winner.
  • "Pop the balloon." A ball is tied to the foot of each guest. You need to burst the enemy's ball to the music. Whoever remains with the whole attribute is the winner.
  • "Overcome the obstacle." It is necessary to transfer the egg in a spoon without dropping it on the ground. Hands are tied behind the back, the spoon must be held with the mouth.
  • "Obstacle course". You need to go through a series of tests for a while: crawl under a rope, jump in a bag, go squatting.

Sports games are more suitable for a boy's birthday (10 years old). If there are girls among the guests, then it is better to plan an anniversary on the topic of treasure hunt. For example, all birthday children receive assignments, guess puzzles and find feast dishes. After the table is laid, they can eat and move on to the next contests. Any outdoor games with a ball, with a rope, as well as badminton, hide and seek will do.

Helping parents

And if parents cannot be animators, do not have the opportunity to hire artists, then how to spend a 10-year-old child's birthday? Children will be able to organize their leisure time themselves if the following attributes are prepared:

  • puzzles from a hundred parts;
  • lotto;
  • board intellectual games;
  • dominoes;
  • twist;
  • economic games;
  • travel puzzles;
  • stationery.

Buy board and other games for children in advance. This will help brighten up family evenings, a long journey and the birthday of a child of 10 years old. With such games, the presence of an adult is not necessary, only if you occasionally suggest the rules or correct the discipline. By the way, don't get bored. As soon as children become uninteresting, they immediately sit down at computers, take up their phones, go home. That is why we need adults who organize their leisure time.

Many ten-year-old girls are already quite independent and want to spend their holiday without their parents. Then you need to discuss all the nuances about discipline and order in the house. The child understands perfectly well that all the remaining birthdays will depend on his behavior. Therefore, the house is always put in order for the arrival of the parents. Whatever birthday your child wants, it is important to take into account his wishes and interests.

We do not often remember that 10 years is also an anniversary, and besides, the very first one. And it is not at all difficult to make a grandiose (or, on the contrary, a cozy chamber) holiday for a child at home, which will be remembered for a lifetime! We offer our own version - Scenario of the 10th anniversary of the boy "Knighting", which is conceived as a family holiday and, thanks to which, the birthday person will "bathe" in love and attention all day long. It has everything a boy needs at this age: adventures, trials, gifts, friends, treats, and most importantly, parents are nearby, put all their worries aside and are busy only with him.


The easiest and most impressive way to decorate is with balloons, especially if they appear at night while the hero of the day is sleeping. It's good when there are a lot of balls. They can float under the ceiling, or decorate walls. In any case, bright balls create a sense of celebration. An exhibition of photographs "From zero to ten" can be a good decoration and at the same time an attraction for them. For example, you can draw a staircase, on the first step of which is a photograph of the birthday person after the hospital, and on the last - at the present time. Photos can be provided with captions - FAIRY TALE. You can also make a "Wall of Fame" with photographs, diplomas, certificates of the birthday person.

One of the parents takes on the role of the Leader.

Required props:

- draw Task map, on which the points of receipt of envelopes will be marked;

- prepare "Test card". * Then cut it unevenly into several "puzzles". Put the puzzles in envelopes, glue them up and leave them at school, at training, in the mailbox. You can somewhere else where you can agree with adults so that they give the envelopes to the hero of the day. At the nearest store, for example;

(* Another option is possible: put cards with tasks in envelopes, then the card

you will not need to draw).

to test "If you went with a friend ":

- thin scarf for tying hands;

to test "A keen eye and a steady hand ":

- darts with arrows, or buckets and coins;

for "Knightly all-around ":

- boxing gloves - 2 pairs (in the absence of such, you can use simple mittens);

- chewing gum or candy wrapped in a wrapper;

- balloon;

- a plate of flour;

- two scarves to blindfold;

- gloves;

- knives and forks;

- cloth napkins;

- chocolates on a plate;

- "rope" needs to be made: on two gymnastic sticks (can be replaced with thick paper tubes 2-3 cm in diameter) a long rope or ribbon is tied, the middle of which is marked with a color (or a knot is tied);

Scenario of the boy's jubilee "Dedication to the Knights"

(If there are more children in the family, warn them that they will have to get up early. In the morning, the whole family wakes up the hero of the day with a song).

Sounds Laima Vaikule "Vernissage"

Song lyrics:

Today is this glorious day

They came to you for your birthday -

Your first anniversary in your life!

It's been 10 years already,

How were you born

And here is your first Anniversary!

We love you with all our soul

You are our pride, our hero!

Your talents are countless!

One stage is over,

Again at the start and again: Up!

Flight! There is victory again!

Oh anniversary, oh anniversary!

We wish you - no pain!

May the happy path await you:

Learn, go forward boldly.

Oh, anniversary, oh, anniversary!

Come on ears quickly!

To be stronger, to be stronger,

Oh, anniversary, oh, anniversary!

While the music is playing, family members hug, congratulate the hero of the day.


Morning is the beginning of a beautiful day

Just listen to me carefully:

Today the serious ones are waiting for the test,

Wait from me you will receive assignments.

It will not be easy to fulfill them,

Enough of them, really, for five.

We know, not easy. And it will be hot

But you always succeed!

But I’ll ask everyone to come to the table for a start!

No matter how cocoa escapes ... ( Possible variant: No matter how the porridge runs away )

At breakfast

Leading: 10 years is a stage, a milestone, a new start. You have already passed one step, matured, matured. A new chapter of your life begins. And so that you can feel it, we decided to knight you. But such an initiation always goes through trials. The first test is fabulous. You need to "Go there, I don't know where and bring that, I don't know what." Here is a map for you, on which the points where you will receive the secret envelopes are indicated. There are 3 (5-7) pieces in total. You must bring them home without opening them, otherwise it is impossible, because this is a mysterious "I don't know what".

At the gala banquet

(Hint for organizers: If you have a weekend, then while the birthday person is looking for "That, I do not know what", you can set the table (or a festive buffet is arranged in the evening). After the goodies, offer the birthday person (and guests, if any) a game program (tests). If there are many children, think about which of the tests you can offer to other children)

Leading: Today we have gathered with you on a very important occasion. Our beloved (name) has a birthday. And not just a birthday. The first anniversary in his life. A round date is not just a number with a zero - it is a certain milestone, on the one hand of which (in today's case) childhood remains, and on the other, still unknown, a new life awaits, where there are many roads, meetings and discoveries. Of course, childhood does not end in one day, and growing up does not come in an hour, nevertheless, we really want you to remember this day, and therefore there will be many surprises today. But first, I invite everyone to plunge into a fairy tale. A childhood tale that ends today with our (name).

The tale of the hero of the day

Leading: We have just looked back into the first ten years, which our hero of the day passed with confidence and great dignity. But time never stops, and therefore it is much more useful to look into the future than to sigh for the past. Today we have prepared a surprise for our (name): at the turn between childhood and adolescence, we want to knight him. The time has come for serious tasks. Before starting, I would like to introduce to everyone our honored guest - the glorious knight of the ball and screwdriver (possibly a feather, rudder, etc. - depending on the preferences of the "aksakal" represented), who is the master of the knightly order "NN" (this may be the family name) and will be the main referee at our tournament today.

(Hint for the facilitator: comic performances can be thought up for each guest).

Leading: The Knights present here know that each knight had a squire, who was not only an assistant, but also a friend of the Knight. Today we conferred this honorary title on ... (the name of the brother, or the best friend of the hero of the day).

Test one: "If you went out with a friend "

Leading: Let me tell you a little secret: he passed his preliminary test today. Early in the morning (name) received a difficult task: he had to go there, I don’t know where, in order to bring that, I don’t know what. I want to note that our hero not only quickly coped with the task, but also showed miracles of patience and endurance: no matter how tormented his curiosity, he did not look into these envelopes. Well, we will not put you to the test, our dear guests, and see what is in these envelopes.

1. The hero of the day and his squire should be tied in the area of ​​the shoulder (between the elbow and shoulder) right and left hands. The task is to open the envelopes using one hand from each.

1-a. Collect a map from the "puzzles". This can already be done with four hands, without a ligament.

Test two: "Warm-up".

Both adults and children can participate in this competition.

What qualities should a knight have? Endurance, courage, a keen eye, quick wit, nobility, memory, the ability to help, wisdom. There are a lot of options.

The one who gives the last answer wins.

The third test: "Attention, attention, and more attention!"

Leading: Observation and attentiveness test:

- how many steps you have to overcome to get from class to home. You can simply from the front door to the apartment door.

- how many turns from home to metro (shop, cinema).

TO Which dress mom's favorite?

L grandfather's favorite dish?

Dad's favorite performer?

Grandma's birthday?

The options are: Put a bookmark in a thick book, say how many pages and ask to determine which page the bookmark is on. Put nuts in a jar and ask how much? The winner is the one whose answer is closest to the correct one.

Test four: "A keen eye and a steady hand. "

Accuracy test. It can be a dart board (if you have it, or you can just throw coins into a container - a bucket, a can. The task is to throw as many as possible.)

Test five: "Du yu speaker?"

Leading: Everyone knows that a long time ago the knights not only fought in tournaments, but also went on Crusades to distant countries. And, of course, in a foreign country the knights needed not only weapons and armor, but also knowledge. Knowledge of foreign languages. Of course, not every brave knight was a polyglot, and therefore in the detachment there was an interpreter - a translator. It is easier for modern knights: you can translate an unfamiliar phrase using Internet services. But imagine a situation when there was no language spoken on the clever Internet ... For example, aliens. Then you have to use your own capabilities: ingenuity, intuition, emotions. In the proposed test, you are asked to "translate" seemingly familiar words. Namely, from the letters of one word to compose another.

Competition "ANAGRAMS"

« ANAGRAM- a word formed by permutation of letters (phonemes) of another word. »Wikipedia

Word games are fun. On the road, during leisure hours and in a tedious queue, verbal tasks are always in demand. And, without a doubt, word games are good brain exercises.

Word games are great at parties too. They are always of great interest. To hold the "Anagrams" competition, it is necessary to prepare cards on which words are clearly and (preferably) beautifully written.

It is better to start the competition with simple words. Sometimes the first time people “don't turn on”. Don't waste time, give the right answer, one or two tips and the players will start finding answers quickly.

Words for anagrams

Border - T-shirt; Handle - chock; The word is hair; Sharik - rickshaw; Cloth - cone; Rope - roll; Choice - break; Kite - lace; Mouse - reed; Midge is a felt; Oil - resin; Barca is a barrack; A collapse is a vobla; A joke is a thing; Hill - Cahors; Romance is the norm; Jackal - scale; Night - a head of cabbage; Atlas - salad; Rock is a weasel; Ushat - carcass; Bump - shishak - checkers; Chintz - plaintiff; Channel - glow - sea otter; Shina is a niche; Frame - brand; Burka - cabin; Clown - bias - pendant - cleaver; Stove - bast shoes; The sting is a bed; Boat - salary; Pump - pine; Spring is a canopy; Thunderstorm - rod; Glass - flask; The head is moisture; Board - cage; Shovel - payment; Lackey - watering can; Boat - salary; Address - Wednesday; Ring - base; Aorta - flock; Trotter - a rat; Lawn - corral; Fun - infantry; The doll is a fist; Roller - fork; Ear is a falcon; The wheel is a touchstone; Noodles - scale; Mosquito - feed.

The sixth test: "Knightly all-around".

Leading: The following tests, perhaps, are the main ones for a knight: strength, courage, dexterity - qualities without which a man can hardly be considered a knight. In connection with all of the above, we are starting "Knightly triathlon". And may our candidate be lucky!

1. Boxing

Invite the players to get ready for a fight. To do this, they must put on boxing gloves and then insert a mouth guard into their mouths. The capa will be chewing gum or candy, but always in a wrapper. The best option is caramel wrapped in a wrapper. The beauty is that you have to unfold them with gloves. The first to complete the task wins.

2. Strength of mind. Comic test

Leading: the next test is called "Strength of the Spirit". This is not the same as the force that is, and in which the mind is not needed. But now you will see everything for yourself! The knight and squire need to keep the balloon in the air with the help of their lungs. To clarify: two players sit opposite each other between them a ball, which must be kept in the air, blowing with all their might with all their might. But not right away, first you need to blindfold.

(For organizers: After that, instead of a ball, you need to put a plate of flour between the players (it is better to hold it near their faces). And give the command to blow. Here you can assess the ability to laugh at yourself. Or a sense of humor).

3. Knights of the Round Table

Leading: A real knight can always be recognized by exquisite manners. A real knight is impeccable in conversation, on public transport, and at the table. Participants in this fight must demonstrate their manners, honed to perfection. It may seem to you that this fight is very simple, but winning it is not an easy task.

The participants of the fight are invited, without removing their gloves (for especially gifted boxing gloves), to put a napkin behind the collar and, having unfolded a bar of chocolate, use a knife and fork to eat a treat. The fastest and most accurate wins.

4. Tug of war

Leading: There were no knights in Russia, but our land was always famous for its heroes. And the favorite fun of Russian heroes was "Tug of War". Here's a "rope". Your task is to wind your half of the rope on a stick faster than your opponent. Time has gone!

Test six: "Knight's coat of arms"

10 years is the first serious anniversary of your baby. It's already inconvenient to call him a baby. Among the collection there are probably certificates, cups, and other achievements. The child prepares for transitional age by leaving primary school and moving to middle school. Often children at this age are very capricious, therefore, organizing a birthday without taking into account his wishes, you risk not pleasing the birthday boy.

Discuss the scenario with your child. How does he want to spend his celebration? What were the lucky ones in the past birthdays? Holiday menu. How does he want to decorate the room (the boys are no longer satisfied with the flower balls, maybe the Christmas tree garlands and the silver number 10 on the whole wall)? Maybe he likes themed events, for example, you can arrange. And most importantly - what contests will be of interest to his friends?

It is important to think over the scenario in advance in order to correctly calculate the budget. Some contests are less expensive (for example, intellectual ones). In any case, props and prizes must be purchased in advance, taking into account the number of invitees.

On the day of the holiday, it is best to go to Children's World for a dream gift with your child, or to please the child with a prepared surprise (for example), then sit in a children's cafe or pizzeria and go home or to a designated place to meet guests. It's better to start with simple, inactive contests.

Intellectual contests

When drawing up contests, take into account the age, character and personal characteristics of each guest: if the bulk of the invitees are inactive children, reduce the number of sports in favor of intellectual ones.

The most serious guest

There are no prizes in this competition, but it's not worth mentioning. The guests stand in a circle. The first one says "ha" with a serious expression on his face. The next one is also stone-faced - "ha-ha", the third adds "ha-ha-ha". Usually it is possible to maintain a calm look up to 4-5 participants. It is necessary to smile at one - everyone laughs. It is allowed to make grimaces in silence, trying to make the speaker laugh.


Everyone remains in the circle. The first one says: "I am flying to a desert island and I will take binoculars with me." The next one repeats the phrase, adding his item to the suitcase. The third one needs to list everything and name his own version. Those who “did not carry the suitcase” (did not remember the sequence) are eliminated from the game.

I believe - I do not believe

The questions are given to the teams in turn. For correct answers - tokens. Prizes - based on the overall results.

  1. At first, only pilots used a ballpoint pen (I believe).
  2. Most turnips grow in Russia (in America).
  3. A couple of crocodiles in one circus were taught to dance the waltz (I don't believe it).
  4. You can see a rainbow at night (I believe).
  5. Beetles - fireflies are used instead of flashlights (I believe).
  6. When the flounder is placed on the chessboard, it becomes checkered (believe it).
  7. Dolphins are small whales (I believe).
  8. When a bee bites, it dies (I believe).
  9. Penguins fly north in winter (I don't believe they don't fly at all).
  10. Bats receive radio signals (don't believe it).

Tricky riddles

  1. He hunted leeches, sold Karabas, all smelled of swamp mud, his name was ... (Buratino - Duremar).
  2. He hits and torments the poor dolls, he is looking for a magic key, he looks awful, this is a doctor ... (Aybolit - Karabas).
  3. He lived in Prostokvashino and was friends with Matroskin, he was a little bit simple, the dog's name was ... (Totoshka - Sharik).
  4. For many days he was on the road to find his wife, and a ball helped him, his name was ... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich).
  5. He walked boldly through the forest, but the fox ate the hero. The poor thing sang goodbye. His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok).
  6. She finds out everything, peeps, hinders and harms everyone, she only cares about a rat, but her name is ... (Yaga is an old woman Shapoklyak).

Guess the drawing

The presenter covers the picture with a clean, opaque sheet, leaving 2 square meters free. see picture. Gradually moves the sheet, opening more and more for review. Whoever guessed the plot first won. The illustration should be well known to children.

Music and dance competitions

Music contests set the mood for the whole holiday. Just do not drag out with each task, switch to others in time so that the children do not get tired.


Take one item from each guest and put everything in an opaque bag. The birthday boy turns his back on him and says what needs to be done to the owner of the extracted fantasy. The funnier the tasks, the more fun the competition. The birthday boy's phantom is also in the general heap (he does not know about it).

  • to stretch out a song to the birthday man;
  • show a car that cannot be started for a long time;
  • shout through the window "Happy birthday!" 10 times;
  • depict without words how you buy three birds with one stone for a friend in a store;
  • sing a song on behalf of an African aborigine;
  • write a poem in honor of the birthday person (like burime) with the words: congratulations - birthday, gifts - hugs, speeches - candles, toys - girly and read it like a real poet;
  • perform the song "Happy Birthday" with a noise orchestra ("instruments" (spoons, rattles, etc.) are prepared in advance);
  • depict how you are late for school and do not find your knapsack;
  • retell the tale "Turnip" on behalf of herself;
  • show a cat who is afraid of something, but he is interested;
  • to parody an adult who does not dare to ski down a hill.

Guess the melody

Guess the melody before it sounded. First, a description of the song is offered. If the hint is not enough, a fragment of the melody sounds. Children should tell what the song is about. Choral karaoke performance is encouraged.

  1. A song about a territory surrounded on all sides by water, whose inhabitants are very happy from the regular use of tropical fruits ("Chunga-Changa").
  2. Song from the cartoon about the sky-colored railway transport ("The Blue Carriage").
  3. The song is about how an animal with luxurious hair takes sun baths and purrs a melody ("I lie in the sun").
  4. A round dance song about a plant growing in the wild until a peasant knocked it down ("Song of the Christmas tree").
  5. The song is about an insect, similar in color to a vegetable and living in the grass "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass").
  6. A song about bad weather, which is not able to spoil the holiday ("We will survive this nuisance").

At the age of 10, the child already shows his individuality, therefore it is very important to create a friendly atmosphere at the holiday, not paying attention to the failure of children in certain moments.

Two options for contests only for girls

Share your smile

The tasks are printed on the cards. Each wishing contestant chooses a card where she should smile like:

  • La Gioconda (you can show the portrait of Mona Lisa);
  • the teacher smiles at the student;
  • a girl meeting an unfamiliar boy;
  • breastfeeding mom;
  • a girl with a famous advertisement;
  • Leopold the cat to his mice;
  • a loser who received an A;
  • the dog grins at its master.

It is better to give prizes (or tokens) to all the girls.

Fan dance

Participants should dance, holding a feather in the air with a fan. Everyone else is counting out loud which of the girls will last longer. It is important not only to watch the feather, but also to dance.

Sports contests

When the guests have already rested a little after the festive feast, you can offer fidgets and outdoor games. If you are spending a holiday at home, decide in advance on the place for holding them: free the room as much as possible from furniture, sharp corners, and breakable objects. This will help avoid injury in active contests. The leader's table with props should be in a secluded place.

Relay game with balls

Guests are divided into teams. In addition to prizes for the winner, it would be nice to prepare symbolic consolation prizes for the losers.

  1. In front of the teams on the starting line, balls prepared in advance are laid out. Children, on all fours, blowing the balls out of place, try to send them over the finish line.
  2. The ball is clamped between the legs (you can have two more under your hands), at the signal you need to get to the finish line faster than everyone else without dropping the ball.
  3. Each is given a spoon, a ball is carefully lowered into it. It must be carried to the finish line without dropping it.
  4. Captains competition. Filled balls are scattered around the room. Who will collect and carry the most balls at the same time?
  5. Everyone sits on their balloon and jumps until the balloon bursts. Which team will destroy their balls the fastest?


You can also play volleyball with balloons. Chairs with a strip width of 1 m are placed in two rows opposite each other. The floor in the middle is divided by a rope. Players toss the ball while sitting (you cannot get up!). If the ball flew out of the playing area, a point is awarded to the team. The score goes up to 10 points.


Choose a fisherman. He holds a skipping rope or rope with a knot. All the fish are in a circle, the fisherman is in the center. He holds the rope by one end, rotating it in a circle. The rod should not touch the legs. If the fish does not jump, it leaves the game. The most agile wins.

Siamese twins

In teams, participants are divided into pairs and put one hand on the shoulder of a neighbor, leaving the other free. They are offered various tasks: open and eat candy, tie their shoelaces, make a paper envelope. The team that performs faster than others wins.


The players in the team gather in a circle holding hands. Without opening their hands, they need to confuse the chain as hard as possible. Representatives from each team go to the rivals and unravel their confusion on a signal. The winning team is the one whose driver unravels his chain faster.


Two children play. Each is tied at the waist with a rope with a tail at the back. You need to adjust and catch your opponent by the tail before he did it first. The game is accompanied by fun music.

Children's bowling

Children love bowling. If no real pins are available, filled plastic bottles will do. A line is marked with a rope, the children stand behind the line, roll the ball, trying to hit the bottles.

Dwarfs and giants

The presenter calls the word "dwarfs" and the children squat on their haunches. At the command "giants" guests stretch out on tiptoe, raising their hands up. Whoever made a mistake is eliminated from the game. The task can be made easier if the participants join hands to help those who are confused.


Saying goodbye to the guests, the birthday man thanks all those invited, asks them not to forget their prizes. He hands out sheets of paper to everyone and offers to draw everyone's self-portrait as a keepsake, on the condition that everyone will work with their eyes closed. Guests will receive bandages; they need to leave their autographs on the portraits.