Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Congratulations on the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy in Prose

On the eve of the notorious dates, I suggest everyone to print and expose, or organize a different event anywhere in the world with my 45th selected anti-voiced / anti-Soviet posters, the print version of which can be downloaded here, press release in Russian and English adjoining .. .

Promotion "Georgievskaya Ribbon" ... Borodino.

Today, on the eve of the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory in Russia, the action "Georgievskaya ribbon" started, which will last until May 9th. Everyone who wants to express his respect to the great feat of the front-line teams can get a symbol of victory at the Borodino Field Museum-Reserve Museum. Georgievskaya ribbon - a symbol of memory of those who fell, saving the world from Fa ...

Why should Russian Vanya die "for Stalin"?

In the scan of boiling consciousness of contemporary Stalinists, the great many epically idiotic mythologism. Take, for example, such: supposedly Soviet warriors in the Great Patriotic War went into the attack by certainly a combat tide "for Stalin!" Let's just stronger. There is a specific person - a simple average Russian Vanya. Not a staff, not political ...

"Citizen of the USSR" from Voronezh refused to pay for gas, calling him the property of the people

And what if that's how much payers would do? Oh, there would be noise ... Gas suppliers sued the residents of the Soviet Union. The suit to the hostess of the house at Novgorod began to be considered in the Comintern court. Recall, pay for utilities Olga Volkova refuses, arguing that it does not have the right to take money from it, assures, belong to the USSR. And Ro ...

Alexander Fadin: Like a "sniper-tanker" shot from T-34, a plane shot down

Pavel Uspensky's heroes from the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War was a leaving from the Nizhny Novgorod region Alexander Fadin.on, like many of his peers, he went to the military registration and enlistment office at the very beginning of the war, and to be taken, attributed to his overnight years. But on the front, the young replenishment fell only in 1943. First, the recruits were trained: engaged in motorcycles, auto ...

About the TV series "Zorge"\u003dijym34y_lxs_list\u003dlljf8zogcxt174iofvwp2bdg&index\u003d2&t\u003d0s Last week Television "pleased with the next" masterpiece "about our Soviet history is the series" Zorge ". This "masterpiece" is very detailed by the most famous historian of the special services Alexander Kolpakidi. So I will not write in detail, I am only one episode struck ...

Automotive procession "Holy Rus". 9-23rd days: Neryungri-Aldan-Ufa-Yekaterinburg.

April 26, 2019. Let you not scare the number of cities names in the "header" of this chapter. Started in Magadan on April 6, the congestion of "Holy Rus", having passed Yakutia, in the middle of the month turned into a path to Vladivostok. It is in Vladivostok that he will significantly increase the number of its participants. And - at the expense of local believers, and - at the expense of those sorts ...

True 2019 about Stalingrad. Special Marshite part-1. Volgograd. Instead of a lesson of history.

True 2019 about Stalingrad. Special Marshite part-1. Volgograd. Instead of a history lesson. In this video, you will pass with me according to the Stalingrad special route and see this legendary battle from the inside. Motor to the film - Road to Film.Published: 25 Apr. 2019 ghttps: // V \u003d Bozy6Mruhss ...

"Night Witch", Opinion about Stalin

Almost 71 years ago, in May 1945, headquarters of the 46th Guards Taman Regiment of Night Bombers Irina Rakobolskaya rested in the former German sports female camp. There "night witches" (the Germans called the Germans of the regiment of Marina Rubalov) after the end of the war sent command. And at the end of May, Marshal Rokossovsky and Arson arrived ...

Supporters of Soviet values \u200b\u200bare not Russians in the full sense of the word, unlike Vlasov. This was stated by the employee of the State Historical Park "Russia - My History" in Yekaterinburg, graduate student of the East of the Ural Federal University Yuri Pylzyn on April 24 in the social network "VKontakte". Storika asked: "How do you call nationality ...

Devitsky Eagle: the triang-heroes shot by the fascists, which are not talked in school

In January 1943, seven boys were shot in the village of Voronezh region in the village of Voronezh region. Kohl, Vanya, Tolya, Mitrosha, Alyosha, and another Vanya, and another Alyosha ... the guys killed in front of the fellow villagers and the parents. When the Germans began to shoot, Mitrosheh managed to shout: "Mom!", But immediately fell dead ... the feat of brave boys, who after the death of M ...

Commander of the 8th Guards Army Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov: On April 25, 1945, the storms of the capital of the Third Reich began in the city, and even in such a major like Berlin, much more complicated in the field in the field. The impact of headquarters and commanders of large connections on the course of hostilities here is significantly less. And therefore a lot depends on the initiative of the book ...

"Please fulfill Hatsenko"

So wrote employees of the Main Directorate of the Counterintelligence of Smered, when they were instructed to solve the most difficult tasks. One way from the factors of the Great Victory, the 74th anniversary of which will soon be noted, has become the successful activity of military counterintelligence, who managed to take the top of the special services of Nazi Germany and its satellites. The fight against enemy intelligence was not only in ...

Meeting on the Elbe: Why Americans did not take Berlin

April 25, 1945 - 74 years ago - not far from the city of Torgau on the River Elba Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front of the USSR Army met with the troops of the 1st US Army. This meeting actually marked the end of the Third Reich: Germany capitulated after 15 days. Soyuctous army on Elbev A result of a meeting of the Army Allies, the remnants of the Armed Forces of Germany were splitting for DV ...

Victory. 10 Nestalin strikes on the channel Star.

Today I was surprised to see the film on the star "10 strikes" ... first I thought about something else, but no! It is about that, but already without TOV. Stalin ... So dreamed. The crews probably do not like it either, but the ksyz! Wanging photo where Egorov and Cantaria hoist tricolor on Reichstag. Here is my video coupling. Please support those who have a conscience ...

Did the red army cost an anti-impact strike on the Wehrmacht?

As you know, Nazi Germany attacked the USSR on June 22, 1941. At the price of tens of millions of lives, the Soviet people committed a real feat, ending the war in four years in the lair of the aggressor, Berlin. For many years, the anti-Sovers tried to equalize the Comrade Stalin with Hitler, attributing to him the plans for the attack on the Third Reich. Especially "distinguished" on this simpler t ...

You are not wounded, you just killed

Author CHERT-BEST 2019-04-24 His poems do not find in school textbooks. Who is he? Man who has worked history. My comrade, in the deadly agony, call the dysflower friends. Yes, it's better to warm the palm of Yanad smoking blood of your blood. You don't cry, do not shame, you are not small, you are not wounded, you're just killed. Let's take a memory of you will rent from you Valenki. Act to come. ...

"Full destruction": that Hitler would have done with Moscow after her capture.

In early 1942, the Germans were discarded from Moscow and no longer claimed to capture. Meanwhile, the fall of the Soviet capital was among the priority plans of Hitler. What was going to do the Führer to do with the first-hearth? Moscow - not an exclude generous plan "OST" (program for & n ...

"Memory Road"

Russian Ministry of Defense of Russia in Patriot Park will appear the Grand Multimedia Gallery "Road Memory", where everyone will be able to place photos of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War of its exposition will be created and a single information array with data about all participants in the Great Patriotic War. Grand project ...

Immortal regiment, as a symbol of the defeat of our country

Supporters and creators of the so-called. The "immortal regiment", the victims of victory in the Great Patriotic War continue to impose their vision of this promotion to the people of Russia. Processions without symbols of the country who won Nazism and without portraits of the leaders of this country. Why is this vision not only incorrectly, but also harmful to society as a whole I will try to show and ...

Letter V. Chuikova A. Solzhenitsyn in connection with the publication of the book "Archipelago GULAG"

I am the same age century, born in 1900. Son of the peasant village of Silver ponds of the Tula province. My ancestors - earthlings. Not from the sweet life I had to leave the parental house in Peter for 10 years to work and test the operation of capitalists. My last specialty is a locksmith spur workshop. I did not think to be a professional military. AND...

Liberals are trying to make empty in the mud "Immortal Regiment"

The news that the organizers of the action of the immortal regiment were allegedly forbidden to bring red banners and portraits of Stalin, flew up blogs. But here the actual confirmation of this news is ... one-only entry on the website "Echo Moscow". And it raises suspicions in provocations. "The organizers of the" immortal regiment "were forbidden to bring portraits of a hundred ...

The organizers of the "Immortal Regiment" continue to resist the people

The organizers of the Motion "Immortal Regiment" in the face of the co-chairman of the Council of the Interregional Movement of Sergey Lapenkov continue to confront the people of Russia, forbidden to break on the march on May 9 of red banners and portraits of Stalin. For some reason, they believe that state symbols of the country - the winner of Nazism - the USSR and the portrait of the Supreme Commander, ...

How to understand the results of the survey about the record approval of Stalin

The promulgation of the results of the next survey conducted by liberals again caused a discussion in society about the role of Stalin in the history of our country. Creacliate traditionally draws on the topic "Non-one" theme, but in fact the results of the survey show that the people we have just needed. One of the Russian Flotovodians seems to be a counter-admiral Kryonov, attribute ...

The most exotic way to combat KV-1: "Rings near Moscow". We refine the instrument of PTO, let the Russians run on them!

The most peculiar means of dealing with tanks last century could be considered Japanese anti-tank mines on bamboo poles, which donated to stuff under the caterpillars of the enemy tanks. But the Germans, perhaps, surpassed their Far Eastern Allies in the originality, trying to hit very preventing them in October 1941 to defeat them. Improve ...

Automotive procession "Saint Rus": 2-9 days of the road, Magadan region - Yakutia

April 21, 2019. In the second chapter of the travel diary of the Cross Stroke "Holy Rus", we told that in the village of Susuman Magadan region, our pilgrims (in the photo - Magadan, before shipping on the road, pilgrims with friends. Video of the first days of the road: https: //\u003d29bb62aa126bc98afe)

Viktor Emolkin was born and grew up in a deaf Mordovian village. The army hardly graduated from school, worked as a tractor driver in a collective farm, to the plant at the factory. It seemed that he would go in the footsteps of many of his classmates, most of his sleeping at a young age. But urgent service in the Airborne Forces and War in Afghanistan completely changed his life. One and a half years old he ...

Double Purpose: Which grenade grenade grenade gauge corresponds to a bottle of vodka

The Great Patriotic War became a huge shock for the Soviet people and forced the government to revise many standards of production. It touched even such a simple thing as buttons. Always ready! Upon completion of the Second World War, many military manufacturing began to convert to the issue of consumer goods. The enemy was defeated. Railed, d ...

I would like to speak about the "lost plants". It is from this point of view to look at the ex-USSR. In the end, the USSR after all was primarily an industrial superpower. Not trade, not agricultural, namely industrial. It is quite logical to look at the basis of it, so to speak, power, that is, on the same industry. And above all, the pride of the USSR - P ...

Communist movement up

Having a look of a small period of time, some five years ago, it can be seen that the Communist Movement in Russia is experiencing a well-known rise. Moreover, this lifting is expressed in various forms, but is particularly noticeable in the propaganda of Marxist-Leninist ideas on the Internet, which contributes to the involvement of sympathizing. About outdated ways to propaganda ...

Back to USSR

Someone still can make money on the fact that people want to live in the USSR. A resident of Nizhny Tagil Valentina Zhukova refuses to pay for utilities, because he considers himself a citizen of the USSR. She must have more than one hundred thousand rubles. It was repeatedly disconnected from electricity, but the woman every time independently connects back. Surrounding ...

Automotive procession "Saint Rus": 1,2,3rd day of the road. Magadan Region

On April 8, 2019, one of the programs, Vasily Kitchen, sent a video report on the first days of the path of the Cross Stroke "Holy Rus". List\u003dC01FE9420E682E1CCF From it, we learned that the Magadan Sweets took a few icons on the road, among whom - the local image of the Mother of God, Magad ...

Chernobyl notebook. Part 4.

Continued. Home here: https: // Site / @ VV900535441 / 129783426 April 1986 Avenue on the evening of April 25 from a business trip to the Crimean NPP, I looked at all my records and protocols of meetings, more detailed at the abstract meeting of the Bureau of the Crimean Committee of the CPSU 23 April 1986 which took part. I read the meeting of the regional committee I ...

Chernobyl notebook. Part 2

Continued. Incidently here: https: // Site / @ VV900535441/1296827 In the April 1983, I wrote an article about smoking planning in atomic energy construction and suggested that one of the central newspapers. (Crying planning is when, after a breakdown of one period of entry of the object, a new term is repeatedly appointed without organizational conclusions against worker ...

Shaking serial globe over Zorge on the 1st Channel - to the Victory Day?

To the May holidays, the Russophobian propaganda car of the Russian authority is gaining momentum, on May 9th is scheduled to show a wide screen of anti-Soviet Pascvil about Afghan, and in April, it was decided to wash the brains to the public with the Anti-Soviet series about Richard Zorge, our legendary scout, for heating, in all likelihood , and changing the brass and ...

Chernobyl notebook. Part 1

About the author: Grigory Medvedev - an atomper specialist who worked at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and a well-known personally acquainted with all major participants in the events. According to official position, he was present at many responsible atomic construction meetings. Immediately after the accident, Medvedev was sent to Chernobyl and had the opportunity to learn a lot in favor ...

Secrets of Belovezhsky Corrupt

The great Bayron somehow noticed: "Thousands of years hard enough to create a state, one hour is pretty so that it dispelled in the dust." For the USSR, this hour has come on December 8, 1991. The President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus Stanislav Shushkevich, ignoring the opinion of millions ...

Gorbachev. Comraders and accomplices. How to sold the USSR

Today, Gorbachev also played a decisive role in the preparation of the collapse of the "Union of Independent" and his environment, one part of which was actively implemented by the destructive decisions of the Secretary General, and the other - silently watched the betrayal corrosion of the foundations and unity of the country. And no one Cameras called so did not dare to say Gorbachev that he is not "Giant ...

Secrets of the Gorbachev Perestroika

Mikhail Gorbachev, Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1931 in 1942, was located on the territory occupied by the Nazis to the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee. According to the certificate of the mother, Maria Panteleevna, Misha was a very working boy. In the occupation, he diligently plucked for the Germans to the Germans and wore them water for the bath. Misha, Sperner Sergey Andreyevich Gorbachev returned from the front with two ...

Byzantine intrigues in the Kremlin

The struggle for power in Latest USSR was accompanied by a number of strange deaths, on March 11, and Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev was elected at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Today it is obvious that his rule was a series of betrayals and crimes, as a result of which the Soviet Power was broken. Symbolically, that and the arrival of Gorbachev to Vlas ...

"Do not drink a treacherous Latvian pig ... let me drink a representative of the great Russian people"

Message to the secretary of the Central Committee of KP / B / Latvia T. Kalnberzin on the situation in the Latvian Occupied by the Germans and the struggle of the Latvian people against the German invaders not earlier than December 1942. In the period of the German occupation of Latvia, there were often clashes between Latvian "volunteers" and Germans. Partly these clashes arise on the soil of hate to the Germans, h ...

Marshal G.K. Beetles on vacation in Sochi. 1950s. In anticipation of the Day of Victory Day, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation continues to discover unique materials from its archives. As part of the project "Communion" on the website of the military department, married photos of the warlords of the Great Patriotic War, on which the legendary commander are imprinted in the home oven ...

War goes folk, sacred war.

The total causes of wars around the world are similar, and the same. For ordinary people, this is pain, blood, suffering and destruction. But there is a certain group that in direct conflicts participates only at the control level. "The history is written by winners, so the losers are not mentioned in it." This phrase is almost a hundred years, said it, as many believe, one of the founders of National Socialism ...

Congratulations on the feast of Defender of the Fatherland! On this day I want to wish you forces and courage, as well as optimism and faith in the fact that the events of the military years will never repeat. Let peace reign in our hearts and souls and, of course, on earth and around the world.

Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish on this day the masculinity, the sobriety of the mind, the sharpness of the gaze. Let the sky always be pure and peaceful and no events contribute to the weapons in your hands!

Get up with sofas, our defenders! Proudly straightening your back, take congratulations! We want to wish: so that the guns were charged, the intelligence did not let down, their friends covered. Yes, your armor will not be broken! Hooray!

Congratulations on February 23! I wish unshakable courage and desperate courage, impassive mind and a ferre heart. I wish these qualities to bring you victory in everyday life, but they didn't need you on the battlefield!

Happy holiday of all real men, heroes, brave and bold patriots! Congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you health and all the best. After all, while you have, we can sleep peacefully and feel like a stone wall. Happy holiday you!

Congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you to keep the weapons only for peaceful purposes to love and were loved to dream and dreams come true to achieve the goals set, were healthy, courageous, hardy, persistent and selfless in the name of love for homeland and to a woman!

Congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and from Wei Soul wish I want you to believe the man true and brave, so that in any situation I showed my courage and courage, so that any business in your life is on the shoulder, so that your heart is sincerely loved and kept your happiness .

Defender, warrior, congratulations on the day of wisdom of the people, courage, courage, valor and honor. I wish you to meet the fate of the lessons with courage, to keep patience and courage, to adequate confidence, determination, strength, mind, work. With pride and valor to defend from trouble, evil his fatherland, family, friends, house, to be reliable support. Do not lose spirit strength, character hardness. Peaceful sky above your head!

Dear our recruits! Congratulations on your Defender of the Fatherland Day! The fatherland is hoped for you, your family and loved ones, as well as completely unfamiliar people! I wish you courage, strength, excerpts and patience! Let there be a lot of optimism in the soul, and in the body a fortress and health! Have a good mood, success in school and everyday life, and on holidays - fun and smiles! Let you write and call close people! Peace and good, inspiration and creation!

Dear Men! We wish that the state would never need to protect. And you never have told how it is done. Let your heroic life lies only in the gallant actions and conquering women's shower. And what would instead of weapons you wore beautiful ladies in your hands.

The history of the holiday takes its beginning on January 28 (January 15 at the old style) of 1918. On this day, on the background of the World War II ongoing in Europe, the Council of People's Commissars (the actual government of Soviet Russia), led by his chairman Vladimir Lenin, adopted a decree on the organization of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (RKKU).

In the first days of January 1919, the Soviet authorities remembered the approaching anniversary of the Decree of the Council of Sovnarkom about the organization of the Red Army. On January 10, the Chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Republic of Redek Nikolai Zdovsky sent a proposal to the Presidium to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, timed to celebrate the celebration of the next Sunday before or after January 28. However, due to the late submission of the application, the decision was not accepted.

Then the initiative of the celebration of the first anniversary of the Red Army took over the Moscow Council. January 24, 1919 His Presidium, who at that time headed Lion Kamenev, decided to dry these celebrations to the day of the Red Gift. This day was arranged by the relevant commission at the Central Executive Commission in order to assist the fighting red-Armenians. The day of the Red Gift was appointed on February 16, but he did not have time to spend it on time. Therefore, the day of the Red Gift and the Day of the Red Army, dedicated to him, decided to celebrate the next day after February 16, i.e. February 23.

In 1920-1921 The day of the Red Army was not celebrated.

On January 27, 1922, the Presidium of the Central Army published a decree on the 4th anniversary of the Red Army, which said: "In accordance with the Resolution of the IX All-Russian Congress of the Councils about the Red Army, the Presidium of the All-Russian WTCIK makes the attention of the executive committees on the coming anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (February 23)."

In 1923, the resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, adopted on January 18, said: "On February 23, 1923, the Red Army will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its existence. On this day, five years ago, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars from January 28 was published. of the same year, which was found to start the working and peasant red army, the deformation of the proletarian dictatorship. " However, this statement did not correspond to the truth, because The mentioned decree was printed in central newspapers almost immediately after his adoption.

The 10th anniversary of the Red Army in 1928, as well as all the previous ones, noted as the anniversary of the decree of the Council of the Council of the Red Army from 28 (15 to the old style) of January 1918, but the date of publication, contrary to the truth, was associated directly from February 23.

In 1938, the "short-term history of the WCP (b)" was a fundamentally new version of the origin of the date of the holiday, not related to the decree of the Council. In the book, it was stated that in 1918, a decisive response was given to the German invaders under Narva and Pskov. Their promotion to Petrograd was suspended. The day of repulsion the troops of German imperialism - February 23 was the birthday of the young Red Army. "

Later, in the order of the People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR of February 23, 1942. The wording was changed: "The young detachments of the Red Army, who first entered the war, the headlong broke the German invaders under Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why the day on February 23 was declared the day Birth of the Red Army. "

In 1951, the last interpretation of the holiday appeared. In the "History of the Civil War in the USSR" it was stated that in 1919 the first anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated "in a commemorative day of mobilizing workers on the defense of the socialist partician, the mass entry of workers in the Red Army, the wide formation of the first detachments and parts of the new army."

In the federal law of March 13, 1995, the N32-FZ "On the Days of the Military Glory of Russia", February 23, wearing the official name "The Day of the Victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser Forces of Germany in 1918 - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland."

In accordance with the changes made to the Federal Law "On the Days of the Military Glory of Russia" by the Federal Law of April 15, 2006, from the official description of the holiday, the words "Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser Troops of Germany (1918)" are excluded, and also set out in the only The concept of "Defender".

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Now on February 23, we celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, and before he was called the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. Here, perhaps, all that most of us knows about the history of this holiday. And, meanwhile, this story is completely ambiguous, and there are still disputes between historians on the occurrence of the date on February 23. In today's article I will try to briefly tell you the history of the holiday, which we celebrate February 23 and highlight the controversial moments.

The origins of the holiday should be sought in 1918, since it was this year decrees on the creation of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (RKKA) and the working and peasant Red Fleet (RKKF) were signed. The first world war went, and the young Soviet state needed an army to protect. However, none of these decrees was signed on February 23. RKKKA was created on January 28, and the RKKF February 11.

It was believed that on February 23, the Red Army won a major victory over the German troops under Pskov and Narva. However, many historians questioned this fact and considered him invented myth. The fact is that there are no documentary evidence of this fact. There are even any mention of any significant victories in the newspapers of those days. And even a year after these events (it would seem, on the anniversary of the holiday), the newspaper did not write anything about it. Such mentions began to appear only much later.

In 1922, a decree was signed on the solemn celebration on February 23, the fourth anniversary of the birth of the Red Army. And in previous years, the holiday for some reason was not celebrated.

Jun K.F. 1923 Red Army Parade

In 1923, the 5th anniversary of the Red Army was widely and solemnly across the country.

It turns out that despite the fact that the Red Army itself was created in 1918, and the holiday takes its beginning from there, a truly well-known holiday began to become only 4 years later.

Since 1946, the holiday began to be called Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

In 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopts the Federal Law "On the Days of the Military Glory of Russia". According to this law on February 23, it is as " The Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaisero troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender Day of the Fatherland".

But already in 2002, the State Duma takes a decree on renaming on February 23 simply in Defender of the Fatherland DayAnd since then it becomes a non-working day (official weekend). Thus, the description of the holiday was removed with the victories of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops on February 23, 1918, as an unreliable fact.

Why Defender Day of Fatherland is celebrated on February 23

So why is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland noted on February 23? Where did this date come from? After all, in fact, it is not a birthday RKKE, no birthday RKKF.

I will immediately say that there is no accurate answer to this question. And versions there are several.

The first version.

I have already voiced this version above. For a long time she was an official version. This is a victory under Pskov and Narva over the Kaiser troops on February 23, 1918. However, this fact did not find confirmation.

Second version.

Initially, the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army wanted to celebrate at the date of its creation on January 28. However, due to bureaucratic wires, they did not have time to this date, and it was decided in this 1919 to combine the day of the Red Army on the day of the Red Gift (the collection of material means for the Red Army), which in the previous year was celebrated on February 17. However, in that 1919, the date of February 17 fell on Monday, and it was decided that these 2 holidays move to the next Sunday, which was February 23. Allegedly since then the day of the Red Army and began to be celebrated on February 23.

Third version.

There is another interesting version associated with the transition of the calendar to a new style. March 8 was a festive day for all internationalists. Before the revolution (according to old style), this holiday has been celebrated on February 23. And after the transition to a new style, the habit of celebrating something on February 23 remained. I was looking for some close dates, remembered the bottom of the creation of the Red Army, so there was an excuse for February 23 (immediately remembered on November 7 and 4). So we received 2 holidays, famous for the people as male and women's day.

So I told you a brief history of February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - with different versions of the origin of this holiday regarding the date of the celebration.

Whatever it was, February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - Favorite Mostly Celebrated Day, in which we congratulate all the men, because they are all our defenders!

Recently, the holiday is increasingly losing her political and military coloring, turning simply on the day of men. On this day, we thank our men for their strength, masculinity, love, care, support, support, just for the fact that they are near and we caress.

Congratulate and you are all men who are with you, regardless of their age.

And to help my original congratulations - a free music card with Defender of the Fatherland Day! The postcard is cheerful, a little with humor, so it is invariably to raise the mood! And in the postcard, no less interesting gifts, do not forget to see them!

Music card Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day

To see and listen to musical congratulations click on the picture:

Who does not know how to send a postcard, read

I have others, more serious musical congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day.