Didactic game rules of personal hygiene. Didactic game "Colorful napkins". Drawing "New comb"

Target: to form a conscious attitude to the implementation of basic hygiene skills, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards their health.

The course of entertainment.

- Good morning, guys! Let's all say "Good morning" together, quietly, in a whisper. Now let's say the same thing as we usually say. Now let's shout out loud: "Good morning!"

- Imagine that you are magicians and can give your friends a charge of good mood for the whole day: touch your palm to the palm of your neighbor, smile at each other ...

- Guys, are you in a good mood?

- Two friends are hiding in your pockets: sad and cheerful. Take them out and show me the one that is similar to your mood now. And let's put the sad friend in a magic box and put it away so that we don't have sadness.

- Guys, what is a good mood? (good relationship with parents, friends; this is fun, this is when we are not sick and there is kindness around us)

- Yes, in order for a person to be happy and healthy, he must live in a family and feel the love and care of loved ones, he must love them and take care of them. And if we are in a good mood, good relations with loved ones, we do not get sick, do not drink medicine ...

- What then can we say about our body? (that we are healthy)

- Right. No wonder they say that: "Cleanliness is the key to health"

- Only you answer me:

The path to a mysterious country

Where does your health live,

Does everyone know? Let's say together ...(Yes)

- But the road is not easy:

From behind every bush

An enemy may appear

You will have to fight him.

Because before the road

Let's warm up a little.

- So we hit the road from the station "Sportivnaya", with which a real athlete escorts us:

- Do exercises in the morning

You will be strong

You will be brave.

- Physical education "The sun is radiant ..."
(to the music)

- Well, we have warmed up a little, and now let's go. The sun will shine through our windows, and we will smile at him and charge him with energy, receive Vitamin D, which will help us grow strong and healthy.

Stop "Chistyulya"

(Suddenly, Slob and Gryaznulya appear at the station)

- Who came at an unexpected hour? Travel with us. We haven’t expected any guests yet.

- Look - a strange look. He's talking about something. Who are they? Answer me!

Dirty: Guess who we are?

I don't like to wash, brothers.

I am not friends with soap, with a brush.

That's why, guys, I always go dirty.

And now, isn't that why they will call me ...(Dirty)


Honestly, I'll tell you guys

It is very difficult to be neat, tidy ..

I don’t know why. Things I throw everywhere

And I can't find them. What I grab is what I run.

Where are the pants? Where is the shirt? I do not know. I AM…(Slut)

- Why did you come to us?

Dirty: We think we will find friends here.

Slut: Surely, among these guys there are a lot of dirty and sluts.

- We, alas, are not on the road. Take your feet, brothers!

You will not find among us, you are your friends now!

Dirty and Sloppy: Please don't chase us away!

- Guys, maybe we'll take them with us on a trip to "City of Health and Cleanliness?" and they will become clean and tidy.

- Children: Yes!

- But for this they need to be put in order and washed.

- What should be done to make them neat and able to travel with us?

Children: They need to be washed, combed, changed.

- Let's remember with what items we will put our guests in order.

- Will help us with this game "Smooth circle".

With the help of riddles, we will choose the leaders in our game.

1. Slips away like a living

But I will not release it.

Foams with white foam

He is not lazy to wash his hands.(soap)

- Children, holding hands, stand in a circle together with Slob and Dirt. In the middle of the circle there is a child playing the role of soap. Children move in a round dance step around him and sing:

In an even circle one after another

Let's walk merrily

What "soap" will show us here,

Then we will do it!

- Child - soap shows how to soap your hands. Children repeat the movements. Then the game is repeated, the corresponding movements are shown with a toothbrush, washcloth, towel, comb.

2. Plastic back,

Stiff bristles

Friends with toothpaste

Serves us diligently.(Toothbrush)

3. I take on the work

Heels, elbows rubbed with soap,

And I rub my knees

I don’t forget anything.(washcloth)

4. I wipe, I try,

After the boy's bathroom.

Everything is wet, everything is crumpled

There is no dry corner. ( towel)

5. I do not wander through the forests,

And through the mustache, through the hair.

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves, bears. (comb)

- Guys, we have figured out how to use personal hygiene items. And now we will wash our guests to Slob and Gryaznulya. (there are two basins on the table, two decanters of water, two soap dishes, two towels, two combs). I need helpers to help Slut and Dirty get clean.

- Oh, guys, look how beautiful and clean our Slob and Dirty have become. Now I don't want to call them such names.

- What do your children really call you? (Misha, Diana)

- Now you know exactly how to use these items in order to be always clean and tidy.

- Guys, do you think being clean, neat, tidy is a bad habit or a useful one? (children's answers)

- But now we will go on the road again, to the station "Habits"

(On the way, exercise for a minute-warm-up to music on chairs)

- Here we are. You were very attentive and active on the way.

(A microbe walks, sneezes, wipes his nose with his sleeve, bites his nails, the microbe has a string bag in his hands, in which there are two bags of juice).

- Who is this?


I am a famous microbe

And I will tell everyone: "Stop!"

Well, why do you need to grow,

Well, why develop?

Better to be frail, thin

Sad and sick.

Let the germs eat you

And they will infect you with the disease. ( sneezes again)

- Ouch! Ouch! What are you doing Microbe? Do you have a handkerchief?

Microbe: What for? I’m better with a sleeve. ( shows)

- Guys, let's help Microbe. Let us tell him what the handkerchief is for.

Children: A handkerchief is needed in order to wipe your nose with a runny nose, close your mouth when coughing and sneezing, so as not to infect other people with microbes.

- Do you guys have handkerchiefs? You see Microbe, everyone has their own handkerchief.

Microbe: Well, that's an easy fix. (to children)... Give me your handkerchief for a minute.

Children's actions: (they cover their pockets with their hand)

Microbe: Uh! Greedy ones!

- No Microbe, they are not greedy. Let's guys give Microbe personal hygiene items. To do this, you must help to choose everything that is most necessary for him. (toys, books, pencils, personal hygiene items are scattered on the table)... Choose from these things only the items necessary for the Microbe. Here is a microbe, there is also a handkerchief. - You need him in order not to get infected from each other and not get sick.

- Microbe, and we also saw how you bite your nails. Don't you know that they need to be cut and washed with a brush.

- Guys, why do you need to do this? (children's answers)

Microbe: Oh, how much you need to know ...

Microbe: Guys, I have something delicious (takes out juice)... Wait, I'll take a sip (opens the package and drinks) and I'll give you all a sip. (Offers children)

Children: No, you can't! Everyone should drink from their own glass so as not to get infected.

Microbe: I got it. It's good that I still have a packet of juice. Do you have cups? (pours juice into glasses and treats the guys)

- Guys, tell the microbe what you do in kindergarten in order to be healthy and not get sick?

Children: Every morning we do exercises, walk in the fresh air; the chefs in the kitchen prepare tasty and healthy food for us. When we go out for a walk, the nanny, Vera Alekseevna, opens the windows, ventilates the room so that the air is clean and all harmful microbes die, and also does wet cleaning in the group.

Microbe: Thank you guys, I now know a lot of good habits. And I will tell all the familiar microbes about them so that they do not harm. (Says goodbye and leaves)

Vacuum cleaner game
(to the music)

- Guys, look, the microbe is gone, but left the trash anyway.

(scatter small balls on the carpet and collect them in a bucket with garbage scoops).

- Well done. We leave order after ourselves. Now we can drive on to the station "Correct Power"

- Stop. Have arrived. Why do you think the station is called that?

Dirty-Diana: I know it's lemonade and chocolate.

Slob-Misha: No, these are chips and crackers.

- Guys, do you agree with them?

- Know that not everything that is sold with health benefits will turn out to be beneficial.

This is tasty, That is useful, Something is completely useless.

- It will help us to figure it out game "Miracle tree"

- I suggest you become health gardeners. Let's grow the miracle tree ourselves. For example, Apple is healthy, candy is not.

(on the table are dummies of berries, fruits, vegetables, sweets, chocolate, gum, lemonade. Children choose healthy foods and hang them on a tree).

- Admire your work. This is how the miracle tree turned out, the buds blossomed with useful fruits.

- We will remember forever (together)

"For health we need vitamin food"

- Do you know where vitamins live? (children's answers)

- Vitamins live in vegetables, fruits, berries and other healthy foods.

- Do you remember the guys that we talked about the fact that you always need to be friends with water?


Plums, apples and pears

Do not rush to eat right away.

Do not put in your mouth immediately,

Your stomach will hurt!

All dust stuck to them

Take them home

And wash them first

Boiled water.

- And of course, let's not forget that you need to wash your hands before eating. And when is it necessary to wash them? (children's answers)

- Guys, we drove through the magical “City of Health and Purity”. We visited the stations: "Sportivnaya", "Chistyulya", "Habits", "Correct Nutrition".

- I see a smile on your faces. It is very good! After all, a joyful, good mood helps our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person easily succumbs to illness. A good mood and a smile are like protection from diseases. Let's give each other smiles more often.

Children:"Good health to all!" (children sing the song: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!")

We need to learn how to manage our health. And for this you need to figure out what factors it depends on. In the process of a person's growth, he is instilled with the concept of purity. And we are talking not only about external cleanliness (washing the body, rubbing, showering), but also about the internal cleanliness of the human body - the ability to keep internal organs clean and tidy.

Hygiene is the science of cleanliness. The Hygiene quiz contains 10 questions. All questions are answered.

Quiz Creator: Iris Revue

1. Why is the “hygiene” section of medicine given such a name?

In honor of the ancient Greek goddess Hygieia +

In honor of the daughter of the god of health Asclepius + (she is the goddess Hygieia)

In honor of the animal hyena

2. Before eating, you wash your hands with soap and water. Why are you doing this?

In order to wash them of dirt, pathogens multiply in the dirt +

Because mom makes

To play with scented soap

3. Which hygiene procedure is more useful?

Contrast shower +
Dousing +
Rubdown +

4. What is hygiene?

A branch of medicine that studies the conditions for maintaining health +

System of actions, measures aimed at maintaining cleanliness, health +

The same as dentistry

5. How many people do you think one comb is designed for?

For three people
For two people
For one person only +

6. Question by type: harmful and useful. Note What Is Helpful and What Is Harmful

Eat tightly, "supersonic" is harmful
Reading in bed is harmful
Exercising outdoors is beneficial
Touching your eyes with dirty hands is harmful
Sleeping with the window open all year round is useful
Taking air baths is beneficial
Watching TV all day is harmful
Restful, sufficiently long sleep is beneficial
Taking care of your nails is useful
Chewing food thoroughly is good
Replace sugar with honey, fruits, berries, dried fruits - useful

7. Who is a hygienist?

Hygiene person
Doctor, hygiene specialist +
A person who believes that hygiene is a waste of time

8. Guess riddles:

Organism for order
Every day you need ... (Exercise).

It flows, it flows - it won't flow,
Runs, runs - will not run out. (Water)

Smooth, fragrant,
Fragrant, smelling.
It is important that everyone has
What is it? ... (Soap)

It sits in the water, but it never gets wet.
The edge is visible, but you won't get there. (The sun )

Hangs in the bathroom, dangles,
Everyone grabs at him. (Towel )

I do not wander through the woods,
As a rule, by hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears. (Comb )

9. What hygiene verses do you know?

"Long live fragrant soap,
And the towel is fluffy ... "

“To drive away melancholy and laziness.
To rise every day
Need to exactly seven o'clock.
Opening the bolts of the windows ... "

"Good day!
I am purity!
I want to be with you always.
First I'll get to know you ... "

10. Continue the phrase:

"Cleanliness is the key to ... health"
"In a healthy body healthy mind "
“Sun, air and water - ... our best friends»
"To live purely - ... to be healthy"
“Who is accurate - ... that people are pleasant»


Conversation lesson with elements of the game "Personal hygiene of a schoolchild"

Target: show the importance and necessity of following the rules of personal hygiene; instill a respect for your health.


Educational: continue to teach a conscious approach to their health, to clarify the importance of observing the rules of personal hygiene for the value of health.

Developing: develop cognitive interest, mental activity.

Educational: foster a desire to take care of their health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Dictionary activation: healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene items.

Materials and equipment: didactic material about a healthy lifestyle, a wonderful bag with personal hygiene items, cotton swabs, soap and alcohol solution, handouts: cards with assignments.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Riddles about personal hygiene items. Message of the topic of the lesson.

3. The game "Wonderful bag".

4. Conversation about personal hygiene.

5. Independent work.

6. Outcome of the lesson.

Course of the lesson:

Hello dear guys! Saying HELLO to each other means wishing health. Human health is the main value in life. Health cannot be bought for money. Guys, what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers). Today we will talk with you about how to help our body and never get sick, but first we recall the previous lessons and play a game. Answer amicably in chorus "It's me!" If you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, do not make noise:

which of you is always ready to live life without doctors? +

who doesn't want to be healthy, vigorous, slim and cheerful? -

which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education? +

who is not afraid of frost, flies on skates like a bird? +

Well, who will start dinner with gum and a couple of sweets? -

who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons? +

who ate and brushes their teeth regularly twice a day? +

Is the cat of you kids walking dirty from ear to ear? -

who, according to the schedule, does physical exercises7 +

who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and relax? +

Guys, when I was going to your class, I met a strange boy, he was all dirty, untidy and gave you a letter, let's read it

Never wash your hands, neck, ears and face

This stupid activity does not lead to anything

Hands, neck, ears and face will get dirty again

So why waste energy

Time is wasting.

Guess the name of this boy, do you agree with him?

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

My magic bag contains items (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush, clothes brush) that help us keep our health! And in order to find out what kind of objects there are, let's guess the riddles and tell you what they are for and how to use them! I am making riddles for you, and you will need to guess what is in the bag!

Guessing riddles

Slips away like a living

But I won't let him out with white foam,

He is not lazy to wash his hands. (Soap)

Tell me, how many times a day should you wash your hands?

There are many teeth,

And he doesn't eat anything. (Comb)

Who else can use your comb?

Bone ponytail

There is a bristle on the back.

This thing will help us

Plastic back,

Stiff bristles

Friends with toothpaste

Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

How many times should you brush your teeth?

And shines and shines,

It does not flatter anyone,

And he will tell anyone the truth -

He will show him everything as it is ... (Mirror)

I wipe, I try

After the boy's bathroom.

Everything is wet, everything is crumpled -

There is no dry corner. (Towel)

I lay down in my pocket and on guard -

I roar, cry and get dirty.

They will have streams of tears in the morning,

I will not forget about the nose. (Handkerchief)

If our hands are in wax,

If blots have sat down on the nose,

Who then is our first friend

Remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't do without

Neither cook nor wash,

Without which, we will tell you straight

Should a man die?

To rain from the sky

So that ears of bread grow

To sail the ships -

We cannot live without ...


Guys, do you think you can get sick from poor personal hygiene? (germs) what is personal hygiene? ( demonstration of experience)... Dirt and slovenliness in clothes is a disregard for your health. As a rule, lazy people are dirty. Lazy schoolchildren do not study well, do not like to write cleanly in notebooks, get bored in class, do not read books. They do not like to work, help their parents with household chores .. Let's listen to a poem about such a boy and maybe someone will recognize himself in him ..

If soap came

In the morning to my bed

And the soap itself would be,

It would be nice!

If only books and notebooks

Learned to be okay

They knew all their places -

That would be beauty!

I wish life would come then!

Know, walk, and rest!

Here mom would stop

To say that I am a lazy person!

Guys, what did Petya dream about?

Do you dream about it?

Physical education "Fun regime of the day"

The sun glanced into the crib. One, two, three, four, five.

We all do exercises. We need to sit down and get up.

Stretch your arms wider. One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four. And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel. We do exercises together.

Oh, and Crane, open up!

Nose, wash yourself!

Wash immediately

Both eyes!

Wash your ears

Wash yourself, neck!

Neck, wash


Wash, wash

Pour yourself on!

Dirt, wash off!

Do you know that people have invented many proverbs and sayings about health? Now I will give you envelopes containing bunches of cherries, one of them has the beginning of the proverb, and the second is clean. You must finish it, and to make the task easier, a piece of paper with hint words is attached.


Cleanliness is the key to …… (health)

Health is fine - thanks - …… (charging)

If you want to be healthy - …… .. (temper)

In a healthy body healthy mind)

The one who is neat is the one for people ……… .. (pleasant)

Cleanliness is the best …… .. (beauty).

Well done, guys, they answered correctly! And the fastest gets soap from Moydadyr as a gift

Didactic game "Correct advice"

To you boys and girls

Prepared ditties.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

To the wrong advice

Say no, no, no.

You constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelet,

Cottage cheese, curdled milk.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It is completely, completely tasteless,

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?


To make your teeth shine,

You need to take a shoe cream.

Squeeze out half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice?


Oh, awkward Lyudmila,

I dropped the brush on the floor,

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the correct answer -

Well done Luda? NO!

Remember forever

Dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

You brushed your teeth

And you go to sleep.

Grab a sweet bun in bed!

This is the correct advice NO, NO, NO!

Outcome: Well done, now let's try to draw up the rules of personal hygiene:

Wash your hands before eating, brush your teeth 2 times a day, wash your face, take a bath (shower) ...

You did a great job today. I see a smile on your faces. It is very good! After all, a joyful, good mood helps our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person easily succumbs to illness. And a good mood and a smile are like protection from diseases. Let's do this more often.


1.Internet resource (Website September 1st, www. *****)

2. "Hygiene of the student".

The cognitive-speech game with objects "Miraculous Moidodyr's bag" is aimed at middle-aged children. The didactic tasks that we solve with the help of the game are related to the education of children in hygienic habits and skills.

To play, we need: a washbasin, a wonderful bag, soap, a towel, a toothbrush, toothpaste, tooth powder, a hairbrush, a comb, a nail brush, a brush for clothes, a handkerchief, a towel, wet wipes, napkins, a mirror.

Wonderful pouch

Moidodyr appears in the group and brings a wonderful bag. The teacher invites the child to guess by touch and get the hygiene item from the wonderful bag. The item can be taken out only after the child names it and tells about its purpose. For example, taking out a comb, the child describes its appearance, and says that it is needed to comb the hair.

The game lasts until the children have named all the objects, the number of objects must correspond to the number of those playing. You can take 2-3 items.

Relay "Hygiene items"

The teacher lays out toys and hygiene items on two tables. Players are divided into two teams. Teams line up one parallel to the other. The game starts at the signal of the teacher. The teacher asks the question: “What items are necessary for maintaining personal hygiene? One, two, three, collect the items! "

Each of the players chooses the necessary item from his set and transfers it to the table of his team. The team that completes the task faster will win. When all the items are transferred to the teams' tables, each child names the item he brought and explains to Moidodyr and the players why he considers it to be an item of personal hygiene.

Pack your backpack for a hike

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher creates a problematic situation: “Guys, Dunno came to visit us today. He wants to go on a hike with friends, but does not know what personal hygiene items he needs to take with him. Help him. "

Hygiene items are on the table. Each child should put an item in a backpack, naming it and explaining why it is needed on the hike.

Developing cleanliness in children, understanding the need for hygienic procedures, consolidating knowledge about personal hygiene items and their purpose, promoting the formation of a habit of neatness are educational tasks.

Riddles of Moidodyr

The teacher draws attention to the magic bag of Moidodyr. Having interested the children, he sits on the floor in a circle with the kids. Then he addresses the children on behalf of the bag:

I am a magic bag
To you guys, I'm a friend.
I really want to know
How do you like to play.

The "bag" makes a riddle, and the child, who knows the answer, without shouting out its name, takes the hidden object out of the bag.


Slips away like a living
But I will not release it.
Foams with white foam
He is not lazy to wash his hands. ( soap)

Plastic back,
Stiff bristles
Friends with toothpaste
Serves us diligently. ( Toothbrush)

I wipe, I try
After the boy's bathroom
Everything is wet, everything is crumpled -
There is no dry corner. ( towel)

And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone,
And he will tell anyone the truth -
Everything as it is, he will show. ( mirror)

Tooth saw
I went into a dense forest
I went around the whole forest,
I didn't cut anything. ( comb)

Elastic band Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
And while she was walking
The back turned pink. ( sponge)

Silver trumpet
From the pipe - water
The water runs and flows
Into the whiteness of the well
There are two brothers on the pipe,
They sit and have fun.
One in a red caftan,
The second one is in blue
Both brother friends
They are in charge of water. ( tap)

As many as 25 teeth,
For curls and tufts
And under each, under the tooth -
Lay your hair in a row. ( comb)

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
Laugh - and in response
He'll laugh too. ( mirror)

The sage in him saw the sage,
A fool is a fool
A ram is a ram
A sheep saw a sheep in him,
And a monkey is a monkey
But then they brought him to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya saw
Shaggy slob. ( mirror)

I lay down in my pocket and on guard -
I roar, cry and get dirty.
They will have streams of tears in the morning,
I will not forget about the nose. ( handkerchief)

Where the sponge cannot cope,
Does not wash, does not smoke,
I take on the work:
Heels, elbows rubbed with soap,
And I rub my knees
I don’t forget anything. ( washcloth)

Bubbles were blowing
Foam climbed up -
And he was gone,
It all disappeared. ( soap)

Brick pink, fragrant
Rub it and you will be clean. ( soap)

Moidodyr is initially used as a surprise moment to generate interest in children. In the future, he is in the group and becomes a friend of the children, observing how the children observe the rules of personal hygiene - whether they wash their hands, eat carefully, hang clothes on chairs, or brush them. If the child has forgotten about the rules of personal hygiene, Moidodyr becomes sad, and the teacher encourages the children to be neat.

Natalia Akimova, senior educator
Lyubov Fedotkina, educator
kindergarten number 290, Volgograd

Verbal and didactic games for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for older preschool children.

Didactic game "Healthy baby"

Target: to acquaint children with the rules of personal hygiene and correct.

respect for your health.

Game rules: The facilitator distributes large cards to the children and shows small cards. The one who fits this card explains "is it good or bad." The winner is the one who fills his big card faster.

Didactic game "Dress the guys for a walk".

Tasks : to form the ability to distinguish between items of clothing, depending on the season; develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop grammatically correct speech.

Material : figurines of a boy and a girl made of cardboard, paper clothes.

Description : Option 1. The presenter sets the time of year, and the players dress the children's figures in the appropriate clothes. The facilitator checks the correctness of the task, in case of errors, corrects them, explaining his actions.

Option 2. The children themselves, among themselves, agree - in what clothes of the season they will wear the figures. After completing the assignment, they explain their choice of clothing.

Didactic game "What comes first - what then (daily routine)"

Tasks : reinforce the notion that keeping a healthy daily routine is good for your health. Form the ability to coherently, consistently explain their actions.

Material : Scene pictures depicting actions typical for a certain period of the day.

Description : invite the child to lay out the pictures in the correct sequence, explain their choice.

Didactic game "Labyrinths of Health".

Tasks : to consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items and their purpose. Teach children to see the boundaries of the picture (in this case, the paths, to draw lines without lifting your finger from the picture; to develop thinking, logic, eyes, perseverance, will; to teach to cover the whole picture as a whole, mentally build a "travel" route.

Material : cards depicting mazes.

Description : put in front of the child task : find your way from the personal care item to the part of the body for which it is intended. Explain how and what the item is used for.

Didactic game "Harmful - useful".

Tasks : to form ideas about preventive measures and health protection. Develop visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, grammatically correct speech.

Material : paired cards opposite in meaning to health, token-pictures depicting actions that are harmful or useful in a given situation.

Description : Option 1. The child is invited to consider the pictures, and define : which of them depict actions that are harmful to human health, and which, on the contrary, are useful.

Option 2. The child is offered paired cards opposite in meaning to health. He needs to fill the empty windows on them with chips-pictures that correspond to the conditions of the given situation.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag".

Tasks : to consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items and their purpose. To develop tactile sensations, verbal and logical thinking, memory, grammatically correct speech.

Material : bag, comb, toothbrush and paste, soap, shampoo, washcloth, handkerchief, towel, scissors.

Description : Children can sense personal hygiene items by touch and tell them what they are for and how to use them.

Didactic game "Rules of Hygiene".

With the help of a rhyme, the driver is selected, he leaves the group. The teacher and the children agree on who and what will be portrayed. Then the driver is invited, the children take turns showing hygiene skills with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The presenter must guess what they are showing children : washing, brushing teeth, rubbing, combing, bathing.

Didactic game "Useful and unhealthy food".

Target : to consolidate the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe children about what food is good for the body.

Equipment : Cards in green and red; object pictures depicting food products (cake, lemonade, smoked sausage, cakes, sweets, black bread, porridge, milk, jam, juice, vegetables, fruits); promotional badges (apple, carrot, pear cut out of colored cardboard).

Children are given pictures of various food items. Put pictures with healthy food under the green picture, and with harmful food under the red one, children should be careful, in case of an error, corrections are not allowed. The correct solution to the game problem is rewarded with a badge.

Didactic game "ABC of Health"

Target : to systematize children's ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, to develop speech, attention, memory.

Material: illustrations

Course of the game: play from 1 to ... people. The teacher names the rule, and the child finds a card - an illustration of this rule. Or the teacher shows the card, the child says what needs to be done in this situation.

Didactic game "Recognize and name vegetables"

Target : to consolidate the names of fruits, vegetables, to form the ability to recognize them according to the teacher's description

The course of the game: the teacher describes a vegetable (fruit, and the children should name this vegetable (fruit).

Didactic game "Name it correctly"

Target : to clarify the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits, their quality (color, shape, taste, smell, consolidate the ability to recognize them by the picture and give a short description.

Material : pictures of vegetables, fruits

The course of the game: the teacher invites the child to choose a picture with a vegetable, fruit and describe it.

I have a tomato, it is red, round, sweet. And you have? If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading

questions : what shape? What colour? What does it taste like?

Didactic game "You are my part"

Target : systematize children's ideas about body parts, develop speech, attention, memory.

Material: ball

The course of the game: the teacher throws the ball to each child, asking a question.

I am the face, you are my part. Who are you? (eyes, eyebrow, nose, etc.)

I am the head, you are my part. Who are you? (hair, ears)

I am the torso, you are my part. Who are you? (back, belly.)

Didactic game "If someone is sick"

Target : to consolidate the knowledge that in case of a serious injury it is necessary to call an ambulance doctor by calling "103", to practice calling a doctor

Material: phone

Course of the game: If we ourselves cannot cope with the situation, then we call a doctor, an ambulance.

Children are encouraged to call a doctor at home. First, we dial the phone number and call by order : last name, first name -> address -> age -> complaints

Word game "If I do so"

Goals : to draw the attention of children to the fact that in each situation there can be two exit : one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; develop speech, the ability to express their thoughts; o foster a respectful attitude towards oneself and other people, to protect others, not to cause pain; develop thinking, ingenuity.

Equipment : set of incentives items : chips, stars.

Children are given the task to find two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and not threatening life and health) to offer two options for the development of this situation. After listening to the teacher's story, the children continue it after the words: "There will be danger if I do ..." or "There will be no danger if I do ..." white if there is no danger. Children should listen to the answers of a comrade, not interrupt each other, express the desire to answer by raising their hands. Complete answers and significant additions are encouraged with a trick, an asterisk.

Didactic game "Ambulance"

Target : to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills of first aid in children.

Equipment : pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green). The teacher plays up with the children a situation when a person cuts an arm, a leg, broke a knee, an elbow, then peraturil, when a sore throat, a speck in his eye, a nosebleed. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.

Didactic game "Clean children"

Tasks : Check children's knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose.

Play: The teacher tells the children that she wants to make sure they are clean and neat : Let them tell you what it takes to keep your hair, hands and face clean (the more they can talk about it, the better).

Then the teacher is talking : "Hands". The children she calls answer : "Soap, brush, towel." In the same way, children react to the words “hair” (comb, brush, scissors, shampoo, soap, “bathing” (bath, towel, shower, washbasin, sponge, soap, etc.).

Option. The teacher asks question : "What do we need when we get up in the morning?" Children know they should name hygiene items that are used in the morning (hand brush, paste, soap, handkerchief).

Didactic game "Vitamins are pills that grow on a branch"

Target : Expand children's knowledge of vitamins, consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries. Guys, you can help maintain health and get sick with the help of vitamins. Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, resistant to disease. But vitamins are not only in tablets, they also grow on branches. A lot of vitamins are found in berries, fruits and vegetables. What fruits do you know? Vegetables? Berries?